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Im out on a new road in search for a land with no name
And I never look back cause Im walking through sunshine and rain
Im a man who has lived in the tombs and whos broken the chains
I was blind and now I see
What if god is not for me
And I know its time to go
Ive been used and Ive been played
Ive been spat on and betrayed
And I know its time to go
I defeat the pain
Im alive again
The past is gone for good, .its time to say:
At last, I believe I will be found
In the silence of my nights
I can hear a distant voice
Someone out there is calling my name
Im not afraid
Watch out
Im beyond the dread
Its time to turn the page and love again
I defeat the pain
In a crying game
Im leaving all my shadows behind
Tentanda via ad incognita |
Dont look back, the time has come
All the pain turns into love
Were not submissive, were not aggressive
But they think we cant defend
We have the power to face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our rights
Theyre accusing, like always without knowing
What is just fiction or what is the truth
They have no mission, they have no passion
But they dare to tell us whats bad and whats good!
We are the power wholl face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our rights
Est affectus
Et defectus
Semper in angaria
Quod per sortem
Sternit fortem
Mecum omnes plangite!
Nunc obdurat
Et tunc curat
Ludo mentis aciem
We are the power wholl face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our rights
Love, love, devotion, devotion
Feeling, feeling, emotion, emotion
Dont be afraid to be weak
Dont be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart, my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself, dont hide
Just believe in destiny
Dont care what people say
Just follow your own way
Dont give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
Thats not the beginning of the end
Thats the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Thats the return to innocence |
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, amen
Cum angelis et pueris
Fideles inveniamur
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
Et elevamini, portae aeternales
Et introibit rex gloriae
Quis est iste Rex gloriae?
Sade, dit-moi
Sade, donne-moi
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Sade, dit-moi
Quest ce que tu vas chercher ?
Le bien par le mal ?
La vertu par le vice ?
Sade, dit moi pourquoi levangile du mal ?
Quelle est ta religion ou sont tes fideles ?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre lhomme
Sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin ?
Sade, dit-moi
Sade, donne-moi
Sade, dit-moi
Sade, donne-moi
In nomine Christi, Amen |
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, amen...
Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
Et elevamini, portae aeternales
Et introibit rex gloriae
Quis est iste rex glorie?
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donne-moi...
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, amen...
Sade, dis-moi
Quest-ce que tu vas chercher ?
Le Bien par le Mal
La Vertu par le Vice ?
Sade, dis-moi
Pourquoi lÉvangile du Mal ?
Quelle est ta religion
Où sont tes fidèles ?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre lHomme
Sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin ?
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donne-moi...
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donne-moi...
In nomine Christi, amen...
The Principles of Lust are easy to understand
Do what you feel, feel until the end
The Principles of Lust are burnt in your mind
Do what you want, do it until you find
The Principles of Lust are easy to understand
Do what you feel, feel until the end
The Principles of Lust are burnt in your mind
Do what you want, do it until you find
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donne-moi...
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donne-moi...
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donne-moi...
Sade, dis-moi...
Hosanna... |
We came out from the deep
To help and understand but not to kill
It takes many lives till we succeed
To clear the debts
Of many, many hundred years |
Viens chez-moi
Je suis ton destin
Sade Jai compris
Sade Je te suis
See me now
Feel me now
All your life
Youve been waiting for tonight
Nows the time to get it right
So dare to fly
All your life
Youve been waiting to be free
Trade your pride for ecstasy
Thatll make you
Reach the sky
Sade Jai compris
Sade Je te suis |
The principles of lust, are burned in your mind...
Do what you want, do it until you find love
Feel your heart beat...
The principles of lust are easy to understand...
Do what you feel, feel until the end
The principles of lust, are burned in your mind...
Do what you want, do it until you find love
Start to move slowly...
Very slowly...
The principles of lust are easy to understand...
Do what you feel, feel until the end
The principles of lust, are burned in your mind...
Do what you want, do it until you find love |
Lwe9t li kissawbo 7izam nassif ki d3iw llah
Li kharj ychouf la liberté, kho yddini m3ah
Weld Aicha, kber jen7i tzwjat Mira Bah
Anmout fremla d bora bora bora dMiramar
Ki chi chamali Banlieusard menni kan 7arg l7olm dyalo klah l7out dyal Gibraltar
Ki chi train ja retard, ki ssayen fih monta7ir kan obstacle khsser fpocker star
Fblad ktrat hna la haine, 9lalt fiha nniya
Kan7ss b malak dyal la mort ja kikhn9 fiya
Kayjerni, kayderni, ta 7bssat li rriya
Kebbelni, teyyerni, safi ra ghadi biya
Mentalité Western haz bondo9iya kantirer f bayadi9
Mni ghandir l3a9a Me Amore ma gha ndikch lMiami
Mentalité Western haz bondo9iya kantirer f bayadi9
Mni ghandir l3a9a Me Amore ma gha ndikch lMiami
Jar sifi, haz rayti, jay nmarquer lcroit
La knti 3cha9 jib wdnik fiddik ji terwa
Khassk 2 CDyat, ra film dyali VCD
Fin rze9 jeddat Tahiri ghanbraquew CDG
Rassi nyab, mnin kanmdegh l7mek ma kandflouch
7ayawan, nabati, kan9tl sba3 ma kanaklouch
Gha nwessik, la dkhelna lstudio gha tl9 la clime
3ndi skhouna had la cliquе, ma chtich la nadt lik
Tleb tesslim, jib chme3 w ji nbkhеr lik
7na fHay jim, jib 3chranek w ji nghrez lik
Mossta7il ki chi malak sghir fTel-Aviv
N9ed ndowbk ghi b kelma, kantnkhm lacide
Men fog jbel ghi bnebla, kho kanjib la cible
Sayg siyara mofkhakha w ba9i ma blassitch
Ma ghatmoutich, ghi rta7i, demmi fpétadine 7mer kandawi bih ga3 jra7i
Ba3d ma dawli l3mer, memnou3 ytl9oliya sra7i
La ma 7linach lktab, 7na 7rgna ga3 sfa7i
Ki chi ytim kabr bla rdah, dfnini fchwar3 Casa, w 9bri diri fogo warda
Ki Wld Ghazza m7arb bla ghda, ana étoile fel espace kanbghi zou7al l9amar ma radach
Makinach lempreinte kan9tlo 7ta témoin
Diro curtage, la wldti ankhlih fchi rond point
Darb capuche fssif, 7it kin drabi ta7t kommi
Condamné 20 3am bditha mkhyyet fommi
Mentalité Western haz bondo9iya kantirer f bayadi9
Mni ghandir l3a9a Me Amore ma gha ndikch lMiami
Mentalité Western haz bondo9iya kantirer f bayadi9
Mni ghandir l3a9a Me Amore ma gha ndikch lMiami
Ma n7tajch tdf3ni 7it ra wagf fog ssour, ra ghdroni men lour, ra ca y est 3yit ndour
Passé k7el men lbachra dSeedorf, ra battena record, ra 7na malin score
Ana li lcoach khrjni fpremiére mi-temps
Golo lpréfet ra bassamati fusil a pompe
Bo7di fbiti kandour 3la darham kantouf
Matzadinach rjal, ta men l7jer ra kan tob
Makanssam7ch ra kanssa, mam9ad ta wr9a nl3bha fog tabla
La khssert ra ghank3a
Men kankmi ra kanss7a, drto sa7bi 3tito rz9i khayn mcha galihom ana li kanss3a
Massi7 Dajal, 3in Fetty Wap
Ki 7edro jwad, khti seddi lbab
Tkhrji 3la tabla, Sindibad
S7ablk gha labo dBreaking Bad
Mol lbab ra kissad, nta gha Bachar machi Assad
Ra Bush ja Baghdad
Li dar ljihad liquidah
Ji nm7i rass drwappa ki daro Nazi fles juifs
Wra lmout m3achin dra3k cotelettes machwi
Fssriri na3ss, fuck had l7youta katdi9
M3achr lbelya, permis lewit dsadi9
Hna lwra9 fihom jadawil, dakhl skhoun ja dawi
Safi lgina fajawi, sel3a ftenue Massawi
9 fRichtere, hada zelzal
Machi 3cha9 hada ra mellal
Nghenni w chitani la3b nay
Drari del ghzal, w haki nab
Kho ba9i kanktb w 7a9d
Kansticker wdanek fa9at
Bghit jariyat w tbassel
Fog bzazel Amal Saqer
La machi trabi, wlad l2assl
Ghandiro frada, siro la salle
God finahowa lwhite?, chfna gha lk7el li ftenue dNew Castle
Nbraquew toutes les putes fvitrinat Amsterdam
Hzzina l9wada fcoffre ra 3mrna lMegan
7atna hna sir placer, kob 3la mha lissence
Kssiri 9assdin lmatar w hazzin sikan
Bippi njik jaybin bla krimogen
Bla garentie tibi3o tibi3oh lina tal oxygéne
Ch7al romantic jay khatbk hazzin Fumigéne
Diri les lentilles bach tchoufini ana Harry Kane |
I look into the mirror
See myself, Im over me
I need space for my desires
Have to dive into my fantasies
I know as soon as Ill arrive
Everything is possible
Cause no one has to hide
Beyond the invisible
Sajaja bramani totari ta, raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota...
