stringlengths 2
| title
stringlengths 9
| partition
stringclasses 3
values | text
stringlengths 30
| language
stringclasses 1
value | meta_information
dict |
q200 | Filegen.ErbGenerator.compile | train | def compile(source, destination)
erb = ERB.new(source.read, nil, '-')
destination.puts erb.result(data.instance_binding) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q201 | ActsAsSolr.InstanceMethods.solr_save | train | def solr_save
return true if indexing_disabled?
if evaluate_condition(:if, self)
debug "solr_save: #{self.class.name} : #{record_id(self)}"
solr_add to_solr_doc
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q202 | ActsAsSolr.InstanceMethods.to_solr_doc | train | def to_solr_doc
debug "to_solr_doc: creating doc for class: #{self.class.name}, id: #{record_id(self)}"
doc = Solr::Document.new
doc.boost = validate_boost(configuration[:boost]) if configuration[:boost]
doc << {:id => solr_id,
solr_configuration[:type_field] => self.class.name,
solr_configuration[:primary_key_field] => record_id(self).to_s}
# iterate through the fields and add them to the document,
configuration[:solr_fields].each do |field_name, options|
next if [self.class.primary_key, "type"].include?(field_name.to_s)
field_boost = options[:boost] || solr_configuration[:default_boost]
field_type = get_solr_field_type(options[:type])
solr_name = options[:as] || field_name
value = self.send("#{field_name}_for_solr") rescue nil
next if value.nil?
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q203 | Typograf.Client.send_request | train | def send_request(text)
params = {
'text' => text.encode("cp1251"),
params['xml'] = @xml if @xml
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(@url.path)
response = Net::HTTP.new(@url.host, @url.port).start do |http|
rescue StandardError => exception
raise NetworkError.new(exception.message, exception.backtrace)
if !response.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK)
raise NetworkError, "#{response.code}: #{response.message}"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q204 | ActsAsSolr.ActsMethods.acts_as_solr | train | def acts_as_solr(options={}, solr_options={}, &deferred_solr_configuration)
$solr_indexed_models << self
extend ClassMethods
include InstanceMethods
include CommonMethods
include ParserMethods
acts_as_taggable_on :tags if options[:taggable]
has_many :dynamic_attributes, :as => "dynamicable" if options[:dynamic_attributes]
has_one :local, :as => "localizable" if options[:spatial]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q205 | JsonApiClient.Mapper.build_linked_resources_map | train | def build_linked_resources_map(data)
data["linked"].each_with_object({}) do |(type, resources), obj|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q206 | JsonApiClient.Mapper.build_link_type_map | train | def build_link_type_map(data)
data["links"].each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), obj|
association = key.split(".").last
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q207 | Dk.TreeRunner.build_and_run_task | train | def build_and_run_task(task_class, params = nil)
task_run = TaskRun.new(task_class, params)
@task_run_stack.last.runs << | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q208 | TinyCI.Runner.run! | train | def run!
ensure_path target_path
log_info "Commit: #{@commit}"
log_info "Cleaning..."
log_info "Exporting..."
ensure_path export_path
rescue ConfigMissingError => e
log_error e.message
log_error 'Removing export...'
return false
@builder ||= instantiate_builder
@tester ||= instantiate_tester
@hooker ||= instantiate_hooker
log_info "Building..."
