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source_string	target_string	license
get GNU/Linux!	Faite con GNU/Linux!	CC-BY-SA-4.0
What is GNU/Linux?	¿Qué ye GNU/Linux?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Why not Windows	Por qué Windows non	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Switch to GNU/Linux	Pásate a GNU/Linux	CC-BY-SA-4.0
More	Más	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Credits	Créditos	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Terms of use	Términos d'usu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
GNU/Linux FAQ - common questions about GNU/Linux	GNU/Linux FAQ - entrugues frecuentes tocante a GNU/Linux	CC-BY-SA-4.0
GNU/Linux virus FAQ	Faite con GNU/Linux!	CC-BY-SA-4.0
How to Misunderstand Free Software	Cómo malinterpretar el software llibre	CC-BY-SA-4.0
GNU/Linux is not Windows	Por qué Windows non	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Restrictions	Restricciones	CC-BY-SA-4.0
More details on restrictions	Más detalles de les restricciones	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Stand for a free society	La importancia d'una sociedá llibre	CC-BY-SA-4.0
What about choice?	Ensin alternativa	CC-BY-SA-4.0
No source code	Ensin códigu fonte	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Choose a distribution	Escueyi una distribución	CC-BY-SA-4.0
From Windows to GNU/Linux	De Windows a GNU/Linux	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Try or install	Pruébalu o instálalu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Page Not Found	Nun s'alcontró la páxina	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Read and discover more about Linux.	Llei y descubre más tocante a  GNU/Linux	CC-BY-SA-4.0
What is Linux? A clear explanation.	¿Qué ye GNU/Linux? Una cenciella esplicación.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Frequently Asked Questions about Linux.	Entrugues más frecuentes tocante a GNU/Linux.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
An unconventional way to (re)discover free software.	Un mou non convencional de (re)descubrir el software llibre.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Four good reasons to avoid proprietary software.	Cuatru bones razones pa evitar l'usu del software propietariu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Restrictions in a proprietary software license.	Restricciones na llicencia del software propietariu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Restrictions in a proprietary software license - more details.	Restricciones na llicencia del software propietariu - más detalles.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
How software affects freedom in society.	Cómo afeuta'l software a la llibertá na sociedá.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
How Microsoft lock customers in.	Cómo Microsoft retién a los usuarios	CC-BY-SA-4.0
No source code means no trust and no security.	Ensin códigu fonte, significa non confianza ya inseguridá.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Switch to Linux: Good tips and advice.	Fai el cambéu a  GNU/Linux: Bonos conseyos y asesoramientu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Recommended Linux distributions for everyday users.	Distribuciones  GNU/Linux encamentaes pa usuarios	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The advantages and disadvantages of Linux over Windows.	Les ventayes y desventayes de  GNU/Linux sobre Windows	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Try or install Linux on your computer, very easily.	Prueba o instala  GNU/Linux nel to equipu, mui cenciellamente.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Windows and Office work fine – Why worry about it?	Windows y Office funcionen bien — entós ¿Por qué esmoleceme por ellos?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A legal copy of Windows is expensive, but what do you get? Windows and Office are licensed, not sold.	Una copia llegal de Windows ye cara, pero ¿qué obtienes? Windows y Office nun se venden, namái obtienes una llicencia.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
By using these products, we have to agree to <strong>a number of harsh restrictions</strong>. For most Windows licenses, you can't keep the software when you change the hardware. You sometimes can't even give your software away. Who can run the software? On which computer? What can you do with it? The list of restrictions is long and some items are outrageous.	Pa usar estos productos, tenemos qu'aceutar <strong>delles restricciones mui fuertes</strong>. Na mayoría de les llicencies de Windows, nun pues caltener el software cuando cambies d'equipu. A vegaes nin siquier pues regalar el software. Microsoft imponte quién pue usar el software, en qué ordenador y pa qué propósitos; la llista de restricciones ye llarga y n'ocasiones aberrante.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Read more	Lleer más	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The source codes of Windows and Office are hidden, so, <strong>no one is allowed to understand</strong> how these programs work.	El códigu fonte (los detalles del funcionamientu d'un programa) de Windows y Office tán anubríos, y arriendes <strong>naide tien permisu llegal pa pescudar cómo funcionen</strong>.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
If you can't get a right to inspect source code (the human-readable inner workings of a program), you can't have someone correct flaws or evaluate how your privacy is protected for you.	Si nun tienes drechu a inspeccionar el códigu fonte (la descripción del funcionamientu d'un programa), nun pues pedi-y a un informáticu que modifique'l software nin qu'evalúe cómo'l software protexe la to privacidá.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
And guess what? On software that comes with source code, viruses and spyware aren't effective, and security isn't bought on extra. The antivirus software industry, in which Microsoft is now a significant player, prefers you to use Windows.	Y aldovina qué: Nel software onde'l códigu fonte ta disponible, los programes maliciosos (como los virus) nun algamen el so oxetivu, ye dicir, equí la seguridá nun se merca per separtao. La industria de los antivirus, na que Microsoft xuega un papel crucial, prefier que tu uses Windows.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Software should come without locks in it.	El software tendría de venir ensin mecanismos de bloquéu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Why are Office documents difficult to export? Why are the formats continually changing? Why can you not even uninstall some programs? It might be that if you look for choice, Microsoft products aren't for you.	&iquest;Por qué los documentos d'Office son tan difíciles d'esportar? &iquest;Por qué los sos formatos tán camudando de contino? &iquest;Por qué nin siquier pues desinstalar dalgunos programes? Si busques el control, los productos de Microsoft nun son pa ti.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A free society requires free software. Think of &quot;free&quot; as in freedom, not price: the freedoms to inspect, learn from, modify the software you use.	Una sociedá llibre necesita software llibre. Necesita la llibertá pa inspeccionar el software, deprender d'élli, y camudalu d'acordies a les sos necesidaes.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Computers are used to share ideas, culture and information. Without these freedoms over software, we risk losing control over what we share.	Los ordenadores úsense pa compartir idegues, cultura ya información. Ensin estes llibertaes sobro'l software, tamos en riesgu de perder el control sobro lo que compartimos.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
This is happening today. From plain annoying technologies such as Digital Restrictions Management (<strong>DRM</strong>) to downright frightening ones like <strong>Trusted Computing</strong>, everyone's ability to participate in culture is threatened.	Esto yá ta asocediendo anguaño. Dende teunoloxíes evidentemente cafiantes como la Xestión Dixital de Restricciones <strong>DRM</strong> fasta les dafechu espantoses como la Computación confiable <strong>Trusted Computing</strong>. El drechu que tien cualesquiera de participar na cultura ta viéndose amenaciáu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
If you have to give up your freedoms to use software, maybe you should not be happy with it.	Si tienes que refugar de la to llibertá pa usar un software, entós seique nun teas lleu con él.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A common mistake is for Windows and Office users to think that they fully own their software. In fact, there are a number of <strong>legal bindings</strong> applied to it.	Una idega enquivocada que suelen tener los usuarios de Windows y Office ye que'l software pertenez-yos. En realidá, hai un númberu de <strong>arreyos llegales</strong> presentes en tou esto.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Haven't read your license fully? We did that job for you.	&iquest;Nunca lleisti la llicencia ensembre? Nós ficímoslo por ti.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The small print in the contract	La lletra pequeña nel contratu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Windows and Office are licensed, not sold.	Windows y Office nun se venden, namái se paga pa obtener una llicencia.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"No one can buy Windows or Microsoft Office: instead users <strong>purchase a permission to use</strong> them. The license describes the terms of this permission. It is the restrictive legal text you have to click ""OK"" to upon install."	"Nun hai naide que pueda mercar Windows o Microsoft Office: Al contrariu, los usuarios <strong>merquen un permisu pa usalos</strong>. La llicencia describe los términos d'esti permisu. Ye'l testu llegal restrictivu al que tienes que da-y clic en ""Aceutar"" enantes d'instalar."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
You must abandon many rights to use the software.	Tienes de refugar de munchos drechos pa poder usar esi software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