Close your eyes
Just feel and realize
It is real and not a dream
Im in you and youre in me
It is time
To break the chains of life
If you follow you will see
Whats beyond reality
Ne irascaris Domine
Ne ultra memineris iniquitatis:
Ecce civitas Sancti facta est deserta:
Sion deserta facta est:
Ierusalem desolata est:
Domus sanctificationis tuæ et gloriæ tuæ...
Sajaja bramani totari ta, raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota...
Close your eyes
Just feel and realize
It is real and not a dream
Im in you and youre in me
It is time
To break the chains of life
If you follow you will see
Whats beyond reality |
If you believe in light, it is because of its purity
If you believe in Joy it is because of sadness
And if you believe in god. It is because of the devil
Take me back, to the rivers of belief
Take me back, to the rivers of belief
My friend
I look inside my heart
I look inside my soul
I promise you
I will return
And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal
Silence covered the sky
Take me back, to the rivers of belief
Take me back, to the rivers of belief
My friend
I look inside my heart
I look inside my soul
Im reaching out for you
Lets hope one day
Well rest in peace
On my rivers of belief |
O fortuna, velut luna
O fortuna, velut luna
Turn around, and smell what you dont see
Close your eyes, its so clear
Heres the mirror, behind there is a screen
On both ways, you can get in
Dont think twice before you listen to your heart
Follow the trace, for a new start
What you need, and everything youll feel
Is just a question of the deal
In the eye of storm youll see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love
O fortuna, velut luna
The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom
Try to think about it
Thats the chance to live your life and discover what it is
Whats the gravity of love
O fortuna, velut luna
Look around just people, can you hear their voice
Find the one wholl guide you to the limits of your choice
But if youre in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love
O fortuna, velut luna
O fortuna
O fortuna
O fortuna |
We ride, we ride 22s or better
We, we ride, we ride 22s or better
I swang on em, swang on em
I swang on em, swang on em
Now if I catch you at the light
I swang on em, swang on em
That candy paint aint lookin right
I swang on em, swang on em
We ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
We, we ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
Now, if you come down to this Dirty South
Better watch your ears
Cause country boys talk with a dirty mouth
And they on them corners
And they hustling up that dirty D
Better watch them dirty boys
Down South, we keep it dirty, G
I know you heard of me
I got that work
Man, I got that white, and I got that purp
And I got that brown and I got that green
When Im in your town and I hit your scene
In a candy-painted car thatll sit so clean
Trunk on pop with the fifth on lean
II Trill DVD playing on my screen
Sitting on cream, man, you know what I mean?
Now, if I catch you at the light
I swang on em, swang on em
That candy paint aint lookin right
I swang on em, swang on em
We ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
We, we ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
Now if you come down to this T-E-X
Better show some love
Cause homie, you dont wanna see me plex
When we bout that paper
It aint no shortstop in my cashier checks
I get full of ana
And get to standing upon these niggas necks
Betta show respect
Or we pulling out them Tecs
Man, I got them Macs, and I got them Ks
And I got them nines, and I got them As
R-15s and them two-two-treys
Playa, when I ride, Ima ride for days
No, I dont miss, and I sure dont graze
Bring what you got, and I bet it dont faze
Im a trill-ass nigga, man, its in my ways
Now, if I catch you at the light
I swang on em, swang on em
That candy paint aint looking right
I swang on em, swang on em
We ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
We, we ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
Now Im Chi-Town-born and Im Chi-Town-bred
Call me Westside Lu
But I know about them Northside blues
And them Southside reds
I run the F-N-F crew
Til my man Chilly Chill come home and he back on deck
My garage keep a very fast car
Keep a classy gold chain wrapped around my neck
Yeah, I came from the left, but Im downright fresh
Speak on! How you on a song Bun B on?
Complete 180, how crazy has he gone?
How strong is the brand of the D that he on?
How come he do what he want
And never do what we want?
Im Rick James, and this game
Is a white leather couch for me to plant my feet on
The Murphys didnt jump me, told me to get comfy
Even brought the loveseat for me to spill my drink on
Willie D gave me my stamp
Shout to Mike Jones and the Swisha camp
That boy Kyleon and the Rap-A-Lot Ranch
The Boss of the North and The Peoples Champ
Coolest nigga, what? Coolest nigga, what?
Getting swallowed by them city lights
Ball til Im benched and I put it on the Pimp
F-N-F U-P, U-G-K for life
Now if I catch you at the light
I swang on em, swang on em
That candy paint aint looking right
I swang on em, swang on em
We ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
We, we ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
I swang on em, swang on em
I swang on em, swang on em
We ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em
We, we ride, we ride 22s or better
Swang on em; I swang on em, swang on em |
Kyrie Eleison
Christe Eleison
Je ne dors plus
Je te désire
Prends-moi, je suis à toi
Mea culpa
Je veux aller au bout de mes fantasmes
Je sais que cest interdit
Je suis folle; je mabandonne
Mea culpa
Kyrie Eleison
Christe Eleison
Je suis là et ailleurs
Je nai plus rien
Je deviens folle
Je mabandonne
Mea culpa, je ne dors plus
Je te désire, prends-moi
Je suis à toi
Kyrie Eleison
Christe Eleison
Je suis là et ailleurs
Je veux tout
Quand tu veux
Comme tu veux
Mea culpa |
I see love, I can see passion
I feel danger, I feel obsession
Dont play games with the ones who love you
Cause I hear a voice who says:
I love you ... Ill kill you ...
Loneliness, I feel loneliness, in my room ...
Loneliness, I feel loneliness, in my room ...
Loneliness, I feel loneliness, in my room ...
Loneliness, I feel loneliness, in my room ...
Loneliness, I feel loneliness, in my room ...
Look into the mirror of your soul
Love and hate are one in all
Sacrifice turns to revenge and believe me
Youll see the face wholl say:
I love you ... Ill kill you ...
But Ill love you forever
Loneliness, I feel loneliness, in my room ...
Loneliness, I feel loneliness, in my room ...
Loneliness, I feel loneliness, in my room ... |
I was childish and unfair
To you, my only friend
I regret, but now its too late
I cant show you anymore
The things Ive learned from you
Cause life just took you away
Im asking why!
Im asking why!
Nobody gives an answer
Im just asking why
(But someday, well meet again
And Ill ask you)
Ill ask you why
Why it has to be like this
Im asking you why
Please give me an answer
Many years and stupid fights
Till we accept to see
How it was and itll always be
Why it has to be like this
Why we dont realize
Why were too blind to see the world
Whos always on our side
Im asking why!
Im asking why!
Nobody give an answer
Im just asking why
Just tell me why! Why it has to be like this
That the good ones disappear
Im asking you why
Im asking why!
Im asking why!
Nobody gives an answer
Im just asking why
Im asking why!
Im asking why!
Im asking why!
