, EOL report for TV in conference on 33 Cash -Hehub -Chicago -PEPL -Katy -Waha Prompt Month Nymex
Y-Life Daily: Bush will almost definitely be prez / Coach K chats , Y-Life Daily Bulletin: December 13, 2000 Note: If your e-mail reader doesn't show the URLs below as links, visit the Yahoo! Internet Life home page at (If you use AOL, click <a href="">here</a> for our home page.) -- DAILY NET BUZZ -- Give us one minute, we'll give you the Web. Today's best links for: Supremes hand Al Gore the Golden Fork ... Aimster - a Napster for AOL IM's ... Hacker bilks ... From protecting to antagonizing fansites ... "Onion" reveals best 2000 albums ... Forward: How many ways can you say "dead-end job"? ... Bartender spews delicious bile in "Slate" diary ... NYT's ancient (1993) first-ever Net story ... Earth - from space! ******************************************************************* Barely got time to breathe? Is "on the go" your life motto? Check out our brand new Mobile Professional Center You'll find outstanding PC products to match your hectic lifestyle ******************************************************************* -- WHAT'S NEW ON Y-LIFE -- Jon Katz's Internet Domain Will the Net change everything? Might we be overrun by new gadgets and new technology? Will our lives be ruled by the almighty dot- com? Will the Net fail? Don't believe the hype: Katz has a simple guide to surviving the panic. -- NET RADIO SITE OF THE DAY -- Today: Lost in the cosmos of Net-radio stations? Sorry, this site will probably only add to the confusion. FMcities houses over 1,350 stations in North America, organized by city. Sound daunting? It is... but here's the good part - every site listed here is 100- percent commercial-free. That's right, nothing but the good stuff. Sorry, Pepsi. Sorry, McDonald's. Sorry, RJ Reynolds... -- INCREDIBLY USEFUL SITE OF THE DAY -- Today: "Always buy a Swiss watch, an American motorcycle, and a Japanese radio." If that's the kind of buying advice the folks at the water cooler are giving you, it's time to look elsewhere - like ConsumerSearch. Whether what you want is as complicated as a car or computer or as simple as a kitchen knife, you'll find links to reviews here, distilled so that you can quickly scan for the best items in each category. -- PRETTY STRANGE SITE OF THE DAY -- Today: Are you a loser? Do you have lots of time on your hands because no one would socialize with you if your life depended on it? Do you have incredible powers of concentration for even the most mundane and boring tasks? Congratulations! You might be the person with the strength, stamina, and general dorkiness to win the World Mouseclicking Competition. -- YAHOO! INTERNET LIVE: TODAY'S EVENTS -- Expensive darlings: Pop veteran Cher TV Moms: Florence "Brady Bunch" Henderson and Jane "Malcolm in the Middle" Kaczmarek Wizards of Durham, N.C.: Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski SAD people: Seasonal Affective Disorder experts Alex Cardoni and Doris LaPlante Democrats by birth and marriage: Human-rights activist Kerry Kennedy Cuomo Chefs at Lespinasse: Christian Delouvrier Mother/daughter mystery-writing teams: Mary and Carol Higgins Clark Inexplicably famous people: A member of the "Real World New Orleans" cast -- FREEBIES, BARGAINS, AND CONTESTS -- Today: A free mousepad, 15 percent off customized mugs, and a chance to win an iMac DV. -- TODAY'S TIP: ASK THE SURF GURU -- Today: A reader writes, "Can I update all my Netscape Bookmarks at the same time? With nearly 500 of them, I don't have time to check each one individually." Whoa there, Mr. Busy Bee, you don't *have* to check those bookmarks individually, says the Guru. You can check them all at once, and you don't even have to download any confusing programs to do it. -- FORWARD/JOKE OF THE DAY -- Today: It's a surprisingly long list of "I used to be a ____ but... " jokes, the prototype of which being "I used to be a barber, but I just couldn't cut it." Can you guess what wacky twist a math teacher would put on that statement? A gardener? A musician? A person who makes mufflers? There's only one way to find out... -- SHAREWARE: THE DAILY DOUBLE DOWNLOAD -- Practical: It's a breeze to create animated .gif files for your Web site with CoffeeCup GIF Animator. Playful: Blackjack Interactive doubles as a screensaver and a playable blackjack game. -- YOUR YASTROLOGER -- Your horoscope, plus sites to match your sign. -- THE Y-LIFE WEEKLY MUSIC NEWSLETTER -- Time is the essence Time is the season Time ain't no reason Got no time to slow Time everlasting Time to play b-sides Time ain't on my side Time I'll never know Burn out the day Burn out the night I'm not the one to tell you what's wrong or what's right I've seen signs of what music journalists Steve Knopper and David Grad went through And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you Happy surfing! Josh Robertson Associate Online Editor Yahoo! Internet Life [email protected] ***********************Shop & Save on ZDNet!*********************** NEW: DECEMBER'S BEST BUYS!'s expert editors have chosen this month's top buys in mobile computing, desktops, web services and sites, games, software and more. These winners deliver great performance and top technology at the right price! 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December Newsletter - Factory Incentives are at a year-long high! , As requested, here is the December Newsletter. NEW VEHICLE QUOTE Start the New Year off with the car of your dreams. Get a quote on the new 2001 models. <A HREF= "" >New Car Quote</A> MORE THAN A VEHICLE-BUYING SITE can help you with every aspect of buying, selling and owning a vehicle. You may have already used our extensive research tools and our free service to purchase your vehicle. But at, you can also place a classified ad and get great advice on prepping your car for sale. Check out the Maintain section for great repair and maintenance information. Get free online quotes for insurance and loans, or find all you ever wanted to know about financing, insurance, credit and warranties. Car buffs can read the latest automotive news, see some awesome car collectibles and read both professional and consumer reviews.. So stop by for all your automotive needs. And check out our new, easier-to-navigate homepage. <A HREF= "" > Home</A> OUR AUDIO CENTER IS LIVE! Whether you're building a completely new audio system or just want to add a CD changer,'s Audio Center provides top-notch selection and expertise. Our partners offer in-dash receivers, amplifiers, signal processors, speakers, subwoofers, box enclosures and multimedia options. A wealth of installation and setup tools are also available. A wide variety of electrical and installation accessories are available to help you assemble the perfect audio system. <A HREF= "" >Audio Center</A> VIEW 2001 MODELS WITH INTERIOR 360o Interior 360o lets you view a vehicle interior from any angle. Check out any one of the 126 top selling vehicles on the market using this revolutionary product: - This patented Java technology requires no download or installation. - Immerse yourself in a realistic, 3-dimensional image. - Use your mouse or keyboard to rotate the image up, down, left and right. - Step inside the car, navigating 360o by 360o -- zoom in and out. <A HREF= "" >Interior 360o</A> NEW CREDIT CENTER PROVIDES ACCESS TO FREE ONLINE CREDIT REPORTS is happy to announce the launch of its new Credit Center, designed to provide you with extensive information about credit. The Credit Center is a one-stop source for consumers to access a wealth of credit information. With more than 100 original articles, monthly email newsletters and an Ask the Expert forum, the Credit Center helps you stay up-to-date on trends in the credit industry, new legislation, facts and tips on identity theft and more. You'll also be able to fill out an application and receive a free credit report securely over the Internet. Check it out today at: <A HREF= "" >New Credit Center</A> Credit Center</A> ***ADVERTISEMENT*** Sponsor: Blurb: Ext. warranties-$50 off to Autoweb visitors til 1/15-FREE Roadside Assistance-20 Yr old public co.-Buy direct & save <A HREF="" >Click here</A> ****************************************************** FACTORY REBATES ARE AT A SEASON-LONG HIGH WITH OVER 400 MAKES & MODELS! <A HREF= "" >Find a Car</A> --- You are currently subscribed to News as: [email protected] If you wish to be removed from the News mailing list send a blank email to: [email protected] --- You are currently subscribed to News as: [email protected] If you wish to be removed from the News mailing list send a blank email to: [email protected]
Western Price Survey 12/13/2000 , I'm sending this early because we expect everything to change any minute. The following section of this message contains a file attachment prepared for transmission using the Internet MIME message format. If you are using Pegasus Mail, or any another MIME-compliant system, you should be able to save it or view it from within your mailer. If you cannot, please ask your system administrator for assistance. ---- File information ----------- File: spotwed597.doc Date: 13 Dec 2000, 12:37 Size: 25600 bytes. Type: MS-Word - spotwed597.doc
Re: MISSION SOUTH , Jeff, I want to bid $2.8 for sagewood with a rate 8.5% or less and dependent on 30 year term
systems wish list , attached is the systems wish list for the gas basis and physical trading
New Notice from Transwestern Pipeline Co. , Transwestern Pipeline Co. posted new notice(s) since our last check at 12/13/2000 2:00:01 PM, the newest notice looks like: Phone List, Dec 13 2000 2:12PM, Dec 13 2000 2:12PM, Until further notice, 2238, TW-On Call Listing 12/16 - 12/17 Please click the following to go to the web site for detail. =60
Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling on CNNfn , Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling were interviewed on CNNfn to discuss the succession of Jeff to CEO of Enron. We have put the interview on IPTV for your viewing pleasure. Simply point your web browser to, click the link for special events, and then choose "Enron's Succession Plan." The interview will be available every 15 minutes through Friday, Dec. 15.
New Notice from Transwestern Pipeline Co. , Transwestern Pipeline Co. posted new notice(s) since our last check at 12/13/2000 1:30:01 PM, the newest notice looks like: Capacity Constraint, Dec 13 2000 1:48PM, Dec 14 2000 9:00AM, Dec 15 2000 8:59AM, 2237, Allocation - SOCAL NEEDLES Please click the following to go to the web site for detail. =60
Re: Enron Response to San Diego Request for Gas Price Caps , Any merit to mentioning that there has been an initial "supply" response in terms of pipeline infrastructure - open seasons/expansion efforts on behalf of Kern River, Transwestern and PGT (not yet announced)? From: Jeff Dasovich on 12/13/2000 12:04 PM Sent by: Jeff Dasovich To: Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], [email protected], Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@ENRON, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: Enron Response to San Diego Request for Gas Price Caps Recognizing the time constraints you face, I've tried to 1) clear up a few inaccuracies and 2) massage some of the sharper language without taking a chainsaw to the otherwise good job.
New Associate Orientation - February 12 - February 28, 2001 , New Associate Orientation As new participants within the Associate Program, I would like to invite you to the New Associate Orientation beginning Monday, February 12 and ending on Wednesday, February 28. As a result of the two and a half week orientation you will come away with better understanding of Enron and it's businesses; as well as, enhancing your analytical & technical skills. Within orientation you will participate in courses such as Intro to Gas & Power, Modeling, Derivatives I, Derivatives II, and Value at Risk. Please confirm your availability to participate in the two and a half week orientation via email to Tracy Arthur by Friday, December 22, 2000. Thank you, Tracy Arthur
Re: Enron Response to San Diego Request for Gas Price Caps , Everyone: I forgot to mention, these are due today. Comments back as soon as possible are appreciated. Sarah Sarah Novosel 12/13/2000 11:17 AM To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT, Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT, [email protected], [email protected] cc: Subject: Enron Response to San Diego Request for Gas Price Caps Please review the attached draft Enron comments in response to the San Diego request for natural gas price caps. The comments reflect Becky Cantrell's comments (which are reflected in red line). Please respond to me as soon as possible with your comments, and please pass it on to anyone else who needs to see it. Thanks Sarah
Central Texas Bale Resource , Hi All We are looking for a wheat farmer near Austin who we can purchase approximately 300 bales from. Please e-mail me at the referenced address or call at 512) 263-0177 during business hours (Central Standard Time) if you can help. Thanks Ben Obregon A.I.A.
NGI Publications - Thursday, 14 December 2000 , Dear phillip, This e-mail is automated notification of the availability of your current Natural Gas Intelligence Newsletter(s). Please use your username of "pallen" and your password to access NGI's Daily Gas Price Index If you have forgotten your password please visit and we will send it to you. If you would like to stop receiving e-mail notifications when your publications are available, please reply to this message with REMOVE E-MAIL in the subject line. Thank you for your subscription. For information about Intelligence Press products and services, visit our web site at or call toll-free (800) 427-5747. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (c) 2000, Intelligence Press, Inc. ---
Enron Response to San Diego Request for Gas Price Caps , Please review the attached draft Enron comments in response to the San Diego request for natural gas price caps. The comments reflect Becky Cantrell's comments (which are reflected in red line). Please respond to me as soon as possible with your comments, and please pass it on to anyone else who needs to see it. Thanks Sarah
Re: History of Lime and Cement , 'Arry ([email protected]), Lime Ex-splurt Extraordinaire, wrote: [snipped] >I highly recommend David Moore's book "The Roman Pantheon" >very thorough research into the uses and development of Roman Cement....lime >and clay/pozzolonic ash; the making and uses of lime in building. >I find it almost impossible to put down Why am I not surprised ? I suspect that if someone were to build a town called Lime, make everything in the town out of lime, provide only foods that have some connection to lime and then bury the Limeys in lime when they're dead, 'Arry would move to that town in a flash and think that he had arrived in Paradise on Earth. According to my v-a-a-a-ast network of spies, sneaks and sleuths, this next issue of The Last Straw focusses on lime... and to no one's surprise, will feature some of the musings/wisdom/experience of our Master of Lime, 'Arry . Those same spies/sneaks/sleuths tell me that the format of this next issue is a departure from the norm and may be a Beeg Surprise to some. Me ? My curiosity is piqued and am itchin' to see this Limey issue of The Last Straw and if you are afflicted with the same and do not yet subscribe, it may not be too late: [email protected] or -- Itchy
History of Lime and Cement , Folks, I just found this interesting site about the history of the uses of lime and development of pozzolonic materials ...lime and clay - Roman Cement - that I think will be interesting to the group. I highly recommend David Moore's book "The Roman Pantheon" at $25.00 - a very thorough research into the uses and development of Roman Cement....lime and clay/pozzolonic ash; the making and uses of lime in building. The book covers ancient kilns, and ties it all to modern uses of cement and concrete. I find it almost impossible to put down - as the writing flows easily - interesting, entertaining, and enlightening. David Moore spent over 10 years learning just how the Romans were able to construct large buildings, structures, etc., with simply lime and volcanic ash - structures that have lasted over 2000 years. A great testimonial to the Roman builders; and good background information for sustainable builder folks. Thank you, Mr. Moore. I highly recommend the site and especially the Book. <A HREF="">Roman Concrete Research by David Moore</A> Regards, Harry Francis
Re: , Mary, It is OK to buy a carpet shampooer. About the W-2's, how would you
Demand-side management garnering more attention. Deregulation spa , In Energy Insight for Wednesday, December 13, 2000 In Energy Insight Today (Blue Banner, all subscribers) Demand-side management is making a resurgence because of reliability issues and increased demand. Find out more about it at In Energy Insight 2000 (Red Banner, premium-pay access only) In Energy Insight, Energy Services, Electricity deregulation has sparked an information technology revolution. In Energy Insight, Fuels, Ocean waves are being researched as an endless source of electric generation. Also, read the latest news headlines from Utility Telecom and Diversification at //////////// Market Brief Tuesday, December 12 Stocks Close Change % Change DJIA 10,768.27 42.5 0.4 DJ 15 Util. 388.57 2.2 0.6 NASDAQ 2,931.77 (83.3) (2.8) S&P 500 1,371.18 (9.0) (0.7) Market Vols Close Change % Change AMEX (000) 71,436 (27,833.0) (28.0) NASDAQ (000) 1,920,993 (529,883.0) (21.6) NYSE (000) 1,079,963 (134,567.0) (11.1) Commodities Close Change % Change Crude Oil (Nov) 29.69 0.19 0.64 Heating Oil (Nov) 0.961 (0.02) (2.21) Nat. Gas (Henry) 8.145 (1.27) (13.47) Palo Verde (Nov) 200 0.00 0.00 COB (Nov) 97 0.00 0.00 PJM (Nov) 64 0.00 0.00 Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.847 (0.00) (0.16) Canada $ 1.527 0.00 0.26 Germany Dmark 2.226 (0.00) (0.18) Euro 0.8796 0.00 0.30 Japan _en 111.50 0.80 0.72 Mexico NP 9.47 0.02 0.21 UK Pound 0.6906 0.00 0.58 Foreign Indices Close Change % Change Arg MerVal 421.01 3.91 0.94 Austr All Ord. 3,248.50 (3.70) (0.11) Braz Bovespa 14906.02 -281.93 -1.8562742 Can TSE 300 9342.97 -238.95 -2.4937591 Germany DAX 6733.59 -48.93 -0.7214133 HK HangSeng 15329.6 -78.94 -0.5123133 Japan Nikkei 225 15114.64 98.94 0.66 Mexico IPC 5828.12 0.00 0.00 UK FTSE 100 6,390.40 20.1 0.3 Source: Yahoo! //////////////////////////////////////////////
Re: Newsgroups , >What other cool newsgroups are available for us alternative thinkers? >Rammed Earth, Cob, etc? > We have a list of our favorites at (and we're open to more suggestions) BC Bill Christensen [email protected] Green Homes For Sale/Lease: Green Building Pro Directory: Sustainable Bldg Calendar: Sustainable Bldg Bookstore:
New Notice from Transwestern Pipeline Co. , Transwestern Pipeline Co. posted new notice(s) since our last check at 12/12/2000 6:48:01 PM, the newest notice looks like: Capacity Constraint, Dec 12 2000 9:24PM, Dec 13 2000 9:00AM, Dec 14 2000 8:59AM, 2236, Allocation - San Juan Lateral Please click the following to go to the web site for detail. =60
RE: concrete stain , > Hi, > We recently faced the same questions concerning our cement floor finishing > here's what we found. > > Oringinal Plan: was for stamped and pigmented (color added at the cement plant) > with stained accents and highlighting to simulate a sautillo tile. Our project > is rather large 2900 sq ft SB house with 1800 sq ft porch surrounding it. Lot's > of cement approx. 160 sq yds. After looking at the costs we changed our minds > rather quickly. > > Labor for Stamping Crew $2500.00 > Davis Color Stain 4lbs per yd x 100 yds x $18 lb $7200.00 > > These are above and beyond the cost of the concrete. > > Actual Result: Took a truck and trailer to Mexico and handpicked Sautillo tiles > for inside the house. Changed the color of the cement on the porch to 1lb per yd > mix color, added the overrun tiles we had left over as stringers in the porch > and accented with acid etched stain. > > Tiles and Transportation $3000.00 > Labor, mastic and beer. tile setting (did it myself) $1400.00 > Acid Stain for porch $ 350.00 > Davis Pigment $15 x 40 yds $ 600.00 > > I can get you the info on the stain if you like, I ordered it from a company the > web, can't remember off hand who. I ordered a sample kit for $35.00 which has 7 > colors you can mix and match for the results you want. It was easy to work with > much like painting in water colors on a large scale. > > Hope this helps you out, > > Matt Kizziah >
The 1999 Hemp Year in Review , PAA27941 Sender: [email protected] Precedence: bulk The 1999 Hemp Year in Review The Millennium ready, issue #7 of the Hemp Commerce & Farming Report (HCFR) is now online. Start off the New Year in hemp with a good read of this special issue. HCFR #7 can now be found online at, and Hemp This issue will also be posted as soon as possible at: IN THIS ISSUE: Part One: Editorial To the Editor The Year in Review: The Top Stories Genetically Modified Hemp? Part Two: Harvest Notebook, Part III: 1) Poor Organic Farming Practices Produce Poor Yields 2) Hemp Report and Update for Northern Ontario Performance-Based Industrial Hemp Fibres Will Drive Industry Procurement in the 21st Century, (Part II) Part Three: Benchmarking Study on Hemp Use and Communication Strategies By the Numbers: The HCFR List Historical Hemp Highlights Association News: Northern Hemp Gathering in Hazelton, BC Upcoming Industry Events Guelph Organic Show Paperweek 2000 Hemp 2000 Santa Cruz Industrial Hemp Expo
, <4DDE116DBCA1D3118B130080C840BAAD02CD53@ppims.Services.McMaster.CA> From: "Wesko, George" <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: RADIANT HEATING Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 11:28:29 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) Content-Type: multipart/alternative; ------_=_NextPart_001_01BF56D0.C002317E Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Sender: [email protected] Precedence: bulk There are a number of excellent sites for radiant heating, including the magazine fine homebuilding June-July 1992 issue: the Radiant Panel Association; ASHRAE Chapter 6; Radiantec-Radiant heating system from Radiantec; the following web site: index.html The above is a good start, and each of the sites have a number of good links. Let me know how you make out in your search.
, Please give me a call - 503-805-2117. I need to discuss something with you.