There are a number of restrictions that you must accept by law.	Esisten delles restricciones que tienes d'acatar por llei.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Restrictions on who can use the software, what kind of revenue you may earn with it, on how you choose to install it, restrictions on your privacy, even on whether you can give it away: the list is long. <a href=""%s"">Reading the license and enumerating your remaining rights</a> is itself a difficult task."	"Unes restricciones sobro quién puede usar el software, qué triba de beneficiu puede ganar con ello, de qué mou puedes instalalu, llímites nel to drechu a la intimidá, ya inclusu baxo qué condiciones puedes regalalu: la llista ye enforma llarga. <a href=""%s"" title=""Unes cuantes coses más tocante a les llicencies de Microsoft"">Una vegada lleída la llicencia, enumberar los drechos que te queden</a> ye una xera bien complicada."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"An <abbr title=""Original Equipment Manufacturer (simply the hardware seller)"">OEM</abbr>-distributed software cannot be transferred to another computer."	"Una copia del software distribuyíu pol <abbr title=""Fabricante Orixinal d'Equipu (el vendedor del hardware)"">OEM</abbr> nun pue tresferise a otru equipu."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"If you bought your computer with Windows or Office pre-installed (the so-called OEM licenses, or the ""shrink wrap"" Windows discs), <strong>if you change computers you must buy software again.</strong>"	Si'l to PC venía con Windows y/u Office preinstalaos (lo que se conoz como software de OEM), <strong>y decides camudar d'ordenador, tienes que volver a pagar los programes</strong>	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The license is linked to one computer, and expires when the computer dies. It is then illegal to transfer the software on another computer.	La llicencia ta arreyada al equipu, y espira cuando'l ordenador desaparez. Tresferir el software a otru equipu ye illegal.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"If you go to most of the free software sites, you can click down a couple of levels and find the [GNU] <abbr title=""General Public License, the main free software license"">GPL</abbr>, the X license, the Apache license, whichever terms and conditions you have to accept in order to use that software."	"Si visita la mayoría de los sitios web de software llibre, decataráse de que con pocu esfuerciu alcontrará la llicencia del mesmu, yá seya la [GNU] <abbr title=""General Public License, the main free software license"">GPL</abbr>, la llicencia X, la llicencia d'Apache, o cualesquiera que seyan los términos y condiciones que tien qu'aceutar pa usar el software."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Now with a proprietary software company, the license is buried so you can't read it until after you have paid for the product, then they're asking you to <strong>turn off part of your brain</strong>, they're asking you to turn off part of your ability to work with other people and to do business, when you use their software.	Pol contrariu, cuando una compañía de software privativu, escuéndela tanto que namái la pues lleer dempués de pagar pol productu, tarán pidiéndote que <strong>te desfaigas d'una estaya del to celebru</strong>, tarán pidiéndote que nun uses tol to potencial pa trabayar colos demás y facer negocios, too esto mientres tu uses el so software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The meaning behind	El mensaxe anubríu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Companies like Microsoft like to assimilate their software to physical products, when mentioning copyright infringement for example. Yet, proprietary software is very different because of the restrictive license &ndash; such restrictions would be unthinkable on a car or bicycle, for example.	A empreses como Microsoft présta-yos asemeyar el so software con productos físicos, como cuando menta la piratería por exemplu. Sicasí, el software privativu ye mui distintu darréu de la so llicencia restrictiva -tales restricciones sedríen impensables nun coche o bicicleta, por casu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Restrictions on the use of Office and Windows are so harsh, that many violations occur everyday around us. People are tempted to buy only one version of Microsoft Office and install it on two computers. Others keep their version of Windows when they throw their PC away. Other people give away their second-hand Windows software when they stop using it.	Munches violaciones a llicencies cométense tolos díes al nuesu alrodiu. La xente ta tentada a mercar una sola versión de Microsoft Office ya instalalu en dos ordenadores. Otros caltienen la so versión de Windows cuando se desfaen del so PC. Dalgunes persones regalen el so Windows de segunda mano cuando dexen d'usalu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Restrictions - further details	Restricciones - más detalles	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Stand for a Free Society	La importancia d'una sociedá llibre	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"There is much more to software than being trustworthy (being ""Open-Source""): what really counts is <strong>the freedoms you get</strong> over it. Can you learn from it? Can you build upon it? Can you distribute it? That's what we refer to as ""free software""."	"Hai muncho más nun software que ser Confiable (ser de ""Códigu Abiertu""): Lo que daveres importa ye la <strong>llibertá que tienes</strong> sobro élli. &iquest;Pues deprender d'élli? &iquest;Pues trabayar sobro élli? &iquest;Pues distribuyilu? Eso ye a lo que nos referimos con ""software llibre""."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
I come up with new words, phrases, analogies, all kinds of fun stuff in the English language and people paraphrase what I had to say and make money talking about some of the same things that I did.	Apaezo con pallabres nueves, frases, analoxíes, toa mena de coses divertíes, y llueu la xente parafrasea lo que dixi y ganen dineru falando sobro les coses de les que yo tamién falé.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
<strong>If I try to lock down</strong> what I talk about and write about, the same way as a proprietary software company does, then the whole industry of speaking, writing, media, would be overly litigious, and transaction costs would be prohibitive.	<strong>Si tentara de bloquiar lo que digo</strong>, de la mesma manera qu'una compañía de software privativu fai, entós la industria de les conferencies, escritura, comunicación, sedría abondo litixosa, y los costes de les tresacciones sedríen descomanaos.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Not a crazy concept	Nun ye un conceutu disparatáu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It sounds peculiar to many users that software should be free as in freedom, since none of Microsoft's products are. Yet our society works with many free things in it, for example:	Pa munchos usuarios suena raro que'l software tenga de ser llibre, darréu que dengún de los productos de Microsoft lo son. Sicasí, entá siguin tando presentes estos principios de llibertá na nuesa sociedá, por exemplu:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Though no one has a proprietary lock on yoga, it is still a thriving $30 billion business in the United States.	Magar que'l yoga nun ta patentáu, sigui siendo un próspero negociu billonariu nos Estaos Xuníos.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
No chef would ever forbid you to modify his recipe and make derivatives out of it. The food industry thrives despite being required by law to list ingredients on product labels.	Un chef enxamás llegaría a prohibir la so receta nin facer derivaos d'ella. La industria de la comida medra muncho, pesie a que la llei desixe que los ingredientes de la comida tienen d'indicase nes etiquetes de los productos.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A fair law court system permits anyone to read through all the trial hearings and arguments. Not only the result (the final deliberations), but also the process is fully open.	Un sistema de xusticia tresparente permitiría-y a cualesquiera acceder a les vistes y argumentos nun xuiciu; non sólo al veredictu (el resultáu), sinón al procesu ensembre.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Free software is free as in &quot;free speech&quot;, as in a &quot;free market&quot;: all are necessary for a free society. Unconvinced? Let us look at proprietary software a little closer.	El software llibre ye como la &quot;llibertad d'espresión&quot;: Necesariu pa una sociedá llibre. &iquest;Entá nun tas convencíu? Permítenos falate sobro'l software privativu un pocu más.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Proprietary software going wrong	El software privativu va mui mal	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"The limits of proprietary software go beyond the security issue (see <a href=""%s"">our article on source code</a>): today proprietary software interferes with the spread of culture and information. This happens mainly through two technologies:"	"Los llímites del software privativu van más alló de la so inseguridá (vea <a href=""%s"">el nuesu artículu sobro'l códigu fonte</a>): Anguaño, esti software interfier cola difusión de la cultura y la información. Esto asocede principalmente per aciu de dos teunoloxíes:"	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Digital Restrictions Management %s (DRM)	Xestión Dixital de Restricciones %s (DRM)	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The main idea of DRM %s is to restrict access to files. Users encounter this when, for example, they purchase music through iTunes, and then can only play their music with one player, from one brand. With this method, companies fight copyright infringement, but they also severely restrain users' access to their files.	La principal idega de la Xestión de Drechos Dixitales %s ye restrinxir l'accesu a los ficheros. Los usuarios alcuentren esto cuando, por exemplu, alquirieron música en iTunes, y llueu l'únicu mou d'escuchar la so música ye per aciu d'un sólu reproductor, d'un sólu fabricante. Con esti métodu, les compañías enfréntense a los infractores de los drechos d'autor, pero tamién priven a los sos usuarios del llibre accesu a los sos ficheros.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
