imagewidth (px)
16 values
[ "1942", "-18", "1,", "st7r1", "Smoke", "VICERO", "THE FILTER", "IS BETTER", "TIP", "FOR", "YOU", "26", "lobacco aunbs fo staun yroux tceth", "CIhnont", "{eaanls &1 chectcd", "bnought out", "STuc tobaco |lenxt", "(The corh tj na yon lopv", "1", "Your SMOKE", "AND", "COMES", "CLEAN" ]
[ [ 329, 163, 367, 177 ], [ 391, 163, 419, 179 ], [ 176, 264, 244, 320 ], [ 235, 278, 371, 293 ], [ 214, 371, 364, 418 ], [ 218, 419, 426, 478 ], [ 325, 617, 403, 635 ], [ 437, 617, 507, 635 ], [ 409, 619, 431, 635 ], [ 513, 619, 543, 635 ], [ 549, 619, 583, 635 ], [ 318, 639, 359, 657 ], [ 358, 642, 582, 666 ], [ 321, 662, 375, 687 ], [ 377, 669, 511, 685 ], [ 473, 689, 556, 719 ], [ 323, 693, 457, 711 ], [ 320, 714, 516, 742 ], [ 642, 740, 666, 858 ], [ 367, 743, 469, 761 ], [ 325, 745, 359, 761 ], [ 475, 747, 527, 763 ], [ 533, 747, 581, 763 ] ]
[ "1942", "-18", "1, st7r1", "Smoke VICERO", "THE FILTER TIP IS BETTER FOR YOU 26 lobacco aunbs fo staun yroux tceth CIhnont {eaanls &1 chectcd STuc tobaco |lenxt bnought out (The corh tj na yon lopv AND Your SMOKE COMES CLEAN", "1" ]
[ [ 329, 163, 367, 177 ], [ 391, 163, 419, 179 ], [ 176, 259, 371, 320 ], [ 214, 360, 426, 495 ], [ 318, 617, 583, 763 ], [ 642, 740, 666, 858 ] ]
[ [ 62, 44, 558, 70 ], [ 108, 68, 512, 116 ], [ 162, 110, 466, 160 ], [ 595, 199, 607, 255 ], [ 246, 262, 322, 290 ], [ 593, 267, 607, 289 ], [ 185, 308, 394, 392 ], [ 230, 632, 438, 680 ], [ 618, 687, 648, 804 ] ]
[ [ 62, 44, 558, 160 ], [ 593, 199, 607, 289 ], [ 246, 262, 322, 290 ], [ 185, 308, 394, 392 ], [ 230, 632, 438, 680 ], [ 618, 687, 648, 804 ] ]
[ "VICEROY", "DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT", "VICEROY", "1", "The Surzzor Generzi Hst Ieteyminte", "Wamino", "Dzge opYauHian", "IcalLen esmjc mk", "572", "\"uai-icina", "Lco,colntA cucl FICprdb_" ]
[ [ 280, 420, 440, 470 ], [ 122, 460, 583, 513 ], [ 467, 634, 523, 667 ], [ 614, 740, 640, 862 ], [ 169, 745, 295, 757 ], [ 138, 746, 166, 754 ], [ 212, 754, 297, 768 ], [ 138, 756, 214, 764 ], [ 375, 759, 409, 775 ], [ 428, 760, 492, 768 ], [ 416, 768, 554, 776 ] ]
[ "VICEROY", "DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT", "VICEROY", "572 Lco,colntA cucl FICprdb_ \"uai-icina 1", "Wamino The Surzzor Generzi Hst Ieteyminte IcalLen esmjc mk Dzge opYauHian" ]
[ [ 280, 420, 440, 470 ], [ 122, 460, 583, 513 ], [ 462, 634, 527, 667 ], [ 375, 740, 640, 862 ], [ 138, 745, 297, 768 ] ]
[ "I", "1", "9", "1", "F", "H", "5", "4", "L", "1", "8", "1", "1" ]
[ [ 172, 164, 196, 296 ], [ 188, 165, 516, 612 ], [ 535, 182, 543, 234 ], [ 466, 286, 496, 335 ], [ 542, 381, 614, 492 ], [ 562, 383, 617, 628 ], [ 533, 389, 549, 431 ], [ 474, 390, 514, 418 ], [ 510, 391, 537, 586 ], [ 533, 431, 549, 481 ], [ 549, 483, 567, 531 ], [ 465, 624, 626, 811 ], [ 635, 719, 659, 841 ] ]
[ "I 9 1 1 4 1 5 L F 8 H 1 1" ]
[ [ 172, 131, 659, 841 ] ]
[ "RED SOX", "CHUCK RAINEY", "Khal anpexedt?", "Reca grealsa IS7 u", "Uured", "Flo", "\"g \" eoj* In Balineee July", "6Jin 1608t6", "Ciru", "W2parl", "1981", "Ftch ejai in", "Fcher", "ot she Mcmh in May wncn", "045 Ln", "Was $ Qcn", "Sn 5DH5 Wilh 1.2LA\"", "Ita rcaj", "03\"9", "Becanc Paniucke; sloFper", "'74Ikal", "I97a, winr 1g cccijing gamc", "Foj\"", "Continued from", "oenetts or_Tnbzo", "bealilg Fich:", "ftn m#", "Moic", "27invc Km stll makes", "npx;", "Signe Ey HJY Bxvlr", "Lol KFiootust", "PROMISING PROSPECTS", "JEARY KING", "LUIS APONTE", "ROBERT OJEDA", "MARTY BARRETT", "Sin neda: Ary 3u70>", "776 ate", "Hzd &clenl spir ] Traning", "Spned * 4 liee ajeni", "WGn", "Mt '07a Hnci", "Ausuima", "sccuro", "casemn", "Dt9", "1980 slex l", "ccige oftre Secrus J", "Manorcom 4am", "Mnbre", "Ant", "Git:", "rour ] Pck bf Ihe Fec Sux 67 tha 1979", "ltom 3td (M}", "chosem", "Nacg", "PIB", "Lilh", "Cateen", "ccic IEro", "4ory rntsite #ah", "bolh eily 36U counly AlI-Sars", "Majaio Rasiga", "1980 62", "23 year-od Iahy Ius bls", "'Trjani", "KaCmr", "Fanch", "trc\" kinj", "Aoos", "Ljrcd Icll eeclo", "vece neid Ingoxt:", "15.3 m It", "Diee Jnc (or", "Lec ATeican Lcoratenb", "with 219 stikejuIs", "15-7 wiln 150 strikesuts 2; Nwler Hann", "Wn )", "icninc:", "Gutcieinpns", "He Qilche?", "4MAi-es", "slile: nla", "Alende] Vesa", "Sec,.", "Masnnm FUr", "c", "Kin \"ee So'", "I960", "(dlege :nJ Arizara Slz\"?", "CTM", "0 graly 5342: #ch", "Sn", "1972 ,", "conro , ccuid", "Imd D7#", "Pavd J: ket and :7e Rec Sox", "Fbyed SL Ter", "CAAEE", "Eiker deicnsNv E7d", "Qie 40", "jt5", "3sica", "63 @ Nst", "W tter Haven i 1979Jnd .274at", "Ciwocz] Wi", "acizi", "camjing", "Enijys", "Nicrdc", "Izu", "Inte -eMcICAn", "Mam kajinmn Tu", "Biot", "Soe 77 hases Iasl", "Alo2 Dul", "@ished Ere , E7\" WIn Pxafuck4", "Drtmate", "LpaJue", "49/4 and [-omuenit", "LcJ Ls.e0 LEAI - wana", "Sor Feb 29. 1J80", "1981amd Esiat-", "14995)", "hamn)", "acoosenainmo", "px slar", "assorlmerM 0ol-sperd p Iches.", "eredWTsel _ Irie eaih SeleG1iad", "Pneucko:", "Ire Panuc *1slal:", "Ftsc", "Cuntinurd un", "Double Play! Lowtar & good taste", "QuD", "Ei", "Nedeer]", "(KENT", "TRIUMPH", "GOLD", "KENT", "Jyi:", "1", "e%czne lee onue\"", "4air", "3747+245724", "Tireneh", "accncn", "Watning: The Surcean Genetal Has Deie (ined", "7r , [6 -intine 4 DeI cuaierle MTC Fgion Octobrr 1901 @ld Gold ight: Kings:", "D6ma Tocol n; Eolcen io,nL |CU: : 0944 I,", "DangerDLs", "Img ncole Renl III Ko $ 5", "Cigjrecte Smoking", "Ycu: Healih", "cijalersC #ic Miisd\"", "Wm MEolne m2[" ]
[ [ 98, 34, 302, 88 ], [ 549, 41, 641, 57 ], [ 520, 52, 583, 66 ], [ 577, 55, 653, 75 ], [ 639, 55, 667, 75 ], [ 540, 66, 562, 74 ], [ 521, 75, 625, 87 ], [ 521, 85, 579, 97 ], [ 637, 87, 667, 99 ], [ 586, 88, 620, 96 ], [ 156, 90, 258, 146 ], [ 521, 95, 571, 107 ], [ 637, 97, 667, 109 ], [ 521, 105, 615, 117 ], [ 626, 108, 664, 116 ], [ 623, 117, 665, 129 ], [ 520, 118, 604, 126 ], [ 521, 127, 553, 139 ], [ 569, 127, 617, 139 ], [ 569, 137, 665, 149 ], [ 522, 138, 552, 146 ], [ 531, 147, 639, 159 ], [ 209, 154, 233, 171 ], [ 129, 155, 209, 169 ], [ 521, 159, 597, 171 ], [ 613, 159, 665, 171 ], [ 553, 169, 595, 181 ], [ 520, 170, 542, 178 ], [ 543, 179, 627, 191 ], [ 642, 182, 664, 190 ], [ 557, 191, 631, 203 ], [ 520, 202, 582, 210 ], [ 33, 217, 335, 256 ], [ 71, 439, 145, 455 ], [ 227, 439, 307, 455 ], [ 383, 441, 473, 455 ], [ 537, 441, 639, 457 ], [ 36, 454, 114, 462 ], [ 126, 454, 152, 462 ], [ 195, 455, 297, 467 ], [ 357, 455, 435, 467 ], [ 300, 456, 330, 464 ], [ 442, 456, 498, 464 ], [ 518, 458, 548, 466 ], [ 552, 458, 576, 466 ], [ 582, 458, 612, 466 ], [ 99, 462, 119, 474 ], [ 217, 465, 269, 477 ], [ 355, 465, 453, 477 ], [ 36, 466, 98, 472 ], [ 142, 466, 166, 474 ], [ 284, 466, 306, 474 ], [ 463, 467, 485, 479 ], [ 517, 467, 661, 479 ], [ 227, 475, 289, 487 ], [ 56, 476, 84, 484 ], [ 156, 476, 178, 484 ], [ 441, 477, 463, 489 ], [ 196, 478, 224, 484 ], [ 300, 478, 338, 484 ], [ 386, 478, 424, 486 ], [ 518, 478, 620, 486 ], [ 35, 485, 147, 497 ], [ 196, 486, 254, 494 ], [ 307, 487, 341, 499 ], [ 393, 487, 491, 499 ], [ 358, 488, 388, 496 ], [ 540, 488, 572, 496 ], [ 586, 490, 612, 498 ], [ 412, 495, 447, 509 ], [ 251, 495, 277, 507 ], [ 36, 496, 94, 504 ], [ 112, 496, 178, 504 ], [ 213, 497, 253, 509 ], [ 356, 498, 412, 506 ], [ 555, 499, 661, 511 ], [ 35, 505, 111, 517 ], [ 357, 507, 499, 519 ], [ 633, 507, 659, 522 ], [ 140, 508, 166, 516 ], [ 196, 508, 242, 516 ], [ 262, 508, 298, 516 ], [ 308, 508, 338, 516 ], [ 517, 509, 555, 521 ], [ 573, 509, 633, 521 ], [ 299, 517, 321, 531 ], [ 52, 518, 104, 524 ], [ 146, 518, 178, 524 ], [ 226, 518, 288, 526 ], [ 467, 519, 489, 531 ], [ 543, 519, 635, 531 ], [ 518, 520, 540, 528 ], [ 194, 526, 271, 540 ], [ 289, 526, 311, 539 ], [ 315, 527, 337, 541 ], [ 36, 528, 88, 536 ], [ 108, 528, 142, 536 ], [ 357, 529, 455, 541 ], [ 517, 529, 573, 541 ], [ 602, 532, 626, 538 ], [ 35, 537, 123, 549 ], [ 156, 538, 178, 546 ], [ 373, 539, 399, 551 ], [ 409, 539, 437, 551 ], [ 453, 539, 499, 551 ], [ 541, 539, 661, 553 ], [ 196, 540, 242, 548 ], [ 272, 540, 300, 548 ], [ 118, 545, 157, 559 ], [ 88, 548, 114, 556 ], [ 196, 550, 222, 558 ], [ 256, 550, 280, 558 ], [ 286, 550, 336, 558 ], [ 356, 550, 444, 558 ], [ 517, 551, 543, 563 ], [ 587, 551, 661, 563 ], [ 458, 552, 498, 560 ], [ 355, 559, 467, 571 ], [ 36, 560, 74, 566 ], [ 196, 560, 222, 568 ], [ 232, 560, 320, 568 ], [ 550, 562, 658, 570 ], [ 195, 569, 269, 581 ], [ 441, 571, 499, 583 ], [ 531, 571, 557, 583 ], [ 310, 572, 336, 580 ], [ 356, 572, 432, 580 ], [ 609, 573, 649, 585 ], [ 195, 579, 307, 591 ], [ 356, 582, 498, 590 ], [ 516, 582, 552, 590 ], [ 355, 591, 425, 603 ], [ 613, 593, 639, 611 ], [ 545, 595, 613, 609 ], [ 59, 617, 626, 669 ], [ 371, 713, 393, 727 ], [ 209, 717, 245, 735 ], [ 492, 718, 554, 744 ], [ 436, 724, 481, 741 ], [ 137, 725, 193, 737 ], [ 371, 725, 401, 741 ], [ 319, 727, 361, 745 ], [ 209, 731, 241, 745 ], [ 650, 735, 679, 858 ], [ 129, 808, 260, 834 ], [ 80, 810, 134, 834 ], [ 248, 810, 382, 836 ], [ 57, 811, 89, 831 ], [ 124, 822, 158, 830 ], [ 427, 824, 625, 839 ], [ 57, 829, 341, 843 ], [ 181, 833, 361, 853 ], [ 522, 836, 565, 850 ], [ 68, 837, 167, 851 ], [ 445, 837, 515, 851 ], [ 575, 837, 623, 849 ], [ 129, 843, 211, 863 ], [ 58, 850, 130, 858 ] ]
[ "RED SOX 1981 Continued from Foj\"", "CHUCK RAINEY Khal anpexedt? Reca grealsa IS7 u Uured Flo \"g \" eoj* In Balineee July 6Jin 1608t6 W2parl Ciru Ftch ejai in Fcher ot she Mcmh in May wncn 045 Ln Sn 5DH5 Wilh 1.2LA\" Was $ Qcn Ita rcaj 03\"9 '74Ikal Becanc Paniucke; sloFper I97a, winr 1g cccijing gamc oenetts or_Tnbzo bealilg Fich: Moic ftn m# 27invc Km stll makes npx; Signe Ey HJY Bxvlr Lol KFiootust", "PROMISING PROSPECTS", "JEARY KING Sin neda: Ary 3u70> 776 ate Manorcom 4am Dt9 Mnbre chosem Nacg bolh eily 36U counly AlI-Sars Ljrcd Icll eeclo vece neid Ingoxt: with 219 stikejuIs icninc: Masnnm FUr c conro , ccuid Imd D7# Eiker deicnsNv E7d Qie 40 Enijys camjing Drtmate", "LUIS APONTE Hzd &clenl spir ] Traning WGn 1980 slex l Ant Lilh ltom 3td (M} Cateen Majaio Rasiga 1980 62 15.3 m It Aoos Gutcieinpns He Qilche? 4MAi-es Kin \"ee So' Sec,. 0 graly 5342: #ch Sn 1972 , Ciwocz] Wi acizi Nicrdc Izu Inte -eMcICAn LpaJue 49/4 and [-omuenit Sor Feb 29. 1J80 hamn) assorlmerM 0ol-sperd p Iches.", "ROBERT OJEDA Spned * 4 liee ajeni Mt '07a Hnci ccige oftre Secrus J Git: ccic IEro PIB 'Trjani 23 year-od Iahy Ius bls Diee Jnc (or trc\" kinj 15-7 wiln 150 strikesuts 2; Nwler Hann I960 Pavd J: ket and :7e Rec Sox jt5 3sica 63 @ Nst Mam kajinmn Tu Alo2 Dul @ished Ere , E7\" WIn Pxafuck4 acoosenainmo 1981amd Esiat- eredWTsel _ Irie eaih SeleG1iad Ire Panuc *1slal:", "MARTY BARRETT Ausuima sccuro casemn rour ] Pck bf Ihe Fec Sux 67 tha 1979 4ory rntsite #ah KaCmr Fanch Lec ATeican Lcoratenb slile: nla Alende] Vesa Wn ) CTM (dlege :nJ Arizara Slz\"? Fbyed SL Ter CAAEE W tter Haven i 1979Jnd .274at Biot Soe 77 hases Iasl LcJ Ls.e0 LEAI - wana 14995) px slar Pneucko: Cuntinurd un Ftsc", "Double Play! Lowtar & good taste", "QuD KENT GOLD", "TRIUMPH Ei Jyi:", "(KENT Nedeer]", "1 Tireneh 4air accncn e%czne lee onue\" 3747+245724 7r , [6 -intine 4 DeI cuaierle MTC Fgion Octobrr 1901 @ld Gold ight: Kings: Watning: The Surcean Genetal Has Deie (ined Img ncole Renl III Ko $ 5 D6ma Tocol n; Eolcen io,nL |CU: : 0944 I, Cigjrecte Smoking DangerDLs Ycu: Healih Wm MEolne m2[ cijalersC #ic Miisd\"" ]
[ [ 98, 34, 302, 171 ], [ 520, 41, 667, 210 ], [ 33, 217, 335, 256 ], [ 35, 439, 178, 566 ], [ 194, 439, 341, 591 ], [ 355, 441, 499, 603 ], [ 516, 441, 661, 611 ], [ 59, 617, 626, 669 ], [ 319, 713, 401, 745 ], [ 137, 717, 246, 745 ], [ 436, 718, 554, 744 ], [ 57, 735, 679, 863 ] ]
[ "44", "1", "44", "1", "4", "2", "1", "R", "1" ]
[ [ 227, 94, 336, 193 ], [ 525, 97, 549, 176 ], [ 356, 130, 426, 178 ], [ 509, 137, 525, 196 ], [ 528, 172, 547, 223 ], [ 627, 397, 643, 429 ], [ 455, 425, 563, 749 ], [ 546, 442, 578, 472 ], [ 647, 683, 667, 797 ] ]
[ "44 44", "1 1 4", "2", "R 1 1" ]
[ [ 227, 94, 426, 193 ], [ 505, 97, 549, 223 ], [ 627, 397, 643, 429 ], [ 455, 425, 667, 797 ] ]
[ "pringume Hesh", "\"n", "{Salem", "6406", "66" ]
[ [ 190, 372, 370, 398 ], [ 393, 524, 437, 540 ], [ 365, 543, 444, 609 ], [ 233, 781, 303, 819 ], [ 176, 792, 238, 818 ] ]
[ "pringume Hesh", "\"n {Salem", "66 6406" ]
[ [ 190, 372, 370, 398 ], [ 355, 524, 455, 609 ], [ 176, 781, 303, 819 ] ]
[ "KO@L C@@D'", "Non: MeNTHOL", "Introducing KOOL GOLD. Enjoy refreshing", "flavorful satisfaction _", "without menthcl:", "Many", "smickers finc", "palenied filte", "which channels the", "cigareties :aste Iike holair, prelty dry:", "smcke i0 COc", "(raps \"tar , and", "Yel, for", "Inenmol", "naish lasiing Ciementb:", "Em", "an5wc0,", "53 Ihe tasle that comes Ihrough", "No*\"", "Ihere $ KOOL GOLD", "Irom KOOL GOLD Is IlavodIll 2nc", "kind", "\"ar\" cigarerte KOOL nas", "refreshing", "vithout menihol; a70", "Ipund", "\"tar'", "give Yol", "only", "Tui'", "Mn", "salisiying", "witholl", "retresting", "snorc", "menthol. This cigarelte has", "Tar'", "mg- nizoline", "I KIL ICE", "68703 2 9 5 5", "ta4", "Tils LOILCE; E 14 Due", "RoeLYJ", "WDZ", "CCAITI Or-Tl", "FILIIL" ]
[ [ 294, 416, 398, 442 ], [ 309, 521, 383, 539 ], [ 151, 627, 548, 656 ], [ 152, 650, 342, 674 ], [ 358, 650, 514, 674 ], [ 161, 697, 189, 712 ], [ 191, 699, 263, 711 ], [ 355, 699, 429, 713 ], [ 433, 699, 539, 713 ], [ 143, 711, 339, 725 ], [ 355, 711, 427, 723 ], [ 465, 711, 543, 725 ], [ 145, 719, 183, 733 ], [ 220, 722, 262, 730 ], [ 355, 723, 479, 735 ], [ 186, 724, 216, 730 ], [ 144, 734, 184, 742 ], [ 373, 735, 549, 749 ], [ 159, 744, 183, 757 ], [ 187, 745, 295, 759 ], [ 355, 747, 535, 761 ], [ 143, 757, 169, 769 ], [ 203, 757, 333, 771 ], [ 354, 757, 409, 771 ], [ 431, 759, 541, 771 ], [ 143, 769, 177, 781 ], [ 441, 769, 463, 781 ], [ 225, 771, 273, 783 ], [ 381, 771, 407, 783 ], [ 284, 772, 306, 780 ], [ 356, 772, 378, 778 ], [ 143, 779, 195, 793 ], [ 291, 781, 335, 795 ], [ 198, 782, 250, 790 ], [ 254, 782, 288, 790 ], [ 143, 791, 289, 805 ], [ 449, 791, 471, 805 ], [ 485, 791, 553, 805 ], [ 85, 873, 151, 885 ], [ 220, 874, 420, 906 ], [ 190, 876, 214, 882 ], [ 61, 883, 167, 895 ], [ 108, 892, 146, 900 ], [ 150, 892, 172, 900 ], [ 40, 894, 104, 902 ], [ 178, 894, 204, 900 ] ]
[ "KO@L C@@D'", "Non: MeNTHOL", "Introducing KOOL GOLD. Enjoy refreshing flavorful satisfaction _ without menthcl:", "Many smickers finc", "palenied filte which channels the smcke i0 COc (raps \"tar , and naish lasiing Ciementb: 53 Ihe tasle that comes Ihrough Irom KOOL GOLD Is IlavodIll 2nc refreshing vithout menihol; a70 Mn only \"tar'", "cigareties :aste Iike holair, prelty dry: Yel, for Em Inenmol an5wc0, No*\" Ihere $ KOOL GOLD kind \"ar\" cigarerte KOOL nas Ipund give Yol Tui' salisiying retresting snorc witholl menthol. This cigarelte has", "Tar' mg- nizoline", "I KIL ICE", "ta4 Tils LOILCE; E 14 Due 68703 2 9 5 5 CCAITI Or-Tl RoeLYJ WDZ FILIIL" ]
[ [ 294, 416, 398, 442 ], [ 309, 521, 383, 539 ], [ 151, 627, 548, 674 ], [ 160, 697, 263, 712 ], [ 354, 699, 549, 783 ], [ 143, 711, 339, 805 ], [ 449, 791, 553, 805 ], [ 85, 873, 151, 885 ], [ 40, 874, 420, 906 ] ]
[ "Theres never", "rough", "a", "puff", "once yoU", "come up to KQL,", "with the", "smooth taste", "of extra coolness,", "K@L", "KOL", "1ilte", "Kmg'", "43", "Jnn", "Koy", "Mtst ,", "13mg;", "Waring", "1.Omg nicoline", "Tne Surgecn GeneraB", "Has Determined", "Tha: Cigaretre Sinoking", "Dangerd Js t0 Your Healh;", "Now, lowered tor KCLL Mlds", "\"dda", "eiot", "Kojeiaei", "0ns", "4ud", "\"ar\"! @ riy niai ^e2 K ngs", "Ncours;", "Tong", "Ti\"\"", "70igat", "FTC Feport Sent '1", "Myricdfini", "18.cer", "SFORT? ILICSTRITED", "February", "1974", "Fago" ]
[ [ 100, 91, 305, 136 ], [ 128, 124, 234, 177 ], [ 104, 134, 132, 162 ], [ 227, 135, 305, 164 ], [ 105, 167, 249, 205 ], [ 101, 189, 373, 238 ], [ 103, 227, 237, 263 ], [ 99, 256, 305, 299 ], [ 101, 286, 371, 329 ], [ 125, 438, 194, 477 ], [ 207, 466, 281, 508 ], [ 147, 493, 183, 509 ], [ 229, 535, 271, 549 ], [ 226, 550, 262, 574 ], [ 130, 598, 158, 606 ], [ 525, 705, 565, 736 ], [ 529, 741, 559, 762 ], [ 458, 745, 494, 763 ], [ 62, 760, 103, 777 ], [ 427, 761, 513, 779 ], [ 107, 763, 197, 777 ], [ 201, 763, 275, 779 ], [ 63, 776, 159, 793 ], [ 167, 779, 273, 793 ], [ 419, 786, 579, 805 ], [ 58, 812, 84, 818 ], [ 96, 814, 142, 820 ], [ 152, 814, 194, 820 ], [ 377, 814, 401, 826 ], [ 355, 815, 379, 827 ], [ 403, 815, 509, 831 ], [ 583, 817, 613, 830 ], [ 353, 827, 379, 839 ], [ 387, 827, 421, 839 ], [ 507, 827, 523, 841 ], [ 543, 829, 619, 843 ], [ 438, 830, 480, 836 ], [ 484, 830, 508, 838 ], [ 227, 841, 366, 857 ], [ 384, 844, 449, 861 ], [ 229, 855, 261, 869 ], [ 279, 857, 313, 871 ] ]
[ "Theres never a rough puff once yoU come up to KQL, with the smooth taste of extra coolness,", "K@L KOL 1ilte", "Kmg' 43", "Jnn", "Koy 13mg; Mtst , Waring Tne Surgecn GeneraB Has Determined 1.Omg nicoline Tha: Cigaretre Sinoking Dangerd Js t0 Your Healh; Now, lowered tor KCLL Mlds \"dda eiot Kojeiaei 4ud 0ns \"ar\"! @ riy niai ^e2 K ngs Ncours; Tong Ti\"\" Myricdfini 18.cer 70igat FTC Feport Sent '1 SFORT? ILICSTRITED February 1974 Fago" ]
[ [ 99, 91, 373, 329 ], [ 125, 438, 281, 509 ], [ 226, 535, 271, 574 ], [ 130, 598, 158, 606 ], [ 58, 705, 619, 871 ] ]
[ "L" ]
[ [ 653, 819, 673, 909 ] ]
[ "L" ]
[ [ 653, 819, 673, 909 ] ]
[ "17;", "Hyouzlorvtarhad", "Tareytons fltes youd", "besmokingabetter", "cigarette:", "2", "ourprcseneniter", "0", "1747", "only daing halfthejob", "De4m", "Tareyton", "1", "Hhere snosubsutu", "din6rr", "lights", "foz lieyto gIghcs", "DeS", "me", "100-9m12", "LowI", "Hareyton", "lighs", "I", "Wertv\"cg: The Jurgeon General Ha: Determined", "our Heaith", "mhat Cigarette Smoting |: Dangerotz (0", "pa Garule 6y FTC method", "M; \". 0.6 mG, akjini", "Enon Ion; Enis" ]
[ [ 628, 20, 678, 44 ], [ 97, 55, 643, 152 ], [ 66, 118, 675, 209 ], [ 85, 175, 667, 265 ], [ 237, 248, 526, 332 ], [ 553, 350, 612, 383 ], [ 101, 389, 298, 417 ], [ 558, 390, 590, 436 ], [ 425, 401, 483, 410 ], [ 90, 405, 345, 444 ], [ 425, 416, 475, 422 ], [ 391, 427, 516, 479 ], [ 560, 432, 590, 556 ], [ 87, 441, 320, 472 ], [ 80, 462, 352, 534 ], [ 405, 465, 445, 483 ], [ 93, 526, 298, 553 ], [ 115, 569, 155, 583 ], [ 167, 569, 201, 583 ], [ 91, 583, 191, 603 ], [ 407, 605, 449, 619 ], [ 89, 641, 676, 797 ], [ 192, 760, 573, 923 ], [ 709, 823, 735, 924 ], [ 452, 905, 685, 926 ], [ 633, 921, 685, 937 ], [ 455, 923, 629, 941 ], [ 583, 951, 699, 967 ], [ 465, 953, 573, 969 ], [ 389, 957, 459, 969 ] ]
[ "17; Hyouzlorvtarhad Tareytons fltes youd besmokingabetter cigarette: 2 ourprcseneniter only daing halfthejob De4m 1747 0 Hhere snosubsutu Tareyton lights din6rr 1 foz lieyto gIghcs 100-9m12 DeS me LowI Hareyton lighs I Wertv\"cg: The Jurgeon General Ha: Determined mhat Cigarette Smoting |: Dangerotz (0 our Heaith Enon Ion; Enis M; \". 0.6 mG, akjini pa Garule 6y FTC method" ]
[ [ 66, 20, 735, 969 ] ]
[ "Parliament.The recessed filter cigarette:", "Is Deep:", "diver Jell Holinski couldn", "No need for", "cirarette holdcr today.", "Parliament $ filter", "smoking without hia", "athom the idea", "Laste", "Teccseeo", "S0 KOu", "cigarette holder. Because it gave him", "only clean tobacco flavor. It adds Lew", "depth to clean taste.", "clean tagte", "\"Rookkeorgaere", "wOrk5:", "Forclean taste", "PARLIAMENT", "(", "Parliament]", "l", "1", "1", "52705G", "Hlng;", "4ng", "Warning; The Surgeon General Has Determined |", "That Cigarelte Smoking ls Dangervusto Your Healih." ]
[ [ 117, 101, 713, 139 ], [ 161, 478, 206, 509 ], [ 224, 490, 369, 508 ], [ 473, 491, 541, 505 ], [ 551, 493, 677, 507 ], [ 448, 502, 551, 520 ], [ 258, 503, 373, 521 ], [ 153, 505, 245, 519 ], [ 653, 507, 683, 519 ], [ 562, 508, 606, 516 ], [ 614, 508, 648, 516 ], [ 155, 517, 361, 533 ], [ 449, 517, 659, 531 ], [ 448, 528, 565, 546 ], [ 155, 531, 217, 543 ], [ 282, 558, 450, 610 ], [ 353, 587, 403, 605 ], [ 288, 598, 402, 624 ], [ 451, 632, 578, 665 ], [ 16, 634, 40, 672 ], [ 326, 670, 450, 710 ], [ 14, 684, 40, 722 ], [ 12, 734, 40, 970 ], [ 674, 754, 688, 852 ], [ 125, 841, 257, 879 ], [ 149, 853, 175, 866 ], [ 201, 854, 219, 866 ], [ 126, 891, 337, 910 ], [ 127, 905, 337, 923 ] ]
[ "Parliament.The recessed filter cigarette:", "Is Deep: diver Jell Holinski couldn athom the idea smoking without hia cigarette holder. Because it gave him clean tagte", "No need for cirarette holdcr today. Parliament $ filter Teccseeo S0 KOu Laste only clean tobacco flavor. It adds Lew depth to clean taste.", "\"Rookkeorgaere wOrk5: Forclean taste PARLIAMENT Parliament]", "( l 1 52705G Hlng; 4ng Warning; The Surgeon General Has Determined | That Cigarelte Smoking ls Dangervusto Your Healih.", "1" ]
[ [ 117, 101, 713, 139 ], [ 153, 478, 373, 543 ], [ 448, 491, 683, 546 ], [ 282, 558, 578, 710 ], [ 12, 634, 337, 970 ], [ 668, 754, 695, 852 ] ]
[ "B-1", "Mywife bugged me into it;", "would you believe it?'", "It seemed every", "feel better", "YPtcfeah geateo a", "time Id light up a", "cigarette, my wife", "low tar and nico-", "tine cigarette?'", "would put on that", "She smiled. So", "look Ilove sO", "bought", "much when she' s", "pack", "serious and say", "of", "next", "morning", "didn t", "things like:", "Don t know", "Powv", "you just", "one", "why I didn t", "out?", "many", "does that make,", "thinkofit sooner;", "today?", "Imean, I really", "must yOU", "like", "mild", "smoke those", "strong cigarettes?'", "and easy taste as", "well as the fact they re so low in tar", "It got to the", "where I found", "point", "myself actually slipping into the", "and nicotine.", "Can you believe it?", "garage to smoke.", "And it's", "not having to make", "great", "So we had one of our little talks_", "up excuses t0 slip into the garage", "Look hon;' [ said,", "Iknow how", "to smoke", "you feel about my smoking: But I", "really like to smoke. Would it make", "Ifany cigarette", "1", "makes sense", "todayits", "Surgeon", "Warning:", "General Has Determined", "That Cigarette Smoking", "Your Healih", "King Rejular: Il mg; \"tar\" , 0.7 mJ: nicatine,", "Dangerous", "FTC Ronge; Avarch '74 ,", "34; Nei ciraeoilr" ]
[ [ 663, 23, 691, 37 ], [ 54, 37, 716, 115 ], [ 130, 98, 646, 172 ], [ 50, 346, 188, 372 ], [ 600, 346, 694, 370 ], [ 562, 348, 706, 396 ], [ 50, 366, 200, 394 ], [ 50, 386, 206, 414 ], [ 564, 386, 710, 410 ], [ 564, 405, 694, 434 ], [ 52, 408, 204, 432 ], [ 584, 426, 712, 450 ], [ 51, 429, 169, 449 ], [ 575, 447, 642, 477 ], [ 53, 449, 197, 469 ], [ 654, 450, 700, 474 ], [ 50, 468, 184, 494 ], [ 565, 469, 589, 489 ], [ 633, 473, 673, 489 ], [ 563, 486, 642, 514 ], [ 173, 489, 227, 509 ], [ 50, 490, 150, 516 ], [ 584, 508, 688, 532 ], [ 117, 511, 163, 555 ], [ 50, 512, 124, 536 ], [ 155, 515, 191, 531 ], [ 566, 528, 672, 554 ], [ 50, 531, 98, 548 ], [ 159, 533, 211, 553 ], [ 52, 548, 190, 574 ], [ 564, 548, 710, 572 ], [ 50, 568, 114, 594 ], [ 565, 569, 698, 595 ], [ 141, 573, 221, 593 ], [ 564, 588, 604, 612 ], [ 656, 588, 700, 612 ], [ 51, 591, 161, 611 ], [ 49, 607, 210, 636 ], [ 566, 610, 710, 634 ], [ 408, 626, 704, 655 ], [ 70, 628, 174, 654 ], [ 222, 628, 344, 652 ], [ 171, 629, 224, 649 ], [ 50, 647, 322, 676 ], [ 408, 648, 520, 672 ], [ 202, 666, 364, 694 ], [ 52, 668, 196, 696 ], [ 430, 668, 498, 692 ], [ 542, 668, 708, 696 ], [ 492, 671, 545, 692 ], [ 72, 688, 340, 712 ], [ 408, 690, 688, 716 ], [ 72, 707, 218, 732 ], [ 225, 709, 327, 729 ], [ 409, 713, 489, 731 ], [ 52, 725, 336, 754 ], [ 52, 748, 354, 774 ], [ 312, 802, 546, 850 ], [ 675, 825, 693, 919 ], [ 315, 841, 513, 877 ], [ 311, 869, 453, 913 ], [ 137, 925, 177, 947 ], [ 67, 926, 112, 945 ], [ 181, 927, 299, 943 ], [ 69, 943, 173, 961 ], [ 241, 943, 299, 959 ], [ 315, 943, 483, 959 ], [ 182, 944, 233, 962 ], [ 379, 957, 467, 971 ], [ 316, 960, 378, 968 ] ]
[ "B-1", "Mywife bugged me into it; would you believe it?'", "It seemed every time Id light up a cigarette, my wife would put on that look Ilove sO much when she' s serious and say things like: didn t you just Powv one out? many does that make, today? must yOU smoke those strong cigarettes?' It got to the point where I found myself actually slipping into the garage to smoke. Can you believe it? So we had one of our little talks_ Look hon;' [ said, Iknow how you feel about my smoking: But I really like to smoke. Would it make", "feel better YPtcfeah geateo a low tar and nico- tine cigarette?' She smiled. So bought pack of next morning Don t know why I didn t thinkofit sooner; Imean, I really like mild and easy taste as well as the fact they re so low in tar and nicotine. And it's great not having to make up excuses t0 slip into the garage to smoke", "Ifany cigarette makes sense todayits Warning: Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Dangerous Your Healih King Rejular: Il mg; \"tar\" , 0.7 mJ: nicatine, 34; Nei ciraeoilr FTC Ronge; Avarch '74 ,", "1" ]
[ [ 663, 23, 691, 37 ], [ 54, 37, 716, 172 ], [ 49, 346, 364, 774 ], [ 408, 346, 712, 731 ], [ 67, 802, 546, 971 ], [ 675, 825, 693, 919 ] ]
[ "CaRE", "9/21 /82", "KER;", "\"2 #", "VIDEC", "AVZIO", "McL", "KOKA:", "e\"S?", "EITCHER", "Wnen", "kics", "growing", "Kere", "Siz", "S MAKIR;", "SilAc", "taught", "tnez", "tha:", "cren", "say", "Gear", "no _", "Bi :", "so5e", "Peop]", "Jus:", "never", "Jezrt", "the", "SHE", "KalkS", "7EfezCe?ITC?", "Like", "Keesure", "tha", "Tvice", "Fo?", "TOKA", "OES", "C35 NUES", "Siiz", "KAKIMG", "before", "saic", "those", "icfringenents", "cur riBhts", "5a:", "Con", "waat", "more", "governnen:", "1ives", "our", "SHE", "PlTS Doki", "KC?K", "And", "this", "one", "even", "ACDRESSES", "worse", "CAMERG", "Penalizes", "those", "wbo live", "FRAX", "73R", "S:?E?", "the", "Un: rcorporeted", "arezs", "Eazes", "seconc", "class", "citizens", "1", "Syeze55", "6J Szcord", "ClASS", "Ard", "in Kern County", "nobody", "GnD", "DISCLAEME", "shculd", "second", "class", "citizen_", "Vote", "on Keasure" ]
