Climate change
Climate adaptation
Climate mitigation
Haiti COVID-19 Response To respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Haiti. The development objective of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Strategic Preparedness and Response Project for Haiti is to prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Emergency COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response, aims to provide immediate support to minimize imported cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) , to limit local transmission through containment strategies and to strengthen clinical care capacity and critical core functions of the health system to provide the best care possible for people who become ill despite a surge in demand. It has the following subcomponents: (i) Containment interventions; (ii) Communications activities supporting preparedness; and (iii) Reinforcement of healthcare services provision capacity. 2) The second component, Health System Strengthening, aims to support the strengthening of public health systems for pandemic preparedness, focusing on the key areas identified in the last Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of country International Health Regulations (IHR) core capacities for Haiti. 3) The third component, Implementation Management and Monitoring and Evaluation, aims to finance activities to support the capacity of the central Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) units and Departmental health authorities in the coordination, implementation management and supervision of the Project (including fiduciary aspects and monitoring and evaluation, safeguards and reporting of Project activities and results), and the carrying out of project audits.
Horn of Africa Gateway Development Project To improve: (a) the movement of people and goods and digital connectivity and access to social services to communities at designated locations along the targeted sections of the Isiolo-Mandera Regional Road Corridor; and (b) the capacity of selected transport related institutions in Kenya. The objectives of the Horn of Africa Gateway Development Project for Kenya are to improve: (a) the movement of people and goods and digital connectivity and access to social services to communities at designated locations along the targeted sections of the Isiolo-Mandera Regional Road Corridor; and (b) the capacity of selected transport related institutions in Kenya. The project comprise the following components and sub-components: (1) Improving Movement of People, Goods, and Digital Connectivity component will improve selected roads sections along the Isiolo-Mandera Regional corridor by KeNHA and improve Digital Connectivity and institutional strengthening of ICTA. (2) Facilitation of Regional Trade and Transport component will support to KRA to facilitate trade and support to KeNHA to facilitate transport. (3) Improving Access to Selected Basic Social Services at Designated Locations along Isiolo-Mandera Regional Road Corridor by KeNHA component will support KeNHA to provide socioeconomic infrastructure and services based on a needs assessment by KeNHA at the community level. (4) Institutional Strengthening of Selected Transport and Related Institutions component will strengthen the Institutional Capacities of KeNHA and Associated Institutions; strengthen of the Frontier Counties Development Council; strengthen of the Directorate of Occupational Safety Health and Services; and strengthen the capacity of the National Land Commission (NLC). (5) Contingent Emergency Response component will provide preparedness and rapid response measures to address disaster, emergency and/or catastrophic events, in accordance with the applicable CERC Manual.
Inclusive Partnerships for Agricultural Competitiveness The Project Development Objectives are to improve access to markets and enhance the competitiveness of smallholder farmers in the targeted Agrarian Reform Community clusters. The development objective of the Inclusive Partnerships for Agricultural Competitiveness Project for Philippines are to improve access to markets and to enhance the competitiveness of smallholder farmers in the targeted agrarian reform community clusters. The project will achieve its stated objective through the implementation of the following three components. The first component, support services for enhanced market linkages is to enable the FOs in the ARC clusters to become more competitive in terms of farm productivity, product quality and access to market. It would: (a) strengthen the capacity of farmers and FOs to engage in commercial agriculture opportunities; (b) improve the extension, business development, and land tenure services; and (c) provide physical infrastructure investments to support productivity improvements and market access. The component has three sub-components: (i) Extension and Business Development; (ii) Land Tenure Improvement; (iii) Rural Infrastructure; The second component, Investments in Productive Partnerships is to support smallholder farmers in the ARC clusters to increase their competitiveness, business orientation and market position and to make them attractive business partners in the value chain. The third component, Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation is to provide support to the project implementing agencies at thecentral, regional, and provincial levels in project management and coordination, technical operation, financial management, procurement, social and environmental safeguards, and monitoring and evaluation(M&E).
Emergency Lifeline Connectivity Project To provide climate resilient road access and employment and entrepreneurship opportunities to food insecure rural population of Yemen The development objective of the Emergency Lifeline Connectivity Project for Yemen is to provide climate resilient road access and employment and entrepreneurship opportunities to food insecure rural population of Yemen. The project comprises of four components. The first component, rural and village access roads improvement and maintenance comprise of following sub-components: (i) rehabilitation of lifeline rural access roads; and (ii) road maintenance through private sector participation and supply chain enhancement. The second component, strengthening management capacity of transport sector public institutions will finance: (i) strengthen project management capacities of the road maintenance fund (RMF) and rural access program (RAP) through a program of capacity building provided by a consulting firm, and for RAP to provide implementation support to the project on certain tasks based on meeting triggers set in the capacity building program as will be agreed between United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the World Bank, with the aim to preparing them to efficiently manage the network in the medium to longer-term; (ii) support for the RAP to revive its management information system (MIS); and (iii) support RMF to reactivate its road asset management system and tools, strengthen RAP’s and RMF’s capacity to predict, respond, and design resilient roads infrastructure to extreme climate events such as floods, to assess vulnerability of infrastructure assets and prepare and implement resilient investment plans. The third component, project implementation and monitoring support will support project management as well as monitoring and evaluation (M and E) to ensure that the project is successfully and efficiently implemented. The fourth component, contingent emergency response objective is to provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency following the procedures governed by paragraph 12, Section III of the Bank policy, investment project financing.
COVID-19 Response Project The Program Development Objective is to prevent, detect, and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Turkmenistan. The development objective of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response Project for Turkmenistan is to prevent, detect, and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness. The project comprises of three components. The first component, improving COVID-19 prevention, detection, and emergency response will support efforts to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 and strengthen coordination of the national pandemic response. It consists of following sub-components: (i) strengthening surveillance and rapid response to suspected cases of COVID-19; and (ii) strengthening risk communication and community engagement. The second component, improving health system preparedness for COVID-19 will strengthen health system preparedness by expanding capacity for treating COVID-19 and severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) cases, as well as enhancing infection prevention and control (IPC) measures in health facilities. The third component, project management, monitoring and evaluation will support overall project administration, including project management, fiduciary functions, environmental and social safeguards, and regular monitoring of and reporting on implementation.
Modernization and restructuring of the road sector The objective of the Project is to strengthen the institutional effectiveness, enhance the operational efficiency and increase the debt service capacity of Croatia's road sector. The development objective of the Modernization and Restructuring of the Roads Sector Project for Croatia is to strengthen the institutional effectiveness, enhance the operational efficiency, and increase the debt service capacity of Croatia’s road sector. The project comprises of three components. The first component, institutional strengthening and sector reforms objective to establish an institutional framework for the road sector, including through: financial transaction advisor; transport sector planning and road sector governance and monitoring; and implementation support. The second component, operational restructuring of road sector companies’ objective is to implement management tools and carry out the revenue enhancement and cost rationalization actions required to improve operational and financial sustainability of the road sector companies, including through: road classification and standards; road asset management system; rationalization of operations and business functions - motorways; tolling; operational and business rationalization of hrvatske ceste (HC); and road safety. The third component, debt optimization - up to EUR 4 billion of the road sector statement of expenditures (SOEs’) EUR 5.2 billion of debt may be optimized. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD’s) direct involvement relates to a first refinancing mobilized by the government with the support of an investment project financing (IPF) guarantee objective is to mobilize commercial financing for the road sector SOEs to refinance their short term and expensive loans (guaranteed refinancing facility).
Sustainable Fodder Production and Low Methane Livestock Development Program-for-Results The Program Development Objective is to improve productivity and lower methane emissions in selected livestock sub-sectors and enhance the governance system for greening the livestock sector in the Program Counties of Gansu Province. The development objective of the Sustainable Fodder Production and Low Methane Livestock Development Program-for-Results (PforR) for China is to improve productivity and lower methane emissions in selected livestock subsectors and enhance the governance system for greening the livestock sector in the Program Counties of Gansu Province. The program is anchored in the Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) and fully aligned with the World Bank’s global commitments, World Bank Group (WBG’s) green, resilient and inclusive development framework, the WBG’s climate change action plan (2021-2025), and the World Bank’s gender strategy. The Program supports implementation of climate mitigation and adaptation actions identified under the CCDR, which highlights the use of low-emission practices and technologies in agriculture sector as key for emission reduction. It also follows the CCDR recommendation on the realignment of subsidies in the agriculture sector, which is coordinated with the targeted investment in measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems, to allow for the gradual shift in payments toward environmental outcomes. It will support institutional strengthening and capacity building to create the enabling environment for scaling up sustainable low-emission livestock production. The PforR is expected to contribute to the WB’s new scorecard and climate commitments by promoting productivity and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from livestock sector. Responding to the WB’s Gender strategy, the Program aims to address the issues of women’s access to agricultural inputs and other productive resources, extension services, and trainings which will enable women to benefit from economic opportunities in livestock sector while increasing their representation in decision-making processes.
Social Protection Emergency Response and Delivery Systems Project The project objectives are to mitigate the effect of, and contribute to the recovery from, economic impacts of the COVID19 pandemic on the poor and vulnerable, and to strengthen the Recipient’s social protection system. The development objective of Social Protection Emergency Response and Delivery Systems Project for Kyrgyz Republic are to mitigate the effect of, and contribute to the recovery from, economic impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic on the poor and vulnerable, and to strengthen the recipient’s social protection system. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Emergency Assistance to Households’ Income, has the following sub-components: (i) Emergency cash assistance to poor and vulnerable households; (ii) Temporary allowance for unemployed individuals; and (iii) Ensuring uninterrupted payments of social insurance benefits. 2) The second component, Recovery Support - Productive Inclusion, aims to finance activities that specifically reach out to women, to help address gender-specific constraints they face when trying to secure loans and to set up micro, small, and medium enterprises. 3) The third component, Delivery Systems for Social Assistance and Social Insurance, has the following sub-components: (i) Strengthening service delivery systems of social assistance; (ii) Social insurance administration; and (iii) Project management. 4) The fourth component, Contingent Early Response Component (CERC), aims to support the government’s emergency response and reconstruction in the event of an eligible emergency.
Nepal Fourth Financial Sector Stability Credit DPC4 The objective of the credit is to support the financial sector medium-term reform program initiated by the Nepalese authorities to reduce the vulnerability of the banking sector and increase its transparency. This is the fourth operation in a series of Development Policy Credit (DPC) operations with thedevelopment objective of supporting the Government of Nepal’s (GoN) financial sector medium-termreform to reduce the vulnerability of the banking sector and increase its transparency. This program document describes the Fourth Financial Sector Stability Development Policy Credit (DPC4) to the GoN, in the amount of SDR 71.1 million (US$100 million equivalent). The initial IDA Financial Sector Stability Credit approved in June 2013, was a stand-alone single tranche credit in the amount of USD 30 million equivalent). The second and third credits (each in the amount of USD 100 million equivalent, and approved in June 2015 and March 2017, respectively), were designed in a programmatic series of three operations. The series has four pillars: (a) enhancing financial sector development; (b) restructuring and consolidating the financial system; (c) strengthening the legal and regulatory framework; and (d) enhancing the governance and transparency of the banking system.The proposed operation is consistent with the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for FY2014–2017 that acknowledges the persistent financial sector weakness and the risk it poses to macroeconomic stability and economic growth. The Performance and Learning Review (PLR, FY2017) of the CPS also acknowledges the progress made through the series of DPCs, particularly in addressing the capital adequacy of state-owned banks, strengthening inspection and compliance, ensuring overall financial sector stability and contributing to access to finance. The Systematic Country Diagnostic (FY2018) highlights financial sector stability and inclusion as important aspects for broader economic growth and poverty reduction. The operation was prepared in close collaboration with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID).
Armenia Fourth Development Policy Financing The objective of the proposed operation is to support the government’s reform agenda in two key areas: (i) promoting fiscal, social, and environmental sustainability; and (ii) strengthening competitiveness The fourth Development Policy Financing in Armenia will support the government’s efforts to promote fiscal, social, and environmental sustainability and to strengthen competitiveness. The original programmatic series of Development Policy Operations (DPOs) in Armenia comprised three operations. A fourth operation was subsequently added in 2015 to better align it with the government’s reform program and the World Bank’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) cycle, to provide the much needed response to a deteriorating macroeconomic context and to strengthen the impact of the supported reforms. This programmatic series of four operations is anchored in the Armenia Development Strategy (ADS) for 2014–25 which was approved by the government in April 2014, and in the CPS for FY2014–17. Originally, the Program Development Objective (PDO) of this DPO series was to support job creation through growth enhancing reforms. However, given the country’s increasing macroeconomic and fiscal vulnerability in the context of a worsening external environment, the PDO was amended (in the third operation under this programmatic series) to support the government’s reform agenda under the following two pillars: (i) promoting fiscal, social, and environmental sustainability; and (ii) strengthening competitiveness. These reforms will ultimately bolster the prospects for the government’s long-term objective of job creation. The first pillar includes measures to increase the fiscal space, improve the financial sustainability of key sectors, enhance the efficiency of social protection programs, and improve environmental safeguards in the mining industry, which accounts for over half of Armenia’s exports. The second pillar includes actions designed to strengthen the business environment, improve trade facilitation and connectivity, and improve access to credit. This is the last operation in the programmatic series of four operations spanning 2013-16, in the amount of US$50 million.
Niger Adaptive Safety Net Project 2 The PDO is to improve the capacity of the Niger adaptive safety nets system to respond to shocks and to provide access for poor and vulnerable people to safety nets and accompanying measures. The development objective of Second Niger Adaptive Safety Net Project is to improve the capacity of the Niger adaptive safety nets system to respond to shocks and to provide access for poor and vulnerable people to safety nets and accompanying measures. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Strengthening the Adaptive and Scalable Safety Net System, has the following three subcomponents: (i) Strengthening national systems; (ii) Supporting policy dialogue and inter-sectoral coordination; and (iii) Delivery tools, implementation, and monitoring of safety net interventions. 2) The second component, Cash Transfers and Accompanying Measures, has the following three subcomponents: (i) Cash transfers; (ii) Accompanying measures; and (iii) Cash transfers for shock response. 3) The third component, Cash for Work for Resilience, aims to support the implementation of Cash for Work (CfW) programs, which will provide additional income to people in communities affected by food insecurity caused by persistent or recurrent weather and climate change-related shocks. 4) The fourth component, Project Management, aims to cover expenditures related to the procurement of goods, works, services, and consultants necessary for the management of the project.
Improving Resilience and Emergency Response Project The proposed Project Development Objective (PDO) is to enhance the resilience of Romanian Police Facilities that are critical to respond to Emergency Situations and disasters and to strengthen the institutional capacities for emergency preparedness and response. The development objective of Improving Resilience and Emergency Response Project for Romania is to enhance the resilience of Romanian Police Facilities that are critical to respond to Emergency Situations and disasters and to strengthen the institutional capacities for emergency preparedness and response. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Enhance the Resilience of Selected Romanian Police Infrastructure to be Used in Disaster Response, aims to support priority retrofitting and reconstruction investments and technical assistance to enhance the emergency situations response capacity of selected Romanian Police Facilities and guide future infrastructure planning that covers the entire building stock managed by the Romanian Police. It has the following subcomponents: (i) Priority Investments; and (ii) Long-Term Infrastructure Investment Planning. 2) The second component, Operational Readiness and Public Awareness, aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Romanian Police to ensure operational readiness in the event of an emergency through a series of training and acquisition of essential emergency equipment. It has the following subcomponents: (i) Operational Readiness for Emergency Response; and (ii) Public Awareness. 3) The third component, Project Management, aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Romanian Police in project management.
