9 values
import sys import time import subprocess import math from threading import Thread from collections import OrderedDict, deque from ds4drv.actions import ActionRegistry from ds4drv.backends import BluetoothBackend, HidrawBackend from ds4drv.config import load_options from ds4drv.daemon import Daemon from ds4drv.eventloop import EventLoop from ds4drv.exceptions import BackendError from ds4drv.action import ReportAction from ds4drv.__main__ import create_controller_thread class ActionShim(ReportAction): """ intercepts the joystick report""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ActionShim, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.timer = self.create_timer(0.02, self.intercept) self.values = None self.timestamps = deque(range(10), maxlen=10) def enable(self): self.timer.start() def disable(self): self.timer.stop() self.values = None def load_options(self, options): pass def deadzones(self,values): deadzone = 0.14 if math.sqrt( values['left_analog_x'] ** 2 + values['left_analog_y'] ** 2) < deadzone: values['left_analog_y'] = 0.0 values['left_analog_x'] = 0.0 if math.sqrt( values['right_analog_x'] ** 2 + values['right_analog_y'] ** 2) < deadzone: values['right_analog_y'] = 0.0 values['right_analog_x'] = 0.0 return values def intercept(self, report): new_out = OrderedDict() for key in report.__slots__: value = getattr(report, key) new_out[key] = value for key in ["left_analog_x", "left_analog_y", "right_analog_x", "right_analog_y", "l2_analog", "r2_analog"]: new_out[key] = 2*( new_out[key]/255 ) - 1 new_out = self.deadzones(new_out) self.timestamps.append(new_out['timestamp']) if len(set(self.timestamps)) <= 1: self.values = None else: self.values = new_out return True class Joystick: def __init__(self): self.thread = None options = load_options() if options.hidraw: raise ValueError("HID mode not supported") backend = HidrawBackend(Daemon.logger) else:["hciconfig", "hciX", "up"]) backend = BluetoothBackend(Daemon.logger) backend.setup() self.thread = create_controller_thread(1, options.controllers[0]) self.thread.controller.setup_device(next(backend.devices)) self.shim = ActionShim(self.thread.controller) self.thread.controller.actions.append(self.shim) self.shim.enable() self._color = (None, None, None) self._rumble = (None, None) self._flash = (None, None) # ensure we get a value before returning while self.shim.values is None: pass def close(self): if self.thread is None: return self.thread.controller.exit("Cleaning up...") self.thread.controller.loop.stop() def __del__(self): self.close() @staticmethod def map(val, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max): """ helper static method that helps with rescaling """ in_span = in_max - in_min out_span = out_max - out_min value_scaled = float(val - in_min) / float(in_span) value_mapped = (value_scaled * out_span) + out_min if value_mapped < out_min: value_mapped = out_min if value_mapped > out_max: value_mapped = out_max return value_mapped def get_input(self): """ returns ordered dict with state of all inputs """ if self.thread.controller.error: raise IOError("Encountered error with controller") if self.shim.values is None: raise TimeoutError("Joystick hasn't updated values in last 200ms") return self.shim.values def led_color(self, red=0, green=0, blue=0): """ set RGB color in range 0-255""" color = (int(red),int(green),int(blue)) if( self._color == color ): return self._color = color self.thread.controller.device.set_led( *self._color ) def rumble(self, small=0, big=0): """ rumble in range 0-255 """ rumble = (int(small),int(big)) if( self._rumble == rumble ): return self._rumble = rumble self.thread.controller.device.rumble( *self._rumble ) def led_flash(self, on=0, off=0): """ flash led: on and off times in range 0 - 255 """ flash = (int(on),int(off)) if( self._flash == flash ): return self._flash = flash if( self._flash == (0,0) ): self.thread.controller.device.stop_led_flash() else: self.thread.controller.device.start_led_flash( *self._flash ) if __name__ == "__main__": j = Joystick() while 1: for key, value in j.get_input().items(): print(key,value) print() time.sleep(0.1)
import os import pygame from UDPComms import Publisher os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy" drive_pub = Publisher(8830) arm_pub = Publisher(8410) pygame.display.init() pygame.joystick.init() # wait until joystick is connected while 1: try: pygame.joystick.Joystick(0).init() break except pygame.error: pygame.time.wait(500) # Prints the joystick's name JoyName = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0).get_name() print("Name of the joystick:") print(JoyName) # Gets the number of axes JoyAx = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0).get_numaxes() print("Number of axis:") print(JoyAx) while True: pygame.event.pump() forward = (pygame.joystick.Joystick(0).get_axis(3)) twist = (pygame.joystick.Joystick(0).get_axis(2)) on = (pygame.joystick.Joystick(0).get_button(5)) if on: print({'f':-150*forward,'t':-80*twist}) drive_pub.send({'f':-150*forward,'t':-80*twist}) else: drive_pub.send({'f':0,'t':0}) pygame.time.wait(100)
#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup setup(name='PS4Joystick', version='2.0', py_modules=['PS4Joystick'], description='Interfaces with a PS4 joystick over Bluetooth', author='Michal Adamkiewicz', author_email='[email protected]', url='', )
import os import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Broadcom pin-numbering scheme GPIO.setup(21, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) while 1: if not GPIO.input(21): print("eanbling joystick") os.system("sudo systemctl start ds4drv") os.system("sudo systemctl start joystick") #os.system("screen sudo python3 /home/pi/RoverCommand/") else: os.system("sudo systemctl stop ds4drv") os.system("sudo systemctl stop joystick") print("not eanbling joystick") time.sleep(5)
# PS4Joystick Code allowing the use of a DualShock (PS4 Joystick) over Bluetooth on Linux. Over USB comming soon. `` shows how to emulate something similar on macOS, but without the fancy features. Note: We have updated from the previous version so make sure you disable ds4drv from running automatically at startup as they will conflict. This method still requires [ds4drv]( however it doesn't run it as a separate service and then separately pull joystick data using Pygame. Instead it imports ds4drv directly which gives us much more control over the joystick behaviour. Specifically: - It will only pair to one joystick allowing us to run multiple robots at a time - Allows for launching joystick code via systemd at boot using `sudo systemctl enable joystick` - Can change joystick colors and using rumble directly from Python (can also access the touchpad and IMU!) - Is a much nicer interface than using Pygame, as the axes are actually named as opposed to arbitrarly numbered! The axis directions are consistant with Pygame. - Doesn't need $DISPLAY hacks to run on headless devices ### Usage Take a look at `` as it demonstrates most features. To implement this functionality to a new repository (say [PupperCommand]( you can just call `from PS4Joystick import Joystick` anywhere once you've installed the module. Replicate `joystick.service` in that repository. ### Install ``` sudo bash ``` ### macOS Sadly ds4drv doesn't work on Macs. But you can get some of the functionality by installing Pygame with `sudo pip3 install Pygame`. Take a look in `` for an example. Note this only works over USB (plug the controller in using a micro usb cable) and the mapping is different than using Pygame with ds4drv
from UDPComms import Publisher from PS4Joystick import Joystick import time from enum import Enum drive_pub = Publisher(8830) arm_pub = Publisher(8410) j=Joystick() MODES = Enum('MODES', 'SAFE DRIVE ARM') mode = MODES.SAFE while True: values = j.get_input() if( values['button_ps'] ): if values['dpad_up']: mode = MODES.DRIVE j.led_color(red=255) elif values['dpad_right']: mode = MODES.ARM j.led_color(blue=255) elif values['dpad_down']: mode = MODES.SAFE j.led_color(green=255) # overwrite when swiching modes to prevent phantom motions values['dpad_down'] = 0 values['dpad_up'] = 0 values['dpad_right'] = 0 values['dpad_left'] = 0 if mode == MODES.DRIVE: forward_left = - values['left_analog_y'] forward_right = - values['right_analog_y'] twist = values['right_analog_x'] on_right = values['button_r1'] on_left = values['button_l1'] l_trigger = values['l2_analog'] if on_left or on_right: if on_right: forward = forward_right else: forward = forward_left slow = 150 fast = 500 max_speed = (fast+slow)/2 + l_trigger*(fast-slow)/2 out = {'f':(max_speed*forward),'t':-150*twist} drive_pub.send(out) print(out) else: drive_pub.send({'f':0,'t':0}) elif mode == MODES.ARM: r_forward = - values['right_analog_y'] r_side = values['right_analog_x'] l_forward = - values['left_analog_y'] l_side = values['left_analog_x'] r_shoulder = values['button_r1'] l_shoulder = values['button_l1'] r_trigger = values['r2_analog'] l_trigger = values['l2_analog'] square = values['button_square'] cross = values['button_cross'] circle = values['button_circle'] triangle = values['button_triangle'] PS = values['button_ps'] # hat directions could be reversed from previous version hat = [ values["dpad_up"] - values["dpad_down"], values["dpad_right"] - values["dpad_left"] ] reset = (PS == 1) and (triangle == 1) reset_dock = (PS==1) and (square ==1) target_vel = {"x": l_side, "y": l_forward, "z": (r_trigger - l_trigger)/2, "yaw": r_side, "pitch": r_forward, "roll": (r_shoulder - l_shoulder), "grip": cross - square, "hat": hat, "reset": reset, "resetdock":reset_dock, "trueXYZ": circle, "dock": triangle} print(target_vel) arm_pub.send(target_vel) elif mode == MODES.SAFE: # random stuff to demo color features triangle = values['button_triangle'] square = values['button_square'] j.rumble(small = 255*triangle, big = 255*square) r2 = values['r2_analog'] r2 = r2, -1, 1, 0 ,255) j.led_color( green = 255, blue = r2) else: pass time.sleep(0.1)
renanmb/Omniverse_legged_robotics/URDF-Descriptions/Mini_pupper/stanford_pupper_Chandykunju Alex/package.xml
<package format="2"> <name>standford_pupper_description</name> <version>1.0.0</version> <description> <p>URDF Description package for standford_pupper</p> <p>This package contains configuration data, 3D models and launch files for standford_pupper robot</p> </description> <author>Chandy Alex</author> <maintainer email="[email protected]" /> <license>BSD</license> <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend> <depend>roslaunch</depend> <depend>robot_state_publisher</depend> <depend>rviz</depend> <depend>joint_state_publisher_gui</depend> <depend>gazebo</depend> <export> <architecture_independent /> </export> </package>
renanmb/Omniverse_legged_robotics/URDF-Descriptions/Mini_pupper/stanford_pupper_Chandykunju Alex/
# Stanford Pupper Robot Description (URDF) ## Overview This package contains a simplified robot description (URDF) of the [Stanford Pupper]( developed by [Stanford Robotics club]( ## License This software is released under a [BSD 3-Clause license](LICENSE).
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct ## Our Pledge In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. ## Our Standards Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: * Using welcoming and inclusive language * Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences * Gracefully accepting constructive criticism * Focusing on what is best for the community * Showing empathy towards other community members Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: * The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances * Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks * Public or private harassment * Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission * Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting ## Our Responsibilities Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. ## Scope This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. ## Enforcement Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at [email protected]. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership. ## Attribution This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [homepage]: For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
# Contributing When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, [email]([email protected]), or any other direct method with me. For those of you on the [Spot Micro Slack](, contact me there (Maurice Rahme). Please be sure to follow the code of conduct. ## Examples of Contributions 1. New platform support (e.g. Gazebo, MuJoCo). 2. RL Agent addition (e.g. DDPG, PPO). 3. Simulation improvement (e.g. motor response in Pybullet) 4. Sensing capabilities in simulation (e.g. LIDAR, Camera) If in doubt, please talk to me, and I'll let you know if your idea will be helpful to the project. Some things are better served as issues, such as: ## Examples of Issues 1. Bugs. 2. Feature Requests. 3. Clarifications. 4. Platform support (e.g. something is not working in your specific environment). ## Pull Request Process 1. Fork this repository. 2. Create a new branch titled `your-username` 3. Once your changes are ready, please send me a link to your branch so that I can try it out (there will be unit tests in the future). 4. If I approve your change, you may merge to `spot` and submit a PR.
# .readthedocs.yml # Read the Docs configuration file # See for details # Required version: 2 # Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx sphinx: configuration: docs/ # Build documentation with MkDocs #mkdocs: # configuration: mkdocs.yml # Optionally build your docs in additional formats such as PDF formats: - pdf # Optionally set the version of Python and requirements required to build your docs python: version: 3.7 install: - requirements: docs/requirements.txt
Table of Contents ================= * [Spot Mini Mini OpenAI Gym Environment](#spot-mini-mini-openai-gym-environment) * [Motivation](#motivation) * [Kinematics:](#kinematics) * [Reinforcement Learning](#reinforcement-learning) * [Stability on Difficult Terrain](#stability-on-difficult-terrain) * [Drift Correction](#drift-correction) * [Gait:](#gait) * [How To Run](#how-to-run) * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Joystick Control with ROS](#joystick-control-with-ros) * [Testing Environment (Non-Joystick)](#testing-environment-non-joystick) * [Reinforcement Learning Agent Evaluation](#reinforcement-learning-agent-evaluation) * [Using Different Terrain](#using-different-terrain) Created by [gh-md-toc](
Note: development for this project was haulted in November 2020 to respect my NDA with my employer. ## Spot Mini Mini OpenAI Gym Environment [![GitHub release](]( [![Documentation Status](]( [![Maintenance](]( [![PR](]( [![Open Source Love png2](]( [![MIT license](]( <!-- ![SIK](spot_bullet/media/spot-mini-mini.gif) --> <p float="left"> <img src="spot_real/media/spot_hello.gif" width="670" /> </p> **Featured in [Robotics Weekly]( and [Mithi's Robotics Coursework](!** ## Motivation As part of the [Spot Micro]( community, I saw the need for a reliable and versatile simulator for those who wanted to try things out without risking damage to their robots. To that end, I developed my own in Pybullet which can also be used as a Gym environment for Reinforcement Learning tasks. <p float="left"> <img src="spot_bullet/media/spot_new_demo.gif" width="335" /> <img src="spot_real/media/full_control.gif" width="335" /> </p> You'll notice that there are gifs of the original `SpotMicro` as well a new version designed for added real world fidelity. The default branch simulates the new version, but you can work with `SpotMicro` in the [spotmicroai]( branch of this repo. The new version also has a more reliable URDF, with more accurate inertial calculations. If you don't need a Gym environment, that's okay too! `` works without RL or Gym, it is designed to accept any gait implementation, and provides a GUI for testing it out! In my case, I've implemented a 12-point Bezier gait. <!-- <p float="left"> <img src="spot_real/media/spot_demo.gif" width="670" /> </p> --> **Read the [docs](!** Table of Contents ----------------- * [Motivation](#motivation) * [Kinematics](#kinematics) * [D^2 Gait Modulation with Bezier Curves](#d2-gait-modulation-with-bezier-curves) * [Training](#Training) * [Real World Validation](#real-world-validation) * [Gait](#gait) * [How To Run](#how-to-run) * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Joystick Control with ROS](#joystick-control-with-ros) * [Testing Environment (Non-Joystick)](#testing-environment-non-joystick) * [Reinforcement Learning Agent Training](#reinforcement-learning-agent-training) * [Reinforcement Learning Agent Evaluation](#reinforcement-learning-agent-evaluation) * [Using Different Terrain](#using-different-terrain) * [Hardware]( * [Assembly & Calibration]( * [Citing Spot Mini Mini](#citing-spot-mini-mini) * [Credits](#credits) ### Kinematics Body manipulation with [leg IK]( and [body IK]( descriptions. <img src="spot_bullet/media/spot_rpy.gif" alt="SIK" width="500"/> <img src="spot_real/media/rpy.gif" alt="SRIK" width="500"/> ### D^2 Gait Modulation with Bezier Curves I'm using this platform to validate a novel Reinforcement Learning method for locomotion by myself and my co-authors Matthew L. Elwin, Ian Abraham, and Todd D. Murphey. Instead of learning a gait from scratch, we propose using an existing scheme as a baseline over which we optimize via training. The method is called `D^2 Gait Modulation with Bezier Curves`. To learn more, visit our [website]( <p float="left"> <img src="spot_real/media/V_descent.gif" width="335" /> <img src="spot_real/media/A_descent.gif" width="335" /> </p> #### Training During training, simple Proportional controller was employed to deliver yaw correction as would be the case if the robot were teleoperated or able to localize itself. For increased policy robustness, the terrain, link masses and foot frictions are randomized on each environment reset. Here, the action space is 14-dimensional, consisting of `Clearance Height` (1), `Body Height` (1), and `Foot XYZ Residual` modulations (12). `Clearance Height` is treated through an exponential filter (`alpha = 0.7`), but all other actions are processed directly. These results were trained with only 149 epochs. Before training, the robot falls almost immediately: ![FALL](spot_bullet/media/spot_rough_falls.gif) After training, the robot successfully navigates the terrain: ![NO_FALL](spot_bullet/media/spot_rough_ARS.gif) What's even better, is that the same agent `#149` is able to adapt to unseen commands, making high-level system integration straightforward. Here it is being teleoperated using `Forward`, `Lateral`, and `Yaw` commands. ![UNIVERSAL](spot_bullet/media/spot_universal.gif) Here's an example of the new URDF being teleoperated with a trained agent on 2x higher terrain: ![UNIVERSAL2](spot_bullet/media/spot_new_universal.gif) #### Real World Validation Here are some experimental results where the agent is on the right. <p float="left"> <img src="spot_real/media/V2_3.gif" width="335" /> <img src="spot_real/media/T2_1.gif" width="335" /> </p> ### Gait Open-Loop Gait using 12-Point Bezier Curves based on [MIT Cheetah Paper]( with [modifications]( for low step velocity discontinuity. Forward and Lateral Motion: ![SLAT0](spot_bullet/media/spot_lat_logic.gif) Yaw logic based on [4-wheel steering car]( ![SYAW0](spot_bullet/media/spot_yaw_logic.gif) ## How To Run ### Dependencies * ROS Melodic * Gazebo * Pytorch * Pybullet * Gym * OpenCV * Scipy * Numpy ### Joystick Control with ROS First, you're going to need a joystick (okay, not really, but it's more fun if you have one). **Setting Up The Joystick:** * Get Number (you will see something like jsX): `ls /dev/input/` * Make available to ROS: `sudo chmod a+rw /dev/input/jsX` * Make sure `<param name="dev" type="string" value="/dev/input/jsX"/>` matches your setup in the launchfile Then simply: `roslaunch mini_ros spot_move.launch` You can ignore this msg: `[ERROR] [1591631380.406690714]: Couldn't open joystick force feedback!` It just means your controller is missing some functionality, but this package doesn't use it. **Controls:** Assuming you have a Logitech Gamepad F310: `A`: switch between stepping and RPY `X`: E-STOP (engage and disengage) **Stepping Mode**: * `Right Stick Up/Down`: Step Length * `Right Stick Left/Right`: Lateral Fraction * `Left Stick Up/Down`: Robot Height * `Left Stick Left/Right`: Yaw Rate * `Arrow Pad Up/Down` (DISCRETE): Step Height * `Arrow Pad Left/Right` (DISCRETE): Step Depth * `Bottom Right/Left Bumpers`: Step Velocity (modulate) * `Top Right/Left Bumpers`: reset all to default **Viewing Mode**: * `Right Stick Up/Down`: Pitch * `Right Stick Left/Right`: Roll * `Left Stick Up/Down`: Robot Height * `Left Stick Left/Right`: Yaw Changing `Step Velocity` while moving forward: ![SVMOD](mini_ros/media/stepvel_mod.gif) Changing `Step Length` while moving forward: ![SVMOD](mini_ros/media/steplen_mod.gif) Yaw In Place: Slightly push the `Right Stick` forward while pushing the `Left Stick` maximally in either direction: ![SVMOD](mini_ros/media/yaw_in_place.gif) ### Testing Environment (Non-Joystick) If you don't have a joystick, go to `spot_bullet/src` and do `./`. A Pybullet sim will open up for you with the same controls you would have on the joystick, except each is on its own scrollbar. You may also use the following optional arguments: ``` -h, --help show this help message and exit -hf, --HeightField Use HeightField -r, --DebugRack Put Spot on an Elevated Rack -p, --DebugPath Draw Spot's Foot Path -ay, --AutoYaw Automatically Adjust Spot's Yaw -ar, --AutoReset Automatically Reset Environment When Spot Falls ``` ### Reinforcement Learning Agent Training Go to `spot_bullet/src` and do `./`. Models will be saved every `9th` episode to `spot_bullet/models/`. I will add some more arguments in the future to give you finer control of the heightfield mesh from the command line. ### Reinforcement Learning Agent Evaluation Go to `spot_bullet/src` and do `./`. You may also use the following optional arguments. Note that if you don't use the `-a` argument, no agent will be loaded, so you will be using the open-loop policy. For example, if you enter `149` after `-a`, you will see the first successful policy, but if you enter `2229`, you will see a much more aggressive policy. ``` -h, --help show this help message and exit -hf, --HeightField Use HeightField -r, --DebugRack Put Spot on an Elevated Rack -p, --DebugPath Draw Spot's Foot Path -gui, --GUI Control The Robot Yourself With a GUI -a, --AgentNum Agent Number To Load (followed by number) ``` ### Using Different Terrain Navigate to `spotmicro/` and take a look at `useProgrammatic` and `useTerrainFromPNG` (you can play around with the mesh scales for each) to experiment with different terrains. Make sure that the `spotBezierEnv` instance has `height_field=True` in `` and `spot_pybullet_interface` depending on whether you're using the joystick/ROS version. The same goes for the RL environments. Note: these were adapted from the [pybullet]( source code. `useTerrainFromPNG` ![PNGT](spot_bullet/media/spot_png_terrain.png) `useProgrammatic` ![PROGT](spot_bullet/media/spot_prog_terrain.png) With this terrain type, I programmed in a randomizer that triggers upon reset. This, along with the body randomizer from `Pybullet's Minitaur` increases your RL Policy's robustness. ![RANDENV](spot_bullet/media/spot_random_terrain.gif) ## Citing Spot Mini Mini ``` @software{spotminimini2020github, author = {Maurice Rahme and Ian Abraham and Matthew Elwin and Todd Murphey}, title = {SpotMiniMini: Pybullet Gym Environment for Gait Modulation with Bezier Curves}, url = {}, version = {2.1.0}, year = {2020}, } ``` ## Credits * Original Spot Design and CAD files: [Spot Micro AI Community]( * Collaborator on `OpenQuadruped` design, including mechanical parts, custom PCB, and Teensy interface: [Adham Elarabawy]( * OpenAI Gym and Heightfield Interface: [Minitaur Environment]( * Deprecated URDF for earlier development: [Rex Gym](
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys sys.path.append('../../') from spotmicro.util.gui import GUI from spotmicro.GymEnvs.spot_bezier_env import spotBezierEnv from spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics import SpotModel from spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Bezier import BezierGait from spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL import BezierStepper from spotmicro.spot_env_randomizer import SpotEnvRandomizer import time from ars_lib.ars import ARSAgent, Normalizer, Policy, ParallelWorker # Multiprocessing package for python # Parallelization improvements based on: # import multiprocessing as mp from multiprocessing import Pipe import os import argparse # ARGUMENTS descr = "Spot Mini Mini ARS Agent Trainer." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descr) parser.add_argument("-hf", "--HeightField", help="Use HeightField", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-nc", "--NoContactSensing", help="Disable Contact Sensing", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-dr", "--DontRandomize", help="Do NOT Randomize State and Environment.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-s", "--Seed", help="Seed (Default: 0).") ARGS = parser.parse_args() # Messages for Pipe _RESET = 1 _CLOSE = 2 _EXPLORE = 3 def main(): """ The main() function. """ # Hold mp pipes mp.freeze_support() print("STARTING SPOT TRAINING ENV") seed = 0 if ARGS.Seed: seed = int(ARGS.Seed) print("SEED: {}".format(seed)) max_timesteps = 4e6 eval_freq = 1e1 save_model = True file_name = "spot_ars_" if ARGS.HeightField: height_field = True else: height_field = False if ARGS.NoContactSensing: contacts = False else: contacts = True if ARGS.DontRandomize: env_randomizer = None rand_name = "norand_" else: env_randomizer = SpotEnvRandomizer() rand_name = "rand_" # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") if contacts: models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models/contact") else: models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models/no_contact") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) env = spotBezierEnv(render=False, on_rack=False, height_field=height_field, draw_foot_path=False, contacts=contacts, env_randomizer=env_randomizer) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) env.reset() g_u_i = GUI( spot = SpotModel() T_bf = spot.WorldToFoot bz_step = BezierStepper(dt=env._time_step) bzg = BezierGait(dt=env._time_step) # Initialize Normalizer normalizer = Normalizer(state_dim) # Initialize Policy policy = Policy(state_dim, action_dim, seed=seed) # Initialize Agent with normalizer, policy and gym env agent = ARSAgent(normalizer, policy, env, bz_step, bzg, spot) agent_num = 0 if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num) + "_policy"): print("Loading Existing agent") agent.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num)) env.reset(agent.desired_velocity, agent.desired_rate) episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 # Create mp pipes num_processes = policy.num_deltas processes = [] childPipes = [] parentPipes = [] # Store mp pipes for pr in range(num_processes): parentPipe, childPipe = Pipe() parentPipes.append(parentPipe) childPipes.append(childPipe) # Start multiprocessing # Start multiprocessing for proc_num in range(num_processes): p = mp.Process(target=ParallelWorker, args=(childPipes[proc_num], env, state_dim)) p.start() processes.append(p) print("STARTED SPOT TRAINING ENV") t = 0 while t < (int(max_timesteps)): # Maximum timesteps per rollout episode_reward, episode_timesteps = agent.train_parallel(parentPipes) t += episode_timesteps # episode_reward = agent.train() # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print( "Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {:.2f} REWARD PER STEP: {:.2f}" .format(t + 1, episode_num, episode_timesteps, episode_reward, episode_reward / float(episode_timesteps))) # Store Results (concat) if episode_num == 0: res = np.array( [[episode_reward, episode_reward / float(episode_timesteps)]]) else: new_res = np.array( [[episode_reward, episode_reward / float(episode_timesteps)]]) res = np.concatenate((res, new_res)) # Also Save Results So Far (Overwrite) # Results contain 2D numpy array of total reward for each ep # and reward per timestep for each ep results_path + "/" + str(file_name) + rand_name + "seed" + str(seed), res) # Evaluate episode if (episode_num + 1) % eval_freq == 0: if save_model: + "/" + str(file_name) + str(episode_num)) episode_num += 1 # Close pipes and hence envs for parentPipe in parentPipes: parentPipe.send([_CLOSE, "pay2"]) for p in processes: p.join() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import copy import sys sys.path.append('../../') from spotmicro.GymEnvs.spot_bezier_env import spotBezierEnv from spotmicro.util.gui import GUI from spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics import SpotModel from spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra import RPY from spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Bezier import BezierGait from spotmicro.spot_env_randomizer import SpotEnvRandomizer # TESTING from spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL import BezierStepper import time import os import argparse # ARGUMENTS descr = "Spot Mini Mini Environment Tester (No Joystick)." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descr) parser.add_argument("-hf", "--HeightField", help="Use HeightField", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-r", "--DebugRack", help="Put Spot on an Elevated Rack", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-p", "--DebugPath", help="Draw Spot's Foot Path", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-ay", "--AutoYaw", help="Automatically Adjust Spot's Yaw", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-ar", "--AutoReset", help="Automatically Reset Environment When Spot Falls", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-dr", "--DontRandomize", help="Do NOT Randomize State and Environment.", action='store_true') ARGS = parser.parse_args() def main(): """ The main() function. """ print("STARTING SPOT TEST ENV") seed = 0 max_timesteps = 4e6 # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) if ARGS.DebugRack: on_rack = True else: on_rack = False if ARGS.DebugPath: draw_foot_path = True else: draw_foot_path = False if ARGS.HeightField: height_field = True else: height_field = False if ARGS.DontRandomize: env_randomizer = None else: env_randomizer = SpotEnvRandomizer() env = spotBezierEnv(render=True, on_rack=on_rack, height_field=height_field, draw_foot_path=draw_foot_path, env_randomizer=env_randomizer) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) state = env.reset() g_u_i = GUI( spot = SpotModel() T_bf0 = spot.WorldToFoot T_bf = copy.deepcopy(T_bf0) bzg = BezierGait(dt=env._time_step) bz_step = BezierStepper(dt=env._time_step, mode=0) action = env.action_space.sample() FL_phases = [] FR_phases = [] BL_phases = [] BR_phases = [] FL_Elbow = [] yaw = 0.0 print("STARTED SPOT TEST ENV") t = 0 while t < (int(max_timesteps)): bz_step.ramp_up() pos, orn, StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth = bz_step.StateMachine( ) pos, orn, StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, SwingPeriod = g_u_i.UserInput( ) # Update Swing Period bzg.Tswing = SwingPeriod yaw = env.return_yaw() P_yaw = 5.0 if ARGS.AutoYaw: YawRate += -yaw * P_yaw # print("YAW RATE: {}".format(YawRate)) # TEMP bz_step.StepLength = StepLength bz_step.LateralFraction = LateralFraction bz_step.YawRate = YawRate bz_step.StepVelocity = StepVelocity contacts = state[-4:] FL_phases.append([0]) FR_phases.append([1]) BL_phases.append([2]) BR_phases.append([3]) # Get Desired Foot Poses T_bf = bzg.GenerateTrajectory(StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, T_bf0, T_bf, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, contacts) joint_angles = spot.IK(orn, pos, T_bf) FL_Elbow.append(np.degrees(joint_angles[0][-1])) # for i, (key, Tbf_in) in enumerate(T_bf.items()): # print("{}: \t Angle: {}".format(key, np.degrees(joint_angles[i]))) # print("-------------------------") env.pass_joint_angles(joint_angles.reshape(-1)) # Get External Observations, bz_step) # Step state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) # print("IMU Roll: {}".format(state[0])) # print("IMU Pitch: {}".format(state[1])) # print("IMU GX: {}".format(state[2])) # print("IMU GY: {}".format(state[3])) # print("IMU GZ: {}".format(state[4])) # print("IMU AX: {}".format(state[5])) # print("IMU AY: {}".format(state[6])) # print("IMU AZ: {}".format(state[7])) # print("-------------------------") if done: print("DONE") if ARGS.AutoReset: env.reset() # plt.plot() # # plt.plot(FL_phases, label="FL") # # plt.plot(FR_phases, label="FR") # # plt.plot(BL_phases, label="BL") # # plt.plot(BR_phases, label="BR") # plt.plot(FL_Elbow, label="FL ELbow (Deg)") # plt.xlabel("dt") # plt.ylabel("value") # plt.title("Leg Phases") # plt.legend() # # time.sleep(1.0) t += 1 env.close() print(joint_angles) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append('../../') from ars_lib.ars import ARSAgent, Normalizer, Policy from spotmicro.util.gui import GUI from spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics import SpotModel from spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Bezier import BezierGait from spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL import BezierStepper from spotmicro.GymEnvs.spot_bezier_env import spotBezierEnv from spotmicro.spot_env_randomizer import SpotEnvRandomizer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set() import os import argparse # ARGUMENTS descr = "Spot Mini Mini ARS Agent Evaluator." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descr) parser.add_argument("-hf", "--HeightField", help="Use HeightField", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-nr", "--DontRender", help="Don't Render environment", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-r", "--DebugRack", help="Put Spot on an Elevated Rack", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-p", "--DebugPath", help="Draw Spot's Foot Path", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-gui", "--GUI", help="Control The Robot Yourself With a GUI", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-nc", "--NoContactSensing", help="Disable Contact Sensing", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-a", "--AgentNum", help="Agent Number To Load") parser.add_argument("-dr", "--DontRandomize", help="Do NOT Randomize State and Environment.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-pp", "--PlotPolicy", help="Plot Policy Output after each Episode.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-ta", "--TrueAction", help="Plot Action as seen by the Robot.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument( "-save", "--SaveData", help="Save the Policy Output to a .npy file in the results folder.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-s", "--Seed", help="Seed (Default: 0).") ARGS = parser.parse_args() def main(): """ The main() function. """ print("STARTING MINITAUR ARS") # TRAINING PARAMETERS # env_name = "MinitaurBulletEnv-v0" seed = 0 if ARGS.Seed: seed = ARGS.Seed max_timesteps = 4e6 file_name = "spot_ars_" if ARGS.DebugRack: on_rack = True else: on_rack = False if ARGS.DebugPath: draw_foot_path = True else: draw_foot_path = False if ARGS.HeightField: height_field = True else: height_field = False if ARGS.NoContactSensing: contacts = False else: contacts = True if ARGS.DontRender: render = False else: render = True if ARGS.DontRandomize: env_randomizer = None else: env_randomizer = SpotEnvRandomizer() # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") if contacts: models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models/contact") else: models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models/no_contact") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) env = spotBezierEnv(render=render, on_rack=on_rack, height_field=height_field, draw_foot_path=draw_foot_path, contacts=contacts, env_randomizer=env_randomizer) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) env.reset() spot = SpotModel() bz_step = BezierStepper(dt=env._time_step) bzg = BezierGait(dt=env._time_step) # Initialize Normalizer normalizer = Normalizer(state_dim) # Initialize Policy policy = Policy(state_dim, action_dim) # to GUI or not to GUI if ARGS.GUI: gui = True else: gui = False # Initialize Agent with normalizer, policy and gym env agent = ARSAgent(normalizer, policy, env, bz_step, bzg, spot, gui) agent_num = 0 if ARGS.AgentNum: agent_num = ARGS.AgentNum if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num) + "_policy"): print("Loading Existing agent") agent.