LuKrO's picture
80d91b0 verified
- en
license: cc-by-4.0
- 10K<n<100K
- text-classification
pretty_name: Java Code Readability Mined & Modified
- readability
- code
- source code
- code readability
- Java
- name: code_snippet
dtype: string
- name: score
dtype: float
- name: name
dtype: string
- name: code_snippet
dtype: string
- name: score
dtype: float64
- name: train
num_bytes: 48684700
num_examples: 69276
download_size: 21595103
dataset_size: 48684700
- config_name: default
- split: train
path: data/train-*
# Java Code Readability Merged & Modified
This dataset contains **69276 Java code snippets** along with a **readability score**, mined from [Github]( and automatically processed and labelled.
You can download the dataset using Hugging Face:
from datasets import load_dataset
ds = load_dataset("se2p/code-readability-krod")
The snippets are **not** split into train and test (and validation) set. Thus, the whole dataset is in the **train** set:
ds = ds['train']
ds_as_list = ds.to_list() # Convert the dataset to whatever format suits you best
The dataset is structured as follows:
"code_snippet": ..., # Java source code snippet
"score": ... # Readability score
"name": ... # The name of the code snippet refering to its origin
The main goal of this repository is to train code **readability classifiers for Java source code**.
## Dataset Details
### Dataset Description
- **Curated by:** Krodinger Lukas
- **Shared by:** Krodinger Lukas
- **Language(s) (NLP):** Java
- **License:** Unknown
## Uses
The dataset can be used for training Java code readability classifiers.
## Dataset Structure
Each entry of the dataset consists of a **code_snippet** and a **score** (and a name).
The code_snippet (string) is the code snippet that was downloaded from GitHub. Each snippet has a readability score assigned.
The score is based on a five point Likert scale, with 1 being very unreadable and 5 being very readable.
## Dataset Creation
### Curation Rationale
To advance code readability classification, the creation of datasets in this research field is of high importance.
We provide a new dataset generated with a new approach.
Previous datasets for code readability classification are mostly generated by humans manually annotating the readability of code.
[Those datasets]( are relatively small, with combined size of only 421 samples.
As our approach allows automation, we can provide a different scale of code snippets.
We share this dataset on Hugging Face to share access and make the ease of usage easy.
### Source Data
The initial source of code snippets are from 100 public GitHub which can be found [at the end of this file](#origin-repositories).
#### Data Collection and Processing
The Data Collection and Preprocessing for this Hugging Face dataset involved two main steps.
First, GitHub repositories known for high code quality were **mined** and labeled as highly readable. The extracted methods are labeled with a score of 3.68.
Second, the code was intentionally **modified** to reduce readability. The resulting code was labelled with a score of 3.26.
This resulted in an automatically generated training dataset for source code readability classification.
#### Who are the source data producers?
The source data producers are the people that wrote the used open source Java projects.
#### Personal and Sensitive Information
The ratings of the code snippets are automatically assigned. Thus, no personal or sensitive information is contained in this dataset.
## Bias, Risks, and Limitations
The assigned labels are not accurate as they are only an average estimate based on a survey.
The average score for the mined code snippets of the survey was 3.68.
The average score for the modified code snippets of the survey was 3.26.
### Recommendations
The dataset should be used to train Java code readability classifiers. We recommend fine-tuning and evaluation on [manually labeled data](
