Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Lillian Diana Gish (14 d’ottobre do 1893 – 27 de frevâ do 1993) a l'é stæta unn'attoa, direttoa e scenezzatoa americaña.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Lillian Diana Gish (October 14, 1893 – February 27, 1993) was an American actress, director and screenwriter.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A Gish a l'é stæta unna stella do cinema da-o 1912 fin inti anni 20, e a l'é stæta assoçiâ sorviatutto co-i film do direttô D. W. Griffith.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Gish was a prominent film star from 1912 into the 1920s, being particularly associated with the films of director D. W. Griffith.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A l'à travaggiou ben ben inta televixon da-i primmi anni 1950 fin inti anni 1980, e a l'à terminou a seu carriera con reçitâ d'arente à Bette Davis into film «The Whales of August» do 1987.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She also did considerable television work from the early 1950s into the 1980s, and closed her career playing opposite Bette Davis in the 1987 film The Whales of August.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: E primme generaçioin da famiggia Gish ean pastoî Dunkard.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The first several generations of Gishes were Dunkard ministers.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A seu moæ a l'aiva inandiou a Majestic Candy Kitchen, e e figge aggiuttavan à vende o popcorn e i dôsci a-e casañe do vegio Majestic Theatre, ch'o l'ea d'arente.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Their mother opened the Majestic Candy Kitchen, and the girls helped sell popcorn and candy to patrons of the old Majestic Theater, located next door.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Seu poæ o l'é mòrto à Norman in Oklahoma do 1912, ma a l'ea anæta inderê in Ohio dötrei meixi avanti.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her father died in Norman, Oklahoma, in 1912, but she had returned to Ohio a few months before this.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Quande a Lillian e a Dorothy en stæte assæ garande, se son scrite a-o tiatro, e de spesso viægiavan separæ pe de produçioin differente.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: When Lillian and Dorothy were old enough they joined the theatre, often traveling separately in different productions.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A Gish a l'é anæta avanti à reçitâ in sciô parco e do 1913, inte unn'exeguçion de «A Good Little Devil», a gh'é vegnuo da patî pe l'anemia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Gish continued to perform on the stage, and in 1913, during a run of A Good Little Devil, she collapsed from anemia.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'à patio di danni permanenti a-i nervi de die pe-o fæto d'avei reçitou into freido.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Her performance in these frigid conditions gave her lasting nerve damage in several fingers.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: O l'à deuviou i seu talenti d'esprescion a-o mascimo e o l'à sviluppâ inte unn'eroiña piña de sofferense ma da-o carattere fòrte.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He utilized her expressive talents to the fullest, developing her into a suffering yet strong heroine.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: A l'à diretto seu soæ Dorothy inte un cine, «Remodeling Her Husband» (do 1920), quande D. W. Griffith o l'à portou a seu unitæ in sciô pòsto.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She directed her sister Dorothy in one film, Remodeling Her Husband (1920), when D. W. Griffith took his unit on location.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: A l'à refuou i dinæ e a l'à domandou un saläio ciù modesto e unna perçentuale coscì che o studio o poëse deuviâ i dinæ pe megioâ a qualitæ di seu cini, con impiegâ i megio attoî, sceneggiatoî, ecc.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She turned down the money, requesting a more modest wage and a percentage so that the studio could use the funds to increase the quality of her films — hiring the best actors, screenwriters, etc.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Tante de dònne ciù famose di anni di cini mutti, comme a Gish e a Pickford, aivan avuo di ròlli morali e innoçenti, ma da-i primmi anni 1930 (dòppo a piña adoçion do son e primma de l'appricaçion do Motion Picture Production Code) sti ròlli ean visti comme datæ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Many of the silent era's leading ladies, such as Gish and Pickford, had been wholesome and innocent, but by the early 1930s (after the full adoption of sound and before the Motion Picture Production Code was enforced) these roles were perceived as outdated.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Louis Mayer o voeiva organizzâ un scandalo («cacciâla zu da-o seu pedestallo») pe fâ guägnâ a scimpatia do pubrico a-a Gish, ma a Lillian a no voeiva reçitâ segge in sciô schermo segge feua, e donca a l'é tornâ a-o seu primmo amô, o tiatro.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Louis Mayer wanted to stage a scandal ("knock her off her pedestal") to garner public sympathy for Gish, but Lillian didn't want to act both on screen and off, and returned to her first love, the theater.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: A l'à reçitou a parte de l'imperatoa vidoa Maria Feodorovna into musical de Brodway do 1965 «Anya», ch'o l'à avuo unna vitta breve.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She appeared as Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna in the short-lived 1965 Broadway musical Anya.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: A l'é stæta intervistâ pe-a serie de documentäi pe-a televixon «Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film» do 1980.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She was interviewed in the television documentary series Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film (1980).