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num)) agent.policy.episode_steps = np.inf policy = agent.policy env.reset() episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 print("STARTED MINITAUR TEST SCRIPT") t = 0 while t < (int(max_timesteps)): episode_reward, episode_timesteps = agent.deployTG() t += episode_timesteps # episode_reward = agent.train() # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print("Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}".format( t, episode_num, episode_timesteps, episode_reward)) episode_num += 1 # Plot Policy Output if ARGS.PlotPolicy or ARGS.TrueAction or ARGS.SaveData: if ARGS.TrueAction: action_name = "robot_act" action = np.array(agent.true_action_history) else: action_name = "agent_act" action = np.array(agent.action_history) if ARGS.SaveData: if height_field: terrain_name = "rough_" else: terrain_name = "flat_" results_path + "/" + "policy_out_" + terrain_name + action_name, action) print("SAVED DATA") ClearHeight_act = action[:, 0] BodyHeight_act = action[:, 1] Residuals_act = action[:, 2:] plt.plot(ClearHeight_act, label='Clearance Height Mod', color='black') plt.plot(BodyHeight_act, label='Body Height Mod', color='darkviolet') # FL plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 0], label='Residual: FL (x)', color='limegreen') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 1], label='Residual: FL (y)', color='lime') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 2], label='Residual: FL (z)', color='green') # FR plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 3], label='Residual: FR (x)', color='lightskyblue') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 4], label='Residual: FR (y)', color='dodgerblue') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 5], label='Residual: FR (z)', color='blue') # BL plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 6], label='Residual: BL (x)', color='firebrick') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 7], label='Residual: BL (y)', color='crimson') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 8], label='Residual: BL (z)', color='red') # BR plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 9], label='Residual: BR (x)', color='gold') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 10], label='Residual: BR (y)', color='orange') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 11], label='Residual: BR (z)', color='coral') plt.xlabel("Epoch Iteration") plt.ylabel("Action Value") plt.title("Policy Output") plt.legend() env.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from sac_lib import SoftActorCritic, NormalizedActions, ReplayBuffer, PolicyNetwork from mini_bullet.minitaur_gym_env import MinitaurBulletEnv import gym import torch import os import time def main(): """ The main() function. """ print("STARTING MINITAUR TD3") # TRAINING PARAMETERS # env_name = "MinitaurBulletEnv-v0" seed = 0 max_timesteps = 4e6 file_name = "mini_td3_" # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) env = NormalizedActions(MinitaurBulletEnv(render=True)) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) print("RECORDED MAX ACTION: {}".format(max_action)) hidden_dim = 256 policy = PolicyNetwork(state_dim, action_dim, hidden_dim) replay_buffer_size = 1000000 replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(replay_buffer_size) sac = SoftActorCritic(policy=policy, state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=action_dim, replay_buffer=replay_buffer) policy_num = 2239999 if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(policy_num) + "_critic"): print("Loading Existing Policy") sac.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(policy_num)) policy = sac.policy_net # Evaluate untrained policy and init list for storage evaluations = [] state = env.reset() done = False episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 print("STARTED MINITAUR TEST SCRIPT") for t in range(int(max_timesteps)): episode_timesteps += 1 # Deterministic Policy Action action = np.clip(policy.get_action(np.array(state)), -max_action, max_action) # rospy.logdebug("Selected Acton: {}".format(action)) # Perform action next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) state = next_state episode_reward += reward # print("DT REWARD: {}".format(reward)) if done: # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print( "Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}".format( t + 1, episode_num, episode_timesteps, episode_reward)) # Reset environment state, done = env.reset(), False evaluations.append(episode_reward) episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from ars_lib.ars import ARSAgent, Normalizer, Policy, ParallelWorker from mini_bullet.minitaur_gym_env import MinitaurBulletEnv import torch import os def main(): """ The main() function. """ print("STARTING MINITAUR ARS") # TRAINING PARAMETERS # env_name = "MinitaurBulletEnv-v0" seed = 0 max_timesteps = 4e6 file_name = "mini_ars_" # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) env = MinitaurBulletEnv(render=True) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) print("RECORDED MAX ACTION: {}".format(max_action)) # Initialize Normalizer normalizer = Normalizer(state_dim) # Initialize Policy policy = Policy(state_dim, action_dim) # Initialize Agent with normalizer, policy and gym env agent = ARSAgent(normalizer, policy, env) agent_num = raw_input("Policy Number: ") if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num) + "_policy"): print("Loading Existing agent") agent.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num)) agent.policy.episode_steps = 3000 policy = agent.policy # Evaluate untrained agent and init list for storage evaluations = [] env.reset() episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 print("STARTED MINITAUR TEST SCRIPT") t = 0 while t < (int(max_timesteps)): # Maximum timesteps per rollout t += policy.episode_steps episode_timesteps += 1 episode_reward = agent.deploy() # episode_reward = agent.train() # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print("Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}".format( t, episode_num, policy.episode_steps, episode_reward)) # Reset environment evaluations.append(episode_reward) episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num += 1 env.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from sac_lib import SoftActorCritic, NormalizedActions, ReplayBuffer, PolicyNetwork import copy from gym import spaces import sys sys.path.append('../../') from spotmicro.GymEnvs.spot_bezier_env import spotBezierEnv from spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics import SpotModel from spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Bezier import BezierGait # TESTING from spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL import BezierStepper import time import torch import os def main(): """ The main() function. """ print("STARTING SPOT SAC") # TRAINING PARAMETERS seed = 0 max_timesteps = 4e6 batch_size = 256 eval_freq = 1e4 save_model = True file_name = "spot_sac_" # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) env = spotBezierEnv(render=True, on_rack=False, height_field=False, draw_foot_path=False) env = NormalizedActions(env) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) print("RECORDED MAX ACTION: {}".format(max_action)) hidden_dim = 256 policy = PolicyNetwork(state_dim, action_dim, hidden_dim) replay_buffer_size = 1000000 replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(replay_buffer_size) sac = SoftActorCritic(policy=policy, state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=action_dim, replay_buffer=replay_buffer) policy_num = raw_input("Policy Number: ") if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(policy_num) + "_policy_net"): print("Loading Existing Policy") sac.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(policy_num)) policy = sac.policy_net # Evaluate untrained policy and init list for storage evaluations = [] state = env.reset() done = False episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 max_t_per_ep = 5000 # State Machine for Random Controller Commands bz_step = BezierStepper(dt=0.01, mode=0) # Bezier Gait Generator bzg = BezierGait(dt=0.01) # Spot Model spot = SpotModel() T_bf0 = spot.WorldToFoot T_bf = copy.deepcopy(T_bf0) BaseClearanceHeight = bz_step.ClearanceHeight BasePenetrationDepth = bz_step.PenetrationDepth print("STARTED SPOT SAC") for t in range(int(max_timesteps)): contacts = state[-4:] t += 1 episode_timesteps += 1 pos, orn, StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth = bz_step.StateMachine( ), bz_step) # Read UPDATED state based on controls and phase state = env.return_state() action = sac.policy_net.get_action(state) # Bezier params specced by action CD_SCALE = 0.002 SLV_SCALE = 0.01 StepLength += action[0] * CD_SCALE StepVelocity += action[1] * SLV_SCALE LateralFraction += action[2] * SLV_SCALE YawRate = action[3] ClearanceHeight += action[4] * CD_SCALE PenetrationDepth += action[5] * CD_SCALE # CLIP EVERYTHING StepLength = np.clip(StepLength, bz_step.StepLength_LIMITS[0], bz_step.StepLength_LIMITS[1]) StepVelocity = np.clip(StepVelocity, bz_step.StepVelocity_LIMITS[0], bz_step.StepVelocity_LIMITS[1]) LateralFraction = np.clip(LateralFraction, bz_step.LateralFraction_LIMITS[0], bz_step.LateralFraction_LIMITS[1]) YawRate = np.clip(YawRate, bz_step.YawRate_LIMITS[0], bz_step.YawRate_LIMITS[1]) ClearanceHeight = np.clip(ClearanceHeight, bz_step.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS[0], bz_step.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS[1]) PenetrationDepth = np.clip(PenetrationDepth, bz_step.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS[0], bz_step.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS[1]) contacts = state[-4:] # Get Desired Foot Poses T_bf = bzg.GenerateTrajectory(StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, T_bf0, T_bf, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, contacts) # Add DELTA to XYZ Foot Poses RESIDUALS_SCALE = 0.05 # T_bf["FL"][3, :3] += action[6:9] * RESIDUALS_SCALE # T_bf["FR"][3, :3] += action[9:12] * RESIDUALS_SCALE # T_bf["BL"][3, :3] += action[12:15] * RESIDUALS_SCALE # T_bf["BR"][3, :3] += action[15:18] * RESIDUALS_SCALE T_bf["FL"][3, 2] += action[6] * RESIDUALS_SCALE T_bf["FR"][3, 2] += action[7] * RESIDUALS_SCALE T_bf["BL"][3, 2] += action[8] * RESIDUALS_SCALE T_bf["BR"][3, 2] += action[9] * RESIDUALS_SCALE joint_angles = spot.IK(orn, pos, T_bf) # Pass Joint Angles env.pass_joint_angles(joint_angles.reshape(-1)) # Perform action state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) episode_reward += reward # print("DT REWARD: {}".format(reward)) if done: # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print( "Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}".format( t + 1, episode_num, episode_timesteps, episode_reward)) # Reset environment state, done = env.reset(), False evaluations.append(episode_reward) episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num += 1 env.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ars_lib.ars import ARSAgent, Normalizer, Policy, ParallelWorker from mini_bullet.minitaur_gym_env import MinitaurBulletEnv from tg_lib.tg_policy import TGPolicy import time import torch import os def main(): """ The main() function. """ print("STARTING MINITAUR ARS") # TRAINING PARAMETERS # env_name = "MinitaurBulletEnv-v0" seed = 0 max_timesteps = 1e6 file_name = "mini_tg_ars_" # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) env = MinitaurBulletEnv(render=True, on_rack=False) dt = env._time_step # TRAJECTORY GENERATOR movetype = "walk" # movetype = "trot" # movetype = "bound" # movetype = "pace" # movetype = "pronk" TG = TGPolicy(movetype=movetype, center_swing=0.0, amplitude_extension=0.2, amplitude_lift=0.4) TG_state_dim = len(TG.get_TG_state()) TG_action_dim = 5 # f_tg, Beta, alpha_tg, h_tg, intensity state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] + TG_state_dim print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] + TG_action_dim print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) print("RECORDED MAX ACTION: {}".format(max_action)) # Initialize Normalizer normalizer = Normalizer(state_dim) # Initialize Policy policy = Policy(state_dim, action_dim) # Initialize Agent with normalizer, policy and gym env agent = ARSAgent(normalizer, policy, env, TGP=TG) agent_num = raw_input("Policy Number: ") if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num) + "_policy"): print("Loading Existing agent") agent.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num)) agent.policy.episode_steps = 1000 policy = agent.policy # Set seeds env.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) env.reset() episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 print("STARTED MINITAUR TEST SCRIPT") # Just to store correct action space action = env.action_space.sample() # Record extends for plot # LF_ext = [] # LB_ext = [] # RF_ext = [] # RB_ext = [] LF_tp = [] LB_tp = [] RF_tp = [] RB_tp = [] t = 0 while t < (int(max_timesteps)): action[:] = 0.0 # # Get Action from TG [no policies here] # action = TG.get_utg(action, alpha_tg, h_tg, intensity, # env.minitaur.num_motors) # LF_ext.append(action[env.minitaur.num_motors / 2]) # LB_ext.append(action[1 + env.minitaur.num_motors / 2]) # RF_ext.append(action[2 + env.minitaur.num_motors / 2]) # RB_ext.append(action[3 + env.minitaur.num_motors / 2]) # # Perform action # next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) obs = agent.TGP.get_TG_state() # LF_tp.append(obs[0]) # LB_tp.append(obs[1]) # RF_tp.append(obs[2]) # RB_tp.append(obs[3]) # # Increment phase # TG.increment(dt, f_tg, Beta) # # time.sleep(1.0) # t += 1 # Maximum timesteps per rollout t += policy.episode_steps episode_timesteps += 1 episode_reward = agent.deployTG() # episode_reward = agent.train() # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print("Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}".format( t, episode_num, policy.episode_steps, episode_reward)) # Reset environment episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num += 1 plt.plot(0) plt.plot(LF_tp, label="LF") plt.plot(LB_tp, label="LB") plt.plot(RF_tp, label="RF") plt.plot(RB_tp, label="RB") plt.xlabel("t") plt.ylabel("EXT") plt.title("Leg Extensions") plt.legend() env.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import copy import pickle import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import gym import os # Twin Delayed Deterministic Policy Gradient # Algorithm Steps # 1. Initiailize Networks class Actor(nn.Module): """Initialize parameters and build model. An nn.Module contains layers, and a method forward(input)that returns the output. Weights (learnable params) are inherently defined here. Args: state_dim (int): Dimension of each state action_dim (int): Dimension of each action max_action (float): highest action to take Return: action output of network with tanh activation """ def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim, max_action): # Super calls the nn.Module Constructor super(Actor, self).__init__() # input layer self.fc1 = nn.Linear(state_dim, 256) # hidden layer self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, 256) # output layer self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, action_dim) # wrap from -max to +max self.max_action = max_action def forward(self, state): # You just have to define the forward function, # and the backward function (where gradients are computed) # is automatically defined for you using autograd. # Learnable params can be accessed using Actor.parameters # Here, we create the tensor architecture # state into layer 1 a = F.relu(self.fc1(state)) # layer 1 output into layer 2 a = F.relu(self.fc2(a)) # layer 2 output into layer 3 into tanh activation return self.max_action * torch.tanh(self.fc3(a)) class Critic(nn.Module): """Initialize parameters and build model. Args: state_dim (int): Dimension of each state action_dim (int): Dimension of each action Return: value output of network """ def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim): # Super calls the nn.Module Constructor super(Critic, self).__init__() # Q1 architecture self.fc1 = nn.Linear(state_dim + action_dim, 256) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 1) # Q2 architecture self.fc4 = nn.Linear(state_dim + action_dim, 256) self.fc5 = nn.Linear(256, 256) self.fc6 = nn.Linear(256, 1) def forward(self, state, action): # concatenate state and actions by adding rows # to form 1D input layer sa =[state, action], 1) # s,a into input layer into relu activation q1 = F.relu(self.fc1(sa)) # l1 output into l2 into relu activation q1 = F.relu(self.fc2(q1)) # l2 output into l3 q1 = self.fc3(q1) # s,a into input layer into relu activation q2 = F.relu(self.fc4(sa)) # l4 output into l5 into relu activation q2 = F.relu(self.fc5(q2)) # l5 output into l6 q2 = self.fc6(q2) return q1, q2 def Q1(self, state, action): # Return Q1 for gradient Ascent on Actor # Note that only Q1 is used for Actor Update # concatenate state and actions by adding rows # to form 1D input layer sa =[state, action], 1) # s,a into input layer into relu activation q1 = F.relu(self.fc1(sa)) # l1 output into l2 into relu activation q1 = F.relu(self.fc2(q1)) # l2 output into l3 q1 = self.fc3(q1) return q1 # # Expects tuples of (state, next_state, action, reward, done) class ReplayBuffer(object): """Buffer to store tuples of experience replay""" def __init__(self, max_size=1000000): """ Args: max_size (int): total amount of tuples to store """ = [] self.max_size = max_size self.ptr = 0 my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.buffer_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../../replay_buffer") def add(self, data): """Add experience tuples to buffer Args: data (tuple): experience replay tuple """ if len( == self.max_size:[int(self.ptr)] = data self.ptr = (self.ptr + 1) % self.max_size else: def save(self, iterations): if not os.path.exists(self.buffer_path): os.makedirs(self.buffer_path) with open( self.buffer_path + '/' + 'replay_buffer_' + str(iterations) + '.data', 'wb') as filehandle: pickle.dump(, filehandle) def load(self, iterations): with open( self.buffer_path + '/' + 'replay_buffer_' + str(iterations) + '.data', 'rb') as filehandle: = pickle.load(filehandle) def sample(self, batch_size): """Samples a random amount of experiences from buffer of batch size NOTE: We don't delete samples here, only overwrite when max_size Args: batch_size (int): size of sample """ device = torch.device("cuda:1" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") ind = np.random.randint(0, len(, size=batch_size) states, actions, next_states, rewards, dones = [], [], [], [], [] for i in ind: s, a, s_, r, d =[i] states.append(np.array(s, copy=False)) state = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(states)).to(device) actions.append(np.array(a, copy=False)) action = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(actions)).to(device) next_states.append(np.array(s_, copy=False)) next_state = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(next_states)).to(device) rewards.append(np.array(r, copy=False)) reward = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(rewards).reshape(-1, 1)).to(device) dones.append(np.array(d, copy=False)) not_done = torch.FloatTensor( 1. - (np.array(dones).reshape(-1, 1))).to(device) return state, action, next_state, reward, not_done class TD3Agent(object): """Agent class that handles the training of the networks and provides outputs as actions Args: state_dim (int): state size action_dim (int): action size max_action (float): highest action to take device (device): cuda or cpu to process tensors env (env): gym environment to use batch_size(int): batch size to sample from replay buffer discount (float): discount factor tau (float): soft update for main networks to target networks """ def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim, max_action, discount=0.99, tau=0.005, policy_noise=0.2, noise_clip=0.5, policy_freq=2): self.device = torch.device( "cuda:1" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") = Actor(state_dim, action_dim, max_action).to(self.device) self.actor_target = copy.deepcopy( self.actor_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(, lr=3e-4) self.critic = Critic(state_dim, action_dim).to(self.device) self.critic_target = copy.deepcopy(self.critic) self.critic_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic.parameters(), lr=3e-4) self.max_action = max_action = discount self.tau = tau self.policy_noise = policy_noise self.noise_clip = noise_clip self.policy_freq = policy_freq self.total_it = 0 def select_action(self, state): """Select an appropriate action from the agent policy Args: state (array): current state of environment Returns: action (float): action clipped within action range """ # Turn float value into a CUDA Float Tensor state = torch.FloatTensor(state.reshape(1, -1)).to(self.device) action = return action def train(self, replay_buffer, batch_size=100): """Train and update actor and critic networks Args: replay_buffer (ReplayBuffer): buffer for experience replay batch_size(int): batch size to sample from replay buffer\ Return: actor_loss (float): loss from actor network critic_loss (float): loss from critic network """ self.total_it += 1 # Sample replay buffer state, action, next_state, reward, not_done = replay_buffer.sample( batch_size) with torch.no_grad(): """ Autograd: if you set its attribute .requires_gras as True, (DEFAULT) it tracks all operations on it. When you finish your computation, call .backward() to have all gradients computed automatically. The gradient for this tensor is then accumulated into the .grad attribute. To prevent tracking history and using memory, wrap the code block in "with torch.no_grad()". This is heplful when evaluating a model as it may have trainable params with requires_grad=True (DEFAULT), but for which we don't need the gradients. Here, we don't want to track the acyclic graph's history when getting our next action because we DON'T want to train our actor in this step. We train our actor ONLY when we perform the periodic policy update. Could have done .detach() at target_Q = reward + not_done * * target_Q for the same effect """ # Select action according to policy and add clipped noise noise = (torch.randn_like(action) * self.policy_noise).clamp( -self.noise_clip, self.noise_clip) next_action = (self.actor_target(next_state) + noise).clamp( -self.max_action, self.max_action) # Compute the target Q value target_Q1, target_Q2 = self.critic_target(next_state, next_action) target_Q = torch.min(target_Q1, target_Q2) target_Q = reward + not_done * * target_Q # Get current Q estimates current_Q1, current_Q2 = self.critic(state, action) # Compute critic loss # A loss function takes the (output, target) pair of inputs, # and computes a value that estimates how far away the output # is from the target. critic_loss = F.mse_loss(current_Q1, target_Q) + F.mse_loss( current_Q2, target_Q) # Optimize the critic # Zero the gradient buffers of all parameters self.critic_optimizer.zero_grad() # Backprops with random gradients # When we call loss.backward(), the whole graph is differentiated # w.r.t. the loss, and all Tensors in the graph that has # requires_grad=True (DEFAULT) will have their .grad Tensor # accumulated with the gradient. critic_loss.backward() # Does the update self.critic_optimizer.step() # Delayed policy updates if self.total_it % self.policy_freq == 0: # Compute actor losse actor_loss = -self.critic.Q1(state, # Optimize the actor # Zero the gradient buffers self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() # Differentiate the whole graph wrt loss actor_loss.backward() # Does the update self.actor_optimizer.step() # Update target networks (Critic 1, Critic 2, Actor) for param, target_param in zip(self.critic.parameters(), self.critic_target.parameters()): * + (1 - self.tau) * for param, target_param in zip(, self.actor_target.parameters()): * + (1 - self.tau) * def save(self, filename):, filename + "_critic"), filename + "_critic_optimizer"), filename + "_actor"), filename + "_actor_optimizer") def load(self, filename): self.critic.load_state_dict( torch.load(filename + "_critic", map_location=self.device)) self.critic_optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(filename + "_critic_optimizer", map_location=self.device)) torch.load(filename + "_actor", map_location=self.device)) self.actor_optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(filename + "_actor_optimizer", map_location=self.device)) # Runs policy for X episodes and returns average reward # A fixed seed is used for the eval environment def evaluate_policy(policy, env_name, seed, eval_episodes=10, render=False): """run several episodes using the best agent policy Args: policy (agent): agent to evaluate env (env): gym environment eval_episodes (int): how many test episodes to run render (bool): show training Returns: avg_reward (float): average reward over the number of evaluations """ eval_env = gym.make(env_name, render=render) eval_env.seed(seed + 100) avg_reward = 0. for _ in range(eval_episodes): state, done = eval_env.reset(), False while not done: # if render: # eval_env.render() # sleep(0.01) action = policy.select_action(np.array(state)) state, reward, done, _ = eval_env.step(action) avg_reward += reward avg_reward /= eval_episodes print("---------------------------------------") print("Evaluation over {} episodes: {}".format(eval_episodes, avg_reward)) print("---------------------------------------") if render: eval_env.close() return avg_reward def trainer(env_name, seed, max_timesteps, start_timesteps, expl_noise, batch_size, eval_freq, save_model, file_name="best_avg"): """ Test Script on stock OpenAI Gym Envs """ if not os.path.exists("../results"): os.makedirs("../results") if not os.path.exists("../models"): os.makedirs("../models") env = gym.make(env_name) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) policy = TD3Agent(state_dim, action_dim, max_action) replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer() # Evaluate untrained policy and init list for storage evaluations = [evaluate_policy(policy, env_name, seed, 1)] state = env.reset() done = False episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 for t in range(int(max_timesteps)): episode_timesteps += 1 # Select action randomly or according to policy # Random Action - no training yet, just storing in buffer if t < start_timesteps: action = env.action_space.sample() else: # According to policy + Exploraton Noise action = (policy.select_action(np.array(state)) + np.random.normal( 0, max_action * expl_noise, size=action_dim)).clip( -max_action, max_action) # Perform action next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) done_bool = float( done) if episode_timesteps < env._max_episode_steps else 0 # Store data in replay buffer replay_buffer.add((state, action, next_state, reward, done_bool)) state = next_state episode_reward += reward # Train agent after collecting sufficient data for buffer if t >= start_timesteps: policy.train(replay_buffer, batch_size) if done: # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print( "Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}".format( t + 1, episode_num, episode_timesteps, episode_reward)) # Reset environment state, done = env.reset(), False episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num += 1 # Evaluate episode if (t + 1) % eval_freq == 0: evaluations.append(evaluate_policy(policy, env_name, seed, 1))"../results/" + str(file_name) + str(t), evaluations) if save_model:"../models/" + str(file_name) + str(t)) if __name__ == "__main__": """ The Main Function """ trainer("BipedalWalker-v2", 0, 1e6, 1e4, 0.1, 100, 15e3, True)
#!/usr/bin/env python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': reward = np.load("../../results/plen_walk_gazebo_.npy") plt.figure(0) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=None) plt.title('Dominant Foot Trajectories - SS') plt.ylabel('positon (mm)') plt.xlabel('timestep') plt.plot(reward, color='b', label="Reward") plt.legend()
# from tg_lib.tg_policy import TGPolicy import pickle import numpy as np from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt from spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Bezier import BezierGait from spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL import BezierStepper from spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics import SpotModel from spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra import TransToRp import copy from spotmicro.util.gui import GUI np.random.seed(0) # Multiprocessing package for python # Parallelization improvements based on: # # Messages for Pipes _RESET = 1 _CLOSE = 2 _EXPLORE = 3 _EXPLORE_TG = 4 # Params for TG CD_SCALE = 0.05 SLV_SCALE = 0.05 RESIDUALS_SCALE = 0.015 Z_SCALE = 0.05 # Filter actions alpha = 0.7 # Added this to avoid filtering residuals # -1 for all actions_to_filter = 14 # For auto yaw control P_yaw = 5.0 # Cummulative timestep exponential reward # cum_dt_exp = 1.1 cum_dt_exp = 0.0 def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=2): """ Pass two subsequent datapoints in here to be filtered """ nyq = 0.5 * fs # Nyquist Frequency normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq # Get the filter coefficients b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False) y = filtfilt(b, a, data) return y def ParallelWorker(childPipe, env, nb_states): """ Function to deploy multiple ARS agents in parallel """ # nb_states = env.observation_space.shape[0] # common normalizer normalizer = Normalizer(nb_states) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) _ = env.reset() n = 0 while True: n += 1 try: # Only block for short times to have keyboard exceptions be raised. if not childPipe.poll(0.001): continue message, payload = childPipe.recv() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): break if message == _RESET: _ = env.reset() childPipe.send(["reset ok"]) continue if message == _EXPLORE: # Payloads received by parent in ARSAgent.train() # [0]: normalizer, [1]: policy, [2]: direction, [3]: delta # we use local normalizer so no need for [0] (optional) # normalizer = payload[0] policy = payload[1] direction = payload[2] delta = payload[3] desired_velocity = payload[4] desired_rate = payload[5] state = env.reset(desired_velocity, desired_rate) sum_rewards = 0.0 timesteps = 0 done = False while not done and timesteps < policy.episode_steps: normalizer.observe(state) # Normalize State state = normalizer.normalize(state) action = policy.evaluate(state, delta, direction) # # Clip action between +-1 for execution in env # for a in range(len(action)): # action[a] = np.clip(action[a], -max_action, max_action) state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) reward = max(min(reward, 1), -1) sum_rewards += reward timesteps += 1 childPipe.send([sum_rewards]) continue if message == _EXPLORE_TG: # Payloads received by parent in ARSAgent.train() # [0]: normalizer, [1]: policy, [2]: direction, [3]: delta # [4]: desired_velocity, [5]: desired_rate, [6]: Trajectory Gen # we use local normalizer so no need for [0] (optional) # normalizer = payload[0] policy = payload[1] direction = payload[2] delta = payload[3] desired_velocity = payload[4] desired_rate = payload[5] TGP = payload[6] smach = payload[7] spot = payload[8] state = env.reset() sum_rewards = 0.0 timesteps = 0 done = False T_bf = copy.deepcopy(spot.WorldToFoot) T_b0 = copy.deepcopy(spot.WorldToFoot) action = env.action_space.sample() action[:] = 0.0 old_act = action[:actions_to_filter] # For auto yaw control yaw = 0.0 while not done and timesteps < policy.episode_steps: # smach.ramp_up() pos, orn, StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth = smach.StateMachine( ), smach) # Read UPDATED state based on controls and phase state = env.return_state() normalizer.observe(state) # NOTE: Don't normalize contacts - must stay 0/1 state = normalizer.normalize(state) action = policy.evaluate(state, delta, direction) contacts = state[-4:] action = np.tanh(action) # EXP FILTER action[:actions_to_filter] = alpha * old_act + ( 1.0 - alpha) * action[:actions_to_filter] old_act = action[:actions_to_filter] ClearanceHeight += action[0] * CD_SCALE # CLIP EVERYTHING StepLength = np.clip(StepLength, smach.StepLength_LIMITS[0], smach.StepLength_LIMITS[1]) StepVelocity = np.clip(StepVelocity, smach.StepVelocity_LIMITS[0], smach.StepVelocity_LIMITS[1]) LateralFraction = np.clip(LateralFraction, smach.LateralFraction_LIMITS[0], smach.LateralFraction_LIMITS[1]) YawRate = np.clip(YawRate, smach.YawRate_LIMITS[0], smach.YawRate_LIMITS[1]) ClearanceHeight = np.clip(ClearanceHeight, smach.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS[0], smach.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS[1]) PenetrationDepth = np.clip(PenetrationDepth, smach.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS[0], smach.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS[1]) # For auto yaw control yaw = env.return_yaw() YawRate += -yaw * P_yaw # Get Desired Foot Poses if timesteps > 20: T_bf = TGP.GenerateTrajectory(StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, T_b0, T_bf, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, contacts) else: T_bf = TGP.GenerateTrajectory(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, T_b0, T_bf, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, contacts) action[:] = 0.0 action[2:] *= RESIDUALS_SCALE # Add DELTA to XYZ Foot Poses T_bf_copy = copy.deepcopy(T_bf) T_bf_copy["FL"][:3, 3] += action[2:5] T_bf_copy["FR"][:3, 3] += action[5:8] T_bf_copy["BL"][:3, 3] += action[8:11] T_bf_copy["BR"][:3, 3] += action[11:14] # Adjust Body Height with action! pos[2] += abs(action[1]) * Z_SCALE joint_angles = spot.IK(orn, pos, T_bf_copy) # Pass Joint Angles env.pass_joint_angles(joint_angles.reshape(-1)) # Perform action next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) sum_rewards += reward timesteps += 1 # Divide reward by timesteps for normalized reward + add exponential surival reward childPipe.send([(sum_rewards + timesteps**cum_dt_exp) / timesteps]) continue if message == _CLOSE: childPipe.send(["close ok"]) break childPipe.close() class Policy(): """ state --> action """ def __init__( self, state_dim, action_dim, # how much weights are changed each step learning_rate=0.03, # number of random expl_noise variations generated # each step # each one will be run for 2 epochs, + and - num_deltas=16, # used to update weights, sorted by highest rwrd num_best_deltas=16, # number of timesteps per episode per rollout episode_steps=5000, # weight of sampled exploration noise expl_noise=0.05, # for seed gen seed=0): # Tunable Hyperparameters self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_deltas = num_deltas self.num_best_deltas = num_best_deltas # there cannot be more best_deltas than there are deltas assert self.num_best_deltas <= self.num_deltas self.episode_steps = episode_steps self.expl_noise = expl_noise self.seed = seed np.random.seed(seed) self.state_dim = state_dim self.action_dim = action_dim # input/ouput matrix with weights set to zero # this is the perception matrix (policy) self.theta = np.zeros((action_dim, state_dim)) def evaluate(self, state, delta=None, direction=None): """ state --> action """ # if direction is None, deployment mode: takes dot product # to directly sample from (use) policy if direction is None: return # otherwise, add (+-) directed expl_noise before taking dot product (policy) # this is where the 2*num_deltas rollouts comes from elif direction == "+": return (self.theta + self.expl_noise * delta).dot(state) elif direction == "-": return (self.theta - self.expl_noise * delta).dot(state) def sample_deltas(self): """ generate array of random expl_noise matrices. Length of array = num_deltas matrix dimension: pxn where p=observation dim and n=action dim """ deltas = [] # print("SHAPE THING with *: {}".format(*self.theta.shape)) # print("SHAPE THING NORMALLY: ({}, {})".format(self.theta.shape[0], # self.theta.shape[1])) # print("ACTUAL SHAPE: {}".format(self.theta.shape)) # print("SHAPE OF EXAMPLE DELTA WITH *: {}".format( # np.random.randn(*self.theta.shape).shape)) # print("SHAPE OF EXAMPLE DELTA NOMRALLY: {}".format( # np.random.randn(self.theta.shape[0], self.theta.shape[1]).shape)) for _ in range(self.num_deltas): deltas.append( np.random.randn(self.theta.shape[0], self.theta.shape[1])) return deltas def update(self, rollouts, std_dev_rewards): """ Update policy weights (theta) based on rewards from 2*num_deltas rollouts """ step = np.zeros(self.theta.shape) for r_pos, r_neg, delta in rollouts: # how much to deviate from policy step += (r_pos - r_neg) * delta self.theta += self.learning_rate / (self.num_best_deltas * std_dev_rewards) * step class Normalizer(): """ this ensures that the policy puts equal weight upon each state component. """ # Normalizes the states def __init__(self, state_dim): """ Initialize state space (all zero) """ self.state = np.zeros(state_dim) self.mean = np.zeros(state_dim) self.mean_diff = np.zeros(state_dim) self.var = np.zeros(state_dim) def observe(self, x): """ Compute running average and variance clip variance >0 to avoid division by zero """ self.state += 1.0 last_mean = self.mean.copy() # running avg self.mean += (x - self.mean) / self.state # used to compute variance self.mean_diff += (x - last_mean) * (x - self.mean) # variance self.var = (self.mean_diff / self.state).clip(min=1e-2) def normalize(self, states): """ subtract mean state value from current state and divide by standard deviation (sqrt(var)) to normalize """ state_mean = self.mean state_std = np.sqrt(self.var) return (states - state_mean) / state_std class ARSAgent(): def __init__(self, normalizer, policy, env, smach=None, TGP=None, spot=None, gui=False): self.normalizer = normalizer self.policy = policy self.state_dim = self.policy.state_dim self.action_dim = self.policy.action_dim self.env = env self.max_action = float(self.env.action_space.high[0]) self.successes = 0 self.phase = 0 self.desired_velocity = 0.5 self.desired_rate = 0.0 self.flip = 0 self.increment = 0 self.scaledown = True self.type = "Stop" self.smach = smach if smach is not None: self.BaseClearanceHeight = self.smach.ClearanceHeight self.BasePenetrationDepth = self.smach.PenetrationDepth self.TGP = TGP = spot if gui: self.g_u_i = GUI( else: self.g_u_i = None self.action_history = [] self.true_action_history = [] # Deploy Policy in one direction over one whole episode # DO THIS ONCE PER ROLLOUT OR DURING DEPLOYMENT def deploy(self, direction=None, delta=None): state = self.env.reset(self.desired_velocity, self.desired_rate) sum_rewards = 0.0 timesteps = 0 done = False while not done and timesteps < self.policy.episode_steps: # print("STATE: ", state) # print("dt: {}".format(timesteps)) self.normalizer.observe(state) # Normalize State state = self.normalizer.normalize(state) action = self.policy.evaluate(state, delta, direction) # Clip action between +-1 for execution in env for a in range(len(action)): action[a] = np.clip(action[a], -self.max_action, self.max_action) # print("ACTION: ", action) state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action) # print("STATE: ", state) # Clip reward between -1 and 1 to prevent outliers from # distorting weights reward = np.clip(reward, -self.max_action, self.max_action) sum_rewards += reward timesteps += 1 # Divide rewards by timesteps for reward-per-step + exp survive rwd return (sum_rewards + timesteps**cum_dt_exp) / timesteps # Deploy Policy in one direction over one whole episode # DO THIS ONCE PER ROLLOUT OR DURING DEPLOYMENT def deployTG(self, direction=None, delta=None): state = self.env.reset() sum_rewards = 0.0 timesteps = 0 done = False # alpha = [] # h = [] # f = [] T_bf = copy.deepcopy( T_b0 = copy.deepcopy( self.action_history = [] self.true_action_history = [] action = self.env.action_space.sample() action[:] = 0.0 old_act = action[:actions_to_filter] # For auto yaw correction yaw = 0.0 while not done and timesteps < self.policy.episode_steps: # self.smach.ramp_up() pos, orn, StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth = self.smach.StateMachine( ) if self.g_u_i: pos, orn, StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, SwingPeriod = self.g_u_i.UserInput( ) self.TGP.Tswing = SwingPeriod, self.smach) # Read UPDATED state based on controls and phase state = self.env.return_state() self.normalizer.observe(state) # Don't normalize contacts state = self.normalizer.normalize(state) action = self.policy.evaluate(state, delta, direction) # Action History self.action_history.append(np.tanh(action)) # Action History true_action = copy.deepcopy(np.tanh(action)) true_action[0] *= CD_SCALE true_action[1] = abs(true_action[1]) * Z_SCALE true_action[2:] *= RESIDUALS_SCALE self.true_action_history.append(true_action) action = np.tanh(action) # EXP FILTER action[:actions_to_filter] = alpha * old_act + ( 1.0 - alpha) * action[:actions_to_filter] old_act = action[:actions_to_filter] ClearanceHeight += action[0] * CD_SCALE # CLIP EVERYTHING StepLength = np.clip(StepLength, self.smach.StepLength_LIMITS[0], self.smach.StepLength_LIMITS[1]) StepVelocity = np.clip(StepVelocity, self.smach.StepVelocity_LIMITS[0], self.smach.StepVelocity_LIMITS[1]) LateralFraction = np.clip(LateralFraction, self.smach.LateralFraction_LIMITS[0], self.smach.LateralFraction_LIMITS[1]) YawRate = np.clip(YawRate, self.smach.YawRate_LIMITS[0], self.smach.YawRate_LIMITS[1]) ClearanceHeight = np.clip(ClearanceHeight, self.smach.