# Summary |
The Swedish-Talbanken treebank is based on Talbanken, a treebank developed at Lund University |
in the 1970s. |
# Introduction |
The Swedish-Talbanken treebank is a conversion of the Prose section of Talbanken (Einarsson, |
1976), originally annotated by a team led by Ulf Teleman at Lund University according |
to the MAMBA annotation scheme (Teleman, 1974). It consists of roughly 6,000 sentences |
and 95,000 tokens taken from a variety of informative text genres, including textbooks, |
information brochures, and newspaper articles. The syntactic annotation is converted |
directly from the original MAMBA annotation, while the morphological annotation is |
based on the reannotation performed when incorporating Talbanken into the Swedish |
Treebank (Nivre and Megyesi, 2007). Tokenization mostly follows the standard of the |
Stockholm-Umeå Corpus, Version 2.0 (2006), and lemmatization is based on Saldo |
(Borin et al., 2008). |
# Acknowledgments |
The new conversion has been performed by Joakim Nivre and Aaron Smith at Uppsala |
University. We thank everyone who has been involved in previous conversion efforts |
at Växjö University and Uppsala University, including Bengt Dahlqvist, Sofia |
Gustafson-Capkova, Johan Hall, Anna Sågvall Hein, Beáta Megyesi, Jens Nilsson, and |
Filip Salomonsson. Special thanks also to Lars Borin and Markus Forsberg at |
Språkbanken for help with the lemmatization. Finally, we owe a huge debt to the |
team who produced the original treebank in the 1970s. |
## References |
* Lars Borin, Markus Forsberg, Lennart Lönngren. 2008. Saldo 1.0 (Svenskt |
associationslexikon version 2). Språkbanken, Göteborg universitet. |
* Einarsson, Jan. 1976. Talbankens skriftspråkskonkordans. Lund University: |
Department of Scandinavian Languages. |
* Joakim Nivre and Beáta Megyesi. 2007. Bootstrapping a Swedish treeebank |
using cross-corpus harmonization and annotation projection. In Proceedings |
of the 6th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, |
pages 97-102. |
* Teleman, Ulf. 1974. Manual för grammatisk beskrivning av talad och skriven |
svenska. Studentlitteratur. |
* The Stockholm Umeå Corpus. Version 2.0. 2006. Stockholm University: |
Department of Linguistics. |
# Data Splits |
The test set (sv-ud-test.conllu) is the standard test set from the Swedish |
Treebank, which is a balanced sample of complete documents from different |
parts of the treebank. |
The rest of the treebank has been split by taking the first 90% as the |
training set (sv-ud-train.conllu) and the last 10% as the development set |
(sv-ud-dev.conllu). |
Document and paragraph boundaries are explicitly represented by comment |
lines (# newdoc id = DOC_ID, # newpar id = PAR_ID), but genre classification |
is not available for documents. |
# Tokenization |
The tokenization in the Swedish-Talbanken treebank follows the principles of the |
Stockholm-Umeå Corpus, Version 2.0 (SUC, 2006), which has become the de facto |
standard for Swedish tokenization and part-of-speech tagging. This is a |
straightforward segmentation based on whitespace and punctuation, but the |
following special cases deserve to be mentioned: |
- Numerical expressions (including dates) are treated as single words and not |
segmented into their components as long as they do not contain spaces. |
- Abbreviations are treated as single words regardless of whether they contain |
spaces or not. |
The Swedish-Talbanken treebank contains the following tokens with spaces (all abbreviations): |
Bl a |
bl a |
d v s |
e d |
f n |
fr o m |
Fr o m |
m fl |
m m |
o s v |
s k |
t ex |
t o m |
t v |
The Swedish-Talbanken treebank does not contain multiword tokens. |
# Morphology |
The morphological annotation in the Swedish-Talbanken treebank follows the general |
guidelines and does not add any language-specific features. The |
language-specific tags (including features) follow the guidelines of the |
Stockholm-Umeå Corpus. |
The mapping from language-specific tags and features to universal tags and |