[ [ 83, 119, 119, 135 ], [ 539, 119, 599, 135 ], [ 143, 121, 181, 135 ], [ 83, 147, 127, 163 ], [ 81, 189, 127, 205 ], [ 403, 195, 449, 211 ], [ 81, 231, 109, 247 ], [ 115, 233, 161, 249 ], [ 167, 233, 203, 249 ], [ 233, 235, 297, 251 ], [ 403, 237, 441, 253 ], [ 471, 239, 507, 253 ], [ 554, 239, 617, 259 ], [ 513, 241, 551, 255 ], [ 81, 247, 109, 261 ], [ 115, 247, 187, 263 ], [ 209, 249, 255, 265 ], [ 421, 267, 473, 285 ], [ 479, 269, 517, 283 ], [ 521, 269, 557, 283 ], [ 563, 271, 601, 285 ], [ 621, 273, 651, 287 ], [ 453, 297, 489, 311 ], [ 495, 299, 517, 311 ], [ 401, 351, 429, 365 ], [ 435, 353, 471, 367 ], [ 479, 353, 523, 369 ], [ 537, 353, 573, 369 ], [ 579, 355, 623, 369 ], [ 400, 378, 447, 396 ], [ 453, 381, 479, 395 ], [ 79, 429, 105, 445 ], [ 111, 429, 159, 445 ], [ 189, 431, 293, 447 ], [ 399, 435, 437, 451 ], [ 484, 436, 547, 454 ], [ 443, 437, 471, 451 ], [ 587, 439, 631, 453 ], [ 79, 443, 105, 459 ], [ 113, 445, 149, 459 ], [ 155, 445, 183, 461 ], [ 197, 445, 277, 461 ], [ 77, 459, 123, 473 ], [ 129, 459, 183, 475 ], [ 401, 463, 453, 479 ], [ 511, 465, 547, 481 ], [ 603, 467, 647, 483 ], [ 399, 491, 513, 509 ], [ 543, 497, 631, 513 ], [ 449, 551, 477, 565 ], [ 517, 551, 547, 565 ], [ 569, 553, 603, 567 ], [ 609, 555, 647, 567 ], [ 399, 579, 485, 593 ], [ 551, 579, 595, 595 ], [ 517, 581, 545, 593 ], [ 75, 627, 103, 641 ], [ 109, 627, 189, 643 ], [ 195, 627, 233, 643 ], [ 397, 633, 425, 647 ], [ 431, 633, 467, 647 ], [ 473, 635, 503, 649 ], [ 525, 637, 561, 649 ], [ 74, 637, 155, 657 ], [ 567, 637, 603, 651 ], [ 161, 641, 213, 657 ], [ 421, 689, 501, 705 ], [ 507, 691, 551, 705 ], [ 557, 691, 627, 707 ], [ 73, 709, 119, 725 ], [ 125, 709, 153, 725 ], [ 159, 711, 205, 725 ], [ 421, 715, 449, 731 ], [ 455, 716, 577, 734 ], [ 583, 721, 627, 735 ], [ 395, 745, 441, 759 ], [ 471, 745, 525, 761 ], [ 531, 747, 577, 761 ], [ 583, 747, 653, 763 ], [ 651, 779, 676, 872 ], [ 67, 789, 147, 827 ], [ 131, 795, 211, 811 ], [ 217, 797, 263, 813 ], [ 395, 801, 423, 817 ], [ 427, 802, 551, 821 ], [ 565, 805, 617, 821 ], [ 225, 811, 253, 827 ], [ 70, 819, 151, 840 ], [ 395, 831, 447, 847 ], [ 495, 833, 549, 849 ], [ 555, 833, 599, 849 ], [ 393, 859, 457, 875 ], [ 393, 919, 429, 937 ], [ 461, 925, 549, 943 ] ]
[ "CaRE", "9/21 /82", "KER;", "\"2 #", "VIDEC", "AVZIO", "McL KOKA: e\"S? EITCHER Siz S MAKIR; SilAc", "Wnen", "kics Kere growing taught tnez tha: cren say", "Gear no _", "Bi : so5e Peop] Jus: never", "Jezrt the", "SHE KalkS 7EfezCe?ITC? Fo? TOKA OES C35 NUES Siiz KAKIMG", "Like tha Keesure", "Tvice", "before", "saic", "those", "icfringenents", "cur riBhts", "5a:", "Con", "waat more", "governnen:", "our 1ives", "SHE PlTS Doki KC?K ACDRESSES CAMERG", "And this one", "even worse", "Penalizes those wbo live", "FRAX 73R S:?E?", "the Un: rcorporeted arezs", "Eazes", "seconc class citizens", "Ard in Kern County nobody 1 shculd second class citizen_", "Syeze55 6J Szcord ClASS GnD DISCLAEME", "Vote", "on Keasure" ]
[ [ 83, 119, 119, 135 ], [ 539, 119, 599, 135 ], [ 143, 121, 181, 135 ], [ 83, 147, 127, 163 ], [ 81, 189, 127, 205 ], [ 403, 195, 449, 211 ], [ 81, 231, 297, 265 ], [ 403, 237, 441, 253 ], [ 421, 239, 651, 287 ], [ 453, 297, 517, 311 ], [ 401, 351, 623, 369 ], [ 400, 378, 479, 396 ], [ 77, 429, 293, 475 ], [ 399, 435, 547, 454 ], [ 587, 439, 631, 453 ], [ 401, 463, 453, 479 ], [ 511, 465, 547, 481 ], [ 603, 467, 647, 483 ], [ 399, 491, 513, 509 ], [ 543, 497, 631, 513 ], [ 449, 551, 477, 565 ], [ 517, 551, 547, 565 ], [ 569, 553, 647, 567 ], [ 399, 579, 485, 593 ], [ 517, 579, 595, 595 ], [ 74, 627, 233, 657 ], [ 397, 633, 503, 649 ], [ 525, 637, 603, 651 ], [ 421, 689, 627, 707 ], [ 73, 709, 205, 725 ], [ 421, 715, 627, 735 ], [ 395, 745, 441, 759 ], [ 471, 745, 653, 763 ], [ 393, 779, 676, 875 ], [ 67, 789, 263, 840 ], [ 393, 919, 429, 937 ], [ 461, 925, 549, 943 ] ]
[ "LA-GALEIA", "AL: Direcilon Commerciala du S ELTA", "choisi", "~dabitants de", "REGION DE MARSEILLE", "REGiON:", "pour", "plocudor", "ancement", "DlaMiero", "ocluSIvItO", "d\"une nouvalle", "1A", "GALLIA", "ciqaroie", "EN PRE", "QQu'EST-CE QUE LA", "GALLIA", "ICLUSIITE", "'ce", "cigarelle BRUNE", "filtrc, dont", "Bi TAUX DE Goudron ET DE Nicotine", "DANS", "PLUS FAIBLES %uron ait Jamais", "pu obtcnir", "6e", "DEUX raisons", "cela", "SON FILTRE TRiple", "MARSEILLE", "ACETATE-CHARBON-,", "ACETATS", "Parfaite efiicacito", "Dahe", "tout Particuller", "SELEcTiON:", "Don", "et au TRAITEMENT DES", "TABACS", "Es", "composilion", "Bumunidane", "Ar", "ABAc?", "QAQUI PROPOSER LA \"GALLIA", "ARs", "Principalemont", "R", "ouI fumeurs qul ponsont", "u57n&", "tabac peut nulre", "Jeursani", "Ic )", "Egalcmeni aur habituels\"", "ARLeR", "13", "cigarcttes on labuc brun", "amnatouns d0", "QCOMWENT SERA LAticee L4", "GALLI", "Yniquement par (intermediaire", "0", "debitants de la REGION DE HARSEILL", "Nous comptons suf Vous", "pour la presenter & bonne place", "Tayonnanes", "parlef", "vos cllerts", "cous YOL: demandong", "Mcnne", "GALLA", "Fdue", "NIoVCIABFE 1371", "GALLIA ;2385", "#LE PAQUET", "FlLtae", "Ilgno de command:", "Cap0ta", "LIGEn", "MERCI'", "F", "483", "'AcETCa RESETATE", "\"Cn uC; Aloelune i", "UELI" ]
[ [ 424, 101, 637, 154 ], [ 425, 160, 607, 179 ], [ 613, 165, 643, 179 ], [ 442, 169, 501, 183 ], [ 511, 173, 627, 189 ], [ 294, 175, 423, 167 ], [ 626, 180, 648, 188 ], [ 428, 184, 468, 192 ], [ 484, 186, 532, 194 ], [ 550, 188, 588, 196 ], [ 590, 190, 638, 198 ], [ 427, 193, 493, 205 ], [ 271, 193, 319, 235 ], [ 555, 195, 595, 209 ], [ 496, 196, 536, 204 ], [ 163, 199, 269, 179 ], [ 427, 219, 543, 237 ], [ 553, 225, 595, 239 ], [ 158, 232, 305, 195 ], [ 425, 233, 451, 251 ], [ 471, 239, 547, 251 ], [ 575, 241, 623, 255 ], [ 425, 247, 625, 265 ], [ 193, 251, 288, 241 ], [ 425, 257, 569, 273 ], [ 571, 263, 617, 275 ], [ 219, 263, 263, 303 ], [ 425, 275, 489, 289 ], [ 497, 279, 519, 291 ], [ 433, 289, 525, 303 ], [ 219, 298, 382, 257 ], [ 441, 299, 549, 315 ], [ 545, 303, 597, 323 ], [ 458, 309, 537, 323 ], [ 173, 326, 233, 374 ], [ 461, 327, 531, 342 ], [ 582, 329, 643, 348 ], [ 540, 332, 564, 340 ], [ 431, 337, 545, 353 ], [ 544, 340, 591, 357 ], [ 230, 340, 262, 364 ], [ 500, 350, 561, 363 ], [ 432, 352, 488, 358 ], [ 165, 369, 195, 389 ], [ 227, 375, 297, 391 ], [ 421, 375, 601, 393 ], [ 162, 390, 210, 416 ], [ 428, 390, 499, 405 ], [ 270, 394, 300, 420 ], [ 497, 395, 609, 407 ], [ 454, 404, 482, 412 ], [ 495, 405, 569, 417 ], [ 578, 408, 616, 416 ], [ 299, 409, 335, 423 ], [ 429, 417, 539, 433 ], [ 164, 420, 248, 448 ], [ 264, 422, 290, 446 ], [ 484, 430, 591, 445 ], [ 428, 432, 484, 440 ], [ 417, 455, 587, 473 ], [ 594, 460, 631, 474 ], [ 426, 470, 563, 487 ], [ 601, 475, 625, 489 ], [ 444, 481, 621, 501 ], [ 425, 501, 537, 515 ], [ 435, 516, 581, 531 ], [ 470, 530, 520, 538 ], [ 471, 541, 501, 555 ], [ 507, 543, 555, 555 ], [ 521, 710, 621, 723 ], [ 534, 722, 562, 728 ], [ 582, 722, 620, 730 ], [ 520, 730, 554, 736 ], [ 533, 739, 619, 753 ], [ 361, 743, 595, 787 ], [ 577, 769, 651, 787 ], [ 402, 778, 463, 796 ], [ 517, 783, 607, 797 ], [ 382, 796, 428, 804 ], [ 442, 798, 478, 806 ], [ 517, 803, 553, 817 ], [ 696, 808, 722, 952 ], [ 347, 823, 423, 861 ], [ 327, 855, 440, 886 ], [ 515, 869, 597, 887 ], [ 529, 876, 551, 886 ] ]
[ "LA-GALEIA REGiON: AL: Direcilon Commerciala du S ELTA ~dabitants de REGION DE MARSEILLE choisi EN PRE plocudor ancement DlaMiero pour d\"une nouvalle ciqaroie GALLIA ocluSIvItO ICLUSIITE 1A QQu'EST-CE QUE LA GALLIA DANS 'ce cigarelle BRUNE Bi TAUX DE Goudron ET DE Nicotine filtrc, dont PLUS FAIBLES %uron ait Jamais MARSEILLE pu obtcnir 6e DEUX raisons cela SON FILTRE TRiple ACETATE-CHARBON-, Parfaite efiicacito ACETATS tout Particuller et au TRAITEMENT DES Don SELEcTiON: Dahe Es Bumunidane composilion TABACS Ar ABAc? QAQUI PROPOSER LA \"GALLIA ARs Principalemont R u57n& ouI fumeurs qul ponsont Ic ) tabac peut nulre Jeursani ARLeR 13 Egalcmeni aur habituels\" amnatouns d0 cigarcttes on labuc brun QCOMWENT SERA LAticee L4 GALLI Yniquement par (intermediaire debitants de la REGION DE HARSEILL 0 Nous comptons suf Vous pour la presenter & bonne place Tayonnanes parlef vos cllerts", "cous YOL: demandong Mcnne GALLA Fdue NIoVCIABFE 1371 GALLIA ;2385 #LE PAQUET FlLtae Ilgno de command: Cap0ta LIGEn MERCI' 483 'AcETCa RESETATE \"Cn uC; Aloelune i UELI", "F" ]
[ [ 158, 101, 648, 555 ], [ 327, 710, 651, 887 ], [ 696, 808, 722, 952 ] ]
[ "IMAGE", "NOT", "AVAILABLE", "ONLINE", "The material referenced in the associated", "index listing is available in the Minnesota", "Tobacco Document Depository:", "Please", "see this website's home page for additional", "information regarding the Depository." ]
[ [ 262, 110, 510, 186 ], [ 305, 198, 469, 276 ], [ 186, 290, 588, 366 ], [ 242, 382, 529, 458 ], [ 93, 497, 653, 533 ], [ 101, 531, 651, 571 ], [ 99, 564, 525, 607 ], [ 539, 564, 642, 604 ], [ 83, 597, 665, 635 ], [ 125, 626, 623, 669 ] ]
[ "IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE", "The material referenced in the associated index listing is available in the Minnesota Tobacco Document Depository: Please see this website's home page for additional information regarding the Depository." ]
[ [ 186, 110, 588, 458 ], [ 83, 497, 665, 669 ] ]
[ "IMAGE", "NOT", "AVAILABLE", "ONLINE", "The material referenced in the associated", "index listing is available in the Minnesota", "Tobacco Document Depository:", "Please", "see this website's home page for additional", "information regarding the Depository." ]
[ [ 262, 110, 510, 186 ], [ 305, 198, 469, 276 ], [ 186, 290, 588, 366 ], [ 242, 382, 529, 458 ], [ 93, 497, 653, 533 ], [ 101, 531, 651, 571 ], [ 99, 564, 525, 607 ], [ 539, 564, 642, 604 ], [ 83, 597, 665, 635 ], [ 125, 626, 623, 669 ] ]
[ "IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE", "The material referenced in the associated index listing is available in the Minnesota Tobacco Document Depository: Please see this website's home page for additional information regarding the Depository." ]
[ [ 186, 110, 588, 458 ], [ 83, 497, 665, 669 ] ]
[ [ 257, 103, 541, 123 ], [ 162, 252, 526, 280 ], [ 575, 259, 671, 275 ], [ 291, 325, 463, 345 ], [ 291, 393, 463, 411 ], [ 222, 458, 258, 486 ], [ 293, 459, 477, 479 ], [ 293, 527, 519, 545 ], [ 295, 593, 447, 611 ], [ 295, 659, 621, 680 ], [ 295, 765, 351, 781 ] ]
[ [ 257, 103, 541, 123 ], [ 162, 252, 526, 280 ], [ 575, 259, 671, 275 ], [ 291, 325, 463, 345 ], [ 291, 393, 463, 411 ], [ 222, 458, 258, 486 ], [ 293, 459, 477, 479 ], [ 293, 527, 519, 545 ], [ 295, 593, 447, 611 ], [ 295, 659, 621, 680 ], [ 295, 765, 351, 781 ] ]
[ "NEW BENSON & HEDGES", "KINGS;", "Y", "Mheibonielg", "Lc", "andishortofit", "ENS:", "", "Onl", "0nr7", "Sjieeon", "Gereral", "Has Cerertned", "O1e", "D", "\"ot", "Tc \"\"" ]
[ [ 152, 247, 681, 309 ], [ 335, 299, 505, 361 ], [ 223, 475, 245, 491 ], [ 415, 478, 650, 550 ], [ 236, 492, 272, 518 ], [ 426, 531, 586, 563 ], [ 503, 664, 540, 712 ], [ 681, 679, 711, 820 ], [ 190, 894, 230, 920 ], [ 453, 922, 483, 934 ], [ 511, 923, 543, 935 ], [ 547, 923, 577, 935 ], [ 581, 925, 645, 937 ], [ 189, 927, 247, 945 ], [ 474, 938, 504, 944 ], [ 512, 938, 538, 944 ], [ 596, 938, 640, 946 ] ]
[ "NEW BENSON & HEDGES KINGS;", "Y Lc", "Mheibonielg andishortofit", "ENS:", "", "Onl O1e", "0nr7 Sjieeon Gereral Has Cerertned D \"ot Tc \"\"" ]
[ [ 152, 247, 681, 361 ], [ 223, 475, 272, 518 ], [ 415, 478, 650, 563 ], [ 491, 664, 552, 712 ], [ 681, 679, 711, 820 ], [ 189, 894, 247, 945 ], [ 452, 922, 645, 946 ] ]
[ "Latese U.S. Government", "figures show", "two packzs 0f Carlton", "have less \"tar\" than one pack", "0f any leading brana:", "Carlon_Arerica's lcwec: % \" er\" E;", "[", "_", "44", "~00", "Caulion", "Dice\"aril int Ma;", "uaiml|", "Mta", "52", "TC_AG,/+0nrtnG" ]
[ [ 385, 431, 733, 471 ], [ 460, 469, 654, 518 ], [ 409, 507, 707, 551 ], [ 355, 547, 765, 589 ], [ 408, 581, 706, 631 ], [ 352, 676, 716, 704 ], [ 702, 718, 730, 862 ], [ 165, 794, 179, 808 ], [ 180, 800, 207, 819 ], [ 164, 823, 191, 846 ], [ 338, 827, 379, 841 ], [ 384, 830, 498, 838 ], [ 514, 830, 554, 838 ], [ 592, 832, 624, 838 ], [ 544, 838, 583, 853 ], [ 381, 839, 513, 851 ] ]
[ "Latese U.S. Government figures show two packzs 0f Carlton have less \"tar\" than one pack 0f any leading brana:", "Carlon_Arerica's lcwec: % \" er\" E; [ Caulion TC_AG,/+0nrtnG Dice\"aril int Ma; uaiml| 52 Mta", "_ 44 ~00" ]
[ [ 355, 431, 765, 631 ], [ 338, 676, 730, 862 ], [ 160, 794, 211, 846 ] ]
[ "Uo HlrNeiT Coypavl; /nt,", "JA Iil", "Dte", "Jte-ci-Wlne-LAIA", "Maybeits timeyou lokedinto our", "cigaretteholder:", "Pad into tke Farluncnt drutttt", "Fodrslikolder", "Sme", "tut ta bltat itatad", "Tutdd", "axarette", "PARLIAMENT Gorest", "ud 3k2} fom your lipa.", "Muteoutt", "Rod Don", "Erliament", "Gtot", "Dstina", "Lc bltI", "Lt", "Jearetetoe", "alaopkrn", "Iida And with our You @n", "Jnd", "I", "E", "IQu:", "T" ]
[ [ 237, 119, 349, 131 ], [ 182, 132, 208, 138 ], [ 218, 132, 240, 138 ], [ 256, 132, 390, 140 ], [ 62, 572, 513, 613 ], [ 60, 601, 281, 642 ], [ 167, 643, 287, 655 ], [ 395, 648, 471, 686 ], [ 168, 654, 192, 660 ], [ 211, 661, 299, 675 ], [ 167, 668, 195, 680 ], [ 387, 669, 435, 683 ], [ 311, 670, 426, 694 ], [ 195, 671, 289, 683 ], [ 188, 682, 240, 690 ], [ 250, 682, 290, 690 ], [ 166, 686, 207, 700 ], [ 231, 686, 261, 699 ], [ 264, 692, 288, 700 ], [ 168, 698, 200, 706 ], [ 237, 704, 255, 716 ], [ 176, 706, 238, 714 ], [ 255, 707, 303, 719 ], [ 191, 715, 299, 727 ], [ 168, 718, 192, 724 ], [ 537, 731, 557, 845 ], [ 389, 771, 442, 801 ], [ 349, 781, 375, 795 ], [ 443, 787, 471, 803 ] ]
[ "Uo HlrNeiT Coypavl; /nt, Dte Jte-ci-Wlne-LAIA", "JA Iil", "Maybeits timeyou lokedinto our cigaretteholder: Pad into tke Farluncnt drutttt Sme tut ta bltat itatad Fodrslikolder Tutdd ud 3k2} fom your lipa. PARLIAMENT Gorest axarette Muteoutt Rod Don Erliament Gtot Lc bltI Dstina Jearetetoe Lt alaopkrn Jnd Iida And with our You @n", "IQu: E T I" ]
[ [ 218, 119, 390, 140 ], [ 182, 132, 208, 138 ], [ 60, 572, 513, 727 ], [ 349, 731, 557, 845 ] ]
[ "Jouzzwant eueryong", "to knoue", "Wlwn", "akhal -ectluz %c hnut", "nncih", "IntrInit nlnn arIcue=", "FalmcnL", "Fuik{", "Iut it alkl tuni 4ul", "M", "rallur (asiuatitix #nY", "1pnt", "Mnia", "'ut4'", "xnc-Ihin", "Wlcr", "alael atiu", "Aul CL", "'neen", "ulantc", "4tw", "L", "Ih} Iuxurivas", "Ai", "uueleu", "Lhc Aue th Iulant774", "Fee", "Aeeot", "ny", "4ur Jie ,", "Fri_a", "e", "Parliamonts", "Youre", "Amoke", "80", "emr", "1" ]
[ [ 174, 86, 438, 136 ], [ 428, 98, 543, 131 ], [ 143, 565, 173, 579 ], [ 409, 567, 547, 579 ], [ 186, 568, 222, 576 ], [ 236, 568, 320, 576 ], [ 324, 568, 368, 576 ], [ 558, 568, 582, 576 ], [ 113, 577, 193, 591 ], [ 448, 580, 470, 588 ], [ 225, 581, 321, 593 ], [ 332, 582, 364, 590 ], [ 386, 582, 408, 588 ], [ 518, 582, 544, 590 ], [ 178, 591, 223, 605 ], [ 148, 594, 176, 602 ], [ 254, 594, 306, 602 ], [ 334, 594, 372, 602 ], [ 462, 594, 498, 602 ], [ 510, 594, 546, 602 ], [ 222, 595, 253, 602 ], [ 509, 604, 533, 617 ], [ 225, 605, 281, 619 ], [ 344, 606, 384, 614 ], [ 454, 606, 476, 614 ], [ 126, 608, 208, 616 ], [ 284, 608, 306, 614 ], [ 414, 608, 438, 614 ], [ 167, 618, 195, 630 ], [ 280, 620, 320, 628 ], [ 346, 620, 380, 628 ], [ 456, 620, 484, 626 ], [ 351, 645, 575, 735 ], [ 119, 677, 177, 695 ], [ 294, 678, 360, 702 ], [ 181, 681, 205, 695 ], [ 209, 681, 267, 695 ], [ 654, 729, 694, 882 ] ]
[ "Jouzzwant eueryong to knoue", "Wlwn nncih IntrInit nlnn arIcue= FalmcnL akhal -ectluz %c hnut Iut it alkl tuni 4ul rallur (asiuatitix #nY 1pnt Mnia M 'ut4' Wlcr xnc-Ihin 4tw alael atiu Aul CL 'neen ulantc Lhc Aue th Iulant774 Ih} Iuxurivas Fee Ai Aeeot uueleu L ny 4ur Jie , Fri_a e", "Fuik{", "Youre 80 emr Amoke Parliamonts", "1" ]
[ [ 174, 86, 543, 136 ], [ 113, 565, 547, 630 ], [ 558, 568, 582, 576 ], [ 119, 645, 575, 735 ], [ 654, 729, 694, 882 ] ]
[ "Tublx", "[cndtaeo", "Ilninf", "Eolt LIVhe corl", "Arourt", "MEDICAL AUTHORITIES", "P\"", "tnut", "Eo/", "mluril lmlt0", "D[co", "Kun", "CIilh", "Lodi; Gll;", "[RECOGNIZE", "Heron puthin", "Siti", "Lutab tr", "Linllil", "#", "Ee_Tuul", "Innen", "Ee", "PPHILIPMORRIS", "fEorc;", "Lner[eh", "Jtjo -ll", "Tt Iul", "6ictit:", "1qu Tbisc", "Cadennd", "hd", "horeou", "lunhc", "SibLut", "lur Iess irlating to zhe Smoker'$ nose", "Stnei", "imn", "Strilalf", "Ihrom]}", "proved", "Ond [", "Canrnett", "Cane", "MELLE AI4ITICE", "ColovilAC,", "\"LIECT", "Chy, *J", "Aen", "Compaxr", "Stntott '", "Schurnbetz", "Mirtsc", "Inlecu", "horion Qurnen", "muic lorro 'Flcr Ihiom-", "bul Inusl", "poxo Stusrind Sibclius", "brllch", "muc FTI[ET}", "Cambridg. [Cont\"'d", "Trovbla", "2", "Kter Eec?", "LhaHtu", "4hn", "Caln", "rou, but enlot(pn4ichy", "Imponanl", "MuCE", "KImI eo bid Il [", "Tur dd nol", "~pobilninr", "cummtnt", "Lhe birundn", "Unelanhal.", "ATll", "Jnf chns", "En", "rek", "(erfetl", "mortrnluer", "WoviLor", "WHEw SMoKERS GHANGEd to", "Lrttn", "VenruT", "Pem", "74", "Lndmi", "dnrntrd", "T7r", "Eruek,", "HETA4r#act", "Tton", "PhWIP Morris; SUDSTANTIALT", "'94", "Fg", "Churlt", "Rim", "Iviry IasE Of Irritatioy", "hLlhc]", "tntbL fclhtr IR", "Ruanti-", "0} Nosi 0R Throat", "Aaer", "Mha eo Huent", "mpancd", "Gpmrnlllt", "\"QVI T0 ShOKIng", "Ctt Ane", "LupOiD} hr ncn", "QEARID COMPLITELY OR", "1nr# [0 -Rt", "Jlluchli", "[rmnanar", "Themnate", "ddinittlv IMprovtdi", "Uam", "EAcnt", "idetul", "Tln,", "teported in medicol", "Lac", "Ond", "oumnolon clinicol Ictht", "CNHAKTuw", "by dintinpunthed", "Mode", "Cel", "Dorton-Prootahotthit", "Anm", "Lemntdtt", "Poenertotting cigarthe", "cicic", "Tua", "Menurd <", "4LInTR", "tnet tor Tou.~ lcut irti", "Kehalnatt", "rgcL", "note ondtatooti", "haac", "cucunietinin", "inlomuln", "Dhic", "ert|Cne", "Acin ^an", "Cen", "Tayel weuht", "Matc Itrai", "CAIULGFOR", "4y !, 1943", "Stnct Jar", "Tiar", "Fortume Gou Thl Architictull", "Foriny", "hitr Ln", "cooptTaling", "Mntn", "Prouelien Brm [1lS", "IPHILIPMMORRIS", "utlondrnr_Dudanthe", "1", "nubilealeaue IIl Ur", "Rocota Ho5einhaoti", "nutanG", "01ct", "TJran", "LLagr", "YCJI Cen}", "4I =nyour Inendl", "Amerita'$ Fincst Cigarette", "AUOUMI", "Timf MacMAZIXE", "1944", "AENI" ]
[ [ 116, 78, 144, 86 ], [ 148, 78, 182, 86 ], [ 202, 80, 228, 88 ], [ 153, 85, 209, 97 ], [ 246, 88, 272, 94 ], [ 315, 92, 610, 123 ], [ 213, 95, 233, 101 ], [ 252, 96, 282, 101 ], [ 114, 104, 138, 112 ], [ 156, 104, 220, 112 ], [ 224, 104, 246, 112 ], [ 243, 111, 271, 124 ], [ 200, 114, 238, 122 ], [ 113, 121, 161, 133 ], [ 346, 124, 572, 180 ], [ 114, 140, 182, 148 ], [ 113, 149, 137, 167 ], [ 181, 155, 217, 167 ], [ 142, 158, 176, 166 ], [ 255, 159, 285, 179 ], [ 177, 167, 237, 179 ], [ 130, 176, 158, 182 ], [ 219, 177, 245, 195 ], [ 309, 177, 614, 232 ], [ 245, 185, 283, 203 ], [ 190, 186, 218, 192 ], [ 122, 192, 168, 200 ], [ 196, 192, 234, 200 ], [ 123, 199, 239, 219 ], [ 242, 210, 280, 218 ], [ 138, 218, 176, 224 ], [ 228, 218, 254, 226 ], [ 114, 226, 144, 234 ], [ 178, 226, 204, 234 ], [ 161, 229, 193, 243 ], [ 352, 233, 550, 258 ], [ 114, 234, 140, 242 ], [ 200, 234, 226, 242 ], [ 238, 234, 280, 242 ], [ 571, 239, 607, 255 ], [ 316, 239, 356, 252 ], [ 544, 240, 572, 254 ], [ 114, 242, 154, 250 ], [ 174, 244, 198, 250 ], [ 192, 254, 270, 262 ], [ 205, 263, 273, 275 ], [ 172, 264, 202, 272 ], [ 145, 271, 183, 285 ], [ 114, 274, 142, 280 ], [ 122, 282, 171, 296 ], [ 176, 286, 222, 294 ], [ 230, 286, 280, 294 ], [ 132, 296, 160, 304 ], [ 178, 296, 206, 304 ], [ 210, 296, 280, 304 ], [ 153, 305, 281, 317 ], [ 112, 306, 150, 314 ], [ 111, 315, 235, 327 ], [ 254, 316, 280, 324 ], [ 112, 326, 170, 334 ], [ 158, 341, 249, 357 ], [ 111, 343, 147, 355 ], [ 224, 360, 266, 392 ], [ 112, 370, 156, 378 ], [ 160, 372, 200, 378 ], [ 245, 378, 265, 389 ], [ 112, 380, 134, 386 ], [ 144, 380, 228, 388 ], [ 150, 388, 186, 396 ], [ 242, 390, 266, 396 ], [ 112, 396, 182, 404 ], [ 186, 396, 234, 404 ], [ 200, 401, 243, 415 ], [ 112, 406, 144, 412 ], [ 150, 412, 208, 420 ], [ 212, 414, 278, 420 ], [ 213, 419, 239, 430 ], [ 142, 422, 182, 428 ], [ 188, 422, 212, 428 ], [ 236, 429, 262, 435 ], [ 112, 438, 136, 446 ], [ 166, 438, 216, 446 ], [ 248, 438, 278, 446 ], [ 480, 442, 622, 474 ], [ 185, 443, 211, 454 ], [ 240, 446, 278, 454 ], [ 120, 446, 146, 451 ], [ 268, 449, 278, 467 ], [ 182, 454, 212, 462 ], [ 216, 454, 250, 462 ], [ 122, 455, 148, 460 ], [ 138, 470, 164, 478 ], [ 185, 471, 243, 489 ], [ 242, 472, 266, 478 ], [ 483, 473, 617, 489 ], [ 239, 479, 281, 497 ], [ 124, 479, 150, 485 ], [ 156, 486, 184, 494 ], [ 190, 486, 214, 494 ], [ 481, 489, 603, 505 ], [ 112, 494, 136, 502 ], [ 150, 502, 220, 510 ], [ 248, 504, 278, 510 ], [ 481, 507, 575, 521 ], [ 178, 512, 200, 518 ], [ 214, 512, 278, 518 ], [ 130, 520, 160, 528 ], [ 198, 520, 250, 528 ], [ 477, 523, 561, 537 ], [ 132, 528, 172, 534 ], [ 210, 528, 276, 536 ], [ 481, 537, 591, 555 ], [ 212, 538, 260, 544 ], [ 168, 546, 200, 552 ], [ 212, 546, 250, 552 ], [ 222, 554, 258, 560 ], [ 479, 555, 583, 571 ], [ 216, 564, 240, 570 ], [ 174, 570, 198, 576 ], [ 135, 575, 163, 593 ], [ 252, 578, 278, 586 ], [ 511, 579, 607, 593 ], [ 488, 580, 510, 588 ], [ 210, 586, 232, 592 ], [ 483, 591, 595, 605 ], [ 214, 602, 268, 610 ], [ 505, 605, 587, 619 ], [ 482, 606, 506, 614 ], [ 147, 616, 173, 628 ], [ 479, 619, 583, 631 ], [ 118, 620, 142, 626 ], [ 112, 628, 152, 634 ], [ 475, 631, 585, 645 ], [ 177, 635, 217, 649 ], [ 122, 638, 144, 646 ], [ 234, 638, 278, 646 ], [ 148, 640, 176, 646 ], [ 485, 645, 591, 657 ], [ 112, 650, 144, 656 ], [ 230, 650, 256, 658 ], [ 511, 659, 591, 671 ], [ 112, 660, 136, 666 ], [ 160, 660, 220, 668 ], [ 228, 660, 276, 668 ], [ 112, 668, 136, 676 ], [ 148, 670, 202, 676 ], [ 228, 670, 274, 676 ], [ 213, 677, 239, 689 ], [ 111, 679, 157, 691 ], [ 160, 680, 212, 688 ], [ 372, 684, 548, 738 ], [ 171, 703, 217, 715 ], [ 130, 704, 166, 712 ], [ 220, 704, 242, 712 ], [ 119, 713, 269, 725 ], [ 120, 722, 148, 730 ], [ 152, 722, 194, 730 ], [ 198, 724, 246, 732 ], [ 120, 732, 148, 738 ], [ 154, 732, 266, 740 ], [ 295, 733, 615, 795 ], [ 120, 740, 226, 748 ], [ 678, 749, 709, 894 ], [ 164, 750, 248, 758 ], [ 118, 756, 270, 780 ], [ 134, 778, 172, 784 ], [ 188, 778, 214, 786 ], [ 218, 778, 242, 784 ], [ 246, 778, 268, 784 ], [ 120, 786, 160, 794 ], [ 172, 786, 266, 794 ], [ 366, 789, 556, 815 ], [ 132, 804, 162, 812 ], [ 333, 939, 415, 951 ], [ 382, 952, 406, 960 ], [ 340, 954, 374, 962 ] ]
[ "Tublx [cndtaeo Ilninf Eolt LIVhe corl Arourt P\" tnut Eo/ mluril lmlt0 D[co CIilh Kun Lodi; Gll;", "MEDICAL AUTHORITIES Heron puthin [RECOGNIZE Siti Linllil Lutab tr Ee_Tuul # Innen Lner[eh Ee Jtjo -ll Tt Iul fEorc; 6ictit: PPHILIPMORRIS 1qu Tbisc Cadennd hd horeou lunhc Stnei SibLut imn Strilalf Canrnett Cane proved lur Iess irlating to zhe Smoker'$ nose Ond [ Ihrom]} MELLE AI4ITICE \"LIECT ColovilAC, Aen Chy, *J Compaxr Stntott ' Schurnbetz Mirtsc Inlecu horion Qurnen bul Inusl muic lorro 'Flcr Ihiom- poxo Stusrind Sibclius brllch muc FTI[ET}", "Trovbla Cambridg. [Cont\"'d Kter Eec? LhaHtu 2 Caln rou, but enlot(pn4ichy 4hn Imponanl MuCE KImI eo bid Il [ Tur dd nol cummtnt ~pobilninr Lhe birundn Unelanhal. Jnf chns En ATll rek (erfetl mortrnluer WoviLor Pem Lrttn VenruT T7r Lndmi dnrntrd 74 Eruek, Tton Fg HETA4r#act Churlt Rim '94 hLlhc] tntbL fclhtr IR Ruanti- Aaer Mha eo Huent mpancd Gpmrnlllt Ctt Ane LupOiD} hr ncn 1nr# [0 -Rt Jlluchli [rmnanar Themnate Uam EAcnt idetul Tln, Ond", "WHEw SMoKERS GHANGEd to PhWIP Morris; SUDSTANTIALT Iviry IasE Of Irritatioy 0} Nosi 0R Throat \"QVI T0 ShOKIng QEARID COMPLITELY OR ddinittlv IMprovtdi Lac teported in medicol oumnolon clinicol Ictht Mode by dintinpunthed Dorton-Prootahotthit Poenertotting cigarthe tnet tor Tou.~ lcut irti note ondtatooti", "CNHAKTuw", "Anm Cel Lemntdtt Tua 4LInTR cicic Menurd < Kehalnatt rgcL haac cucunietinin inlomuln Dhic ert|Cne Acin ^an Tayel weuht Matc Itrai Cen", "CAIULGFOR", "Stnct Jar 4y !, 1943 Tiar", "Fortume Gou Thl Architictull Foriny hitr Ln cooptTaling Mntn Prouelien Brm [1lS utlondrnr_Dudanthe nubilealeaue IIl Ur Rocota Ho5einhaoti nutanG 01ct TJran LLagr YCJI Cen} 4I =nyour Inendl", "IPHILIPMMORRIS Amerita'$ Fincst Cigarette", "1", "AUOUMI", "Timf MacMAZIXE AENI 1944" ]
[ [ 113, 78, 282, 133 ], [ 111, 92, 614, 334 ], [ 111, 341, 283, 593 ], [ 475, 442, 622, 671 ], [ 214, 602, 268, 610 ], [ 111, 616, 278, 691 ], [ 372, 684, 548, 738 ], [ 130, 703, 242, 715 ], [ 118, 713, 270, 794 ], [ 295, 733, 615, 815 ], [ 678, 749, 709, 894 ], [ 132, 804, 162, 812 ], [ 333, 939, 415, 962 ] ]
[ "KENYON", "ECKHARDT INC ,", "JVERTISING", "200 PARK AVENLE, NET", "PRK,", "10017", "NY", "TELEVISiCN", "Job No:", "Program:", "Datc:", "October 17,", "1972", "Client:", "Time:", "BROWN", "KILLIAMSON", "TV -7 . ^ 1}", "Producl:", "TaconIS", "Vetwork:", "Ky", "Eulliil", "(0778/72", "cz .", "dutch:", "Wat", "ik rook?", "Teconis_", "ENGLISH:", "(What", "smoke?", "Taconis.)", "dutch:", "Taconis _Js", "Hol ond:", "arona.", "ENGLISH:", "(Taconi $", "Dutch", "full", "aromatic", "tobacco", "Dutch:", "Taconis_ismlld_Lrlik_van_smgak", "ENGLISH:", "(Mi Id, rich.)", "DUtch:", "Emde", "Is_heerWk_voor", "aroma", "de_omgcvlng_", "ENGLISH:", "(And", "the", "Icasure", "to share.)", "aroma", "DUtch:", "Taconls", "ENGLISH:", "Taconi s_", "DUTCH:", "En_jullie_dachten_dat_wi", "alleen_tulpen", "kindcn", "machen", "ENGLISH:", "(And", "You", "thought", "Dutch made", "only", "cullps._", "770011835", "Caa", "770011835", "PRODUCED FROM", "BEN", "WEB", "SITE" ]
[ [ 91, 29, 143, 43 ], [ 157, 29, 255, 47 ], [ 269, 29, 337, 45 ], [ 343, 31, 485, 49 ], [ 497, 33, 527, 49 ], [ 563, 33, 595, 45 ], [ 529, 33, 557, 44 ], [ 593, 95, 693, 113 ], [ 29, 145, 79, 159 ], [ 27, 180, 85, 201 ], [ 381, 185, 415, 199 ], [ 443, 189, 521, 205 ], [ 527, 189, 555, 203 ], [ 29, 205, 69, 221 ], [ 381, 207, 417, 223 ], [ 103, 211, 141, 225 ], [ 157, 211, 233, 227 ], [ 499, 221, 604, 247 ], [ 28, 228, 79, 246 ], [ 105, 229, 155, 243 ], [ 381, 231, 435, 247 ], [ 443, 243, 497, 261 ], [ 509, 245, 615, 263 ], [ 501, 257, 604, 294 ], [ 448, 266, 500, 292 ], [ 185, 305, 229, 319 ], [ 317, 307, 341, 321 ], [ 345, 307, 403, 321 ], [ 415, 307, 473, 323 ], [ 185, 333, 243, 347 ], [ 319, 333, 355, 349 ], [ 393, 335, 437, 349 ], [ 449, 335, 513, 351 ], [ 183, 361, 229, 375 ], [ 317, 361, 389, 377 ], [ 393, 363, 451, 377 ], [ 502, 363, 545, 377 ], [ 183, 387, 243, 403 ], [ 319, 389, 375, 405 ], [ 399, 391, 437, 405 ], [ 469, 391, 499, 405 ], [ 503, 391, 563, 405 ], [ 567, 393, 619, 407 ], [ 183, 415, 229, 431 ], [ 317, 417, 543, 435 ], [ 183, 443, 241, 459 ], [ 319, 445, 407, 461 ], [ 183, 471, 227, 485 ], [ 315, 473, 353, 487 ], [ 399, 473, 513, 489 ], [ 357, 475, 395, 487 ], [ 517, 475, 605, 491 ], [ 183, 499, 241, 513 ], [ 317, 499, 347, 515 ], [ 351, 501, 375, 515 ], [ 455, 503, 507, 517 ], [ 511, 503, 581, 517 ], [ 378, 504, 412, 512 ], [ 183, 527, 227, 541 ], [ 315, 529, 367, 543 ], [ 181, 555, 241, 569 ], [ 315, 557, 367, 571 ], [ 181, 583, 227, 597 ], [ 315, 585, 491, 601 ], [ 495, 587, 589, 601 ], [ 593, 587, 639, 601 ], [ 313, 609, 363, 631 ], [ 181, 639, 239, 653 ], [ 315, 641, 345, 655 ], [ 349, 643, 373, 657 ], [ 377, 643, 427, 657 ], [ 453, 643, 525, 657 ], [ 529, 643, 561, 657 ], [ 565, 643, 617, 657 ], [ 555, 875, 678, 903 ], [ 38, 890, 60, 896 ], [ 0, 953, 83, 969 ], [ 1, 969, 119, 985 ], [ 123, 969, 155, 983 ], [ 159, 969, 189, 983 ], [ 195, 969, 233, 985 ] ]