Re: concrete stain , In a message dated 1/4/00 3:18:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes: << There are 3 basic methods for concrete color: 1. a dry additive to a concrete mix prior to pouring 2. chemical stain: applied to new/old concrete surfaces (can be beautiful!)3. dry-shake on fresh concrete- >> plus the one I just posted using exterior stain, I used this after the expensive chemical stuff I bought from the company in Calif that I saw in Fine Homebuilding did NOt work - what I used was a variation of what Malcolm Wells recommended in his underground house book Linda
Yahoo! Newsletter, May 2001 , [IMAGE] Yahoo! sent this email to you because your Yahoo! Account Information =20 indicated that you wish to receive special offers. If you do not want to=20 receive further mailings from Yahoo! Delivers, unsubscribe now by clickin= g=20 here. You are subscribed at: [email protected] masthead=09 Yahoo!=20 =09 =09 May 2001 Greetings! Here's a look at some of the things happening on Yahoo! in May: New Features & Services [IMAGE] Find Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts - Don't panic if you haven't found th= e=20 perfect gift for Mom. Visit the Last Minute Mother's Day Gift Center on=20 Yahoo! Shopping. You'll find outstanding merchants and guaranteed delivery = in=20 time for Mom's special day. [IMAGE] Got Stuff to Sell? It's a Great Time to Try Auctions - Every time you=20 successfully sell an item on Yahoo! Auctions between now and June 4, you'll= =20 be entered in the Yahoo! Auctions $2 Million Sweepstakes for a chance to wi= n=20 one of twenty $100,000 prize packages for your business. =20 Each prize package includes: =0F=07?a link on Yahoo!'s front page to your business's auctions =0F=07?a Yahoo! digital camera, mouse, and keyboard=20 =0F=07?$85,000 in online advertising across Yahoo! =0F=07?a free Yahoo! Store for six months =0F=07?a one-year registration of your business's domain name Just list and sell for your chance to win. Please see the official rules f= or=20 full sweepstakes details and the seller tips page for more about auction=20 selling.=20 Spotlight: Real-Time Quotes [IMAGE]=20 Make better investment decisions in today's volatile market. Subscribe to= =20 the Yahoo! Real-Time Package for $9.95/month and you'll receive real-time= =20 quotes, breaking news, and live market coverage. Use the MarketTracker to= =20 monitor your portfolio -- this powerful tool streams continuous market=20 updates live to your desktop. You can easily access these real-time feature= s=20 through Yahoo! Finance, My Yahoo!, or via your mobile phone, pager, or PDA.= =20 Let's Talk About... [IMAGE] Safe Surfing for the Whole Family - Yahooligans! is Yahoo!'s web guide fo= r=20 kids, a directory of kid-appropriate sites screened by a staff of=20 experienced educators. =20 Kids can have fun with daily jokes, news stories, online games, and Ask=20 Earl. Check out the Parents' Guide for tips on how your family can use=20 Yahooligans! and the Internet. =20 Yahooligans! Messenger is a safe way for kids to chat online in real time= =20 with their friends. On Yahooligans! Messenger, only people on your child= 's=20 "Friends" list can send messages. This means that you don't have to worry= =20 about who might be trying to contact your child.=20 =09?=09 =09=09 =09=09Short Takes =09=09 =09=09 =09=09=0F=07 =09=09Mother's Day Greetings - send your mom an online card this May 13. Do= n't=20 forget! =09=09=0F=07 =09=09Golf Handicap Tracker - track your golf game this summer. It's free = from=20 Yahoo! Sports. =09=09=0F=07 =09=09Buzz Index in My Yahoo! - the newest module on My Yahoo! presents a d= aily=20 look at what's hot in television, movies, music, sports. Follow the movers= =20 and leaders on your personalized Yahoo! page. =09=09? =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Tips & Tricks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Stay Alert: Yahoo! Alerts provide the information that's essential to= you,=20 delivered right to your email, Yahoo! Messenger, or mobile device. Set up= =20 alerts for news, stock quotes, auction updates, sports scores, and more. =09=09 =09=09Stay Informed: View the most-frequently emailed photos and stories f= rom the=20 last six hours of Yahoo! News. Looking for something more offbeat? Don't mi= ss=20 Full Coverage: FYI. =09=09 =09=09Stay Cool: Weather forecasts for your area -- on My Yahoo!, in email,= or on=20 your mobile device. =09=09 =09=09 =09=09Further Reading =09=09 =09=09 =09=09=0F=07 =09=09Help Central =09=09=0F=07 =09=09More Yahoo! =09=09=0F=07 =09=09What's New on the Web =09=09=0F=07 =09=09Privacy Center =09=09[IMAGE] Copyright , 2001 Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! tries to send you the most relevant offers based on your Yahoo!=20 Account Information, interests, and what you use on Yahoo!. Yahoo! uses web= =20 beacons in HTML-based email, including in Yahoo! Delivers messages.?To lear= n=20 more about Yahoo!'s use of personal information please read our Privacy=20 Policy. If you have previously unsubscribed from Yahoo! Delivers, but have= =20 received this mailing, please note that it takes approximately five busines= s=20 days to process your request. For further assistance with unsubscribing, yo= u=20 may contact a Yahoo! Delivers representative by email by clicking here.
Texas puts reliability rules through paces , Dear Energy Insight Subscribers.?If you cannot read?this version of the= =20 Energy Insight daily e-mail,?please click on this link=20 change = your=20 user preferences?to reflect plain text e-mail rather than HTML e-mail.?Tha= nk=20 you for your patience.?If you have any questions, feel free to contact us= =20 at 1-800-424-2908 (1-720-548-5700 if your are outside the U.S.) or e-mail = us=20 at [email protected]. ???? ? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ? =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Updated: May 15, 2001 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Texas puts reliability rules through paces =09The Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC) recently approved new reliabi= lity=20 rules for the state's main power grid. The goal was to scrutinize rules=20 governing other deregulated markets to see how well they have worked and= =20 then find the best route for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas =20 (ERCOT). =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Capital markets love energy-related firms =09Energy companies dominate stock offerings, IPOs =09 =09Generators garner the most attention, money =09 =09Good times bound to end =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Mollusks create mayhem for power plants =09Costs high to fight zebra mussels =09 =09Authorities warn of other damaging invaders =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Gas use for power generation leveled out in 2000 =09Coal still fuel of choice =09 =09Value to balanced-fuel portfolio =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09Florida Power outlines benefits of lat year=01,s merger =09go to full story... =09 =09NSTAR files with FERC for consumer protection order =09go to full story... =09 =09CPUC set to approve plan to repay state for power buys =09go to full story... =09 =09London Electricity=01,s bid for Seeboard rejected, reports say =09go to full story... =09 =09Tennessee Gas announces open season for ConneXion project =09go to full story... =09 =09Avista names CEO Ely as chairman =09go to full story...=20 =09 =09Kerr-McGee announces $1.25B deal =09go to full story... =09 to refund $70,000 to Pa. customers =09go to full story... =09 =09Conoco to build $75M gas-to-liquids demonstration plant =09go to full story... =09 =09DPL to add 160 MW in Ohio by 2002 =09go to full story... =09 =09 =09To view all of today's Executive News headlines,=20 =09click here=20 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09, Copyright , 2001 - FT Energy, All Rights Reserved. "FT" and "Financia= l=20 Times" are trademarks of The Financial Times Ltd. =20 =09 =09 =09 =09Market Brief =09 =09Monday, May 14 =09 =09Stocks =09Close =09Change =09% Change =09DJIA =0910,877.33 =0956.0=20 =090.52% =09DJ 15 Util. =09391.04 =094.4=20 =091.14% =09NASDAQ =092,081.92 =09(25.51) =09-1.21% =09S&P 500 =091,248.92 =093.3=20 =090.26% =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Market Vols =09Close =09Change =09% Change =09AMEX (000) =0981,841 =09(9,583.0) =09-10.48% =09NASDAQ (000) =091,339,184 =09(92,182.0) =09-6.44% =09NYSE (000) =09853,420 =09(44,664.0) =09-4.97% =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Commodities =09Close =09Change =09% Change =09Crude Oil (Jun) =0928.81 =090.26=20 =090.91% =09Heating Oil (Jun) =090.7525 =09(0.008) =09-1.05% =09Nat. Gas (Henry) =094.435 =090.157=20 =093.67% =09Palo Verde (Jun) =09365.00 =090.00=20 =090.00% =09COB (Jun) =09320.00 =09(5.00) =09-1.54% =09PJM (Jun) =0962.00 =090.00=20 =090.00% =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Dollar US $ =09Close =09Change =09% Change =09Australia $=20 =091.927 =090.013=20 =090.68% =09Canada $? =20 =091.552 =090.001=20 =090.06% =09Germany Dmark=20 =092.237 =090.005=20 =090.22% =09Euro?=20 =090.8739 =09(0.001) =09-0.16% =09Japan _en=20 =09123.30 =090.700=20 =090.57% =09Mexico NP =099.16 =09(0.040) =09-0.43% =09UK Pound? =20 =090.7044 =09(0.0004) =09-0.06% =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Foreign Indices =09Close =09Change =09% Change =09Arg MerVal =09415.60 =09(3.83) =09-0.91% =09Austr All Ord. =093,319.20 =09(7.10) =09-0.21% =09Braz Bovespa =0914236.94 =09(256.26) =09-1.77% =09Can TSE 300=20 =098010 =09(13.67) =09-0.17% =09Germany DAX =096064.68 =09(76.34) =09-1.24% =09HK HangSeng =0913259.17 =09(377.44) =09-2.77% =09Japan Nikkei 225=20 =0913873.02 =09(170.90) =09-1.22% =09Mexico IPC=20 =096042.03 =09(68.33) =09-1.12% =09UK FTSE 100 =095,690.50 =09(206.30) =09-3.50% =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09Source:? 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Mid-Year 2001 Performance Feedback , ALLEN, PHILLIP K, ? You have been selected to participate in the Mid Year 2001 Performance Management process. Your feedback plays an important role in the process, and your participation is critical to the success of Enron's Performance Management goals. ? To complete a request for feedback, access PEP at and select Complete Feedback from the Main Menu. You may begin providing feedback immediately and are requested to have all feedback forms completed by Friday, May 25, 2001. ? If you have any questions regarding PEP or your responsibility in the process, please contact the PEP Help Desk at: Houston: 1.713.853.4777, Option 4 or email: [email protected] London: 44.207.783.4040, Option 4 or email: [email protected] ? Thank you for your participation in this important process. ? The following is a CUMULATIVE list of employee feedback requests with a status of "OPEN." Once you have submitted or declined an employee's request for feedback, their name will no longer appear on this list. NOTE: YOU WILL RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE EACH TIME YOU ARE SELECTED AS A REVIEWER. ? Employee Name: GIRON, DARRON SHIM, YEUN SUNG
Freidman, Billings Initiates Coverage of PMCS , If you cannot read this email, please click here. - PMCS Upgrade/Downgrade History [IMAGE] [IMAGE]?View Today's Upgrades/Downgrades/Coverage Initiated Briefing PMC - Sierra, Inc. (PMCS) Date Brokerage Firm Action Details 05/14/2001 Freidman, Billings Coverage Initiated at Accumulate 04/23/2001 Merrill Lynch Downgraded to Nt Neutral from Nt Accum 04/20/2001 Robertson Stephens Upgraded to Buy from Lt Attractive 04/20/2001 J.P. Morgan Upgraded to Lt Buy from Mkt Perform 04/20/2001 Frost Securities Upgraded to Strong Buy from Buy 04/20/2001 Goldman Sachs Upgraded to Trading Buy from Mkt Outperform 04/19/2001 Salomon Smith Barney Upgraded to Buy from Outperform 04/12/2001 J.P. Morgan Downgraded to Mkt Perform from Lt Buy 03/22/2001 Robertson Stephens Downgraded to Lt Attractive from Buy 03/20/2001 Frost Securities Coverage Initiated at Buy 03/14/2001 Needham & Company Coverage Initiated at Hold 03/12/2001 Salomon Smith Barney Downgraded to Outperform from Buy 03/06/2001 Banc of America Downgraded to Buy from Strong Buy 02/20/2001 CSFB Downgraded to Hold from Buy 01/29/2001 Soundview Upgraded to Strong Buy from Buy 01/26/2001 Warburg Dillon Reed Downgraded to Hold from Strong Buy 01/26/2001 S G Cowen Downgraded to Neutral from Buy 01/26/2001 J.P. Morgan Downgraded to Lt Buy from Buy 01/26/2001 Robertson Stephens Downgraded to Buy from Strong Buy 01/26/2001 Adams Harkness Downgraded to Mkt Perform from Buy 01/26/2001 Banc of America Downgraded to Buy from Strong Buy 01/26/2001 Bear Stearns Downgraded to Attractive from Buy 01/26/2001 CSFB Downgraded to Buy from Strong Buy 01/26/2001 Goldman Sachs Downgraded to Mkt Outperform from Recomm List 11/30/2000 Lehman Brothers Downgraded to Neutral from Outperform 11/30/2000 Kaufman Bros., L.P. Downgraded to Hold from Buy 11/16/2000 Merrill Lynch Downgraded to Nt Accum from Nt Buy 11/02/2000 Soundview Downgraded to Buy from Strong Buy 10/25/2000 Lehman Brothers Downgraded to Outperform from Buy 10/20/2000 J.P. Morgan Coverage Initiated at Buy 10/17/2000 Paine Webber Upgraded to Buy from Attractive 10/05/2000 William Blair Coverage Initiated at Lt Buy 06/06/2000 S G Cowen Upgraded to Buy from Neutral is the leading Internet provider of live market analysis for U.S. Stock, U.S. Bond and world FX market participants. , 1999-2001, Inc., All rights reserved about us | contact us | webmaster | site map privacy policy | terms of service
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Bloomberg Power Lines Report , Here is today's copy of Bloomberg Power Lines. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the attached pdf file. You can download a free version of Acrobat Reader at If you have trouble downloading the attached file it is also located at Don't forget to check out the Bloomberg PowerMatch West Coast indices, the most accurate indices anywhere. Index values are calculated from actual tra= des and can be audited by all PowerMatch customers. Our aim is to bring you the most timely electricity market coverage in the industry and we welcome your feedback on how we can improve the product=20 further. Bloomberg Energy Department 05/14 Bloomberg Daily Power Report Table Bloomberg U.S. Regional Electricity Prices ($/MWh for 25-50 MWh pre-scheduled packages, excluding transmission= =20 costs) On-Peak West Coast Index Change Low High Mid-Columbia 205.40 -185.85 175.00 225.00 Ca-Or Border 203.33 -186.67 180.00 225.00 NP15 207.75 -189.39 175.00 228.00 SP15 205.00 -186.88 175.00 225.00 Ault Colorado 185.00 -155.00 175.00 225.00 Mead 225.00 -128.00 220.00 230.00 Palo Verde 220.48 -202.02 210.00 240.00 Four Corners 207.50 -177.50 200.00 220.00 Mid-Continent ECAR 32.75 +1.68 30.18 35.00 East 35.50 +2.00 35.00 36.00 AEP 31.94 -1.46 29.75 34.00 West 31.50 +2.00 29.50 34.00 Central 31.17 +3.52 28.00 35.00 Cinergy 31.17 +3.52 28.00 35.00 South 34.44 +2.15 28.00 37.00 North 33.50 +0.00 33.00 34.00 Main 33.63 +3.88 30.75 37.25 Com-Ed 31.25 +2.25 29.50 34.50 Lower 36.00 +5.50 32.00 40.00 MAPP 46.78 +6.86 45.00 51.00 North 46.50 +7.17 45.00 50.00 Lower 47.06 +6.56 45.00 52.00 Gulf Coast SPP 40.13 -0.51 39.50 41.50 Northern 39.50 +0.00 39.50 41.00 ERCOT 47.50 +2.25 46.00 49.00 SERC 37.35 +0.10 33.89 39.07 Va Power 35.00 -4.50 34.50 35.50 VACAR 37.00 +3.50 36.00 38.00 Into TVA 34.44 +2.15 28.00 37.00 Out of TVA 38.23 +1.80 31.72 40.99 Entergy 41.75 -1.25 35.00 44.00 Southern 37.00 +2.00 35.00 39.00 Fla/Ga Border 38.00 -3.00 37.00 39.00 FRCC 56.00 +1.00 54.00 58.00 East Coast NEPOOL 45.95 -6.05 45.50 47.25 New York Zone J 58.50 -4.50 56.00 61.00 New York Zone G 49.75 -3.25 48.50 51.50 New York Zone A 38.50 -5.50 38.00 39.00 PJM 35.97 -5.48 35.00 36.75 East 35.97 -5.48 35.00 36.75 West 35.97 -5.48 35.00 36.75 Seller's Choice 35.47 -5.48 34.50 36.25 End Table Western Power Spot Prices Sink Amid Weather-Related Demand Los Angeles, May 14 (Bloomberg Energy) -- Most Western U.S. spot power prices for delivery tomorrow slumped as supply outstripped demand. At the SP-15 delivery point in Southern California, peak power dropped $186.88 to a Bloomberg index of $205.00 a megawatt- hour, amid trades in the $175.00-$225.00 range. "Air conditioning load is diminishing, which is causing prices to decline," said one Southwest trader. According to Weather Services Corp., of Lexington Massachusetts, temperatures in Los Angeles were expected to reach 75 degrees Fahrenheit today and a low of 59 degrees tonight. At the Palo Verde switchyard in Arizona, peak power sank $202.02, or 47.82 percent, to a Bloomberg index of $220.48 as traders executed transactions in the $210.00-$240.00 range. Traders said that Arizona's Public Service Co. 1,270-megawatt Palo Verde-1 nuclear plant in Wintersburg, Arizona, increased production to 19 percent of capacity following the completion of a scheduled refueling outage that began March 31. At the Mid-Columbia trading point in Washington, peak power slumped 47.5 percent from Friday's Sunday-Monday package to a Bloomberg index of $205.40, with trades at $175.00-$225.00. According to Belton, Missouri-based Weather Derivatives Inc., temperatures in the Pacific Northwest will average 1.2 degrees Fahrenheit above normal over the next seven days, with cooling demand 84 percent below normal. "We are expecting rain in the Pacific Northwest which is causing temperatures to drop," said one Northwest trader. At the NP-15 delivery point in Northern California, peak power fell $189.39 to a Bloomberg index of $207.75, with trades at $175.00-$228.00. According the California Independent System Operator today's forecast demand was estimated at 30,827 megawatts, declining 743 megawatts tomorrow to 30,084 megawatts. -Robert Scalabrino Northeast Power Prices Fall With More Generation, Less Demand Philadelphia, May 14 (Bloomberg Energy) -- An increase in available generation coupled with less weather-related demand, caused next-day power prices in the Northeast U.S. to fall as much as 11.3 percent this morning, traders said. According to Weather Derivatives Corp. of Belton, Missouri, temperatures in the Northeast will average within one degree Fahrenheit of normal over the next seven days, keeping heating and cooling demand 88 and 96 percent below normal, respectively. In the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection, peak power scheduled for Tuesday delivery was assessed at a Bloomberg volume-weighted index of $35.97 per megawatt hour, down $5.48 from Friday. "There's just no weather out there," said one PJM-based trader. "There's no need for air conditioning, and no need for heating. As far as I can tell, it's going to be that way all week long." Peak loads in PJM are projected to average less than 30,000 megawatts through Friday. Traders also cited increased regional capacity as a cause for the dip. Interconnection data shows 1,675 megawatts returned to service today, and an additional 1,232 megawatts are expected to hit the grid tomorrow. Next-day prices fell across all three zones of the New York Power Pool, with increased output at the Nine Mile Point 1 and 2 nuclear power facilities. The Nuclear Regulator Commission reported Nine Mile Point 1 at 90 percent of its 609-megawatt capacity following completion of a refueling outage, and the 1,148-megawatt Nine Mile Point 2 at full power following unplanned maintenance. Both units are owned and operated by Niagara Mohawk. Zone J, which comprises New York City, slipped $4.50 to $58.50, while Zones G and A fell $3.25 and $5.50, respectively, to $51.25 and $40.00 indices. ~ -Karyn Rispoli Weather-Related Demand Drives Mid-Continent Power Prices Up Cincinnati, May 14 (Bloomberg Energy) -- Day-ahead peak power prices rose today in the Mid-Continent U.S. as high weather-related demand was expected in the Midwest and Southeast, traders said. "It's supposed to be pretty warm in the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) area, so everyone is looking to go from Cinergy to there," one East Central Area Reliability Council trader said. "Dailies and the bal(ance of) week are both stronger because of that." The Bloomberg index price for peak parcels delivered Tuesday into the Cincinnati-based Cinergy Corp. transmission system rose $3.52 to $31.17 a megawatt-hour, with trades ranging from $29.25 when the market opened up to $35.00 after options expired. Cinergy power for Wednesday-Friday delivery sold at $39.00 and power for May 21-25 was offered at $45.50 as demand from the Southeast was expected to remain high into next week. Next-day power in TVA sold $2.15 higher on average at $28.00-$37.00, with temperatures in Nashville, Tennessee, forecast at 87 degrees Fahrenheit through Thursday. "Things should continue along these lines for the rest of the week, because there's enough power to get down there but not so much that anyone can flood the market and crush prices," an ECAR trader said. In Mid-America Interconnected Network trading, demand from the Cinergy hub and the Entergy Corp. grid pulled prices up, though traders said transmission problems limited volume. Peak Monday parcels sold $2.25 higher on average at the Chicago-based Commonwealth Edison hub, trading at $29.50-$34.50, and $5.50 higher on average in the lower half of the region, with trades from $32.00-$40.00. Mid-Continent Area Power Pool peak spot power prices also climbed today, showing the largest increase in the region as above-normal temperatures were expected and transmission problems isolated the market from lower-priced eastern hubs. For-Tuesday power sold $7.17 higher on average in northern MAPP at $45.00-$50.00 and $6.56 higher on average in the southern half of the region at $45.00-$52.00. Lexington, Massachusetts-based Weather Services Corp. predicted tomorrow's high temperature would be 85 degrees in Minneapolis and 91 degrees in Omaha, Nebraska. "There's no available transmission from ComEd, and problems getting power out of Ameren's grid too," one MAPP trader said. "It's likely to cause problems all week, since it's hot here and down in SPP (the Southwest Power Pool)." -Ken Fahnestock Southeast Power Prices Mixed as Southern Markets Heat Up Atlanta, May 14 (Bloomberg Energy) -- U.S. Southeast spot electricity prices were mixed today as hot weather returned to major Southern U.S. population centers, traders said. Forecasters from Lexington, Massachusetts-based Weather Services Corp. predicted daily high temperatures in the Atlanta vicinity would peak tomorrow at 86 degrees Fahrenheit, 5 degrees higher than today's projected high. Cooler weather is expected to begin Wednesday. Conversely, in the Nashville, Tennessee, vicinity, temperatures will remain in the high-80s to low-90s all week, propelling air conditioning demand, traders said. The Bloomberg Southeast Electric Reliability Council regional index price rose 10 cents a megawatt-hour from equivalent trades made Friday for delivery today, to $37.20. Trades ranged from $26.50-$42.50. On the Tennessee Valley Authority grid, power traded an average of $2.15 higher at a Bloomberg index of $34.44 amid trades in the $28.00-$37.00 range. In Texas, day-ahead power prices rose 84 cents for UB firm energy to a Bloomberg index of $47.50, though utility traders complained of slack demand versus the same time in 2000. "There's just no overnight load to do anything with the supply we have," said one Texas-based utility power trader. "Last year at this time, we saw a bunch of 93-95 degree (Fahrenheit) days. This year so far, the highest we've seen is 85 degrees, so that's about 10 degrees below normal for us." On the Entergy Corp. grid, day-ahead peak power for tomorrow opened at $38.50-$42.00, though most trades were done at a Bloomberg index of $40.25, $1.25 less than Friday. Traders said forecasts for cooler weather through much of the South starting Wednesday caused day-ahead prices to trade late at $35-$36. Traders said Southern Co. was purchasing day-ahead energy at $37 from utilities in the Virginia-Carolinas region because power from VACAR was cheaper than from utilities in SERC. Southern day-ahead power traded $2 higher at a Bloomberg index of $37, amid trades in the $35-$39 range. In the forward power markets, Entergy power for the balance of this week sold early today at $47.00, though later trades were noted as high as $48.75. Balance-of-May Entergy power was bid at $48, though few offers were heard, traders said. On the TVA grid, power for the balance of this week was bid at $40, though the nearest offer was $45. Firm energy for the balance of May was discussed at $41, though no new trades were noted. -Brian Whary U.K. Power Prices Fall as Offers Continue to Outweigh Bids London, May 14 (Bloomberg Energy) -- Power prices in the U.K. fell for the fourth consecutive day amid continued heavy selling interest, traders said. Winter 2001 baseload traded as high as 21.52 pounds a megawatt-hour and as low as 21.35 pounds a megawatt-hour, before closing at 21.42 pounds a megawatt-hour, 11 pence lower than Friday. The contract has fallen around 82 pence since the start of the month amid aggressive selling interest, mainly from one trading house, which intended to buy back contracts where it was short. Volatility in the contract today stemmed from opposition from another trading house, which bought the contract, supporting price levels, traders said. Shorter-term contracts also fell today as warm weather was expected to curtail heating demand and also amid lower production costs because of falling natural gas prices, traders said. June baseload power contracts fell 22 pence from Friday after last trading at 18.35 pounds a megawatt-hour. On the International Petroleum Exchange, June natural gas futures traded 0.31 pence lower today after last trading at 21.15 pence a thermal unit. The contract has fallen by 1.74 pence since the start of last week. Some traders, however, remained reluctant to give fundamental reasons for price movements because of the immaturity of the market, given the recent launch of the new trading agreements. Most trading activity was in an effort to find new price levels, they said. -Amal Halawi Nordic Power Soars in Active Trade on Renewed Buying Interest Lysaker, Norway, May 14 (Bloomberg Energy) -- Longer-term electricity prices on the Nordic Power Exchange in Lysaker, Norway, soared in active afternoon trade after participants rushed to buy seasonal contracts in an attempt to close positions amid limited hydro-supply, traders said. Winter-2 2001 closed 6.00 Norwegian kroner higher at an all time high of 214.50 kroner a megawatt-hour after a total 603.00 megawatts were exchanged as low as 207.25 kroner a megawatt-hour. Winter-1 2002 jumped 5.65 kroner after discussions ranged 207.50- 214.00 kroner a megawatt-hour. "The market crash everyone was waiting for never came; now you have to pay higher prices to develop positions,'' an Oslo- based trader said. "I'm surprised that even at the peak of the snow melting season and in anticipation of wet weather, prices are steadily climbing.'' Precipitation across Scandinavia was forecast at 200 percent above normal for the next 10 days, according to U.S. forecasters. Still, another trader said 170 percent above normal was a "more realistic expectation following recent over-estimation of wet outlooks.'' Tuesday's system area average price was set below expecations of 195.00 kroner a megawatt-hour at 185.70 kroner a megawatt-hour, down 7.45 kroner from today's price. Still, traders said this was a "high'' spot price for this time of the year. Week 21 closed down 1 kroner at 189 kroner a megawatt-hour with 140 megawatts exchanged. Trade volumes on Nordpool totalled 5,469 gigawatt-hours generation, up 368 percent from Friday's 1,169 gigawatt-hours. -Alejandro Barbajosa -0- (BES) May/14/2001 19:33 GMT =0F$ - daily.pdf
