Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Inti primi anni 1960, Lloyd o l'à produto doe accuggeite de cini, con de scene da-e seu vege comedie, Harold Lloyd's World of Comedy e The Funny Side of Life.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In the early 1960s, Lloyd produced two compilation films, featuring scenes from his old comedies, Harold Lloyd's World of Comedy and The Funny Side of Life.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Time-Life o l'à pubricou ciù de unna de pelicole longhe ciù o meno intatte, con deuviâ ascì quarcheduña de muxiche de Scharf che ean stæte commiscionæ da Lloyd.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Time-Life released several of the feature films more or less intact, also using some of Scharf's scores which had been commissioned by Lloyd.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: O documentäio de Brownlow e Gill o l'ea stæto mostrou comme parte da serie American Masters da PBS, e o l'aiva inandiou un neuvo interesse in sciô travaggio de Lloyd inti Stati Unii, ma i cini no ean pe-a ciù parte disponibili.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The Brownlow and Gill documentary was shown as part of the PBS series American Masters, and created a renewed interest in Lloyd's work in the United States, but the films were largely unavailable.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: An anche piggiou in adoçion Gloria Freeman (1924–1986) into settembre do 1930, a-a quæ an cangiou o nomme inte Marjorie Elizabeth Lloyd, ma ch'a l'ea stæta ciammâ «Peggy» pe-a ciù parte da seu vitta.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: They also adopted Gloria Freeman (1924–1986) in September 1930, whom they renamed Marjorie Elizabeth Lloyd but was known as "Peggy" for most of her life.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Davis a l'é mòrta pe un corpo do 1969, doî anni avanti da mòrte de Lloyd.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Davis died from a heart attack in 1969, two years before Lloyd's death.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Do 1925, a-o ponto ciù erto da seu carriera de cine, Lloyd o l'é introu inta framassoneria a-a Alexander Hamilton Lodge n.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1925, at the height of his movie career, Lloyd entered into Freemasonry at the Alexander Hamilton Lodge No.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Do 1926 o l'é vegnuo un framasson do 32° rito scoçeise inta valladda de Los Angeles in California.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1926, he became a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Los Angeles, California.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Unna parte da colleçion personâ de Lloyd di seu cini mutti (à quelli tempi con un valô stimmou de 2 mioin de dòllari) a l'ea stæta destruta inte l'agosto do 1943 quande o seu caveau di cini o l'à piggiou feugo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: A portion of Lloyd's personal inventory of his silent films (then estimated to be worth $2 million) was destroyed in August 1943 when his film vault caught fire.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: O feugo o no l'aiva toccou a casa prinçipâ e e costruçioin connesse.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The fire spared the main house and outbuildings.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Lloyd o l'é stæto premiou do 1960 pe-e seu contribuçioin a-o cine con unna stella inta Hollywood Walk of Fame a-o numero 1503 de Vine Street.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Lloyd was honored in 1960 for his contribution to motion pictures with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame located at 1503 Vine Street.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A segonda çittaçion a l'ea unna mascâ à Chaplin, che de quelli tempi o l'ea stæto vittima do McCarthyismo e o quæ visto pe intrâ inti Stati Unii o l'ea stæto revocou.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The second citation was a snub to Chaplin, who at that point had fallen foul of McCarthyism and had his entry visa to the United States revoked.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Gladys Marie Smith (8 de arvî do 1892 – 29 de mazzo do 1979), conosciua co-o nomme d'arte Mary Pickford, a l'é stæta unn'attoa de cine e produttoa canadeise-americaña, con unna carriera de çinque dexenni.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Gladys Marie Smith (April 8, 1892 – May 29, 1979), known professionally as Mary Pickford, was a Canadian-American film actress and producer with a career that spanned five decades.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? Seu poæ, John Charles Smith o l'ea o figgio de di inmigræ metodisti ingleixi, e o l'aiva avuo un asciortimento de travaggi piccin.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her father, John Charles Smith was the son of English Methodist immigrants, and worked a variety of odd jobs.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Pe fâ contenti i pænti de seu maio, a moæ da Pickford a l'aiva battezzou i seu figgi comme metodisti, a religion de seu poæ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: To please her husband's relatives, Pickford's mother baptized her children as Methodists, the religion of their father.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Dòppo tanto Gladys a l'aiva ottegnuo unna parte de suppòrto inte unna comedia de Broadway do 1907, The Warrens of Virginia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Gladys finally landed a supporting role in a 1907 Broadway play, The Warrens of Virginia.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Dòppo avei finio o travaggio à Broadway e ëse stæta in tournée però, a Pickford a l'ea torna sensa un travaggio.