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The terms are arranged alphabetically and contain the following fields:

  • DEF: definition common to all countries
  • SYN: if several terms can be used to express the same concept in one language (e. g. feminine/male in German or the use of different terms for the same concept depending on the country/countries concerned)
  • SN: if there is a more specific definition on the use of the concept at national level (scope note/note d' application)
  • HN: if necessary, a historical note can be used to explain a change of term,
  • TT: group to which the term belongs (top term / Terme facette)
  • BT and NT = place of term in the hierarchy (Broader term / Narrower term / generic term / specific term)
  • RT = Associative or semantic relations (Related terms / Termes associés)
  • LE = language equivalents in other languages
  • USE: a non-preferential term refers to a preferential term (USE VAT value added tax)
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