ShadowFlag — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » ShadowFlag   # ShadowFlag class omni.ui.ShadowFlag Bases: pybind11_object Members: NONE CUT_OUT_SHAPE_BACKGROUND Methods __init__(self, value) Attributes CUT_OUT_SHAPE_BACKGROUND NONE name value __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.ShadowFlag, value: int) → None property name © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
VectorImageProvider — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » VectorImageProvider   # VectorImageProvider class omni.ui.VectorImageProvider Bases: ImageProvider doc Methods __init__(self[, source_url]) doc Attributes max_mip_levels Maximum number of mip map levels allowed source_url Sets the vector image URL. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.VectorImageProvider, source_url: str = None, **kwargs) → None doc property max_mip_levels Maximum number of mip map levels allowed property source_url Sets the vector image URL. Asset loading doesn’t happen immediately, but rather is started the next time widget is visible, in prepareDraw call. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
Kind module — pxr-usd-api 105.1 documentation pxr-usd-api » Modules » Kind module   # Kind module Summary: The Kind library provides a runtime-extensible taxonomy known as “kinds”. Useful for classifying scenegraph objects. Python bindings for libKind Classes: Registry A singleton that holds known kinds and information about them. Tokens class pxr.Kind.Registry A singleton that holds known kinds and information about them. See Kind Overview for a description of why kind exists, what the builtin registered kinds are, and how to extend the core kinds. ## KindRegistry Threadsafty KindRegistry serves performance-critical clients that operate under the stl threading model, and therefore itself follows that model in order to avoid locking during HasKind() and IsA() queries. To make this robust, KindRegistry exposes no means to mutate the registry. All extensions must be accomplished via plugInfo.json files, which are consumed once during the registry initialization (See Extending the KindRegistry) Methods: GetAllKinds classmethod GetAllKinds() -> list[str] GetBaseKind classmethod GetBaseKind(kind) -> str HasKind classmethod HasKind(kind) -> bool IsA classmethod IsA(derivedKind, baseKind) -> bool Attributes: expired True if this object has expired, False otherwise. static GetAllKinds() classmethod GetAllKinds() -> list[str] Return an unordered vector of all kinds known to the registry. static GetBaseKind() classmethod GetBaseKind(kind) -> str Return the base kind of the given kind. If there is no base, the result will be an empty token. Issues a coding error if kind is unknown to the registry. Parameters kind (str) – static HasKind() classmethod HasKind(kind) -> bool Test whether kind is known to the registry. Parameters kind (str) – static IsA() classmethod IsA(derivedKind, baseKind) -> bool Test whether derivedKind is the same as baseKind or has it as a base kind (either directly or indirectly). It is not required that derivedKind or baseKind be known to the registry: if they are unknown but equal, IsA will return true ; otherwise if either is unknown, we will simply return false. Therefore this method will not raise any errors. Parameters derivedKind (str) – baseKind (str) – property expired True if this object has expired, False otherwise. class pxr.Kind.Tokens Attributes: assembly component group model subcomponent assembly = 'assembly' component = 'component' group = 'group' model = 'model' subcomponent = 'subcomponent' © Copyright 2019-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Nov 14, 2023.
FocusPolicy — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » FocusPolicy   # FocusPolicy class omni.ui.FocusPolicy Bases: pybind11_object Members: DEFAULT FOCUS_ON_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN FOCUS_ON_ANY_MOUSE_DOWN FOCUS_ON_HOVER Methods __init__(self, value) Attributes DEFAULT FOCUS_ON_ANY_MOUSE_DOWN FOCUS_ON_HOVER FOCUS_ON_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN name value __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.FocusPolicy, value: int) → None property name © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
UIntDrag — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » UIntDrag   # UIntDrag class omni.ui.UIntDrag Bases: UIntSlider Methods __init__(self[, model]) Constructs UIntDrag. Attributes step This property controls the steping speed on the drag, its float to enable slower speed, but of course the value on the Control are still integer. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.UIntDrag, model: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel = None, **kwargs) → None Constructs UIntDrag. ### Arguments: `model :`The widget’s model. If the model is not assigned, the default model is created. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `step`This property controls the steping speed on the drag, its float to enable slower speed, but of course the value on the Control are still integer. `min`This property holds the slider’s minimum value. `max`This property holds the slider’s maximum value. `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. property step This property controls the steping speed on the drag, its float to enable slower speed, but of course the value on the Control are still integer. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
Triangle — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » Triangle   # Triangle class omni.ui.Triangle Bases: Shape The Triangle widget provides a colored triangle to display. Methods __init__(self, **kwargs) Constructs Triangle. Attributes alignment This property holds the alignment of the triangle when the fill policy is ePreserveAspectFit or ePreserveAspectCrop. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.Triangle, **kwargs) → None Constructs Triangle. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `alignment`This property holds the alignment of the triangle when the fill policy is ePreserveAspectFit or ePreserveAspectCrop. By default, the triangle is centered. `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. property alignment This property holds the alignment of the triangle when the fill policy is ePreserveAspectFit or ePreserveAspectCrop. By default, the triangle is centered. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
AbstractShade — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Submodules » omni.ui.color_utils » omni.ui.color_utils Classes » AbstractShade   # AbstractShade class omni.ui.color_utils.AbstractShade Bases: object The implementation of shades for custom style parameter type. The user has to reimplement methods _store and _find to set/get the value in the specific store. Methods __init__() set_shade([name]) Set the default shade. shade([default]) Save the given shade, pick the color and apply it to ui.ColorStore. __init__() set_shade(name: Optional[str] = None) Set the default shade. shade(default: Optional[Any] = None, **kwargs) → str Save the given shade, pick the color and apply it to ui.ColorStore. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
SimpleIntModel — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » SimpleIntModel   # SimpleIntModel class omni.ui.SimpleIntModel Bases: AbstractValueModel A very simple Int model. Methods __init__(self[, default_value]) get_max(self) get_min(self) set_max(self, arg0) set_min(self, arg0) Attributes max This property holds the model's minimum value. min This property holds the model's minimum value. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.SimpleIntModel, default_value: int = 0, **kwargs) → None get_max(self: omni.ui._ui.SimpleIntModel) → int get_min(self: omni.ui._ui.SimpleIntModel) → int set_max(self: omni.ui._ui.SimpleIntModel, arg0: int) → None set_min(self: omni.ui._ui.SimpleIntModel, arg0: int) → None property max This property holds the model’s minimum value. property min This property holds the model’s minimum value. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
FloatSlider — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » FloatSlider   # FloatSlider class omni.ui.FloatSlider Bases: AbstractSlider The slider is the classic widget for controlling a bounded value. It lets the user move a slider handle along a horizontal groove and translates the handle’s position into a float value within the legal range. Methods __init__(self[, model]) Construct FloatSlider. Attributes format This property overrides automatic formatting if needed. max This property holds the slider's maximum value. min This property holds the slider's minimum value. precision This property holds the slider value's float precision. step This property controls the steping speed on the drag. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.FloatSlider, model: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel = None, **kwargs) → None Construct FloatSlider. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `minfloat`This property holds the slider’s minimum value. `maxfloat`This property holds the slider’s maximum value. `stepfloat`This property controls the steping speed on the drag. `formatstr`This property overrides automatic formatting if needed. `precisionuint32_t`This property holds the slider value’s float precision. `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. property format This property overrides automatic formatting if needed. property max This property holds the slider’s maximum value. property min This property holds the slider’s minimum value. property precision This property holds the slider value’s float precision. property step This property controls the steping speed on the drag. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
StringField — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » StringField   # StringField class omni.ui.StringField Bases: AbstractField The StringField widget is a one-line text editor with a string model. Methods __init__(self[, model]) Constructs StringField. Attributes allow_tab_input This property holds if the field allows Tab input. multiline Multiline allows to press enter and create a new line. password_mode This property holds the password mode. read_only This property holds if the field is read-only. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.StringField, model: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel = None, **kwargs) → None Constructs StringField. ### Arguments: `model :`The widget’s model. If the model is not assigned, the default model is created. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `password_mode`This property holds the password mode. If the field is in the password mode when the entered text is obscured. `read_only`This property holds if the field is read-only. `multiline`Multiline allows to press enter and create a new line. `allow_tab_input`This property holds if the field allows Tab input. `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. property allow_tab_input This property holds if the field allows Tab input. property multiline Multiline allows to press enter and create a new line. property password_mode This property holds the password mode. If the field is in the password mode when the entered text is obscured. property read_only This property holds if the field is read-only. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
1.4.0 — Omniverse Launcher latest documentation Omniverse Launcher » Omniverse Launcher » Release Notes » 1.4.0   # 1.4.0 Release Date: Nov 2022 ## Changed Added retries for downloading EULA and GDPR agreements. ## Fixed Fixed an issue with scrolling the left menu on the exchange tab. Fixed an issue where Launcher dialogs were displayed behind the exchange view after navigation. Fixed an issue where thin packages could not install correctly if the file system had dangling symlinks. Remove all unused packages on the startup. Fixed an issue where failed updates changed the latest registered app version in the library. Fixed an issue where scheduling two installers could not finish the download if authentication needs to be refreshed. Fixed an issue with collecting hardware info on Windows 11. Fixed sending multiple simultaneous session events. © Copyright 2023-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 15, 2024.