run_hook! :before_build
rescue => e
run_hook! :after_build_failure
raise e if ENV['TINYCI_ENV'] == 'test'
log_error e
log_debug e.backtrace
return false
run_hook! :after_build_success
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q209 | TinyCI.Runner.instantiate_builder | train | def instantiate_builder
klass = TinyCI::Builders.const_get(@config[:builder][:class])
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q210 | TinyCI.Runner.instantiate_hooker | train | def instantiate_hooker
return nil unless @config[:hooker].is_a? Hash
klass = TinyCI::Hookers.const_get(@config[:hooker][:class])
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q211 | Grooveshark.Playlist.load_songs | train | def load_songs
@songs = []
playlist = @client.request('getPlaylistByID', playlistID: @id)
@songs = playlist['songs'].map! do |s|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q212 | AudioMonster.Monster.create_wav_wrapped_mpeg | train | def create_wav_wrapped_mpeg(mpeg_path, result_path, options={})
start_at = get_datetime_for_option(options[:start_at])
end_at = get_datetime_for_option(options[:end_at])
wav_wrapped_mpeg = NuWav::WaveFile.from_mpeg(mpeg_path)
cart = wav_wrapped_mpeg.chunks[:cart]
cart.title = options[:title] || File.basename(mpeg_path)
cart.artist = options[:artist]
cart.cut_id = options[:cut_id]
cart.producer_app_id = options[:producer_app_id] if options[:producer_app_id]
cart.start_date = start_at.strftime(PRSS_DATE_FORMAT)
cart.start_time = start_at.strftime(AES46_2002_TIME_FORMAT)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q213 | AudioMonster.Monster.run_command | train | def run_command(command, options={})
timeout = options[:timeout] || 7200
# default to adding a nice 13 if nothing specified
nice = if options.key?(:nice)
(options[:nice] == 'n') ? '' : "nice -n #{options[:nice]} "
'nice -n 19 '
echo_return = (options.key?(:echo_return) && !options[:echo_return]) ? '' : '; echo $?'
cmd = "#{nice}#{command}#{echo_return}"
logger.info "run_command: #{cmd}"
result = Timeout::timeout(timeout) {
Open3::popen3(cmd) do |i,o,e|
out_str = ""
err_str = ""
i.close # important!
o.sync = true
e.sync = true
out_str << line
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q214 | Emerson.Responder.key_for_primary | train | def key_for_primary
@_key_for_primary ||= if options[:as]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q215 | Quora.Client.get | train | def get(field, filter = true)
if field.nil? or !field.instance_of?(String)
raise ArgumentError, "Field value must be a string"
resp = http.get("#{BASEPATH}?fields=#{field}", headers)
data = resp.body[RESP_PREFIX.length..-1]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q216 | Quora.Client.method_missing | train | def method_missing(method_id, *arguments, &block)
if method_id.to_s =~ /^get_[\w]+/
self.class.send :define_method, method_id do
field = method_id.to_s[4..-1]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q217 | UnionStationHooks.RequestReporter.log_controller_action_block | train | def log_controller_action_block(options = {})
if null?
has_error = true
begin_time = UnionStationHooks.now
result = yield
has_error = false
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q218 | UnionStationHooks.RequestReporter.log_controller_action | train | def log_controller_action(options)
return do_nothing_on_null(:log_controller_action) if null?
Utils.require_key(options, :begin_time)
Utils.require_key(options, :end_time)
if options[:controller_name]
@transaction.message("Controller action: #{@controller_action}")
if options[:method]
@transaction.message("Application request | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q219 | Zadt.Graph.remove_vertex | train | def remove_vertex(vertex)
# The vertex must exist
raise "not a vertex" unless vertex.is_a?(Vertex)
if !vertex
raise "Vertex does not exist"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q220 | Zadt.Graph.make_connection | train | def make_connection(v1, v2)
raise "not a vertex" unless v1.is_a?(Vertex) && v2.is_a?(Vertex)
raise "already connected" if is_connected?(v1, v2)
# Make new edge
edge = Edge.new(v1, v2)
# Connect the two using the vertex method "connect"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q221 | Zadt.Graph.find_connection | train | def find_connection(v1, v2)
raise "not a vertex" unless v1.is_a?(Vertex) && v2.is_a?(Vertex)
raise "Vertices not connected" if !is_connected?(v1, v2)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q222 | Zadt.Graph.is_connected? | train | def is_connected?(v1, v2)
raise "not a vertex" unless | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q223 | ActsAsSolr.ClassMethods.find_by_solr | train | def find_by_solr(query, options={})
data = parse_query(query, | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q224 | ActsAsSolr.ClassMethods.rebuild_solr_index | train | def rebuild_solr_index(batch_size=300, options = {}, &finder)
finder ||= lambda do |ar, sql_options|
ar.all sql_options.merge!({:order => self.primary_key, :include => configuration[:solr_includes].keys})
start_time = Time.now
options[:offset] ||= 0
options[:threads] ||= 2
options[:delayed_job] &= defined?(Delayed::Job)
if batch_size > 0
items_processed = 0
offset = options[:offset]
end_reached = false
threads = []
mutex = Mutex.new
queue = Queue.new
loop do
items = finder.call(self, {:limit => batch_size, :offset => offset})
add_batch = items.collect { |content| content.to_solr_doc }
offset += items.size
end_reached = items.size == 0
break if end_reached
if options[:threads] == threads.size
queue << [items, add_batch]
threads << Thread.new do
iteration_start = Time.now
iteration_items, iteration_add_batch | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q225 | S3MetaSync.Syncer.delete_old_temp_folders | train | def delete_old_temp_folders
path = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, STAGING_AREA_PREFIX + '*')
day = 24 * 60 * 60
dirs = Dir.glob(path)
dirs.select! { |dir| Time.now.utc - File.ctime(dir).utc > day } # only stale ones
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q226 | Linkage.FieldSet.fetch_key | train | def fetch_key(key)
string_key = key.to_s
keys.detect { |k| | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q227 | SimpleRecord.Translations.ruby_to_sdb | train | def ruby_to_sdb(name, value)
return nil if value.nil?