[ "KENYON ECKHARDT INC , JVERTISING 200 PARK AVENLE, NET PRK, NY 10017", "TELEVISiCN", "Job No:", "Program: Client: BROWN KILLIAMSON Producl: TaconIS", "Datc:", "October 17, 1972", "Time: Vetwork: TV -7 . ^ 1} Ky Eulliil cz . (0778/72", "dutch:", "Wat ik rook? Teconis_", "ENGLISH:", "(What", "smoke? Taconis.)", "dutch:", "Taconis _Js Hol ond:", "arona.", "ENGLISH:", "(Taconi $", "Dutch", "full aromatic tobacco", "Dutch:", "Taconis_ismlld_Lrlik_van_smgak", "ENGLISH:", "(Mi Id, rich.)", "DUtch:", "Emde aroma Is_heerWk_voor de_omgcvlng_", "ENGLISH:", "(And the aroma", "Icasure to share.)", "DUtch:", "Taconls", "ENGLISH:", "Taconi s_", "DUTCH:", "En_jullie_dachten_dat_wi alleen_tulpen kindcn", "machen (And You thought", "ENGLISH:", "Dutch made only cullps._", "770011835", "Caa", "770011835 PRODUCED FROM BEN WEB SITE" ]
[ [ 91, 29, 595, 49 ], [ 593, 95, 693, 113 ], [ 29, 145, 79, 159 ], [ 27, 180, 233, 246 ], [ 381, 185, 415, 199 ], [ 443, 189, 555, 205 ], [ 381, 207, 615, 294 ], [ 185, 305, 229, 319 ], [ 317, 307, 473, 323 ], [ 185, 333, 243, 347 ], [ 319, 333, 355, 349 ], [ 393, 335, 513, 351 ], [ 183, 361, 229, 375 ], [ 317, 361, 451, 377 ], [ 502, 363, 545, 377 ], [ 183, 387, 243, 403 ], [ 319, 389, 375, 405 ], [ 399, 391, 437, 405 ], [ 469, 391, 619, 407 ], [ 183, 415, 229, 431 ], [ 317, 417, 543, 435 ], [ 183, 443, 241, 459 ], [ 319, 445, 407, 461 ], [ 183, 471, 227, 485 ], [ 315, 473, 605, 491 ], [ 183, 499, 241, 513 ], [ 317, 499, 412, 515 ], [ 455, 503, 581, 517 ], [ 183, 527, 227, 541 ], [ 315, 529, 367, 543 ], [ 181, 555, 241, 569 ], [ 315, 557, 367, 571 ], [ 181, 583, 227, 597 ], [ 315, 585, 639, 601 ], [ 311, 609, 427, 657 ], [ 181, 639, 239, 653 ], [ 453, 643, 617, 657 ], [ 555, 875, 678, 903 ], [ 38, 890, 60, 896 ], [ 0, 953, 233, 985 ] ]
[ ")", "2", "3", "H", "1", "]", "c", "83", "2", "780000317", "780000317", "PRODUCED", "FROM", "BEN", "WEB", "SITE" ]
[ [ 157, 267, 205, 346 ], [ 537, 299, 669, 607 ], [ 211, 337, 255, 441 ], [ 113, 341, 278, 642 ], [ 159, 344, 223, 471 ], [ 261, 375, 322, 593 ], [ 222, 436, 256, 468 ], [ 133, 551, 233, 639 ], [ 188, 628, 240, 704 ], [ 529, 851, 646, 881 ], [ 0, 953, 81, 969 ], [ 1, 969, 75, 985 ], [ 79, 969, 119, 983 ], [ 123, 969, 155, 983 ], [ 159, 969, 189, 983 ], [ 195, 969, 233, 985 ] ]
[ ") 1 3 H c ] 83 2", "2", "780000317", "780000317 PRODUCED FROM BEN WEB SITE" ]
[ [ 113, 263, 322, 704 ], [ 537, 299, 669, 607 ], [ 529, 851, 646, 881 ], [ 0, 953, 233, 985 ] ]
[ "F clp", "message", "Amessage", "A", "from those", "fromthose", "who do", "who dont", "tothose", "tothose", "who dont", "who do", "Ja", "Weie uncomfortable", "Weie on the spot:", "Smoking is sorething we", "To us, the smoke fiom your", "cgarelles Gan be anything from", "personal choice, yet", "consider", "ils become", "very publc issue.", "minor nuisance to a meal", "Weie confused", "annoyance", "Smoking is something that", "Weze (rustraled.", "Even though weve chosen", "gives US cnjoymcnt, but it gves", "not t0 smoke, wele exposedto", "you oflerse:", "We feel singled out:", "second-hand smoke anyway:", "Were doing something", "We feel", "liltle pwerless:", "perlecty legal, yet weie olten", "Because you can invade our", "segegated discriminated", "privacy without even trying", "Often without noticing:", "against, even legislated aginst.", "Total strangers fee] free to", "And soretines when we", "public with", "abuse uS verbally in", "speak up and let yvu know hw", "we feel, you react as though we", "out Waring", "We ie not criminal:", "We", "were the bxd gujs", "Weie rot lanatics: Weie not", "don? mean to bother or offend", "out t0 deprive YOu of soriething", "you. And we dont like confonta -", "yuu enjoy: We", "tiOns with you", "WafIl lobc", "dort", "Weie just cing something", "your enemes", "We just", "you d be more", "trying t0 under -", "we etoy", "wish", "ard", "considerate and responsible about", "stand your concen1s", "We know youve got rights", "when; ardd where You smoke:", "how;", "We know youve got rights", "and feelings. We just want YOu to", "respect our rights and feelings &s'", "and feelings We just want you to", "feelirgs,", "#ell", "mespect Our nghts ark", "as well:", "anrtantn", "InEc", "fcu", "RJReynokls Tbacco Company", "6suss520-1", "680588204", "PRODUCED", "FROM", "BEN", "WEB", "SITE" ]
[ [ 420, 34, 484, 64 ], [ 396, 76, 537, 125 ], [ 115, 79, 279, 123 ], [ 371, 81, 391, 107 ], [ 109, 113, 280, 157 ], [ 365, 113, 535, 153 ], [ 395, 149, 507, 189 ], [ 125, 153, 269, 191 ], [ 387, 185, 511, 227 ], [ 133, 187, 258, 230 ], [ 379, 223, 527, 265 ], [ 139, 227, 255, 265 ], [ 58, 268, 120, 296 ], [ 125, 277, 247, 293 ], [ 383, 277, 487, 293 ], [ 382, 290, 533, 309 ], [ 127, 293, 285, 309 ], [ 98, 306, 281, 327 ], [ 416, 306, 535, 326 ], [ 357, 309, 409, 323 ], [ 355, 322, 423, 340 ], [ 431, 323, 533, 339 ], [ 107, 325, 247, 339 ], [ 383, 337, 473, 353 ], [ 99, 341, 163, 355 ], [ 382, 351, 539, 371 ], [ 127, 353, 223, 369 ], [ 127, 368, 279, 387 ], [ 355, 369, 537, 387 ], [ 99, 385, 277, 401 ], [ 355, 385, 429, 401 ], [ 383, 399, 497, 415 ], [ 99, 401, 261, 417 ], [ 382, 410, 518, 434 ], [ 127, 415, 173, 431 ], [ 181, 415, 273, 431 ], [ 357, 429, 533, 447 ], [ 127, 431, 289, 447 ], [ 356, 444, 507, 462 ], [ 101, 445, 261, 461 ], [ 99, 457, 233, 475 ], [ 357, 459, 537, 475 ], [ 385, 471, 537, 489 ], [ 127, 473, 273, 489 ], [ 470, 485, 541, 505 ], [ 357, 487, 473, 503 ], [ 99, 489, 281, 505 ], [ 99, 502, 281, 521 ], [ 357, 505, 431, 519 ], [ 385, 517, 497, 533 ], [ 501, 517, 523, 531 ], [ 99, 519, 205, 535 ], [ 127, 533, 289, 549 ], [ 357, 533, 533, 547 ], [ 99, 547, 283, 565 ], [ 357, 547, 545, 565 ], [ 99, 563, 181, 581 ], [ 357, 563, 443, 579 ], [ 211, 565, 275, 577 ], [ 178, 565, 211, 576 ], [ 385, 575, 541, 595 ], [ 99, 579, 181, 595 ], [ 127, 593, 171, 609 ], [ 201, 593, 285, 609 ], [ 435, 593, 529, 611 ], [ 357, 595, 413, 609 ], [ 170, 595, 200, 605 ], [ 409, 595, 437, 605 ], [ 101, 607, 295, 626 ], [ 357, 609, 475, 623 ], [ 385, 623, 537, 641 ], [ 129, 624, 293, 641 ], [ 99, 624, 127, 640 ], [ 129, 639, 281, 657 ], [ 357, 639, 547, 655 ], [ 356, 651, 549, 672 ], [ 101, 653, 291, 671 ], [ 228, 667, 277, 687 ], [ 357, 669, 387, 683 ], [ 101, 671, 229, 687 ], [ 101, 685, 145, 699 ], [ 262, 716, 314, 722 ], [ 326, 716, 348, 722 ], [ 382, 716, 408, 722 ], [ 220, 727, 454, 753 ], [ 534, 828, 656, 852 ], [ 1, 953, 81, 969 ], [ 1, 969, 75, 985 ], [ 79, 969, 119, 983 ], [ 123, 969, 155, 983 ], [ 159, 969, 189, 983 ], [ 195, 969, 233, 985 ] ]
[ "F clp A message fromthose who do tothose who dont Weie on the spot: Smoking is sorething we consider personal choice, yet ils become very publc issue. Weie confused Smoking is something that gives US cnjoymcnt, but it gves you oflerse: We feel singled out: Were doing something perlecty legal, yet weie olten segegated discriminated against, even legislated aginst. Total strangers fee] free to abuse uS verbally in public with out Waring We ie not criminal: We don? mean to bother or offend you. And we dont like confonta - tiOns with you Weie just cing something we etoy ard trying t0 under - stand your concen1s We know youve got rights and feelings. We just want YOu to respect our rights and feelings &s' #ell", "Amessage from those who dont tothose who do Ja Weie uncomfortable To us, the smoke fiom your cgarelles Gan be anything from minor nuisance to a meal annoyance Weze (rustraled. Even though weve chosen not t0 smoke, wele exposedto second-hand smoke anyway: We feel liltle pwerless: Because you can invade our privacy without even trying Often without noticing: And soretines when we speak up and let yvu know hw we feel, you react as though we were the bxd gujs Weie rot lanatics: Weie not out t0 deprive YOu of soriething yuu enjoy: We dort WafIl lobc your enemes We just wish you d be more considerate and responsible about how; when; ardd where You smoke: We know youve got rights and feelings We just want you to mespect Our nghts ark feelirgs, as well:", "anrtantn", "InEc", "fcu", "RJReynokls Tbacco Company", "6suss520-1", "680588204 PRODUCED FROM BEN WEB SITE" ]
[ [ 355, 34, 549, 683 ], [ 58, 79, 295, 699 ], [ 262, 716, 314, 722 ], [ 326, 716, 348, 722 ], [ 382, 716, 408, 722 ], [ 220, 727, 454, 753 ], [ 534, 828, 656, 852 ], [ 1, 953, 233, 985 ] ]
[ "Marlboro", "men like", "Ac4", "men smoke", "4/9", "FILTER CIGARETTES BY PHILIP MORRIS", "NEW YORK", "Michcn", "josta nainen pitaa", "savuke", "L", "Marlhoro", "Mainio \"MALBORO\"", "Philip", "Morris.", "Sini", "Virginia ja Burley.", "maistuu tupakka", "} btastMaw,", "KOl AKbeod dlinksno Teille kiyden ilon:", "108", "Sen Jadte Exr", "\"MALBORO\"", "Lsrollc:", "MARKKAA", "suodatinsavuke-mukana maku", "100" ]
[ [ 70, 33, 728, 218 ], [ 219, 42, 364, 81 ], [ 66, 42, 120, 94 ], [ 455, 43, 645, 83 ], [ 123, 53, 202, 93 ], [ 78, 196, 566, 224 ], [ 574, 198, 714, 226 ], [ 229, 789, 277, 805 ], [ 349, 789, 467, 809 ], [ 281, 791, 325, 805 ], [ 535, 791, 564, 932 ], [ 562, 798, 682, 882 ], [ 197, 811, 341, 829 ], [ 427, 811, 465, 833 ], [ 471, 815, 519, 831 ], [ 211, 835, 243, 851 ], [ 381, 836, 501, 855 ], [ 247, 837, 355, 853 ], [ 84, 864, 162, 892 ], [ 162, 864, 374, 892 ], [ 437, 867, 509, 903 ], [ 85, 891, 161, 905 ], [ 207, 891, 281, 905 ], [ 164, 894, 202, 902 ], [ 431, 899, 513, 915 ], [ 81, 905, 373, 925 ], [ 67, 921, 91, 935 ] ]
[ "Ac4 4/9 men like men smoke Marlboro FILTER CIGARETTES BY PHILIP MORRIS NEW YORK", "Michcn savuke", "josta nainen pitaa Mainio \"MALBORO\" Philip Morris. Sini maistuu tupakka Virginia ja Burley. Marlhoro L } btastMaw, KOl AKbeod dlinksno Teille kiyden ilon: 108 Sen Jadte Exr Lsrollc: \"MALBORO\" suodatinsavuke-mukana maku MARKKAA 100" ]
[ [ 56, 33, 728, 226 ], [ 229, 789, 325, 805 ], [ 67, 789, 695, 935 ] ]
[ "Where there s a Man.", "there s a Marlboro", "Mild-burning Marlboro combines", "prized", "created in Richmond, Virginia)", "recipe", "L", "of the world'", "cellulose", "tobaccos witb", "Rtent", "acetate filter of consistent dependability.", "You get big friendly favor #ith all the", "mildness", "man culd ask for:", "Marlboro", "Marlboro", "DrE-Filtlr ' Flavor", "FlProi" ]
[ [ 116, 104, 662, 176 ], [ 204, 171, 667, 239 ], [ 281, 732, 457, 749 ], [ 467, 735, 503, 749 ], [ 321, 753, 489, 769 ], [ 281, 755, 317, 767 ], [ 691, 763, 721, 908 ], [ 281, 773, 349, 787 ], [ 466, 773, 517, 789 ], [ 385, 775, 459, 787 ], [ 354, 777, 384, 783 ], [ 281, 793, 497, 809 ], [ 281, 813, 485, 829 ], [ 280, 831, 331, 850 ], [ 339, 835, 439, 849 ], [ 551, 845, 642, 908 ], [ 253, 853, 536, 930 ], [ 354, 924, 452, 932 ], [ 458, 924, 498, 932 ] ]
[ "Where there s a Man. there s a Marlboro", "Mild-burning Marlboro combines prized recipe created in Richmond, Virginia) of the world' Rtent tobaccos witb cellulose acetate filter of consistent dependability. You get big friendly favor #ith all the mildness man culd ask for:", "L Marlboro Marlboro DrE-Filtlr ' Flavor FlProi" ]
[ [ 116, 104, 667, 239 ], [ 280, 732, 517, 850 ], [ 253, 763, 721, 932 ] ]
[ "Virgusa SLIMs", "", "Fofo", "more", "to De", "succeed", "#Sed", "There", "toman", "for", "YOU'VE COME", "management.", "A LONG WAY, BABY:", "pressure", "middle", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking", "Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health:", "C PJ ? \"cdtirc", "mg \"tar\" 0.7 mg nicolina Jv. per cigaratte", "method.", "by FTC" ]
[ [ 94, 15, 789, 227 ], [ 722, 675, 755, 820 ], [ 240, 748, 270, 782 ], [ 258, 749, 296, 753 ], [ 195, 757, 229, 775 ], [ 265, 765, 320, 768 ], [ 160, 769, 200, 774 ], [ 126, 770, 166, 789 ], [ 201, 779, 254, 784 ], [ 167, 785, 193, 801 ], [ 599, 787, 685, 801 ], [ 205, 798, 296, 796 ], [ 597, 799, 719, 813 ], [ 110, 799, 171, 802 ], [ 156, 805, 212, 811 ], [ 430, 870, 734, 898 ], [ 432, 891, 732, 916 ], [ 86, 894, 150, 902 ], [ 91, 911, 269, 929 ], [ 299, 915, 337, 929 ], [ 265, 915, 299, 926 ] ]
[ "Virgusa SLIMs", "A LONG WAY, BABY: YOU'VE COME", "more #Sed to De Fofo succeed There toman pressure for middle management.", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health:", "C PJ ? \"cdtirc", "mg \"tar\" 0.7 mg nicolina Jv. per cigaratte by FTC method." ]
[ [ 94, 15, 789, 227 ], [ 597, 675, 755, 820 ], [ 110, 739, 320, 826 ], [ 430, 870, 734, 916 ], [ 86, 894, 150, 902 ], [ 91, 911, 337, 929 ] ]
[ "1", "0", "8", "3", "]", "4", "8", "1", "4", "S", "J", "1", "", "1", "2", "7", "1" ]
[ [ 295, 213, 319, 288 ], [ 392, 220, 420, 268 ], [ 468, 240, 499, 299 ], [ 495, 273, 509, 295 ], [ 293, 285, 318, 392 ], [ 469, 297, 511, 377 ], [ 495, 371, 509, 397 ], [ 296, 388, 316, 435 ], [ 316, 489, 337, 601 ], [ 664, 692, 672, 732 ], [ 650, 720, 674, 764 ], [ 651, 751, 663, 831 ], [ 664, 764, 672, 790 ], [ 664, 792, 672, 820 ], [ 664, 822, 672, 846 ], [ 779, 824, 783, 922 ], [ 651, 829, 663, 867 ] ]
[ "1 0 8 3 ] 4 8 1", "4", "S J 1 1 1 2", "7" ]
[ [ 293, 213, 511, 435 ], [ 283, 489, 370, 601 ], [ 650, 692, 674, 867 ], [ 766, 824, 796, 922 ] ]
[ "2041344632", "8bl$", "Glls\"", "ps", "66s", "ARox", "HODOLduaH4OY:", "6935", "6139", "SHBAV7d02", "\"EEEtxot7o", "1iA", "69s", "Figs", "{691s", "601", "507857", "5 6E05", "(888s", "(661", "Eusori", "ThollomcitooLa7s", "Hingnuarcom", "905", "69s", "695", "6s1s", "621s", "ocriti", "Fimmionhzco", "oioi", "Rnceud' DuJnt", "@Eudadt1", "HOVWSNVISENOHa", "669s", "669s", "688s", "6s8s", "66ss", "STOOHS 8ANIOd", "6635", "66Cs", "6675", "66bs", "Naaaon", "{tow", "69zs", "6+Es", "6bbs", "divord", "iMO7", "4481385", "Sonii", "r", "nooghhox", "RorM", "29808", "1uee5nM5FH", "66ss", "6695", "6bLs", "EEEEeaz", "8881", "83:", "5853", "A", "84370", "E95840N i87a55", "iecold", "JIuorBued", "CSon", "'35od", "sls", "685", "Notaior", "EEuubdm", "kdie", "SuBH3wW)", "SVuaWi? 415_", "SENOHaHV7n1j32", "[SLJHAU", "ZrGC ZLR'", "EE", "MWEEH", "SJin0ulj37] ONH", "[BWUNHHOWEAW", "rimiod", "SuaIndwo?", "DpOb4m.oi", "7ILNn", "HoHa", "MIc", "Y4", "9uj", "EBA", "ONiSINEWAVd ON", "IULNE", "Anenkruc0)?1La", "%0", "0316307", "JIvOSHVJS NI", "\"SJWIL XHOX MJN @H1", "Kan[ 'Xvasant", "{14 mlllon", "milern butine" ]
[ [ 517, 31, 579, 43 ], [ 49, 263, 89, 281 ], [ 105, 263, 143, 279 ], [ 7, 265, 35, 279 ], [ 529, 269, 561, 287 ], [ 125, 281, 157, 297 ], [ 463, 315, 601, 331 ], [ 532, 326, 586, 350 ], [ 408, 328, 462, 352 ], [ 29, 339, 129, 357 ], [ 423, 347, 507, 365 ], [ 535, 347, 565, 363 ], [ 105, 351, 135, 371 ], [ 51, 353, 79, 373 ], [ 284, 356, 322, 380 ], [ 163, 357, 187, 377 ], [ 51, 381, 89, 401 ], [ 508, 384, 586, 410 ], [ 409, 387, 461, 407 ], [ 163, 397, 187, 417 ], [ 477, 399, 527, 417 ], [ 536, 404, 624, 412 ], [ 420, 406, 476, 414 ], [ 289, 407, 321, 425 ], [ 51, 429, 81, 449 ], [ 105, 429, 135, 449 ], [ 535, 437, 583, 457 ], [ 411, 445, 457, 465 ], [ 53, 455, 83, 469 ], [ 536, 456, 594, 464 ], [ 104, 459, 135, 474 ], [ 456, 462, 510, 470 ], [ 505, 499, 645, 515 ], [ 25, 507, 161, 526 ], [ 576, 510, 632, 534 ], [ 416, 512, 470, 536 ], [ 494, 512, 550, 536 ], [ 98, 520, 148, 544 ], [ 37, 523, 83, 543 ], [ 201, 525, 339, 543 ], [ 353, 537, 391, 553 ], [ 227, 539, 267, 557 ], [ 291, 541, 331, 555 ], [ 167, 543, 205, 557 ], [ 421, 545, 467, 565 ], [ 549, 545, 577, 565 ], [ 353, 551, 395, 567 ], [ 231, 553, 271, 571 ], [ 291, 553, 333, 569 ], [ 498, 554, 530, 562 ], [ 169, 555, 213, 571 ], [ 33, 557, 79, 577 ], [ 313, 557, 351, 577 ], [ 228, 565, 296, 580 ], [ 354, 566, 402, 574 ], [ 183, 569, 211, 587 ], [ 47, 583, 75, 599 ], [ 30, 612, 164, 638 ], [ 580, 614, 638, 640 ], [ 496, 618, 554, 642 ], [ 415, 621, 467, 641 ], [ 25, 629, 215, 667 ], [ 290, 630, 340, 662 ], [ 354, 630, 396, 660 ], [ 230, 632, 272, 662 ], [ 11, 637, 29, 661 ], [ 416, 640, 500, 666 ], [ 534, 642, 630, 666 ], [ 294, 646, 354, 670 ], [ 500, 654, 550, 662 ], [ 183, 655, 232, 667 ], [ 359, 657, 418, 672 ], [ 37, 659, 73, 679 ], [ 103, 661, 141, 677 ], [ 45, 695, 95, 709 ], [ 426, 720, 544, 752 ], [ 512, 722, 572, 750 ], [ 488, 746, 603, 766 ], [ 228, 748, 352, 772 ], [ 19, 755, 165, 773 ], [ 9, 759, 563, 828 ], [ 574, 768, 622, 776 ], [ 563, 775, 643, 811 ], [ 385, 812, 464, 842 ], [ 489, 812, 634, 838 ], [ 10, 815, 337, 857 ], [ 339, 819, 389, 835 ], [ 511, 831, 614, 858 ], [ 9, 844, 338, 899 ], [ 254, 846, 336, 870 ], [ 431, 851, 467, 865 ], [ 515, 855, 623, 895 ], [ 416, 862, 464, 892 ], [ 476, 864, 510, 890 ], [ 3, 878, 268, 971 ], [ 103, 885, 334, 917 ], [ 470, 888, 623, 932 ], [ 376, 894, 466, 902 ], [ 260, 906, 336, 958 ], [ 583, 927, 629, 943 ], [ 495, 929, 571, 945 ], [ 285, 957, 393, 971 ], [ 211, 961, 281, 975 ], [ 536, 982, 574, 990 ], [ 600, 988, 646, 994 ] ]
[ "2041344632", "ps 8bl$ Glls\" ARox", "66s", "HODOLduaH4OY: 6139 6935 \"EEEtxot7o 1iA", "SHBAV7d02 Figs 69s 507857", "{691s", "601", "(888s 5 6E05 Hingnuarcom Eusori ThollomcitooLa7s", "(661", "905", "69s ocriti", "695 oioi", "6s1s Fimmionhzco", "621s Rnceud' DuJnt", "@Eudadt1 688s 669s divord {tow", "HOVWSNVISENOHa 669s 66ss 6s8s STOOHS 8ANIOd 66bs 66Cs 6675 6635 6+Es 6bbs 69zs Naaaon 4481385 iMO7 r Sonii nooghhox RorM 29808", "1uee5nM5FH 6bLs 6695 66ss A EEEEeaz 5853 8881 83: CSon iecold 84370 JIuorBued E95840N i87a55 sls 685 '35od", "Notaior", "EEuubdm kdie SENOHaHV7n1j32 SVuaWi? 415_ SuBH3wW) ZrGC ZLR' [SLJHAU EE [BWUNHHOWEAW rimiod MWEEH SJin0ulj37] ONH SuaIndwo? 7ILNn HoHa DpOb4m.oi Y4 9uj MIc ONiSINEWAVd ON Anenkruc0)?1La IULNE EBA %0 JIvOSHVJS NI 0316307 Kan[ 'Xvasant \"SJWIL XHOX MJN @H1 {14 mlllon milern butine" ]
[ [ 517, 31, 579, 43 ], [ 7, 263, 157, 297 ], [ 529, 269, 561, 287 ], [ 408, 315, 601, 365 ], [ 29, 339, 135, 401 ], [ 284, 356, 322, 380 ], [ 163, 357, 187, 377 ], [ 409, 384, 624, 417 ], [ 163, 397, 187, 417 ], [ 289, 407, 321, 425 ], [ 51, 429, 83, 469 ], [ 104, 429, 135, 477 ], [ 535, 437, 594, 464 ], [ 411, 445, 510, 470 ], [ 494, 499, 645, 565 ], [ 25, 507, 470, 599 ], [ 11, 612, 638, 682 ], [ 45, 695, 95, 709 ], [ 3, 720, 646, 994 ] ]
[ ":", "Yde", "3", "8", "8", "l", "1" ]
[ [ 445, 424, 458, 575 ], [ 350, 430, 520, 601 ], [ 348, 458, 378, 506 ], [ 344, 500, 372, 570 ], [ 427, 567, 463, 615 ], [ 557, 783, 577, 813 ], [ 704, 789, 729, 892 ] ]
[ "3 8 Yde : 8", "l", "1" ]
[ [ 344, 424, 520, 615 ], [ 557, 783, 577, 813 ], [ 704, 789, 729, 892 ] ]
[ "Pack your own", "andpocket the change", "OPEN", "1" ]
[ [ 307, 225, 461, 265 ], [ 267, 254, 500, 296 ], [ 503, 301, 535, 315 ], [ 669, 799, 693, 904 ] ]
[ "Pack your own andpocket the change OPEN", "1" ]
[ [ 267, 225, 535, 315 ], [ 669, 799, 693, 904 ] ]
[ "]", "+", "L", "3", "L", "1", "1", "7", "1" ]
[ [ 156, 87, 278, 554 ], [ 446, 98, 474, 132 ], [ 416, 113, 455, 235 ], [ 450, 133, 482, 232 ], [ 617, 757, 631, 901 ], [ 630, 760, 638, 800 ], [ 679, 763, 697, 865 ], [ 629, 801, 641, 873 ], [ 629, 871, 641, 903 ] ]
[ "L + 3 ]", "1 L 7 1 1" ]
[ [ 156, 87, 482, 554 ], [ 617, 757, 697, 903 ] ]
[ "THE", "VIRGINIA SLIMS", "WORLD", "CHAMPIONSHIP", "SERIES", "the", "Where", "top women compete for", "the titke of World Champion", "The Series unites every major", "SL", "~GINIA", "SoNs;", "tournamentin the world", "including the Grand", "Slam events", "into one", "women $ circuic", "Throughout the year;", "players compere for over", "SIO,OO0,000 and tournament points to", "determine who will be the World Champion", "Of women $ tennis", "TOURNAMENT", "DATE", "TOURNAMENT", "DATE", "", "Vor Wasfington", "Slms", "BM", "Ian. 3-I0", "13.18", "chmploostDs", "Virg cl Silms", "20-|uy", "WimNedon", "Ian I0.16", "US Clay Courts", "Avg [.7", "Ycuston", "Mumni Cur", "M731-eh", "Urein: slimt", "4}", "OFLCsAnee eS", "Sums", "Open", "Au8 15.21", "Canadkn", "Feb: 14-20", "Cnicazo", "viax", "ci Slims", "niaSumas", "4v8 22-28", "lersey", "Fcb 21.27", "Cariomnia", "US Open", "Aug 29-Sept", "Wroinasms", "of Dallas", "Central Fdellty", "Mei7-J", "Vai Boston", "Sepc 19-25", "Srms", "Beon", "Mar: 14-20", "US Natlc - al", "Vuein", "Wcmcn$ Indoor", "Sepr 26-Oct: _", "Ciangionshps", "CoNMD ny7 0>", "23.27", "Wga4", "Ofeeeeo", "Shms", "Fanyy Crcle", "Oct 3.9", "Velfci[", "Magazlne C~p", "Fodda Federal", "\"Champi", "WTA", "Oct I0-[6", "Wernkoncn", "onships", "ACI M-7", "DarISU", "Chalenge", "United Aidlnes", "Oct: 17-23", "Sooiorsd", "oumamenE", "Pors te Tennis", "AFI 18-24", "Cc 24-80", "Cnampion;", "Slims", "Umnolnx", "1", "Kimainia Silms", "Socky", "NSW\" Bulld ng", "Apr, 25. May", "Cigarettes", "Aaania", "Nov 2I-7", "Wont-", "Oncn", "May 2-8", "iwku Opcr", "Austallan", "May 16-23", "Ceman Ocen", "28-Dcc:", "Dp41", "French Open", "May23-Iunc 5", "Warning: Tha Surgeon Generel Has Determined", "I00*% 1509 \"tar,\"", "mg nicjlice", "Lighls Ragular;", "That Cigarette Smoking", "Dangercus", "Ycur Healh:", "\"tar\"\" 0.7 nJ ricotira _ Lights Menthol:", "\"tar\"", "0,E mg ricohime", "IC Report Mar\"82,", "Fer cigarette", "Philip Namt" ]
[ [ 215, 45, 297, 85 ], [ 107, 79, 407, 123 ], [ 178, 116, 337, 160 ], [ 97, 155, 411, 197 ], [ 186, 190, 321, 235 ], [ 161, 242, 193, 268 ], [ 99, 245, 163, 265 ], [ 192, 245, 406, 271 ], [ 130, 265, 374, 293 ], [ 201, 329, 389, 349 ], [ 175, 337, 197, 357 ], [ 120, 337, 179, 355 ], [ 142, 341, 199, 381 ], [ 221, 347, 379, 363 ], [ 225, 358, 356, 382 ], [ 229, 377, 307, 393 ], [ 243, 393, 299, 407 ], [ 229, 409, 333, 423 ], [ 225, 421, 364, 445 ], [ 219, 439, 383, 457 ], [ 117, 453, 363, 471 ], [ 117, 471, 395, 487 ], [ 117, 487, 235, 501 ], [ 103, 515, 171, 527 ], [ 221, 517, 247, 529 ], [ 261, 517, 327, 529 ], [ 377, 517, 403, 529 ], [ 680, 522, 688, 610 ], [ 102, 528, 176, 552 ], [ 135, 529, 161, 541 ], [ 261, 529, 289, 541 ], [ 207, 539, 245, 551 ], [ 375, 539, 403, 551 ], [ 268, 540, 330, 548 ], [ 103, 549, 159, 563 ], [ 361, 549, 395, 563 ], [ 262, 550, 310, 558 ], [ 203, 559, 245, 571 ], [ 261, 559, 329, 573 ], [ 363, 559, 401, 575 ], [ 122, 560, 158, 568 ], [ 104, 572, 156, 580 ], [ 190, 572, 236, 580 ], [ 262, 572, 314, 580 ], [ 357, 579, 377, 595 ], [ 268, 582, 328, 590 ], [ 136, 584, 158, 592 ], [ 301, 590, 325, 603 ], [ 353, 591, 401, 605 ], [ 262, 592, 300, 600 ], [ 201, 593, 245, 605 ], [ 122, 594, 156, 602 ], [ 103, 603, 123, 625 ], [ 122, 604, 158, 612 ], [ 278, 604, 314, 610 ], [ 351, 611, 401, 625 ], [ 300, 612, 324, 620 ], [ 199, 613, 247, 625 ], [ 122, 614, 160, 622 ], [ 261, 623, 305, 637 ], [ 329, 625, 389, 639 ], [ 104, 626, 158, 634 ], [ 109, 633, 147, 645 ], [ 261, 635, 321, 647 ], [ 204, 636, 244, 644 ], [ 102, 644, 156, 668 ], [ 349, 645, 401, 657 ], [ 136, 646, 158, 654 ], [ 268, 646, 308, 654 ], [ 197, 655, 247, 667 ], [ 261, 657, 315, 669 ], [ 104, 668, 134, 676 ], [ 266, 668, 336, 676 ], [ 335, 675, 395, 689 ], [ 110, 678, 174, 686 ], [ 268, 678, 330, 686 ], [ 217, 685, 245, 697 ], [ 261, 686, 291, 699 ], [ 110, 688, 162, 694 ], [ 292, 688, 314, 696 ], [ 103, 697, 157, 709 ], [ 363, 697, 401, 709 ], [ 278, 698, 306, 706 ], [ 109, 707, 173, 719 ], [ 261, 709, 321, 721 ], [ 102, 718, 144, 742 ], [ 131, 719, 155, 731 ], [ 355, 719, 401, 731 ], [ 266, 720, 320, 728 ], [ 142, 730, 174, 738 ], [ 200, 730, 244, 738 ], [ 262, 730, 296, 738 ], [ 266, 737, 311, 753 ], [ 103, 739, 167, 751 ], [ 353, 739, 401, 751 ], [ 435, 745, 509, 781 ], [ 110, 750, 162, 758 ], [ 261, 751, 323, 763 ], [ 199, 757, 245, 771 ], [ 353, 759, 401, 773 ], [ 120, 760, 168, 768 ], [ 489, 761, 525, 777 ], [ 268, 762, 310, 770 ], [ 706, 764, 724, 874 ], [ 104, 770, 158, 778 ], [ 319, 770, 349, 784 ], [ 261, 771, 319, 783 ], [ 183, 777, 237, 789 ], [ 453, 777, 515, 793 ], [ 120, 780, 150, 786 ], [ 351, 781, 401, 793 ], [ 266, 782, 300, 790 ], [ 308, 782, 332, 790 ], [ 206, 786, 245, 800 ], [ 104, 790, 154, 798 ], [ 262, 794, 302, 802 ], [ 197, 799, 245, 811 ], [ 104, 800, 164, 808 ], [ 357, 801, 393, 815 ], [ 268, 804, 292, 812 ], [ 103, 809, 159, 821 ], [ 182, 810, 244, 818 ], [ 104, 860, 323, 879 ], [ 347, 871, 419, 885 ], [ 435, 871, 483, 885 ], [ 487, 871, 547, 885 ], [ 107, 877, 207, 893 ], [ 213, 877, 261, 893 ], [ 269, 877, 325, 891 ], [ 345, 881, 503, 897 ], [ 523, 883, 545, 895 ], [ 345, 893, 409, 907 ], [ 479, 893, 551, 907 ], [ 421, 895, 473, 909 ], [ 608, 898, 654, 906 ] ]
[ "THE", "VIRGINIA SLIMS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Where the top women compete for the titke of World Champion", "~GINIA SL The Series unites every major SoNs; tournamentin the world including the Grand Slam events into one women $ circuic Throughout the year; players compere for over SIO,OO0,000 and tournament points to determine who will be the World Champion Of women $ tennis", "TOURNAMENT DATE Slms Vor Wasfington Ian. 3-I0 Virg cl Silms Ycuston Ian I0.16 Mumni Cur M731-eh Sums Cnicazo Feb: 14-20 ci Slims viax Cariomnia Fcb 21.27 Wroinasms of Dallas Mei7-J Srms Vai Boston Mar: 14-20 Vuein Ciangionshps Ofeeeeo 23.27 Fanyy Crcle Magazlne C~p WTA \"Champi onships ACI M-7 United Aidlnes oumamenE Cnampion; AFI 18-24 Kimainia Silms Aaania Apr, 25. May iwku Opcr May 2-8 Ceman Ocen May 16-23 French Open May23-Iunc 5", "TOURNAMENT DATE BM chmploostDs 13.18 WimNedon 20-|uy US Clay Courts Avg [.7 Urein: slimt OFLCsAnee eS 4} Canadkn Open Au8 15.21 niaSumas lersey 4v8 22-28 US Open Aug 29-Sept Central Fdellty Beon Sepc 19-25 US Natlc - al Wcmcn$ Indoor CoNMD ny7 0> Sepr 26-Oct: _ Wga4 Shms Velfci[ Oct 3.9 Fodda Federal Wernkoncn Oct I0-[6 DarISU Chalenge Oct: 17-23 Pors te Tennis Umnolnx Cc 24-80 NSW\" Bulld ng Socky Wont- Oncn Nov 2I-7 Austallan Dp41 28-Dcc:", "", "Sooiorsd Slims Cigarettes", "1 Warning: Tha Surgeon Generel Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Dangercus Ycur Healh: I00*% 1509 \"tar,\" mg nicjlice Lighls Ragular; \"tar\"\" 0.7 nJ ricotira _ Lights Menthol: \"tar\" 0,E mg ricohime Fer cigarette IC Report Mar\"82, Philip Namt" ]
[ [ 215, 45, 297, 85 ], [ 97, 79, 411, 293 ], [ 117, 328, 395, 501 ], [ 102, 515, 247, 821 ], [ 260, 517, 403, 815 ], [ 680, 522, 688, 610 ], [ 435, 745, 525, 793 ], [ 104, 764, 724, 909 ] ]
[ "25s", "PLAYERSLIGHTS", "Carton", "Bonanzal", "4", "1", "8", "Oit:;", "1", "PLAYERSI", "Lights", "Ib}", "Ki", "232", "Cante", "Pech", "250", "22", "buy four!", "CARTONwhen", "you", "FREE CAO OFF yourfirst", "carton!", "Kio8s", "ReguljrJnd", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking", "Nenlhul", "Mit'$ , Suggested pricing basec cn iull-2rice brants", "Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.", "Kinos.", "Mj \"ta;,", "M; nizotine =", "cer cigarette Jy FTC meinod.", "100\" s: 12 mg \"tar;\" 0.", "M} miccline", "EA", "6 Pelip #T'", "447", "FAYERSLGHHS253", "TEAERSHGHS253", "FREE CARTCEodest", "1", "OFF", "51.50 _", "05", "coupon!", "carton", "carton", "with four", "Kines", "402", "Kings & 1005", "878", "(tcaive My Iree ceron coudon", "nave enciosec", "canon VpC", "40o-3-", "codes kom", "gnt5 25$", "Jvere", "3170", "Senathis larm", "Crcr", "PCCocaio", "Rayers Liqnls 25$", "00000", "57ir", "8o2e3196", "16C25", "MNWEACIurErCOUROL", "11789", "ExaaltaJD8", "EARESIy" ]
