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kaa_Latn | Joqarı bilimlendiriw tarawında da isenimli reformalar ámelge asırılmaqta. | eng_Latn | Significant reforms are being implemented in higher education. |
kaa_Latn | Úshinshiden, regionımızdıń transport hám tranzit potencialın arttırıw biz ushın strategiyalıq áhmietke ie. | eng_Latn | Increasing the transport and transit potential of our region is of strategic importance. |
kaa_Latn | Awa | eng_Latn | Yes |
kaa_Latn | Shól aymaǵında, aǵın suwdan alısta mol zúráát jetistiriw ańsat emesligi tábiyǵıy. | eng_Latn | In the steppe environment, far from water sources, it's difficult to achieve a bountiful harvest. |
kaa_Latn | Salıq hám byudjet siyasatın jetilistiriw, byudjetleraralıq qatnasıqlardı jáne de bekkemlew, xalıqtıń turmıs dárejesin arttırıw, xalıqtıń járdemge mútáj qatlamların qollap-quwatlawdıń mánzilliligin arttırıwǵa qaratılǵan sistemanı jaratıw, miynet haqı hám basqa da tólemlerdiń inflyaciyaǵa tásirin bahalaw tiykarında differenciyallastırılǵan halda arttırıw boyınsha alıp barılıp atırǵan ilajlardı 2019-jılı da dawam ettiriw názerde tutılmaqta. | eng_Latn | In 2019, it is planned to continue implementing measures aimed at improving tax and budget policy, further improving interbudgetary relations, raising the standard of living of the population, targeting the system of support for socially vulnerable segments of the population, and consistently differentiating wage increases and other payments to the population with an assessment of the impact on inflation. |
kaa_Latn | túsindiriw | eng_Latn | clarify |
kaa_Latn | Sonnan kelip shıǵıp, Bas prokuror belgilengen talaplardı buzǵan juwapker basshılarǵa tiyisli ilaj kóriwi kerek. | eng_Latn | In light of this, the Prosecutor General must take appropriate measures against the responsible officials who violated the established requirements. |
kaa_Latn | sút pisiriw | eng_Latn | To boil milk |
kaa_Latn | He gec up at 6 óclock/6.30 and has breakfast at óclock/7.30. | eng_Latn | He gets up at 6:00 or 6:30 and has breakfast at 7:30. |
kaa_Latn | 2) kompyuter bólmesine ústki kiyimlerde kirip oti'ri'w; | eng_Latn | 2) To be in the computer lab wearing outerwear; |
kaa_Latn | yaddan shıǵarmaw | eng_Latn | to remember, to bear in mind |
kaa_Latn | Usı jıldıń 29-aprel - 1-may kúnleri Túrkiya Respublikası Prezidentiniń Ózbekstan Respublikasına ámelge asırǵan birinshi tariyxıy mámleketlik saparı sheńberindegi nátiyjeli ushırasıwlar menen sóylesiwler, óz-ara paydalı birge islesiwdiń keń baǵdarları boyınsha erisilgen anıq kelisimler, qol qoyılǵan áhmietli shártnamalar menen kelisimler ellerimiz benen xalıqlarımızdıń rawajlanıwına jáne abadanlıǵına xızmet etetuǵını tereń qanaatlanıwshılıq penen atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | The fruitful meetings and negotiations held during the historic state visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 29 - May 1 of this year, as well as the specific agreements reached and the agreements signed on a wide range of mutually beneficial cooperation, will undoubtedly serve the further development and well-being of our countries and peoples. |
kaa_Latn | 3. Tómende keltirilgen ámellerden biri tanlanadı (3): a) "Dobavit figuru posle" buyrıgı járdeminde tańlangan figuradan keyin jańa figura qosıladı; b) "Dobavit figuru pered" buyrıgı járdeminde tańlangan figuradan aldın jańa figura qosıladı. | eng_Latn | 3. One of the following actions is chosen (3): a) when selecting the "Add figure after" command, a figure is added after the selected figure; b) when selecting the "Add figure before" command, a figure is added before the selected figure; |
