stringlengths 2
| title
stringlengths 9
| partition
stringclasses 3
values | text
stringlengths 30
| language
stringclasses 1
value | meta_information
dict |
q0 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.handle_parsed_websocket_message | train | def handle_parsed_websocket_message(json_data)
data = json_data.is_a?(Hash) ? json_data.stringify_keys : {}
if CelluloidPubsub::Reactor::AVAILABLE_ACTIONS.include?(data['client_action'].to_s)
log_debug "#{self.class} finds actions for #{json_data}"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q1 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.unsubscribe | train | def unsubscribe(channel, _json_data)
log_debug "#{self.class} runs 'unsubscribe' method with #{channel}"
return unless channel.present?
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q2 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.delete_server_subscribers | train | def delete_server_subscribers(channel)
@server.mutex.synchronize do
(@server.subscribers[channel] || []).delete_if do |hash|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q3 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.unsubscribe_clients | train | def unsubscribe_clients(channel, _json_data)
log_debug "#{self.class} runs 'unsubscribe_clients' method with #{channel}"
return if channel.blank?
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q4 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.add_subscriber_to_channel | train | def add_subscriber_to_channel(channel, message)
registry_channels = CelluloidPubsub::Registry.channels
@channels << channel
registry_channels << channel unless registry_channels.include?(channel)
@server.mutex.synchronize do
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q5 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.publish | train | def publish(current_topic, json_data)
message = json_data['data'].to_json
return if current_topic.blank? || message.blank?
server_pusblish_event(current_topic, message)
rescue => exception
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q6 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.server_pusblish_event | train | def server_pusblish_event(current_topic, message)
@server.mutex.synchronize do
(@server.subscribers[current_topic].dup || []).pmap do |hash|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q7 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.unsubscribe_all | train | def unsubscribe_all(_channel, json_data)
log_debug "#{self.class} runs 'unsubscribe_all' method"
CelluloidPubsub::Registry.channels.dup.pmap do |channel|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q8 | CelluloidPubsub.Reactor.server_kill_reactors | train | def server_kill_reactors(channel)
@server.mutex.synchronize do
(@server.subscribers[channel].dup || []).pmap do |hash|
reactor = hash[:reactor]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q9 | EmailDirect.RelaySend::Email.send | train | def send(options)
response = EmailDirect.post "/RelaySends/#{category_id}", :body => | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q10 | Aequitas.ContextualRuleSet.concat | train | def concat(other)
other.rule_sets.each do |context_name, rule_set|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q11 | Aequitas.ContextualRuleSet.define_context | train | def define_context(context_name)
rule_sets.fetch(context_name) do |context_name|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q12 | Gattica.Engine.do_http_get | train | def do_http_get(query_string)
response, data = @http.get(query_string, @headers)
# error checking
if response.code != '200'
case response.code
when '400'
raise GatticaError::AnalyticsError, response.body + " (status code: #{response.code})"
when '401'
raise GatticaError::InvalidToken, "Your authorization token is invalid or has expired (status code: | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q13 | Gattica.Engine.build_query_string | train | def build_query_string(args,profile)
query_params = args.clone
ga_start_date = query_params.delete(:start_date)
ga_end_date = query_params.delete(:end_date)
ga_dimensions = query_params.delete(:dimensions)
ga_metrics = query_params.delete(:metrics)
ga_sort = query_params.delete(:sort)
ga_filters = query_params.delete(:filters)
output = "ids=ga:#{profile}&start-date=#{ga_start_date}&end-date=#{ga_end_date}"
unless ga_dimensions.nil? || ga_dimensions.empty?
output += '&dimensions=' + ga_dimensions.collect do |dimension|
unless ga_metrics.nil? || ga_metrics.empty?
output += '&metrics=' + ga_metrics.collect do |metric|
unless ga_sort.nil? || ga_sort.empty?