Im asking why! |
M16, Im reloading my magazine
And I will murder, ever bumber clot run
Keep my hand, on my gun whoa
I dont think they want the beef, cause these type of problems aint fin to go away
These friends Im packing with me, remind ya dont ever fuck with Trae
And if these bitches get up in you, aint no need to pray
Cause praying with this pain, will have you praying they take you away
I still post up, and let niggas know I dont bar a thang
Im gangstafied motherfucker, talk down and watch I make it rain
And it aint nothing that can stop it, I promise you that
I put that on the Truth, my brothers and Mr. Fat Pat
Now if they really want it, these niggas gon have to get it
Im trying to put something on your mind, just so you dont forget it
My M16, will be the reason niggas take a loss
When I get it out, just watch how fast this bitchll rearrange your house
The shit I got, will make the laws back up and get the SWAT
But even what they got, will give it up cause these bullets be hot
Im like original roster, who wanna run with me
Cause what Im bringing out, dont think they wanna fuck with me
I keep a heater, but Im known for my murder 16s
Killer speaker killer beats, so I murder 16s
So they M16s, tote a M16
I call it my bodyguard, cause they instance mean
In the streets of the city, it aint no love
Them boysll fuck you quick, without no glove
Im riding, in haters road blocks
Them jackers dont stop, theyll blaze your whole spot
So a nigga on spot, with the gauges on cock
And them Orville Redenbach Glocks, is on pop
So P.O.P., I will P-O-P
Fore I let another mother-mother, squeeze on me
In the H to the T-X, you better pray or be Xd
They dont play youll be next, you better raise your protection
Yes son, and just to see another day its a blessing
So I keep a weapon, my
Is it me Glock 40, bump-bump-bump-bump nope
Is it me 45, bump-bump-bump-bump nope
Is it me 3-57, bump-bump-bump-bump nope
Me M16, taping off the murder scene
Inhaling potent doja, with muddy cup of codeine
Me people dont even play me close, cause them dont know me
Me dont want no company, me kick it with me lonely
And will murder anyone of you snitches, run up on me
But my grandmother didnt raise a killer, she raised up a Christian
But the fact that I was already down, and people kept kicking
Made me crazy, thats why I got no love for nobody lately
And I told yall once before, none of my weapons have a safety
Ru-run up on me once, Imma beat your ass down
Ru-run up on me twice, Imma heat your ass down
Place you in another dimension, nobody can see you now
Rest in peace, Im the king of the streets yeah |
Good evening
This is the voice of Enigma
In the next hour, we will take you with us into another world
Into the world of music, spirit, and meditation
Turn off the light, take a deep breath, and relax
Start to move slowly, very slowly
Let the rhythm be your guiding light
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, amen |
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Cum angelis et pueris
Fideles inveniamur
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
Et elevamini, portae aeternales
Et introibit rex gloriae
Qius est iste Rex gloriae?
Sade, dis-moi
Sade, donnes-moi
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Sade, dis-moi
Quest-ce que tu vas chercher?
Le Bien par le Mal?
La Vertu par le Vice?
Sade, dis-moi
Pourquoi lévangile du Mal?
Quelle est ta religion, où sont tes fidèles?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre lHomme
Sade dit moi
Pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir?
Le plaisir sans lamour
Nwhy a til plus de sentiment dans le culte de lhomme?
Sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin?
Sade, dis-moi
Sade, donnes-moi
Sade, dis-moi
Sade, donnes-moi |
If you understand or if you dont
If you believe or if you doubt
Theres a universal justice
And the eyes of truth
Are always watching you |
Carly dont be sad
Life is crazy
Life is mad
Dont be afraid
Carly dont be sad
Thats your destiny
The only chance
Take it, take it in your hands
Life is mad
Dont be afraid |
The Eyes of Truth
Are always watching you
Алсын газрын зэрэглээн
Адуу шиг мал шиг торолзоноо хуоо
{Alsyn gazryn zeregleen
Aduu shig mal shig torolzonoo khuoo}
Je me regarde
Je me sens
Je vois des enfants
Je suis enfant! |
What Up?
This past year was a rough ride, joking aside
A lot of niggas left to do bids, and most done died
My neighborhood is like a ghost town
Would hype some trash
The BGs got the hood hot
With whites and rats
The old folks is mad at us cause they kids is lost
How you expect for us to teach when all you did was talk
The trickle down theory but this generation of thugs
Aint nothing like my niggas was when was hustling blood
It went from weed to cocaine
Cocaine to drank
Drank to handlebar, heron, x and crank
Smokin dip, plottin homicies, killin theyself
Butt naked waving pistols round the feeling of death
Got mama crying, cause she know deep down they needin her help
But hes a dead man walking, still she pray for his health
Why did Cory have to die young
Im losing my friends
Fought the war against Cancer
But he lost in the end
Who do you believe in?
Who do you believe in?
Who do you believe in?
Who do you believe in?
Outside I see the cop cars flashin they lights
Raindrops symbolizing God is saving the life
The sun shining so they say the devil beatin his wife
The body bloody underneath the sheet is waitin for Christ
The streets is hungry so I know they watchin
Waitin to strike
But anything you ever got for easy
Came with a price
Its just the chance a nigga took
He was shaking the dice
Committed suicide to get his chain covered in ice
I aint gon lie I did the same thing
I wanted to shine
25 and had a drop Rolls
Top of the line
I came a long way from rockin up
Ounces or dimes
To moving big boys
4 or 5 blocks at a time
And since this rap it wasnt paying bills
I did what I did
Got my money for it
Let these niggas see how I live
Wrong answer
Youd think a motherfucker be proud
To see his homie on his feet instead of talking him down
Now if the ghetto ever made a change
It changed for the worse
But I love it so I write in tears
And pray til it hurts
Prick my fingers
Til the blood stains would cover the page
Wipe my eyes and look ahead
And hope to see better days
I turn my TV off
Cuz I dont wanna look at the news
Hard times seeing people crying
Arabs and Jews
Fighting for they religion
Niggas livin like niggas
Mexicans on the border
White boys saying kill em
Politicians playing puppet
Gotta answer me this
Do you believe you really God?
My answer is this
Did you say
Let there be light, give Adam his wife
Produce the vegetation
Separate the day from the night?
Create the land and the sea and man in your own image
If not, then I want all this bullshit ended
Sending the kids to fight a war that they aint have to be in
That Saddam shit is dead, lets see you fuck with them Koreans |
Following the sun, to find the one
Whos giving you the wings, to fly
Following the sun, the golden one
Losing sense for space, and time
Im following the sun
To find the one
Can you feel, the waves of life?
Can you hear, the sigh of love?
Do you believe in it?
Following the sun, just for the one
Till youll find the door, you thought
Following the sun, like everyone
Just searching for a sign, of hope
Im following the sun
To find the one
Have a look up to the sky
See the billion stars above
Cause maybe on one of them
Youll spend your further life
Cause maybe on one of them
Youll spend your further life
Im following the sun
To find the one
Can you look up to the sky?
See the billion stars above
Cause maybe on one of them
Youll spend your further life
Cause maybe on one of them
Youll spend your further life
Cause maybe on one of them
Youll spend your further life |
Prasanna vadanaaM saubhaagyadaaM bhaagyadaaM
HastaabhyaaM abhayapradaaM maNigaNair
Prasanna vadanaaM saubhaagyadaaM bhaagyadaaM
HastaabhyaaM abhayapradaaM maNigaNair
Prasanna vadanaaM saubhaagyadaaM bhaagyadaaM
HastaabhyaaM abhayapradaaM maNigaNair
Some day you came in
And I knew you were the one
You were the rain, you were the Sun
But I needed both, cause I needed you
You were the one
I was dreaming of all life
When its dark you are my light
But dont forget whos always our guide
It is the child in us
It is the child in us |
Here you are
Dying on Geryon’s back to circle eight
Nothing will be as it used to be
Die to one life and enter another
Love is a healer, but who heals love?
Tentanda via ad incognita
Tentanda via ad incognita |
I am sitting on the moon
Watching planet blue, hello
Looking all around
Rotating without sound
Where are you?
Where are you?
I am sitting on the moon
Where are you?
I am missing... I am missing you
I came from very far
A little unknown star, hello
I dont know what to do
It is so cold and blue, without you
Where are you?
Where... where are you?
I am sitting on the moon
Where are you?
I am missing... I am missing you
Where are you?
I am sitting on the moon
Where... where are you?
I am missing... I am missing you
Where are you?
I am sitting on the moon
Where are you?
I am missing... I am missing you |
Fake-ass-ni-ggaz faaaace
Fake-ass-ni-ggaz faaaace
News gossip laws gossip boppers boppin hoes beg
Foresake me cause they bitches always be off in my bed
Always fuckin with they feelings, bitch Ill fuck you with my head
I dont love you and you dont love me so motherfuck what Donna said
I got paper never spend it I aint never seen a night
That I felt a need to pay a bitch unless she was a dyke
Lickin pussy left and right, bringin bitches by my place
Jack me off and suck my dick and let me skeet off in her
Blackberry start to buzzin, guess her husband askin questions
Wonderin where she at cause she just called her cousin, mad and fussin
Im laughin cause Im fuckin, slappin ass and titty suckin
Please your nipples, puttin that thump in her ass and she aint strugglin
You aint gangsta, youse a busta, quick to say that you a hustler
But realistically, you a bitch to me, sweet as pie but down to Custer
Wanna cry when niggas touch ya, wanna hide cause niggas bust ya
Got the copies of them statements you was makin motherfucker
All you fake-ass niggas get the fuck out my
Fore I make it rain and shower you with copper from the A
K, 47 thats gon be my tool
Make me clack it, I start actin like a motherfuckin fool
Fool, you know me, Ive been down since 85
Sellin dime for dime, doublin up my paper every time
I live the life of crime, ghetto life from day to day
Made me throw up both my hands, now get the fuck up out my
Thought I mighta hung it up for good, got tired of ridin beats
For free, said fuck it, Im gon go on and coach a team
Play golf and smoke my weed, poke her every other day
Do some groups and keep these haters out my motherfuckin
But this shit aint go the way I planned, Im caught off in the cross
And if I leave they wont respect the South cause niggas soft
Talkin bout whats in they mouth, talkin bout they cars and house
And that aint what we all about, we out here workin in a drought
Bout that paper, bout that cabbage, out here hustlin til you grab it
Pimp a pimp, you silly rabbit, youse a bun without a tablet
So yo intellect connect is comin short it out of space
Catchin bricks and weed and ace so get the fuck up out my face |
Don´t be shy
I know you need a place to hide
Mom is here and that´s all right
I´m on your side, on your side
It´s time you cross the river to glory land
Any dream helps survive
When you’are there, you will see
That´s the place you long to be
Trust me, this ride is free
Open up the windows of your mind
Don´t you see it is time
To leave your fears behind?