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: After completing the Broadway run and touring the play, however, Pickford was again out of work.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'aiva capio aviou che reçitâ inti cini o l'ea ciù façile do reçitâ stilizzou pe-o tiatro de quelli tempi.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She quickly grasped that movie acting was simpler than the stylized stage acting of the day.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? Comme a Pickford a l'à dito in sciô seu successo a-a Biograph: aiva reçitou inta parte de serva e de segrettäia e de dònna de tutte e naçionalitæ ... ò pensou che se riesciva à intrâ inte un numero de cini o ciù grande poscibile, aloa saiæ vegnua famosa, e che ghe saiæ stæta domanda pe mi.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: As Pickford said of her success at Biograph:I played scrubwomen and secretaries and women of all nationalities ... I decided that if I could get into as many pictures as possible, I'd become known, and there would be a demand for my work.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Into zenâ do 1910, a Pickford a l'é anæta in viægio con unna squaddra da Biograph à Los Angeles.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In January 1910, Pickford traveled with a Biograph crew to Los Angeles.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? I attoî no ean missi inta lista di ringraçiamenti inta dita de Griffith.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Actors were not listed in the credits in Griffith's company.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A Pickford a l'à lasciou a Biograph into dexembre do 1910.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Pickford left Biograph in December 1910.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: A l'é tornâ à Broadway pe-a produçion de David Belasco de A Good Little Devil (1912).
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She returned to Broadway in the David Belasco production of A Good Little Devil (1912).
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Do 1913 a l'aiva dispòsto de travaggiâ solo inti cini.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1913, she decided to work exclusively in film.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Pickford a l'à lasciou o tiatro pe intrâ inta lista de stelle de Zukor.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Pickford left the stage to join Zukor's roster of stars.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Solo Charlie Chaplin, che pe pöco tempo o l'aiva passou a seu popolaritæ do 1916, o l'aiva un fascino pægio pe-a critica e o pubrico.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Only Charlie Chaplin, who slightly surpassed Pickford's popularity in 1916, had a similarly spellbinding pull with critics and the audience.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'é vegnua ascì viceprexidente da Pickford Film Corporation.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She also became vice-president of Pickford Film Corporation.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Pe caxon da seu mancansa de unn'infançia normale, a ghe gustava fâ de sti cini.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Due to her lack of a normal childhood, she enjoyed making these pictures.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Into agosto do 1918, o contræto da Pickford o l'é descheito e, dòppo avei refuou e condiçioin de Zukor pe renoelâlo, gh'aivan offerto 250 mia dòllari pe lasciâ o mondo do cine.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In August 1918, Pickford's contract expired and, when refusing Zukor's terms for a renewal, she was offered $250,000 to leave the motion picture business.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Pe mezo da United Artists, a Pickford a l'é anæta avanti à produe e reçitâ inti seu cini; e poeiva distribuîli ascì comme a voeiva.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Through United Artists, Pickford continued to produce and perform in her own movies; she could also distribute them as she chose.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Inte sti tempi a l'à fæto ascì Little Annie Rooney (1925), un atro cine donde a Pickford a l'à a parte de unna figgetta, Sparrows (1926), ch'o mescciava o stile de Dickens co-o neuvo stile esprescionista tedesco, e My Best Girl (1927), unna comedia romantica co o seu futuo maio Charles «Buddy» Rogers.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: During this period, she also made Little Annie Rooney (1925), another film in which Pickford played a child, Sparrows (1926), which blended the Dickensian with newly minted German expressionist style, and My Best Girl (1927), a romantic comedy featuring her future husband Charles "Buddy" Rogers.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A l'à reçitou a parte de unna taggiasquarsa e dònna de mondo inte Coquette (1929), o seu primmo cine co-o son, parte pe-a quæ i seu famoxi rissi en stæti taggiæ inte di cavelli a-a masccetta à uso anni '20.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She played a reckless socialite in Coquette (1929), her first talkie, a role for which her famous ringlets were cut into a 1920s' bob.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: O pubrico o no l'é mäi stæto bon de apprexâla inti ròlli ciù sofisticæ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The public failed to respond to her in the more sophisticated roles.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: I attoî affermæ de Hollywood s'ean inspaximæ pe l'arrivo pròscimo di seu cini co-o son.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Established Hollywood actors were panicked by the impending arrival of the talkies.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A s'é arretiâ da-o cine do 1933, dòppo trei caistioxi fallimenti, e o seu urtimo cine o l'é stæto Secrets.