Whats is DTT?
DTT us the acronym for "Development of Technology Transfer"
What is DTT used for?
The DTT project serves as the link between undergraduate students in the final Practical School of Engineering in Sciences and Systems and the professional world, research, entrepreneurship, and the government. This connection allows students to become acquainted with elements of the job market and technological needs in Guatemala. Additionally, it creates a communication channel for socializing and disseminating research and innovative projects developed in the School of Engineering in Sciences and Systems, through the publication of articles prepared by students on the website and on the designated Fan Page for this project.
What is University of San Carlos de Guatemala?
The University of San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) is the oldest public university in Central America. Founded in 1676 by the Spanish Crown, it is an autonomous institution with a long history of commitment to the scientific, social, humanistic, and environmental development of the country.Some important facts about USAC: Mission: To train professionals with ethical principles through academic excellence. Vision: To be the state higher education institution, autonomous, with a democratic culture, with a multi- and intercultural focus, linked and committed to scientific, social, humanistic, and environmental development.
What is School of Sciences and Systems at University of San Carlos de Guatemala?
The student of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala will be recognized as a superior professional, based on the knowledge incorporated into the curriculum to train students comprehensively, providing them with the appropriate tools for their professional development. The mission is to develop in the student the competencies that guarantee success in knowledge construction through different learning styles and to promote ongoing research to enable a better quality of life for the community. Considering the current market options in the country (logistics, management, information technology, finance, accounting, commerce, etc.), as well as the international market, there is a significant global demand and competitiveness today.
What is USAC?
USAC is the acronym for University of San Carlos de Guatemala
What is ECYS at USAC?
ECYS is the acronym for School of Sciences and Systems of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala
What are the skills that a graduate of the Bachelor's Degree in Science and Systems Engineering should have?
According to the document Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student. A graduate of the Bachelor of Science and Systems Engineering must be able to analyze, design, build and size electronic computing and programming systems, understand users and their expectations, include scientific modeling and simulation, manage human resources by forming teams of work, work jointly with other specialists, understand problems and situations, apply the most recent technological advances, present, discuss and defend the application of their technical knowledge, model physical phenomena, apply a systemic approach to proposed solutions, evaluate, compare and select computer equipment, understand technical language in a foreign language, apply professional knowledge protected by professional ethics, design, implement, configure and maintain digital communications networks, solve problems with theoretical orientation, apply knowledge of solving computer solutions that are auditable, develop automatic digital control systems for the industry, and know the selection criteria for computer languages.
What leadership skills are expected from a Science and Systems Engineering graduate?
According to the document Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student. A graduate of Science and Systems Engineering is expected to be able to understand problems and situations, present a vision, be a strategist and be able to take leadership in driving business modernization. This includes project management.
What technical skills are required in a Science and Systems Engineering graduate?
According to the document Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student. A graduate of Science and Systems Engineering must be able to analyze, design, build and size electronic computing and programming systems, include scientific modeling and simulation, evaluate, compare and select computing equipment, software tools and computer services, design , implement, configure and maintain digital communications networks, solve problems with theoretical orientation, such as the design of automata, modeling of data structures, administration, architecture and operation of operating systems, database systems, compilers, etc., and develop automatic digital control systems for the industry.
What is a Science and Systems Engineering graduate expected to be able to do with programming languages?
According to the document Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student. A graduate of Science and Systems Engineering is expected to know the selection criteria for computer languages ​​and understand the way they work.
What communication skills are expected of a Science and Systems Engineering graduate?
According to the document Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student. A graduate of Science and Systems Engineering is expected to be able to present, discuss and defend the application of their technical knowledge in management environments where decisions are made for the technological development of different industries and the state. In addition, she must be able to understand technical language, at least, in a foreign language.
What modeling skills are expected from a Science and Systems Engineering graduate?
According to the document Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student. A graduate of Science and Systems Engineering must be able to model physical phenomena by implementing the knowledge acquired in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. She must also be able to apply a systemic approach to proposed solutions to problems through implementing the knowledge acquired in Systems Logic, Systems Theory and Economics.
What is a Science and Systems Engineering graduate expected to be able to do in terms of professional ethics?
According to the document Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student. A graduate of Science and Systems Engineering is expected to apply professional knowledge protected by professional ethics.
