Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fert of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
1bag 10 26 26 1bag urea ac 30das
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fert of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 1bag 10 26 26 1bag urea ac 30das </s>
Query about weed management, the query is asked about weed management in sorghum for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet
for weed management in sorghum spray 2 4 d sodium salt 80 w p 2 to 3 gm litter of water 21 28 days after sowing
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is asked about weed management in sorghum for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet [/INST] for weed management in sorghum spray 2 4 d sodium salt 80 w p 2 to 3 gm litter of water 21 28 days after sowing </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
market rate gram 3000 4404 rs qt
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] market rate gram 3000 4404 rs qt </s>
Query about 75, the query is suggest control measures against anthracnose for the crop Watermelon
repeated sprayings at 5 7 days interval with dithane m 45 02 or foltaf 1 glitre of water effectively controls the disease
<s>[INST] Query about 75, the query is suggest control measures against anthracnose for the crop Watermelon [/INST] repeated sprayings at 5 7 days interval with dithane m 45 02 or foltaf 1 glitre of water effectively controls the disease </s>
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is varieties of pea for the crop Pea Vegetable
varieties of pea boneville markel jawahar
<s>[INST] Query about seeds and planting material, the query is varieties of pea for the crop Pea Vegetable [/INST] varieties of pea boneville markel jawahar </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of leaf miner in tomato for the crop Tomato
spray politrin c 30 ml15 liter water profesofos 40cypermethrin 4 syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of leaf miner in tomato for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray politrin c 30 ml15 liter water profesofos 40cypermethrin 4 syngenta </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is bhindi attack redmight for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
omiteoberon10ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is bhindi attack redmight for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger [/INST] omiteoberon10ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about seeds, the query is varities for the crop Cotton Kapas
ajeet155mallika pratik
<s>[INST] Query about seeds, the query is varities for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] ajeet155mallika pratik </s>
Query about 75, the query is fenue greek-yellowing for the crop Others
<s>[INST] Query about 75, the query is fenue greek-yellowing for the crop Others [/INST] bavistin </s>
Query about 0, the query is control measure for grey weevil for the crop 1324
spray endosulfan 35ec 400 ml carbaryl 50 wp 400 g
<s>[INST] Query about 0, the query is control measure for grey weevil for the crop 1324 [/INST] spray endosulfan 35ec 400 ml carbaryl 50 wp 400 g </s>
Query about varieties, the query is varities of tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
varieties of tur vipularajeshwariicpl 87akt 8811
<s>[INST] Query about varieties, the query is varities of tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] varieties of tur vipularajeshwariicpl 87akt 8811 </s>
Query about market information, the query is msp of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
msp of cotton 4320qt
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is msp of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] msp of cotton 4320qt </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is caterpillar attack on soybean for the crop Soybean bhat
spray chloropyriphos 30ml15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is caterpillar attack on soybean for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] spray chloropyriphos 30ml15 liter of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of maize for the crop Maize Makka
market rate of maize jamner1700 1700 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of maize for the crop Maize Makka [/INST] market rate of maize jamner1700 1700 rsqtl </s>
Query about nan, the query is varieties for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
vijay vishal viratviharpkv24
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is varieties for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] vijay vishal viratviharpkv24 </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of cotton ---------- quintal for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton 3800 4000 quintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of cotton ---------- quintal for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton 3800 4000 quintal </s>
Query about 9999, the query is amount of bavistin for spraying for the crop 9999
add 25gm of bavistin in 10liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is amount of bavistin for spraying for the crop 9999 [/INST] add 25gm of bavistin in 10liter of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate for the crop Black Gram urd bean
market rate 5450 rupeesqt
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate for the crop Black Gram urd bean [/INST] market rate 5450 rupeesqt </s>
Query about market information, the query is onian mkt rate for the crop Onion
25 2 2016 kolhapurquintal53093001050700 aurangabadquintal192100900500 kalvanquintal4000300810650 vasaiquintal50101018001480no 1kalyanquintal39001000975no 2kalyanquintal3850900875no 2karjat a nagarnag252125900450localpunequintal20110500950750localmumbaiquintal89507001050900
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is onian mkt rate for the crop Onion [/INST] 25 2 2016 kolhapurquintal53093001050700 aurangabadquintal192100900500 kalvanquintal4000300810650 vasaiquintal50101018001480no 1kalyanquintal39001000975no 2kalyanquintal3850900875no 2karjat a nagarnag252125900450localpunequintal20110500950750localmumbaiquintal89507001050900 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is for fruit growth of pomegranate for the crop Pomegranate