## Dataset Card Authors
Lukas Krodinger, [Chair of Software Engineering II](, [University of Passau](
## Dataset Card Contact
Feel free to contact me via [E-Mail](mailto:[email protected]) if you have any questions or remarks.
# Appendix
## Origin Repositories
- [Backbase/stream-services]( - cf2cddc9515e9fc594f1b3bb0f2c2aadc2890c99
- [jcabi/jcabi-maven-plugin]( - d53c49094014afd97ae181d267aa209842053883
- [alfasoftware/morf]( - 6d44a8a4d660e3a393fdeaff14059972959e9ab2
- [apache/nifi-maven]( - 25a21a83acc9f4c25f8624aa4d0cf2dcd5a0b9f5
- [codice/imaging-nitf]( - fcafa31b4f9663dd9efd6b9162657538a45d6ef2
- [TestingResearchIllinois/starts]( - 487a8005b1ec24825b18a2a149216b23fda268f8
- [orangesignal/orangesignal-csv]( - 60432ca09f2fd3884f75246d4b51eb44666e8e8f
- [vesoft-inc/nebula-flink-connector]( - 24a751463f2db0c045a83aec2408e3301aa5b146
- [jwhitbeck/java-rdb-parser]( - 499cbab24caef7de29cf4e654967f11ff7fde432
- [tinkerpop/tinkubator]( - a2f6cc94fb53c0045c42f9bd1e9020e3f19e92a6
- [eclipse-sirius/sirius-web]( - 5f4f3d1909762ff16a654d16a345dd02bc98ac51
- [mohamed-taman/JavaSE8-Features]( - eba5360c0c9ff47895ec043c64a0d0bfaa80ba1a
- [CloudSlang/cs-actions]( - ae3b6f210b951897935438433a7f0bbdeeb70a33
- [k8ssandra/management-api-for-apache-cassandra]( - 9795d838e7c965c50a0a6a0d687c93db70344255
- [elventear/quartz-scheduler]( - fad901a332a47004e367972d4c4e014c61843e85
- [vmzakharov/mutate-test-kata]( - 5bdef12f2de49b5e8db916763a319dc2a787f42e
- [apache/maven-checkstyle-plugin]( - 56157e4c1d8c3dc25ee69a0dd35a92007ae126a6
- [ObeoNetwork/InformationSystem]( - 7a73de597529685318b4ebb8f3ed34f8273fc5e8
- [gordonad/enterprise-spring-best-practices]( - 496874ee53406142abd974006313b315b64f853b
- [PacktPublishing/TypeScript-Microservices]( - 91aa8e66696971354245c826bc5d23f885e8c27a
- [apache/incubator-hugegraph-toolchain]( - e8fd3e0a6c10d34b4bf5e92495f493c913d7895e
- [NLthijs48/AreaShop]( - 557d11dfb477b1bc67ca3fb2995fe97b9732f9dd
- [jenkinsci/plot-plugin]( - 7e7504adc1f710a384af9961ea3940ab2ed11657
- [Hipparchus-Math/hipparchus]( - f1948e10f100a5380c869c76b4f0e8f5f1004b68
- [apache/tiles]( - 2601bcd2d8c7c5f1dde663830093c426ffff3da4
- [radargun/radargun]( - ca4982116d0d92cccd6f947afa6424f2b51a67fc
- [vzakharchenko/keycloak-radius-plugin]( - 986b84991db0a947c42a6928dfe21c8591dda52a
- [xwiki/xwiki-commons]( - 2123f979e42020e0fbfd2633c7af64e4b56a89f2
- [ddf-project/DDF]( - e4e68315dcec1ed8b287bf1ee73baa88e7e41eba
- [apache/rocketmq-connect]( - 8dcf2b37f247e2261512df8e00df7f875d4190d0
- [apache/maven-release]( - 9e0713b83d99723ebeb3e8347f3f69c69c585ed0
- [aklivity/zilla]( - 94a3362b972f6d27c296b9aa69c2bb8cbbda558a
- [heshanera/HealthPlus]( - 61bcaf20a0e1ae6c7d9f267ecdc3f9cf2b8e8b5d
- [apache/xmlgraphics-fop]( - 2d0e0424a1e7b5c544427e9923a1efdc15be152d
- [adorsys/open-banking-gateway]( - 81ae59db8c48b6d266eeb9a500bf4abe6a296e63
- [timothymiko/narrate-android]( - de2ae0668ac0cc88c0fa06489709141fbf741935
- [Asqatasun/Asqatasun]( - af9064357e881786cc7cc72e782662908bd91c5b
- [javadelight/delight-nashorn-sandbox]( - 51bb26934b48ac0bacad8b9751393e86d6dbe31e
- [aws-powertools/powertools-lambda-java]( - 628a2ca93223df2b2962d1bc122f32a6f572b382
- [victools/jsonschema-generator]( - 85d1bc1db05a3dab2a22a05466f97f399dcf8ea2
- [elBukkit/MagicPlugin]( - 1edc4fec2f4d98c5dbf25c89840899e2b52fb90f
- [yegor256/qulice]( - cdd3fe15b49dccfa42a5bd2f6ab0cad94d7927d7
- [apache/syncope]( - 4eb29a8ebdc506ddaaaf61eb8f159791fb34c3f2
- [nmyphp/tbschedule]( - 65c3a671a2e76aca7db7251c438c55d7516366ba
- [spring-projects-experimental/spring-boot-migrator]( - a3a55917094056e332c23a7762c6625352d6c04b
- [kokorin/Jaffree]( - b503d1fb3e5ac54f6dc1f315321cb8d696818d9c
- [davidmoten/geo]( - 54a0f51a8c457a0bb1dd4bf6758e65f66e501673
- [openmessaging/benchmark]( - d0c0277fec37379a466e41e2917f0765901d6f9c