What auditing skills are expected of a Science and Systems Engineering graduate?
According to the document Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student. A graduate of Science and Systems Engineering must be able to apply knowledge of solving IT solutions that are auditable, focused mainly on audit bases.
Where can I find the Graduation Profile of the Science and Systems Engineering Student document?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find the Labor Registration Form template?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find the Teacher Registration Form template?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find the Tracking Ticket template?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find the Teacher Letter or Boss Letter Home template?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find the ECYS logo or DTT logo
You can find it at: ""
What is the procedure to organize the conference deliverable in the teaching practice process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The procedure involves the creation of a conference approval letter that will be signed only by the DTT coordinator to expedite the process. This letter must be uploaded by the practitioner. The format of the letter should not be modified, only add personal information and the teacher's information. The letter must be sent to [email protected] for the corresponding signature before uploading it to DTT.
What email should be used in the teaching internship process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. You must use the email [email protected].
Who must sign the conference approval letter in the teaching internship process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The conference approval letter will be signed only by the DTT coordinator.
What should be done after obtaining a signature on the conference approval letter?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. After obtaining the signature on the conference approval letter, the practitioner must upload said letter to DTT.
What is the procedure to organize the conference deliverable in the teaching practice process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The procedure involves sending an email to request the signature of the letter or the conference report. For the Vo.Bo letter from the conference, the subject of the email must be “Signature conference letter card Name Course Section” and the message must be “Vo.Bo is requested for approval letter online conference card Name-course-sec” . For the Vo.Bo of the conference report, the subject of the email must be “Signature Conference Report card Course Name Section” and the message must be “The is requested to upload the online conference report card Course-Name-sec” . This procedure aims to standardize and facilitate the publication and control of document signing.
How should the email be formatted to request a signature for the conference letter?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The subject of the email must be “Signature letter conference card Name Course Section” and the message must be “Vo.Bo is requested for approval letter online conference card Name-course-sec”.
What should be placed in the header of the conference report signature sheet?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. In the header of the signature sheet of the conference report, the card, name, course and section must be placed.
What is the correct file name format for the letter and report in the teaching practice process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. For the letter, the file name format must be “card-course-name-sec-letter.pdf”. For the conference report, the file name format should be “card-course-name-sec-conference-report.pdf”.
To whom should the email be sent with the speaker's proposal and CV in the teaching internship process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The email with the speaker's proposal and CV must be sent to the course teacher.
To whom should I send a copy of the email with the speaker proposal and CV?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. A copy of the email with the speaker's proposal and CV must be sent to the DTT coordinator.
How should the conference poster be sent to be published on the ECYS networks?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The conference poster must be sent to [email protected] in image format (jpg, tif, png).
How should the publication of the conference poster be requested in the teaching practice process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. To request the publication of the conference poster, you must send an email with the subject “Publish Conference Poster Sec Course Name Card.” The email message must include the topic of the conference, the speaker, the place (medium), the conference link, the date, the time and the poster image must be attached in jpg, png or tif format. The name of the poster file must follow the format “card-Name-course-sec-Poster”.
What happens if the poster publication message with the requested data is not sent?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. If the poster publication message is not sent with the requested data, the poster will not be published.
Should the professional's title be placed on the conference poster?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The title of the professional should not be placed on the conference poster unless you have a copy of the active member. The exception is Ecys teachers, who by default have an active member to teach classes.
What type of photos should be obtained for the conference report in the teaching practice process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. At least two selfies must be obtained where the tutor can be seen next to his computer and the screen where the conference is taking place.
How can I get the attendance list of conference participants?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. Attendance will be the response through chat or email from the participants, asking them to send a response about their attendance with the response message: name card present name_conference. This can be a chat response thread at the conference or by email.
How should the conference survey be obtained?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The survey must be carried out at the end of the conference using an online form that participants must complete. The results of this survey should be added to the report for response statistics.
What should be added to the report to validate that it is a valid conference?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. The Invitation Link to the conference and the link where the conference was recorded on YouTube must be added to the report.
Who will sign the conference report in the teaching practice process within the DTT project?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. To expedite the process, the conference report will only be signed by the DTT coordinator.