DockSpace — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » DockSpace   # DockSpace class omni.ui.DockSpace Bases: pybind11_object The DockSpace class represents Dock Space for the OS Window. Methods __init__(self, arg0, **kwargs) Construct the main window, add it to the underlying windowing system, and makes it appear. Attributes dock_frame This represents Styling opportunity for the Window background. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.DockSpace, arg0: object, **kwargs) → None Construct the main window, add it to the underlying windowing system, and makes it appear. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: property dock_frame This represents Styling opportunity for the Window background. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
ComboBox — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » ComboBox   # ComboBox class omni.ui.ComboBox Bases: Widget, ItemModelHelper The ComboBox widget is a combined button and a drop-down list. A combo box is a selection widget that displays the current item and can pop up a list of selectable items. The ComboBox is implemented using the model-view pattern. The model is the central component of this system. The root of the item model should contain the index of currently selected items, and the children of the root include all the items of the combo box. Methods __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Construct ComboBox. Attributes __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.ComboBox, *args, **kwargs) → None Construct ComboBox. ### Arguments: `model :`The model that determines if the button is checked. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `arrow_onlybool`Determines if it’s necessary to hide the text of the ComboBox. `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
Fraction — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » Fraction   # Fraction class omni.ui.Fraction Bases: Length Fraction length is made to take the space of the parent widget, divides it up into a row of boxes, and makes each child widget fill one box. Methods __init__(self, value) Construct Fraction. Attributes __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.Fraction, value: float) → None Construct Fraction. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
UsdRi module — pxr-usd-api 105.1 documentation pxr-usd-api » Modules » UsdRi module   # UsdRi module Summary: The UsdRi module provides schemas and utilities for authoring USD that encodes Renderman-specific information, and USD/RI data conversions. Classes: MaterialAPI Deprecated SplineAPI Deprecated StatementsAPI Container namespace schema for all renderman statements. TextureAPI Deprecated Tokens class pxr.UsdRi.MaterialAPI Deprecated Materials should use UsdShadeMaterial instead. This schema will be removed in a future release. This API provides outputs that connect a material prim to prman shaders and RIS objects. For any described attribute Fallback Value or Allowed Values below that are text/tokens, the actual token is published and defined in UsdRiTokens. So to set an attribute to the value”rightHanded”, use UsdRiTokens->rightHanded as the value. Methods: Apply classmethod Apply(prim) -> MaterialAPI CanApply classmethod CanApply(prim, whyNot) -> bool ComputeInterfaceInputConsumersMap(...) Walks the namespace subtree below the material and computes a map containing the list of all inputs on the material and the associated vector of consumers of their values. CreateDisplacementAttr(defaultValue, ...) See GetDisplacementAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. CreateSurfaceAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) See GetSurfaceAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. CreateVolumeAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) See GetVolumeAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. Get classmethod Get(stage, path) -> MaterialAPI GetDisplacement(ignoreBaseMaterial) Returns a valid shader object if the"displacement"output on the material is connected to one. GetDisplacementAttr() Declaration GetDisplacementOutput() Returns the"displacement"output associated with the material. GetSchemaAttributeNames classmethod GetSchemaAttributeNames(includeInherited) -> list[TfToken] GetSurface(ignoreBaseMaterial) Returns a valid shader object if the"surface"output on the material is connected to one. GetSurfaceAttr() Declaration GetSurfaceOutput() Returns the"surface"output associated with the material. GetVolume(ignoreBaseMaterial) Returns a valid shader object if the"volume"output on the material is connected to one. GetVolumeAttr() Declaration GetVolumeOutput() Returns the"volume"output associated with the material. SetDisplacementSource(displacementPath) param displacementPath SetSurfaceSource(surfacePath) param surfacePath SetVolumeSource(volumePath) param volumePath static Apply() classmethod Apply(prim) -> MaterialAPI Applies this single-apply API schema to the given prim . This information is stored by adding”RiMaterialAPI”to the token- valued, listOp metadata apiSchemas on the prim. A valid UsdRiMaterialAPI object is returned upon success. An invalid (or empty) UsdRiMaterialAPI object is returned upon failure. See UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() for conditions resulting in failure. UsdPrim::GetAppliedSchemas() UsdPrim::HasAPI() UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI() UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() UsdPrim::RemoveAPI() Parameters prim (Prim) – static CanApply() classmethod CanApply(prim, whyNot) -> bool Returns true if this single-apply API schema can be applied to the given prim . If this schema can not be a applied to the prim, this returns false and, if provided, populates whyNot with the reason it can not be applied. Note that if CanApply returns false, that does not necessarily imply that calling Apply will fail. Callers are expected to call CanApply before calling Apply if they want to ensure that it is valid to apply a schema. UsdPrim::GetAppliedSchemas() UsdPrim::HasAPI() UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI() UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() UsdPrim::RemoveAPI() Parameters prim (Prim) – whyNot (str) – ComputeInterfaceInputConsumersMap(computeTransitiveConsumers) → NodeGraph.InterfaceInputConsumersMap Walks the namespace subtree below the material and computes a map containing the list of all inputs on the material and the associated vector of consumers of their values. The consumers can be inputs on shaders within the material or on node- graphs under it. Parameters computeTransitiveConsumers (bool) – CreateDisplacementAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) → Attribute See GetDisplacementAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false . Parameters defaultValue (VtValue) – writeSparsely (bool) – CreateSurfaceAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) → Attribute See GetSurfaceAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false . Parameters defaultValue (VtValue) – writeSparsely (bool) – CreateVolumeAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) → Attribute See GetVolumeAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false . Parameters defaultValue (VtValue) – writeSparsely (bool) – static Get() classmethod Get(stage, path) -> MaterialAPI Return a UsdRiMaterialAPI holding the prim adhering to this schema at path on stage . If no prim exists at path on stage , or if the prim at that path does not adhere to this schema, return an invalid schema object. This is shorthand for the following: UsdRiMaterialAPI(stage->GetPrimAtPath(path)); Parameters stage (Stage) – path (Path) – GetDisplacement(ignoreBaseMaterial) → Shader Returns a valid shader object if the”displacement”output on the material is connected to one. If ignoreBaseMaterial is true and if the”displacement”shader source is specified in the base-material of this material, then this returns an invalid shader object. Parameters ignoreBaseMaterial (bool) – GetDisplacementAttr() → Attribute Declaration token outputs:ri:displacement C++ Type TfToken Usd Type SdfValueTypeNames->Token GetDisplacementOutput() → Output Returns the”displacement”output associated with the material. static GetSchemaAttributeNames() classmethod GetSchemaAttributeNames(includeInherited) -> list[TfToken] Return a vector of names of all pre-declared attributes for this schema class and all its ancestor classes. Does not include attributes that may be authored by custom/extended methods of the schemas involved. Parameters includeInherited (bool) – GetSurface(ignoreBaseMaterial) → Shader Returns a valid shader object if the”surface”output on the material is connected to one. If ignoreBaseMaterial is true and if the”surface”shader source is specified in the base-material of this material, then this returns an invalid shader object. Parameters ignoreBaseMaterial (bool) – GetSurfaceAttr() → Attribute Declaration token outputs:ri:surface C++ Type TfToken Usd Type SdfValueTypeNames->Token GetSurfaceOutput() → Output Returns the”surface”output associated with the material. GetVolume(ignoreBaseMaterial) → Shader Returns a valid shader object if the”volume”output on the material is connected to one. If ignoreBaseMaterial is true and if the”volume”shader source is specified in the base-material of this material, then this returns an invalid shader object. Parameters ignoreBaseMaterial (bool) – GetVolumeAttr() → Attribute Declaration token outputs:ri:volume C++ Type TfToken Usd Type SdfValueTypeNames->Token GetVolumeOutput() → Output Returns the”volume”output associated with the material. SetDisplacementSource(displacementPath) → bool Parameters displacementPath (Path) – SetSurfaceSource(surfacePath) → bool Parameters surfacePath (Path) – SetVolumeSource(volumePath) → bool Parameters volumePath (Path) – class pxr.UsdRi.SplineAPI Deprecated This API schema will be removed in a future release. RiSplineAPI is a general purpose API schema used to describe a named spline stored as a set of attributes on a prim. It is an add-on schema that can be applied many times to a prim with different spline names. All the attributes authored by the schema are namespaced under”$NAME:spline:”, with the name of the spline providing a namespace for the attributes. The spline describes a 2D piecewise cubic curve with a position and value for each knot. This is chosen to give straightforward artistic control over the shape. The supported basis types are: linear (UsdRiTokens->linear) bspline (UsdRiTokens->bspline) Catmull-Rom (UsdRiTokens->catmullRom) Methods: Apply classmethod Apply(prim) -> SplineAPI CanApply classmethod CanApply(prim, whyNot) -> bool CreateInterpolationAttr(defaultValue, ...) See GetInterpolationAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. CreatePositionsAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) See GetPositionsAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. CreateValuesAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) See GetValuesAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. Get classmethod Get(stage, path) -> SplineAPI GetInterpolationAttr() Interpolation method for the spline. GetPositionsAttr() Positions of the knots. GetSchemaAttributeNames classmethod GetSchemaAttributeNames(includeInherited) -> list[TfToken] GetValuesAttr() Values of the knots. GetValuesTypeName() Returns the intended typename of the values attribute of the spline. Validate(reason) Validates the attribute values belonging to the spline. static Apply() classmethod Apply(prim) -> SplineAPI Applies this single-apply API schema to the given prim . This information is stored by adding”RiSplineAPI”to the token-valued, listOp metadata apiSchemas on the prim. A valid UsdRiSplineAPI object is returned upon success. An invalid (or empty) UsdRiSplineAPI object is returned upon failure. See UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() for conditions resulting in failure. UsdPrim::GetAppliedSchemas() UsdPrim::HasAPI() UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI() UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() UsdPrim::RemoveAPI() Parameters prim (Prim) – static CanApply() classmethod CanApply(prim, whyNot) -> bool Returns true if this single-apply API schema can be applied to the given prim . If this schema can not be a applied to the prim, this returns false and, if provided, populates whyNot with the reason it can not be applied. Note that if CanApply returns false, that does not necessarily imply that calling Apply will fail. Callers are expected to call CanApply before calling Apply if they want to ensure that it is valid to apply a schema. UsdPrim::GetAppliedSchemas() UsdPrim::HasAPI() UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI() UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() UsdPrim::RemoveAPI() Parameters prim (Prim) – whyNot (str) – CreateInterpolationAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) → Attribute See GetInterpolationAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false . Parameters defaultValue (VtValue) – writeSparsely (bool) – CreatePositionsAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) → Attribute See GetPositionsAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false . Parameters defaultValue (VtValue) – writeSparsely (bool) – CreateValuesAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) → Attribute See GetValuesAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false . Parameters defaultValue (VtValue) – writeSparsely (bool) – static Get() classmethod Get(stage, path) -> SplineAPI Return a UsdRiSplineAPI holding the prim adhering to this schema at path on stage . If no prim exists at path on stage , or if the prim at that path does not adhere to this schema, return an invalid schema object. This is shorthand for the following: UsdRiSplineAPI(stage->GetPrimAtPath(path)); Parameters stage (Stage) – path (Path) – GetInterpolationAttr() → Attribute Interpolation method for the spline. C++ Type: TfToken Usd Type: SdfValueTypeNames->Token Variability: SdfVariabilityUniform Fallback Value: linear Allowed Values : [linear, constant, bspline, catmullRom] GetPositionsAttr() → Attribute Positions of the knots. C++ Type: VtArray<float> Usd Type: SdfValueTypeNames->FloatArray Variability: SdfVariabilityUniform Fallback Value: No Fallback static GetSchemaAttributeNames() classmethod GetSchemaAttributeNames(includeInherited) -> list[TfToken] Return a vector of names of all pre-declared attributes for this schema class and all its ancestor classes. Does not include attributes that may be authored by custom/extended methods of the schemas involved. Parameters includeInherited (bool) – GetValuesAttr() → Attribute Values of the