RE: stage coach , Phillip, I am completing my marketing package for the Stage. I also need the 1999 statement and a rent roll. Please send ASAP. Thanks Jeff
"Save the Date" - Associate / Analyst Program , Dear Associate / Analyst Committee: The following attachment is information regarding upcoming events in the Associate / Analyst program. Please "save the date" on your calendars as your participation is greatly appreciated. Any questions or concerns you may have can be directed to John Walt or Donna Jones. Thank you, Associate / Analyst Program amh
RSVP REQUESTED - Emissions Strategy Meeting.... , Due to some problems with my email yesterday, I may not have received your RSVP.....please excuse any confusion this may have caused. RSVP REQUESTED! The Environmental Strategies Group will convene an "Emissions Strategy Meeting" on Friday, May 18 to discuss global emissions issues -- such as air quality regulation, climate change and U.S. multipollutant legislation -- and explore some of the potential business opportunities for Enron commercial groups. WHEN: Friday, May 18 TIME: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm - lunch will be provided WHERE: Enron Building, 8C1 (8th floor) A video conference is being organized to enable broad participation from the London office and a teleconference will be set up for others who would like to call in. The primary objectives of the session are to 1) provide you with the latest information on emissions regulation, markets, and Enron's advocacy efforts worldwide and 2) receive feedback on your commercial interests and input on policy options so that we may develop the best business and policy strategies for Enron in both the short and long term. We invite you or a member of your group to participate in this important strategic discussion. Please RSVP as soon as possible and let us know if you plan to participate in person, via teleconference or via video conference from the London office. An agenda is forthcoming. If you have any questions or suggestions in advance of the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me or Jeff Keeler. We look forward to your participation. Lisa Jacobson Enron Manager, Environmental Strategies 1775 Eye Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: +(202) 466-9176 Fax: +(202) 331-4717
New Notice from Transwestern Pipeline Co. , Transwestern Pipeline Co. posted new notice(s) since our last check at 12/12/2000 12:18:01 PM, the newest notice looks like: Capacity Constraint, Dec 12 2000 12:25PM, Dec 13 2000 9:00AM, Dec 14 2000 8:59AM, 2231, Allocation - SOCAL NEEDLES Please click the following to go to the web site for detail. =60
Celebrate the Holidays with , INSIDE NYTIMES.COM The New York Times on the Web, Wednesday, December 13, 2000 ______________________________________________________ Dear Member, With the holidays approaching, we've brought together all the information you need. In our special Holidays section, you'll find reviews of holiday films, buying guides from our technology experts at Circuits to help you find computers and electronics, our special holiday Book Review issue, information on travel in the snow or sun, and fun ways to entertain the kids while they're home on vacation. Holidays is updated every day with all the holiday-related information appearing in The New York Times, and it's available only on the Web. Elsewhere on the site you can send your friends and family e-greeting cards featuring holiday photos from The New York Times Photo Archives, and download a new holiday screensaver that includes ten photographs from The Times celebrating the magical season in the city. At Abuzz, you can join a discussion of the best places to find holiday gifts online. And at, you'll find the "Holiday & Vine Food and Wine Guide," to help you plan your holiday meals. Select one of five classic seasonal entrees and let recommend side dishes, desserts and the perfect wines to uncork at the table. Finally, please accept our best wishes for the holiday season by visiting this special online e-greeting card: ------ MORE NEW FEATURES ------ 1. Get insights into the latest Internet trends 2. How dependable is your car? 3. Enjoy salsa music made in New York 4. Remembering John Lennon 5. Explore our exclusive Chechnya photo documentary 6. Bring today's news to your family table /--------------------advertisement----------------------\ Exclusive Travel Opportunities from Sign up for free travel newsletters from and discover the world's most extraordinary travel destinations. From kayaking in Thailand to a weekend in Maine, no other site meets our level of expertise or service for booking a trip. Click to get away with our Daily Escape newsletter! \-----------------------------------------------------/ ------ 1. Get insights on the latest Internet trends ------ At the end of a tumultuous year, the latest edition of The New York Times's E-Commerce section looks at the larger trends of business and marketing on the Internet. Articles examine media buying, e-mail marketing, interactive kiosks, nonprofit recruiting and celebrity endorsements. ------ 2. How dependable is your car? ------ Has your old clunker survived wind, fog and even windshield wiper malfunction this winter season? See if your car ranks among the most reliable according to J.D. Power & Associates 2000 Vehicle Dependability Study. ------ 3. Enjoy salsa music made in New York ------ Our latest Talking Music feature explores the history and development of salsa. It includes an audio-visual timeline and audio interviews with two of the music's most popular artists -- salsa pioneer Johnny Pacheco and contemporary singer La India. ------ 4. Remembering John Lennon ------ New York Times Music critic Allan Kozinn leads an audio round table discussing the life and work of John Lennon, 20 years after his death, with Jack Douglas, the producer of "Double Fantasy;" Jon Wiener, author of books on the Lennon FBI files; and William P. King, editor of "Beatlefan." Also included in this feature are radio interviews with Mr. Lennon and Yoko Ono and archival photographs and articles. ------ 5. Explore our exclusive Chechnya photo documentary ------ This special photo documentary of the conflict in Chechnya brings together moving photographs taken by James Hill for The New York Times and his unique audio diary of the events. ------ 6. Bring today's news to your family's table ------ Conversation Starters, the newest feature of the Learning Network, helps parents discuss the day's news with their children. Monday through Friday, Conversation Starters offers a set of newsworthy and provocative questions as well as related articles from The Times. Thanks for reading. We hope you'll make a point of visiting us today and every day. Sincerely, Rich Meislin, Editor in Chief New York Times Digital P.S. If you have a friend or colleague who might be interested, feel free to forward this e-mail. ABOUT THIS E-MAIL ------------------------------------- Your registration to included permission to send you information about new features and services. As a member of the BBBOnline Privacy Program and the TRUSTe privacy program, we are committed to protecting your privacy. To unsubscribe from future mailings, visit: To change your e-mail address, please go to our help center: Suggestions and feedback are welcome at [email protected]. Please do not reply directly to this e-mail.
Re: Talking points about California Gas market , Leslie,after seeing point # 3 in writing , I would be extremely reluctant to submit. This kind of conjecture about market manipulation , coming from us. would only serve to fuel the fires of the naysayers- I would delete. Thanks. From: Leslie Lawner on 12/12/2000 11:56 AM To: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rebecca W Cantrell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ruth Concannon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jane M Tholt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Talking points about California Gas market Here is my stab at the talking points to be sent in to FERC along with the gas pricing info they requested for the California markets. Let me or Christi know if you have any disagreements, additions, whatever. I am supposed to be out of here at 2:15 today, so if you have stuff to add after that, get it to Christi. Thanks.
Bishops Corner , Phillip & Kieth; ? I completed the following documents last night and I forgot to get them e-mailed to you, sorry. ? Please call me later today. ? Greg - MapApplicationTeam Budget.xls - Phillip Allen 4.18.01.doc
RE: , I WILL TALK TO LUTZ ABOUT HIS SHARE OF THE LEGAL BILLS. BASIC MARKETING PLAN FOR STAGE COACH: 1. MAIL OUT FLYERS TO ALL APT. OWNERS IN SEGUIN (FOLLOW UP WITH PHONE CALLS TO GOOD POTENTIAL BUYERS) 2. MAIL OUT FLYERS TO OWNERS IN SAN ANTONIO AND AUSTIN(SIMILAR SIZED PROPERTIES) 3. ENTER THE INFO. ON TO VARIOUS INTERNET SITES 4. ADVERTISE ON CIB NETWORK (SENT BY E-MAIL TO +\= 2000 BROKERS) 5. PLACE IN AUSTIN MLS 6. ADVERTISE IN SAN ANTONIO AND AUSTIN PAPERS ON SUNDAYS 7. E-MAIL TO MY LIST OF +\- 400 BUYERS AND BROKERS 8. FOLLOW UP WITH PHONE CALLS TO MOST APPROPRIATE BUYERS IN MY LIST > -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 2:44 PM > To: [email protected] > Subject: > > > Jeff, > > The file attached contains an operating statement for 2000 and a > proforma for 2001. I will follow this week with a current rentroll. > > (See attached file: noi.xls) > > Regarding the Leander land, I am working with Van to get a loan and an > appraisal. I will send a check for $250. > > Wasn't I supposed to get a check from Matt Lutz for $333 for part > of Brenda > Stone's legal bills? I don't think I received it. Can you follow up. > > When you get a chance, please fill me in on the marketing strategy for the > Stagecoach. > > Phillip >
System Development , Can you please review the following systems presented in this spreadsheet for your group and let us know if you in fact use all these systems. The West Gas includes West Gas Trading, West Gas Originations, and the Denver piece combined. Also, we need for you to give us the breakout for the applicable groups. Please let me know if you have any questions. Tiffany Miller 5-8485
, Phillip, Barry had said that you were asking about getting a pivot table for the WSCC new generation data. I have set one up in the attached file. Please let me know if you want to go through it. Also, please let me know if there are any discrepencies with the information you have. Phil
Re: Denver trading , In regards to your E-mail, I have recently been informed by Nicole that she will be leaving Enron effective April 30. This is unfortunate because she has been a very valuable member of our team over the last few years and has been instrumental in developing the Eastern Rockies trading business and providing our customers with excellent service. Nicole is not leaving to go to a competitor, but is going to spend more time with her family. Given this fact, you probably want to speed up the transition. Call me and we can discuss. Mark Jay Reitmeyer@ECT 03/16/2001 09:04 AM To: Paul T Lucci/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Whitt/NA/Enron@Enron, Nicole Cortez/NA/Enron@Enron, Theresa Staab/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mike Grigsby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Denver trading I would like to welcome Susan Scott to the West Desk and specifically to the Eastern Rockies trading region. The plan is for Susan to work with me in moving the day trading activities from the Denver office to Houston. Her specific goals will be to take over activities performed by Nicole and Theresa while generating EOL products with me and in my absence. Susan is currently learning how to use EOL and Sitara. She is also working on understanding the grid and the relationship between all the different trading points from Opal to the mid-continent. My plan is to have Susan go to the Denver office during May bid-week (April 22 - April 24). I want her to be sitting with Nicole and Theresa during bid-week to see and learn everything they do during that time. I will probably want Nicole and Theresa to come to Houston one more time to sit with us and the logistics team, maybe in early May. Then, Susan and I will both go to Denver in late May or early June to meet industry people and to complete the transfer of operations to the Houston office. We can finalize these plans early next week and make all the corresponding reservations. Thank you, Jay
Your Approval is Overdue: Access Request for , This request has been pending your approval for 2 days. Please click Approval to review and act upon this request. Request ID : 000000000009659 Request Create Date : 12/8/00 8:23:47 AM Requested For : [email protected] Resource Name : VPN Resource Type : Applications
SM134 , [IMAGE] Phillip: Please excuse my oversight is not getting the proforma back to you in a usable format.? I did not realize that I had selected winmail.dat rather than sending it as an attachment.?? Then, I did not notice that I had overlooked your email until today. ??That spread sheet is attached and an updated proforma will go out to you this evening or tomorrow morning with a timeline. ? George W. Richards Creekside Builders, LLC ? - image001.jpg - image001.jpg - SM134 Proforma.xls
, George, In response to your ideas Time and cost 1. I realize that asking for a fixed price contract would result in the builder using a higher estimate to cover uncertainty. That
Report on News Conference , Attached is davis.doc, a quick & dirty report from today's news conference from Gov. Davis, et al., The following section of this message contains a file attachment prepared for transmission using the Internet MIME message format. If you are using Pegasus Mail, or any another MIME-compliant system, you should be able to save it or view it from within your mailer. If you cannot, please ask your system administrator for assistance. ---- File information ----------- File: Davis.doc Date: 13 Dec 2000, 15:55 Size: 35840 bytes. Type: MS-Word - Davis.doc
Investors Alliance MF Survey for San Marcos , - Inv Alliance MF Survey of SMarcos.pdf
Re: Carlsbad/El Paso: Aug 23 Update: Press Conference scheduled on , Scott, Thanks for the email. I have two questions: 1. The
New Notice from Transwestern Pipeline Co. , Transwestern Pipeline Co. posted new notice(s) since our last check at 12/13/2000 4:00:01 PM, the newest notice looks like: Capacity Constraint, Dec 13 2000 4:03PM, Dec 14 2000 9:00AM, Dec 15 2000 8:59AM, 2241, Allocation - San Juan Lateral Please click the following to go to the web site for detail. =60
Lee Odonnel , loan servicing-jessica weeber 800-393-5626 [email protected]
Greg Thorse , exit mccollough off 410
Your Approval is Overdue: Access Request for [email protected] , This request has been pending your approval for 57 days. Please click to review and act upon this request. Request ID : 000000000067320 Request Create Date : 10/11/01 10:24:53 AM Requested For : [email protected] Resource Name : Risk Acceptance Forms Local Admin Rights - Permanent Resource Type : Applications
NT Earnings Information , If you cannot read this email, please click here .=20 - News =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 NT 5.92 -0.03 Nortel Networks Reports Results for Third Quarte= r 2001 TORONTO, Oct 18, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Nortel Networks Corporati= on(b) (NYSE:NT)(TSE:NT.): -- Revenues from continuing operations: = US$3.7 billion -- Pro forma net loss(a) per share: US$0.68; before inc= remental charges: US$0.27 -- Net loss from continuing operatio= ns: US$3.5 billion -- Positive operating cashflow contributes to incre= ase in cash to US$3.4 billion Nortel Networks Corporation(b) (NY= SE:NT)(TSE:NT.) today reported results for the third quarter and first nine= months of 2001 prepared in accordance with US generally accepted accountin= g principles. Revenues from continuing operations were US$3.69 billion fo= r the third quarter of 2001 compared to US$6.73 billion in the same period = in 2000. Pro forma net loss from continuing operations(a) for the third qua= rter of 2001, excluding incremental provisions and other charges, was US$85= 4 million or US$0.27 per common share. Including the incremental provisions= and other charges, pro forma net loss from continuing operations(a) for th= e third quarter of 2001 was US$2.18 billion, or US$0.68 per common share, c= ompared to pro forma net earnings of US$597 million, or US$0.19 per common = share on a diluted basis, for the same period in 2000. In the quarter, in= cremental charges included in the pro forma net loss from continuing operat= ions(a) were comprised of: US$750 million (pre-tax) for excess and obsolete= inventory, primarily related to Optical Inter-City; US$767 million (pre-ta= x) for increased provisions related to trade receivables and customer finan= cing; and US$380 million (pre-tax) primarily related to charges associated = with certain third party investments. The Company also recorded: a US$801 m= illion (pre-tax) charge for restructuring associated with the completion of= the workforce reductions and facilities closures announced in June 2001; a= nd a US$223 million (pre-tax) charge primarily related to the approximately= 50 percent reduction in manufacturing capacity of its Photonics Components= business. Including Acquisition Related Costs(a), stock option compensat= ion from acquisitions and divestitures, and one-time gains and charges, Nor= tel Networks recorded a net loss from continuing operations in the third qu= arter of 2001 of US$3.47 billion or US$1.08 per common share. "Revenues f= or the quarter reflected the challenges presented as the telecom industry a= djusted to new levels of spending," said John Roth, president and chief exe= cutive officer Nortel Networks. "Our bottom line results reflected the impa= ct of actions we have taken to adjust to the new business levels. During th= e third quarter of 2001, Nortel Networks continued to aggressively implemen= t its work plan to reduce its cost structure and streamline operations. The= Company is in the final stages of implementing a cost structure to drive b= reak even at a quarterly revenue level well below US$4 billion. The structu= re is expected to be in place in the first quarter of 2002." Frank Dunn, = the Company's new president and chief executive officer effective November = 1, 2001, said, "Nortel Networks is focusing its investments and its organiz= ation to drive continued leadership across three businesses: Metro Networks= , which encompasses metro optical networking, IP networking, IP services an= d voice over IP solutions for service providers and enterprises; Wireless N= etworks; and Optical Long Haul Networks. In the quarter, our product progra= ms continued to advance as we focused on building on our industry-leading p= ortfolio of solutions. We also continued to work with our customers to help= them plan and deploy the solutions that will position them to drive reduct= ions in their cost of operations and enable them to take advantage of oppor= tunities for new revenue streams. Some key milestones over the past 120 day= s included: -- the First North American ILEC began the circuit to = packet transition with the deployment of our carrier-grade = softswitch; -- Announced Metro DWDM wins in the United States, Europe = and Japan; -- Announced Multiservice backbone awards (ATM, IP,= MPLS) in China, Germany and Asia; -- Continued progress on 3G= Wireless Internet infrastructure deployments and completed the fir= st commercial UMTS test calls and the first CDMA2000 1X mobile IP c= all; -- Introduced advances in IP solutions, including an integrated = Layer 4-7 content switching capability on our Layer 2-3 Edge = Switch Router; and -- Completed hardware design, significantly advanc= ed software integration and began production of OPTera Connect HDX = solution." As announced on October 2, 2001, the Company expects = to have an overall workforce of approximately 45,000 after the completion o= f its work plan. Notifications to employees impacted by workforce reduction= s are expected to be substantially completed by the end of October 2001. A = workforce reduction and related charge will be recorded in the fourth quart= er of 2001. Over the next few quarters, the Company also expects to continu= e to divest non-core businesses in accordance with its work plan. The numbe= r of positions which will be impacted by this divesture activity (including= the impact of divestures announced or completed to date) is expected to ul= timately approach 10,000 positions. Commenting on cash management in the = quarter, Frank Dunn said, "We are extremely pleased with the results that h= ave been generated from our focus on cash management, which drove a signifi= cant improvement in cash and contributed to positive cashflow from operatio= ns. In addition, the Company further increased its financial flexibility by= completing a highly successful US$1.8 billion convertible debt issue which= , combined with positive operating cash performance from continuing operati= ons and a significant reduction in short term debt, has significantly enhan= ced our strong liquidity position. Given the industry correction and action= s we have taken over the last two quarters, Nortel Networks balance sheet i= s well positioned." "While we believe we are beginning to see early indic= ations that capital spending by service providers is approaching sustainabl= e levels, it still remains difficult to predict. In light of this and the u= ncertainty regarding the potential impacts of events taking place in the wa= ke of the September 11, 2001 tragedies and their effect on economies and bu= sinesses around the world, we are not providing guidance for the fourth qua= rter of 2001 or the full year 2002 at this time," concluded Dunn. R= evenue Breakdown from Continuing Operations Network Infrastructure reven= ues decreased 48 percent in the third quarter of 2001 compared to the third= quarter of 2000. Wireless Internet solutions grew substantially in Canada = and slightly in Asia, which was more than offset by a considerable decline = in Latin America, a slight decline in the United States and a decline in Eu= rope. Optical Inter-city revenues were down sharply in the United States, E= urope and Latin America, minimally offset by growth in Asia. Local Internet= revenues were down substantially in the United States, Europe, Canada and = Latin America, which were minimally offset by an increase in Asia. Photon= ic Components segment revenues were down 93 percent in the third quarter co= mpared to the same period last year. The sharp decline in the segment was l= argely due to considerably lower sales of Nortel Networks Optical Inter-cit= y solutions compared to the third quarter of 2000. Other revenues decline= d 29 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period last year. Su= bstantial growth in Global Professional Services in Europe and Asia, and st= rong growth in the United States, was more than offset by considerable decl= ines in legacy voice solutions for corporations across all regions and wire= less OEM revenues in most regions. Commensurate with its announcement on = October 2, 2001 to align its resources around three businesses (Metro Netwo= rks, Wireless Networks and Optical Long Haul Networks), Nortel Networks wil= l evolve its financial reporting to reflect the new organization beginning = in the fourth quarter of 2001. Geographic revenues for the third quarter = of 2001 compared to the same period in 2000 decreased 54 percent in the Uni= ted States, 53 percent in Canada and 30 percent outside the United States a= nd Canada. Nine-Month Results For the first nine months of 2001,= revenues from continuing operations were US$14.06 billion compared to US$1= 9.75 billion for the same period in 2000. Pro forma net loss from continuin= g operations(a) for the first nine months of 2001 was US$4.01 billion, or U= S$1.26 per common share, compared to pro forma net earnings of US$1.57 bill= ion, or US$0.51 per common share on a diluted basis, for the same period in= 2000. Including the net loss from discontinued access solutions operations= , Acquisition Related Costs(a), stock option compensation from acquisitions= and divestitures, one-time gains