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[ "25s PLAYERSLIGHTS Carton Bonanzal 1 4 8 PLAYERSI Oit:; Ib} Lights Ki Cante Pech 232 250 22 1 you buy four! CARTONwhen FREE CAO OFF yourfirst carton! Kio8s ReguljrJnd SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Mit'$ , Suggested pricing basec cn iull-2rice brants Nenlhul Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. Kinos. 100\" s: 12 mg \"tar;\" 0. Mj \"ta;, M} miccline M; nizotine = cer cigarette Jy FTC meinod. 6 Pelip #T' EA 447 TEAERSHGHS253 FAYERSLGHHS253 1 FREE CARTCEodest 51.50 _ OFF 05 with four carton carton coupon! Kines 402 878 Kings & 1005 nave enciosec (tcaive My Iree ceron coudon codes kom Jvere canon VpC gnt5 25$ 40o-3- 3170 Crcr PCCocaio Senathis larm Rayers Liqnls 25$ 16C25 57ir 00000 8o2e3196 11789 ExaaltaJD8 MNWEACIurErCOUROL EARESIy" ]
[ [ 40, 9, 808, 991 ] ]
[ "BENSON & HEDGES", "%e detuxe 100", "BENSON &", "HEDG E 5", "I00", "NUE", "York", "7G", "Are", "TES", "1", "Full %lavot", "Warninp The Surpeon Geneusl Hos Deleimined", "Thut Crparelle Smotinp I; Dungerous", "Yovt Hulih", "8" ]
[ [ 72, 85, 675, 174 ], [ 384, 154, 672, 210 ], [ 397, 320, 476, 398 ], [ 487, 371, 558, 443 ], [ 441, 371, 476, 415 ], [ 302, 576, 328, 610 ], [ 372, 617, 403, 657 ], [ 285, 635, 311, 655 ], [ 313, 641, 335, 678 ], [ 350, 666, 372, 700 ], [ 731, 839, 745, 897 ], [ 474, 842, 664, 890 ], [ 112, 861, 323, 881 ], [ 113, 876, 263, 895 ], [ 269, 877, 323, 891 ], [ 731, 893, 745, 933 ] ]
[ "BENSON & HEDGES %e detuxe 100", "BENSON & I00 HEDG E 5", "NUE 7G York Are TES", "1 8", "Full %lavot", "Warninp The Surpeon Geneusl Hos Deleimined Thut Crparelle Smotinp I; Dungerous Yovt Hulih" ]
[ [ 72, 85, 675, 210 ], [ 383, 320, 572, 443 ], [ 285, 576, 412, 700 ], [ 731, 839, 745, 933 ], [ 474, 842, 664, 890 ], [ 112, 861, 323, 895 ] ]
[ "08:55 PHILLIP MORRIS", "SECTION", "Nov 23", "\"Im", "It[", "Ftm", "Jeare", "Sungfon GCNEHAL'$ WAHNING; Cigarcue", "Smoku Comaius Carhu Monoaide", "SAVE sp0", "on Pall Mall 20xor253", "YAL MAL", "PALMall", "25}", "aoui", "cicariin>", "2", "Jel", "mitit", "Baiuuila", "Url", "Torok", "calt", "Klvea", "#aaticuk", "PIOpLt", "coroaigan", "Famtous", "SAVEVIMON ACARION", "Pall Mall", "2", "J", "OF PALL MALL 2O8 OR258", "20s or", "S", "8", "1510", "Convenient", "Vonm", "m", "Ml", "Pull Mull", "1", "IAII", "253'", "108008", "47300" ]
[ [ 179, 7, 329, 25 ], [ 339, 7, 395, 23 ], [ 97, 11, 147, 27 ], [ 409, 51, 439, 65 ], [ 616, 52, 642, 60 ], [ 470, 54, 492, 62 ], [ 562, 54, 592, 60 ], [ 108, 68, 359, 95 ], [ 111, 91, 353, 111 ], [ 97, 127, 756, 331 ], [ 183, 321, 683, 383 ], [ 418, 438, 585, 519 ], [ 227, 467, 397, 554 ], [ 477, 513, 519, 551 ], [ 249, 531, 291, 547 ], [ 299, 536, 375, 564 ], [ 401, 579, 417, 607 ], [ 447, 642, 463, 654 ], [ 463, 644, 491, 660 ], [ 497, 651, 549, 671 ], [ 457, 654, 481, 669 ], [ 487, 661, 525, 676 ], [ 527, 668, 549, 679 ], [ 261, 678, 295, 697 ], [ 299, 685, 361, 706 ], [ 241, 686, 284, 709 ], [ 289, 697, 361, 719 ], [ 568, 769, 676, 805 ], [ 169, 793, 449, 831 ], [ 569, 799, 697, 835 ], [ 740, 800, 764, 832 ], [ 525, 817, 541, 915 ], [ 151, 823, 471, 861 ], [ 569, 829, 655, 867 ], [ 738, 830, 762, 860 ], [ 736, 856, 762, 890 ], [ 349, 857, 411, 873 ], [ 567, 857, 719, 893 ], [ 322, 862, 414, 930 ], [ 247, 879, 267, 901 ], [ 210, 882, 246, 900 ], [ 567, 884, 697, 921 ], [ 734, 884, 760, 944 ], [ 189, 885, 215, 905 ], [ 569, 913, 621, 949 ], [ 219, 927, 277, 945 ], [ 165, 929, 213, 945 ] ]
[ "08:55 PHILLIP MORRIS SECTION", "Nov 23", "\"Im", "It[", "Ftm", "Jeare", "Sungfon GCNEHAL'$ WAHNING; Cigarcue Smoku Comaius Carhu Monoaide", "SAVE sp0 on Pall Mall 20xor253 YAL MAL PALMall aoui cicariin> 25} 2", "Jel mitit Url Baiuuila Torok calt", "Klvea PIOpLt #aaticuk coroaigan", "Famtous Pall Mall 2 20s or S J Convenient 8 Pull Mull 253' 1", "SAVEVIMON ACARION OF PALL MALL 2O8 OR258 1510 IAII Ml m Vonm 47300 108008" ]
[ [ 179, 7, 395, 25 ], [ 97, 11, 147, 27 ], [ 409, 51, 439, 65 ], [ 616, 52, 642, 60 ], [ 470, 54, 492, 62 ], [ 562, 54, 592, 60 ], [ 108, 68, 359, 111 ], [ 97, 127, 756, 607 ], [ 445, 642, 551, 679 ], [ 238, 678, 364, 719 ], [ 525, 769, 764, 949 ], [ 151, 793, 471, 945 ] ]
[ "LKE NOHIo BErYORE", "EHELUS", "\";", "HEu /", "NEW", "BENSON&HEDGES", "SPECIAL KINGS", "BECAUSE QUALITr MATTERS", "1", "nicofine a; per Ogareite by FTC methud _", "Omg", "6pg \"Iar'", "~lagecnee VeRAL", "'wn", "%o)w (realiv Hedires %r.", "Loanqilable" ]
[ [ 174, 77, 472, 110 ], [ 672, 333, 720, 311 ], [ 322, 350, 350, 378 ], [ 631, 367, 688, 343 ], [ 456, 580, 580, 628 ], [ 257, 621, 777, 687 ], [ 327, 678, 708, 726 ], [ 329, 751, 707, 789 ], [ 719, 771, 748, 918 ], [ 179, 837, 351, 857 ], [ 155, 838, 179, 854 ], [ 109, 839, 153, 855 ], [ 125, 883, 241, 903 ], [ 253, 885, 313, 903 ], [ 127, 906, 287, 926 ], [ 601, 931, 691, 947 ] ]
[ "LKE NOHIo BErYORE", "EHELUS HEu /", "\";", "NEW", "BENSON&HEDGES SPECIAL KINGS BECAUSE QUALITr MATTERS 6pg \"Iar' Omg nicofine a; per Ogareite by FTC methud _ 1 ~lagecnee VeRAL 'wn %o)w (realiv Hedires %r. Loanqilable" ]
[ [ 174, 77, 472, 110 ], [ 631, 297, 720, 383 ], [ 322, 350, 350, 378 ], [ 456, 580, 580, 628 ], [ 109, 621, 777, 947 ] ]
[ "more forgreattaste", "Chargingt", "beneath us", "VICEROY", "VICEROY", "UODQ", "Viceroy is always priced lower than Marlboro and Winston:", "About S400 a carton lower", "Viceroy The Red Pack at theRight Price", "8", "price -", "1", "Dased", "manu acru", "eclusie", "acuoc", "DronO[jns", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking", "ano $83a", "etait", "Preesedot", "Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.", "12 mg ricci'ne", "Mice C", "Sings.", "TC Meirod", "Veak", "cigaretie C;" ]
[ [ 309, 40, 724, 112 ], [ 89, 42, 324, 152 ], [ 306, 92, 558, 144 ], [ 452, 246, 581, 285 ], [ 250, 251, 379, 291 ], [ 230, 634, 354, 684 ], [ 136, 725, 711, 765 ], [ 298, 750, 552, 778 ], [ 95, 777, 739, 839 ], [ 740, 812, 764, 844 ], [ 564, 852, 588, 860 ], [ 737, 852, 763, 942 ], [ 447, 853, 477, 865 ], [ 488, 854, 546, 862 ], [ 448, 864, 484, 872 ], [ 496, 864, 526, 870 ], [ 496, 872, 542, 880 ], [ 120, 872, 408, 899 ], [ 448, 874, 492, 882 ], [ 532, 882, 562, 890 ], [ 448, 884, 506, 892 ], [ 122, 892, 410, 918 ], [ 561, 899, 627, 913 ], [ 447, 902, 473, 915 ], [ 479, 903, 505, 917 ], [ 531, 913, 577, 927 ], [ 696, 916, 730, 922 ], [ 477, 917, 527, 931 ] ]
[ "Chargingt more forgreattaste beneath us", "VICEROY", "VICEROY", "UODQ", "Viceroy is always priced lower than Marlboro and Winston: About S400 a carton lower Viceroy The Red Pack at theRight Price 8 Dased manu acru price - eclusie acuoc ano $83a DronO[jns SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Preesedot etait Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. 1 Mice C Sings. 12 mg ricci'ne cigaretie C; TC Meirod Veak" ]
[ [ 89, 40, 724, 152 ], [ 452, 246, 581, 285 ], [ 250, 251, 379, 291 ], [ 230, 634, 354, 684 ], [ 95, 725, 764, 942 ] ]
[ "Wrgariea", "Slims remtembers 1952 when", "well dressed woman", "really clean up.", "VRGIMH", "SLMS", "shape TFe", "cicn TC50", "Gence", "Deriec", "Womon", "15 md\"", "ig nicafreav: per cigarette by FTC method", "1", "SURGEON GENERAL\"S WAANING: Quitting Smoking", "Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health." ]
[ [ 129, 25, 189, 63 ], [ 187, 29, 363, 47 ], [ 373, 29, 497, 47 ], [ 171, 45, 263, 63 ], [ 286, 671, 427, 744 ], [ 286, 730, 386, 798 ], [ 395, 793, 441, 805 ], [ 308, 796, 348, 802 ], [ 362, 796, 390, 802 ], [ 444, 796, 474, 804 ], [ 332, 806, 366, 812 ], [ 85, 817, 109, 834 ], [ 147, 819, 325, 835 ], [ 711, 819, 740, 954 ], [ 98, 860, 388, 884 ], [ 101, 881, 387, 901 ] ]
[ "Wrgariea Slims remtembers 1952 when well dressed woman really clean up.", "VRGIMH SLMS cicn TC50 Gence shape TFe Womon Deriec ig nicafreav: per cigarette by FTC method", "15 md\"", "1", "SURGEON GENERAL\"S WAANING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health." ]
[ [ 129, 25, 497, 63 ], [ 147, 671, 474, 835 ], [ 83, 817, 111, 834 ], [ 711, 819, 740, 954 ], [ 98, 860, 388, 901 ] ]
[ "3", "1", "3", "]", "1", "1", "x", "1", "5", "1", "'IDENTIAL", "CONF", "011683" ]
[ [ 489, 191, 505, 229 ], [ 189, 285, 225, 493 ], [ 331, 517, 417, 681 ], [ 193, 527, 229, 735 ], [ 391, 616, 469, 825 ], [ 332, 670, 408, 898 ], [ 582, 698, 606, 764 ], [ 725, 731, 755, 878 ], [ 276, 770, 352, 886 ], [ 581, 786, 598, 887 ], [ 674, 911, 751, 938 ], [ 636, 924, 678, 937 ], [ 666, 936, 718, 947 ] ]
[ "3", "1 ] 3 1 x 5 1 1 1 CONF 011683 'IDENTIAL" ]
[ [ 489, 191, 505, 229 ], [ 189, 285, 755, 953 ] ]
[ "CAMEL", "NEW YEAR'S EVE 1994-1995", "Ycar 5 EvE", "INEW", "da\"WH - 341 4. Felt:n", "IgGY\"5 _", "700 | Hiwav-ee", "Khgh ;iohi", "cadbrr - 124}", "aingse)", "Cl", "Sgnudzs 41", "iGr tmerie", "Hi", "Rrina", "# ofrntee", "Hettro", "Ream. $30 In 8,4486", "EortlcLad: 'J0t MltSIe", "T SS", "box Etto", "Et eet", "erau", "7ed-Cl 379-W5y", "re", "cramatane", "Cnnaen", "Cn-Mitec", "Hatshea", "J0 Lala _", "1649", "Lamen", "[Jvble doQU 1573", "737 7700 f=; Miecnion S:t04", "ACo7d", "maLL", "Renttunaabic JeeveJ50 {", "Ksm", "Jatae", "rifaeasInL4", "ulgaiaJ0 /", "424de", "Ealnna1o", "clu-\"", "Feel", "NCHOLAS Biaadh:", "Tnnn", "Mia: cm", "Ci 409211", "PE7Ea Louuse - 344I k. Sefflerd;", "Harry\"$ eLVE Ed0k", "Qun", "2114 rrshhute", "VAr;", "TIn eha smehatiext", "34", "4", "5Ct", "Jid", "Q\"J1\", 9reahe iunacs rochi Jt>' #edd wtk", "Uerar &m-Z", "Uene4t It4 ?", "EncJ2.", "Likn", "Ittntum", "4a bith M", "[Jit Jont. Umik #icT", "TTugnt Jaatd unul Zam", "ina a41", "J0LJi Eei", "Ci 028-Dtt;", "nterr", "SREET euce", "mtn", "Lnceln", "Mly dar & EFILL - 4569", "Hi-BOGHI", "Green", "Ltam", "#", "9576", "Specia", "Y4uc DI", "prorntjnce", "Coxa Cetor Comjimgtan", "Wch176", "Geon_ Cjl", "1n0 540", "Cm97-9066or", "bucks", "Tln CZIOt;,", "claMois >", "515", "TTtoe st", "Cum", "TE) - 57JQ", "DeLaH $", "ncob", "HeaihI bahcK - 3I1 M.Crcdg>", "Pji dog ponczaigd", "572.00", "V Carn D4 Fr", "Jolan", "79,ng Fasclin", "Viico Lad 9688}1", "Ie\" Nrdan", "412Tnk", "nit 7oC &4", "Dm. sa", "-~ita", "c7e7o #Rh Fzod jri pev int @1", "Selazni", "Fador - E32 D", "Dearborn", "ENIY 90MLe - 1056", "ddep", "Shart BER", "Rrurar RDad) MeAt $ Indis|, #d", "FAet", "etttani", "rn", "Dax jauu", "cd *mMe.", "Cdntoro/", "Rn chmeesne", "7 A9Ce", "Arrts\"", "b0s5a MJTR _", "civbcu", "FDJdC6 - 1358", "Horm", "Cedenne", "party.", "edntiea", "21 pucks", "7cl", "279.,5138.", "B4 CImS DE", "Lne", "248. 46J]", "Fena", "Cafe Resixthe _", "Kn", "ShETE", "Follon", "0one ttEu : 01 Naw I4' 648", "S-h:a| Wth ~Jha Cnn", "\"a[", "474 4488 F' -te quom", "Meni`", "", "Prme 4767 Trrontto", "Smchan", "Jiekery 970", "8", "rantuene", "430rer Tn", "F Se", "2644", "45714. Brog Wal", "F16eLiMa", "the M*aD (CAST - 23", "IYL - 1615", "CIbzurn", "]", "Ntl;tng", "IEc_", "", "Vaneuy", "Recsttt ntte", "Cun;ant Loj40 =", "741.4890 {2' 1470", "Wenphen", "JmwuecJacks =4407 X Poh ca", "EltR", "Jrieura ;~*", "nham", "ontmean", "Me leke", "4052} tor m3rt Iale", "6144", "S2G09", "Cace5t9", "H", "[mate", "Melo_ttnna", "Juel4", "These vekues YEcoME Boni ShOKDaS Ahd Hom-shoot5", "GAEIELPAIE CAMGLPADE CATCELPAGE CAMELPAGE GOISIILPAGE GAAIELPAGE GATLPA[", "Genuine Taste", "NightliFe:", "Geruine", "SURGEON GEKERAL'S WAANIWG: Qjicting Smcking", "FAMEI", "Ncw Great % Reduces Sericus Risks", "Yout Healih", "71GEPd" ]
[ [ 216, 116, 485, 179 ], [ 314, 167, 616, 200 ], [ 483, 203, 553, 215 ], [ 452, 206, 480, 214 ], [ 529, 255, 607, 267 ], [ 373, 257, 399, 271 ], [ 403, 257, 467, 271 ], [ 621, 259, 681, 275 ], [ 215, 261, 269, 273 ], [ 275, 261, 303, 273 ], [ 593, 264, 624, 273 ], [ 542, 266, 594, 274 ], [ 468, 268, 520, 276 ], [ 279, 271, 307, 283 ], [ 384, 272, 410, 278 ], [ 613, 273, 677, 293 ], [ 216, 274, 238, 282 ], [ 531, 275, 603, 287 ], [ 374, 280, 506, 288 ], [ 224, 282, 262, 290 ], [ 585, 283, 629, 295 ], [ 272, 284, 298, 288 ], [ 550, 286, 580, 294 ], [ 386, 290, 448, 298 ], [ 460, 290, 482, 296 ], [ 216, 292, 254, 300 ], [ 598, 294, 634, 300 ], [ 532, 296, 576, 302 ], [ 599, 309, 631, 323 ], [ 535, 311, 569, 323 ], [ 409, 313, 431, 325 ], [ 438, 314, 464, 322 ], [ 217, 315, 281, 329 ], [ 549, 319, 653, 331 ], [ 475, 320, 495, 331 ], [ 276, 326, 298, 334 ], [ 584, 326, 681, 341 ], [ 562, 332, 584, 338 ], [ 534, 332, 560, 337 ], [ 218, 336, 286, 344 ], [ 484, 338, 522, 346 ], [ 656, 339, 684, 344 ], [ 594, 340, 658, 346 ], [ 548, 342, 572, 348 ], [ 218, 346, 258, 352 ], [ 385, 347, 453, 359 ], [ 468, 348, 496, 354 ], [ 536, 350, 566, 358 ], [ 218, 354, 260, 362 ], [ 533, 361, 655, 377 ], [ 375, 367, 453, 381 ], [ 481, 367, 503, 379 ], [ 253, 369, 307, 383 ], [ 217, 371, 249, 383 ], [ 464, 375, 523, 387 ], [ 533, 375, 555, 391 ], [ 545, 375, 573, 393 ], [ 581, 375, 613, 391 ], [ 447, 376, 465, 387 ], [ 217, 379, 359, 391 ], [ 611, 379, 677, 391 ], [ 392, 380, 448, 386 ], [ 404, 388, 434, 396 ], [ 446, 388, 468, 394 ], [ 630, 390, 678, 396 ], [ 248, 392, 334, 400 ], [ 432, 396, 516, 404 ], [ 530, 397, 609, 409 ], [ 376, 398, 416, 404 ], [ 220, 402, 256, 410 ], [ 376, 406, 420, 414 ], [ 434, 406, 460, 412 ], [ 533, 415, 581, 431 ], [ 614, 418, 636, 426 ], [ 473, 419, 505, 433 ], [ 377, 421, 467, 435 ], [ 219, 425, 257, 437 ], [ 283, 425, 309, 437 ], [ 620, 430, 646, 438 ], [ 375, 431, 395, 453 ], [ 415, 431, 443, 451 ], [ 444, 432, 468, 440 ], [ 472, 432, 502, 440 ], [ 534, 432, 582, 440 ], [ 267, 435, 359, 447 ], [ 220, 438, 254, 446 ], [ 474, 440, 516, 448 ], [ 393, 441, 431, 453 ], [ 562, 442, 628, 450 ], [ 534, 444, 558, 452 ], [ 268, 448, 366, 456 ], [ 220, 450, 258, 458 ], [ 377, 451, 399, 467 ], [ 230, 462, 280, 468 ], [ 593, 471, 615, 485 ], [ 533, 473, 585, 485 ], [ 377, 475, 415, 489 ], [ 445, 475, 475, 487 ], [ 219, 477, 331, 491 ], [ 535, 483, 619, 497 ], [ 616, 483, 644, 490 ], [ 404, 486, 462, 494 ], [ 474, 486, 496, 494 ], [ 613, 489, 683, 509 ], [ 220, 494, 292, 502 ], [ 304, 494, 350, 500 ], [ 480, 494, 522, 502 ], [ 419, 495, 467, 507 ], [ 571, 495, 611, 507 ], [ 370, 496, 396, 504 ], [ 221, 501, 353, 513 ], [ 276, 514, 306, 520 ], [ 597, 525, 641, 539 ], [ 645, 525, 683, 543 ], [ 379, 529, 455, 543 ], [ 460, 530, 486, 538 ], [ 221, 533, 261, 545 ], [ 379, 539, 511, 551 ], [ 234, 544, 286, 550 ], [ 302, 544, 344, 550 ], [ 641, 545, 665, 557 ], [ 379, 551, 435, 563 ], [ 284, 552, 330, 560 ], [ 438, 552, 482, 560 ], [ 222, 562, 274, 570 ], [ 444, 562, 472, 570 ], [ 404, 564, 426, 572 ], [ 379, 583, 425, 597 ], [ 455, 583, 491, 595 ], [ 223, 587, 279, 599 ], [ 285, 587, 309, 599 ], [ 460, 594, 488, 600 ], [ 317, 595, 345, 609 ], [ 382, 596, 414, 602 ], [ 223, 597, 265, 611 ], [ 461, 601, 503, 619 ], [ 243, 607, 285, 621 ], [ 413, 609, 463, 621 ], [ 382, 612, 404, 618 ], [ 382, 620, 412, 628 ], [ 422, 620, 446, 626 ], [ 381, 637, 435, 651 ], [ 465, 637, 489, 651 ], [ 223, 641, 257, 655 ], [ 285, 641, 311, 653 ], [ 381, 647, 495, 659 ], [ 274, 652, 350, 660 ], [ 224, 654, 254, 660 ], [ 382, 658, 462, 666 ], [ 478, 658, 502, 664 ], [ 192, 660, 198, 702 ], [ 224, 662, 322, 670 ], [ 338, 662, 370, 668 ], [ 302, 670, 340, 678 ], [ 683, 671, 703, 699 ], [ 224, 672, 262, 678 ], [ 224, 680, 270, 688 ], [ 276, 680, 306, 686 ], [ 318, 680, 340, 686 ], [ 579, 687, 645, 701 ], [ 539, 689, 575, 703 ], [ 383, 691, 459, 707 ], [ 225, 695, 271, 707 ], [ 277, 695, 311, 707 ], [ 680, 696, 704, 804 ], [ 619, 699, 659, 713 ], [ 598, 702, 618, 707 ], [ 192, 704, 200, 752 ], [ 436, 706, 462, 714 ], [ 384, 708, 424, 714 ], [ 610, 712, 674, 720 ], [ 226, 718, 282, 726 ], [ 296, 718, 336, 724 ], [ 382, 744, 510, 770 ], [ 225, 749, 251, 763 ], [ 263, 749, 313, 769 ], [ 324, 760, 352, 766 ], [ 226, 762, 274, 768 ], [ 224, 767, 279, 780 ], [ 305, 767, 367, 779 ], [ 442, 768, 540, 818 ], [ 384, 772, 414, 778 ], [ 426, 772, 458, 778 ], [ 304, 778, 334, 784 ], [ 338, 778, 362, 784 ], [ 242, 780, 294, 786 ], [ 228, 788, 258, 796 ], [ 309, 825, 513, 839 ], [ 191, 848, 722, 874 ], [ 266, 870, 394, 898 ], [ 415, 887, 465, 905 ], [ 372, 892, 412, 900 ], [ 499, 897, 709, 915 ], [ 320, 900, 418, 930 ], [ 499, 911, 647, 927 ], [ 657, 911, 709, 925 ], [ 379, 921, 453, 937 ] ]
[ "CAMEL NEW YEAR'S EVE 1994-1995 INEW Ycar 5 EvE", "IgGY\"5 _ 700 | Hiwav-ee da\"WH - 341 4. Felt:n Sgnudzs 41 Cl Khgh ;iohi Rrina iGr tmerie EortlcLad: 'J0t MltSIe Ream. $30 In 8,4486 # ofrntee re erau box Etto 7ed-Cl 379-W5y Cn-Mitec Cnnaen", "cadbrr - 124} aingse) Hettro Hi T SS Et eet cramatane", "Hatshea", "1649 Lamen J0 Lala _ [Jvble doQU 1573 ACo7d 737 7700 f=; Miecnion S:t04 maLL Jatae Ksm Renttunaabic JeeveJ50 { rifaeasInL4 ulgaiaJ0 / clu-\" Ealnna1o 424de Feel NCHOLAS Biaadh: Tnnn Ci 409211 Mia: cm Qun PE7Ea Louuse - 344I k. Sefflerd; VAr; 2114 rrshhute Harry\"$ eLVE Ed0k Q\"J1\", 9reahe iunacs rochi Jt>' #edd wtk Uene4t It4 ? Jid TIn eha smehatiext 34 4 5Ct Uerar &m-Z EncJ2. Likn 4a bith M Ittntum ina a41 [Jit Jont. Umik #icT J0LJi Eei TTugnt Jaatd unul Zam Ci 028-Dtt; nterr Lnceln SREET euce mtn Hi-BOGHI Green Mly dar & EFILL - 4569 Specia Y4uc DI prorntjnce Ltam Wch176 Coxa Cetor Comjimgtan # 9576 1n0 540 Geon_ Cjl bucks Cm97-9066or claMois > Tln CZIOt;, 515 TTtoe st DeLaH $ ncob TE) - 57JQ Cum HeaihI bahcK - 3I1 M.Crcdg> V Carn D4 Fr Jolan Pji dog ponczaigd 572.00 Viico Lad 9688}1 Ie\" Nrdan -~ita nit 7oC &4 412Tnk Dm. sa 79,ng Fasclin c7e7o #Rh Fzod jri pev int @1 Selazni ENIY 90MLe - 1056 ddep Fador - E32 D Dearborn Shart BER FAet etttani Rrurar RDad) MeAt $ Indis|, #d rn cd *mMe. Dax jauu Cdntoro/ Rn chmeesne Arrts\" 7 A9Ce", "b0s5a MJTR _ edntiea", "civbcu Cedenne 7cl Lne B4 CImS DE 248. 46J] Fena", "FDJdC6 - 1358 Horm 21 pucks party. 279.,5138.", "Cafe Resixthe _ Kn 0one ttEu : 01 Naw I4' 648 474 4488 F' -te quom Meni`", "ShETE Follon \"a[ S-h:a| Wth ~Jha Cnn Prme 4767 Trrontto Smchan rantuene Jiekery 970 430rer Tn F Se 2644", "8 IYL - 1615 CIbzurn the M*aD (CAST - 23 F16eLiMa 45714. Brog Wal Recsttt ntte Vaneuy IEc_ Ntl;tng 741.4890 {2' 1470 Wenphen Cun;ant Loj40 = EltR JmwuecJacks =4407 X Poh ca ] ontmean Jrieura ;~* nham Me leke 4052} tor m3rt Iale H [mate S2G09 Cace5t9 Melo_ttnna Juel4 6144 These vekues YEcoME Boni ShOKDaS Ahd Hom-shoot5", "GAEIELPAIE CAMGLPADE CATCELPAGE CAMELPAGE GOISIILPAGE GAAIELPAGE GATLPA[ Genuine Taste Geruine NightliFe: SURGEON GEKERAL'S WAANIWG: Qjicting Smcking FAMEI Ncw Great % Reduces Sericus Risks Yout Healih 71GEPd" ]
[ [ 216, 116, 616, 215 ], [ 373, 255, 681, 302 ], [ 215, 261, 307, 300 ], [ 599, 309, 631, 323 ], [ 217, 311, 684, 572 ], [ 379, 583, 425, 602 ], [ 382, 583, 503, 628 ], [ 223, 587, 345, 621 ], [ 381, 637, 502, 666 ], [ 223, 641, 370, 688 ], [ 192, 660, 704, 839 ], [ 191, 848, 722, 937 ] ]
[ "emarketing", "Tel", "R4LEIGH Kings; V5 mg; \"tar\"", "0 mg; nicotire; BELAIR Kigs,", "FTC Repcrt War. \"84.", "The Surgeon General Has Determined", "Warning", "@g.nicotine v- Fer cigarelte", "That Cigarette Smoking", "Dangerous to Your Health", "UQa", "Sod", "1", "Filter", "Kings", "BELAIR", "{ng)", "An important offer for smokers:", "MroDUcING", "a new way to get gifts free", "or at a fraction of what youd expect to pay:", "Its the new RALEIGH-BELAIR No-Wait Coupon Option:", "7", "for your free catalog full of hundreds of valu-", "You ve always been able to get gifts iree by", "able gilts. And we'Il send you", "iree starter set", "redeeming the coupons found on every pack", "of 50 coupons, too. Then lean back and enjoy", "of RALEIGH and BELAIR", "And, ol course", "vou", "the rich tobacco taste of RALEIGH; Or the", "still can. But now we have a new option that", "light menthol freshness of low tar BELAIR'", "lets you", "gifts faster than ever", "at special", "get =", "Just save 100 coupons and send", "low prices", "little cash. With two coupons on", "tnem in with", "total of 28 coupons in every", "every pack and", "carton, they add up fast: So call or send today", "Hurry! Get your catalog", "and", "50 coupons FREES", "CALL 1-800-228-2564TOL_-FREE,28", "0r daxil", "aitio # ^iMder", "Jne Cont3n12", "Inis ceri icJIC", "raria", "Lquis ille", "Ky40201", "Calor", "June 24", "YOUA NANE", "Mam?iy8ars 8i058C001e'|", "ADoaess", "STATE", "city", "Cuarent BAANDSYoked_", "Te June? :", "4964 Oiter lim[e4 lo rly {oens CoUoTns Jur Rouseralo", "Aqulyimlnoo", "Bcous cclo", "Piofie", "Nc(7", "[90497TC", "acccncanidd 7Y", "ceruncao", "uamcc", "CTcni" ]
[ [ 443, 13, 576, 54 ], [ 414, 20, 450, 44 ], [ 93, 43, 205, 61 ], [ 215, 43, 335, 59 ], [ 249, 55, 335, 71 ], [ 535, 55, 727, 73 ], [ 486, 56, 531, 73 ], [ 133, 59, 249, 71 ], [ 487, 69, 595, 89 ], [ 604, 69, 725, 90 ], [ 94, 113, 174, 132 ], [ 126, 143, 201, 166 ], [ 336, 172, 310, 331 ], [ 241, 249, 272, 274 ], [ 238, 258, 270, 285 ], [ 382, 302, 517, 298 ], [ 466, 379, 515, 399 ], [ 106, 408, 402, 434 ], [ 91, 417, 736, 537 ], [ 241, 523, 581, 564 ], [ 135, 552, 689, 591 ], [ 95, 591, 729, 627 ], [ 735, 617, 751, 713 ], [ 427, 627, 725, 645 ], [ 103, 629, 397, 650 ], [ 427, 642, 617, 663 ], [ 627, 643, 725, 659 ], [ 100, 644, 400, 665 ], [ 427, 657, 725, 675 ], [ 100, 659, 267, 679 ], [ 273, 661, 367, 677 ], [ 371, 663, 399, 677 ], [ 427, 671, 725, 692 ], [ 101, 675, 399, 693 ], [ 424, 683, 698, 710 ], [ 101, 693, 157, 711 ], [ 179, 693, 319, 711 ], [ 333, 693, 395, 709 ], [ 152, 694, 182, 708 ], [ 177, 707, 399, 725 ], [ 101, 709, 171, 725 ], [ 191, 721, 397, 742 ], [ 101, 725, 181, 739 ], [ 215, 739, 397, 757 ], [ 101, 741, 205, 757 ], [ 100, 753, 399, 772 ], [ 107, 777, 338, 806 ], [ 336, 782, 380, 800 ], [ 108, 800, 286, 824 ], [ 111, 819, 287, 833 ], [ 305, 823, 343, 843 ], [ 112, 832, 176, 840 ], [ 224, 832, 284, 840 ], [ 340, 832, 396, 840 ], [ 140, 836, 190, 860 ], [ 230, 840, 268, 848 ], [ 272, 840, 310, 848 ], [ 109, 841, 151, 859 ], [ 186, 848, 220, 856 ], [ 111, 865, 169, 879 ], [ 261, 873, 369, 885 ], [ 111, 883, 159, 897 ], [ 291, 901, 325, 913 ], [ 111, 903, 135, 915 ], [ 111, 919, 239, 933 ], [ 194, 934, 236, 942 ], [ 240, 934, 446, 942 ], [ 450, 934, 510, 942 ], [ 110, 936, 158, 944 ], [ 301, 940, 325, 951 ], [ 222, 942, 258, 950 ], [ 670, 942, 724, 950 ], [ 112, 944, 170, 952 ], [ 184, 944, 218, 950 ], [ 270, 944, 298, 950 ], [ 406, 944, 430, 950 ] ]
[ "Tel emarketing Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Dangerous to Your Health", "R4LEIGH Kings; V5 mg; \"tar\" 0 mg; nicotire; BELAIR Kigs, @g.nicotine v- Fer cigarelte FTC Repcrt War. \"84.", "UQa Sod", "1 Filter Kings BELAIR {ng) An important offer for smokers: MroDUcING a new way to get gifts free or at a fraction of what youd expect to pay: Its the new RALEIGH-BELAIR No-Wait Coupon Option: You ve always been able to get gifts iree by for your free catalog full of hundreds of valu- redeeming the coupons found on every pack able gilts. And we'Il send you iree starter set of RALEIGH and BELAIR And, ol course vou of 50 coupons, too. Then lean back and enjoy 7 still can. But now we have a new option that the rich tobacco taste of RALEIGH; Or the lets you get = gifts faster than ever at special light menthol freshness of low tar BELAIR' low prices Just save 100 coupons and send tnem in with little cash. With two coupons on every pack and total of 28 coupons in every carton, they add up fast: So call or send today Hurry! Get your catalog and 50 coupons FREES CALL 1-800-228-2564TOL_-FREE,28 aitio # ^iMder Jne Cont3n12 0r daxil Lquis ille Ky40201 Inis ceri icJIC Calor raria June 24 YOUA NANE Mam?iy8ars 8i058C001e'| ADoaess city STATE Cuarent BAANDSYoked_ Bcous cclo ceruncao Te June? : Nc(7 4964 Oiter lim[e4 lo rly {oens CoUoTns Jur Rouseralo uamcc Piofie CTcni Aqulyimlnoo acccncanidd 7Y [90497TC" ]
[ [ 414, 13, 727, 90 ], [ 93, 43, 335, 71 ], [ 94, 101, 201, 182 ], [ 91, 172, 751, 952 ] ]
[ "BURNETT U5^ _", "WeiacSnde", "JUFD", "Aeeel} Y16\"", "Fpiwio -", "Rr (17M", "3", "Wuta 4mn", "MaIand", "7int", "8", "Suageon GENERAL\"S WaamiNG: Smoking", "Fetal", "Pregnant Women", "Hesy", "Injunx Premallfe Birth; And Lox Bicth Weoght:", "47", "'u", "\"e", "{Ct", "2058500271" ]
[ [ 347, 165, 415, 181 ], [ 392, 180, 468, 188 ], [ 472, 180, 500, 188 ], [ 345, 181, 393, 195 ], [ 316, 182, 346, 190 ], [ 242, 184, 296, 192 ], [ 179, 305, 256, 492 ], [ 302, 312, 348, 318 ], [ 340, 318, 372, 326 ], [ 340, 322, 377, 334 ], [ 187, 489, 279, 699 ], [ 401, 763, 581, 777 ], [ 555, 773, 579, 785 ], [ 415, 775, 489, 787 ], [ 512, 776, 534, 784 ], [ 401, 783, 579, 797 ], [ 241, 787, 275, 801 ], [ 216, 788, 238, 796 ], [ 294, 793, 351, 809 ], [ 199, 797, 241, 809 ], [ 654, 976, 745, 996 ] ]
[ "BURNETT U5^ _ Fpiwio - Aeeel} Y16\" WeiacSnde JUFD", "Rr (17M", "Wuta 4mn 7int MaIand 3 8", "Suageon GENERAL\"S WaamiNG: Smoking Pregnant Women Hesy Fetal Injunx Premallfe Birth; And Lox Bicth Weoght:", "'u 47 {Ct", "\"e", "2058500271" ]
[ [ 316, 165, 500, 195 ], [ 242, 184, 296, 192 ], [ 179, 305, 377, 699 ], [ 401, 763, 581, 797 ], [ 199, 787, 275, 809 ], [ 294, 793, 351, 809 ], [ 654, 976, 745, 996 ] ]
[ "VhRGINa SLMG/:", "1oPack", "Idinnsm 1hipZkhx", "#armsianun:", "Fisin prie:", "Fisanyuher?you le:", "ialC", "Sifsiiy Geb(zhis 9117", "Connaaf [", "Vannd", "Larani", "2058500501" ]
[ [ 195, 274, 542, 378 ], [ 440, 422, 550, 472 ], [ 428, 470, 558, 494 ], [ 451, 491, 533, 511 ], [ 457, 511, 527, 529 ], [ 440, 524, 544, 550 ], [ 234, 710, 270, 716 ], [ 229, 745, 363, 757 ], [ 258, 756, 290, 764 ], [ 324, 756, 350, 764 ], [ 294, 758, 320, 764 ], [ 655, 979, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "VhRGINa SLMG/: 1oPack Idinnsm 1hipZkhx #armsianun: Fisin prie: Fisanyuher?you le:", "ialC", "Sifsiiy Geb(zhis 9117 Connaaf [ Larani Vannd", "2058500501" ]
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[ "KE.", "Te_in", "Rihe", "Back Ihen, 4 twnan Had tTy", "cxortunily e", "uutk", "liev Unv to the top.", "Yule cmr", "kng way; booy", "VIRGINIA SLIMS", "CLc Nt", "Wamina. Ine Secoeon teneia", "Wecmuta6", "IhnCrsel Suieg k Denccru $ Io Yoa Heaht", "376447i", "Vetde", "2058500609" ]
[ [ 373, 169, 429, 183 ], [ 292, 188, 322, 194 ], [ 226, 190, 260, 196 ], [ 237, 267, 373, 281 ], [ 277, 279, 335, 293 ], [ 343, 279, 369, 291 ], [ 276, 289, 363, 303 ], [ 477, 292, 557, 312 ], [ 477, 307, 569, 325 ], [ 211, 560, 405, 600 ], [ 166, 738, 214, 744 ], [ 166, 766, 256, 774 ], [ 272, 766, 308, 772 ], [ 164, 772, 309, 786 ], [ 434, 794, 460, 800 ], [ 464, 794, 498, 800 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "KE.", "Te_in", "Rihe", "Back Ihen, 4 twnan Had tTy cxortunily e uutk liev Unv to the top.", "Yule cmr kng way; booy", "VIRGINIA SLIMS", "CLc Nt", "Wamina. Ine Secoeon teneia Wecmuta6 IhnCrsel Suieg k Denccru $ Io Yoa Heaht", "376447i Vetde", "2058500609" ]