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS[0], self.smach.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS[1]) PenetrationDepth = np.clip(PenetrationDepth, self.smach.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS[0], self.smach.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS[1]) contacts = copy.deepcopy(state[-4:]) # contacts = [0, 0, 0, 0] # print("CONTACTS: {}".format(contacts)) yaw = self.env.return_yaw() if not self.g_u_i: YawRate += -yaw * P_yaw # Get Desired Foot Poses if timesteps > 20: T_bf = self.TGP.GenerateTrajectory(StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, T_b0, T_bf, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, contacts) else: T_bf = self.TGP.GenerateTrajectory(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, T_b0, T_bf, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, contacts) action[:] = 0.0 action[2:] *= RESIDUALS_SCALE # Add DELTA to XYZ Foot Poses T_bf_copy = copy.deepcopy(T_bf) T_bf_copy["FL"][:3, 3] += action[2:5] T_bf_copy["FR"][:3, 3] += action[5:8] T_bf_copy["BL"][:3, 3] += action[8:11] T_bf_copy["BR"][:3, 3] += action[11:14] # Adjust Height! pos[2] += abs(action[1]) * Z_SCALE joint_angles =, pos, T_bf_copy) # Pass Joint Angles self.env.pass_joint_angles(joint_angles.reshape(-1)) # Perform action next_state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action) sum_rewards += reward timesteps += 1 self.TGP.reset() self.smach.reshuffle() self.smach.PenetrationDepth = self.BasePenetrationDepth self.smach.ClearanceHeight = self.BaseClearanceHeight return sum_rewards, timesteps def returnPose(self): return def train(self): # Sample random expl_noise deltas print("-------------------------------") # print("Sampling Deltas") deltas = self.policy.sample_deltas() # Initialize +- reward list of size num_deltas positive_rewards = [0] * self.policy.num_deltas negative_rewards = [0] * self.policy.num_deltas # Execute 2*num_deltas rollouts and store +- rewards print("Deploying Rollouts") for i in range(self.policy.num_deltas): print("Rollout #{}".format(i + 1)) positive_rewards[i] = self.deploy(direction="+", delta=deltas[i]) negative_rewards[i] = self.deploy(direction="-", delta=deltas[i]) # Calculate std dev std_dev_rewards = np.array(positive_rewards + negative_rewards).std() # Order rollouts in decreasing list using cum reward as criterion unsorted_rollouts = [(positive_rewards[i], negative_rewards[i], deltas[i]) for i in range(self.policy.num_deltas)] # When sorting, take the max between the reward for +- disturbance sorted_rollouts = sorted( unsorted_rollouts, key=lambda x: max(unsorted_rollouts[0], unsorted_rollouts[1]), reverse=True) # Only take first best_num_deltas rollouts rollouts = sorted_rollouts[:self.policy.num_best_deltas] # Update Policy self.policy.update(rollouts, std_dev_rewards) # Execute Current Policy eval_reward = self.deploy() return eval_reward def train_parallel(self, parentPipes): """ Execute rollouts in parallel using multiprocessing library based on: # """ # USE VANILLA OR TG POLICY if self.TGP is None: exploration = _EXPLORE else: exploration = _EXPLORE_TG # Initializing the perturbations deltas and the positive/negative rewards deltas = self.policy.sample_deltas() # Initialize +- reward list of size num_deltas positive_rewards = [0] * self.policy.num_deltas negative_rewards = [0] * self.policy.num_deltas smach = copy.deepcopy(self.smach) smach.ClearanceHeight = self.BaseClearanceHeight smach.PenetrationDepth = self.BasePenetrationDepth smach.reshuffle() if parentPipes: for i in range(self.policy.num_deltas): # Execute each rollout on a separate thread parentPipe = parentPipes[i] # NOTE: target for parentPipe specified in # (target is ParallelWorker fcn defined up top) parentPipe.send([ exploration, [ self.normalizer, self.policy, "+", deltas[i], self.desired_velocity, self.desired_rate, self.TGP, smach, ] ]) for i in range(self.policy.num_deltas): # Receive cummulative reward from each rollout positive_rewards[i] = parentPipes[i].recv()[0] for i in range(self.policy.num_deltas): # Execute each rollout on a separate thread parentPipe = parentPipes[i] parentPipe.send([ exploration, [ self.normalizer, self.policy, "-", deltas[i], self.desired_velocity, self.desired_rate, self.TGP, smach, ] ]) for i in range(self.policy.num_deltas): # Receive cummulative reward from each rollout negative_rewards[i] = parentPipes[i].recv()[0] else: raise ValueError( "Select 'train' method if you are not using multiprocessing!") # Calculate std dev std_dev_rewards = np.array(positive_rewards + negative_rewards).std() # Order rollouts in decreasing list using cum reward as criterion # take max between reward for +- disturbance as that rollout's reward # Store max between positive and negative reward as key for sort scores = { k: max(r_pos, r_neg) for k, ( r_pos, r_neg) in enumerate(zip(positive_rewards, negative_rewards)) } indeces = sorted(scores.keys(), key=lambda x: scores[x], reverse=True)[:self.policy.num_deltas] # print("INDECES: ", indeces) rollouts = [(positive_rewards[k], negative_rewards[k], deltas[k]) for k in indeces] # Update Policy self.policy.update(rollouts, std_dev_rewards) # Execute Current Policy USING VANILLA OR TG if self.TGP is None: return self.deploy() else: return self.deployTG() def save(self, filename): """ Save the Policy :param filename: the name of the file where the policy is saved """ with open(filename + '_policy', 'wb') as filehandle: pickle.dump(self.policy.theta, filehandle) def load(self, filename): """ Load the Policy :param filename: the name of the file where the policy is saved """ with open(filename + '_policy', 'rb') as filehandle: self.policy.theta = pickle.load(filehandle)
"""Generates a random terrain at Minitaur gym environment reset.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import random import os, inspect currentdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(currentdir)) parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(parentdir)) os.sys.path.insert(0, parentdir) import itertools import math import enum import numpy as np from pybullet_envs.minitaur.envs import env_randomizer_base _GRID_LENGTH = 15 _GRID_WIDTH = 10 _MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE = 30 _MIN_BLOCK_DISTANCE = 0.7 _MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH = _MIN_BLOCK_DISTANCE _MIN_BLOCK_LENGTH = _MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH / 2 _MAX_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 0.05 _MIN_BLOCK_HEIGHT = _MAX_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 2 class PoissonDisc2D(object): """Generates 2D points using Poisson disk sampling method. Implements the algorithm described in: Unlike the uniform sampling method that creates small clusters of points, Poisson disk method enforces the minimum distance between points and is more suitable for generating a spatial distribution of non-overlapping objects. """ def __init__(self, grid_length, grid_width, min_radius, max_sample_size): """Initializes the algorithm. Args: grid_length: The length of the bounding square in which points are sampled. grid_width: The width of the bounding square in which points are sampled. min_radius: The minimum distance between any pair of points. max_sample_size: The maximum number of sample points around a active site. See details in the algorithm description. """ self._cell_length = min_radius / math.sqrt(2) self._grid_length = grid_length self._grid_width = grid_width self._grid_size_x = int(grid_length / self._cell_length) + 1 self._grid_size_y = int(grid_width / self._cell_length) + 1 self._min_radius = min_radius self._max_sample_size = max_sample_size # Flattern the 2D grid as an 1D array. The grid is used for fast nearest # point searching. self._grid = [None] * self._grid_size_x * self._grid_size_y # Generate the first sample point and set it as an active site. first_sample = np.array( np.random.random_sample(2)) * [grid_length, grid_width] self._active_list = [first_sample] # Also store the sample point in the grid. self._grid[self._point_to_index_1d(first_sample)] = first_sample def _point_to_index_1d(self, point): """Computes the index of a point in the grid array. Args: point: A 2D point described by its coordinates (x, y). Returns: The index of the point within the self._grid array. """ return self._index_2d_to_1d(self._point_to_index_2d(point)) def _point_to_index_2d(self, point): """Computes the 2D index (aka cell ID) of a point in the grid. Args: point: A 2D point (list) described by its coordinates (x, y). Returns: x_index: The x index of the cell the point belongs to. y_index: The y index of the cell the point belongs to. """ x_index = int(point[0] / self._cell_length) y_index = int(point[1] / self._cell_length) return x_index, y_index def _index_2d_to_1d(self, index2d): """Converts the 2D index to the 1D position in the grid array. Args: index2d: The 2D index of a point (aka the cell ID) in the grid. Returns: The 1D position of the cell within the self._grid array. """ return index2d[0] + index2d[1] * self._grid_size_x def _is_in_grid(self, point): """Checks if the point is inside the grid boundary. Args: point: A 2D point (list) described by its coordinates (x, y). Returns: Whether the point is inside the grid. """ return (0 <= point[0] < self._grid_length) and (0 <= point[1] < self._grid_width) def _is_in_range(self, index2d): """Checks if the cell ID is within the grid. Args: index2d: The 2D index of a point (aka the cell ID) in the grid. Returns: Whether the cell (2D index) is inside the grid. """ return (0 <= index2d[0] < self._grid_size_x) and (0 <= index2d[1] < self._grid_size_y) def _is_close_to_existing_points(self, point): """Checks if the point is close to any already sampled (and stored) points. Args: point: A 2D point (list) described by its coordinates (x, y). Returns: True iff the distance of the point to any existing points is smaller than the min_radius """ px, py = self._point_to_index_2d(point) # Now we can check nearby cells for existing points for neighbor_cell in itertools.product(xrange(px - 1, px + 2), xrange(py - 1, py + 2)): if not self._is_in_range(neighbor_cell): continue maybe_a_point = self._grid[self._index_2d_to_1d(neighbor_cell)] if maybe_a_point is not None and np.linalg.norm( maybe_a_point - point) < self._min_radius: return True return False def sample(self): """Samples new points around some existing point. Removes the sampling base point and also stores the new jksampled points if they are far enough from all existing points. """ active_point = self._active_list.pop() for _ in xrange(self._max_sample_size): # Generate random points near the current active_point between the radius random_radius = np.random.uniform(self._min_radius, 2 * self._min_radius) random_angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi) # The sampled 2D points near the active point sample = random_radius * np.array( [np.cos(random_angle), np.sin(random_angle)]) + active_point if not self._is_in_grid(sample): continue if self._is_close_to_existing_points(sample): continue self._active_list.append(sample) self._grid[self._point_to_index_1d(sample)] = sample def generate(self): """Generates the Poisson disc distribution of 2D points. Although the while loop looks scary, the algorithm is in fact O(N), where N is the number of cells within the grid. When we sample around a base point (in some base cell), new points will not be pushed into the base cell because of the minimum distance constraint. Once the current base point is removed, all future searches cannot start from within the same base cell. Returns: All sampled points. The points are inside the quare [0, grid_length] x [0, grid_width] """ while self._active_list: self.sample() all_sites = [] for p in self._grid: if p is not None: all_sites.append(p) return all_sites class TerrainType(enum.Enum): """The randomzied terrain types we can use in the gym env.""" RANDOM_BLOCKS = 1 TRIANGLE_MESH = 2 class MinitaurTerrainRandomizer(env_randomizer_base.EnvRandomizerBase): """Generates an uneven terrain in the gym env.""" def __init__(self, terrain_type=TerrainType.TRIANGLE_MESH, mesh_filename="terrain9735.obj", mesh_scale=None): """Initializes the randomizer. Args: terrain_type: Whether to generate random blocks or load a triangle mesh. mesh_filename: The mesh file to be used. The mesh will only be loaded if terrain_type is set to TerrainType.TRIANGLE_MESH. mesh_scale: the scaling factor for the triangles in the mesh file. """ self._terrain_type = terrain_type self._mesh_filename = mesh_filename self._mesh_scale = mesh_scale if mesh_scale else [1.0, 1.0, 0.3] def randomize_env(self, env): """Generate a random terrain for the current env. Args: env: A minitaur gym environment. """ if self._terrain_type is TerrainType.TRIANGLE_MESH: self._load_triangle_mesh(env) if self._terrain_type is TerrainType.RANDOM_BLOCKS: self._generate_convex_blocks(env) def _load_triangle_mesh(self, env): """Represents the random terrain using a triangle mesh. It is possible for Minitaur leg to stuck at the common edge of two triangle pieces. To prevent this from happening, we recommend using hard contacts (or high stiffness values) for Minitaur foot in sim. Args: env: A minitaur gym environment. """ env.pybullet_client.removeBody(env.ground_id) terrain_collision_shape_id = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_MESH, fileName=self._mesh_filename, flags=1, meshScale=self._mesh_scale) env.ground_id = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody( baseMass=0, baseCollisionShapeIndex=terrain_collision_shape_id, basePosition=[0, 0, 0]) def _generate_convex_blocks(self, env): """Adds random convex blocks to the flat ground. We use the Possion disk algorithm to add some random blocks on the ground. Possion disk algorithm sets the minimum distance between two sampling points, thus voiding the clustering effect in uniform N-D distribution. Args: env: A minitaur gym environment. """ poisson_disc = PoissonDisc2D(_GRID_LENGTH, _GRID_WIDTH, _MIN_BLOCK_DISTANCE, _MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE) block_centers = poisson_disc.generate() for center in block_centers: # We want the blocks to be in front of the robot. shifted_center = np.array(center) - [2, _GRID_WIDTH / 2] # Do not place blocks near the point [0, 0], where the robot will start. if abs(shifted_center[0]) < 1.0 and abs(shifted_center[1]) < 1.0: continue half_length = np.random.uniform( _MIN_BLOCK_LENGTH, _MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH) / (2 * math.sqrt(2)) half_height = np.random.uniform(_MIN_BLOCK_HEIGHT, _MAX_BLOCK_HEIGHT) / 2 box_id = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( env.pybullet_client.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=[half_length, half_length, half_height]) env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody(baseMass=0, baseCollisionShapeIndex=box_id, basePosition=[ shifted_center[0], shifted_center[1], half_height ]) def _generate_height_field(self, env): random.seed(10) env.pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( env.pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 0) terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.1, .1, 24], fileName="heightmaps/wm_height_out.png") textureId = env.pybullet_client.loadTexture("gimp_overlay_out.png") terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody(0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(terrain, -1, textureUniqueId=textureId) env.pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(terrain, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 1, 1, 1])
"""Abstract base class for environment randomizer.""" import abc class EnvRandomizerBase(object): """Abstract base class for environment randomizer. An EnvRandomizer is called in environment.reset(). It will randomize physical parameters of the objects in the simulation. The physical parameters will be fixed for that episode and be randomized again in the next environment.reset(). """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def randomize_env(self, env): """Randomize the simulated_objects in the environment. Args: env: The environment to be randomized. """ pass
"""This file implements the functionalities of a minitaur using pybullet. """ import copy import math import numpy as np from . import motor import os INIT_POSITION = [0, 0, .2] INIT_ORIENTATION = [0, 0, 0, 1] KNEE_CONSTRAINT_POINT_RIGHT = [0, 0.005, 0.2] KNEE_CONSTRAINT_POINT_LEFT = [0, 0.01, 0.2] OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE = 2.45 OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME = 1.0 LEG_POSITION = ["front_left", "back_left", "front_right", "back_right"] MOTOR_NAMES = [ "motor_front_leftL_joint", "motor_front_leftR_joint", "motor_back_leftL_joint", "motor_back_leftR_joint", "motor_front_rightL_joint", "motor_front_rightR_joint", "motor_back_rightL_joint", "motor_back_rightR_joint" ] LEG_LINK_ID = [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25] MOTOR_LINK_ID = [1, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20, 23] FOOT_LINK_ID = [3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 19, 22, 25] BASE_LINK_ID = -1 class Minitaur(object): """The minitaur class that simulates a quadruped robot from Ghost Robotics. """ def __init__(self, pybullet_client, urdf_root=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data"), time_step=0.01, self_collision_enabled=False, motor_velocity_limit=np.inf, pd_control_enabled=False, accurate_motor_model_enabled=False, motor_kp=0.7, motor_kd=0.02, torque_control_enabled=False, motor_overheat_protection=False, on_rack=False, kd_for_pd_controllers=0.3, desired_velocity=0.5, desired_rate=0.0): """Constructs a minitaur and reset it to the initial states. Args: pybullet_client: The instance of BulletClient to manage different simulations. urdf_root: The path to the urdf folder. time_step: The time step of the simulation. self_collision_enabled: Whether to enable self collision. motor_velocity_limit: The upper limit of the motor velocity. pd_control_enabled: Whether to use PD control for the motors. accurate_motor_model_enabled: Whether to use the accurate DC motor model. motor_kp: proportional gain for the accurate motor model motor_kd: derivative gain for the acurate motor model torque_control_enabled: Whether to use the torque control, if set to False, pose control will be used. motor_overheat_protection: Whether to shutdown the motor that has exerted large torque (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE) for an extended amount of time (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME). See ApplyAction() in for more details. on_rack: Whether to place the minitaur on rack. This is only used to debug the walking gait. In this mode, the minitaur's base is hanged midair so that its walking gait is clearer to visualize. kd_for_pd_controllers: kd value for the pd controllers of the motors. desired_velocity: additional observation space dimension for policy desired_rate: additional observation space dimension for policy """ # used to calculate minitaur acceleration self.prev_lin_twist = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.prev_lin_acc = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.num_motors = 8 self.num_legs = int(self.num_motors / 2) self._pybullet_client = pybullet_client self._urdf_root = urdf_root self._self_collision_enabled = self_collision_enabled self._motor_velocity_limit = motor_velocity_limit self._pd_control_enabled = pd_control_enabled self._motor_direction = [-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1] self._observed_motor_torques = np.zeros(self.num_motors) self._applied_motor_torques = np.zeros(self.num_motors) self._max_force = 3.5 self._accurate_motor_model_enabled = accurate_motor_model_enabled self._torque_control_enabled = torque_control_enabled self._motor_overheat_protection = motor_overheat_protection self._on_rack = on_rack if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._kp = motor_kp self._kd = motor_kd self._motor_model = motor.MotorModel( torque_control_enabled=self._torque_control_enabled, kp=self._kp, kd=self._kd) elif self._pd_control_enabled: self._kp = 8 self._kd = kd_for_pd_controllers else: self._kp = 1 self._kd = 1 self.time_step = time_step self.desired_velocity = desired_velocity self.desired_rate = desired_rate self.Reset() def _RecordMassInfoFromURDF(self): self._base_mass_urdf = self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo( self.quadruped, BASE_LINK_ID)[0] self._leg_masses_urdf = [] self._leg_masses_urdf.append( self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped, LEG_LINK_ID[0])[0]) self._leg_masses_urdf.append( self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped, MOTOR_LINK_ID[0])[0]) def _BuildJointNameToIdDict(self): num_joints = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped) self._joint_name_to_id = {} for i in range(num_joints): joint_info = self._pybullet_client.getJointInfo(self.quadruped, i) self._joint_name_to_id[joint_info[1].decode( "UTF-8")] = joint_info[0] def _BuildMotorIdList(self): self._motor_id_list = [ self._joint_name_to_id[motor_name] for motor_name in MOTOR_NAMES ] def Reset(self, reload_urdf=True, desired_velocity=None, desired_rate=None): """Reset the minitaur to its initial states. Args: reload_urdf: Whether to reload the urdf file. If not, Reset() just place the minitaur back to its starting position. """ # UPDATE DESIRED VELOCITY AND RATE STATES if desired_velocity is not None: self.desired_velocity = desired_velocity if desired_rate is not None: self.desired_rate = desired_rate if reload_urdf: if self._self_collision_enabled: self.quadruped = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF( "%s/quadruped/minitaur.urdf" % self._urdf_root, INIT_POSITION, flags=self._pybullet_client.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION) else: self.quadruped = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF( "%s/quadruped/minitaur.urdf" % self._urdf_root, INIT_POSITION) self._BuildJointNameToIdDict() self._BuildMotorIdList() self._RecordMassInfoFromURDF() self.ResetPose(add_constraint=True) if self._on_rack: self._pybullet_client.createConstraint( self.quadruped, -1, -1, -1, self._pybullet_client.JOINT_FIXED, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]) else: self._pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self.quadruped, INIT_POSITION, INIT_ORIENTATION) self._pybullet_client.resetBaseVelocity(self.quadruped, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]) self.ResetPose(add_constraint=False) self._overheat_counter = np.zeros(self.num_motors) self._motor_enabled_list = [True] * self.num_motors\ def _SetMotorTorqueById(self, motor_id, torque): self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=motor_id, controlMode=self._pybullet_client.TORQUE_CONTROL, force=torque) def _SetDesiredMotorAngleById(self, motor_id, desired_angle): self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=motor_id, controlMode=self._pybullet_client.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=desired_angle, positionGain=self._kp, velocityGain=self._kd, force=self._max_force) def _SetDesiredMotorAngleByName(self, motor_name, desired_angle): self._SetDesiredMotorAngleById(self._joint_name_to_id[motor_name], desired_angle) def ResetPose(self, add_constraint): """Reset the pose of the minitaur. Args: add_constraint: Whether to add a constraint at the joints of two feet. """ for i in range(self.num_legs): self._ResetPoseForLeg(i, add_constraint) def _ResetPoseForLeg(self, leg_id, add_constraint): """Reset the initial pose for the leg. Args: leg_id: It should be 0, 1, 2, or 3, which represents the leg at front_left, back_left, front_right and back_right. add_constraint: Whether to add a constraint at the joints of two feet. """ knee_friction_force = 0 half_pi = math.pi / 2.0 knee_angle = -2.1834 leg_position = LEG_POSITION[leg_id] self._pybullet_client.resetJointState( self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "L_joint"], self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id] * half_pi, targetVelocity=0) self._pybullet_client.resetJointState( self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "L_link"], self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id] * knee_angle, targetVelocity=0) self._pybullet_client.resetJointState( self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "R_joint"], self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id + 1] * half_pi, targetVelocity=0) self._pybullet_client.resetJointState( self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "R_link"], self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id + 1] * knee_angle, targetVelocity=0) if add_constraint: self._pybullet_client.createConstraint( self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "R_link"], self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "L_link"], self._pybullet_client.JOINT_POINT2POINT, [0, 0, 0], KNEE_CONSTRAINT_POINT_RIGHT, KNEE_CONSTRAINT_POINT_LEFT) if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled: # Disable the default motor in pybullet. self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "L_joint"]), controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=knee_friction_force) self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "R_joint"]), controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=knee_friction_force) else: self._SetDesiredMotorAngleByName( "motor_" + leg_position + "L_joint", self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id] * half_pi) self._SetDesiredMotorAngleByName( "motor_" + leg_position + "R_joint", self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id + 1] * half_pi) self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "L_link"]), controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=knee_friction_force) self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "R_link"]), controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=knee_friction_force) def GetBasePosition(self): """Get the position of minitaur's base. Returns: The position of minitaur's base. """ position, _ = (self._pybullet_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self.quadruped)) return position def GetBaseOrientation(self): """Get the orientation of minitaur's base, represented as quaternion. Returns: The orientation of minitaur's base. """ _, orientation = (self._pybullet_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self.quadruped)) return orientation def GetBaseTwitst(self): """Get the Twist of minitaur's base. Returns: The Twist of the minitaur's base. """ return self._pybullet_client.getBaseVelocity(self.quadruped) def GetActionDimension(self): """Get the length of the action list. Returns: The length of the action list. """ return self.num_motors def GetObservationUpperBound(self): """Get the upper bound of the observation. Returns: The upper bound of an observation. See GetObservation() for the details of each element of an observation. NOTE: Changed just like GetObservation() """ upper_bound = np.array([0.0] * self.GetObservationDimension()) # roll, pitch upper_bound[0:2] = np.pi / 2.0 # acc, rate in x,y,z upper_bound[2:8] = np.inf # 8:10 are velocity and rate bounds, min and max are +-10 # upper_bound[8:10] = 10 # NOTE: ORIGINAL BELOW # upper_bound[10:10 + self.num_motors] = math.pi # Joint angle. # upper_bound[self.num_motors + 10:2 * self.num_motors + 10] = ( # motor.MOTOR_SPEED_LIMIT) # Joint velocity. # upper_bound[2 * self.num_motors + 10:3 * self.num_motors + 10] = ( # motor.OBSERVED_TORQUE_LIMIT) # Joint torque. # upper_bound[3 * # self.num_motors:] = 1.0 # Quaternion of base orientation. # print("UPPER BOUND{}".format(upper_bound)) return upper_bound def GetObservationLowerBound(self): """Get the lower bound of the observation.""" return -self.GetObservationUpperBound() def GetObservationDimension(self): """Get the length of the observation list. Returns: The length of the observation list. """ return len(self.GetObservation()) def GetObservation(self): """Get the observations of minitaur. It includes the angles, velocities, torques and the orientation of the base. Returns: The observation list. observation[0:8] are motor angles. observation[8:16] are motor velocities, observation[16:24] are motor torques. observation[24:28] is the orientation of the base, in quaternion form. NOTE: DIVERGES FROM STOCK MINITAUR ENV. WILL LEAVE ORIGINAL COMMENTED For my purpose, the observation space includes Roll and Pitch, as well as acceleration and gyroscopic rate along the x,y,z axes. All of this information can be collected from an onboard IMU. The reward function will contain a hidden velocity reward (fwd, bwd) which cannot be measured and so is not included. For spinning, the gyroscopic z rate will be used as the (explicit) velocity reward. This version operates without motor torques, angles and velocities. Erwin Coumans' paper suggests a sparse observation space leads to higher reward """ observation = [] ori = self.GetBaseOrientation() # Get roll and pitch roll, pitch, _ = self._pybullet_client.getEulerFromQuaternion( [ori[0], ori[1], ori[2], ori[3]]) # Get linear accelerations and angular rates lt, ang_twist = self.GetBaseTwitst() lin_twist = np.array([lt[0], lt[1], lt[2]]) # Get linear accelerations lin_acc = self.prev_lin_twist - lin_twist # if lin_acc.all() == 0.0: # lin_acc = self.prev_lin_acc self.prev_lin_acc = lin_acc # print("LIN ACC: ", lin_acc) self.prev_lin_twist = lin_twist # order: roll, pitch, acc(x,y,z), gyro(x,y,z) observation.append(roll) observation.append(pitch) observation.extend(lin_acc.tolist()) observation.extend(list(ang_twist)) # velocity and rate # observation.append(self.desired_velocity) # observation.append(self.desired_rate) # NOTE: ORIGINAL BELOW # observation.extend(self.GetMotorAngles().tolist()) # observation.extend(self.GetMotorVelocities().tolist()) # observation.extend(self.GetMotorTorques().tolist()) # observation.extend(list(self.GetBaseOrientation())) return observation def ApplyAction(self, motor_commands): """Set the desired motor angles to the motors of the minitaur. The desired motor angles are clipped based on the maximum allowed velocity. If the pd_control_enabled is True, a torque is calculated according to the difference between current and desired joint angle, as well as the joint velocity. This torque is exerted to the motor. For more information about PD control, please refer to: Args: motor_commands: The eight desired motor angles. """ if self._motor_velocity_limit < np.inf: current_motor_angle = self.GetMotorAngles() motor_commands_max = (current_motor_angle + self.time_step * self._motor_velocity_limit) motor_commands_min = (current_motor_angle - self.time_step * self._motor_velocity_limit) motor_commands = np.clip(motor_commands, motor_commands_min, motor_commands_max) if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled: q = self.GetMotorAngles() qdot = self.GetMotorVelocities() if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: actual_torque, observed_torque = self._motor_model.convert_to_torque( motor_commands, q, qdot) if self._motor_overheat_protection: for i in range(self.num_motors): if abs(actual_torque[i]) > OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE: self._overheat_counter[i] += 1 else: self._overheat_counter[i] = 0 if (self._overheat_counter[i] > OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME / self.time_step): self._motor_enabled_list[i] = False # The torque is already in the observation space because we use # GetMotorAngles and GetMotorVelocities. self._observed_motor_torques = observed_torque # Transform into the motor space when applying the torque. self._applied_motor_torque = np.multiply( actual_torque, self._motor_direction) for motor_id, motor_torque, motor_enabled in zip( self._motor_id_list, self._applied_motor_torque, self._motor_enabled_list): if motor_enabled: self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, motor_torque) else: self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, 0) else: torque_commands = -self._kp * ( q - motor_commands) - self._kd * qdot # The torque is already in the observation space because we use # GetMotorAngles and GetMotorVelocities. self._observed_motor_torques = torque_commands # Transform into the motor space when applying the torque. self._applied_motor_torques = np.multiply( self._observed_motor_torques, self._motor_direction) for motor_id, motor_torque in zip(self._motor_id_list, self._applied_motor_torques): self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, motor_torque) else: motor_commands_with_direction = np.multiply( motor_commands, self._motor_direction) for motor_id, motor_command_with_direction in zip( self._motor_id_list, motor_commands_with_direction): self._SetDesiredMotorAngleById(motor_id, motor_command_with_direction) def GetMotorAngles(self): """Get the eight motor angles at the current moment. Returns: Motor angles. """ motor_angles = [ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[0] for motor_id in self._motor_id_list ] motor_angles = np.multiply(motor_angles, self._motor_direction) return motor_angles def GetMotorVelocities(self): """Get the velocity of all eight motors. Returns: Velocities of all eight motors. """ motor_velocities = [ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[1] for motor_id in self._motor_id_list ] motor_velocities = np.multiply(motor_velocities, self._motor_direction) return motor_velocities def GetMotorTorques(self): """Get the amount of torques the motors are exerting. Returns: Motor torques of all eight motors. """ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled: return self._observed_motor_torques else: motor_torques = [ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[3] for motor_id in self._motor_id_list ] motor_torques = np.multiply(motor_torques, self._motor_direction) return motor_torques def ConvertFromLegModel(self, actions): """Convert the actions that use leg model to the real motor actions. Args: actions: The theta, phi of the leg model. actions are of form = [phi, phi, phi, phi, theta, theta, theta, theta] where phi = swing and theta = extension Returns: The eight desired motor angles that can be used in ApplyActions(). """ motor_angle = copy.deepcopy(actions) scale_for_singularity = 1 offset_for_singularity = 1.5 half_num_motors = int(self.num_motors / 2) quater_pi = math.pi / 4 for i in range(self.num_motors): action_idx = i // 2 forward_backward_component = ( -scale_for_singularity * quater_pi * (actions[action_idx + half_num_motors] + offset_for_singularity)) extension_component = (-1)**i * quater_pi * actions[action_idx] if i >= half_num_motors: extension_component = -extension_component motor_angle[i] = (math.pi + forward_backward_component + extension_component) return motor_angle def GetBaseMassFromURDF(self): """Get the mass of the base from the URDF file.""" return self._base_mass_urdf def GetLegMassesFromURDF(self): """Get the mass of the legs from the URDF file.""" return self._leg_masses_urdf def SetBaseMass(self, base_mass): self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, BASE_LINK_ID, mass=base_mass) def SetLegMasses(self, leg_masses): """Set the mass of the legs. A leg includes leg_link and motor. All four leg_links have the same mass, which is leg_masses[0]. All four motors have the same mass, which is leg_mass[1]. Args: leg_masses: The leg masses. leg_masses[0] is the mass of the leg link. leg_masses[1] is the mass of the motor. """ for link_id in LEG_LINK_ID: self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, link_id, mass=leg_masses[0]) for link_id in MOTOR_LINK_ID: self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, link_id, mass=leg_masses[1]) def SetFootFriction(self, foot_friction): """Set the lateral friction of the feet. Args: foot_friction: The lateral friction coefficient of the foot. This value is shared by all four feet. """ for link_id in FOOT_LINK_ID: self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, link_id, lateralFriction=foot_friction) def SetBatteryVoltage(self, voltage): if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._motor_model.set_voltage(voltage) def SetMotorViscousDamping(self, viscous_damping): if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._motor_model.set_viscous_damping(viscous_damping)
