en-cldi / README.md
jaagli's picture
Update README.md
3c687bb verified
    - name: image
      dtype: image
    - name: label
            '0': abandon
            '1': abdomen
            '2': ability
            '3': absence
            '4': absorb
            '5': abstract
            '6': abundance
            '7': accept
            '8': accident
            '9': accomplish
            '10': achieve
            '11': acknowledge
            '12': acquire
            '13': action
            '14': activity
            '15': actor
            '16': actress
            '17': add
            '18': administration
            '19': adult
            '20': adversary
            '21': advertisement
            '22': advise
            '23': aerial
            '24': afraid
            '25': age
            '26': aggression
            '27': agony
            '28': agree
            '29': agreement
            '30': air
            '31': aircraft
            '32': airplane
            '33': airport
            '34': aisle
            '35': album
            '36': alcohol
            '37': alley
            '38': alligator
            '39': allow
            '40': amphibian
            '41': anarchy
            '42': anatomy
            '43': anchor
            '44': ancient
            '45': angel
            '46': angle
            '47': angry
            '48': animal
            '49': ankle
            '50': announce
            '51': ant
            '52': anxious
            '53': apartment
            '54': apparent
            '55': appear
            '56': apple
            '57': appliance
            '58': appoint
            '59': appointment
            '60': aquarium
            '61': arch
            '62': archbishop
            '63': architecture
            '64': area
            '65': argue
            '66': argument
            '67': arithmetic
            '68': arm
            '69': army
            '70': arrange
            '71': arrive
            '72': arrow
            '73': art
            '74': article
            '75': artist
            '76': artwork
            '77': ashamed
            '78': ask
            '79': asphalt
            '80': assignment
            '81': assume
            '82': astronaut
            '83': athlete
            '84': atmosphere
            '85': atom
            '86': attach
            '87': attend
            '88': attention
            '89': attitude
            '90': attorney
            '91': august
            '92': aunt
            '93': author
            '94': auto
            '95': automobile
            '96': autumn
            '97': aviation
            '98': avoid
            '99': awareness
            '100': awful
            '101': backdrop
            '102': bad
            '103': badge
            '104': bag
            '105': bakery
            '106': ball
            '107': ballad
            '108': balloon
            '109': banana
            '110': band
            '111': banker
            '112': bar
            '113': barn
            '114': barracuda
            '115': baseball
            '116': basket
            '117': basketball
            '118': bat
            '119': bath
            '120': bathroom
            '121': battery
            '122': battle
            '123': bay
            '124': beach
            '125': bead
            '126': bean
            '127': bear
            '128': beard
            '129': beast
            '130': beautiful
            '131': beauty
            '132': become
            '133': bed
            '134': bedroom
            '135': bee
            '136': beef
            '137': beer
            '138': beetle
            '139': beg
            '140': begin
            '141': behave
            '142': belief
            '143': believe
            '144': bell
            '145': belly
            '146': belt
            '147': bench
            '148': berry
            '149': beverage
            '150': bias
            '151': bible
            '152': bicycle
            '153': big
            '154': bike
            '155': bikini
            '156': billboard
            '157': biology
            '158': bird
            '159': birthday
            '160': bishop
            '161': bizarre
            '162': black
            '163': blackamoor
            '164': blade
            '165': blanket
            '166': blonde
            '167': blood
            '168': bloom
            '169': blossom
            '170': blue
            '171': blur
            '172': boardwalk
            '173': boat
            '174': body
            '175': bold
            '176': bomb
            '177': bone
            '178': book
            '179': boot
            '180': booth
            '181': border
            '182': borrow
            '183': bottle
            '184': bottom
            '185': boundary
            '186': bowl
            '187': box
            '188': boxer
            '189': boy
            '190': bracelet
            '191': brain
            '192': branch
            '193': brand
            '194': brandy
            '195': bread
            '196': break
            '197': breakfast
            '198': breathe
            '199': brick
            '200': bride
            '201': bridge
            '202': bright
            '203': bring
            '204': broad
            '205': brother
            '206': brow
            '207': brown
            '208': bubble
            '209': bucket
            '210': bud
            '211': buddy
            '212': bug
            '213': build
            '214': bulb
            '215': bull
            '216': bullet
            '217': bunch
            '218': bunny
            '219': burger
            '220': burial
            '221': burn
            '222': bus
            '223': bush