[ [ 373, 169, 429, 183 ], [ 292, 188, 322, 194 ], [ 226, 190, 260, 196 ], [ 237, 267, 373, 303 ], [ 477, 292, 569, 325 ], [ 211, 560, 405, 600 ], [ 166, 738, 214, 744 ], [ 164, 766, 309, 786 ], [ 434, 794, 498, 800 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "45", "T-173-V1", "Myenuttet", "cilrcari", "#.iii-no-m", "Tefelle-Bol", "MARK MORRIS UNIROYAL TIRES", "PRESENTS", "VIRGINIA SLIMS", "OF CALIFORNIA", "JAN9-IAN /5.1984", "OAKLAND COLISEUM", "Themostexciting womens", "tennis Intheworkt:", "MARTINA NAVRATILOVA", "ANDREA JAECER", "SYLVIA HANIKA", "FAM SHRIVER", "andmore", "BY MONE", "I0 CHARCHL94S", "TCUR TCKETS", "639-7700", "Virgnaslrsdbes", "Sot", "Wnng M", "Camacoi Hia Iclcmice", "1ut Doyrelle SnetreaL Dxor-u [ Yoatreh", "545", "2058501364" ]
[ [ 341, 175, 403, 191 ], [ 202, 192, 234, 200 ], [ 492, 192, 535, 204 ], [ 250, 194, 290, 200 ], [ 314, 194, 386, 200 ], [ 434, 194, 490, 200 ], [ 321, 257, 509, 273 ], [ 383, 269, 445, 283 ], [ 291, 281, 539, 317 ], [ 289, 311, 537, 347 ], [ 201, 370, 327, 386 ], [ 189, 385, 339, 403 ], [ 186, 430, 337, 449 ], [ 209, 447, 315, 461 ], [ 185, 467, 339, 483 ], [ 209, 483, 315, 499 ], [ 211, 497, 311, 511 ], [ 217, 511, 305, 527 ], [ 229, 527, 291, 541 ], [ 293, 543, 337, 557 ], [ 187, 545, 261, 565 ], [ 236, 546, 292, 554 ], [ 260, 554, 298, 562 ], [ 217, 695, 307, 715 ], [ 433, 710, 457, 723 ], [ 392, 712, 432, 720 ], [ 460, 712, 534, 720 ], [ 394, 722, 532, 730 ], [ 175, 725, 295, 743 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "45 #.iii-no-m", "T-173-V1", "Tefelle-Bol Myenuttet", "cilrcari", "MARK MORRIS UNIROYAL TIRES PRESENTS", "VIRGINIA SLIMS OF CALIFORNIA", "JAN9-IAN /5.1984 OAKLAND COLISEUM", "Themostexciting womens tennis Intheworkt: MARTINA NAVRATILOVA ANDREA JAECER SYLVIA HANIKA FAM SHRIVER andmore I0 CHARCHL94S TCUR TCKETS BY MONE 639-7700", "Virgnaslrsdbes 545", "Wnng M Sot Camacoi Hia Iclcmice 1ut Doyrelle SnetreaL Dxor-u [ Yoatreh", "2058501364" ]
[ [ 314, 175, 403, 200 ], [ 202, 192, 234, 200 ], [ 434, 192, 535, 204 ], [ 250, 194, 290, 200 ], [ 321, 257, 509, 283 ], [ 289, 281, 539, 347 ], [ 189, 370, 339, 403 ], [ 185, 430, 339, 565 ], [ 175, 695, 307, 743 ], [ 392, 710, 534, 730 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Na%z Meliaxitinsilz AXUzSTuXtTertoi-Aaw", "FTatu", "16-", "Aelnux4", "Motali urrrnlen Uzlann", "eulean", "ACURA", "dlenash", "SU GRNE S4RMINI", "Mane cipniat", "NOYEMF", "452340n2", "IMilt7", "AEELaIR [m", "uadnt", "Tlaetonenn", "Mn[ereas", "'nainn", "7", "SurGEONGenERALS WARNIXG (uittiry Smoting", "Mow Greaby Recuces SEnoJS", "~ot", "Ru", "Hezch", "2058501445" ]
[ [ 292, 234, 491, 250 ], [ 248, 236, 276, 242 ], [ 327, 247, 391, 259 ], [ 338, 262, 380, 268 ], [ 326, 284, 421, 296 ], [ 302, 286, 328, 292 ], [ 337, 343, 381, 363 ], [ 304, 366, 413, 411 ], [ 317, 523, 395, 535 ], [ 330, 532, 394, 540 ], [ 314, 548, 348, 556 ], [ 357, 549, 397, 565 ], [ 302, 580, 334, 588 ], [ 358, 580, 406, 586 ], [ 300, 600, 328, 606 ], [ 368, 600, 406, 606 ], [ 332, 608, 376, 612 ], [ 326, 613, 379, 627 ], [ 269, 639, 315, 653 ], [ 277, 669, 447, 687 ], [ 279, 681, 375, 693 ], [ 403, 681, 418, 696 ], [ 377, 682, 395, 694 ], [ 419, 685, 447, 697 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "FTatu Na%z Meliaxitinsilz AXUzSTuXtTertoi-Aaw 16- Aelnux4", "eulean Motali urrrnlen Uzlann", "ACURA", "dlenash", "SU GRNE S4RMINI Mane cipniat", "NOYEMF", "452340n2", "IMilt7", "AEELaIR [m", "uadnt Tlaetonenn Mn[ereas 'nainn", "7", "SurGEONGenERALS WARNIXG (uittiry Smoting Mow Greaby Recuces SEnoJS Ru ~ot Hezch", "2058501445" ]
[ [ 248, 234, 491, 268 ], [ 302, 284, 421, 296 ], [ 337, 343, 381, 363 ], [ 304, 366, 413, 411 ], [ 317, 523, 395, 540 ], [ 314, 548, 348, 556 ], [ 357, 549, 397, 565 ], [ 302, 580, 334, 588 ], [ 358, 580, 406, 586 ], [ 300, 600, 406, 627 ], [ 269, 639, 315, 653 ], [ 277, 669, 447, 697 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "W47i", "LC", "16b", "Epeislma", "Frox!iu4 9AS", "Icuy", "plssotFolKUEo", "unkl", "QVBAlsmasNiNG Detcssrett$", "Nfri", "Bulecn Sa4Rz4hVc Het", "2058501839" ]
[ [ 377, 241, 417, 255 ], [ 450, 244, 472, 250 ], [ 385, 403, 409, 417 ], [ 372, 406, 450, 430 ], [ 379, 427, 441, 441 ], [ 446, 520, 474, 526 ], [ 444, 525, 521, 539 ], [ 484, 586, 512, 594 ], [ 410, 685, 511, 699 ], [ 384, 688, 410, 694 ], [ 394, 694, 509, 707 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "W47i", "LC", "16b Epeislma Frox!iu4 9AS", "Icuy plssotFolKUEo", "unkl", "Nfri QVBAlsmasNiNG Detcssrett$ Bulecn Sa4Rz4hVc Het", "2058501839" ]
[ [ 377, 241, 417, 255 ], [ 450, 244, 472, 250 ], [ 372, 403, 450, 441 ], [ 444, 520, 521, 539 ], [ 484, 586, 512, 594 ], [ 384, 685, 511, 707 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Mase{ [ nee", "ranni", "SMASHING", "THE1975 VIRGINIA SLIMS TENNS @IRCC", "2058502168" ]
[ [ 472, 152, 517, 164 ], [ 444, 156, 470, 162 ], [ 179, 205, 586, 305 ], [ 192, 288, 558, 316 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "ranni Mase{ [ nee", "SMASHING THE1975 VIRGINIA SLIMS TENNS @IRCC", "2058502168" ]
[ [ 444, 152, 517, 164 ], [ 179, 205, 586, 316 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "MUNICITAT", "STOCKYAnT", "VRGNIA", "SLIMS;", "Zights", "~S78364", "Youve", "bng Way; {", "na", "AASS", "Mc", "2058502926" ]
[ [ 250, 286, 317, 299 ], [ 320, 288, 384, 296 ], [ 262, 432, 358, 462 ], [ 260, 454, 332, 484 ], [ 297, 480, 389, 534 ], [ 320, 630, 366, 656 ], [ 289, 631, 323, 645 ], [ 287, 643, 337, 657 ], [ 225, 711, 245, 723 ], [ 227, 713, 279, 731 ], [ 292, 717, 331, 729 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "MUNICITAT STOCKYAnT", "VRGNIA SLIMS; Zights", "Youve bng Way; { ~S78364", "na AASS Mc", "2058502926" ]
[ [ 250, 286, 384, 299 ], [ 260, 432, 389, 534 ], [ 287, 630, 366, 657 ], [ 224, 711, 331, 731 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Illapuhono", "You", "LONG", "get", "a", "lot to", "like", "with a Marlboro", "FLIP-TOP BOX", "FILTER", "FLAVOR", "FUBLISHEA", "5", "tinla {", "m", "UhltteTa", "SEialtt", "2061000454" ]
[ [ 376, 384, 505, 450 ], [ 186, 440, 310, 514 ], [ 412, 442, 438, 450 ], [ 151, 527, 271, 586 ], [ 269, 529, 313, 581 ], [ 190, 586, 366, 660 ], [ 254, 656, 386, 730 ], [ 223, 732, 423, 769 ], [ 311, 777, 437, 795 ], [ 153, 779, 215, 797 ], [ 227, 779, 299, 795 ], [ 182, 866, 222, 872 ], [ 289, 877, 321, 895 ], [ 246, 878, 286, 886 ], [ 224, 886, 248, 894 ], [ 264, 886, 290, 892 ], [ 180, 892, 210, 900 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Illapuhono LONG You get a lot to like with a Marlboro FILTER FLAVOR FLIP-TOP BOX", "FUBLISHEA", "tinla { UhltteTa 5 m", "SEialtt", "2061000454" ]
[ [ 151, 384, 505, 797 ], [ 182, 866, 222, 872 ], [ 224, 877, 321, 895 ], [ 180, 892, 210, 900 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "AAtR", "Lutrai", "4Ln", "Fee", "COMMANDERS", "are going great;", "thank", "youl", "Inanths since tne", "shorc", "king-size", "Tilip", "Muntis ( utunder", "HSMINUEAEa", "scen", "mat", "I VC {CCn", "reptal", "rcustn", "tor thds", "Simuply thut mote40u", "Mact", "neon", "nnding thul", "uehnitel;", "noleeukh", "hetae", "cicrctie,", "The signs su}", "his one", "taking of", "And", "hackin", "alKaaHHMEdMA", "Moi", "ncut-4D", "Id\"ertisintad slcs", "promotion", "Kecd Your", "Coumuncer stock", "Vc", "Ncr", "King-Sze Fhilip Morris", "cill Dutr Yont", "5", "Ea757", "285tt", "Iaea", "687", "2061001724" ]
[ [ 346, 224, 378, 230 ], [ 382, 224, 418, 230 ], [ 270, 236, 296, 242 ], [ 376, 236, 398, 242 ], [ 215, 267, 548, 323 ], [ 211, 319, 551, 381 ], [ 212, 374, 348, 424 ], [ 346, 382, 451, 423 ], [ 291, 437, 367, 449 ], [ 266, 438, 288, 446 ], [ 236, 446, 277, 460 ], [ 277, 446, 303, 458 ], [ 306, 450, 392, 458 ], [ 218, 462, 304, 468 ], [ 318, 462, 340, 470 ], [ 252, 474, 276, 480 ], [ 246, 486, 290, 494 ], [ 302, 488, 332, 496 ], [ 358, 488, 386, 496 ], [ 218, 498, 250, 506 ], [ 260, 498, 354, 506 ], [ 358, 500, 380, 506 ], [ 218, 510, 246, 518 ], [ 266, 510, 316, 518 ], [ 336, 510, 376, 518 ], [ 226, 520, 268, 528 ], [ 272, 522, 296, 528 ], [ 300, 522, 340, 530 ], [ 217, 533, 275, 545 ], [ 281, 533, 317, 545 ], [ 327, 535, 371, 547 ], [ 217, 545, 239, 557 ], [ 266, 546, 296, 554 ], [ 302, 548, 390, 554 ], [ 421, 554, 496, 622 ], [ 218, 558, 258, 566 ], [ 270, 558, 358, 566 ], [ 218, 570, 264, 578 ], [ 217, 581, 263, 595 ], [ 266, 584, 346, 592 ], [ 218, 596, 244, 602 ], [ 243, 639, 263, 652 ], [ 265, 643, 365, 655 ], [ 266, 654, 314, 662 ], [ 242, 664, 270, 688 ], [ 277, 665, 379, 685 ], [ 229, 687, 325, 705 ], [ 473, 696, 509, 711 ], [ 345, 717, 377, 731 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "AAtR Lutrai", "4Ln", "Fee", "COMMANDERS are going great; thank youl shorc Inanths since tne king-size Tilip Muntis ( utunder HSMINUEAEa scen mat I VC {CCn reptal rcustn tor thds Simuply thut mote40u Mact neon nnding thul uehnitel; noleeukh hetae cicrctie, The signs su} his one taking of And hackin alKaaHHMEdMA ncut-4D Id\"ertisintad slcs promotion Kecd Your Coumuncer stock Moi Vc", "Ncr King-Sze Fhilip Morris cill Dutr Yont 5 Ea757 285tt", "Iaea", "687", "2061001724" ]
[ [ 346, 224, 418, 230 ], [ 270, 236, 296, 242 ], [ 376, 236, 398, 242 ], [ 211, 267, 551, 622 ], [ 229, 639, 379, 705 ], [ 472, 696, 511, 711 ], [ 345, 717, 377, 731 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "HCA", "Who", "the men", "put", "in menthol smoking?", "0pi-", "Alpine-thats who?", "Thc menthol cizirtto", "Inuch", "homa", "man $ shirt pocket &3 it is in 4 woman < hacdbag:", "Alpinc", "Jcuson", "Alpine", "Lustes rich: ncvcr amokes", "awure", "Ioush", "neanty", "Jobaccos A0", "sotxin Il", "hlnded [r the nay Wal", "cun &et held c", "hnoking", "Hivor", "Ina cca5, cnsp", "Hnvcr", "Alpine #nll KreYut (030", "AnD Your tuste Bio* cuan Ano", "moaai", "IHILLHWII", "rizhi doun", "Rherend", "Ulo pack", "Adnc", "2061002187" ]
[ [ 360, 140, 384, 146 ], [ 274, 170, 354, 200 ], [ 418, 170, 552, 200 ], [ 353, 174, 417, 199 ], [ 245, 198, 584, 243 ], [ 493, 689, 555, 705 ], [ 245, 700, 478, 730 ], [ 308, 734, 394, 742 ], [ 416, 734, 440, 742 ], [ 454, 734, 476, 740 ], [ 273, 742, 469, 754 ], [ 346, 754, 374, 762 ], [ 306, 756, 332, 762 ], [ 488, 758, 564, 806 ], [ 289, 767, 393, 779 ], [ 258, 768, 286, 776 ], [ 396, 768, 420, 776 ], [ 444, 768, 470, 776 ], [ 264, 778, 314, 786 ], [ 318, 778, 352, 786 ], [ 356, 778, 458, 786 ], [ 413, 785, 479, 797 ], [ 260, 788, 296, 796 ], [ 376, 788, 400, 796 ], [ 256, 802, 318, 810 ], [ 322, 802, 344, 808 ], [ 360, 802, 470, 810 ], [ 322, 812, 450, 820 ], [ 454, 812, 476, 818 ], [ 129, 819, 210, 845 ], [ 248, 822, 294, 830 ], [ 308, 822, 340, 828 ], [ 356, 822, 392, 830 ], [ 414, 822, 442, 828 ], [ 655, 979, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "HCA", "Who put the men in menthol smoking?", "0pi- Alpine-thats who? Thc menthol cizirtto Inuch homa man $ shirt pocket &3 it is in 4 woman < hacdbag: Jcuson Alpinc awure Lustes rich: ncvcr amokes Ioush neanty Jobaccos A0 sotxin Il hlnded [r the nay Wal Alpine hnoking Hivor cun &et held c Ina cca5, cnsp Hnvcr Alpine #nll KreYut (030 AnD Your tuste Bio* cuan Ano moaai rizhi doun Rherend Ulo pack Adnc", "IHILLHWII", "2061002187" ]
[ [ 360, 140, 384, 146 ], [ 245, 168, 584, 243 ], [ 245, 689, 564, 830 ], [ 129, 819, 210, 845 ], [ 655, 979, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "9", "3", "4", "3", "2061002369" ]
[ [ 496, 220, 504, 246 ], [ 375, 329, 485, 503 ], [ 507, 483, 521, 519 ], [ 382, 486, 486, 740 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "9", "3 4 3", "2061002369" ]
[ [ 496, 220, 504, 246 ], [ 375, 329, 521, 740 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "3", "9", "2061002468" ]
[ [ 246, 361, 357, 546 ], [ 239, 558, 400, 855 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "3 9", "2061002468" ]
[ [ 239, 361, 400, 855 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "6 2 613 0", "VURGUMLA SlMS", "BgrK", "[Days", "L", "2061002914" ]
[ [ 283, 224, 464, 276 ], [ 321, 366, 434, 396 ], [ 337, 425, 425, 485 ], [ 338, 472, 422, 510 ], [ 226, 688, 464, 802 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "6 2 613 0", "VURGUMLA SlMS", "BgrK [Days", "L", "2061002914" ]
[ [ 283, 224, 464, 276 ], [ 321, 366, 434, 396 ], [ 337, 425, 425, 521 ], [ 226, 688, 464, 802 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "IK\" /VI VA", "IIRVT", "Ilkelishitc -t", "Syk: MSmm", "3 5 1 < 5", "2061003027" ]
[ [ 332, 330, 444, 354 ], [ 327, 353, 417, 373 ], [ 339, 645, 407, 665 ], [ 333, 663, 411, 679 ], [ 283, 701, 445, 737 ], [ 655, 979, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "IK\" /VI VA IIRVT", "Ilkelishitc -t Syk: MSmm", "3 5 1 < 5", "2061003027" ]
[ [ 327, 330, 444, 373 ], [ 333, 645, 411, 679 ], [ 283, 701, 445, 737 ], [ 655, 979, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "Better makins", "more flavor", "more filter", "more cigarette", "The secret is in the Marlboro recipe", "JMaribo}", "It was created in Richmond, Virginia,", "Iron", "fine, mild", "{Marlhoro", "blended-Lhen cirefully proccsscd for filter smoking:", "tobaccos g0 CAD", "This recipe, tenmed", "ith", "gives", "Marlboro 5 mproved", "flter", "2", "helping of flavor", "amoke of surprising", "mildntss", "penerous", "In taual 4 Marbaru Lith [Er nry Gold Gad 91 t Pukone", "2061004531" ]
[ [ 133, 117, 634, 202 ], [ 450, 226, 580, 252 ], [ 450, 252, 571, 283 ], [ 450, 284, 612, 314 ], [ 156, 742, 472, 768 ], [ 498, 762, 548, 792 ], [ 181, 768, 401, 786 ], [ 401, 770, 423, 783 ], [ 425, 771, 473, 783 ], [ 546, 784, 610, 836 ], [ 237, 785, 475, 799 ], [ 152, 788, 234, 796 ], [ 161, 801, 251, 815 ], [ 264, 802, 288, 809 ], [ 413, 803, 437, 817 ], [ 290, 804, 384, 812 ], [ 388, 804, 412, 812 ], [ 494, 804, 532, 830 ], [ 231, 817, 307, 831 ], [ 327, 817, 419, 829 ], [ 419, 817, 465, 831 ], [ 188, 820, 228, 828 ], [ 260, 834, 472, 842 ], [ 655, 977, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "Better makins more flavor more filter more cigarette", "The secret is in the Marlboro recipe It was created in Richmond, Virginia, Iron fine, mild JMaribo} tobaccos g0 CAD blended-Lhen cirefully proccsscd for filter smoking: This recipe, tenmed ith Marlboro 5 mproved flter gives {Marlhoro amoke of surprising 2 penerous helping of flavor mildntss In taual 4 Marbaru Lith [Er nry Gold Gad 91 t Pukone", "2061004531" ]
[ [ 133, 117, 634, 314 ], [ 152, 742, 619, 842 ], [ 655, 977, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "Meet new Galeryz", "the richest idea", "jn smoking today:", "LLA new richness in the flavor from", "the choicest Philip Morris tobaccos.", "2 Valuable Dividend Coupons", "redeemable for a rich selection '", "of free gifts", "IEs", "proud new filter cigarette", "from the Philip Morris Company:", "New Galaxy-the richest idea", "in smoking today", "~asy", "Clss", "Cgi", "ette", "Galaxy", "KinG", "Size", "2061004965" ]
[ [ 254, 189, 510, 243 ], [ 252, 232, 474, 280 ], [ 251, 266, 499, 326 ], [ 286, 340, 490, 364 ], [ 284, 356, 486, 380 ], [ 288, 382, 456, 406 ], [ 285, 403, 463, 423 ], [ 312, 418, 384, 442 ], [ 310, 458, 336, 482 ], [ 342, 458, 490, 485 ], [ 310, 477, 493, 504 ], [ 328, 495, 492, 521 ], [ 329, 517, 429, 537 ], [ 283, 518, 309, 535 ], [ 387, 565, 419, 587 ], [ 373, 573, 395, 589 ], [ 395, 579, 428, 598 ], [ 322, 580, 457, 688 ], [ 349, 646, 387, 670 ], [ 391, 654, 425, 678 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Meet new Galeryz the richest idea jn smoking today: LLA new richness in the flavor from the choicest Philip Morris tobaccos. 2 Valuable Dividend Coupons redeemable for a rich selection ' of free gifts IEs proud new filter cigarette from the Philip Morris Company: New Galaxy-the richest idea ~asy in smoking today", "Cgi Clss ette", "Galaxy KinG Size", "2061004965" ]
[ [ 251, 189, 510, 537 ], [ 371, 565, 431, 598 ], [ 301, 580, 478, 688 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Marboro", "Hzz", "dovuLuar", "Pcrcction", "chic All", "including", "distinguisbcd", "Marlroro Cigurellct. Fina", "full, unwilting", "Elcnded", "tobnccod chaper", "nrelle", "NARLBORo", "cannol poabl", "Menct", "MAlana:", "Fve %0nca", "Imoking plcature,", "Icorth", "GARETTES", "Nare Luan Iu", "prat", "Wtlt", "LSDY", "JYod", "TLAX", "KutI", "2061009375" ]
[ [ 159, 162, 404, 254 ], [ 174, 522, 232, 549 ], [ 254, 538, 296, 546 ], [ 220, 547, 263, 561 ], [ 175, 549, 213, 561 ], [ 174, 559, 215, 573 ], [ 235, 561, 291, 575 ], [ 174, 572, 285, 587 ], [ 175, 585, 237, 599 ], [ 253, 587, 289, 599 ], [ 176, 602, 242, 610 ], [ 246, 602, 282, 610 ], [ 492, 606, 571, 677 ], [ 176, 614, 236, 622 ], [ 240, 614, 264, 620 ], [ 176, 626, 220, 634 ], [ 224, 626, 256, 634 ], [ 176, 635, 249, 649 ], [ 252, 638, 274, 646 ], [ 509, 642, 556, 678 ], [ 176, 652, 238, 660 ], [ 242, 652, 266, 660 ], [ 184, 670, 214, 674 ], [ 272, 686, 296, 694 ], [ 180, 688, 208, 694 ], [ 242, 688, 268, 694 ], [ 210, 698, 232, 706 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Marboro", "Hzz dovuLuar chic All Pcrcction including distinguisbcd Marlroro Cigurellct. Fina full, unwilting Elcnded tobnccod chaper nrelle cannol poabl Menct MAlana: Fve %0nca Imoking plcature, Icorth Nare Luan Iu prat", "NARLBORo GARETTES", "Wtlt", "TLAX LSDY", "JYod", "KutI", "2061009375" ]
[ [ 159, 162, 404, 254 ], [ 174, 522, 296, 660 ], [ 479, 606, 585, 678 ], [ 184, 670, 214, 674 ], [ 242, 686, 296, 694 ], [ 180, 688, 208, 694 ], [ 210, 698, 232, 706 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "1", "Facous Mariloro DadI", "dHanhupu", "Ld", "'And ew", "UlcoroJels", "Iue", "{Mlarlhuru;", "Eltber Way; you tet t Iol to like:" ]
[ [ 1, 17, 15, 109 ], [ 357, 783, 493, 803 ], [ 250, 784, 329, 848 ], [ 399, 799, 479, 843 ], [ 355, 801, 411, 819 ], [ 475, 801, 563, 817 ], [ 377, 817, 405, 837 ], [ 149, 819, 248, 849 ], [ 357, 833, 545, 853 ] ]
[ "1", "Facous Mariloro DadI dHanhupu 'And ew Ld UlcoroJels {Mlarlhuru; Iue Eltber Way; you tet t Iol to like:" ]
[ [ 1, 17, 15, 109 ], [ 149, 783, 563, 865 ] ]
[ "Famous Marlboro Aed!", "And nem", "cira-long", "Marlboro I0O $", "The Longhorus!", "Either", "Iot Io Iike", "Jou @ct", "0", "Come to where the ilavor is.", "Haplhum", "Come to Marlboro Country", "Varlhumu", "iIMI", "2061190863" ]
[ [ 483, 579, 589, 593 ], [ 483, 593, 523, 605 ], [ 523, 593, 575, 607 ], [ 483, 605, 553, 617 ], [ 493, 617, 567, 631 ], [ 483, 629, 511, 643 ], [ 525, 639, 573, 653 ], [ 483, 643, 519, 655 ], [ 466, 736, 498, 764 ], [ 166, 740, 434, 770 ], [ 512, 747, 587, 790 ], [ 165, 763, 422, 799 ], [ 443, 770, 521, 793 ], [ 337, 823, 387, 837 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Famous Marlboro Aed! And nem cira-long Marlboro I0O $ The Longhorus! Either Jou @ct Iot Io Iike", "Come to where the ilavor is. 0 Come to Marlboro Country Varlhumu Haplhum iIMI", "2061190863" ]
[ [ 483, 579, 589, 655 ], [ 165, 736, 587, 837 ], [ 655, 979, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Benson & Hedges", "Lights", "Only", "Ilmg", "tar", "BeH", "15", "styre\"", "2061191426" ]
[ [ 226, 216, 550, 278 ], [ 324, 258, 450, 308 ], [ 235, 309, 267, 325 ], [ 232, 320, 273, 339 ], [ 233, 335, 255, 349 ], [ 493, 515, 537, 535 ], [ 492, 528, 532, 560 ], [ 491, 553, 537, 573 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "Benson & Hedges Lights Ilmg Only tar", "BeH 15 styre\"", "2061191426" ]
[ [ 226, 216, 550, 349 ], [ 491, 515, 537, 573 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "4", "9", "1", "H", "", "2", "1", "9", "j", "2061193466" ]
[ [ 369, 357, 427, 397 ], [ 411, 401, 425, 429 ], [ 267, 449, 283, 485 ], [ 289, 453, 307, 511 ], [ 334, 466, 340, 542 ], [ 265, 483, 283, 505 ], [ 265, 505, 285, 545 ], [ 263, 543, 283, 575 ], [ 267, 575, 283, 633 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "4 9", "1 2 H 1 9 j", "2061193466" ]
[ [ 369, 357, 427, 429 ], [ 263, 449, 340, 633 ], [ 655, 977, 747, 993 ] ]
[ "]", "", "1", "", "1", "9", "1", "1", "U", "1", "1", "1", "1", "2061196977" ]
[ [ 402, 273, 490, 478 ], [ 154, 304, 160, 340 ], [ 154, 344, 162, 394 ], [ 154, 416, 162, 464 ], [ 139, 445, 155, 501 ], [ 398, 456, 507, 700 ], [ 155, 479, 167, 527 ], [ 155, 541, 167, 579 ], [ 244, 572, 268, 720 ], [ 154, 593, 167, 639 ], [ 256, 594, 264, 632 ], [ 399, 615, 417, 673 ], [ 160, 646, 166, 668 ], [ 655, 977, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "1 ] 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 U 1", "2061196977" ]
[ [ 139, 273, 507, 720 ], [ 655, 977, 745, 993 ] ]
[ "Monster", "Moaste", "Tcnke", "Turbo TRICKSTERS", "99", "Pontntd", "anmani", "puLOLO", "Am 4 UP", "1" ]
[ [ 398, 380, 421, 424 ], [ 318, 466, 346, 508 ], [ 310, 550, 332, 558 ], [ 309, 555, 411, 569 ], [ 431, 559, 453, 577 ], [ 358, 566, 392, 574 ], [ 312, 568, 354, 576 ], [ 310, 576, 342, 584 ], [ 331, 583, 373, 595 ], [ 625, 811, 641, 901 ] ]
[ "Monster", "Moaste", "Tcnke Turbo TRICKSTERS anmani Pontntd puLOLO Am 4 UP", "99", "1" ]
[ [ 386, 380, 433, 424 ], [ 309, 466, 355, 508 ], [ 309, 550, 411, 595 ], [ 431, 559, 453, 577 ], [ 625, 811, 641, 901 ] ]
[ "JUN 30", "14*12", "12129075590", "FROM PHILIP MORRIS MENFHIS", "PRCE-022", "PURE Cigarettes", "Tobacco Altemative", "is proud to offer consumers", "natural cigarette line", "Inc -,", "Lights, and", "called PURE. PURE cigarettes are available in Full", "Flavor;", "PURE cigarettcs are a", "~produced popular brands", "Menthol:", "Unlikc mass", "unique way for smokers to enjoy smoking without any of the chemicals,", "PURE is 100% natural", "flavorings preservatives or reconstituted tobacco", "Therefore, PURE is superior to major brands:", "tobacco and only tobacco_", "PURE cigarettes were developed by Tobacco Alterative Inc ,", "in response to", "the major Amcrican tobacco comnpanies disclosing tlhe 599 chemicals and", "This list was disclosed in 1994 after years of", "additives put ill their tobacco", "At this timc, Tobacco Alterative was", "pressure by cousumcrs and Congress", "only involved in the manufacture of its nicotine free herbal cigarettes", "We", "have cnclosed this list for your review.", "Management at our company quickly realized that consumers deserved a", "natural tobacco cigarette without these chemicals and additives.", "Native", "Americans smoked all natural tobacco without the ills that are associated with", "smoking today.", "Could it be that the chemicals and additives cause more", "health problems than natural tobacco smoke itself? Much research needs be", "done on this subject:", "Water is the only ingredient added to tobacco in the manufacture of PURE", "We use only the finest tobacco in PURE", "cigarettes by Tobacco Alteniative", "Smokers find switching to PURE enjoyable.", "common response", "our", "company receives is that Once smokers change to PURE, other brands lcave &", "We ensure freshness and the natural taste of", "bad after-taste and seem harsh", "our cigarettes is preferred among smokers", "The name says it all", "Pure", "Cigarettes", "Your Friends At Tobacco Alternative", "1", "Call 1-800-225-1838 For More Information" ]
[ [ 59, 59, 105, 73 ], [ 139, 59, 177, 73 ], [ 438, 59, 519, 77 ], [ 213, 61, 391, 75 ], [ 587, 63, 647, 77 ], [ 231, 132, 467, 173 ], [ 93, 205, 229, 223 ], [ 263, 207, 447, 227 ], [ 457, 207, 599, 225 ], [ 229, 207, 261, 226 ], [ 480, 221, 566, 248 ], [ 90, 222, 434, 246 ], [ 433, 222, 481, 246 ], [ 418, 240, 572, 264 ], [ 239, 242, 412, 266 ], [ 91, 245, 153, 261 ], [ 159, 245, 245, 261 ], [ 91, 263, 567, 283 ], [ 425, 281, 583, 299 ], [ 90, 282, 419, 301 ], [ 275, 299, 575, 319 ], [ 89, 303, 261, 321 ], [ 87, 337, 501, 357 ], [ 505, 340, 603, 358 ], [ 88, 354, 576, 379 ], [ 291, 375, 589, 395 ], [ 89, 377, 283, 397 ], [ 345, 395, 599, 413 ], [ 89, 396, 335, 416 ], [ 89, 415, 543, 433 ], [ 553, 415, 579, 431 ], [ 87, 433, 341, 451 ], [ 87, 471, 570, 495 ], [ 87, 491, 505, 511 ], [ 513, 493, 561, 509 ], [ 87, 509, 601, 527 ], [ 84, 529, 189, 549 ], [ 195, 529, 565, 547 ], [ 85, 547, 591, 567 ], [ 85, 569, 223, 585 ], [ 86, 602, 584, 626 ], [ 315, 623, 583, 643 ], [ 85, 625, 309, 643 ], [ 84, 640, 374, 664 ], [ 397, 647, 521, 661 ], [ 525, 647, 551, 659 ], [ 84, 658, 600, 683 ], [ 295, 679, 591, 697 ], [ 83, 681, 285, 699 ], [ 83, 699, 361, 719 ], [ 371, 699, 505, 717 ], [ 515, 701, 549, 715 ], [ 83, 719, 153, 737 ], [ 205, 777, 471, 795 ], [ 634, 818, 654, 907 ], [ 106, 834, 566, 862 ] ]
[ "JUN 30", "14*12", "12129075590", "FROM PHILIP MORRIS MENFHIS", "PRCE-022", "PURE Cigarettes", "Tobacco Altemative Inc -, is proud to offer consumers natural cigarette line called PURE. PURE cigarettes are available in Full Flavor; Lights, and Menthol: Unlikc mass ~produced popular brands PURE cigarettcs are a unique way for smokers to enjoy smoking without any of the chemicals, flavorings preservatives or reconstituted tobacco PURE is 100% natural tobacco and only tobacco_ Therefore, PURE is superior to major brands:", "PURE cigarettes were developed by Tobacco Alterative Inc , in response to the major Amcrican tobacco comnpanies disclosing tlhe 599 chemicals and additives put ill their tobacco This list was disclosed in 1994 after years of pressure by cousumcrs and Congress At this timc, Tobacco Alterative was only involved in the manufacture of its nicotine free herbal cigarettes We have cnclosed this list for your review.", "Management at our company quickly realized that consumers deserved a natural tobacco cigarette without these chemicals and additives. Native Americans smoked all natural tobacco without the ills that are associated with smoking today. Could it be that the chemicals and additives cause more health problems than natural tobacco smoke itself? Much research needs be done on this subject:", "Water is the only ingredient added to tobacco in the manufacture of PURE cigarettes by Tobacco Alteniative We use only the finest tobacco in PURE Smokers find switching to PURE enjoyable. common response our company receives is that Once smokers change to PURE, other brands lcave & bad after-taste and seem harsh We ensure freshness and the natural taste of our cigarettes is preferred among smokers The name says it all Pure Cigarettes", "Your Friends At Tobacco Alternative", "Call 1-800-225-1838 For More Information 1" ]
[ [ 59, 59, 105, 73 ], [ 139, 59, 177, 73 ], [ 438, 59, 519, 77 ], [ 213, 61, 391, 75 ], [ 587, 63, 647, 77 ], [ 231, 132, 467, 173 ], [ 89, 205, 599, 321 ], [ 87, 337, 603, 451 ], [ 84, 471, 601, 585 ], [ 83, 602, 600, 737 ], [ 205, 777, 471, 795 ], [ 106, 818, 654, 907 ] ]
