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Update README.md
### Dataset Summary
The data provided is (headline, body, stance) instances, where the stance is one of {unrelated, discuss, agree, disagree}.
* A headline and a body text - either from the same news article or from two different articles.
* Classify the stance of the body text relative to the claim made in the headline into one of four categories:
* Agrees: The body text agrees with the headline.
* Disagrees: The body text disagrees with the headline.
* Discusses: The body text discuss the same topic as the headline, but does not take a position
* Unrelated: The body text discusses a different topic than the headline
The distribution of Stance classes in the entire dataset is as follows:
| rows | unrelated | discuss | agree | disagree |
|---------|-----------|---------|-----------|----------- |
| 49972 | 0.73131 | 0.17828 | 0.0736012 | 0.016809 |
### Source Data
[FNC-1 Official webpage.](http://www.fakenewschallenge.org/)
- annotations_creators: found
- language_creators: found
- languages: en-US
- licenses: apache-2.0
- multilingualism: monolingual
- pretty_name: FNC-1
- size_categories: unknown
- source_datasets: original
- task_categories:text-classification
- task_ids
- multi-class-classification
- natural-language-inference
- multi-label-classification
- intent-classification