knots. C++ Type: See GetValuesTypeName() Usd Type: See GetValuesTypeName() Variability: SdfVariabilityUniform Fallback Value: No Fallback GetValuesTypeName() → ValueTypeName Returns the intended typename of the values attribute of the spline. Validate(reason) → bool Validates the attribute values belonging to the spline. Returns true if the spline has all valid attribute values. Returns false and populates the reason output argument if the spline has invalid attribute values. Here’s the list of validations performed by this method: the SplineAPI must be fully initialized interpolation attribute must exist and use an allowed value the positions array must be a float array the positions array must be sorted by increasing value the values array must use the correct value type the positions and values array must have the same size Parameters reason (str) – class pxr.UsdRi.StatementsAPI Container namespace schema for all renderman statements. The longer term goal is for clients to go directly to primvar or render-attribute API’s, instead of using UsdRi StatementsAPI for inherited attributes. Anticpating this, StatementsAPI can smooth the way via a few environment variables: USDRI_STATEMENTS_READ_OLD_ENCODING: Causes StatementsAPI to read old-style attributes instead of primvars in the”ri:”namespace. Methods: Apply classmethod Apply(prim) -> StatementsAPI CanApply classmethod CanApply(prim, whyNot) -> bool CreateRiAttribute(name, riType, nameSpace) Create a rib attribute on the prim to which this schema is attached. Get classmethod Get(stage, path) -> StatementsAPI GetCoordinateSystem() Returns the value in the"ri:coordinateSystem"attribute if it exists. GetModelCoordinateSystems(targets) Populates the output targets with the authored ri:modelCoordinateSystems, if any. GetModelScopedCoordinateSystems(targets) Populates the output targets with the authored ri:modelScopedCoordinateSystems, if any. GetRiAttribute(name, nameSpace) Return a UsdAttribute representing the Ri attribute with the name name, in the namespace nameSpace. GetRiAttributeName classmethod GetRiAttributeName(prop) -> str GetRiAttributeNameSpace classmethod GetRiAttributeNameSpace(prop) -> str GetRiAttributes(nameSpace) Return all rib attributes on this prim, or under a specific namespace (e.g."user"). GetSchemaAttributeNames classmethod GetSchemaAttributeNames(includeInherited) -> list[TfToken] GetScopedCoordinateSystem() Returns the value in the"ri:scopedCoordinateSystem"attribute if it exists. HasCoordinateSystem() Returns true if the underlying prim has a ri:coordinateSystem opinion. HasScopedCoordinateSystem() Returns true if the underlying prim has a ri:scopedCoordinateSystem opinion. IsRiAttribute classmethod IsRiAttribute(prop) -> bool MakeRiAttributePropertyName classmethod MakeRiAttributePropertyName(attrName) -> str SetCoordinateSystem(coordSysName) Sets the"ri:coordinateSystem"attribute to the given string value, creating the attribute if needed. SetScopedCoordinateSystem(coordSysName) Sets the"ri:scopedCoordinateSystem"attribute to the given string value, creating the attribute if needed. static Apply() classmethod Apply(prim) -> StatementsAPI Applies this single-apply API schema to the given prim . This information is stored by adding”StatementsAPI”to the token- valued, listOp metadata apiSchemas on the prim. A valid UsdRiStatementsAPI object is returned upon success. An invalid (or empty) UsdRiStatementsAPI object is returned upon failure. See UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() for conditions resulting in failure. UsdPrim::GetAppliedSchemas() UsdPrim::HasAPI() UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI() UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() UsdPrim::RemoveAPI() Parameters prim (Prim) – static CanApply() classmethod CanApply(prim, whyNot) -> bool Returns true if this single-apply API schema can be applied to the given prim . If this schema can not be a applied to the prim, this returns false and, if provided, populates whyNot with the reason it can not be applied. Note that if CanApply returns false, that does not necessarily imply that calling Apply will fail. Callers are expected to call CanApply before calling Apply if they want to ensure that it is valid to apply a schema. UsdPrim::GetAppliedSchemas() UsdPrim::HasAPI() UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI() UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() UsdPrim::RemoveAPI() Parameters prim (Prim) – whyNot (str) – CreateRiAttribute(name, riType, nameSpace) → Attribute Create a rib attribute on the prim to which this schema is attached. A rib attribute consists of an attribute “nameSpace” and an attribute “name”. For example, the namespace”cull”may define attributes”backfacing”and”hidden”, and user-defined attributes belong to the namespace”user”. This method makes no attempt to validate that the given nameSpace and name are actually meaningful to prman or any other renderer. riType should be a known RenderMan type definition, which can be array- valued. For instance, both”color”and”float[3]”are valid values for riType . Parameters name (str) – riType (str) – nameSpace (str) – CreateRiAttribute(name, tfType, nameSpace) -> Attribute Creates an attribute of the given tfType . This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Parameters name (str) – tfType (Type) – nameSpace (str) – static Get() classmethod Get(stage, path) -> StatementsAPI Return a UsdRiStatementsAPI holding the prim adhering to this schema at path on stage . If no prim exists at path on stage , or if the prim at that path does not adhere to this schema, return an invalid schema object. This is shorthand for the following: UsdRiStatementsAPI(stage->GetPrimAtPath(path)); Parameters stage (Stage) – path (Path) – GetCoordinateSystem() → str Returns the value in the”ri:coordinateSystem”attribute if it exists. GetModelCoordinateSystems(targets) → bool Populates the output targets with the authored ri:modelCoordinateSystems, if any. Returns true if the query was successful. Parameters targets (list[SdfPath]) – GetModelScopedCoordinateSystems(targets) → bool Populates the output targets with the authored ri:modelScopedCoordinateSystems, if any. Returns true if the query was successful. Parameters targets (list[SdfPath]) – GetRiAttribute(name, nameSpace) → Attribute Return a UsdAttribute representing the Ri attribute with the name name, in the namespace nameSpace. The attribute returned may or may not actually exist so it must be checked for validity. Parameters name (str) – nameSpace (str) – static GetRiAttributeName() classmethod GetRiAttributeName(prop) -> str Return the base, most-specific name of the rib attribute. For example, the name of the rib attribute”cull:backfacing”is”backfacing” Parameters prop (Property) – static GetRiAttributeNameSpace() classmethod GetRiAttributeNameSpace(prop) -> str Return the containing namespace of the rib attribute (e.g.”user”). Parameters prop (Property) – GetRiAttributes(nameSpace) → list[Property] Return all rib attributes on this prim, or under a specific namespace (e.g.”user”). As noted above, rib attributes can be either UsdAttribute or UsdRelationship, and like all UsdProperties, need not have a defined value. Parameters nameSpace (str) – static GetSchemaAttributeNames() classmethod GetSchemaAttributeNames(includeInherited) -> list[TfToken] Return a vector of names of all pre-declared attributes for this schema class and all its ancestor classes. Does not include attributes that may be authored by custom/extended methods of the schemas involved. Parameters includeInherited (bool) – GetScopedCoordinateSystem() → str Returns the value in the”ri:scopedCoordinateSystem”attribute if it exists. HasCoordinateSystem() → bool Returns true if the underlying prim has a ri:coordinateSystem opinion. HasScopedCoordinateSystem() → bool Returns true if the underlying prim has a ri:scopedCoordinateSystem opinion. static IsRiAttribute() classmethod IsRiAttribute(prop) -> bool Return true if the property is in the”ri:attributes”namespace. Parameters prop (Property) – static MakeRiAttributePropertyName() classmethod MakeRiAttributePropertyName(attrName) -> str Returns the given attrName prefixed with the full Ri attribute namespace, creating a name suitable for an RiAttribute UsdProperty. This handles conversion of common separator characters used in other packages, such as periods and underscores. Will return empty string if attrName is not a valid property identifier; otherwise, will return a valid property name that identifies the property as an RiAttribute, according to the following rules: If attrName is already a properly constructed RiAttribute property name, return it unchanged. If attrName contains two or more tokens separated by a colon, consider the first to be the namespace, and the rest the name, joined by underscores If attrName contains two or more tokens separated by a period, consider the first to be the namespace, and the rest the name, joined by underscores If attrName contains two or more tokens separated by an, underscore consider the first to be the namespace, and the rest the name, joined by underscores else, assume attrName is the name, and”user”is the namespace Parameters attrName (str) – SetCoordinateSystem(coordSysName) → None Sets the”ri:coordinateSystem”attribute to the given string value, creating the attribute if needed. That identifies this prim as providing a coordinate system, which can be retrieved via UsdGeomXformable::GetTransformAttr(). Also adds the owning prim to the ri:modelCoordinateSystems relationship targets on its parent leaf model prim, if it exists. If this prim is not under a leaf model, no relationship targets will be authored. Parameters coordSysName (str) – SetScopedCoordinateSystem(coordSysName) → None Sets the”ri:scopedCoordinateSystem”attribute to the given string value, creating the attribute if needed. That identifies this prim as providing a coordinate system, which can be retrieved via UsdGeomXformable::GetTransformAttr(). Such coordinate systems are local to the RI attribute stack state, but does get updated properly for instances when defined inside an object master. Also adds the owning prim to the ri:modelScopedCoordinateSystems relationship targets on its parent leaf model prim, if it exists. If this prim is not under a leaf model, no relationship targets will be authored. Parameters coordSysName (str) – class pxr.UsdRi.TextureAPI Deprecated This API schema will be removed in a future release. RiTextureAPI is an API schema that provides an interface to add Renderman-specific attributes to adjust textures. Methods: Apply classmethod Apply(prim) -> TextureAPI CanApply classmethod CanApply(prim, whyNot) -> bool CreateRiTextureGammaAttr(defaultValue, ...) See GetRiTextureGammaAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. CreateRiTextureSaturationAttr(defaultValue, ...) See GetRiTextureSaturationAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. Get classmethod Get(stage, path) -> TextureAPI GetRiTextureGammaAttr() Gamma-correct the texture. GetRiTextureSaturationAttr() Adjust the texture's saturation. GetSchemaAttributeNames classmethod GetSchemaAttributeNames(includeInherited) -> list[TfToken] static Apply() classmethod Apply(prim) -> TextureAPI Applies this single-apply API schema to the given prim . This information is stored by adding”RiTextureAPI”to the token-valued, listOp metadata apiSchemas on the prim. A valid UsdRiTextureAPI object is returned upon success. An invalid (or empty) UsdRiTextureAPI object is returned upon failure. See UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() for conditions resulting in failure. UsdPrim::GetAppliedSchemas() UsdPrim::HasAPI() UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI() UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() UsdPrim::RemoveAPI() Parameters prim (Prim) – static CanApply() classmethod CanApply(prim, whyNot) -> bool Returns true if this single-apply API schema can be applied to the given prim . If this schema can not be a applied to the prim, this returns false and, if provided, populates whyNot with the reason it can not be applied. Note that if CanApply returns false, that does not necessarily imply that calling Apply will fail. Callers are expected to call CanApply before calling Apply if they want to ensure that it is valid to apply a schema. UsdPrim::GetAppliedSchemas() UsdPrim::HasAPI() UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI() UsdPrim::ApplyAPI() UsdPrim::RemoveAPI() Parameters prim (Prim) – whyNot (str) – CreateRiTextureGammaAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) → Attribute See GetRiTextureGammaAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false . Parameters defaultValue (VtValue) – writeSparsely (bool) – CreateRiTextureSaturationAttr(defaultValue, writeSparsely) → Attribute See GetRiTextureSaturationAttr() , and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false . Parameters defaultValue (VtValue) – writeSparsely (bool) – static Get() classmethod Get(stage, path) -> TextureAPI Return a UsdRiTextureAPI holding the prim adhering to this schema at path on stage . If no prim exists at path on stage , or if the prim at that path does not adhere to this schema, return an invalid schema object. This is shorthand for the following: UsdRiTextureAPI(stage->GetPrimAtPath(path)); Parameters stage (Stage) – path (Path) – GetRiTextureGammaAttr() → Attribute Gamma-correct the texture. Declaration float ri:texture:gamma C++ Type float Usd Type SdfValueTypeNames->Float GetRiTextureSaturationAttr() → Attribute Adjust the texture’s saturation. Declaration float ri:texture:saturation C++ Type float Usd Type SdfValueTypeNames->Float static GetSchemaAttributeNames() classmethod GetSchemaAttributeNames(includeInherited) -> list[TfToken] Return a vector of names of all pre-declared attributes for this schema class and all its ancestor classes. Does not include attributes that may be authored by custom/extended methods of the schemas involved. Parameters includeInherited (bool) – class pxr.UsdRi.Tokens Attributes: bspline catmullRom constant interpolation linear outputsRiDisplacement outputsRiSurface outputsRiVolume positions renderContext riTextureGamma riTextureSaturation spline values bspline = 'bspline' catmullRom = 'catmull-rom' constant = 'constant' interpolation = 'interpolation' linear = 'linear' outputsRiDisplacement = 'outputs:ri:displacement' outputsRiSurface = 'outputs:ri:surface' outputsRiVolume = 'outputs:ri:volume' positions = 'positions' renderContext = 'ri' riTextureGamma = 'ri:texture:gamma' riTextureSaturation = 'ri:texture:saturation' spline = 'spline' values = 'values' © Copyright 2019-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Nov 14, 2023.
