stringlengths 1
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stringclasses 12
values | english
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⌀ |
confia | verb | to trust, to put one’s confidence to someone |
confianza | noun | trust, confidence |
confirmacion | noun | confirmation |
conforma | verb | to conform, agree |
conformacion | noun | conformation |
conforme | adjective | conformed, agreed |
conoce | verb | to know, recognize, familiarize |
conosihan | verb | to know each other |
consejo | noun | council |
consequia | adjective | thirsty |
considera | verb | to consider |
consinti | verb | to contain, consist, to tolerate |
consola | noun | console |
construccion | noun | construction |
consueño | adjective | sleepy |
consulta | verb | to consult, to seek for an advice |
conta | verb | to count |
contene | verb | to contain, consist |
contento | adjective | contended |
contesta | verb | to answer, respond, reply |
contestacion | noun | answer, response, reply |
contigo | pronoun | with you, to you |
continua | verb | to continue, pursue |
continualmente | adverb | continually, continuously |
contra | preposition | against, contra, opposite, versus |
contrallo | noun | enemy, foe |
contratajan | verb | to go or stand against |
contribucion | noun | contribution |
contribui | verb | to contribute |
controla | verb | to control |
controlao | adjective | controlled |
convence | verb | to convince, persuade, influence |
convencido | adjective | convinced, persuaded, influenced |
convencion | noun | convention, gathering, conference |
convensido | adjective | convinced, persuaded, influenced |
conversa | verb | to speak, converse, talk |
conversacion | noun | conversation, talk |
conversada | noun | talk, talking, speaking, conversing |
converti | verb | to convert, transform, change |
convertido | adjective | converted, transformed, changed |
copia | verb | to copy, imitate, impersonate |
corazon | noun | heart |
corona | noun | crown |
corre | adjective | fast |
corre | verb | to run |
corridor | noun | runner |
corta | verb | to cut off, strike, ax, slice, chop, trim |
cortador | noun | cutter |
corte | noun | court |
cortina | noun | curtain |
corto | adjective | short, brief, scant |
cosa | pronoun | what, which |
cosa | noun | thing |
cosas | noun | things |
cosina | verb | to cook rice |
cosina | noun | kitchen, cuisine |
costao | noun | side |
costumbre | noun | character, custom, attitude, temperament |
cre | verb | to believe |
crea | verb | to create, make, establish, invent |
creacion | noun | creation |
creador | noun | believer |
credito | noun | credit |
crici | verb | to grow up |
cricida | noun | growth |
crimen | noun | crime |
criminal | noun | criminal |
cristiano | noun | christian |
cristo | noun | christ |
critica | noun | critique, review |
critical | adjective | critical |
crucifica | verb | to crucify |
crucificao | adjective | crucified |
crucificcion | noun | crucifixion |
cruz | noun | cross |
cuaderno | noun | notebook |
cuando | adverb | when |
cuando | conjunction | when |
cuanto | adjective | how much, how many |
cuarto | noun | room, hall |
cubardon | adjective | coward, fearful |
cubri | verb | to protect, hide, cover, fill |
cuchara | noun | spoon |
cuchara | noun | poon |
cuchina | adjective | a female person who is disgusting |
cuchinadas | adjective | disgusting, dirty, unpleasant |
cuchino | adjective | a male person who is disgusting |
cucho | noun | whisper |
cucho-cucho | verb | whispering |
cuento | noun | story |
cuento | verb | to tell a story |
cuero | noun | leather |
cuero | adjective | uncircumcised |
cuerpo | noun | body |
cueva | noun | cave |
cuga | adjective | hanged with rope, arm, hand or anything around the neck |
cuida | verb | to take care |
cuidao | adjective | taken cared |
cuidao | interjection | you take care |
cuji | verb | to catch |