[ "(nithere every day iscodl clean and iresh", "Aand thats the taste vow ifind", "Aarhboro Mentholand endhol Lights", "1", "Sofakeadwantage oidhespecial oifers below", "Saverhe lfesonthe sides oi Narlboro packs", "Amdrenjoya specialppacein Marlboro Country", "Marlboro", "Kings", "Iqhts:", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking", "llmg", "JuLS .", "0.8ing p", "tat,", "Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to", "Health:", "Your", "Qmg nicotineeSoli I69", "Boxe6U", "Iat,", "iuumculine av, pier ciqucite bby ALmeliod" ]
[ [ 171, 529, 557, 565 ], [ 219, 559, 489, 595 ], [ 188, 591, 545, 631 ], [ 673, 615, 689, 699 ], [ 161, 633, 571, 673 ], [ 161, 665, 575, 702 ], [ 157, 706, 578, 746 ], [ 644, 822, 710, 846 ], [ 129, 878, 166, 898 ], [ 97, 881, 131, 895 ], [ 362, 890, 690, 916 ], [ 92, 896, 134, 920 ], [ 67, 896, 97, 917 ], [ 160, 897, 213, 918 ], [ 137, 901, 163, 915 ], [ 367, 913, 607, 933 ], [ 639, 913, 685, 933 ], [ 609, 913, 637, 934 ], [ 149, 918, 285, 939 ], [ 49, 921, 111, 937 ], [ 115, 923, 137, 937 ], [ 75, 941, 319, 957 ] ]
[ "(nithere every day iscodl clean and iresh Aand thats the taste vow ifind Aarhboro Mentholand endhol Lights Sofakeadwantage oidhespecial oifers below Saverhe lfesonthe sides oi Narlboro packs Amdrenjoya specialppacein Marlboro Country", "1", "Marlboro", "Iqhts: Kings JuLS . llmg tat, 0.8ing p Boxe6U Iat, Qmg nicotineeSoli I69 iuumculine av, pier ciqucite bby ALmeliod", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health:" ]
[ [ 157, 529, 578, 746 ], [ 673, 615, 689, 699 ], [ 644, 822, 710, 846 ], [ 49, 878, 319, 957 ], [ 362, 890, 690, 934 ] ]
[ "Deny", "Targeting Kids", "Tobacco Companies", "They", "Forgot To Shred the Evidence", "But", "#zjn#C5: {3 /875 370 Ccal %0 9u7} neker? Feror_2tce &:", "72434 Zejerjre 207 jocid 3are", "sute4rill Cn**522320", "=237078 221", ";rrazs", "younger a41:", "Jedenen", "sicfer", "LCnay", "4arke;es {eRr; Frccuted #Erm 30mr0 7480", "Cisa", "JiD", "Me=i: g1 :9 #30 ?f *cbarco", "22o3i 471 27p22", "75", "58 fze", "fr", "78226 \"c4Cco", "IC*4", "67F1", "I5", "JrltJriL_L4i_llViir", "Evcarco", "1valable", "Idcate th: :he", "18-year- c ;2u7 % 27", "1r90", "\"c7eisin3 sed iect Of the smckng pozulation", "R3-? Zus: SCCL #Sra-%2", "successtu cen bracd @ #s Carkee", "Esltcn", "#e dusy", "3 3", "Zltalted Over :ce 10zk *2TD", "13664", "1577:: Sed ; %3", "BuniedLIciZON", "73jel\"", "\"FIL", "31ro jaxd \"%0ceL", "Aari ,5", "4", "From Joc Cainel", "Skoal Bundit ,", "Ihe ultoro", "Jef?", "Ijgel Jus Jln:t", "ncu ? IJiIOCJCCO Comovmit> Ccmeinte", "Uds. Eich", "car: Ihese comparles Pceket >*IJ() illicn", "molicm", "stilJren #hil Ihey idict", "#hole neu ; \"#eTlzen", "irn -J", "aeomtn", "~Jrdidules", "Tell guur elec\"leJ ulikciaks und", "~UFPont", "Gcani", "mutkcting", "including Ihc ncu: Fes JJ", "D~:;", "Lobiec0", "cridten", "Adminutrlion @le.", "vs. Kids_", "Tobacco", "Where America draws the line", "CAMPAIGN For TOBACCO-FREE Kicke", "To learn mare, cail", "800-284KIDS:", "Contr Dunons May", "niicc", "the Naronx", "Center", "Tobaczo-Free 0", "1707", "Stroel;", "j~ te 830, Washigrcn; CC 27036", "1", "Amcnawn HeriAuxuun .", "Anicncm Crtucici", "'alde", "TB-Jicl", "ei ue", "~nun", "PrlkciRIs: SJlnnul", "C.t", "C Hesle) Uriutk Libn ' >!", "Shea", "Lnm", "Ha_lmn 'ASHt: AMeneM Nlcys", "Kstenmte trnt", "Inis Mri ziJuy LVuat &n {I\"RAn", "Trc HYo Crcur; AMena_", "Peda", "Acaczm;", "PJ #ag", "Iof\"/ae", "post", "Wrs*" ]
[ [ 444, 82, 496, 122 ], [ 500, 84, 660, 123 ], [ 240, 86, 444, 118 ], [ 289, 113, 341, 149 ], [ 340, 115, 647, 152 ], [ 244, 116, 292, 146 ], [ 265, 183, 607, 199 ], [ 265, 195, 457, 211 ], [ 465, 197, 631, 211 ], [ 272, 208, 345, 222 ], [ 546, 208, 595, 222 ], [ 439, 209, 507, 223 ], [ 382, 210, 424, 218 ], [ 510, 210, 546, 218 ], [ 348, 212, 378, 220 ], [ 381, 223, 585, 235 ], [ 330, 232, 356, 240 ], [ 360, 234, 398, 242 ], [ 263, 291, 419, 305 ], [ 431, 293, 541, 305 ], [ 553, 293, 619, 305 ], [ 259, 305, 301, 319 ], [ 313, 305, 341, 317 ], [ 329, 319, 419, 331 ], [ 507, 319, 551, 331 ], [ 551, 319, 623, 339 ], [ 462, 320, 494, 328 ], [ 330, 330, 548, 338 ], [ 261, 387, 307, 399 ], [ 343, 387, 389, 399 ], [ 401, 387, 483, 399 ], [ 517, 387, 629, 401 ], [ 486, 388, 514, 396 ], [ 257, 398, 481, 413 ], [ 485, 399, 615, 413 ], [ 257, 411, 437, 425 ], [ 467, 411, 507, 425 ], [ 521, 411, 583, 425 ], [ 595, 413, 623, 425 ], [ 257, 425, 407, 437 ], [ 500, 436, 536, 460 ], [ 535, 437, 619, 449 ], [ 328, 438, 416, 446 ], [ 438, 438, 472, 446 ], [ 476, 438, 504, 446 ], [ 329, 447, 451, 459 ], [ 456, 448, 498, 456 ], [ 585, 504, 605, 517 ], [ 349, 505, 423, 519 ], [ 453, 505, 515, 519 ], [ 523, 505, 585, 519 ], [ 337, 521, 367, 533 ], [ 551, 521, 639, 535 ], [ 370, 522, 540, 530 ], [ 387, 533, 437, 545 ], [ 441, 533, 627, 549 ], [ 338, 536, 372, 544 ], [ 397, 547, 515, 561 ], [ 521, 549, 621, 561 ], [ 338, 550, 382, 558 ], [ 338, 564, 382, 570 ], [ 482, 581, 531, 597 ], [ 349, 583, 483, 595 ], [ 543, 585, 579, 599 ], [ 578, 586, 628, 592 ], [ 386, 595, 433, 609 ], [ 486, 595, 611, 609 ], [ 613, 596, 637, 610 ], [ 350, 598, 386, 606 ], [ 446, 598, 484, 606 ], [ 337, 611, 427, 623 ], [ 321, 629, 387, 649 ], [ 250, 630, 317, 650 ], [ 395, 631, 635, 649 ], [ 265, 663, 633, 701 ], [ 357, 705, 453, 719 ], [ 461, 705, 533, 719 ], [ 290, 722, 366, 730 ], [ 382, 722, 408, 730 ], [ 422, 722, 472, 730 ], [ 476, 722, 504, 730 ], [ 520, 722, 596, 730 ], [ 335, 733, 359, 745 ], [ 365, 733, 395, 745 ], [ 415, 733, 555, 745 ], [ 704, 734, 720, 820 ], [ 437, 753, 543, 765 ], [ 342, 754, 432, 762 ], [ 549, 756, 576, 760 ], [ 290, 756, 326, 762 ], [ 592, 756, 620, 762 ], [ 248, 762, 287, 775 ], [ 314, 762, 391, 776 ], [ 445, 762, 471, 774 ], [ 489, 763, 621, 777 ], [ 290, 764, 314, 772 ], [ 398, 766, 434, 772 ], [ 259, 774, 381, 786 ], [ 392, 776, 468, 784 ], [ 472, 776, 642, 784 ], [ 350, 786, 452, 794 ], [ 502, 786, 538, 794 ], [ 456, 788, 488, 794 ], [ 517, 807, 595, 845 ], [ 428, 810, 498, 838 ], [ 362, 812, 412, 836 ], [ 300, 814, 354, 838 ] ]
[ "Tobacco Companies Deny Targeting Kids But They Forgot To Shred the Evidence", "#zjn#C5: {3 /875 370 Ccal %0 9u7} neker? Feror_2tce &: 72434 Zejerjre 207 jocid 3are sute4rill Cn**522320 =237078 221 LCnay Jedenen younger a41: sicfer ;rrazs 4arke;es {eRr; Frccuted #Erm 30mr0 7480 Cisa JiD", "Me=i: g1 :9 #30 ?f *cbarco 22o3i 471 27p22 75 58 fze fr 78226 \"c4Cco I5 IC*4 67F1 JrltJriL_L4i_llViir", "Evcarco 1valable Idcate th: :he 1r90 18-year- c ;2u7 % 27 \"c7eisin3 sed iect Of the smckng pozulation R3-? Zus: SCCL #Sra-%2 successtu cen bracd @ #s Carkee Esltcn #e dusy 3 3 Zltalted Over :ce 10zk *2TD BuniedLIciZON 73jel\" \"FIL 1577:: Sed ; %3 Aari ,5 13664 31ro jaxd \"%0ceL", "From Joc Cainel Skoal Bundit , Ihe ultoro 4 Jef? ncu ? IJiIOCJCCO Comovmit> Ccmeinte Ijgel Jus Jln:t molicm Uds. Eich car: Ihese comparles Pceket >*IJ() illicn irn -J stilJren #hil Ihey idict #hole neu ; \"#eTlzen aeomtn", "Tell guur elec\"leJ ulikciaks und ~Jrdidules ~UFPont Gcani Lobiec0 mutkcting cridten including Ihc ncu: Fes JJ D~:; Adminutrlion @le.", "Tobacco vs. Kids_ Where America draws the line", "CAMPAIGN For TOBACCO-FREE Kicke To learn mare, cail 800-284KIDS: Contr Dunons May niicc the Naronx Center Tobaczo-Free 0 1707 Stroel; j~ te 830, Washigrcn; CC 27036", "TB-Jicl Anicncm Crtucici Amcnawn HeriAuxuun . 'alde ei ue ~nun Shea PrlkciRIs: SJlnnul Lnm C.t C Hesle) Uriutk Libn ' >! Ha_lmn 'ASHt: AMeneM Nlcys Kstenmte trnt Inis Mri ziJuy LVuat &n {I\"RAn 1 Trc HYo Crcur; AMena_ Acaczm; Peda Wrs* post Iof\"/ae PJ #ag" ]
[ [ 240, 82, 660, 152 ], [ 265, 183, 631, 242 ], [ 259, 291, 623, 339 ], [ 257, 387, 629, 460 ], [ 337, 504, 639, 570 ], [ 337, 581, 638, 623 ], [ 250, 629, 635, 650 ], [ 265, 663, 633, 745 ], [ 248, 734, 720, 845 ] ]
[ "3", "1", "[", "1", "1", "1", "", "H", "1", "1", "H", "8" ]
[ [ 93, 161, 279, 447 ], [ 539, 191, 553, 221 ], [ 539, 219, 553, 271 ], [ 411, 271, 429, 333 ], [ 539, 289, 553, 373 ], [ 539, 369, 553, 417 ], [ 524, 736, 548, 782 ], [ 521, 768, 548, 894 ], [ 615, 809, 631, 897 ], [ 538, 846, 546, 880 ], [ 522, 882, 548, 934 ], [ 571, 925, 587, 953 ] ]
[ "1 [ 3 1 1 1", "H 1 1 H 8" ]
[ [ 93, 161, 553, 447 ], [ 521, 736, 631, 953 ] ]
[ "NDEA", "@MeL", "1", "CAMEL MENTHOL LIGHTS _", "IDng \"3\".0Tmg nicoingan re ceyetebvFIC mathad", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smgking", "By Pregnant Women May Resulc in Fetal", "Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight:" ]
[ [ 52, 114, 280, 188 ], [ 229, 546, 368, 552 ], [ 564, 686, 588, 772 ], [ 71, 755, 244, 781 ], [ 72, 769, 294, 796 ], [ 89, 802, 328, 832 ], [ 92, 820, 330, 849 ], [ 92, 838, 330, 864 ] ]
[ "NDEA", "@MeL", "1", "CAMEL MENTHOL LIGHTS _ IDng \"3\".0Tmg nicoingan re ceyetebvFIC mathad SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smgking By Pregnant Women May Resulc in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight:" ]
[ [ 52, 114, 280, 188 ], [ 229, 512, 368, 586 ], [ 564, 684, 588, 774 ], [ 71, 755, 330, 864 ] ]
[ "8730", "Carieon", "Herald-Journal 2/28/78", "Suracus", "\"Iynlh Jranscriplion Sewvice", "H", "H", "H", "E", ";", "3", "Mv", "1", "", "5", "1", "H", "#", "1", "1", "1", "1", "Eee", "1", "0" ]
[ [ 319, 125, 351, 139 ], [ 264, 126, 314, 134 ], [ 325, 139, 485, 157 ], [ 264, 140, 314, 148 ], [ 260, 150, 445, 180 ], [ 320, 216, 459, 441 ], [ 374, 269, 474, 502 ], [ 296, 286, 328, 380 ], [ 308, 350, 384, 440 ], [ 285, 361, 297, 397 ], [ 284, 378, 310, 440 ], [ 301, 399, 460, 588 ], [ 295, 419, 307, 533 ], [ 286, 482, 294, 534 ], [ 295, 533, 309, 561 ], [ 285, 535, 297, 561 ], [ 347, 583, 407, 655 ], [ 297, 586, 333, 653 ], [ 299, 649, 315, 785 ], [ 311, 650, 329, 693 ], [ 315, 691, 329, 751 ], [ 315, 751, 329, 785 ], [ 355, 773, 381, 789 ], [ 312, 796, 321, 896 ], [ 430, 854, 425, 917 ] ]
[ "Carieon 8730 Suracus Herald-Journal 2/28/78 \"Iynlh Jranscriplion Sewvice", "H H 3 ; E H 1 Mv 1 5 # H 1 1 1 1 Eee 1 0" ]
[ [ 260, 125, 485, 180 ], [ 284, 216, 474, 917 ] ]
[ "New low tar breakthrough?", "Improved taste-lower tar:", "Carlton cuts", "tar by 40X2", "\"Carlton 100s.", "The taste thats", "right for me?", "Carlton", "I)05", "IOOs Soft Pack:", "Carlton", "Reduced to", "is lowest.", "Bmg tar", "mg", "1", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING; Smoking", "9FL", "HCO $ Soit Fack'", "\"tar\" , 0.3 mg nclino", "Heart Diseas", "Causes Lung", "bv FTC melhcd.", "ance", "Ey etle", "Ard May", "Emiphysema,", "Complicate Pregnarcy:", "Enle 4n6;tun Tojo-coCo 1947" ]
[ [ 49, 84, 674, 148 ], [ 71, 136, 649, 201 ], [ 47, 199, 679, 313 ], [ 68, 291, 637, 429 ], [ 387, 435, 599, 473 ], [ 381, 471, 609, 507 ], [ 396, 500, 594, 548 ], [ 472, 568, 555, 619 ], [ 475, 591, 530, 633 ], [ 170, 716, 324, 740 ], [ 140, 734, 356, 794 ], [ 533, 775, 627, 795 ], [ 121, 784, 378, 850 ], [ 520, 790, 642, 842 ], [ 561, 823, 591, 841 ], [ 665, 841, 685, 939 ], [ 72, 878, 338, 904 ], [ 449, 890, 471, 906 ], [ 387, 891, 451, 905 ], [ 475, 891, 561, 905 ], [ 227, 901, 325, 919 ], [ 77, 902, 165, 921 ], [ 449, 903, 511, 917 ], [ 177, 905, 213, 919 ], [ 412, 906, 448, 913 ], [ 149, 917, 205, 937 ], [ 74, 918, 143, 938 ], [ 211, 918, 337, 938 ], [ 388, 936, 498, 944 ] ]
[ "New low tar breakthrough? Improved taste-lower tar: Carlton cuts tar by 40X2 \"Carlton 100s. The taste thats right for me? Carlton I)05", "IOOs Soft Pack:", "Carlton Reduced to is lowest. Bmg tar mg SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING; Smoking HCO $ Soit Fack' 9FL \"tar\" , 0.3 mg nclino 1 Causes Lung ance Heart Diseas Ey etle bv FTC melhcd. Emiphysema, Ard May Complicate Pregnarcy: Enle 4n6;tun Tojo-coCo 1947" ]
[ [ 47, 84, 679, 633 ], [ 170, 716, 324, 740 ], [ 72, 734, 685, 944 ] ]
[ "ALightmy Lucky", "MAat", "LUCKY", "STRIKE", "1", "LIGHTS", "CHT Nmauh", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNANG: Smoking", "Fetal", "By Pregnant Women May Result in", "Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight" ]
[ [ 321, 327, 620, 395 ], [ 540, 698, 568, 704 ], [ 525, 741, 577, 761 ], [ 523, 759, 579, 779 ], [ 655, 793, 673, 887 ], [ 523, 807, 581, 827 ], [ 526, 832, 578, 838 ], [ 118, 844, 372, 868 ], [ 341, 865, 373, 881 ], [ 121, 867, 335, 885 ], [ 121, 882, 371, 903 ] ]
[ "ALightmy Lucky", "MAat", "LUCKY STRIKE", "LIGHTS CHT Nmauh 1", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNANG: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight" ]
[ [ 321, 327, 620, 395 ], [ 540, 698, 568, 704 ], [ 523, 741, 579, 779 ], [ 523, 793, 673, 887 ], [ 118, 844, 373, 903 ] ]
[ "2070718495", "1", "8", "1", "L", "0", "9", "1", "J", "|", "J", "3", "I" ]
[ [ 539, 87, 615, 101 ], [ 64, 136, 92, 174 ], [ 103, 151, 119, 177 ], [ 87, 187, 120, 239 ], [ 93, 262, 135, 355 ], [ -3, 300, 156, 497 ], [ -12, 472, 240, 851 ], [ 7, 635, 148, 851 ], [ 609, 691, 623, 751 ], [ 623, 693, 639, 855 ], [ 600, 748, 624, 810 ], [ 635, 783, 649, 809 ], [ 611, 822, 621, 855 ] ]
[ "2070718495", "1 1 8 L 0 9 1", "J J | 3 I" ]
[ [ 539, 87, 615, 101 ], [ -12, 132, 240, 891 ], [ 600, 691, 649, 855 ] ]
[ "1", "1", "", "I", "5", "1", "", "2" ]
[ [ 86, 138, 116, 290 ], [ 87, 301, 120, 494 ], [ 88, 510, 120, 702 ], [ 630, 538, 649, 633 ], [ 94, 706, 118, 730 ], [ 623, 717, 637, 805 ], [ 90, 747, 118, 931 ], [ 403, 755, 419, 793 ] ]
[ "1 1 5", "I", "1", "2" ]
[ [ 86, 138, 120, 931 ], [ 630, 538, 649, 633 ], [ 623, 717, 637, 805 ], [ 403, 755, 419, 793 ] ]
[ "Gec", "8*4t081", "4127", "1/15/95", "Faelly", "KOL", "1", "SURCEON", "CENEAAL\"S '", "Now", "Warning; -", "Geaty", "Radaces", "Qulfing S", "Setiqus", "Smoking", "Risks to Your", "Healh", "Icui 667", "Tcecr" ]
[ [ 515, 135, 539, 153 ], [ 513, 146, 562, 172 ], [ 593, 155, 623, 169 ], [ 512, 155, 561, 184 ], [ 583, 161, 625, 185 ], [ 146, 246, 591, 558 ], [ 535, 698, 539, 786 ], [ 82, 703, 129, 732 ], [ 127, 713, 179, 741 ], [ 79, 720, 101, 742 ], [ 177, 722, 225, 751 ], [ 101, 727, 132, 748 ], [ 133, 732, 171, 758 ], [ 227, 734, 261, 760 ], [ 172, 739, 205, 765 ], [ 260, 740, 299, 768 ], [ 206, 750, 266, 774 ], [ 264, 758, 295, 784 ], [ 349, 801, 389, 819 ], [ 512, 830, 541, 849 ] ]
[ "Gec 8*4t081 1/15/95 4127 Faelly", "KOL Now SURCEON Geaty CENEAAL\"S ' Radaces Setiqus Warning; - Qulfing S Smoking 1 Risks to Your Healh Icui 667 Tcecr" ]
[ [ 507, 135, 628, 185 ], [ 76, 246, 649, 849 ] ]
[ "3", "#", "H" ]
[ [ 207, 296, 324, 584 ], [ 441, 599, 461, 629 ], [ 435, 619, 500, 731 ] ]
[ "3 # H" ]
[ [ 173, 296, 500, 731 ] ]
[ "Newpont", "6", "9", "To", "Newport", "Suageon GeneR4L\"S WAANING; Cigoreste", "1", "Smoke Contains Carbor Monoxide" ]
[ [ 69, 155, 556, 327 ], [ 287, 343, 315, 359 ], [ 403, 589, 427, 605 ], [ 348, 591, 404, 605 ], [ 409, 621, 476, 646 ], [ 129, 715, 293, 731 ], [ 561, 716, 581, 807 ], [ 127, 727, 289, 743 ] ]
[ "Newpont 6", "To 9", "Newport", "Suageon GeneR4L\"S WAANING; Cigoreste Smoke Contains Carbor Monoxide", "1" ]
[ [ 69, 155, 556, 359 ], [ 348, 586, 427, 609 ], [ 409, 621, 476, 646 ], [ 127, 715, 293, 743 ], [ 561, 716, 581, 807 ] ]
[ "SURGEON GENERAL\"", "WARNING; Cigarette", "Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide", "\"Ilove", "What Youre", "Not Wearing;", "I", "New", "Switch to New Salem Preferred, and you'Il", "know what the crowd is really cheering about", "LESS LINGERING STALE SMELL", "3549m", "7 0ng RAFJR", "777103unote # UUNrbyi Tero", "Oiurraanrzt" ]
[ [ 215, 183, 321, 201 ], [ 327, 185, 429, 201 ], [ 217, 201, 425, 219 ], [ 263, 266, 410, 335 ], [ 227, 321, 459, 385 ], [ 220, 372, 488, 446 ], [ 488, 464, 495, 556 ], [ 220, 518, 270, 542 ], [ 217, 602, 489, 620 ], [ 203, 616, 501, 633 ], [ 191, 631, 519, 649 ], [ 327, 668, 408, 695 ], [ 421, 671, 519, 683 ], [ 367, 679, 517, 691 ], [ 179, 683, 258, 692 ] ]
[ "SURGEON GENERAL\" WARNING; Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide", "\"Ilove What Youre Not Wearing; New I", "Switch to New Salem Preferred, and you'Il know what the crowd is really cheering about LESS LINGERING STALE SMELL", "3549m 7 0ng RAFJR 777103unote # UUNrbyi Tero", "Oiurraanrzt" ]
[ [ 215, 183, 429, 219 ], [ 220, 266, 505, 556 ], [ 191, 602, 519, 649 ], [ 327, 668, 519, 695 ], [ 179, 683, 258, 692 ] ]
[ "HO@NGHTS:", "COOL' MUSIC", "BENSON & HHDTE", "HOT NIGHTS", "ART-N SUUL", "CHANTAY SAVAGE", "COOL MUSIC", "GLORGE HOWARD", "BNSUN & [EIXES", "HOT NIGHTS", "GROOVE THEORY", "INTRO", "COOL MUSIC", "MORRIS DAY", "HENSOY #HFLLE", "TIIC TIML", "HOT NGHTS", "PURE SOUL", "COOL MUSIC .", "SHAI", "BESON", "\"Hoi NCHiS", "SILK", "SOLO", "TERRY ELLIS", "ZAPP/ROGER", "JUST THE SAX II:", "GERALD ALBRIGHT", "MALTEi", "BEASLEI", "RONNIF LAws", "PAMELA WILLIAMS", "Udcc", "BENSON & HEDGES", "100 NIGHTS LIVEI", "atists wil perform Uve", "The", "These", "noltesi", "Tein", "Breat", "July I5th through August 17th. For more", "Los Angcles' top music clubs", "listings below:,", "Information", "tickel", "hot nights and copl", "music,", "Towi", "ZAPP {ROGER", "Tridaj; August 2", "PURE SOUL", "Hednesco;, Jult JI", "7", "JUST THE SAX", "Thursduy =", "Fiduy", "MorriS Day", "Algust & 9", "Adisls [isled objv0", "THE Mme ,", "~Kiccne5d J , August 7", "George Hoiard", "Riduy; August 16", "GRoovE Theory", "#Wednesc -, Augost |4", "Sclursoy; August 17", "SOLO", "BB. KING $", "THE PALACE", "1735 Norh Vine Sluee , Holly ocd", "Morena", "IOCO", "(ener Dr, Univeral CIl_", "Fcc Mcje Informolicn Coli: BT8 622*406", "Fo; Mora Inlormalion Coli: 213-462-3200", "15 mg *tat\" LI m;erollng IY. pet getelle bp FIt melbt", "Arsts chtserd sciccule", "SUAGEON", "WARNING: Smoking", "GENERAL'", "Jntchatin", "Causes Lung", "AeaSe CALL To cchary}", "Cancet,", "Disea $ 0", "eaf [", "May", "Empl", "Complicate Pregoancy:", "hysema", "And", "Ori p Mori h J32 214 _", "nue cedby Dencan & Hety-t Fqurettes" ]
[ [ 81, 93, 157, 109 ], [ 85, 109, 155, 127 ], [ 85, 129, 155, 143 ], [ 85, 145, 155, 161 ], [ 451, 145, 521, 159 ], [ 431, 163, 541, 177 ], [ 85, 165, 155, 181 ], [ 435, 179, 537, 193 ], [ 85, 183, 155, 195 ], [ 85, 197, 155, 213 ], [ 435, 197, 535, 211 ], [ 465, 215, 505, 229 ], [ 85, 217, 155, 233 ], [ 447, 233, 523, 247 ], [ 85, 235, 155, 247 ], [ 463, 245, 521, 259 ], [ 85, 251, 155, 267 ], [ 453, 263, 517, 277 ], [ 85, 269, 155, 285 ], [ 469, 281, 501, 293 ], [ 85, 287, 119, 301 ], [ 80, 296, 154, 320 ], [ 471, 299, 499, 311 ], [ 467, 317, 501, 329 ], [ 447, 333, 521, 347 ], [ 445, 351, 523, 365 ], [ 435, 369, 533, 383 ], [ 429, 381, 539, 395 ], [ 434, 396, 480, 404 ], [ 484, 396, 532, 404 ], [ 443, 407, 525, 419 ], [ 429, 419, 539, 431 ], [ 244, 423, 544, 563 ], [ 238, 560, 524, 592 ], [ 274, 591, 484, 616 ], [ 421, 631, 553, 647 ], [ 187, 633, 211, 645 ], [ 353, 633, 387, 645 ], [ 214, 634, 250, 642 ], [ 320, 634, 350, 643 ], [ 388, 635, 418, 644 ], [ 353, 646, 567, 661 ], [ 187, 647, 339, 661 ], [ 490, 659, 567, 677 ], [ 187, 661, 251, 675 ], [ 295, 661, 327, 677 ], [ 339, 661, 439, 675 ], [ 437, 661, 475, 681 ], [ 268, 664, 292, 672 ], [ 97, 707, 153, 721 ], [ 209, 707, 271, 721 ], [ 349, 707, 397, 721 ], [ 461, 707, 533, 721 ], [ 584, 720, 593, 799 ], [ 97, 721, 155, 735 ], [ 209, 721, 247, 735 ], [ 251, 721, 277, 735 ], [ 349, 721, 403, 735 ], [ 207, 731, 259, 747 ], [ 97, 733, 175, 745 ], [ 357, 733, 399, 745 ], [ 459, 733, 539, 747 ], [ 97, 747, 173, 761 ], [ 207, 747, 273, 761 ], [ 349, 747, 421, 759 ], [ 459, 747, 543, 761 ], [ 209, 759, 283, 775 ], [ 95, 761, 123, 775 ], [ 97, 785, 149, 799 ], [ 349, 785, 399, 799 ], [ 349, 795, 473, 809 ], [ 117, 796, 147, 809 ], [ 97, 797, 119, 811 ], [ 151, 797, 239, 811 ], [ 97, 807, 245, 821 ], [ 349, 807, 499, 821 ], [ 387, 851, 567, 863 ], [ 83, 881, 169, 895 ], [ 289, 883, 349, 901 ], [ 425, 884, 549, 903 ], [ 355, 885, 411, 901 ], [ 108, 892, 140, 898 ], [ 291, 900, 380, 919 ], [ 83, 901, 171, 917 ], [ 387, 901, 435, 917 ], [ 491, 901, 543, 917 ], [ 455, 903, 485, 917 ], [ 389, 912, 415, 933 ], [ 290, 913, 316, 933 ], [ 417, 914, 545, 934 ], [ 313, 917, 359, 933 ], [ 365, 917, 389, 931 ], [ 83, 919, 179, 933 ], [ 82, 929, 205, 945 ] ]
[ "HO@NGHTS: COOL' MUSIC BENSON & HHDTE HOT NIGHTS COOL MUSIC BNSUN & [EIXES HOT NIGHTS COOL MUSIC HENSOY #HFLLE HOT NGHTS COOL MUSIC . BESON \"Hoi NCHiS", "ART-N SUUL", "CHANTAY SAVAGE GLORGE HOWARD GROOVE THEORY INTRO MORRIS DAY TIIC TIML PURE SOUL SHAI SILK SOLO TERRY ELLIS ZAPP/ROGER JUST THE SAX II: GERALD ALBRIGHT MALTEi BEASLEI RONNIF LAws PAMELA WILLIAMS Udcc BENSON & HEDGES 100 NIGHTS LIVEI", "The noltesi Tein These Breat atists wil perform Uve Los Angcles' top music clubs July I5th through August 17th. For more Information Towi tickel hot nights and copl music, listings below:,", "ZAPP {ROGER JUST THE SAX Adisls [isled objv0 George Hoiard SOLO", "Tridaj; August 2 Thursduy = Fiduy Algust & 9 Riduy; August 16 Sclursoy; August 17", "PURE SOUL MorriS Day THE Mme , GRoovE Theory", "Hednesco;, Jult JI", "~Kiccne5d J , August 7 #Wednesc -, Augost |4 7 THE PALACE 1735 Norh Vine Sluee , Holly ocd Fo; Mora Inlormalion Coli: 213-462-3200", "BB. KING $ IOCO Morena (ener Dr, Univeral CIl_ Fcc Mcje Informolicn Coli: BT8 622*406", "15 mg *tat\" LI m;erollng IY. pet getelle bp FIt melbt", "Arsts chtserd sciccule Jntchatin AeaSe CALL To cchary} Ori p Mori h J32 214 _ nue cedby Dencan & Hety-t Fqurettes", "SUAGEON GENERAL' WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancet, eaf [ Disea $ 0 Empl hysema And May Complicate Pregoancy:" ]
[ [ 80, 93, 157, 320 ], [ 451, 145, 521, 159 ], [ 238, 163, 544, 616 ], [ 187, 631, 567, 681 ], [ 95, 707, 175, 775 ], [ 207, 707, 283, 775 ], [ 349, 707, 421, 759 ], [ 461, 707, 533, 721 ], [ 349, 720, 599, 821 ], [ 97, 785, 245, 821 ], [ 387, 851, 567, 863 ], [ 82, 881, 205, 945 ], [ 288, 883, 549, 934 ] ]
[ "Woor", "1", "( [ U B", "BH", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette", "TURN UP THE PLEASURE", "WITH THE LONGER MENTHOL.", "Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide_" ]
[ [ 375, 482, 428, 495 ], [ 658, 695, 685, 792 ], [ 511, 701, 581, 719 ], [ 495, 715, 585, 783 ], [ 95, 885, 335, 905 ], [ 475, 889, 669, 905 ], [ 451, 903, 689, 921 ], [ 97, 905, 331, 921 ] ]
[ "Woor", "( [ U B BH 1", "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide_", "TURN UP THE PLEASURE", "WITH THE LONGER MENTHOL." ]
[ [ 375, 479, 428, 499 ], [ 495, 695, 685, 792 ], [ 95, 885, 335, 921 ], [ 475, 889, 669, 905 ], [ 451, 903, 689, 921 ] ]
[ "Amusto", "OfCCNAM", "11o| Nicins", "((HL MUSIC", "ART-N-SOUL", "HnE\"", "HOT NIGITS", "BAHAMADIA", "C(OL MUSIC", "BARKAYS", "HtmY", "Fmei", "HOT NIGHTS", "CHANTAY", "SAVAGE", "COOL MUSIC", "HLNLON & IWJICE", "GEORGE HOWARD", "HIOT NIGHTS", "COOL MUSIC", "GROOVE", "THEORY", "FlN ON#IXCS", "HORACE BROWN", "HOT NIGHTS", "COOL MUSIC", "INTRO", "UINJUH#ILDCE", "HOT NIGHTS", "JODY", "WATLEY", "ZEzcG", "COOL MUSIC", "LAKESIDE", "Wuh URaHLUGLS", "FOT' NIGHTS", "MORRIS", "DAY", "COOX MUSIG", "THE", "TIME", "HOT NIGHTS", "PIECES OF", "DREAM", "COOL MUSIC", "ROY", "AYERS", "FHADMencm", "HOT MIGHTS", "SILK", "BENSON & HEDGES", "COOL MUSIC", "SOCIETY", "[DAHUIELGE", "01", "SOUL", "NIGHTS LIVE!", "100", "HJOT NIGHTS", "SOLO", "COOL MUSIC,", "Thc hottcst", "These grcat artists", "tour Olthe ycar", "Iivc", "will perform", "at Houston", "top", "clubs", "Mnusit", "ZAPP /ROGER", "Ath through Oclober", "Emittbot", "25th.", "Woun", "mnornauon", "ic-e", "Han", "Mnne", "istings", "Ja", "Etan", "Joain", "Uot;", "JodtWAtEI", "Lln Sple ]", "NeeT Ruitatt 7", "Ltint", "HA", "Lntar Duean", "LodYI Ieiort._ ett Oxlster }", "OLJQuL", "laittnSralteaci 7", "LDt/RoeiR", "HalElean", "cidrgt Howar d", "Fida: Ouelhr", "4BLAroM", "Fi Selentel 71", "Drlaic", "Pan", "Shtn Dul7 >", "Wuulat 01gu7 7}", "acri Dai", "J'ta rm L Salenatn", "ldRAEAIT", "Yravan Oiet \"", "DATDMane", "ILnr O4el7 74", "tht Tme", "Jeet= _ Jainy Utlee", "LUQE{", "6oetef-cedtl Oit", "Acenn", "2072430453", "", "~seleu1e", "Gutholn", "LAITchtOR", "LICac", "LANITATI", "n", "Jol Lu", "Gun Hnhe", "Jon Wtieile Kan; Hiale", "Gt Llrl [ MIJ 9T10ie", "Fer KeI Llante tat [11-704-546]", "'6 Hitt Merulbi (ak W-A40-MIU", "Aynale4114J4-44J}", "", "Sue! WaeWr\"", "t4 MiLief0", "64Wdueaca", "MaGlt [OC", "SURGEON", "GENEAAL'$", "WaRNiNG", "Smoking", "Causes", "Luno", "Eil(", "5 E 8S 0", "Complicate Pregnancy", "May", "Emphysema", "And", "nyarnint", "In4l", "Haa Cuvelbt", "Dncy Mete bk", "HIC ATMTMD" ]
[ [ 528, 174, 584, 180 ], [ 590, 174, 652, 180 ], [ 43, 221, 113, 233 ], [ 43, 235, 113, 247 ], [ 531, 243, 643, 259 ], [ 80, 250, 110, 256 ], [ 43, 261, 113, 273 ], [ 527, 267, 643, 281 ], [ 43, 275, 113, 289 ], [ 540, 288, 628, 304 ], [ 44, 290, 74, 296 ], [ 80, 290, 110, 296 ], [ 43, 301, 113, 315 ], [ 499, 311, 591, 327 ], [ 595, 313, 671, 327 ], [ 43, 315, 113, 329 ], [ 44, 330, 110, 338 ], [ 503, 335, 667, 351 ], [ 43, 343, 113, 355 ], [ 41, 357, 113, 371 ], [ 505, 357, 583, 373 ], [ 589, 359, 663, 373 ], [ 42, 372, 110, 380 ], [ 509, 381, 659, 397 ], [ 41, 385, 113, 397 ], [ 41, 397, 111, 413 ], [ 553, 405, 615, 419 ], [ 42, 414, 108, 422 ], [ 41, 427, 111, 439 ], [ 517, 427, 567, 443 ], [ 573, 429, 649, 445 ], [ 166, 439, 460, 551 ], [ 43, 441, 113, 455 ], [ 539, 451, 629, 467 ], [ 42, 456, 110, 464 ], [ 41, 469, 111, 481 ], [ 525, 475, 597, 489 ], [ 601, 475, 641, 489 ], [ 40, 482, 112, 508 ], [ 549, 489, 587, 503 ], [ 591, 489, 639, 503 ], [ 41, 509, 111, 523 ], [ 491, 511, 583, 527 ], [ 609, 511, 675, 527 ], [ 41, 525, 111, 539 ], [ 529, 535, 569, 549 ], [ 575, 535, 635, 551 ], [ 42, 540, 106, 546 ], [ 41, 551, 109, 565 ], [ 561, 559, 603, 573 ], [ 146, 560, 452, 586 ], [ 41, 567, 109, 581 ], [ 501, 581, 579, 597 ], [ 42, 582, 106, 590 ], [ 585, 583, 611, 597 ], [ 615, 583, 665, 597 ], [ 240, 584, 412, 608 ], [ 187, 585, 233, 605 ], [ 41, 595, 111, 607 ], [ 557, 605, 607, 621 ], [ 41, 609, 111, 623 ], [ 151, 611, 223, 625 ], [ 331, 611, 447, 625 ], [ 225, 613, 327, 625 ], [ 233, 621, 257, 636 ], [ 151, 623, 231, 637 ], [ 261, 623, 331, 637 ], [ 345, 625, 369, 637 ], [ 413, 625, 449, 637 ], [ 372, 626, 408, 634 ], [ 523, 629, 641, 645 ], [ 247, 634, 383, 649 ], [ 170, 636, 234, 644 ], [ 387, 637, 419, 649 ], [ 150, 648, 182, 656 ], [ 188, 648, 260, 656 ], [ 322, 648, 358, 656 ], [ 294, 650, 316, 656 ], [ 408, 650, 446, 658 ], [ 268, 656, 317, 669 ], [ 150, 658, 172, 666 ], [ 176, 658, 202, 666 ], [ 206, 660, 242, 666 ], [ 320, 660, 362, 668 ], [ 144, 686, 186, 692 ], [ 198, 686, 258, 694 ], [ 326, 688, 396, 696 ], [ 420, 688, 446, 694 ], [ 596, 690, 618, 696 ], [ 626, 690, 670, 696 ], [ 141, 695, 259, 707 ], [ 420, 696, 446, 704 ], [ 470, 696, 534, 704 ], [ 280, 698, 324, 706 ], [ 350, 700, 390, 706 ], [ 558, 700, 614, 708 ], [ 624, 700, 666, 708 ], [ 420, 708, 456, 714 ], [ 476, 708, 534, 716 ], [ 228, 710, 250, 716 ], [ 280, 710, 310, 716 ], [ 342, 710, 398, 718 ], [ 610, 712, 674, 720 ], [ 142, 720, 182, 728 ], [ 448, 720, 526, 728 ], [ 280, 722, 332, 728 ], [ 338, 722, 396, 730 ], [ 558, 724, 606, 730 ], [ 616, 724, 674, 732 ], [ 150, 728, 178, 736 ], [ 182, 730, 250, 736 ], [ 418, 730, 446, 738 ], [ 450, 732, 526, 740 ], [ 420, 742, 454, 748 ], [ 575, 743, 647, 755 ], [ 117, 743, 129, 803 ], [ 476, 744, 498, 750 ], [ 139, 765, 189, 783 ], [ 280, 768, 326, 774 ], [ 418, 768, 442, 776 ], [ 566, 770, 602, 776 ], [ 317, 774, 335, 785 ], [ 278, 776, 318, 782 ], [ 446, 776, 486, 784 ], [ 556, 778, 648, 786 ], [ 150, 782, 250, 790 ], [ 278, 784, 390, 792 ], [ 418, 784, 528, 792 ], [ 582, 786, 668, 794 ], [ 115, 799, 131, 857 ], [ 224, 807, 283, 819 ], [ 538, 812, 576, 820 ], [ 598, 812, 672, 820 ], [ 142, 818, 226, 824 ], [ 397, 841, 457, 855 ], [ 461, 841, 529, 855 ], [ 533, 841, 593, 855 ], [ 604, 841, 657, 859 ], [ 397, 853, 443, 867 ], [ 453, 854, 481, 866 ], [ 562, 858, 584, 866 ], [ 614, 858, 650, 866 ], [ 524, 864, 653, 882 ], [ 497, 864, 521, 880 ], [ 397, 865, 465, 879 ], [ 469, 867, 495, 879 ], [ 142, 870, 170, 876 ], [ 180, 870, 202, 876 ], [ 208, 870, 262, 878 ], [ 142, 878, 196, 886 ], [ 216, 878, 264, 886 ] ]