name = name.to_s
# puts "Converting #{name} to sdb value=#{value}"
# puts "atts_local=" + defined_attributes_local.inspect
att_meta = get_att_meta(name)
if value.is_a? Array
ret = value.collect { |x| ruby_to_string_val(att_meta, x) }
ret = ruby_to_string_val(att_meta, value)
unless value.blank?
if att_meta.options
if att_meta.options[:encrypted]
# puts "ENCRYPTING #{name} value #{value}"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q228 | SimpleRecord.Translations.sdb_to_ruby | train | def sdb_to_ruby(name, value)
# puts 'sdb_to_ruby arg=' + name.inspect + ' - ' + name.class.name + ' - value=' + value.to_s
return nil if value.nil?
att_meta = get_att_meta(name)
if att_meta.options
if att_meta.options[:encrypted]
value = Translations.decrypt(value, att_meta.options[:encrypted])
if att_meta.options[:hashed]
return PasswordHashed.new(value)
if !has_id_on_end(name) && att_meta.type == :belongs_to
class_name = att_meta.options[:class_name] || name.to_s[0...1].capitalize + name.to_s[1...name.to_s.length]
# Camelize classnames with underscores (ie my_model.rb --> MyModel)
class_name = class_name.camelize
# puts "attr=" + @attributes[arg_id].inspect
# puts 'val=' + @attributes[arg_id][0].inspect unless @attributes[arg_id].nil?
ret = nil
arg_id = name.to_s + '_id'
arg_id_val = send("#{arg_id}")
if arg_id_val
if !cache_store.nil?
# arg_id_val = @attributes[arg_id][0]
cache_key = self.class.cache_key(class_name, arg_id_val)
# puts 'cache_key=' + cache_key
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q229 | FamilySearch.URLTemplate.head | train | def head(template_values)
raise FamilySearch::Error::MethodNotAllowed unless allow.include?('head')
template_values = validate_values(template_values)
t | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q230 | PsUtilities.PreBuiltGet.get_one_student | train | def get_one_student(params)
# api_path = "/ws/v1/district/student/{dcid}?expansions=school_enrollment,contact&q=student_username==xxxxxx237"
ps_dcid = params[:dcid] || params[:dc_id] || params[:id]
api_path = "/ws/v1/student/#{ps_dcid.to_i}"
options = { query:
{ "extensions" => "s_stu_crdc_x,activities,c_studentlocator,u_students_extension,u_studentsuserfields,s_stu_ncea_x,s_stu_edfi_x,studentcorefields",
"expansions" => "demographics,addresses,alerts,phones,school_enrollment,ethnicity_race,contact,contact_info,initial_enrollment,schedule_setup,fees,lunch"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q231 | PsUtilities.PreBuiltGet.build_query | train | def build_query(params)
query = []
query << "school_enrollment.enroll_status_code==#{params[:status_code]}" if params.has_key?(:status_code)
query << "school_enrollment.enroll_status==#{params[:enroll_status]}" if params.has_key?(:enroll_status)
query << "student_username==#{params[:username]}" if params.has_key?(:username)
query << "name.last_name==#{params[:last_name]}" if params.has_key?(:last_name)
query << "name.first_name==#{params[:first_name]}" if params.has_key?(:first_name)
query << "local_id==#{params[:local_id]}" if params.has_key?(:local_id) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q232 | TinyCI.Compactor.directories_to_compact | train | def directories_to_compact
builds = Dir.entries builds_dir
builds.select! {|e| File.directory? builds_dir(e) }
