int64 0
| question
stringlengths 5
| target
stringlengths 5
200 | subprocess run command 'start command -flags arguments' through the shell
| subprocess . call ( 'start command -flags arguments' , shell = True )
201 | run command 'command -flags arguments &' on command line tools as separate processes
| subprocess . call ( 'command -flags arguments &' , shell = True )
202 | replace percent-encoded code in request `f` to their single-character equivalent
| f = urllib . request . urlopen ( url , urllib . parse . unquote ( urllib . parse . urlencode ( params ) ) )
203 | remove white spaces from the end of string " xyz "
| """ xyz """ . rstrip ( )
204 | Replace special characters in utf-8 encoded string `s` using the %xx escape
| urllib . parse . quote ( s . encode ( 'utf-8' ) )
205 | URL encoding in python
| urllib . parse . quote_plus ( 'a b' )
206 | Create an array containing the conversion of string '100110' into separate elements
| np . array ( map ( int , '100110' ) )
207 | convert a string 'mystr' to numpy array of integer values
| print ( np . array ( list ( mystr ) , dtype = int ) )
208 | convert an rgb image 'messi5.jpg' into grayscale `img`
| img = cv2 . imread ( 'messi5.jpg' , 0 )
209 | sort list `lst` in descending order based on the second item of each tuple in it
| lst . sort ( key = lambda x : x [ 2 ] , reverse = True )
210 | How to find all occurrences of an element in a list?
| indices = [ i for i , x in enumerate ( my_list ) if x == 'whatever' ]
211 | execute shell command 'grep -r PASSED *.log | sort -u | wc -l' with a | pipe in it
| subprocess . call ( 'grep -r PASSED *.log | sort -u | wc -l' , shell = True )
212 | count the number of trailing question marks in string `my_text`
| len ( my_text ) - len ( my_text . rstrip ( '?' ) )
213 | remove dollar sign '$' from second to last column data in dataframe 'df' and convert the data into floats
| df [ df . columns [ 1 : ] ] . replace ( '[\\$,]' , '' , regex = True ) . astype ( float )
214 | Merge column 'word' in dataframe `df2` with column 'word' on dataframe `df1`
| df1 . merge ( df2 , how = 'left' , on = 'word' )
215 | switch positions of each two adjacent characters in string `a`
| print ( '' . join ( '' . join ( i ) for i in zip ( a2 , a1 ) ) + a [ - 1 ] if len ( a ) % 2 else '' )
216 | make a window `root` jump to the front
| root . attributes ( '-topmost' , True )
217 | make a window `root` jump to the front
| root . lift ( )
218 | Convert list of booleans `walls` into a hex string
| hex ( int ( '' . join ( [ str ( int ( b ) ) for b in walls ] ) , 2 ) )
219 | convert the sum of list `walls` into a hex presentation
| hex ( sum ( b << i for i , b in enumerate ( reversed ( walls ) ) ) )
220 | print the string `Total score for`, the value of the variable `name`, the string `is` and the value of the variable `score` in one print call.
| print ( ( 'Total score for' , name , 'is' , score ) )
221 | print multiple arguments 'name' and 'score'.
| print ( 'Total score for {} is {}' . format ( name , score ) )
222 | print a string using multiple strings `name` and `score`
| print ( 'Total score for %s is %s ' % ( name , score ) )
223 | print string including multiple variables `name` and `score`
| print ( ( 'Total score for' , name , 'is' , score ) )
224 | serve a static html page 'your_template.html' at the root of a django project
| url ( '^$' , TemplateView . as_view ( template_name = 'your_template.html' ) )
225 | use a list of values `[3,6]` to select rows from a pandas dataframe `df`'s column 'A'
| df [ df [ 'A' ] . isin ( [ 3 , 6 ] ) ]
226 | How to get the concrete class name as a string?
| instance . __class__ . __name__
227 | execute python code `` in a virtualenv `/path/to/my/venv` from matlab
| system ( '/path/to/my/venv/bin/python' )
228 | django return a QuerySet list containing the values of field 'eng_name' in model `Employees`
| Employees . objects . values_list ( 'eng_name' , flat = True )
229 | find all digits in string '6,7)' and put them to a list
| re . findall ( '\\d|\\d,\\d\\)' , '6,7)' )
230 | prompt string 'Press Enter to continue...' to the console
| input ( 'Press Enter to continue...' )
231 | print string "ABC" as hex literal
| """ABC""" . encode ( 'hex' )
232 | insert a new field 'geolocCountry' on an existing document 'b' using pymongo
| db . Doc . update ( { '_id' : b [ '_id' ] } , { '$set' : { 'geolocCountry' : myGeolocCountry } } )
233 | Write a regex statement to match 'lol' to 'lolllll'.