DockPreference — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » DockPreference   # DockPreference class omni.ui.DockPreference Bases: pybind11_object Members: DISABLED MAIN RIGHT LEFT RIGHT_TOP RIGHT_BOTTOM LEFT_BOTTOM Methods __init__(self, value) Attributes DISABLED LEFT LEFT_BOTTOM MAIN RIGHT RIGHT_BOTTOM RIGHT_TOP name value __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.DockPreference, value: int) → None property name © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
1.3.3 — Omniverse Launcher latest documentation Omniverse Launcher » Omniverse Launcher » Release Notes » 1.3.3   # 1.3.3 Release Date: Oct 2021 ## Added Added the OS version to com.nvidia.omniverse.launcher.session telemetry event. Added the locale to com.nvidia.omniverse.launcher.session telemetry event. Added “Developer” and “Publisher” fields to component details. Show “Welcome to Omniverse” page on the first launch. Support installing the Enterprise Launcher to a shared location on Linux. ## Fixed Fixed an issue where “Add Connector” button was pointing to the wrong location on the Exchange tab. Fixed an issue where the default Omniverse app was not reset after its last version is uninstalled. Fixed an issue where the startup component didn’t react on the background authentication. Fixed an issue where installers that were initiated from the library tab ignored the current queue and started a download immediately. Fixed Japanese translations. Fixed an issue that caused a delay for queuing new installers. Fixed an issue where components were added to the library before they were registered by scripts. Fixed an issue where component platforms were determined incorrectly if thin packaging is used. Fixed an issue where installers used incorrect path with the latest component version instead of the specified version. © Copyright 2023-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 15, 2024.
StringStore — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » StringStore   # StringStore class omni.ui.StringStore Bases: pybind11_object A singleton that stores all the UI Style string properties of omni.ui. Methods __init__(*args, **kwargs) find(name) Return the index of the color with specific name. store(name, string) Save the color by name. __init__(*args, **kwargs) static find(name: str) → str Return the index of the color with specific name. static store(name: str, string: str) → None Save the color by name. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
UsdUtils module — pxr-usd-api 105.1 documentation pxr-usd-api » Modules » UsdUtils module   # UsdUtils module Summary: The UsdUtils module contains utility classes and functions for managing, inspecting, editing, and creating USD Assets. Classes: CoalescingDiagnosticDelegate A class which collects warnings and statuses from the Tf diagnostic manager system in a thread safe manner. CoalescingDiagnosticDelegateItem An item used in coalesced results, containing a shared component: the file/function/line number, and a set of unshared components: the call context and commentary. CoalescingDiagnosticDelegateSharedItem The shared component in a coalesced result This type can be thought of as the key by which we coalesce our diagnostics. CoalescingDiagnosticDelegateUnsharedItem The unshared component in a coalesced result. ConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate A class that allows client application to instantiate a diagnostic delegate that can be used to abort operations for a non fatal USD error or warning based on immutable include exclude rules defined for this instance. ConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegateErrorFilters A class which represents the inclusion exclusion filters on which errors will be matched stringFilters: matching and filtering will be done on explicit string of the error/warning codePathFilters: matching and filtering will be done on errors/warnings coming from a specific usd code path. RegisteredVariantSet Info for registered variant set SparseAttrValueWriter A utility class for authoring time-varying attribute values with simple run-length encoding, by skipping any redundant time-samples. SparseValueWriter Utility class that manages sparse authoring of a set of UsdAttributes. StageCache The UsdUtilsStageCache class provides a simple interface for handling a singleton usd stage cache for use by all USD clients. TimeCodeRange Represents a range of UsdTimeCode values as start and end time codes and a stride value. UsdStageStatsKeys class pxr.UsdUtils.CoalescingDiagnosticDelegate A class which collects warnings and statuses from the Tf diagnostic manager system in a thread safe manner. This class allows clients to get both the unfiltered results, as well as a compressed view which deduplicates diagnostic events by their source line number, function and file from which they occurred. Methods: DumpCoalescedDiagnosticsToStderr DumpCoalescedDiagnosticsToStdout DumpUncoalescedDiagnostics(ostr) Print all pending diagnostics without any coalescing to ostr . TakeCoalescedDiagnostics() Get all pending diagnostics in a coalesced form. TakeUncoalescedDiagnostics() Get all pending diagnostics without any coalescing. DumpCoalescedDiagnosticsToStderr() DumpCoalescedDiagnosticsToStdout() DumpUncoalescedDiagnostics(ostr) → None Print all pending diagnostics without any coalescing to ostr . This method clears the pending diagnostics. Parameters ostr (ostream) – TakeCoalescedDiagnostics() → list[UsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegate] Get all pending diagnostics in a coalesced form. This method clears the pending diagnostics. TakeUncoalescedDiagnostics() → list[TfDiagnosticBase] Get all pending diagnostics without any coalescing. This method clears the pending diagnostics. class pxr.UsdUtils.CoalescingDiagnosticDelegateItem An item used in coalesced results, containing a shared component: the file/function/line number, and a set of unshared components: the call context and commentary. Attributes: sharedItem unsharedItems property sharedItem property unsharedItems class pxr.UsdUtils.CoalescingDiagnosticDelegateSharedItem The shared component in a coalesced result This type can be thought of as the key by which we coalesce our diagnostics. Attributes: sourceFileName sourceFunction sourceLineNumber property sourceFileName property sourceFunction property sourceLineNumber class pxr.UsdUtils.CoalescingDiagnosticDelegateUnsharedItem The unshared component in a coalesced result. Attributes: commentary context property commentary property context class pxr.UsdUtils.ConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate A class that allows client application to instantiate a diagnostic delegate that can be used to abort operations for a non fatal USD error or warning based on immutable include exclude rules defined for this instance. These rules are regex strings where case sensitive matching is done on error/warning text or the location of the code path where the error/warning occured. Note that these rules will be respected only during the lifetime of the delegate. Include Rules determine what errors or warnings will cause a fatal abort. Exclude Rules determine what errors or warnings matched from the Include Rules should not cause the fatal abort. Example: to abort on all errors and warnings coming from”*pxr*”codepath but not from”*ConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate*”, a client can create the following delegate: UsdUtilsConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegateErrorFilters includeFilters; UsdUtilsConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegateErrorFilters excludeFilters; includeFilters.SetCodePathFilters({"\*pxr\*"}); excludeFilters.SetCodePathFilters({"\*ConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate\*"}); UsdUtilsConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate delegate = UsdUtilsConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate(includeFilters, excludeFilters); class pxr.UsdUtils.ConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegateErrorFilters A class which represents the inclusion exclusion filters on which errors will be matched stringFilters: matching and filtering will be done on explicit string of the error/warning codePathFilters: matching and filtering will be done on errors/warnings coming from a specific usd code path. Methods: GetCodePathFilters() GetStringFilters() SetCodePathFilters(codePathFilters) param codePathFilters SetStringFilters(stringFilters) param stringFilters GetCodePathFilters() → list[str] GetStringFilters() → list[str] SetCodePathFilters(codePathFilters) → None Parameters codePathFilters (list[str]) – SetStringFilters(stringFilters) → None Parameters stringFilters (list[str]) – class pxr.UsdUtils.RegisteredVariantSet Info for registered variant set Classes: SelectionExportPolicy This specifies how the variantSet should be treated during export. Attributes: name selectionExportPolicy class SelectionExportPolicy This specifies how the variantSet should be treated during export. Note, in the plugInfo.json, the values for these enum’s are lowerCamelCase. Attributes: Always IfAuthored Never names values Always = pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Always IfAuthored = pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.IfAuthored Never = pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Never names = {'Always': pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Always, 'IfAuthored': pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.IfAuthored, 'Never': pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Never} values = {0: pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Never, 1: pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.IfAuthored, 2: pxr.UsdUtils.SelectionExportPolicy.Always} property name property selectionExportPolicy class pxr.UsdUtils.SparseAttrValueWriter A utility class for authoring time-varying attribute values with simple run-length encoding, by skipping any redundant time-samples. Time-samples that are close enough to each other, with relative difference smaller than a fixed epsilon value are considered to be equivalent. This is to avoid unnecessary authoring of time-samples caused by numerical fuzz in certain computations. For vectors, matrices, and other composite types (like quaternions and arrays), each component is compared with the corresponding component for closeness. The chosen epsilon value for double precision floating point numbers is 1e-12. For single-precision, it is 1e-6 and for half- precision, it is 1e-2. Example c++ usage: UsdGeomSphere sphere = UsdGeomSphere::Define(stage, SdfPath("/Sphere")); UsdAttribute radius = sphere.CreateRadiusAttr(); UsdUtilsSparseAttrValueWriter attrValueWriter(radius, /\*defaultValue\*/ VtValue(1.0)); attrValueWriter.SetTimeSample(VtValue(10.0), UsdTimeCode(1.0)); attrValueWriter.SetTimeSample(VtValue(10.0), UsdTimeCode(2.0)); attrValueWriter.SetTimeSample(VtValue(10.0), UsdTimeCode(3.0)); attrValueWriter.SetTimeSample(VtValue(20.0), UsdTimeCode(4.0)); Equivalent python example: sphere = UsdGeom.Sphere.Define(stage, Sdf.Path("/Sphere")) radius = sphere.CreateRadiusAttr() attrValueWriter = UsdUtils.SparseAttrValueWriter(radius, defaultValue=1.0) attrValueWriter.SetTimeSample(10.0, 1.0) attrValueWriter.SetTimeSample(10.0, 2.0) attrValueWriter.SetTimeSample(10.0, 3.0) attrValueWriter.SetTimeSample(20.0, 4.0) In the above examples, the specified default value of radius (1.0) will not be authored into scene description since it matches the fallback value. Additionally, the time-sample authored at time=2.0 will be skipped since it is redundant. Also note that for correct behavior, the calls to SetTimeSample() must be made with sequentially increasing time values. If not, a coding error is issued and the authored animation may be incorrect. Methods: SetTimeSample(value, time) Sets a new time-sample on the attribute with given value at the given time . SetTimeSample(value, time) → bool Sets a new time-sample on the attribute with given value at the given time . The time-sample is only authored if it’s different from the previously set time-sample, in which case the previous time-sample is also authored, in order to to end the previous run of contiguous