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'à unna stella inta Hollywood Walk of Fame a-o numero 1720 de Vine Street.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1720 Vine Street.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: A-o festival de Cannes, a Gish a l'à avuo unna standing ovation de 10 menuti da-o pubrico.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: At the Cannes festival, Gish won a 10-minute standing ovation from the audience.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? L'episòdio «Marry for Murder» o l'é stæto transmisso a-i 9 de settembre do 1943.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The episode "Marry for Murder" was broadcast on September 9, 1943.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A l'à guägno un Academy Honorary Award do 1971, e do 1984 a l'à reçevuo un AFI Life Achievement Award.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She was awarded an Academy Honorary Award in 1971, and in 1984 she received an AFI Life Achievement Award.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Dòppo a mòrte da Gish do 1993, l'Universcitæ a l'à accuggeito di finançiamenti pe ingrandî a seu gallaia coscì da poei exibî i oggetti reçevui da l'ereditæ da Gish.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Following Gish's 1993 death, the University raised funds to enlarge its gallery to display memorabilia received from Gish's estate.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A conlaboraçion tra lê e D. W. Griffith a l'ea coscì streita che gh'ea di quelli che sospettavan unna relaçion romantica, un fæto mäi ammisso da-a Gish, sciben che dötrei di seu sòçi ean segui che aivan avuo di rappòrti pe pöco tempo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The association between herself and D. W. Griffith was so close that some suspected a romantic connection, an issue never acknowledged by Gish, although several of their associates were certain they were at least briefly involved.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Inti anni 1920, o rappòrto tra a Gish e Duell o l'à occaxonou di scandali inti giornali quande o l'à denonçiâ e o l'à reiso pubrichi i detaggi da seu relaçion.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In the 1920s, Gish's association with Duell became something of a tabloid scandal when he sued her and made the details of their relationship public.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: George Jean Nathan o l'à avvoxou a reçitaçion da Gish, e o l'à missa in paragon con Eleonora Duse.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: George Jean Nathan praised Gish's acting glowingly—comparing her to Eleonora Duse.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Inti anni de remescio politico inti Stati Unii, anæti avanti da l'inandio da segonda guæra mondiale in Euröpa fin à l'attacco à Pearl Harbor, a l'à mantegnuo unna poxiçion sccetta de non-intervençionixmo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: During the period of political turmoil in the US that lasted from the outbreak of World War II in Europe until the attack on Pearl Harbor, she maintained an outspoken non-interventionist stance.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Joseph Frank Keaton (4 d’ottobre do 1895 – 1 de frevâ do 1966), conosciuo co-o nomme d'arte de Buster Keaton, o l'é stæto un attô, comediante, direttô de cine, produttô, sceneggiatô e stuntman.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Joseph Frank Keaton (October 4, 1895 – February 1, 1966), known professionally as Buster Keaton, was an American actor, comedian, film director, producer, screenwriter, and stunt performer.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A seu carriera a l'é descazzua quande o l'à firmou co-a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer e o l'à perso a seu independensa artistica.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: His career declined when he signed with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and lost his artistic independence.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Tanti di cini do Keaton di anni 1920 son ancon apprexæ, comme Sherlock Jr. (1924), The General (1926), e The Cameraman (1928).
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Many of Keaton's films from the 1920s remain highly regarded, such as Sherlock Jr. (1924), The General (1926), and The Cameraman (1928).