Digital West Bank & Gaza Project To (a) improve quality of high-speed broadband services in selected areas; and (b) enable development of selected e-services for response, recovery and resilience from shocks, such as COVID-19. The development objective of the Digital West Bank and Gaza (WB and G) Project for WB and G is to: (a) increase access to high-speed broadband services in selected areas; and (b) enable development of selected e-services for response, recovery and resilience from shocks, such as Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The project comprises of five components. The first component, enabling legal and regulatory environment for digital economy will finance strengthening the enabling legal, policy and regulatory environment and the institutional capacity for the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies in support of digital transformation and emergence of digital economy in the WB and G. It consists of following sub-components: (i) strengthening development of key institutions of digital economy; (ii) development of legal and regulatory frameworks and cybersecurity and data protection; and (iii) capacity building. The second component, implementing digital infrastructure solutions for emergency response, recovery, and resilience aim to support digital infrastructure development and facilitate the use of digital technologies for building resilience, mitigating against emergencies and disasters, and digitally connecting communities and businesses. It consists of following sub-components: (i) emergency response center (ERC) for resilience; (ii) expanding access to broadband connectivity through sustainable mobilizing finance for development (MFD) approach; and (iii) expanding connectivity through the development of fiber optic infrastructure. The third component, fostering user centered e-service delivery will contribute to the establishment of a number of governments to citizen (G2C) and government-to-business (G2B) e-services across the WB and G under a whole of government approach. It consists of following sub-components: (i) enabling environment for accelerated development of e-services; (ii) delivering user-centric e-services; and (iii) development and implementation of priority e-government procurement (e-GP) functionalities in targeted high-spending agencies. The fourth component, project management and implementation support will strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology (MTIT), through the provision of management and implementation support to the MTIT in managing and overseeing project activities. The fifth component, contingent ER component (CERC) will provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed.
Governance of Extractives for Local Development & COVID-19 response Project The project development objective is to strengthen local governments’ capacity and extractive sector management for service delivery in the targeted regions. The objective of the Governance of Extractives for Local Development and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Project for Niger is to strengthen local governments’ capacity and extractive sector management for service delivery in the targeted regions. The Project has three components. 1. Strengthening Local Governments’ Capacities component will finance TA to strengthen systems and capacities for state deployment policies and incentivize through Performance Based Conditions (PBCs) the availability of public financing to transfer human and financial resources at local level. Sub-component 1.1: Technical assistance (TA) to strengthen the systems for resource deployment and Local Government (LG) performance will finance: (i) Human Resource Management (HRM) TA; (ii) Public Financial Management (PFM) TA; (iii) Local governance and risk monitoring systems. Sub-component 1.2: Performance Based Condition (PBCs) for effective deployment of public resources will incentivize, through PBCs, the mobilization of resources to implement public human and financial resources deployment at the local level in the targeted regions and sectors. 2. Improving extractive sector’s management component will finance TA to improve extractive sector’s management and investment attractiveness and its integration into the local economy. Sub-component 2.1 TA to improve extractive sector management will improve extractive sector management through better regulatory framework, geo data management and risk mitigation capacity, and to improve extractive sector integration in the local economy through enhanced local content and ASM capacity. Sub-component 2.2: PBCs for effective extractive sector oversight incentivize through PBCs the mobilization of resources to implement the effective oversight of the extractive sector, from ASM to Large Scale Mining (LSM) sites to improve social, environmental and fiscal compliance. 3. Project management component will support: (i) day to day management of the project; (ii) procurement and financial management; (iii) monitoring and evaluation (M and E); (iv) coordination of project activities; (v) communication; (vi) support of training and advisory services needed for the overall performance of the project; and (vii) leadership and change management to address collaboration and cooperation challenges, e.g. through coaching on Rapid Result approach within targeted ministries.
Land Bank Financial Intermediation Project The project's development objective is to sustainably scale up Land Bank's financing, specifically to benefit emerging farmers. The objective of the Land Bank Financial Intermediation Loan Project for South Africa is to sustainably scale up Land Bank’s financing, specifically to benefit emerging farmers. The project is a financial intermediary loan (FIL) of US$93 million to Land Bank as the borrower and implementing agency with a guarantee of the Republic of South Africa. The project has one component: a Line of Credit (LOC) for agricultural financing in the amount of US$93 million. The objectives of the LOC component are to: support land bank in refocusing its operations on wholesale lending, and support land bank’s new approach to help integrate emerging farmers into established value chains. To achieve the above objectives, land bank will provide both wholesale finance to participating PFIs for on-lending to commercial and emerging farmers and direct financing, in partnership with large agriculture corporates, to emerging farmers to support their integration in established value chains.
Housing Recovery Project The Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to: to contribute to the recovery of housing for households affected by Hurricane Maria, to improve the application of resilient building practices in the Recipient’s housing sector, and to provide immediate and effective response to an Eligible Emergency Crisis or Emergency The development objectives of Housing Recovery Project for Dominica are to contribute both to the recovery of housing for households affected by Hurricane Maria and to improve the application of resilient building practices in the housing sector. The project comprises three components. 1) The first component, Support for Housing Recovery Systems and Capacity Building, aims to set up systems to manage, expedite, and monitor the housing recovery program and will build capacity and a sustainable framework for development planning in the housing sector. It has the following three subcomponents: (i) Development Planning Support to Technical Assistance Centers and the Project at the Local Level; (ii) Development of Management Information Systems, to Support Planning and Monitoring Processes in Project Agencies; and (iii) Technical Design of a New Physical Development Planning Office. 2) The second component, Support for Reconstruction of Houses, aims to provide subsidies in the form of small grants for owner‐driven reconstruction or replacement of houses that were classified as destroyed. It has the following two subcomponents: (i) Support for Reconstruction of Houses; and (ii) Design and Supervision of House Reconstruction. 3) The third component, Project Management and Coordination, aims to finance the establishment and operation of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) under Ministry of Housing, Lands and Water Resource Management (MoH) to serve as the unit responsible for the overall implementation and coordination of the project activities, as well as the setting up of the IST to be established within Ministry of Finance( MoF).
Piauí Health and Social Protection Development Project To strengthen health surveillance, social protection, and employment service delivery systems to benefit the Borrower’s vulnerable population. The objective of the Piauí Health and Social Protection Development Project is to strengthen health surveillance, social protection, and employment service delivery systems to benefit the Borrower’s vulnerable population. There are four components to the project, the first component being strengthening health surveillance systems and capacities. This component aims to strengthen the state health surveillance systems and capacities by improving their structures and introducing coordination and management mechanisms for service provision, focused on priority populations and regions of the state with weaker services. The second component is the strengthening social protection systems and capacities. This component aims to improve the state social protection and employment service delivery systems and capacities by strengthening benefits of social assistance for those in immediate need, structuring services to promote economic opportunities, and improving the state’s ability to play a more effective role in overseeing and supporting the social protection and labor activities in the state, especially to respond more effectively to economic, social, and climate-related shocks. The third component is the strengthening food and nutrition surveillance and food security response. This component responds to the growing challenge, including due to climate impacts, of food insecurity in Piauí, requiring a coordinated approach. Finally, the fourth component is the project management. This component aims to strengthen the capacity of state agencies and provide overall implementation support to the Project Coordination Unit (Unidade de Coordenação do Projeto, PCU) and Project Implementation Unit (Unidades de Implementação do Projeto, PIU) in technical, environmental, social, fiduciary, supervision, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and communications-related areas, including training and operating costs.
Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE) Phase III The PDOs are : (i) to strengthen national and regional cross-sectoral capacity for collaborative disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness in West Africa; and (ii) in the event of an Eligible Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said Eligible Emergency. The objectives for Third phase of Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Project for West Africa are : (i) to strengthen national and regional cross-sectoral capacity for collaborative disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness in West Africa; and (ii) in the event of an Eligible Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said Eligible Emergency. The project has five components. (1) Surveillance and Information Systems component will support: enhancement of national surveillance and reporting systems and their interoperability at the different tiers of the health systems; cross-border coordination in the surveillance of priority diseases, and timely reporting of human public health and animal health emergencies in line with the IHR (2005) and the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code. (2) Strengthening of Laboratory Capacity component will involve the identification and/or establishment of networks of efficient, high quality, accessible public health and veterinary laboratories (public or private). This component will also support the establishment of a regional networking platform to improve collaboration for laboratory investigation. (3) Preparedness and Emergency Response component will support national/regional efforts to enhance infectious disease outbreak preparedness and response capacity by improving local (community), national and regional capacities to prepare for and respond effectively to animal and human disease outbreaks. (4) Human Resource Management for Effective Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Preparedness component will support analysis to improve the incentive environment within which public health and veterinary health workers operate. This analysis will consider creating incentives that not only draw on those with relevant skills to the public sector, but also improve staff motivation and retention, taking into account gender differences within the health workforce. (5) Institutional Capacity Building, Project Management, Coordination and Advocacy component will focus on project management.
Advancing Sustainability in Performance, Infrastructure, and Reliability of the Energy Sector in the West Bank and Gaza To improve operational and financial performance of electricity sector institutions and diversification of energy sources in the West Bank and Gaza. The objective of the Phase 1 of the Multiphase Programmatic Approach, Advancing Sustainability in Performance, Infrastructure and Reliability of Energy Sector Project for West Bank and Gaza is to improve operational and financial performance of energy sector institutions and diversification of energy sources. The Project has four components. 1. Improving Infrastructure for Regional Electricity Interconnections in the West Bank and Gaza component will contribute to the Program Development Objective (PrDO) and Project Development Objective (PDO) by enhancing operational performance and increasing diversification of supply from imports. 2. Improving Sustainability of Service Delivery in West Bank and Gaza Distribution Companies (DISCOs) will contribute to the PrDO and PDO by enhancing financial performance through the scale-up of the ongoing the Revenue Protection Program (RPP), started under ESPIP, for improved metering and billing systems in West Bank and Gaza (WB and G). 3. Enabling Private Sector Engagement in Renewable Energy component will contribute to the PrDO and PDO by diversifying energy sources through distributed solar in WB and G. Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority (PENRA), Palestine Electricity Transmission Limited (PETL), and DISCOs are preparing prioritization criteria to identify portions of the distribution network that require upgrading to enable successful transfer of electricity to load centers and installation of protection equipment to minimize impact on Israeli Electricity Company (IEC network). 4. Technical Assistance, Capacity Building and Project Management component will focus on strengthening the capacity of PENRA and its Project Management Unit (PMU), to ensure coordination with PETL, Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Commission (PERC), Palestinian Authority (PA), DISCOs and other private institutions, as well as provision of technical assistance for Project-related activities, and supporting staffing of the PMU for Project implementation, including Training and workshops, monitoring and evaluation, and the provision of Operating Costs.
Vietnam: Project for Improved Land Governance and Databases (VILG) The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the efficiency and transparency of land administration services in the Project Provinces, through the development and implementation of the national Multipurpose Land Information System (MPLIS). The development objective of the Improved Land Governance and Database (VILG) Project for Vietnam is to improve the efficiency and transparency of land administration services in the Project Provinces, through the development and implementation of the national Multipurpose Land Information System (MPLIS). The project comprises three components. The first component, strengthening the quality of land service delivery will support (a) modernization and strengthening of local land administration by simplifying standard operating procedures and guidelines and improving business processes to enable the Land Registration Offices (LROs) to provide better quality and more accessible land services, though most of these activities will be financed by the Government using its own budget; (b) training and support for public awareness raising and communication among stakeholders, including implementation of ethnic minority development plans; and (c) establishing and operating a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for land use management. The investments under this component will support quality enhancement of land service delivery by streamlining service procedures and standards, renovating facilities, and enhancing the capacity of personnel working in LROs in project provinces. The component will support unification of business standards and provide LROs with equipment and working facilities at sub-national levels. The second component, establishment and development of the multi-purpose land information system (MPLIS) and land database will provide technical assistance for the development of MPLIS and land database, finance digitization of existing maps and records on land use rights; updating and integration of cadastre data (both cadastre map users and land use information), land price data, land use plan data, and land statistics and inventory to improve the completeness and accuracy of the existing land information. The component will finance the establishment of national virtual Data Centers that would store and make available land information. The component will finance the development and pilot of electronic transactions at select LROs. It will also finance tools that will enable public and interagency engagement in land information services, including the establishment of an MPLIS land portal with different interface for the Government, private sector and general public to facilitate access to and sharing of land information. The third component, project management port overall project management and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of activities and reporting.
Central Sulawesi Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project The PDO is to reconstruct and strengthen public facilities and safer housing in selected disaster-affected areas. The development objective of the Central Sulawesi Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project for Indonesia is to reconstruct and strengthen public facilities and safer housing in selected disaster-affected areas. The project comprises of three components. The first component is resilient construction of permanent housing units and settlement infrastructure. It consists of following sub-components: (i) civil works; and (ii) grants for community-based reconstruction. The second component, resilient reconstruction and strengthening of public facilities will finance civil works for rehabilitation, reconstruction, and structural strengthening of public facilities to improve seismic performance and safety, reduce disaster vulnerability, increase climate resilience, and improve functionality and service standards. The third component, project implementation support will support managerial and technical assistance of the project through financing the costs of expert consultants and community facilitators throughout the project cycle to strengthen the government’s capacity - at both the central and subnational level - on post-disaster recovery.
Sustainable Energy Scale-Up Project The Project Development Objective is to scale up efficient energy use in space heating of multi-apartment buildings and renewable wood biomass utilization for heating in selected localities in Belarus The objective of the Sustainable Energy Scale-Up Project for the Republic of Belarus is to sale up efficient energy use in space heating of multi-apartment buildings and renewable wood biomass utilization for heating in selected localities in Belarus. The project has three components. A) Renewable Wood Biomass Heating component will support fuel switching to renewable biomass and efficiency improvement of heating systems in selected localities through biomass heating investments: including, inter alia, construction and rehabilitation of boiler plants, installation of new wood-biomass heat networks, installation of individual heat substations and operational monitoring and control systems, and development of local sites for wood fuel preparation. B) Thermal Renovation of Multiapartment Building component will support the implementation of the program for thermal renovation of MABs by piloting a partially payable grant scheme tin two oblasts selected by the government and the Bank. For the pilot of the proposed partially repayable grant scheme IBRD and EIB loan proceeds will be used to pre-finance the full cost of thermal renovation projects. Homeowners of participating MABs (determined by more than two-thirds of the homeowners in a MAB voting in favor of the investment) are obliged to repay a pre-determined portion of the full cost of thermal renovation through installments for up to 15 years. C) Technical Assistance and Implementation Support component will provide technical assistance to the thermal renovation pilot and the thermal renovation program, as well as for overall project implementation support.
Moldova Supporting Growth and Resilience DPO The DPO aims to (i) strengthen resilience of refugees and households, (ii) foster sustainable growth through enhanced competition and private sector-led growth, and (iii) support climate resilience. The development objective of Supporting Growth and Resilience Development Policy Operation Project for Moldova is to: (i) strengthen resilience of refugees and households; (ii) foster sustainable growth through enhanced competition and private sector-led growth; and (iii) support climate resilience. The standalone Development Policy Operation (DPO) supports the Government of Moldova (GoM)’s efforts to assist refugees and households in the face of the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine while keeping momentum on the long-term agenda of economic convergence to the European Union (EU) and climate resilience. This operation supports the government’s reform agenda and contributes to both short-term and long-term objectives. Measures in Pillar 1 – corresponding to European Moldova 2030 objectives for long-term human and social capital – aim to strengthen the social assistance programs and remove constraints on refugees and women’s participation in the labor market. Pillar 2 reforms promote private sector-led growth by leveling the playing field between SOEs and private enterprises, and by strengthening financial sector stability. Pillar 3 prioritizes climate resilience, in line with the objectives of European Moldova 2030 for a healthy environment. It focuses on enhancing energy efficiency, promoting renewable energy, and introducing the Law on Climate Actions for binding climate commitments, the establishment of a carbon pricing mechanism, and the National Adaptation Plan. Additionally, it promotes sustainable forest management for carbon sequestration and agricultural land resilience, contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.