What information should be added to the header of the page where the DTT coordinator's signature is requested on the conference report?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. In the header of the page where the signature of the DTT coordinator is requested, the student's ID, name, course, semester and year must be added.
When can documents (conference letter, conference report) be uploaded to DTT?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. Documents can be uploaded to DTT once they have been signed and scanned by the DTT Coordinator. However, documents for DTT signature will not be received three days before the DTT increase due date.
What is needed to be able to give a diploma to lecturers during the current pandemic situation?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. In order to give a diploma to lecturers, it is mandatory to have a copy of the video of the conference, in which the lecturer indicates the date and time in which his lecture begins, the topic of the lecture and the course he is supporting, and indicate USAC.
How many attendees should conferences have?
According to the Online Conference Procedure document. Conferences must have a minimum of 10 attendees, except for courses that have fewer than 10 students enrolled.
Where can I find the Online Conference Procedure document?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find a guide for preparing an article?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find an example of how to prepare an article?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find an example of an article?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find the general data template
You can find it at: ""
How do I prepare the article?
For the preparation of the article there are guides called "example of an article".
Where can I find information about the sections and functionalities of the DTT system?
This information can be found in the document “Practitioner's Manual”.
How can I learn about activity logging and metrics in the DTT system?
This information can be found in the document “Practitioner's Manual”.
Where can I get details on how to create, edit and view reports in the DTT system?
This information can be found in the document “Practitioner's Manual”.
How can I access my personal information and assignments in the DTT system?
This information can be found in the document “Practitioner's Manual”.
Where can I find information about creating events and accessing resources in the DTT system?
This information can be found in the document “Practitioner's Manual”.
How can I submit reports for grading in the DTT system?
This information can be found in the document “Practitioner's Manual”.
Where can I find the Practitioner's Manual document?
You can find it at: ""
What is the main objective of the project “Development of Technology Transfer (DTT) in the School of Engineering in Sciences and Systems of the Faculty of Engineering, USAC?
According to the DTT Project document. The main objective is to create a figure to manage the final practices of the School of Engineering in Sciences and Systems, in such a way that the students who participate can participate in various areas such as academics, research, communication, development, innovation and infrastructure.
What are the areas in which students can participate in the DTT project?
According to the DTT Project document. Students can participate in the following areas: Academic area (as tutors for Systems courses), Research area (Coecys), Communication Area (Digital Magazine Systems School), Development Area (Calculation Center), Innovation Area (Innovative Projects), and Infrastructure Line (Saesap, ITCOe, Rectoria Project).
What activities are carried out in the Innovation Area of ​​the DTT project?
According to the DTT Project document. In the Innovation Area of ​​the DTT project, students can participate in Innovative Projects.
What is done in the Infrastructure Line of the DTT project?
According to the DTT Project document. In the Infrastructure Line of the DTT project, students can participate in Saesap, ITCOe, and the Rectoria Project.
What is the “Development of Technology Transfer (DTT) project of the School of Engineering in Sciences and Systems of the Faculty of Engineering, USAC?
According to the DTT Project document. The DTT project is the link between the Final Practice university students of the School of Science and Systems Engineering and the world of work, research, entrepreneurship and the state. This link allows students to learn about elements of the labor market and technological needs in Guatemala.
How does the DTT project contribute to the communication and dissemination of research and innovative projects?
According to the DTT Project document. The DTT project generates a communication channel to socialize and disseminate the research and innovative projects developed at the School of Engineering in Sciences and Systems, through the publication of articles prepared by the students on the WEB page and on the Fan Page intended for this project.
How does the DTT project strengthen the link between the authorities of the School of Science and Systems Engineering, the teachers, and the students?
According to the DTT Project document. The DTT project will strengthen the link between the authorities of the School of Engineering in Sciences and Systems, the teachers, the final practice students, the intermediate practice students and the different research and development units of the Faculty of Engineering.
Where can I find the DTT Project document?
You can find it at: ""
What is the format of the monthly DTT report?
The format is generated by DTT, there is an example called "DTT monthly report example".
Is there any example of the monthly DTT report?
Yes, there is an example of the monthly DTT report
Where can I find the example of the DTT monthly report?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find information about the Ethical and Professional Compliance Agreement for Teaching Practice?