and charges, and the write down of intang= ible assets, Nortel Networks recorded a net loss of US$25.48 billion, or US= $8.01 per common share, for the first nine months of 2001. Spending= Management The Company continued to make rapid progress to reduce its c= ost structure. Compared to the Company's year-end 2000 cost structure, excl= usive of incremental provisions and charges, the Company's cost structure a= t the end of the third quarter of 2001 is lower by approximately US$1 billi= on. Gross Margin Gross margin for the third quarter of 2001 was = approximately 1 percent reflecting incremental charges of approximately US$= 750 million related to excess and obsolete inventory resulting from the exp= ected decrease in sales due to the continued downturn in the market. Exclud= ing the impact of these incremental and other contract-related charges, gro= ss margin for the third quarter of 2001 was approximately 25 percent, compa= red to approximately 26 percent in the second quarter of 2001. Expe= nses Selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses in the third = quarter of 2001 were US$1.92 billion. The continued impact of the market ad= justments and further decline in some of our of customers' financial condit= ion resulted in incremental provisions of US$767 million in the quarter rel= ated to customer receivables and financings. Excluding the incremental prov= isions in both periods, SG?expenses in the third quarter of 2001, compared = to second quarter of 2001, were down by approximately US$190 million. Res= earch and development ("R&D") expenses were US$808 million in the third qua= rter of 2001. The R?expenses in the quarter reflected focused investments t= o drive continued market leadership in our core businesses and the eliminat= ion of spending in all other areas. Compared to the second quarter of 2001,= R? expenses in the third quarter of 2001 were down by approximately US$100= million, reflecting the impact of restructuring and streamlining operation= s. The financial results of Nortel Networks Limited(b) ("NNL"), Nortel Ne= tworks Corporation's principal operating subsidiary, are fully consolidated= into Nortel Networks results. NNL has preferred shares which are publicly = traded in Canada. For the third quarter of 2001, NNL took a restructuring c= harge of US$793 million (pre-tax) associated with the completion of workfor= ce reductions and the closure of certain facilities related to business str= eamlining; and recorded US$207 million (pre-tax) primarily related to the a= pproximately 50 percent reduction in manufacturing capacity of the Photonic= s Components business. All such amounts are included in the consolidated No= rtel Networks amounts described above. Nortel Networks is a global leader= in networking and communications solutions and infrastructure for service = providers and corporations. The Company is at the forefront of transforming= how the world communicates, exchanges information and profits from the hig= h-performance Internet through capabilities spanning Metro Networks, Wirele= ss Networks and Optical Long Haul Networks. Nortel Networks does business i= n more than 150 countries and can be found on the Web at www.nortelnetworks= .com. Certain information included in this press release is forward-looki= ng and is subject to important risks and uncertainties. The results or even= ts predicted in these statements may differ materially from actual results = or events. Factors which could cause results or events to differ from curre= nt expectations include, among other things: the severity and duration of t= he industry adjustment; the sufficiency of our restructuring activities, in= cluding the potential for higher actual costs to be incurred in connection = with restructuring actions compared to the estimated costs of such actions;= fluctuations in operating results and general industry, economic and marke= t conditions and growth rates; the ability to recruit and retain qualified = employees; fluctuations in cash flow, the level of outstanding debt and deb= t ratings; the ability to make acquisitions and/or integrate the operations= and technologies of acquired businesses in an effective manner; the impact= of rapid technological and market change; the impact of price and product = competition; international growth and global economic conditions, particula= rly in emerging markets and including interest rate and currency exchange r= ate fluctuations; the impact of rationalization in the telecommunications i= ndustry; the dependence on new product development; the uncertainties of th= e Internet; the impact of the credit risks of our customers and the impact = of increased provision of customer financing and commitments; stock market = volatility; the entrance into an increased number of supply, turnkey, and o= utsourcing contracts which contain delivery, installation, and performance = provisions, which, if not met, could result in the payment of substantial p= enalties or liquidated damages; the ability to obtain timely, adequate and = reasonably priced component parts from suppliers and internal manufacturing= capacity; the future success of our strategic alliances; and the adverse r= esolution of litigation. For additional information with respect to certain= of these and other factors, see the reports filed by Nortel Networks Corpo= ration and Nortel Networks Limited with the United States Securities and Ex= change Commission. Unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws,= Nortel Networks Corporation and Nortel Networks Limited disclaim any inten= tion or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whet= her as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. (a)= Pro forma net earnings/loss from continuing operations is defined = as reported net loss from continuing operations before "Acquisition= Related Costs" (in-process research and development expense, and t= he amortization of acquired technology and goodwill from all acquis= itions subsequent to July 1998), stock option compensation from acq= uisitions and divestitures, and one-time gains and charges. (b)= On May 1, 2000, Nortel Networks Corporation acquired all of the ou= tstanding common shares of Nortel Networks Limited (formerly called= Nortel Networks Corporation) by way of a Canadian court-approved p= lan of arrangement. Nortel Networks Limited has preferred shares ou= tstanding, which are publicly traded in Canada. Nortel Networks Lim= ited's financial results have been consolidated into the results re= ported for Nortel Networks Corporation. Nortel Networks will hos= t a teleconference/audio webcast to discuss Q3 Results. TIME: 5:00 p.m. = - 6:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday, October 18, 2001 To participate, please call t= he following at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the event Teleconfer= ence: Webcast: North America: 888/363-8644 http://w= International: 212/231-6044 Replay: (Availa= ble one hour after the conference until 5:00 p.m. EDT, Oct 28, 2001) North = America: 800/633-8625 Passcode: 18244243# International: 416/626-4= 100 Passcode: 18244243# Webcast: 3q2001 Note to Editors: The code for the replay of the conference call ends= with a pound sign. Passcode 18244243(pound sign). Nortel Networks, the Nor= tel Networks logo, the Globemark and OPTera are trademarks of Nortel Networ= ks. NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION U.S. GAAP = Consolidated Results (unaudited) (1) (millions of U.S. dollars, e= xcept per share amounts) For the three months = ended Pro forma 09/30/01 09/30/00 09/30/01 09= /30/00 % Change ------------------- --------- -------= -- --------- Reported Reported Pro forma Pro forma = A B Revenues = $3,694 $6,726 $3,694 $6,726 (45%) Cost of revenues = 3,673 3,617 3,673 3,617 2% --------= --------- -------- --------- Gross profit 21 3,109 = 21 3,109 (99%) Selling, general and administrative expense 1,91= 9 1,309 1,919 1,309 47% Research and development expense = 808 917 808 917 (12%) In-process research and deve= lopment expense -- 22 -- -- Amortization of in= tangibles Acquired technology 185 217 -- -- Good= will 454 1,028 8 13 Stock option comp= ensation from acquisitions and divestitures 32 31 = -- -- Special charges 1,024 -- -- = -- Gain on sale of businesses (45) -- -- = -- -------- --------- -------- --------- = (4,356) (415) (2,714) 870 Equity in net loss of= associated companies (6) (16) (6) (1) Other income= (expense) - net (318) 200 (318) 31 Int= erest expense Long-term debt (54) (22) (54) (22)= Other (23) (17) (23) (17) = -------- --------- -------- --------- Earnings (loss) before i= ncome taxes (4,757) (270) (3,115) 861 (462%) Income = tax recovery (provision) 1,289 (237) 933 (264) = -------- --------- -------- --------- Net earnings = (loss) from continuing operations (3,468) (507) (2,182) = 597 Net loss from discontinued operations (net of tax) (2) = -- (79) -- -- -------= - --------- -------- --------- Net earnings (loss) $(3,468) $ (586) $= (2,182) $597 (465%) =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D Basic earnings (loss) per common share From continuing operations = $ (1.08) $ (0.17) $(0.68) $0.20 From discontinued operati= ons -- (0.03) N/A N/A = -------- --------- -------- --------- $ (1.08) $ = (0.20) $(0.68) $0.20 (440%) =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Diluted earnings (loss) per common share (3) From conti= nuing operations $ (1.08) $ (0.17) $(0.68) $0.19 From dis= continued operations -- (0.03) N/A N/A = -------- --------- -------- --------- = $ (1.08) $ (0.20) $(0.68) $0.19 (458%) = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Dividends declared per common share = $ -- $0.01875 $ -- $0.01875 Effective tax rate (4) N/A = N/A 30.0% 30.4% Weighted average number of common shares outs= tanding (in millions) - basic 3,203 2,991 3,203 = 2,991 - diluted (3) 3,203 2,991 3,203 3,172 (= 1) These unaudited consolidated results for the three months ended = September 30, 2001 are preliminary and are subject to change. Norte= l Networks disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revis= e these preliminary results prior to the filing of its reported res= ults for the three months ended September 30, 2001. (2) Reporte= d results for the three months ended September 30, 2000 is net of a= n applicable income tax recovery of $12. (3) As a result of the reporte= d net losses for the three months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000= , and the pro forma net loss for the three months ended September 3= 0, 2001, approximately 101, 181, and 101, respectively, of potentia= lly dilutive securities (in millions) have not been included in the= calculation of diluted loss per common share for the periods = presented because to do so would have been anti-dilutive. (4) Exclud= es the impact oafter-tax charges associated with discontinued opera= tions, Acquisition Related Costs (in-process research and developme= nt expense and the amortization of acquired technology and goodwill= from all acquisitions subsequent to July 1998), stock option compe= nsation from acquisitions and divestitures, and, where applicable, = certain of the one-time gains and charges. A - Excludes a tot= al of $1,642 pre-tax ($1,286 after-tax) associated with Acquisition= Related Costs, stock option compensation from acquisitions and div= estitures, and one-time gains and charges. Acquisition Related Cost= s of $631 pre-tax ($558 after-tax) were primarily associated with t= he acquisitions of Bay Networks, Inc., Xros, Inc., Alteon W= ebSystems, Inc., and Clarify Inc. Stock option compensation from ac= quisitions and divestitures was $32. One-time gains were $45 pre-ta= x ($21 after-tax) and one-time charges were $1,024 pre-tax ($717 af= ter-tax). B - Excludes a total of $1,222 pre-tax ($1,183 after-tax) f= or discontinued operations, Acquisition Related Costs, stock = option compensation from acquisitions and divestitures, and one-t= ime gains. NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION U.S. GAAP = Consolidated Results (unaudited) (1) (millions of U.S. doll= ars, except per share amounts) = Pro = forma For the nine months en= ded % 09/30/01 09/30/00 09/30/01 09/30/= 00 Change ---------- -------- --------- -------- -= ----- Reported Reported Pro forma Pro forma = A B Revenues = $14,055 $19,750 $14,055 $19,750 (29%) Cost of revenues = 11,750 10,898 11,750 10,896 8% -----= --- ------- -------- ------- Gross profit 2,305 8,85= 2 2,305 8,854 (74%) Selling, general and administrative expense = 4,902 3,847 4,902 3,847 27% Research and development expens= e 2,661 2,616 2,661 2,616 2% In-process re= search and development expense 15 1,012 -- -- A= mortization of intangibles Acquired technology 744 602 = -- -- Goodwill 3,685 2,244 25 = 38 Stock option compensation from acquisitions and divestitures = 91 98 -- -- Special charges 14,949 = 195 -- -- Gain on sale of businesses = (45) (174) -- -- -------- ------= - -------- ------- (24,697) (1,588) (5,283)= 2,353 Equity in net loss of associated companies (138) (22)= (19) (7) Other income - net (268) 775 (268) = 93 Interest expense Long-term debt (138) (69) (= 138) (69) Other (82) (49) (82) (4= 9) -------- ------- -------- ------- Earnings = (loss) before income taxes (25,323) (953) (5,790) 2,32= 1 (349%) Income tax recovery (provision) 2,842 (853) = 1,784 (750) -------- ------- -------- -= ------ Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations (22,481) (1,806= ) (4,006) 1,571 Net loss from discontinued operations (net of taxes)(= 2) (3,010) (255) -- -- ---= ----- ------- -------- ------- Net earnings (loss) before accounting c= hange (25,491) (2,061) (4,006) 1,571 Cumulative effect of accounting= change (net of taxes of $9) (3) 15 -- -- --= -------- ------- -------- ------- Net earning= s (loss) $(25,476) $(2,061) $(4,006) $1,571 (355%) = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Basic earnings (loss) per common share:= From continuing operations $ (7.07) $ (0.62) $ (1.26) $ = 0.54 From discontinued operations (0.94) (0.09) N/= A N/A -------- ------- -------- ------- = $ (8.01) $ (0.71) $ (1.26) $ 0.54 (333%) = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Diluted earnings (loss) per co= mmon share (4) From continuing operations $ (7.07) $ (0.62)= $ (1.26) $ 0.51 From discontinued operations (0.94) = (0.09) N/A N/A -------- ------- ----= ---- ------- $ (8.01) $ (0.71) $ (1.26) $ 0.51 (347%) = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Dividends declared per common share = $0.03750 $0.05625 $0.03750 $0.05625 Effective tax rate (5) = N/A N/A 30.9% 32.0% Weighted average number of common sha= res outstanding (millions) - basic 3,181 2,907 = 3,181 2,907 - diluted (4) 3,181 2,907 3,181 3,= 069 (1) These unaudited consolidated results for the nine months ended = September 30, 2001 are preliminary and are subject to change. = Nortel Networks disclaims any intention or obligation to update = or revise these preliminary results prior to the filing of its repo= rted results for the three months ended September 30, 2001. (2)= Reported results for the nine months ended September 30, 2001 and = 2000 are net of applicable income tax recoveries of $723 and $46, r= espectively. (3) Impact of the adoption of Statement of Financial Accou= nting Standards ("SFAS") No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative = Instruments and Hedging Activities", and the corresponding amendm= ents under SFAS No. 138, "Accounting for Certain Derivative Instrum= ents and Certain Hedging Activities" ("SFAS 133"). The adoption of = SFAS 133 did not affect either basic or diluted earnings (loss) per= common share after giving effect to the accounting change. (4)= As a result of the reported net losses for the nine months ended S= eptember 30, 2001 and 2000, and the pro forma net loss for the nine= months ended September 30, 2001, approximately 71, 162, and 71, re= spectively, of potentially dilutive securities (in millions) have n= ot been included in the calculation of diluted loss per common shar= e for the periods presented because to do so would have been anti-d= ilutive. (5) Excludes the impact of after-tax charges associated with = discontinued operations, Acquisition Related Costs (in-process = research and development expense and the amortization of acquire= d technology and goodwill from all acquisitions subsequent to July = 1998), stock option compensation from acquisitions and divestitures= , and where applicable, certain of the one-time gains and charges. = A - Excludes a total of $23,242 pre-tax ($21,470 after-tax) a= ssociated with discontinued operations, Acquisition Related Costs, = stock option compensation from acquisitions and divestitures, and o= ne-time gains and charges. The loss from discontinued operations wa= s $3,733 pre-tax ($3,010 afelatedx). Acquisition Related Costs of $= 4,433 pre-tax ($4,164 after-tax) were primarily associated with the= acquisitions of Bay Networks, Inc., Alteon WebSystems, Inc., Xros,= Inc., Qtera Corporation, Clarify Inc., and the 980 nanometer pump-= laser chip business. Stock option compensation from acquisitions an= d divestitures was $91. Cumulative effect of accounting change = was a $24 pre-tax ($15 after-tax) gain. One-time gains were $45= pre-tax ($21 after-tax) and one-time charges were $15,054 pre-tax = ($14,241 after-tax), primarily related to the write down of intangi= ble assets of $12,486 pre-tax ($12,400 after-tax) and restructuring= costs of $2,463 pre-tax ($1,748 after-tax). The write down of inta= ngible assets primarily r B - Excludes a total of $3,575 pre-tax ($3,= 632 after-tax) associated with discontinued operations, Acquisition= Related Costs, stock option compensation from acquisitions and = divestitures, and one-time gains and charges. The comparative financia= l statements results and financial results up to May 1, 2000 represent the = financial results of Nortel Networks Limited, formerly known as Nortel Netw= orks Corporation. NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION U.S. GAAP = Consolidated Balance Sheets (1) (mi= llions of U.S. dollars) (unaudited)(= unaudited)(audited) Sept. 30, Jun= e 30, Dec. 31, 2001 2001 = 2000 (2) ---------- --------- ---= ------ ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $3,= 355 $1,929 $1,644 Accounts receivable (less provisions of - $684 at = September 30, 2001; $528 at June 30, 2001; $363 at December 31, 2000) = 3,859 5,587 7,275 Inventories = 1,991 2,633 3,827 Income taxes recoverable = 667 576 -- Deferred income taxes - net = 1,286 505 644 Other current asets = 997 1,118 1,618 Current assets of discontinued operations 1,28= 4 1,340 1,522 ------- -= ------ ------- Total current assets 13,439 13,68= 8 16,530 Long-term receivables (less provisions of - $968 at September = 30, 2001; $545 at June 30, 2001; $383 at December 31, 2000) 549 8= 55 1,117 Investments at cost and associated companies at equity = 237 464 773 Plant and equipment - net = 2,804 3,387 3,357 Intangible assets - net = 4,023 4,685 17,958 Deferred income taxes - net = 1,512 1,109 283 Other assets 8= 65 922 556 Long-term assets of discontinued operations = 412 393 1,606 = ------- ------- ------- Total assets = $23,841 $25,503 $42,180 = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities Notes payable = $647 $1,731 $315 Trade and other acc= ounts payable 1,923 2,042 3,005 Payroll and benefit-rela= ted liabilities 823 704 916 Other accrued liabilities = 5,586 4,531 3,885 Income taxes payable = -- -- 306 Long-term debt due within one year = 39 79 445 Current liabilities of discontinued operati= ons 1,257 1,422 186 = ------- ------- ------- Total current liab= ilities 10,275 10,509 9,058 Deferred income = 120 129 93 Long-term debt = 4,437 2,618 1,178 Deferred income taxes - net = 626 489 874 Other liabilities = 1,099 1,022 1,024 Minority interest in subsidiary companies = 610 728 770 Long-term liabilities of discontinued operation= s 12 20 74 = ------- ------- ------- = 17,179 15,515 13,071 = ------- ------- ------- SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Common sh= ares, without par value - Authorized shares: unlimited; Issued and outsta= nding shares: 3,209,016,631 at September 30, 2001, 3,197,161,690 at June = 30, 2001, and 3,095,772,260 at December 31, 2000 = 32,801 32,626 29,141 Additional paid-in capital 3,37= 2 3,402 3,636 Deferred stock option compensation (260) = (329) (413) Deficit (28,325) (24,8= 57) (2,726) Accumulated other comprehensive loss (926) (854) = (529) ------- ------- ---= ---- Total shareholders' equity 6,662 9,988 29,109 = ------- ------- ------- Total= liabilities and shareholders' equity $2= 3,841 $25,503 $42,180 =3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D (1) The= unaudited consolidated balance sheet as at September 30, 2001 is p= reliminary and is subject to change. Nortel Networks disclaims any = intention or obligation to update or revise such balance sheet prio= r to the filing of its reported results for the three months ended = September 30, 2001. (2) Restated for discontinued operations. = NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION Consolidated Resu= lts (unaudited) (1) Supplementary Information = (millions of U.S. dollars) Revenues from continuing operati= ons Three months ended Nine months ended = September 30, September 30, = ------------------- ------------------- By Segments:(2) 2= 001 2000 % Change 2001 2000 % Change -------= ------ ------- ----- ----- -------- Network Infrastructure $ = 2,802 $ 5,360 (48%) $10,917 $ 15,849 (31%) Photonics Components = 45 674 (93%) 477 1,611 (70%) Other = 864 1,224 (29%) 2,951 3,575 (17%) Intersegment adjust= ment (17) (532) (290) (1,285) = -------- -------- -------- ---------- Total 3,694 = 6,726 14,055 19,750 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3DThree months ended Nine months ended = September 30, September 30, ---= -------------- ------------------- By Customer Solutions:(2) = 2001 2000 % Change 2001 2000 % Change ----= --- ------ ------- ----- ----- ------- Optical inter-city $ 350 = $ 1,577 (78%) $ 1,635 $ 4,800 (66%) Local internet 1,198 2= ,413 (50%) 5,041 7,349 (31%) Wireless internet 1,254 1,370= (8%) 4,241 3,700 15% Other (3) 892 1,366 (3= 5%) 3,138 3,901 (20%) -------- -------- = -------- ---------- Total 3,694 6,726 14,055 = 19,750 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D = Three months ended Nine months ended = September 30, September 30, --------------= --- ------------------- By Geographic Regions:(4) 2001 = 2000 % Change 2001 2000 % Change ------- ----= -- ------- ----- ----- ------- United States $ 1,761 $ 3,826 = (54%) $ 6,850 11,994 (43%) Canada 183 389 (5= 3%) 699 1,030 (32%) Other countries 1,750 2,511 (30%) = 6,506 6,726 (3%) -------- -------- ----= ---- ---------- Total 3,694 6,726 14,055 19= ,750 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D (1) Thes= e unaudited consolidated results for the three months and nine mont= hs ended September 30, 2001 are preliminary and are subject to chan= ge. Nortel Networks disclaims any intention or obligation to update= or revise these preliminary results prior to the filing of its rep= orted results for the three months ended September 30, 2001. (2= ) In response to the continued evolution of Nortel Networks custome= rs, markets and solutions, Nortel Networks changed the way it manag= es its business to reflect a focus on providing seamless networking= solutions and service capabilities to its customers. As a result, = financial information by segment and customer solution has been res= tated and reported on a new basis commencing with the three months = ended March 31, 2001. (3) Other includes the external customer solution= s revenues of $28 and $142 of the Photonics Components segment for = the three months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively, a= nd $187 and $326 for the nine months ended September 30, 2001 and = 2000, respectively. (4) Revenues are attributable to geographic = regions based on the location of the customer. The comparative fina= ncial statements results and financial results up to May 1, 2000 represent = the financial results of Nortel Networks Limited, formerly known as Nortel = Networks Corporation. CONTACT: Nortel Networks = Investors: 888/901-7286 or 905/863-6049 investor@nortel= or Business media: = David Chamberlin, 972/685-4648 ddchamb@norteln= URL: =09 =09 [IMAGE] News provided by Comtex. ? 1999-2001, Inc., Al= l rights reserved about us | contact us | webmaster |site map privacy p= olicy |terms of service =09
50% Hotel Discount Notice #7734228 for PHILLIP , [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Dear PHILLIP, Congratulations! You get 50% Hotel Discounts? plus $25.00 Gas! Click here now to get your 50% Hotel Discounts plus your $25.00 Gas! Your $25.00 Gas is a Special Reward to thank you for being a valued member... and the best way we know how to introduce you to all the money-saving benefits you can get with our new Travel Values Plus program! Travel Values Plus is our premier online travel savings program we've created to help you save money! You can slash the price of your hotel room by 50% every time you travel! Plus there's much more! Click here now! [IMAGE] So get your $25.00 Gas plus 50% Hotel Discounts from Travel Values Plus! It's easy! Just click here now ! Thanks again and we're sure you'll save money with the new Travel Values Plus program! Sincerely, [IMAGE] Marty Isaac Vice President Travel Values Plus P.S. Get your $25.00 Gas and money-saving Travel Values Plus discounts, with our compliments! Click here now . Only available to residents of the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Travel Values Plus is owned and operated by All trademarks and or copyrights are the property of their respective owners, and unless otherwise noted, Travel Values Plus is not affiliated with the respective owners. Gas benefit not available for gasoline purchases made in New Jersey. ?2000, Travel Values Plus [IMAGE] This message was not sent unsolicited. You are currently subscribed to the Open2Win mailing list. If you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, Click here.