            '224': business
            '225': butter
            '226': butterfly
            '227': button
            '228': buy
            '229': cabin
            '230': cafe
            '231': cage
            '232': cake
            '233': calendar
            '234': calf
            '235': camel
            '236': camera
            '237': camp
            '238': canal
            '239': cancer
            '240': candidate
            '241': candle
            '242': candy
            '243': canine
            '244': cannon
            '245': canyon
            '246': capability
            '247': capital
            '248': captain
            '249': car
            '250': carbon
            '251': card
            '252': cardboard
            '253': career
            '254': carnival
            '255': carriage
            '256': carrot
            '257': carry
            '258': casino
            '259': castle
            '260': cat
            '261': catastrophe
            '262': caterpillar
            '263': cathedral
            '264': cattle
            '265': cavern
            '266': ceiling
            '267': celebration
            '268': celebrity
            '269': cell
            '270': cellar
            '271': cemetery
            '272': cent
            '273': century
            '274': ceramic
            '275': cereal
            '276': ceremony
            '277': certain
            '278': chain
            '279': chair
            '280': champagne
            '281': champion
            '282': chaos
            '283': chapel
            '284': chapter
            '285': character
            '286': charcoal
            '287': cheap
            '288': cheerful
            '289': cheerleader
            '290': cheese
            '291': cheetah
            '292': chemistry
            '293': cherish
            '294': cherry
            '295': chess
            '296': chest
            '297': chick
            '298': chicken
            '299': chief
            '300': child
            '301': childish
            '302': chipmunk
            '303': chocolate
            '304': choice
            '305': choir
            '306': choke
            '307': choose
            '308': chopper
            '309': church
            '310': cigar
            '311': cigarette
            '312': circle
            '313': circumstance
            '314': city
            '315': clarify
            '316': class
            '317': classroom
            '318': clever
            '319': cliff
            '320': clip
            '321': clock
            '322': closet
            '323': cloth
            '324': clothes
            '325': cloud
            '326': clown
            '327': club
            '328': clue
            '329': coal
            '330': coast
            '331': coat
            '332': cobra
            '333': cockatoo
            '334': cocktail
            '335': code
            '336': coffee
            '337': coin
            '338': cold
            '339': collage
            '340': collar
            '341': collect
            '342': collection
            '343': college
            '344': colonel
            '345': colt
            '346': come
            '347': comet
            '348': comfort
            '349': commonwealth
            '350': communicate
            '351': communication
            '352': community
            '353': companion
            '354': company
            '355': compare
            '356': competence
            '357': complain
            '358': composer
            '359': comprehend
            '360': computer
            '361': con
            '362': concept
            '363': concert
            '364': conclude
            '365': concrete
            '366': condition
            '367': cone
            '368': confession
            '369': confidence
            '370': confident
            '371': confusion
            '372': conquest
            '373': construct
            '374': construction
            '375': container
            '376': contemplate
            '377': continent
            '378': conversation
            '379': cookie
            '380': cooking
            '381': cooperate
            '382': cop
            '383': copper
            '384': cord
            '385': corner
            '386': corporation
            '387': corridor
            '388': costume
            '389': cottage
            '390': cotton
            '391': couch
            '392': country
            '393': couple
            '394': course
            '395': cousin
            '396': cow
            '397': cowboy
            '398': crab
            '399': crack
            '400': cradle
            '401': craft
            '402': crane
            '403': crazy
            '404': cream
            '405': create
            '406': creator
            '407': creature
            '408': crib
            '409': crime
            '410': criticism
            '411': crochet
            '412': cross
            '413': crow
            '414': crowd
            '415': crown
            '416': crucial
            '417': crucifix
            '418': cruel
            '419': crystal
            '420': cube
            '421': cucumber
            '422': culture
            '423': cup
            '424': curl
            '425': curtain
            '426': curve
            '427': cute
            '428': cutie
            '429': dad
            '430': daffodil
            '431': daisy
            '432': damsel
            '433': dance
            '434': dancer
            '435': dandelion
            '436': danger
            '437': dark
            '438': date
            '439': daughter
            '440': dawn
            '441': dead
            '442': death
            '443': decade
            '444': decide