Strengthening Health System Resilience Project PDO Statement. The project’s development objectives are to (i) increase the Recipient’s scope and quality of hospital services; (ii) strengthen the Recipient’s health system resilience; and (iii) provide immediate and effective response to an eligible emergency. The development objectives of Strengthening Health System Resilience Project for St. Vincent and the Grenadines are to (i) increase the Recipient’s scope and quality of hospital services; (ii) strengthen the Recipient’s health system resilience; and (iii) provide immediate and effective response to an eligible emergency. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Development and Launch of a New Acute Care Hospital has the following sub-components: (i) Construction of the new Arnos Vale Acute Care Hospital (AVACH) Acute Care Hospital; and (ii) Equipment, Health Care Waste Management and Transfer of Services for the new AVACH Hospital. 2) The second component, Strengthening Health System Resilience, aims to finance activities for the hospital and at health sector level to strengthen the health system's adaptive capacity, namely (a) technical assistance (TA) and hands-on capacity building, and (b) investments in management information systems and a facility-specific health care waste management strategy to create a safe, resilient, and transparent environment for sustained health service delivery and strengthened hospital performance. 3) The third component, Project Management, Coordination and Evaluation, aims to support capacity building in the areas of contract management, procurement, environment and social safeguards, financial management (FM), and monitoring and evaluation, including project audits. 4) The fourth component, Contingency Emergency Response (CERC), aims to provide funding in the event of an eligible emergency.
Resilient and Sustainable Tajikistan DPO The Program Development Objective is to support the authorities in increasing resilience and sustainability of growth by (i) improving the business environment, the integrity of the financial sector, and financial inclusion; (ii) strengthening the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the public sector, including state-owned enterprises; and (iii) enhancing social and environmental resilience to shocks. The development objective of the Resilient and Sustainable Tajikistan Development Policy Operation (DPO) for Tajikistan is to support the authorities in increasing resilience and sustainability of growth by: (i) improving the business environment, the integrity of the financial sector, and financial inclusion; (ii) strengthening the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the public sector, including state-owned enterprises; and (iii) enhancing social and environmental resilience to shocks. To improve the business environment, strengthen the integrity of the financial sector, and foster financial inclusion, pillar 1 focuses on: (1) reducing the regulatory cost of compliance of firms with license, permit, and inspection requirements; (2) strengthening the framework of addressing anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML and CFT); and (3) facilitating financial inclusion and digitalization of services. To enhance the efficiency, financial transparency, and accountability of the public sector, including state-owned enterprises (SOEs), pillar 2 focuses on: (1) strengthening the legal framework for the management of public debt; (2) improving transparency and governance of the SOE sector; and (3) modernizing public procurement with enhanced provisions for greater participation of women-led businesses. To enhance social and environmental resilience to shocks, pillar 3 focuses on: (1) improving the coverage and adequacy of the targeted social assistance program of the government; (2) developing mechanisms of disaster-risk financing; and (3) improving cost recovery and equity of electricity tariffs.
Mauritania First Competition and Skills DPO Improving the regulatory environment and skills for boosting competition and inclusiveness of the Mauritanian private sector. The development objective of First Competition and Skills Development Policy Financing Project for Mauritania is to improve the regulatory environment and skills for boosting competition and inclusiveness of the Mauritanian private sector. Mauritania is attempting to recalibrate its development model through a diversification program focusing on improving the enabling environment for the private sector to operate, create jobs and drive growth. To achieve this, the country will need to overcome interlinked structural constraints. Challenges include a limited private sector that is dominated by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and informality with a business environment that does not enable competition and lacks access to credit. To tackle these challenges, the program supported by the DPF is designed in three pillars as follows: Pillar 1 supports reforms in SMEs’ business environment; Pillar 2 supports reforms of broadband digital infrastructure; and Pillar 3 supports reforms in basic education and vocational training.
Vietnam Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project The Project development objective is to increase access to sanitation services and improve the operational performance of sanitation utilities in the Project Cities. The development objective of Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project for Vietnam is to increase access to sanitation services and improve the operational performance of sanitation utilities in the Project Cities. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Sanitation Infrastructure Expansion, aims to contribute to PDO achievement (increase access to sanitation services) through investments in flood reduction works and drainage and wastewater collection networks. 2) The second component, Urban Connectivity Improvement, aims to create new key arterial roads/link roads/local roads or upgrade existing ones, thereby increasing the connectivity of the cities’ road network. 3) The third component, Compensation and Site Clearance, aims to provide funding for compensation, site clearance, and resettlement site works. 4) The fourth component, Implementation Support and Institutional Reform, aims to contribute to Project development objective (PDO) achievement (improve the operational performance of sanitation utilities in select cities) through a capacity strengthening program for the Project Management Units (PMUs) and relevant agencies, and reform activities related to implementation of Decree 80 (institutional reorganization, household connection policy, revolving funds in Nha Trang, Phan Rang, and Quy Nhon, service contracts and private sector participation, tariffs/cost recovery).
Timor-Leste Branch Roads Project Improve road access, safety, and climate resilience on the Gleno–Maubisse Corridor and, in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide an immediate response to the Eligible Crisis or Emergency The development objective of Branch Roads Project for Timor-Leste is to improve road access, safety, and climate resilience on the Gleno-Maubisse Corridor and, in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, to provide an immediate response to the eligible crisis or emergency. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Gleno-Maubisse Corridor Upgrading and Road Safety Improvements, consists two sub-components as follows: (i) Gleno-Letefoho and Letefoho-Hatubuilico Junction road sections upgrading; and (ii) Road Safety Improvements on National Roads. 2) The second component, Institutional Strengthening and Project Management, aims at strengthening capabilities within MPW and DRBFC on issues related to road assets management, road safety and road maintenance. It consists of the following three sub-components: (i) Technical Assistance; (ii) Design of Future Projects; and (iii) Project Support Contingency. 3) The third component, Contingent Emergency Response, aims to provide swift response in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, by enabling government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) to request the World Bank to reallocate project funds to support emergency response and reconstruction.
Mozambique Primary Health Care Strengthening Program The Program Development Objective is to improve the utilization and quality of reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health and nutrition services, particularly in underserved areas. The objective of Primary Health Care Strengthening Program Project for Mozambique is to improve the utilization and quality of reproductive, maternal, child, and adolescent health and nutrition services, particularly in underserved areas. Program will focus on three thematic areasof the Investment Case (IC): (i) enhancing coverage, access, and quality of primary health care services, including high‐impact supply and demand‐side interventions, with a focus on underserved areas; (ii) strengthening the health system for improved stewardship, financial sustainability, expenditure efficiency and equity, and gender responsiveness of service delivery, together with improved Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems; and (iii) enabling Ministry of Health to effectively manage the implementation of the IC, through technical assistance, capacity development, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and Health Partners coordination activities. The program will specifically support improvements in Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH) outcomes, in addition to systemic improvements to equitable distribution of health resources and accountability to results at all levels.
DRC Girls Learning and Empowerment Project To improve safe and equitable access to education, particularly for girls, and teaching-learning conditions in secondary schools in selected provinces. The development objective of the Girls Learning and Empowerment Project for Congo, Democratic Republic of is to improve safe and equitable access to education, particularly for girls, and teaching-learning conditions in secondary schools in selected provinces. The project comprises of four components. The first component, improved access to quality and girl-friendly schools’ objectives are to improve access to school by creating quality learning environments, alleviating financial barriers to female participation, and increasing the proportion of female teachers. It consists of following sub-components: (i) improving learning environments; and (ii) increasing female participation in education. The second component, improved quality of teaching-learning for all objective is to improve the quality of education, particularly for girls, through an improved availability and effectiveness of teaching-learning resources and practices, citizens’ engagement, and the creation of safe and inclusive school environments. It consists of following sub-components: (i) strengthening the curriculum, textbooks, and teaching-learning materials; (ii) strengthening the quality of teaching; and (iii) promoting citizen engagement and safe and inclusive education environments. The third component, project management, monitoring and evaluation objectives are to ensure that capacities and systems are in place to ensure the quality of secondary teaching and learning and to achieve project outcomes while adhering to corporate environmental and social standards and other requirements. The fourth component, contingent emergency response (CERC) will be included in accordance with World Bank investment project financing (IPF) policy for projects in situations of urgent need of assistance or capacity constraints.
Uruguay Green and Resilient Growth Development Policy Loan The Program Development Objective is to promote i) greening of the economy, and ii) stronger and more resilient growth. The development objective of the Green and Resilient Growth Development Policy Loan for Uruguay is to promote: (i) greening of the economy, and (ii) stronger and more resilient growth. The two pillars of this operation support these efforts by endorsing measures that mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promote biodiversity, which contribute to global public goods and underpin the country’s brand on climate stewardship, increasingly important for its integration into the global economy. This operation also promotes institutional strengthening and structural measures that advance competitiveness and resilience in the face of negative shocks, a critical contribution coming out of the Coronavirus disease (COVID) pandemic, which followed years of sluggish growth and stagnating productivity due to long-standing growth bottlenecks.
Haiti Fiscal and Social Resilience Development Policy Financing The operation is designed around two pillars: (1) strengthening fiscal management; and (2) enhancing the efficiency of social spending. The development objective of Fiscal and Social Resilience Development Policy Financing Project for Haiti is designed around two strategic pillars: (1) strengthen fiscal management; and (2) enhance the efficiency of social spending. This operation is part of an international effort to help stabilize the macro-fiscal situation and preserve social stability following the social unrest resulting from the failed fuel price reform. The operation will support the government’s efforts to increase revenue mobilization and enhance its capacity to protect poor and vulnerable households. The design of the operation is informed by experience gleaned from previous development policy operations in Haiti, particularly the Economic Reconstruction and Growth Development Policy Grant (ERGDPG). The operation is directly linked to objectives set forth in the Haiti Country Partnership Framework (CPF).
COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Development Policy Financing To support the Republic of Seychelles in its response and recovery from COVID-19 crisis by (1) enhancing response mechanisms in health, social protection and private sector; and (2) supporting sustainable post-crisis recovery through strengthened financial systems and climate resilience. The development objective of COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Development Policy Financing is to support Seychelles in its response and recovery from Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis by (1) enhancing response mechanisms in health, social protection and private sector; and (2) supporting sustainable post-crisis recovery through strengthened financial systems and climate resilience. The objective of the operation is to support measures taken by Seychelles to mitigate the economic impact of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and facilitate a resilient recovery. This development policy financing (DPF) is both urgent and critical, given the magnitude of the economic crisis and the unanticipated financing gap caused by the pandemic. The operation supports actions that provide financial relief to affected households and firms, structural reforms to improve the transparency and accountability of the financial system and policies to address climate change. These actions are aligned with the government’s announced emergency response measures as well as their broader reform program. The World Bank Group (WBG) is providing a fast and flexible response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, utilizing all WBG operational and policy instruments and working in close partnership with governments and other agencies. This DPF supports policy actions under two pillars: (1) - Protecting Lives and Livelihood; and (2) Protecting the Future.
Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia – Bangladesh Phase 1 Project The development objective is to increase the efficiency and resilience of trade and transport along selected corridors in Bangladesh The development objective of First Phase of the Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia Project for Bangladesh is to increase the efficiency and resilience of trade and transport along selected regional corridors in eastern South Asia. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Digital Systems for Trade, aims to support the transformation of the cross-border clearance process through the provision of digital solutions and automation to manage the projected increase in trade. 2) The second component, Green and Resilient Transport and Trade Infrastructure, aims to support green and resilient transport and trade infrastructure development along the corridors that serve as the backbone of the physical and economic integration of eastern South Asia. 3) The third component, Institutional and Policy Strengthening for Transport and Trade, is anchored in the implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), simplification and harmonization of customs procedures under the World Custom Organization (WCO) Revised Kyoto Convention, and national customs modernization plans.
Integrated Forest Landscape Management Project in Atalaya, Ucayali The project objective is to strengthen sustainable management and use of forest landscapes in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province. The development objective of the Integrated Forest Landscape Management Project in Atalaya, Ucayali for Peru is to strengthen sustainable management and use of forest landscapes in the Raimondi, Sepahua, and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province. The project comprises of three components. The first component, institutional strengthening for forest conservation consists of following sub-components: (i) provision of land use rights in forest landscapes and promoting community-level land-use planning; and (ii) strengthening enabling conditions for forest management. The second component, strengthening sustainable forest landscape management and use consists of following sub-components: (i) strengthening technical and business capacities of forest communities and small producers to better manage forests; and (ii) investing in forest landscapes. The third component, project management, monitoring and evaluation will finance the operating costs of a project management team (PMT) within Ministry of Environment (MINAM’s) national program of forest conservation for climate change mitigation (programa nacional de conservación de bosques para la mitigación del cambio climático, PNCBMCC) to carry out project oversight and management functions for components 1 and 2.
Africa CDC Regional Investment Financing Project The Project Development Objective is to support Africa CDC to strengthen continental and regional infectious disease detection and response systems. The development objective of Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Regional Investment Financing Project is to support Africa CDC to strengthen continental and regional infectious disease detection and response systems. This project has five components. 1) The first component, Governance, Advocacy, and Operational Frameworks, aims to support the development of consistent guidelines and standards for coordination between the Africa CDC Secretariat and the NHPIs across the continent, including provisions for sharing public health assets, transferring specimens, and sharing data on disease surveillance and outbreaks. It has following subcomponents: (i) Africa CDC; (ii) Ethiopia; and (iii) Zambia. 2) The second component, Public Health Assets, aims to support the establishment of a small number of fit-for-purpose laboratories, transnational surveillance networks, emergency-response mechanisms, and other health assets designed to manage disease risks on a regional or continental scale. It has the following subcomponents: (i) Africa CDC; (ii) Ethiopia; and (iii) Zambia. 3) The third component, Human Resources Development, aims to support the development of a diverse and skilled cadre of public health workers to fulfill the Africa CDC’s complex mandate and to ensure that the public health assets described above are fully utilized. It has following subcomponents: (i) Africa CDC; (ii) Ethiopia; and (iii) Zambia. 4) The fourth component, Project Management, aims to Implement the ACDCP will require administrative and human resources that exceed the current capacity of the implementing institutions. It has following subcomponents: (i) Africa CDC; (ii) Ethiopia; and (iii) Zambia. 5) The fifth component, The Contingent Emergency Response Component, aims to enable Ethiopia and Zambia to request and access rapid World Bank support for mitigation, response, and recovery in the affected area or areas. It has following subcomponents: (i) Ethiopia; and (ii) Zambia.
TEGUCIGALPA: WATER SUPPLY STRENGTHENING PROJECT The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase the efficiency and reliability of water services in selected areas of Tegucigalpa. The objective of the Tegucigalpa Water Supply Strengthening Project for Honduras is to increase the efficiency and reliability of water services in selected areas of Tegucigalpa. There are four components to the project : Component 1, Operationalization of the Municipal Unit of Potable Water and Sanitation of the Central District (UMAPS) (total cost 89 million US Dollars, of which 18 million US Dollars IDA financing.) In an effort to encourage a focus on results, this component will use Disbursement-Linked Indicators (DLIs). Disbursement of 18 million US Dollars will be linked to the achievement of seven separate targets. Component 2 is improved water production capacity and efficiency of the distribution network (total cost 31 million US Dollars, of which 27 million US Dollars IDA financing). This component will strengthen the resilience of the city's water service to climate change – related risks by increasing water availability and reliability and reducing the risk of dam failure of the city’s two reservoirs. Component 3 is project management and technical assistance (total cost 6 million US Dollars, of which 5 million US Dollars IDA financing). The component will finance goods, operating costs, and consulting services associated with overall project management and oversight, including compliance with agreed DLIs. To this end, two international consulting firms will be hired – a Project Management Consultant (PMC) to support AMDC's oversight of the Project’s fiduciary, technical, and environmental and social aspects, including implementation of activities under the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP); and an Independent Verification Agent (IVA) to evaluate compliance with the respective DLIs (including checking the eligibility of expenditures and calculating disbursements against the DLIs). This component will also finance TA to : (i) explore financing options for larger investments; (ii) carry out a gender gap analysis to explore disparities related to WSS services in targeted areas; and (iii) design and implement a communications campaign targeting beneficiaries in the services areas, including support to citizen participation through the Water and Sanitation Municipal Committee (COMAS) to promote transparency, accountability, and responsiveness of UMAPS to its client base. Component 4 is Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) (0.0 Million US Dollars) Reflecting the strategic approach taken in Honduras across the Bank’s portfolio, this component will provide immediate response to eligible emergencies. As such, in the even of such an eligible emergency, as defined in the Contingency Emergency Response (CER) operational manual prepared and adopted by the GoH, this component would finance emergency activities and expenditures through the reallocation of funds from the Project.