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: O seu poæ o l'ea Joseph Hallie «Joe» Keaton, o quæ o l'aveiva un spettacolo itinerante con Harry Houdini ciammou Mohawk Indian Medicine Company ò Keaton Houdini Medicine Show Company, ch'o faiva di spettacoli e vendeiva ascì de meixiñe brevettæ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: His father was Joseph Hallie "Joe" Keaton, who owned a traveling show with Harry Houdini called the Mohawk Indian Medicine Company, or the Keaton Houdini Medicine Show Company, which performed on stage and sold patent medicine on the side.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: Keaton o conta ch'o l'aiva sëi anni quande l'açidente o l'é avvegnuo, e Harry Houdini o gh'à dæto sto nommiagio.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In Keaton's retelling, he was six months old when the incident occurred, and Harry Houdini gave him the nickname.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O spettacolo o l'ea pe-a ciù parte unna comedia da rie.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The act was mainly a comedy sketch.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? Unna maneggia de valixa a l'ea stæta cuxia into vestî de Keaton pe aggiuttâ co-o continuo buttâ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: A suitcase handle was sewn into Keaton's clothing to aid with the constant tossing.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Però, Buster o l'aiva delongo posciuo mostrâ a-e autoritæ ch'o no l'aiva de ferie ò òsse rotte.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: However, Buster was always able to show the authorities that he had no bruises or broken bones.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Ciù de unna vòtta saiæ stæto ammassou se no fïse stæto bon de atterrâ comme un gatto.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Several times I'd have been killed if I hadn't been able to land like a cat.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Scicomme o l'aiva remarcou che o pubrico o rieva ciù pöco, o l'aiva deçiso de piggiâ a seu famosa esprescion impascibile pe reçitâ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Noticing that this caused the audience to laugh less, he adopted his famous deadpan expression when performing.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Con tutto ch'o l'aiva avuo di scontri co-a lezze e un tour desastroso di music-hall into Regno Unio, Keaton o l'ea unna stella montante into mondo do tiatro.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Despite tangles with the law and a disastrous tour of music halls in the United Kingdom, Keaton was a rising star in the theater.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Into frevâ do 1917, o conosce Roscoe «Fatty» Arbuckle a-i Talmadge Studios à Niòrche, donde Arbuckle o l'ea sotta contræto con Joseph M. Schenck.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In February 1917, he met Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle at the Talmadge Studios in New York City, where Arbuckle was under contract to Joseph M. Schenck.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: Buster o l'ea stæto coscì bravo into seu primmo cine, «The Butcher Boy», ch'o l'ea stæto piggiou a-a primma.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Buster was such a natural in his first film, The Butcher Boy, he was hired on the spot.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Dapeu Keaton o l'à contou che de lì à un pittin o l'ea vegnuo o segondo direttô de Arbuckle e tutto o seu departamento de umorismo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Keaton later claimed that he was soon Arbuckle's second director and his entire gag department.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: O l'ea basou in sce unna comedia de successo, «The New Henrietta», ch'a l'ea za stæta registrâ unna vòtta co-o titolo «The Lamb», con Douglas Fairbanks inta parte de protagonista.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: It was based on a successful play, The New Henrietta, which had already been filmed once, under the title The Lamb, with Douglas Fairbanks playing the lead.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: O l'à fæto unna serie de comedie à doî rolli, compreiso One Week (1920), The Playhouse (1921), Cops (1922), e The Electric House (1922).
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He made a series of two-reel comedies, including One Week (1920), The Playhouse (1921), Cops (1922), and The Electric House (1922).
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: O direttô de comedie Leo McCarey, into regordâ i giorni à riso ræo de comedie drue, o l'à dito «Provavimo tutti à arröbâse i nòstri comedianti.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Comedy director Leo McCarey, recalling the freewheeling days of making slapstick comedies, said, "All of us tried to steal each other's gagmen.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Inta scena da giusterna de l'ægua da ferrovia de Sherlock Jr., o Keaton o s'ea rotto o còllo quande un roggio d'ægua da un bottasso o gh'ea cazzuo indòsso, ma o l'aiva capio solo che tanti anni dapeu.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: During the railroad water-tank scene in Sherlock Jr., Keaton broke his neck when a torrent of water fell on him from a water tower, but he did not realize it until years afterward.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? O personaggio de Keaton o l'ea sciortio san e sarvo, graçie à un solo barcon averto.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Keaton's character emerged unscathed, due to a single open window.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A-o de là de Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928), tra e pellicole longhe de Keaton e ciù duatue gh'é Our Hospitality (1923), The Navigator (1924), Sherlock Jr. (1924), Seven Chances (1925), The Cameraman (1928), e The General (1926).