DRM is control over content	DRM ye'l control sobro'l conteníu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Except that the control is not in the hands of the end-user. The original purpose of <abbr title=""Digital Restrictions Management"">DRM</abbr> is understandable, but the implications over the flow of information and culture within a society are frightening."	"Magar que realmente'l control nun ta nes manes del usuariu final. El propósitu orixinal de la <abbr title=""Digital Restrictions Management"">DRM</abbr> ye razonable, pero les implicaciones sobro'l fluxu de la información y la cultura dientro de la sociedá son llercioses."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Imagine a book that automatically became glued shut after you read it once.	Imaxina un llibru qu'automáticamente séllase dempués de lleelu una sola vegada.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Imagine documents that self-destructed if you tried to take them out of the room.	Imaxina documentos qu'auto-afárense al tentar de colar pela puerte.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Imagine telephones that only worked if the person you were ringing was renting the same make and model.	Imaxina teléfonos que namái funcionen si la persona a quien tas llamando tuviera usando un teléfonu del mesmu fabricante que tu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Sounds crazy? This is where Trusted Computing comes in.	&iquest;Alloriante, non? D'eso encárgase la Trusted Computing o Computación Confiable.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Trusted Computing is control over the computer	La computación confiable ye control sobro'l ordenador	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The critical thing about Trusted Computing is that <strong>you cannot decide</strong> what is trustworthy and what is not. For example, your computer might refuse to run programs that are not certified by the software company &ndash; programs that could enable you to take documents out of the office, or play your neighbour's DVD, or send your essay to someone not using the same program.	Lo asombroso sobro la Computación confiable ye que <em>tu nun pues dicir lo que ye digno de seguranza</em> y lo que non. Por exemplu, el to ordenador podría refugar executar programes que nun tean certificaos pola compañía de software (programes que podríen permitite llevar documentos fuera de la oficina, o reproducir un DVD del to vecín, o unviar una redacción a daquién que nun usa el mesmu programa).	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A whole range of possibilities opens up for companies that benefit from restricting your computing (such as proprietary software and recording companies). It is suddenly possible to rent DVDs that only play two times, or music you can only listen to during September, or information you can read but can't save or copy. All of a sudden, Trusted Computing and DRM enable <strong>remote control</strong> over content.	Una gran rama de posibilidaes ábrense pa les compañíes que se beneficien de llimitar lo que pues facer col to propiu ordenador (como les compañías de software privativu y les discográfiques). De sópitu ye dable alquilar DVDs que namái se reproducirán dos vegaes, o música que namái pue escuchase n'Ochobre, o información que puede lleese pero nun puede grabase o copiase. Asina, d'esmenu, la Computación confiable o de Seguranza y la Xestión Dixital de Restricciones permiten el <strong>control remotu</strong> sobro'l conteníu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The wider impact	El gran impautu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Many cultural products are now emerging &quot;triple protected&quot;, not only by copyright and code, but also by contracts or licenses for which users waive all remaining rights.	Anguaño munchos productos culturales tán saliendo &quot;triplemente protexíos&quot;, non sólo polos drechos d'autor y el DRM, sinon tamién por contratos o llicencies poles que los usuarios renuncien a los drechos que-yos quedaben.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Increasingly, copyright is replaced with click-through end-user licenses for digital content, using contract law to establish the absolute property rights that copyright laws were originally intended to deny to publishers.	Incrementalmente, el drechu d'autor ta trocándose por llicencies d'usuariu final pa conteníu dixital, usando contratos p'afitar los drechos de propiedá absoluta que les llei de drechu d'autor pretendíen orixinalmente ñegar a los autores.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Computing is not just about calculations anymore. We use software to communicate: to share information, ideas and culture. Software is in our phones, cars, media players, TVs, and gets to govern just about every new device around us.	La computación yá nun se trata de cálculos namái. Usamos el software pa comunicanos: Pa compartir información, idegues y cultura. El software ta nos nuesos teléfonos, automóviles, reproductores de soníu, televisores, y aporta a gobiernar cada nuevu preséu al nuesu alrodiu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
<strong>Software is increasingly used to enforce rules</strong>. Rules that may or may not be the law. Rules that may or may not be fair. If the software is not free there will be no space for the user to influence these rules.	<strong>El software ye cada vegada más usáu pa facer cumplir les regles</strong>. Regles que puen, o non, ser la llei. Regles que pueden, o non, ser xustes. Si'l software nun ye llibre, nun habrá espaciu pa que'l usuariu influya nestes regles.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Trusted Computing and DRM pave the way for a society in which culture and information are not simply turned into products (they are right now, and that is fine), but into <em>consumable</em> products.	La Computación confiable y la Xestión Dixital de Restricciones, propicien un modelu de sociedá nel que la cultura y la información nun son simplemente convertíos en productos (agora mesmo sonlo, y ta bien), sinón que sedríen productos <em>de consumu</em>.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Code is power. Most of today's work documents are written and encoded with secret algorithms in proprietary software. What will be of tomorrow's books, photos, films, essays, animations, music, news? Proprietary programs such as Windows have no transparency. A free culture and a free society cannot grow from such software.	El códigu ye poder. La mayoría de los documentos actuales tán escritos y codificaos con algoritmos secretos, en software privativu. &iquest;Qué sedrá de los llibros, semeyes, películes, ensayos, animaciones, música y noticies del mañana? Programes privativos como Windows nun son tresparentes. Una sociedá o cultura llibre nun pue espoxigar con talu software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The Right to Read	El drechu a lleer	CC-BY-SA-4.0
What is the Trusted Computing world like? This is a short story by Richard Stallman that describes how this can affect any of us.	&iquest;Cómo ye'l mundu de la Computación confiable? Esti ye un curtiu artículu fechu por Richard Stallman pa describir cómo esto pue afeutar a cualesquiera de nós.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The fallacy of DRM	La mentira del DRM	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"A very well constructed article about <abbr title=""Digital Restrictions Management"">DRM</abbr> by Tim Jackson, and on which we based the present article."	"Un bon artículu, tocante a <abbr title=""Digital Restrictions Management"">DRM</abbr> de Tim Jackson, y nel que basamos el presente artículu."	CC-BY-SA-4.0	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Free Knowledge requires Free Software and Free File Formats	El conocimientu llibre requier de Software llibre y de formatos de ficheru llibres	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"An engaged article by Jimmy Wales, who co-founded the free encyclopedia <a href="""" rel=""external"">Wikipedia</a>."	"Un comprometíu artículu de Jimmy Wales, co-fundador de la enciclopedia llibre <a href="""" rel=""external"">Wikipedia</a>."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Trusted Computing	Computación confiable	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Short video animation by Benjamin Stephan and Lutz Vogel. A clear, snappy and convincing argument.	Un pequeñu videu de Benjamin Stephan y Lutz Vogel. Claru, rápidu y d'argumentos convincentes.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Why Software Should Not Have Owners	Por Qué El Software Nun Tendría De Tener Propietarios	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A pivotal text for the Free Software movement by Richard Stallman. It clarifies common objections and explains a handful of important ideas.	Un testu crucial pal movimientu del software llibre, escritu por Richard Stallman. Él mesmu refuta argumentos y desplica munches idegues fundamentales.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
More on free software on this website.	Más tocante al software llibre nesti sitiu web.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Note that DRM is often referred to as ""Digital Rights Management"", although it has little to do with rights &ndash; ""Digital Restrictions Management"" is a more accurate name."	"Decátese que davezu dizse que DRM significa, n'asturianu, ""Xestión Dixital de Derechos"", pero na realidá nun tien res que ver col derechu: Por eso ""Xestión Dixital de Restricciones"" ye'l significáu correutu."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Learn more about the free operating system	Deprendi más tocante al sistema operativu llibre	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Why we should avoid using Microsoft Windows	Por qué tenemos d'evitar usar Microsoft Windows	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Selected reading on the Internet.	Información seleicionada de la web.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Commercial support	Sofitu de drivers	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Learn and read more	Deprender y lleer más	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"A short, entertaining way to clarify thoughts about free, libre, ""open-source"" software."	El conceutu de Free/Libre/Open Source Software presentáu d'un mou agradable.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Note: these links are proposed as a recommendation. They are not commercial.	Nota: Estos enllaces propónense como recomendación. Nun son comerciales.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Microsoft works hard to make sure their users stay locked into their products.	Microsoft trabaya mui duro pa caltener arreyaos a los sos usuarios y que namái usen los sos productos.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