The Gambia Second Fiscal Management, Energy and Telecom Reform Development Policy Financing The program development objective is to (i) improve debt and public investment management; (ii) improve financial viability and service delivery in the energy and telecom sectors; and (iii) enhance the transparency and governance framework of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs). The development objectives of the Second Fiscal Management, Energy and Telecom Reform Development Policy Financing in Gambia are to: (i) improve debt and public investment management; (ii) improve financial viability and service delivery in the energy and telecom sectors; and (iii) enhance the transparency and governance framework of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). It supports the authorities’ efforts to address critical bottlenecks to sustained inclusive growth and supports three key pillars. Pillar 1, debt and public investment management supports: (i) strengthening fiscal risks and debt management by introducing a framework to manage government loan guarantees and issuing an annual borrowing plan; (ii) strengthening public investment management by improving project selection and appraisal; and (iii) implementing the procurement act to ensure consistent use of competitive bidding and proper oversight of the procurement process. Pillar 2, financial viability and service delivery in the energy and telecom sectors supports strengthening the overall financial position and governance framework of the National Water and Electricity Company through a new tariff compensation mechanism, and the introduction of performance contract and quarterly performance monitoring framework. Pillar 3, transparency and governance framework of SOEs supports: enhancing fiscal transparency, reducing fiscal risks, and improving the corporate government of SOEs through establishing an oversight institution to ensure greater accountability of financial operations.
Iraq Emergency Social Stabilization and Resilience Project The project development objective is to: (i) increase livelihood opportunities in liberated areas; (ii) increase access to psychosocial services in liberated areas; and (iii) strengthen the systems to expand the provision of social safety nets. The development objective of the Emergency Social Stabilization Project for Iraq is to: (i) increase livelihood opportunities in liberated areas; (ii) increase access to psychosocial services in liberated areas; and (iii) strengthen the systems to expand the provision of social safety nets. This project has three components. First component, Cash for Work (CfW), Social Support, and Livelihood Opportunities is to increase access to short‐term employment in areas affected by the succession of crises by financing a CfW program, while providing livelihood opportunities for sustainable stabilization. The component includes three subcomponents as follows: i) Cash for Work; Sub‐component, ii) Psychosocial Support Services; and iii) Livelihood Opportunities; Second component, Resilient Social Safety Nets is to strengthen the capability of the current social safety net programs through promoting flexibility and scalability in the program design. It will not finance cash transfers to beneficiaries.This component will finance the development and implementation of the required targeting and operational systems: registration, database cross‐checking, enrollment, eligibility verification, case management and beneficiary data update, payment delivery, grievance redress, and performance monitoring. Third component, project management will support project management and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to ensure that the project is successfully and efficiently implemented. This component will finance: (i) project management office (PMO) consultant salaries (central and governorate level, as needed); (ii) equipment and operating costs for PMO, including recurrent/operating costs; (iii) internal and external audits; (iv) monitoring and evaluation work, and contracting of third party implementation monitoring agencies for program delivery; and (v) a communications and awareness campaign.
Innovations Towards Learning in Lagging Iraqi Governorates To enhance teaching practices of Arabic and Mathematics teachers and improve literacy and numeracy skills among the most vulnerable primary students in lagging Iraqi governorates. The objective of the Innovations Towards Learning In Lagging Iraqi Governorates Project is to enhance teaching practices of Arabic and Mathematics teachers and improve literacy and numeracy skills among the most vulnerable primary students in lagging Iraqi governorates. The project supports the most vulnerable primary students in acquiring early literacy and numeracy skills in three lagging Iraqi governorates, through support to schools, teachers, and caregivers, as well as the Directorates of Education (DOEs) and the Ministry of Education (MOED). There are three components to the project, the first component being strengthen teaching practices of Arabic and Mathematics primary teachers in early literacy and numeracy. This component aims to strengthen the teaching practices of Arabic and Mathematics primary teachers in literacy and numeracy. The second component is to support parents and schools with tailored learning tools for students while they learn at home or at school. This component aims to support parents and schools with tailored learning tools to serve students while they learn at home or at school. Finally, the third component is the capacity building for school leaders, DOE and MOED staff, and monitoring and evaluation, and PMT operating costs. This component aims to support capacity building for school leaders, DOE and MOED staff, M&E, and the Project Management Team (PMT).
National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project The proposed development objective is to increase agricultural productivity and profitability of targeted rural communities in selected Counties, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response. The development objectives of National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project for Kenya are to increase agricultural productivity and profitability of targeted rural communities in selected Counties, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response. There are four components in this project. 1) The first component, Supporting Community-Driven development, aims to strengthen: (a) community-level institutions’ ability to identify and implement investments that improve their agricultural productivity, food security, and nutritional status and (b) linkages to selected Value chains (VCs) and Producer Organizations (POs). It has two subcomponents as follows: (a) Strengthening Community-Level Institutions; and (b) Supporting Community Investments. 2) The second component, Strengthening Producer Organizations and Value Chain Development, aims to build POs’ capacity to support member Common Interest Groups (CIGs) and Vulnerable and marginalized groups (VMGs) to develop selected priority VCs in targeted rural communities. It has two subcomponents as follows: (a) Capacity Building of Producer Organizations; and (b) Value Chain Development. The third component, Supporting County Community-Led Development, aims to strengthen the capacity of county governments to support community-led development initiatives identified under Components 1 and 2. It has two subcomponents as follows: (a) Capacity Building of Counties; and (b) County Investment and Employment Programs. 4) The fourth component, Project Coordination and Management, will finance activities related to national and county-level project coordination, including planning, fiduciary (financial management and procurement) and human resource (HR) management, safeguards compliance and monitoring, development of the Management Information System (MIS) and Information and communications technology (ICT), regular ) Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E), impact evaluation, and communication and citizen engagement. It has two subcomponents as follows: (a) Project Coordination; and (b) Monitoring and Evaluation and ICT.
Zambia Agribusiness and Trade Project-II (ZATP-II) To increase access to markets and finance and promote firm growth in Zambia's Agribusiness sector. The development objective of the Second Agribusiness and Trade Project for Zambia (ZATP) is to increase access to markets and finance and promote firm growth in Zambia's Agribusiness sector. The project comprises of three components. The first component, support access to markets and finance supports capacity building of firms and producer organizations (POs) within a value chain as well as fostering linkages. It addresses key constraints related to limited access to finance, inadequate integration, weak export orientation, and climate resilience of value chains. It consists of following sub-components: (i) market connect; (ii) productive alliances; and (iii) line of credit (LoC) to support agribusinesses. The second component, promote trade and agribusiness competitiveness objective is to enable the key stakeholders in Zambia’s agribusiness sector and those benefitting from component 1 to take advantage of improved business enabling environment, trade facilitation, and opportunities emerging from African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). The third component, project management will ensure effective implementation of project activities, including monitoring and evaluation (M and E) of project implementation progress.
Colombia: Social and Economic Integration of Migrants DPF The PDO for the operation is to support the social and economic integration of migrants from Venezuela in host areas. The development objective of the Social and Economic Integration of Migrants Development Policy Financing in Colombia is to support the social and economic integration of migrants from Venezuela in host areas. Policies supported by this DPF will support a critical shift in policy effort from short-term urgent responses to a longer-term framework for integration. The development policy financing includes a range of inclusive migration and service delivery policies and instruments organized along two pillars. Pillar 1 establishes the legal and institutional basis for the protection and long-term social and economic integration of migrants in host areas. It supports the approval of the temporary protection status (TPS) for Venezuelan migrants, which allows migrants to transition from an emergency and transitory migratory regime to a regular migratory regime. By granting a permit of stay and work for up to 10 years, the TPS supports the long-term integration of migrants, grants and expands access to basic services, and eases labor market pressures. To operationalize the TPS, the Government of Colombia created the Single Registry of Venezuelan Migrants to facilitate identification; socioeconomic characterization; and targeting of migrants eligible for education, health, resilient housing, emergency shelter and response in the event of a disaster, and social protection programs to improve the socioeconomic integration of migrants in the medium and long-term. Pillar 2 supports improved access to and quality of services for migrants. This pillar will support the adoption of a series of policies, decrees, resolutions that grant Venezuelans access to critical services, including COVID-19 vaccines and housing subsidies.
Gambia First Boosting Resilience and Unlocking Productive Potential DPF with Cat DDO Support The Gambia’s efforts to (i) unlock its productive potential; (ii) strengthen procurement, economic governance of SOEs, and domestic revenue mobilization; and (iii) strengthen climate and social resilience. The development objective of First Boosting Resilience and Unlocking Productive Potential Development Policy Financing with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option Project is to support The Gambia’s efforts to (i) unlock its productive potential; (ii) strengthen procurement, economic governance of SOEs, and domestic revenue mobilization; and (iii) strengthen climate and social resilience. This operation is the first in a programmatic series of two single-tranche DPF operations designed to boost The Gambia’s resilience to shocks and unlock its productive potential in the medium term. The reform program is based on three pillars: Pillar 1 – Unlocking the productive potential. Reforms aim to tackle bottlenecks in key enabling sectors by supporting the diversification of the energy mix while creating the conditions for private sector participation in the energy sector, facilitating agri-food development and exports, fostering competition, and leveling the playing field in the groundnut sector. Reform measures will, for example, focus on creating the conditions for enabling the use of digital and electronic payments. Pillar 2 – Strengthening procurement, economic governance of SOEs and domestic revenue mobilization. Reforms aim to build fiscal space and improve transparency and efficiency in the use of public resources and institutions by strengthening the efficiency of the procurement system, improving competitive neutrality, enhancing the governance, performance, and oversight of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and boosting domestic revenue collection, with the aim to build the capacity of The Gambia to absorb shocks while improving debt sustainability. Pillar 3 – Strengthening climate and social resilience. Reforms aim to strengthen The Gambia’s adaptation and resilience to climate change. Reform efforts primarily focus on improving the disaster risk management (DRM) and financing framework and the adaptive social protection system, ensuring that the needs of especially women and girls are met. The DPF series is aligned with the priorities of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) and the SCD.
Modernization and Improvement of Rehabilitation Services Project The PDO is to (i) strengthen noncommunicable disease care by improving prevention and rehabilitation services, with a focus on stroke and heart attacks, at all levels of the health system, and (ii) in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. The development objective of the Modernization and Improvement of Rehabilitation Services Project for Moldova is to: (i) strengthen noncommunicable disease care by improving prevention and rehabilitation services, with a focus on stroke and heart attacks, at all levels of the health system, and (ii) in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. The project comprises of five components. The first component, integrated care at the hospital level for noncommunicable disease (NCD) patients will focus on patients facing catastrophic health events, primarily strokes and heart attacks. The second component, integrated prevention and rehabilitation services at the primary care and population-level will support services to prevent NCDs through primary care and population-level interventions. It consists of following sub-components: (i) primary care and population-level interventions for NCD prevention and management; and (ii) preventive and supportive rehabilitation services. The third component, pandemic preparedness finances activities relating to the refurbishment of the National Agency for Public Health (NAPH) infrastructure and building additional storage facilities, as well as refurbishing the public health laboratory network infrastructure and endowing it with the necessary equipment to ensure early warning and surveillance functions. The fourth component, project management will support for project management, coordination, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) activities, including third-party monitoring. The fifth component, contingent emergency response (CERC) objective is to improve Moldova’s capacity to respond to natural and man-made disasters.
North Macedonia: Local Roads Connectivity Project The project development objectives are: 1) to improve government capacity to manage local roads and improve access to markets and services; and 2) to provide immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency. The development objectives of the Local Roads Connectivity Project for North Macedonia are to improve government capacity to manage local roads and improve access to markets and services. The project comprises of four components. The first component, capacity enhancement will finance technical assistance and capacity-building activities that will build local and central government capacity to manage local roads by introducing a sound planning and governance framework and improved contracting approaches. It consists of following sub-components: (i) strengthening municipalities’ planning and implementation capacity; and (ii) capacity support to Ministry of Transport and Communication (MoTC). The second component, rehabilitation of local roads and community facilities will finance infrastructure investments in municipal roads and streets and related consultative and preparatory processes. It consists of following sub-components: (i) road rehabilitation and improvement; and (ii) community-driven infrastructure pilot. The third component, project implementation support will support project costs of the project implementation unit (PIU) under the MoTC. The fourth component, contingent emergency response component (CERC) will finance emergency response and reconstruction by drawing from the uncommitted loan resources of the other project components.
Strengthening the Digital Health Agenda in the Province of Buenos Aires Increase access to health services and improve coordination and continuity of care in the public healthcare network of the Province of Buenos Aires. The development objective of the Strengthening the Digital Health Agenda in the Province of Buenos Aires Project for Argentina is to increase access to health services and improve coordination and continuity of care in the public healthcare (PHC) network of the Province of Buenos Aires. The project comprises of three components. The first component, strengthening the implementation of electronic medical records (EMRs) and integrated health records (IHRs) will improve integration, coordination, and continuity of care. It consists of following sub-components: (i) adopting IHR in public health facilities of municipalities and provincial hospitals; (ii) promoting interoperability across health information systems of municipalities; and (iii) expanding IHR functionalities. The second component, developing and implementing virtual tools for health provision and communication will finance telemedicine solutions aimed at improving access to services, particularly under situations that can pose higher risks to patients in commuting to a health care facility, for example under heatwaves, floodings, and pandemics. It consists of following sub-components: (i) enabling a chatbot and implementing a virtual healthcare center; and (ii) implementing a virtual network of PHC facilities with hospital specialists. The third component, project management will support the strengthening of the Executing Agency and Sub-executing Agency in everything related to their functions for implementing the project.
Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovative Development Strengthen capacities of national and state institutions to adopt improved watershed management for increasing farmers’ resilience and support value chains in selected watersheds of participating states. The development objective of the Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovative Development Project (REWARD) for India is to strengthen capacities of national and state institutions to adopt improved watershed management for increasing farmers’ resilience and support value chains in selected watersheds of participating states. The REWARD program is divided into two results areas (RA): RA 1: strengthened institutions and supportive policy for watershed development; and RA 2: science-based watershed development for climate resilience and enhanced livelihoods.
Progestão Piauí: Public Sector Management Efficiency Improve efficiency in public resource management in selected departments of the State of Piauí. The development objective of the Progestão Piauí: Public Sector Management Efficiency Project for Brazil is to improve efficiency in public resource management in selected departments of the State of Piauí. The project comprises of three components. The first component, whole-of-government management systems consists of following sub-components: (i) human resource management; (ii) pensions management; (iii) public procurement; (iv) public investment management and budgeting; and (v) asset management. The second component, management systems in strategic sectors consists of following sub-components: (i) health; (ii) education; and (iii) social assistance. The third component, project and change management consists of following sub-components: (i) project management unit; and (ii) change management.
Boosting Green Finance, Investment and Trade in Rwanda The PDO is to support the implementation of a reform agenda to boost green, private sector-led growth in Rwanda and stimulate green investments. The development objective of Boosting Green Finance, Investment and Trade in Rwanda Programmatic Development Policy Financing Project for Rwanda is to support the implementation of a reform agenda to boost green, private sector-led growth in Rwanda and stimulate green investments. This operation supports a far-reaching reform program that reflects the Government’s goals to stimulate private sector-led and green growth captured in Rwanda’s Vision 2050. This project has two pillars as follows: Pillar A: Increase the private sector’s participation, trade, and contestability; and Pillar B: Facilitate climate finance and green public and private investments. This programmatic DPF series removes key constraints to private sector investment and green growth through synergistic reforms prioritized based key lessons learned from the World Bank’s extensive experience in preparing DPF operations and specific selection criteria. The set of reforms is aligned with the World Bank’s Country Partnership Framework (CPF) 2021–2025, with a focus on maximizing finance for development, expanding the economic role of the private sector, and promoting green growth. This programmatic series with two single-tranche operations is designed to help the GoR address key priorities set out in the World Bank’s Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) (2019), most notably on the theme of market and private sector development. The programmatic DPF series is closely aligned to the World Bank’s CPF FY2021–2026. This programmatic DPF series also builds on the overall objectives of Rwanda’s NST1 (2017–2024) which provides the medium-term framework for achieving the country’s development aspirations. Finally, this programmatic DPF meets the World Bank’s commitment to aligning its financial flows with the Paris Agreement and the country’s pathway toward low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.