kaa_Latn | ıńǵaylı reń | eng_Latn | practical color |
kaa_Latn | 2. Ne sebepten úydegi quslar ushalmaydı? | eng_Latn | 2. Why can't domesticated birds fly? |
kaa_Latn | 2,8 g azot penen reakciyaga kirisip 14,8 gramm nitrid payda etetuģin metalldıń ximiyalıq elementlerdin periodlıq kestesindegi ornın hám atom dúzilisin anıqlań. | eng_Latn | Determine the position in the periodic table and atomic structure of the metal that forms 14.8 g of nitride when reacting with 2.8 g of nitrogen. |
kaa_Latn | Nanbayxanada bir kúnde 150 dana shórek nan hám 120 pátir nan jawıldı. | eng_Latn | The bakery baked 150 flatbreads and 120 rolls in a day. |
kaa_Latn | mıs: trudoustroystvo jumısqa ornalastırıw | eng_Latn | Labor |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan Respublikası Konstituciyasınıń qabıl etilgeniniń 27 jıllıǵı múnásibeti menen "Konstituciya ómirimiz hám jámietimizde tutqan ornı," "Saylaw hám jaslar," "Korrupciyasız taraw" atamalarında keńnen túsindiriw ilajları alıp barılmaqta. | eng_Latn | In connection with the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, explanatory events are being held on the topics "The role of the constitution in life and society," "Elections and youth," and "Direction without corruption." |
kaa_Latn | Bilimlendiriw hám ámeliyat bir-birinen úzilip qalǵan, medicinalıq bilimlendiriw orınlarında pitkeriwshilerdiń kópshiliginde jumıs islewge zárúr ámeliy kónlikpe jetispeydi. | eng_Latn | Education and practice are disconnected, with most medical school graduates lacking the necessary practical skills. |
kaa_Latn | jumıstı alǵa bastırıw | eng_Latn | to move the work forward |
kaa_Latn | jaqında | eng_Latn | recently |
kaa_Latn | qırman aydaw | eng_Latn | To thresh |
kaa_Latn | On the farms there are baby animals. | eng_Latn | There are baby animals on the farms. |
kaa_Latn | 2024-jıl 1-yanvarǵa shekem Ózbekstan Respublikası aymaǵında alıp kiriwde bajıxana bajısınıń nollik stavkası qollanılatuǵın tovarlardıń dizimi 1-qosımshaǵa muwapıq tastıyıqlansın. | eng_Latn | Approve the List of Goods, upon import of which into the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan until January 1, 2024, a zero customs duty rate is applied, in accordance with Annex No. 1. |
kaa_Latn | basımlıq bizin tárepimizde | eng_Latn | The advantage is on our side. |
kaa_Latn | 8) I can ask and say how people feel about the weather. | eng_Latn | 8) I can ask and tell how people feel about the weather. |
kaa_Latn | Barlıq kúsh strukturalarınıń óz-ara birge islesiwdegi málimleme-kommunikaciya sistemaları Qurallı Kúshlerdi basqarıw processlerine izbe-iz integraciyalanbaqta. | eng_Latn | Information and communication systems of all security forces are being consistently integrated into the process of managing the Armed Forces. |
kaa_Latn | gavan | eng_Latn | harbor |
kaa_Latn | 2. Venera atmosferası, ondaģı fizikalıq sharayat (temperaturası, basımı) hám qurami haqqında nelerdi bilesiz? | eng_Latn | 2. What do you know about the atmosphere of Venus, its physical conditions (pressure, temperature) and composition? |
kaa_Latn | óz ıqtıyarı menen | eng_Latn | voluntarily |