Come, follow me
Escape through word
Of desire and dreams
… desire and dreams |
Shall I go, shall I stay
107 light years away?
Many times, so many doubts
But no reason, to talk about
Mission is over, mission is done
I will miss you children of the sun
Now its time, to go away
Goodbye, goodbye Milky Way
For a better world, without hate
Follow your heart, believe in fate
Only visions, and the mind
Will guide you, to the light
Mission is over, mission is done
I will miss you, children of the sun
Now its time, to go and say
Goodbye, goodbye Milky Way
Mission is over, mission is done
I will miss you children of the sun
I go home, until someday
I say goodbye, goodbye Milky Way!
In 5 billion years
The Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky Way
A new, gigantic, cosmic world, will be born |
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life is a roundabout
A kind of LSD
Turn around, have faith in all the changes
Turn around and you will feel
No age of loneliness
You are a part of me
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life is a roundabout
A kind of LSD
Turn around, have faith in all the changes
Turn around and you will feel
No age of loneliness
You are a part of me
Turn, turn, turn around
Turn, turn, turn around
Turn, turn, turn around
Turn, turn, turn around
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life is a roundabout
A kind of LSD
Turn around, have faith in all the changes
Turn around and you will feel
No age of loneliness
You are part of me
(The Screen Behind the Mirror
The Voice And The Snake
Principles of Lust
The Eyes of Truth
TNT for the Brain)
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life is a roundabout
A kind of LSD
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life is a roundabout
A kind of LSD
T..t..t.. turn around and I will show you something |
Smell your skin
Feel your breath
You on my side
I couldnt resist
I hope Ill understand someday
Whats the meaning of this crazy game
It is real and pure
TNT for the brain
If theres no pain
Rules are still the same
Im with you, just lead me
Im ready to play
If theres no pain
Rules are still the same
Im with you, just lead me
Im ready to play
If theres no pain
Rules are still the same
Im with you, just lead me
Im ready to play
If theres no pain
Rules are still the same
Im with you, just lead me
Im ready to play |
Long ago, for many years
White men came in the name of GOD
They took their land, they took their lives
A new age has just begun
They lost thier GODS, they lost their smile
They cried for help for the last time
Liberty was turning into chains
But all the white men said
Thats the cross of changes
In the name of GOD - The fight for gold
These were the changes
Tell me - is it right - In the name of GOD
These kind of changes?
They tried to fight for liberty
Without a chance in hell, they gave up
White men won in the name of GOD
With the cross as alibi
Theres no GOD who ever tried
To change the world in this way
But for the ones who abuse his name
Therell be no chance to escape
On judgement day
In the name of GOD - The fight for gold
These were the changes
Tell me - is it right - In the name of GOD
These kind of changes?
Tell me why, tell me why, tell me why
The white men said:
Thats the cross of changes?
Tell me why, tell me why, tell me why
In the name of GOD
These kind of changes |
We came out from the deep
To learn to love, learn how to live
We came out from the deep
To avoid the mistakes we made
Thats why we are here!
Thats why we are here!
Thats why we are here!
We came out from the deep
To help and understand, but not to kill
It takes many lives till we succeed
To clear the debts of many hundred years
Thats why we are here!
Thats why we are here!
Thats why we are here!
Thats why we are here!
Thats why we are here!
Thats why we are here! |
Earth... A biosphere... A complex, subtly balanced life-support system...
Et turtur nidum
Ubi reponat pullos suos
Altaria tua Domine virtutum
Rex meus, et Deus meus
We are floating over the line
Let us follow our mind
All of our life well wait for the answer
And the question is why
If were following our mind
We can glide into light
No one knows if therell be an answer
While were morphing thru time
We are floating over the line
Let us follow our mind
All of our life well wait for the answer
And the question is why
(Were just travellers
In endless space)
If were following our mind
We can glide into light
No one knows if therell be an answer
While were morphing thru time |
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
I promise you, I will return
And when the lamb opened the seventh seal
Silence covered the sky
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
Im reaching out for you
Lets hope one day, well rest in peace
On my rivers of belief |
The first bowl on the earth
The second bowl on the sea
The third bowl on the rivers
The fourth bowl on the sun
The fifth bowl on the Beast
The sixth bowl on the stars
The seventh bowl on the air
And the earth turned grey
Sea turned black
The rivers turned red
The sun turned cold
The Beast turned pale
The stars turned fast
The air turned to poison |
Look into the others eyes, many frustrations
Read between the lines, no words just vibrations
Dont ignore hidden desires
Pay attention, youre playing with fire
Silence must be heard, noise should be observed
The time has come to learn, that silence...
Or diamonds will burn, friendly cards will turn
Cause silence has the right to be heard
People talk too much for what they have to say
Words without a meaning, they are fading away
Silence must be heard, noise should be observed
The time has come to learn, that silence...
Or diamonds will burn, friendly cards will turn
Cause silence has the right to be heard |
X-Ray Delta 1, this is the Mission control... Roger, youre one-niner-three-zero...
Things are changing
But nothing changes
And still there are changes
Le roi est mort, vive le roi |
Mi chiamano così e non so il perchè preciso
Sarà che sono indeciso
Forse il fatto che ogni dubbio preso mi ha tolto il sorriso
Chiedilo al mio cuore ucciso
Chiedi a chi ho baciato prima e il mio torace dopo a freddo lo ha reciso
Il mio cammino, invento rime, scordo albe
Luci spente nelle stanze
Spiriti con le sembianze
Di errori che la vita ti presenta il conto in parte
E dico lascia andare, tanto la coscienza controbatte batte
La testa mi parte, che barba J. Arden
Pensiero fisso, cranio che arde
Anche la mia rivalsa qui si è valsa di arte
Tantè che il flow sentenzia la vendetta di Carter
Ho fatto scelte
Processando certi sogni nel mio ambiente
Col cervello ho fatto un render
Io non scelgo un personaggio e premo enter
Perchè so che al game over tutto ciò non vale niente
Guardo queste nuvole, cupe queste cupole
Sì mi guardi, ma che ne sai tu di me
Lettere riprese
Quanti colpi bassi da abbassarti le difese
Cercherò certezze nelle tue carezze lady
Leggimi gli sguardi che ti sto lanciando may-day
Ho perso le serie in mezzo alle intemperie
Urlerò il mio nome quando il cielo lo richiede
Verso certe nuvole
Voli tra le cupole
Giuri quando so che vuol dire sentirsi inutile
Ma so di quanto acceca il crepuscolo dopo il lugubre
Pure se luce fioca
Neve che fiocca e profumi di moka
Gridi a squarciagola, ridi a voce roca
Ecco la rotta
Volo per due ma destinazione ignota
Le parole che dipingono giorni
I pensieri che si formano a stormi ehi
Sul mio petto ci dormi
E sembra quasi che il mio cuore sbirci dentro i tuoi sogni
Sai che penso?
Che trovare chi ringrazia o chi si scusa sia un successo
Che quasi essere umili e vividi sia un difetto
Io non faccio la star
Perchè so che prima o poi sarà San Lorenzo
Guardo queste nuvole, cupe queste cupole
Sì mi guardi, ma che ne sai tu di me
Lettere riprese
Quanti colpi bassi da abbassarti le difese
Cercherò certezza nelle tue carezze lady
Leggimi gli sguardi che ti sto lanciando may-day
Ho perso le serie in mezzo alle intemperie
Urlerò il mio nome quando il cielo lo richiede
Guardo queste nuvole, cupe queste cupole
Sì mi guardi, ma che ne sai tu di me
Lettere riprese
Quanti colpi bassi da abbassarti le difese
Cercherò certezze nelle tue carezze lady
Leggimi gli sguardi che ti sto lanciando may-day
Ho perso le serie in mezzo alle intemperie
Urlerò il mio nome quando il cielo lo richiede |
Callas went away
But her voice forever stay
Callas went away
She went away
God bless you
Ah, je les relis sans cesse
Je devais les detruire
Ces lettres! Ces lettres!