identical values and start a new run. This incurs a copy of value . Also, the value will be held in memory at least until the next time-sample is written or until the SparseAttrValueWriter instance is destroyed. Parameters value (VtValue) – time (TimeCode) – SetTimeSample(value, time) -> bool This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. For efficiency, this function swaps out the given value , leaving it empty. The value will be held in memory at least until the next time-sample is written or until the SparseAttrValueWriter instance is destroyed. Parameters value (VtValue) – time (TimeCode) – class pxr.UsdUtils.SparseValueWriter Utility class that manages sparse authoring of a set of UsdAttributes. It does this by maintaining a map of UsdAttributes to their corresponding UsdUtilsSparseAttrValueWriter objects. To use this class, simply instantiate an instance of it and invoke the SetAttribute() method with various attributes and their associated time-samples. If the attribute has a default value, SetAttribute() must be called with time=Default first (multiple times, if necessary), followed by calls to author time-samples in sequentially increasing time order. This class is not threadsafe. In general, authoring to a single USD layer from multiple threads isn’t threadsafe. Hence, there is little value in making this class threadsafe. Example c++ usage: UsdGeomCylinder cylinder = UsdGeomCylinder::Define(stage, SdfPath("/Cylinder")); UsdAttribute radius = cylinder.CreateRadiusAttr(); UsdAttribute height = cylinder.CreateHeightAttr(); UsdUtilsSparseValueWriter valueWriter; valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 2.0, UsdTimeCode::Default()); valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 2.0, UsdTimeCode::Default()); valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 10.0, UsdTimeCode(1.0)); valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 20.0, UsdTimeCode(2.0)); valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 20.0, UsdTimeCode(3.0)); valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 20.0, UsdTimeCode(4.0)); valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 2.0, UsdTimeCode(1.0)); valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 2.0, UsdTimeCode(2.0)); valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 3.0, UsdTimeCode(3.0)); valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 3.0, UsdTimeCode(4.0)); Equivalent python code: cylinder = UsdGeom.Cylinder.Define(stage, Sdf.Path("/Cylinder")) radius = cylinder.CreateRadiusAttr() height = cylinder.CreateHeightAttr() valueWriter = UsdUtils.SparseValueWriter() valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 2.0, Usd.TimeCode.Default()) valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 2.0, Usd.TimeCode.Default()) valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 10.0, 1.0) valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 20.0, 2.0) valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 20.0, 3.0) valueWriter.SetAttribute(radius, 20.0, 4.0) valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 2.0, 1.0) valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 2.0, 2.0) valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 3.0, 3.0) valueWriter.SetAttribute(height, 3.0, 4.0) In the above example, The default value of the”height”attribute is not authored into scene description since it matches the fallback value. Time-samples at time=3.0 and time=4.0 will be skipped for the radius attribute. For the”height”attribute, the first timesample at time=1.0 will be skipped since it matches the default value. The last time-sample at time=4.0 will also be skipped for”height”since it matches the previously written value at time=3.0. Methods: GetSparseAttrValueWriters() Returns a new vector of UsdUtilsSparseAttrValueWriter populated from the attrValueWriter map. SetAttribute(attr, value, time) Sets the value of attr to value at time time . GetSparseAttrValueWriters() → list[SparseAttrValueWriter] Returns a new vector of UsdUtilsSparseAttrValueWriter populated from the attrValueWriter map. SetAttribute(attr, value, time) → bool Sets the value of attr to value at time time . The value is written sparsely, i.e., the default value is authored only if it is different from the fallback value or the existing default value, and any redundant time-samples are skipped when the attribute value does not change significantly between consecutive time-samples. Parameters attr (Attribute) – value (VtValue) – time (TimeCode) – SetAttribute(attr, value, time) -> bool This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. For efficiency, this function swaps out the given value , leaving it empty. The value will be held in memory at least until the next time-sample is written or until the SparseAttrValueWriter instance is destroyed. Parameters attr (Attribute) – value (VtValue) – time (TimeCode) – SetAttribute(attr, value, time) -> bool This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Parameters attr (Attribute) – value (T) – time (TimeCode) – class pxr.UsdUtils.StageCache The UsdUtilsStageCache class provides a simple interface for handling a singleton usd stage cache for use by all USD clients. This way code from any location can make use of the same cache to maximize stage reuse. Methods: Get classmethod Get() -> StageCache GetSessionLayerForVariantSelections classmethod GetSessionLayerForVariantSelections(modelName, variantSelections) -> Layer static Get() classmethod Get() -> StageCache Returns the singleton stage cache. static GetSessionLayerForVariantSelections() classmethod GetSessionLayerForVariantSelections(modelName, variantSelections) -> Layer Given variant selections as a vector of pairs (vector in case order matters to the client), constructs a session layer with overs on the given root modelName with the variant selections, or returns a cached session layer with those opinions. Parameters modelName (str) – variantSelections (list[tuple[str, str]]) – class pxr.UsdUtils.TimeCodeRange Represents a range of UsdTimeCode values as start and end time codes and a stride value. A UsdUtilsTimeCodeRange can be iterated to retrieve all time code values in the range. The range may be empty, it may contain a single time code, or it may represent multiple time codes from start to end. The interval defined by the start and end time codes is closed on both ends. Note that when constructing a UsdUtilsTimeCodeRange, UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime() and UsdTimeCode::Default() cannot be used as the start or end time codes. Also, the end time code cannot be less than the start time code for positive stride values, and the end time code cannot be greater than the start time code for negative stride values. Finally, the stride value cannot be zero. If any of these conditions are not satisfied, then an invalid empty range will be returned. Classes: Tokens Methods: CreateFromFrameSpec classmethod CreateFromFrameSpec(frameSpec) -> TimeCodeRange IsValid() Return true if this range contains one or more time codes, or false otherwise. empty() Return true if this range contains no time codes, or false otherwise. Attributes: endTimeCode TimeCode frameSpec startTimeCode TimeCode stride float class Tokens Attributes: EmptyTimeCodeRange RangeSeparator StrideSeparator EmptyTimeCodeRange = 'NONE' RangeSeparator = ':' StrideSeparator = 'x' static CreateFromFrameSpec() classmethod CreateFromFrameSpec(frameSpec) -> TimeCodeRange Create a time code range from frameSpec . A FrameSpec is a compact string representation of a time code range. A FrameSpec may contain up to three floating point values for the start time code, end time code, and stride values of a time code range. A FrameSpec containing just a single floating point value represents a time code range containing only that time code. A FrameSpec containing two floating point values separated by the range separator (‘:’) represents a time code range from the first value as the start time code to the second values as the end time code. A FrameSpec that specifies both a start and end time code value may also optionally specify a third floating point value as the stride, separating it from the first two values using the stride separator (‘x’). The following are examples of valid FrameSpecs: 123 101:105 105:101 101:109x2 101:110x2 101:104x0.5 An empty string corresponds to an invalid empty time code range. A coding error will be issued if the given string is malformed. Parameters frameSpec (str) – IsValid() → bool Return true if this range contains one or more time codes, or false otherwise. empty() → bool Return true if this range contains no time codes, or false otherwise. property endTimeCode TimeCode Return the end time code of this range. Type type property frameSpec property startTimeCode TimeCode Return the start time code of this range. Type type property stride float Return the stride value of this range. Type type class pxr.UsdUtils.UsdStageStatsKeys Attributes: activePrimCount approxMemoryInMb assetCount inactivePrimCount instanceCount instancedModelCount modelCount primCounts primCountsByType primary prototypeCount prototypes pureOverCount totalInstanceCount totalPrimCount untyped usedLayerCount activePrimCount = 'activePrimCount' approxMemoryInMb = 'approxMemoryInMb' assetCount = 'assetCount' inactivePrimCount = 'inactivePrimCount' instanceCount = 'instanceCount' instancedModelCount = 'instancedModelCount' modelCount = 'modelCount' primCounts = 'primCounts' primCountsByType = 'primCountsByType' primary = 'primary' prototypeCount = 'prototypeCount' prototypes = 'prototypes' pureOverCount = 'pureOverCount' totalInstanceCount = 'totalInstanceCount' totalPrimCount = 'totalPrimCount' untyped = 'untyped' usedLayerCount = 'usedLayerCount' © Copyright 2019-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Nov 14, 2023.
FreeRectangle — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » FreeRectangle   # FreeRectangle class omni.ui.FreeRectangle Bases: Rectangle The Rectangle widget provides a colored rectangle to display. The free widget is the widget that is independent of the layout. It means it is stuck to other widgets. When initializing, it’s necessary to provide two widgets, and the shape is drawn from one widget position to the another. Methods __init__(self, arg0, arg1, **kwargs) Initialize the shape with bounds limited to the positions of the given widgets. Attributes __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.FreeRectangle, arg0: omni.ui._ui.Widget, arg1: omni.ui._ui.Widget, **kwargs) → None Initialize the shape with bounds limited to the positions of the given widgets. ### Arguments: `start :`The bound corner is in the center of this given widget. `end :`The bound corner is in the center of this given widget. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
1.9.11 — Omniverse Launcher latest documentation Omniverse Launcher » Omniverse Launcher » Release Notes » 1.9.11   # 1.9.11 Release Date: April 2024 # Fixed Fixed an issue where Launcher was minimized to the system tray instead of exiting when users clicked on Exit option in user settings menu. Fixed a race condition that could cause settings reset. [OM-118568] Fixed gallery positioning for content packs. [OM-118695] Fixed beta banner positioning on the Exchange tab. [OM-119105] Fixed an issue on the Hub page settings that caused showing “infinity” in disk chart for Linux. [HUB-965] Fixed cache size max validations on Hub page settings tab. [OM-119136] Fixed cache size decimal points validations on Hub page settings tab. [OM-119335] Fixed Hub Total Disk Space chart to not allow available disk space to become negative. [HUB-966] Fixed an issue on the Hub page settings that caused showing “infinity” in disk chart for Linux. [HUB-965] Fixed an issue on the Hub page settings that cause cache size not to be displayed. [HUB-960] Fixed an issue on the Hub page settings preventing editing Cleanup Threshold. [OM-119137] Fixed Hub page settings chart drive/mount detection size based on cache path. [HUB-970] Replace Omniverse Beta license agreement text with NVIDIA License and add license agreement link in the About dialog. [OM-120991] © Copyright 2023-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 15, 2024.