            '445': deck
            '446': declare
            '447': decoration
            '448': deer
            '449': defect
            '450': defend
            '451': definition
            '452': deity
            '453': delightful
            '454': deliver
            '455': demolition
            '456': demon
            '457': denial
            '458': dense
            '459': dentist
            '460': deny
            '461': depth
            '462': desert
            '463': deserve
            '464': design
            '465': desk
            '466': despair
            '467': dessert
            '468': destination
            '469': destroy
            '470': destruction
            '471': determine
            '472': device
            '473': devil
            '474': dew
            '475': diamond
            '476': dictionary
            '477': diet
            '478': differ
            '479': different
            '480': difficult
            '481': difficulty
            '482': diffraction
            '483': diner
            '484': dinner
            '485': dinosaur
            '486': dirt
            '487': dirty
            '488': disappear
            '489': disc
            '490': discourage
            '491': discover
            '492': discuss
            '493': discussion
            '494': disease
            '495': disk
            '496': display
            '497': distraction
            '498': diver
            '499': divide
            '500': doctor
            '501': document
            '502': dog
            '503': doll
            '504': dollar
            '505': dolphin
            '506': dome
            '507': dominate
            '508': donkey
            '509': donut
            '510': doodle
            '511': door
            '512': doorway
            '513': downtown
            '514': dragon
            '515': dragonfly
            '516': draw
            '517': drawer
            '518': dream
            '519': dreary
            '520': dress
            '521': drip
            '522': driver
            '523': drizzle
            '524': drop
            '525': droplet
            '526': drug
            '527': drum
            '528': duck
            '529': dude
            '530': dull
            '531': dumb
            '532': dusk
            '533': dye
            '534': eagle
            '535': ear
            '536': earn
            '537': easy
            '538': eat
            '539': economist
            '540': edge
            '541': effort
            '542': egg
            '543': elastic
            '544': elbow
            '545': elect
            '546': election
            '547': electron
            '548': elegance
            '549': element
            '550': elephant
            '551': elevator
            '552': emergency
            '553': emotion
            '554': employee
            '555': employer
            '556': encourage
            '557': endurance
            '558': enemy
            '559': engage
            '560': engagement
            '561': engine
            '562': enjoy
            '563': enter
            '564': entertain
            '565': entity
            '566': envelope
            '567': epidemic
            '568': equation
            '569': era
            '570': escalator
            '571': essay
            '572': essential
            '573': evaluate
            '574': evening
            '575': event
            '576': examine
            '577': exhibition
            '578': exit
            '579': exoplanet
            '580': exotic
            '581': expand
            '582': explain
            '583': explore
            '584': explosion
            '585': eye
            '586': fabric
            '587': face
            '588': fact
            '589': factory
            '590': fail
            '591': fairy
            '592': fall
            '593': fame
            '594': family
            '595': fantasy
            '596': farm
            '597': fashion
            '598': fast
            '599': father
            '600': faun
            '601': feather
            '602': fee
            '603': feel
            '604': feline
            '605': female
            '606': festival
            '607': fetus
            '608': fever
            '609': fiction
            '610': field
            '611': fiend
            '612': figure
            '613': film
            '614': find
            '615': finger
            '616': fingerprint
            '617': fire
            '618': firework
            '619': fish
            '620': fisherman
            '621': fishing
            '622': fist
            '623': flag
            '624': flame
            '625': flamingo
            '626': flesh
            '627': flexible
            '628': flight
            '629': flood
            '630': floor
            '631': flour
            '632': flower
            '633': flu
            '634': fly
            '635': fog
            '636': folder
            '637': foliage
            '638': food
            '639': foolish
            '640': foot
            '641': football
            '642': footprint
            '643': ford
            '644': forest
            '645': forget
            '646': forgive
            '647': formal
            '648': formula
            '649': fountain
            '650': fox
            '651': fragile
            '652': frame
            '653': fraternity
            '654': fraud
            '655': freeway
            '656': fresh
            '657': friend
            '658': friendly
            '659': frigid
            '660': frog
            '661': frost
            '662': frozen
            '663': fruit
            '664': frustration
            '665': fun
            '666': fungus
            '667': funny
            '668': fur