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She retired from film acting in 1933 following three costly failures with her last film appearance being Secrets.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Inta primma guæra mondiale a l'à sostegnuo a vendia di Liberty Bonds, con fâ unna serie intensa de descorsci pubrichi pe arrecheugge di dinæ, à comensâ da Washington D. C., donde a l'à venduo de obrigaçion insemme à Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Theda Bara e Marie Dressler.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: During World War I she promoted the sale of Liberty Bonds, making an intensive series of fund-raising speeches, beginning in Washington, D.C., where she sold bonds alongside Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Theda Bara, and Marie Dressler.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Con un solo descorso à Chicago, a l'à venduo çinque mioin de dòllari de obrigaçioin pöcassæ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In a single speech in Chicago, she sold an estimated five million dollars' worth of bonds.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? In sciâ fin da primma guæra mondiale, a Pickford a l'à avuo l'idea do Motion Picture Relief Fund, unn'organizzaçion pe aggiuttâ i attoî pövei.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: At the end of World War I, Pickford conceived of the Motion Picture Relief Fund, an organization to help financially needy actors.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: De conseguensa, do 1940 o fondo o l'à posciuo accattâ da tæra e construe a Motion Picture Country House and Hospital à Woodland Hills in Califòrnia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: As a result, in 1940, the Fund was able to purchase land and build the Motion Picture Country House and Hospital, in Woodland Hills, California.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'à domandou (e ottegnuo) ste facoltæ do 1916, quande o l'ea sotta contræto con i Famous Players in Famous Plays de Zukor (e dapeu a Paramount)
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She demanded (and received) these powers in 1916, when she was under contract to Zukor's Famous Players in Famous Plays (later Paramount).
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: A Mary Pickford Corporation a l'é stæta pe pöco tempo a compagnia de produçion de cine da Pickford.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The Mary Pickford Corporation was briefly Pickford's motion-picture production company.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: I distributoî (parte ascì di studdi) an organizzou che e produçioin da compagnia fïsan mostræ inti cini da compagnia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Distributors (also part of the studios) arranged for company productions to be shown in the company's movie venues.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'ea solo unna compagnia de distribuçion, ch'a l'offriva a-i produttoî independenti de cini l'accesso a-i sò schermi e a pixon di cini veui de propietæ de atre compagnie.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: It was solely a distribution company, offering independent film producers access to its own screens as well as the rental of temporarily unbooked cinemas owned by other companies.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Comme co-fondatoa e ascì produttoa e stella di seu cini, a Pickford a l'é vegnua a dònna a ciù de conto ch'a l'agge mäi travaggiou inte Hollywood.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: As a co-founder, as well as the producer and star of her own films, Pickford became the most powerful woman who has ever worked in Hollywood.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Lê e Chaplin en arrestæ colleghi inta compagnia pe de dëxeñe d'anni.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She and Chaplin remained partners in the company for decades.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Se dixe che a l'é vegnua gravia da Moore inti primmi anni 1910 e ch'a l'à avuo un abòrdo spontaneo ò volontäio.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: It is rumored she became pregnant by Moore in the early 1910s and had a miscarriage or an abortion.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: A cobbia a l'à visciuo insemme d'ògni tanto pe tanti anni.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The couple lived together on-and-off for several years.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Pe quelli tempi, a Pickford a l'à avuo ascì l'influensa inta pandemia do 1918.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Around this time, Pickford also suffered from the flu during the 1918 flu pandemic.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Son anæti in Euröpa pe-o viægio de nòsse; i ammiratoî à Londra e Pariggi an caxonou un grande invexendo pe çercâ de vedde a cobbia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: They went to Europe for their honeymoon; fans in London and in Paris caused riots trying to get to the famous couple.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A Pickford a l'é anæta avanti à incarnâ l'imagine da figgia da pòrta d'arente drita ma fogosa.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Pickford continued to epitomize the virtuous but fiery girl next door.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: I cappi de stato foresti e i dignitäi che vixitavan a Casa gianca domandavan de spesso de poei vixitâ Pickfair ascì, a villa da cobbia à Beverly Hills.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Foreign heads of state and dignitaries who visited the White House often asked if they could also visit Pickfair, the couple's mansion in Beverly Hills.