Using Python pip Packages — kit-manual 105.1 documentation kit-manual » Using Python pip Packages   # Using Python pip Packages There are 2 ways to use python pip packages in extensions: Install them at runtime and use them right away. Install them at build-time and pre-package into another extension. ## Runtime installation using omni.kit.pipapi Installing at runtime is probably the most convenient way to quickly prototype and play around with tools. The omni.kit.pipapi extension conveniently wraps pip (which is already included into python by default) and provides an API to install pip packages. You just have to declare a dependency on this extension, and call the omni.kit.pipapi.install("package_name")() function. Right after this line, you can import and start using the installed package. # Package name and module can be different (although rarely is in practice): import omni.kit.pipapi omni.kit.pipapi.install("Pillow", module="PIL") import PIL However installing at runtime has a couple of downsides: Can be slow. Usually it ends up blocking the process, waiting for the download and installation upon first startup. Requires internet access and pip index availability. Has security and licensing implications. Even if the version is locked, which should always be the case, the package can still become unavailable at some point, or the content could change. It opens up the opportunity for certain types of attacks, and from a legal perspective we can’t ship any extensions/apps that perform a pip installation at runtime. The end-user can decide to write, test, and execute such code, but it shouldn’t come from NVIDIA. ## Build-time installation using repo_build The recommended way to install pip packages is at build time, and to embed it into an extension. For most packages, it is as simple as installing it into a folder inside an extension. As long it is added to the sys.path, python can import it. Sometimes, packages require certain shared libraries or other system software, which goes out of the scope of this guide and had to be dealt on case by case basis. We also provide tooling to simplify the process of build time package installation. The repo_build tool, when run, can process special config file(s). By default: deps/pip.toml. Here you can specify a list of packages to install and a target folder: [[dependency]] packages = [ "watchdog==0.10.4", # SWIPAT filed under: http://nvbugs/123456 ] target = "../_build/target-deps/pip_prebundle" The version must be specified (locked). The repo_build tool performs an installation only once. It then hashes the whole config file and uploads the installed packages into packman. On the next launch, it will download the uploaded package from packman, instead of using the pip index. This is much faster and removes the necessity of vendoring dependencies. The build also won’t depend on the availability of the pip index. Then, this folder where packages were installed into is linked (or copied) into an extension. The only reason we don’t install it directly into the extension target folder is because debug and release configurations can share the same pip packages. It is convenient to install it once and link the folder into both build flavors. Linking the folder is done in the premake5.lua file of an extension. -- Include pip packages installed at build time repo_build.prebuild_link { { "%{root}/_build/target-deps/pip_prebundle", ext.target_dir.."/pip_prebundle" }, } Also, after installation, repo_build gathers up pip package license information (including N-order dependencies) into the gather_licenses_path. They must be included into an extension too, for legal reasons. After the build, you can make sure that everything looks correct by looking into the extension target folder, e.g.: _build/$platform/$config/exts/example.mixed_ext/pip_prebundle . Finally, in the extension.toml, we need to make sure that this folder is added to sys.path. # Demonstrate how to add another folder to sys.path. Here we add pip packages installed at build time. [[python.module]] path = "pip_prebundle" When the extension starts, it adds all [[python.module]] entries with their path relative to extension root to the sys.path. The order of those entries can be important if you have other code in the extension that for instance performs an import watchdog. All the extensions that are loaded as dependees can also make use of those packages as well. This way one extension can bring several pip packages for other extensions to use. They just need to add a dependency on the package providing them. ## pip packages included in Kit: omni.kit.pip_archive Exactly as described above, Kit comes with the omni.kit.pip_archive extension that includes many commonly used packages, like numpy or PIL. To use them just add dependency: [dependecies] "omni.kit.pip_archive" = {} The Kit repo serves as another great example of this setup. ## Code Examples ### Install pip package at runtime # PIP/Install pip package # omni.kit.pipapi extension is required import omni.kit.pipapi # It wraps `pip install` calls and reroutes package installation into user specified environment folder. # That folder is added to sys.path. # Note: This call is blocking and slow. It is meant to be used for debugging, development. For final product packages # should be installed at build-time and packaged inside extensions. omni.kit.pipapi.install( package="semver", version="2.13.0", module="semver", # sometimes module is different from package name, module is used for import check ignore_import_check=False, ignore_cache=False, use_online_index=True, surpress_output=False, extra_args=[] ) # use import semver ver = semver.VersionInfo.parse('1.2.3-pre.2+build.4') print(ver) © Copyright 2019-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Nov 14, 2023.
Placer — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » Placer   # Placer class omni.ui.Placer Bases: Container The Placer class place a single widget to a particular position based on the offet. Methods __init__(self, **kwargs) Construct Placer. invalidate_raster(self) This method regenerates the raster image of the widget, even if the widget's content has not changed. set_offset_x_changed_fn(self, arg0) offsetX defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer set_offset_y_changed_fn(self, arg0) offsetY defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer Attributes drag_axis Sets if dragging can be horizontally or vertically. draggable Provides a convenient way to make an item draggable. frames_to_start_drag The placer size depends on the position of the child when false. offset_x offsetX defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer offset_y offsetY defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer raster_policy Determine how the content of the frame should be rasterized. stable_size The placer size depends on the position of the child when false. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.Placer, **kwargs) → None Construct Placer. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `offset_xtoLength`offsetX defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer `offset_ytoLength`offsetY defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer `draggablebool`Provides a convenient way to make an item draggable. `drag_axisAxis`Sets if dragging can be horizontally or vertically. `stable_sizebool`The placer size depends on the position of the child when false. `raster_policy`Determine how the content of the frame should be rasterized. `offset_x_changed_fnCallable[[ui.Length], None]`offsetX defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer `offset_y_changed_fnCallable[[ui.Length], None]`offsetY defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. invalidate_raster(self: omni.ui._ui.Placer) → None This method regenerates the raster image of the widget, even if the widget’s content has not changed. This can be used with both the eOnDemand and eAuto raster policies, and is used to update the content displayed in the widget. Note that this operation may be resource-intensive, and should be used sparingly. set_offset_x_changed_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.Placer, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.Length], None]) → None offsetX defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer set_offset_y_changed_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.Placer, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.Length], None]) → None offsetY defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer property drag_axis Sets if dragging can be horizontally or vertically. property draggable Provides a convenient way to make an item draggable. property frames_to_start_drag The placer size depends on the position of the child when false. property offset_x offsetX defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer property offset_y offsetY defines the offset placement for the child widget relative to the Placer property raster_policy Determine how the content of the frame should be rasterized. property stable_size The placer size depends on the position of the child when false. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
MultiFloatField — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » MultiFloatField   # MultiFloatField class omni.ui.MultiFloatField Bases: AbstractMultiField MultiFloatField is the widget that has a sub widget (FloatField) per model item. It’s handy to use it for multi-component data, like for example, float3 or color. Methods __init__(*args, **kwargs) Overloaded function. Attributes __init__(*args, **kwargs) Overloaded function. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.MultiFloatField, **kwargs) -> None __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.MultiFloatField, arg0: omni.ui._ui.AbstractItemModel, **kwargs) -> None __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.MultiFloatField, *args, **kwargs) -> None Constructor. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `column_count`The max number of fields in a line. `h_spacing`Sets a non-stretchable horizontal space in pixels between child fields. `v_spacing`Sets a non-stretchable vertical space in pixels between child fields. `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
AbstractShade — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Submodules » omni.ui.constant_utils » omni.ui.constant_utils Classes » AbstractShade   # AbstractShade class omni.ui.constant_utils.AbstractShade Bases: object The implementation of shades for custom style parameter type. The user has to reimplement methods _store and _find to set/get the value in the specific store. Methods __init__() set_shade([name]) Set the default shade. shade([default]) Save the given shade, pick the color and apply it to ui.ColorStore. __init__() set_shade(name: Optional[str] = None) Set the default shade. shade(default: Optional[Any] = None, **kwargs) → str Save the given shade, pick the color and apply it to ui.ColorStore. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
ValueModelHelper — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » ValueModelHelper   # ValueModelHelper class omni.ui.ValueModelHelper Bases: pybind11_object The ValueModelHelper class provides the basic functionality for value widget classes. ValueModelHelper class is the base class for every standard widget that uses a AbstractValueModel. ValueModelHelper is an abstract class and itself cannot be instantiated. It provides a standard interface for interoperating with models. Methods __init__(*args, **kwargs) Attributes model __init__(*args, **kwargs) © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
AbstractValueModel — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » AbstractValueModel   # AbstractValueModel class omni.ui.AbstractValueModel Bases: pybind11_object Methods __init__(self) Constructs AbstractValueModel. add_begin_edit_fn(self, arg0) Adds the function that will be called every time the user starts the editing. add_end_edit_fn(self, arg0) Adds the function that will be called every time the user finishes the editing. add_value_changed_fn(self, arg0) Adds the function that will be called every time the value changes. begin_edit(self) Called when the user starts the editing. end_edit(self) Called when the user finishes the editing. get_value_as_bool(self) Return the bool representation of the value. get_value_as_float(self) Return the float representation of the value. get_value_as_int(self) Return the int representation of the value. get_value_as_string(self) Return the string representation of the value. remove_begin_edit_fn(self, arg0) Remove the callback by its id. remove_end_edit_fn(self, arg0) Remove the callback by its id. remove_value_changed_fn(self, arg0) Remove the callback by its id. set_value(*args, **kwargs) Overloaded function. subscribe_begin_edit_fn(self, arg0) Adds the function that will be called every time the user starts the editing. subscribe_end_edit_fn(self, arg0) Adds the function that will be called every time the user finishes the editing. subscribe_item_changed_fn(self, arg0) subscribe_value_changed_fn(self, arg0) Adds the function that will be called every time the value changes. Attributes as_bool Return the bool representation of the value. as_float Return the float representation of the value. as_int Return the int representation of the value. as_string Return the string representation of the value. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel) → None Constructs AbstractValueModel. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: add_begin_edit_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel], None]) → int Adds the function that will be called every time the user starts the editing. The id of the callback that is used to remove the callback. add_end_edit_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel], None]) → int Adds the function that will be called every time the user finishes the editing. The id of the callback that is used to remove the callback. add_value_changed_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel], None]) → int Adds the function that will be called every time the value changes. The id of the callback that is used to remove the callback. begin_edit(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel) → None Called when the user starts the editing. If it’s a field, this method is called when the user activates the field and places the cursor inside. This method should be reimplemented. end_edit(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel) → None Called when the user finishes the editing. If it’s a field, this method is called when the user presses Enter or selects another field for editing. It’s useful for undo/redo. This method should be reimplemented. get_value_as_bool(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel) → bool Return the bool representation of the value. get_value_as_float(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel) → float Return the float representation of the value. get_value_as_int(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel) → int Return the int representation of the value. get_value_as_string(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel) → str Return the string representation of the value. remove_begin_edit_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: int) → None Remove the callback by its id. ### Arguments: `id :`The id that addBeginEditFn returns. remove_end_edit_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: int) → None Remove the callback by its id. ### Arguments: `id :`The id that addEndEditFn returns. remove_value_changed_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: int) → None Remove the callback by its id. ### Arguments: `id :`The id that addValueChangedFn returns. set_value(*args, **kwargs) Overloaded function. set_value(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, value: bool) -> None Set the value. set_value(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, value: int) -> None Set the value. set_value(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, value: float) -> None Set the value. set_value(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, value: str) -> None Set the value. subscribe_begin_edit_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel], None]) → carb._carb.Subscription Adds the function that will be called every time the user starts the editing. The id of the callback that is used to remove the callback. subscribe_end_edit_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel], None]) → carb._carb.Subscription Adds the function that will be called every time the user finishes the editing. The id of the callback that is used to remove the callback. subscribe_item_changed_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel], None]) → carb._carb.Subscription subscribe_value_changed_fn(self: omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui._ui.AbstractValueModel], None]) → carb._carb.Subscription Adds the function that will be called every time the value changes. The id of the callback that is used to remove the callback. property as_bool Return the bool representation of the value. property as_float Return the float representation of the value. property as_int Return the int representation of the value. property as_string Return the string representation of the value. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
MenuItem — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » MenuItem   # MenuItem class omni.ui.MenuItem Bases: Widget, MenuHelper A MenuItem represents the items the Menu consists of. MenuItem can be inserted only once in the menu. Methods __init__(self, arg0, **kwargs) Construct MenuItem. Attributes __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.MenuItem, arg0: str, **kwargs) → None Construct MenuItem. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `textstr`This property holds the menu’s text. `hotkey_textstr`This property holds the menu’s hotkey text. `checkablebool`This property holds whether this menu item is checkable. A checkable item is one which has an on/off state. `hide_on_clickbool`Hide or keep the window when the user clicked this item. `delegateMenuDelegate`The delegate that generates a widget per menu item. `triggered_fnvoid`Sets the function that is called when an action is activated by the user; for example, when the user clicks a menu option, or presses an action’s shortcut key combination. `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
Line — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » Line   # Line class omni.ui.Line Bases: Shape, ArrowHelper, ShapeAnchorHelper The Line widget provides a colored line to display. Methods __init__(self, **kwargs) Constructs Line. Attributes alignment This property that holds the alignment of the Line can only be LEFT, RIGHT, V_CENTER, H_CENTER , BOTTOM, TOP. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.Line, **kwargs) → None Constructs Line. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `alignment`This property that holds the alignment of the Line can only be LEFT, RIGHT, V_CENTER, H_CENTER , BOTTOM, TOP. By default, the Line is H_Center. `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. `anchor_position: `This property holds the parametric value of the curve anchor. `anchor_alignment: `This property holds the Alignment of the curve anchor. `set_anchor_fn: Callable`Sets the function that will be called for the curve anchor. `invalidate_anchor: `Function that causes the anchor frame to be redrawn. `get_closest_parametric_position: `Function that returns the closest parametric T value to a given x,y position. property alignment This property that holds the alignment of the Line can only be LEFT, RIGHT, V_CENTER, H_CENTER , BOTTOM, TOP. By default, the Line is H_Center. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
ScrollBarPolicy — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » ScrollBarPolicy   # ScrollBarPolicy class omni.ui.ScrollBarPolicy Bases: pybind11_object Members: SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS_OFF SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS_ON Methods __init__(self, value) Attributes SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS_OFF SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS_ON SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED name value __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.ScrollBarPolicy, value: int) → None property name © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
Installing Launcher — Omniverse Launcher latest documentation Omniverse Launcher » Omniverse Launcher » Installing Launcher   # Installing Launcher Please watch the following video for instructions on installing Omniverse Launcher. ## Administrator Rights Local Admin Rights on the installed computer is recommended for full use and capability of the Omniverse Launcher. Though the launcher will install without admin rights, some tools, connectors, apps, etc. may require admin rights (UAC) to complete the installation. ## First Run When first running the launcher after install, you will be presented with a series of options. ### Data Collection Users must agree to allow NVIDIA to collect data regarding usage of the Omniverse Platform. ### Paths Next you will be presented with a series of path selections. Option Description Library Path This location specifies where apps, connectors and tools are installed when installed from Launcher. Data Path Displays and allows selection of the Data Path. The data path is where all content on the local Nucleus is stored. Cache Path This is the location the Cache Database will use to store its cache files. (if installed) ### Install cache Though Omniverse Cache is optional, it is highly recommended for users who plan to collaborate with other Omniverse users on your network. This option does require Administrator Privileges on the installed machine and can be installed at a later time if necessary. Once the installation is complete, please refer to the User Guide for additional help and information on using Launcher. © Copyright 2023-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 15, 2024.