            '669': furniture
            '670': fury
            '671': galaxy
            '672': game
            '673': garage
            '674': garbage
            '675': garden
            '676': gasoline
            '677': gate
            '678': gather
            '679': gauge
            '680': gel
            '681': generous
            '682': gentleman
            '683': get
            '684': ghost
            '685': gin
            '686': giraffe
            '687': girl
            '688': give
            '689': glad
            '690': glass
            '691': glitter
            '692': globe
            '693': glove
            '694': goal
            '695': goat
            '696': god
            '697': goddess
            '698': gold
            '699': goo
            '700': goose
            '701': gorilla
            '702': gossip
            '703': grade
            '704': graffito
            '705': grape
            '706': graph
            '707': graphic
            '708': grass
            '709': gravestone
            '710': graveyard
            '711': great
            '712': green
            '713': greet
            '714': grey
            '715': grid
            '716': grief
            '717': groom
            '718': grow
            '719': guardian
            '720': guest
            '721': guilty
            '722': guitar
            '723': gull
            '724': gun
            '725': gut
            '726': guy
            '727': gymnastics
            '728': hair
            '729': haircut
            '730': hall
            '731': hallway
            '732': hamburger
            '733': hamster
            '734': hand
            '735': handle
            '736': handwriting
            '737': hang
            '738': happen
            '739': happiness
            '740': happy
            '741': harbor
            '742': harbour
            '743': hard
            '744': harm
            '745': harsh
            '746': hat
            '747': haven
            '748': hawk
            '749': haze
            '750': head
            '751': hear
            '752': heart
            '753': heavy
            '754': helicopter
            '755': helium
            '756': helper
            '757': hen
            '758': herb
            '759': hero
            '760': heroine
            '761': highway
            '762': hill
            '763': hip
            '764': hockey
            '765': hold
            '766': hole
            '767': holiday
            '768': home
            '769': homomorphism
            '770': honest
            '771': honey
            '772': horizon
            '773': horse
            '774': horseman
            '775': hose
            '776': hospital
            '777': hostility
            '778': hot
            '779': hotel
            '780': hound
            '781': house
            '782': huge
            '783': hummingbird
            '784': hurricane
            '785': husband
            '786': hut
            '787': hymn
            '788': hysteria
            '789': ice
            '790': iceberg
            '791': idea
            '792': ignorance
            '793': ignore
            '794': illegal
            '795': illness
            '796': illusion
            '797': illustration
            '798': image
            '799': imagine
            '800': imitate
            '801': immoral
            '802': impatient
            '803': important
            '804': impression
            '805': inch
            '806': incident
            '807': income
            '808': indent
            '809': industrial
            '810': industry
            '811': inexpensive
            '812': infant
            '813': infection
            '814': inform
            '815': information
            '816': ink
            '817': inn
            '818': insane
            '819': insect
            '820': insight
            '821': inspect
            '822': institution
            '823': instructor
            '824': instrument
            '825': intelligence
            '826': intelligent
            '827': interest
            '828': interior
            '829': interval
            '830': intuition
            '831': investigate
            '832': ipod
            '833': iris
            '834': iron
            '835': island
            '836': item
            '837': ivy
            '838': jacket
            '839': jaguar
            '840': jail
            '841': jar
            '842': jaw
            '843': jazz
            '844': jean
            '845': jellyfish
            '846': jet
            '847': job
            '848': join
            '849': journal
            '850': journey
            '851': joy
            '852': juice
            '853': jump
            '854': justice
            '855': justify
            '856': kangaroo
            '857': keep
            '858': key
            '859': keyboard
            '860': kid
            '861': kidney
            '862': kill
            '863': king
            '864': kiss
            '865': kitchen
            '866': kite
            '867': kitten
            '868': kitty
            '869': knee
            '870': knife
            '871': knight
            '872': knit
            '873': know
            '874': koala
            '875': lab
            '876': ladder
            '877': laden
            '878': lady
            '879': lake
            '880': lamb
            '881': lamp
            '882': landmark
            '883': landscape
            '884': language
            '885': lantern
            '886': large
            '887': law
            '888': lawn
            '889': lawyer
            '890': leader
            '891': leaf
            '892': learn
            '893': leather
            '894': leave
            '895': ledge