Mali Sustainable Energy and Improved Service Delivery for Increased Stability Development Policy Financing Delivering a more financially sustainable electricity sector, more targeted and efficient agricultural subsidies and supporting pro-poor decentralized service provision The development objective of Sustainable Energy and Improved Service Delivery for Increased Stability Development Policy Financing Project for Mali aims to deliver a more financially sustainable electricity sector, more targeted and efficient agricultural subsidies and supporting pro-poor decentralized service provision. The Strategic Framework for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Development of Mali (CREDD) sets out a framework for addressing the multi-dimensional problems facing Mali today. It consists of three strategic pillars: (1) sustainable energy for reducing electricity sector demands on the central budget; (ii) Improving the efficiency of agricultural subsidies and land tenure security; and (iii) Improving deployment and oversight of resources for better local service delivery and stability. This DPF program focuses on (i) turning around the financial situation of the electricity sector to reduce its financial demands and thus the strain it imposes on public finances; (ii) improving the effectiveness and reducing the costs of subsidies in the agriculture sector to reduce budgetary burden and improving land tenure security to support increased productivity; and (iii) reinforcing fiscal decentralization for improved services and stability.
Gujarat Resilient Cities Partnership: Ahmedabad City Resilience Project To strengthen institutional, financial and service delivery performance in Ahmedabad The development objective of Gujarat Resilient Cities Partnership : Ahmedabad City Resilience Project for India is to strengthen institutional, financial and service delivery performance in Ahmedabad. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Strengthening AMC’s institutional and financial systems has the following sub-components: (i) Improving municipal revenue performance; (ii) Land-based financing; (iii) Strengthening AMC’s institutional systems for service delivery; (iv) Integrated GIS-based system for urban management, financing, and service delivery; (v) Strengthening the municipal financial management system; and (vi) Climate-smart CIP system. 2) The second component, Improving wastewater management services, has the following sub-components: (i) Developing resilient and efficient wastewater treatment systems; (ii) Improving wastewater network systems including household connections; (iii) Wastewater recycling and reuse for circularity and resource efficiency; (iv) Industrial pollution abatement in Ahmedabad’s wastewater systems; (v) City-wide integrated digital monitoring and control systems. 3) The third component, Developing state level institutional systems and capacities, has the following sub-components: (i) Developing state-level systems and urban knowledge ecosystem for emerging cities; and (ii) Technical support for project implementation and management.
Philippines First Digital Transformation Development Policy Financing The program development objective (PDO) of this programmatic operation is to support Government reforms to foster an enabling environment for greater digital technology adoption by (a) improving digital transformation of government and digital infrastructure policies, (b) expanding financial inclusion through digital finance and (c) boosting business growth in digital services. The development objective of the First Digital Transformation Development Policy Financing for Philippines is to support government reforms to foster an enabling environment for greater digital technology adoption by: (a) improving digital transformation of government and digital infrastructure policies, (b) expanding financial inclusion through digital finance, and (c) boosting business growth in digital services. The development policy loans (DPL) series builds on the nation’s long-term vision articulated in AmBisyon Natin 2040 and the recently launched Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028 to achieve inclusive growth and supports the government’s reform agenda in accelerating digitalization.
Timor Leste Water Supply and Sanitation Project The project development objective is to increase access to safely managed drinking water and sanitation services in the municipality of Baucau. The objective of the Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Timor-Leste is to increase access to safely managed drinking water and sanitation services in the municipality of Baucau. The Project has three components. 1. Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Development component will finance: (a) The construction of the centralized water supply system in the municipal capital of Baucau; (b) The construction of a Septage Treatment Plant (STP); (c) The construction of three simplified, community-based decentralized sewerage network and treatment systems. 2. Infrastructure Sustainability Support component will ensure the sustainability of water and sanitation infrastructures financed under Component 1. 3. Institutional Strengthening and Project Management component will finance operational costs associated with (a) technical, environmental, and social supervision of subprojects’ implementation (including the implementation of the Gender Action Plan [GAP]); (b) project audits and monitoring and evaluation activities under the project; and (c) provision of administrative and operational support to the Project Management Unit (PMU), including personnel and equipment for its operationalization.
Temane Regional Electricity Project The Project Development Objective is to enhance transmission capacity for domestic and regional markets and increase electricity generation capacity through private sector participation. The development objective of the Temane Regional Electricity Project for Mozambique is to enhance transmission capacity for domestic and regional markets and increase electricity generation capacity through private sector participation. The project comprises of three components. The first component, Temane Transmission Project includes construction of approximately 563 km of a 400 kV, single-circuit power transmission line between Maputo and Vilanculos (near Temane). The second component, Temane thermal power plant (CTT) power generation plant includes construction of a 400-megawatt (MW) gas-to-power generation plant. The third component, implementation support, technical assistance, and capacity building consists of following sub-components: (i) support to national enterprise for electricity transmission (SNTE) for project implementation; (ii) technical assistance to electricity of Mozambique (EDM); and (iii) technical assistance to Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME) and Energy Regulatory Authority (ARENE).
Restoration Project of Winterization and Energy Resources The project development objective (PDO) is to enable the restoration of essential energy services in Ukraine The development objective of Restoration Project of Winterization and Energy Resources Project is to enable the restoration of essential energy services in Ukraine. The project consists of three components: 1) The first component, Emergency equipment for the electricity transmission infrastructure, will fund procurement of emergency equipment for Private Joint Stock Company “National Power Company “Ukrenergo” (UE), which includes autotransformers, transformers, instrument transformers, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, surge arresters, relay protection devices, and substation automation equipment. 2) The second component, Emergency equipment for the heating services, will be funded upon the provision of additional contributions from donors for procurement of essential equipment and materials for heating services. 3) The third component, Project Management and Monitoring, aims to ensure the implementation of the project and also to enhance the capacity of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) under UE.
Nepal Energy Sector Development Policy Credit Project Development Objective (Note: will be disclosed in the MOS)Project Development Objective is to improve institutional and regulatory capacity of the energy sector.Board Schedule Comments The development objectives of First Programmatic Energy Sector Development Policy Credit (DPC) Project for Nepal is to support the government’s efforts in improving the financial viability and governance of the electricity sector. The policy and institutional measures included in this operation are consistent with the actions laid out in government of Nepal (GoN's) power sector strategy and action plan. This programmatic DPC series will support GoN’s efforts in improving the financial viability and governance of the electricity sector. This operation is the first in a programmatic series of three operations and is organized under two pillars: (a) improving the financial viability of the electricity sector and (b) improving the governance of the electricity sector. This operation supports the World Bank's twin goals of poverty reduction and shared prosperity and is consistent with the World Bank's Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) approach and the Country Partnership Strategy for FY2019–2023. It complements the World Bank Group’s existing engagement in generation, transmission, distribution and off‐grid, renewable‐based solutions in the form of investment operations and technical assistance.
Senegal Structural Reform Development Policy Operation Series The Program Development Objective (PDO) of the series is to support Government’s efforts in (i) strengthening the governance and management of the energy sector to reduce costs, improve reliability and facilitate equitable access; and (ii) enhancing the legal andregulatory framework of the ICT sector to promote competition, investment and equitable access. To this end, the Program has the following two pillars: Pillar 1 - Energy Sector Pillar has three policy areas (i) improving governance of the energy sector; (ii) removing barriers to investment and competition in the energy sector; and (iii) facilitating equitable access to electricity. Pillar 2 –ICT sector will support two policy areas on (i) improving governance of the ICT sector and (ii) removing barrier to investment and competition in the internet broadband market. The objective of the First Multi-Sectoral Structural Reform Development Policy Financing Project is to support Government’s efforts in: (i) strengthening governance and management to reduce costs, improve reliability and facilitate equitable access in the energy sector; and (ii) enhancing the legal and regulatory framework to promote competition, investment and equitable access in the ICT sector. Growth and poverty reduction have been sluggish in Senegal over the past 25 years, but more recently growth accelerated and poverty reduction may be following. Real GDP per capita has only increased by 17 percent in Senegal since 1990, against 45 percent on average in SSA and 134 percent in emerging and developing countries. In addition, growth has been driven by capital accumulation, with little or negative contribution from Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth and human capital accumulation. In the last few years, growth performance improved reaching 6.5 percent in 2015 and expected to attain similar levels or higher in the next few years. In addition to external and internal factors (such as low commodity prices or positive climate behavior), these advances are linked to the implementation of the Plan Senegal Emergent (PSE), with which Senegal aims to become an emerging country by 2035. For this to happen, growth rates of 7-8 percent would be required, in a context of higher productivity and competitiveness. Similarly, progress in poverty reduction has been mixed. Poverty decreased 7 percentage points over 2000-05, particularly in urban areas, and stagnated until 2011 reaching 47.3 percent. Recent data point to a reduction of 2 percentage points since 2011. Underperformance of the Senegalese economy has been related to enduring structural constraints and persistent infrastructure gaps. Macro-fiscal policies have been supportive to growth and Senegal benefits also from other factors such as its coastal location or its 1500 km of optic fiber network. However, structural constraints undermine the efficiency of investment and sustained growth. For instance, growth in agriculture has been slow and volatile, and productivity gains scarce, despite the high potential of the sector and its important share of jobs. In addition, key non-tradable inputs such as communications and electricity, increase the country’s relative prices. Senegal also scores below average on transport infrastructure, and electricity and telephone infrastructure. Furthermore, the country does not take full advantage of existing infrastructure. This is the case, in particular, of the ICT infrastructure, including the important public optic fiber network.
Guangxi Poverty Reduction Program for Results The program development objective is to enhance the impact and efficiency of the Guangxi Consolidated Poverty Reduction Program (CPRP) in the Targeted Counties. The objective of the Guangxi Poverty Reduction Program-for-Results Project for China is to enhance the impact and efficiency of the Guangxi Consolidated Poverty Reduction Program (CPRP) in the Targeted Counties. The Chinese government has established a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy to achieve the goals of the 13th 5YP. Central to this strategy are two institutional innovations which have the potential to provide important global lessons to other countries. The first is accurately targeting poverty households and villages through the establishment of the National Poverty Registration Systemin 2013. The NPRS is a census of poor villages and people in China (about 70 million at its inception), which timely tracks characteristics of the poor and their main causes of poverty. The database is closely integrated into the reporting, prioritization, and accountability lines running upward from the village, county, region, and national levels. It provides critical information from the annual assessments of which households or villages have exited poverty, are at risk of falling back into poverty, or face challenges exiting from poverty. It thus plays a key role in both the identification of the remaining poor and the monitoring of programs to eradicate poverty. Secondly, since 2016, China has introduced the concept of decentralization of poverty reduction efforts with the aim to empower county governments to achieve their poverty targets. It consolidates many earmarked poverty reduction funds into a program-based budgeting system tailored to local context. The designated poverty counties have now been put fully in the driver’s seat for achieving poverty reduction goals. Nevertheless, the program development and implementation remains to be a challenge for the county governments, which face human resources capacity constraints. The Program for Results operation (PforR) enhances these institutional the NPRS database, and aligns fiscal inputs with results by introducing improved planning, budgeting and monitoring systems for poverty programs in Guangxi. It also aims to help to improve the monitoring of poverty reduction programs in one of the most impoverished regions of the country. The lessons from adopting these innovations in Guangxi can serve as learning experience to similar complex settings in the rest of the world and will help the WBG in supporting other countries eradicate extreme poverty by 2030.
Uzbekistan: Supporting a Transparent and Inclusive Market Transition (i) Improving the efficiency, sustainability, and transparency of resource allocation in the economy; and (ii) Enhancing economic inclusion and social resilience. The development objectives of the Supporting a Transparent and Inclusive Market Transition Development Policy Operation in Uzbekistan are to: (i) improve the efficiency, sustainability, and transparency of resource allocation in the economy; and (ii) enhance economic inclusion and social resilience. The strategy has five pillars: (i) enhancing state and public institutions; (ii) securing the rule of law and reforming the judicial system; (iii) promoting economic development; (iv) fostering social development; and (v) ensuring personal and public security through inter-ethnic and religious tolerance and constructive foreign policy. In early 2019, the Government (with support through the second DPO engagement) adopted a further 2019 - 2021 “Reform Roadmap” to provide further clarity about its reform priorities. It contains five focus areas: (i) maintaining macroeconomic stability; (ii) accelerating the market transition; (iii) strengthening social protection and citizen services; (iv) transforming the Government’s role in the market economy; and (v) preserving environmental sustainability.
Paraguay First Economic Management Development Policy Loan The Development objectives of the proposed DPL are to (a) improve the enabling conditions for more resilient, private sector-led growth, (b) promote economic growth that is more environmentally sustainable and resilient to climate-induced shocks, and (c) increaseresilience through more efficient and accountable management of public resources. The Paraguay First Economic Management Development Policy Loan (EMDPL1) in the amount of US$200 million is the first operation, in a programmatic series of two, aimed at supporting Paraguay’s efforts to reduce its external, environmental, and public finance vulnerabilities. The operation is a key instrument for the implementation of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Paraguay for FY19-FY23, discussed by the Board on January 22, 2019, and supports select priorities of the Paraguayan Administration within the framework of its Plan de Gobierno 2018-2023: Paraguay de la Gente. The Government plans to use the EMDPL1 with the Deferred Drawdown Option (DDO) as a contingency line of financing to address repercussions from increased regional volatility and weaker global growth. Since 2004, Paraguay has been characterized by solid economic growth supported by prudent macroeconomic policies and leveraging of the country’s natural wealth. Economic growth has been above the regional average, inflation is under control and public debt is low. Foreign reserves have remained at prudent levels. The financial sector is sound, with well-capitalized banks with low non-performing loans. Growth has been based on extensive leveraging of the country’s natural resources, particularly land and hydroelectric potential, and on an expanding service sector. Due in large part to the strong performance of the agricultural exporting sector, Paraguay stands out in the region for the positive contribution of net trade to growth. Demographic change in Paraguay has led to a sizable expansion of the working-age population, adding to economic output. However, in the first half of 2019, Paraguay faced a recession due to weak growth of its main trading partners and adverse climatic conditions. The economy is expected to return to growth in 2020.
Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project The Project Development Objective is to improve irrigation services and strengthen accountability of irrigation schemes management in selected areas. The objective of the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project for Indonesia is to improve irrigation services and strengthen accountability of irrigation schemes management in selected areas. There are three components to the project, the first component being urgent rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system. Urgent Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage System. this component will support the Institutional strengthening and rehabilitation and revitalization of about 100,000 hectares of irrigated command area aligned with the Government’s five pillars of modernization. This includes about 84,000 hectares of gravity upland irrigation systems and 16,000 hectares of tidal gravity lowland systems. The component will include activities as: (i) assessments of water resources and schemes performance, including potential changes due to climate change; (ii) engineering surveys, investigations and designs; and (iii) rehabilitation and upgrading of the irrigation and drainage infrastructure, incorporating climate resilient designs such as incorporating rainfall variability into hydraulic drainage systems. This component includes four subcomponents: improvement and revitalization of irrigation and drainage infrastructure; irrigation management modernization; irrigation management institutions; and human resources development. The second component is the strategic modernization of irrigation and drainage system. This component will support the increase of serviceability and management of 176,000 hectares of main, secondary and tertiary networks in the East (ETC ‐ 90,230 ha) and North (NTC ‐ 85,945 ha) Tarum Canals along with two pilot projects in the ETC command area to pioneer irrigation management modernization principles. The component will also support agricultural services under JIS. This component includes three subcomponents: improvement and modernization of irrigation and drainage infrastructure; modernization of irrigation management in Jatiluhur irrigation system; irrigation management institutions; and human resources development. Finally, the fourth component is the project management. This component will provide support to overall project management and implementation through: (i) the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) within the Ministry and Project Implementation Units (PIU) at the RBOs to provide the necessary support services for timely and effective project implementation, including monitoring and evaluation, procurement, financial management, safeguard compliance and monitoring; (ii) technical Assistance for the RBOs and other implementing entities to ensure timely and effective implementation; (iii) support to the National Steering Committee for Water Resources; and (iv) the incremental operating costs of the CPMU and the PIUs for activities related to project implementation.