Documenting Extensions — kit-manual 105.1 documentation kit-manual » Documenting Extensions   # Documenting Extensions This guide is for developers who write API documentation. To build the documentation, run: repo.{sh|bat} docs Add the -o flag to automatically open the resulting docs in the browser. If multiple projects of documentation are generated, each one will be opened. Add the --project flag to specify a project to only generate those docs. Documentation generation can be long for some modules, so this may be important to reduce iteration time when testing your docs. e.g: repo.bat docs --project kit-sdk / repo.bat docs --project omni.ui Add the -v / -vv flags to repo docs invocations for additional debug information, particularly for low-level Sphinx events. Note You must have successfully completed a debug build of the repo before you can build the docs for Python. This is due to the documentation being extracted from the .pyd and .py files in the _build folder. Run build --debug-only from the root of the repo if you haven’t done this already. As a result of running repo docs in the repo, and you will find the project-specific output under _build/docs/{project}/latest. The generated index.html is what the -o flag will launch in the browser if specified. Warning sphinx warnings will result in a non-zero exit code for repo docs, therefore will fail a CI build. This means that it is important to maintain docstrings with the correct syntax (as described below) over the lifetime of a project. ## Documenting Python API The best way to document our Python API is to do so directly in the code. That way it’s always extracted from a location where it’s closest to the actual code and most likely to be correct. We have two scenarios to consider: Python code C++ code that is exposed to Python For both of these cases we need to write our documentation in the Python Docstring format (see PEP 257 for background). In a perfect world we would be able to use exactly the same approach, regardless of whether the Python API was written in Python or coming from C++ code that is exposing Python bindings via pybind11. Our world is unfortunately not perfect here but it’s quite close; most of the approach is the same - we will highlight when a different approach is required for the two cases of Python code and C++ code exposed to Python. Instead of using the older and more cumbersome restructuredText Docstring specification, we have adopted the more streamlined Google Python Style Docstring format. This is how you would document an API function in Python: from typing import Optional def answer_question(question: str) -> Optional[str]: """This function can answer some questions. It currently only answers a limited set of questions so don't expect it to know everything. Args: question: The question passed to the function, trailing question mark is not necessary and casing is not important. Returns: The answer to the question or ``None`` if it doesn't know the answer. """ if question.lower().startswith("what is the answer to life, universe, and everything"): return str(42) else: return None After running the documentation generation system we will get this as the output (assuming the above was in a module named carb): There are a few things you will notice: We use the Python type hints (introduced in Python 3.5) in the function signature so we don’t need to write any of that information in the docstring. An additional benefit of this approach is that many Python IDEs can utilize this information and perform type checking when programming against the API. Notice that we always do from typing import ... so that we never have to prefix with the typing namespace when referring to List, Union, Dict, and friends. This is the common approach in the Python community. The high-level structure is essentially in four parts: A one-liner describing the function (without details or corner cases), referred to by Sphinx as the “brief summary”. A paragraph that gives more detail on the function behavior (if necessary). An Args: section (if the function takes arguments, note that self is not considered an argument). A Returns: section (if the function does return something other than None). Before we discuss the other bits to document (modules and module attributes), let’s examine how we would document the very same function if it was written in C++ and exposed to Python using pybind11. m.def("answer_question", &answerQuestion, py::arg("question"), R"( This function can answer some questions. It currently only answers a limited set of questions so don't expect it to know everything. Args: question: The question passed to the function, trailing question mark is not necessary and casing is not important. Returns: The answer to the question or empty string if it doesn't know the answer.)"); The outcome is identical to what we saw from the Python source code, except that we cannot return optionally a string in C++. The same docstring syntax rules must be obeyed because they will be propagated through the bindings. We want to draw your attention to the following: pybind11 generates the type information for you, based on the C++ types. The py::arg object must be used to get properly named arguments into the function signature (see pybind11 documentation) - otherwise you just get arg0 and so forth in the documentation. Indentation and whitespace are key when writing docstrings. The documentation system is clever enough to remove uniform indentation. That is, as long as all the lines have the same amount of padding, that padding will be ignored and not passed onto the RestructuredText processor. Fortunately clang-format leaves this funky formatting alone - respecting the raw string qualifier. Sphinx warnings caused by non-uniform whitespace can be opaque (such as referring to nested blocks being ended without newlines, etc) Let’s now turn our attention to how we document modules and their attributes. We should of course only document modules that are part of our API (not internal helper modules) and only public attributes. Below is a detailed example: """Example of Google style docstrings for module. This module demonstrates documentation as specified by the `Google Python Style Guide`_. Docstrings may extend over multiple lines. Sections are created with a section header and a colon followed by a block of indented text. Example: Examples can be given using either the ``Example`` or ``Examples`` sections. Sections support any reStructuredText formatting, including literal blocks:: $ python Section breaks are created by resuming unindented text. Section breaks are also implicitly created anytime a new section starts. Attributes: module_level_variable1 (int): Module level variables may be documented in either the ``Attributes`` section of the module docstring, or in an inline docstring immediately following the variable. Either form is acceptable, but the two should not be mixed. Choose one convention to document module level variables and be consistent with it. module_level_variable2 (Optional[str]): Use objects from typing, such as Optional, to annotate the type properly. module_level_variable4 (Optional[File]): We can resolve type references to other objects that are built as part of the documentation. This will link to `carb.filesystem.File`. Todo: * For module TODOs if you want them * These can be useful if you want to communicate any shortcomings in the module we plan to address .. _Google Python Style Guide: """ module_level_variable1 = 12345 module_level_variable3 = 98765 """int: Module level variable documented inline. The type hint should be specified on the first line, separated by a colon from the text. This approach may be preferable since it keeps the documentation closer to the code and the default assignment is shown. A downside is that the variable will get alphabetically sorted among functions in the module so won't have the same cohesion as the approach above.""" module_level_variable2 = None module_level_variable4 = None This is what the documentation would look like: As we have mentioned we should not mix the Attributes: style of documentation with inline documentation of attributes. Notice how module_level_variable3 appears in a separate block from all the other attributes that were documented. It is even after the TODO section. Choose one approach for your module and stick to it. There are valid reasons to pick one style above the other, but don’t cross the streams! As before, we use type hints from typing but we don’t use the typing syntax to attach them. We write: """... Attributes: module_variable (Optional[str]): This is important ... """ or module_variable = None """Optional[str]: This is important ...""" But we don’t write: from typing import Optional module_variable: Optional[str] = 12345 """This is important ...""" This is because the last form (which was introduced in Python 3.6) is still poorly supported by tools - including our documentation system. It also doesn’t work with Python bindings generated from C++ code using pybind11. For instructions on how to document classes, exceptions, etc please consult the Sphinx Napoleon Extension Guide. ### Adding Extensions to the automatic-introspection documentation system It used to be necessary to maintain a ./docs/index.rst to write out automodule/autoclass/etc directives, as well as to include hand-written documentation about your extensions. In order to facilitate rapid deployment of high-quality documentation out-of-the-box, a new system has been implemented. Warning If your extension’s modules cannot be imported at documentation-generation time, they cannot be documented correctly by this system. Check the logs for warnings/errors about any failures to import, and any errors propagated. In the Kit repo.toml, the [repo_docs.projects."kit-sdk"] section is responsible for targeting the old system, and the [repo_docs.kit] section is responsible for targeting the new. Opt your extension in to the new system by: Adding the extension to the list of extensions. In ./source/extensions/{ext_name}/docs/, Add or write an if none exists. Users will land here first. In ./source/extensions/{ext_name}/config/extension.toml, Add all markdown files - except - to an entry per the example below. In ./source/extensions/{ext_name}/config/extension.toml, Add any extension dependencies to which your documentation depends on links or Sphinx ref-targets existing. This syntax follows the repo_docs tools intersphinx syntax. The deps are a list of lists, where the inner list contains the name of the target intersphinx project, followed by the path to the folder containing that projects objects.inv file. http links to websites that host their objects.inv file online like python will work as well, if discoverable at docs build time. Apart from web paths, this will only work for projects inside of the kit repo for now. [documentation] deps = [ ["kit-sdk", "_build/docs/kit-sdk/latest"] ] pages = [ "docs/", "docs/", ] The first item in the list will be treated as the “main page” for the documentation, and a user will land there first. Changelogs are automatically bumped to the last entry regardless of their position in the list. ### Dealing with Sphinx Warnings The introspection system ends up introducing many more objects to Sphinx than previously, and in a much more structured way. It is therefore extremely common to come across many as-yet-undiscovered Sphinx warnings when migrating to this new system. Here are some strategies for dealing with them. #### MyST-parser warnings These are common as we migrate away from the RecommonMark/m2r2 markdown Sphinx extensions, and towards MyST-parser, which is more extensible and stringent. Common issues include: Header-level warnings. MyST does not tolerate jumping from h1 directly to h3, without first passing through h2, for example. Links which fail to match a reference. MyST will flag these to be fixed (Consider it a QC check that your links are not broken). Code block syntax - If the language of a code-block cannot be automatically determined, a highlighting-failure warning may be emitted. Specify the language directly after the first backticks. General markdown syntax - Recommonmark/m2r2 were more forgiving of syntax failures. MyST can raise warnings where they would not previously. #### Docstring syntax warnings The biggest issue with the Sphinx autodoc extension’s module-introspection is that it is difficult to control which members to inspect, and doubly so when recursing or imported-members are being inspected. Therefore, it is strongly advised that your python modules define __all__, which controls which objects are imported when from module import * syntax is used. It is also advised to do this step from the perspective of python modules acting as bindings for C++ modules. __all__ is respected by multiple stages of the documentation generation process (introspection, autosummary stub generation, etc). This has two notable effects: Items that your module imports will not be considered when determining the items to be documented. This speeds up documentation generation. Prevents unnecessary or unwanted autosummary stubs from being generated and included in your docs. Optimizes the import-time of your module when star-imports are used in other modules. Unclutters imported namespaces for easier debugging. Reduces “duplicate object” Sphinx warnings, because the number of imported targets with the same name is reduced to one. Other common sources of docstring syntax warnings: Indentation / whitespace mismatches in docstrings. Improper usage or lack-of newlines where required. e.g. for an indented block. #### C++ docstring issues As a boon to users of the new system, and because default bindings-generated initialization docstrings typically make heavy use of asterisks and backticks, these are automatically escaped at docstring-parse time. Please note that the pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object object Base is automatically hidden from class pages. © Copyright 2019-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Nov 14, 2023.