This information can be found in the "DTT PROJECT ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE COMPLIANCE SLA" template.
What document establishes the professional competencies and ethical values ​​for the development of teaching practice?
This information can be found in the "DTT PROJECT ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE COMPLIANCE SLA" template.
What document does the University of San Carlos rely on for student evaluation and promotion?
This information can be found in the "DTT PROJECT ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE COMPLIANCE SLA" template.
Where can I find the standards of teaching practice for the School of Sciences and Systems?
This information can be found in the "DTT PROJECT ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE COMPLIANCE SLA" template.
Where can I find the DTT Project Practice Ethical and Professional Compliance SLA template?
You can find it at: ""
How do I create the weighting of a course in DTT?
It is created on the DTT platform, for this there is an example called "example of how to create the weighting in DTT".
Is there an example of how to create the DTT weighting?
Yes, there is an example of how to create the weighting
Where can I find the example of how to create the weighting in DTT?
You can find it at: ""
What is the format of the conference report?
The format is according to the conference report template, for the format there is an example called "example of conference report format".
Is there an example of the conference report format?
Yes, there is an example of the conference report format
Where can I find the example of the conference report format?
You can find it at: ""
What is the purpose of the laboratories at the School of Sciences and Systems?
This information can be found in the “ANTI-PLAGIARIUM AGREEMENT” template.
What commitments must a student make in these laboratories?
This information can be found in the “ANTI-PLAGIARIUM AGREEMENT” template.
What consequences can failure to comply with this agreement bring?
This information can be found in the “ANTI-PLAGIARIUM AGREEMENT” template.
What are the different types of plagiarism mentioned in the agreement and what penalties do they carry?
This information can be found in the “ANTI-PLAGIARIUM AGREEMENT” template.
What happens if one student commits outright plagiarism without the other student's consent?
This information can be found in the “ANTI-PLAGIARIUM AGREEMENT” template.
Where can I find the Anti-Plagiarism Agreement document?
You can find it at: ""
Is there a template for mark sheets?
Yes, you can find it as "Grade Sheet template"
What are grading sheets used for?
They serve to create a weighting, either for practices or projects during the laboratory, which will serve as the standard for the grade. These sheets must be reviewed and confirmed by the professor in charge of the master class.
Where can I find the Grade Sheet template?
You can find it at: ""
Where can I find information on how to create and manage quizzes for DTT tutors and lecturers?
This information can be found in the document “Quiz Module User Manual”.
What document details the scheduling and consultation of DTT exams?
You can find this information in the document “Quiz Module User Manual”.
Where can I learn about the different types of questions that can be used in the DTT quiz module?
You can find this information in the document “Quiz Module User Manual”.
How can I obtain information about grading and grade reporting in the DTT quiz module?
You can find this information in the document “Quiz Module User Manual”.
Where can I find a guide to navigating the main menu of the DTT quiz module?
You can find this information in the document “Quiz Module User Manual”.
Where can I find the User Manual document for the quiz module?
You can find it at: ""
What type of vocabulary should an academic tutor use according to the behavior manual?
According to the Behavior Manual document. An academic tutor must use professional vocabulary and avoid words that may offend students and/or anyone entering the class.
What is the tutor's responsibility regarding inappropriate student behavior?
According to the Behavior Manual document. The tutor must limit inappropriate behavior on the part of the students, ensuring a respectful, friendly but professional environment.
What environment should the tutor ensure in the class?
According to the Behavior Manual document. The tutor must ensure a respectful, friendly but professional environment.
What actions should a tutor take if they observe inappropriate behavior in class?
According to the Behavior Manual document. The tutor must limit these behaviors to ensure a respectful, friendly but professional environment.
Why is it important for the tutor to use professional vocabulary?
According to the Behavior Manual document. It is important to avoid offending students and/or anyone who enters the class and maintain an environment of respect and professionalism.
What is sought to achieve by limiting inappropriate behavior on the part of the tutor?
According to the Behavior Manual document. The aim is to ensure an environment of respect, friendship and professionalism within the class.
How long should the tutor stay in the laboratory class?
According to the Behavior Manual document. The tutor must remain in the laboratory class for the time established according to the DSI regulations (104).

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