About 3 million computers get sold every year in China, but people don't pay for the software.	Véndense cásique 3 millones d'ordenadores añalmente en China, pero la xente nun paga pol software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Someday they will, though. As long as they are going to steal it [sic], we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.	Magar que dalgún día fadránlo. Mientres ellos sigan robando [sic], preferimos que nos roben a nós. En ciertu mou volveránse adictos y alcontraremos dalgún mou de saldar les deldes dalgún día na siguiente década.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Standards that change all the time	Los sos estándares camuden de contino	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Sticking to Microsoft standards is not an easy job &ndash; unless you can afford to upgrade very often. Ever tried to work on the same <code>.doc</code> file with both an Office 95 and an Office 97 computer? You'll know what we mean.	Apegase a los estándares de Microsoft nun ye una xera cenciella &ndash; sacante que puedas pagar los anovamientos de mou frecuente. &iquest;Dalguna vegada intentesti trabayar sobro'l mesmu ficheru <code>.doc</code> nun ordenador con Office 95 y otru cola versión d'Office 97? Sabrás a qué nos tamos refiriendo.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Microsoft owns the Office file formats: <strong>they change them with every new Office version</strong> and have no obligation to keep them backwards-compatible. Saved your presentation as a <code>.ppt</code> file? If you give up using Microsoft Office next year, you'll have to rely on other communities to reverse-engineer the format, to be able to access and modify your own work.	Microsoft ye'l propietariu de los formatos de ficheru d'Office: <strong>puen camudalos con cada nueva versión</strong> y nun tien la obligación de caltenelos compatibles con versiones anteriores. &iquest;Guardaste la to presentación como un ficheru <code>.ppt</code>? Si dexes d'usar Microsoft Office el próximu añu, tendrás que depender d'otres comunidaes pa que-y faigan inxeniería inversa al formatu, y d'esti mou ser quien a lleer el to propiu trabayu!	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Default programs you can't uninstall	Programes por defeutu que nun puen desinstalase	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Don't want Windows Media Player on your computer? Don't use Internet Explorer anymore? <strong>You can't uninstall these programs</strong>. They previously worked on a standalone basis, but have been intrinsically linked with Windows &ndash; so they come in with every PC and no one can get rid of them.	&iquest;Nun quies tener el reproductor multimedia de Windows nel to equipu?&nbsp;&iquest;Yá nun uses Internet Explorer? <strong>Nun pues desinstalar estos programes</strong>. Estos programes avezaben a trabayar de mou independiente, pero agora tán insepartablemente arreyaos a Windows &ndash; d'esta miente ye como vienen con cualesquier ordenador y naide puede desfacese d'ellos.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Monopolistic practices	Práutiques monopolístiques	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It is a good thing to propose a wide range of software and services like Microsoft do; however, designing and combining them to shut users from non-Microsoft peers is unethical. It's not technically hard to adopt more open formats. But it means your customers are <em>free to choose what they do with their work</em> &ndash; Microsoft isn't there yet.	Ye una bona idega proponer una enantada gama de programes y servicios como lo fai Microsoft, sicasí, diseñales y combinales p'allonxar a los usuarios d'alternatives ufríes por competidores, nun ye ético. Téunicamente nun ye abegoso adoutar más formatos abiertos. Pero eso significaría que los consumidores sedríen <em>llibres d'escoyer qué faen col so trabayu</em> &ndash; y esto a Microsoft nun-y presta.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
LibreOffice Writer open, editing a standard document.	Editor de testos LibreOffice, editando un documentu estándar.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Firefox web browser	Navegador web Firefox	CC-BY-SA-4.0
This is our selection for newcomers. These links are not commercial.	Esta ye la nuesa escoyeta pa principiantes. Los enllaces nun son comerciales.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
We recommend this distribution if you are committed to freedom in your computing.	Encamentamos l'usu d'esta distribución si tas comprometíu a usar namái software llibre.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
We recommend this friendly and complete distribution if you are looking for an easy way to try and step into GNU/Linux.	Encamentámoste esta distribución si quies un mou cenciellu d'aniciate en GNU/Linux.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
We recommend this distribution if you wish to learn more about the workings of a GNU/Linux system, security configuration, or work on software development.	Encamentamos esta distribución si quies deprender tocante al furrulamientu del sistema GNU/Linux y la so configuración de seguridá, desendolcar software o nun dispones de conexón a internet.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Now grab a USB stick and try or install your distribution!	¡Descarga yá un CD y usa la to distribución!	CC-BY-SA-4.0
When you hear the word Linux, you may think of programmers with a beard typing obscure code on a black screen. Good news! Things have changed.	Cuando escuches la pallabra Linux, pue qu'imaxines desendolcadores con barba escribiendo llargues llinies de códigu nuna pantalla prieta. ¡Bones noticies! Les coses camudaron.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The picture	La imaxe	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The larger picture	La rempuesta completa	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Most companies make a profit by <em>selling support and services</em> around their GNU/Linux distribution. Corporate customers buy guaranteed security updates and assistance. Other services often include training and on-demand improvements to software.	La mayoría de les empreses consiguen beneficios gracies al  <em>sofitu téunicu y otros servicios de pagu</em> rellacionaos cola so distribución de GNU/Linux. Los veceros empresariales paguen pola garantía d'anovamientos de seguridá y asistencia, ya inclusu munches vegaes formación y modificaciones al software p'adecualu a les sos necesidaes.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
An extremely wide community participates in the development and improvement of software, decreasing costs and improving efficiency.	Una enorme comunidá participa nel desendolcu y meyora del software, amenorgando los costos y meyorando la eficiencia.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
In the end, individual end-users often get the software at zero cost, while corporate customers are often happy to pay for more support.	Finalmente, les persones avecen a obtener el software de baldre, mentantu que los veceros empresariales suelen tar satisfechos de pagar por un sofitu téunicu más avanzáu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
GNU/Linux FAQ	Faite con GNU/Linux!	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"We wished to keep our ""<a href=""%s"">Restrictions</a>"" page short, so we moved many of the license restrictions out here. Here is the fine print inside the Microsoft licenses."	"Queríamos ser lo más breves tocante a les ""<a href=""%s"">Restricciones</a>"" y dexamos munchos puntos ensin tratar. Equí ta la lletra pequeño dientro de les llicencies de Microsoft."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It is unclear who can use, receive or buy your software	Nun ta nidio quién pue usar, recibir o vender el so software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The license is particularly unclear as to who may or may not use your version of Windows or Office. Several sentences in the Microsoft Office license suggest it would be illegal to let your neighbour type a letter with your version of Word on your computer.	La llicencia nun ye precisa no tocante a quién pue o non usar la so versión de Windows u Office. Dellos apartaos de la llicencia de Microsoft Office dan a atalantar que sedría illegal dexar al to vecín redautar una carta cola versión de Word que tu tienes instalada.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It is however clear in the Microsoft Windows license that you may <em>only</em> give or sell your copy of Windows software to anyone <strong>if you are the first buyer</strong>. This means, that if you buy it from the user who initially purchased it from Microsoft, then <em>you</em> are not able to sell or give the software away to yet another user, even if you do not use it anymore, even if you buy the latest software version with your new computer.	Sicasí, sí queda bien nidio na llicencia de Microsoft Windows que <em>namás</em> pues dar o vender la copia que tu posees de Windows a otres persones <strong>si yes el primer comprador</strong>. De lo contrario, <em>tu</em> nun podríes vendelu o regalalu a otru usuariu, inclusu si yá nun lu uses, o mercaste la versión más reciente de Windows con un ordenador nuevu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
You may not lease, lend or provide commercial hosting services with the software	Nun pues arrendar, emprestar, o fornir servicios d'agospiu comercial col sofware	CC-BY-SA-4.0
You cannot let professional users use your software, whether they pay for the service or not, and whether you use a &quot;Professional&quot; license or not.	Nun pues dexar qu'otros usen el to software, paguen o non pol serviciu, ensin importar si ye una llicencia &quot;profesional&quot; o non.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The upgrade is only valid for the first license you use it on	Los anovamientos namái son válidos pa la primer llicencia nes que s'aplica	CC-BY-SA-4.0
If that original license expires (for example because the computer it came on stops working), so does the upgrade. If you purchase an upgrade, you are not allowed to use the original software version anymore.	Si esa llicencia orixinal caduca (por exemplu, si'l to PC con llicencia del fabricante yá nun furrula), tamién finen los anovamientos. Si merques un anovamientu, yá nun se te permite usar la versión del software orixinal.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Educational versions are crippled	Les versiones educatives tienen un usu mui restrinxíu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"If Microsoft accepts to define you as a student or an academic, you are allowed to buy an academic license, and install the software on three computers. But it is illegal to use it for any commercial purpose ""<em>or in any way related to the operation of any business enterprise or revenue-generating activities</em>""."	"Si Microsoft aceuta considerate como un escolín o un académicu, permítesete mercar una llicencia académica ya instalar el software en hasta trés PC's. Pero ye illegal usalu pa cualesquier propósitu comercial o ""<em>cualesquier usu rellacionáu cola xestión d'un negociu o empresa, o actividaes que xeneren ingresos</em>""."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The components of the software may not be separated	Los componentes del software nun puen separtase	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It is illegal to buy Microsoft Office, then install only Word on one computer, and only Excel on another. The Office suite is one single product.	Ye illegal mercar Microsft Office, más sero instalar Word nun ordenador, y namái Excel n'otru. El paquete d'Office ye un sólu productu (según Microsoft).	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Private information is collected	Recolléchase información privao	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"The licence explicitly states that ""Microsoft and its affiliates"" collect technical information gathered on your computer by the software. They ""<em>may use this information solely to improve products or to provide customized services or technologies</em>""."	"La llicencia esplícitamente diz que ""Microsoft y los sos afiliaos"" recueyen información téunica nel to ordenador. Ellos ""<em>usarán esta información únicamente pa meyorar los sos productos o pa ufrir servicios o teunoloxíes personalizaess</em>""."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
