Add text-to-speech tag

by ylacombe - opened

Hi @MikhailT ,
Thanks for adding this dataset, which was definitely missing from the hub!

I've taken the liberty to add a TTS tag to improve discoverability of the dataset.
It would be great if we also could improve the dataset card and/or potentially move the dataset to the NVIDIA organisation who created the dataset! Of course, in that last case, we'd still have a part of the dataset card and the git history with your name on it to keep trace on your effort here!

Let me know if you have further questions!

Hey @MikhailT , what do you think of this ? thanks!

Hi @ylacombe !

Sorry, I was a little busy with another activities. I don't have a time right now for the dataset card improvement, but I will be glad to receive any support from the community and you as well.

Regarding the movement of the dataset to the NVIDIA organization I need some input from you. As I understood I can't do this myself with the transfer dataset feature.
Could you please advise who can do this and should someone from the NVIDIA organization to be notified before this operation?


MikhailT changed pull request status to merged

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