kaa_Latn | Gidroksixinolinler (klioxinol, yodoxinol. di yodogidroxinolin, galxinol, broksixinolin) (sauda belgileri: Diodoxin, Amiklin, Floraxin, Enteraxinol, Xlorambin, Nivembin, Kvogil, Entero-Vioform hám baska da kóplegen belgiler). | eng_Latn | Hydroxyquinolines (clioquinol, iodoquinol, di-iodohydroxyquinoline, halquinol, broxyquinoline) (familiar brand names: Diodoquin, Amicline, Floraquin, Enteroquinol, Chlorambin, Nivembin, Quogyl, Entero-Vioform, and many other brands) These medicines were commonly used in the past to treat diarrhea. |
kaa_Latn | kewilsiz | eng_Latn | bleak |
kaa_Latn | Innovaciyalıq metodlar: mashqalalı bilim, kishi toparlarda islew. | eng_Latn | Innovative methods: problem-based learning, small group work. |
kaa_Latn | turaqlı | eng_Latn | unwavering |
kaa_Latn | zaklinatel | eng_Latn | Enchantress |
kaa_Latn | dawlasıw | eng_Latn | to quarrel |
kaa_Latn | Bul jumıslar izbe-iz dawam ettirilip, usı eki jónelisti baylanıstırıwshı Qoylıqtan Sergelige shekemgi metropoliten qurılmaqta. | eng_Latn | Work in this direction continues consistently - another branch is being laid from Kuilyuk to Sergeli, which will connect the indicated lines. |
kaa_Latn | degeneraciya | eng_Latn | Degeneration |
kaa_Latn | iymek | eng_Latn | curved |
kaa_Latn | Jedel mádeniy-gumanitarlıq almasıwlar dawam etpekte. | eng_Latn | There is active cultural and humanitarian exchange. |
kaa_Latn | qosıw | eng_Latn | to make a contribution |
kaa_Latn | turpayı juwap | eng_Latn | Rude reply |
kaa_Latn | podmenit | eng_Latn | substitute, replace |
kaa_Latn | keyp-kanaveral | eng_Latn | Cape Canaveral |
kaa_Latn | taban sıyaqlı japıraq | eng_Latn | palmate leaf |
kaa_Latn | qural-jaraq | eng_Latn | armament |
kaa_Latn | júzinshi | eng_Latn | hundredth |
kaa_Latn | "Ózbekstan Respublikası Ministrler Kabineti haqqında"ģı Nızam. ? | eng_Latn | -The Law "On the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan." |
kaa_Latn | tınıshsızlanıp | eng_Latn | restless |
kaa_Latn | Mısalı, 2,99 1,3=2,3; | eng_Latn | For example, 2.99 divided by 1.3 equals 2.3. |
kaa_Latn | 626. Bólmede 16°S temperaturadaǵı salıstırmalı Mrallıq 65% ti quraydı. | eng_Latn | The relative humidity in the room at a temperature of 16°C is 65%. |
kaa_Latn | qanaatlanarlıq | eng_Latn | satisfactory |
kaa_Latn | B.YUldashev, YUridika fakultetiniń Jaslar awqamı jetekshisi. | eng_Latn | B. Yuldashev, Leader of the Primary Organization of the Youth Union of the Law Faculty. |
kaa_Latn | 5 yamasa 7 minut dauamında suyık góje bolıp piskenshe kaynatın. | eng_Latn | Boil for 5 to 7 minutes to form a liquid gruel or watery porridge. |
kaa_Latn | ıqlaslı | eng_Latn | located |
kaa_Latn | Biz xalıq hám isbilermenlik subektleriniń bank sistemasına isenimin kúsheytpey turıp, "jasırın ekonomika"dan tolıq qutıla almaymız. | eng_Latn | Without increasing public trust and the trust of businesses, we will not be able to fully rid ourselves of the "shadow" economy. |
kaa_Latn | "But the jacket has five pockec," says Mother. | eng_Latn | "But the jacket has five pockets," Mom says. |
kaa_Latn | Bul nizam Nyutonnıń birinshi nızamı dep ataladı. | eng_Latn | This law is called Newton's first law. |
kaa_Latn | qalay bolsada | eng_Latn | anyway |
kaa_Latn | Shıǵındılardı jıynaw ushın 1 saat waqıt ajıratılıp, sol waqıt ishinde eń kóp shıǵındı toplaǵan eki toparǵa shólkem tárepinen tayarlanǵan sawǵalar tapsırıldı. | eng_Latn | One hour was allotted for the garbage collection, during which two groups, who collected the most garbage, received gifts prepared by the association. |
kaa_Latn | qolǵabısın tiygiziw | eng_Latn | Hand |