output += '&sort=' + Array(ga_sort).collect do |sort|
sort[0..0] == '-' ? "-ga:#{sort[1..-1]}" : "ga:#{sort}" # if the first character is a dash, move it before the ga:
# TODO: update so that in regular expression filters (=~ and !~), any initial special characters in the regular expression aren't also picked up as part of the operator (doesn't cause a problem, but just feels dirty)
unless args[:filters].empty? # filters are a little more complicated because they can have all kinds of modifiers
output += '&filters=' + args[:filters].collect do |filter|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q14 | AllscriptsApi.Client.get_token | train | def get_token
full_path = build_request_path("/GetToken")
response = conn.post do |req|
req.body = { Username: @username, Password: @password }.to_json
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q15 | AllscriptsApi.Client.get_user_authentication | train | def get_user_authentication(username, password)
@allscripts_username = username
params = MagicParams.format(user_id: username, parameter1: password)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q16 | AllscriptsApi.Client.validate_sso_token | train | def validate_sso_token(sso_token = nil)
sso_token ||= @sso_token
params = MagicParams.format(parameter1: sso_token)
response = | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q17 | AllscriptsApi.Client.magic | train | def magic(action, magic_params: MagicParams.format)
full_path = build_request_path("/MagicJson")
body = build_magic_body(action, magic_params)
response =
conn.post | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q18 | SknUtils.NestedResult.initialize_for_speed | train | def initialize_for_speed(hash)
hash.each_pair do |k,v|
key = key_as_sym(k)
case v
when Array
value = v.map { |element| translate_value(element) }
container.store(key, value)
when Hash
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q19 | AirVideo.Client.set_proxy | train | def set_proxy(proxy_server_and_port = "")
@proxy = URI.parse("http://"+((proxy_server_and_port.empty?) ? | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q20 | Cloudster.Output.output_template | train | def output_template(outputs)
resource_name = outputs.keys[0]
outputs_array = outputs.values[0].collect
each_output_join = outputs_array.collect {|output| {"Fn::Join" => ["|", output]}}
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q21 | Folio.Ordinal.configure_pagination | train | def configure_pagination(page, options)
page = super(page, options)
raise ::Folio::InvalidPage unless page.current_page.is_a?(Integer)
raise ::Folio::InvalidPage if | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q22 | Cloudster.ElasticIp.add_to | train | def add_to(ec2)
ec2_template = ec2.template
@instance_name = ec2.name | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q23 | RubyOnAcid.InputFactory.put | train | def put(key, value)
value = value.to_f
@input_values[key] = value
@smallest_seen_values[key] ||= 0.0
if @largest_seen_values[key] == nil or @smallest_seen_values[key] > @largest_seen_values[key]
@largest_seen_values[key] = @smallest_seen_values[key] + 1.0
end | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q24 | RubyOnAcid.InputFactory.assigned_key | train | def assigned_key(key)
return @key_assignments[key] if @key_assignments[key]
available_keys = @input_values.keys - @key_assignments.values
return nil if | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q25 | VSS.Engine.search | train | def search(query)
# get ranks
query_vector = make_query_vector(query)
ranks = @documents.map do |document|
document_vector = make_vector(document)
cosine_rank(query_vector, document_vector)
# now annotate records and return them
@records.each_with_index do |record, i|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q26 | Evnt.Event._init_event_data | train | def _init_event_data(params)
# set state
@state = {
reloaded: !params[:evnt].nil?,
saved: true
# set options
initial_options = {
exceptions: false,
silent: false
default_options = _safe_default_options || {}
params_options = params[:_options] || {}
@options = initial_options.merge(default_options)
# set name and attributes
@name = _safe_name
@attributes = _safe_attributes
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q27 | OptionalLogger.Logger.add | train | def add(severity, message = nil, progname_or_message = nil, &block) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q28 | Wbem.CimxmlClient._identify | train | def _identify
product = nil
{ "sfcb" => [ "root/interop", "CIM_ObjectManager" ],
"pegasus" => [ "root/PG_Internal", "PG_ConfigSetting" ]
}.each do |cimom, op|
obj = objectpath *op
@client.instances(obj).each do |inst|
product = inst.Description || cimom
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q29 | Wbem.CimxmlClient.each_instance | train | def each_instance( namespace_or_objectpath, classname = nil )
op = if namespace_or_objectpath.is_a? Sfcc::Cim::ObjectPath
objectpath namespace_or_objectpath, classname
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q30 | Wbem.CimxmlClient.class_names | train | def class_names op, deep_inheritance = false
ret = []
unless op.is_a? Sfcc::Cim::ObjectPath
op = Sfcc::Cim::ObjectPath.new(op.to_s, nil) # assume namespace
flags = deep_inheritance ? Sfcc::Flags::DeepInheritance : 0
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q31 | Wbem.CimxmlClient.each_association | train | def each_association( objectpath )
@client.associators(objectpath).each do |assoc|
yield assoc
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q32 | Weibo2.Client.get_token_from_hash | train | def get_token_from_hash(hash)
access_token = hash.delete('access_token') || hash.delete(:access_token) || hash.delete('oauth_token') || hash.delete(:oauth_token)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q33 | Wbem.WsmanClient.epr_uri_for | train | def epr_uri_for(namespace,classname)
case @product
when :winrm
# winrm embeds namespace in resource URI
Openwsman::epr_uri_for(namespace,classname) rescue "http://schema.suse.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/#{namespace}/#{classname}"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q34 | Wbem.WsmanClient._handle_fault | train | def _handle_fault client, result
if result.nil?
