stringlengths 1
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stringclasses 12
values | english
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⌀ |
bilog | noun | piece |
bilug | noun | piece |
bira | verb | to return or come back |
birada | noun | curving, return |
bizcocho | noun | toasted bread or biscuit |
blanco | adjective | white |
blusa | noun | blouse |
bo | pronoun | you (very informal) |
bobocha | verb | to knock down, to punch, to hit |
bobochao | adjective | knocked down, bruised |
boca | noun | mouth |
bodega | noun | storage of product or things |
bola | noun | ball |
bolpen | noun | pen, ballpen |
bombia | verb | to punch, to hit using a fist |
bonita | adjective | beautiful (feminine) |
bonito | adjective | handsome (masculine), beautiful (things or animals) |
bora | verb | to erase, to remove |
boring | adjective | boredom |
borrachon | adjective | drunken, a person who is habitually or frequently drunk |
bos | pronoun | you (very informal) |
botella | noun | bottle |
brazo | noun | arm |
brilla | verb | to shine, to spark, to glow |
brillante | adjective | shiny, glowing, brilliant, sparkly, glossy |
brinca | verb | to jump |
broma | noun | joke |
broma | verb | to joke |
bronze | noun | bronze, copper wire |
bubuyug | noun | bee |
buen | adjective | good |
buenas | adjective | lucky, fortunate, blessed |
bueno | adjective | good |
buga | verb | to drive (an animal or insect) away |
bukug | noun | bone |
bula | noun | bubble |
bulador | noun | kite |
bulao | adjective | lost in mind or out of one’s mind |
bulinao | noun | a very small variety of fish |
buling | noun | dirt |
buncao | adjective | destroyed, devastated, torn down, wrecked, demolished, ruined |
bungul | adjective | deaf |
busca | verb | to find, to search, to seek |
buta | verb | to throw |
buukan | noun | a place filled with trees |
caballero | noun | a person who takes care horses, a horse rider, gentleman, knight |
cabeza | noun | head |
cabrito | noun | goat |
cacao | noun | a fruit used to make chocolate or cocoa, cocoa |
cada | adjective | every, each |
cadena | noun | chain |
cadenita | noun | necklace |
cadera | noun | hip or hips |
cae | conjunction | because, since, considering, inasmuch |
cae | verb | to fall |
cafe | noun | coffee |
caga | verb | to defecate, to poop |
cagon | adjective | one who defecates frequently |
cajon | noun | box |
calabaza | noun | squash, pumpkin, gourd |
calamidad | noun | calamity |
calavera | noun | skeleton |
calawang | adjective | rusted, corroded, tarnished |
calayat | adjective | things are left scattered |
calayat | verb | to scatter or spread out |
caldero | noun | metal pot |
caldo | noun | soup or stew |
calenta | verb | to heat or warm |
calentura | noun | fever |
calidad | noun | quality |
caliente | adjective | hot, warm |
calla | verb | to shut up |
callao | adjective | quiet, one is not talking |
calle | noun | road, street |
calma | verb | to calm down |
calmao | adjective | calmed, relaxed |
calor | noun | fever, heat, warmth |
cama | noun | bed |
cambal | noun | twin |
cambia | verb | to change, replace, modify, transform, reform |
cambiao | adjective | changed, replaced, transformed, modified, reformed |
cambio | noun | change, replacement, transformation, modification, reformation |
camello | noun | camel |
camina | verb | to walk, to go to somewhere |
caminando | verb | walking |
caminando | adverb | by means of walking |
camino | noun | way, road, street |
camisa | noun | shirt, cloth, blouse, polo shirt |
canal | noun | a narrow water passage or stream |
canalla | adjective | stingy, selfish, closefisted |
cancion | noun | music, song |
canda | preposition | of, from |
canta | verb | to sing |
cantidad | noun | quantity |
capitan | noun | captain |
cara | noun | face |
caratula | noun | board, billboard, signage |
carga | verb | to carry, lift |
cargamiento | noun | things or things to be carried or lift up |
cargando | verb | lifting |