kaa_Latn | nevropatologiya | eng_Latn | neurological |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstannıń Singapur hám Avstraliyadaǵı elshisi óz missiyasın juwmaqladı Ózbekstannıń ayrıqsha hám tolıq huqıqlı elshisi Qahramon Shokirov Singapur hám Avstraliyadaǵı diplomatiyalıq missiyasın juwmaqladı. | eng_Latn | Uzbekistan's Ambassador Kadambay Sultanov has concluded his mission. Yesterday, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan, Kadambay Sultanov, concluded his diplomatic mission to Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, and Estonia. |
kaa_Latn | 5. Sulfat usılında 15 kg kir sodasın alıw ushın 96% li (p = 1,84g/ml) sulfat kislota eritpesinen qansha kerek boladı? | eng_Latn | 5. What quantity of 96% sulfuric acid solution (ρ=1.84 g/mL) is required to obtain 15 kg of baking soda? |
kaa_Latn | biymezgil | eng_Latn | premature |
kaa_Latn | Tez medicinalıq járdem mashinalarınıń kópshiliginde navigaciya úskeneleriniń joq ekeni, 10 mıń kóshege elege shekem atama hám 500 mıńǵa shamalas turaq jaylarǵa nomer qoyılmaǵanı sebepli mánzildi tabıwǵa kóp waqıt ketpekte. | eng_Latn | Many ambulances lack navigation systems, 10,000 streets still haven't been named, and about 500,000 houses remain unnumbered. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Denelerdi anıqlawda qanday belgilerden paydalandınız? | eng_Latn | 2. What features did you use to identify the objects? |
kaa_Latn | A) ispan; | eng_Latn | A) Spanish; |
kaa_Latn | pitimge qol qoyıw | eng_Latn | To sign a contract |
kaa_Latn | háreketke keltiriw | eng_Latn | to put into action |
kaa_Latn | drenaj islew | eng_Latn | To drain |
kaa_Latn | erk | eng_Latn | freedom |
kaa_Latn | qonaqqa barıw | eng_Latn | to visit someone |
kaa_Latn | Tek ǵana usı jıldıń ótken dáwirinde yarım milliard dollarǵa shamalas investiciyalar ózlestirildi. | eng_Latn | Investments totaling approximately half a billion US dollars have been allocated since the beginning of this year alone. |
kaa_Latn | Eramizga shekemgi 29-jili Oktavian Senattan imperator ataģin hám Avgust laqabın aldı. hákimiyat ushin gúres: Krass ham Pompey b.e. shekemgi 49-jil - Yuliy Ceraz - Rim imperatori → Cezardiń óltiriliwi → → Brut - Antoniy hám → b.e. shekemgi 31-jil Oktavian sawashi → Oktavian - imperator Avgust eramızdıń Il ásir - Rim imperiyasınıń Oktavian Rim imperiyasının tiykarın salıwshı edi. | eng_Latn | Outline: The Struggle for Power: Crassus → Pompey 49 BC - Julius Caesar - Ruler of Rome > Caesar's Assassination → Brutus 31 BC Battle of Antony and Octavian → Emperor of Rome - Octavian Augustus → 2nd Century AD - "Golden Age" of the Roman Empire 98 AD - Emperor of Rome - Trajan → Trajan's Column in Rome 166 Questions and Assignments 1. |
kaa_Latn | bireń-sarań | eng_Latn | partially |
kaa_Latn | dnyu den | eng_Latn | day |
kaa_Latn | Nadya jım-jırt bolıp qaldı. | eng_Latn | Nadia had a chill running down her spine. |
kaa_Latn | túmen | eng_Latn | fog |
kaa_Latn | - Bul kárxana - drayver. | eng_Latn | - This enterprise is a driver. |
kaa_Latn | tirishilik | eng_Latn | Everyday life |
kaa_Latn | kózge túspey qalmaw | eng_Latn | To take cover |
kaa_Latn | Texnopolis-texnologiyalıq janalıqlardı nátiyjeli qollanıw maqsetinde shólkemlestirilgen erkin ekonomikalıq aymaq. | eng_Latn | Technopolis is a free economic zone created for the effective use of technological developments. |
kaa_Latn | Shavkat Mirziyoevtiń atap ótkenindey, búginnen baslap koronavirusqa shalınǵan nawqaslar menen islesip atırǵan hár bir arnawlı emlewxanada óz aldına kommerciyalıq banktiń kassaları shólkemlestirilip, shıpakerlerdiń 14 kúnlik miynet haqısın ornında alıw sisteması engiziledi. | eng_Latn | The President noted that starting today, commercial bank branches will be set up in every medical institution treating coronavirus patients, and these branches will be paying doctors their salaries on the spot for the 14-day period. |