[ "Amusto OfCCNAM", "11o| Nicins ((HL MUSIC HnE\" HOT NIGITS C(OL MUSIC HtmY Fmei", "ART-N-SOUL BAHAMADIA BARKAYS CHANTAY SAVAGE", "HOT NIGHTS COOL MUSIC HLNLON & IWJICE HIOT NIGHTS COOL MUSIC FlN ON#IXCS HOT NIGHTS COOL MUSIC UINJUH#ILDCE HOT NIGHTS COOL MUSIC Wuh URaHLUGLS FOT' NIGHTS COOX MUSIG HOT NIGHTS COOL MUSIC FHADMencm HOT MIGHTS COOL MUSIC [DAHUIELGE HJOT NIGHTS COOL MUSIC,", "GEORGE HOWARD GROOVE THEORY", "HORACE BROWN INTRO", "JODY WATLEY LAKESIDE MORRIS DAY THE TIME", "ZEzcG PIECES OF DREAM ROY AYERS SILK BENSON & HEDGES 100 SOCIETY NIGHTS LIVE! 01 SOUL Thc hottcst tour Olthe ycar These grcat artists SOLO will perform Iivc at Houston top Mnusit clubs Emittbot Ath through Oclober 25th. ZAPP /ROGER Woun mnornauon Han ic-e Mnne Ja Etan Joain istings Uot;", "JodtWAtEI Lln Sple ] LodYI Ieiort._ ett Oxlster } Drlaic acri Dai tht Tme Jeet= _ Jainy Utlee", "NeeT Ruitatt 7 LDt/RoeiR HalElean", "Ltint OLJQuL", "HA", "Lntar Duean", "laittnSralteaci 7 4BLAroM Fi Selentel 71 J'ta rm L Salenatn LUQE{ 6oetef-cedtl Oit Acenn ~seleu1e", "cidrgt Howar d Fida: Ouelhr Wuulat 01gu7 7} DATDMane ILnr O4el7 74", "Pan", "Shtn Dul7 > ldRAEAIT Yravan Oiet \"", "2072430453", "Gutholn LAITchtOR LICac LANITATI Jol Lu n Gun Hnhe Gt Llrl [ MIJ 9T10ie Jon Wtieile Kan; Hiale Fer KeI Llante tat [11-704-546] '6 Hitt Merulbi (ak W-A40-MIU Aynale4114J4-44J} Sue! WaeWr\" MaGlt [OC t4 MiLief0 64Wdueaca SURGEON GENEAAL'$ WaRNiNG Smoking Causes Luno Eil( 5 E 8S 0 nyarnint In4l Haa Cuvelbt Emphysema And May Complicate Pregnancy Dncy Mete bk HIC ATMTMD" ]
[ [ 528, 174, 652, 180 ], [ 43, 221, 113, 296 ], [ 499, 243, 671, 327 ], [ 40, 301, 113, 623 ], [ 503, 335, 667, 373 ], [ 509, 381, 659, 419 ], [ 517, 427, 649, 503 ], [ 146, 439, 675, 669 ], [ 141, 686, 259, 736 ], [ 280, 688, 396, 706 ], [ 420, 688, 446, 704 ], [ 596, 690, 618, 696 ], [ 626, 690, 670, 696 ], [ 418, 696, 534, 750 ], [ 558, 700, 674, 732 ], [ 280, 710, 310, 716 ], [ 280, 710, 398, 730 ], [ 575, 743, 647, 755 ], [ 115, 743, 672, 886 ] ]
[ "Ha", "Mim lienceelc", "Iwantthe 2eestlaste", "Kecan ze", "getitlfiom Vinstons", "Rinue MnE", "Winston", "1", "ILTER 'CIGAKETTKA", "}uLLkieh", "\"Holiceo #itvot", "Kizining", "The Surgeon General Has Determined", "It Cgxette Smokung", "Dangetous Io Your Health." ]
[ [ 90, 96, 116, 102 ], [ 128, 96, 210, 104 ], [ 113, 495, 662, 552 ], [ 258, 544, 506, 611 ], [ 109, 608, 674, 685 ], [ 518, 740, 634, 766 ], [ 512, 792, 644, 848 ], [ 691, 823, 715, 920 ], [ 526, 852, 628, 860 ], [ 534, 886, 610, 914 ], [ 513, 903, 632, 930 ], [ 78, 926, 119, 943 ], [ 125, 928, 303, 946 ], [ 79, 943, 181, 959 ], [ 188, 944, 301, 962 ] ]
[ "Ha", "Mim lienceelc", "Iwantthe 2eestlaste Kecan ze getitlfiom Vinstons", "Rinue MnE", "Winston ILTER 'CIGAKETTKA 1 \"Holiceo #itvot }uLLkieh", "Kizining The Surgeon General Has Determined It Cgxette Smokung Dangetous Io Your Health." ]
[ [ 90, 96, 116, 102 ], [ 128, 96, 210, 104 ], [ 109, 495, 674, 685 ], [ 518, 740, 634, 766 ], [ 512, 792, 715, 930 ], [ 78, 926, 303, 962 ] ]
[ "2081532832", "4", "L", "1", "J", "W", "88", "H", "1", "#", "[", "W", "J", "L", "H", "3", "8", "1", "1", "]", "2", "@", "2", "1", "[", "4", "1", "1", "1", "1", "L", "5", "2", "8", "3" ]
[ [ 489, 95, 573, 109 ], [ 635, 105, 675, 167 ], [ 628, 143, 655, 250 ], [ 655, 163, 671, 205 ], [ 656, 204, 665, 255 ], [ 627, 243, 670, 295 ], [ 494, 280, 548, 336 ], [ 459, 306, 521, 513 ], [ 496, 310, 546, 382 ], [ 659, 326, 675, 368 ], [ 447, 330, 461, 392 ], [ 362, 332, 416, 394 ], [ 417, 335, 441, 404 ], [ 669, 336, 674, 482 ], [ 277, 338, 370, 509 ], [ 311, 349, 338, 412 ], [ 262, 360, 288, 436 ], [ 650, 365, 667, 503 ], [ 518, 366, 544, 436 ], [ 192, 373, 221, 498 ], [ 395, 379, 411, 409 ], [ 445, 385, 465, 425 ], [ 362, 386, 388, 440 ], [ 413, 397, 440, 466 ], [ 381, 399, 417, 508 ], [ 441, 419, 461, 441 ], [ 260, 428, 284, 454 ], [ 512, 429, 539, 510 ], [ 437, 435, 465, 508 ], [ 362, 436, 386, 506 ], [ 264, 447, 277, 502 ], [ 417, 477, 437, 507 ], [ 469, 481, 483, 507 ], [ 516, 588, 546, 638 ], [ 402, 622, 559, 987 ] ]
[ "2081532832", "4 L 1 J W 88 W J [ 1 # 8 3 2 2 H 4 @ H 1 ] 1 1 L 1 L 1 [ 5 1 2 1", "8 3" ]
[ [ 489, 95, 573, 109 ], [ 192, 105, 680, 513 ], [ 402, 588, 559, 987 ] ]
[ "VT8ES lariWwv", "MAXfLIGhT", "Houlder Theater", "45t", "41", "Pearl", "poncer", "2002", "4n", "n *L", "Trto", "Ononm", "Ee", "BOULGERNEYEATER", "TcLa", "Z", "GS", "Jamot", "MsFuaiB-# BaMa", "045", "Firae", "4olam", "WRHuruGERxXpRIO #uXStERI", "WOMEN FROMMARS", "HAHLA", "360'", "DthHC Ten", "Knorcil 26 Iohin eet", "Ydu GN create your owN ride", "NPCNORTHERH COLORDO", "u", "Mual", "oulacongMilkon To chowsl trom", "CHAMPIONSHInS", "1 Cr", "Suado", "Karch 10 8pm", "MAncuS ROBERTS", "Aa Tadjy", "Taaaam", "3HBro SWING}", "CHUMPS", "& BreW#GENFAS7", "ph", "Tlden", "5x", "THE JAZZ WEST", "Aetleteea('e", "BIG BAND", "Eh", "Ru", "Sulurdu", "I;Ben", "Et", "BRANFORD MARSAUS", "nhu L", "Ihin 2KC Emrnu:", "1k", "LYem", "Aprillg", "Kah", "NASHVILLE", "ZT", "WLUEGrass#AND", "4ttzu", "Thuredo I", "E8escen", "BOULDER THEATER", "Mov DAREL", "\"3\"'", "SWMINGS", "68", "Catdt", "KountAim", "7", "Rocky", "Widutan", "63656", "SHAIEDOWA STREET", "Loon", "Jerr", "Redle", "Satihmar", "stay TUNGDI", "0", "WELIE", "E41", "iate Rrlt enn,", "EELII", "enteatainmen", "0M8", "Cndt", "@i aMedil", "CAMLL", "~DENYLIr WEST#CaD", "03-0856", "Mktord", "LLNYFR CO", "Amme", "inadvKibuns Xvr > [sif,snsn" ]
[ [ 88, 76, 320, 106 ], [ 60, 116, 358, 172 ], [ 531, 120, 673, 161 ], [ 457, 139, 515, 157 ], [ 537, 155, 561, 167 ], [ 575, 155, 613, 169 ], [ 626, 156, 672, 164 ], [ 62, 158, 360, 254 ], [ 494, 160, 516, 166 ], [ 492, 174, 516, 180 ], [ 552, 180, 584, 188 ], [ 622, 180, 648, 188 ], [ 484, 186, 508, 192 ], [ 532, 190, 672, 216 ], [ 443, 195, 473, 206 ], [ 456, 196, 514, 220 ], [ 609, 201, 631, 213 ], [ 636, 212, 658, 218 ], [ 408, 224, 516, 232 ], [ 461, 237, 515, 253 ], [ 554, 240, 578, 248 ], [ 618, 240, 646, 248 ], [ 100, 246, 352, 278 ], [ 535, 249, 669, 265 ], [ 480, 258, 512, 264 ], [ 65, 261, 99, 275 ], [ 432, 270, 506, 276 ], [ 578, 282, 654, 290 ], [ 85, 283, 321, 299 ], [ 538, 292, 662, 300 ], [ 620, 300, 642, 305 ], [ 484, 302, 514, 310 ], [ 75, 307, 329, 323 ], [ 562, 308, 638, 316 ], [ 474, 322, 496, 330 ], [ 560, 328, 582, 336 ], [ 588, 328, 640, 336 ], [ 537, 344, 665, 362 ], [ 536, 376, 588, 384 ], [ 616, 376, 644, 384 ], [ 576, 388, 672, 414 ], [ 531, 399, 591, 413 ], [ 541, 409, 659, 427 ], [ 615, 439, 639, 451 ], [ 564, 440, 594, 448 ], [ 488, 446, 512, 452 ], [ 547, 457, 655, 471 ], [ 434, 458, 502, 464 ], [ 565, 467, 635, 481 ], [ 489, 471, 517, 485 ], [ 466, 472, 488, 478 ], [ 558, 488, 586, 496 ], [ 610, 488, 640, 496 ], [ 485, 495, 519, 511 ], [ 533, 505, 667, 517 ], [ 442, 516, 472, 522 ], [ 422, 528, 514, 536 ], [ 557, 531, 587, 543 ], [ 619, 531, 641, 547 ], [ 592, 532, 620, 540 ], [ 467, 541, 515, 553 ], [ 561, 543, 637, 557 ], [ 455, 547, 509, 563 ], [ 541, 553, 659, 565 ], [ 480, 566, 510, 574 ], [ 554, 574, 600, 582 ], [ 612, 574, 642, 582 ], [ 531, 583, 667, 597 ], [ 148, 584, 302, 614 ], [ 469, 591, 511, 605 ], [ 569, 593, 629, 609 ], [ 553, 603, 595, 619 ], [ 468, 612, 502, 620 ], [ 265, 621, 309, 649 ], [ 491, 623, 515, 641 ], [ 210, 637, 246, 632 ], [ 566, 640, 604, 646 ], [ 419, 643, 511, 659 ], [ 530, 645, 665, 664 ], [ 449, 663, 509, 679 ], [ 243, 666, 322, 709 ], [ 150, 685, 251, 714 ], [ 414, 688, 464, 696 ], [ 557, 689, 639, 701 ], [ 669, 689, 683, 749 ], [ 56, 700, 118, 724 ], [ 478, 708, 502, 716 ], [ 448, 720, 510, 728 ], [ 450, 734, 476, 740 ], [ 217, 745, 292, 769 ], [ 108, 754, 160, 784 ], [ 463, 763, 501, 775 ], [ 153, 769, 237, 783 ], [ 548, 774, 576, 782 ], [ 550, 778, 635, 791 ], [ 203, 779, 261, 793 ], [ 143, 781, 195, 793 ], [ 570, 790, 618, 798 ], [ 580, 798, 606, 804 ], [ 537, 801, 653, 815 ] ]
[ "VT8ES lariWwv MAXfLIGhT Houlder Theater 45t 4n 41 Pearl poncer n *L Ee Trto Ononm 2002 TcLa Z BOULGERNEYEATER GS Jamot MsFuaiB-# BaMa 045 Firae 4olam WRHuruGERxXpRIO #uXStERI HAHLA WOMEN FROMMARS 360' DthHC Ten Ydu GN create your owN ride Knorcil 26 Iohin eet NPCNORTHERH COLORDO Mual u oulacongMilkon To chowsl trom CHAMPIONSHInS 1 Cr Suado Karch 10 8pm MAncuS ROBERTS", "Aa Tadjy Taaaam CHUMPS 3HBro SWING} & BreW#GENFAS7", "ph", "Tlden", "5x", "THE JAZZ WEST BIG BAND Sulurdu I;Ben", "Aetleteea('e", "Ru Eh", "Et BRANFORD MARSAUS nhu L", "Ihin 2KC Emrnu:", "1k Aprillg LYem NASHVILLE", "Kah ZT 4ttzu", "WLUEGrass#AND", "Thuredo I", "E8escen", "BOULDER THEATER SWMINGS 68", "Mov DAREL Rocky KountAim", "\"3\"' Catdt 7 63656 Loon", "Widutan", "SHAIEDOWA STREET", "Jerr Redle WELIE enteatainmen 0M8 @i aMedil Mktord 03-0856", "Satihmar", "stay TUNGDI", "0 CAMLL ~DENYLIr WEST#CaD LLNYFR CO inadvKibuns Xvr > [sif,snsn Amme", "E41 iate Rrlt enn,", "EELII", "Cndt" ]
[ [ 60, 76, 673, 362 ], [ 531, 376, 672, 427 ], [ 615, 439, 639, 451 ], [ 564, 440, 594, 448 ], [ 488, 446, 512, 452 ], [ 547, 457, 655, 496 ], [ 434, 458, 502, 464 ], [ 466, 471, 517, 485 ], [ 442, 495, 667, 522 ], [ 422, 528, 514, 536 ], [ 557, 531, 641, 557 ], [ 455, 541, 515, 574 ], [ 541, 553, 659, 565 ], [ 554, 574, 600, 582 ], [ 612, 574, 642, 582 ], [ 531, 583, 667, 619 ], [ 148, 584, 313, 649 ], [ 419, 591, 515, 679 ], [ 566, 640, 604, 646 ], [ 530, 645, 665, 664 ], [ 56, 666, 322, 793 ], [ 414, 688, 464, 696 ], [ 557, 689, 639, 701 ], [ 537, 689, 683, 815 ], [ 448, 708, 510, 728 ], [ 450, 734, 476, 740 ], [ 462, 763, 502, 775 ] ]
[ "1", "WINSTON NATLRAL BW 4191", "SAN JOSE METRO", "SAN JOSE, CA", "9/17/93", "SERFICES.54616s-4", "LPADERTENG" ]
[ [ 621, 668, 630, 766 ], [ 465, 835, 633, 853 ], [ 497, 849, 597, 867 ], [ 509, 863, 585, 879 ], [ 527, 879, 567, 891 ], [ 534, 889, 627, 903 ], [ 464, 890, 536, 898 ] ]
[ [ 610, 668, 641, 766 ], [ 464, 835, 633, 903 ] ]
[ "1", "W", "1", "1", "8", "J", "1" ]
[ [ 541, 149, 553, 177 ], [ 533, 171, 582, 238 ], [ 561, 204, 580, 305 ], [ 487, 211, 513, 310 ], [ 577, 223, 591, 257 ], [ 536, 230, 564, 290 ], [ 535, 287, 549, 331 ] ]
[ "1 W 1 J 1 8 1" ]
[ [ 487, 149, 591, 331 ] ]
[ "H", "288", "U", "H", "", "", "h", "", "1", "1", "1", "H", "34", "1", "H", "", "1", "", "1", "1", "L", "d", "H", "L", "h", "H", "", "", "U", "1", "1X", "H", "L", "]", "H", "2", "1", "H", "1", "L", "1", "1", "3", "H", "L", "1", "H", "1", "1", "", "", "1", "1", "", "H", "U", "1", "", "|", "1", "#", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", ";", "7", "1", "", "H", "1", "1", "HH", "", "}", "H", "H", "1", "1", "", "1", "1", "I", "H", "H", "1", "1", "1", "H", "N", "E", "1", "1", "87", "1", "Vi", "#", "I", "8;", "J3", "h", "1", "1", "]", "[", "1", "1", "[", "5", "H", "1", "H", "{", "L", "1", "3", "1", "8", "8", "$", "g", "143%", "8", "9", "MI", "}", "1", "8", "0", "3", "8", "7", "1", "0", "#", "1", "1", "2", "2", "38", ":H", "#", "8", "1", "jl", "[", "8", "U", "1", "He nE", "L", "]", "2", "#" ]
[ [ 300, 87, 352, 178 ], [ 588, 88, 626, 114 ], [ 442, 92, 470, 228 ], [ 394, 94, 418, 178 ], [ 484, 94, 492, 144 ], [ 420, 94, 428, 410 ], [ 255, 95, 275, 163 ], [ 381, 95, 393, 273 ], [ 520, 96, 528, 134 ], [ 529, 97, 543, 121 ], [ 443, 97, 455, 139 ], [ 228, 98, 252, 242 ], [ 133, 99, 157, 117 ], [ 291, 99, 303, 215 ], [ 147, 105, 167, 177 ], [ 432, 108, 440, 302 ], [ 276, 109, 289, 213 ], [ 183, 111, 195, 411 ], [ 505, 113, 517, 135 ], [ 134, 114, 142, 142 ], [ 172, 114, 180, 258 ], [ 217, 119, 229, 165 ], [ 552, 124, 580, 202 ], [ 468, 126, 492, 411 ], [ 352, 136, 378, 224 ], [ 301, 143, 339, 203 ], [ 133, 143, 145, 387 ], [ 339, 147, 347, 229 ], [ 394, 148, 420, 212 ], [ 160, 154, 168, 204 ], [ 492, 158, 588, 294 ], [ 254, 160, 278, 208 ], [ 218, 164, 226, 216 ], [ 329, 172, 336, 256 ], [ 240, 186, 266, 316 ], [ 567, 191, 579, 219 ], [ 148, 192, 156, 214 ], [ 272, 198, 368, 296 ], [ 593, 199, 607, 239 ], [ 301, 199, 314, 327 ], [ 393, 203, 407, 229 ], [ 407, 207, 419, 291 ], [ 581, 209, 593, 231 ], [ 253, 211, 293, 297 ], [ 458, 214, 466, 264 ], [ 217, 215, 231, 279 ], [ 156, 220, 181, 414 ], [ 366, 222, 374, 276 ], [ 145, 222, 153, 280 ], [ 444, 224, 452, 278 ], [ 122, 246, 130, 374 ], [ 110, 256, 118, 280 ], [ 455, 265, 467, 287 ], [ 230, 266, 238, 410 ], [ 275, 266, 341, 372 ], [ 380, 272, 404, 354 ], [ 505, 275, 517, 335 ], [ 494, 276, 502, 408 ], [ 519, 276, 526, 374 ], [ 445, 276, 451, 370 ], [ 255, 277, 275, 351 ], [ 363, 277, 375, 309 ], [ 218, 278, 226, 338 ], [ 109, 280, 117, 350 ], [ 145, 283, 159, 361 ], [ 457, 285, 469, 367 ], [ 567, 285, 581, 349 ], [ 351, 285, 363, 307 ], [ 408, 288, 416, 312 ], [ 530, 294, 538, 388 ], [ 403, 299, 443, 415 ], [ 342, 300, 350, 368 ], [ 625, 301, 639, 391 ], [ 363, 307, 407, 415 ], [ 242, 313, 250, 409 ], [ 466, 313, 479, 365 ], [ 586, 319, 629, 413 ], [ 552, 326, 580, 412 ], [ 543, 327, 555, 397 ], [ 304, 328, 312, 388 ], [ 330, 330, 336, 366 ], [ 505, 333, 519, 411 ], [ 255, 337, 267, 379 ], [ 218, 340, 226, 394 ], [ 278, 348, 304, 412 ], [ 254, 350, 278, 412 ], [ 354, 356, 362, 410 ], [ 148, 358, 156, 410 ], [ 196, 360, 203, 412 ], [ 317, 367, 337, 411 ], [ 445, 367, 465, 411 ], [ 340, 368, 348, 410 ], [ 120, 374, 146, 416 ], [ 515, 374, 531, 411 ], [ 582, 424, 636, 536 ], [ 555, 431, 579, 580 ], [ 139, 435, 202, 535 ], [ 511, 435, 547, 497 ], [ 253, 444, 341, 545 ], [ 334, 448, 366, 498 ], [ 196, 450, 228, 488 ], [ 398, 450, 428, 524 ], [ 453, 453, 467, 511 ], [ 229, 455, 243, 541 ], [ 243, 459, 257, 517 ], [ 364, 464, 381, 509 ], [ 481, 465, 493, 497 ], [ 427, 467, 441, 545 ], [ 465, 480, 481, 531 ], [ 214, 482, 225, 511 ], [ 180, 486, 212, 566 ], [ 399, 487, 413, 561 ], [ 514, 490, 546, 548 ], [ 337, 491, 345, 525 ], [ 351, 495, 365, 539 ], [ 481, 495, 495, 545 ], [ 305, 497, 319, 521 ], [ 584, 500, 608, 584 ], [ 365, 507, 379, 529 ], [ 213, 509, 227, 545 ], [ 453, 509, 467, 533 ], [ 245, 513, 259, 539 ], [ 286, 518, 382, 572 ], [ 337, 521, 349, 543 ], [ 413, 521, 427, 545 ], [ 193, 523, 276, 574 ], [ 531, 523, 545, 569 ], [ 277, 523, 285, 559 ], [ 143, 531, 163, 583 ], [ 453, 531, 467, 561 ], [ 611, 533, 631, 573 ], [ 515, 547, 529, 577 ], [ 265, 642, 281, 721 ], [ 245, 643, 257, 723 ], [ 369, 647, 407, 739 ], [ 326, 652, 358, 700 ], [ 233, 681, 245, 723 ], [ 257, 681, 269, 721 ], [ 325, 699, 361, 747 ], [ 221, 701, 235, 723 ], [ 301, 731, 409, 890 ], [ 416, 736, 468, 836 ], [ 466, 770, 498, 848 ], [ 403, 773, 417, 807 ], [ 499, 779, 513, 855 ], [ 400, 804, 455, 870 ], [ 483, 805, 499, 865 ], [ 451, 807, 465, 839 ], [ 219, 817, 287, 909 ], [ 233, 823, 247, 893 ], [ 542, 826, 622, 858 ], [ 450, 836, 469, 899 ], [ 543, 855, 555, 897 ], [ 421, 865, 435, 887 ], [ 517, 867, 557, 927 ] ]
[ "34 1 h 1 1 1 1 288 H d 1 1 H H 1 L H H H h U U L H 1 ] 1 1X 2 1 H L 3 1 1 1 H H L 1 1 7 1 1 L 1 1 H 1 # H U 1 1 1 1 1 } | ; I 1 1 HH H 1 1 H H 1 1 1 1 H H H E 1 N 1 Vi J3 ] I 8; [ h 1 1 # 5 1 3 { 1 [ 1 87 H 8 g 1 143% 8 L 8 MI 1 9 0 $ 1 H 8 8 } 1 3", "1 1 7 # 2 1 0 2 38 8 :H 8 # jl [ 1 U 1 He nE 2 L # ]" ]
[ [ 106, 87, 639, 584 ], [ 219, 642, 622, 927 ] ]
[ "Hh", "h", "'", "H", "BH", "1", "1", "1", "", "3", "HH", "1", "H", "", "32", "13", "1", "0", "]", "22", "H", "8", "3", "#l", "J", "1", "4", "1", "7", "2", "9", "1", "lilij", "1", "W" ]
[ [ 333, 261, 373, 385 ], [ 351, 269, 371, 317 ], [ 644, 280, 650, 308 ], [ 622, 280, 654, 360 ], [ 547, 285, 591, 373 ], [ 604, 294, 611, 362 ], [ 670, 306, 678, 332 ], [ 589, 307, 601, 343 ], [ 376, 318, 384, 360 ], [ 537, 337, 549, 363 ], [ 480, 528, 628, 630 ], [ 374, 534, 447, 798 ], [ 628, 538, 652, 618 ], [ 345, 561, 411, 779 ], [ 449, 583, 509, 653 ], [ 523, 603, 559, 647 ], [ 509, 617, 523, 665 ], [ 429, 622, 449, 654 ], [ 635, 627, 649, 693 ], [ 523, 631, 559, 669 ], [ 485, 645, 525, 799 ], [ 341, 647, 355, 681 ], [ 455, 651, 491, 705 ], [ 557, 665, 595, 737 ], [ 525, 667, 543, 735 ], [ 543, 667, 557, 697 ], [ 590, 686, 618, 758 ], [ 344, 694, 361, 745 ], [ 543, 697, 557, 751 ], [ 455, 699, 491, 759 ], [ 577, 715, 591, 747 ], [ 616, 718, 624, 742 ], [ 522, 732, 628, 788 ], [ 349, 743, 363, 781 ], [ 456, 750, 488, 800 ] ]
[ "h Hh", "' BH 1 1 H 1 3", "HH H 0 32 1 22 13 8 1 3 1 ] 1 2 H J 7 #l 9 4 1 1 W lilij" ]
[ [ 333, 261, 384, 385 ], [ 537, 280, 678, 373 ], [ 341, 528, 652, 803 ] ]
[ "Aparak", "2084482175" ]
[ [ 319, 386, 414, 425 ], [ 313, 429, 414, 456 ] ]
[ "Aparak 2084482175" ]
[ [ 313, 386, 414, 456 ] ]
[ "CO", "4ABWILTv", "ASGOO1ER RESIAURAN", "55 801", "HIBJAIE", "DSU BLRI @ZAliei;", "HERE:", "IbEZA", "BLUE & GOLD", "793EB71H ST:", "DHARMA", "174 ORCHARD", "Aon", "780 0317", "IRVING PLAZA", "gmonW", "17 IKVING PLACE @ ISIL SI", "CONCERT INIFU;", "Box OFFICE: Z77-6808", "Titoue", "PRESEWTS", "48586", "VON", "73 BLEECKER ST.", "-473-3039", "BABY JUPITER", "25", "'170 ORCHARD ST,", "iyob", "982-2229", "SWIM", "146 ORCHARD ST", "673-0799", "LST", "WEST VNLTG", "ART BAR", "52 8TH AVENUE", "127-0244", "IHJffkuh", "Boo RADLEYS", "IN STORES NOW", "WAVERLY PLACE", "HIOJTNTTUOTTONNVTSNDFR", "228", "68ch", "DOnB YBengekast", "HnEC]IMGSTS", "HANGAR", "1", "CHRISTOPHFR ST.", "115", "omea", "800,221,8100", "627-2044", "Ja%ia7 E8m", "KENNY'S CASTAWAYS", "WEBSTER", "HALE", "157 BLEECKER ST.", "125 Last Hth", "Strect", "979-9762", "ChOIcfs", "LLLWLAL", "J" ]
[ [ 53, 73, 351, 237 ], [ 471, 108, 620, 134 ], [ 471, 145, 631, 183 ], [ 477, 183, 523, 195 ], [ 469, 211, 507, 225 ], [ 469, 227, 601, 243 ], [ 151, 234, 475, 363 ], [ 473, 245, 523, 259 ], [ 469, 273, 549, 289 ], [ 465, 285, 543, 323 ], [ 467, 335, 519, 351 ], [ 465, 351, 543, 367 ], [ 32, 356, 74, 364 ], [ 465, 367, 521, 383 ], [ 463, 399, 549, 417 ], [ 13, 415, 204, 469 ], [ 465, 416, 621, 436 ], [ 463, 433, 547, 449 ], [ 460, 444, 590, 468 ], [ 47, 454, 204, 508 ], [ 314, 459, 357, 477 ], [ 243, 461, 424, 573 ], [ 461, 479, 489, 493 ], [ 455, 493, 545, 513 ], [ 457, 511, 515, 529 ], [ 459, 541, 545, 559 ], [ 250, 544, 418, 806 ], [ 455, 555, 555, 575 ], [ 50, 562, 162, 616 ], [ 459, 573, 513, 589 ], [ 457, 603, 493, 617 ], [ 457, 617, 555, 637 ], [ 457, 635, 511, 651 ], [ 113, 657, 153, 675 ], [ 453, 672, 604, 703 ], [ 455, 715, 507, 731 ], [ 453, 729, 543, 747 ], [ 455, 745, 509, 763 ], [ 113, 765, 195, 803 ], [ 450, 774, 538, 806 ], [ 278, 792, 376, 816 ], [ 468, 792, 557, 812 ], [ 9, 805, 192, 834 ], [ 451, 807, 475, 823 ], [ 475, 808, 505, 824 ], [ 255, 819, 397, 861 ], [ 19, 834, 168, 866 ], [ 451, 837, 503, 853 ], [ 671, 847, 685, 927 ], [ 473, 852, 570, 876 ], [ 451, 855, 473, 869 ], [ 304, 862, 332, 870 ], [ 285, 871, 379, 887 ], [ 449, 871, 505, 887 ], [ 288, 882, 360, 906 ], [ 447, 897, 569, 923 ], [ 243, 905, 342, 933 ], [ 341, 909, 403, 949 ], [ 447, 916, 547, 935 ], [ 249, 927, 327, 943 ], [ 329, 928, 363, 946 ], [ 447, 933, 503, 949 ], [ 20, 950, 60, 958 ], [ 65, 950, 93, 961 ], [ 104, 952, 126, 960 ] ]
[ [ 9, 73, 631, 961 ], [ 671, 847, 685, 927 ] ]
[ "weed", "Sloke", "dm\"&", "1", "1", "1", "L", "Polic;", "Conuul", "Dcug", "not", "bre", "ofhational", "Oflicc", "notivetior", "Amerie'", "Drug-Eree", "dru8s", "ind", "Partnership", "goe]s", "Dver", "lose", "Reepect", "Simpson", "Tart", "tbings", "Jessica", "Pop Singer:", "wxwfreevibe com" ]
[ [ 437, 129, 603, 171 ], [ 237, 151, 439, 192 ], [ 80, 156, 242, 228 ], [ 82, 453, 99, 531 ], [ 96, 571, 110, 625 ], [ 101, 625, 114, 653 ], [ 690, 806, 716, 906 ], [ 639, 807, 671, 819 ], [ 600, 813, 638, 818 ], [ 575, 815, 603, 829 ], [ 413, 815, 441, 825 ], [ 381, 819, 409, 833 ], [ 520, 821, 572, 827 ], [ 491, 823, 523, 837 ], [ 288, 828, 378, 834 ], [ 627, 829, 677, 836 ], [ 577, 831, 631, 849 ], [ 352, 833, 397, 851 ], [ 257, 833, 287, 843 ], [ 492, 840, 551, 858 ], [ 201, 841, 247, 847 ], [ 311, 842, 349, 851 ], [ 271, 845, 307, 859 ], [ 128, 846, 190, 857 ], [ 355, 853, 454, 882 ], [ 203, 854, 241, 863 ], [ 132, 856, 185, 876 ], [ 264, 867, 357, 883 ], [ 141, 871, 271, 909 ], [ 364, 914, 464, 943 ] ]
[ "Sloke weed dm\"&", "1 1 1", "Dcug Conuul Polic; Oflicc ofhational Drug-Eree Amerie' Partnership L", "bre not ind notivetior goe]s Dver dru8s Reepect Tart lose tbings Jessica Simpson Pop Singer: wxwfreevibe com" ]
[ [ 80, 109, 603, 228 ], [ 82, 452, 114, 654 ], [ 491, 804, 716, 908 ], [ 128, 812, 464, 943 ] ]
[ "7", "BY MArleoro", "tuR", "ADVertising SpONSORED", "0", ";", "0", "]", "2", "]", "8", "2", "R", "2", "", "8", "1", "1", "7", "]", "1", "HI", "01", "1", "9", "]", "3", "1" ]
[ [ 617, 39, 631, 89 ], [ 421, 50, 579, 87 ], [ 66, 55, 127, 84 ], [ 140, 57, 414, 84 ], [ 595, 93, 611, 125 ], [ 591, 111, 629, 209 ], [ 610, 188, 629, 261 ], [ 593, 229, 609, 289 ], [ 613, 259, 627, 289 ], [ 407, 265, 492, 481 ], [ 595, 287, 631, 339 ], [ 595, 323, 611, 347 ], [ 588, 334, 636, 440 ], [ 613, 401, 629, 437 ], [ 593, 437, 633, 527 ], [ 595, 439, 611, 467 ], [ 407, 475, 484, 720 ], [ 593, 501, 633, 563 ], [ 614, 550, 634, 659 ], [ 594, 575, 615, 659 ], [ 382, 630, 410, 716 ], [ 595, 657, 633, 757 ], [ 67, 715, 111, 795 ], [ 95, 719, 107, 753 ], [ 597, 725, 613, 749 ], [ 597, 749, 613, 821 ], [ 615, 795, 631, 821 ], [ 603, 871, 617, 947 ] ]
[ "tuR ADVertising SpONSORED BY MArleoro 7 0 ; 0 ] 2 2 8 ] R 2 8 1 1 ] 7 1 HI 01 1 9 ] 3", "1" ]
[ [ 66, 39, 636, 821 ], [ 603, 871, 617, 947 ] ]
[ "3", "", "1", "1", "1", "1", "#", "3" ]
[ [ 235, 561, 399, 767 ], [ 624, 742, 630, 768 ], [ 611, 774, 617, 808 ], [ 623, 803, 635, 827 ], [ 673, 806, 699, 886 ], [ 609, 813, 623, 857 ], [ 608, 856, 634, 908 ], [ 611, 905, 623, 929 ] ]
[ "3", "1 1 1 # 3", "1" ]
[ [ 235, 561, 399, 767 ], [ 608, 742, 635, 929 ], [ 673, 804, 699, 888 ] ]
[ "Allegato", "PHILIP MORRIS", "Premio per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica", "Scienza", "Dua paro", "chiova Per", "avoluzione dalla nostro", "cixla", "{bcnolocia", "rosponsabilo", "Esogn?'", "cho ho", "di uno", "niavaKcianzo", "atanna", "dare", "contibito concrato", "Ila soluziono doi problomi ecologici", "sociali dol pianata", "Copaco", "gli anni, Philip Morris stimola", "Ianlosia", "Con", "Promio Scionzo", "croalivlla", "praMLc", "opplicat?", "capi d'intarosso", "egico", "Icarcolon", "rociale", "ammossi stud", "applicativi in uno", "concono", "campi;", "Jegvany", "logia ambiantali, trasperti", "trofRico,", "logia produttivo", "tocno", "inlormozione", "comunicoziono", "trartormoziono", "Hacnc", "Ricarca Scianlifico", "Mortis", "Philip", "Tacnolg", "varra Oisognatlo ufficialmonto", "novombro", "Pennio", "Cahorinia", "Ministero dell'Universita", "della Ricerca Scientifice", "Tecnologica", "2ENA EA", "1", "PHILIP MORRIS", "CULTURA DEI TEMPI MODERNI" ]
[ [ 565, 115, 631, 131 ], [ 154, 147, 633, 220 ], [ 109, 633, 668, 666 ], [ 216, 666, 255, 680 ], [ 317, 667, 361, 681 ], [ 369, 667, 419, 681 ], [ 427, 667, 531, 679 ], [ 530, 668, 560, 677 ], [ 266, 670, 312, 678 ], [ 468, 679, 525, 693 ], [ 283, 679, 321, 695 ], [ 249, 681, 283, 693 ], [ 321, 681, 351, 693 ], [ 354, 682, 418, 690 ], [ 426, 682, 456, 690 ], [ 217, 693, 239, 705 ], [ 255, 693, 341, 707 ], [ 349, 693, 513, 709 ], [ 519, 693, 605, 707 ], [ 170, 696, 204, 704 ], [ 303, 706, 441, 721 ], [ 494, 706, 533, 720 ], [ 181, 707, 203, 719 ], [ 209, 707, 281, 719 ], [ 553, 707, 599, 719 ], [ 452, 710, 482, 718 ], [ 309, 721, 355, 735 ], [ 363, 721, 435, 733 ], [ 503, 721, 531, 735 ], [ 262, 722, 306, 730 ], [ 438, 722, 468, 730 ], [ 311, 733, 371, 745 ], [ 375, 733, 455, 749 ], [ 244, 736, 284, 744 ], [ 514, 736, 544, 744 ], [ 472, 736, 510, 743 ], [ 151, 745, 269, 761 ], [ 277, 745, 313, 759 ], [ 485, 745, 557, 761 ], [ 128, 748, 152, 756 ], [ 316, 748, 374, 756 ], [ 382, 748, 450, 756 ], [ 576, 748, 648, 756 ], [ 460, 750, 484, 756 ], [ 280, 758, 367, 773 ], [ 219, 758, 249, 771 ], [ 191, 759, 221, 773 ], [ 375, 759, 417, 773 ], [ 431, 759, 565, 773 ], [ 575, 759, 621, 771 ], [ 160, 760, 190, 768 ], [ 376, 786, 412, 792 ], [ 225, 797, 349, 811 ], [ 357, 797, 481, 811 ], [ 489, 797, 551, 813 ], [ 322, 810, 472, 834 ], [ 651, 842, 672, 929 ], [ 335, 885, 441, 901 ], [ 283, 907, 495, 923 ] ]
[ "Allegato", "PHILIP MORRIS", "Premio per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica Scienza {bcnolocia Dua paro chiova Per avoluzione dalla nostro cixla cho ho Esogn?' di uno niavaKcianzo atanna rosponsabilo Copaco dare contibito concrato Ila soluziono doi problomi ecologici sociali dol pianata Con Promio Scionzo gli anni, Philip Morris stimola praMLc Ianlosia croalivlla Icarcolon opplicat? capi d'intarosso rociale egico concono ammossi stud applicativi in uno Jegvany campi; tocno logia ambiantali, trasperti trofRico, inlormozione comunicoziono Hacnc logia produttivo trartormoziono Pennio Philip Mortis Ricarca Scianlifico Tacnolg varra Oisognatlo ufficialmonto novombro", "Cahorinia", "Ministero dell'Universita della Ricerca Scientifice Tecnologica 2ENA EA", "1", "PHILIP MORRIS", "CULTURA DEI TEMPI MODERNI" ]
[ [ 565, 115, 631, 131 ], [ 154, 147, 633, 220 ], [ 109, 633, 668, 773 ], [ 376, 786, 412, 792 ], [ 225, 797, 551, 834 ], [ 651, 842, 672, 929 ], [ 335, 885, 441, 901 ], [ 283, 907, 495, 923 ] ]
[ "1", "WX", "W", "0", "4", "7", ":", ":", "1" ]
[ [ 52, 14, 117, 335 ], [ 644, 184, 706, 240 ], [ 602, 188, 652, 242 ], [ 580, 190, 610, 238 ], [ 557, 247, 623, 327 ], [ 51, 377, 113, 527 ], [ 48, 568, 113, 749 ], [ 45, 780, 111, 945 ], [ 652, 857, 678, 956 ] ]
[ "1 7 : :", "0 W WX 4", "1" ]
[ [ 45, 14, 117, 945 ], [ 557, 184, 706, 327 ], [ 652, 857, 678, 956 ] ]
[ "I", "Lo", "]", "1" ]
[ [ 455, 313, 517, 597 ], [ 170, 389, 251, 462 ], [ 423, 426, 459, 550 ], [ 637, 753, 657, 851 ] ]
[ "Lo ] I", "1" ]
[ [ 170, 313, 517, 597 ], [ 637, 753, 657, 851 ] ]