Water Supply and Wastewater Services Improvement Project To increase access to and improve quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in target areas of the Dominican Republic. The development objective of Water Supply and Wastewater Services Improvement Project is to increase access to and improve quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in target areas of the Dominican Republic. This project has five components. 1) The first component, Water Supply Infrastructure and Efficiency, has the following sub-components: (i) Rehabilitation of “La Dura” WTP and water production facilities in Gaspar Hernández; and (ii) Distribution system improvements and expansion of networks in targeted areas, including, inter alia, in the Municipalities of Moca and Gaspar Hernández. 2) The second component, Wastewater Collection and Treatment Infrastructure, has the following sub-components: (i) Wastewater collection in the Municipalities of Moca and in Gaspar Hernández; and (ii) Wastewater treatment in the Municipalities of Moca and Gaspar Hernández. 3) The third component, Institutional Capacity Strengthening, has the following sub-components: (i) Strengthening Moca Water and Sewerage Corporation (CORAAMOCA’s) technical, operational, and commercial capacity and resilience to climate-related risks, and support to national level reforms; and (ii) Strengthening the social compact and inclusive sanitation. 4) The fourth component, Project Management and Monitoring, will provide support for project management, monitoring, and evaluation. 5) The fifth component, Contingent Emergency Response Component, aims to provide immediate response to support a government response to any future reconstruction in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed. An eligible crisis or emergency is an event that has caused, or is likely to imminently cause, a major adverse economic and/or social impact associated with natural or manmade crises or disasters.
Central African Republic (CAR) Emergency Food Crisis Response Project The objectives of the project are to increase food production and to improve resilience of targeted smallholder farmers and food insecure households in affected areas. The development objectives of the Emergency Food Crisis Response Project for Central African Republic are to increase food production and to improve resilience of targeted smallholder farmers and food insecure households in affected areas. The project comprises of four components. The first component, support increased food production will support an accelerated supply response focused on restoring and preserving the productive capacity of farming households to enable continued and expanded production of key staple foods and livestock that is resilient to climate change. It consists of following sub-components: (i) support food production and household nutrition; (ii) support food basket distribution and linkages to market opportunities; and (iii) strengthening hydro‐meteorological information for early warning. The second component, labor‐intensive public works for resilience will finance livelihood support programs through labor‐intensive public works (LIPW) in six prefectures and in Bangui. It consists of following sub-components: (i) rehabilitation and maintenance of small‐scale agricultural infrastructures; and (ii) rehabilitation and maintenance of drainage infrastructure in Bangui. The third component, project management will finance: (i) the project day‐to‐day administrative, technical, and fiduciary management; (ii) the coordination of project activities across the whole scope of project execution, including management costs of specialized service providers; (iii) the establishment and implementation of a robust monitoring and evaluation (M and E) framework that relies on modern information technology (IT) and will continue as a dynamic system to support the operations of the relevant institutions beyond the project, including baseline, mid‐term and final evaluation of the project; and (iv) the implementation of environmental and social (E and S) safeguard policies, citizen engagement, community mobilization measures, as well as a grievance redress mechanism (GRM). The fourth component, contingent emergency response component (CERC) will enable the provision of immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed.
NG-Electricity Transmission Project The project development objective is to increase the transfer capacity of the transmission network in Nigeria. The development objective of the Electricity Transmission Project for Nigeria is to increase the transfer capacity of the transmission network in Nigeria. There are two project components. First component, Transmission network strengthening and improvement (US 408 million dollars equivalent, of which the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) US 4 million dollars and IDA and IDA Scale-Up Facility (SUF) US 404 million dollars equivalent, excluding contingency).This component has four sub components: (a) the upgrading and rehabilitation of up to 48 existing substations—of these, approximately 11 require the replacement of transformers, while the others require the addition (not the replacement) of transformers, and addition and replacement of protection and control systems, switchgear, and associated equipment; (b) replacement of conductor on up to 13 132 kV transmission lines and conversion of up to two 132 kV lines from single circuit to double circuit (the total length of the transmission lines is about 1,260 km); (c) the upgrading and expansion of the network’s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and telecommunication systems and construction of four regional control centers; and (d) installation of static var compensator (SVC) at the remotely located Gombe substation in the northeast, which is supplied by a long 132 kV line, and purchase of spare equipment. Second component, Capacity building and technical assistance (IDA and IDA SUF US 32 million dollars equivalent, excluding contingency).This component includes the following activities: (a) consulting services (transaction advisory to support the preparation of transaction documents and procurement of a sponsor i.e. private developer) for a pilot Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for transmission infrastructure that is part of network expansion (that is, greenfield infrastructure); (b) consulting support and capacity building to improve the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) PMU’s performance; (c) consulting services and capacity building to support TCN’s corporatization and commercialization efforts and strengthening its institutional, governance and accountability framework; (d) consulting services for construction supervision and management (including environmental and social due diligence); (e) consulting services for feasibility studies of priority investment projects such as rehabilitation and construction of additional substations and transmission lines, and for undertaking associated environmental and social impacts’ due diligence; and (f) consulting services, training and capacity building, including information and management systems to support public institutions in the sector, including the TCN, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE), Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading PLC (NBET), Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), FMP, the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria, and other government bodies, such as the Ministry of Power and the power task force attached to the Vice President’s office. Activities to advance implementation of the Power Sector Recovery Program (PSRP), including studies, consulting assignments (including consulting assignment to support the NERC, BPE, NBET, and REA), and communication and outreach activities will be supported by the technical assistance component of the project.
Competitiveness and Sector Diversification The project development objective is to support sector governance improvements and increase competitiveness in targeted industries in Suriname. The development objective of Competitiveness and Sector Diversification Project is to support sector governance improvements and increase competitiveness in targeted industries in Suriname. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Strengthening the mining sector governance, transparency, accountability, and administration, focuses on supporting improvements to the legal, regulatory, and institutional framework governing mining in Suriname. 2) The second component, Investment in SMEs and value chains in targeted emerging industries, seeks to address the limited firm capabilities, investment climate challenges, vulnerabilities to climate change, and infrastructure shortcomings that constrain opportunities for growth and diversification in agribusiness, tourism, and other emerging industries, especially for SMEs. It has the following subcomponents: (i) Program for Suriname’s Growth Enterprises; and (ii) Improving the business environment for emerging industries and growth enterprises. 3) The third component, Project management and evaluation, aims to fund all project management, operational, monitoring and evaluation, and communication costs.
Uttarakhand Water Supply Program for Peri Urban Areas The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to increase access to improved water supply services in peri-urban areas in Uttarakhand. The development objective of the Uttarakhand Water Supply Program For Peri-urban Areas Project for India is to increase access to improved water supply services in peri-urban areas in Uttarakhand. The Government of Uttarakhand (GoUK) Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Program is well aligned with the Government of India (GoI) targets, and comprises six sub-sectoral components: (a) Urban Water Supply, (b) Urban Sanitation, (c) Rural Water Supply, (d) Rural Sanitation, (e) Peri-urban Water Supply, and (f) Peri-urban Sanitation. As part of the Urban Water Supply component, the state envisages treated and pressurized piped water supply for all households by 2030, with at least 60 percent metered connections. The Urban Sanitation component has two sub-components: (a) enhancing the coverage of Individual Household Latrines (IHHLs) from 94 percent to 100 percent of households by 2019, a target which has recently been achieved, and (b) expansion of sewer network from 30 percent coverage of current urban population to 50 percent collection and treatment by 2030. While 64 percent of rural households have access to piped water supply, it is envisaged that universal coverage with 70 lpcd can be achieved by 2022 under the Rural Water Supply program. Similar to the urban areas, the state’s Rural Sanitation program envisages enhancing the coverage of IHHLs from 86 percent to 100 percent in all rural households by 2019, which has recently been achieved. The Peri-urban Water Supply program specifically targets improvements from the existing 45 percent coverage and intermittent supply to the provision of universal water supply at par with urban standards. The Peri-urban Sanitation program aims at rapidly moving from the existing 90 percent IHHL coverage to achieving the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) targets by 2019, which it has recently achieved. While the state has achieved the state-wide ODF status in June 2017, provision of improved water supply remains a priority for the state.
Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Project The proposed PDO is to enhance the efficiency of the transportation and road safety institutions and improve selected roads in Himachal Pradesh. The objective of the Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Project for India is to enhance the efficiency of the transportation and road safety institutions and improve selected roads in Himachal Pradesh. The Project has three components. 1. Building Himachal Pradesh (HP’s) Transport Institutions and Resilience component has the following subcomponents: 1.1. Reestablishing and operationalizing HPRIDC and building resilience subcomponent will support Himachal Pradesh’s initiative to: (a) create a corporate entity responsible for the administration of the strategic core roads network, Major District Roads, and other district roads, as well as maintenance of the National Highways mandated to the State of Himachal Pradesh, and deliver safe, resilient and well performing roads; (b) operationalize the corporate entity Himachal Pradesh Road & Other Infrastructure Development Corporation (HPRIDC); and (c) make the Himalayan mountain roads in Himachal Pradesh climate risk resilient. 1.2. Commercializing road maintenance and the direct labor operations of Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department (HPPWD) subcomponent will support Himachal Pradesh’s initiative to improve the efficiency of maintenance execution and reduce maintenance cost. 1.3: Establishing Himachal Pradesh Motor Vehicle Administration (HPMVA), Strengthening the Directorate of Transportation of Himachal Pradesh Department of Transportation (HPDOT) and developing logistics system and strategy subcomponent will support delivery of efficient customer services, as well as competitive, safe and clean transportation in Himachal Pradesh. 1.4. Preparatory Activities subcomponent will conduct feasibility study and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for 2,000km of roads, and prepare Detail Project Report for upgrading 650 km and maintenance of 1,350 of state core roads. 2. Improving Select Roads stimulating Himachal Pradesh’s horticultural and overall economic growth component will enhance the efficiency of HPRIDC to execute road improvement projects at a planned cost, time and quality, whilst improving connectivity. 2.1. subcomponent will upgrade priority roads; 2.2. subcomponent will upgrade part of the Mandi Rewalsar Kalkhar road and Raghunathpura-MandiHarpura-Bharar. 3. Enhancing Road Safety component has two subcomponents. 3.1. Promoting the Safe System subcomponent will support three pilot districts to reduce road accident fatalities. 3.2. Promoting the Safe Corridor initiative will support the state highway patrol by providing surveillance equipment, Variable Messaging System (VMS), training the police, etc.
Mexico Sustainable and Inclusive Finance Development Policy Loan The DPF supports the government’s efforts to improve the policy framework for sustainable finance and access to finance for MSMEs. The Sustainable and Inclusive Finance Development Policy Loan (DPL) for US1 billion dollars supports key components of Mexico’s Sustainable Finance Mobilization Strategy (Estrategia de Movilización de Financiamiento Sostenible, EMFS) and the National Financial Inclusion Policy (Política Nacional de Inclusion Financiera, PNIF) to improve the policy framework for sustainable finance and access to finance for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). As an upper-middle-income country and a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mexico has made significant strides in economic sophistication, export expansion, and foreign direct investment (FDI) growth in recent decades. Nevertheless, the country´s potential to evolve into a more sustainable and productive economy and to alleviate poverty and income disparities is constrained by limited credit availability and underdeveloped private securities markets. Moreover, the execution of Mexico's revised Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) highlights the need for greater volumes of private sector capital to fund Mexico's transition to a more sustainable economy. This DPL establishes institutional building blocks for mobilizing substantial private sector finance for sustainable and inclusive objectives and is consistent with Graduation Discussion Commitments. It reflects broad policy consensus among policy makers, the financial sector, and the private sector regarding the importance of developing a framework conducive to leveraging private sector opportunities into sustainable finance. In accordance with the World Bank’s Graduation Discussion Income commitments, the proposed operation supports the creation of institutions and policy frameworks for sustainable finance and economic inclusion in areas such as disclosure and reporting standards, taxonomies, sustainable and inclusive capital markets regulation, greening National Development Finance Institutions and MSMEs access to finance. The operation is a trailblazer within the WBG for its support of comprehensive sustainable finance frameworks, which has important significant global demonstration effects, especially for emerging markets. It also contributes to global public goods by increasing green finance, thereby helping Mexico’s transition to a lower-carbon emission economy. The operation complements the WBG’s ongoing and pipeline program in Mexico and builds on the WBG’s long-standing policy dialogue with Mexico in these areas with substantial WBG technical support. Also, Mexico’s commitment for fostering gender equality with sustainable and inclusive finance aligns with the strategic objectives of economic participation and leadership in the new WBG’s Gender Strategy.
Jordan Second Equitable Growth & Job Creation Programmatic Development Policy Financing The program development objective is to support Jordan to set foundations to: (i) reduce business costs and improve market accessibility, (ii) create more flexible and integrated labor markets and provide better and more efficient social assistance, and (iii) improve fiscal sustainability and take more informed decisions regarding risk. The development objective of the Second Equitable Growth and Job Creation Programmatic Development Policy Financing (DPF2) for Jordan is to support Jordan to set foundations to: (i) reduce business costs and improve market accessibility, (ii) create more flexible and integrated labor markets and provide better and more efficient social assistance, and (iii) improve fiscal sustainability and take more informed decisions regarding risk. DPF2 will help the government pursue its necessary macro critical reforms to lay the foundations for investment at a time of low economic growth, while supporting fiscal sustainability and containing new losses in the energy sector. To improve the quality of economic growth and to produce more and better jobs for Jordanians, Jordan needs to promote investment, to allow its internal markets to become more contestable, and to facilitate the access of the existing pool of highly skilled women to the labor force. The DPF contributes to the implementation of the enlarged World Bank Group (WBG) Middle East and North Africa (MENA) strategy, as it addresses the constraints identified in the systematic country diagnostic and the priorities of the country partnership framework. The operation supports economic growth and job creation. It focuses on reducing business costs and increasing opportunities for private domestic and foreign investment, particularly in services (including digital), reducing labor market segmentation, removing legal and regulatory barriers for women to participate in the labor force, strengthening social protection at the time of economic transformation, and maintaining fiscal sustainability.
Managing Public Resources for Service Delivery The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve domestic tax management, budget execution, and transparency and accountability in the management of public resources. The development objective of the Managing Public Resources for Service Delivery Project for Mozambique is to improve domestic tax management, budget execution, and transparency and accountability in the management of public resources. The project comprises of five components. The first component is strengthening domestic tax management. It consists of following sub-components: (i) reinforcing tax administration; and (ii) incentives for strengthening domestic revenue management. The second component is enhancing public expenditure management and control. It consists of following sub-components: (i) institutional capacity building for the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF); (ii) strengthening internal audit arrangements; and (iii) incentives for improved expenditure management and control. The third component is improving independent external oversight. It consists of following sub-components: (i) support for external audit; (ii) enhancing social accountability and citizen engagement; and (iii) strengthening state-owned enterprise (SOE) oversight. The fourth component is project management. The project will also hire an independent verification agent for the purpose of certifying the achievement of the performance-based condition (PBC) targets annually. The fifth component, contingency emergency response component (CERC) will facilitate access to rapid financing by reallocating uncommitted project funds in the event of a natural disaster, either by a formal declaration of a national or regional emergency or upon a formal request from the Government of Mozambique (GoM).