            '896': leg
            '897': legion
            '898': lemon
            '899': lend
            '900': lens
            '901': letter
            '902': librarian
            '903': library
            '904': lick
            '905': life
            '906': lifetime
            '907': light
            '908': lighthouse
            '909': lighting
            '910': lily
            '911': limb
            '912': limousine
            '913': line
            '914': linen
            '915': lingerie
            '916': lion
            '917': lip
            '918': liquor
            '919': listen
            '920': literature
            '921': live
            '922': liver
            '923': lizard
            '924': locate
            '925': lock
            '926': locomotive
            '927': log
            '928': logic
            '929': logo
            '930': long
            '931': loop
            '932': lose
            '933': love
            '934': lover
            '935': luck
            '936': lunch
            '937': lung
            '938': mac
            '939': machine
            '940': mad
            '941': magazine
            '942': magnitude
            '943': maid
            '944': make
            '945': maker
            '946': makeup
            '947': male
            '948': mallard
            '949': mammal
            '950': man
            '951': management
            '952': manager
            '953': mannequin
            '954': manner
            '955': map
            '956': maple
            '957': marble
            '958': mare
            '959': marijuana
            '960': market
            '961': marrow
            '962': marry
            '963': mask
            '964': match
            '965': mayor
            '966': meal
            '967': meat
            '968': mechanic
            '969': medium
            '970': meet
            '971': melody
            '972': memorial
            '973': men
            '974': menu
            '975': mermaid
            '976': metal
            '977': meteor
            '978': meter
            '979': metro
            '980': middle
            '981': might
            '982': military
            '983': milk
            '984': mill
            '985': miniature
            '986': minister
            '987': mink
            '988': minute
            '989': mirror
            '990': misery
            '991': mist
            '992': misty
            '993': mob
            '994': modern
            '995': modest
            '996': molecule
            '997': moment
            '998': money
            '999': monk
            '1000': monkey
            '1001': monster
            '1002': month
            '1003': monument
            '1004': mood
            '1005': moon
            '1006': moose
            '1007': morning
            '1008': mosque
            '1009': moss
            '1010': motel
            '1011': mother
            '1012': motor
            '1013': motorcycle
            '1014': mountain
            '1015': mouse
            '1016': mouth
            '1017': movement
            '1018': movie
            '1019': mud
            '1020': mug
            '1021': multiply
            '1022': mural
            '1023': museum
            '1024': mushroom
            '1025': music
            '1026': musician
            '1027': mustard
            '1028': nail
            '1029': narrow
            '1030': nation
            '1031': nature
            '1032': navy
            '1033': necessary
            '1034': neck
            '1035': necklace
            '1036': nephew
            '1037': nerve
            '1038': nest
            '1039': news
            '1040': newspaper
            '1041': nice
            '1042': night
            '1043': node
            '1044': noise
            '1045': noodle
            '1046': normal
            '1047': north
            '1048': nose
            '1049': note
            '1050': noticeable
            '1051': notify
            '1052': nucleus
            '1053': nude
            '1054': number
            '1055': nun
            '1056': nurse
            '1057': nut
            '1058': oak
            '1059': obey
            '1060': object
            '1061': obtain
            '1062': obvious
            '1063': occur
            '1064': ocean
            '1065': odd
            '1066': office
            '1067': officer
            '1068': oil
            '1069': old
            '1070': opinion
            '1071': opponent
            '1072': orange
            '1073': orb
            '1074': orchestra
            '1075': orchid
            '1076': order
            '1077': organ
            '1078': origami
            '1079': originate
            '1080': orthodontist
            '1081': oscilloscope
            '1082': outdoor
            '1083': outfit
            '1084': overcome
            '1085': owe
            '1086': owl
            '1087': pact
            '1088': padlock
            '1089': page
            '1090': pain
            '1091': paint
            '1092': painting
            '1093': pair
            '1094': palace
            '1095': palm
            '1096': panda
            '1097': panorama
            '1098': pantyhose
            '1099': paper
            '1100': par
            '1101': parade
            '1102': paragraph
            '1103': parent
            '1104': park
            '1105': parking
            '1106': parrot
            '1107': participate
            '1108': particle
            '1109': partition
            '1110': partner
            '1111': party
            '1112': passion
            '1113': passport
            '1114': path
            '1115': patient
            '1116': patio
            '1117': pattern
            '1118': paw
            '1119': payment
            '1120': peace
            '1121': peacock
            '1122': pearl
            '1123': pebble
            '1124': peel
            '1125': pelican
            '1126': pencil
            '1127': penguin
            '1128': people
            '1129': pepper
            '1130': perception
            '1131': person
            '1132': persuade
            '1133': pet
            '1134': petal
            '1135': phenomenon
            '1136': phoenix
            '1137': phone
            '1138': photo
            '1139': photograph
            '1140': photographer
            '1141': photography
            '1142': phrase
            '1143': physician
            '1144': piano
            '1145': picture
            '1146': pie
            '1147': pier
            '1148': pigeon
            '1149': pillow
            '1150': pilot
            '1151': pin
            '1152': pink
            '1153': pipe
            '1154': pitcher
            '1155': pizza
            '1156': place
            '1157': plane
            '1158': planet
            '1159': plant
            '1160': plate
            '1161': play
            '1162': plead
            '1163': please
            '1164': pleasure
            '1165': plenty
            '1166': plough
            '1167': plump
            '1168': pod
            '1169': point
            '1170': pole
            '1171': police
            '1172': polite
            '1173': politician
            '1174': pollution
            '1175': polyester
            '1176': pond
            '1177': poodle
            '1178': pool
            '1179': poppy
            '1180': population
            '1181': porch
            '1182': port
            '1183': portrait
            '1184': portray
            '1185': possess
            '1186': post
            '1187': postcard
            '1188': poster
            '1189': pot
            '1190': poverty
            '1191': pray
            '1192': predict
            '1193': pregnancy
            '1194': pregnant
            '1195': presence
            '1196': president
            '1197': prestige
            '1198': pretend
            '1199': prey
            '1200': pride
            '1201': priest
            '1202': prince
            '1203': princess
            '1204': printer
            '1205': prisoner
            '1206': proclaim
            '1207': product
            '1208': profession
            '1209': professor
            '1210': proof
            '1211': proper
            '1212': protect
            '1213': protest
            '1214': proud
            '1215': prove
            '1216': psychology
            '1217': pub
            '1218': puddle
            '1219': pug
            '1220': pumpkin
            '1221': punk
            '1222': pupil
            '1223': puppet
            '1224': puppy
            '1225': purple
            '1226': purse
            '1227': pursue
            '1228': put
            '1229': pyramid
            '1230': quantum
            '1231': queen
            '1232': quest
            '1233': quick
            '1234': quilt
            '1235': quit
            '1236': quote
            '1237': rabbi
            '1238': rabbit
            '1239': race
            '1240': racing
            '1241': railroad
            '1242': rain
            '1243': rainbow
            '1244': rally
            '1245': rapid
            '1246': rare
            '1247': raspberry
            '1248': rat
            '1249': rattle
            '1250': rattlesnake
            '1251': ray
            '1252': read
            '1253': reader
            '1254': reading
            '1255': reality
            '1256': rebel
            '1257': receive
            '1258': recent
            '1259': recommend
            '1260': rectangle
            '1261': red
            '1262': redhead
            '1263': reduce
            '1264': reef
            '1265': reflection
            '1266': region
            '1267': reject
            '1268': relax
            '1269': remain
            '1270': remind
            '1271': replace
            '1272': reptile
            '1273': require
            '1274': restaurant
            '1275': restless
            '1276': restore
            '1277': retain
            '1278': rhythm
            '1279': rice
            '1280': right
            '1281': ripple
            '1282': river
            '1283': road
            '1284': roam
            '1285': robbery
            '1286': robot
            '1287': rock
            '1288': rocket
            '1289': rod
            '1290': rodent
            '1291': roof
            '1292': room
            '1293': root
            '1294': rope
            '1295': rose
            '1296': rough
            '1297': round
            '1298': ruin
            '1299': ruler
            '1300': run
            '1301': rust
            '1302': rusty
            '1303': sad
            '1304': safety
            '1305': sailing
            '1306': sailor
            '1307': saint
            '1308': salad
            '1309': salary
            '1310': salt
            '1311': sample
            '1312': sand
            '1313': sandwich
            '1314': satisfy
            '1315': sauce
            '1316': save
            '1317': say
            '1318': scarce
            '1319': scene
            '1320': scenery
            '1321': scheme
            '1322': school
            '1323': science
            '1324': scientist
            '1325': scooter
            '1326': scratch
            '1327': scream
            '1328': sculpture
            '1329': sea
            '1330': seagull
            '1331': seal
            '1332': seashore
            '1333': season
            '1334': seat
            '1335': secretary