Dataset Card for RVL-CDIP-MINI

This dataset is a subset (1%) of the original aharley/rvl_cdip merged with the corresponding annotations from jordyvl/rvl_cdip_easyocr.

You can easily and quickly load it:

dataset = load_dataset("dvgodoy/rvl_cdip_mini")
    train: Dataset({
        features: ['image', 'width', 'height', 'category', 'ocr_words', 'word_boxes', 'ocr_paragraphs', 'paragraph_boxes', 'label'],
        num_rows: 3200
    validation: Dataset({
        features: ['image', 'width', 'height', 'category', 'ocr_words', 'word_boxes', 'ocr_paragraphs', 'paragraph_boxes', 'label'],
        num_rows: 400
    test: Dataset({
        features: ['image', 'width', 'height', 'category', 'ocr_words', 'word_boxes', 'ocr_paragraphs', 'paragraph_boxes', 'label'],
        num_rows: 400

Dataset Summary

The original RVL-CDIP (Ryerson Vision Lab Complex Document Information Processing) dataset consists of 400,000 grayscale images in 16 classes, with 25,000 images per class. There are 320,000 training images, 40,000 validation images, and 40,000 test images. The images are sized so their largest dimension does not exceed 1000 pixels.

This "mini" version contains only the first 4,000 images from the original dataset: 3,200 training images, 400 validation images, and 400 test images.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

  • image-classification: The goal of this task is to classify a given document into one of 16 classes representing document types (letter, form, etc.). The leaderboard for this task is available here.


All the classes and documents use English as their primary language.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

A sample from the training set is provided below :

    'image': <PIL.TiffImagePlugin.TiffImageFile image mode=L size=754x1000 at 0x7F9A5E92CA90>,
    'width': 754,
    'height': 1000,
    'category': 'advertisement',
    'ocr_words': [...],
    'word_boxes': [[...]],
    'ocr_paragraphs': [...],
    'paragraph_boxes': [[...]],
    'label': 4

Data Fields

  • image: A PIL.Image.Image object containing a document.
  • width: image's width.
  • height: image's height.
  • category: class label.
  • ocr_words: list of OCRed words.
  • word_boxes: list of box coordinates in (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) format (Pascal VOC).
  • ocr_paragraphs: list of OCRed paragraphs.
  • paragraph_boxes: list of box coordinates in (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) format (Pascal VOC).
  • label: an int classification label.
Class Label Mappings
  "0": "letter",
  "1": "form",
  "2": "email",
  "3": "handwritten",
  "4": "advertisement",
  "5": "scientific report",
  "6": "scientific publication",
  "7": "specification",
  "8": "file folder",
  "9": "news article",
  "10": "budget",
  "11": "invoice",
  "12": "presentation",
  "13": "questionnaire",
  "14": "resume",
  "15": "memo"

Data Splits

train test validation
# of examples 3200 400 400

The dataset was split in proportions similar to those of ImageNet.

  • 3200 images were used for training,
  • 400 images for validation, and
  • 400 images for testing.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

From the paper:

This work makes available a new labelled subset of the IIT-CDIP collection, containing 400,000 document images across 16 categories, useful for training new CNNs for document analysis.

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

The same as in the IIT-CDIP collection.

Who are the source language producers?

The same as in the IIT-CDIP collection.


Annotation process

The same as in the IIT-CDIP collection.

Who are the annotators?

The same as in the IIT-CDIP collection.

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

The dataset was curated by the authors - Adam W. Harley, Alex Ufkes, and Konstantinos G. Derpanis.

Licensing Information

RVL-CDIP is a subset of IIT-CDIP, which came from the Legacy Tobacco Document Library, for which license information can be found here.

Citation Information

    title = {Evaluation of Deep Convolutional Nets for Document Image Classification and Retrieval},
    author = {Adam W Harley and Alex Ufkes and Konstantinos G Derpanis},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ({ICDAR})}},
    year = {2015}


Thanks to @dnaveenr for adding this dataset.

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