Ces lettres! Ces lettres! |
Inclination of equator to orbit:
24.936 degrees
Gravitational escape velocity:
3.121 miles per hour
Inclination from Orbit
Basic instincts, social life
Paradoxes side by side
Dont submit to stupid rules
Be yourself and not a fool
Dont accept average habits
Open your heart and push the limits |
Invisible eyes
Watch you
Invisible ears
Hear you
Invisible shadows
Follow you |
Its hard to find the balance, when you are in love
Youre lost in the middle, cause you have to decide
Between mind and heart
Heart is the engine of your body
But brain is the engine of life
Between mind and heart
Heart is the engine of your body
But brain is the engine of life
Between mind and heart
Between mind and heart
Between mind and heart |
Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos
Misericordes oculos ad nos converte;
Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui |
I promise you... for all my life
Ill be always by your side
In the shadow, in the light
Ill follow you... wherever life goes
But Ill always be aside
In the shadow, in the light
If, we dont understand
Hell is happy, heaven, is, sad
And thats, the result of our... of our, of our brain
I promise you... for all my life
Ill be always by your side
In the shadow, in the light
Ill be always by your side
In the shadow, in the light
Caravan of life
By day and by night
Every tiles, a part of life
Is it shadow or light?
I promise you... for all my life
Ill be always by your side
In the shadow, in the light
But Ill always be aside
In the shadow, is the light
In the shadow, is the light
In the shadow, is the light
I promise you, I promise you
I promise you, in the shadow is the light
In the shadow is the light |
Heres the mirror.
Turn around.
The experience of survival
Look around just people
Can you hear their voice?
Find the one wholl guide you
To the limits of your choice
Try to think about
Thats the chance to live your life
And discover
Try to think about
The experience of survival
The experience of survival |
Do you love me too... -
Do you, do you, do you love me too -
Je taime, je taime mon amour
Do you really love me -
Je taime
Ill always love you
Till my dying day |
Do you love me too... -
Do you, do you, do you love me too -
Je taime, je taime mon amour
Do you really love me -
Je taime
Ill always love you
Till my dying day |
Things are changing
But nothing changes
And still there are changes
And when the Lamb
Opened the seventh seal
Silence covered the sky
Seves skies
Seven angels
Seven lives |
Whisper: Who’re you?
What’re you doing here?
What you’re thinking
All you’re dreaming
Tell me who you are
How does it feel
You gotta reach your guiding star
Is that for real
Guiding star, guiding star, guiding star
Guiding star, guiding star, guiding star
Guiding star, guiding star, guiding star
Guiding star, guiding star, guiding star
Whisper: Who’re you?
What’re you doing here?
There’s no turning back
There’s no turning back
The die is cast
There’s no turning back
There’s no turning back
The die is cast
You’re playing with life
You’re playing with life
You’re playing with life
You’re playing with your life
The die is cast! |
We all have the same parents
Many million years ago
Why cant we live in freedom
Without hunger; with no war?
At the beginning
We all had one mother and one father
Thats where we descended from
I dont... I dont understand why
So much hate between races and religions
Its mad; insane
I dont understand
We all have the same parents
Many million years ago
Why cant we live in freedom
Without hunger; with no war?
I dont... I dont understand
Why so much hate
Embraces our religions
We all have the same parents
Many million years ago
Why cant we live in freedom
Without hunger; with no war?
At the beginning
We all had one mother and one father
Thats where we descended from
We all have the same parents
Many million years ago
Why cant we live in freedom
Without hunger; with no war?
I dont... I dont understand
Why so much guilt
Between races and religions
I dont... I dont understand
(I dont... I dont understand
I dont... I dont understand) |
Carly dont be sad
Life is crazy
Life is mad
Dont be afraid
Carly dont be sad
Thats your destiny
The only chance
Take it, take it in your hands |
My heart goes boum boum boum
Every time I think of you
Inside Its boum boum boum
Lost control what shall I do?
Cause I wanna be your lover,
Till the end of our lives,
I could never miss again
These loving eyes
Oh boum boum boum.
My heart goes Boum Boum Boum
Every time I think of you
I feel it boum boum boum
No control of what Ill do
Simplicity, complexity, oh what a tragedy
Reality, insanity, strange normality
Incredible, untouchable, oh but just visual
And I want you, Just you
Oh boum boum
Oh, my heart goes boum boum boum
When my mind is touching you
Im going boum boum boum
Only light inside my gloom
Cause I wanna be your lover,
Till the end of our lives.
I could never miss again
These loving eyes
Boum boum
My heart goes boum
My heart goes boum.
My heart goes boum
My heart goes boum.
My heart goes
My heart goes boum boum boum boum boum
My heart goes boum
My heart goes boum boum boum boum boum |
Infamous but you can call me Scarecrow
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Oh where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? We looking for the love
Where iz da love? We looking for the love
Where iz da love? We looking for the love
Throwin crosses and eventually you have to pay the piper
Backstabbers all around ya like you in a pit of vipers
Scandalous hoes halve they clothes
Use they body to entice ya
Niggas keepin hide and get cha slice of pie
Them hoes dont like ya
And in this state of mind you cannot use your third eye
And everything that could go wrong
Hits you from the blind side
All your hopes and all your dreams, everything you visualized
Disappears before your eyes, man it just
Take the good with the bad and everything has its season
And the good Lord up above does everything for a reason
But dont put your trust in people, it aint worth a grain of sand
And you dont believe in god? I feel sorry for you man
Lord so sparkin from the brain
And the blood flows through my vein
Imma spit this verbal flame and I try to maintain
So call your death contacts, all your fancy attorneys
Cause only god got the keys that control my destiny
Where da love at?
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Oh where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? We looking for the love
Where iz da love? We looking for the love
Where iz da love? We looking for the love
I know the wrongs are rather wrong
Lord Infamous done and said
In all my abuse, it wasnt my heart
It was all the dope in my head
And Lord knows Im doin bout all the things
To right my wrongs
And you never too far gone
Long as you breathing and go on
And Infamous cant count all the times
That I almost died mane
Overdosin and crashin cars, try to cut my own veins
There was so much I had to say but I just remained silent
And I cried so many times I dont have tears to cry with
All the demons promised they tried destroy me
Baby mommas and all of my mafia family try to avoid me
Kept on tryin to tell myself, before I used the gun:
Lord cant go out like a coward mane I got three sons
Took me a long time, I looked in myself
And I could not figure it out
Mane I dont even know the bruh
Thats spittin this rap right now
If you didnt hear nothing else listen to this line
Raise up off yo spine and go and get ya iron
Where da love at?
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Oh where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? Where iz da love?
Where iz da love? We looking for the love
Where iz da love? We looking for the love
Where iz da love? We looking for the love |
I am hunted by the future
Will the future be my past?
Or is time a fade out picture
Of my everlasting cast?
Love is phasing, love is moving
To the rhythm of your sight
I get closer
To the crossing point of light
(Sanctus, sanctus dominus deus sabaoth
Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria tua
Hosanna in excelsis, benedictus...)
Let us try to live our lost illusions
Theyre the Sun at night
If we dont, well never taste
The spice of life
And when it seems that were in a dead end street
Theres no reason to cry
Cause we have a helping hand whos always aside
Forever light
(Sanctus, sanctus dominus deus sabaoth
Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria tua
Hosanna in excelsis, benedictus...) |
In every colour theres the light
In every stone sleeps a crystal
Remember the Shaman, when he used to say:
Man is the dream, of the dolphin |
Life is a wheel of changes
But changes are life
And someday we will have to say goodbye
But our spirit will survive
Love is phasing, love is moving
To the rhythm of your sight
In the darkness I get closer
To the crossing point of light |
Je ne dors plus
Je suis folle, Je mabandonne
Je ne dors plus
Je suis a toi
In nomine Christi, Amen
In nomine Christi, Amen
In nomine Christi, Amen
Je ne dors plus
Je suis folle, Je mabandonne
Je ne dors plus
In nomine Christi, Amen)
Je suis a to
Je ne dors plus
In nomine Christi, Amen)
Je suis folle, Je mabandonne
Je ne dors plus
In nomine Christi, Amen)
Je suis a toi
In nomine Christi, Amen
In nomine Christi, Amen
In nomine Christi, Amen
The eternal flame, will always burn
Feel - understand - and learn |
Omnia sol temperat, purus et subtilis
Novo mundo reserat faciem Aprilis
Ad amorem properat animus herilis
Et iocundis imperat deus puerilis |
Whisper: Come
Follow me
Invisible eyes
Watch you
Invisible ears
Hear you
Invisible shadows
Follow you
Whisper: Who’re you?
