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values | english
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⌀ |
almuerzo | noun | breakfast |
almujada | noun | pillow |
alrededor | adverb | around, at the side |
alsa | verb | to lift, to raise, to increase |
alsamiento | noun | raise, lift, increase |
alta | adjective | tall fem |
altar | noun | altar |
altavoz | noun | speaker |
alternative | noun | alternative |
alto | adjective | tall masc |
altor | noun | height |
altura | noun | height |
alucina | verb | to hallucinate |
alucinacion | noun | hallucination |
alumbra | verb | to light, to illuminate |
alumno | noun | alumnus, student |
ama | verb | to love |
amable | adjective | lovable |
amarao | adjective | tied, tied up, fastened, secured |
amarea | verb | to feel dizzy |
amareao | adjective | dizzy |
amargoso | noun | bitter gourd, bitter squash |
amarillo | adjective | yellow |
amarra | verb | to tie, to tie up, fasten, to bind, to secure |
amarrao | adjective | tied, tied up, fastened, secured |
amber | noun | hunger |
ambicion | noun | ambition, dream, goal |
amiga | noun | friend fem |
amigo | noun | friend masc |
amistad | noun | friendship, camaraderie, comradeship |
amo | noun | owner, leader, boss, master, proprietor |
amo | article | it/that is |
amor | noun | love |
amula | verb | sharpen |
amulador | noun | whetstone |
anak | noun | child, children, son, daughter |
anay | adverb | yet |
anay | noun | termite |
ancho | adjective | wide, spacious, big |
anda | verb | to go |
animal | noun | animal |
animo | noun | courage, bravery |
anoche | adverb | last night |
ansina | article | like this |
ansina | adverb | really |
anteayer | adverb | the other day |
antes | adverb | long before |
anuncia | verb | to announce |
apa | adjective | mute |
apa | noun | ice cream cone |
apaga | verb | to extinguish, to switch off, to turn off |
apas | verb | to go after |
apenas | adverb | immediately after, right after |
aplaya | noun | sea, beach |
aprende | verb | to learn, to study |
aproba | verb | to approve, to agree |
aprobao | adjective | approved, agreed |
aprovecha | verb | to benefit, to gain |
aquel | pronoun | that |
aquellos | pronoun | those |
aqui | adverb | here |
ara | verb | to harvest |
ara | adverb | now, right now |
arena | noun | sand |
ariba | adverb | up, above |
armao | adjective | armed |
armas | noun | firearm |
arranca | verb | to eradicate, to remove |
arregla | verb | to fix, to arrange |
arreglao | adjective | fixed, arranged |
arreglo | noun | arrangement |
arresta | verb | to arrest |
arrestao | adjective | arrested |
arria | verb | to extend (a rope), to drive away |
arriba | adverb | up, above |
arrima | verb | to move (something) |
arripinti | verb | to repent, to regret |
arripintido | adjective | repented, regretful, remorseful |
arripintimiento | noun | repentance, regret, remorse |
arrogante | adjective | arrogant |
arroz | noun | uncooked rice |
arte | noun | art |
articulo | noun | article |
arya | verb | to extend (a rope), to drive away |
asa | verb | to grill, to hope, to expect |
asao | adjective | roasted, grilled |
asegun | preposition | according to |
asegura | verb | to make sure, to ensure |
aseguranza | noun | sureness |
asegurao | adjective | sure |
asignatura | noun | assignment |
asistencia | noun | assistance |
asisti | verb | to assist, to attend |
asocia | verb | to associate |
asquia | verb | to disgust |
astronaut | noun | astronaut |
asumi | verb | to assume, to take on |
asunto | noun | topic, subject, concern, issue, affair, matter, thing, business, proposition |
asusta | verb | to scare, to frighten, to alarm |
asustao | adjective | afraid, scared, frightened |