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Tra i invitæ gh'é stæto George Bernard Shaw, Albert Einstein, Elinor Glyn, Helen Keller, H. G. Wells, Lord Mountbatten, Fritz Kreisler, Amelia Earhart, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Noël Coward, Max Reinhardt, Baron Nishi, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Austen Chamberlain, Sir Harry Lauder, Meher Baba e atri.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Other guests included George Bernard Shaw, Albert Einstein, Elinor Glyn, Helen Keller, H. G. Wells, Lord Mountbatten, Fritz Kreisler, Amelia Earhart, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Noël Coward, Max Reinhardt, Baron Nishi, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Austen Chamberlain, Sir Harry Lauder, and Meher Baba, among others.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Ean delongo exibii comme i ambasciatoî no offiçiæ de l'America into mondo e conduxeivan paradde, taggiavan frexetti e favan di descorsci.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: They were also constantly on display as America's unofficial ambassadors to the world, leading parades, cutting ribbons, and making speeches.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: An divorçiou a-i 10 de zenâ do 1936.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: They divorced January 10, 1936.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'à criticou e sò imperfeçioin fixiche, compreiso a statua bassa de Ronnie e i denti sberci de Roxanne.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She criticized their physical imperfections, including Ronnie's small stature and Roxanne's crooked teeth.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: I seu fræ, Lottie e Jack, en mòrti tutti doî pe caxon de l'alcòl do 1936 e 1933.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her siblings, Lottie and Jack, both died of alcohol-related causes in 1936 and 1933, respectively.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A Pickford a s'é arretiâ e a l'é vegnua pittin à pittin unn'ermitta; a l'é arrestâ squæxi delongo à Pickfair, e a l'à permisso solo e vixite de Lillian Gish, do sò figgiastro Douglas Fairbanks Jr., e de pöche atre persoñe.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Pickford withdrew and gradually became a recluse, remaining almost entirely at Pickfair and allowing visits only from Lillian Gish, her stepson Douglas Fairbanks Jr., and few other people.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'é comparsa in tribunale do 1959, pe unna causa à propòxito da sò compropietæ de WSJS-TV, unna staçion de televixon da North Carolina.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She appeared in court in 1959, in a matter pertaining to her co-ownership of North Carolina TV station WSJS-TV.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: Charles «Buddy» Rogers o l'à de spesso fæto di tour de Pickfair pe-i vixitatoî, compreiso a vixion de un veaxo bar wester che a Pickford a l'aiva accattou pe Douglas Fairbanks, e un retræto de Pickford inta stançia da disegno.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Charles "Buddy" Rogers often gave guests tours of Pickfair, including views of a genuine western bar Pickford had bought for Douglas Fairbanks, and a portrait of Pickford in the drawing room.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A l'aiva ascì unna casa à Toronto in Ontario, into Canada.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She also owned a house in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? E impronte de sò moen e pê en exibie a-o Grauman's Chinese Theatre à Hollywood, in Califòrnia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her handprints and footprints are displayed at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O Mary Pickford Theater into James Madison Memorial Building da Biblioteca do Congresso di Stati Unii a l'à o sò nomme in sò önô.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The Mary Pickford Theater at the James Madison Memorial Building of the Library of Congress is named in her honor.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Un cine pe pellicole in primma vixion à Cathedral City in Califòrnia o se ciamma The Mary Pickford Theatre, e o l'é stæto inandiou into mazzo do 2001.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: A first-run movie theatre in Cathedral City, California is called The Mary Pickford Theatre, which was established on May 25, 2001.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Tra de questi gh'é unna mäveggiosa röba aggibbâ de perliñe ch'a l'à portou into cine Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall (1924) disegnou da Mitchell Leisen, o sò Oscar particolâ e unna scatoa de giöie.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Among them are a rare and spectacular beaded gown she wore in the film Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall (1924) designed by Mitchell Leisen, her special Oscar, and a jewelry box.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A cà de famiggia a l'é stæta deruâ do 1943 e ben ben di moin en stæti consegnæ a-a Pickford in Califòrnia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The family home had been demolished in 1943, and many of the bricks delivered to Pickford in California.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Do 1993 a gh'é stæto dedicou unna Golden Palm Star in sciâ Walk of Stars de Palm Springs.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1993, a Golden Palm Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars was dedicated to her.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Da zenâ do 2011 fin à luggio do 2011, o Toronto International Film Festival o l'à exibio unna colleçion de relichie de Mary Pickford inta Canadian Film Gallery do palaçio TIFF Bell LightBox.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: From January 2011 until July 2011, the Toronto International Film Festival exhibited a collection of Mary Pickford memorabilia in the Canadian Film Gallery of the TIFF Bell LightBox building.