STDERR.puts "Client connection failed:\n\tResult code #{client.response_code}, Fault: #{client.fault_string}" if Wbem.debug
return true
if result.fault?
fault = Openwsman::Fault.new result
if Wbem.debug
STDERR.puts "Client protocol failed for (#{client})"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q35 | Wbem.WsmanClient.namespaces | train | def namespaces ns = "root", cn = "__Namespace"
result = []
each_instance( ns, cn ) do |inst|
name = "#{ns}/#{inst.Name}"
result | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q36 | Wbem.WsmanClient.class_names | train | def class_names op, deep_inheritance = false
@options.flags = Openwsman::FLAG_ENUMERATION_OPTIMIZATION
@options.max_elements = 999
namespace = (op.is_a? Sfcc::Cim::ObjectPath) ? op.namespace : op
classname = (op.is_a? Sfcc::Cim::ObjectPath) ? op.classname : nil
case @product
when :openwsman
if @product_version < "2.2"
STDERR.puts "ENUMERATE_CLASS_NAMES unsupported for #{@product_vendor} #{@product_version}, please upgrade"
return []
uri = Openwsman::XML_NS_CIM_INTRINSIC
@options.cim_namespace = namespace
@options.add_selector("DeepInheritance", "True") if deep_inheritance
result = @client.invoke( @options, uri, method )
when :winrm
# see https://github.com/kkaempf/openwsman/blob/master/bindings/ruby/tests/winenum.rb
filter = Openwsman::Filter.new
query = "select * from meta_class"
query << " where __SuperClass is #{classname?classname:'null'}" unless deep_inheritance
filter.wql query
uri = "#{@prefix}#{namespace}/*"
result = @client.enumerate( @options, filter, uri )
raise "Unsupported for WSMAN product #{@product}"
if _handle_fault @client, result
return []
classes = []
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q37 | HerokuS3Backups.Heroku.download | train | def download(output_filename, options = {target_backup: nil})
raise "Please specify a filename" | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q38 | HerokuS3Backups.Heroku.store_on_s3 | train | def store_on_s3(backup_location, backup_filename)
prod_backup_folder = AWS_S3().buckets.find(ENV["S3_PRODUCTION_BACKUP_BUCKET"]).objects(prefix: backup_location)
backup_obj = prod_backup_folder.build("#{backup_location}/#{backup_filename}")
# | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q39 | Wbem.ClassFactory.gen_method_parameters | train | def gen_method_parameters direction, parameters, file
return if parameters.empty?
file.print "#{direction.inspect} => ["
first = true
parameters.each do |p|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q40 | Wbem.ClassFactory.generate | train | def generate name, file
require 'erb'
template = File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "class_template.erb"))
erb = ERB.new(template)
code = erb.result(binding)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q41 | Wbem.ClassFactory.classmap | train | def classmap
return @classmap if @classmap
# read SCHEMA and build class index to find .mof files quickly
@classmap = Hash.new
@includes = [ Pathname.new(".") ]
SCHEMATA.each do |base, file|
@includes << base
allow_cim = (file =~ /^CIM_/) # allow CIM_ only for CIM_Schema.mof
File.open(File.join(base, file)) do |f|
f.each do |l|
if l =~ /^\#pragma\sinclude\s?\(\"(([\w\/_]+)\.mof)\"\).*/
# $1 Foo/Bar.mof
# $2 Foo/Bar
path = $1
names = $2.split("/")
name = names[1] || names[0]
next unless name =~ /_/ # class name must have underscore (rules out 'qualifiers.mof')
# puts "#{path}:#{name}"
next if !allow_cim && name =~ /^CIM_/ | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q42 | Dawg.Finder.query | train | def query(word)
node = @the_node
results = []
word.split("").each do |letter|
next_node = node[letter]
if next_node != nil
node = next_node
return ['']
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q43 | DeepDive.::Enumerable._add | train | def _add(v: nil, dupit: nil, oc: nil, patch: {})
unless _pairs?