In order to activate most Microsoft products, as part of the license agreement, your computer connects to the Microsoft servers and sends &quot;technical&quot; information. It can &quot;solely&quot; be used for pretty much anything.	Pa poder activar los productos de Microsoft, como parte del alcuerdu llegal, el to equipu conéutase a los sirvidores de Microsoft y unvia información &quot;téunica&quot;. Esta pue usase &quot;únicamente&quot; pa cásique cualesquier propósitu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The GNU General Public License	La llicencia Pública Xeneral GNU	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The GNU General Public License, under which GNU/Linux and a vast amount of free software are published.	La llicencia GNU GPL, baxo la que s'espubliza GNU/Linux y una descomanada cantidá de software llibre.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Comparing the GPL to the Microsoft WinXP License	Comparación de la llicencia GNU GPL cola llicencia de Microsoft Windows XP	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"A thorough and clear comparison of the <abbr title=""GNU General Public License"">GPL</abbr> and the Microsoft <abbr title=""End-User License Agreement"">EULA</abbr> license that governs the use of most Windows XP versions."	"Una fondera y nidia comparanza ente la <abbr title=""GNU General Public License"">GPL</abbr> y la llicencia <abbr title=""Alcuerdu de Llicencia d'Usuariu Final"">EULA</abbr> de Microsoft aplicada al usu de la mayoría de les versiones de Windows XP."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A short story by Richard Stallman that describes what influence restrictive licenses could have on our lives.	Una hestoria curtia y cenciella de lleer escrita por Richard Stallman que describe la influyencia que les llicencies restrictives puen tener sobro les nueses vides.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Meet GNU/Linux in everyday use.	Conoz GNU/Linux nel usu diariu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Our selection for an easy choice.	La nuesa escoyeta pa una fácil eleición.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Install it! (it's easier than you think)	¡Instálalu! (ye muncho más cenciello de lo que camientes)	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Try out the live USB stick	Pruébalu: El CD live	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Take no risk	Nun hai res que perder	CC-BY-SA-4.0
When running on a live USB stick, your computer uses solely the USB stick to work (without accessing the hard drive inside). You can launch all of the default programs, edit documents, and browse the web.	Cuando s'executa dende un CD autónomu, el to ordenador usa namás el CD-ROM pa trabayar (ensin acceder al interior del discu duru). Pues executar toles aplicaciones que vienen nel CD, editar documentos, y restolar pela rede.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Since it is only designed as a trial mode, it is a little slow (it will take you five minutes to boot up, and programs launch somewhat slowly). If you proceed to install, the system will go much faster.	Darréu que namás ta diseñáu como un mou de preba, va un pocu sele (tomará-y cinco minutos p'aniciar, y executará les aplicaciones más lento). Si procedes a instalalu, el sistema dirá muncho más rápido.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
What you need	Lo que necesites	CC-BY-SA-4.0
To use a live USB stick, you need a little bit of curiosity, and fifteen minutes of free time, but <strong>no advanced knowledge in computing</strong>. If you feel confident simply using Windows or macOS from time to time, then this is within your reach.	Pa usar un CD autónomu, necesites un pocu de curiosidá y quince minutos de tiempu llibre, pero <strong>dengún conocimientu avanzáu en computación</strong>. Si te sientes seguru, simplemente usando Windows de xemes en cuandu, entós esto ta al to algame.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Installing as a dual boot	Instalando con arranque dual	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Choose at start-up	Escoyeta nel aniciu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It is possible to install GNU/Linux along with Windows or macOS. This means that upon start-up, you will be greeted with a screen allowing you to boot into the operating system you prefer.	Ye dable instalar GNU/Linux <em>xunto con Windows</em>. Esto significa que al arrancar, va recibite una pantalla permitiéndote aniciar col sistema operativu que prefieras.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Get the image you need	Consigui'l CD que necesites	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Download Debian	Descarga Ubuntu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Download Ubuntu	Descarga Ubuntu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Download Fedora	Descarga Fedora	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Free Software pre-installed	Software Llibre preinstaláu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Let's begin with one simple fact: free software programmers <em>do</em> like to get paid, and all need to buy lunch at some time.	Escomencipiemos por daqué cenciello: A los programadores de software llibre <em>sí</em>-yos presta que-yos paguen y toos tienen los sos gastos.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"When we mention free software, we refer to <strong>liberty not price</strong>. You may actually pay to get free software (or ""open source"" software %s), which you can then study, change and copy at will."	"Cuando dicimos Software Llibre, referímosnos a <strong>la llibertá, non al preciu</strong>. El fechu ye que, vusté pue pagar por un software llibre (or ""open source"" software %s), que postreramente podrá estudiar, camudar y copiar como-y pruya."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
How does it work? You can think about it the following way: software is just code, code is only math. Once you view software as <strong>useful math</strong>, an elaborate language, not like ordinary property, there is no reason to restrict others' use of it.	&iquest;Y acasu eso furrula? Pue imaxináselo d'esti mou: El software ye códigu, llueu el códigu ye matemática. Una vegada que vea'l códigu como una <strong>matemática útil</strong>, una llingua ellaborada (non una propiedá tanxible), nun alcontrará razón pa prohibi-y el so usu a les demás persones.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Just like math (where nobody would claim property on an equation), software requires advanced knowledge to be adapted, improved, applied correctly. This is where programmers generally generate an income: many customers, especially companies, are willing to pay for regular security updates and improvements on software.	Al igual que la matemática (au naide reclamaría la propiedá d'una ecuación), el software requier conocimientu avanzáu pa que pueda ser adautáu, meyoráu y aplicáu de mou correcho. Ye equí au los desendolcadores suelen xenerar ganancies: Munchos veceros, xeneralmente compañíes, tán dispuestos a pagar por meyores y anovamientos de seguridá nel software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Free software companies benefit from a very decentralised development system with a large number of voluntary contributors. The revenues inside the free software industry might be smaller than in the proprietary counterpoint, but are by no means negligible. In the end, individual users generally end up using free software at no cost.	Les compañíes de software llibre benefíciense d'un sistema de desendolcu descentralizáu con un gran númberu de voluntarios. Les ganancies de la industria del software llibre pue que seyan menor que la so contraparte privativa, pero de denguna manera son insignificantes. A la fin, los usuarios individuales suelen terminar usando'l software de baldre.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Free software is not about killing incentives for programmers. It's about seeing code as knowledge which should not be hidden from the user. It works with a different business model, in which many companies already do well.	El software llibre nun intenta d'acabar colos incentivos de los programadores; trátase de ver el códigu como un conocimientu que nun se-y tien d'anubrir al usuariu. Cenciellamente furrula con un modelu de negociu distintu, que munches compañíes tán aprovechando.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The common perception is that if everyone can copy ideas, innovation will be stifled.	La idega que suel tener la xente ye que, si cualesquiera pue copiar idegues, la innovación vendráse abaxo.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
In fact, freedom is often <strong>the key to innovative and successful software</strong>.	En realidá, la llibertá  suel ser <strong>la clave pal software llibre y la innovación</strong>.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Anyone is allowed and encouraged to work upon it;	A la xente permítese-y y afalágase-yos a trabayar sobro él;	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Many people are willing to participate;	Munches persones tán dispuestes a participar;	CC-BY-SA-4.0
There is no need to re-invent everything, ideas can be improved upon directly.	Nun hai necesidá de reinvertar res; les idegues puen implementase direutamente.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Non-proprietary software stands out in many areas: consider, to name just a few:	El software non-propietariu pue apreciase en munches estayes: Considere, por mencionar dalgunes:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Applications:	Accesu a aplicaciones.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
(web browser)	Navegador web Firefox	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Server applications:	Accesu a aplicaciones.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