00 52 34 75 gm in 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is for fruit growth of pomegranate for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] 00 52 34 75 gm in 15 liter water </s>
Query about 29, the query is soyabean for the crop Soybean bhat
2 kg dap in 100 litre water bavistin
<s>[INST] Query about 29, the query is soyabean for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] 2 kg dap in 100 litre water bavistin </s>
Query about 6, the query is market rate of tur for the crop 1066
market rate of tur4550 4900 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about 6, the query is market rate of tur for the crop 1066 [/INST] market rate of tur4550 4900 rsqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is sucking pest for the crop Orange
spary rejent 30ml 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is sucking pest for the crop Orange [/INST] spary rejent 30ml 15 liter of water </s>
Query about seeds, the query is varieties of soyabin for the crop Soybean bhat
<s>[INST] Query about seeds, the query is varieties of soyabin for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] </s>
Query about market information, the query is mosambi market rate for the crop Mosambi
mosambi market rate 2000 3200 q
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is mosambi market rate for the crop Mosambi [/INST] mosambi market rate 2000 3200 q </s>
Query about nan, the query is guargum fertilizer dose for the crop Others
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is guargum fertilizer dose for the crop Others [/INST] ureadap </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
market raten 8465 rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] market raten 8465 rupeesqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is herbicides for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet
actrazin 2 4d
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is herbicides for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet [/INST] actrazin 2 4d </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is jowar attack aphides for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet
rogar15mlaictra5gmbavestin30gm15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is jowar attack aphides for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet [/INST] rogar15mlaictra5gmbavestin30gm15 liter water </s>
Query about market information, the query is soyabean market rate for the crop Soybean bhat
soyabean market rate 2430 2840 rs qit
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is soyabean market rate for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] soyabean market rate 2430 2840 rs qit </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is ask about fertilizer dose for marigold for the crop Marigold
19 19 19 50 gram 15 liter and microla 10 ml15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is ask about fertilizer dose for marigold for the crop Marigold [/INST] 19 19 19 50 gram 15 liter and microla 10 ml15 liter water </s>
Query about cultural practices, the query is pomogranate culturel practices for the crop Pomegranate
you have to stress condition likely 1 months
<s>[INST] Query about cultural practices, the query is pomogranate culturel practices for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] you have to stress condition likely 1 months </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of wilt for the crop Papaya
drenching bavistine 30gm humic acid 30ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of wilt for the crop Papaya [/INST] drenching bavistine 30gm humic acid 30ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
asking about market rate of cottonmarket rate of cotton 4800 5700rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] asking about market rate of cottonmarket rate of cotton 4800 5700rupeesqtl </s>
Query about 74, the query is suitable time in kharif season for the crop 1279
brinjal can be sown in june july
<s>[INST] Query about 74, the query is suitable time in kharif season for the crop 1279 [/INST] brinjal can be sown in june july </s>
Query about nutrient management, the query is foliar spray for mosambi for the crop Mosambi
foliar spray for mosambi spray calsibor 40 gm 15 litter of water
<s>[INST] Query about nutrient management, the query is foliar spray for mosambi for the crop Mosambi [/INST] foliar spray for mosambi spray calsibor 40 gm 15 litter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is varieties of chilli for the crop Chillies
varieties of chilli jwala sitara pussa sadabahar pant c 1
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is varieties of chilli for the crop Chillies [/INST] varieties of chilli jwala sitara pussa sadabahar pant c 1 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is spray for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray for cotton spray 19 19 19 40gm15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is spray for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray for cotton spray 19 19 19 40gm15 lit of water </s>
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is asked about variety of carrot for the crop Carrot
variety of carrotpusa kesarnantispusa medhali
<s>[INST] Query about seeds and planting material, the query is asked about variety of carrot for the crop Carrot [/INST] variety of carrotpusa kesarnantispusa medhali </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is onion atac blight for the crop Onion
m 4530gm12 61 0030gmstikar10ml15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is onion atac blight for the crop Onion [/INST] m 4530gm12 61 0030gmstikar10ml15lit of water </s>
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is weedicide in cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray hitweed