builds.reject! {|e| %w{. ..}.include? e | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q233 | TinyCI.Compactor.compress_directory | train | def compress_directory(dir)
File.open archive_path(dir), 'wb' do |oarchive_path|
Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap oarchive_path do |gz|
Gem::Package::TarWriter.new gz do |tar|
Find.find "#{builds_dir}/"+dir do |f|
relative_path = f.sub "#{builds_dir}/", ""
mode = File.stat(f).mode
size = File.stat(f).size
if File.directory? f
tar.mkdir relative_path, mode
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q234 | TinyCI.Subprocesses.execute | train | def execute(*command, label: nil)
output, status = Open3.capture2(*command.flatten)
log_debug caller[0]
log_debug "CMD: #{command.join(' ')}"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q235 | TinyCI.Subprocesses.execute_pipe | train | def execute_pipe(*commands, label: nil)
stdout, waiters = Open3.pipeline_r(*commands)
output = stdout.read
waiters.each_with_index do |waiter, i|
status = waiter.value
unless status.success?
log_error output | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q236 | TinyCI.Subprocesses.execute_stream | train | def execute_stream(*command, label: nil, pwd: nil)
opts = {}
opts[:chdir] = pwd unless pwd.nil?
Open3.popen2e(command.join(' '), opts) do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thr|
until stdout_and_stderr.closed? || stdout_and_stderr.eof?
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q237 | Borderlands.PropertyManager.property | train | def property(contractid, groupid, propertyid)
property_hash = @client.get_json_body(
{ 'contractId' => contractid, 'groupId' => groupid, },
puts "# unable to retrieve property for | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q238 | Borderlands.PropertyManager.properties | train | def properties
properties = []
contract_group_pairs.each do |cg|
properties_hash = @client.get_json_body(
{ 'contractId' => cg[:contract], 'groupId' => cg[:group], }
if properties_hash && properties_hash['properties']['items']
properties_hash['properties']['items'].each do |prp|
properties << Property.new(prp)
rescue Exception => e
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q239 | Borderlands.PropertyManager.hostnames | train | def hostnames(property, skip_update_dns_status = false, version = nil)
raise 'property must be a Borderlands::Property object' unless property.is_a? Property
version ||= property.productionversion
hostnames_hash = @client.get_json_body(
{ 'contractId' => property.contractid, 'groupId' => property.groupid },
rescue Exception => e
raise "unable to retrieve | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q240 | Borderlands.PropertyManager.ruletree | train | def ruletree(property,version = nil)
raise 'property must be a Borderlands::Property object' unless property.is_a? Property
version ||= property.productionversion
tree = nil
rt = @client.get_json_body(
{ 'contractId' => property.contractid, 'groupId' => property.groupid },
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q241 | UnionStationHooks.SpecHelper.find_passenger_config | train | def find_passenger_config
passenger_config = ENV['PASSENGER_CONFIG']
if passenger_config.nil? || passenger_config.empty?
passenger_config = find_passenger_config_vendor ||
if passenger_config.nil? || passenger_config.empty?