Vt module — pxr-usd-api 105.1 documentation pxr-usd-api » Modules » Vt module   # Vt module Summary: The Vt (Value Types) module defines classes that provide for type abstraction, enhanced array types, and value type manipulation. Vt Value Types library This package defines classes for creating objects that behave like value types. It contains facilities for creating simple copy-on-write implicitly shared types. Classes: BoolArray An array of type bool. CharArray An array of type char. DoubleArray An array of type double. DualQuatdArray An array of type GfDualQuatd. DualQuatfArray An array of type GfDualQuatf. DualQuathArray An array of type GfDualQuath. FloatArray An array of type float. HalfArray An array of type pxr_half::half. Int64Array An array of type __int64. IntArray An array of type int. IntervalArray An array of type GfInterval. Matrix2dArray An array of type GfMatrix2d. Matrix2fArray An array of type GfMatrix2f. Matrix3dArray An array of type GfMatrix3d. Matrix3fArray An array of type GfMatrix3f. Matrix4dArray An array of type GfMatrix4d. Matrix4fArray An array of type GfMatrix4f. QuatdArray An array of type GfQuatd. QuaternionArray An array of type GfQuaternion. QuatfArray An array of type GfQuatf. QuathArray An array of type GfQuath. Range1dArray An array of type GfRange1d. Range1fArray An array of type GfRange1f. Range2dArray An array of type GfRange2d. Range2fArray An array of type GfRange2f. Range3dArray An array of type GfRange3d. Range3fArray An array of type GfRange3f. Rect2iArray An array of type GfRect2i. ShortArray An array of type short. StringArray An array of type string. TokenArray An array of type TfToken. UCharArray An array of type unsigned char. UInt64Array An array of type unsigned __int64. UIntArray An array of type unsigned int. UShortArray An array of type unsigned short. Vec2dArray An array of type GfVec2d. Vec2fArray An array of type GfVec2f. Vec2hArray An array of type GfVec2h. Vec2iArray An array of type GfVec2i. Vec3dArray An array of type GfVec3d. Vec3fArray An array of type GfVec3f. Vec3hArray An array of type GfVec3h. Vec3iArray An array of type GfVec3i. Vec4dArray An array of type GfVec4d. Vec4fArray An array of type GfVec4f. Vec4hArray An array of type GfVec4h. Vec4iArray An array of type GfVec4i. class pxr.Vt.BoolArray An array of type bool. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.CharArray An array of type char. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.DoubleArray An array of type double. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.DualQuatdArray An array of type GfDualQuatd. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.DualQuatfArray An array of type GfDualQuatf. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.DualQuathArray An array of type GfDualQuath. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.FloatArray An array of type float. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.HalfArray An array of type pxr_half::half. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Int64Array An array of type __int64. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.IntArray An array of type int. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.IntervalArray An array of type GfInterval. class pxr.Vt.Matrix2dArray An array of type GfMatrix2d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Matrix2fArray An array of type GfMatrix2f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Matrix3dArray An array of type GfMatrix3d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Matrix3fArray An array of type GfMatrix3f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Matrix4dArray An array of type GfMatrix4d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Matrix4fArray An array of type GfMatrix4f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.QuatdArray An array of type GfQuatd. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.QuaternionArray An array of type GfQuaternion. class pxr.Vt.QuatfArray An array of type GfQuatf. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.QuathArray An array of type GfQuath. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Range1dArray An array of type GfRange1d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Range1fArray An array of type GfRange1f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Range2dArray An array of type GfRange2d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Range2fArray An array of type GfRange2f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Range3dArray An array of type GfRange3d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Range3fArray An array of type GfRange3f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Rect2iArray An array of type GfRect2i. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.ShortArray An array of type short. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.StringArray An array of type string. class pxr.Vt.TokenArray An array of type TfToken. class pxr.Vt.UCharArray An array of type unsigned char. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.UInt64Array An array of type unsigned __int64. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.UIntArray An array of type unsigned int. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.UShortArray An array of type unsigned short. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec2dArray An array of type GfVec2d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec2fArray An array of type GfVec2f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec2hArray An array of type GfVec2h. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec2iArray An array of type GfVec2i. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec3dArray An array of type GfVec3d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray An array of type GfVec3f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec3hArray An array of type GfVec3h. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec3iArray An array of type GfVec3i. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec4dArray An array of type GfVec4d. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec4fArray An array of type GfVec4f. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec4hArray An array of type GfVec4h. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() class pxr.Vt.Vec4iArray An array of type GfVec4i. Methods: FromBuffer FromNumpy static FromBuffer() static FromNumpy() © Copyright 2019-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Nov 14, 2023.
RadioButton — Omniverse Kit 2.25.9 documentation Omniverse Kit » API (python) » Modules » omni.ui » omni.ui Classes » RadioButton   # RadioButton class omni.ui.RadioButton Bases: Button RadioButton is the widget that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options. RadioButtons are arranged in collections of two or more with the class RadioCollection, which is the central component of the system and controls the behavior of all the RadioButtons in the collection. Methods __init__(self, **kwargs) Constructs RadioButton. Attributes radio_collection This property holds the button's text. __init__(self: omni.ui._ui.RadioButton, **kwargs) → None Constructs RadioButton. `kwargsdict`See below ### Keyword Arguments: `radio_collection`This property holds the button’s text. `textstr`This property holds the button’s text. `image_urlstr`This property holds the button’s optional image URL. `image_widthfloat`This property holds the width of the image widget. Do not use this function to find the width of the image. `image_heightfloat`This property holds the height of the image widget. Do not use this function to find the height of the image. `spacingfloat`Sets a non-stretchable space in points between image and text. `clicked_fnCallable[[], None]`Sets the function that will be called when when the button is activated (i.e., pressed down then released while the mouse cursor is inside the button). `widthui.Length`This property holds the width of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the width of a screen. `heightui.Length`This property holds the height of the widget relative to its parent. Do not use this function to find the height of a screen. `namestr`The name of the widget that user can set. `style_type_name_overridestr`By default, we use typeName to look up the style. But sometimes it’s necessary to use a custom name. For example, when a widget is a part of another widget. (Label is a part of Button) This property can override the name to use in style. `identifierstr`An optional identifier of the widget we can use to refer to it in queries. `visiblebool`This property holds whether the widget is visible. `visibleMinfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is less than this value, the widget is not visible. `visibleMaxfloat`If the current zoom factor and DPI is bigger than this value, the widget is not visible. `tooltipstr`Set a basic tooltip for the widget, this will simply be a Label, it will follow the Tooltip style `tooltip_fnCallable`Set dynamic tooltip that will be created dynamiclly the first time it is needed. the function is called inside a ui.Frame scope that the widget will be parented correctly. `tooltip_offset_xfloat`Set the X tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `tooltip_offset_yfloat`Set the Y tooltip offset in points. In a normal state, the tooltip position is linked to the mouse position. If the tooltip offset is non zero, the top left corner of the tooltip is linked to the top left corner of the widget, and this property defines the relative position the tooltip should be shown. `enabledbool`This property holds whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. And widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. `selectedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eSelected state of the style. `checkedbool`This property holds a flag that specifies the widget has to use eChecked state of the style. It’s on the Widget level because the button can have sub-widgets that are also should be checked. `draggingbool`This property holds if the widget is being dragged. `opaque_for_mouse_eventsbool`If the widgets has callback functions it will by default not capture the events if it is the top most widget and setup this option to true, so they don’t get routed to the child widgets either `skip_draw_when_clippedbool`The flag that specifies if it’s necessary to bypass the whole draw cycle if the bounding box is clipped with a scrolling frame. It’s needed to avoid the limitation of 65535 primitives in a single draw list. `mouse_moved_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user moves the mouse inside the widget. Mouse move events only occur if a mouse button is pressed while the mouse is being moved. void onMouseMoved(float x, float y, int32_t modifier) `mouse_pressed_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button inside the widget. The function should be like this: void onMousePressed(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) Where ‘button’ is the number of the mouse button pressed. ‘modifier’ is the flag for the keyboard modifier key. `mouse_released_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user releases the mouse button if this button was pressed inside the widget. void onMouseReleased(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_double_clicked_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user presses the mouse button twice inside the widget. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseDoubleClicked(float x, float y, int32_t button, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_wheel_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user uses mouse wheel on the focused window. The function specification is the same as in setMousePressedFn. void onMouseWheel(float x, float y, carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags modifier) `mouse_hovered_fnCallable`Sets the function that will be called when the user use mouse enter/leave on the focused window. function specification is the same as in setMouseHovedFn. void onMouseHovered(bool hovered) `drag_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget is draggable, and set the callback that is attached to the drag operation. `accept_drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget can accept specific drops and set the callback that is called to check if the drop can be accepted. `drop_fnCallable`Specify that this Widget accepts drops and set the callback to the drop operation. `computed_content_size_changed_fnCallable`Called when the size of the widget is changed. property radio_collection This property holds the button’s text. © Copyright 2019-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 25, 2024.
1.5.7 — Omniverse Launcher latest documentation Omniverse Launcher » Omniverse Launcher » Release Notes » 1.5.7   # 1.5.7 Release Date: May 2023 ## Added Added new controls for changing the current language on the login screen. Added the Extensions content type in the Exchange. ## Fixed Fixed an issue where the close icon closed Launcher instead of hiding it to the system tray. Removed the crash reporter logging when using custom protocol commands. Fixed an issue that caused a crash when Launcher failed to collect hardware info. Fixed an issue where connectors were sometimes duplicated after the installation. Fixed an issue where “Add connector” button on the Library tab opened a blank page. © Copyright 2023-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 15, 2024. exists but content is empty.
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