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Aside from Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928), Keaton's most enduring feature-length films include Our Hospitality (1923), The Navigator (1924), Sherlock Jr. (1924), Seven Chances (1925), The Cameraman (1928), and The General (1926).
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Sciben che un giorno o saieiva stæto consciderou o ciù grande di seu successi, o cine o l'aiva reçevuo de reçenscioin miste à quelli tempi.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Though it would come to be regarded as Keaton's greatest achievement, the film received mixed reviews at the time.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? O seu distributô, United Artists, o l'aiva insistio pe avei un direttô de produçion ch'o l'aiva controllou e speise e o l'aiva interferio con di elementi da stöia.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: His distributor, United Artists, insisted on a production manager who monitored expenses and interfered with certain story elements.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? I attoî imprendeivan e scene de lengua estranxea fonema pe fonema quarche battua pe vòtta, e ê registravan subito dòppo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The actors would phonetically memorize the foreign-language scripts a few lines at a time and shoot immediately after.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Pe sòlito o direttô o l'ea Jules White, a quæ enfaxi in sciâ comedia drua e a farsa a portava a ciù parte di sti cini à assomeggiâ a-e famose comedie curte de «Three Stooges» do White.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The director was usually Jules White, whose emphasis on slapstick and farce made most of these films resemble White's famous Three Stooges shorts.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? O l'à fæto a seu urtima pellicola longa da protagonista, El Moderno Barba Azul (1946) in Mescico; o cine o l'ea unna produçion de basso costo, e l'é façile ch'a no segge stæto visto inti Stati Unii scin a-a seu sciortia in VHS inti anni 1980, co-o titolo Boom in the Moon.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He made his last starring feature El Moderno Barba Azul (1946) in Mexico; the film was a low-budget production, and it may not have been seen in the United States until its release on VHS in the 1980s, under the title Boom in the Moon.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? E reaçioin ean stæte coscì fòrte che unna staçion de Los Angeles a l'aiva offerto à Keaton o seu transmiscion, transmissa ascì in sciô momento, do 1950.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Reaction was strong enough for a local Los Angeles station to offer Keaton his own show, also broadcast live, in 1950.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? Eleanor, a moggê de Buster Keaton, a l'ea comparsa ascì inta serie (mascime comme Giulietta insemme à un Romeo interpretou da-o Buster inte unna commedia de little-theater).
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Buster Keaton's wife Eleanor also was seen in the series (notably as Juliet to Buster's Romeo in a little-theater vignette).
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? E comparse periòdiche de Keaton in sciâ televixon inti anni 1950 e 1960 an aggiuttou à fa renasce l'interesse pe-i seu cini mutti.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Keaton's periodic television appearances during the 1950s and 1960s helped to revive interest in his silent films.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Passou i çinquant'anni, Keaton o l'ea arriescio à fâ torna e seu vege routine, compreisa unna dove o metteiva un pê in sciô bòrdo de unna töa, e dapeu o tiava sciù o seu atro pê con un cäso e o tegniva sta poxiçion incòmoda pe l'äia pe un momento, avanti de deruâ zu in tæra in sciô parco.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Well into his fifties, Keaton successfully recreated his old routines, including one stunt in which he propped one foot onto a table, then swung the second foot up next to it and held the awkward position in midair for a moment before crashing to the stage floor.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Keaton o l'aiva de stampe de pellicole longhe Three Ages, Sherlock Jr., Steamboat Bill, Jr., e College (da quæ o l'ammancava un rollo), e de pellicole curte «The Boat» e «My Wife's Relations», che dapeu Keaton e Rohauer aivan fæto transferî da unna pellicola de nitrato che se deteriorava à unna de acetato de çellolosa.