abort 'ERROR: The unit tests are to be run against a specific ' \
'Passenger version. However, the | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q242 | UnionStationHooks.SpecHelper.undo_bundler | train | def undo_bundler
clean_env = nil
Bundler.with_clean_env do
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q243 | UnionStationHooks.SpecHelper.write_file | train | def write_file(path, content)
dir = File.dirname(path)
if !File.exist?(dir)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q244 | UnionStationHooks.SpecHelper.debug_shell | train | def debug_shell
puts '------ Opening debug shell -----'
@orig_dir = Dir.pwd
if respond_to?(:prepare_debug_shell)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q245 | UnionStationHooks.SpecHelper.eventually | train | def eventually(deadline_duration = 3, check_interval = 0.05)
deadline = Time.now + deadline_duration
while Time.now < deadline
if yield
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q246 | UnionStationHooks.SpecHelper.should_never_happen | train | def should_never_happen(deadline_duration = 0.5, check_interval = 0.05)
deadline = Time.now + deadline_duration
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q247 | Runnable.ClassMethods.define_command | train | def define_command( name, opts = {}, &block )
blocking = opts[:blocking] || false
log_path = opts[:log_path] || false
commands[name] = { :blocking => blocking }
define_method( name ) do |*args|
if block
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q248 | Runnable.ClassMethods.method_missing | train | def method_missing( name, *opts )
raise NoMethodError.new( name.to_s ) unless name.to_s =~ /([a-z]*)_([a-z]*)/
# command_processors
if $2 == "processors"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q249 | Grooveshark.User.library_remove | train | def library_remove(song)
fail ArgumentError, 'Song object required' unless song.is_a?(Song)
req = { userID: @id,
songID: song.id,
albumID: song.album_id,
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q250 | Grooveshark.User.get_playlist | train | def get_playlist(id)
result = playlists.select { |p| p.id == id }
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q251 | Grooveshark.User.create_playlist | train | def create_playlist(name, description = '', songs = [])
'playlistName' => name,
'playlistAbout' => description,
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q252 | Grooveshark.User.add_favorite | train | def add_favorite(song)
song_id = song.is_a?(Song) ? song.id : song
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q253 | CrmFormatter.Phone.check_phone_status | train | def check_phone_status(hsh)
phone = hsh[:phone]
phone_f = hsh[:phone_f]
status = 'invalid'
status = phone != phone_f ? 'formatted' : 'unchanged' if phone && | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q254 | Eluka.Model.add | train | def add (data, label)
raise "No meaningful label associated with data" unless ([:positive, :negative].include? label)
#Create a data point in the vector space from the | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q255 | Rex::SSLScan.Result.add_cipher | train | def add_cipher(version, cipher, key_length, status)
unless @supported_versions.include? version
raise ArgumentError, "Must be a supported SSL Version"
unless OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new(version).ciphers.flatten.include?(cipher) || @deprecated_weak_ciphers.include?(cipher)
raise ArgumentError, "Must be a valid SSL Cipher for #{version}!"
unless key_length.kind_of? Integer
raise ArgumentError, "Must supply a valid key length"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q256 | BlueprintClient.AssetTypeTemplatesApi.add | train | def add(namespace, asset_type, template_body, opts = {})
data, _status_code, | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q257 | BlueprintClient.AssetTypeTemplatesApi.delete | train | def delete(namespace, asset_type, opts = {})
data, _status_code, _headers = | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q258 | BlueprintClient.AssetTypeTemplatesApi.put | train | def put(namespace, asset_type, template_body, opts = {})
data, _status_code, | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q259 | Log.ProgressBar.thr_msg | train | def thr_msg
if @history.nil?
@history ||= [[@ticks, Time.now] ]
@history << [@ticks, Time.now]
max_history ||= case
when @ticks > 20
count = @ticks - @last_count
count = 1 if count == 0
if @max
times = @max / count
num = times / 20
num = 2 if num < 2
num = 10
count * num
max_history = 30 if max_history > 30
@history.shift if @history.length > max_history
@mean_max ||= 0
if @history.length > 3
sticks, stime = @history.first
ssticks, sstime = @history[-3]
lticks, ltime = @history.last
mean = @mean = (lticks - sticks).to_f / (ltime - stime)
short_mean = (lticks - ssticks).to_f / (ltime - sstime)
@mean_max = mean if mean > @mean_max
if short_mean
thr | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q260 | Rex::SSLScan.Scanner.valid? | train | def valid?