UPDATE - Supported Internet Email Addresses , Earlier this week, Enron Global Technology announced the plan to decommission the use of all non-standard Internet Email address formats. As mentioned in the previous communication, this was the first of several communications to be sent by the Enron Global Technology group and we will continue to provide more details in the coming weeks regarding this significant but necessary change to our Email environment. We are working toward a cut-off date of January 14, 2002, at which time we will no longer support Email addresses that do not follow the standard format of [email protected] (or [email protected] if your name in Lotus Notes or Outlook has a middle initial in it). We understand that it will take time to make the necessary arrangements to begin using the standard Email address format, but it is important to begin making the change now. If you have questions, please send an Email to [email protected]. Thank you for your support. Enron Global Technology -----Original Message----- From: Enron Announcements/Corp/Enron@ENRON on behalf of Enron Messaging Administration Sent: Mon 10/15/2001 9:15 PM To: All Enron Worldwide@ENRON Cc: Subject: Supported Internet Email Addresses Enron Global Technology is in the process of decommissioning the support for all non-standard Internet Email address formats. The only Internet Email address format that will be supported, once this effort is completed, is [email protected]. We will no longer support Internet Email address formats such as [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (where "name" is an abbreviation, acronym or alternative to an employees firstname and/or lastname). Every Enron employee has an Internet Email address of [email protected] and must begin making the necessary arrangements to start using this Internet address format if they are not using it already. Any new/existing application systems or business cards that reference a non-supported Internet Email address will need to be changed to reference the only supported [email protected] Internet address format. It is important to remember to also notify any external contacts who are currently sending Internet email to any non-supported Internet Email addresses. To determine what your supported Internet Email address is, take your name as it appears in Outlook or Lotus Notes and replace any "spaces" that appear in your name with periods and append For example in Outlook, Alan Smith, Robert (firstname = Robert, Lastname = Alan Smith) will have a supported Internet Email address of [email protected]. IMPORTANT : If you need to update your business card(s) to reflect your supported Internet Email address, please ensure you test & confirm the delivery of Internet email to your supported email address prior to updating your business cards. If you experience any issues with delivery of Internet email to your supported Internet email address, please contact the Resolution Center. We will communicate further details, including the cut-off date, in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, it is imperative that you begin making the necessary arrangements to change over to using the [email protected] Internet Email address format. If you have questions regarding this email, send an Email to [email protected]. Thank you for participation, cooperation and support. Enron Messaging Administration
All Enron Worldwide@ENRON <??SAll Enron Worldwide@ENRON>
Conference Call Today with FERC Staff , A conference call was held today with FERC staffers to discuss items of interest or concern to us. Participating for FERC were Bob Pease (enforcement att'y), Stuart Fisher (economist) and Bruce Poole (engineer). Alan Comnes, Dave Perrino and I weighed in for Enron. The laundry list of topics discussed is attached. We expressed the sentiment that the root cause of all these issues and concerns is the current composition (and non-independence) of the ISO board, and suggested that the ISO board situation should be the subject of the upcoming FERC audit of ISO. We went on to discuss the audit further and the fact that there is no established or formal comment process. However, we were invited to file written comments with the Commission on what we thought should be audited, and Alan is taking the lead on this. We will try to get others to sign on to the comments. Some of the discussion items that the staff was highly interested in included: ISO request for a bid from us to prop up the price (staff requested a copy of the transcript). Any unexplained decreases in ATC (staff asked to be advised in real time). Information related to ISO OOM purchases (and whether they were declining). All in all, it was a successful, informal call lasting about 40 minutes. Staff was receptive to and agreed to receive periodic calls from us in the future. This allows them to keep up with what is going on industry, and of course gives us an opportunity to educate and alert them on issues of interest to us. Ray
Weekend Outage Report for 10-19-01 through 10-21-01 , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y F O R October 19, 2001 5:00pm through October 22, 2001 12:00am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: ECS power outage A power outage will occur in Enron Center South on Saturday, October 20, 2001 to complete repairs to the electrical riser system required to correct issues resulting from Tropical Storm Allison. IDF's and thus network resident applications and data will be off line on all ECS floors 3 through 6 from 10:00 a.m. Saturday until 8:00 a.m. Sunday. Trading floors 3, 4, 5 and 6 desktop power will be off beginning 2:00 p.m. Saturday until 12:00 noon Sunday. Avaya telephony phone system will be unaffected. However, the turret system will be offline starting 11:00 a.m. Saturday until 1:00 p.m. Sunday. Additionally, during this power outage the cooling system will be upgraded. This upgrade may take up to 2 hours. Occupants in the building may experience as much as a five degree rise in temperature. Contacts: Stuart Fieldhouse 713-853-5699 Lance Jameson 713-345-4423 ARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages. EB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: Impact: EBS Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 5:30:00 PM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 3:30:00 PM PT Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:30:00 PM London Outage: Decommission PROWLER firewall Environments Impacted: EBS Purpose: Migration of EBS internal network to Corp Backout: Contact(s): Chris Shirkoff 713-853-1111 Impact: 3AC Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London Outage: Migrate 3AC 8th and 9th Floor to Corp IP space Environments Impacted: All Purpose: EBS Consolidation Backout: In the event of a failure, I will put the original links and switches back in place, putting 8 and 9 back on EBS IP space. Contact(s): Micah Staggs 713-345-1696 Impact: CORP Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London Outage: Change internal routing to EIN Environments Impacted: All Purpose: EBS Integration Backout: Remove static route, go back through EBS environment on 44 Contact(s): Dennis McGough 713-345-3143 FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages. INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. HR: Impact: HR Time: Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:30:00 AM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 3:30:00 PM CT Sat 10/20/2001 at 5:30:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:30:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:30:00 PM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:30:00 PM London Outage: Memory Upgrade for HR-DB-1, 4, and 5 Environments Impacted: All Purpose: More memory is need on these servers for additional databases. Backout: Restore to previous configuration. Contact(s): Brandon Bangerter 713-345-4904 Mark Calkin 713-345-7831 Raj Perubhatla 713-345-8016 281-788-9307 MESSAGING: Impact: EES Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 8:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:30:00 PM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 9:30:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 2:30:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 5:30:00 AM London Outage: EES Notes Server Reboots Environments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval on 1st and the 3rd Friday of each month. Backout: Contact(s): Dalak Malik 713-345-8219 Impact: Corp Notes Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London Outage: cNotes Server Reboots Environments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval Backout: Make sure server comes up. Contact(s): Trey Rhodes (713) 345-7792 Impact: EI Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London Outage: EI Notes Server Maintenance Environments Impacted: EI Local/Domestic/Foreign Sites Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval Backout: N/A Contact(s): David Ricafrente 713-646-7741 MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages. NT: No Scheduled Outages. OS/2: No Scheduled Outages. OTHER SYSTEMS: Impact: SAP Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 8:00:00 AM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 6:00:00 AM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 2:00:00 PM London Outage: Sombra upgrade and maintenance for ACTA server adcupkilo. Environments Impacted: ACTA Purpose: Improve reliability with the new mirrored cache cpu module and protect against ecache parity bug. Reconfigure the disk layout. Backout: Fall back to old cpus Restore the disk layout restore to old configuration Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: SAP Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 8:00:00 PM thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 8:00:00 AM Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 6:00:00 AM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 2:00:00 PM London Outage: Sombra upgrade and maintenance for ACTA server adcupklima. Environments Impacted: ACTA Purpose: Improve reliability with the new mirrored cache cpu module and protect against ecache parity bug. Reconfigure the disk layout. Backout: Fall back to old cpus Restore the disk layout restore to old configuration Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT Sat 10/20/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London Outage: Patching and reboot of app server quark. Environments Impacted: EnLighten Purpose: Patching and reboot needed to address file system automount issues. Backout: No back out. Task has to be completed. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT Sat 10/20/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London Outage: Sombra cpu upgrade for server neptune. Environments Impacted: TAGG Purpose: Improve reliability with the new mirrored cache cpu module and protect against ecache parity bug. Backout: regress to old boards Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sun 10/21/2001 at 10:00:00 AM CT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 2:00:00 PM CT Sun 10/21/2001 at 8:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 PM PT Sun 10/21/2001 at 4:00:00 PM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 8:00:00 PM London Outage: Memory upgrade for server emerald. Environments Impacted: CAS Purpose: Add resources for growth and performance. Backout: Pull new memory and reboot under the old configuration. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT Sat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London Outage: Sombra cpu upgrade for server spectre. Environments Impacted: BOND / Global Products Purpose: Improve reliability with the new mirrored cache cpu module and protect against ecache parity bug Backout: regress to old boards Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT Sat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London Outage: Test/Dev maintenance for multiple servers. Environments Impacted: All ENW test and dev environments Purpose: General maintenance window for ENW Test and Development servers. See the list below. Backout: roll back to any original configuration. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 SITARA: No Scheduled Outages. SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. TELEPHONY: Impact: CORP Time: Sat 10/20/2001 at 11:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 5:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London Outage: Telephony Apps IP Switch Replacement Environments Impacted: All Purpose: Replace old 2924 switch (Token Ring config) with 2 new 2948s to minimize the exposure to critical telephony applications in the event of IP switch failure. New switches can also be added to the Paging System. Critical telephony applications currently sharing 1 switch include all voice mail. Loss of network connectivity would prevent anyone from accessing their messages. Backout: Revert to old switches. Contact(s): Rebecca Sutherland 713-345-7192 Bruce Mikulski 713-853-7409 George Nguyen 713-853-0691 TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages. SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: LONDON Impact: CORP Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London Outage: Complete Powerdown of the London Office Environments Impacted: All Purpose: To complete the final works and testing to install a third generator in Enron House Backout: Switch all equipment back on once power has been restored. Contact(s): Tracy Pearson 830-34238 London Tie Line ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ASSISTANCE (713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center Specific Help: Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536 SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727 Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager] Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager] RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager] OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager] CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager] EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager] EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 TDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager]
Houston Outage Report@ENRON <??SHouston Outage Report@ENRON>
Comments of the Other Parties on El Paso System Reallocation, , This is a summary of the comments we've received so far from the other parties who filed on October 15. I'll summarize the others as they come in and redistribute this report.
Western Price Survey , Here is the end-of-week report from NewsData. If there is anything worth reporting from the CDWR news conference this morning, I'll send our report along--but it looks like the state is backing away from renegotiating the DWR contracts because it just realized gas prices are lower. The following section of this message contains a file attachment prepared for transmission using the Internet MIME message format. If you are using Pegasus Mail, or any another MIME-compliant system, you should be able to save it or view it from within your mailer. If you cannot, please ask your system administrator for assistance. ---- File information ----------- File: Spot640.doc Date: 19 Oct 2001, 10:50 Size: 24064 bytes. Type: MS-Word - Spot640.doc
FW: Security Smart ID Tags-Off Property Usage , -----Original Message----- From: Wright, Lee Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 4:37 PM To: Bodyshop Subject: Security Smart ID Tags-Off Property Usage To remain consistent with Enron's directive to improve security access to the building, all Enron Body Shop members are required to check-in at the Body Shop Front Desk and present an Enron Photo ID badge or another form of Photo ID to the Security Officer each time you visit. To assist our members who participate in outdoor activities during their visit, Security SMART ID tags are available at the Body Shop Front Desk for your convenience. Simply slide the SMART ID tag through the shoe laces between an eyelet and snap the tag closed. The SMART ID tags serve both as a safety identification tag while members are exercising off property as well as provide the security identification verification required when entering the Body Shop. Each day you plan to exercise outside, present your Enron Photo ID Badge or another form of Photo ID to the Front Desk Receptionist to receive your temporary Security SMART ID. Your Photo ID will be returned to you when you return the SMART ID tag to the Front Desk at the end of your visit.
Thank You , Phillip, I want to thank you for spending so much time with us today; I think we are getting to a good level of detail and we accomplished a lot today. I left a message for Ed and asked him to just focus on one or two difficult problems because we are planning to also include some of your "easy" problems in the simulation. We will look forward to getting the outlines for the remaining four scenarios from you early next week. Please let us know if something comes up and you don't think you'll be able to work on them. We'll call Ina with the room for next Friday. Thanks again for all your help, and have a great weekend. Mery This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged or confidential information. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited.
All-Employee Meeting , I want to remind you about our All-Employee Meeting this Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 10 a.m. Houston time at the Hyatt Regency. We obviously have a lot to talk about. Last week we reported third quarter earnings. We have also been the subject of media reports discussing transactions with LJM, a related party previously managed by our chief financial officer. Today, we announced that we received a request for information from the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding related party transactions. I know you will have a number of questions about these issues and events, which I will address. As usual, I will be as candid as I can. I will do my best to provide answers and talk about where we go from here. I encourage each of you to attend or tune in tomorrow.
All Enron Worldwide@ENRON <??SAll Enron Worldwide@ENRON>
A hard act to follow: the future for energy without Enron , =20 =09 =09 Updated: Dec. 28, 2001 = [IMAGE]A hard act to follow: the future for ene= rgy without Enron The energy industry is beginning to imagine its future w= ithout the swashbuckling Enron, the future of which could now rest with ban= kruptcy courts on both sides of the Atlantic. = = = [IMAGE]Fight over hydro project= could become war Outcome could set precedent for other relicensing Envir= onmental issues may be deciding factor = [IMAGE]Shedding light on power prices EU study shows e= nd of price transparency Denmark residential customers pay more VAT impac= ts prices [IMAGE]A= sci-fi twist in clean coal research Bioprocessing cleans impurities Scien= tists create coal-adapted microbes = PSI Energy asks Ind. regulators to approve plant transfer [IMAGE]fu= ll story... Arkansas PSC recommends state delay or scrap competition [IMAG= E]full story... Delta Petroleum acquires private Piper Petroleum [IMAGE]fu= ll story... Chavez expects modest oil price recovery in 2002 [IMAGE]full s= tory... Missouri PSC grants MGE variance on disconnections [IMAGE]full sto= ry... FERC backs Texas co-op in pass-through dispute [IMAGE]full story... = Brazil makes minor changes in new fuel market rules [IMAGE]full story... = With pipe/lease plan, SCG eyes Georgia, South Carolina [IMAGE]full story...= AGA: Storage stocks drop 81 Bcf to 2.980 Tcf; 91% full [IMAGE]full story.= .. AES settles tariff with Brazil in industry-wide accord [IMAGE]full stor= y... [IMAGE]To view all of today's Executive News headlines, [IMAGE]click = here Copyright ? 2001 - Platts, All Rights Res= erved Market Brief Thursday, December 27 Stocks Close Change % Chang= e DJIA 10,131.31 43.2 0.43% DJ 15 Util. 292.86 3.1 1.06% NASDAQ 1,976.36 = 15.66 0.80% S&P 500 1,157.12 7.8 0.67% Market Vols Close Change % Cha= nge AMEX (000) 88,986 (6,091.0) -6.41% NASDAQ (000) 1,229,831 102,400.0 9.= 08% NYSE (000) 881,030 88,396.0 11.15% Commodities Close Change % Chan= ge Crude Oil (Feb) 20.9 (0.37) -1.74% Heating Oil (Jan) 0.5927 (0.002) -0.3= 2% Nat. Gas (Henry) 2.52 (0.391) -13.43% Propane (Jan) 33.75 (0.50) -1.46% = Palo Verde (Jan) 28.00 0.00 0.00% COB (Jan) 28.00 0.00 0.00% PJM (Jan) 31= .15 0.00 0.00% Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.970 0.= 002 0.10% Canada $ 1.60 (0.004) -0.25% Germany Dmark 2.21 (0.011) -0.49= % Euro 0.8835 0.004 0.50% Japan ?en 131.7 0.900 0.69% Mexico NP 9.13 0= .000 0.00% UK Pound 0.6885 0.0006 0.09% Foreign Indices Close Chang= e % Change Arg MerVal 320.46 0.00 0.00% Austr All Ord. 3,354.70 19.50 0.5= 8% Braz Bovespa 13755.65 397.23 2.97% Can TSE 300 7650.60 98.01 1.30% Ge= rmany DAX 5117.13 98.12 1.95% HK HangSeng 11359.5 149.72 1.34% Japan Nikk= ei 225 10457.61 265.04 2.60% Mexico IPC 6414.60 6371.84 0.53% UK FTSE 1= 00 5,213.20 35.80 0.69% Source: Yahoo!, and m =09 =09 =09 - bug_black.gif=20 - Market briefs.xls
Meet the dark side of Windows XP , _____________________DAVID COURSEY_____________________ MEET THE DARK SIDE OF WINDOWS XP While I really like Microsoft's new operating system, there are still some issues that may make it impossible for you to upgrade. And other issues may make you want to skip XP entirely. Here are a dozen potential roadblocks to consider--don't upgrade before you read this! # _____________________NEWS ANALYSIS_____________________ Patrick Houston LATEST THREAT TO RECORD LABELS: THE DOJ Another cyberspace monopoly? Dept. of Justice investigators have begun a preliminary investigation into whether the music labels are violating antitrust laws--a probe that could derail the industry's precarious foothold in online music distribution. PLUS: MICROSOFT PLAYS INTO HACKERS' HANDS CALLING ALL CARS--VIA TEXT MESSAGES! _____________________EXPERT ADVICE_____________________ Larry Dignan HOW MCAFEE.COM IS CASHING IN ON VIRUSES The increasing incidence of computer viruses may be cause for angst among Netizens, but it's a big reason why remains a profitable dot-com. Larry offers up CEO Srivats Sampath's observations on success and the future. > > > > > David Berlind WHY MS'S PASSWORD-REVEALING GLITCH SHOULD WORRY YOU The use of beta software to build an MS page and let developers troubleshoot led to a ZDNet TechUpdate reader's personal information being completely revealed. David discusses how sloppiness can lead to security woes. > > > > > Preston Gralla FINALLY! 3 BETTER WAYS TO VIEW AND PRINT FILES Forget Windows' built-in (and hopelessly anemic) file viewers. You need a better way to keep an eye on your documents, and Preston has just the solution: three feature-packed file viewers that'll make reviewing your files a snap. > > > > > _____________________CRUCIAL CLICKS_____________________ Make sure you see these features on ZDNet today! FIRST TAKE: NORTON INTERNET SECURITY 2002,4161,2816682,00.html HOW TO BUILD 'CUSTOMER DELIGHT',14179,2814305,00.html HOW (AND WHY) TO HIRE A HACKER,14179,2817146,00.html ******************ELSEWHERE ON ZDNET!****************** Get FREE downloads for IT pros at TechRepublic Need a new job? Browse through over 90,000 tech job listings. eBusiness Update: Content Management systems grow up. Access your computer from anywhere with GoToMyPC. Check out the latest price drops at ************************************************************* AnchorDesk comes to you free of charge as a service of ZDNet. On its companion Web site, AnchorDesk includes full details on the stories you see above, plus late-breaking news, links to in-depth information, and much more. Visit: To subscribe, unsubscribe, or make changes to your subscription, please go to: We are sending this news alert to the address: [email protected] Please make sure to provide this address in all your e-mail messages to us. Thanks! Copyright ? 2001 ZD Inc. ZDNet is a registered service mark of ZD Inc. ZDNet Logo is a service mark of ZD Inc. ###
NGI Publications - Monday, October 22nd 2001 , Dear phillip, This e-mail is automated notification of the availability of your current Natural Gas Intelligence Newsletter(s). Please use your username of "pallen" and your password to access NGI's Daily Gas Price Index NGI's Weekly Gas Price Index Natural Gas Intelligence, the Weekly Newsletter If you have forgotten your password please visit and we will send it to you. If you would like to stop receiving e-mail notifications when your publications are available, please reply to this message with REMOVE E-MAIL in the subject line. Thank you for your subscription. For information about other Intelligence Press products and services, including maps and glossaries visit our web site at or call toll-free (800) 427-5747. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (c) 2001, Intelligence Press, Inc. ---
