stringlengths 1
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stringclasses 12
values | english
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⌀ |
devolve | noun | to return, take back, pay back, put back, hand back, replace, repay |
devoto | noun | devotee |
di | preposition | of |
dia | noun | day |
diamon | pronoun | our (exclusive) |
diamun | pronoun | our (exclusive) |
diaton | pronoun | our (inclusive) |
diciplina | verb | to discipline |
diciplina | noun | discipline |
dicipulo | noun | disciple, follower |
dicta | verb | to dictate |
diente | noun | tooth, teeth |
diferencia (1) | noun | difference, variance, distinctness, contrast, discrepancy |
diferente | adjective | different, various, varied |
dificil | adjective | difficult, hard, tough, tricky, stiff |
dificultad | noun | difficulty, trouble, hitch |
diila | pronoun | their, theirs |
dimio | pronoun | my, mine |
dinigrido | noun | black spot, usually on the skin or external part of the body |
dios | noun | god, lord, master |
directa | adjective | direct, straight |
directiva | noun | directive, guideline |
director | noun | director, head, leader, principal, manager, supervisor |
dirriti | verb | to melt |
dirritido | adjective | melted |
disbruna | verb | to crash, to smash, to damage |
discubri | verb | to discover, to find out, to investigate |
disculpa | verb | to excuse, forgive |
discurso | noun | discourse, speech, utterance, address |
discusion | noun | discussion, argument, debate |
discuti | verb | to discuss, debate, contest, argue, talk over, talk out |
discutijan | verb | to discuss, debate, contest, argue, talk over, talk out |
disperta | verb | to wake up, arise, revive |
dispidi | verb | to die, pass away |
dispierto | adjective | awake |
distancia | noun | distance |
distinguido | adjective | distinguished |
distorba | verb | to disturb |
distorbao | adjective | disturbed |
distorbo | noun | disturbance |
distribui | verb | to distribute, allocate, dispense, give out, share |
disuyo | pronoun | his, her, hers |
dituyo | pronoun | your, yours |
diutay | adjective | small, short, undersized, little, cute |
dividido | adjective | divided, shared, split |
division | noun | division, share, proportion |
doble | adjective | double |
dol | preposition | like, similar, typical |
dolencia | noun | pain, ache, discomfort, distress, agony, anguish, harm, hurt |
dolor | noun | pain, ache, discomfort, distress, agony, anguish, harm, hurt |
dolorido | adjective | in pain, ached, discomforted, anguished, hurt, harmed |
donde | adverb | where, at or in what place |
drento | preposition | in, inside, within |
duda | noun | doubt, distrust, suspicion, uncertainty, mistrust |
duda | verb | to doubt, to suspect, to be uncertain |
duele | adjective | painful, ached, discomforted, anguished, hurt, harmed |
duelo | noun | timing |
dulce | adjective | sweet |
dura | adjective | slow |
dura | verb | to be slow, to delay |
durante | adverb | during, at that time |
durmi | verb | to sleep |
durmido | adjective | sleeping, asleep |
duro | adjective | hard, firm, hardened, callous, heartless, inhuman, stony-hearted |
duyan | noun | cradle |
eco | noun | echo |
edad | noun | age |
edificio | noun | building, establishment |
educa | verb | to educate |
educacion | noun | education |
educao | adjective | educated |
educativo | adjective | educational |
efectivo | adjective | effective |
eficiente | adjective | efficient |
ejemplo | noun | example, sample |
ejercicio | noun | exercise, test |
eksacto | adjective | exact, enough, accurate, precise, proper |
eksamen | verb | to examine |
eksepto | preposition | except |
el | article | the |
elabora | verb | to elaborate, to expound |
elaboracion | noun | elaboration |
ele | pronoun | he, she, him, her |
eleccion | noun | election |
electrico | adjective | electric |
elegante | adjective | elegant, classy, majestic |
elemento | noun | element, component |
elepante | noun | elephant |
embajada | noun | embassy |
embajador | noun | ambassador |
embalsama | verb | to embalm |
embarca | verb | to embark, ride, to go on board |
embusterias | noun | lies, foolishness |
embustero | adjective | liar, untrue |
emocion | noun | emotion |
emocional | adjective | emotional |
emperador | noun | emperor |
empeza | verb | to begin, to give |
empirico | adjective | empirical |
enamora | verb | to court, to love |