@host = Rex::Socket.getaddress(@host, true)
return false
@port.kind_of?(Integer) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q261 | Rex::SSLScan.Scanner.scan | train | def scan
scan_result = Rex::SSLScan::Result.new
scan_result.openssl_sslv2 = sslv2
# If we can't get any SSL connection, then don't bother testing
# individual ciphers.
if test_ssl == :rejected and test_tls == :rejected
return scan_result
threads = []
ciphers = Queue.new
@supported_versions.each do |ssl_version|
sslctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new(ssl_version)
sslctx.ciphers.each do |cipher_name, ssl_ver, key_length, alg_length|
threads << Thread.new do
status = test_cipher(ssl_version, cipher_name)
ciphers << [ssl_version, cipher_name, key_length, status]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q262 | Rex::SSLScan.Scanner.get_cert | train | def get_cert(ssl_version, cipher)
scan_client = Rex::Socket::Tcp.create(
'PeerHost' => @host,
'PeerPort' => @port,
'SSL' => true,
'SSLVersion' => ssl_version,
'SSLCipher' => cipher,
'Timeout' => @timeout
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q263 | Rex::SSLScan.Scanner.validate_params | train | def validate_params(ssl_version, cipher)
raise StandardError, "The scanner configuration is invalid" unless valid?
unless @supported_versions.include? ssl_version
raise StandardError, "SSL Version must be one of: #{@supported_versions.to_s}"
if ssl_version == :SSLv2 and sslv2 == false
raise StandardError, "Your OS hates freedom! Your OpenSSL libs are compiled without SSLv2 | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q264 | UnionStationHooks.RequestReporter.log_user_activity_begin | train | def log_user_activity_begin(name)
return do_nothing_on_null(:log_user_activity_begin) if | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q265 | UnionStationHooks.RequestReporter.log_user_activity_end | train | def log_user_activity_end(id, has_error = false)
return do_nothing_on_null(:log_user_activity_end) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q266 | UnionStationHooks.RequestReporter.log_user_activity | train | def log_user_activity(name, begin_time, end_time, has_error = false)
return do_nothing_on_null(:log_user_activity) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q267 | UnionStationHooks.RequestReporter.log_exception | train | def log_exception(exception)
transaction = @context.new_transaction(
return do_nothing_on_null(:log_exception) if transaction.null?
base64_message = exception.message
base64_message = exception.to_s if base64_message.empty?
base64_message = Utils.base64(base64_message)
base64_backtrace = Utils.base64(exception.backtrace.join("\n"))
if controller_action_logged?
transaction.message("Controller action: #{@controller_action}")
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q268 | UnionStationHooks.RequestReporter.log_database_query | train | def log_database_query(options)
return do_nothing_on_null(:log_database_query) if null?
Utils.require_key(options, :begin_time)
Utils.require_key(options, :end_time)
Utils.require_non_empty_key(options, :query)
name = options[:name] || 'SQL'
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q269 | Linkage.Matcher.mean | train | def mean
w = @comparators.collect { |comparator| comparator.weight || 1 }
@score_set.each_pair do |id_1, id_2, scores|
sum = 0
scores.each do |key, value|
sum += value * w[key-1]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q270 | Finitio.SubType.dress | train | def dress(value, handler = DressHelper.new)