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Reminder: AXP Q3 Earnings Announcement on October 22, 2001 , If you cannot read this email, please click here .=20 - AXP Earnings Detail =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 American Express Company(AXP) [IMAGE] View Today's Earnin= gs Announcements Earnings Date Upcoming Announcement October 22, 200= 1 BEFORE MARKET Add This Event To My Calendar Upcoming Conference Ca= ll N/A Last Conference Call April 23, 2001 12:00PM Click To Listen = Last Earnings Headline September 17, 2001 5:20 PM - American Express = Expects Third Quarter Earnings to Be Negatively Affected By Recent Terroris= t Attacks - PR NEWSWIRE Note: All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST) = Consensus EPS Estimate This Qtr Jun 2001 Next Qtr Sep 2001 This Fiscal Y= ear Dec 2001 Next Fiscal Year Dec 2002 Avg Estimatem (mean) $0.53 $0.56 $2.= 05 $2.41 # of Estimates 17 13 20 19 Low Estimate $0.50 $0.52 $1.92 $2.20 Hi= gh Estimate $0.57 $0.60 $2.15 $2.55 Year Ago EPS $0.54 $0.54 $2.07 $2.05 EP= S Growth -1.56% 4.51% -0.75% 17.16% Quarterly Earnings Mar 2001 Dec 2000= Sep 2000 Jun 2000 Mar 2000 Estimate EPS $0.39 $0.50 $0.54 $0.53 $0.47 Actu= al EPS $0.40 $0.50 $0.54 $0.54 $0.48 Difference $0.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.01 $0.= 01 % Surprise 2.56% 0.00% 0.00% 1.89% 2.13% Earnings Growth Last 5 Years= This Fiscal Year Next Fiscal Year Ave Est Next 5 Years P/E (FY 2001) PEG R= atio AXP Industry Rank: 15 of 19 14.50% -0.75% 17.16% 13.54% 18.63 1.38 IND= USTRY FIN-MISC SVCS 20.10% 16.40% 19.60% 16.40% 45.42 2.32 SECTOR FINANCE= 2.95% 11.58% 54.18% 11.44% 13.41 1.35 S&P 500 8.40% -4.20% 14= .60% 17.00% 22.15 1.31 Long-term Growth Avg Est High Est Low Est Estimat= es AXP 13.54% 15.00% 12.00% 14 Covering Analysts: View History = A.G. Edwards ABN AMRO Argus Research Banc of America Bear Stearn= s CIBC World Markets CSFB Chase H&Q Deutsche Bank Edward D. Jones= First Union Capital Goldman Sachs Keefe, Bruyette Lehman Brothers = Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley, DW Nutmeg Securities Pershing Prude= ntial Securities Robertson Stephens Salomon Smith Barney Us Bancorp P= J Warburg Dillon Reed Zacks All research data provided by Zacks Inves= tment Research. Net EarningsEarnings data provided by Net Earnings Corp= oration , the leading provider of future financial information and calendar= s. =09 ? 1999-2001, Inc., All rights reserved about us | contact us = | webmaster | site map privacy policy | terms of service
Yahoo! Newsletter, October 2001 , [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE] Market Coverage and World News Live Yahoo! Fin= anceVision brings you the latest from Washington, New York, and across the = globe. Coverage is live and interactive, including news conferences with = the President, the Pentagon, and the FBI. Guests and analysts answer your q= uestions. View continuous financial updates from the New York Stock Exchan= ge and the NASDAQ Marketsite. No television in your office? No problem. Wa= tch FinanceVision at your desk. Movies in Your Mailbox Find out what's n= ew at the movies via email updates from Yahoo! Movies. Local showtimes, inf= ormation about new releases, and the latest buzz from Hollywood -- delive= red direct to your inbox. Subscribe for free today. Take Control of Your = Remote Tune in to Yahoo! TV for what 's new on the tube. Survivor is back= , and so is our popular Survivor Pick'em Game . Play with a group of frie= nds, family, or co-workers, or join a public group to compete with fans acr= oss the United States. For an opinionated look at this year's TV lineup, do= n't miss the Fall TV Guide . Make a Personal Connection Looking for someon= e special? A new friend to hang out with? Millions of people use Yahoo! Per= sonals -- the person you're looking for might be on Yahoo! looking for you= ! Search the ads or post your own for free. Then connect for less than $20= per month. Take advantage of this special for new members: Join ClubConn= ect now and get your first month free. Offer available until November 30, 2= 001. More Great Ways to Yahoo! Short Takes * Take the Court - = Basketball season is just around the corner. Get in on the action with Yaho= o! Sports Fantasy NBA . Run your own team of real National Basketball Asso= ciation players from the season's opening tip to the final battles in Apri= l. * My Red, White, and Blue Yahoo! - Update your personalized My Yahoo!= page with a custom theme. Choose from Stars & Stripes, Old Glory, Pink Rib= bons, your favorite NBA team theme, Sanrio's Hello Kitty, or Yahoo!Delic, a= perennial favorite. * Yahoo! Travel - Find easy air, hotel, and renta= l car reservations, vacation and cruise packages, and the latest resources = for travelers. * Yahoo! Finance Bond Center - Everything you need to k= now about bonds and their increasing popularity among investors in today's = uncertain markets. * Make Yahoo! Your Home Page - If your browser lived = here , you'd be home now . Cool Stuff * Halloween Central - Shop f= or costumes, decorations, candy, and treats for the spookiest day of the ye= ar. * Bobbing for Bargains - Bid on scary stuff in the Halloween Showcase= from Yahoo! Auctions. * Can't Wait to Read? - Try an ebook -- a digital = version of a print book that you can download and read. We've got your fav= orites, from Nora Roberts to Stephen King (Riding the Bullet -- only $2).= * Yahoo! Photos - Need more room for your digital pictures? Sign up f= or 50MB more photo storage -- only $29.95 per year. * Sit Courtside With S= pike Lee - Bid for the chance to watch Michael Jordan and the Wizards batt= le the Knicks in New York on October 30. To support the families of those= most affected by the tragic events of September 11th, all proceeds from th= e winning bid will be donated to the UFA Widows and Children Fund. Co= pyright ? 2001 Yahoo! Inc. =09 =09 You received this email because your account information indicates that = you wish to be contacted about special offers, promotions and Yahoo! featur= es. If you do not want to receive further mailings from Yahoo! Delivers, u= nsubscribe by clicking here or by replying to this email. You may also mo= dify your delivery options at any time. To learn more about Yahoo!'s use= of personal information, including the use of web beacons in HTML-based e= mail, please read our Privacy Policy . \ =09
CBS SPORTSLINE.COM FANTASY FOOTBALL NEWSLETTER , [IMAGE]=09Fantasy Football Newsletter=09 October 19, 2001 =09=09 =09 [IMAGE]Fantasy Sports [IMAGE]Fantasy Football [IMAGE]CBS Sport= =09 =09 Welcome to another edition of the 2001 Fantasy Football Newsletter! = The Fantasy Football newsletter will arrive in your e-mail inbox at the end= of every week. We'll include news about the web site; tips on using all th= e features available; and answers to your player-related questions from the= "Gridiron Guru." =09[IMAGE]=09Inside ? Fantasy Football Matchups = ? Customize Reports to Display the Info You Want ? Gridiron Guru ? Tip = of the Week =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 Fantasy Football Matchups Every Friday our Fantasy experts break do= wn the key Fantasy matchup of the week. It may be a top running back facing= a sturdy run defender; a deep-threat wideout matched up with a premier co= ver-corner; or a gunslinging QB against a defense with ball-hawking safetie= s. We'll tell you who has the edge. We'll also highlight the key matchups i= n every NFL game to help you decide who to start and who to bench. Check o= ur Fantasy News area (click News, Fantasy News on the toolbar) Fridays fo= r Fantasy Football Matchups. =09 Customize Reports to Display the Info You Want Did you know you can= customize the settings of most reports on the site, and save those settin= gs so they are displayed each time you visit the report? For example, supp= ose you'd like the Transactions, View report to display only Add/Drops ov= er the past 7 days for all teams. Enter those settings, click GO and then = click the Save icon displayed over the report. Now each time you click Tra= nsactions, View on the toolbar, the report is displayed according to your c= ustom settings. After you click Save you can click the E-Rept icon to have= your new custom report e-mailed to you on the days you choose. =09 Gridiron Guru Welcome to Gridiron Guru, where we'll answer your que= stions about players and offer Fantasy Football roster advice. We invite yo= u to send your own scouting reports and comments on players to: gridguru@co= . You'll get the chance to be heard by thousands of Fantasy = players just like yourself! =09 Question - Matt Biggins, Los Angeles, CA Which two receivers should I= start this weekend, out of Todd Pinkston, Bill Schroeder, Chris Carter, Te= rry Glenn and James McKnight? Who would you recommend starting out of Duce = Staley, Stephen Davis, Ron Dayne, Kevan Barlow and Jason Brookins? Answe= r - GG As long as Schroeder (ankle) is healthy, he's a must- start agai= nst a Minnesota defense that allowed Charlie Batch to throw for 345 yards a= nd three touchdowns last weekend. Miami has a bye, so McKnight is obviously= not an option. Pinkston and Glenn both have good matchups, but we'd have t= o go with Carter in this case. This season has been very unpredictable, so = going with your most established player in this case is the best move. To a= nswer your second question, we'd recommend Davis against a vulnerable Carol= ina defense and Dayne against Philadelphia. It's tough to choose Davis, but= Barlow has a bye and both Staley and Brookins will be splitting carries at= best, so our hands are tied. =09 Question - Jeff Smith, Tampa, FL I have Jeff Garcia, who has a bye th= is week. I have the option of starting Jim Miller or picking up Chris Weink= e. What do you recommend? Answer - GG Miller has been very inconsist= ent from a Fantasy perspective, so we'd have to side with Weinke. He'll be = facing a Washington defense decimated by injuries and vulnerable to players= like Muhsin Muhammad, Donald Hayes and Wesley Walls. Weinke could have a b= ig game. =09 Question - Scott Buzby, Newark, DE Who should I start this week: Shan= non Sharpe or Bubba Franks? Also, is it time to drop James Thrash? Kevin J= ohnson, Laveranues Coles, Todd Pinkston and Joe Jurevicius are all still av= ailable. Answer - GG Franks has been Brett Favre's favorite target i= n the red zone, but Sharpe is one of the best tight ends in the league. Sha= rpe will always give you good production from the tight end spot, and we hi= ghly doubt that Franks will be able to continue to score touchdowns at his = current pace of one per game. As far as Thrash goes, we feel he's just not = good enough to be facing No.1 cornerbacks on a weekly basis, so his numbers= will be inconsistent at best. Your best bet is to drop him and go after an= other No. 1-caliber wideout like Johnson, who could emerge as a reliable Fa= ntasy player. =09 Tip of the Week Phil Brown, St. Louis, MO: When will people start = giving Priest Holmes the credit he deserves? He is the best offensive optio= n the Chiefs have, and he even has more rushing yards than Marshall Faulk a= fter five weeks. With Dick Vermeil calling the shots in Kansas City, Holmes= will continue to be a productive player all season. =09 This message has been provided free of charge and free of obligation. If = you prefer not to receive emails of this nature please send an email to rem= [email protected] . Do not respond to this email directly. =09
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Please Read: Resolution Center to Disconnect Toll Free number , The Resolution Center will be decommissioning one of its 888 numbers (888-877-7757) as of January 7, 2002. You can continue to contact the Resolution Center, Toll Free, by using the following steps: To contact the ENW IT Resolution Center: ? Call 1-800-973-6766 (1-800-97-ENRON) ? Select 1 to transfer to an extension within the Enron Building ? Select 31411 and you will be transferred to the helpdesk. The following options are also available through the toll-free number: 0: Connect to voice directory 1: Transfer to an extension in the Enron building 2: Access voicemail in the Enron building 3: Transfer to 3 Allen Center 4: Transfer to Omaha 5: Transfer modem or fax with 646 prefix 6: Speak to an Enron operator 7: Transfer to a fax machine in the message center 8: Transfer to Aviation 9: Leave a confidential message for Enron Chairman Please contact the Resolution Center at 3-1411 for assistance ETS customers should continue to contact the ETS Solution Center-Houston at 713-345-4745 or 888-465-4745, and the ETS Solution Center-Omaha at 402-398-7454.
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Your Weekly Movie Showtimes from , =09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09 [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] =09 =09New This Weekend: From Hell From Hell RJohnny = Depp, Heather Graham Johnny Depp is a Scotland Yard investigator trying t= o unravel the mystery of Jack the Ripper in From Hell , adapted from the p= owerful graphic novel by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell; Heather Graham and= Ian Holm co-star. Also new this weekend: Drew Barrymore discovers the per= ils of Riding in Cars with Boys , the latest comedy-drama from director = Penny Marshall. And Robert Redford squares off against James Gandolfini in= The Last Castle , a gritty drama about a three-star general wrongly cou= rt-martialed and sent to a military maximum security prison. Return to = Top =09 =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 Showtimes for From Hell near ZIP Code 77055 Please no= te: These showtimes start on Friday, October 19, 2001. To receive showtim= es for a ZIP code different from 77055 in future e-mails, click here . = AMC Studio 30 (American Multi-Cinema) 2949 Dunvale, Houston, TX 77063, 2= 81-319-4262 Showtimes: 1:30pm | 2:40pm | 4:20pm | 5:25pm | 7:35pm | 8:30p= m | 10:15pm | 11:10pm | 12:50am Edwards Greenway Palace 24 (Edwards Th= eatres) 3839 Westlayan, Houston, TX 77027, 713-871-8880 Showtimes: 1:15pm= | 2:15pm | 4:15pm | 5:00pm | 7:15pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm Edward= s Houston Marq*E 23 (Edwards Theatres) 7620 Kati Freeway, Houston, TX 7= 7024, 713-263-0808 Showtimes: 1:15pm | 2:15pm | 4:15pm | 5:00pm | 7:15pm = | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 Films Opening This Week: From Hell RJohnny Depp, H= eather Graham [IMAGE]See Showtimes and more Mulholland Drive RJustin= Theroux, Laura Harring [IMAGE]See Showtimes and more Riding in Cars = with Boys PG-13Drew Barrymore, Steve Zahn [IMAGE]See Showtimes and more = =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 Now Playing in Theaters near ZIP Code 77055 Please no= te: These showtimes start on Friday, October 19, 2001. To receive showtim= es for a ZIP Code different from 77055 in future e-mails, click here . = 1. AMC Studio 30 (American Multi-Cinema) 2949 Dunvale, Houston, T= X 77063, 281-319-4262 American Pie 2 RJason Biggs, Seann William Sco= tt Showtimes: 3:30pm | 7:50pm | 10:10pm Bandits PG-13Bruce Willis, = Billy Bob Thornton Showtimes: 12:50pm | 1:00pm | 2:00pm | 2:45pm | 3:45= pm | 4:45pm | 5:40pm | 6:35pm | 7:30pm | 8:25pm | 9:20pm | 10:20pm | 11:15= pm | 12:05am Corky Romano PG-13Chris Kattan, Peter Falk Showtimes= : 1:25pm | 2:30pm | 3:30pm | 4:30pm | 5:35pm | 6:35pm | 7:40pm | 8:40pm |= 9:45pm | 10:45pm | 11:50pm | 12:45am Don't Say a Word RMichael Doug= las Showtimes: 1:40pm | 2:45pm | 4:15pm | 5:20pm | 7:00pm | 8:10pm | 9:= 35pm | 10:45pm | 12:10am From Hell RJohnny Depp, Heather Graham S= howtimes: 1:30pm | 2:40pm | 4:20pm | 5:25pm | 7:35pm | 8:30pm | 10:15pm |= 11:10pm | 12:50am Hardball PG-13Keanu Reeves, Diane Lane Showtimes:= 3:00pm | 5:25pm | 7:55pm | 10:25pm | 12:40am Hearts in Atlantis = PG-13Anthony Hopkins, Anton Yelchin Showtimes: 2:10pm | 5:20pm | 7:45pm = | 10:10pm | 12:30am Iron Monkey PG-13Donnie Yen, Rongguang Yu Show= times: 1:45pm | 3:50pm | 5:55pm | 8:00pm | 10:05pm | 12:10am Joy Ri= de RLeelee Sobieski Showtimes: 1:00pm | 3:15pm | 5:25pm | 8:15pm | 10= :30pm | 12:45am The Last Castle RRobert Redford, James Gandolfini S= howtimes: 1:20pm | 2:25pm | 4:10pm | 5:15pm | 7:05pm | 8:05pm | 9:55pm | = 10:55pm | 12:45am Max Keeble's Big Move PGAlex D. Linz, Zena Grey = Showtimes: 1:00pm | 3:05pm | 5:05pm | 7:10pm | 9:15pm | 11:20pm Megid= do: The Omega Code 2 PG-13Michael York, Michael Biehn Showtimes: 1:05= pm | 5:30pm | 12:30am Mulholland Drive RJustin Theroux, Laura Harri= ng Showtimes: 1:10pm | 4:15pm | 7:25pm | 10:35pm The Others PG-13= Nicole Kidman, Christopher Eccleston Showtimes: 1:00pm | 3:15pm | 5:40pm= | 7:55pm | 10:20pm | 12:35am The Princess Diaries GJulie Andrews,= Anne Hathaway Showtimes: 1:00pm | 3:20pm | 5:50pm Riding in Cars wi= th Boys PG-13Drew Barrymore, Steve Zahn Showtimes: 1:05pm | 2:20pm | 4= :00pm | 5:10pm | 7:00pm | 8:00pm | 9:50pm | 10:50pm | 12:40am Rush H= our 2 PG-13Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker Showtimes: 2:30pm | 4:55pm | 7:05= pm | 9:15pm | 11:25pm Serendipity PG-13John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale = Showtimes: 1:15pm | 2:15pm | 3:25pm | 4:25pm | 5:30pm | 6:30pm | 7:35pm = | 8:35pm | 9:40pm | 10:40pm | 11:45pm | 12:45am Training Day RDenz= el Washington, Ethan Hawke Showtimes: 1:10pm | 2:00pm | 2:55pm | 3:50pm= | 4:40pm | 5:35pm | 6:30pm | 7:20pm | 8:15pm | 9:10pm | 10:00pm | 10:55pm= | 11:50pm | 12:40am Two Can Play That Game RVivica A. Fox, Morris Ch= estnut Showtimes: 2:05pm | 5:00pm | 7:20pm | 9:30pm | 11:40pm Zool= ander PG-13Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson Showtimes: 1:05pm | 3:05pm | 5:05p= m | 7:15pm | 8:20pm | 9:25pm | 10:30pm | 11:35pm | 12:35am 2. E= dwards Greenway Palace 24 (Edwards Theatres) 3839 Westlayan, Houston, T= X 77027, 713-871-8880 Bandits PG-13Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton = Showtimes: 12:30pm | 1:30pm | 3:30pm | 4:30pm | 7:00pm | 7:30pm | 9:45pm= | 10:15pm Corky Romano PG-13Chris Kattan, Peter Falk Showtimes: 1= 2:45pm | 1:45pm | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | 5:15pm | 6:15pm | 7:30pm | 8:30pm | 9:= 45pm | 10:30pm Don't Say a Word RMichael Douglas Showtimes: 12:1= 0pm | 1:40pm | 2:40pm | 4:25pm | 5:25pm | 7:10pm | 8:10pm | 9:40pm | 10:40= pm From Hell RJohnny Depp, Heather Graham Showtimes: 1:15pm | 2:15= pm | 4:15pm | 5:00pm | 7:15pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm Hearts in= Atlantis PG-13Anthony Hopkins, Anton Yelchin Showtimes: 12:35pm | 3:0= 5pm | 5:35pm | 8:05pm | 10:35pm Iron Monkey PG-13Donnie Yen, Ronggua= ng Yu Showtimes: 12:00pm | 2:30pm | 5:00pm | 7:30pm | 9:45pm Joy = Ride RLeelee Sobieski Showtimes: 12:00pm | 2:15pm | 4:45pm | 7:15pm |= 9:30pm The Last Castle RRobert Redford, James Gandolfini Showtimes= : 12:00pm | 1:45pm | 3:30pm | 4:45pm | 7:00pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30p= m Max Keeble's Big Move PGAlex D. Linz, Zena Grey Showtimes: 1:0= 0pm | 3:00pm | 5:00pm | 7:00pm The Others PG-13Nicole Kidman, Christ= opher Eccleston Showtimes: 12:10pm | 2:40pm | 5:10pm | 7:40pm | 10:05pm= Riding in Cars with Boys PG-13Drew Barrymore, Steve Zahn Showtim= es: 12:00pm | 1:45pm | 3:30pm | 4:45pm | 7:00pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:3= 0pm Rush Hour 2 PG-13Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker Showtimes: 9:00pm = Serendipity PG-13John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale Showtimes: 12:00pm |= 12:45pm | 2:15pm | 3:15pm | 4:45pm | 5:30pm | 7:15pm | 8:15pm | 9:30pm | = 10:30pm Training Day RDenzel Washington, Ethan Hawke Showtimes: 12= :00pm | 1:00pm | 2:00pm | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | 5:00pm | 6:00pm | 7:00pm | 8:0= 0pm | 9:00pm | 10:00pm | 10:45pm Zoolander PG-13Ben Stiller, Owen W= ilson Showtimes: 12:20pm | 1:35pm | 2:35pm | 3:50pm | 4:50pm | 6:05pm |= 7:20pm | 8:20pm | 9:35pm | 10:35pm 3. Edwards Houston Marq*E 2= 3 (Edwards Theatres) 7620 Kati Freeway, Houston, TX 77024, 713-263-0808 = Bandits PG-13Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton Showtimes: 12:30pm | = 1:30pm | 3:30pm | 4:30pm | 7:00pm | 7:30pm | 9:45pm | 10:15pm Corky Ro= mano PG-13Chris Kattan, Peter Falk Showtimes: 12:45pm | 1:45pm | 3:00p= m | 4:00pm | 5:15pm | 6:15pm | 7:30pm | 8:30pm | 9:30pm | 10:30pm Don= 't Say a Word RMichael Douglas Showtimes: 12:00pm | 2:30pm | 5:15pm |= 8:00pm | 9:10pm | 10:30pm From Hell RJohnny Depp, Heather Graham = Showtimes: 1:15pm | 2:15pm | 4:15pm | 5:00pm | 7:15pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm = | 10:30pm Hardball PG-13Keanu Reeves, Diane Lane Showtimes: 12:35= pm | 3:05pm | 5:35pm | 8:05pm | 10:30pm Hearts in Atlantis PG-13Anth= ony Hopkins, Anton Yelchin Showtimes: 2:00pm | 4:30pm | 7:00pm | 9:30pm= Iron Monkey PG-13Donnie Yen, Rongguang Yu Showtimes: 12:30pm | = 2:45pm | 5:00pm | 7:30pm | 9:45pm Joy Ride RLeelee Sobieski Showti= mes: 12:00pm | 2:15pm | 4:45pm | 7:15pm | 9:30pm The Last Castle = RRobert Redford, James Gandolfini Showtimes: 12:00pm | 1:45pm | 3:30pm |= 4:45pm | 7:00pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm Max Keeble's Big Move = PGAlex D. Linz, Zena Grey Showtimes: 12:00pm | 2:00pm | 4:00pm | 6:00pm= | 8:00pm | 10:00pm The Others PG-13Nicole Kidman, Christopher Eccl= eston Showtimes: 12:10pm | 2:40pm | 5:10pm | 7:40pm | 10:10pm Riding= in Cars with Boys PG-13Drew Barrymore, Steve Zahn Showtimes: 12:00pm= | 1:45pm | 3:30pm | 4:45pm | 7:00pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm Rus= h Hour 2 PG-13Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker Showtimes: 1:10pm | 3:10pm | = 5:10pm | 7:10pm Serendipity PG-13John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale Showt= imes: 12:15pm | 2:45pm | 5:15pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm Training Day R= Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke Showtimes: 1:00pm | 2:00pm | 4:00pm | 5:= 00pm | 7:00pm | 8:00pm | 10:00pm | 10:40pm Zoolander PG-13Ben Stiller,= Owen Wilson Showtimes: 12:15pm | 2:30pm | 4:45pm | 7:15pm | 9:30pm = =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 We hope you enjoyed receiving this newsletter. However= , if you'd like to unsubscribe, please use the link below or click the You= r Account button in the top right corner of any page on the Web= site. Under the E-mail and Subscriptions heading, click the "Manage your = Weekly Movie Showtimes e-mail" link. = Copyright 2001, Inc. All rights reserved. You may also chan= ge your communication preferences by clicking the following link: http://= =09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09=09=09 =09
EnronOnline- Change to Autohedge , Effective Monday, October 22, 2001 the following changes will be made to the Autohedge functionality on EnronOnline. The volume on the hedge will now respect the minimum volume and volume increment settings on the parent product. See rules below: ? If the transaction volume on the child is less than half of the parent's minimum volume no hedge will occur. ? If the transaction volume on the child is more than half the parent's minimum volume but less than half the volume increment on the parent, the hedge will volume will be the parent's minimum volume. ? For all other volumes, the same rounding rules will apply based on the volume increment on the parent product. Please see example below: Parent's Settings: Minimum: 5000 Increment: 1000 Volume on Autohedge transaction Volume Hedged 1 - 2499 0 2500 - 5499 5000 5500 - 6499 6000