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Keaton had prints of the features Three Ages, Sherlock Jr., Steamboat Bill, Jr., and College (missing one reel), and the shorts "The Boat" and "My Wife's Relations", which Keaton and Rohauer then transferred to Cellulose acetate film from deteriorating nitrate film stock.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Inte unna serie de reclam mutte pe-a televixon fæte pe Simon Pure Beer do 1962 da Jim Mohr à Buffalo (New York), Keaton o l'à revixitou quarcheduña de seu scene di giorni di cini mutti.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In a series of silent television commercials for Simon Pure Beer made in 1962 by Jim Mohr in Buffalo, New York, Keaton revisited some of the gags from his silent film days.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Into dexembre do 1958, Keaton o l'é stæto òspite inte l'episòdio «A Very Merry Christmas» do The Donna Reed Show in sce ABC.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In December 1958, Keaton was a guest star in the episode "A Very Merry Christmas" of The Donna Reed Show on ABC.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Do 1960, o l'é tornou a-a MGM pe l'urtima vòtta, pe unna parte de dommatô de lioin inte unn'adattaçion de Avventue de Huckleberry Finn de Mark Twain.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1960, he returned to MGM for the final time, playing a lion tamer in a 1960 adaptation of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: O l'à travaggiou co-o comediante Ernie Kovacs pe un episòdio pilòtto de televixon co-o titolo provisöio «Medicine Man», pe-o quæ o l'à registrou e scene a-i 12 de zenâ do 1962 – o giorno avanti da mòrte de Kovacs inte un açidente de machina.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He worked with comedian Ernie Kovacs on a television pilot tentatively titled "Medicine Man," shooting scenes for it on January 12, 1962—the day before Kovacs died in a car crash. "
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O l'à viægiou da un bòrdo à l'atro do Canada in sce un vagon à motô, con indòsso o seu clascico cappello pork pie, pe exibîse inte de scene còmiche pæge à quelle di cini ch'o l'aiva fatto 50 anni apreuvo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He traveled from one end of Canada to the other on a motorized handcar, wearing his traditional pork pie hat and performing gags similar to those in films that he made 50 years before.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Ancon do 1965, o l'é anæto in Italia pe reçitâ inte Due marines e un generale, con Franco Franchi e Ciccio Ingrassia comme co-protagonisti.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Also in 1965, he traveled to Italy to play a role in Due Marines e un Generale, co-starring Franco Franchi and Ciccio Ingrassia.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Unna de seu parodie e ciù affiæ a l'é The Frozen North (1922), unn'interpretaçion satirica di melodrammi western de William S. Hart comme Hell's Hinges (1916) e The Narrow Trail (1917).
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: One of his most biting parodies is The Frozen North (1922), a satirical take on William S. Hart's Western melodramas, like Hell's Hinges (1916) and The Narrow Trail (1917).
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O pubrico di anni 1920 o l'ea arriescio à capî a parodia, e o l'ea sciuppou da-o rie pe-o cine.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Audiences of the 1920s recognized the parody and thought the film hysterically funny.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Sta pellicola curta a l'aveiva ascì unn'illuxon de unna scimia ch'a reçitava, e l'é façile ch'a segge vegnua da un spettacolo de un addetto a-a fatturaçion (ciammou Peter the Great).
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The short also featured the impression of a performing monkey which was likely derived from a co-biller's act (called Peter the Great).
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Nòtta: inta vivagna o nommiagio sòlito de Keaton o l'é scrito pe errô «Great Stoneface».
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Note: Source misspells Keaton's frequent appellation as "Great Stoneface".