# Check that the supertype is able to dress the value.
# Rewrite and set cause to any encountered TypeError.
uped = handler.try(self, value) do
super_type.dress(value, handler)
# Check each constraint in turn
constraints.each do |constraint|
next if constraint===uped
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q271 | Quora.Auth.login | train | def login(user, password)
endpoint = URI.parse(QUORA_URI)
http = Net::HTTP.new(endpoint.host, endpoint.port)
resp = http.get('/login/')
cookie = resp["set-cookie"]
# TODO: improve this rubbish
# get formkey value
start = resp.body.index("Q.formkey")
formkey = resp.body[start..start+200].split("\"")[1]
# get window value
start = resp.body.index("webnode2.windowId")
window = resp.body[start..start+200].split("\"")[1]
# get __vcon_json value
start = resp.body.index("InlineLogin")
vcon_json = resp.body[start..start+200]
start = vcon_json.index("live")
vcon_json = vcon_json[start..-1]
vcon_json = vcon_json.split("\"")[0]
vcon_json = vcon_json.split(":")
vcon_json.map! { |value| "\"#{value}\"" }
vcon_json = "[#{vcon_json.join(",")}]"
vcon_json = | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q272 | ColumnPack.BinPacker.empty_space | train | def empty_space
pack_all if @needs_packing
max = @sizes.each.max
space = 0
@sizes.each { | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q273 | ColumnPack.BinPacker.tall_to_middle | train | def tall_to_middle
if (@total_bins > 1) && ((@total_bins % 2) != 0)
_, max_col = @sizes.each_with_index.max
mid_col = @total_bins / 2
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q274 | PsUtilities.Connection.api | train | def api(verb, api_path, options={})
count = 0
retries = 3
ps_url = base_uri + api_path
options = options.merge(headers)
HTTParty.send(verb, ps_url, options) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q275 | PsUtilities.Connection.authenticate | train | def authenticate
ps_url = base_uri + auth_path
response = HTTParty.post( ps_url,
{ headers: auth_headers,
body: 'grant_type=client_credentials'} )
if response.code.to_s.eql? "200"
@auth_info = response.parsed_response
@auth_info['token_expires'] = Time.now + response.parsed_response['expires_in'].to_i
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q276 | Levelup.Api.apps | train | def apps(app_id = nil)
if app_id
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q277 | Levelup.Api.orders | train | def orders(order_uuid = nil)
if order_uuid
Endpoints::SpecificOrder.new(order_uuid) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q278 | Kril.Consumer.consume_all | train | def consume_all(topic)
config = @config.clone
config[:group_id] = SecureRandom.uuid
consumer = build_consumer(topic, | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q279 | SudoAttributes.ClassMethods.sudo_create! | train | def sudo_create!(attributes = nil, &block)
if attributes.is_a?(Array)
attributes.collect { |attr| sudo_create!(attr, &block) }
object | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q280 | Linkage.Field.ruby_type | train | def ruby_type
unless @ruby_type
hsh =
case @schema[:db_type].downcase
when /\A(medium|small)?int(?:eger)?(?:\((\d+)\))?( unsigned)?\z/o
if !$1 && $2 && $2.to_i >= 10 && $3
# Unsigned integer type with 10 digits can potentially contain values which
# don't fit signed integer type, so use bigint type in target database.
when /\Atinyint(?:\((\d+)\))?(?: unsigned)?\z/o
{:type =>schema[:type] == :boolean ? TrueClass : Integer}
when /\Abigint(?:\((?:\d+)\))?(?: unsigned)?\z/o
when /\A(?:real|float|double(?: precision)?|double\(\d+,\d+\)(?: unsigned)?)\z/o
when 'boolean'
when /\A(?:(?:tiny|medium|long|n)?text|clob)\z/o
{:type=>String, :text=>true}
when 'date'
when /\A(?:small)?datetime\z/o
when /\Atimestamp(?:\((\d+)\))?(?: with(?:out)? time zone)?\z/o
{:type=>DateTime, :size=>($1.to_i if $1)}
when /\Atime(?: with(?:out)? time zone)?\z/o
{:type=>Time, :only_time=>true}
when /\An?char(?:acter)?(?:\((\d+)\))?\z/o
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q281 | Crawler.Observer.update | train | def update(response, url)
@log.puts "Scanning: #{url}"
if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPClientError) or response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPServerError)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q282 | Skyper.Skype.answer | train | def answer(call)
cmd = "ALTER CALL #{call.call_id} ANSWER"
r = Skype.send_command cmd
raise RuntimeError("Failed | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q283 | SimpleRecord.Attributes.get_attribute | train | def get_attribute(name)
# puts "get_attribute #{name}"
# Check if this arg is already converted
name_s = name.to_s
name = name.to_sym
att_meta = get_att_meta(name)
# puts "att_meta for #{name}: " + att_meta.inspect
if att_meta && att_meta.type == :clob
ret = @lobs[name]
# puts 'get_attribute clob ' + ret.inspect
if ret
if ret.is_a? RemoteNil
return nil
return ret
# get it from s3
unless new_record?