What’re you doing here?
Who’re you? |
Traces; many faces
Lost in the race of time
Blinded by the darkness
Thats the start of seven lives
Its too close, but still too far
Follow your inner guide
Show us who you are
In these seven lives
Follow your inner guide
Show me who you are
In these seven lives
Its too close, but still so far
Show me who you are, in these seven lives
Close, but still so far
Show me who you are, in these seven lives |
Carly dont be sad
Life is crazy
Life is mad
Dont be afraid
Carly dont be sad
Thats your destiny
The only chance
Take it, take it in your hands
Life is mad
Dont be afraid |
Thats not the beginning of the end
Thats the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Dont be afraid to be weak
Dont be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart, my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself, dont hide
Just believe in destiny
Dont care what people say
Just follow your own way
Dont give up, and use the chance
To return to innocence
Thats not the beginning of the end
Thats the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Dont care what people say
Follow just your own way, follow just your own way
Dont give up, dont give up
To return, to return to innocence
If you want, then laugh
If you must, then cry
But be yourself, dont hide
Just believe in destiny |
Things are changing
But nothing changes
And still there are changes
Le roi est mort, vive le roi
There is no teacher
Who can teach anything new
He can just help us to remember
The things we always knew |
Follow me, come and see
Infinity, eternity
Follow me
Toi et moi
Déjà, déjà vu
Follow me, come and see
Infinity, eternity
Follow me
Toi et moi
Déjà, déjà vu
Follow me, come and see
Infinity, eternity
Follow me
Toi et moi
Déjà, déjà vu |
Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
Je ne dors plus
(I cant sleep anymore
Je te desire
(I desire you
Prends moi
Je suis a toi
Mea culpa
(Take me
Im yours
Im guilty)
Je veux aller au bout de mes fantasmes
Je sais que cest interdit
Je suis folle; je mabandonne
Mea culpa
(I want to go to the end of my fantasies
I know it is forbidden
I am crazy. I am letting myself go)
Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
(Im guilty
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy)
Je suis là et ailleurs
Je nai plus rien
Je deviens folle
Je mabandonne
Mea culpa
(I am here and somewhere else
I have nothing more
I am becoming crazy
I am letting myself go)
Je ne dors plus
Je te désire
Je suis à toi
(I cant sleep anymore
I desire you
Take me
Im yours)
Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
Je suis là et ailleurs
Je veux tout
Quand tu veux
Comme tu veux
(I am here and somewhere else
I want everything
When you want
As you like)
Mea culpa
Kyrie eleison |
Up and down
Up and down
Touch and kiss me
Up and down
Touch and feel me
Up and down
Touch and kiss me...
Oh, Ill always love you
Touch and kiss me
Up and down
Touch and feel me
Up and down
Touch and kiss me
Touch and feel me...
Touch and kiss me
Up and down
Touch and kiss me...
Touch and feel me... |
Only tell me that you still want me here
When you wander off out there
To those hills of dust and hard winds that blow
In that dry white ocean alone
Lost out in the desert
You are lost out in the desert
But to stand with you in a ring of fire
Ill forget the days gone by
Ill protect your body and guard your soul
From mirages in your sight
Lost out in the desert
If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track
Ill be the moon that shines on your path
The sun may blind our eyes, Ill pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the sahara
If thats the only place where you can leave your doubts
Ill hold you up and be your way out
And if we burn away, Ill pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the sahara
Just a wish and i will cover your shoulders
With veils of silk and gold
When the shadows come and darken your heart
Leaving you with regrets so cold
Lost out in the desert
If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track
Ill be the moon that shines on your path
The sun may blind our eyes, Ill pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the sahara
If thats the only place where you can leave your doubts
Ill hold you up and be your way out
And if we burn away, Ill pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the sahara |
Come in and see the newest things
Feel what just money can bring
Cant you see?
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look of today
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look
You have a problem I can help
Buy it and be yourself
Cause you know
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look of today
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look
So many trends just fade away
Before you can wear it, its a fake
Cant you see
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look of today
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look
You are so stylish, you so vain
Sometimes I think you have no brain
But you know
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look of today
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look of today
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look of today
Thats the look
Thats the look
Thats the look |
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
I promise you, I will return
And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal
Silence covered the sky
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
Im reaching out for you, lets hope one day
Well rest in peace on my rivers of belief |
Oh rescue me
Oh rescue me... my love
Oh rescue me
Oh rescue me, my invisible love
Oh rescue
Oh rescue... my love
Oh rescue me
Oh rescue me, my invisible love
Ill follow you
Ill follow you
Oh rescue me
Oh rescue me
Oh rescue me... my love
Oh rescue me
Oh rescue me, my invisible love
Oh rescue me
Oh rescue me... my love
Oh rescue me
Oh rescue me, my invisible love |
Closest approach to earth:
34,600,000 miles
Mean distance from the sun:
141,600,000 miles
Period of rotation around the sun:
1.88089 years
Sideral rotation period:
24 hours, 37 minutes, 22.66 seconds
Mean surface atmospheric temperature:
-23 degrees
Visual albedo:
Pole Star:
BD 52, Degrees 2880
Visual magnitude at mean opposition:
0. |
Like a shadow on the wall
You were coming, you best go
Not protected by the law
But still... incognito
Youre capturing my soul
They dont want it, you best go
Who you are, nobody knows
Cant get behind incognito
Like a shadow on the wall
Free access through around the world
Who you are, nobody knows
Eyes without face incognito
Sade, dit moi
Like a shadow on the wall
Free access through around the world
Sade, donne moi
Like a shadow on the wall
Free access through around the world
Like a shadow on the wall
Free access through around the world
Like a shadow on the wall
You were coming, you best go
Not protected by the law
But still... incognito
Like a shadow on the wall
Free access through around the world
Who you are, nobody knows
Eyes without face incognito
Incognito |
Seven stars... seven days
Seven seals... seven gates
Seven angels... seven skies
Seven sins... seven lives
Seven lives...
Seven lives...
Seven lives...
Seven towers... seven eyes
Seven wonders... seven lives
Traces... many faces...
Lost... in the maze of time |
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our rights
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power...
Were not submissive, were not aggressive
But they think...
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power...
Sors salutis et virtutis michi nunc contraria
Hac in hora
Sine nora
Cordum pulsum tangite;
Quod per sortem
Sternit fortem, mecum omnes plangite! |
Viens chez moi
Viens chez moi, voyageur
Viens, viens, chez moi, voyageur
Viens viens, chez moi, viens, voyageur
Je tattends, je tattends, viens chez moi, voyageur
Viens chez moi
Viens chez moi, voyageur
Viens, viens, chez moi, voyageur
Viens chez moi
Viens chez moi, voyageur
Viens, viens, chez moi, voyageur
Viens viens, chez moi, viens, voyageur
Je tattends, je tattends, viens chez moi, voyageur |
Hello and welcome
At your own risk
Youre always welcome
Without guarantee
If youre so brave, then face the tide
Theres no mercy in this life
Now its time to feel and see
What is fiction and whats reality
Hello and welcome
Just look at me
Think about your future
But still try to lead
Too much confidence in what you have
Bad idea to feel too safe
Overload your destiny
And youll wake up behind me
Hello and welcome
Its your own risk
Youre always welcome
To enjoy reality
Hello, hello, hello and welcome
Just look at me
Think about your future
Still try to lead
Just look at me
Just look at me
Its your destiny
Hello, hello...hello, hello
Hello, hello...hello, hello
Hello, hello...hello, hello
Hello, hello...hello, hello
Hello, hello...hello, hello |
I need your...
I love your body...
I need your...
I need your...
I love your body...
You need love
You need love
You need love...
You need love...
You need love
Touch me... Ill be your daddy
Smell me... Ill be your mommy
Touch me... feel me... smell me
Feel me... Ill be your daddy
Touch me... Ill be your mommy
Feel me
Feel me!
Touch me... smell me!
I love your body...
I need your...
I need your...
Let me touch you!
Feel me... touch me!
Feel me... move me!
(I need your...
I love your body)
You need love...
You need love...
Ill be your pappi
Smell me...
Touch me...