and of course, GNU/Linux.	Llei y descubre más tocante a  GNU/Linux	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Anyone should care about whether their software is free.	Cualesquiera tendría d'esmolecese tocante a si el so software ye llibre o non.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Imagine purchasing a car whose hood you are forbidden to open. It does not matter whether you know how a car works &ndash; the point is that nobody will be able to check the engine. How can you trust your car, if no one is allowed to make sure that it's reliable, that it does not leak, that it's not harmful to the society and environment?	Imaxínese que compra un automóvil, y que-y prohiben abrilu. Nun importa que sepa cómo funcionen los automóviles, el fechu ye que naide va ser quien a revisar el so motor.&nbsp;&iquest;Cómo pue tar tranquilu col so automóvil si nun-y dexen a naide verificar que seya fiable, que nun tenga una fuga o que nun afeute a la sociedá nin el mediu ambiente?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The idea is the same with software &ndash; except that code does <strong>much more</strong> than move cars. Software runs our computers, phones, TVs, media players and more, carrying information and our culture.	Lo mesmo asocede col software  &ndash; esceutu que'l códigu sirvi pa <strong>muncho más</strong> que pa mover autos. El software remana los nuesos ordenadores, teléfonos, televisores, reproductores de soníu y más, tresportando información y la nuesa cultura.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Free software is as important as free speech, as a free market. If software is free, users have control and liberty over it.	El software llibre ye tan importante como la llibertá d'espresión. Si'l software ye llibre, los usuarios tienen llibertá y el control del mesmu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"The good news are: <em>free software also Just Works.</em> And in fact, it often Just Works Better. <a href=""%s"">Pop in a GNU/Linux live USB stick</a> in your computer at start-up, to try a full-featured, well-organised system, without installation, so you can judge by yourself."	"La bona noticia ye que'l <em>software llibre non sólo funciona bien</em>, sinon qu'aveza a furrular muncho meyor. <a href=""%s"">Introduza un CD autónomu de GNU/Linux nel so ordenador</a>, pa prebar un sistema completu y bien organizáu, de mou que pueda xulgalu vusté mesmu ensin instalalu!"	CC-BY-SA-4.0
To answer this correctly, we must first make a clear distinction between copyright and patents. Copyright is a right granted to the author over his/her creation (for example, the text of a book, or the source code of a program). A patent, on the other hand, is a purchased, registered exclusive control over a process, the application of an idea.	Pa retrucar a esto, primero tenemos que facer una distinción nidia ente'l drechu d'autor y les patentes. El drechu d'autor concédese-y al creador d'una obra sobro la mesma (por exemplu, el testu d'un llibru o el códigu fonte d'un programa). Per otru llau, una patente ye'l control esclusivu que se rexistra sobro un procesu, l'aplicación d'una idega.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Any proprietary software author can easily check that his copyright is not violated in a free software application, since its source code is readily available.	Cualesquier autor de software privativu pue cenciellamente comprobar que nun se viola'l so drechu nun programa de software llibre, darréu que'l códigu fonte ta al algame de la so mano.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Patents in software, on the other hand, are a very controversial concept. To put it shortly: there is <strong>no such thing as a ""patented software""</strong>. By registering for a patent, however, someone can claim ownership over a <em>process</em>. The patent then applies to all software that use this process, whether proprietary or free."	"Per otru llau, les patentes nel software representen un conceutu mui controvertíu. Pa resumilo: <strong>Nun esiste res a lo que se-y pudiere denomar ""software patentáu""</strong>. Sicasí, daquién pue atribuyise la propiedá d'un <em>procesu</em> si rexistra una patente. Entós la patente aplicaría a tol software qu'use esi procesu, ensin importar que seya privativu o llibre."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Software patents:	Patentes de software:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Are expensive and are granted only several years after application;	Son costoses y otórguense llueu de dellos años dende la solicitú;	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Are limited geographically (a patent granted in the US is worthless in Europe);	Tienen llendes xeográfiques (una patente concedía nos Estaos Xuníos nun tien valor dengún n'Europa);	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Have long life-times (often 20 years) in a quickly-moving industry;	Tien llargos períodos de vixencia (xeneralmente 20 años), nuna industria qu'avanza constantemente;	CC-BY-SA-4.0
As such, they are seldom used to benefit innovators (and in fact, rarely used by the innovators themselves).	Como tal, raramente s'usen pa beneficiar a quienes innoven (de fechu, cásique enxamás s'usen polos propios innovadores).	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It's safe to say that <strong>any medium-size piece of software violates patents</strong>, in several countries, whether it's free or not.	Pue dicise que <strong>cualesquier pieza de software de medianu tamañu viola les patentes</strong> en dellos países, tanto llibre como privativu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Depending on the holding company's ability to cover very large legal costs, or to retaliate with other patent threats, royalties and restrictions can be applied over these patents.	Dependiendo de la capacidá que tenga la compañía titular de la patente pa cubrir grandes gastos llegales, puen aplicase restricciones y regalíes sobro tales patentes.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Read more:	Lleer más:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Supporters of this idea argue that there can be no private ownership with free (or ""open source"" %s) software. Let's answer this with an example."	"Los que sofiten esta idega, sofiten que nun pue haber propiedá privada con software llibre (o software de ""códigu abiertu"" %s). Retruquemos a esto con un exemplu."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Let's imagine that you use one application that is free software, at home and within your company. You find a great way to improve it, so now with your modified version, your computer works better and your factories run twice as fast!	Supongamos qu'uses una aplicación que ye software llibre, tanto en casa como nel trabayu. Entós alcuentres una bona forma de meyoralu, de mou que cola to versión modificada, ¡agora'l to ordenador furrula meyor y fai el trabayu el duble d'apriesa!	CC-BY-SA-4.0
This modified version is <strong>your own version</strong>. You are not required to tell anyone about it, nor must you share any of the profits you made using it. You are simply exerting your freedom to use and modify free software.	Esta versión modificada ye <strong>la to propia versión</strong>. Nun tás angariyáu a falar d'ella con naide nin tienes que compartir la ganancia que sacasti mentantu la usabes. Cenciellamente tás exerciendo'l to drechu a usar y modificar el software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
What the free software license requires is that <strong>if you redistribute</strong> this software, then you must keep it free. Namely, if you sell CDs with your software on them, or start letting people outside your home or company use it, then you must:	Lo que la llicencia de software llibre desixe ye que <strong>si tu redistribuyes</strong> esti software, entós tendríes que caltenelu llibre. Concretamente, si vendes CDs que contengan el to software o entames a permiti-yos a persones ayenes a la to casa o llugar de trabayu que lu usen, tu tendríes que:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Either give everyone the same rights you had when you obtained the original software, that is, the freedom to inspect, modify and redistribute your modified version;	Da-y a cualesquier persona los mesmos drechos que a tí te dieron cuando obtuvisti'l software orixinal, ye dicir, la llibertá de revisar, modificar y redistribuyir la to versión modificada;	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Or, make the original software and your secret addition to it clearly separate (that is, your addition should contain none of the original work).	O, separtar les tos modificaciones del software orixinal, ye dicir, que'l trabayu final nun contenga dengún códigu del trabayu orixinal.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"So in fact, you have more ""ownership"" over free software than over proprietary software &ndash; where the programmer decides everything you can <a href=""%s"">and can't do</a> with the software."	"De mou qu'en realidá tienes más ""propiedá"" sobro'l software llibre que'l privativu &ndash;au el programador decide tolo que pues y <a href=""%s"">nun pues facer</a> col software."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
<em>Free software has nothing to do with a political system.</em> You can run free software on top of proprietary software, just as well as the opposite. The free software license is simply a legal, ethical contract between the programmer and the end-user.	<em>El software llibre nun tien res que ver con un sistema políticu</em>. Pues usalu perfeutamente sobro software privativu y viceversa. La llicencia de software llibre cenciellamente ye un contratu éticu ente'l programador y l'usuariu final.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The argument generally goes that since the source code of free software is available, it is less likely to be secure.	L'argumentu suel ser que, yá que'l códigu fonte del software ta disponible, ye menos probable que seya seguru.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Short answer: The majority of servers run free software. They are the major networked computers holding sensitive or confidential information such as your bank details or trade secrets.	Rempuesta curtia: La mayoría de los sirvidores usen software llibre. Son les redes d'ordenadores más importantes y remanen información delicao y/o confidencial como los tos detalles bancarios o los tos secretos comerciales.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A more precise answer is that availability of source code is a warrant of security, not a weakness. The freedom of the software ensures it can be inspected, tested and improved by a very wide community. A good lock is secure because the technology used to design it is open, though only the key holder can open it. The same goes for software.	Una rempuesta más afayadiza sería que la disponibilidá del códigu fonte ye una garantía de seguridá, non una debilidá. La llibertá del software asegura que pueda revisase, prebase y meyorase por una comunidá mui grande. Una pesllera ye bona si la teunoloxía usada pa diseñala ye abierta, magar que non sólo quien tenga la llave pueda abrila. Lo mesmo asocede col software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Not at all.	Non del too.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"If you are looking for good documentation and support forums to assist you, there is plenty available for free (""open source"") software."	Si andes guetando bona documentación y foros d'ayuda, hai abondos disponibles pal software llibre.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Further reading on the web	Llectura complementaria na web	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The concept of Free&nbsp;/&nbsp;Libre&nbsp;/&nbsp;Open Source Software presented in a highly readable, friendly way. A must-read.	El conceutu de Free&nbsp;/&nbsp;Llibre&nbsp;/&nbsp;Open Source Software presentáu d'un mou agradable. Llectura recomendada.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