when self.kind_of?(::Set)
when self.kind_of?(::Array)
self << _ob_maybe_repl(v: v, dupit: dupit, oc: oc, patch: patch)
raise DeepDiveException.new("Don't know how to add | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q44 | Chimp.ChimpQueue.start | train | def start
for i in (1..max_threads)
@threads << Thread.new(i) do
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q45 | Chimp.ChimpQueue.push | train | def push(g, w)
raise "no group specified" unless g
create_group(g) if not ChimpQueue[g]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q46 | Chimp.ChimpQueue.shift | train | def shift
r = nil
@semaphore.synchronize do
@group.values.each do |group|
if group.ready?
r = group.shift
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q47 | Chimp.ChimpQueue.quit | train | def quit
i = 0
@group.keys.each do |group|
wait_until_done(group) do
if i < 30
sleep 1
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q48 | Chimp.ChimpQueue.get_jobs_by_status | train | def get_jobs_by_status(status)
r = []
@group.values.each do |group|
v = group.get_jobs_by_status(status)
if v != nil and v != | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q49 | YourMembership.Profile.clean | train | def clean(data_hash)
clean_hash = {}
# Remove Nils
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q50 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.push | train | def push(j)
raise "invalid work" if j == nil
j.job_id = IDManager.get if j.job_id == nil
j.group = self
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q51 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.shift | train | def shift
updated_queue = []
found_job = nil
@queue.each do |job|
if found_job || job.status == Executor::STATUS_HOLDING
elsif job.status == Executor::STATUS_NONE
found_job = job
end | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q52 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.results | train | def results
return self.get_jobs.map do |task|
next if task == nil
next if task.server == nil
:job_id => task.job_id,
:name => task.info[0],
:host => task.server.name,
:status => task.status,
:error => task.error,
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q53 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.sort! | train | def sort!
if @queue != nil
@queue.sort! do |a,b|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q54 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.get_jobs_by_status | train | def get_jobs_by_status(status)
r = []
@jobs_by_id.values.each do |i|
r << i if i.status == status.to_sym || | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q55 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.done? | train | def done?
return (
get_jobs_by_status(Executor::STATUS_NONE).size == 0 &&
get_jobs_by_status(Executor::STATUS_RUNNING).size == 0 &&
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q56 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.running? | train | def running?
total_jobs_running = get_jobs_by_status(Executor::STATUS_NONE).size +
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q57 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.queue | train | def queue(id)
Log.debug "Queuing held job id #{id}"
job = @jobs_by_id[id]
job.owner = nil
job.time_start = Time.now
job.time_end | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q58 | Chimp.ExecutionGroup.cancel | train | def cancel(id)
Log.warn "Cancelling job id #{id}"
job = @jobs_by_id[id]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q59 | RayyanScrapers.EntrezScraper.parse_search_results | train | def parse_search_results(string, extraction_fields = nil)
xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(string, "file:///rawfile.xml")
items = xml/"/#{@xml_element_root}/*"
total = items.length
@logger.debug("Found #{total} articles in input pubmed file")
items.each do |item|
mArticle = RayyanFormats::Target.new
failed = false
case item.node_name
when @xml_element_root_article
process_article_detail_page(item, mArticle, extraction_fields)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q60 | Xcflushd.PriorityAuthRenewer.async_renew_and_publish_task | train | def async_renew_and_publish_task(channel_msg)
Concurrent::Future.new(executor: thread_pool) do
success = true
combination = auth_channel_msg_2_combination(channel_msg)
app_auths = app_authorizations(combination)
renew(combination[:service_id], combination[:credentials], app_auths)
metric_auth = app_auths[combination[:metric]]
rescue StandardError
# If we do not do rescue, we would not be able to process the same
# message again.
success = false
# | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q61 | Gametel.Accessors.text | train | def text(name, locator)
define_method("#{name}") do
define_method("#{name}=") do |value|
platform.enter_text(value, locator)
define_method("clear_#{name}") do
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q62 | Gametel.Accessors.button | train | def button(name, locator)
define_method(name) do
define_method("#{name}_view") do
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q63 | Gametel.Accessors.list_item | train | def list_item(name, locator)
define_method(name) do
define_method("#{name}_view") do
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q64 | Gametel.Accessors.checkbox | train | def checkbox(name, locator)
define_method(name) do
define_method("#{name}_checked?") do
Gametel::Views::CheckBox.new(platform, locator).checked?
end | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q65 | Gametel.Accessors.radio_button | train | def radio_button(name, locator)
define_method(name) do
define_method("#{name}_view") do
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q66 | Gametel.Accessors.image | train | def image(name, locator)
define_method("click_#{name}") do
define_method("wait_for_#{name}") do
wait_until do
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q67 | Knowledge.Learner.gather! | train | def gather!
adapters: enabled_adapters,
params: additionnal_params,
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q68 | Knowledge.Learner.enable_adapter | train | def enable_adapter(name:, variables: nil)
_key, klass = available_adapters.find { |key, _klass| key.to_sym == name.to_sym }
raise Knowledge::AdapterNotFound, | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q69 | Knowledge.Learner.register_adapter | train | def register_adapter(name:, klass:, enable: false, variables: nil)
@available_adapters[name.to_sym] = klass
enable_adapter(name: | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q70 | Knowledge.Learner.set_adapter_variables | train | def set_adapter_variables(name:, variables: nil)
return unless variables
case variables
when Hash
set_adapter_variables_by_hash(name: name, variables: variables)
when String
set_adapter_variables(name: name, variables: yaml_content(variables))
raise | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q71 | Knowledge.Learner.set_adapter_variables_by_hash | train | def set_adapter_variables_by_hash(name:, variables:)
variables = variables[name.to_s] if variables.key?(name.to_s)
variables = variables[name.to_sym] | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q72 | Knowledge.Learner.use | train | def use(name:, enable: true)
adapter = self.class.adapters[name.to_sym]
raise ::Knowledge::RegisterError, "Unable to register following: #{name}" if adapter.nil?
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q73 | Knowledge.Learner.fetch_variables_config | train | def fetch_variables_config(path)
descriptor = yaml_content(path) | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q74 | Boson.RepoIndex.update | train | def update(options={})
libraries_to_update = !exists? ? repo.all_libraries : options[:libraries] || changed_libraries
if options[:verbose]
puts !exists? ? "Generating index for all #{libraries_to_update.size} libraries. Patience ... is a bitch" :
(libraries_to_update.empty? ? "No libraries indexed" :
"Indexing the following libraries: #{libraries_to_update.join(', ')}")
Manager.instance.failed_libraries = []
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q75 | Boson.RepoIndex.set_command_namespaces | train | def set_command_namespaces
lib_commands = @commands.inject({}) {|t,e| (t[e.lib] ||= []) << e; t }
namespace_libs = @libraries.select {|e| e.namespace(e.indexed_namespace) }
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q76 | Boson.CommentInspector.scrape | train | def scrape(file_string, line, mod, attribute=nil)
hash = scrape_file(file_string, line) || {}
options = (arr = hash.delete(:option)) ? parse_option_comments(arr, mod) : {}
hash.select {|k,v| v && (attribute.nil? || attribute == k) }.each do |k,v|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q77 | Boson.CommentInspector.scrape_file | train | def scrape_file(file_string, line)
lines = file_string.split("\n")
saved = []
i = line -2
while lines[i] =~ /^\s*#\s*(\S+)/ && i >= 0
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q78 | SettingsOnRails.KeyTreeBuilder.build_nodes | train | def build_nodes
value = _target_column
for key in _key_chain
value[key] | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q79 | SettingsOnRails.KeyTreeBuilder._key_chain | train | def _key_chain
handler = self
key_chain = []
key_chain = handler.keys + key_chain
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q80 | Copyscape.Response.result_to_hash | train | def result_to_hash(result)
result.children.inject({}) do |hash, node|
hash[node.name] = node.text
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q81 | MiniReadline.History.append_history | train | def append_history(str)
return if @options[:no_blanks] && str.strip.empty?
if history.include?(str)
if @options[:no_dups]
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q82 | Chimp.ChimpDaemon.parse_command_line | train | def parse_command_line
opts = GetoptLong.new(
[ '--logfile', '-l', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--quiet', '-q', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--concurrency', '-c', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--delay', '-d', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--retry', '-y', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--port', '-p', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--bind-address', '-b', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--exit', '-x', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
opts.each do |opt, arg|
case opt
when '--logfile', '-l'
@logfile = arg
Log.logger = Logger.new(@logfile)
when '--concurrency', '-c'
@concurrency = arg.to_i
when '--delay', '-d'
@delay = arg.to_i
when '--retry', '-y'
@retry_count = arg.to_i
when '--verbose', '-v'
@verbose = true
when '--quiet', '-q'
@quiet = true
when '--port', '-p'
@port = arg
when '--bind-address', '-b'
@bind_address = arg.to_s
when '--help', '-h'
when '--exit', '-x'
uri = "http://localhost:#{@port}/admin"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q83 | Chimp.ChimpDaemon.spawn_webserver | train | def spawn_webserver
opts = {
:BindAddress => @bind_address,
:Port => @port,
:MaxClients => 500,
:RequestTimeout => 120,
:DoNotReverseLookup => true
if not @verbose
opts[:Logger] = WEBrick::Log.new("/dev/null")
opts[:AccessLog] = [nil, nil]
@server = ::WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(opts)
@server.mount('/', | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q84 | Chimp.ChimpDaemon.spawn_chimpd_submission_processor | train | def spawn_chimpd_submission_processor
n = @concurrency/4
n = 10 if n < 10
Log.debug "Logging into API..."