kaa_Latn | Damas hám Labo avtomobilleri hám olardıń awısıq bólekler islep shıǵarıw kólemin asırıw, jip-kelepti qayta islew dárejesin 60 procentke jetkeriw, farmacevtika ónimlerin kóbeytiw imkaniyatları kórsetip ótildi. | eng_Latn | Opportunities have been identified to increase the production of Damas and Labo vehicles and their parts, increase the cotton processing rate to 60 percent, and expand the production of pharmaceutical goods. |
kaa_Latn | qırsıqlanıw | eng_Latn | to break |
kaa_Latn | 5. Uzınlıǵı 10-15 cm li jinishke sim alınadı hám onin bir ushina paxtalı tayaqshanı kesip kleylenedi. | eng_Latn | 5. A thin wire 10-15 cm long is taken, and a cotton swab is glued to one end. |
kaa_Latn | A) EHGF PQRO; | eng_Latn | A) EHGF is infinite with respect to PQRO. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Tábiyiy kartadan Orta Aziyadaǵı úlken kóllerdi kórsetiń. | eng_Latn | 2. On a physical map of Central Asia, show the major lakes. |
kaa_Latn | orınsız | eng_Latn | undesirable |
kaa_Latn | sezgir | eng_Latn | delicate |
kaa_Latn | Kitaptıń "Oraylıq hám Qubla Aziyanıń regionallıq óz-ara baylanısı: Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoevtiń ullı baslaması" dep atalǵan úshinshi bólimi Ózbekstan basshısı tárepinen bıyıl iyul ayında Tashkentte bolıp ótken xalıqaralıq konferenciyada regionallıq óz-ara baylanıslılıq qatnasıqların bekkemlewge qaratılǵan baslamalarına baǵıshlanǵan. | eng_Latn | The third part of the book, titled "Central Asia and South Asia Regional Connectivity: Great initiative by His Excellency President Shavkat Mirziyoyev," contains six analytical articles on the initiatives for regional connectivity put forward by the President of Uzbekistan during the international conference held in Tashkent in July. |
kaa_Latn | 5. Miyweni quslardan qorgaw ushin ósimlik polietilen plyonka yamasa 0,5 m li sim tor menen jabıladı. | eng_Latn | 5. To protect the fruits from birds, cover the plant with polyethylene film or stretch a wire mesh with a thickness of 0.5 cm. |
kaa_Latn | Ata-anaları yamasa tuwǵan-tuwısqanlarınıń zat almasıwı buzılıwınıń hár qıylı turlerine ayrıqsha áhmiyet beriledi. | eng_Latn | Particular importance is given to various types of metabolic disorders in parents or close relatives. |
kaa_Latn | tájiriybe | eng_Latn | experiment |
kaa_Latn | qarsı shıǵıwshılıq | eng_Latn | Contradiction |
kaa_Latn | oǵı shıǵarılıp alınıw | eng_Latn | to discharge |
kaa_Latn | Ullı oyshıl Mir Áliysher Nawayı babamızdıń: "Tilge itibar - elge itibar," degen dana násiyatlarına ámel etken halda, elimizde til máselesinde alıp barılıp atırǵan mámleketlik siyasat insan qádirin ulıǵlawǵa qaratılǵan túpkilikli reformalarımızǵa hár tárepleme únles hám úylesimli. | eng_Latn | In Uzbekistan, following the wise guidance of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi: "To care for language is to care for the people," state policy in the field of language is conducted in complete harmony with fundamental reforms aimed at ensuring the interests of the individual, their honor and dignity as the highest value. |
kaa_Latn | Biraq Karldıń hákimiyatı songi Rim imperatorlarına qaraganda birqansha joqarı bolgan. | eng_Latn | However, Charles's power was greater than that of the last Roman emperors. |