            '1336': section
            '1337': seed
            '1338': seem
            '1339': segment
            '1340': self
            '1341': sell
            '1342': send
            '1343': sense
            '1344': sentry
            '1345': sequence
            '1346': serpent
            '1347': sexy
            '1348': shade
            '1349': shadow
            '1350': shame
            '1351': shark
            '1352': sharp
            '1353': shed
            '1354': sheep
            '1355': shell
            '1356': shelter
            '1357': shepherd
            '1358': sheriff
            '1359': ship
            '1360': shirt
            '1361': shoe
            '1362': shop
            '1363': shopping
            '1364': shore
            '1365': short
            '1366': shoulder
            '1367': show
            '1368': shrink
            '1369': sick
            '1370': sickness
            '1371': side
            '1372': sidewalk
            '1373': sign
            '1374': signature
            '1375': silhouette
            '1376': silver
            '1377': simple
            '1378': sin
            '1379': sing
            '1380': singer
            '1381': sink
            '1382': sinner
            '1383': sit
            '1384': situation
            '1385': size
            '1386': skate
            '1387': skateboard
            '1388': skating
            '1389': skeleton
            '1390': sketch
            '1391': ski
            '1392': skill
            '1393': skin
            '1394': skirt
            '1395': skull
            '1396': sky
            '1397': skyline
            '1398': skyscraper
            '1399': sleep
            '1400': slice
            '1401': slide
            '1402': slowdown
            '1403': sly
            '1404': small
            '1405': smart
            '1406': smile
            '1407': smiley
            '1408': smoke
            '1409': smoking
            '1410': snake
            '1411': snow
            '1412': snowman
            '1413': society
            '1414': sock
            '1415': sofa
            '1416': soldier
            '1417': son
            '1418': song
            '1419': sorrow
            '1420': soul
            '1421': soup
            '1422': south
            '1423': speak
            '1424': spend
            '1425': sphere
            '1426': spider
            '1427': spine
            '1428': spiral
            '1429': spirit
            '1430': splash
            '1431': spoon
            '1432': sport
            '1433': sportsman
            '1434': squad
            '1435': square
            '1436': squirrel
            '1437': stadium
            '1438': stag
            '1439': staircase
            '1440': stamp
            '1441': stand
            '1442': star
            '1443': state
            '1444': station
            '1445': statue
            '1446': steak
            '1447': steal
            '1448': steel
            '1449': steeple
            '1450': stencil
            '1451': step
            '1452': stewardess
            '1453': sticker
            '1454': stitch
            '1455': stocking
            '1456': stomach
            '1457': stone
            '1458': stop
            '1459': store
            '1460': stork
            '1461': storm
            '1462': story
            '1463': strange
            '1464': straw
            '1465': strawberry
            '1466': stream
            '1467': street
            '1468': strength
            '1469': stripe
            '1470': strong
            '1471': stud
            '1472': student
            '1473': stuff
            '1474': stupid
            '1475': style
            '1476': subway
            '1477': succeed
            '1478': suds
            '1479': sugar
            '1480': summer
            '1481': sun
            '1482': sunflower
            '1483': sunglasses
            '1484': sunlight
            '1485': sunny
            '1486': sunrise
            '1487': sunset
            '1488': sunshine
            '1489': supper
            '1490': sure
            '1491': surf
            '1492': surface
            '1493': surfer
            '1494': surgery
            '1495': sushi
            '1496': swamp
            '1497': swan
            '1498': swastika
            '1499': sweater
            '1500': sweet
            '1501': swim
            '1502': swimming
            '1503': swimsuit
            '1504': swing
            '1505': sword
            '1506': symbol
            '1507': table
            '1508': tail
            '1509': take
            '1510': tall
            '1511': tank
            '1512': target
            '1513': task
            '1514': tattoo
            '1515': tax
            '1516': taxi
            '1517': tea
            '1518': teacher
            '1519': tear
            '1520': teddy
            '1521': teenager
            '1522': teeth
            '1523': telephone
            '1524': temper
            '1525': temple
            '1526': terrible
            '1527': terrier
            '1528': terrific
            '1529': text
            '1530': texture
            '1531': theatre
            '1532': theft
            '1533': theme
            '1534': theory
            '1535': thing
            '1536': think
            '1537': threat
            '1538': throat
            '1539': thumb
            '1540': ticket
            '1541': tiger
            '1542': tile
            '1543': timber
            '1544': tin
            '1545': tiny
            '1546': tobacco
            '1547': toddler
            '1548': toe
            '1549': toilet
            '1550': tomato
            '1551': tombstone
            '1552': tongue
            '1553': tooth
            '1554': top