SUPPLEMENTAL Weekend Outage Report for 10-19-01 through 10-21-01 , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y F O R October 19, 2001 5:00pm through October 22, 2001 12:00am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: ECS power outage A power outage will occur in Enron Center South on Saturday, October 20, 2001 to complete repairs to the electrical riser system required to correct issues resulting from Tropical Storm Allison. IDF's and thus network resident applications and data will be off line on all ECS floors 3 through 6 from 10:00 a.m. Saturday until 8:00 a.m. Sunday. Trading floors 3, 4, 5 and 6 desktop power will be off beginning 2:00 p.m. Saturday until 12:00 noon Sunday. Avaya telephony phone system will be unaffected. However, the turret system will be offline starting 11:00 a.m. Saturday until 1:00 p.m. Sunday. Additionally, during this power outage the cooling system will be upgraded. This upgrade may take up to 2 hours. Occupants in the building may experience as much as a five degree rise in temperature. Contacts: Stuart Fieldhouse 713-853-5699 Lance Jameson 713-345-4423 ARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages. EB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. EES: Impact: EES Outage: EESHOU-DBPCCS - Sat 8-10am CT EESTEST-DBPCCS - Sun 9:30-11:30 am CT EESTEST-WBPCCS - Sun 10am-12pm CT EESHOU-EEIS - Fri 6-8pm CT EESHOU-WBPCCS - Sun 8:30-10:35am CT EESHOU-DBRPS3 - Sat 9-10am CT EESHOU-OMS01 - Fri 5:30-7:30pm CT Environments Impacted: EES Purpose: Install monitoring tools. Backout: Uninstall Contact(s): David DeVoll 713-345-8970 Animesh Solanki 713-853-5147 ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: ALSO SEE ORIGINAL REPORT Impact: ECN 46 Time: Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 PM CT Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 2:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 3:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 10:00:00 PM London Outage: Telecom Closet Clean Up ECN 46 Environments Impacted: ECN 46 Purpose: IDF and port management Backout: Contact(s): Mark Trevino 713-345-9954 FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages. INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. HR: SEE ORIGINAL REPORT MESSAGING: SEE ORIGINAL REPORT MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages. NT: No Scheduled Outages. OS/2: No Scheduled Outages. OTHER SYSTEMS: ALSO SEE ORIGINAL REPORT Impact: nahou-wwirf01t nahou-wwirf01d nahou-wwjrn01d nahou-wwjrn01tnahou-wwiwn01d Time: Thu 10/18/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT Thu 10/18/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT Thu 10/18/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London Outage: SP2 Hotfix 301625 WINS-DNS update Environments Impacted: Developers and Testers of the server listed below Purpose: This is our new standard for ALL Web and App servers in our group. Backout: Rollback SP2 Hot Fix and put old WINS and DNS entries back Contact(s): Clint Tate 713-345-4256 Impact: CORP Time: Sun 10/21/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT Sun 10/21/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London thru Mon 10/22/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London Outage: RMSPROD table/index reorg Environments Impacted: Corp Purpose: reduce fragmentation and increase performance. Backout: Disable restricted session. Contact(s): Emmett Cleveland 713-345-3873 SITARA: Impact: Production Time: Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 7:00:00 AM CT Sat 10/20/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 5:00:00 AM PT Sun 10/21/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 1:00:00 PM London Outage: New Hardware - Trinity Environments Impacted: Corp Purpose: Improve Sitara performance with Hardware enhancement. Backout: revert to Madrid as primary. Contact(s): SitaraonCall 713-288-0101 SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. TELEPHONY: SEE OIGINAL REPORT TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages. SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: LONDON Impact: CORP Time: Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT Fri 10/19/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT Sat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London Outage: Complete Powerdown of the London Office Environments Impacted: All Purpose: To complete the final works and testing to install a third generator in Enron House Backout: Switch all equipment back on once power has been restored. Contact(s): Tracy Pearson 830-34238 London Tie Line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ASSISTANCE (713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center Specific Help: Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536 SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727 Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager] Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager] RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager] OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager] CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager] EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager] EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 TDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager]
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ENE Downgraded by A.G. Edwards , If you cannot read this email, please click here .=20 - ENE Upgrade/Downgrade History =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 [IMAGE] View Today's Upgrades/Downgrades/Coverage Initiated Briefing = Enron Corp (ENE) Date Brokerage Firm Action Details 10/19/2001 A.G. = Edwards Downgraded to Hold from Buy 10/16/2001 Merrill Lynch Upgrade= d to Nt Accum from Nt Neutral 10/09/2001 Merrill Lynch Upgraded to Nt = Neutral/Lt Buy from Nt Neutral/Lt Accum 10/04/2001 A.G. Edwards Downgr= aded to Buy from Strong Buy 09/26/2001 A.G. Edwards Upgraded to Buy f= rom Accumulate 09/10/2001 BERNSTEIN Upgraded to Outperform from Mkt Pe= rform 08/15/2001 Merrill Lynch Downgraded to Nt Neut/Lt Accum from Nt= Buy/Lt Buy 06/22/2001 A.G. Edwards Upgraded to Accumulate from Mainta= in Position 12/15/2000 Bear Stearns Coverage Initiated at Attractive = 07/19/2000 Paine Webber Upgraded to Buy from Attractive 04/13/2000 = First Union Capital Upgraded to Strong Buy from Buy 04/13/2000 Salomon= Smith Barney Coverage Initiated at Buy 04/05/2000 Dain Rauscher Wesse= ls Upgraded to Strong Buy from Buy 04/05/2000 First Union Capital Cov= erage Initiated at Buy is the leading Internet provider = of live market analysis for U.S. Stock, U.S. Bond and world FX market parti= cipants. ? 1999-2001, Inc., All rights reserved about us |= contact us | webmaster | site map privacy policy | terms of service = =09
Forbes Article-Gas Fired Power Plants , Don't know if you saw this already. Interesting. Ken Indigestion Daniel Fisher, Forbes Magazine, 10.29.01 All those new natural gas-fired electric plants mean more gas demand, right? Maybe not. For natural gas bulls, there was never a surer sign of good times to come than the order book at General Electric Corp. Backlogs in GE's Power Systems group almost tripled to $25 billion in the late 1990s as scores of utilities and freestanding power producers ordered natural gas turbines to supply the nation's growing appetite for electricity. Gas demand had to go up as all those shiny new turbines were connected to the grid. Ah, but there was a flaw in that argument--one that is becoming glaringly clear as the price of gas plunges below $2 per million Btu at the wellhead from as high as $10 last year. (A million Btu of gas equals just about 1,000 cubic feet.) Those new gas plants were supposed to steal business from pollution-spewing coal units, which still supply half the nation's electricity. But in a painstaking study of 788 power plants that supply the bulk of U.S. electricity, Charles Studness, president of Studness Research, found quite the opposite could happen. Studness determined that 79% of the "new" electricity supplied to the grid over the past five years came from existing plants, mostly coal-fired units. And there's plenty more where that came from. Studness figures existing coal plants have the potential to increase output by 50 million megawatt-hours a year for the next five years, representing about half the expected 2.5%-a-year increase in demand. Coal's advantage over gas: It's cheap. Utilities paid an average of $1.20 per million Btu for coal last year, compared with $4.30 for gas (delivered). Even with depressed gas prices, many coal plants are still cheaper to operate. So while those new turbines being installed by Calpine (nyse: CPN - news - people) and other independent power producers, (see table, below) will burn a lot of gas, they will do it mostly at the expense of older gas plants that burn half again as much. Addressing a Burning Issue If natural gas prices stay down or merely remain volatile it will help companies that burn, trade or store gas and hurt those that sell it or provide equipment to the industry. Overleveraged gas producers and service companies could have trouble making it through the downturn. WINNERS Sales* ($bil) Remarks Calpine $4.6 Its gas power plants won't compete with coal for years Chesapeake Energy 0.9 Hedged gas production through December 2003 Dynegy 43.4 Owns gas, coal power plants; stores, trades gas Peabody Energy 2.7 World's largest coal company LOSERS Sales* ($bil) Remarks Devon Energy 3.3 Gas-heavy; $8 billion in ...debt General Electric 129.5 Sells gas turbines Pioneer Natural Resources 1.0 $1.5 billion in ...debt; 53% of production is gas Transocean SedcoForex 1.9 $4 billion in debt; heavy gas-drilling exposure *Latest 12 months. Source: Market Guide via FactSet Research Systems. "It's not our game to compete with coal or nuclear," says Ron A. Walter, senior vice president of San Jose, Calif.-based Calpine, which plans over the next few years to build gas-fired plants totaling 31,500 megawatts. "It's our game to displace older gas." Combined-cycle gas turbines, which use hot exhaust gases from one turbine to generate steam to turn a second one, can transform 6,800 Btu of gas into a kilowatt-hour of electricity, enough to light one lightbulb for ten hours. The oldest gas plants burn as much as 13,000 Btu, and the national average is 10,500. Substitute enough new plants for old, and U.S. gas consumption, currently 62 billion cubic feet a day, could drop by as much as 1 billion cubic feet a day. That scenario sounds unlikely to Stephen Bergstrom, president of Houston-based Dynegy, an energy-trading firm that also owns both coal- and gas-fired power plants. Dynegy's 35-year-old coal plants are "huge capital hogs," Bergstrom says, that cost ten times as much to maintain as modern gas units. Throw in the cost of scrubbers and other required pollution controls, and many smaller coal plants will have to be shut down, Bergstrom says. But coal-plant owners can be ingenious. Witness Midwest Generation, a nonregulated subsidiary of Edison International that bought six coal plants from troubled Commonwealth Edison of Chicago in 1999. By changing operating procedures and burning a higher grade of coal, Midwest boosted output from the 40-year-old plants 12% last year--while reducing emissions. John Long, vice president and chief technical officer of the Midwest Generation unit, thinks he can coax another 15% increase out of those aging boilers over the next five years without running afoul of environmental rules. Long term, the bullish scenario still holds: Gas will displace coal. In the meantime, gas producers have a lot of bonds to retire.
workout , will you be ready to hit the weights on monday. i have not been going in the morning b/c i am too lazy to wake up, especially if i do not have a partner. you could do rehab excercises and I could run from 540-6 and then we could workout from 6-645. are you ready for that? ckl
All-Employee Meeting , The All-Employee Meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 10 a.m. Houston time at the Hyatt Regency Houston Imperial Ballroom. As one of the enhanced security measures we have recently employed, we will be checking employee badges at the entrance to the ballroom. All employees will be required to present a valid Enron badge with a photo. If you do not currently have a photo on your badge, please go to the badge office on the third floor of the Enron Building and have your photo added to your badge. We also suggest allowing a bit more time in getting to the Hyatt and we request your patience, as these security measures may create some backup at the entrance to the ballroom. Accessing the Meeting via Streaming Audio/Video If you are a Houston-based employee and can't attend the meeting, or if you are located in London, Calgary, Toronto, Omaha, New York or Portland (ENA), you can access the live event at <http://home.enron/employeemeeting>. Enron Europe employees will receive a follow-up message from their Public Relations team concerning online access to the meeting. Video Teleconferencing The meeting will be made available by video teleconference to employees in Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Dubai, Rio de Janeiro, Bothell, Wash., Denver, San Ramon, Calif., and Chicago. If your location would like to participate by video teleconference, please contact Yvonne Francois at (713) 345-8725.
All Enron Worldwide@ENRON <??SAll Enron Worldwide@ENRON>
Credit Watch List--Week of 10/22/01 , Attached is a revised Credit Watch listing for the week of 10/22/01. Please note that US Steel Corporation was placed on "Call Credit" this week. If there are any personnel in your group that were not included in this distribution, please insure that they receive a copy of this report. To add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been sent to you in error, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002. For other questions, please contact Jason R. Williams at x5-3923, Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002 or Darren Vanek at x3-1436.
RDI Electric Atlas - North American Edition $500 savings - Ord , [IMAGE] =09 =20 =09 Introductory price of $1,495 o= nly good through November 16, 2001 CALL 800-424-2908 to order today! This= must-have resource provides a virtual tour of the North American power sy= stem that will be invaluable for business investors, industry experts, tra= ders, analysts, or anyone else who wants to understand how the entire syst= em works. The RDI Electric Power Atlas is a 270-page spiral-bound refere= nce work. Each 11" X 17" full-color page shows these key features: [IMAG= E] Existing power plants larger than 25 megawatts, symbolized by cap= acity and fuel, and labeled with operator and name. [IMAGE]= Existing and proposed transmission lines, 115 kV and above, identif= ied by voltage and number of lines. [IMAGE] Substatio= ns and line taps connected to the grid at 115 kV and above. = [IMAGE] All IOU service territories. [IMAGE] Al= l non-IOU and municipal service territories. [IMAGE] R= TO/ISO pricing regions. [IMAGE] State capitals and ma= jor cities. [IMAGE] Interstate, federal, and state hig= hways. [IMAGE] Rivers and bodies of water. = [IMAGE] Insets of 17 metropolitan areas. [IMAGE] = Megawatt Dailypricing regions. Although it offers a highly detaile= d look at the electric power infrastructure of North America, this remarka= ble atlas has been condensed into a handy, portable format. It's a power s= upply expert's bible for planning, analysis, and trading activity througho= ut the North American continent. Introductory price of $1,495 if purchas= ed before November 16, 2001. That's a savings of $500 off the list price of= $1,995. To order your comprehensive atlas, contact us today: Tel 800-42= 4-2908 (toll free), 720-548-5700 (direct) E-mail [email protected] Re= ference priority code 788 to receive this limited-time discount price. I= f you wish to unsubscribe from this Platts promotion, click here and typ= e UNSUBSCRIBE ELECTRIC ATLAS in the subject line, then send. [IMAGE] = =09 =09
SBC "The Way" Weekly Info Request , You are receiving this because I have either you or your spouse listed as a member of the leadership team for "The Way" Sunday school class at Second Baptist Church. If you don't want to get weekly reminders, or have a spouse email available, please let me know . If you have any information you wish to be distributed to the class this week, please get it to me before this upcoming Wednesday morning. Short text-bullet items are fine. Regards, -- Richard G. Hash [email protected] OpenSpirit Corp. ph: 281-940-0207 fax 281-940-0201 Suite 700, 1155 Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77079
undisclosed-recipients:;@ENRON <??Sundisclosed-recipients:;@ENRON>
FUNDIES MEETING EVERY DAY BEGINNING NEXT WEEK , For those of you that will be in the office after New Year's, we will begin an informal fundies meeting each day to cover what has happened in the market since we filed for bankruptcy. We will go over pipeline flows, storage balances, weather, monthly and daily prices, etc. With a few of the Banks showing interest in showing a bid, I thought it would be good for us to begin our preparation to trade the market. Chris Gaskill will be providing the daily packet and Patti Sullivan will provide the daily operations report. I was thinking that we should start around 9:30 each morning. Grigsby
NEWS Deadline , If your team would like to contribute to this week's newsletter, please submit your BUSINESS HIGHLIGHT OR NEWS by noon Wednesday, October 24. Thank you! Kathie Grabstald x 3-9610
We're Going "Nuts" , We're Going "Nuts" [IMAGE] We have been trying to reach you regarding your sweepstakes entry! To contact us call, Toll Free 1-800-792-1321 Use Your Private Code when you call: DLIMZ Call 10:00 am to 10:00 pm EST Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm on Saturday CALL NOW!!! 1-800-792-1321 This offer is brought to you by Consolidated Media Services. For more information and the terms and conditions of the promotional offer brought to you by CMS click here .If you do not wish to receive future mailings, click here to unsubscribe.
AXP Earnings Information , If you cannot read this email, please click here .=20 - News =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 AXP 29.17 -0.15 American Express Company Reports Third Quarter= Net Income of $298 Million=1D(millions, except per share amounts) Quarter = Percentage Nine Percentage Ended Inc/ Months Inc/ September 30 (Dec) Ended = (Dec) September 30 2001 2000 2001 2000 Net Income* $298 $737 (60%) $1,014 $= 2,133 (52%) Net Revenues** $5,478 $5,554 (1%) $15,770 $16,371 (4%) Per Shar= e Net Income Basic $0 23 $0.56 (59%) $0.77 $1.61 (52%) Diluted $0.22 $0.54= (59%) $0.76 $1.57 (52%) Average Common Shares Outstanding Basic 1,324 1,32= 6 -- 1,323 1,328 -- Diluted 1,335 1,361 (2%) 1,338 1,361 (2%) Return on Ave= rage Equity 14.2% 25.5% -- 14.2% 25.5% -- NEW YORK, Oct 22, 2001 /PRNewsw= ire via COMTEX/ -- American Express Company (NYSE: AXP) today reported thir= d quarter net income of $298 million, down 60 percent from $737 million in = the same period a year ago. Diluted earnings per share were $.22, down 59 p= ercent from a year ago. Net revenues on a managed basis totaled $5.5 billio= n, down one percent from $5.6 billion a year ago. The company's return on e= quity was 14.2 percent. Results for the third quarter were negatively aff= ected by two significant items: a previously announced restructuring charge= of $352 million pre-tax ($232 million after-tax) and the impacts from the = September 11th terrorist attacks. The September 11th events resulted in c= ertain one-time costs and business interruption losses, including: provisio= ns related to credit exposures to travel industry service establishments, i= nsurance claims, and waived finance charges and late fees. The combination = of these items totaled approximately $98 million pre-tax ($65 million after= -tax). The company also incurred costs of approximately $42 million since= September 11th, which are expected to be covered by insurance. Consequentl= y, these costs did not impact the quarterly results. These include the cost= of duplicate facilities and equipment associated with the relocation of th= e company's offices in lower Manhattan and certain other business recovery = expenses. Costs associated with the damage to the company's offices, extra = operating expenses and business interruption losses are still being evaluat= ed. The company expects that a substantial portion ofgh its Ists and losses= will be covered by insurance. The third quarter restructuring charge inc= ludes severance costs for the elimination of approximately 6,100 jobs and a= sset impairment and other costs, all relating to the consolidation and reor= ganization of certain business units, the scale back of corporate lending i= n certain regions, the migration of certain processes to lower cost locatio= ns, the outsourcing of certain activities, and the transition of certain pr= ocessing and service functions to the Internet. These initiatives are expec= ted to produce expense savings of approximately $325 million in 2002. A por= tion of these savings is expected to flow through to earnings in the form o= f improved operating expense margins and the rest is expected to be reinves= ted back into high-growth areas of the business. In addition to the activ= ities related to the restructuring charge, the company made strong progress= on its global reengineering efforts initiated in the first half of the yea= r and, as of September 30, had realized savings in excess of $700 million. = Net income for the third quarter, adjusted for the restructuring and one-= time costs related to September 11th, was approximately $595 million, down = 19 percent. On a similar basis, earnings per share were $.45, down 17 perce= nt. The company's adjusted return on equity was 16.7 percent. "While we w= ere on target to meet prior consensus for third quarter earnings, the terro= rist attacks obviously had a significant impact on the overall economy and = we saw clear evidence of that as consumer spending, business travel and inv= estment activity slowed after September 11th," said Kenneth I. Chenault, ch= airman and chief executive officer, American Express Company. "In light of = the weak economy and financial markets, we are moving aggressively to lower= our operating expenses. The progress we are making on our reengineering in= itiatives has freed up substantial resources for investment in our business= es with the strongest growth potential. This, along with the anticipated be= nefit of lower interest rates and the strategies in place to grow our franc= hise, positions us well to benefit when we see even a modest improvement in= the economy." Travel Related Services (TRS) reported quarterly net incom= e of $248 million, down 51 percent from $507 million in the third quarter a= year ago. Included in third quarter results are $195 million pre-tax ($127= million after-tax) of the restructuring charge noted earlier. Also include= d in the results are $87 million pre-tax ($57 million after-tax) of one-tim= e costs and waived fees directly related to the September 11th terrorist at= tacks. Excluding these costs and the restructuring charge, TRS' net income = would have been $432 million, down 15 percent from the third quarter last y= ear. TRS' net revenues rose two percent, as growth in loans and fee reven= ues were partly offset by a three percent decline in billed business and a = 28 percent fall in travel sales. These declines reflect a substantial decre= ase in corporate travel and entertainment spending and consumer travel sinc= e September 11th. Prior to September, billed business growth for the quarte= r was about two percent as higher consumer and small business spending offs= et a decline in corporate travel and entertainment spending. Net finance ch= arge revenues were higher, due to balance growth and wider net interest yie= lds. This increase reflects a smaller percentage of loan balances on introd= uctory rates and the benefit of declining interest rates during the quarter= . The provision for losses on the lending portfolios grew as a result of = higher volumes and an increase in U.S. lending write-off rates and delinque= ncies. Marketing and promotion expenses were lower as TRS scaled back certa= in marketing efforts in light of the weaker business environment. Operating= expenses rose, reflecting increased Cardmember loyalty programs and busine= ss volumes. These expenses were partly offset by the benefits of reengineer= ing and cost-control efforts. The above discussion presents TRS results "= on a managed basis" as if there had been no securitization transactions, wh= ich conforms to industry practice. The attached financials present TRS resu= lts on both a managed and reported basis. Net income is the same in both fo= rmats. On a reported basis, TRS' results included securitization gains of= $29 million pre-tax ($19 million after-tax) and $26 million pre-tax ($17 m= illion after-tax) in the third quarters of 2001 and 2000, respectively. The= se gains were offset by expenses related to card acquisition activities and= therefore had no material impact on net income or total expenses. Americ= an Express Financial Advisors (AEFA) reported quarterly net income of $145 = million, down 46 percent from $269 million in the third quarter a year ago.