"""This file implements the gym environment of minitaur. """ import os import inspect import math import time import gym from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding import numpy as np import pybullet import pybullet_utils.bullet_client as bc from . import minitaur import pybullet_data from . import minitaur_env_randomizer from pkg_resources import parse_version from gym.envs.registration import register currentdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(currentdir)) os.sys.path.insert(0, parentdir) NUM_SUBSTEPS = 5 NUM_MOTORS = 8 MOTOR_ANGLE_OBSERVATION_INDEX = 0 MOTOR_VELOCITY_OBSERVATION_INDEX = MOTOR_ANGLE_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS MOTOR_TORQUE_OBSERVATION_INDEX = MOTOR_VELOCITY_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS BASE_ORIENTATION_OBSERVATION_INDEX = MOTOR_TORQUE_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS ACTION_EPS = 0.01 OBSERVATION_EPS = 0.01 RENDER_HEIGHT = 720 RENDER_WIDTH = 960 # Register as OpenAI Gym Environment register( id="MinitaurBulletEnv-v999", entry_point='mini_bullet.minitaur_gym_env:MinitaurBulletEnv', max_episode_steps=500, ) class MinitaurBulletEnv(gym.Env): """The gym environment for the minitaur. It simulates the locomotion of a minitaur, a quadruped robot. The state space include the angles, velocities and torques for all the motors and the action space is the desired motor angle for each motor. The reward function is based on how far the minitaur walks in 1000 steps and penalizes the energy expenditure. """ metadata = { "render.modes": ["human", "rgb_array"], "video.frames_per_second": 50 } def __init__( self, urdf_root=pybullet_data.getDataPath(), action_repeat=1, # WEIGHTS distance_weight=1.0, rotation_weight=1.0, energy_weight=0.0005, shake_weight=0.005, drift_weight=2.0, rp_weight=0.1, rate_weight=0.1, distance_limit=float("inf"), observation_noise_stdev=0.0, self_collision_enabled=True, motor_velocity_limit=np.inf, pd_control_enabled=False, # not needed to be true if accurate motor model is enabled (has its own better PD) leg_model_enabled=True, accurate_motor_model_enabled=True, motor_kp=0.7, motor_kd=0.02, torque_control_enabled=False, motor_overheat_protection=True, hard_reset=True, on_rack=False, render=False, kd_for_pd_controllers=0.3, env_randomizer=minitaur_env_randomizer.MinitaurEnvRandomizer(), desired_velocity=0.5, desired_rate=0.0, lateral=False): """Initialize the minitaur gym environment. Args: urdf_root: The path to the urdf data folder. action_repeat: The number of simulation steps before actions are applied. distance_weight: The weight of the distance term in the reward. energy_weight: The weight of the energy term in the reward. shake_weight: The weight of the vertical shakiness term in the reward. drift_weight: The weight of the sideways drift term in the reward. distance_limit: The maximum distance to terminate the episode. observation_noise_stdev: The standard deviation of observation noise. self_collision_enabled: Whether to enable self collision in the sim. motor_velocity_limit: The velocity limit of each motor. pd_control_enabled: Whether to use PD controller for each motor. leg_model_enabled: Whether to use a leg motor to reparameterize the action space. accurate_motor_model_enabled: Whether to use the accurate DC motor model. motor_kp: proportional gain for the accurate motor model. motor_kd: derivative gain for the accurate motor model. torque_control_enabled: Whether to use the torque control, if set to False, pose control will be used. motor_overheat_protection: Whether to shutdown the motor that has exerted large torque (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE) for an extended amount of time (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME). See ApplyAction() in for more details. hard_reset: Whether to wipe the simulation and load everything when reset is called. If set to false, reset just place the minitaur back to start position and set its pose to initial configuration. on_rack: Whether to place the minitaur on rack. This is only used to debug the walking gait. In this mode, the minitaur's base is hanged midair so that its walking gait is clearer to visualize. render: Whether to render the simulation. kd_for_pd_controllers: kd value for the pd controllers of the motors env_randomizer: An EnvRandomizer to randomize the physical properties during reset(). """ self._time_step = 0.01 self._action_repeat = action_repeat self._num_bullet_solver_iterations = 300 self._urdf_root = urdf_root self._self_collision_enabled = self_collision_enabled self._motor_velocity_limit = motor_velocity_limit self._observation = [] self._env_step_counter = 0 self._is_render = render self._last_base_position = [0, 0, 0] self._distance_weight = distance_weight self._rotation_weight = rotation_weight self._energy_weight = energy_weight self._drift_weight = drift_weight self._shake_weight = shake_weight self._rp_weight = rp_weight self._rate_weight = rate_weight self._distance_limit = distance_limit self._observation_noise_stdev = observation_noise_stdev self._action_bound = 1 self._pd_control_enabled = pd_control_enabled self._leg_model_enabled = leg_model_enabled self._accurate_motor_model_enabled = accurate_motor_model_enabled self._motor_kp = motor_kp self._motor_kd = motor_kd self._torque_control_enabled = torque_control_enabled self._motor_overheat_protection = motor_overheat_protection self._on_rack = on_rack self._cam_dist = 1.0 self._cam_yaw = 0 self._cam_pitch = -30 self._hard_reset = True self._kd_for_pd_controllers = kd_for_pd_controllers self._last_frame_time = 0.0 print("urdf_root=" + self._urdf_root) self._env_randomizer = env_randomizer # PD control needs smaller time step for stability. if pd_control_enabled or accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._time_step /= NUM_SUBSTEPS self._num_bullet_solver_iterations /= NUM_SUBSTEPS self._action_repeat *= NUM_SUBSTEPS if self._is_render: self._pybullet_client = bc.BulletClient( connection_mode=pybullet.GUI) else: self._pybullet_client = bc.BulletClient() self.seed() np.random.seed(0) self.desired_velocity = desired_velocity self.desired_rate = desired_rate # Change fwd/bwd reward to side-side reward self.lateral = lateral self.reset() observation_high = (self.minitaur.GetObservationUpperBound() + OBSERVATION_EPS) observation_low = (self.minitaur.GetObservationLowerBound() - OBSERVATION_EPS) action_dim = 8 action_high = np.array([self._action_bound] * action_dim) self.action_space = spaces.Box(-action_high, action_high, dtype=np.float32) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(observation_low, observation_high, dtype=np.float32) self.viewer = None self._hard_reset = hard_reset # This assignment need to be after reset() def set_env_randomizer(self, env_randomizer): self._env_randomizer = env_randomizer def configure(self, args): self._args = args def reset(self, desired_velocity=None, desired_rate=None): if desired_velocity is not None: self.desired_velocity = desired_velocity if desired_rate is not None: self.desired_rate = desired_rate if self._hard_reset: self._pybullet_client.resetSimulation() self._pybullet_client.setPhysicsEngineParameter( numSolverIterations=int(self._num_bullet_solver_iterations)) self._pybullet_client.setTimeStep(self._time_step) plane = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF("%s/plane.urdf" % self._urdf_root) self._pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(plane, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 1, 1, 0.9]) self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_PLANAR_REFLECTION, 0) self._pybullet_client.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) acc_motor = self._accurate_motor_model_enabled motor_protect = self._motor_overheat_protection self.minitaur = (minitaur.Minitaur( pybullet_client=self._pybullet_client, urdf_root=self._urdf_root, time_step=self._time_step, self_collision_enabled=self._self_collision_enabled, motor_velocity_limit=self._motor_velocity_limit, pd_control_enabled=self._pd_control_enabled, accurate_motor_model_enabled=acc_motor, motor_kp=self._motor_kp, motor_kd=self._motor_kd, torque_control_enabled=self._torque_control_enabled, motor_overheat_protection=motor_protect, on_rack=self._on_rack, kd_for_pd_controllers=self._kd_for_pd_controllers, desired_velocity=self.desired_velocity, desired_rate=self.desired_rate)) else: self.minitaur.Reset(reload_urdf=False, desired_velocity=self.desired_velocity, desired_rate=self.desired_rate) if self._env_randomizer is not None: self._env_randomizer.randomize_env(self) self._env_step_counter = 0 self._last_base_position = [0, 0, 0] self._objectives = [] self._pybullet_client.resetDebugVisualizerCamera( self._cam_dist, self._cam_yaw, self._cam_pitch, [0, 0, 0]) if not self._torque_control_enabled: for _ in range(100): if self._pd_control_enabled or self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self.minitaur.ApplyAction([math.pi / 2] * 8) self._pybullet_client.stepSimulation() return self._noisy_observation() def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def _transform_action_to_motor_command(self, action): if self._leg_model_enabled: for i, action_component in enumerate(action): if not (-self._action_bound - ACTION_EPS <= action_component <= self._action_bound + ACTION_EPS): raise ValueError("{}th action {} out of bounds.".format( i, action_component)) action = self.minitaur.ConvertFromLegModel(action) return action def step(self, action): """Step forward the simulation, given the action. Args: action: A list of desired motor angles for eight motors. Returns: observations: The angles, velocities and torques of all motors. reward: The reward for the current state-action pair. done: Whether the episode has ended. info: A dictionary that stores diagnostic information. Raises: ValueError: The action dimension is not the same as the number of motors. ValueError: The magnitude of actions is out of bounds. """ if self._is_render: # Sleep, otherwise the computation takes less time than real time, # which will make the visualization like a fast-forward video. time_spent = time.time() - self._last_frame_time self._last_frame_time = time.time() time_to_sleep = self._action_repeat * self._time_step - time_spent if time_to_sleep > 0: time.sleep(time_to_sleep) base_pos = self.minitaur.GetBasePosition() camInfo = self._pybullet_client.getDebugVisualizerCamera() curTargetPos = camInfo[11] distance = camInfo[10] yaw = camInfo[8] pitch = camInfo[9] targetPos = [ 0.95 * curTargetPos[0] + 0.05 * base_pos[0], 0.95 * curTargetPos[1] + 0.05 * base_pos[1], curTargetPos[2] ] self._pybullet_client.resetDebugVisualizerCamera( distance, yaw, pitch, base_pos) action = self._transform_action_to_motor_command(action) for _ in range(self._action_repeat): self.minitaur.ApplyAction(action) self._pybullet_client.stepSimulation() self._env_step_counter += 1 reward = self._reward() done = self._termination() return np.array(self._noisy_observation()), reward, done, {} def render(self, mode="rgb_array", close=False): if mode != "rgb_array": return np.array([]) base_pos = self.minitaur.GetBasePosition() view_matrix = self._pybullet_client.computeViewMatrixFromYawPitchRoll( cameraTargetPosition=base_pos, distance=self._cam_dist, yaw=self._cam_yaw, pitch=self._cam_pitch, roll=0, upAxisIndex=2) proj_matrix = self._pybullet_client.computeProjectionMatrixFOV( fov=60, aspect=float(RENDER_WIDTH) / RENDER_HEIGHT, nearVal=0.1, farVal=100.0) (_, _, px, _, _) = self._pybullet_client.getCameraImage( width=RENDER_WIDTH, height=RENDER_HEIGHT, viewMatrix=view_matrix, projectionMatrix=proj_matrix, renderer=pybullet.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL) rgb_array = np.array(px) rgb_array = rgb_array[:, :, :3] return rgb_array def get_minitaur_motor_angles(self): """Get the minitaur's motor angles. Returns: A numpy array of motor angles. """ return np.array( self._observation[MOTOR_ANGLE_OBSERVATION_INDEX: MOTOR_ANGLE_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS]) def get_minitaur_motor_velocities(self): """Get the minitaur's motor velocities. Returns: A numpy array of motor velocities. """ return np.array( self._observation[MOTOR_VELOCITY_OBSERVATION_INDEX: MOTOR_VELOCITY_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS]) def get_minitaur_motor_torques(self): """Get the minitaur's motor torques. Returns: A numpy array of motor torques. """ return np.array( self._observation[MOTOR_TORQUE_OBSERVATION_INDEX: MOTOR_TORQUE_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS]) def get_minitaur_base_orientation(self): """Get the minitaur's base orientation, represented by a quaternion. Returns: A numpy array of minitaur's orientation. """ return np.array(self._observation[BASE_ORIENTATION_OBSERVATION_INDEX:]) def is_fallen(self): """Decide whether the minitaur has fallen. If the up directions between the base and the world is larger (the dot product is smaller than 0.85) or the base is very low on the ground (the height is smaller than 0.13 meter), the minitaur is considered fallen. Returns: Boolean value that indicates whether the minitaur has fallen. """ orientation = self.minitaur.GetBaseOrientation() rot_mat = self._pybullet_client.getMatrixFromQuaternion(orientation) local_up = rot_mat[6:] pos = self.minitaur.GetBasePosition() return ([0, 0, 1]), np.asarray(local_up)) < 0.85 or pos[2] < 0.10) def _termination(self): position = self.minitaur.GetBasePosition() distance = math.sqrt(position[0]**2 + position[1]**2) return self.is_fallen() or distance > self._distance_limit def _reward(self): """ NOTE: reward now consists of: roll, pitch at desired 0 acc (y,z) = 0 FORWARD-BACKWARD: rate(x,y,z) = 0 --> HIDDEN REWARD: x(+-) velocity reference, not incl. in obs SPIN: acc(x) = 0, rate(x,y) = 0, rate (z) = rate reference Also include drift, energy vanilla rewards """ current_base_position = self.minitaur.GetBasePosition() # get observation obs = self._get_observation() # forward_reward = current_base_position[0] - self._last_base_position[0] # POSITIVE FOR FORWARD, NEGATIVE FOR BACKWARD | NOTE: HIDDEN fwd_speed = self.minitaur.prev_lin_twist[0] lat_speed = self.minitaur.prev_lin_twist[1] # print("FORWARD SPEED: {} \t STATE SPEED: {}".format( # fwd_speed, self.desired_velocity)) # self.desired_velocity = 0.4 # Modification for lateral/fwd rewards # FORWARD if not self.lateral: # f(x)=-(x-desired))^(2)*((1/desired)^2)+1 # to make sure that at 0vel there is 0 reawrd. # also squishes allowable tolerance reward_max = 1.0 forward_reward = reward_max * np.exp( -(fwd_speed - self.desired_velocity)**2 / (0.1)) # LATERAL else: reward_max = 1.0 forward_reward = reward_max * np.exp( -(lat_speed - self.desired_rate)**2 / (0.1)) if forward_reward < 0.0: forward_reward = 0.0 yaw_rate = obs[7] if self.desired_rate != 0: rot_reward = (-(yaw_rate - (self.desired_rate))**2) * ( (1.0 / self.desired_rate)**2) + 1.0 else: rot_reward = (-(yaw_rate - (self.desired_rate))**2) * ((1.0 / 0.1)**2) + 1.0 # Make sure that for forward-policy there is the appropriate rotation penalty if self.desired_velocity != 0: self._rotation_weight = self._rate_weight rot_reward = -abs(obs[7]) elif self.desired_rate != 0: forward_reward = 0.0 # penalty for nonzero roll, pitch rp_reward = -(abs(obs[0]) + abs(obs[1])) # print("ROLL: {} \t PITCH: {}".format(obs[0], obs[1])) # penalty for nonzero acc(z) shake_reward = -abs(obs[4]) # penalty for nonzero rate (x,y,z) rate_reward = -(abs(obs[5]) + abs(obs[6])) # drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position[1] - # self._last_base_position[1]) # this penalizes absolute error, and does not penalize correction # NOTE: for side-side, drift reward becomes in x instead drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position[1]) # If Lateral, change drift reward if self.lateral: drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position[0]) # shake_reward = -abs(current_base_position[2] - # self._last_base_position[2]) self._last_base_position = current_base_position energy_reward = -np.abs(, self.minitaur.GetMotorVelocities())) * self._time_step reward = (self._distance_weight * forward_reward + self._rotation_weight * rot_reward + self._energy_weight * energy_reward + self._drift_weight * drift_reward + self._shake_weight * shake_reward + self._rp_weight * rp_reward + self._rate_weight * rate_reward) self._objectives.append( [forward_reward, energy_reward, drift_reward, shake_reward]) return reward def get_objectives(self): return self._objectives def _get_observation(self): self._observation = self.minitaur.GetObservation() return self._observation def _noisy_observation(self): self._get_observation() observation = np.array(self._observation) if self._observation_noise_stdev > 0: observation += (self.np_random.normal( scale=self._observation_noise_stdev, size=observation.shape) * self.minitaur.GetObservationUpperBound()) return observation if parse_version(gym.__version__) < parse_version('0.9.6'): _render = render _reset = reset _seed = seed _step = step
"""Randomize the minitaur_gym_env when reset() is called.""" import numpy as np from . import env_randomizer_base # Relative range. MINITAUR_BASE_MASS_ERROR_RANGE = (-0.2, 0.2) # 0.2 means 20% MINITAUR_LEG_MASS_ERROR_RANGE = (-0.2, 0.2) # 0.2 means 20% # Absolute range. BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RANGE = (14.8, 16.8) # Unit: Volt MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING_RANGE = (0, 0.01) # Unit: N*m*s/rad (torque/angular vel) MINITAUR_LEG_FRICTION = (0.8, 1.5) # Unit: dimensionless class MinitaurEnvRandomizer(env_randomizer_base.EnvRandomizerBase): """A randomizer that change the minitaur_gym_env during every reset.""" def __init__(self, minitaur_base_mass_err_range=MINITAUR_BASE_MASS_ERROR_RANGE, minitaur_leg_mass_err_range=MINITAUR_LEG_MASS_ERROR_RANGE, battery_voltage_range=BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RANGE, motor_viscous_damping_range=MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING_RANGE): self._minitaur_base_mass_err_range = minitaur_base_mass_err_range self._minitaur_leg_mass_err_range = minitaur_leg_mass_err_range self._battery_voltage_range = battery_voltage_range self._motor_viscous_damping_range = motor_viscous_damping_range np.random.seed(0) def randomize_env(self, env): self._randomize_minitaur(env.minitaur) def _randomize_minitaur(self, minitaur): """Randomize various physical properties of minitaur. It randomizes the mass/inertia of the base, mass/inertia of the legs, friction coefficient of the feet, the battery voltage and the motor damping at each reset() of the environment. Args: minitaur: the Minitaur instance in minitaur_gym_env environment. """ base_mass = minitaur.GetBaseMassFromURDF() randomized_base_mass = np.random.uniform( base_mass * (1.0 + self._minitaur_base_mass_err_range[0]), base_mass * (1.0 + self._minitaur_base_mass_err_range[1])) minitaur.SetBaseMass(randomized_base_mass) leg_masses = minitaur.GetLegMassesFromURDF() leg_masses_lower_bound = np.array(leg_masses) * ( 1.0 + self._minitaur_leg_mass_err_range[0]) leg_masses_upper_bound = np.array(leg_masses) * ( 1.0 + self._minitaur_leg_mass_err_range[1]) randomized_leg_masses = [ np.random.uniform(leg_masses_lower_bound[i], leg_masses_upper_bound[i]) for i in range(len(leg_masses)) ] minitaur.SetLegMasses(randomized_leg_masses) randomized_battery_voltage = np.random.uniform( BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RANGE[0], BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RANGE[1]) minitaur.SetBatteryVoltage(randomized_battery_voltage) randomized_motor_damping = np.random.uniform( MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING_RANGE[0], MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING_RANGE[1]) minitaur.SetMotorViscousDamping(randomized_motor_damping) randomized_foot_friction = np.random.uniform(MINITAUR_LEG_FRICTION[0], MINITAUR_LEG_FRICTION[1]) minitaur.SetFootFriction(randomized_foot_friction)
"""This file implements an accurate motor model.""" import numpy as np VOLTAGE_CLIPPING = 50 OBSERVED_TORQUE_LIMIT = 5.7 MOTOR_VOLTAGE = 16.0 MOTOR_RESISTANCE = 0.186 MOTOR_TORQUE_CONSTANT = 0.0954 MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING = 0 MOTOR_SPEED_LIMIT = MOTOR_VOLTAGE / (MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING + MOTOR_TORQUE_CONSTANT) class MotorModel(object): """The accurate motor model, which is based on the physics of DC motors. The motor model support two types of control: position control and torque control. In position control mode, a desired motor angle is specified, and a torque is computed based on the internal motor model. When the torque control is specified, a pwm signal in the range of [-1.0, 1.0] is converted to the torque. The internal motor model takes the following factors into consideration: pd gains, viscous friction, back-EMF voltage and current-torque profile. """ def __init__(self, torque_control_enabled=False, kp=1.2, kd=0): self._torque_control_enabled = torque_control_enabled self._kp = kp self._kd = kd self._resistance = MOTOR_RESISTANCE self._voltage = MOTOR_VOLTAGE self._torque_constant = MOTOR_TORQUE_CONSTANT self._viscous_damping = MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING self._current_table = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] self._torque_table = [0, 1, 1.9, 2.45, 3.0, 3.25, 3.5] def set_voltage(self, voltage): self._voltage = voltage def get_voltage(self): return self._voltage def set_viscous_damping(self, viscous_damping): self._viscous_damping = viscous_damping def get_viscous_dampling(self): return self._viscous_damping def convert_to_torque(self, motor_commands, current_motor_angle, current_motor_velocity): """Convert the commands (position control or torque control) to torque. Args: motor_commands: The desired motor angle if the motor is in position control mode. The pwm signal if the motor is in torque control mode. current_motor_angle: The motor angle at the current time step. current_motor_velocity: The motor velocity at the current time step. Returns: actual_torque: The torque that needs to be applied to the motor. observed_torque: The torque observed by the sensor. """ if self._torque_control_enabled: pwm = motor_commands else: pwm = (-self._kp * (current_motor_angle - motor_commands) - self._kd * current_motor_velocity) pwm = np.clip(pwm, -1.0, 1.0) return self._convert_to_torque_from_pwm(pwm, current_motor_velocity) def _convert_to_torque_from_pwm(self, pwm, current_motor_velocity): """Convert the pwm signal to torque. Args: pwm: The pulse width modulation. current_motor_velocity: The motor velocity at the current time step. Returns: actual_torque: The torque that needs to be applied to the motor. observed_torque: The torque observed by the sensor. """ observed_torque = np.clip( self._torque_constant * (pwm * self._voltage / self._resistance), -OBSERVED_TORQUE_LIMIT, OBSERVED_TORQUE_LIMIT) # Net voltage is clipped at 50V by diodes on the motor controller. voltage_net = np.clip( pwm * self._voltage - (self._torque_constant + self._viscous_damping) * current_motor_velocity, -VOLTAGE_CLIPPING, VOLTAGE_CLIPPING) current = voltage_net / self._resistance current_sign = np.sign(current) current_magnitude = np.absolute(current) # Saturate torque based on empirical current relation. actual_torque = np.interp(current_magnitude, self._current_table, self._torque_table) actual_torque = np.multiply(current_sign, actual_torque) return actual_torque, observed_torque
import pybullet as p import pybullet_data as pd import math import time textureId = -1 useProgrammatic = 0 useTerrainFromPNG = 1 useDeepLocoCSV = 2 updateHeightfield = False heightfieldSource = useProgrammatic import random random.seed(10) class HeightField(): def __init__(self): self.hf_id = 0 def _generate_field(self, env, heightPerturbationRange=0.08): env.pybullet_client.setAdditionalSearchPath(pd.getDataPath()) env.pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( env.pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 0) heightPerturbationRange = heightPerturbationRange if heightfieldSource == useProgrammatic: numHeightfieldRows = 256 numHeightfieldColumns = 256 heightfieldData = [0] * numHeightfieldRows * numHeightfieldColumns for j in range(int(numHeightfieldColumns / 2)): for i in range(int(numHeightfieldRows / 2)): height = random.uniform(0, heightPerturbationRange) heightfieldData[2 * i + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height heightfieldData[2 * i + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.05, .05, 1], heightfieldTextureScaling=(numHeightfieldRows - 1) / 2, heightfieldData=heightfieldData, numHeightfieldRows=numHeightfieldRows, numHeightfieldColumns=numHeightfieldColumns) terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody( 0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( terrain, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) if heightfieldSource == useDeepLocoCSV: terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.5, .5, 2.5], fileName="heightmaps/ground0.txt", heightfieldTextureScaling=128) terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody( 0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( terrain, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) if heightfieldSource == useTerrainFromPNG: terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.05, .05, 5], fileName="heightmaps/wm_height_out.png") textureId = env.pybullet_client.loadTexture( "heightmaps/gimp_overlay_out.png") terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody( 0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(terrain, -1, textureUniqueId=textureId) self.hf_id = terrainShape print("TERRAIN SHAPE: {}".format(terrainShape)) env.pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(terrain, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 1, 1, 1]) env.pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( env.pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1)
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.distributions import Normal class SoftQNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_actions, hidden_size, init_w=3e-3): super(SoftQNetwork, self).__init__() self.q1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(num_inputs + num_actions, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1) ) self.q2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(num_inputs + num_actions, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1) ) def forward(self, state, action): state_action =[state, action], 1) return self.q1(state_action), self.q2(state_action)
import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.distributions import Normal device = torch.device("cuda:1" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class PolicyNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_actions, hidden_size, init_w=3e-3, log_std_min=-20, log_std_max=2): super(PolicyNetwork, self).__init__() self.log_std_min = log_std_min self.log_std_max = log_std_max self.linear1 = nn.Linear(num_inputs, hidden_size) self.linear2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size) self.mean_linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_actions), init_w), init_w) self.log_std_linear1 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size) self.log_std_linear2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_actions), init_w), init_w) # # def forward(self, state): x = F.relu(self.linear1(state)) x = F.relu(self.linear2(x)) mean = self.mean_linear(x) log_std = self.log_std_linear2(F.relu(self.log_std_linear1(x))) log_std = torch.clamp(log_std, self.log_std_min, self.log_std_max) return mean, log_std def evaluate(self, state, epsilon=1e-6): mean, log_std = self.forward(state) std = log_std.exp() normal = Normal(mean, std) z = normal.rsample() action = torch.tanh(z) log_prob = normal.log_prob(z) - torch.log(1 - action.pow(2) + epsilon) log_prob = log_prob.sum(-1, keepdim=True) return action, log_prob, z, mean, log_std def get_action(self, state): state = torch.FloatTensor(state).unsqueeze(0).to(device) mean, log_std = self.forward(state) std = log_std.exp() normal = Normal(mean, std) z = normal.sample() action = torch.tanh(z) action = action.detach().cpu().numpy() return action[0]
import numpy as np import random class ReplayBuffer: def __init__(self, capacity): self.capacity = capacity self.buffer = [] self.position = 0 def push(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done): if len(self.buffer) < self.capacity: self.buffer.append(None) self.buffer[self.position] = (state, action, reward, next_state, done) self.position = (self.position + 1) % self.capacity def sample(self, batch_size): batch = random.sample(self.buffer, batch_size) state, action, reward, next_state, done = map(np.stack, zip(*batch)) return state, action, reward, next_state, done def __len__(self): return len(self.buffer)
from .sac import SoftActorCritic from .policynetwork import PolicyNetwork from .replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer from .normalized_actions import NormalizedActions
import gym import numpy as np class NormalizedActions(gym.ActionWrapper): def action(self, action): low_bound = self.action_space.low upper_bound = self.action_space.high action = low_bound + (action + 1.0) * 0.5 * (upper_bound - low_bound) action = np.clip(action, low_bound, upper_bound) return action def reverse_action(self, action): low_bound = self.action_space.low upper_bound = self.action_space.high action = 2 * (action - low_bound) / (upper_bound - low_bound) - 1 action = np.clip(action, low_bound, upper_bound) return actions
import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.distributions import Normal # alg specific imports from .softQnetwork import SoftQNetwork from .valuenetwork import ValueNetwork class SoftActorCritic(object): def __init__(self, policy, state_dim, action_dim, replay_buffer, hidden_dim=256, soft_q_lr=3e-3, policy_lr=3e-3, device=torch.device( "cuda:1" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")): self.device = device # set up the networks self.policy_net = self.soft_q_net = SoftQNetwork(state_dim, action_dim, hidden_dim).to(device) self.target_soft_q_net = SoftQNetwork(state_dim, action_dim, hidden_dim).to(device) # ent coeff self.target_entropy = -action_dim self.log_ent_coef = torch.FloatTensor(np.log(np.array([.1 ]))).to(device) self.log_ent_coef.requires_grad = True # copy the target params over for target_param, param in zip(self.target_soft_q_net.parameters(), self.soft_q_net.parameters()): # set the losses self.soft_q_criterion = nn.MSELoss() # set the optimizers self.soft_q_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.soft_q_net.parameters(), lr=soft_q_lr) self.policy_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy_net.parameters(), lr=policy_lr) self.ent_coef_optimizer = optim.Adam([self.log_ent_coef], lr=3e-3) # reference the replay buffer self.replay_buffer = replay_buffer self.log = {'entropy_loss': [], 'q_value_loss': [], 'policy_loss': []} def soft_q_update(self, batch_size, gamma=0.99, soft_tau=0.01): state, action, reward, next_state, done = self.replay_buffer.sample( batch_size) state = torch.FloatTensor(state).to(self.device) next_state = torch.FloatTensor(next_state).to(self.device) action = torch.FloatTensor(action).to(self.device) reward = torch.FloatTensor(reward).unsqueeze(1).to(self.device) done = torch.FloatTensor(np.float32(done)).unsqueeze(1).to(self.device) ent_coef = torch.exp(self.log_ent_coef.detach()) new_action, log_prob, z, mean, log_std = self.policy_net.evaluate( next_state) target_q1_value, target_q2_value = self.target_soft_q_net( next_state, new_action) target_value = reward + (1 - done) * gamma * ( torch.min(target_q2_value, target_q2_value) - ent_coef * log_prob) expected_q1_value, expected_q2_value = self.soft_q_net(state, action) q_value_loss = self.soft_q_criterion(expected_q1_value, target_value.detach()) \ + self.soft_q_criterion(expected_q2_value, target_value.detach()) self.soft_q_optimizer.zero_grad() q_value_loss.backward() self.soft_q_optimizer.step() new_action, log_prob, z, mean, log_std = self.policy_net.evaluate( state) expected_new_q1_value, expected_new_q2_value = self.soft_q_net( state, new_action) expected_new_q_value = torch.min(expected_new_q1_value, expected_new_q2_value) policy_loss = (ent_coef * log_prob - expected_new_q_value).mean() self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() policy_loss.backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() self.ent_coef_optimizer.zero_grad() ent_loss = torch.mean( torch.exp(self.log_ent_coef) * (-log_prob - self.target_entropy).detach()) ent_loss.backward() self.ent_coef_optimizer.step() for target_param, param in zip(self.target_soft_q_net.parameters(), self.soft_q_net.parameters()): * (1.0 - soft_tau) + * soft_tau) self.log['q_value_loss'].append(q_value_loss.item()) self.log['entropy_loss'].append(ent_loss.item()) self.log['policy_loss'].append(policy_loss.item()) def save(self, filename):, filename + "_policy_net"), filename + "_policy_optimizer"), filename + "_soft_q_net"), filename + "_soft_q_optimizer") def load(self, filename): self.policy_net.load_state_dict( torch.load(filename + "_policy_net", map_location=self.device)) self.policy_optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(filename + "_policy_optimizer", map_location=self.device)) # self.soft_q_net.load_state_dict( # torch.load(filename + "_soft_q_net", map_location=self.device)) # self.soft_q_optimizer.load_state_dict( # torch.load(filename + "_soft_q_optimizer", # map_location=self.device)) # self.target_soft_q_net = copy.deepcopy(self.soft_q_net)
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.distributions import Normal class ValueNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, state_dim, hidden_dim, init_w=3e-3): super(ValueNetwork, self).__init__() self.linear1 = nn.Linear(state_dim, hidden_dim) self.linear2 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim) self.linear3 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 1), init_w), init_w) def forward(self, state): x = F.relu(self.linear1(state)) x = F.relu(self.linear2(x)) x = self.linear3(x) return x
import numpy as np PHASE_PERIOD = 2.0 * np.pi class CyclicIntegrator(): def __init__(self, dphi_leg=0.0): # Phase starts with offset self.tprime = PHASE_PERIOD * dphi_leg def progress_tprime(self, dt, f_tg, swing_stance_speed_ratio): """ swing_stance_speed_ratio is Beta in the paper set by policy at each step, but default is 1/3 delta_period is just dt This moves the phase based on delta (which is one parameter * delta_time_step). The speed of the phase depends on swing vs stance phase (phase > np.pi or phase < np.pi) which has different speeds. """ time_mult = dt * f_tg stance_speed_coef = (swing_stance_speed_ratio + 1) * 0.5 / swing_stance_speed_ratio swing_speed_coef = (swing_stance_speed_ratio + 1) * 0.5 if self.tprime < PHASE_PERIOD / 2.0: # Swing delta_phase_multiplier = stance_speed_coef * PHASE_PERIOD self.tprime += np.fmod(time_mult * delta_phase_multiplier, PHASE_PERIOD) else: # Stance delta_phase_multiplier = swing_speed_coef * PHASE_PERIOD self.tprime += np.fmod(time_mult * delta_phase_multiplier, PHASE_PERIOD) self.tprime = np.fmod(self.tprime, PHASE_PERIOD) class TrajectoryGenerator(): def __init__(self, center_swing=0.0, amplitude_extension=0.2, amplitude_lift=0.4, dphi_leg=0.0): # Cyclic Integrator self.CI = CyclicIntegrator(dphi_leg) self.center_swing = center_swing self.amplitude_extension = amplitude_extension self.amplitude_lift = amplitude_lift def get_state_based_on_phase(self): return np.array([(np.cos(self.CI.tprime) + 1) / 2.0, (np.sin(self.CI.tprime) + 1) / 2.0]) def get_swing_extend_based_on_phase(self, amplitude_swing=0.0, center_extension=0.0, intensity=1.0, theta=0.0): """ Eqn 2 in paper appendix Cs: center_swing Ae: amplitude_extension theta: extention difference between end of swing and stance (good for climbing) POLICY PARAMS: h_tg = center_extension --> walking height (+short/-tall) alpha_th = amplitude_swing --> swing fwd (-) or bwd (+) """ # Set amplitude_extension amplitude_extension = self.amplitude_extension if self.CI.tprime > PHASE_PERIOD / 2.0: amplitude_extension = self.amplitude_lift # E(t) extend = center_extension + (amplitude_extension * np.sin( self.CI.tprime)) * intensity + theta * np.cos(self.CI.tprime) # S(t) swing = self.center_swing + amplitude_swing * np.cos( self.CI.tprime) * intensity return swing, extend