            '1555': topic
            '1556': tornado
            '1557': totem
            '1558': tough
            '1559': tower
            '1560': town
            '1561': toy
            '1562': track
            '1563': traffic
            '1564': tragedy
            '1565': trail
            '1566': train
            '1567': tram
            '1568': transformer
            '1569': transition
            '1570': travel
            '1571': tree
            '1572': trial
            '1573': triangle
            '1574': trick
            '1575': trip
            '1576': triumph
            '1577': tropical
            '1578': truck
            '1579': try
            '1580': tulip
            '1581': tunnel
            '1582': turkey
            '1583': turtle
            '1584': twig
            '1585': umbrella
            '1586': uncle
            '1587': underground
            '1588': understand
            '1589': underwater
            '1590': underwear
            '1591': unhappy
            '1592': unicorn
            '1593': uniform
            '1594': universe
            '1595': university
            '1596': unnecessary
            '1597': urban
            '1598': vacation
            '1599': valentine
            '1600': valley
            '1601': value
            '1602': van
            '1603': vanish
            '1604': vase
            '1605': vehicle
            '1606': vein
            '1607': verdict
            '1608': verify
            '1609': vertex
            '1610': vessel
            '1611': victor
            '1612': victory
            '1613': view
            '1614': village
            '1615': vine
            '1616': vinegar
            '1617': vintage
            '1618': vinyl
            '1619': violation
            '1620': violent
            '1621': violet
            '1622': violin
            '1623': vision
            '1624': vitamin
            '1625': volcano
            '1626': wagon
            '1627': waist
            '1628': walk
            '1629': wall
            '1630': wander
            '1631': want
            '1632': warrior
            '1633': wash
            '1634': wasp
            '1635': water
            '1636': waterfall
            '1637': wave
            '1638': way
            '1639': wealth
            '1640': weather
            '1641': web
            '1642': wedding
            '1643': weed
            '1644': week
            '1645': weekend
            '1646': weird
            '1647': west
            '1648': wet
            '1649': wheat
            '1650': wheel
            '1651': whisker
            '1652': whiskey
            '1653': white
            '1654': wide
            '1655': wife
            '1656': wig
            '1657': wild
            '1658': win
            '1659': windmill
            '1660': window
            '1661': wine
            '1662': wing
            '1663': winner
            '1664': winter
            '1665': wire
            '1666': wisdom
            '1667': witch
            '1668': withdraw
            '1669': wizard
            '1670': wolf
            '1671': woman
            '1672': wonderful
            '1673': wood
            '1674': wool
            '1675': word
            '1676': work
            '1677': worker
            '1678': world
            '1679': wound
            '1680': wrist
            '1681': write
            '1682': writer
            '1683': yard
            '1684': yellow
            '1685': young
            '1686': zebra
            '1687': zombie
            '1688': zone
            '1689': zoo
    - name: train
      num_bytes: 22560862187.28
      num_examples: 66380
  download_size: 28488523298
  dataset_size: 22560862187.28
  - config_name: default
      - split: train
        path: data/train-*
  - image-classification
  - en
  - 10K<n<100K
pretty_name: en

Dataset Description

"EN-CLDI" (en-cldi) contains 1690 classes, which contains images paired with verbs and adjectives. Each word within this set is unique and paired with at least 22 images.

It is the English subset of CLDI (cross-lingual dictionary induction) dataset from (Hartmann and Søgaard, 2018).

How to Use

from datasets import load_dataset

# Load the dataset
common_words = load_dataset("jaagli/en-cldi", split="train")


      title={Do Vision and Language Models Share Concepts? A Vector Space Alignment Study}, 
      author={Jiaang Li and Yova Kementchedjhieva and Constanza Fierro and Anders Søgaard},
    title = "Limitations of Cross-Lingual Learning from Image Search",
    author = "Hartmann, Mareike  and
      S{\o}gaard, Anders",
    editor = "Augenstein, Isabelle  and
      Cao, Kris  and
      He, He  and
      Hill, Felix  and
      Gella, Spandana  and
      Kiros, Jamie  and
      Mei, Hongyuan  and
      Misra, Dipendra",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Representation Learning for {NLP}",
    month = jul,
    year = "2018",
    address = "Melbourne, Australia",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/W18-3021",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/W18-3021",
    pages = "159--163",
    abstract = "Cross-lingual representation learning is an important step in making NLP scale to all the world{'}s languages. Previous work on bilingual lexicon induction suggests that it is possible to learn cross-lingual representations of words based on similarities between images associated with these words. However, that work focused (almost exclusively) on the translation of nouns only. Here, we investigate whether the meaning of other parts-of-speech (POS), in particular adjectives and verbs, can be learned in the same way. Our experiments across five language pairs indicate that previous work does not scale to the problem of learning cross-lingual representations beyond simple nouns.",