Ill be your mommy, pappi, brother! |
Si penses que ma mare
Així dispara amb so canó gros
I tens raó
No thi pensis i aixi en tindrem es dos
Diguem lo que te pareix
I que no Ho ets escrupolós
I a lo darrer si em fereixes
Veuràs que es permit es gros
Tu faràs dos o tres copes
I jo en faré tres o dos
Amb igualtat de defenses
I ninguns tendrem favors
No digues que et faci pressa
Ni que thaiga donat es temps just
Avisam que jo estic llesta
Ja saps que jo no refuig
Tu faràs dos o tres copes
I jo en faré tres o dos
Amb igualtat de defenses
I ninguns tendrem favors |
We are nature ...
I hem va dir repòsa un poc
I recolzat aqui en saresta
I hem piga piga un grapadot
Digue que duc buscas dherba
We are nature ... |
Miles away from light at noon
Total eclipse of the moon
Many reasons to believe in life
Just listen what its telling you
Come, have a look inside
Total eclipse of the moon
Dont be childish and dont be so cruel
Im feeling just lonely without.... without you
I can see the wide horizons
But debts, to be paid
Our ways, will cross again, someday
Believe and come back to you.... may see you soon
Time doesnt say hello
Total eclipse of the moon
Many nights in our lives before
Dreaming to be just beside.... beside you
Total eclipse of the moon
Ill see you soon |
Quem quaerimus adjutorem, nisi te, Domine
Sancte Dues, Sancte Fortis, Sancte misericors Salvator
Amarae morti ne tradas nos
Turn off the light, take a deep breath, and relax, relax
Turn off the light, take a deep breath, relax
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief
My friend
I look inside my heart
I look inside my soul
I promise you
I will return
And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal
Silence covered the sky
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief
My friend
I look inside my heart
I look inside my soul
Im reaching out for you
Lets hope one day
Well rest in peace
On my rivers of belief |
Lord Infamous
Bloody Bloody Scarecrow!
What you gon do with it?
You cant do shit about it!
Roll with it
Roll with it bitch!
Local ass niggas be killin me
Flaugin like they nation wide, but these reachin no sales
Even though Im no longer Three 6
But you dissin my brother will get you impaled
Faggot ass nigga be flashin his ass on the stage
You know thats some faggot ass shit
Sayin it take two arms to shoot machine guns
Got niggas that handle that bitch
Back to original topic
These hoes aint no worth the Scarecrow as a fuckin icone
Smashin the head with the 46 struck to the dome
I promise you do no more wrong
BLAY! Pop a to your brain
And wipe your blood spray out my eye
Machete to decapitate
And took you somewhere they cant find
Lord is the entity ... infinity
Enemies will be diminished the
you faggots you with maggots
The aint playin games with you wussies
Lord is here to stay
Aint goin no where like herpes bitch
... remember
I pay some Gs for your goddamn murking
You dont want none |
Je suis tant preoccupèe de toi
Speak, understand
Mon amour, my love
Pas tristesse, pas des chagrin
Si tu que mai portè de moi
Mon amour, my love |
I said it’s a wonderful year
I said it’s a wonderful year
Here we go, ugh
Young enough for iPods, old enough for Walkmen
Too young for park jams
By the time I came, they sealed street lamps, no more of that vibe
But everywhere I went, they would still rap, I
Grew up in Bed-Stuy, real life Mookie
Listening to “Buggin’ Out,” walkin past Pookie’s
I guess it helps build character
Older guys listening to Kane, talkin Africa
“Smooth Operator,” Cee on the fader
Cee led to B.I.G. and you know what came later
You wanna talk music in the streets?
Imagine “Hypnotize” blastin as his body was carried through Bed-Stuy
Diddy had Ma$e and the cops did too
Pepper spray during our brother’s parade
We just wanted to send him off properly and thank him
Music our outer sanctum, it’s a wonderful year
I said it’s a wonderful year
I said it’s a wonderful--
Fell in love face first when I heard Kane’s verse
Maybe it was Todd Shaw, life is Too $hort
Sounds like it cuz it made life matter
Man the music in them streets, made a lot of moments magic
Like the first song you played when you got the L’s
I was probabaly bumpin Ant Banks or Quik myself
In my mom’s whip, frontin tryna get at some girls
House speakers in the hatchback, the shit sounded terrible
Im form Ohio so when Bone Thugs dropped
Slid that in the deck right next to Pac
Then I moved to Carolina when that Outkast dropped
And blew big weed bumpin CNN and Nas, but
Now Im in the Stuy where they set up shop
Pull the sound system out and yellow tape the block
They can hate it online, but if the streets say go
Off of Kenwood spins you’d be ghetto gold
I said it’s a wonderful year
I said it’s a wonderful year
Yo, yo, check
Music in the park, that pure art
The year marks the real, for real
Pac and B.I.G. in that stereo shit
Poppin wheelies to the sounds to the Illadelph
Halflife, Roots to the past, they feel it past, get mad hyped
Hear that Nas then they act right
Boom bap raps, like comin from the back of the Acc
Them Wu tracks had us breakin our necks, kept them haters in check
Kept them tapes in the deck, man, we played em to def
Had mad flavor before swag, you heard the urge to stack paper
Major game players, the fame made em some mainstayers
Then we zone out
Old heads told us to turn it down
Had a couple of lame neighbors saying we run it loud, they shut it down
Never that, ever that, still bumpin hella tracks
Lil flavor for your ears to get that feelin back
Let’s go
I said it’s a wonderful year
I said it’s a wonderful year
I said it’s a wonderful year
I said it’s a wonderful year |
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen...
Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
Et elevamini, portae aeternales
Et introibit Rex Gloriae
Svice, svice, tek sto nije
Sade, dit moi...
Sade, donne moi...
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen...
Sade dit moi quest ce que tu vas chercher ?
Le bien par le mal ?
La vertu par le vice ?
Sade dit moi pourquoi levangile du mal ?
Quelle est ta religion ou` sont tes fide`les ?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre lhomme
Sade es-tu diabolique ou divin ?
Sade, dit moi...
Sade, donne moi...
In nomine Christi, Amen...
B : Find Love
The principles of lust... Are easy to understand
Do what you feel... Feel until the end
The principles of lust... Are burnt in your mind
Do what you want... Do it until you find Love...
C : Sadeness
Sade, dit moi...
Sade, donne moi...
. |
Good evening
This is the voice, of Enigma
Feel your body
Start to move slowly
Let the rhythm, be your guiding light
Let the rhythm, be your guiding light
Turn, turn, turn around
Turn, turn, turn around
Turn, turn, turn around
Feel your body
Start to move slowly
Start to move slowly
Very slowly
The screen behind the mirror
The voice, and the snake
Principles of lust
The eyes of truth
T.N.T. for the brain
Turn around and i will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life is a roundabout
A kind of LSD
Turn around have faith in all the changes
Turn around and you will feel
No age of loneliness
You are a part of me
Turn around and i will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life is a roundabout
A kind of LSD
Turn around have faith in all the changes
Turn around and you will feel
No age of loneliness
You are a part of me
Let the rhythm, be your guiding light
Let the rhythm, be your guiding light
Let the rhythm, be your guiding light
Let the rhythm, be your guiding light
Be your guiding light |
If you believe in light, its because of obscurity
If you believe in joy, its because of sadness
And if you believe in God, its because of the devil
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
I promise you I will return
And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal, silence covered the sky
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
Im reaching out for you, lets hope one day
Well rest in peace, on my rivers of belief |
M dɔ dɔ ti dɔ
Ko-Jo Cue
Chaley, when Im drowning with this piece of mine
Is practically the only time I find peace of mind
Stress dey weigh my mind but every time I light a blunt
My mind state seems sublime
Chaley, girl on my case say I dey bolo too much
Tell her she needs to light one, she dey worry too much
Elevated, and I left my troubles on the ground floor
Its downpour makes me hold on to the rush
Of getting faded, cos even though Im stealing bread
To get high, when Im sober, Im a living dead
So hollow, sick to my bone marrow, oh capo
Without it, check like Im not even there
So I stray to it, Im chained to it
And yet I master my thoughts when Im a slave to it
Dont judge me, cause you dunno how I feel
You no fit judge me, cause you dunno how it feels
Hey, ɛmmfa wo Reggae mmɛsɛe me burger highlife o
Me Burger Highlife o koraa
Na me no me si hɔ no, mayɛ wild o
Chale mayɛ wild o paa
Ɛmmfa wo Reggae mmɛsɛe me burger highlife o
Me Burger Highlife o koraa
Na me no me si hɔ no, mayɛ wild o
Chale mayɛ wild o paa
Cant stay away from my phone, cos off twitter, Im a nobody
But on here, I be gold paddy, my opinion counts
People love me for my tweets paddy
Oh gosh, I get a rush from all of my re-tweets paddy
People follow me and tell me I be cool kid
Start trends, make friends, real life I no fit do this
Nti sɛ me bundle sa a, na me turkey aba
Gyesɛ me kɔ recharge 30 Ghana
Making a life off making people look bad to look good
Slander celebrities I love, just to look cool
No be my fault, their attention is my weakness
Cause I know I may never get to meet them
But when they mind me, my self esteem rises
I need the validation & so I keep typing
Dont judge me, cause you dunno how I feel
You no fit judge me, cause you dunno how it feels
Chaley, I met this dark skinned bibinii black chick
She had me smiling three times chaley a hat-trick
But the fact is, I need sika in piles, like Oscar mayɛ wild
Enti mmaapɛ no me de atɔ nkyɛn, hmmph wow
That was such a lie, football age
New chapter of my life but the same damn page
I want people to like me, Facebook fan page
My drive like corruption in Ghana, on a rampage
But I digress; sometimes my emotions are a mess
Cos Ive not reached my peak, at least not yet
Am I Kwame? Am I Amet? Or M.anifest
Open these big things in front of me, Yvonne Okoro’s chest
M’adane Adane Best, My strange voice go go far
Me relax on a sofa? A faux pas
Hungry, guess I need a butler, no Oprah
Intoxicated with thoughts especially when Im sober, paddy-man
Huh, audio cocaine
I chase it let it cure my pain
Mommy say e go drive me insane
And she’s prolly right, but everybody needs a high in life
What be your cocaine?