import numpy as np from tg_lib.traj_gen import TrajectoryGenerator class TGPolicy(): """ state --> action """ def __init__( self, movetype="walk", # offset for leg swing. # mostly useless except walking up/down hill # Might be good to make it a policy param center_swing=0.0, # push legs towards body amplitude_extension=0.0, # push legs away from body amplitude_lift=0.0, ): """ movetype decides which type of TG we are training for OPTIONS: walk: one leg at a time LF, LB, RF, RB trot: LF|RB together followed by bound pace pronk """ # Trajectory Generators self.TG_dict = {} movetype_dict = { "walk": [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75], # ORDER: RF | LF | RB | LB "trot": [0, 0.5, 0.5, 0], # ORDER: LF + RB | LB + RF "bound": [0, 0.5, 0, 0.5], # ORDER: LF + LB | RF + RB "pace": [0, 0, 0.5, 0.5], # ORDER: LF + RF | LB + RB "pronk": [0, 0, 0, 0] # LF + LB + RF + RB } TG_LF = TrajectoryGenerator(center_swing, amplitude_extension, amplitude_lift, movetype_dict[movetype][0]) TG_LB = TrajectoryGenerator(center_swing, amplitude_extension, amplitude_lift, movetype_dict[movetype][1]) TG_RF = TrajectoryGenerator(center_swing, amplitude_extension, amplitude_lift, movetype_dict[movetype][2]) TG_RB = TrajectoryGenerator(center_swing, amplitude_extension, amplitude_lift, movetype_dict[movetype][3]) self.TG_dict["LF"] = TG_LF self.TG_dict["LB"] = TG_LB self.TG_dict["RF"] = TG_RF self.TG_dict["RB"] = TG_RB def increment(self, dt, f_tg, Beta): # Increment phase for (key, tg) in self.TG_dict.items(): tg.CI.progress_tprime(dt, f_tg, Beta) def get_TG_state(self): # NOTE: MAYBE RETURN ONLY tprime for TG1 since that's # the 'master' phase # We get two observations per TG # obs = np.array([]) # for i, (key, tg) in enumerate(self.TG_dict.items()): # obs = np.append(obs, tg.get_state_based_on_phase[0]) # obs = np.append(obs, tg.get_state_based_on_phase[1]) # return obs # OR just return phase, not sure why sin and cos is relevant... # obs = np.array([]) # for i, (key, tg) in enumerate(self.TG_dict.items()): # obs = np.append(obs, tg.CI.tprime) # Return MASTER phase obs = self.TG_dict["LF"].get_state_based_on_phase() return obs def get_utg(self, action, alpha_tg, h_tg, intensity, num_motors, theta=0.0): """ INPUTS: action: residuals for each motor from Policy alpha_tg: swing amplitude from Policy h_tg: center extension from Policy ie walking height num_motors: number of motors on minitaur OUTPUTS: action: residuals + TG """ # Get Action from TG [no policies here] half_num_motors = int(num_motors / 2) for i, (key, tg) in enumerate(self.TG_dict.items()): action_idx = i swing, extend = tg.get_swing_extend_based_on_phase( alpha_tg, h_tg, intensity, theta) # NOTE: ADDING to residuals action[action_idx] += swing action[action_idx + half_num_motors] += extend return action
#!/usr/bin/env python import pybullet as p import time import pybullet_data import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append('../../../') from spotmicro.util import pybullet_data as pd physicsClient = p.connect(p.GUI) # or p.DIRECT for non-graphical version p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) # optionally p.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) # p.setTimeStep(1./240.) # slow, accurate p.setRealTimeSimulation(0) # we want to be faster than real time :) planeId = p.loadURDF("plane.urdf") StartPos = [0, 0, 0.3] StartOrientation = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, 0]) p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(cameraDistance=0.8, cameraYaw=45, cameraPitch=-30, cameraTargetPosition=[0, 0, 0]) boxId = p.loadURDF(pd.getDataPath() + "/assets/urdf/spot.urdf", StartPos, StartOrientation, flags=p.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION_EXCLUDE_PARENT) numj = p.getNumJoints(boxId) numb = p.getNumBodies() Pos, Orn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(boxId) print(Pos, Orn) print("Number of joints {}".format(numj)) print("Number of links {}".format(numb)) joint = [] movingJoints = [ 6, 7, 8, # FL 10, 11, 12, # FR 15, 16, 17, # BL 19, 20, 21 # BR ] maxVelocity = 100 mode = p.POSITION_CONTROL p.setJointMotorControlArray(bodyUniqueId=boxId, jointIndices=movingJoints, controlMode=p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPositions=np.zeros(12), targetVelocities=np.zeros(12), forces=np.ones(12) * np.inf) counter = 0 angle1 = -np.pi / 2.0 angle2 = 0.0 angle = angle1 for i in range(100000000): counter += 1 if counter % 1000 == 0: p.setJointMotorControlArray( bodyUniqueId=boxId, jointIndices=[8, 12, 17, 21], # FWrists controlMode=p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPositions=np.ones(4) * angle, targetVelocities=np.zeros(4), forces=np.ones(4) * 0.15) counter = 0 if angle == angle1: angle = angle2 else: angle = angle1 p.stepSimulation() p.disconnect()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from td3_lib.td3 import ReplayBuffer, TD3Agent, evaluate_policy from mini_bullet.minitaur_gym_env import MinitaurBulletEnv import torch import os def main(): """ The main() function. """ print("STARTING MINITAUR TD3") # TRAINING PARAMETERS # env_name = "MinitaurBulletEnv-v0" seed = 0 max_timesteps = 4e6 start_timesteps = 1e4 # 1e3 for testing purposes, use 1e4 for real expl_noise = 0.1 batch_size = 100 eval_freq = 1e4 save_model = True file_name = "mini_td3_" # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) env = MinitaurBulletEnv(render=False) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) print("RECORDED MAX ACTION: {}".format(max_action)) policy = TD3Agent(state_dim, action_dim, max_action) policy_num = 0 if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(policy_num) + "_critic"): print("Loading Existing Policy") policy.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(policy_num)) replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer() # Optionally load existing policy, replace 9999 with num buffer_number = 0 # BY DEFAULT WILL LOAD NOTHING, CHANGE THIS if os.path.exists(replay_buffer.buffer_path + "/" + "replay_buffer_" + str(buffer_number) + '.data'): print("Loading Replay Buffer " + str(buffer_number)) replay_buffer.load(buffer_number) # print( # Evaluate untrained policy and init list for storage evaluations = [] state = env.reset() done = False episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 print("STARTED MINITAUR TD3") for t in range(int(max_timesteps)): episode_timesteps += 1 # Select action randomly or according to policy # Random Action - no training yet, just storing in buffer if t < start_timesteps: action = env.action_space.sample() # rospy.logdebug("Sampled Action") else: # According to policy + Exploraton Noise # print("POLICY Action") """ Note we clip at +-0.99.... because Gazebo has problems executing actions at the position limit (breaks model) """ action = np.clip( (policy.select_action(np.array(state)) + np.random.normal( 0, max_action * expl_noise, size=action_dim)), -max_action, max_action) # rospy.logdebug("Selected Acton: {}".format(action)) # Perform action next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) done_bool = float(done) # Store data in replay buffer replay_buffer.add((state, action, next_state, reward, done_bool)) state = next_state episode_reward += reward # Train agent after collecting sufficient data for buffer if t >= start_timesteps: policy.train(replay_buffer, batch_size) if done: # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print( "Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}".format( t + 1, episode_num, episode_timesteps, episode_reward)) # Reset environment state, done = env.reset(), False evaluations.append(episode_reward) episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num += 1 # Evaluate episode if (t + 1) % eval_freq == 0: # evaluate_policy(policy, env_name, seed, + "/" + str(file_name), evaluations) if save_model: + "/" + str(file_name) + str(t)) # env.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from ars_lib.ars import ARSAgent, Normalizer, Policy, ParallelWorker from mini_bullet.minitaur_gym_env import MinitaurBulletEnv import torch import os # Multiprocessing package for python # Parallelization improvements based on: # import multiprocessing as mp from multiprocessing import Pipe # Messages for Pipe _RESET = 1 _CLOSE = 2 _EXPLORE = 3 def main(): """ The main() function. """ # Hold mp pipes mp.freeze_support() print("STARTING MINITAUR ARS") # TRAINING PARAMETERS # env_name = "MinitaurBulletEnv-v0" seed = 0 max_timesteps = 4e6 eval_freq = 1e1 save_model = True file_name = "mini_ars_" # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) env = MinitaurBulletEnv(render=False) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) print("RECORDED MAX ACTION: {}".format(max_action)) # Initialize Normalizer normalizer = Normalizer(state_dim) # Initialize Policy policy = Policy(state_dim, action_dim) # Initialize Agent with normalizer, policy and gym env agent = ARSAgent(normalizer, policy, env) agent_num = 0 if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num) + "_policy"): print("Loading Existing agent") agent.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num)) # Evaluate untrained agent and init list for storage evaluations = [] env.reset(agent.desired_velocity, agent.desired_rate) episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 # MULTIPROCESSING # Create mp pipes num_processes = policy.num_deltas processes = [] childPipes = [] parentPipes = [] # Store mp pipes for pr in range(num_processes): parentPipe, childPipe = Pipe() parentPipes.append(parentPipe) childPipes.append(childPipe) # Start multiprocessing for proc_num in range(num_processes): p = mp.Process(target=ParallelWorker, args=(childPipes[proc_num], env)) p.start() processes.append(p) print("STARTED MINITAUR ARS") t = 0 while t < (int(max_timesteps)): # Maximum timesteps per rollout t += policy.episode_steps episode_timesteps += 1 episode_reward = agent.train_parallel(parentPipes) # episode_reward = agent.train() # +1 to account for 0 indexing. # +0 on ep_timesteps since it will increment +1 even if done=True print("Total T: {} Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}, >400: {}". format(t, episode_num, policy.episode_steps, episode_reward, agent.successes)) # Reset environment evaluations.append(episode_reward) episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 # Evaluate episode if (episode_num + 1) % eval_freq == 0: # evaluate_agent(agent, env_name, seed, + "/" + str(file_name), evaluations) if save_model: + "/" + str(file_name) + str(episode_num)) # episode_num += 1 # Close pipes and hence envs for parentPipe in parentPipes: parentPipe.send([_CLOSE, "pay2"]) for p in processes: p.join() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append('../../') from ars_lib.ars import ARSAgent, Normalizer, Policy from spotmicro.util.gui import GUI from spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics import SpotModel from spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Bezier import BezierGait from spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL import BezierStepper from spotmicro.GymEnvs.spot_bezier_env import spotBezierEnv from spotmicro.spot_env_randomizer import SpotEnvRandomizer import os import argparse import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns sns.set() # ARGUMENTS descr = "Spot Mini Mini ARS Agent Evaluator." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descr) parser.add_argument("-hf", "--HeightField", help="Use HeightField", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-a", "--AgentNum", help="Agent Number To Load") parser.add_argument("-nep", "--NumberOfEpisodes", help="Number of Episodes to Collect Data For") parser.add_argument("-dr", "--DontRandomize", help="Do NOT Randomize State and Environment.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-nc", "--NoContactSensing", help="Disable Contact Sensing", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-s", "--Seed", help="Seed (Default: 0).") ARGS = parser.parse_args() def main(): """ The main() function. """ print("STARTING MINITAUR ARS") # TRAINING PARAMETERS # env_name = "MinitaurBulletEnv-v0" seed = 0 if ARGS.Seed: seed = ARGS.Seed max_episodes = 1000 if ARGS.NumberOfEpisodes: max_episodes = ARGS.NumberOfEpisodes if ARGS.HeightField: height_field = True else: height_field = False if ARGS.NoContactSensing: contacts = False else: contacts = True if ARGS.DontRandomize: env_randomizer = None else: env_randomizer = SpotEnvRandomizer() file_name = "spot_ars_" # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") if contacts: models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models/contact") else: models_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../models/no_contact") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) if not os.path.exists(models_path): os.makedirs(models_path) if ARGS.HeightField: height_field = True else: height_field = False env = spotBezierEnv(render=False, on_rack=False, height_field=height_field, draw_foot_path=False, contacts=contacts, env_randomizer=env_randomizer) # Set seeds env.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] print("STATE DIM: {}".format(state_dim)) action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print("ACTION DIM: {}".format(action_dim)) max_action = float(env.action_space.high[0]) env.reset() spot = SpotModel() bz_step = BezierStepper(dt=env._time_step) bzg = BezierGait(dt=env._time_step) # Initialize Normalizer normalizer = Normalizer(state_dim) # Initialize Policy policy = Policy(state_dim, action_dim, episode_steps=np.inf) # Initialize Agent with normalizer, policy and gym env agent = ARSAgent(normalizer, policy, env, bz_step, bzg, spot, False) use_agent = False agent_num = 0 if ARGS.AgentNum: agent_num = ARGS.AgentNum use_agent = True if os.path.exists(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num) + "_policy"): print("Loading Existing agent") agent.load(models_path + "/" + file_name + str(agent_num)) agent.policy.episode_steps = 50000 policy = agent.policy env.reset() episode_reward = 0 episode_timesteps = 0 episode_num = 0 print("STARTED MINITAUR TEST SCRIPT") # Used to create gaussian distribution of survival distance surv_pos = [] # Store results if use_agent: # Store _agent agt = "agent_" + str(agent_num) else: # Store _vanilla agt = "vanilla" while episode_num < (int(max_episodes)): episode_reward, episode_timesteps = agent.deployTG() # We only care about x/y pos travelled_pos = list(agent.returnPose()) # NOTE: FORMAT: X, Y, TIMESTEPS - # tells us if robobt was just stuck forever. didn't actually fall. travelled_pos[-1] = episode_timesteps episode_num += 1 # Store dt and frequency for prob distribution surv_pos.append(travelled_pos) print("Episode Num: {} Episode T: {} Reward: {}".format( episode_num, episode_timesteps, episode_reward)) print("Survival Pos: {}".format(surv_pos[-1])) # Save/Overwrite each time with open( results_path + "/" + str(file_name) + agt + '_survival_' + str(max_episodes), 'wb') as filehandle: pickle.dump(surv_pos, filehandle) env.close() print("---------------------------------------") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import sys import os import argparse import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import copy from scipy.stats import norm sns.set() # ARGUMENTS descr = "Spot Mini Mini ARS Agent Evaluator." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descr) parser.add_argument("-nep", "--NumberOfEpisodes", help="Number of Episodes to Plot Data For") parser.add_argument("-maw", "--MovingAverageWindow", help="Moving Average Window for Plotting (Default: 50)") parser.add_argument("-surv", "--Survival", help="Plot Survival Curve", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-tr", "--TrainingData", help="Plot Training Curve", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-tot", "--TotalReward", help="Show Total Reward instead of Reward Per Timestep", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-ar", "--RandAgentNum", help="Randomized Agent Number To Load") parser.add_argument("-anor", "--NoRandAgentNum", help="Non-Randomized Agent Number To Load") parser.add_argument("-raw", "--Raw", help="Plot Raw Data in addition to Moving Averaged Data", action='store_true') parser.add_argument( "-s", "--Seed", help="Seed [UP TO, e.g. 0 | 0, 1 | 0, 1, 2 ...] (Default: 0).") parser.add_argument("-pout", "--PolicyOut", help="Plot Policy Output Data", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-rough", "--Rough", help="Plot Policy Output Data for Rough Terrain", action='store_true') parser.add_argument( "-tru", "--TrueAct", help="Plot the Agent Action instead of what the robot sees", action='store_true') ARGS = parser.parse_args() MA_WINDOW = 50 if ARGS.MovingAverageWindow: MA_WINDOW = int(ARGS.MovingAverageWindow) def moving_average(a, n=MA_WINDOW): MA = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float) MA[n:] = MA[n:] - MA[:-n] return MA[n - 1:] / n def extract_data_bounds(min=0, max=5, dist_data=None, dt_data=None): """ 3 bounds: lower, mid, highest """ if dist_data is not None: # Get Survival Data, dt # Lowest Bound: x <= max bound = np.array([0]) if min == 0: less_max_cond = dist_data <= max bound = np.where(less_max_cond) else: # Highest Bound: min <= x if max == np.inf: gtr_min_cond = dist_data >= min bound = np.where(gtr_min_cond) # Mid Bound: min < x < max else: less_max_gtr_min_cond = np.logical_and(dist_data > min, dist_data < max) bound = np.where(less_max_gtr_min_cond) if dt_data is not None: dt_bounded = dt_data[bound] num_surv = np.array(np.where(dt_bounded == 50000))[0].shape[0] else: num_surv = None return dist_data[bound], num_surv else: return None def main(): """ The main() function. """ file_name = "spot_ars_" seed = 0 if ARGS.Seed: seed = ARGS.Seed # Find abs path to this file my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results_path = os.path.join(my_path, "../results") if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.makedirs(results_path) vanilla_surv = np.random.randn(1000) agent_surv = np.random.randn(1000) nep = 1000 if ARGS.NumberOfEpisodes: nep = ARGS.NumberOfEpisodes if ARGS.TrainingData: training = True else: training = False if ARGS.Survival: surv = True else: surv = False if ARGS.PolicyOut or ARGS.Rough or ARGS.TrueAct: pout = True else: pout = False if not pout and not surv and not training: print( "Please Select which Data you would like to plot (-pout | -surv | -tr)" ) rand_agt = 579 norand_agt = 569 if ARGS.RandAgentNum: rand_agt = ARGS.RandAgentNum if ARGS.NoRandAgentNum: norand_agt = ARGS.NoRandAgentNum if surv: # Vanilla Data if os.path.exists(results_path + "/" + file_name + "vanilla" + '_survival_{}'.format(nep)): with open( results_path + "/" + file_name + "vanilla" + '_survival_{}'.format(nep), 'rb') as filehandle: vanilla_surv = np.array(pickle.load(filehandle)) # Rand Agent Data if os.path.exists(results_path + "/" + file_name + "agent_{}".format(rand_agt) + '_survival_{}'.format(nep)): with open( results_path + "/" + file_name + "agent_{}".format(rand_agt) + '_survival_{}'.format(nep), 'rb') as filehandle: d2gmbc_surv = np.array(pickle.load(filehandle)) # NoRand Agent Data if os.path.exists(results_path + "/" + file_name + "agent_{}".format(norand_agt) + '_survival_{}'.format(nep)): with open( results_path + "/" + file_name + "agent_{}".format(norand_agt) + '_survival_{}'.format(nep), 'rb') as filehandle: gmbc_surv = np.array(pickle.load(filehandle)) # print(gmbc_surv[:, 0]) # Extract useful values vanilla_surv_x = vanilla_surv[:1000, 0] d2gmbc_surv_x = d2gmbc_surv[:, 0] gmbc_surv_x = gmbc_surv[:, 0] # convert the lists to series data = { 'Open Loop': vanilla_surv_x, 'GMBC': d2gmbc_surv_x, 'D^2-GMBC': gmbc_surv_x } colors = ['r', 'g', 'b'] # get dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(data) print(df) # get dataframe2 # Extract useful values vanilla_surv_dt = vanilla_surv[:1000, -1] d2gmbc_surv_dt = d2gmbc_surv[:, -1] gmbc_surv_dt = gmbc_surv[:, -1] # convert the lists to series data2 = { 'Open Loop': vanilla_surv_dt, 'GMBC': d2gmbc_surv_dt, 'D^2-GMBC': gmbc_surv_dt } df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2) # Plot for i, col in enumerate(df.columns): sns.distplot(df[[col]], color=colors[i]) plt.legend(labels=['D^2-GMBC', 'GMBC', 'Open Loop']) plt.xlabel("Forward Survived Distance (m)") plt.ylabel("Kernel Density Estimate") # Print AVG and STDEV norand_avg = np.average(copy.deepcopy(gmbc_surv_x)) norand_std = np.std(copy.deepcopy(gmbc_surv_x)) rand_avg = np.average(copy.deepcopy(d2gmbc_surv_x)) rand_std = np.std(copy.deepcopy(d2gmbc_surv_x)) vanilla_avg = np.average(copy.deepcopy(vanilla_surv_x)) vanilla_std = np.std(copy.deepcopy(vanilla_surv_x)) print("Open Loop: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] | AMOUNT [{}]".format( vanilla_avg, vanilla_std, gmbc_surv_x.shape[0])) print("D^2-GMBC: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] AMOUNT [{}]".format( rand_avg, rand_std, d2gmbc_surv_x.shape[0])) print("GMBC: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] AMOUNT [{}]".format( norand_avg, norand_std, vanilla_surv_x.shape[0])) # collect data gmbc_surv_x_less_5, gmbc_surv_num_less_5 = extract_data_bounds( 0, 5, gmbc_surv_x, gmbc_surv_dt) d2gmbc_surv_x_less_5, d2gmbc_surv_num_less_5 = extract_data_bounds( 0, 5, d2gmbc_surv_x, d2gmbc_surv_dt) vanilla_surv_x_less_5, vanilla_surv_num_less_5 = extract_data_bounds( 0, 5, vanilla_surv_x, vanilla_surv_dt) # <=5 # Make sure all arrays filled if gmbc_surv_x_less_5.size == 0: gmbc_surv_x_less_5 = np.array([0]) if d2gmbc_surv_x_less_5.size == 0: d2gmbc_surv_x_less_5 = np.array([0]) if vanilla_surv_x_less_5.size == 0: vanilla_surv_x_less_5 = np.array([0]) norand_avg = np.average(gmbc_surv_x_less_5) norand_std = np.std(gmbc_surv_x_less_5) rand_avg = np.average(d2gmbc_surv_x_less_5) rand_std = np.std(d2gmbc_surv_x_less_5) vanilla_avg = np.average(vanilla_surv_x_less_5) vanilla_std = np.std(vanilla_surv_x_less_5) print("<= 5m") print( "Open Loop: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] | AMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]" .format(vanilla_avg, vanilla_std, vanilla_surv_x_less_5.shape[0] - vanilla_surv_num_less_5, vanilla_surv_num_less_5)) print( "D^2-GMBC: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] AMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]" .format(rand_avg, rand_std, d2gmbc_surv_x_less_5.shape[0] - d2gmbc_surv_num_less_5, d2gmbc_surv_num_less_5)) print("GMBC: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] AMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]". format(norand_avg, norand_std, gmbc_surv_x_less_5.shape[0] - gmbc_surv_num_less_5, gmbc_surv_num_less_5)) # collect data gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5, gmbc_surv_num_gtr_5 = extract_data_bounds( 5, 90, gmbc_surv_x, gmbc_surv_dt) d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5, d2gmbc_surv_num_gtr_5 = extract_data_bounds( 5, 90, d2gmbc_surv_x, d2gmbc_surv_dt) vanilla_surv_x_gtr_5, vanilla_surv_num_gtr_5 = extract_data_bounds( 5, 90, vanilla_surv_x, vanilla_surv_dt) # >5 <90 # Make sure all arrays filled if gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5.size == 0: gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5 = np.array([0]) if d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5.size == 0: d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5 = np.array([0]) if vanilla_surv_x_gtr_5.size == 0: vanilla_surv_x_gtr_5 = np.array([0]) norand_avg = np.average(gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5) norand_std = np.std(gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5) rand_avg = np.average(d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5) rand_std = np.std(d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5) vanilla_avg = np.average(vanilla_surv_x_gtr_5) vanilla_std = np.std(vanilla_surv_x_gtr_5) print("> 5m and <90m") print( "Open Loop: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] | AMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]" .format(vanilla_avg, vanilla_std, vanilla_surv_x_gtr_5.shape[0] - vanilla_surv_num_gtr_5, vanilla_surv_num_gtr_5)) print( "D^2-GMBC: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] AMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]" .format(rand_avg, rand_std, d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5.shape[0] - d2gmbc_surv_num_gtr_5, d2gmbc_surv_num_gtr_5)) print("GMBC: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] AMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]". format(norand_avg, norand_std, gmbc_surv_x_gtr_5.shape[0] - gmbc_surv_num_gtr_5, gmbc_surv_num_gtr_5)) # collect data gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90, gmbc_surv_num_gtr_90 = extract_data_bounds( 90, np.inf, gmbc_surv_x, gmbc_surv_dt) d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90, d2gmbc_surv_num_gtr_90 = extract_data_bounds( 90, np.inf, d2gmbc_surv_x, d2gmbc_surv_dt) vanilla_surv_x_gtr_90, vanilla_surv_num_gtr_90 = extract_data_bounds( 90, np.inf, vanilla_surv_x, vanilla_surv_dt) # >90 # Make sure all arrays filled if gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90.size == 0: gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90 = np.array([0]) if d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90.size == 0: d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90 = np.array([0]) if vanilla_surv_x_gtr_90.size == 0: vanilla_surv_x_gtr_90 = np.array([0]) norand_avg = np.average(gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90) norand_std = np.std(gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90) rand_avg = np.average(d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90) rand_std = np.std(d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90) vanilla_avg = np.average(vanilla_surv_x_gtr_90) vanilla_std = np.std(vanilla_surv_x_gtr_90) print(">= 90m") print( "Open Loop: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] | AAMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]" .format(vanilla_avg, vanilla_std, vanilla_surv_x_gtr_90.shape[0] - vanilla_surv_num_gtr_90, vanilla_surv_num_gtr_90)) print( "D^2-GMBC: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] AMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]" .format(rand_avg, rand_std, d2gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90.shape[0] - d2gmbc_surv_num_gtr_90, d2gmbc_surv_num_gtr_90)) print("GMBC: AVG [{}] | STD [{}] AMOUNT DEAD [{}] | AMOUNT ALIVE [{}]". format(norand_avg, norand_std, gmbc_surv_x_gtr_90.shape[0] - gmbc_surv_num_gtr_90, gmbc_surv_num_gtr_90)) # Save to excel df.to_excel(results_path + "/SurvDist.xlsx", index=False) df2.to_excel(results_path + "/SurvDT.xlsx", index=False) elif training: rand_data_list = [] norand_data_list = [] rand_shortest_length = np.inf norand_shortest_length = np.inf for i in range(int(seed) + 1): # Training Data Plotter rand_data_temp = np.load(results_path + "/spot_ars_rand_" + "seed" + str(i) + ".npy") norand_data_temp = np.load(results_path + "/spot_ars_norand_" + "seed" + str(i) + ".npy") rand_shortest_length = min( np.shape(rand_data_temp[:, 1])[0], rand_shortest_length) norand_shortest_length = min( np.shape(norand_data_temp[:, 1])[0], norand_shortest_length) rand_data_list.append(rand_data_temp) norand_data_list.append(norand_data_temp) tot_rand_data = [] tot_norand_data = [] norm_rand_data = [] norm_norand_data = [] for i in range(int(seed) + 1): tot_rand_data.append( moving_average(rand_data_list[i][:rand_shortest_length, 0])) tot_norand_data.append( moving_average( norand_data_list[i][:norand_shortest_length, 0])) norm_rand_data.append( moving_average(rand_data_list[i][:rand_shortest_length, 1])) norm_norand_data.append( moving_average( norand_data_list[i][:norand_shortest_length, 1])) tot_rand_data = np.array(tot_rand_data) tot_norand_data = np.array(tot_norand_data) norm_rand_data = np.array(norm_rand_data) norm_norand_data = np.array(norm_norand_data) # column-wise axis = 0 # MEAN tot_rand_mean = tot_rand_data.mean(axis=axis) tot_norand_mean = tot_norand_data.mean(axis=axis) norm_rand_mean = norm_rand_data.mean(axis=axis) norm_norand_mean = norm_norand_data.mean(axis=axis) # STD tot_rand_std = tot_rand_data.std(axis=axis) tot_norand_std = tot_norand_data.std(axis=axis) norm_rand_std = norm_rand_data.std(axis=axis) norm_norand_std = norm_norand_data.std(axis=axis) aranged_rand = np.arange(np.shape(tot_rand_mean)[0]) aranged_norand = np.arange(np.shape(tot_norand_mean)[0]) if ARGS.TotalReward: if ARGS.Raw: plt.plot(rand_data_list[0][:, 0], label="Randomized (Total Reward)", color='g') plt.plot(norand_data_list[0][:, 0], label="Non-Randomized (Total Reward)", color='r') plt.plot(aranged_norand, tot_norand_mean, label="MA: Non-Randomized (Total Reward)", color='r') plt.fill_between(aranged_norand, tot_norand_mean - tot_norand_std, tot_norand_mean + tot_norand_std, color='r', alpha=0.2) plt.plot(aranged_rand, tot_rand_mean, label="MA: Randomized (Total Reward)", color='g') plt.fill_between(aranged_rand, tot_rand_mean - tot_rand_std, tot_rand_mean + tot_rand_std, color='g', alpha=0.2) else: if ARGS.Raw: plt.plot(rand_data_list[0][:, 1], label="Randomized (Reward/dt)", color='g') plt.plot(norand_data_list[0][:, 1], label="Non-Randomized (Reward/dt)", color='r') plt.plot(aranged_norand, norm_norand_mean, label="MA: Non-Randomized (Reward/dt)", color='r') plt.fill_between(aranged_norand, norm_norand_mean - norm_norand_std, norm_norand_mean + norm_norand_std, color='r', alpha=0.2) plt.plot(aranged_rand, norm_rand_mean, label="MA: Randomized (Reward/dt)", color='g') plt.fill_between(aranged_rand, norm_rand_mean - norm_rand_std, norm_rand_mean + norm_rand_std, color='g', alpha=0.2) plt.xlabel("Epoch #") plt.ylabel("Reward") plt.title( "Training Performance with {} seed samples".format(int(seed) + 1)) plt.legend() elif pout: if ARGS.Rough: terrain_name = "rough_" else: terrain_name = "flat_" if ARGS.TrueAct: action_name = "agent_act" else: action_name = "robot_act" action = np.load(results_path + "/" + "policy_out_" + terrain_name + action_name + ".npy") ClearHeight_act = action[:, 0] BodyHeight_act = action[:, 1] Residuals_act = action[:, 2:] plt.plot(ClearHeight_act, label='Clearance Height Mod', color='black') plt.plot(BodyHeight_act, label='Body Height Mod', color='darkviolet') # FL plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 0], label='Residual: FL (x)', color='limegreen') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 1], label='Residual: FL (y)', color='lime') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 2], label='Residual: FL (z)', color='green') # FR plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 3], label='Residual: FR (x)', color='lightskyblue') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 4], label='Residual: FR (y)', color='dodgerblue') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 5], label='Residual: FR (z)', color='blue') # BL plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 6], label='Residual: BL (x)', color='firebrick') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 7], label='Residual: BL (y)', color='crimson') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 8], label='Residual: BL (z)', color='red') # BR plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 9], label='Residual: BR (x)', color='gold') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 10], label='Residual: BR (y)', color='orange') plt.plot(Residuals_act[:, 11], label='Residual: BR (z)', color='coral') plt.xlabel("Epoch Iteration") plt.ylabel("Action Value") plt.title("Policy Output") plt.legend() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Spot Mini Mini - The Real Deal ### Assembly Instructions I'm in the middle of moving so it's difficult for me to get detailed images/instructions. For now, please consult the [CAD Model](, which should be straightforward to look at and intuit. During assembly, make sure the motors are powered and that you select `NOMINAL_PWM` mode in the [main.cpp]( file that runs on the `Teensy`. **NOTE:** Be sure to consult `nominal_servo_pwm()` to input your correct servo angle and pwm ranges for a successful calibration. For example, I am using `270` degree motors with `500` min and `2500` max PWM as shown below. ![NOM_MODE](media/NOM_PWM_MODE.png) ![NOM_PWM](media/NOM_PWM.png) When the assembly in this mode is finished, the robot should have its legs extended and perpendicular to the body, like this: ![NOM_PWM](media/STR_MODE.jpg) #### Motor Plug In Order ``` M01 front left shoulder M02 front left elbow M03 front left wrist M04 front right shoulder M05 front right elbow M06 front right wrist M07 back left shoulder M08 back left elbow M09 back left wrist M10 back right shoulder M11 back right elbow M12 back right wrist ``` #### Recommended Build Order * Main Body * Legs * Inner Hips * Outer Hips * Covers #### Main Body * press-fit M3 nuts onto both sides of the main electronics plate, and M2 nuts onto the bottom of the adapter plate. * Fasten the IMU onto the middle of the electronics plate. Regardless of your make/model, calibrate it to make sure your inertial axes follow the right hand rule. * Fasten the adapter plate onto the main plate using 16mm M3 bolts. * Fasten the battery to the bottom of the main plate using the battery holder and some M3 bolts. * Fasten the Raspberry Pi and Spot Mini Mini boards onto the adapter plate using 8mm M2 bolts. * Do your wiring now to avoid a hassle later. **TODO: Wiring Instructions - (simple enough to figure out in the meantime by following [The Diagram](**. #### Legs * Fasten two of your motors into each shoulder joint. * Fasten a disc servo horn onto the upper leg. * Fasten the upper leg onto the shoulder motor (the one that does not have an opposing nub) through the disc horn. The upper leg should be perpendicular to the shoulder. * Squeeze in an M3 nut onto the floor of the inner upper leg and an M5 nut onto the idler adjustor. Then, fit a bearing onto the idler using an 8mm M5 bolt. * Push the idler onto the floor of the inner upper leg. While you're here, press-fit an M5 nut onto the bottom of the upper leg. * Fasten a disc servo horn onto the belt pulley. * Fasten the assembled pulley onto each leg's third motor. Place a bearing inside the pulley once this is done. * After placing a belt around the motor's pulley, press-fit the pulley onto the upper leg. * Press-fit two bearings into either side of the lower leg pulley. * Slot the belt around the lower leg (try to keep it parallel to the upper leg) and secure it through the upper leg with a 30mm M5 bolt. This should be easy if your idler is untentioned. * Tension your idler. * The leg should be fully extended, with the upper and lower leg being parallel to each other and perpendicular to the shoulder. * Once you're happy with this, fasten the servo cover onto the protruding motor, press-fit the bearing, and fasten the support bridge between the bearing and the shoulder joint. #### Inner Hips * Fasten two disc servo horns into the rear inner hip. * Fasten the rear left and right legs to the rear inner hip, making sure the legs are parallel to the side of the body. * Fasten the rear inner hip to both side chassis brackets. * Slot the finished Main Body assembly into the chassis bracket lips. Secure with nuts and bolts. * Fasten the front inner hip to both side chassis brackets. The main body should now be fully secured. * Press-fit two bearings into the front inner hip. #### Outer Hips * Fasten two disc servo horns into the front outer hip. * Fasten the front left and right legs to the front outer hip, making sure the legs are parallel to the side of the body. * After slotting M3 nuts into the front inner hip, secure the front outer hip assembly (with the legs) using 16mm M3 bolts. Note that the nubs on the shoulder joints should fit into the bearings. * Press-fit two bearings into the rear outer hip. * After slotting M3 nuts into the rear inner hip, secure the rear outer hip assembly (with the legs) using 16mm M3 bolts. Note that the nubs on the shoulder joints should fit into the bearings. ### Motor Calibration Modes and Method After turning on Spot's power switch, and `ssh`-ing into the Raspberry Pi (assuming you've done all the standard ROS stuff: `source devel/setup.bash` and `catkin_make`), do: `roslaunch mini_ros spot_calibrate.launch`. This will establish the serial connection between the Pi and the Teensy, and you should be able to give Spot's joints some PWM commands. * After launching the calibration node, use `rosservice call /servo_calibrator <TAB> <TAB>` (the double `TAB` auto-completes the format) on each joint `0-11` and give it a few different PWM commands (carefully) to inspect its behavior. * Once you are familiar with the joint, hone in on a PWM command that sends it to `two` known and measurable positions (`0` and `90` degrees works great - for the wrists, `165` degrees is also an option). * Record the PWM value and corresponding position for each joint in the `Initialize()` method for the joints in `main.cpp` in the following order: `[PWM0, PWM1, ANG0, ANG1]`. Your motors will inevitably have non-linearities so it is imperative to perform these steps for each joint and to find two reference points that minimize the presence of non-linearities. Here is an example for two joint calibrations I did: ![PWM Example](media/PWM_CALIB.png) Within [main.cpp]( (runs on Teensy), you can select the following modes to **verify** your calibration. Spending extra time here goes a long way. * `STRAIGHT_LEGS`: Spot will start by lying down, and then extend its legs straight after a few seconds. ![PWM Example](media/STR_PWM.png) ![PWM Example](media/STR_MODE.jpg) * `LIEDOWN`: Spot will stay lying down. ![PWM Example](media/LIE_PWM.png) ![PWM Example](media/LIE_PWM_Y.png) * `PERPENDICULAR_LEGS`: Spot will start by lying down, and then make its upper leg perpendicular to its shoulder, and its lower leg perpendicular to its upper leg. **NOTE: Make sure Spot is on a stand during this mode as it will fall over!** ![PWM Example](media/PERP_PWM.png) ![PWM Example](media/PERP_PWM_Y.png) * `RUN`: Spot will start by lying down, and raise itself to its normal stance once all sensors/communications are ready. This is the default mode. ![PWM Example](media/RUN_SEQ.gif) Thank you [Vincent]( for your feedback regarding this guide's clarity!