| re . sub ( 'l+' , 'l' , 'lollll' )
234 | BeautifulSoup find all 'tr' elements in HTML string `soup` at the five stride starting from the fourth element
| rows = soup . findAll ( 'tr' ) [ 4 : : 5 ]
235 | reverse all x-axis points in pyplot
| plt . gca ( ) . invert_xaxis ( )
236 | reverse y-axis in pyplot
| plt . gca ( ) . invert_yaxis ( )
237 | stack two dataframes next to each other in pandas
| pd . concat ( [ GOOG , AAPL ] , keys = [ 'GOOG' , 'AAPL' ] , axis = 1 )
238 | create a json response `response_data`
| return HttpResponse ( json . dumps ( response_data ) , content_type = 'application/json' )
239 | decode escape sequences in string `myString`
| myString . decode ( 'string_escape' )
240 | calculate the md5 checksum of a file named 'filename.exe'
| hashlib . md5 ( open ( 'filename.exe' , 'rb' ) . read ( ) ) . hexdigest ( )
241 | Find all keys from a dictionary `d` whose values are `desired_value`
| [ k for k , v in d . items ( ) if v == desired_value ]
242 | create a set containing all keys' names from dictionary `LoD`
| { k for d in LoD for k in list ( d . keys ( ) ) }
243 | create a set containing all keys names from list of dictionaries `LoD`
| set ( [ i for s in [ list ( d . keys ( ) ) for d in LoD ] for i in s ] )
244 | extract all keys from a list of dictionaries `LoD`
| [ i for s in [ list ( d . keys ( ) ) for d in LoD ] for i in s ]
245 | unpack keys and values of a dictionary `d` into two lists
| keys , values = zip ( * list ( d . items ( ) ) )
246 | convert a string `s` containing a decimal to an integer
| int ( Decimal ( s ) )
247 | Convert a string to integer with decimal in Python
| int ( s . split ( '.' ) [ 0 ] )
248 | check if array `b` contains all elements of array `a`
| numpy . in1d ( b , a ) . all ( )
249 | numpy: check if array 'a' contains all the numbers in array 'b'.
| numpy . array ( [ ( x in a ) for x in b ] )
250 | Draw node labels `labels` on networkx graph `G ` at position `pos`
| networkx . draw_networkx_labels ( G , pos , labels )
251 | make a row-by-row copy `y` of array `x`
| y = [ row [ : ] for row in x ]
252 | Create 2D numpy array from the data provided in 'somefile.csv' with each row in the file having same number of values
| X = numpy . loadtxt ( 'somefile.csv' , delimiter = ',' )
253 | get a list of items from the list `some_list` that contain string 'abc'
| matching = [ s for s in some_list if 'abc' in s ]
254 | export a pandas data frame `df` to a file `mydf.tsv` and retain the indices
| df . to_csv ( 'mydf.tsv' , sep = '\t' )
255 | How do I create a LIST of unique random numbers?
| random . sample ( list ( range ( 100 ) ) , 10 )
256 | split a string `s` on last delimiter
| s . rsplit ( ',' , 1 )
257 | Check if all elements in list `lst` are tupples of long and int
| all ( isinstance ( x , int ) for x in lst )
258 | check if all elements in a list 'lst' are the same type 'int'
| all ( isinstance ( x , int ) for x in lst )
259 | strip a string `line` of all carriage returns and newlines
| line . strip ( )
260 | scroll to the bottom of a web page using selenium webdriver
| driver . execute_script ( 'window.scrollTo(0, Y)' )
261 | scroll a to the bottom of a web page using selenium webdriver
| driver . execute_script ( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);' )
262 | convert Date object `dateobject` into a DateTime object
| datetime . datetime . combine ( dateobject , datetime . time ( ) )
263 | check if any item from list `b` is in list `a`
| print ( any ( x in a for x in b ) )
264 | save a numpy array `image_array` as an image 'outfile.jpg'
| scipy . misc . imsave ( 'outfile.jpg' , image_array )
265 | Remove anything in parenthesis from string `item` with a regex
| item = re . sub ( ' ?\\([^)]+\\)' , '' , item )
266 | Remove word characters in parenthesis from string `item` with a regex
| item = re . sub ( ' ?\\(\\w+\\)' , '' , item )
267 | Remove all data inside parenthesis in string `item`