Benin Boosting Inclusive Growth and Resilience DPF1 series with Cat DDO The Project Development Objective is to support the government’s efforts to: (i) enhance private sector-led growth, (ii) boost domestic revenue collection, and (iii) strengthen social and climate resilience. The development objective of the First Boosting Inclusive Growth and Resilience Development Policy Financing with a Catastrophe-Deferred Drawdown Option for Benin is to support the government’s efforts to: (i) enhance private sector-led growth, (ii) boost domestic revenue collection, and (iii) strengthen social and climate resilience. The first reform pillar supports private sector-led growth by fostering private participation with a new public-private partnership (PPP) framework, creating an ecosystem for micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) development and growth, and improving the investment climate. The second pillar aims to build fiscal resilience and space to absorb shocks by strengthening domestic revenue collection. The third pillar of the program is intended to promote inclusive growth and reduce poverty by supporting access to health services for the most vulnerable population and deploying an adaptative social registry.
West Bengal Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project The project’s development objective (DO) is to improve the operational efficiency and reliability of electricity supply in selected areas of West Bengal. The development objective of the Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project for India is to improve the operational efficiency and reliability of electricity supply in selected areas of West Bengal. The project comprises of four components. The first component, distribution system strengthening will support strengthening and augmentation of the distribution network in select districts and towns through investments inter alia in: (i) high-voltage distribution system and aerial bunched cabling, (ii) investments in 33-11 kV gas insulated substations, and (iii) underground cabling to replace overhead networks. The second component, smart grid development in urban areas will support investments in smart-grid technologies through investments in: (i) the information and communication technology (ICT) systems of the West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) through technology and capacity upgrades; (ii) deployment of distribution automation technologies and integration of communicable control devices with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) including investments in geographic information system (GIS) upgradation and integration; and (iii) deployment of smart consumer meters in select urban geographies. The third component, technical assistance for institutional development and capacity building of WBSEDCL will support: (i) strengthening of ICT-OT systems of WBSEDCL for integration of its various technologies including its upgradation, and (ii) strengthening the capacity building of WBSEDCL through personnel planning, business process reengineering, the hiring of project management consultant PMCs), and provision of training and workshops and knowledge exchange visits. The fourth component, contingent emergency response part will support provision of immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency.
Second Employment Support Project The project development objective is to increase formal private sector employment among targeted groups of registered jobseekers. The development objective of Second Employment Support Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina is to increase formal private sector employment among targeted groups of registered jobseekers. This project has two components. 1) The first component, Support for Employment Promotion, aims to support the return to the labor market of jobseekers, especially disadvantaged ones, in a post‐pandemic context. 2) The second component, Support for Management Systems, Monitoring and Communications, aims to improve the capacity, support the efficiency improvements of Public Employment Services (PES), and make broader use of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) data for policy design.
Resilient Urban Sierra Leone Project The Project development objective is to improve integrated urban management, service delivery, and disaster emergency management in Western Area and secondary cities of Sierra Leone. The development objective of the Resilient Urban Sierra Leone Project for Sierra Leone is to improve integrated urban management, service delivery, and disaster emergency management in Western Area and secondary cities of Sierra Leone. The project comprises of four components. The first component, institutional and capacity development in integrated urban management will support the government’s decentralization agenda through supporting city councils in institutionalizing and strengthening their urban management capabilities that are critical for efficient revenue generation, and planning, as well as delivery and sustainable management of infrastructure and services. It consists of following sub-components: (i) strengthening integrated urban planning and spatial data infrastructure; and (ii) upgrading urban property tax administration and system. The second component, resilient municipal infrastructure investment and urban greening will finance priority resilient municipal infrastructure and services at neighborhood-and city-levels, including the preparation of technical designs. It consists of following sub-components: (i) neighborhood upgrading and greening in free town; (ii) solid waste management (SWM) upgrading in free town and secondary cities; and (iii) market upgrading in selected secondary cities. The third component, emergency management institutional and capacity development will build the capacity of the national and local governments in emergency preparedness and response, to better prepare them to respond to and recover from disasters. It consists of following sub-components: (i) strengthening early warning, emergency preparedness and response systems; and (ii) contingent emergency response component. The fourth component, project management will finance project management costs of the project management unit (PMU) for staffing, monitoring and evaluation (M and E), audits and mid-term and end-project evaluations, safeguards, financial management, procurement, training, and costs related to the setup of a grievance redress mechanism (GRM).
Dominican Republic Emergency Response and Resilience Project The objectives of the Project are to support the Dominican Republic's emergency response and recovery needs and to strengthen its institutional capacity to manage risks posed by natural hazards and the effects of climate change The development objectives of Hurricane Fiona Emergency Response Project are to support the Dominican Republic's emergency response and recovery needs and to strengthen its institutional capacity to manage risks posed by natural hazards and the effects of climate change. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Recovery, rehabilitation, and resilient reconstruction, has the following sub-components: (i) Emergency disaster recovery; and (ii) Rehabilitation and reconstruction of selected critical public and community infrastructure. 2) The second component, Support to the Government’s capacity for disaster risk preparedness, response, and recovery, has the following sub-components: (i) Enhancing Resilient and Inclusive Territorial Planning and Development; (ii) Strengthening geospatial information systems for disaster risk assessment and response; and (iii) Supporting institutional capacity for damage assessment and disaster preparedness. 3) The third component, Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation, has the following sub-components: (i) Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation Support for Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD) Project Implementation Unit (PIU); and (ii) Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation Support for Ministry of Presidency (MINPRE) PIU.
Second Inclusive Growth Programmatic DPF The Development Objectives of the operation are (i) strengthening the foundation for private sector led growth, and (ii) strengthening the social safety net and enhance fiscal equity The development objectives of Second Inclusive Growth Programmatic Development Policy Loan Project for Argentina are (i) strengthen the foundations for private sector-led growth (Pillar 1), and (ii) strengthen the social safety net and enhance fiscal equity (Pillar 2). The focus areas of the DPF the foundations for private sector-led growth and strengthening the social safety net have become more important in the current circumstances. The DPF series supports the continuation of the government’s effort to lay the foundation for eventual private sector recovery and growth through measures that reduce policy distortions that act as barriers to private sector activity. This includes actions to promote competition, reduce the costs of intermediate inputs or capital goods and the red tape associated with doing business, while encouraging private investment in infrastructure, including the exploitation of renewable energy. Productivity growth in Argentina has been very low over recent decades in an economic setting marked by macroeconomic and policy volatility.
Togo COVID-19 Emergency Response and Systems Preparedness Strengthening Project To prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Togo. The purpose of the COVID-19 Emergency Response and System Preparedness Strengthening Project in Togo is to prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 (Coronoavirus) and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness. This project consists of three components. Component one is Emergency COVID-19 Response. This component will provide immediate support to Togo to prevent COVID-19 from expanding or to limit local transmission through containment strategies. Component two is supporting national and sub-national, prevention and preparedness. Within this component, assistance will be provided to all levels of the health care system for preparedness planning, maintaining essential community services and optimal medical care, and minimizing risks for patients and health personnel, as well as developing intra-hospital infection control measures, and strengthening national laboratory system. Component three is Project Implementation Management and Monitoring and Evaluation. The activities will include: (i) support for procurement, financial management (FM), environmental and social safeguards, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting; (ii) training of project management unit and technical consultants; and (iii) operating costs.
Rural Livelihoods Productivity and Resilience Project To increase productivity and strengthen resilience of rural livelihoods in Targeted Areas in Madagascar. The development objective of the Rural Livelihoods Productivity and Resilience Project for Madagascar is to increase productivity and strengthen resilience of rural livelihoods in targeted areas in Madagascar. The project comprises of five components. The first component, promoting community-led restoration and management of watersheds aims to ensure the conservation and sustainable development of watersheds combating erosion and restoring ecological services that preserve and support the sustainability of agricultural investments. It consists of following sub-components: (i) development and or update of localized land use planning schemes; (ii) reforestation and erosion control in watersheds; and (iii) promoting agroecological practice. The second component, sustainable intensification and management of irrigation infrastructure and services aim to improve water management capacity among communities and water use efficiency. It consists of following sub-components: (i) rehabilitation of hydro-agricultural infrastructure; and (ii) management, maintenance, and preservation (MMP) of hydro-agricultural infrastructure. The third component, strengthening livelihood resilience and value chains aim to mitigate climate risks and catalyze needed adaptation of food systems. It consists of following sub-components: (i) promoting climate-smart and nutrition-sensitive agriculture technologies, practices, and interventions; (ii) strengthening value chains via matching grants; and (iii) development of climate-resilient rural road infrastructure. The fourth component, project management and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) will support all aspects of project management and M and E. The fifth component, contingent emergency response component with zero allocation may be used to contribute to an emergency response through the timely implementation of activities in response to an eligible national emergency.
Ethiopia: National Quality Infrastructure Development Project The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the delivery of quality assurance services to enterprises in the targeted sectors. The development objective of National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) Development Project for Ethiopia is to improve the delivery of quality assurance services to enterprises in the targeted sectors. This project is structured around three components. 1) The first component, Strengthening Institutional Capacity for NQI Development, aims to strengthen the NQI institutions’ capacity to deliver effective and efficient quality assurance services to enterprises in the targeted sectors. It has the following subcomponents : (i) Technical Assistance and Training to Industries; and (ii) Strengthening Ministry of Science and Technology's (MoST) NQI Oversight Function. 2) The second component, Enhancing Private Sector Engagement, aims to support more active private sector involvement for the development of NQI systems in terms of creation of the demand for NQI services and increase of the number of private sector NQI service providers, in particular conformity assessment services. It has three subcomponents as follows: (i) Technical Assistance and Training to Industries; (ii) Technical Support to Private Sector NQI Service Providers; and (iii) Strengthening the Feed-back and Dialogue Mechanism. 3) The third component, Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation, aims to support Project management and monitoring and evaluation through, inter alia, financing of Operating Costs, consultants’ services, goods and technical assistance.
Sudan COVID-19 Emergency Response Project The objectives of the project are to prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Sudan. The objectives of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Project are to prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Sudan. There are three components to the project, the first component being Emergency COVID-19 Response. The aim of this component is to prevent and limit, to the extent possible, the spread of COVID-19 in Sudan. This component include two subcomponents: case detection, confirmation and contact tracing, and health system strengthening. The second component is the implementation management and monitoring and evaluation. This component will support administration and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities to ensure smooth and satisfactory project implementation. The component will finance: (i) direct cost for staffing and establishment of the Project Management Unit (PMU) at the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH); and (ii) hiring of Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) agent and auditor, with terms of reference (TOR) satisfactory to the Bank. Finally, the third component is the contingent emergency response. A zero cost CERC will provide support for future emergency responses. Following an eligible crisis or event, clients may request the Bank to re-allocate project funds to support an additional emergency response. The CERC would draw from the uncommitted grant resources under the project to cover emergency response. CERCs can be activated without needing to first restructure the original project, thus supporting rapid implementation. To facilitate a rapid response, formal restructuring is deferred to within three months after the CERC is activated.
Ethiopia Flood Management Project The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen Ethiopia’s institutional capacity for disaster risk management, and flood risk management in selected basins. The development objective of the Flood Management Project for Ethiopia is to strengthen Ethiopia’s institutional capacity for disaster risk management (DRM), and flood risk management in selected basins. The project comprises of four components. The first component, strengthening institutional and coordination capacity for disaster risk management aims to improve the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) DRM by strengthening the institutional capacity of federal-level agencies (including priority sectors) and the coordination between federal and decentralized levels of the government. The second component, accelerating flood risk management aims to accelerate flood risk management by investing in physical infrastructure to reduce flood risks, strengthening hydromet services and impact-based flood early warning systems (FEWSs), increasing community-level preparedness and awareness, and providing technical assistance and capacity building to facilitate integrated flood risk management (IFRM). It consists of following sub-components: (i) basin-level flood risk reduction investments; (ii) hydromet services and impact-based flood early warning systems; (iii) community-level flood preparedness and awareness raising; and (iv) strategic studies for future investments and capacity building for urban flood risk management. The third component, contingent emergency response supports the implementation of the World Bank’s global crisis response framework (GCRF), pillar 3, strengthening resilience, as it provides the opportunity to reallocate funds to quickly respond in the event of an emergency or crisis. The fourth component, project management and implementation support aim to ensure the successful implementation of the activities carried out under the project.
Ukraine Gas Supply Security Facility The Projectâ??s Development Objective is to enhance Naftogazâ??s ability to incr ease Ukraineâ??s security of gas supply, by facilitating access to cost-effectiv e financing and improving the terms of the gas supply contracts supported under the Project. The development objective of the Gas Supply Security Facility Project for Ukraine is to enhance Naftogaz’s ability to increase Ukraine’s security of gas supply, by facilitating access to cost-effective financing and improving the terms of the gas supply contracts supported under the project. The project is composed of one investment project financing (IPF) component, support for Naftogaz’s gas purchases. The component is supported by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) payment guarantee amounting to the Euro equivalent7 of United States (U.S.) 500 million dollars, in support of Naftogaz gas purchases from suppliers which will meet eligibility criteria, including Naftogaz’s current Eastern and Western gas suppliers.
Mozambique: Cyclone Idai & Kenneth Emergency Recovery and Resilience Project The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the recovery of public and private infrastructure and livelihoods; (b) to strengthen climate resilience in the areas most affected by Cyclones Idai and Kenneth; and (c) to provide immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency The objective of the Cyclone Idai and Kenneth Emergency Recovery and Resilience Project for Mozambique is to support the recovery of public and private infrastructure and livelihoods while strengthening climate resilience in the areas most affected by Cyclones Idai and Kenneth. Component 1 is the recovery and reconstruction of Cyclone-affected areas. This includes the repair and reconstruction of housing for selected vulnerable communities; the repair and reconstruction of key public infrastructure; and the recovery of the private sector and economic activities. Component 2 is building climate resilience which is a holistic and strategic approach to reconstruction aimed at reducing the vulnerability of the city of Beira, an important economic hub that suffered large losses due to Cyclone Idai, climate-related hazards. Component 3 will support the implementation of all project activities, through establishing and strengthening the capacity of Post-Cyclone Idai Reconstruction Office (GREPOC) and the Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Administration (AIAS) (responsible for implementing Components 1 and 2, respectively), covering technical, fiduciary, safeguard, project management, and citizen engagement capacities. Component 4 will provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed. This would finance emergency works in the case of another disaster event by including a 'zero-dollar' Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC). This would help recover damaged infrastructure, ensure business continuity, and enable early rehabilitation. In parallel, following an adverse event that causes a major disaster, the Government of Mozambique (GoM) may request the World Bank to channel resources from this component into an Immediate Response Mechanism (IRM). The IRM would enable the use of up to 5 percent of uncommitted funds from the overall IDA portfolio to response to emergencies. This IRM has already been established for Mozambique and already activated twice, including in response to Cyclone Idai. Specific details around this component (including activation criteria, eligible expenditures, and specific implementation arrangements as well as required staffing for the coordinating authority) are defined in the IRM Operations Manual.
Cameroon Nachtigal Hydropower Project The Project development objective is to increase the availability of renewable e nergy power and leverage private finance for the Nachtigal Hydropower Project. The objective of the Nachtigal Hydro Power Project for Cameroon is to increase the availability of renewable energy power and leverage private finance for the project. The Project Company (under Local Loan Guarantee) will covenant, among other things, that it will: (i) use the proceeds of the disbursements under the IBRD-Guaranteed Loan Facility exclusively for the Project and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the IBRD-Guaranteed Loan Agreement, (ii) complywith applicable laws, including environmental and social laws, and the applicable World Bank environmental and social requirements under the World Bank Performance Standards; (iii) provide annual audited financial statements and other reports, (iv) provide access to the project, (v) not engage (or authorize or permit any affiliate or any other person acting on its behalf to engage in) in any sanctionable practice in connection with the project, (vi) comply with World bank requirements relating to Sanctionable Practices regarding individuals or firms included in the World Bank Group list of firms debarred from World Bank Group-financed contracts, (vii) provide certain notices and other information to IBRD, and (viii) obtain IBRD’s consent prior to agreeing to any change to any material Project related transaction document to which it is a party which would materially affect the rights or obligations of IBRD under the Guarantee Agreement.In addition, the project agreement may contain covenants by the project company to use its reasonable efforts prior to the end of each Local Loan term to induce each Guaranteed Lender to elect to extend its participation in the Local Loan and not exercise its rights under the Local Loan Purchase Agreement to have Cameroon buy out its participation in such loan. In the event the Guaranteed Lenders, whether some lenders or all lenders, exercise their rights to have such participations purchased by Cameroon, the project agreement may contain undertakings for the project company to use its reasonable efforts to find eligible commercial lenders to purchase such participations.