features was done automatically. We are not aware of any remaining errors or |
inconsistences but the mapping has not been validated manually. |
Lemmas were assigned using SALDO (Borin et al., 2008) in combination with |
the language-specific SUC tags. Cases of remaining ambiguity were resolved |
heuristically, which may have introduced errors. For words and symbols not |
covered by SALDO, lemmas were added manually. |
# Syntax |
The syntactic annotation in the Swedish-Talbanken treebank follows the general |
guidelines but adds four language-specific relations: |
- acl:relcl for relative clauses |
- compound:prt for verb particles |
- nmod:agent for agents of passive verbs |
- nmod:poss for possessive/genitive modifiers |
The syntactic annotation has been automatically converted from the original |
MAMBA annotation scheme in Talbanken. The following phenomena are known to |
deviate from the general guidelines and will be fixed in future versions: |
- The remnant analysis of ellipsis has not been fully implemented. |
- Comparative modifiers are sometimes not attached to the comparative element |
itself but to its head. |
# Changelog |
From v1 to v1.1, an extensive (but not complete) manual validation was |
carried out, resulting in a large number of conversion errors being |
corrected. Specifically, all non-projective trees were validated. |
From v1.1 to v1.2, complex names and multiword expressions have been |
manually validated. As a result, the annotation of complex names now |
conforms to the universal guidelines. |
From v1.2 to v1.3, we fixed the following annotation bugs/inconsistencies: |
- All conj relations are now left-headed |
- No mark relations are filled by PRON |
- All punct relations are filled by PUNCT (and vice versa) |
- All cop relations are filled by VERB (not AUX) |
- All DET and PRON have a PronType feature |
- All AUX and VERB have a VerbType feature |
- All NUM have a NumType features |
- No predicate has more than one subject (except expl + nsubj/csubj) |
- No case relations attach to predicates |
From v1.3 to v1.4, only the documentation has been updated to reflect |
the fact that there are two treebanks for Swedish. |
From v1.4 to v2.0, we have implemented the following changes to conform |
to v2 of the guidelines: |
- Rename CONJ -> CCONJ |
- Retag copula verbs VERB -> AUX |
- Rename dobj -> obj |
- Rename nsubjpass -> nsubj:pass |
- Rename csubjpass -> csubj:pass |
- Rename auxpass -> aux:pass |
- Rename mwe -> fixed |
- Rename name -> flat:name |
- Split nmod into obl and nmod |
- Reattach cc and punct in coordination |
- Reanalyze neg as advmod + Polarity=Neg |
- Add features Abbr=Yes and Foreign=Yes |
- Replace "_" by " " in words with spaces |
- Add # sent_id and # text for all sentences |
From v2.0 to v2.1, no changes have been made. |
From v2.1 to v2.2: |
- Repository renamed from UD_Swedish to UD_Swedish-Talbanken. |
- Harmonization with other Swedish treebanks: |
- Possessives retagged DET -> PRON |
- Negations ("inte", "icke", "ej") retagged ADV -> PART |
- Comparative markers ("som", "än") retagged CCONJ -> SCONJ |
- Comparative with nominal complement relabeled advcl -> obl [mark -> case, SCONJ -> ADP] |
- Clefts reanalyzed as copula constructions and relabeled acl:relcl -> acl:cleft |
- Temporal subordinating conjunctions ("när", "då") retagged ADV -> SCONJ and relabeled advmod -> mark |
- Fixed a small number of annotation errors |
- Added enhanced dependencies |
From v2.2 to v2.3: |
- Fixed a small number of errors in both basic and enhanced dependencies |
<pre> |
=== Machine readable metadata ============== |
Data available since: UD v1.0 |
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Includes text: yes |
Genre: news nonfiction |
Lemmas: automatic with corrections |
UPOS: converted with corrections |
XPOS: manual native |
Features: converted with corrections |
Relations: converted with corrections |
Contributors: Nivre, Joakim; Smith, Aaron |
Contributing: elsewhere |
Contact: [email protected] |
============================================ |
</pre> |