A simple and clear website about the free format OpenDocument, showing the importance of freedom in formats (not just in applications).	Esti ye un sitiu cenciellu sobro'l formatu llibre OpenDocument (llibertá en software non aplicada a programes, sinón a formatos de ficheros).	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"An engaged article by co-founder of <a href="""" rel=""external"">Wikipedia</a> Jimmy Wales, which shows the connections between freedom in software and free knowledge."	"Un artículu del cofundador de la <a href="""" rel=""external"">Wikipedia</a> Jimmy Wales, qu'amuesa la conexón ente la llibertá nel software y la llibertá nel conocimientu."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It's free	Ye llibre	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Programs	Programes	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The internal installer makes it incredibly easy to find, install and remove programs.	L'instalador incorporáu fai que seya increíblemente fácil alcontrar, instalar y desinstalar programes	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It's also safe: you can forget the demo/trial crippled software, or harmful freeware polluting the web.	Arriendes ye seguro: Pues escaecete del software con versiones de preba, o el peligrosu freeware que contamina la web.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
No fighting	Ensin molesties	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Keeping your computer in shape over time needn't be a struggle. One year on, GNU/Linux runs just as fast as the first day. And it may bring your old PC back to life.	Pa caltener el ordenador en forma col pasu del tiempu nun tien que ser necesario una llucha constante. Un añu dempués de la so instalación, GNU/Linux furrula tan rápido como'l primer día. Ya inclusu pue da-y vida al to vieyu ordenador.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Security	Seguridá	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Regular, easy software updates will keep everyone entirely safe.	Los anovamientos regulares y cenciellos de GNU/Linux caltienen el sistema dafechamente a salvu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Support	Sofitu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
General set-up	Configuración xeneral	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Web browsing and common tasks	Navegación web y xeres comunes	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Driver support	Sofitu de drivers	CC-BY-SA-4.0
So, drivers are sometimes unavailable for the most recent high-end graphics cards &ndash; some are reverse-engineered from Windows drivers by volunteers. Some are also released free of charge, but under restrictive licenses.	Por esta razón, a vegaes nun hai controladores pa les tarxetas gráfiques más nueves nel mercáu; los voluntarios tienen d'aplicar inxeniería inversa a los controladores de Windows. Arriendes, dalgunos úfrense gratuitamente, pero baxo llicencies restrictives.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Sadly, the same problem occurs with many low-end WiFi cards.	Llamentablemente, lo mesmo asocede con munches tarxetes WiFi.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
DVDs, restricted formats	DVDs, formatos restrictivos	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Can I play my DVDs and MP3s under GNU/Linux?	&iquest;Puedo reproducir los mios DVDs y MP3s en GNU/Linux?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Gaming	Xuegos	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Can I play popular 3D games under GNU/Linux?	&iquest;Puedo xugar a los xuegos 3D más famosos en GNU/Linux?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Hibernating	Ivernación	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Because of the driver issues above, hibernating is not always reliable. The most common occurrence is the loss of WiFi connection after hibernating on laptops whose hardware drivers are not free.	En dalgunos ordenadores, ivernar nun ye de tou fiable, una vegada más, por problemes de controladores. El problema más avezáu ye la perda de la conexón WiFi dempués d'ivernar en ordenadores portátiles cuyos controladores nun son llibres.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Conclusion	Conclusión	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Your freedom matters. Thousands in communities and companies work to build software on which you may exert this freedom. Using GNU/Linux is the easiest way to do so fully.	La to llibertá importa. Milenta de persones en comunidaes y compañíes trabayen pa facer software sobro'l que tu puedas exercer la to llibertá. Usandob GNU/Linux ye la forma más cenciella de facelo.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It's fun! Not having to worry about spyware, viruses, program registrations, demos that expire, or finding software that is really free as in freedom, makes using a computer suddenly very enjoyable.	¡Ye divertío! El nun tener qu'esmolecese de spyware, virus, activación de programes, programes qu'espiren, o alcontrar software que ye realmente llibre, fai que de la nada usar un ordenador seya una esperiencia agradable.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
We hope you'll switch soon. There's a large community waiting, and no one in it asking you to &quot;sign up, purchase and register&quot;.	Esperamos que faigas aína la migración. Hai una gran comunidá esperándo-y y naide va a dicite &quot;mércalu y rexístrate&quot;.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Sorry, but we couldn't find the page you were looking for. Either that page doesn't exist or the web page went <abbr title=""away without leave"">AWOL</abbr>."	"Sentímoslo, pero nun pudimos atopar la páxina que tas intentando ver. Igual la páxina nun esiste o la páxina web <abbr title=""esmucióse ensin permisu"">AWOL</abbr>."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Report broken link	Informar d'enllaz frañáu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The source code details the way a program works (it is effectively what programmers write). Without it no one can understand how the software is built.	El códigu fonte detalla la forma na qu'un programa trabaya (de fechu, ye lo que los programadores escriben). Ensin ésti, nun se pue atalantar cómo ta fechu un programa.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It does not matter if you can't read code: whether or not it is available <strong>directly affects any user</strong>.	Nun importa si tu nun lu atalantes: El tar disponible o non <strong>afeuta direutamente a cualesquier usuariu</strong>.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
No one can look inside	Naide pue saber qué hai dientro	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Windows comes without its source code. More than that: all users must abide to the license term that says:	Windows vien ensin códigu fonte. Ye más, al usalu, tienes qu'atenete al términu de la llicencia que diz:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software.	Nun podrás facer inxeniería inversa, decompilar o desensamblar el software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
As such, it is illegal to work out how Windows or Microsoft Word are designed. It is even illegal to try. You are also forbidden to modify the program for any purpose.	Asina que ye illegal descubrir cómo funcionen Windows o Microsoft Word; hasta intentalo ye illegal. Tamién te prohibe modificar el programa pa cualesquier propósitu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
This restriction in the license makes sure that <strong>Microsoft remain the sole organisation that understand how their products work</strong>. Windows is very much like a car that only the original manufacturer is allowed to service.	Esta restricción na licencia ye p'asegurase que <strong>Microsoft permaneza como la única organización qu'entiende cómo funcionen los sos productos</strong>. Windows ye parecíu a un coche au namás al fabricante orixinal se-y permite da-y serviciu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"You might say, ""How do I change this recipe to take out the salt?"" and the great chef would respond, ""How dare you insult my recipe, the child of my brain and my palate, by trying to tamper with it? You don't have the judgment to change my recipe and make it work right!"""	"Pue que digas, ""&iquest;Cómo faigo pa camudar la receta y facer la comida menos salao?"" y el maraviosu chef retruque: ""&iquest;Cómo t'atreves a insultar la mio receta, la mio intelixencia y el mio paladar, tratando d'alteriala? ¡Tu nun tás na posición de camudar la mio receta y facer que seya bona!"""	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Why Software Should Be Free	Por qué el software tendría de ser llibre	CC-BY-SA-4.0
You can trust free software	Pues enfotate nel software llibre	CC-BY-SA-4.0
It comes as no surprise that proprietary software is severely lacking in terms of security, compared to software whose source code is freely available (including GNU/Linux).	Nun resulta una sospresa que'l software privativu tea tan mal en términos de seguridá, comparáu col software que tien el so códigu fonte disponible (incluyendo a GNU/Linux).	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Free software means <strong>programmers can change the code</strong> to repair flaws. It means you can hire someone to really check how secure your software is. It means you can benefit from the contributions of a world-wide community to improve safety and reliability. Fifteen million users run GNU/Linux without an anti-virus, in complete safety. And the servers behind search engines and banks run on it too.	Col software llibre <strong>los programadores puen camudar el códigu</strong> pa iguar defeutos. Significa que pues contratar a un informáticu pa verificar que'l to software ye daveres seguru. Significa que pues beneficiate de les contribuciones d'una comunidá mundial que meyora la seguridá y la fiabilidá del software, constantemente. Quince millones d'usuarios usen GNU/Linux ensin antivirus, y tán a salvu. Asina como los sirvidores de los motores de gueta y los bancos usen GNU/Linux tamién.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Source code is the recipe for software. How could one improve on a meal with too much salt, if forbidden to look at the recipe used to cook it?	El códigu fonte ye la receta del software. &iquest;Cómo vas poder ameyorar una comida pa facela menos salada si te prohiben l'accesu a la receta cola que se fizo?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Using Windows and Office requires us to <strong>not ask</strong> nor search for the source of the software. Only Microsoft developers can modify your program.	L'usar Windows y Office <strong>nun dexa que pidas</strong> o guetes el códigu fonte del software. Namái Microsoft pue modificar el to programa.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Which would you rather trust: the package you are forbidden to study, or the package with the recipe?	&iquest;En cuál vas enfotate, nel software que nun se pue inspeccionar o nel que vien cola so receta?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Frequently asked questions	Entrugues más frecuentes	CC-BY-SA-4.0