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? O l'é stæto regallou a-o Keene State College e oua a Biblioteca do Congresso a l'é apreuvo à daghe recatto pe poeilo exibî.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: It was donated to Keene State College and is currently undergoing restoration by the Library of Congress for exhibition.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: Gloria Josephine May Swanson (27 de marso do 1899 – 4 d'arvî do 1983) a l'é stæta unn'attoa, produttoa e imprenditoa americaña.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Gloria Josephine May Swanson (March 27, 1899 – April 4, 1983) was an American actress, producer, and businesswoman.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Apreuvo a-a seu cheutta de scolaa pe l'attô Francis X. Bushman di Essanay Studios, a sò lalla a l'aiva portâ à vixitâ o studio de l'attô à Chicago.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her schoolgirl crush on Essanay Studios actor Francis X. Bushman led to her aunt taking her to tour the actor's Chicago studio.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Pe-a seu primma parte inte un cine co-o son do 1929 con The Trespasser a l'à guägno unna segonda candidatua pe un Academy Award.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her sound film debut performance in the 1929 The Trespasser, earned her a second Academy Award nomination.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Sò poæ o l'ea svedeise-american e a famiggia de sò moæ a l'ea de origine tedesca, franseise e polacco.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her father was a Swedish American and her mother was of German, French, and Polish ancestry.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Pe tutte doe e verscioin a l'é stæta piggiâ de lì à un pittin pe unna parte de supporto.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In either version, she was soon hired as an extra.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A seu primma parte a l'é stæta unna comparsa breve con l'attoa Gerda Holmes, pe-a quæ a l'à piggiou a grandiscima giffra (pe quelli tempi) de $3,25.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her first role was a brief walk-on with actress Gerda Holmes, that paid an enormous (in those days) $3.25.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Do 1915, a l'é stæta protagonista in Sweedie Goes to College insemme a-o sò futuo maio Wallace Beery.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1915, she co-starred in Sweedie Goes to College with her future first husband Wallace Beery.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Vernon e Swanson aivan unna grande inteisa in sciô schermo, ch'a l'é piaxua a-o pubrico.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Vernon and Swanson projected a great screen chemistry that proved popular with audiences.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: A Swanson a l'à fæto imprescion in sce Badger a-o ponto che o l'à arrecommandâ a-o direttô Jack Conway pe Her Decision e You Can't Believe Everything do 1918.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Badger was sufficiently impressed by Swanson to recommend her to the director Jack Conway for Her Decision and You Can't Believe Everything in 1918.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: 1920), Something to Think About (1920), e The Affairs of Anatol (1921) son vegnui pöco apreuvo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: 1920), Something to Think About (1920), and The Affairs of Anatol (1921) soon followed.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? O l'é vegnuo unna stella do 1921 pe-a sò comparsa in The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, ma Swanson ô o conosceiva fin da-i sò primmi giorni da attô de comparse picciñe, quande o no paiva avei de speranse pe-o sò futuo inta profescion.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He had become a star in 1921 for his appearance in The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but Swanson had known him since his days as an aspiring actor getting small parts, with no seeming hope for his professional future.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O l'é stæto permisso de registrâ pe-a primma vòtta inti pòsti stòrichi ligæ à Napolion.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Filming was allowed for the first time at many of the historic sites relating to Napoleon.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Pe quelli tempi, a Swanson a l'ea consciderâ a stella a ciù importante da sò epoca.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: At the time, Swanson was considered the most bankable star of her era.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A produçion a l'é stæta un desastro, con Parker ch'o l'ea piggiou da l'indeçixon e i attoî che no ean assæ intranti pe poei reçitâ comme a voeiva.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The production was a disaster, with Parker being indecisive and the actors not experienced enough to deliver the performances she wanted.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: I membri en anæti avanti con registrâ o seu mäcontento con Will H. Hays, prescidente da Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The members took further steps by registering their discontent with Will H. Hays, Chairman of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Hays o l'ea pin d'entuxasmo pe-a stöia de base, ma o s'ea preoccupou pe çerti ponti ch'ean stæti scistemæ primma da distribuçion do cine.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Hays was enthusiastic about the basic story, but did have specific issues that were dealt with before the film's release.