| item = re . sub ( ' \\(\\w+\\)' , '' , item )
268 | check if any elements in one list `list1` are in another list `list2`
| len ( set ( list1 ) . intersection ( list2 ) ) > 0
269 | convert hex string `s` to decimal
| i = int ( s , 16 )
270 | convert hex string "0xff" to decimal
| int ( '0xff' , 16 )
271 | convert hex string "FFFF" to decimal
| int ( 'FFFF' , 16 )
272 | convert hex string '0xdeadbeef' to decimal
| ast . literal_eval ( '0xdeadbeef' )
273 | convert hex string 'deadbeef' to decimal
| int ( 'deadbeef' , 16 )
274 | take screenshot 'screen.png' on mac os x
| os . system ( 'screencapture screen.png' )
275 | Set a window size to `1400, 1000` using selenium webdriver
| driver . set_window_size ( 1400 , 1000 )
276 | replace non-ascii chars from a unicode string u'm\xfasica'
| unicodedata . normalize ( 'NFKD' , 'm\xfasica' ) . encode ( 'ascii' , 'ignore' )
277 | concatenate dataframe `df1` with `df2` whilst removing duplicates
| pandas . concat ( [ df1 , df2 ] ) . drop_duplicates ( ) . reset_index ( drop = True )
278 | Construct an array with data type float32 `a` from data in binary file 'filename'
| a = numpy . fromfile ( 'filename' , dtype = numpy . float32 )
279 | execute a mv command `mv /home/somedir/subdir/* somedir/` in subprocess
| subprocess . call ( 'mv /home/somedir/subdir/* somedir/' , shell = True )
280 | How to use the mv command in Python with subprocess
| subprocess . call ( 'mv /home/somedir/subdir/* somedir/' , shell = True )
281 | print a character that has unicode value `\u25b2`
| print ( '\u25b2' . encode ( 'utf-8' ) )
282 | compare contents at filehandles `file1` and `file2` using difflib
| difflib . SequenceMatcher ( None , file1 . read ( ) , file2 . read ( ) )
283 | Create a dictionary from string `e` separated by `-` and `,`
| dict ( ( k , int ( v ) ) for k , v in ( e . split ( ' - ' ) for e in s . split ( ',' ) ) )
284 | check if all elements in a tuple `(1, 6)` are in another `(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)`
| all ( i in ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) for i in ( 1 , 6 ) )
285 | extract unique dates from time series 'Date' in dataframe `df`
| df [ 'Date' ] . map ( lambda t : t . date ( ) ) . unique ( )
286 | right align string `mystring` with a width of 7
| """{:>7s}""" . format ( mystring )
287 | read an excel file 'ComponentReport-DJI.xls'
| open ( 'ComponentReport-DJI.xls' , 'rb' ) . read ( 200 )
288 | sort dataframe `df` based on column 'b' in ascending and column 'c' in descending
| df . sort_values ( [ 'b' , 'c' ] , ascending = [ True , False ] , inplace = True )
289 | sort dataframe `df` based on column 'a' in ascending and column 'b' in descending
| df . sort_values ( [ 'a' , 'b' ] , ascending = [ True , False ] )
290 | sort a pandas data frame with column `a` in ascending and `b` in descending order
| df1 . sort ( [ 'a' , 'b' ] , ascending = [ True , False ] , inplace = True )
291 | sort a pandas data frame by column `a` in ascending, and by column `b` in descending order
| df . sort ( [ 'a' , 'b' ] , ascending = [ True , False ] )
292 | django redirect to view 'Home.views.index'
| redirect ( 'Home.views.index' )
293 | remove all values within one list `[2, 3, 7]` from another list `a`
| [ x for x in a if x not in [ 2 , 3 , 7 ] ]
294 | remove the punctuation '!', '.', ':' from a string `asking`
| out = '' . join ( c for c in asking if c not in ( '!' , '.' , ':' ) )
295 | BeautifulSoup get value associated with attribute 'content' where attribute 'name' is equal to 'City' in tag 'meta' in HTML parsed string `soup`
| soup . find ( 'meta' , { 'name' : 'City' } ) [ 'content' ]
296 | unquote a urlencoded unicode string '%0a'
| urllib . parse . unquote ( '%0a' )
297 | decode url `url` from UTF-16 code to UTF-8 code
| urllib . parse . unquote ( url ) . decode ( 'utf8' )
298 | empty a list `lst`
| del lst [ : ]
299 | empty a list `lst`
| del lst1 [ : ]