= Net revenues decreased 14 percent. Included in third quarter results are $= 62 million pre-tax ($41 million after-tax) of the restructuring charge note= d earlier and $11 million pre-tax ($8 million after-tax) of insurance claim= s directly related to September 11th. Excluding these items, AEFA's net inc= ome would have been $194 million, down 28 percent from last year. AEFA re= sults reflect continued weakness in equity markets and narrower spreads on = the investment portfolio. The weakened equity markets led to significantly = lower asset levels and lower sales of investment products. As a result, man= agement and distribution fees fell 15 percent. Operating expenses, exclud= ing the above-mentioned charges, decreased four percent from a year ago due= primarily to lower sales commissions and continued reengineering and cost-= control initiatives. As of September 30th, approximately 4 percent of the= company's $33 billion investment portfolio consisted of high-yield securit= ies, down from 12 percent a year ago and 8 percent last quarter. The reduct= ion reflects the activities to date to lower the risk profile of the portfo= lio and concentrate on stronger credits. American Express Bank (AEB) repo= rted a quarterly net loss of $43 million, compared with $7 million of net i= ncome a year ago. Included in third quarter results are $84 million pre-tax= ($57 million after-tax) of the restructuring charge noted earlier. Excludi= ng these charges, AEB's net income would have been $15 million, approximate= ly double the earnings recorded in the same period last year. While AEB s= ustained damage to its premises due to the September 11th terrorist attacks= , the costs are expected to be covered by insurance. Consequently, these co= sts did not impact AEB's quarterly results. AEB's business results reflec= t strong performance in Personal Financial Services and Private Banking. Re= sults also benefited from lower funding costs and lower operating expenses = as a result of AEB's reengineering efforts. These were offset in part by hi= gher provisions for losses due to higher Personal Financial Services loan b= alances, and lower revenue from Corporate Banking as the company continues = to shift its focus to Personal Financial Services and Private Banking. Co= rporate and Other reported net expenses of $52 million, compared with $46 m= illion a year ago. Included in third quarter 2001 results are $11 million p= re-tax ($7 million after-tax) of the restructuring charge noted earlier. = American Express Company ( ), founded in 1850= , is a global travel, financial and network services provider. Note: The = 2001 Third Quarter Earnings Supplement will be available today on the Ameri= can Express web site at . In addition, an inv= estor conference call to discuss third quarter earnings results, operating = performance and other topics that may be raised during the discussion will = be held at 5:00 p.m. (ET) today. Live audio of the conference call will be = accessible to the general public on the American Express web site at http:/= / . A replay of the conference call also will be avai= lable today at the same web site address. This document contains forward-= looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. The words "= believe", "expect", "anticipate", "intend", "aim", "will", "should", and si= milar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements= . The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-look= ing statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materiall= y from these forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, th= e following: Fluctuation in the equity markets, which can affect the amou= nt and types of investment products sold by AEFA, the market value of its m= anaged assets, and management and distribution fees received based on those= assets; potential deterioration in the high-yield sector and other investm= ent areas, which could result in further losses in AEFA's investment portfo= lio; the ability of AEFA to sell certain high- yield investments at expecte= d values and within anticipated time frames and to maintain its high-yield = portfolio at certain levels in the future; developments relating to AEFA's = new platform structure for financial advisors, including the ability to inc= rease advisor productivity, moderate the growth of new advisors and create = efficiencies in the infrastructure; AEFA's ability to effectively manage th= e economics in selling a growing volume of non-proprietary products to clie= nts; investment performance in AEFA's businesses; the success, timeliness a= nd financial impact, including costs, cost savings and other benefits, of r= eengineering initiatives being implemented or considered by the Company, in= cluding cost management, structural and strategic measures such as vendor, = process, facilities and operations consolidation, outsourcing, relocating c= ertain functions to lower cost overseas locations, moving internal and exte= rnal functions to the Internet to save costs, the scale back of corporate l= ending in certain regions, and planned staff reductions relating to certain= of such reengineering actions; the ability to control and manage operating= , infrastructure, advertising and promotion and other expenses as business = expands or changes, including balancing the need for longer term investment= spending; the Company's ability to recover under its insurance policies fo= r losses resulting from the September 11th terrorist attacks; consumer and = business spending on the Company's travel related services products, partic= ularly credit and charge cards and growth in card lending balances, which d= epend in part on the ability to issue new and enhanced card products and in= crease revenues from such products, attract new cardholders, capture a grea= ter share of existing cardholders' spending, sustain premium discount rates= , increase merchant coverage, retain Cardmembers after low introductory len= ding rates have expired, and expand the global network services business; s= uccessfully expanding the Company's on-line and off-line distribution chann= els and cross-selling financial, travel, card and other products and servic= es to its customer base, both in the U.S. and abroad; effectively leveragin= g the Company's assets, such as its brand, customers and international pres= ence, in the Internet environment; investing in and competing at the leadin= g edge of technology across all businesses; increasing competition in all o= f the Company's major businesses; fluctuations in interest rates, which imp= acts the Company's borrowing costs, return on lending products and spreads = in the investment and insurance businesses; credit trends and the rate of b= ankruptcies, which can affect spending on card products, debt payments by i= ndividual and corporate customers and returns on the Company's investment p= ortfolios; foreign currency exchange rates; political or economic instabili= ty in certain regions or countries, which could affect commercial lending a= ctivities, among other businesses; legal and regulatory developments, such = as in the areas of consumer privacy and data protection; acquisitions; and = outcomes in litigation. A further description of risks and uncertainties ca= n be found in the Company's 10-K Annual Report for the fiscal year ending D= ecember 31, 2000 and other reports filed with the SEC. * Included i= n 2001 net income are two significant third quarter items: a restruct= uring charge of $352 million pre-tax ($232 million after-tax) and one= -time costs (including waived fees) of $98 million pre-tax ($65 milli= on after-tax) resulting from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks= . ** Net revenues are presented on a managed basis. (Preliminary) = AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY = FINANCIAL SUMMARY (Unaudited) = (Dollars in millions) Quarter= s Ended September 30, = Percentage = 2001 2000 Inc/(Dec) NE= T REVENUES (MANAGED BASIS)(A) Travel Related Services $ 4,466 = $ 4,400 2% American Express Financial Adviso= rs 908 1,052 (14) American Express B= ank 165 146 13 = 5,539 5,598 (1) Corporate and Other, = including adjustments and eliminations (61) = (44) (37) CONSOLIDATED NET REVENUES (MANAGED BASIS)= (A) $ 5,478 $ 5,554 (1) PRETAX INCOME (LO= SS)(B) Travel Related Services $316 $721 = (56) American Express Financial Advisors 194 = 387 (50) American Express Bank (62) = 8 -- 448 = 1,116 (60) Corporate and Other (94) = (87) (9) PRETAX INCOME(B) $354 = $ 1,029 (66) NET INCOME (LOSS)(B) Travel Related Servi= ces $248 $507 (51) American Express = Financial Advisors 145 269 (46) = American Express Bank (43) 7 -- = 350 783 (55) Cor= porate and Other (52) (46) (13) NET = INCOME(B) $298 $737 (60) (A) = Managed net revenues are reported net of interest expense, where a= pplicable, and American Express Financial Advisors' provision for = losses and benefits, and exclude the effect of TRS' securitization = activities. (B) Included in 2001 income are two significant third qua= rter items, a restructuring charge of $352 million ($232 million a= fter-tax), and one-time costs (including waived fees) of $98 milli= on ($65 million after-tax) resulting from the September 11, 2001 t= errorist attack on New York City. (Preliminary) = AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY FIN= ANCIAL SUMMARY (Unaudited) (Dollars = in millions) Nine Months Ended = September 30, = Percentage = 2001 2000 Inc/(Dec) NET REVENUES (MANA= GED BASIS)(A) Travel Related Services $ 13,575 $ 12,898 = 5% American Express Financial Advisors 1= ,876 3,153 (40) American Express Bank = 481 447 8 15,9= 32 16,498 (3) Corporate and Other, including adj= ustments and eliminations (162) (127) = (28) CONSOLIDATED NET REVENUES (MANAGED BASIS)(A) $ = 15,770 $ 16,371 (4) PRETAX INCOME (LOSS)(B) Trav= el Related Services $1,783 $2,073 (14) Ameri= can Express Financial Advisors (243) 1,138 = -- American Express Bank (30) 26 = -- 1,510 3,237 = (53) Corporate and Other (262) (242) = (9) PRETAX INCOME(B) $1,248 $ 2,995 = (58) NET INCOME (LOSS)(B) Travel Related Services $1,289= $1,460 (12) American Express Financial Advi= sors (110) 790 -- American Express= Bank (22) 22 -- = 1,157 2,272 (49) Corporate and Other = (143) (139) (2) NET INCOME(B) = $1,014 $2,133 (52) (A) Managed net revenues are r= eported net of interest expense, where applicable, and American Ex= press Financial Advisors' provision for losses and benefits, and e= xclude the effect of TRS' securitization activities. (B) Inclu= ded in 2001 income are two significant third quarter items, a rest= ructuring charge of $352 million ($232 million after-tax), and one= -time costs (including waived fees) of $98 million ($65 million af= ter-tax) resulting from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on = New York City. (Preliminary) AMERICAN EXP= RESS COMPANY FINANCIAL SUMMARY (CONTINUED) = (Unaudited) = Quarters Ended September 30= , Percenta= ge 2001 2000 Inc/(D= ec) EARNINGS PER SHARE BASIC Earnings Per Common Share $= 0.23 $ 0.56 (59)% Average common shares outstand= ing (millions) 1,324 1,326 -- DILUTED = Earnings Per Common Share $ 0.22 $ 0.54 (59) = Average common shares outstanding (millions) 1,335 = 1,361 (2) Cash dividends declared per common share = $ 0.08 $ 0.08 -- SEL= ECTED STATISTICAL INFORMATION (Unaudited= ) Quarters Ended = September 30, = Percentage = 2001 2000 Inc/(Dec) Return on Average Equity* = 14.2% 25.5% -- Common Shares Outstanding = (millions) 1,336 1,329 -- Book Value per= Common Share: Actual $ 9.16 $ 8.44 = 9% Pro Forma* $ 8.92 $ 8.68 = 3% Shareholders' Equity (billions) $ 12.2 $ 11.2 = 9% * Excludes the effect on Shareholders' Equity of SFAS No. 1= 15 and SFAS No. 133. The Company adopted SFAS No. 133 on Januar= y 1, 2001. (Preliminary) AMERICAN EXPRESS = COMPANY FINANCIAL SUMMARY (CONTINUED) = (Unaudited) = Nine Months Ended September 30, = Percentag= e 2001 2000 Inc/(D= ec) EARNINGS PER SHARE BASIC Earnings Per Common Share $= 0.77 $ 1.61 (52)% Average common shares outstan= ding (millions) 1,323 1,328 -- DILUTED = Earnings Per Common Share $ 0.76 $ 1.57 (52) = Average common shares outstanding (millions) 1,338 = 1,361 (2) Cash dividends declared per common share = $ 0.24 $ 0.24 -- S= ELECTED STATISTICAL INFORMATION (Unaudit= ed) Nine Months Ended = September 30, = Percentage = 2001 2000 Inc/(Dec) Return on Average Equity*= 14.2 % 25.5 % -- Common Shares Outstanding = (millions) 1,336 1,329 -- = Book Value per Common Share: Actual $ 9.16= $ 8.44 9% Pro Forma* $ 8.92 = $ 8.68 3% Shareholders' Equity (billions) $ 12.2 = $ 11.2 9% * Excludes the effect on Shareholders' Equ= ity of SFAS No. 115 and SFAS No. 133. The Company adopted SFAS = No. 133 on January 1, 2001. To view additional business segment finan= cials go to: SOU= RCE American Express Company CONTACT: Molly Faust, +1-201-209-= 5595, [email protected], or Michael J. O'Neill, +1-201= -209-5583, mike.o'[email protected], both of American Express URL: = =09 =09 [IMAGE] News provided by Comtex. ? 1999-2001, Inc., Al= l rights reserved about us | contact us | webmaster |site map privacy p= olicy |terms of service =09
XP countdown: More of your top questions answered , _____________________DAVID COURSEY_____________________ XP COUNTDOWN: MORE OF YOUR TOP QUESTIONS ANSWERED In the last month and a half, I've been inundated with XP-related questions from faithful AnchorDesk readers. Can you upgrade? Is XP faster than 9x? What's the deal with licensing? Join me as I do some eXPlaining. PLUS: NO APOLOGIES? THE RIAA SAYS IT'S MISUNDERSTOOD # _____________________NEWS ANALYSIS_____________________ Patrick Houston SUN, MICROSOFT AND THE ROAD TO THE 'FRICTION-FREE ECONOMY' The Internet and World Wide Web gave birth to an idea--a hyperefficient economy that operates less like a heat-producing mechanical engine and more like a motor coiled with a superconductor. To understand this basic idea is to understand Sun, Microsoft and their dueling ambitions for Web services. PLUS: HEY COUCH POTATOES, SONY'S HANDHELD IS A CLICKER, TOO. NEW CRUSOE NOTEBOOK TO HIT U.S. SHORES _____________________EXPERT ADVICE_____________________ John Morris and Josh Taylor WHY INTEL COULDN'T MAKE ITS CONSUMER ELECTRONICS FLY Long the king of PC microprocessors, Intel thought it could rule the world of consumer electronics, too. Not so. Josh and John find Intel's decision to abandon consumer products disappointing, but not surprising. > > > > > Preston Gralla END THE BOREDOM! LEARN TO SPRUCE UP YOUR PLAIN OL' E-MAIL If you're sick of tired-looking e-mail, we've got the cure for you. Learn to dress up your messages with animations, sounds, and even a virtual personal assistant. Preston tracks down three downloads to add pizzazz. > > > > > _____________________CRUCIAL CLICKS_____________________ Make sure you see these features on ZDNet today! IS XP'S NET SECURITY A RAW DEAL?,14179,2819126,00.html GOODBYE ROLODEX, HELLO SCANNER,13296,2818302,00.html FIND THE BEST WEB-PUBLISHING SYSTEMS,14179,2816173,00.html ******************ELSEWHERE ON ZDNET!****************** Get FREE downloads for IT pros at TechRepublic Need a new job? Browse through over 90,000 tech job listings. eBusiness Update: Content Management systems grow up. Access your computer from anywhere with GoToMyPC. Check out the latest price drops at ************************************************************* AnchorDesk comes to you free of charge as a service of ZDNet. On its companion Web site, AnchorDesk includes full details on the stories you see above, plus late-breaking news, links to in-depth information, and much more. Visit: To subscribe, unsubscribe, or make changes to your subscription, please go to: We are sending this news alert to the address: [email protected] Please make sure to provide this address in all your e-mail messages to us. Thanks! Copyright ? 2001 ZD Inc. ZDNet is a registered service mark of ZD Inc. ZDNet Logo is a service mark of ZD Inc. ###
PHILLIP, want to lose weight? Look younger? , [IMAGE] If you can't see this click here Ultimate Weight-Loss Program Want to lose weight? Want to look younger? Human Growth Hormone Releaser Diet Pill Get VivaTrim! It Works! Forget strenuous exercise and expensive surgery forever! VivaTrim increases your metabolism by reversing the aging process. Now you will lose weight and keep it off permanently! This exciting new method is endorsed by doctors worldwide and the clinical effects are published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It's true that everyone grows older but, we don't have to age! Now you can lose weight and look younger too. You deserve it! Try VivaTrim today risk-free! Buy one Get a 2 Month Supply Free! Click Here 100% GUARANTEED! [IMAGE] This message was not sent unsolicited. You are currently subscribed to the Open2Win mailing list. If you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, Click here. If you wish to modify your subscription, Click Here .
New Link for All-Employee Meeting , Attached is a new link for employees unable to attend the all-employee meeting today at 10 a.m. (CDT) at the Hyatt Regency Houston, Imperial Ballroom. If you are located in London, Calgary, Toronto, Omaha, New York, Portland (ENA) or Houston, you can access the live event at
All Enron Worldwide@ENRON <??SAll Enron Worldwide@ENRON>
To: All Domestic Employees who Participate in the Enron Corp , October 26 is fast approaching! Mark your calendar-- as the Enron Corp. Savings Plan moves to a new administrator! As a Savings Plan Participant, Friday, October 26 at 3:00pm CST will be your last day to: ? Transfer Investment Fund Balances and make Contribution Allocation Changes ? Change your Contribution Rate for the November 15th payroll deductions ? Enroll if you were hired before October 1 TWO important reminders: ? Vanguard Lifestrategy investment options are being replaced with Fidelity Freedom funds and; ? Your funds will remain invested in the funds chosen as of 3:00pm CST until 8:00 am November 20. At 8:00 am CST, November 20 the Savings Plan system re-opens with great new features. Should you need assistance during the transition period, call ext. 3-7979 and press Option 6. This option will be available from 8:00am CST October 29 until 5:00pm CST November 19. Enron Benefits... keeping pace with your lifestyle.
All Domestic Employees who Participate in the Enron Corp
JDRF Cyber Auction & Update Information , This Sunday, October 28th, is the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk to Cure Diabetes at Greenspoint Mall at 8:00 a.m. In preparation for the big event, we have several fun activities scheduled to take place this week as detailed below. JDRF Cyber Auction - The Cyber Auction will take place this Wednesday, October 24th, through Thursday, October 25th. For details please go to the Enron home page and click on JDRF Cyber Auction or click for the direct link. The Auction this year is hosted by EGS. Big E Caf? - This Friday, October 26th, 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. on Andrews Street in front of the Enron Center North building. Lunch - Fajita lunch with all the trimmings provided by Taquera del Sol for $5.00. Entertainment - Live entertainment provided by Mango Punch. JDRF Raffle - Raffle tickets for two roundtrip Continental Airline tickets for $5.00 each. Raffle tickets for two roundtrip British Airways tickets for $10.00 each. Winning tickets will be drawn at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 26th. JDRF Bake Sale - Cakes, cookies and Halloween treats will be available for purchase. JDRF T-shirt Sale - Enron/JDRF T-shirts will be available for a $25 donation. JDRF Sneaker (paper) Sales - The competition continues between business units - sneakers will sale for $5.00 each. For those of you that have signed up to join us for the walk, please continue to collect donations and watch your email this week for further information regarding the Walk. For those of you that have not signed up, please join us for the Walk. Although we have only a few days remaining until the walk, it is not too late to sign up and join us for this great event. It only takes a moment to fill out a walk form and you will get an Enron/JDRF T-shirt for collect or donating $25 or more, and will join hundreds of Enron employees and several thousand Houstonians on the Walk. This event will be a blast. The Enron tent will be great with lots of good food and entertainment and everyone will have a fun time. Parking at the walk site will be free. If you cannot attend the Walk, please support one of your local walkers, participate in the cyber auction or join us for the Big E Caf? on Friday to participate in some of our other great fundraising activities. We want to keep our standing as the number one walk team in the Gulf Coast area, Texas, and the entire Southern Region of the U.S., as well as in the top 10 nationally. Please contact Janice Riedel at X-37507 or Cathy Phillips at X-36898 to sign up as a walker, make a donation, or ask any questions you may have. Come join the fun. Thank you for your support and generosity. Mike McConnell
All Enron Houston@ENRON <??SAll Enron Houston@ENRON>
Your Approval is Overdue: Access Request for [email protected] , This request has been pending your approval for 8 days. Please click to review and act upon this request. Request ID : 000000000067320 Request Create Date : 10/11/01 10:24:53 AM Requested For : [email protected] Resource Name : Risk Acceptance Forms Local Admin Rights - Permanent Resource Type : Applications
THIS IS A SURVEY - ONE QUESTION , TD{FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: black; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white} [IMAGE] Now that you have access to the following applications without requiring VPN access... Outlook Web Access (email and calendar) PEP XMS (Expense Reporting application) And, COMING SOON... eHROnline (year-end) Benefits Election (Oct. 29, 2001) Electronic Pay Stubs (year-end), and Much More, through the ClickAtHome Portal and the Internet, do you still believe you need remote access through VPN from home to Enron networks (must have a valid business reason with supervisor approval and a monthly cost)? YES NO NOT SURE Please answer this survey from your computer at work, not via Outlook Web Access.
undisclosed-recipients:;@ENRON <??Sundisclosed-recipients:;@ENRON>
Work Hours , Dear West, We talked briefly on Monday about our commitment to a full work day at Enron. If you are in the office, then please be prepared to contribute to the group for a full day. Our schedule now calls for critical communication in the afternoons. We need to know that each employee will be here every day to create the consistency needed to outperform the rest of the market. We want to remain as flexible as possible with all traders when it comes to an emergency, but remember that you have a commitment to Enron to contribute a full work day. Please organize your vacation on the west desk calendar with Ina and coordinate any early afternoon departures with Ina and myself. Also, prepare to have your markets covered when you leave the office early. Sincerely, Mike
RE: Comments of the Other Parties on El Paso System Reallocation, , Updated to include comments received as of Friday, 10/19. According to FERC's website, these parties have filed comments, but I don't have them yet: Pacific Gas & Electric CPUC Dynegy Williams Energy Marketing & Trading SoCal Edison Aquila El Paso Natural Gas Southern California Generation Coalition Will summarize as soon as I get copies. -----Original Message----- From: Cantrell, Rebecca W. Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 6:41 PM To: Lawner, Leslie; Allen, Phillip K.; Black, Don; Calcagno, Suzanne; Courtney, Mark; Dasovich, Jeff; Ermis, Frank; Fulton, Donna; Gay, Randall L.; Grigsby, Mike; Hewitt, Jess P.; Holst, Keith; Kaufman, Paul; Kuykendall, Tori; Mara, Susan; McMichael Jr., Ed; Miller, Stephanie; Nicolay, Christi L.; Smith, Matt; Sullivan, Patti; Superty, Robert; Tholt, Jane M.; Tycholiz, Barry Cc: Steffes, James D.; Pharms, Melinda; Canovas, Guillermo Subject: Comments of the Other Parties on El Paso System Reallocation, RP00-336 This is a summary of the comments we've received so far from the other parties who filed on October 15. I'll summarize the others as they come in and redistribute this report. << File: Summary of 10-15-01 Comments.doc >>
Trading Track (ENA) , All, We have 16 internal and 8 external candidates been interviewed for the ENA Trading Track November 1st. Please advise if you would like to make any final recommendations on internal candidates to be interviewed. Internal Candidates: Benke Terrell Burt, Bart Freeman, Scott Giron, Gustavo Hamlin Mason Huang Jason Hull Bryan Jennaro Jason Lenart Kirk Lieskovsky Jozef Ordway Chris Pan Steve Royed Jeff Saavas Leonidas Schlesenger Laura Sell, Max Total: 16 External Candidates: Fred Baloutch Randy Hebert Ferando Leija Agustin leon Zoya Raynes Carl Zavattieri Eric Moncada Gabe Weinart Total: 8 NB: Awaiting feedback from 3 traders on 6 remaining external candidates.
PHILLIP, We Miss You! , [IMAGE] P.S. Forward this e-mail to your friends so everyone can enjoy this unbeatable offer on CDs! ************************************************** If you'd rather not receive e-mail from BMG Music Service, please click here . [IMAGE]
FW: Reminder: Portland Fundamental Analysis Strategy Meeting , -----Original Message----- From: Sheppard, Kathryn Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 4:56 PM To: Richey, Cooper; Gaskill, Chris; Grigsby, Mike; Ryan, David Cc: Lavorato, John; Zufferli, John; Allen, Phillip K.; Heizenrader, Tim Subject: Reminder: Portland Fundamental Analysis Strategy Meeting The call-in information for the Tuesday Portland Fundamental Analysis Strategy Meeting is as follows: Date: Each Tuesday Time: 1:00 p.m. (PDT) Dial In Number: 877-233-7852 Participant Code: 328886 If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Sheppard at 503-464-7698. Thanks.