if self.class.get_sr_config[:single_clob]
single_clob = s3_bucket(false, :s3_bucket=>:new).get(single_clob_id)
single_clob = JSON.parse(single_clob)
# puts "single_clob=" + single_clob.inspect
single_clob.each_pair do |name2, val|
@lobs[name2.to_sym] = val
ret = @lobs[name]
SimpleRecord.stats.s3_gets += 1
rescue Aws::AwsError => ex
if ex.include?(/NoSuchKey/) || ex.include?(/NoSuchBucket/)
ret = nil
raise ex
ret = s3_bucket.get(s3_lob_id(name))
# puts 'got from s3 ' + ret.inspect
SimpleRecord.stats.s3_gets += 1
rescue Aws::AwsError => ex
if ex.include?(/NoSuchKey/) || ex.include?(/NoSuchBucket/)
ret = nil
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q284 | OodSupport.ACL.ordered_check | train | def ordered_check(**kwargs)
entries.each do |entry|
if entry.match(**kwargs)
# Check if its an allow or deny acl entry (may not be both)
return true if entry.is_allow?
return | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q285 | UV.ScheduledEvent.inspect | train | def inspect
insp = String.new("#<#{self.class}:#{"0x00%x" % (self.__id__ << 1)} ")
insp << "trigger_count=#{@trigger_count} "
insp << "config=#{info} " if self.respond_to?(:info, true)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q286 | UV.OneShot.update | train | def update(time)
@last_scheduled = @reactor.now
parsed_time = Scheduler.parse_in(time, :quiet)
if parsed_time.nil?
# Parse at will throw an error if time is invalid
parsed_time = Scheduler.parse_at(time) - @scheduler.time_diff
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q287 | UV.Repeat.update | train | def update(every, timezone: nil)
time = Scheduler.parse_in(every, :quiet) || Scheduler.parse_cron(every, :quiet, timezone: timezone)
raise ArgumentError.new("couldn't parse | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q288 | UV.Scheduler.every | train | def every(time)
ms = Scheduler.parse_in(time)
event = Repeat.new(self, ms) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q289 | UV.Scheduler.in | train | def in(time)
ms = @reactor.now + Scheduler.parse_in(time)
event = OneShot.new(self, | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q290 | UV.Scheduler.at | train | def at(time)
ms = Scheduler.parse_at(time) - @time_diff
event = OneShot.new(self, ms) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q291 | UV.Scheduler.cron | train | def cron(schedule, timezone: nil)
ms = Scheduler.parse_cron(schedule, timezone: timezone)
event = Repeat.new(self, ms)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q292 | UV.Scheduler.reschedule | train | def reschedule(event)
# Check promise is not resolved
return if event.resolved?
@critical.synchronize {
# Remove the event from the scheduled list and ensure it is in the schedules set
if @schedules.include?(event)
@schedules << event
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q293 | UV.Scheduler.unschedule | train | def unschedule(event)
@critical.synchronize {
# Only call delete and update the timer when required
if @schedules.include?(event)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q294 | UV.Scheduler.remove | train | def remove(obj)
position = nil
@scheduled.each_index do |i|
# object level comparison
if obj.equal? @scheduled[i]
position = i
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q295 | UV.Scheduler.check_timer | train | def check_timer
existing = @next
schedule = @scheduled.first
@next = schedule.nil? ? nil : schedule.next_scheduled
if existing != @next
# lazy load the timer
if @timer.nil?
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q296 | UV.Scheduler.on_timer | train | def on_timer
@critical.synchronize {
schedule = @scheduled.shift
# execute schedules that are within 3ms of this event
# Basic timer coalescing..
now = @reactor.now + 3
while @scheduled.first && @scheduled.first.next_scheduled <= now
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q297 | Stately.Core.stately | train | def stately(*opts, &block)
options = opts.last.is_a?(Hash) ? opts.last : {}
options[:attr] ||= :state
@stately_machine = Stately::Machine.new(options[:attr], options[:start])
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q298 | Dk.Runner.build_local_cmd | train | def build_local_cmd(task, cmd_str, input, | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q299 | Dk.Runner.build_remote_cmd | train | def build_remote_cmd(task, cmd_str, input, given_opts, | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |