protected void tearDown(){ }
Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection. This method is called after a test is executed.
@KnownFailure("Fixed on DonutBurger, Wrong Exception thrown") public void test_unwrap_ByteBuffer$ByteBuffer_02(){ String host="new host"; int port=8080; ByteBuffer bbs=ByteBuffer.allocate(10); ByteBuffer bbR=ByteBuffer.allocate(100).asReadOnlyBuffer(); ByteBuffer[] bbA={bbR,ByteBuffer.allocate(10),ByteBuffer.allocate(100)}; SSLEngine sse=getEngine(host,port); sse.setUseClientMode(true); try { sse.unwrap(bbs,bbA); fail("ReadOnlyBufferException wasn't thrown"); } catch ( ReadOnlyBufferException iobe) { } catch ( Exception e) { fail(e + " was thrown instead of ReadOnlyBufferException"); } } src, ByteBuffer[] dsts) ReadOnlyBufferException should be thrown.
public static CstFloat make(int bits){ return new CstFloat(bits); }
Makes an instance for the given value. This may (but does not necessarily) return an already-allocated instance.
public long size(){ long size=0; if (parsedGeneExpressions == null) parseGenes(); for (int i=0; i < parsedGeneExpressions.length; i++) size+=parsedGeneExpressions[i].numberOfNodes(); return size; }
Returns the "size" of the chromosome, namely, the number of nodes in all of its parsed genes -- does not include the linking functions.
public void increment(View view){ if (quantity == 100) { return; } quantity=quantity + 1; displayQuantity(quantity); }
This method is called when the plus button is clicked.
public void trimToSize(){ ++modCount; if (size < elementData.length) { elementData=Arrays.copyOf(elementData,size); } }
Trims the capacity of this <tt>ArrayHashList</tt> instance to be the list's current size. An application can use this operation to minimize the storage of an <tt>ArrayHashList</tt> instance.
public SyncValueResponseMessage(SyncValueResponseMessage other){ __isset_bitfield=other.__isset_bitfield; if (other.isSetHeader()) { this.header=new AsyncMessageHeader(other.header); } this.count=other.count; }
Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>.
public void clearParsers(){ if (parserManager != null) { parserManager.clearParsers(); } }
Removes all parsers from this text area.
@Override public void run(){ while (doWork) { deliverLock(); while (tomLayer.isRetrievingState()) { System.out.println("-- Retrieving State"); canDeliver.awaitUninterruptibly(); if (tomLayer.getLastExec() == -1) System.out.println("-- Ready to process operations"); } try { ArrayList<Decision> decisions=new ArrayList<Decision>(); decidedLock.lock(); if (decided.isEmpty()) { notEmptyQueue.await(); } decided.drainTo(decisions); decidedLock.unlock(); if (!doWork) break; if (decisions.size() > 0) { TOMMessage[][] requests=new TOMMessage[decisions.size()][]; int[] consensusIds=new int[requests.length]; int[] leadersIds=new int[requests.length]; int[] regenciesIds=new int[requests.length]; CertifiedDecision[] cDecs; cDecs=new CertifiedDecision[requests.length]; int count=0; for ( Decision d : decisions) { requests[count]=extractMessagesFromDecision(d); consensusIds[count]=d.getConsensusId(); leadersIds[count]=d.getLeader(); regenciesIds[count]=d.getRegency(); CertifiedDecision cDec=new CertifiedDecision(this.controller.getStaticConf().getProcessId(),d.getConsensusId(),d.getValue(),d.getDecisionEpoch().proof); cDecs[count]=cDec; if (requests[count][0].equals(d.firstMessageProposed)) { long time=requests[count][0].timestamp; long seed=requests[count][0].seed; int numOfNonces=requests[count][0].numOfNonces; requests[count][0]=d.firstMessageProposed; requests[count][0].timestamp=time; requests[count][0].seed=seed; requests[count][0].numOfNonces=numOfNonces; } count++; } Decision lastDecision=decisions.get(decisions.size() - 1); if (requests != null && requests.length > 0) { deliverMessages(consensusIds,regenciesIds,leadersIds,cDecs,requests); if (controller.hasUpdates()) { processReconfigMessages(lastDecision.getConsensusId()); tomLayer.setLastExec(lastDecision.getConsensusId()); tomLayer.setInExec(-1); } } int cid=lastDecision.getConsensusId(); if (cid > 2) { int stableConsensus=cid - 3; tomLayer.execManager.removeConsensus(stableConsensus); } } } catch ( Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } deliverUnlock(); } java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(DeliveryThread.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO,"DeliveryThread stopped."); }
This is the code for the thread. It delivers decisions to the TOM request receiver object (which is the application)
private byte[] calculateUValue(byte[] generalKey,byte[] firstDocIdValue,int revision) throws GeneralSecurityException, EncryptionUnsupportedByProductException { if (revision == 2) { Cipher rc4=createRC4Cipher(); SecretKey key=createRC4Key(generalKey); initEncryption(rc4,key); return crypt(rc4,PW_PADDING); } else if (revision >= 3) { MessageDigest md5=createMD5Digest(); md5.update(PW_PADDING); if (firstDocIdValue != null) { md5.update(firstDocIdValue); } final byte[] hash=md5.digest(); Cipher rc4=createRC4Cipher(); SecretKey key=createRC4Key(generalKey); initEncryption(rc4,key); final byte[] v=crypt(rc4,hash); rc4shuffle(v,generalKey,rc4); assert v.length == 16; final byte[] entryValue=new byte[32]; System.arraycopy(v,0,entryValue,0,v.length); System.arraycopy(v,0,entryValue,16,v.length); return entryValue; } else { throw new EncryptionUnsupportedByProductException("Unsupported standard security handler revision " + revision); } }
Calculate what the U value should consist of given a particular key and document configuration. Correponds to Algorithms 3.4 and 3.5 of the PDF Reference version 1.7
private void assign(HashMap<String,DBIDs> labelMap,String label,DBIDRef id){ if (labelMap.containsKey(label)) { DBIDs exist=labelMap.get(label); if (exist instanceof DBID) { ModifiableDBIDs n=DBIDUtil.newHashSet(); n.add((DBID)exist); n.add(id); labelMap.put(label,n); } else { assert (exist instanceof HashSetModifiableDBIDs); assert (exist.size() > 1); ((ModifiableDBIDs)exist).add(id); } } else { labelMap.put(label,DBIDUtil.deref(id)); } }
Assigns the specified id to the labelMap according to its label
private void showFeedback(String message){ if (myHost != null) { myHost.showFeedback(message); } else { System.out.println(message); } }
Used to communicate feedback pop-up messages between a plugin tool and the main Whitebox user-interface.
public CDeleteAction(final BackEndDebuggerProvider debuggerProvider,final int[] rows){ super(rows.length == 1 ? "Remove Breakpoint" : "Remove Breakpoints"); m_debuggerProvider=Preconditions.checkNotNull(debuggerProvider,"IE01344: Debugger provider argument can not be null"); m_rows=rows.clone(); }
Creates a new action object.
public Yaml(BaseConstructor constructor,Representer representer,DumperOptions dumperOptions,Resolver resolver){ if (!constructor.isExplicitPropertyUtils()) { constructor.setPropertyUtils(representer.getPropertyUtils()); } else if (!representer.isExplicitPropertyUtils()) { representer.setPropertyUtils(constructor.getPropertyUtils()); } this.constructor=constructor; representer.setDefaultFlowStyle(dumperOptions.getDefaultFlowStyle()); representer.setDefaultScalarStyle(dumperOptions.getDefaultScalarStyle()); representer.getPropertyUtils().setAllowReadOnlyProperties(dumperOptions.isAllowReadOnlyProperties()); representer.setTimeZone(dumperOptions.getTimeZone()); this.representer=representer; this.dumperOptions=dumperOptions; this.resolver=resolver;"Yaml:" + System.identityHashCode(this); }
Create Yaml instance. It is safe to create a few instances and use them in different Threads.
public void testHitEndAfterFind(){ hitEndTest(true,"#01.0","r((ege)|(geg))x","regexx",false); hitEndTest(true,"#01.1","r((ege)|(geg))x","regex",false); hitEndTest(true,"#01.2","r((ege)|(geg))x","rege",true); hitEndTest(true,"#01.2","r((ege)|(geg))x","xregexx",false); hitEndTest(true,"#02.0","regex","rexreger",true); hitEndTest(true,"#02.1","regex","raxregexr",false); String floatRegex=getHexFloatRegex(); hitEndTest(true,"#03.0",floatRegex,Double.toHexString(-1.234d),true); hitEndTest(true,"#03.1",floatRegex,"1 ABC" + Double.toHexString(Double.NaN) + "buhuhu",false); hitEndTest(true,"#03.2",floatRegex,Double.toHexString(-0.0) + "--",false); hitEndTest(true,"#03.3",floatRegex,"--" + Double.toHexString(Double.MIN_VALUE) + "--",false); hitEndTest(true,"#04.0","(\\d+) fish (\\d+) fish (\\w+) fish (\\d+)","1 fish 2 fish red fish 5",true); hitEndTest(true,"#04.1","(\\d+) fish (\\d+) fish (\\w+) fish (\\d+)","----1 fish 2 fish red fish 5----",false); }
Regression test for HARMONY-4396
public void add(Individual individual){ individuals.add(individual); }
Adds a single individual.
public boolean removeSession(IgniteUuid sesId){ GridTaskSessionImpl ses=sesMap.get(sesId); assert ses == null || ses.isFullSupport(); if (ses != null && ses.release()) { sesMap.remove(sesId,ses); return true; } return false; }
Removes session for a given session ID.
public static Bitmap loadBitmapOptimized(Uri uri,Context context,int limit) throws ImageLoadException { return loadBitmapOptimized(new UriSource(uri,context){ } ,limit); }
Loading bitmap with optimized loaded size less than specific pixels count
protected BasePeriod(long duration){ super(); iType=PeriodType.standard(); int[] values=ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC().get(DUMMY_PERIOD,duration); iValues=new int[8]; System.arraycopy(values,0,iValues,4,4); }
Creates a period from the given millisecond duration with the standard period type and ISO rules, ensuring that the calculation is performed with the time-only period type. <p> The calculation uses the hour, minute, second and millisecond fields.
public FlatBufferBuilder(){ this(1024); }
Start with a buffer of 1KiB, then grow as required.
public PbrpcConnectionException(String arg0,Throwable arg1){ super(arg0,arg1); }
Creates a new instance of PbrpcConnectionException.
public void uninstallUI(JComponent a){ for (int i=0; i < uis.size(); i++) { ((ComponentUI)(uis.elementAt(i))).uninstallUI(a); } }
Invokes the <code>uninstallUI</code> method on each UI handled by this object.
public static void shutdown(){ if (instance != null) {; } }
Saves the configuration file.
public boolean GE(Word w2){ return value.GE(w2.value); }
Greater-than or equal comparison
public static UnionCoder of(List<Coder<?>> elementCoders){ return new UnionCoder(elementCoders); }
Builds a union coder with the given list of element coders. This list corresponds to a mapping of union tag to Coder. Union tags start at 0.
public void testFileDeletion() throws Exception { File testDir=createTestDir("testFileDeletion"); String prefix1="testFileDeletion1"; File[] files1=createFiles(testDir,prefix1,5); String prefix2="testFileDeletion2"; File[] files2=createFiles(testDir,prefix2,5); FileCommands.deleteFiles(files1,true); assertNotExists(files1); FileCommands.deleteFiles(files2,false); Thread.sleep(1000); assertNotExists(files2); }
Verify ability to delete a list of files.
public boolean isOnClasspath(String classpath){ return this.classpath.equals(classpath); }
Evaluates if the Dependency is targeted for a classpath type.
protected void source(String ceylon){ String providerPreSrc="provider/" + ceylon + "_pre.ceylon"; String providerPostSrc="provider/" + ceylon + "_post.ceylon"; String clientSrc="client/" + ceylon + "_client.ceylon"; compile(providerPreSrc,providerModuleSrc,providerPackageSrc); compile(clientSrc,clientModuleSrc); compile(providerPostSrc,providerModuleSrc,providerPackageSrc); compile(clientSrc,clientModuleSrc); }
Checks that we can still compile a client after a change
public PerformanceMonitor(){ initComponents(); if (Display.getInstance().getCurrent() != null) { refreshFrameActionPerformed(null); } resultData.setModel(new Model()); performanceLog.setLineWrap(true); resultData.setRowSorter(new TableRowSorter<Model>((Model)resultData.getModel())); }
Creates new form PerformanceMonitor
@DSGenerator(tool_name="Doppelganger",tool_version="2.0",generated_on="2014-09-03 15:01:15.190 -0400",hash_original_method="F262A3A18BABECF7EC492736953EAF6E",hash_generated_method="94A4545C167C029CC38AACEACF2087E9") private void unparkSuccessor(Node node){ int ws=node.waitStatus; if (ws < 0) compareAndSetWaitStatus(node,ws,0); Node; if (s == null || s.waitStatus > 0) { s=null; for (Node t=tail; t != null && t != node; t=t.prev) if (t.waitStatus <= 0) s=t; } if (s != null) LockSupport.unpark(s.thread); }
Wakes up node's successor, if one exists.
@DSComment("From safe class list") @DSSafe(DSCat.SAFE_LIST) @DSGenerator(tool_name="Doppelganger",tool_version="2.0",generated_on="2013-12-30 13:02:44.364 -0500",hash_original_method="EA3734ADDEB20313C9CAB09B48812C54",hash_generated_method="4858AFE909DDE63867ACB561D5449C13") static public void assertFalse(String message,boolean condition){ assertTrue(message,!condition); }
Asserts that a condition is false. If it isn't it throws an AssertionFailedError with the given message.
@Override protected void initData(){ Intent intent=new Intent(this,PushMessageService.class); this.startService(intent); this.bindService(intent,this.connection,Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); }
Initialize the Activity data
public static Date parseDateDay(String dateString) throws ParseException { return getSimplDateFormat(DF_DEF).parse(dateString); }
Returns date parsed from string in format: yyyy.MM.dd.
private boolean doesStoragePortExistsInVArray(StoragePort umfsStoragePort,VirtualArray virtualArray){ List<URI> virtualArrayPorts=returnAllPortsInVArray(virtualArray.getId()); if (virtualArrayPorts.contains(umfsStoragePort.getId())) { return true; } return false; }
Checks if the given storage port is part of VArray
public SpringVaadinServletService(VaadinServlet servlet,DeploymentConfiguration deploymentConfiguration,String serviceUrl) throws ServiceException { super(servlet,deploymentConfiguration); this.serviceUrl=serviceUrl; }
Create a servlet service instance that allows the use of a custom service URL.
private static List<TranslationResult> translateChildrenOfNode(final ITranslationEnvironment environment,final IOperandTreeNode expression,OperandSize size,final boolean loadOperand,Long baseOffset) throws InternalTranslationException { final List<TranslationResult> partialResults=new ArrayList<>(); final List<? extends IOperandTreeNode> children=expression.getChildren(); Collections.sort(children,comparator); for ( final IOperandTreeNode child : children) { final TranslationResult nextResult=loadOperand(environment,baseOffset,child,isSegmentExpression(expression.getValue()) ? expression : null,size,loadOperand); partialResults.add(nextResult); baseOffset+=nextResult.getInstructions().size(); } return partialResults; }
Iterates over the children of a node in the operand tree and generates translations for them.
public void removeShutdownLatch(final CountDownLatch latch){ removeShutdownLatch(latch,false); }
Releases the latch and removes it from the latches being handled by this handler.
public Version(){ this(CommonReflection.getVersionTag()); }
Constructs a new Version from the current server version running
public static void startActivity(Context context,String chatId){ Intent intent=new Intent(context,SendGroupFile.class); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CHAT_ID,chatId); context.startActivity(intent); }
Start SendGroupFile activity
public Index excludedDataCenters(String excludedDataCenters){ this.excludedDataCenters=excludedDataCenters; return this; }
Sets the list of excluded data centers.
public final int read() throws IOException { int; if (result != -1) { ++pointer; } return result; }
Forwards the request to the real <code>InputStream</code>.
public static boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object obj,long off,int exp,int upd){ return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(obj,off,exp,upd); }
Integer CAS.
public static String dec2Bin(int value){ String result=""; return dec2Bin(value,result); }
Methods converts a decimal number into a binary number as a string
public void apply(RecyclerView recyclerView,Iterable<Item> items){ if (items != null) { HashMap<Integer,Stack<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>> cache=new HashMap<>(); for ( Item d : items) { if (!cache.containsKey(d.getType())) { cache.put(d.getType(),new Stack<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>()); } if (mCacheSize == -1 || cache.get(d.getType()).size() <= mCacheSize) { cache.get(d.getType()).push(d.getViewHolder(recyclerView)); } RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool recyclerViewPool=new RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool(); for ( Map.Entry<Integer,Stack<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>> entry : cache.entrySet()) { recyclerViewPool.setMaxRecycledViews(entry.getKey(),mCacheSize); for ( RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder : entry.getValue()) { recyclerViewPool.putRecycledView(holder); } entry.getValue().clear(); } cache.clear(); recyclerView.setRecycledViewPool(recyclerViewPool); } } }
init the cache on your own.
public void incNumOverflowOnDisk(long delta){ this.stats.incLong(numOverflowOnDiskId,delta); }
Increments the current number of entries whose value has been overflowed to disk by a given amount.
public void paint(Graphics a,JComponent b){ for (int i=0; i < uis.size(); i++) { ((ComponentUI)(uis.elementAt(i))).paint(a,b); } }
Invokes the <code>paint</code> method on each UI handled by this object.
public void updateUI(){ setUI((TableHeaderUI)UIManager.getUI(this)); TableCellRenderer renderer=getDefaultRenderer(); if (renderer instanceof Component) { SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI((Component)renderer); } }
Notification from the <code>UIManager</code> that the look and feel (L&amp;F) has changed. Replaces the current UI object with the latest version from the <code>UIManager</code>.
public static RefactoringStatus create(IStatus status){ if (status.isOK()) return new RefactoringStatus(); if (!status.isMultiStatus()) { switch (status.getSeverity()) { case IStatus.OK: return new RefactoringStatus(); case IStatus.INFO: return RefactoringStatus.createWarningStatus(status.getMessage()); case IStatus.WARNING: return RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus(status.getMessage()); case IStatus.ERROR: return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(status.getMessage()); case IStatus.CANCEL: return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(status.getMessage()); default : return RefactoringStatus.createFatalErrorStatus(status.getMessage()); } } else { IStatus[] children=status.getChildren(); RefactoringStatus result=new RefactoringStatus(); for (int i=0; i < children.length; i++) { result.merge(RefactoringStatus.create(children[i])); } return result; } }
Creates a new <code>RefactoringStatus</code> from the given <code>IStatus</code>. An OK status is mapped to an OK refactoring status, an information status is mapped to a warning refactoring status, a warning status is mapped to an error refactoring status and an error or cancel status is mapped to a fatal refactoring status. An unknown status is converted into a fatal error status as well. If the status is a <code>MultiStatus </code> then the first level of children of the status will be added as refactoring status entries to the created refactoring status.
public void debug(String msg){ debugLogger.debug(msg); }
Log a Setup and/or administrative log message for log4jdbc.
public int size(){ return codon.length; }
Returns the length of the integer codon representation of this grammar.
public Diff decode() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DecodingException { int; if (DiffAction.parse(header) != DiffAction.DECODER_DATA) { throw new DecodingException("Invalid codecData code: " + header); } int blockSize_C=3; int; int; int; int;; if (blockSize_S < 0 || blockSize_S > 31) { throw new DecodingException("blockSize_S out of range: " + blockSize_S); } if (blockSize_E < 0 || blockSize_E > 31) { throw new DecodingException("blockSize_E out of range: " + blockSize_E); } if (blockSize_B < 0 || blockSize_B > 31) { throw new DecodingException("blockSize_B out of range: " + blockSize_B); } if (blockSize_L < 0 || blockSize_L > 31) { throw new DecodingException("blockSize_L out of range: " + blockSize_L); } return decode(blockSize_C,blockSize_S,blockSize_E,blockSize_B,blockSize_L); }
Decodes the information and returns the Diff.
public FontSizeLocator(){ }
Creates a new instance.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","rawtypes"}) static <E extends Comparable<E>>AutoSortedCollection<E> createAutoSortedCollection(Collection<? extends E> values){ return createAutoSortedCollection(null,values); }
Construct new auto sorted collection using natural order.
@Override public String toString(){ return super.toString(); }
Returns the super class implementation of toString().
public boolean useLayoutEditor(SignalMast destination){ if (!destList.containsKey(destination)) { return false; } return destList.get(destination).useLayoutEditor(); }
Query if we are using the layout editor panels to build the signal mast logic, blocks, turnouts .
private static String unescapePathComponent(String name){ return name.replaceAll("\\\\(.)","$1"); }
Convert a path component that contains backslash escape sequences to a literal string. This is necessary when you want to explicitly refer to a path that contains globber metacharacters.
public AbstractExampleTable(List<Attribute> attributes){ addAttributes(attributes); }
Creates a new ExampleTable.
public void zoomOut(){ Matrix save=mViewPortHandler.zoomOut(getWidth() / 2f,-(getHeight() / 2f)); mViewPortHandler.refresh(save,this,true); }
Zooms out by 0.7f, from the charts center. center.
public Media createBackgroundMedia(String uri) throws IOException { return impl.createBackgroundMedia(uri); }
Creates an audio media that can be played in the background.
private boolean hasNextTlsMode(){ return nextTlsMode != TLS_MODE_NULL; }
Returns true if there's another TLS mode to try.
protected void copyToOpsw(){ opsw[1]=fullmode.isSelected(); opsw[2]=twoaspects.isSelected(); opsw[11]=semaphore.isSelected(); opsw[12]=pulsed.isSelected(); opsw[13]=disableDS.isSelected(); opsw[14]=fromloconet.isSelected(); opsw[15]=disablelocal.isSelected(); opsw[17]=sigaddress.isSelected(); opsw[18]=bcastaddress.isSelected(); opsw[19]=semaddress.isSelected(); opsw[20]=setdefault.isSelected(); opsw[21]=exercise.isSelected(); int value=section1to4mode.getSelectedIndex(); if ((value & 0x01) != 0) { opsw[5]=true; } else { opsw[5]=false; } if ((value & 0x02) != 0) { opsw[4]=true; } else { opsw[4]=false; } if ((value & 0x04) != 0) { opsw[3]=true; } else { opsw[3]=false; } value=section5to8mode.getSelectedIndex(); if ((value & 0x01) != 0) { opsw[8]=true; } else { opsw[8]=false; } if ((value & 0x02) != 0) { opsw[7]=true; } else { opsw[7]=false; } if ((value & 0x04) != 0) { opsw[6]=true; } else { opsw[6]=false; } value=fourthAspect.getSelectedIndex(); if ((value & 0x01) != 0) { opsw[10]=true; } else { opsw[10]=false; } if ((value & 0x02) != 0) { opsw[9]=true; } else { opsw[9]=false; } }
Copy from the GUI to the opsw array. <p> Used before write operations start
@Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode,@NonNull String[] permissions,@NonNull int[] grantResults){ if (requestCode == ALLOW_PERMISSIONS && grantResults.length > 0) { List<String> permissionsNotAllowed=new ArrayList<>(); for (int i=0; i < permissions.length; i++) { if (grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { permissionsNotAllowed.add(permissions[i]); } } if (permissionsNotAllowed.isEmpty()) { initEvent(); } else { permissionNotEnabled(); } } else { permissionNotEnabled(); } }
This method is a callback. Check the user's answer after requesting permission.
public String rowGet(String key){ String resolvedKey=resolveRowKey(key); String cachedValue=rowMapCache.get(resolvedKey); if (cachedValue != null) { return cachedValue; } String value=rowMap.get(resolvedKey); if (value == null && parent != null) { value=parent.rowGet(resolvedKey); } if (value == null) { return null; } String expandedString=expand(value,false); rowMapCache.put(resolvedKey,expandedString); return expandedString; }
Looks up and returns the RowSpec associated with the given key. First looks for an association in this LayoutMap. If there's no association, the lookup continues with the parent map - if any.
public void postEvaluationStatistics(final EvolutionState state){ super.postEvaluationStatistics(state); state.output.println("\nGeneration: " + state.generation,Output.V_NO_GENERAL,statisticslog); for (int x=0; x < state.population.subpops.length; x++) for (int y=1; y < state.population.subpops[x].individuals.length; y++) state.population.subpops[x].individuals[y].printIndividualForHumans(state,statisticslog,Output.V_NO_GENERAL); }
Logs the best individual of the generation.
private void checkUserExists(String entidad) throws Exception { int count; UsersTable table=new UsersTable(); DbConnection dbConn=new DbConnection(); try {; if (_id == ISicresAdminDefsKeys.NULL_ID) count=DbSelectFns.selectCount(dbConn,table.getBaseTableName(),table.getCountNameQual(_name)); else count=DbSelectFns.selectCount(dbConn,table.getBaseTableName(),table.getCountNameIdQual(_id,_name)); if (count > 0) ISicresAdminBasicException.throwException(ISicresAdminUserKeys.EC_USER_EXISTS_NAME); } catch ( Exception e) { _logger.error(e); throw e; } finally { dbConn.close(); } }
Comprueba que el usuario tiene distinto nombre a los que ya existen.
@Transactional public Role createRoleWithPermissions(Role role,Set<Long> permissionIds){ Role current=findRoleByRoleName(role.getRoleName()); Preconditions.checkState(current == null,"Role %s already exists!",role.getRoleName()); Role; if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(permissionIds)) { Iterable<RolePermission> rolePermissions=FluentIterable.from(permissionIds).transform(null);; } return createdRole; }
Create role with permissions, note that role name should be unique
protected void generateNewCursorBox(){ if ((old_m_x2 != -1) || (old_m_y2 != -1) || (Math.abs(commonValues.m_x2 - old_m_x2) > 5)|| (Math.abs(commonValues.m_y2 - old_m_y2) > 5)) { int top_x=commonValues.m_x1; if (commonValues.m_x1 > commonValues.m_x2) { top_x=commonValues.m_x2; } int top_y=commonValues.m_y1; if (commonValues.m_y1 > commonValues.m_y2) { top_y=commonValues.m_y2; } final int w=Math.abs(commonValues.m_x2 - commonValues.m_x1); final int h=Math.abs(commonValues.m_y2 - commonValues.m_y1); final int[] currentRectangle={top_x,top_y,w,h}; decode_pdf.updateCursorBoxOnScreen(currentRectangle,DecoderOptions.highlightColor.getRGB()); if (!currentCommands.extractingAsImage) { final int[] r={commonValues.m_x1,commonValues.m_y1,commonValues.m_x2 - commonValues.m_x1,commonValues.m_y2 - commonValues.m_y1}; decode_pdf.getTextLines().addHighlights(new int[][]{r},false,commonValues.getCurrentPage()); } old_m_x2=commonValues.m_x2; old_m_y2=commonValues.m_y2; } decode_pdf.repaintPane(commonValues.getCurrentPage()); }
generate new cursorBox and highlight extractable text, if hardware acceleration off and extraction on<br> and update current cursor box displayed on screen
public OMGraphicList(int initialCapacity){ graphics=Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<OMGraphic>(initialCapacity)); }
Construct an OMGraphicList with an initial capacity.
private void saveToSettings(){ List<String> dataToSave=new LinkedList<>(); for ( UsercolorItem item : data) { dataToSave.add(item.getId() + "," + HtmlColors.getColorString(item.getColor())); } settings.putList("usercolors",dataToSave); }
Copy the current data to the settings.
public static boolean isArrayForName(String value){ return ARRAY_FOR_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(value).matches(); }
Returns true if the given string looks like a Java array name.
public double length(){ return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }
Calculates the length of the vector.
public String toString(){ return schema; }
Returns this' media-type (a MIME content-type category) (previously returned a description key)
public void restoreStarting(int numPackages){ }
The restore operation has begun.
private boolean resourceIsGwtXmlAndInGwt(IResource resource) throws CoreException { return GWTNature.isGWTProject(resource.getProject()) && resource.getName().endsWith(".gwt.xml"); }
If the resource is a .gwt.xml file and we're in a gwt-enabled project, return true.
public GlowCreature(Location location,EntityType type,double maxHealth){ super(location,maxHealth); this.type=type; }
Creates a new monster.
public CacheLayer(){ }
Construct a default CacheLayer.
protected Address buildAndroidAddress(JSONObject jResult) throws JSONException { Address gAddress=new Address(mLocale); gAddress.setLatitude(jResult.getDouble("lat")); gAddress.setLongitude(jResult.getDouble("lng")); int addressIndex=0; if (jResult.has("streetName")) { gAddress.setAddressLine(addressIndex++,jResult.getString("streetName")); gAddress.setThoroughfare(jResult.getString("streetName")); } if (jResult.has("zipCode")) { gAddress.setAddressLine(addressIndex++,jResult.getString("zipCode")); gAddress.setPostalCode(jResult.getString("zipCode")); } if (jResult.has("city")) { gAddress.setAddressLine(addressIndex++,jResult.getString("city")); gAddress.setLocality(jResult.getString("city")); } if (jResult.has("state")) { gAddress.setAdminArea(jResult.getString("state")); } if (jResult.has("country")) { gAddress.setAddressLine(addressIndex++,jResult.getString("country")); gAddress.setCountryName(jResult.getString("country")); } if (jResult.has("countrycode")) gAddress.setCountryCode(jResult.getString("countrycode")); return gAddress; }
Build an Android Address object from the Gisgraphy address in JSON format.
public JDBCCategoryDataset(Connection connection,String query) throws SQLException { this(connection); executeQuery(query); }
Creates a new dataset with the given database connection, and executes the supplied query to populate the dataset.
public static Map<String,Object> generateReqsFromCancelledPOItems(DispatchContext dctx,Map<String,? extends Object> context){ Delegator delegator=dctx.getDelegator(); LocalDispatcher dispatcher=dctx.getDispatcher(); GenericValue userLogin=(GenericValue)context.get("userLogin"); Locale locale=(Locale)context.get("locale"); String orderId=(String)context.get("orderId"); String facilityId=(String)context.get("facilityId"); try { GenericValue orderHeader=EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("OrderHeader").where("orderId",orderId).queryOne(); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(orderHeader)) { String errorMessage=UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,"OrderErrorOrderIdNotFound",UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",orderId),locale); Debug.logError(errorMessage,module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(errorMessage); } if (!"PURCHASE_ORDER".equals(orderHeader.getString("orderTypeId"))) { String errorMessage=UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,"ProductErrorOrderNotPurchaseOrder",UtilMisc.toMap("orderId",orderId),locale); Debug.logError(errorMessage,module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(errorMessage); } Map<String,Object> productRequirementQuantities=new HashMap<String,Object>(); List<GenericValue> orderItems=orderHeader.getRelated("OrderItem",null,null,false); for ( GenericValue orderItem : orderItems) { if (!"PRODUCT_ORDER_ITEM".equals(orderItem.getString("orderItemTypeId"))) continue; BigDecimal orderItemCancelQuantity=BigDecimal.ZERO; if (!UtilValidate.isEmpty(orderItem.get("cancelQuantity"))) { orderItemCancelQuantity=orderItem.getBigDecimal("cancelQuantity"); } if (orderItemCancelQuantity.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0) continue; String productId=orderItem.getString("productId"); if (productRequirementQuantities.containsKey(productId)) { orderItemCancelQuantity=orderItemCancelQuantity.add((BigDecimal)productRequirementQuantities.get(productId)); } productRequirementQuantities.put(productId,orderItemCancelQuantity); } for ( String productId : productRequirementQuantities.keySet()) { BigDecimal requiredQuantity=(BigDecimal)productRequirementQuantities.get(productId); Map<String,Object> createRequirementResult=dispatcher.runSync("createRequirement",UtilMisc.<String,Object>toMap("requirementTypeId","PRODUCT_REQUIREMENT","facilityId",facilityId,"productId",productId,"quantity",requiredQuantity,"userLogin",userLogin)); if (ServiceUtil.isError(createRequirementResult)) return createRequirementResult; } } catch ( GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e,module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } catch ( GenericServiceException se) { Debug.logError(se,module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(se.getMessage()); } return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); }
Generates a product requirement for the total cancelled quantity over all order items for each product
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { s.defaultReadObject(); if (bayesIm == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (variables == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } }
Adds semantic checks to the default deserialization method. This method must have the standard signature for a readObject method, and the body of the method must begin with "s.defaultReadObject();". Other than that, any semantic checks can be specified and do not need to stay the same from version to version. A readObject method of this form may be added to any class, even if Tetrad sessions were previously saved out using a version of the class that didn't include it. (That's what the "s.defaultReadObject();" is for. See J. Bloch, Effective Java, for help.
boolean contains(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion){ if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.SSL20Hello) { return false; } return protocols.contains(protocolVersion); }
Return whether this list contains the specified protocol version. SSLv2Hello is not a real protocol version we support, we always return false for it.
@Override protected EClass eStaticClass(){ return DatatypePackage.Literals.OBJECT_PROPERTY_TYPE; }
<!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
@DSGenerator(tool_name="Doppelganger",tool_version="2.0",generated_on="2013-12-30 12:34:35.806 -0500",hash_original_method="E14DF72F5869874CC38AD67447F5264E",hash_generated_method="127365361841BB38033FE96228DFD635") public final Iterator<String> typesIterator(){ return mDataTypes != null ? mDataTypes.iterator() : null; }
Return an iterator over the filter's data types.
public void registerGUI(final ConfigGUI gui){ this.gui=gui; }
Sets the reference of the GUI.
public IntersectionMatrix(IntersectionMatrix other){ this(); matrix[Location.INTERIOR][Location.INTERIOR]=other.matrix[Location.INTERIOR][Location.INTERIOR]; matrix[Location.INTERIOR][Location.BOUNDARY]=other.matrix[Location.INTERIOR][Location.BOUNDARY]; matrix[Location.INTERIOR][Location.EXTERIOR]=other.matrix[Location.INTERIOR][Location.EXTERIOR]; matrix[Location.BOUNDARY][Location.INTERIOR]=other.matrix[Location.BOUNDARY][Location.INTERIOR]; matrix[Location.BOUNDARY][Location.BOUNDARY]=other.matrix[Location.BOUNDARY][Location.BOUNDARY]; matrix[Location.BOUNDARY][Location.EXTERIOR]=other.matrix[Location.BOUNDARY][Location.EXTERIOR]; matrix[Location.EXTERIOR][Location.INTERIOR]=other.matrix[Location.EXTERIOR][Location.INTERIOR]; matrix[Location.EXTERIOR][Location.BOUNDARY]=other.matrix[Location.EXTERIOR][Location.BOUNDARY]; matrix[Location.EXTERIOR][Location.EXTERIOR]=other.matrix[Location.EXTERIOR][Location.EXTERIOR]; }
Creates an <code>IntersectionMatrix</code> with the same elements as <code>other</code>.
public long readUnsignedInt(){ long result=shiftIntoLong(data,position,4); position+=4; return result; }
Reads the next four bytes as an unsigned value.