# Spot Mini Mini - The Real Deal ## Software ### Teensy Low Level Speed Controller: `Teensy` Custom Serialized ROS messages have been built using `ROSSerial` for ROS Melodic. These allow the Teensy to communicate with the Raspberry Pi safely and efficiently. The Teensy firmware is split into multiple header files for Servo Motor Operations, Inverse Kinematics, IMU and Contact Sensor readings, as well as the ROSSerial Interface. Becuase of this split, I have opted to use `PlatformIO` for compilation instead of the Arduino IDE. The `RPi` directory has some testing scripts which you will most likely not use. #### Installation Instructions: * Install `PlatformIO`. * Install `Ubuntu 18.04` and `ROS Melodic` on Raspberry Pi and well as `ROSSerial`. * Navigate to [firmware]( directory and run `platformio run -t upload` while connected to Teensy 4.0. #### Launch Instructions: After turning on Spot's power switch, and `ssh`-ing into the Raspberry Pi (assuming you've done all the standard ROS stuff: `source devel/setup.bash` and `catkin_make`), do: `roslaunch mini_ros spot_real.launch`. This will establish the serial connection between the Pi and the Teensy, and you should be able to give Spot joystick commands. ## Hardware ### Power Distribution Board: `PDB` [Adham Elarabawy]( and I designed this Power Distribution Board for the [Spot Micro]( There are two available versions, one that supports a single power supply (mine - available in the `PDB` directory), and one that supports dual power supplies (his). The second version exists because users who do not use HV servos will need UBECs to buck the 2S Lipo's voltage down to whatever their motors require. In general, these UBECs come with limited current support, which means that two of them are requrired. This power distribution board has a `1.5mm Track Width` to support up to `6A` at a `10C` temperature increase (conservative estimate). There are also copper grounding planes on both sides of the board to help with heat dissipation, and parallel tracks for the power lines are provided for the same reason. The PDB also includes shunt capactiors for each servo motor to smooth out the power input. You are free to select your own capaciors as recommendations range from `100uF` to `470uF` depending on the motors. Make sure you use electrolytic capacitors. Check out the [EasyEDA Project](! ![PDB](PDB/pdb.png) This board interfaces with a sensor array (used for foot sensors on this project) and contains two I2C terminals and a regulated 5V power rail. At the center of the board is a Teensy 4.0 which communicates with a Raspberry Pi over Serial to control the 12 servo motors and read the analogue sensors. The Teensy allows for motor speed control, but if you don't need this, it defaults at 100deg/sec (you can change this). The Gerber files for the single supply version are in this directory. ### STEP/STL Files for new design: Together with [Adham Elarabawy](, I have a completed a total mechanical redesign of SpotMicro. We call it `OpenQuadruped`! Check out the [STEP]( files here! ![image]( Main improvements: * Shortened the body by 40mm while making more room for our electronics with adapter plates. * Moved all the servos to the hip to save 60g on the lower legs, which are now actuated using belt-drives. * Added support bridge on hip joint for added longevity. * Added flush slots for hall effect sensors on the feet. ![image]( ### Bill of Materials See most recent [BOM](! ![bom](media/BOM.png) Note that the actual cost of this project is reflected in the first group of items totalling `590 USD`. For users such as myself who did not own any hobbyist components before this project, I have included an expanded list of required purchases. ### Assembly & Calibration Please consult ![this guide]( for assembly and calibration instructions.
## Spot Micro Power Distribution Board You should be able to upload this zip file into any PCB fulfiller to order yours. Make sure you select `2oz` copper, this is crucial.
/// \file /// \brief Teensy Main. #include <Arduino.h> #include <SpotServo.hpp> #include <ContactSensor.hpp> #include <Kinematics.hpp> #include <Utilities.hpp> #include <IMU.hpp> #include <Servo.h> #include <ROSSerial.hpp> #define DEBUGSERIAL Serial // NOTE: IMPORTANT - CALIBRATION VS RUN PARAMS /* Instructions: - When assembling your servos, use NOMINAL_PWM mode, and be sure to enter the appropriate degree and pwm range too. - Use servo_calibration.launch on your Ubuntu machine running ROS Melodic and hence the servo_calibrator service to send PWM values to each joint, and then enter the resultant values in the Initialize() method of the SpotServo class. - STRAIGHT_LEGS, LIEDOWN, and PERPENDICULAR_LEGS are used to validate your calibraton. - RUN is used when you are finished calibrating, and are ready to run normal operations. */ enum MODE {NOMINAL_PWM, STRAIGHT_LEGS, LIEDOWN, PERPENDICULAR_LEGS, RUN}; MODE spot_mode = RUN; bool ESTOPPED = false; int viewing_speed = 400; // doesn't really mean anything, theoretically deg/sec int walking_speed = 1500; // doesn't really mean anything, theoretically deg/sec double last_estop = millis(); static unsigned long prev_publish_time; const int ledPin = 13; SpotServo FL_Shoulder, FL_Elbow, FL_Wrist, FR_Shoulder, FR_Elbow, FR_Wrist, BL_Shoulder, BL_Elbow, BL_Wrist, BR_Shoulder, BR_Elbow, BR_Wrist; ContactSensor FL_sensor, FR_sensor, BL_sensor, BR_sensor; SpotServo * Shoulders[4] = {&FL_Shoulder, &FR_Shoulder, &BL_Shoulder, &BR_Shoulder}; SpotServo * Elbows[4] = {&FL_Elbow, &FR_Elbow, &BL_Elbow, &BR_Elbow}; SpotServo * Wrists[4] = {&FL_Wrist, &FR_Wrist, &BL_Wrist, &BR_Wrist}; SpotServo * AllServos[12] = {&FL_Shoulder, &FL_Elbow, &FL_Wrist, &FR_Shoulder, &FR_Elbow, &FR_Wrist, &BL_Shoulder, &BL_Elbow, &BL_Wrist, &BR_Shoulder, &BR_Elbow, &BR_Wrist}; Utilities util; Kinematics ik; IMU imu_sensor; LegType fl_leg = FL; LegType fr_leg = FR; LegType bl_leg = BL; LegType br_leg = BR; LegJoints FL_ = LegJoints(fl_leg); LegJoints FR_ = LegJoints(fr_leg); LegJoints BL_ = LegJoints(bl_leg); LegJoints BR_ = LegJoints(br_leg); ros_srl::ROSSerial ros_serial; void update_servos() { // ShoulderS FL_Shoulder.update_clk(); FR_Shoulder.update_clk(); BL_Shoulder.update_clk(); BR_Shoulder.update_clk(); // Elbow FL_Elbow.update_clk(); FR_Elbow.update_clk(); BL_Elbow.update_clk(); BR_Elbow.update_clk(); // WRIST FL_Wrist.update_clk(); FR_Wrist.update_clk(); BL_Wrist.update_clk(); BR_Wrist.update_clk(); } void command_servos(const LegJoints & legjoint, const bool & step_or_view = true) { int leg = -1; if (legjoint.legtype == FL) { leg = 0; } else if (legjoint.legtype == FR) { leg = 1; } else if (legjoint.legtype == BL) { leg = 2; } else if (legjoint.legtype == BR) { leg = 3; } double shoulder_home = (*Shoulders[leg]).return_home(); double elbow_home = (*Elbows[leg]).return_home(); double wrist_home = (*Wrists[leg]).return_home(); double Shoulder_angle = util.angleConversion(legjoint.shoulder, shoulder_home, legjoint.legtype, Shoulder); double Elbow_angle = legjoint.elbow; double Wrist_angle = legjoint.wrist; double s_dist = abs(Shoulder_angle - (*Shoulders[leg]).GetPoseEstimate()); double e_dist = abs(Elbow_angle - (*Elbows[leg]).GetPoseEstimate()); double w_dist = abs(Wrist_angle - (*Wrists[leg]).GetPoseEstimate()); double scaling_factor = util.max(s_dist, e_dist, w_dist); s_dist /= scaling_factor; e_dist /= scaling_factor; w_dist /= scaling_factor; double s_speed = 0.0; double e_speed = 0.0; double w_speed = 0.0; if (step_or_view) { s_speed = viewing_speed * s_dist; s_speed = max(s_speed, viewing_speed / 10.0); e_speed = viewing_speed * e_dist; e_speed = max(e_speed, viewing_speed / 10.0); w_speed = viewing_speed * w_dist; w_speed = max(w_speed, viewing_speed / 10.0); } else { s_speed = walking_speed * s_dist; e_speed = walking_speed * e_dist; w_speed = walking_speed * w_dist; } (*Shoulders[leg]).SetGoal(Shoulder_angle, s_speed, step_or_view); (*Elbows[leg]).SetGoal(Elbow_angle, e_speed, step_or_view); (*Wrists[leg]).SetGoal(Wrist_angle, w_speed, step_or_view); } void update_sensors() { FL_sensor.update_clk(); FR_sensor.update_clk(); BL_sensor.update_clk(); BR_sensor.update_clk(); } void set_stance(const double & f_shoulder_stance = 0.0, const double & f_elbow_stance = 0.0, const double & f_wrist_stance = 0.0, const double & r_shoulder_stance = 0.0, const double & r_elbow_stance = 0.0, const double & r_wrist_stance = 0.0) { // Legs FL_.FillLegJoint(f_shoulder_stance, f_elbow_stance, f_wrist_stance); FR_.FillLegJoint(f_shoulder_stance, f_elbow_stance, f_wrist_stance); BL_.FillLegJoint(r_shoulder_stance, r_elbow_stance, r_wrist_stance); BR_.FillLegJoint(r_shoulder_stance, r_elbow_stance, r_wrist_stance); command_servos(FL_); command_servos(FR_); command_servos(BL_); command_servos(BR_); // Loop until goal reached - check BR Wrist (last one) while (!BR_Wrist.GoalReached()) { update_servos(); } } // Set servo pwm values to nominal assuming 500~2500 range and 270 degree servos. void nominal_servo_pwm(const double & servo_range = 270, const int & min_pwm = 500, const int & max_pwm = 2500) { // Attach motors for assembly // Shoulders FL_Shoulder.AssemblyInit(2, min_pwm, max_pwm); FR_Shoulder.AssemblyInit(5, min_pwm, max_pwm); BL_Shoulder.AssemblyInit(8, min_pwm, max_pwm); BR_Shoulder.AssemblyInit(11, min_pwm, max_pwm); //Elbows FL_Elbow.AssemblyInit(3, min_pwm, max_pwm); FR_Elbow.AssemblyInit(6, min_pwm, max_pwm); BL_Elbow.AssemblyInit(9, min_pwm, max_pwm); BR_Elbow.AssemblyInit(12, min_pwm, max_pwm); //Wrists FL_Wrist.AssemblyInit(4, min_pwm, max_pwm); FR_Wrist.AssemblyInit(7, min_pwm, max_pwm); BL_Wrist.AssemblyInit(10, min_pwm, max_pwm); BR_Wrist.AssemblyInit(13, min_pwm, max_pwm); // halfway for shoulder and elbow int halfway_pulse = round(0.5 * (max_pwm - min_pwm) + min_pwm); // 1500 int shoulder_pulse = halfway_pulse; // 1500 int elbow_pulse = halfway_pulse; // 1500 // wrists need roughly 180 int remaining_range = round(((180.0 - (servo_range / 2.0)) / double(servo_range)) * (max_pwm - min_pwm)); int left_wrist_pulse = halfway_pulse - remaining_range; // 1167 int right_wrist_pulse = halfway_pulse + remaining_range; // 1833 //FL AllServos[0]->writePulse(shoulder_pulse); AllServos[1]->writePulse(elbow_pulse); AllServos[2]->writePulse(left_wrist_pulse); //FR AllServos[3]->writePulse(shoulder_pulse); AllServos[4]->writePulse(elbow_pulse); AllServos[5]->writePulse(right_wrist_pulse); //BL AllServos[6]->writePulse(shoulder_pulse); AllServos[7]->writePulse(elbow_pulse); AllServos[8]->writePulse(left_wrist_pulse); //BR AllServos[9]->writePulse(shoulder_pulse); AllServos[10]->writePulse(elbow_pulse); AllServos[11]->writePulse(right_wrist_pulse); } void run_sequence() { // Move to Crouching Stance delay(2000); double f_shoulder_stance = 0.0; double f_elbow_stance = 36.13; double f_wrist_stance = -75.84; double r_shoulder_stance = 0.0; double r_elbow_stance = 36.13; double r_wrist_stance = -75.84; set_stance(f_shoulder_stance, f_elbow_stance, f_wrist_stance, r_shoulder_stance, r_elbow_stance, r_wrist_stance); } void straight_calibration_sequence() { set_stance(); } void lie_calibration_sequence() { // Move to Extended stance delay(2000); double shoulder_stance = 0.0; double elbow_stance = 90.0; double wrist_stance = -170.3; set_stance(shoulder_stance, elbow_stance, wrist_stance, shoulder_stance, elbow_stance, wrist_stance); } void perpendicular_calibration_sequence() { // Move to Extended stance delay(2000); set_stance(); // Move to Extended stance delay(10000); double shoulder_stance = 0.0; double elbow_stance = 90.0; double wrist_stance = -90.0; set_stance(shoulder_stance, elbow_stance, wrist_stance, shoulder_stance, elbow_stance, wrist_stance); } // THIS ONLY RUNS ONCE void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // NOTE: See top of file for spot_mode explanation: // ONLY USE THIS MODE DURING ASSEMBLY if (spot_mode == NOMINAL_PWM) { // Neutral Setting nominal_servo_pwm(); // Prevent Servo Updates ESTOPPED = true; } else { // IK - unused ik.Initialize(0.04, 0.1, 0.1); // SERVOS: Pin, StandAngle, HomeAngle, Offset, LegType, JointType, min_pwm, max_pwm, min_pwm_angle, max_pwm_angle // Shoulders double shoulder_liedown = 0.0; FL_Shoulder.Initialize(2, 135 + shoulder_liedown, 135, -7.25, FL, Shoulder, 500, 2400); // 0 | 0: STRAIGHT | 90: OUT | -90 IN FR_Shoulder.Initialize(5, 135 - shoulder_liedown, 135, -5.5, FR, Shoulder, 500, 2400); // 1 | 0: STRAIGHT | 90: IN | -90 OUT BL_Shoulder.Initialize(8, 135 + shoulder_liedown, 135, 5.75, BL, Shoulder, 500, 2400); // 2 | 0: STRAIGHT | 90: OUT | -90 IN BR_Shoulder.Initialize(11, 135 - shoulder_liedown, 135, -4.0, BR, Shoulder, 500, 2400); // 3 | 0: STRAIGHT | 90: IN | -90 OUT //Elbows double elbow_liedown = 90.0; FL_Elbow.Initialize(3, elbow_liedown, 0, 0.0, FL, Elbow, 1410, 2062, 0.0, 90.0); // 4 | 0: STRAIGHT | 90: BACK FR_Elbow.Initialize(6, elbow_liedown, 0, 0.0, FR, Elbow, 1408, 733, 0.0, 90.0); // 5 | 0: STRAIGHT | 90: BACK BL_Elbow.Initialize(9, elbow_liedown, 0, 0.0, BL, Elbow, 1460, 2095, 0.0, 90.0); // 6 | 0: STRAIGHT | 90: BACK BR_Elbow.Initialize(12, elbow_liedown, 0, 0.0, BR, Elbow, 1505, 850, 0.0, 90.0); // 7 | 0: STRAIGHT | 90: BACK //Wrists double wrist_liedown = -160.0; FL_Wrist.Initialize(4, wrist_liedown, 0, 0.0, FL, Wrist, 1755, 2320, -90.0, -165.0); // 8 | 0: STRAIGHT | -90: FORWARD FR_Wrist.Initialize(7, wrist_liedown, 0, 0.0, FR, Wrist, 1805, 1150, 0.0, -90.0); // 9 | 0: STRAIGHT | -90: FORWARD BL_Wrist.Initialize(10, wrist_liedown, 0, 0.0, BL, Wrist, 1100, 1733, 0.0, -90.0); // 10 | 0: STRAIGHT | -90: FORWARD BR_Wrist.Initialize(13, wrist_liedown, 0, 0.0, BR, Wrist, 1788, 1153, 0.0, -90.0); // 11 | 0: STRAIGHT | -90: FORWARD // Contact Sensors FL_sensor.Initialize(A9, 17); FR_sensor.Initialize(A8, 16); BL_sensor.Initialize(A7, 15); BR_sensor.Initialize(A6, 14); // IMU imu_sensor.Initialize(); // NOTE: See top of file for spot_mode explanation: if (spot_mode == STRAIGHT_LEGS) { straight_calibration_sequence(); } else if (spot_mode == LIEDOWN) { lie_calibration_sequence(); } else if (spot_mode == PERPENDICULAR_LEGS) { perpendicular_calibration_sequence(); } else { run_sequence(); } } last_estop = millis(); prev_publish_time = micros(); } // THIS LOOPS FOREVER void loop() { // CHECK SENSORS AND SEND INFO // CONTACT // 1'000'000 / 20'000 = 50hz if ((micros() - prev_publish_time) >= 20000) { ros_serial.publishContacts(FL_sensor.isTriggered(), FR_sensor.isTriggered(), BL_sensor.isTriggered(), BR_sensor.isTriggered()); //IMU if (imu_sensor.available()) { imu::Vector<3> eul = imu_sensor.GetEuler(); imu::Vector<3> acc = imu_sensor.GetAcc(); imu::Vector<3> gyro = imu_sensor.GetGyro(); ros_serial.publishIMU(eul, acc, gyro); } prev_publish_time = micros(); } // Only allow controller commands if not E-STOPPED // Direct pulse commands from calibration still allowed. if(!ESTOPPED) { update_servos(); } // Update Sensors update_sensors(); // Command Servos if (ros_serial.jointsInputIsActive()) { bool step_or_view = false; ros_serial.returnJoints(FL_, FR_, BL_, BR_, step_or_view); command_servos(FL_, step_or_view); command_servos(FR_, step_or_view); command_servos(BL_, step_or_view); command_servos(BR_, step_or_view); } else if (ros_serial.jointsPulseIsActive()) { int servo_num = ros_serial.returnServoNum(); int pulse = ros_serial.returnPulse(); if (servo_num > -1 and servo_num < 12) { AllServos[servo_num]->writePulse(pulse); } ros_serial.resetPulseTopic(); } // Update ROS Node (spinOnce etc...); }
#include "Kinematics.hpp" void Kinematics::Initialize(const double & shoulder_length_, const double & elbow_length_, const double & wrist_length_) { shoulder_length = shoulder_length_; elbow_length = elbow_length_; wrist_length = wrist_length_; } double Kinematics::GetDomain(const double & x, const double & y, const double & z) { double D = (pow(y, 2) + pow(-z, 2) - pow(shoulder_length, 2) + pow(-x, 2) - pow(elbow_length, 2) - pow(wrist_length, 2)) / ( 2.0 * wrist_length * elbow_length); if (D > 1.0) { D = 1.0; } if (D < -1.0) { D = -1.0; } return D; } void Kinematics::RightIK(const double & x, const double & y, const double & z, const double & D, double (& angles) [3]) { double wrist_angle = atan2(-sqrt(1.0 - pow(D, 2)), D); double sqrt_component = pow(y, 2) + pow(-z, 2) - pow(shoulder_length, 2); if (sqrt_component < 0.0) { sqrt_component = 0.0; } double shoulder_angle = -atan2(z, y) - atan2( sqrt(sqrt_component), -shoulder_length); double elbow_angle = atan2(-x, sqrt(sqrt_component)) - atan2( wrist_length * sin(wrist_angle), elbow_length + wrist_length * cos(wrist_angle)); angles[0] = shoulder_angle; angles[1] = -elbow_angle; angles[2] = -wrist_angle; } void Kinematics::LeftIK(const double & x, const double & y, const double & z, const double & D, double (& angles) [3]) { double wrist_angle = atan2(-sqrt(1.0 - pow(D, 2)), D); double sqrt_component = pow(y, 2) + pow(-z, 2) - pow(shoulder_length, 2); if (sqrt_component < 0.0) { sqrt_component = 0.0; } double shoulder_angle = -atan2(z, y) - atan2( sqrt(sqrt_component), shoulder_length); double elbow_angle = atan2(-x, sqrt(sqrt_component)) - atan2( wrist_length * sin(wrist_angle), elbow_length + wrist_length * cos(wrist_angle)); angles[0] = shoulder_angle; angles[1] = -elbow_angle; angles[2] = -wrist_angle; } void Kinematics::GetJointAngles(const double & x, const double & y, const double & z, const LegQuadrant & legquad, double (& angles) [3]) { double D = GetDomain(x, y, z); if (legquad == Right) { RightIK(x, y, z, D, angles); } else { LeftIK(x, y, z, D, angles); } }
#ifndef KINEMATICS_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP #define KINEMATICS_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP /// \file /// \brief Leg Kinematics Library. #include <Arduino.h> enum LegQuadrant {Right, Left}; class Kinematics { private: double shoulder_length = 0.0; double elbow_length = 0.0; double wrist_length = 0.0; public: // using default constructor /// \brief Initialize parameters /// \param shoulder_length_: length of shoulder link /// \param elbow_length_: length of elbow link /// \param wrist_length_: length of wrist link /// \param leg_type_: right or left legs void Initialize(const double & shoulder_length_, const double & elbow_length_, const double & wrist_length_); /// \brief Calculates the leg's Domain and caps it in case of a breach /// \param x: x coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param y: y coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param z: z coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \returns: Leg Domain D double GetDomain(const double & x, const double & y, const double & z); /// \brief Right Leg Inverse Kinematics Solver /// \param x: x coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param y: y coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param z: z coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param D: the leg domain /// \param angles: array to populate with IK angles /// \returns: pointer to beginning of array containing joint angles for this leg void RightIK(const double & x, const double & y, const double & z, const double & D, double (& angles) [3]); /// \brief Left Leg Inverse Kinematics Solver /// \param x: x coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param y: y coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param z: z coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param D: the leg domain /// \param angles: array to populate with IK angles /// \returns: pointer to beginning of array containing joint angles for this leg void LeftIK(const double & x, const double & y, const double & z, const double & D, double (& angles) [3]); /// \brief Retrives Joint Angles using a Hip To Foot Vector (x, y, z) /// \param x: x coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param y: y coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param z: z coordinate of Hip To Foot Vector /// \param legquad: Leg quadrant (left or right) /// \param angles: array to populate with IK angles /// \returns: pointer to beginning of array containing joint angles for this leg void GetJointAngles(const double & x, const double & y, const double & z, const LegQuadrant & legquad, double (& angles) [3]); }; #endif
#include "Utilities.hpp" #include <Arduino.h> double Utilities::toDegrees(double radianVal) { return radianVal * 57296 / 1000.0; } double Utilities::max(double a0, double a1, double a2) { if(a0 >= a1 && a0 >= a2) { return a0; } if(a1 >= a0 && a1 >= a2) { return a1; } if(a2 >= a1 && a2 >= a0) { return a2; } } double Utilities::angleConversion(double angle, double home_angle, LegType legtype, JointType joint_type) { double mod_angle = home_angle; if (joint_type == Shoulder) { mod_angle = home_angle - angle; } else if (joint_type == Elbow) { if (legtype == FR or legtype == BR) { mod_angle = home_angle - angle; } else // FL or BL { mod_angle = home_angle + angle; } } else if (joint_type == Wrist) { if (legtype == FR or legtype == BR) { mod_angle = home_angle + angle; } else // FL or BL { mod_angle = home_angle - angle; } } return mod_angle; }
#ifndef UTILITIES_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP #define UTILITIES_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP #include "SpotServo.hpp" /// \file /// \brief Utilities Library. class Utilities { public: double angleConversion(double angle, double home_angle, LegType legtype, JointType joint_type); double toDegrees(double radianVal); double max(double a0, double a1, double a2); }; #endif
// #include "IMU2.hpp" // void IMU2::Initialize() // { // if (!lsm.begin()) // { // Serial.println("Oops ... unable to initialize the LSM9DS1. Check your wiring!"); // ok = false; // } else // { // // 1.) Set the accelerometer range // lsm.setupAccel(lsm.LSM9DS1_ACCELRANGE_2G); // //lsm.setupAccel(lsm.LSM9DS1_ACCELRANGE_4G); // //lsm.setupAccel(lsm.LSM9DS1_ACCELRANGE_8G); // //lsm.setupAccel(lsm.LSM9DS1_ACCELRANGE_16G); // // 2.) Set the magnetometer sensitivity // lsm.setupMag(lsm.LSM9DS1_MAGGAIN_4GAUSS); // //lsm.setupMag(lsm.LSM9DS1_MAGGAIN_8GAUSS); // //lsm.setupMag(lsm.LSM9DS1_MAGGAIN_12GAUSS); // //lsm.setupMag(lsm.LSM9DS1_MAGGAIN_16GAUSS); // // 3.) Setup the gyroscope // lsm.setupGyro(lsm.LSM9DS1_GYROSCALE_245DPS); // //lsm.setupGyro(lsm.LSM9DS1_GYROSCALE_500DPS); // //lsm.setupGyro(lsm.LSM9DS1_GYROSCALE_2000DPS); // } // } // bool IMU2::available() // { // return ok; // }
// #ifndef IMU2_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP // #define IMU2_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP // /// \file // /// \brief IMU Library. // #include <Arduino.h> // #include <Wire.h> // #include <SPI.h> // #include <Adafruit_LSM9DS1.h> // #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> // not used in this demo but required! // #define LSM9DS1_SCK A5 // #define LSM9DS1_MISO 12 // #define LSM9DS1_MOSI A4 // #define LSM9DS1_XGCS 6 // #define LSM9DS1_MCS 5 // class IMU2 { // private: // bool ok = true; // public: // Adafruit_LSM9DS1 lsm = Adafruit_LSM9DS1(); // void Initialize(); // bool available(); // }; // #endif
#ifndef IMU_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP #define IMU_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP /// \file /// \brief IMU Library. #include <Arduino.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> #include <Adafruit_BNO055.h> #include <utility/imumaths.h> #include <EEPROM.h> class IMU { private: Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(55); bool ok = true; public: void displaySensorDetails(void); void displaySensorStatus(void); void displayCalStatus(void); void displaySensorOffsets(const adafruit_bno055_offsets_t &calibData); void Initialize(); bool available(); imu::Vector<3> GetEuler(); imu::Quaternion GetQuat(); imu::Vector<3> GetAcc(); imu::Vector<3> GetGyro(); }; #endif
#include "IMU.hpp" #include <Arduino.h> /* Set the delay between fresh samples */ #define BNO055_SAMPLERATE_DELAY_MS (100) /**************************************************************************/ /* Displays some basic information on this sensor from the unified sensor API sensor_t type (see Adafruit_Sensor for more information) */ /**************************************************************************/ void IMU::displaySensorDetails(void) { sensor_t sensor; bno.getSensor(&sensor); Serial.println("------------------------------------"); Serial.print("Sensor: "); Serial.println(; Serial.print("Driver Ver: "); Serial.println(sensor.version); Serial.print("Unique ID: "); Serial.println(sensor.sensor_id); Serial.print("Max Value: "); Serial.print(sensor.max_value); Serial.println(" xxx"); Serial.print("Min Value: "); Serial.print(sensor.min_value); Serial.println(" xxx"); Serial.print("Resolution: "); Serial.print(sensor.resolution); Serial.println(" xxx"); Serial.println("------------------------------------"); Serial.println(""); delay(500); } /**************************************************************************/ /* Display some basic info about the sensor status */ /**************************************************************************/ void IMU::displaySensorStatus(void) { /* Get the system status values (mostly for debugging purposes) */ uint8_t system_status, self_test_results, system_error; system_status = self_test_results = system_error = 0; bno.getSystemStatus(&system_status, &self_test_results, &system_error); /* Display the results in the Serial Monitor */ Serial.println(""); Serial.print("System Status: 0x"); Serial.println(system_status, HEX); Serial.print("Self Test: 0x"); Serial.println(self_test_results, HEX); Serial.print("System Error: 0x"); Serial.println(system_error, HEX); Serial.println(""); delay(500); } /**************************************************************************/ /* Display sensor calibration status */ /**************************************************************************/ void IMU::displayCalStatus(void) { /* Get the four calibration values (0..3) */ /* Any sensor data reporting 0 should be ignored, */ /* 3 means 'fully calibrated" */ uint8_t system, gyro, accel, mag; system = gyro = accel = mag = 0; bno.getCalibration(&system, &gyro, &accel, &mag); /* The data should be ignored until the system calibration is > 0 */ Serial.print("\t"); if (!system) { Serial.print("! "); } /* Display the individual values */ Serial.print("Sys:"); Serial.print(system, DEC); Serial.print(" G:"); Serial.print(gyro, DEC); Serial.print(" A:"); Serial.print(accel, DEC); Serial.print(" M:"); Serial.print(mag, DEC); } /**************************************************************************/ /* Display the raw calibration offset and radius data */ /**************************************************************************/ void IMU::displaySensorOffsets(const adafruit_bno055_offsets_t &calibData) { Serial.print("Accelerometer: "); Serial.print(calibData.accel_offset_x); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(calibData.accel_offset_y); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(calibData.accel_offset_z); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("\nGyro: "); Serial.print(calibData.gyro_offset_x); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(calibData.gyro_offset_y); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(calibData.gyro_offset_z); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("\nMag: "); Serial.print(calibData.mag_offset_x); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(calibData.mag_offset_y); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(calibData.mag_offset_z); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("\nAccel Radius: "); Serial.print(calibData.accel_radius); Serial.print("\nMag Radius: "); Serial.print(calibData.mag_radius); } void IMU::Initialize() { if(!bno.begin()) { /* There was a problem detecting the BNO055 ... check your connections */ Serial.print("Ooops, no BNO055 detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!\n"); ok = false; } else { int eeAddress = 0; long bnoID; bool foundCalib = false; EEPROM.get(eeAddress, bnoID); adafruit_bno055_offsets_t calibrationData; sensor_t sensor; /* * Look for the sensor's unique ID at the beginning oF EEPROM. * This isn't foolproof, but it's better than nothing. */ bno.getSensor(&sensor); if (bnoID != sensor.sensor_id) { Serial.println("\nNo Calibration Data for this sensor exists in EEPROM"); delay(500); } else { Serial.println("\nFound Calibration for this sensor in EEPROM."); eeAddress += sizeof(long); EEPROM.get(eeAddress, calibrationData); displaySensorOffsets(calibrationData); Serial.println("\n\nRestoring Calibration data to the BNO055..."); bno.setSensorOffsets(calibrationData); Serial.println("\n\nCalibration data loaded into BNO055"); foundCalib = true; } delay(1000); /* Display some basic information on this sensor */ displaySensorDetails(); /* Optional: Display current status */ displaySensorStatus(); /* Crystal must be configured AFTER loading calibration data into BNO055. */ bno.setExtCrystalUse(true); sensors_event_t event; bno.getEvent(&event); /* always recal the mag as It goes out of calibration very often */ if (foundCalib){ // NOTE: UNCOMMENT IF PLANNING TO USE MAGNEMOMETER // Serial.println("Move sensor slightly to calibrate magnetometers"); // while (!bno.isFullyCalibrated()) // { // bno.getEvent(&event); // delay(BNO055_SAMPLERATE_DELAY_MS); // } Serial.println("Loading Calibration..."); } else { Serial.println("Please Calibrate Sensor: "); while (!bno.isFullyCalibrated()) { bno.getEvent(&event); Serial.print("X: "); Serial.print(event.orientation.x, 4); Serial.print("\tY: "); Serial.print(event.orientation.y, 4); Serial.print("\tZ: "); Serial.print(event.orientation.z, 4); /* Optional: Display calibration status */ displayCalStatus(); /* New line for the next sample */ Serial.println(""); /* Wait the specified delay before requesting new data */ delay(BNO055_SAMPLERATE_DELAY_MS); } } Serial.println("\nFully calibrated!"); Serial.println("--------------------------------"); Serial.println("Calibration Results: "); adafruit_bno055_offsets_t newCalib; bno.getSensorOffsets(newCalib); displaySensorOffsets(newCalib); Serial.println("\n\nStoring calibration data to EEPROM..."); eeAddress = 0; bno.getSensor(&sensor); bnoID = sensor.sensor_id; EEPROM.put(eeAddress, bnoID); eeAddress += sizeof(long); EEPROM.put(eeAddress, newCalib); Serial.println("Data stored to EEPROM."); Serial.println("\n--------------------------------\n"); // REMAP AXIS. IMPORTANT /** Remap settings **/ // typedef enum { // REMAP_CONFIG_P0 = 0x21, // REMAP_CONFIG_P1 = 0x24, // default // REMAP_CONFIG_P2 = 0x24, // REMAP_CONFIG_P3 = 0x21, // REMAP_CONFIG_P4 = 0x24, // REMAP_CONFIG_P5 = 0x21, // REMAP_CONFIG_P6 = 0x21, // REMAP_CONFIG_P7 = 0x24 // } adafruit_bno055_axis_remap_config_t; // * Remap Signs * // typedef enum { // REMAP_SIGN_P0 = 0x04, // REMAP_SIGN_P1 = 0x00, // default // REMAP_SIGN_P2 = 0x06, // REMAP_SIGN_P3 = 0x02, // REMAP_SIGN_P4 = 0x03, // REMAP_SIGN_P5 = 0x01, // REMAP_SIGN_P6 = 0x07, // REMAP_SIGN_P7 = 0x05 // } adafruit_bno055_axis_remap_sign_t; Adafruit_BNO055::adafruit_bno055_axis_remap_config_t r; // NOTE: with this we just swap roll and pitch from eul.x/z r = Adafruit_BNO055::REMAP_CONFIG_P7; bno.setAxisRemap(r); // bno.setAxisSign(0x00); delay(500); } // delay(1000); bno.setExtCrystalUse(true); } bool IMU::available() { return ok; } // NOTE: not really useful, use GetQuat() imu::Vector<3> IMU::GetEuler() { // return bno.getVector(Adafruit_BNO055::VECTOR_EULER); imu::Quaternion quat = GetQuat(); // Normalize quat.normalize(); // convert quat to eul imu::Vector<3> eul = quat.toEuler(); return eul; } imu::Quaternion IMU::GetQuat() { return bno.getQuat(); } imu::Vector<3> IMU::GetAcc() { return bno.getVector(Adafruit_BNO055::VECTOR_ACCELEROMETER); } imu::Vector<3> IMU::GetGyro() { return bno.getVector(Adafruit_BNO055::VECTOR_GYROSCOPE); }
#ifndef ROSSERIAL_HPP #define ROSSERIAL_HPP #define USE_TEENSY_HW_SERIAL #include <ros.h> #include <ros/time.h> #include <Arduino.h> #include <mini_ros/ContactData.h> #include <mini_ros/IMUdata.h> #include <mini_ros/JointAngles.h> #include <mini_ros/JointPulse.h> #include <SpotServo.hpp> #include <IMU.hpp> struct LegJoints { LegType legtype; double shoulder = 0.0; double elbow = 0.0; double wrist = 0.0; LegJoints(const LegType & legtype_) { legtype = legtype_; } void FillLegJoint(const double & s, const double & e, const double & w) { shoulder = s; elbow = e; wrist = w; } }; namespace ros_srl { class ROSSerial { // Node Handle ros::NodeHandle nh_; // Joint Angle Subscriber ros::Subscriber<mini_ros::JointAngles, ROSSerial> ja_sub_; ros::Subscriber<mini_ros::JointPulse, ROSSerial> jp_sub_; // joint msg timer unsigned long prev_joints_time_; unsigned long prev_resetter_time_; // joint cmd msg flag bool joints_cmd_active_ = false; // joint pulse msg flag bool joints_pulse_active_ = false; int joint_num = -1; int pulse = 1250; // move type // False is step, True is view bool step_or_view = false; // joint msgs LegType fl_leg = FL; LegType fr_leg = FR; LegType bl_leg = BL; LegType br_leg = BR; LegJoints FL_ = LegJoints(fl_leg); LegJoints FR_ = LegJoints(fr_leg); LegJoints BL_ = LegJoints(bl_leg); LegJoints BR_ = LegJoints(br_leg); // IMU msg and publisher mini_ros::IMUdata imu_msg_; ros::Publisher imu_pub_; // Contact msg and publisher mini_ros::ContactData contact_msg_; ros::Publisher contact_pub_; void JointCommandCallback(const mini_ros::JointAngles& ja_msg) { prev_joints_time_ = micros(); FL_.FillLegJoint(ja_msg.fls, ja_msg.fle, ja_msg.flw); FR_.FillLegJoint(ja_msg.frs, ja_msg.fre, ja_msg.frw); BL_.FillLegJoint(ja_msg.bls, ja_msg.ble, ja_msg.blw); BR_.FillLegJoint(ja_msg.brs, ja_msg.bre, ja_msg.brw); step_or_view = ja_msg.step_or_view; // flag joints_cmd_active_ = true; } void JointPulseCallback(const mini_ros::JointPulse& jp_msg) { joint_num = jp_msg.servo_num; pulse = jp_msg.servo_pulse; // flag joints_pulse_active_ = true; // disable joint cmd flag joints_cmd_active_ = false; } public: ROSSerial(): ja_sub_("spot/joints", &ROSSerial::JointCommandCallback, this), jp_sub_("spot/pulse", &ROSSerial::JointPulseCallback, this), imu_pub_("spot/imu", &imu_msg_), contact_pub_("spot/contact", &contact_msg_) { nh_.initNode(); nh_.getHardware()->setBaud(500000); nh_.subscribe(ja_sub_); nh_.subscribe(jp_sub_); nh_.advertise(imu_pub_); nh_.advertise(contact_pub_); nh_.loginfo("SPOT MINI MINI ROS CLIENT CONNECTED"); } void returnJoints(LegJoints & FL_ref, LegJoints & FR_ref, LegJoints & BL_ref, LegJoints & BR_ref, bool & step_or_view_) { FL_ref = FL_; FR_ref = FR_; BL_ref = BL_; BR_ref = BR_; step_or_view_ = step_or_view; } bool jointsInputIsActive() { return joints_cmd_active_; } bool jointsPulseIsActive() { return joints_pulse_active_; } int returnPulse() { return pulse; } int returnServoNum() { return joint_num; } void resetPulseTopic() { joints_pulse_active_ = false; pulse = 1250; joint_num = -1; } void run() { // timeout unsigned long now = micros(); if((now - prev_joints_time_) > 1000000) { joints_cmd_active_ = false; } nh_.spinOnce(); } void publishContacts(const bool & FLC, const bool & FRC, const bool & BLC, const bool & BRC) { contact_msg_.FL = FLC; contact_msg_.FR = FRC; contact_msg_.BL = BLC; contact_msg_.BR = BRC; contact_pub_.publish(&contact_msg_); } void publishIMU(imu::Vector<3> eul, imu::Vector<3> acc, imu::Vector<3> gyro) { // NOTE: switching eul.x and eul.x because Bosch is weird.. imu_msg_.roll = eul.z(); imu_msg_.pitch = eul.y(); imu_msg_.acc_x = acc.x(); imu_msg_.acc_y = acc.y(); imu_msg_.acc_z = acc.z(); imu_msg_.gyro_x = gyro.x(); imu_msg_.gyro_y = gyro.y(); imu_msg_.gyro_z = gyro.z(); imu_pub_.publish(&imu_msg_); } }; } #endif
/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2011, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote prducts derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "ros/time.h" namespace ros { void normalizeSecNSec(uint32_t& sec, uint32_t& nsec) { uint32_t nsec_part = nsec % 1000000000UL; uint32_t sec_part = nsec / 1000000000UL; sec += sec_part; nsec = nsec_part; } Time& Time::fromNSec(int32_t t) { sec = t / 1000000000; nsec = t % 1000000000; normalizeSecNSec(sec, nsec); return *this; } Time& Time::operator +=(const Duration &rhs) { sec += rhs.sec; nsec += rhs.nsec; normalizeSecNSec(sec, nsec); return *this; } Time& Time::operator -=(const Duration &rhs) { sec += -rhs.sec; nsec += -rhs.nsec; normalizeSecNSec(sec, nsec); return *this; } }
/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2011, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote prducts derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ROS_ARDUINO_TCP_HARDWARE_H_ #define ROS_ARDUINO_TCP_HARDWARE_H_ #include <Arduino.h> #if defined(ESP8266) #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #else #include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h> #endif class ArduinoHardware { public: ArduinoHardware() { } void setConnection(IPAddress &server, int port = 11411) { server_ = server; serverPort_ = port; } IPAddress getLocalIP() { #if defined(ESP8266) return tcp_.localIP(); #else return Ethernet.localIP(); #endif } void init() { tcp_.connect(server_, serverPort_); } int read(){ if (tcp_.connected()) { return; } else { tcp_.connect(server_, serverPort_); } return -1; } void write(const uint8_t* data, int length) { tcp_.write(data, length); } unsigned long time() { return millis(); } protected: #if defined(ESP8266) WiFiClient tcp_; #else EthernetClient tcp_; #endif IPAddress server_; uint16_t serverPort_ = 11411; }; #endif
/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2011, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote prducts derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ROS_ARDUINO_HARDWARE_H_ #define ROS_ARDUINO_HARDWARE_H_ #if ARDUINO>=100 #include <Arduino.h> // Arduino 1.0 #else #include <WProgram.h> // Arduino 0022 #endif #if defined(__MK20DX128__) || defined(__MK20DX256__) || defined(__MK64FX512__) || defined(__MK66FX1M0__) || defined(__MKL26Z64__) || defined(__IMXRT1062__) #if defined(USE_TEENSY_HW_SERIAL) #define SERIAL_CLASS HardwareSerial // Teensy HW Serial #else #include <usb_serial.h> // Teensy 3.0 and 3.1 #define SERIAL_CLASS usb_serial_class #endif #elif defined(_SAM3XA_) #include <UARTClass.h> // Arduino Due #define SERIAL_CLASS UARTClass #elif defined(USE_USBCON) // Arduino Leonardo USB Serial Port #define SERIAL_CLASS Serial_ #elif (defined(__STM32F1__) and !(defined(USE_STM32_HW_SERIAL))) or defined(SPARK) // Stm32duino Maple mini USB Serial Port #define SERIAL_CLASS USBSerial #else #include <HardwareSerial.h> // Arduino AVR #define SERIAL_CLASS HardwareSerial #endif class ArduinoHardware { public: ArduinoHardware(SERIAL_CLASS* io , long baud= 500000){ iostream = io; baud_ = baud; } ArduinoHardware() { #if defined(USBCON) and !(defined(USE_USBCON)) /* Leonardo support */ iostream = &Serial1; #elif defined(USE_TEENSY_HW_SERIAL) or defined(USE_STM32_HW_SERIAL) iostream = &Serial1; #else iostream = &Serial; #endif baud_ = 500000; } ArduinoHardware(ArduinoHardware& h){ this->iostream = h.iostream; this->baud_ = h.baud_; } void setBaud(long baud){ this->baud_= baud; } int getBaud(){return baud_;} void init(){ #if defined(USE_USBCON) // Startup delay as a fail-safe to upload a new sketch delay(3000); #endif iostream->begin(baud_); } int read(){return iostream->read();}; void write(uint8_t* data, int length){ for(int i=0; i<length; i++) iostream->write(data[i]); } unsigned long time(){return millis();} protected: SERIAL_CLASS* iostream; long baud_; }; #endif
