ImportError: cannot import name 'TTS' from 'balacoon_tts' (unknown location)
After manually installing the .whl and trying your example, produces:
ImportError: cannot import name 'TTS' from 'balacoon_tts' (unknown location)
No good way of figuring out why because cannot introspect.
Hi! What do you mean by "manually installing whl"? do you download it yourself instead of pip doing the job? I would be suspicious about the platform you run the installation on. Huggingface space is doing the exact same thing as in tutorial: it just installs balacoon_tts based on requirements and imports it. The package is precompiled for manylinux (i.e. majority of linux distros). There is not much to introspect. Installation of the wheel puts a cpython lib in site-packages:
then python loads the TTS out of it. It is created with pybind:
void InitModuleWithTTS(py::module *module) {
py::class_<TTS> tts(*module, "TTS");
So i'd suggest to try out the most plain linux (if don't have at hand - maybe docker or virtual machine) to see if that works.
Hope this helps.