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Keaton o l'à avuo unna relaçion con l'attoa Dorothy Sebastian à partî da-i anni 1920 e con Kathleen Key inti primmi anni 1930.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Keaton dated actress Dorothy Sebastian beginning in the 1920s and Kathleen Key in the early 1930s.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: O s'é liberou da unna camixa de fòrsa graçie a-i insegnamenti de Harry Houdini.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He escaped a straitjacket with tricks learned from Harry Houdini.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: A l'à domandou o divòrçio do 1935, doppo ch'a l'aiva trovou Keaton con Leah Clampitt Sewell, a moggê do mionäio Barton Sewell, inte un albergo à Santa Barbara.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: She filed for divorce in 1935 after finding Keaton with Leah Clampitt Sewell, the wife of millionaire Barton Sewell, in a hotel in Santa Barbara.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: O l'à ciantou de beive pe çinque anni.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He stopped drinking for five years.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? O maiezzo o l'é duou fin a-a seu mòrte.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The marriage lasted until his death.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Confinou à un letto d'ospiâ inti seu urtimi giorni, Keaton o l'ea invexendou e o camminava avanti e inderê pe-a stançia sensa fermâse, e voeiva tornâ à cà.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Confined to a hospital during his final days, Keaton was restless and paced the room endlessly, desiring to return home.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? A sceneggiatua, de Sidney Sheldon, ch'o l'aiva diretto ascì o cine, a l'ea basâ liberamente in sciâ vitta de Keaton, ma gh'ea ben ben di erroî e a confondeva e seu træ moggê inte un solo personaggio.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: The screenplay, by Sidney Sheldon, who also directed the film, was loosely based on Keaton's life but contained many factual errors and merged his three wives into one character.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? O l'é dedicou à portâ l'attençion do pubrico in sciâ vitta e e euvie de Keaton, e tra i membri gh'é tante personalitæ da-o mondo da televixon e do cine: attoî, produttoî, autoî, artisti, inlustratoî de stöie disegnæ, muxicanti, designer, e ascì de atre persoñe che solo astimman a magia de Buster Keaton.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Dedicated to bringing greater public attention to Keaton's life and work, the membership includes many individuals from the television and film industry: actors, producers, authors, artists, graphic novelists, musicians, and designers, as well as those who simply admire the magic of Buster Keaton.
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Hirschfeld o l'à dito che e stelle di cini moderni ean ciù diffiçile da representâ, e che i comedianti di cini mutti comme Laurel e Hardy e Keaton «paivan e seu caricatue».
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Hirschfeld said that modern film stars were more difficult to depict, that silent film comedians such as Laurel and Hardy and Keaton "looked like their caricatures".
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: O critico do cine Roger Ebert o l'à dito che «O ciù grande di paggiassi mutti o l'é Buster Keaton, no solo pe quello ch'o l'à fæto, ma ascì pe comme o l'à fæto.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Film critic Roger Ebert stated, "The greatest of the silent clowns is Buster Keaton, not only because of what he did, but because of how he did it.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: O regista Mel Brooks o conscidera che o Buster Keaton o l'agge avuo unn'influensa importante in sce de lê, e o l'à dito: «Son debitô [do Buster] pe tanto in sce doî livelli: pe primma cösa pe ëse stæto un scì grande meistro pe mi comme regista, e dapeu pe avei posciuo ammiâ sta persoña da-o talento desfasciou ch'a fava sti travaggi mäveggioxi.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Filmmaker Mel Brooks has credited Buster Keaton as a major influence, saying: "I owe (Buster) a lot on two levels: One for being such a great teacher for me as a filmmaker myself, and the other just as a human being watching this gifted person doing these amazing things.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: L'attô e stuntman Johnny Knoxville o dà Keaton comme unna vivagna d'inspiraçion pe-i travaggi in sce Jackass.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Actor and stunt performer Johnny Knoxville cites Keaton as an inspiration when coming up with ideas for Jackass projects.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: O fæto che Eleanor a l'agge dito che i seu euggi paivan comme quelli de Keaton o l'à toccou o cheu à Lewis.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Lewis was particularly moved by the fact that Eleanor said his eyes looked like Keaton's.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Do 1964, o l'à dito à un intervistatô che pe fa «sto capello pork pie chì» o l'ea «partio con un bello Stetston e o l'aiva retaggiou», e o l'aiva fæto vegnî o bòrdo duo con de l'ægua co-o succao.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1964, he told an interviewer that in making "this particular pork pie", he "started with a good Stetson and cut it down", stiffening the brim with sugar water.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: I seu trisavi da-a parte do poæ ean galleixi.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: His paternal great-grandparents were Welsh.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Lloyd o l'à incomensou à travaggiâ con Roach, ch'o l'aiva inandiou o seu studio do 1913.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Lloyd began collaborating with Roach who had formed his own studio in 1913.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Do 1919, a l'à lasciou Lloyd pe conçentrâse in sce seu aspiraçioin pe-o tiatro.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: In 1919, she left Lloyd to pursue her dramatic aspirations.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Segondo quello che se dixe, ciù Lloyd o l'ammiava a Davis ciù a ghe piaxeiva.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Reportedly, the more Lloyd watched Davis the more he liked her.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: Harold Lloyd dapeu o lascia i personaggi tragicòmichi e o piggia a parte de unna persoña ordenäia, piña de confiansa e de ottimismo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Harold Lloyd would move away from tragicomic personas, and portray an everyman with unwavering confidence and optimism.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Pe creâ sto neuvo personaggio Lloyd o s'é misso un pâ de spegetti de còrno sensa lente, ma di vestî ordenäi; avanti o l'aiva portou di barbixi fäsci e di vestî de mesua sbaliâ, pe-o personaggio a-a Chaplin «Lonesome Luke». "
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: To create his new character Lloyd donned a pair of lensless horn-rimmed glasses but wore normal clothing; previously, he had worn a fake mustache and ill-fitting clothes as the Chaplinesque "Lonesome Luke". "
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Ean naturali e a stöia d'amô a se poeiva piggiâ pe vea».