public void emit(final SpannableStringBuilder out,final Block root){ root.removeSurroundingEmptyLines(); switch (root.type) { case NONE: break; case PARAGRAPH: this.config.decorator.openParagraph(out); break; case BLOCKQUOTE: this.config.decorator.openBlockquote(out); break; case UNORDERED_LIST: this.config.decorator.openUnorderedList(out); break; case ORDERED_LIST: this.config.decorator.openOrderedList(out); break; case UNORDERED_LIST_ITEM: this.config.decorator.openUnOrderedListItem(out); break; case ORDERED_LIST_ITEM: this.config.decorator.openOrderedListItem(out); break; } if (root.hasLines()) { this.emitLines(out,root); } else { Block block=root.blocks; while (block != null) { this.emit(out,block);; } } switch (root.type) { case NONE: break; case PARAGRAPH: this.config.decorator.closeParagraph(out); break; case BLOCKQUOTE: this.config.decorator.closeBlockquote(out); break; case UNORDERED_LIST: this.config.decorator.closeUnorderedList(out); break; case ORDERED_LIST: this.config.decorator.closeOrderedList(out); break; case UNORDERED_LIST_ITEM: this.config.decorator.closeUnOrderedListItem(out); break; case ORDERED_LIST_ITEM: this.config.decorator.closeOrderedListItem(out); break; } }
Transforms the given block recursively into HTML.
public boolean isInternable(){ return (classAnnotations != null) && (fieldAnnotations == null) && (methodAnnotations == null)&& (parameterAnnotations == null); }
Returns whether this item is a candidate for interning. The only interning candidates are ones that <i>only</i> have a non-null set of class annotations, with no other lists.
public URI(final String scheme,final String userinfo,final String host,final int port,final String path,final String query,final String fragment) throws URIException { this(scheme,(host == null) ? null : ((userinfo != null) ? userinfo + '@' : "") + host + ((port != -1) ? ":" + port : ""),path,query,fragment); }
Construct a general URI from the given components.
public void addUser(User user){ users.addElement(user); }
Add a user
protected void engineUpdate(byte b) throws SignatureException { msgDigest.update(b); }
Updates data to sign or to verify.
public RqMtFake(final Request req,final Request... dispositions) throws IOException { this.fake=new RqMtBase(new RqMtFake.FakeMultipartRequest(req,dispositions)); }
Fake ctor.
public static Video randomVideo(){ String id=UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String title="Video-" + id; String url="" + id; long duration=60 * (int)Math.rint(Math.random() * 60) * 1000; return new Video(title,url,duration); }
Construct and return a Video object with a rnadom name, url, and duration.
public void addHeader(String header,String value){ clientHeaderMap.put(header,value); }
Sets headers that will be added to all requests this client makes (before sending).
public void addPostalAddress(PostalAddress postalAddress){ getPostalAddresses().add(postalAddress); }
Adds a new contact postal address.
public CaughtExceptionRef newCaughtExceptionRef(){ return new JCaughtExceptionRef(); }
Constructs a CaughtExceptionRef() grammar chunk.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ if (e.getSource() instanceof PerformanceIndicator) { PerformanceIndicator pi=(PerformanceIndicator)e.getSource();; MGoal goal=pi.getGoal(); if (goal.getMeasure() != null) new PerformanceDetail(goal); } }
Action Listener for Drill Down
public Iterator<AbstractNode> childIterator(final boolean dirtyNodesOnly){ if (dirtyNodesOnly) { return new DirtyChildIterator(this); } else { return new ChildIterator(this); } }
Iterator visits the direct child nodes in the external key ordering.
public static int maxIndex(double[] doubles){ double maximum=0; int maxIndex=0; for (int i=0; i < doubles.length; i++) { if ((i == 0) || (doubles[i] > maximum)) { maxIndex=i; maximum=doubles[i]; } } return maxIndex; }
Returns index of maximum element in a given array of doubles. First maximum is returned.
private List<PreferenceIndex> crawlSingleIndexableResource(IndexableFragment indexableFragment){ List<PreferenceIndex> indexablePreferences=new ArrayList<>(); XmlPullParser parser=mContext.getResources().getXml(indexableFragment.xmlRes); int type; try { while (( != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT && type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { } String nodeName=parser.getName(); if (!NODE_NAME_PREFERENCE_SCREEN.equals(nodeName)) { throw new RuntimeException("XML document must start with <PreferenceScreen> tag; found" + nodeName + " at "+ parser.getPositionDescription()); } final int outerDepth=parser.getDepth(); final AttributeSet attrs=Xml.asAttributeSet(parser); while (( != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT && (type != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > outerDepth)) { if (type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG || type == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { continue; } nodeName=parser.getName(); String key=PreferenceXmlUtil.getDataKey(mContext,attrs); String title=PreferenceXmlUtil.getDataTitle(mContext,attrs); if (NODE_NAME_PREFERENCE_CATEGORY.equals(nodeName) || TextUtils.isEmpty(key) || TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) { continue; } PreferenceIndex indexablePreference=new PreferenceIndex(key,title,indexableFragment.fragmentName); indexablePreferences.add(indexablePreference); } } catch ( XmlPullParserException|IOException|ReflectiveOperationException ex) { Log.e(TAG,"Error in parsing a preference xml file, skip it",ex); } return indexablePreferences; }
Skim through the xml preference file. exists but content is empty.
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