General Questions	Entrugues xenerales	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Are &quot;GNU/Linux&quot; and &quot;Linux&quot; any different?	&iquest;Hai dalguna diferencia ente &quot;GNU/Linux&quot; y &quot;Linux&quot; ?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
You keep referring to one and the other alternatively. What is this all about?	Siguís refiriendovos alternadamente a unu y a otru, &iquest;hai dalguna diferencia?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Originally, <strong>Linux</strong> refers to a core component (called the kernel) that fits within the <strong>GNU</strong> system. What users run today are, to be precise, ""<em>distributions of the GNU/Linux system</em>""."	"Orixinalmente, <strong>Linux</strong> refierse a una parte central del sistema, denomada kernel o nucleu, qu'allúgase dientro del sistema <strong>GNU</strong>. Lo que los usuarios usen nos sos ordenadores son, pa ser precisos, ""<em>distribuciones del sistema GNU/Linux</em>""."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"In practice, the word ""Linux"" caught on much better (unsurprisingly), and today people refer to the whole system as simply ""Linux"". This causes a great deal of controversy."	"Na práutica, la pallabra ""Linux"" tuvo meyor recibimientu, y anguaño la xente usa cenciellamente ""Linux"" pa referise al sistema enteru. (Nun creyeríeis la controversia que xenera esti fechu...)"	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Calling the system <em>Linux</em> is more practical and appealing for computer users that often believe Windows is the only thing on earth.	Denomar <em>Linux</em> al sistema ye más práutico y cenciello pa usuarios de ordenadores que creen que Windows ye lo único sobro la Tierra.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Is Linux a registered trademark?	&iquest;Linux ye una marca rexistrada?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Is GNU/Linux the only free operating system available?	&iquest;GNU/Linux ye l'únicu sistema operativu llibre esistente?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
No. GNU/Linux is by far the most widely used free system; however a number of other systems exist.	Non. GNU/Linux ye, con muncha diferencia, el sistema llibre más usáu; sicasí, esisten dellos sistemes más que tamién son llibres.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Understanding free software	Pescanciar el software llibre	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Are &quot;Open Source&quot; and &quot;Free Software&quot; the same thing?	&iquest;&quot;Software Llibre&quot; y &quot;Software de Códigu Abiertu&quot; son lo mesmo?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
In terms of philosophy, things are quite different. The term &quot;open source&quot; was coined to make &quot;free software&quot; more attractive, its supporters see open source software as a better way to make software.	Filosóficamente, son mui distintos. El términu &quot;códigu abiertu&quot; acuñóse pa facer ver al &quot;software llibre&quot; más atractivu; los que lu sofiten venlu como una meyor forma de desendolcar software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Which term you employ simply depends on your vision of software.	El términu que vusté decida usar dependerá de la so visión del software.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Most companies developing free software make money by selling <strong>services</strong> around their software, rather than the software itself. This is sometimes done by selling everything as a package: the customer buys the CD, book, and support contract at once. The software can still guarantee your freedoms.	La mayoría de les empreses que desendolquen software llibre ganen dineru vendiendo <strong>servicios</strong> rellacionaos col so software, n'arróu de vender el propiu software. De vezu esto faise vendiendo too como un paquete: el cliente merca'l CD, el manual y el contratu de serviciu téunicu al mesmu tiempu. El software entá garantiza los tos drechos.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
More:	Más:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
There are typically three types of policies regarding the inclusion of non-free software:	Normalmente hai trés tipos de polítiques rellacionaes cola inclusión de software privativu:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Some GNU/Linux distributors allow non-free software in order to enable hardware functionality.	Dalgunos creadores de distribuciones de GNU/Linux permiten software privativu p'activar funciones del hardware.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Some GNU/Linux distributors assemble free and restrictive software without distinction. Such distributors would not like users to think of their freedom, and rather advertise only the technical capabilities of their product. Using such distributions isn't much better than <a href=""%s"">using Windows</a>. We value your freedom and recommend you choose carefully!"	"Dalgunos creadores de distribuciones de GNU/Linux empaqueten software llibre y privativu ensin distinción. A ellos nun-yos presta que los usuarios camienten na so llibertá, y prefieren dar publicidá a les carauterístiques téuniques del so productu. L'usar tales distribuciones nun ye muncho meyor qu'usar <a href=""%s"">Windows</a>. ¡Nosotros valoramos la to llibertá y encamentamos qu'escueyas con procuru!"	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"It's quite common for Mac users to believe they are exempt from <a href=""%s"">restrictions associated with Windows</a>. Unfortunately such is not the case."	"Ye habitual que los usuarios de Mac crean tar llibres de les <a href=""%s"">torgues asociaes con Windows</a>. Desafortunadamente, nun ye'l casu."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
GNU/Linux was made by people who don't like the thought of all the world's computers running just one company's proprietary products. There is certainly nothing wrong with that!	GNU/Linux creóse por persones a les que nun-yos presta la idea de que tolos ordenadores del mundu usen los productos privativos d'una mesma empresa. ¡Y eso, definitivamente nun tien res de malo!	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Read more in the article: <a href=""%s"">%s</a>."	"Más información nel artículu: <a href=""%s"">%s</a>."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Note that <a href=""#new_computer"">buying new hardware is not necessary</a> to use GNU/Linux!"	"¡Pero <a href=""#new_computer"">nun necesites mercar un ordenador nuevu</a> pa usar GNU/Linux!"	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Can I get GNU/Linux in my own language?	&iquest;GNU/Linux ta disponible na mio llingua?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"Yes. All main distributions, such as <a href=""%s"">the ones we recommend</a>, are all available in the main languages around, and have support for many keyboard types."	"Si. Toles distribuciones principales, <a href=""%s"">como les qu'encamentamos</a>, tan disponibles en delles llingües, y sofiten munches tribes de tecláu."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Unlike Windows, all languages are included on each installation CD, so there is no need for you to download (or pay for!) another whole version to merely change the language on your computer.	A la escontra de Windows, toles llingües tan incluyíes en cada CD d'instalación, asina que nun fai falta que descargue (¡o pague!) otra versión completa pa camudar la llingua del so equipu.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The sticker on it is purely marketing, it has no legal value. We believe it is <em>one fundamental right</em> to choose which software to run on our own hardware.	La etiqueta ye pura publicidá, nun tien valor llegal. Creemos que ye <em>un drechu fundamental</em> escoyer qué software instalar nel nuesu propiu hardware.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Not at all. It will run happily on your own computer.	Definitivamente, non. Furrulará tranquilamente nel to ordenador actual.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
The simple answer to this question would be &quot;yes&quot;, however this is only half the truth.	La rempuesta cenciella sedría &quot;sí&quot;, magar que namái sedría la metada de la verdá.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"DVDs, on the other hand, are a more difficult situation. Most, if not all, DVDs are encrypted using a system called ""<abbr title=""Content Scrambling System"">CSS</abbr>"". There is a widely supported free software, called <code>libdvdcss</code>, capable of decrypting DVD videos. However, circumventing the restriction on your DVDs is illegal in many parts of the world, including the USA and the European Union."	"Per otru llau, la situación colos DVDs ye más complexa. La mayoría, sinón toos, los DVDs tan cifraos con un sistema denomáu ""<abbr title=""Content Scrambling System; Sistema pa la Codificación del Conteníu, n'asturianu"">CSS</abbr>"". Hai un programa llibre con bon sofitu, nomáu <code>libdvdcss</code>, que pue descodificar DVDs. Sicasí, esmucir les torgues de los DVDs ye illegal en munchos llugares del mundu, incluyendo los Estaos Xuníos y la Xunión Européa."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Non-encrypted DVDs, which include most home-made DVDs, play perfectly well with only free software.	Los DVDs ensin cifrar, como la mayoría de los creaos en casa, puen reproducise perfeutamente usando namái software llibre.	CC-BY-SA-4.0
More on the web:	Más na web:	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Ubuntu Restricted Formats	Formatos restrinxíos n'Ubuntu	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Fedora Forbidden Items	Elementos prohibíos en Fedora	CC-BY-SA-4.0
More questions?	&iquest;Más entrugues?	CC-BY-SA-4.0
"If you have a question that is not covered here, there are many communities to help you. Our ""<a href=""%s"">%s</a>"" section will help you find the right place to ask."	"Si tienes una entruga que nun se trata equí, hai munches comunidaes p'ayudate. La nuesa seición ""<a href=""%s"">%s</a>"" t'ayudará a alcontrar un sitiu afayadizu nel qu'entrugar."	CC-BY-SA-4.0
Contact us	Contauta con nós	CC-BY-SA-4.0