# There is a race condition logging in with rest_connection.
# As a workaround, do a tag query first thing when chimpd starts.
c = Chimp.new
c.interactive = false
c.quiet = true
#c.tags = ["bogus:tag=true"]
rescue StandardError
puts "chimpd #{VERSION} launched with #{@concurrency} workers"
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q85 | Xcflushd.FlusherErrorHandler.log | train | def log(exception)
msg = error_msg(exception)
case exception
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q86 | SmsCarrier.Base.sms | train | def sms(options = {})
return @_message if @_sms_was_called && options.blank?
m = @_message
# Call all the procs (if any)
default_values = {}
self.class.default.each do |k,v|
default_values[k] = v.is_a?(Proc) ? instance_eval(&v) : v
# Handle defaults
options = options.reverse_merge(default_values)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q87 | ACTV.Client.assets | train | def assets(q, params={})
response = get("/v2/search.json", | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q88 | ACTV.Client.organizer | train | def organizer(id, params={})
response = get("/v3/organizers/#{id}.json", | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q89 | ACTV.Client.find_asset_by_url | train | def find_asset_by_url(url)
url_md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(url)
response = | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q90 | ACTV.Client.articles | train | def articles(q, params={})
response = get("/v2/search.json", params.merge({query: q, category: 'articles'}))
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q91 | ACTV.Client.article | train | def article id, params={}
request_string = "/v2/assets/#{id}"
is_preview, params = params_include_preview? params
request_string += | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q92 | ACTV.Client.popular_interests | train | def popular_interests(params={}, options={})
response = get("/interest/_search", | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q93 | ACTV.Client.event_results | train | def event_results(assetId, assetTypeId, options={})
response = get("/api/v1/events/#{assetId}/#{assetTypeId}.json", {}, options)
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q94 | ACTV.Client.multi_search | train | def multi_search(*options)
results = []
query_index = 0
options_hash = options.inject({}) do |hash, options|
hash.merge! "query_#{query_index}" => "[#{URI.encode_www_form options}]"
query_index += 1
if options_hash.present?
response | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q95 | ACTV.Client.request | train | def request(method, path, params, options)
uri = options[:endpoint] || @endpoint
uri = URI(uri) unless uri.respond_to?(:host)
uri += path
request_headers = {}
params[:api_key] = @api_key unless @api_key.nil?
if self.credentials?
# When posting a file, don't sign any params
signature_params = if [:post, :put].include?(method.to_sym) && params.values.any?{|value| value.is_a?(File) || (value.is_a?(Hash) && (value[:io].is_a?(IO) || value[:io].is_a?(StringIO)))}
authorization = SimpleOAuth::Header.new(method, uri, signature_params, credentials)
request_headers[:authorization] = authorization.to_s.sub('OAuth', "Bearer")
end | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q96 | Phaserunner.Modbus.bulk_log_data | train | def bulk_log_data(registers = register_list)
registers.map do |reg|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q97 | Phaserunner.Modbus.bulk_log_header | train | def bulk_log_header(registers = register_list)
registers.map do |reg|
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q98 | SettingsOnRails.HasSettings.key | train | def key(*keys)
options = keys.extract_options!
raise ArgumentError.new("has_settings: Option :defaults expected, but got #{options.keys.join(', ')}") unless options.blank? || (options.keys == [:defaults])
| ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
q99 | SettingsOnRails.HasSettings.attr | train | def attr(value, options = {})
unless value.is_a?(Symbol) || value.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError.new("has_settings: symbol expected, but got a #{value.class}")
raise ArgumentError.new("has_settings: Option :default expected, but got #{options.keys.join(', ')}") unless | ruby | {
"resource": ""
} |
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