<s>[INST] Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is weedicide in cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray hitweed </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray bavistane 30 gm15 liter of watercarbandazin basfspray proclaim 07 gm15 liter of wateremamectin benzoatesyngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray bavistane 30 gm15 liter of watercarbandazin basfspray proclaim 07 gm15 liter of wateremamectin benzoatesyngenta </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is cotton flower drop for the crop Cotton Kapas
00 52 3450 gmcalsibor40 gmpegasas20 gm15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is cotton flower drop for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 00 52 3450 gmcalsibor40 gmpegasas20 gm15 lit of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate onion for the crop Onion
market rate not display
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate onion for the crop Onion [/INST] market rate not display </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for 15 month cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
magnesium sulphate 10kgurea 25 kg10 26 26 2 bagacre
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for 15 month cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] magnesium sulphate 10kgurea 25 kg10 26 26 2 bagacre </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is root rot for the crop Cotton Kapas
redomil gold 45 gmhumic acid 30 mlmephonaxonmancozeb
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is root rot for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] redomil gold 45 gmhumic acid 30 mlmephonaxonmancozeb </s>
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is asked about better growth of onion for the crop Onion
spray 00 52 34 50 gram taba 30 ml15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is asked about better growth of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] spray 00 52 34 50 gram taba 30 ml15 liter of water </s>
Query about weed management, the query is weed control in chana for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
please do hand weeding in gram
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is weed control in chana for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] please do hand weeding in gram </s>
Query about 0, the query is chemical treatment for storage grains for the crop 1037
rubbing with borax powder
<s>[INST] Query about 0, the query is chemical treatment for storage grains for the crop 1037 [/INST] rubbing with borax powder </s>
Query about cultural practices, the query is groundnut herbicide for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
groundnut herbicide parshut
<s>[INST] Query about cultural practices, the query is groundnut herbicide for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] groundnut herbicide parshut </s>
Query about market information, the query is onion market rate for the crop Onion
commodity onionrate per unit in rsdatevarietyapmcunitquantitylratehratemodel24 2 2016 kolhapurquintal59763001050700 kalvanquintal150300800700 bhivandiquintal60140016501550localamarawati fruit and vegetablesquintal1506001200900localpunequintal17086400950600localmumbaiquintal101507501100950
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is onion market rate for the crop Onion [/INST] commodity onionrate per unit in rsdatevarietyapmcunitquantitylratehratemodel24 2 2016 kolhapurquintal59763001050700 kalvanquintal150300800700 bhivandiquintal60140016501550localamarawati fruit and vegetablesquintal1506001200900localpunequintal17086400950600localmumbaiquintal101507501100950 </s>
Query about 102, the query is spray for increasing size of onion for the crop Onion
spray 13 00 4500 52 34 microla
<s>[INST] Query about 102, the query is spray for increasing size of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] spray 13 00 4500 52 34 microla </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is ginger yellowing for the crop Ginger
spraying of saaf powder 30 gm and humic acid 30 ml 15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is ginger yellowing for the crop Ginger [/INST] spraying of saaf powder 30 gm and humic acid 30 ml 15 lit water </s>
Query about weed management, the query is weed mangement in groundnut for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
weed mangement in groundnut parsuit spray
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is weed mangement in groundnut for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] weed mangement in groundnut parsuit spray </s>
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is wilt in jowar for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet
chloropyriphos 30ml humic acid 30ml15 liter of water drenching
<s>[INST] Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is wilt in jowar for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet [/INST] chloropyriphos 30ml humic acid 30ml15 liter of water drenching </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about information banana for the crop Banana
chloropyriphos 30ml humic acid 30ml15 lit of water drenching
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about information banana for the crop Banana [/INST] chloropyriphos 30ml humic acid 30ml15 lit of water drenching </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for brinjal for the crop Brinjal
1 bag 10 26 26 05 bag urea 10 kg microlla 10 kg humic acid
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for brinjal for the crop Brinjal [/INST] 1 bag 10 26 26 05 bag urea 10 kg microlla 10 kg humic acid </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about information cotton crop for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray actra 5 gm15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about information cotton crop for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray actra 5 gm15 lit of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rates of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
market rates of gram ahmednagarrs650000 quintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rates of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] market rates of gram ahmednagarrs650000 quintal </s>
Query about 9999, the query is loan for agriproject for the crop 9999
contact to nearest nationalise bank
