stringlengths 1
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stringclasses 12
values | english
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⌀ |
enante | adverb | earlier, a while ago |
enantes | adverb | earlier, a while ago |
enbuenamente | adverb | well |
encabeza | verb | to head, to lead |
encadena | verb | to chain |
encadena | adjective | chained |
encanta | verb | to enchant, to tempt |
encantao | adjective | enchanted, tempted |
encarga | verb | to entrust |
encargao | adjective | entrusted |
encima | preposition | atop, on top, on, above, over |
encontra | verb | to meet, to encounter, to find |
encuentro | noun | encounter, meeting |
endenantes | adverb | earlier, a while ago |
enfatico | adjective | emphatic |
enfermedad | noun | sickness, disease, illness |
enfermo | adjective | sick |
enfrente | preposition | in front |
engranda | verb | to raise |
engrandao | adjective | raised |
engrande | adjective | big, great |
enorme | adjective | enormous, big, huge |
enseguida | adverb | immediately, right away |
enseña | verb | to teach, coach, guide, show |
ensucia | verb | to poop, to defecate |
entacto | verb | enactment |
entende | verb | to understand |
entendimiento | noun | understanding |
entero | adjective | whole |
enterra | verb | to burry |
entierro | noun | interment, entombment, funeral. |
entonces | adverb | then, so |
entra | verb | to enter, to get inside |
entrada | noun | entrance |
entrega | verb | to hand in, to hand over |
entregao | adjective | handed in, handed over |
entremedio | preposition | in the middle or center |
entretenido | adjective | entertaining |
entrevista | noun | talk, interview, conversation |
entusiasmo | adjective | enthusiasm |
entusiasta | noun | enthusiast |
envia | verb | to send |
envidia | verb | to envy |
envolve | verb | to wrap, cover |
envuelto | adjective | wrapped, covered |
equipo | noun | equipment |
equivalente | noun | equivalent |
error | noun | error |
escalera | noun | ladder, stairs |
escapa | verb | to escape |
escapao | adjective | escaped |
esclama | verb | to exclaim |
escoje | verb | to choose |
escojido | adjective | chosen |
esconde | verb | to hide, keep |
escondido | adjective | hidden, kept |
escribi | verb | to write |
escribido | adjective | written |
escritura | noun | script, writing |
escuela | noun | school |
escupi | verb | to spit |
escusa | verb | to excuse |
ese | pronoun | that |
esos | pronoun | those |
espacio | noun | space |
espacioso | adjective | spacious |
espada | noun | sword |
espanta | verb | to terrify, horrify, scare, frighten, surprise |
espantao | adjective | terrified, horrified, scared, frightened, surprised |
especial | adjective | special |
especialista | noun | specialist |
especialmente | adverb | specially, especially |
espejo | noun | mirror |
espera | verb | to wait |
esperanza | noun | hope |
espina | noun | spine |
espinal | adjective | spinal |
espiritu | noun | spirit, soul |
espiritual | adjective | spiritual |
espiritualidad | noun | spirituality |
esplica | verb | to explain |
esposa | noun | wife |
esquema | noun | scheme |
esquenita | noun | narrow way |
esquina | noun | corner |
esta | verb | to stay, to live |
estaba | verb | i came from, i had/have been from |
establecimiento | noun | establishment |
estado | noun | status, state |
estatal | noun | state |
este | pronoun | this |
estima | verb | to estimate |
estimao | adjective | estimated |
estomago | noun | stomach |
estorba | verb | to disturb |
estorbao | adjective | disturbed |
estos | pronoun | these |
estrangero | noun | stranger |
estrella | noun | star |
estrellas | noun | stars |