Oromia Forested Landscape Program – Emission Reduction Project The project will generate measured, reported and verified Emissions Reductions (ER) from reduced deforestation, forest degradation, enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+), agriculture and other land use sectors that meet the GHG accounting requirements of the BioCF ISFL in the Oromia State and will distribute ER payments in accordance with an agreed benefit sharing plan. The development objective of Oromia Forested Landscape Program - Emission Reduction Project for Ethiopia aims to generate measured, reported and verified Emissions Reductions (ER) from reduced deforestation, forest degradation, enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+), agriculture and other land use sectors that meet the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accounting requirements of the BioCarbon Fund (BioCF) Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL) in the Oromia State and will distribute ER payments in accordance with an agreed benefit sharing plan. This project has two components. The first component, Emission Reductions payments distributed in accordance with agreed Benefit Sharing Plan, includes the following sub-components: (i) Payment for Emission Reduction Credits; and (ii) Distribution of ER payments as per a Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP). 2) The second component, Comprehensive Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system and program management, including E&S Risk Management system, has the following sub-components: (i) Program Management including E&S standards Implementation and communication; and (ii) Improvement of the Comprehensive Measurement, Reporting and Verification system.
Programmatic Fiscal and Public Financial Management Development Policy Credit ( II ) (i) Establish a framework to move towards fiscal federalism and (ii) improve the policy framework for public financial management. This second operation in the programmatic DPC series (DPC2) is supported through other World Bank and donor engagements. DPC2 supports reforms under two pillars. Pillar one supports measures to establish a framework to move towards fiscal federalism through various legislations, policies and regulations while Pillar two supports reforms to improve the policy framework for public financial management at the provincial and local levels. The DPC series is complemented by other WBG instruments and activities of other donors supporting various aspects of the federalism transition. The Integrated Public Financial Management Reform Project (IPFMR), effective since October 2018, supports implementation of key reforms linked to strengthening budget execution and systems for reporting under the new federal structure. The Government has also embarked on reforms to strengthen legislation and the related framework for public investment management and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), and define the role of provincial and local governments. This is being supported through the upcoming Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) DPC. The reforms supported by this fiscal and PFM DPC series also complement the overall support to federalism being provided by Development Partners (DPs) through the multi-donor trust fund (MDTF). World Bank-UNDP supported Federalism Capacity Needs Assessment including assessments of all three tiers of government, as well as a mapping of DP’s support is being undertaken to assess capacity gaps for the transition to federalism at the request of the Government and its development partners. There is also a ‘federalism DPs working group’ comprising several DPs that meets regularly to harmonize assistance to the government on federalism transition. Overall, substantial risks to the operation stem largely from the level of capacity, as well as the political and stakeholder context. Jurisdictional overlap between the three tiers of government, lack of clarity and coherence between policies and devolved powers could undermine coordination across government agencies, impede reform implementation and disrupt service delivery. Resistance from some stakeholders that benefit from the current policies and status quo could further slowdown reforms. Weak institutional capacity and enforcement of rules and regulations, particularly at the provincial and local government levels, form significant sources of fiduciary risks and fragility. These risks are mitigated by strong government commitment to needed reforms, including those supported by this operation and extensive donor engagement to build institutional capacity.
STP Strengthening Growth and Fiscal Policy DPO Project Development Objective (Note: will be disclosed in the MOS)The (temporary) development objective is to support the STP government to address bottlenecks to development through growth enhancing reforms on energy, macro and fiscal management and financial markets.Board Schedule Comments The operation in the amount SDR 3.6 million (equivalent to US$5 million) is the first one in a Development Policy Financing (DPF) series of three operations for São Tomé and Príncipe (STP). The previous programmatic series was interrupted due to a breach of the International Development Association (IDA) Non-Concessional Borrowing Policy (NCBP).1 STP has addressed this problem by changing the terms of the loan it contracted with Angola to comply with the NCBP. The previous series, however, could not be resumed since more than 24 months had elapsed after Board approval of the last operation. A stand-alone development policy operation (DPO) was attempted in 2015, but a potential debt arising from a Memorandum of Understanding signed with a Chinese company prevented the World Bank from going forward. This issue has also been satisfactorily resolved. During this period, the country also signed a revised Extended Credit Facility (ECF) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in July 2015, which anchors the short-term fiscal consolidation efforts and includes structural benchmarks on financial stability and measures to address the fiscal imbalance coming from the energy sector. The objective of this operation is to help the Government introduce growth-enabling reforms in the financial sector, business environment, and infrastructure; generate fiscal resources and savings; and improve quality of expenditures. A key focus of government policy is to reduce the dependence on government spending and facilitate the development of alternative growth drivers. This operation will help facilitate this shift by supporting policies that are aimed to address the risks to growth both directly and indirectly. The first pillar of the operation focuses on policies aimed to deal with direct risks to growth such as inadequate frameworks for credit operations and unreliable energy supply. The second pillar brings together policies that will indirectly help mitigate risks to growth. For example, by supporting better SOE surveillance, it is expected that the management of the energy company will improve and thus reduce energy cost and increase reliability of supply.
Himachal Pradesh Power Sector Development Program The Program Development Objective is to increase renewable energy penetration and strengthen the power sector institutions in Himachal Pradesh. The development objective of the Himachal Pradesh (HP) Power Sector Development Program (HPPSDP) Program-for-Results for India is to increase renewable energy (RE) penetration and strengthen the power sector institutions in HP. The program envisages to increase penetration of RE resources through optimization of the state’s current and present generation base. This includes bundling hydropower with variable non-hydro RE (such as solar and wind) and implementing a mix of reform-oriented measures and investments, although the latter is restricted to selected 10 out of 12 districts in HP. Using a multipronged strategy, the program supports the development of new solar installations, establishes a single energy trading desk, advances deployment of the state-of-the-art transmission and distribution (T and D) network along with upgradation of its load dispatch operation system, inter alia. Specifically, HPPSDP supports the state through three result areas (RAs). RA 1: developing a low carbon power sector in HP by enhancing flexibility and diversification of RE sources; RA 2: strengthening of the state’s power network to enhance its reliability and resilience; and RA 3: strengthening environmental, social, financial management, corporate governance, and procurement capabilities of the state power sector utilities and agencies.
Enhancing Shared Prosperity through Equitable Services The objective of ESPES program is to improve equitable access to basic services and strengthen accountability systems at the decentralized level.  The program aims to improve service delivery for the whole population of Ethiopia by improving results in health, education and agriculture services in the most poorly performing woredas and strengthening the overall decentralized service delivery system. Building on almost 10 years of support for basic services delivery, the ESPES focuses on leveraging the government’s broadprogram of service delivery support to promote equity, enhance quality of and access to services, and institutionalize critical systems for service delivery, especially at the woreda level. The development objective of the Enhancing Shared Prosperity Through Equitable Services (ESPES) Project for Ethiopia is to improve equitable access to basic services and strengthen accountability systems at the decentralized level. The program is anchored around four sets of key results: (a) ensuring equitable access to basic services; (b) enhancing citizens’ engagement, environmental, and social management capacity; (c) deepening fiduciary aspects of basic service delivery; and (d) ensuring quality data access and results. The ESPES program finances Woreda-level recurrent spending, mainly salaries, to deliver basic services. Over 80 percent of the block grants go to recurrent costs - mainly Woreda-level salaries for teachers, health care workers, agriculture development agents (DAs), and administrators, and also some small operational costs.
Second Programmatic State Owned Enterprises Reform DPL Project Development Objective (Note: will be disclosed in the MOS)This second State Owned Enterprise Reform Development Policy Loan (SOE DPL 2) build s on the reforms initiated in the first DPL which has provided the institutional framework and first actions to complete Serbia's transition to fully functioning market economy. DPL2 will support the restructuring and liquidation of remaining SOEs (out of an initial pool of 169 companies) and support a problem which carries out these reforms according to international experience and social standards.Board Schedule Comments The development objectives of the Second Programmatic State Owned Enterprises Reform Operation Project for Serbia are to reduce state participation and level of direct and indirect support to the real sector, enhance state owned enterprises (SOEs) performance, governance and accountability, and mitigate the short term social and labor impacts of the SOEs restructuring and disposition plans. These objectives will be achieved through supporting reforms carried out by the Government of Serbia revolving around three pillars areas: (A) accelerating the restructuring and divestiture program for the Privatization Agency portfolio and selected state owned enterprises operating in the commercial sector; (B) strengthening governance, regulatory and institutional framework, and monitoring and transparency arrangements for SOEs; and (C) mitigating the social and labor market impact of the SOEs reform program. This program document presents a proposed Second State Owned Enterprises Reform Development Policy Loan (DPL) to the Republic of Serbia for an amount of EUR 89.8 million (US100 million dollars equivalent). This is the second loan in a programmatic series of two operations supporting Government of Serbia’s structural reform program for the state owned enterprises (SOEs) sector, which aims at reducing state participation and level of direct and indirect support to the real sector, enhancing SOEs performance, governance and accountability, and mitigating the short term social and labor impacts of the SOEs restructuring and disposition plans. The measures supported under the proposed series are an integral part of the Government of Serbia’s (GoS) Fiscal Strategy for 2016–18, as well as the Program of the new Government of Republic of Serbia, presented by the Prime Minister to the Parliament in August 2016. The proposed series is fully congruent with the FY16-20 Country Partnership Framework and contributes to both of its focus areas (Area 1: the “Economic governance and the role of the state” and Area 2: “Private sector growth and economic inclusion”) supporting economic growth by tackling the bottlenecks to improved productivity and competitiveness, and supporting reforms to some of the key aspects of the social safety net system. The global financial crisis has exposed structural weaknesses in Serbia’s economic growth model, and prompted the need for fiscal consolidation and the acceleration of the unfinished transition to market economy.
Niger Integrated Water Security Platform Project (Niger-IWSP Project) The project development objectives are to strengthen the management of water resources, increase access to water services and improve the resilience to climate-induced water variability in select areas of Niger. The development objectives of the Integrated Water Security Platform Project for Niger are to strengthen the management of water resources, increase access to water services, and improve the resilience to climate-induced water variability in select areas of Niger. The project comprises of four components. The first component, integrated investments for water security aims to support institutional development for improved water resources management, as well as upstream investments in watersheds restoration and water resources mobilization. It consists of following sub-components: (i) management of water resources and climate risks; (ii) restoration of watershed environments; and (iii) mobilization of water resources. The second component, expansion of integrated water services consists of following sub-components: (i) expansion of rural development services; (ii) expansion of water supply services; and (iii) expansion of public sanitation infrastructure and behavioral communication. The third component, project management and capacity building will finance the operational costs of the project management unit (PMU). The fourth component, contingent emergency response component (CERC) enables the government to reallocate International Development Association (IDA) project funds to disaster response and recovery purposes under streamlined procedures.
Burkina Faso Livestock Resilience and Competitiveness Project To improve the productivity, commercialization, and resilience of key sedentary livestock production systems for targeted beneficiaries in Project areas The development objective of the Livestock Resilience and Competitiveness Project for Burkina Faso is to improve the productivity, commercialization, and resilience of key sedentary livestock production systems for targeted beneficiaries in project areas. The project comprises of four components. The first component, enabling environment and support services for livestock promotion is to strengthen the policy and regulatory environment and institutional foundations for improving the competitiveness of livestock production with a special emphasis on sedentary systems. It consists of following sub-components: (i) technical assistance to support to policy formulation, planning, and capacity strengthening; (ii) support to animal husbandry and advisory support services; and (iii) support to animal health services strengthening. The second component, climate-smart livestock infrastructure and value chains development builds on improvements in productivity arising from investments under component 1 (improved policy and regulatory environment, adoption of good animal husbandry practice (GAHPs) and improved breeds, and improved animal health) to foster stronger commercial and market orientation among small and medium producers, expand private investment in the sector, and promote the highest level of appropriate value addition in targeted value-chains. It consists of following sub-components: (i) support for climate-smart productive infrastructure and marketing; and (ii) support to access to finance. The third component, project management and coordination focus on all aspects related to project management and coordination. The fourth component, contingent emergency response component is a mechanism for financing eligible expenditures in the event of natural or manmade crises or disaster, severe economic shocks, or other emergencies in Burkina Faso.
Shock Responsive and Resilient Social Safety Net Project To provide emergency cash transfers and improve the resilience of vulnerable households The development objective of the Shock Responsive and Resilient Social Safety Net Project for Comoros is to provide emergency cash transfers and improve the resilience of vulnerable households. The project comprises of four components. The first component, ensuring immediate response to shock objective is to mitigate the effects of the economic shocks from food and fuel price increases on poor and vulnerable urban and rural households through temporary income support. The second component, establishing economic opportunities aims to provide economic opportunities by supporting self-employment for the most vulnerable households, especially women and youth, and strengthening their resilience. It consists of following sub-components: (i) supporting livelihood and income generating activities; and (ii) cash for work for resilience. The third component, strengthening safety net coordination, project management, monitoring and evaluation consists of following sub-components: (i) building institutional capacity; and (ii) project management, monitoring and evaluation. The fourth component, contingency emergency response will allow for rapid reallocation of credit and grant uncommitted funds in the event of an eligible emergency in accordance with paragraphs 12 and 13 for situations of urgent need of assistance or capacity constraints of the World Bank policy for investment project financing (IPF).
Sustainable Livestock Development Program For Results The Program Development Objective is to support the development of an environmentally sustainable, inclusive, and competitive beef production in Kazakhstan The objective of the Sustainable Livestock Development Program for Results for Kazakhstan is to support the development of an environmentally sustainable, inclusive, and competitive beef production. The Program has three Results Areas. 1. Improvement of Veterinary Service Delivery and Animal Recording Results Area will provide results-based support to improve Government systems and services oriented at public goods elements of the export-oriented high-value beef sector by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery mechanisms for animal health and veterinary services. The Results Area 1 consists of two parts. Results Area 1.1 Unified recording and traceability system will include institutional arrangements and budgetary allocation necessary to improving coverage, reliability, and interconnectivity of the animal recording and traceability systems. 1.2. Capacity building for veterinary services will include regulatory and institutional reforms necessary to enable private sector delivery of animal health and veterinary services that improve productivity, animal health, control of production and emerging diseases and address risks from vector-borne and feed-borne diseases, which are exacerbated by climate change. 2. Scale-up the Farmer-Centric Service Delivery Model Results Area will provide results-based support for the participation of household and individual farmers in export-oriented beef-value chains. The Results Area 2 consists of three parts: Results Area 2.1. Knowledge and agricultural research and extension for farmers will incentivize scaling-up agricultural advisory and knowledge transfer services that promote adoption of good grassland management and animal husbandry practices. Results Area 2.2. Headage payments and matching grants to new small and medium farmers who are linked to feedlots will incentivize the scaling-up of the Farmer-Centric service delivery model and building a competitive production base will improve public service provision, including extending headage payments and matching grants to 20,000 new small and medium farmers, who will be encouraged to boost their production, register as individual farmers and establish production partnerships with feedlots. Results Area 2.3. Access to services and land resources will address policy and institutional bottlenecks that currently prevent small and medium farmers’ participation in export-oriented high-value beef supply chains. 3. Implement Green Growth Policies for the Beef Sector Results Area will provide results-based support for gradual transitioning to policies and State support measures that promote productivity and competitiveness of the beef sector and at the same time reduce the pressure on environment and mitigate climate impacts. The Results Area consists of two parts: Results Area 3.1. Policies for strengthening green economy principles in the beef sector will support the policy commitments that deliver significant agri-environmental benefits. Results Area 3.2. Establishment of the GHG Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System will support institutional and budgetary arrangements for (a) updating of the Nationally Determined Contribution to include specific emission reduction targets for the beef sector; (b) adoption and funding of a new national adaptation plan for the livestock sector; and (c) establishment and operation of a monitoring, reporting and verification system for GHG emissions from the livestock sector. exists but content is empty.
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