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is loan for agriproject for the crop 9999 [/INST] contact to nearest nationalise bank </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about varieties of mustard for the crop Methi Fenugreek
varieties of mustard pusa oldshatabdi
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about varieties of mustard for the crop Methi Fenugreek [/INST] varieties of mustard pusa oldshatabdi </s>
Query about 6, the query is market rate of solapur for the crop 2051
average rate is rs 2700qtl
<s>[INST] Query about 6, the query is market rate of solapur for the crop 2051 [/INST] average rate is rs 2700qtl </s>
Query about nan, the query is yellowing for the crop Cotton Kapas
admir bavistin
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is yellowing for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] admir bavistin </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is foliar spray for ginger for the crop Ginger
foliar spray for ginger 191919 75gm microla 30ml 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is foliar spray for ginger for the crop Ginger [/INST] foliar spray for ginger 191919 75gm microla 30ml 15 liter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of caterpillar for the crop Soybean bhat
attack of caterpillar spray quinolphos 30 ml15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of caterpillar for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] attack of caterpillar spray quinolphos 30 ml15 liter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of leaf eating caterpillar on gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
spray proclaim 5gm15lit of water emamectin benzoate 5 sg syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of leaf eating caterpillar on gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] spray proclaim 5gm15lit of water emamectin benzoate 5 sg syngenta </s>
Query about nan, the query is cotton varieties for the crop Cotton Kapas
cotton varieties kanak rashi ii nh 4 mallika pratik 27 ajit 155 ajit 199 jackpot
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is cotton varieties for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] cotton varieties kanak rashi ii nh 4 mallika pratik 27 ajit 155 ajit 199 jackpot </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of pomegranate for the crop Pomegranate
rs 1000 6300 qtl pomegranate sangola market rate
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of pomegranate for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] rs 1000 6300 qtl pomegranate sangola market rate </s>
Query about 9999, the query is sowing season 4 drumstick for the crop 9999
june july
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is sowing season 4 drumstick for the crop 9999 [/INST] june july </s>
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is april cutting for the crop Grape
april cutting information given
<s>[INST] Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is april cutting for the crop Grape [/INST] april cutting information given </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
market price of gram min 5600 max 5651 average 5651 quintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] market price of gram min 5600 max 5651 average 5651 quintal </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of groundnut for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
market rate of groundnut 5000 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of groundnut for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] market rate of groundnut 5000 rsqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about reddning on cotton- for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray magnesium sulphate 60 gm 13 00 45 45gm15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about reddning on cotton- for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray magnesium sulphate 60 gm 13 00 45 45gm15 liter water </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of maize for the crop Maize Makka
market rate of maize shrirampurquintal313001350
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of maize for the crop Maize Makka [/INST] market rate of maize shrirampurquintal313001350 </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about mosambi sprying for the crop Mosambi
spray super confidor 10 ml 15 liter of waterimida 178 sl bayer
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about mosambi sprying for the crop Mosambi [/INST] spray super confidor 10 ml 15 liter of waterimida 178 sl bayer </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of aphids on tomato for the crop Tomato
attack of aphids on tomato spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of aphids on tomato for the crop Tomato [/INST] attack of aphids on tomato spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertiliser dose for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
apply 135 kg 15 15 15 45 kg ureaacre
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertiliser dose for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] apply 135 kg 15 15 15 45 kg ureaacre </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is sugarcane fertilizers for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
sugarcane fertilizers 10 26 262bagurea1 bagnim30 kgznfemg10 kghumik5 kg par yekar
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is sugarcane fertilizers for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] sugarcane fertilizers 10 26 262bagurea1 bagnim30 kgznfemg10 kghumik5 kg par yekar </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of sorghum for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet
market rate of sorghum 1800 2050 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of sorghum for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet [/INST] market rate of sorghum 1800 2050 rsqtl </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of coriender for the crop Coriander
market rate of coriender min rate 4 max rate 6nag
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of coriender for the crop Coriander [/INST] market rate of coriender min rate 4 max rate 6nag </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of onion for the crop Onion