Chase it let it cure your pain
Mommy say e go drive you insane
And she’s prolly right, but everybody needs a high in life
Dedicated to anybody who ever had an addiction , you know?
If youve ever been addicted to somebody, something or Just anything at all
I want you to know that its very normal, everybody needs a high in life
K.O, M dot
The Shining |
The principles of lust, are easy to understand...
Do what you feel, feel until the end
The principles of lust, are burned in your mind...
Do what you want, do it until you find love
The principles of lust, are easy to understand...
Do what you feel, feel until the end
The principles of lust, are burned in your mind...
Do what you want, do it until you find love
In nomine Christi, Amen
Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur |
I allà abaix dins es canal
A nes peu de sa muntanya
Pareix que sent picarols
Suau shi es mou sa manada
Dins es cantar de riquets
I es mussòl crida a sa calma
I aquella olor que em pareix
De sa palla humilada |
Je ne dors plus
Je te desire
Prends moi
Je suis a toi
Mea culpa
Je veux aller au bout de mes fantasmes
Je sais que cest interdit
Je suis folle
Je mabandonne
Mea culpa
Je suis la et ailleurs
Je nai plus rien
Je deviens folle
Je mabandonne
Mea culpa
Je ne dors plus
Je te desire
Prends moi
Je suis a toi
Je suis la et ailleurs
Je veux tout
Quand tu veux
Comme tu veux
Mea culpa |
Im fiendin
This season
I need it, do you like that?
Hold up, babe thats too fast
I dont move like that
Call me on my celly
Lets pace the way we move yeah
Got my dancing shoes yeah
Love the way you do that
Let me move my body
I just wanna have a good time
Cameras on my good side
Baby yes its cold outside
This ice is on my neck, hi
He aint never met a good girl like this
Got a quarantine babe on his wish list
VVS on both my wrists
And you know I gotta rep
On all my fits
Ooh he so toxic
He dont got time for talking
Well babe if you wanna cop it
You gotta gеt paid, quite often
Lady marmalade on a crusadе, uh
I aint throwin shade, get an upgrade uh
Had the nerve to message on a prepaid huh?
Tryna link to me like a keyblade uh
I dont wanna waste your time
Once we go, cant rewind
Two shots, throw it back, aye yi
Got clout? Where it at, my guy?
I know youre waiting for your YFU to give all of
But slow down baby, if you blink then you might miss
Im fiendin
This season
I need it, do you like that?
Hold up, babe thats too fast
I dont move like that
Call me on my celly
Lets pace the way we move yeah
Got my dancing shoes yeah
Love the way you do that
Let me move my body
When you do it
Do it good!
Cut a rug, with kunai
Dance with me, dont be shy
Uh oh
Come and show me the ropes
C’mon baby yamete yamete
We can go steady another day
‘nother day
Pullin up to the chat so mean
Baby what are you typing?
Im just to your liking
Came thru, with the perfect timing
Show me the persona
We dance in the starlight
Glitter poppin through and you a don in the Off White
Im 52, but in these shoes I’m a new height
Never wanna flex but tonight, yo I just might
I dont wanna waste your time
Once we go, cant rewind
Two shots, throw it back, aye yi
Got clout?Where it at my guy?
I know youre waiting for your YFU to give all of this
But slow down baby if you blink and then you might miss!
Im fiendin
This season
I need it, do you like that?
Hold up, babe thats too fast
I dont move like that
Call me on my celly
Lets pace the way we move yeah
Got my dancing shoes yeah
Love the way you do that
Let me move my body
Watch |
Dont get it right down, man this shit too hot
If you do it in here security gon stop
All the folks in here gon know who shot
I came to bring doom and leave nasty wounds
Leave you maricons soakin, chokin in a bloody pool
Cause I dont shoot at clouds, I shoot at crowds
When you hear the BLAY! bitch, you better duck down
Layin still with the cross and the scope on yo head
Squeeze the trigger, blow yo brains over there on yo bitch leg
Trigger-happy aint the word, bitch Im trigger-sprung
Imma make you give a blowjob to my gun
Come on, come all, whoever wanna brawl
When I pull this yawk out my draws, hoe you gonna fall
And I plan on hittin me a motherfuckin organ
You screamin, blood is motherfuckin pourin
Aint no pity in my goddamn city
Niggas are dirty, grimy, gritty
Keep playin cock-a-roach, I play pesticide
Double bucks make you wear a shit bag all yo life
Dont get it right down, man this shit too hot
If you do it in here security gon stop
All the folks in here gon know who shot
To all you weak-ass rappers who think you got issues
I got them wolves and they ready to sic you
So tell yo mammy bring plenty of tissue
I got a black dress and a coffin to fit you
Oh yes, Scarecrow gonna get up with you
I got a arsenal and Im launchin missiles
I torture you, beat you, leave you crippled
Smack you with the .40 and its plated with nickel
Aint nobody straight, aint nobody safe
Be somewhere hid, dawg, lost without a trace
Bounce around the club, yeah he think he alright
But he wont be makin it home tonight
You dont have to like me, I dont like you either
But slip up and you will see: Im off the meter
And when you hear the BLAY!, like damn who shot?
Somebody just got popped in the parking lot
Dont get it right down, man this shit too hot
If you do it in here security gon stop
All the folks in here gon know who shot
I made me a list, Im checkin it twice
Those who are naughty gettin mortuary ice
Bitch ducked first, when the gun fire disperse
Bloody up yo shirt, put you in a Cadi hearse
Got somethin outside thatll cut you in half
Go to yo mammy house, shove a pine cone up her ass
If you cross me I got somethin special in store
Drive you down-town, throw you off the highest floor
Cause you know the Scarecrow, Im down for some crucifixion
Dynamite up your ass, thats stimulation
You dont know the C4 is under your car
Cut that bitch up and throw yo punk-ass to mars
Dont get too close, bitch I cut yo throat
Send yo punk-ass to hell with the rest of my foes
Oh I just might wait til I think you forgot
And pop yo bitch-ass in the parking lot
Dont get it right down, man this shit too hot
If you do it in here security gon stop
All the folks in here gon know who shot |
The Lyrics dataset parsed from Genius. This dataset is designed to generate lyrics with HuggingArtists. Model is available here.
How to load this dataset directly with the datasets library:
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("huggingartists/enigma")
An example of 'train' looks as follows.
This example was too long and was cropped:
"text": "Look, I was gonna go easy on you\nNot to hurt your feelings\nBut I'm only going to get this one chance\nSomething's wrong, I can feel it..."
The data fields are the same among all splits.
: a string
feature.train | validation | test |
277 | - | - |
'Train' can be easily divided into 'train' & 'validation' & 'test' with few lines of code:
from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset, DatasetDict
import numpy as np
datasets = load_dataset("huggingartists/enigma")
train_percentage = 0.9
validation_percentage = 0.07
test_percentage = 0.03
train, validation, test = np.split(datasets['train']['text'], [int(len(datasets['train']['text'])*train_percentage), int(len(datasets['train']['text'])*(train_percentage + validation_percentage))])
datasets = DatasetDict(
'train': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(train)}),
'validation': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(validation)}),
'test': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(test)})
author={Aleksey Korshuk}
Built by Aleksey Korshuk
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