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: They were natural and the romance could be believable."
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? Sabbo a-i 24 d'agosto do 1919, intanto ch'o l'ea in pösa pe de fotografie de promoçion into Witzel Photography Studio à Los Angeles, o l'à agguantou unna bomboa ch'o l'aiva piggiou pe fäsa e o l'à açeisa con unna çigaretta
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: On Sunday, August 24, 1919, while posing for some promotional still photographs in the Los Angeles Witzel Photography Studio, he picked up what he thought was a prop bomb and lit it with a cigarette.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: E stradde de Lloyd e Roach se son spartie do 1924, e Lloyd o l'é vegnuo o produttô di seu cini.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Lloyd and Roach parted ways in 1924, and Lloyd became the independent producer of his own films.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Tutti sti cini an avuo un successo stramesuou e an fæto di guägni, e in sciâ fin Lloyd o l'é vegnuo l'attô de cine o ciù pagou di anni 1920.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: All of these films were enormously successful and profitable, and Lloyd would eventually become the highest paid film performer of the 1920s.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: Con tutto questo però, o seu personaggio ardimentoso o no l'ea adattou pe-o pubrico da Grande deprescion di anni 1930.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: However, his go-getting screen character was out of touch with Great Depression movie audiences of the 1930s.
[ "lij" ]
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? A-i 23 de marso do 1937 Lloyd o l'à venduo o terren do seu studio, a Harold Lloyd Motion Picture Company, a-a Gexa de Gexù Cristo di Santi di Urtimi Giorni.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: On March 23, 1937, Lloyd sold the land of his studio, Harold Lloyd Motion Picture Company, to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O l'é tornou pe unn'atra appariçion da protagonista in The Sin of Harold Diddlebock, un omaggio da-a sciòrte desfortunâ a-a carriera de Lloyd, diretto da Preston Sturges e finançiou da Howard Hughes.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He returned for an additional starring appearance in The Sin of Harold Diddlebock, an ill-fated homage to Lloyd's career, directed by Preston Sturges and financed by Howard Hughes.
[ "lij" ]
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Lloyd e Sturges aivan unna conçeçion despægia do materiale e de spesso se rattellavan intanto che giavan; Lloyd ciù che tutto o l'ea ascidiou perché sciben che Sturges aiva passou trei ò quattro meixi in sciâ sceneggiatua do primmo terso do cine, «i urtimi doî tersi o î aiva scriti in unna settemaña ò meno».
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Lloyd and Sturges had different conceptions of the material and fought frequently during the shoot; Lloyd was particularly concerned that while Sturges had spent three to four months on the script of the first third of the film, "the last two-thirds of it he wrote in a week or less".