#ifndef _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseActionGoal_h #define _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseActionGoal_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "actionlib_msgs/GoalID.h" #include "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseGoal.h" namespace move_base_msgs { class MoveBaseActionGoal : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef actionlib_msgs::GoalID _goal_id_type; _goal_id_type goal_id; typedef move_base_msgs::MoveBaseGoal _goal_type; _goal_type goal; MoveBaseActionGoal(): header(), goal_id(), goal() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->goal_id.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->goal.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->goal_id.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->goal.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "660d6895a1b9a16dce51fbdd9a64a56b"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseGoal_h #define _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseGoal_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h" namespace move_base_msgs { class MoveBaseGoal : public ros::Msg { public: typedef geometry_msgs::PoseStamped _target_pose_type; _target_pose_type target_pose; MoveBaseGoal(): target_pose() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->target_pose.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->target_pose.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseGoal"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "257d089627d7eb7136c24d3593d05a16"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseAction_h #define _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseAction_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal.h" #include "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionResult.h" #include "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionFeedback.h" namespace move_base_msgs { class MoveBaseAction : public ros::Msg { public: typedef move_base_msgs::MoveBaseActionGoal _action_goal_type; _action_goal_type action_goal; typedef move_base_msgs::MoveBaseActionResult _action_result_type; _action_result_type action_result; typedef move_base_msgs::MoveBaseActionFeedback _action_feedback_type; _action_feedback_type action_feedback; MoveBaseAction(): action_goal(), action_result(), action_feedback() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->action_goal.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->action_result.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->action_feedback.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->action_goal.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->action_result.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->action_feedback.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseAction"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "70b6aca7c7f7746d8d1609ad94c80bb8"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseResult_h #define _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseResult_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" namespace move_base_msgs { class MoveBaseResult : public ros::Msg { public: MoveBaseResult() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseResult"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseFeedback_h #define _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseFeedback_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h" namespace move_base_msgs { class MoveBaseFeedback : public ros::Msg { public: typedef geometry_msgs::PoseStamped _base_position_type; _base_position_type base_position; MoveBaseFeedback(): base_position() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->base_position.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->base_position.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseFeedback"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "3fb824c456a757373a226f6d08071bf0"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseActionResult_h #define _ROS_move_base_msgs_MoveBaseActionResult_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "actionlib_msgs/GoalStatus.h" #include "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseResult.h" namespace move_base_msgs { class MoveBaseActionResult : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef actionlib_msgs::GoalStatus _status_type; _status_type status; typedef move_base_msgs::MoveBaseResult _result_type; _result_type result; MoveBaseActionResult(): header(), status(), result() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->status.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->result.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->status.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->result.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionResult"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "1eb06eeff08fa7ea874431638cb52332"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectRecognitionAction_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectRecognitionAction_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectRecognitionActionGoal.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectRecognitionActionResult.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectRecognitionActionFeedback.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class ObjectRecognitionAction : public ros::Msg { public: typedef object_recognition_msgs::ObjectRecognitionActionGoal _action_goal_type; _action_goal_type action_goal; typedef object_recognition_msgs::ObjectRecognitionActionResult _action_result_type; _action_result_type action_result; typedef object_recognition_msgs::ObjectRecognitionActionFeedback _action_feedback_type; _action_feedback_type action_feedback; ObjectRecognitionAction(): action_goal(), action_result(), action_feedback() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->action_goal.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->action_result.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->action_feedback.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->action_goal.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->action_result.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->action_feedback.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectRecognitionAction"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "7d8979a0cf97e5078553ee3efee047d2"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectRecognitionGoal_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectRecognitionGoal_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class ObjectRecognitionGoal : public ros::Msg { public: typedef bool _use_roi_type; _use_roi_type use_roi; uint32_t filter_limits_length; typedef float _filter_limits_type; _filter_limits_type st_filter_limits; _filter_limits_type * filter_limits; ObjectRecognitionGoal(): use_roi(0), filter_limits_length(0), filter_limits(NULL) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; union { bool real; uint8_t base; } u_use_roi; u_use_roi.real = this->use_roi; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_use_roi.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->use_roi); *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->filter_limits_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->filter_limits_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->filter_limits_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->filter_limits_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->filter_limits_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < filter_limits_length; i++){ union { float real; uint32_t base; } u_filter_limitsi; u_filter_limitsi.real = this->filter_limits[i]; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_filter_limitsi.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_filter_limitsi.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_filter_limitsi.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_filter_limitsi.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->filter_limits[i]); } return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; union { bool real; uint8_t base; } u_use_roi; u_use_roi.base = 0; u_use_roi.base |= ((uint8_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); this->use_roi = u_use_roi.real; offset += sizeof(this->use_roi); uint32_t filter_limits_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); filter_limits_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); filter_limits_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); filter_limits_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->filter_limits_length); if(filter_limits_lengthT > filter_limits_length) this->filter_limits = (float*)realloc(this->filter_limits, filter_limits_lengthT * sizeof(float)); filter_limits_length = filter_limits_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < filter_limits_length; i++){ union { float real; uint32_t base; } u_st_filter_limits; u_st_filter_limits.base = 0; u_st_filter_limits.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_st_filter_limits.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_st_filter_limits.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_st_filter_limits.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); this->st_filter_limits = u_st_filter_limits.real; offset += sizeof(this->st_filter_limits); memcpy( &(this->filter_limits[i]), &(this->st_filter_limits), sizeof(float)); } return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectRecognitionGoal"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "49bea2f03a1bba0ad05926e01e3525fa"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectType_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectType_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class ObjectType : public ros::Msg { public: typedef const char* _key_type; _key_type key; typedef const char* _db_type; _db_type db; ObjectType(): key(""), db("") { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; uint32_t length_key = strlen(this->key); varToArr(outbuffer + offset, length_key); offset += 4; memcpy(outbuffer + offset, this->key, length_key); offset += length_key; uint32_t length_db = strlen(this->db); varToArr(outbuffer + offset, length_db); offset += 4; memcpy(outbuffer + offset, this->db, length_db); offset += length_db; return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; uint32_t length_key; arrToVar(length_key, (inbuffer + offset)); offset += 4; for(unsigned int k= offset; k< offset+length_key; ++k){ inbuffer[k-1]=inbuffer[k]; } inbuffer[offset+length_key-1]=0; this->key = (char *)(inbuffer + offset-1); offset += length_key; uint32_t length_db; arrToVar(length_db, (inbuffer + offset)); offset += 4; for(unsigned int k= offset; k< offset+length_db; ++k){ inbuffer[k-1]=inbuffer[k]; } inbuffer[offset+length_db-1]=0; this->db = (char *)(inbuffer + offset-1); offset += length_db; return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectType"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "ac757ec5be1998b0167e7efcda79e3cf"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_RecognizedObjectArray_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_RecognizedObjectArray_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/RecognizedObject.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class RecognizedObjectArray : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; uint32_t objects_length; typedef object_recognition_msgs::RecognizedObject _objects_type; _objects_type st_objects; _objects_type * objects; uint32_t cooccurrence_length; typedef float _cooccurrence_type; _cooccurrence_type st_cooccurrence; _cooccurrence_type * cooccurrence; RecognizedObjectArray(): header(), objects_length(0), objects(NULL), cooccurrence_length(0), cooccurrence(NULL) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->objects_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->objects_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->objects_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->objects_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->objects_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < objects_length; i++){ offset += this->objects[i].serialize(outbuffer + offset); } *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->cooccurrence_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->cooccurrence_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->cooccurrence_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->cooccurrence_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->cooccurrence_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < cooccurrence_length; i++){ union { float real; uint32_t base; } u_cooccurrencei; u_cooccurrencei.real = this->cooccurrence[i]; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_cooccurrencei.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_cooccurrencei.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_cooccurrencei.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_cooccurrencei.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->cooccurrence[i]); } return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); uint32_t objects_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); objects_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); objects_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); objects_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->objects_length); if(objects_lengthT > objects_length) this->objects = (object_recognition_msgs::RecognizedObject*)realloc(this->objects, objects_lengthT * sizeof(object_recognition_msgs::RecognizedObject)); objects_length = objects_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < objects_length; i++){ offset += this->st_objects.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); memcpy( &(this->objects[i]), &(this->st_objects), sizeof(object_recognition_msgs::RecognizedObject)); } uint32_t cooccurrence_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); cooccurrence_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); cooccurrence_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); cooccurrence_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->cooccurrence_length); if(cooccurrence_lengthT > cooccurrence_length) this->cooccurrence = (float*)realloc(this->cooccurrence, cooccurrence_lengthT * sizeof(float)); cooccurrence_length = cooccurrence_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < cooccurrence_length; i++){ union { float real; uint32_t base; } u_st_cooccurrence; u_st_cooccurrence.base = 0; u_st_cooccurrence.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_st_cooccurrence.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_st_cooccurrence.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_st_cooccurrence.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); this->st_cooccurrence = u_st_cooccurrence.real; offset += sizeof(this->st_cooccurrence); memcpy( &(this->cooccurrence[i]), &(this->st_cooccurrence), sizeof(float)); } return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/RecognizedObjectArray"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "bad6b1546b9ebcabb49fb3b858d78964"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_Table_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_Table_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Pose.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Point.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class Table : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef geometry_msgs::Pose _pose_type; _pose_type pose; uint32_t convex_hull_length; typedef geometry_msgs::Point _convex_hull_type; _convex_hull_type st_convex_hull; _convex_hull_type * convex_hull; Table(): header(), pose(), convex_hull_length(0), convex_hull(NULL) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->pose.serialize(outbuffer + offset); *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->convex_hull_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->convex_hull_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->convex_hull_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->convex_hull_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->convex_hull_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < convex_hull_length; i++){ offset += this->convex_hull[i].serialize(outbuffer + offset); } return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->pose.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); uint32_t convex_hull_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); convex_hull_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); convex_hull_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); convex_hull_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->convex_hull_length); if(convex_hull_lengthT > convex_hull_length) this->convex_hull = (geometry_msgs::Point*)realloc(this->convex_hull, convex_hull_lengthT * sizeof(geometry_msgs::Point)); convex_hull_length = convex_hull_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < convex_hull_length; i++){ offset += this->st_convex_hull.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); memcpy( &(this->convex_hull[i]), &(this->st_convex_hull), sizeof(geometry_msgs::Point)); } return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/Table"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "39efebc7d51e44bd2d72f2df6c7823a2"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_TableArray_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_TableArray_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/Table.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class TableArray : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; uint32_t tables_length; typedef object_recognition_msgs::Table _tables_type; _tables_type st_tables; _tables_type * tables; TableArray(): header(), tables_length(0), tables(NULL) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->tables_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->tables_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->tables_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->tables_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->tables_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < tables_length; i++){ offset += this->tables[i].serialize(outbuffer + offset); } return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); uint32_t tables_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); tables_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); tables_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); tables_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->tables_length); if(tables_lengthT > tables_length) this->tables = (object_recognition_msgs::Table*)realloc(this->tables, tables_lengthT * sizeof(object_recognition_msgs::Table)); tables_length = tables_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < tables_length; i++){ offset += this->st_tables.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); memcpy( &(this->tables[i]), &(this->st_tables), sizeof(object_recognition_msgs::Table)); } return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/TableArray"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "d1c853e5acd0ed273eb6682dc01ab428"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectRecognitionResult_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectRecognitionResult_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/RecognizedObjectArray.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class ObjectRecognitionResult : public ros::Msg { public: typedef object_recognition_msgs::RecognizedObjectArray _recognized_objects_type; _recognized_objects_type recognized_objects; ObjectRecognitionResult(): recognized_objects() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->recognized_objects.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->recognized_objects.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectRecognitionResult"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "868e41288f9f8636e2b6c51f1af6aa9c"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_RecognizedObject_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_RecognizedObject_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectType.h" #include "sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.h" #include "shape_msgs/Mesh.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Point.h" #include "geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class RecognizedObject : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef object_recognition_msgs::ObjectType _type_type; _type_type type; typedef float _confidence_type; _confidence_type confidence; uint32_t point_clouds_length; typedef sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 _point_clouds_type; _point_clouds_type st_point_clouds; _point_clouds_type * point_clouds; typedef shape_msgs::Mesh _bounding_mesh_type; _bounding_mesh_type bounding_mesh; uint32_t bounding_contours_length; typedef geometry_msgs::Point _bounding_contours_type; _bounding_contours_type st_bounding_contours; _bounding_contours_type * bounding_contours; typedef geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped _pose_type; _pose_type pose; RecognizedObject(): header(), type(), confidence(0), point_clouds_length(0), point_clouds(NULL), bounding_mesh(), bounding_contours_length(0), bounding_contours(NULL), pose() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->type.serialize(outbuffer + offset); union { float real; uint32_t base; } u_confidence; u_confidence.real = this->confidence; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_confidence.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_confidence.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_confidence.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_confidence.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->confidence); *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->point_clouds_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->point_clouds_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->point_clouds_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->point_clouds_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->point_clouds_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < point_clouds_length; i++){ offset += this->point_clouds[i].serialize(outbuffer + offset); } offset += this->bounding_mesh.serialize(outbuffer + offset); *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->bounding_contours_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->bounding_contours_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->bounding_contours_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->bounding_contours_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->bounding_contours_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < bounding_contours_length; i++){ offset += this->bounding_contours[i].serialize(outbuffer + offset); } offset += this->pose.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->type.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); union { float real; uint32_t base; } u_confidence; u_confidence.base = 0; u_confidence.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_confidence.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_confidence.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_confidence.base |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); this->confidence = u_confidence.real; offset += sizeof(this->confidence); uint32_t point_clouds_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); point_clouds_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); point_clouds_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); point_clouds_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->point_clouds_length); if(point_clouds_lengthT > point_clouds_length) this->point_clouds = (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2*)realloc(this->point_clouds, point_clouds_lengthT * sizeof(sensor_msgs::PointCloud2)); point_clouds_length = point_clouds_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < point_clouds_length; i++){ offset += this->st_point_clouds.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); memcpy( &(this->point_clouds[i]), &(this->st_point_clouds), sizeof(sensor_msgs::PointCloud2)); } offset += this->bounding_mesh.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); uint32_t bounding_contours_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); bounding_contours_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); bounding_contours_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); bounding_contours_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->bounding_contours_length); if(bounding_contours_lengthT > bounding_contours_length) this->bounding_contours = (geometry_msgs::Point*)realloc(this->bounding_contours, bounding_contours_lengthT * sizeof(geometry_msgs::Point)); bounding_contours_length = bounding_contours_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < bounding_contours_length; i++){ offset += this->st_bounding_contours.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); memcpy( &(this->bounding_contours[i]), &(this->st_bounding_contours), sizeof(geometry_msgs::Point)); } offset += this->pose.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/RecognizedObject"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "f92c4cb29ba11f26c5f7219de97e900d"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectRecognitionFeedback_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectRecognitionFeedback_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class ObjectRecognitionFeedback : public ros::Msg { public: ObjectRecognitionFeedback() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectRecognitionFeedback"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_SERVICE_GetObjectInformation_h #define _ROS_SERVICE_GetObjectInformation_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectType.h" #include "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectInformation.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { static const char GETOBJECTINFORMATION[] = "object_recognition_msgs/GetObjectInformation"; class GetObjectInformationRequest : public ros::Msg { public: typedef object_recognition_msgs::ObjectType _type_type; _type_type type; GetObjectInformationRequest(): type() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->type.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->type.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return GETOBJECTINFORMATION; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "0d72b69e80da0fe473b0bdcdd7a28d4d"; }; }; class GetObjectInformationResponse : public ros::Msg { public: typedef object_recognition_msgs::ObjectInformation _information_type; _information_type information; GetObjectInformationResponse(): information() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->information.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->information.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return GETOBJECTINFORMATION; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "a62c5d1c41e250373b3e8e912a13a9cb"; }; }; class GetObjectInformation { public: typedef GetObjectInformationRequest Request; typedef GetObjectInformationResponse Response; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectInformation_h #define _ROS_object_recognition_msgs_ObjectInformation_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "shape_msgs/Mesh.h" #include "sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.h" namespace object_recognition_msgs { class ObjectInformation : public ros::Msg { public: typedef const char* _name_type; _name_type name; typedef shape_msgs::Mesh _ground_truth_mesh_type; _ground_truth_mesh_type ground_truth_mesh; typedef sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 _ground_truth_point_cloud_type; _ground_truth_point_cloud_type ground_truth_point_cloud; ObjectInformation(): name(""), ground_truth_mesh(), ground_truth_point_cloud() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; uint32_t length_name = strlen(this->name); varToArr(outbuffer + offset, length_name); offset += 4; memcpy(outbuffer + offset, this->name, length_name); offset += length_name; offset += this->ground_truth_mesh.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->ground_truth_point_cloud.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; uint32_t length_name; arrToVar(length_name, (inbuffer + offset)); offset += 4; for(unsigned int k= offset; k< offset+length_name; ++k){ inbuffer[k-1]=inbuffer[k]; } inbuffer[offset+length_name-1]=0; this->name = (char *)(inbuffer + offset-1); offset += length_name; offset += this->ground_truth_mesh.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->ground_truth_point_cloud.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "object_recognition_msgs/ObjectInformation"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "921ec39f51c7b927902059cf3300ecde"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_SERVICE_TwoInts_h #define _ROS_SERVICE_TwoInts_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" namespace roscpp_tutorials { static const char TWOINTS[] = "roscpp_tutorials/TwoInts"; class TwoIntsRequest : public ros::Msg { public: typedef int64_t _a_type; _a_type a; typedef int64_t _b_type; _b_type b; TwoIntsRequest(): a(0), b(0) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; union { int64_t real; uint64_t base; } u_a; u_a.real = this->a; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_a.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_a.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_a.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_a.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_a.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_a.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_a.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_a.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->a); union { int64_t real; uint64_t base; } u_b; u_b.real = this->b; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_b.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_b.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_b.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_b.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_b.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_b.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_b.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_b.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->b); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; union { int64_t real; uint64_t base; } u_a; u_a.base = 0; u_a.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_a.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_a.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_a.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_a.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_a.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_a.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_a.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->a = u_a.real; offset += sizeof(this->a); union { int64_t real; uint64_t base; } u_b; u_b.base = 0; u_b.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_b.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_b.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_b.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_b.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_b.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_b.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_b.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->b = u_b.real; offset += sizeof(this->b); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return TWOINTS; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "36d09b846be0b371c5f190354dd3153e"; }; }; class TwoIntsResponse : public ros::Msg { public: typedef int64_t _sum_type; _sum_type sum; TwoIntsResponse(): sum(0) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; union { int64_t real; uint64_t base; } u_sum; u_sum.real = this->sum; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_sum.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_sum.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_sum.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_sum.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_sum.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_sum.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_sum.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_sum.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->sum); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; union { int64_t real; uint64_t base; } u_sum; u_sum.base = 0; u_sum.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_sum.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_sum.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_sum.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_sum.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_sum.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_sum.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_sum.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->sum = u_sum.real; offset += sizeof(this->sum); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return TWOINTS; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "b88405221c77b1878a3cbbfff53428d7"; }; }; class TwoInts { public: typedef TwoIntsRequest Request; typedef TwoIntsResponse Response; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_PointStamped_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_PointStamped_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Point.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class PointStamped : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef geometry_msgs::Point _point_type; _point_type point; PointStamped(): header(), point() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->point.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->point.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/PointStamped"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "c63aecb41bfdfd6b7e1fac37c7cbe7bf"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_Quaternion_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_Quaternion_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class Quaternion : public ros::Msg { public: typedef double _x_type; _x_type x; typedef double _y_type; _y_type y; typedef double _z_type; _z_type z; typedef double _w_type; _w_type w; Quaternion(): x(0), y(0), z(0), w(0) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_x; u_x.real = this->x; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_x.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_x.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_x.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_x.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_x.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_x.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_x.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_x.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->x); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_y; u_y.real = this->y; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_y.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_y.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_y.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_y.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_y.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_y.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_y.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_y.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->y); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_z; u_z.real = this->z; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_z.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_z.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_z.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_z.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_z.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_z.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_z.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_z.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->z); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_w; u_w.real = this->w; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_w.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_w.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_w.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_w.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_w.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_w.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_w.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_w.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->w); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_x; u_x.base = 0; u_x.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_x.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_x.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_x.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_x.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_x.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_x.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_x.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->x = u_x.real; offset += sizeof(this->x); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_y; u_y.base = 0; u_y.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_y.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_y.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_y.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_y.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_y.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_y.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_y.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->y = u_y.real; offset += sizeof(this->y); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_z; u_z.base = 0; u_z.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_z.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_z.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_z.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_z.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_z.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_z.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_z.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->z = u_z.real; offset += sizeof(this->z); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_w; u_w.base = 0; u_w.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_w.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_w.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_w.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_w.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_w.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_w.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_w.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->w = u_w.real; offset += sizeof(this->w); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/Quaternion"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "a779879fadf0160734f906b8c19c7004"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_Accel_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_Accel_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Vector3.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class Accel : public ros::Msg { public: typedef geometry_msgs::Vector3 _linear_type; _linear_type linear; typedef geometry_msgs::Vector3 _angular_type; _angular_type angular; Accel(): linear(), angular() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->linear.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->angular.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->linear.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->angular.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/Accel"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "9f195f881246fdfa2798d1d3eebca84a"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_PoseWithCovariance_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_PoseWithCovariance_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Pose.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class PoseWithCovariance : public ros::Msg { public: typedef geometry_msgs::Pose _pose_type; _pose_type pose; double covariance[36]; PoseWithCovariance(): pose(), covariance() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->pose.serialize(outbuffer + offset); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < 36; i++){ union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_covariancei; u_covariancei.real = this->covariance[i]; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->covariance[i]); } return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->pose.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < 36; i++){ union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_covariancei; u_covariancei.base = 0; u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->covariance[i] = u_covariancei.real; offset += sizeof(this->covariance[i]); } return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "c23e848cf1b7533a8d7c259073a97e6f"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_PoseArray_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_PoseArray_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Pose.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class PoseArray : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; uint32_t poses_length; typedef geometry_msgs::Pose _poses_type; _poses_type st_poses; _poses_type * poses; PoseArray(): header(), poses_length(0), poses(NULL) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->poses_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->poses_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->poses_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->poses_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->poses_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < poses_length; i++){ offset += this->poses[i].serialize(outbuffer + offset); } return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); uint32_t poses_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); poses_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); poses_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); poses_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->poses_length); if(poses_lengthT > poses_length) this->poses = (geometry_msgs::Pose*)realloc(this->poses, poses_lengthT * sizeof(geometry_msgs::Pose)); poses_length = poses_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < poses_length; i++){ offset += this->st_poses.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); memcpy( &(this->poses[i]), &(this->st_poses), sizeof(geometry_msgs::Pose)); } return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/PoseArray"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "916c28c5764443f268b296bb671b9d97"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_Wrench_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_Wrench_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Vector3.