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O l'aiva propòsto de finançiâ de persoña o seu proscimo cine e o l'aiva examinou con attençion a seu documentaçion finançiäia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He proposed to personally bankroll her next picture and conducted a thorough examination of her financial records.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: Kennedy, però, o gh'à conseggiou de piggiâ Erich von Stroheim pe dirizze un atro cine mutto, The Swamp, che dapeu o l'à cangiou titolo in Queen Kelly.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Kennedy, however, advised her to hire Erich von Stroheim to direct another silent film, The Swamp, subsequently retitled Queen Kelly.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Stroheim o l'à travaggiou pe ciù de un meise pe scrive a sceneggiatua de base.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Stroheim worked for several months on writing the basic script.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: The Trespasser do 1929 o l'é stæto un cine fæto co-o son, e o l'à fæto guägnâ unna segonda candidatua à l'Oscar a-a Swanson.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The Trespasser in 1929 was a sound production, and garnered Swanson her second Oscar nomination.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A primma vixion mondiale a l'é stæta fæta à Londra, a primma produçion americaña co-o son à fâ coscì.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The world premiere was held in London, the first American sound production to do so.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Perfect Understanding, una comedia co-o son do 1933, a l'é stæta o solo cine à ëse produto da sta compagnia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Perfect Understanding, a 1933 sound production comedy, was the only film produced by this company.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: A l'à comensou à piggiâ parte a-e produçioin de tiatro e a l'à reçitou in The Gloria Swanson Hour in sce WPIX-TV do 1948.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She began appearing in stage productions and starred in The Gloria Swanson Hour on WPIX-TV in 1948.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O cine o conta a stöia de unna vegia attoa de cini mutti, Norma Desmond (a Swanson), innamoâ do sceneggiatô fallio Joe Gillis (William Holden).
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The storyline of the film follows a faded silent movie actress Norma Desmond (Swanson), in love with a failed screenwriter Joe Gillis (William Holden).
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Norma a zeuga à bridge con un gruppo de attoî conosciui ascì comme «the Waxworks».
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Norma plays a card game of bridge with a group of actors also known as "the Waxworks".
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? O seunno de Norma de un retorno o l'é sabottou, e quande Gillis o çerca de lasciâla, a menassa de ammassâse, ma in cangio a l'ammassâ lê.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Norma dreams of a comeback are subverted, and when Gillis tries to break up with her, she threatens to kill herself, but instead kills him.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Sciben che a Swanson a no l'aiva vosciuo fâ unna preuva de reçitaçion pe-o cine, a l'ea stæta contenta de guägnâ ben ben ciù de dinæ de quelli ch'a l'aiva guägno pe-a televixon e o tiatro.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Although Swanson had objected to enduring a screen test for the film, she had been glad to be making much more money than she had been in television and on stage.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A Swanson dapeu a l'aiva presentou Crown Theatre con Gloria Swanson, unn'antologia pe-a televixon inta quæ de vòtte a l'aiva reçitou.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Swanson later hosted Crown Theatre with Gloria Swanson, a television anthology series in which she occasionally acted.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'ea l'«invitâ misteiosa» in sce What's My Line.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She was the "mystery guest" on What's My Line.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A l'à fæto unna comparsa famosa inte un episòdio do 1966 de The Beverly Hillbillies, into quæ a reçita inta parte de lê mæxima.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She made a notable appearance in a 1966 episode of The Beverly Hillbillies, in which she plays herself.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: L'attô e sceneggiatô Harold J. Kennedy, ch'o l'aiva impreiso e base à Yale e co-o Mercury Theatre de Orson Wells, o l'à conseggiou a-a Swanson de fâ un tour pe «Reflected Glory», unna comedia ch'a l'ea stæta representâ in sce Broadway con Tallulah Bankhead inta parte da protagonista.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Actor and playwright Harold J. Kennedy, who had learned the ropes at Yale and with Orson Wells' Mercury Theatre, suggested Swanson do a road tour of "Reflected Glory", a comedy that had run on the Broadway stage with Tallulah Bankhead as its star.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: Dòppo avei piggiou unna mëxiña ch'o gh'aiva dæto Beery, ch'a doveiva ëse pe l'angoscia do mattin, a l'à abordio o feto e a l'é stæta portâ à l'uspiâ che gh'ea mancou o cheu.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Taking medication given to her by Beery, purported to be for morning sickness, she aborted the fetus and was taken unconscious to the hospital.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Do 1923 a l'à piggiou in adoçion o figgeu de un anno Sonny Smith, e gh'à cangiou o nomme in Joseph Patrick Swanson comme seu poæ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1923, she adopted 1-year-old Sonny Smith, whom she renamed Joseph Patrick Swanson after her father.
[ "lij" ]