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: Gh'é de quelli che veddeivan The Old Gold Comedy Theater comme unna verçion ciù legia do Lux Radio Theater, e o l'aiva dötræ de personalitæ e ciù famose do cine e de l'aradio di quelli tempi, compreiso Fred Allen, June Allyson, Lucille Ball, Ralph Bellamy, Linda Darnell, Susan Hayward, Herbert Marshall, Dick Powell, Edward G. Robinson, Jane Wyman, e Alan Young.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Some saw The Old Gold Comedy Theater as being a lighter version of Lux Radio Theater, and it featured some of the best-known film and radio personalities of the day, including Fred Allen, June Allyson, Lucille Ball, Ralph Bellamy, Linda Darnell, Susan Hayward, Herbert Marshall, Dick Powell, Edward G. Robinson, Jane Wyman, and Alan Young.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: Tanti anni apreuvo, di dischi de acetato de 29 de quelle transmiscioin en stæti trovæ in sciâ casa de Lloyd, e oua en in gio tra i colleçionisti d'aradio di tempi passæ.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Many years later, acetate discs of 29 of the shows were discovered in Lloyd's home, and they now circulate among old-time radio collectors.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi in ingleise: O l'éa un Past Potentate do templio de Al-Malaikah à Los Angeles, e in sciâ fin o l'é stæto çernuo comme Imperial Potentate di Shriner de l'America do nòrd pe-i anni 1949-50.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He was a Past Potentate of Al-Malaikah Shrine in Los Angeles, and was eventually selected as Imperial Potentate of the Shriners of North America for the year 1949–50.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: Lloyd o l'é stæto investio co-o rango e e decoraçioin de cavaggeo commandante d'önô do 1955 e coronou inspettô generale onoräio, 33°, do 1965.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: Lloyd was invested with the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander Court of Honour in 1955 and coroneted an Inspector General Honorary, 33°, in 1965.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: O l'é vegnuo famoso pe-e seu föto nue de modelle, comme Bettie Page e a stripper Dixie Evans, pe unna serie de reviste da òmmo.
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: He became known for his nude photographs of models, such as Bettie Page and stripper Dixie Evans, for a number of men's magazines.
[ "lij" ]
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: No emmo mäi vosciuo che fïsan sunnæ co-o piano».
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: We never intended them to be played with pianos."
[ "lij" ]
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? Ghe son anæti vexin, ma no en arrivæ fin in çimma».
A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: They've come close to it, but they haven't come all the way up".
[ "lij" ]
YAML Metadata Warning: The task_categories "conversational" is not in the official list: text-classification, token-classification, table-question-answering, question-answering, zero-shot-classification, translation, summarization, feature-extraction, text-generation, text2text-generation, fill-mask, sentence-similarity, text-to-speech, text-to-audio, automatic-speech-recognition, audio-to-audio, audio-classification, audio-text-to-text, voice-activity-detection, depth-estimation, image-classification, object-detection, image-segmentation, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, unconditional-image-generation, video-classification, reinforcement-learning, robotics, tabular-classification, tabular-regression, tabular-to-text, table-to-text, multiple-choice, text-retrieval, time-series-forecasting, text-to-video, image-text-to-text, visual-question-answering, document-question-answering, zero-shot-image-classification, graph-ml, mask-generation, zero-shot-object-detection, text-to-3d, image-to-3d, image-feature-extraction, video-text-to-text, keypoint-detection, any-to-any, other

This is an Ligurian→English sentence-level translation dataset. The original data comes from the OLDI Seed dataset, and it has been converted to the instruction format.

The prompts, written in Ligurian, ask the model to translate the text to English. There are several variants of the prompt templates which were randomly sampled for each sentence:

Traduxi in ingleise: \<sentence>
Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: \<sentence>
Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise: \<sentence>
Traduxi sto testo in ingleise: \<sentence>
Traduxi in lengua ingleise: \<sentence>
Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise: \<sentence>
Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise: \<sentence>
Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? \<sentence>
Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo? \<sentence>
Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise? \<sentence>

The prompt template used for each dataset entry is referenced in the column template_id, with ids ranging from 1 to 10 according to the order given above. The targets are always prefixed with the string "A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é: <sentence>" ("The English translation of the sentence is:").

The correspondence between template_id, prompt template and target template is therefore:

    (1, "Traduxi in ingleise:\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (2, "Traduxi da-o zeneise à l’ingleise:\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (3, "Traduxi da-o ligure à l’ingleise:\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (4, "Traduxi sto testo in ingleise:\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (5, "Traduxi in lengua ingleise:\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (6, "Traduxi sto testo da-o zeneise à l’ingleise:\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (7, "Traduxi sto testo da-o ligure à l’ingleise:\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (8, "Comm’à l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo?\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (9, "Quæ a l’é a traduçion ingleise de sto testo?\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),
    (10, "Ti peu tradue sto testo in ingleise?\n", ""A traduçion in ingleise do testo a l’é:\n"),

The dataset contains 5802 train samples, 190 validation samples and 201 test samples.

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