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class Wrench : public ros::Msg { public: typedef geometry_msgs::Vector3 _force_type; _force_type force; typedef geometry_msgs::Vector3 _torque_type; _torque_type torque; Wrench(): force(), torque() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->force.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->torque.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->force.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->torque.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/Wrench"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "4f539cf138b23283b520fd271b567936"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_TwistWithCovarianceStamped_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_TwistWithCovarianceStamped_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class TwistWithCovarianceStamped : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovariance _twist_type; _twist_type twist; TwistWithCovarianceStamped(): header(), twist() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->twist.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->twist.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "8927a1a12fb2607ceea095b2dc440a96"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_Polygon_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_Polygon_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Point32.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class Polygon : public ros::Msg { public: uint32_t points_length; typedef geometry_msgs::Point32 _points_type; _points_type st_points; _points_type * points; Polygon(): points_length(0), points(NULL) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->points_length >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->points_length >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (this->points_length >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (this->points_length >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->points_length); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < points_length; i++){ offset += this->points[i].serialize(outbuffer + offset); } return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; uint32_t points_lengthT = ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset))); points_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); points_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); points_lengthT |= ((uint32_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); offset += sizeof(this->points_length); if(points_lengthT > points_length) this->points = (geometry_msgs::Point32*)realloc(this->points, points_lengthT * sizeof(geometry_msgs::Point32)); points_length = points_lengthT; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < points_length; i++){ offset += this->st_points.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); memcpy( &(this->points[i]), &(this->st_points), sizeof(geometry_msgs::Point32)); } return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/Polygon"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "cd60a26494a087f577976f0329fa120e"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_WrenchStamped_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_WrenchStamped_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Wrench.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class WrenchStamped : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef geometry_msgs::Wrench _wrench_type; _wrench_type wrench; WrenchStamped(): header(), wrench() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->wrench.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->wrench.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "d78d3cb249ce23087ade7e7d0c40cfa7"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_PoseStamped_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_PoseStamped_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Pose.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class PoseStamped : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef geometry_msgs::Pose _pose_type; _pose_type pose; PoseStamped(): header(), pose() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->pose.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->pose.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "d3812c3cbc69362b77dc0b19b345f8f5"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_AccelWithCovariance_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_AccelWithCovariance_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Accel.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class AccelWithCovariance : public ros::Msg { public: typedef geometry_msgs::Accel _accel_type; _accel_type accel; double covariance[36]; AccelWithCovariance(): accel(), covariance() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->accel.serialize(outbuffer + offset); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < 36; i++){ union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_covariancei; u_covariancei.real = this->covariance[i]; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_covariancei.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->covariance[i]); } return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->accel.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < 36; i++){ union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_covariancei; u_covariancei.base = 0; u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_covariancei.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->covariance[i] = u_covariancei.real; offset += sizeof(this->covariance[i]); } return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/AccelWithCovariance"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "ad5a718d699c6be72a02b8d6a139f334"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_Transform_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_Transform_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Vector3.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Quaternion.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class Transform : public ros::Msg { public: typedef geometry_msgs::Vector3 _translation_type; _translation_type translation; typedef geometry_msgs::Quaternion _rotation_type; _rotation_type rotation; Transform(): translation(), rotation() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->translation.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->rotation.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->translation.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->rotation.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/Transform"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "ac9eff44abf714214112b05d54a3cf9b"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_AccelWithCovarianceStamped_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_AccelWithCovarianceStamped_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/AccelWithCovariance.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class AccelWithCovarianceStamped : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef geometry_msgs::AccelWithCovariance _accel_type; _accel_type accel; AccelWithCovarianceStamped(): header(), accel() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->accel.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->accel.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/AccelWithCovarianceStamped"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "96adb295225031ec8d57fb4251b0a886"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_Pose_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_Pose_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Point.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Quaternion.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class Pose : public ros::Msg { public: typedef geometry_msgs::Point _position_type; _position_type position; typedef geometry_msgs::Quaternion _orientation_type; _orientation_type orientation; Pose(): position(), orientation() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->position.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->orientation.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->position.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->orientation.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/Pose"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "e45d45a5a1ce597b249e23fb30fc871f"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_PoseWithCovarianceStamped_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_PoseWithCovarianceStamped_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class PoseWithCovarianceStamped : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovariance _pose_type; _pose_type pose; PoseWithCovarianceStamped(): header(), pose() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->pose.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->pose.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "953b798c0f514ff060a53a3498ce6246"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_Vector3Stamped_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_Vector3Stamped_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Vector3.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class Vector3Stamped : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef geometry_msgs::Vector3 _vector_type; _vector_type vector; Vector3Stamped(): header(), vector() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); offset += this->vector.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); offset += this->vector.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "7b324c7325e683bf02a9b14b01090ec7"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_TransformStamped_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_TransformStamped_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "std_msgs/Header.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Transform.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class TransformStamped : public ros::Msg { public: typedef std_msgs::Header _header_type; _header_type header; typedef const char* _child_frame_id_type; _child_frame_id_type child_frame_id; typedef geometry_msgs::Transform _transform_type; _transform_type transform; TransformStamped(): header(), child_frame_id(""), transform() { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset); uint32_t length_child_frame_id = strlen(this->child_frame_id); varToArr(outbuffer + offset, length_child_frame_id); offset += 4; memcpy(outbuffer + offset, this->child_frame_id, length_child_frame_id); offset += length_child_frame_id; offset += this->transform.serialize(outbuffer + offset); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); uint32_t length_child_frame_id; arrToVar(length_child_frame_id, (inbuffer + offset)); offset += 4; for(unsigned int k= offset; k< offset+length_child_frame_id; ++k){ inbuffer[k-1]=inbuffer[k]; } inbuffer[offset+length_child_frame_id-1]=0; this->child_frame_id = (char *)(inbuffer + offset-1); offset += length_child_frame_id; offset += this->transform.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/TransformStamped"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "b5764a33bfeb3588febc2682852579b0"; }; }; } #endif
#ifndef _ROS_geometry_msgs_Inertia_h #define _ROS_geometry_msgs_Inertia_h #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ros/msg.h" #include "geometry_msgs/Vector3.h" namespace geometry_msgs { class Inertia : public ros::Msg { public: typedef double _m_type; _m_type m; typedef geometry_msgs::Vector3 _com_type; _com_type com; typedef double _ixx_type; _ixx_type ixx; typedef double _ixy_type; _ixy_type ixy; typedef double _ixz_type; _ixz_type ixz; typedef double _iyy_type; _iyy_type iyy; typedef double _iyz_type; _iyz_type iyz; typedef double _izz_type; _izz_type izz; Inertia(): m(0), com(), ixx(0), ixy(0), ixz(0), iyy(0), iyz(0), izz(0) { } virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const { int offset = 0; union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_m; u_m.real = this->m; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_m.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_m.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_m.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_m.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_m.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_m.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_m.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_m.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->m); offset += this->com.serialize(outbuffer + offset); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_ixx; u_ixx.real = this->ixx; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_ixx.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_ixx.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_ixx.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_ixx.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_ixx.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_ixx.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_ixx.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_ixx.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->ixx); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_ixy; u_ixy.real = this->ixy; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_ixy.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_ixy.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_ixy.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_ixy.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_ixy.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_ixy.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_ixy.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_ixy.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->ixy); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_ixz; u_ixz.real = this->ixz; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_ixz.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_ixz.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_ixz.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_ixz.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_ixz.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_ixz.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_ixz.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_ixz.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->ixz); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_iyy; u_iyy.real = this->iyy; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_iyy.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_iyy.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_iyy.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_iyy.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_iyy.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_iyy.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_iyy.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_iyy.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->iyy); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_iyz; u_iyz.real = this->iyz; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_iyz.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_iyz.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_iyz.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_iyz.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_iyz.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_iyz.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_iyz.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_iyz.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->iyz); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_izz; u_izz.real = this->izz; *(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (u_izz.base >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (u_izz.base >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 2) = (u_izz.base >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 3) = (u_izz.base >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 4) = (u_izz.base >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 5) = (u_izz.base >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 6) = (u_izz.base >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF; *(outbuffer + offset + 7) = (u_izz.base >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF; offset += sizeof(this->izz); return offset; } virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer) { int offset = 0; union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_m; u_m.base = 0; u_m.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_m.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_m.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_m.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_m.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_m.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_m.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_m.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->m = u_m.real; offset += sizeof(this->m); offset += this->com.deserialize(inbuffer + offset); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_ixx; u_ixx.base = 0; u_ixx.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_ixx.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_ixx.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_ixx.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_ixx.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_ixx.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_ixx.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_ixx.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->ixx = u_ixx.real; offset += sizeof(this->ixx); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_ixy; u_ixy.base = 0; u_ixy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_ixy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_ixy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_ixy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_ixy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_ixy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_ixy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_ixy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->ixy = u_ixy.real; offset += sizeof(this->ixy); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_ixz; u_ixz.base = 0; u_ixz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_ixz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_ixz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_ixz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_ixz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_ixz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_ixz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_ixz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->ixz = u_ixz.real; offset += sizeof(this->ixz); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_iyy; u_iyy.base = 0; u_iyy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_iyy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_iyy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_iyy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_iyy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_iyy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_iyy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_iyy.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->iyy = u_iyy.real; offset += sizeof(this->iyy); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_iyz; u_iyz.base = 0; u_iyz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_iyz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_iyz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_iyz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_iyz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_iyz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_iyz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_iyz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->iyz = u_iyz.real; offset += sizeof(this->iyz); union { double real; uint64_t base; } u_izz; u_izz.base = 0; u_izz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 0))) << (8 * 0); u_izz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1); u_izz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 2))) << (8 * 2); u_izz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 3))) << (8 * 3); u_izz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 4))) << (8 * 4); u_izz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 5))) << (8 * 5); u_izz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 6))) << (8 * 6); u_izz.base |= ((uint64_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 7))) << (8 * 7); this->izz = u_izz.real; offset += sizeof(this->izz); return offset; } const char * getType(){ return "geometry_msgs/Inertia"; }; const char * getMD5(){ return "1d26e4bb6c83ff141c5cf0d883c2b0fe"; }; }; } #endif
/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2011, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote prducts derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _ROS_SERVICE_CLIENT_H_ #define _ROS_SERVICE_CLIENT_H_ #include "rosserial_msgs/TopicInfo.h" #include "ros/publisher.h" #include "ros/subscriber.h" namespace ros { template<typename MReq , typename MRes> class ServiceClient : public Subscriber_ { public: ServiceClient(const char* topic_name) : pub(topic_name, &req, rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo::ID_SERVICE_CLIENT + rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo::ID_PUBLISHER) { this->topic_ = topic_name; this->waiting = true; } virtual void call(const MReq & request, MRes & response) { if (!pub.nh_->connected()) return; ret = &response; waiting = true; pub.publish(&request); while (waiting && pub.nh_->connected()) if (pub.nh_->spinOnce() < 0) break; } // these refer to the subscriber virtual void callback(unsigned char *data) { ret->deserialize(data); waiting = false; } virtual const char * getMsgType() { return this->resp.getType(); } virtual const char * getMsgMD5() { return this->resp.getMD5(); } virtual int getEndpointType() { return rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo::ID_SERVICE_CLIENT + rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo::ID_SUBSCRIBER; } MReq req; MRes resp; MRes * ret; bool waiting; Publisher pub; }; } #endif
/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2011, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote prducts derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ROS_SUBSCRIBER_H_ #define ROS_SUBSCRIBER_H_ #include "rosserial_msgs/TopicInfo.h" namespace ros { /* Base class for objects subscribers. */ class Subscriber_ { public: virtual void callback(unsigned char *data) = 0; virtual int getEndpointType() = 0; // id_ is set by NodeHandle when we advertise int id_; virtual const char * getMsgType() = 0; virtual const char * getMsgMD5() = 0; const char * topic_; }; /* Bound function subscriber. */ template<typename MsgT, typename ObjT = void> class Subscriber: public Subscriber_ { public: typedef void(ObjT::*CallbackT)(const MsgT&); MsgT msg; Subscriber(const char * topic_name, CallbackT cb, ObjT* obj, int endpoint = rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo::ID_SUBSCRIBER) : cb_(cb), obj_(obj), endpoint_(endpoint) { topic_ = topic_name; }; virtual void callback(unsigned char* data) { msg.deserialize(data); (obj_->*cb_)(msg); } virtual const char * getMsgType() { return this->msg.getType(); } virtual const char * getMsgMD5() { return this->msg.getMD5(); } virtual int getEndpointType() { return endpoint_; } private: CallbackT cb_; ObjT* obj_; int endpoint_; }; /* Standalone function subscriber. */ template<typename MsgT> class Subscriber<MsgT, void>: public Subscriber_ { public: typedef void(*CallbackT)(const MsgT&); MsgT msg; Subscriber(const char * topic_name, CallbackT cb, int endpoint = rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo::ID_SUBSCRIBER) : cb_(cb), endpoint_(endpoint) { topic_ = topic_name; }; virtual void callback(unsigned char* data) { msg.deserialize(data); this->cb_(msg); } virtual const char * getMsgType() { return this->msg.getType(); } virtual const char * getMsgMD5() { return this->msg.getMD5(); } virtual int getEndpointType() { return endpoint_; } private: CallbackT cb_; int endpoint_; }; } #endif
/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2011, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote prducts derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ROS_NODE_HANDLE_H_ #define ROS_NODE_HANDLE_H_ #include <stdint.h> #include "std_msgs/Time.h" #include "rosserial_msgs/TopicInfo.h" #include "rosserial_msgs/Log.h" #include "rosserial_msgs/RequestParam.h" #include "ros/msg.h" namespace ros { class NodeHandleBase_ { public: virtual int publish(int id, const Msg* msg) = 0; virtual int spinOnce() = 0; virtual bool connected() = 0; }; } #include "ros/publisher.h" #include "ros/subscriber.h" #include "ros/service_server.h" #include "ros/service_client.h" namespace ros { const int SPIN_OK = 0; const int SPIN_ERR = -1; const int SPIN_TIMEOUT = -2; const uint8_t SYNC_SECONDS = 5; const uint8_t MODE_FIRST_FF = 0; /* * The second sync byte is a protocol version. It's value is 0xff for the first * version of the rosserial protocol (used up to hydro), 0xfe for the second version * (introduced in hydro), 0xfd for the next, and so on. Its purpose is to enable * detection of mismatched protocol versions (e.g. hydro rosserial_python with groovy * rosserial_arduino. It must be changed in both this file and in * rosserial_python/src/rosserial_python/ */ const uint8_t MODE_PROTOCOL_VER = 1; const uint8_t PROTOCOL_VER1 = 0xff; // through groovy const uint8_t PROTOCOL_VER2 = 0xfe; // in hydro const uint8_t PROTOCOL_VER = PROTOCOL_VER2; const uint8_t MODE_SIZE_L = 2; const uint8_t MODE_SIZE_H = 3; const uint8_t MODE_SIZE_CHECKSUM = 4; // checksum for msg size received from size L and H const uint8_t MODE_TOPIC_L = 5; // waiting for topic id const uint8_t MODE_TOPIC_H = 6; const uint8_t MODE_MESSAGE = 7; const uint8_t MODE_MSG_CHECKSUM = 8; // checksum for msg and topic id const uint8_t SERIAL_MSG_TIMEOUT = 20; // 20 milliseconds to recieve all of message data using rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo; /* Node Handle */ template<class Hardware, int MAX_SUBSCRIBERS = 25, int MAX_PUBLISHERS = 25, int INPUT_SIZE = 512, int OUTPUT_SIZE = 512> class NodeHandle_ : public NodeHandleBase_ { protected: Hardware hardware_; /* time used for syncing */ uint32_t rt_time; /* used for computing current time */ uint32_t sec_offset, nsec_offset; /* Spinonce maximum work timeout */ uint32_t spin_timeout_; uint8_t message_in[INPUT_SIZE]; uint8_t message_out[OUTPUT_SIZE]; Publisher * publishers[MAX_PUBLISHERS]; Subscriber_ * subscribers[MAX_SUBSCRIBERS]; /* * Setup Functions */ public: NodeHandle_() : configured_(false) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_PUBLISHERS; i++) publishers[i] = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_SUBSCRIBERS; i++) subscribers[i] = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < INPUT_SIZE; i++) message_in[i] = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < OUTPUT_SIZE; i++) message_out[i] = 0; req_param_resp.ints_length = 0; req_param_resp.ints = NULL; req_param_resp.floats_length = 0; req_param_resp.floats = NULL; req_param_resp.ints_length = 0; req_param_resp.ints = NULL; spin_timeout_ = 0; } Hardware* getHardware() { return &hardware_; } /* Start serial, initialize buffers */ void initNode() { hardware_.init(); mode_ = 0; bytes_ = 0; index_ = 0; topic_ = 0; }; /* Start a named port, which may be network server IP, initialize buffers */ void initNode(char *portName) { hardware_.init(portName); mode_ = 0; bytes_ = 0; index_ = 0; topic_ = 0; }; /** * @brief Sets the maximum time in millisconds that spinOnce() can work. * This will not effect the processing of the buffer, as spinOnce processes * one byte at a time. It simply sets the maximum time that one call can * process for. You can choose to clear the buffer if that is beneficial if * SPIN_TIMEOUT is returned from spinOnce(). * @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds that spinOnce will function. */ void setSpinTimeout(const uint32_t& timeout) { spin_timeout_ = timeout; } protected: //State machine variables for spinOnce int mode_; int bytes_; int topic_; int index_; int checksum_; bool configured_; /* used for syncing the time */ uint32_t last_sync_time; uint32_t last_sync_receive_time; uint32_t last_msg_timeout_time; public: /* This function goes in your loop() function, it handles * serial input and callbacks for subscribers. */ virtual int spinOnce() { /* restart if timed out */ uint32_t c_time = hardware_.time(); if ((c_time - last_sync_receive_time) > (SYNC_SECONDS * 2200)) { configured_ = false; } /* reset if message has timed out */ if (mode_ != MODE_FIRST_FF) { if (c_time > last_msg_timeout_time) { mode_ = MODE_FIRST_FF; } } /* while available buffer, read data */ while (true) { // If a timeout has been specified, check how long spinOnce has been running. if (spin_timeout_ > 0) { // If the maximum processing timeout has been exceeded, exit with error. // The next spinOnce can continue where it left off, or optionally // based on the application in use, the hardware buffer could be flushed // and start fresh. if ((hardware_.time() - c_time) > spin_timeout_) { // Exit the spin, processing timeout exceeded. return SPIN_TIMEOUT; } } int data =; if (data < 0) break; checksum_ += data; if (mode_ == MODE_MESSAGE) /* message data being recieved */ { message_in[index_++] = data; bytes_--; if (bytes_ == 0) /* is message complete? if so, checksum */ mode_ = MODE_MSG_CHECKSUM; } else if (mode_ == MODE_FIRST_FF) { if (data == 0xff) { mode_++; last_msg_timeout_time = c_time + SERIAL_MSG_TIMEOUT; } else if (hardware_.time() - c_time > (SYNC_SECONDS * 1000)) { /* We have been stuck in spinOnce too long, return error */ configured_ = false; return SPIN_TIMEOUT; } } else if (mode_ == MODE_PROTOCOL_VER) { if (data == PROTOCOL_VER) { mode_++; } else { mode_ = MODE_FIRST_FF; if (configured_ == false) requestSyncTime(); /* send a msg back showing our protocol version */ } } else if (mode_ == MODE_SIZE_L) /* bottom half of message size */ { bytes_ = data; index_ = 0; mode_++; checksum_ = data; /* first byte for calculating size checksum */ } else if (mode_ == MODE_SIZE_H) /* top half of message size */ { bytes_ += data << 8; mode_++; } else if (mode_ == MODE_SIZE_CHECKSUM) { if ((checksum_ % 256) == 255) mode_++; else mode_ = MODE_FIRST_FF; /* Abandon the frame if the msg len is wrong */ } else if (mode_ == MODE_TOPIC_L) /* bottom half of topic id */ { topic_ = data; mode_++; checksum_ = data; /* first byte included in checksum */ } else if (mode_ == MODE_TOPIC_H) /* top half of topic id */ { topic_ += data << 8; mode_ = MODE_MESSAGE; if (bytes_ == 0) mode_ = MODE_MSG_CHECKSUM; } else if (mode_ == MODE_MSG_CHECKSUM) /* do checksum */ { mode_ = MODE_FIRST_FF; if ((checksum_ % 256) == 255) { if (topic_ == TopicInfo::ID_PUBLISHER) { requestSyncTime(); negotiateTopics(); last_sync_time = c_time; last_sync_receive_time = c_time; return SPIN_ERR; } else if (topic_ == TopicInfo::ID_TIME) { syncTime(message_in); } else if (topic_ == TopicInfo::ID_PARAMETER_REQUEST) { req_param_resp.deserialize(message_in); param_recieved = true; } else if (topic_ == TopicInfo::ID_TX_STOP) { configured_ = false; } else { if (subscribers[topic_ - 100]) subscribers[topic_ - 100]->callback(message_in); } } } } /* occasionally sync time */ if (configured_ && ((c_time - last_sync_time) > (SYNC_SECONDS * 500))) { requestSyncTime(); last_sync_time = c_time; } return SPIN_OK; } /* Are we connected to the PC? */ virtual bool connected() { return configured_; }; /******************************************************************** * Time functions */ void requestSyncTime() { std_msgs::Time t; publish(TopicInfo::ID_TIME, &t); rt_time = hardware_.time(); } void syncTime(uint8_t * data) { std_msgs::Time t; uint32_t offset = hardware_.time() - rt_time; t.deserialize(data); += offset / 1000; += (offset % 1000) * 1000000UL; this->setNow(; last_sync_receive_time = hardware_.time(); } Time now() { uint32_t ms = hardware_.time(); Time current_time; current_time.sec = ms / 1000 + sec_offset; current_time.nsec = (ms % 1000) * 1000000UL + nsec_offset; normalizeSecNSec(current_time.sec, current_time.nsec); return current_time; } void setNow(Time & new_now) { uint32_t ms = hardware_.time(); sec_offset = new_now.sec - ms / 1000 - 1; nsec_offset = new_now.nsec - (ms % 1000) * 1000000UL + 1000000000UL; normalizeSecNSec(sec_offset, nsec_offset); } /******************************************************************** * Topic Management */ /* Register a new publisher */ bool advertise(Publisher & p) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PUBLISHERS; i++) { if (publishers[i] == 0) // empty slot { publishers[i] = &p; p.id_ = i + 100 + MAX_SUBSCRIBERS; p.nh_ = this; return true; } } return false; } /* Register a new subscriber */ template<typename SubscriberT> bool subscribe(SubscriberT& s) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SUBSCRIBERS; i++) { if (subscribers[i] == 0) // empty slot { subscribers[i] = static_cast<Subscriber_*>(&s); s.id_ = i + 100; return true; } } return false; } /* Register a new Service Server */ template<typename MReq, typename MRes, typename ObjT> bool advertiseService(ServiceServer<MReq, MRes, ObjT>& srv) { bool v = advertise(; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SUBSCRIBERS; i++) { if (subscribers[i] == 0) // empty slot { subscribers[i] = static_cast<Subscriber_*>(&srv); srv.id_ = i + 100; return v; } } return false; } /* Register a new Service Client */ template<typename MReq, typename MRes> bool serviceClient(ServiceClient<MReq, MRes>& srv) { bool v = advertise(; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SUBSCRIBERS; i++) { if (subscribers[i] == 0) // empty slot { subscribers[i] = static_cast<Subscriber_*>(&srv); srv.id_ = i + 100; return v; } } return false; } void negotiateTopics() { rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo ti; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PUBLISHERS; i++) { if (publishers[i] != 0) // non-empty slot { ti.topic_id = publishers[i]->id_; ti.topic_name = (char *) publishers[i]->topic_; ti.message_type = (char *) publishers[i]->msg_->getType(); ti.md5sum = (char *) publishers[i]->msg_->getMD5(); ti.buffer_size = OUTPUT_SIZE; publish(publishers[i]->getEndpointType(), &ti); } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUBSCRIBERS; i++) { if (subscribers[i] != 0) // non-empty slot { ti.topic_id = subscribers[i]->id_; ti.topic_name = (char *) subscribers[i]->topic_; ti.message_type = (char *) subscribers[i]->getMsgType(); ti.md5sum = (char *) subscribers[i]->getMsgMD5(); ti.buffer_size = INPUT_SIZE; publish(subscribers[i]->getEndpointType(), &ti); } } configured_ = true; } virtual int publish(int id, const Msg * msg) { if (id >= 100 && !configured_) return 0; /* serialize message */ int l = msg->serialize(message_out + 7); /* setup the header */ message_out[0] = 0xff; message_out[1] = PROTOCOL_VER; message_out[2] = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)l & 255); message_out[3] = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)l >> 8); message_out[4] = 255 - ((message_out[2] + message_out[3]) % 256); message_out[5] = (uint8_t)((int16_t)id & 255); message_out[6] = (uint8_t)((int16_t)id >> 8); /* calculate checksum */ int chk = 0; for (int i = 5; i < l + 7; i++) chk += message_out[i]; l += 7; message_out[l++] = 255 - (chk % 256); if (l <= OUTPUT_SIZE) { hardware_.write(message_out, l); return l; } else { logerror("Message from device dropped: message larger than buffer."); return -1; } } /******************************************************************** * Logging */ private: void log(char byte, const char * msg) { rosserial_msgs::Log l; l.level = byte; l.msg = (char*)msg; publish(rosserial_msgs::TopicInfo::ID_LOG, &l); } public: void logdebug(const char* msg) { log(rosserial_msgs::Log::ROSDEBUG, msg); } void loginfo(const char * msg) { log(rosserial_msgs::Log::INFO, msg); } void logwarn(const char *msg) { log(rosserial_msgs::Log::WARN, msg); } void logerror(const char*msg) { log(rosserial_msgs::Log::ERROR, msg); } void logfatal(const char*msg) { log(rosserial_msgs::Log::FATAL, msg); } /******************************************************************** * Parameters */ private: bool param_recieved; rosserial_msgs::RequestParamResponse req_param_resp; bool requestParam(const char * name, int time_out = 1000) { param_recieved = false; rosserial_msgs::RequestParamRequest req; = (char*)name; publish(TopicInfo::ID_PARAMETER_REQUEST, &req); uint32_t end_time = hardware_.time() + time_out; while (!param_recieved) { spinOnce(); if (hardware_.time() > end_time) { logwarn("Failed to get param: timeout expired"); return false; } } return true; } public: bool getParam(const char* name, int* param, int length = 1, int timeout = 1000) { if (requestParam(name, timeout)) { if (length == req_param_resp.ints_length) { //copy it over for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) param[i] = req_param_resp.ints[i]; return true; } else { logwarn("Failed to get param: length mismatch"); } } return false; } bool getParam(const char* name, float* param, int length = 1, int timeout = 1000) { if (requestParam(name, timeout)) { if (length == req_param_resp.floats_length) { //copy it over for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) param[i] = req_param_resp.floats[i]; return true; } else { logwarn("Failed to get param: length mismatch"); } } return false; } bool getParam(const char* name, char** param, int length = 1, int timeout = 1000) { if (requestParam(name, timeout)) { if (length == req_param_resp.strings_length) { //copy it over for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) strcpy(param[i], req_param_resp.strings[i]); return true; } else { logwarn("Failed to get param: length mismatch"); } } return false; } bool getParam(const char* name, bool* param, int length = 1, int timeout = 1000) { if (requestParam(name, timeout)) { if (length == req_param_resp.ints_length) { //copy it over for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) param[i] = req_param_resp.ints[i]; return true; } else { logwarn("Failed to get param: length mismatch"); } } return false; } }; } #endif
/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2011, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote prducts derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _ROS_MSG_H_ #define _ROS_MSG_H_ #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> namespace ros { /* Base Message Type */ class Msg { public: virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const = 0; virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *data) = 0; virtual const char * getType() = 0; virtual const char * getMD5() = 0; /** * @brief This tricky function handles promoting a 32bit float to a 64bit * double, so that AVR can publish messages containing float64 * fields, despite AVV having no native support for double. * * @param[out] outbuffer pointer for buffer to serialize to. * @param[in] f value to serialize. * * @return number of bytes to advance the buffer pointer. * */ static int serializeAvrFloat64(unsigned char* outbuffer, const float f) { const int32_t* val = (int32_t*) &f; int32_t exp = ((*val >> 23) & 255); if (exp != 0) { exp += 1023 - 127; } int32_t sig = *val; *(outbuffer++) = 0; *(outbuffer++) = 0; *(outbuffer++) = 0; *(outbuffer++) = (sig << 5) & 0xff; *(outbuffer++) = (sig >> 3) & 0xff; *(outbuffer++) = (sig >> 11) & 0xff; *(outbuffer++) = ((exp << 4) & 0xF0) | ((sig >> 19) & 0x0F); *(outbuffer++) = (exp >> 4) & 0x7F; // Mark negative bit as necessary. if (f < 0) { *(outbuffer - 1) |= 0x80; } return 8; } /** * @brief This tricky function handles demoting a 64bit double to a * 32bit float, so that AVR can understand messages containing * float64 fields, despite AVR having no native support for double. * * @param[in] inbuffer pointer for buffer to deserialize from. * @param[out] f pointer to place the deserialized value in. * * @return number of bytes to advance the buffer pointer. */ static int deserializeAvrFloat64(const unsigned char* inbuffer, float* f) { uint32_t* val = (uint32_t*)f; inbuffer += 3; // Copy truncated mantissa. *val = ((uint32_t)(*(inbuffer++)) >> 5 & 0x07); *val |= ((uint32_t)(*(inbuffer++)) & 0xff) << 3; *val |= ((uint32_t)(*(inbuffer++)) & 0xff) << 11; *val |= ((uint32_t)(*inbuffer) & 0x0f) << 19; // Copy truncated exponent. uint32_t exp = ((uint32_t)(*(inbuffer++)) & 0xf0) >> 4; exp |= ((uint32_t)(*inbuffer) & 0x7f) << 4; if (exp != 0) { *val |= ((exp) - 1023 + 127) << 23; } // Copy negative sign. *val |= ((uint32_t)(*(inbuffer++)) & 0x80) << 24; return 8; } // Copy data from variable into a byte array template<typename A, typename V> static void varToArr(A arr, const V var) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(V); i++) arr[i] = (var >> (8 * i)); } // Copy data from a byte array into variable template<typename V, typename A> static void arrToVar(V& var, const A arr) { var = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(V); i++) var |= (arr[i] << (8 * i)); } }; } // namespace ros #endif