- [opencast/opencast]( - 80a38af951c970be5bbd051e784e04a0770e37d9
- [apache/streampipes]( - 34b33bdcf7afe75cbe5090517ca61b7ee0ad8555
- [nielsbasjes/yauaa]( - e7d0d18a3cb2a7a0bfa625fe1158410d3755d8c0
- [mulesoft/mule]( - c72aeaec2b9ca92bac4e89d03ed331c472e7214e
- [awslabs/aws-saas-boost]( - a36032b1c99f1bc745c1433dcf3f8798b70261cb
- [hazelcast/hazelcast-code-samples]( - e4eca08e35853d677bb993560d506c8f9fc1b8ac
- [jmrozanec/cron-utils]( - d31697ec4c30d4f43a1b528e5781d1d00ea1c967
- [xwiki/xwiki-platform]( - e8b78226eb0f36ea02dacdb3f14105badda5612d
- [dremio/dremio-oss]( - be47367c523e4eded35df4e8fff725f53160558e
- [hibernate/hibernate-validator]( - 6e73c5f45d81a74b4f51754a80c629ef5ffc42cb
- [android-cn/android-open-project-demo]( - 2ed4800f62c1a3683a0e16ec56957619acbcc57a
- [vaadin/framework]( - c4d78a6dad72ea2fe95b8023ef3a5ba73c135277
- [apache/tika]( - 8a6493b49323ff9838fb6744ea6f2a1b770f3c82
- [aws/aws-sdk-java-v2]( - 1cae596d881f7f1da7914da92d5f2d400277829f
- [confluentinc/kafka-rest]( - 55a50c4f76183903f14cce14245edc4fc85942a9
- [apache/rocketmq-spring]( - 33a4186f6ab19cc3b1bd3305450476fe35141c3d
- [eclipse/eclipse-collections]( - a7fa499844523bc79cbf0883bacf62db5d818332
- [confluentinc/schema-registry]( - 8390e1268f08e9759ec26c55a8ba2bd299179626
- [confluentinc/kafka-streams-examples]( - d218996f8e58693dd311c63120d018ce05892e84
- [apache/activemq]( - 58867f7c3cef580134cb4e32e2f9086552c1876a
- [spring-cloud/spring-cloud-kubernetes]( - ef6d06f3373abcc5ffc7c391b10fd7083b2678ab
- [roboguice/roboguice]( - d96250c41149e13a159d26a532365c3f7034c07e
- [cucumber/cucumber-jvm]( - 1a6c5a6052ce1354cb34731c75a29991b9d06818
- [oracle/opengrok]( - 1f70700b151ddf9f5f852982a6bad0be2279ebab
- [spring-io/initializr]( - 3641ed46a72997a5b727179775a0812fafd48b16
- [querydsl/querydsl]( - cd608f04ed7534b1b62a78a28beb141071d149b6
- [dromara/hmily]( - 52dc6ba3a44f9ade8d49bcc6ad49485ef9879c49
- [jetty/jetty.project]( - b77a8054a2f3d883ad99df2eb9a954b0b25eb8d3
- [graphhopper/graphhopper]( - 09c1013185bfb6388661cbcfef7cbb34ea138f57
- [JodaOrg/joda-time]( - 1b5c2a0899c9fcf705d0892946deab00c4619a97
- [apache/ignite]( - b7a8f021f8caf22ad51977be0323dc4085d095e3
- [apache/hudi]( - 4c3a1db146bc5f81545f5d17020175ea9797fcd9
- [hazelcast/hazelcast]( - ed063c769f450eb3a9aac1b0463309e4ebd643b9
- [mapstruct/mapstruct]( - 2bb2aefed8957861bf297b8f953b40e8753a8c75
- [apache/hbase]( - dba900f778614b392e5e83522cdda72487558f48
- [NanoHttpd/nanohttpd]( - efb2ebf85a2b06f7c508aba9eaad5377e3a01e81
- [apache/zeppelin]( - 56da029ffe413c55ba34f46e4e4b91b8d20d9ce2
- [Alluxio/alluxio]( - f7eed03eaeae3bdf59407a6f7f78346df4f0bb1f
- [apache/storm]( - c0d7b475da99c28043b137e892d58aedde4eb840
- [apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob]( - 0b3a6eb993ee1abcb8ae81efa6ccaeb9b494ea5c
- [apache/doris]( - 5bdfaf64479e73ac319ca95562711cb1898e2f05
- [codecentric/spring-boot-admin]( - 4515db94c0e6398892523780778b76c156e0f08b
- [Activiti/Activiti]( - b0fbe2b1c6ce204161f3536fc3caf1039a395471
- [apache/pulsar]( - e1d06b5f54f08c09debab7a9a513b7c173c1779b
- [apache/zookeeper]( - 75d0a0a850352743e584f78321cf7c51417f46f8
- [apache/hadoop]( - d72cdf7205c9e5310e832b2faa2e5b103f0804e0
- [OpenAPITools/openapi-generator]( - 8669646d998691b67f9c665e890349bf1c790edc
- [jenkinsci/jenkins]( - f9f542bffd9f38189f3c1393475b473f1f0e035e
- [seata/seata]( - 2122c6d53ae9cabcab4c53946b4a1b999e0aef76
- [apache/flink]( - 00785b00b84dadae4c8b33a35ca9a5ac48e4a4c6
- [alibaba/druid]( - 0be591b0c43ed57078a13dc0c7b7108b9ee0b388
- [alibaba/nacos]( - 93cc842c903487a2df6bd8f10cbd1027c67a7891
- [zxing/zxing]( - 9c89873cfa148e961da3b0a1f9537fd9b5356564
- [jeecgboot/jeecg-boot]( - b3e4a73a342445f1ed1555c8f927b04a8d6b27d0
- [apache/dubbo]( - e63d275eb61db8eaac00f7474e6e76e19ac805d0
- [eugenp/tutorials]( - bf7bf5dacf8cff97021ab1b11020103104132d11
- [iluwatar/java-design-patterns]( - 163c3017bb356937d876cd9a05905c012f3b0af6