market rate of onion 100 2300 rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] market rate of onion 100 2300 rupeesqtl </s>
Query about nan, the query is information about bahar treatment of pomogranate for the crop Pomegranate
spray etheral 5 ml 15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is information about bahar treatment of pomogranate for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] spray etheral 5 ml 15 lit of water </s>
Query about field preparation, the query is pest for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray of meothrin 12 gram actra 5 gram pump
<s>[INST] Query about field preparation, the query is pest for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray of meothrin 12 gram actra 5 gram pump </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
market rate of gram 4000 4800 rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] market rate of gram 4000 4800 rupeesqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of fungus on pumpkin for the crop Pumpkin
19 19 19 3 kg microlla 200 mili humic acid 1 lit radomild gold 300 gram in 150 lit of water through drip for half acre
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of fungus on pumpkin for the crop Pumpkin [/INST] 19 19 19 3 kg microlla 200 mili humic acid 1 lit radomild gold 300 gram in 150 lit of water through drip for half acre </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of for the crop Pumpkin
market rate of pumkin 1000 1500 rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of for the crop Pumpkin [/INST] market rate of pumkin 1000 1500 rupeesqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is redning of bhindi for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
magnesium sulphate 100 gm 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is redning of bhindi for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger [/INST] magnesium sulphate 100 gm 15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is red leaves of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray magnesium sulphate 100 gm urea 200 gm actra 5 gm 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is red leaves of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray magnesium sulphate 100 gm urea 200 gm actra 5 gm 15 liter water </s>
Query about weed management, the query is asked about weed management in tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
do not use herbicide in flowering stage of tur
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is asked about weed management in tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] do not use herbicide in flowering stage of tur </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for brinjal for the crop Brinjal
fertilizer dose for brinjal apply 19 19 19 3kghumic acid 350ml 15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for brinjal for the crop Brinjal [/INST] fertilizer dose for brinjal apply 19 19 19 3kghumic acid 350ml 15 lit of water </s>
Query about 76, the query is blight in onion for the crop Onion
spray of redomil gold 40 gm pump
<s>[INST] Query about 76, the query is blight in onion for the crop Onion [/INST] spray of redomil gold 40 gm pump </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of wilt on turmeric for the crop Turmeric
drainching of blue copper 30 gm humic acid 30 ml15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of wilt on turmeric for the crop Turmeric [/INST] drainching of blue copper 30 gm humic acid 30 ml15 liter water </s>
Query about nan, the query is cotton-variety for the crop Cotton Kapas
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is cotton-variety for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] mallikarashipratikajeet </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is which fertilizer apply turmeric crop for the crop Turmeric
you can spray 00 52 34 for 60 gram pamp water use for turmeric crop
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is which fertilizer apply turmeric crop for the crop Turmeric [/INST] you can spray 00 52 34 for 60 gram pamp water use for turmeric crop </s>
Query about 21, the query is herbicide for grape for the crop Grape
spray paracot dichloride 2000 ml in 500lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about 21, the query is herbicide for grape for the crop Grape [/INST] spray paracot dichloride 2000 ml in 500lit of water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is banana fertilizers spray for the crop Banana
00 00 5060 gmstikar10 ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is banana fertilizers spray for the crop Banana [/INST] 00 00 5060 gmstikar10 ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is dropping of flowers of okra for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
dropping of flowers of okra spray planofix 5ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is dropping of flowers of okra for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger [/INST] dropping of flowers of okra spray planofix 5ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about seeds, the query is variety for the crop Soybean bhat
ds 228
<s>[INST] Query about seeds, the query is variety for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] ds 228 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is thrips attack for the crop Chillies
spray karate20ml bavistane 15 gm15 liter of waterlambda 5 sc syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is thrips attack for the crop Chillies [/INST] spray karate20ml bavistane 15 gm15 liter of waterlambda 5 sc syngenta </s>
Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about reddning on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
reddning on cottonspray magnesium sulphate 60 gm 12 61 00 75 gm15 liter water and magnesium sulphate 10 kgacre
<s>[INST] Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about reddning on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] reddning on cottonspray magnesium sulphate 60 gm 12 61 00 75 gm15 liter water and magnesium sulphate 10 kgacre </s>

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