of the Vilebloods, at Cainhurst Castle. A record of the Vilebloods, blood-lusting hunters who seek blood dregs of their prey, kept throughout the ages. Note: Online use only. Cannot use this item offline. カインハーストの血の女王 アンナリーゼと契約を交わした血族たちの赤革の紳士録 古くから、すべての血族の名が記されている それは「穢れ」を求めて獲物を狩る、血の狩人たちだ ※このアイテムはオンライン専用です オフラインでは使用できません League Staff (連盟の杖) Hides a directory listing the names of League confederates. 連盟員の名が記された、名簿が隠されている The League staff is the sign of a confederate. A directory within the hilt lists the names of fellow confederates. Members of the League brandish this staff to indicate themselves to fellow members of the League. There shall be no sympathy for those engaged in the bloody mission of the League. No matter that an oath must be taken to uphold the illusion. 連盟の杖。彼らの同士となった証 握りの中に、連盟員の名が記された、名簿が隠されている 連盟員は、この杖を掲げ、同士を確認する 血塗れの使命など、所詮余人は理解すまい 幻想にこそ、誓いが必要なのだ Beckoning Bell (狩人呼びの鐘) Use Insight to ring and call to other worlds for help. 啓蒙を消費して鳴らし、別世界の狩人に協力を求める Great old bell discovered in the underground labyrinth. Its ring resonates across worlds, and the first hunter used it as a special signal tocall hunters from other worlds to cross the gap and cooperate. A human must use Insight to ring this uncanny bell, but the benefits of cross-world cooperation are many. Small Resonant Bell (共鳴する小さな鐘) Ring this bell to help hunters in other worlds. この鐘を鳴らすことで、別世界の狩人に協力する Small bell discovered in the old underground labyrinth. Its ring resonates across worlds, and the first hunter used it as a special signal to call hunters from other worlds to cross the gap and cooperate. This bell resonates with its counterpart, the Beckoning Bell. Ring to help hunters in other worlds. Upper Cathedral Key (上層の鍵) The upper echelons of the Healing Church are formed by the School of Mensis, based in the Unseen Village, and the Choir occupying the Upper Cathedral Ward. This key brings one a step closer to the Choir. 聖堂街上層を封印する鍵 医療教会には2つの上位会派があり 「メンシス学派」は隠し街に、「聖歌隊」は上層に それぞれ拠点を置いている 故にこの鍵は「聖歌隊」に近づくものだ Orphanage Key (孤児院の鍵) Key to the Orphanage, birthplace of the Choir. 「聖歌隊」の生所、孤児院の扉の鍵 Key to
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the hunt as a dirge of farewell, wishing only that his prey might rest in peace, never again to awaken to another harrowing nightmare. 最初の狩人、ゲールマンが用いた「仕掛け武器」 すべての工房武器の原点となるマスターピースであり その刃には、星に由来する希少な隕鉄が用いられている ゲールマンは狩りを、弔いになぞらえていたのだろう せめて安らかに眠り、二度と辛い悪夢に目覚めぬように Blade of Mercy (慈悲の刃) A special trick weapon passed down among hunters of hunters. One of the oldest weapons of the workshop. Splits into two when activated. The weapon's warped blades are forged with siderite, a rare mineral of the heavens. Most effective in swift attacks, such as after a quick-stepping. 狩人狩りに代々受け継がれる、特別な「仕掛け武器」 最も古い工房の武器の1つ 仕掛けにより2枚に分かれる、その歪んだ刃には 星に由来する希少な隕鉄が用いられ ステップなど、高速にのった攻撃で真価を発揮する Rifle Spear (銃槍) A trick weapon crafted by the workshop heretics, the Powder Kegs. A prototype weapon serving as a simple firearm and spear, possibly created in imitation of a lost Cainhurst weapon. Lacks any notable functions, saving that it is the only trick weapon with an attached gun. 工房の異端「火薬庫」の手になる「仕掛け武器」 簡易な銃と、槍を組み合わせた試作品であり 失われたカインハーストの武器を見真似たものとも言われている 単体として特筆すべき性能を持つ武器ではないが 銃にもなる「仕掛け武器」は、他にはない特別なものだ Stake Driver (パイルハンマー) A trick weapon fashioned by the workshop heretics, the Powder Kegs. Favoured by the retired hunter Djura. The stake driver, with its queerlyan easily-handled silver sword. On the other, a giant obtuse stone weapon, characterized by a blunt strike and extreme force of impact. The Church takes a heavy-handed, merciless stance toward the plague of beasts, an irony not lost upon the wielders of this most symbolic weapon. 特に医療教会の狩人が用いる「仕掛け武器」 扱いやすい銀の剣と巨大な石の鈍器という、極端な二面性をもち 特にその後者は「重打」の特性と大きな衝撃力が特徴となる 医療教会の工房は、狩人の「仕掛け武器」の二派の一方であり かつて聖堂街のどこかに、ひっそりとあったという Ludwig's Holy Blade (ルドウイークの聖剣) A trick weapon typically used by Healing Church hunters. It is said that the silver sword was employed by Ludwig, the first hunter of the church. When transformed, it combines with its sheath to form a greatsword. The Healing Church workshop began with Ludwig, and departed from old Gehrman's techniques to provide hunters with the means to hunt more terrifying beasts, and perhaps things still worse. 特に医療教会の狩人が用いる「仕掛け武器」 教会の最初の狩人、ルドウイークが用いたことで知られ 銀の剣は、仕掛けにより重い鞘を伴い、大剣となる ルドウイークを端とする医療教会の工房は 狩人に、老ゲールマンとは別の流れを生み出した より恐ろしい獣、あるいは怪異を狩るために Holy Moonlight Sword (月光の聖剣) An arcane sword discovered long ago by Ludwig. When blue moonlight dances around the sword, and it channels the abyssal cosmos, its great blade will hurl
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
used phantasms to reach a lofty plane of darkness, but failed to make contact with the outer reaches of the cosmos. The rite failed to achieve its intended purpose, but instead created a small exploding star, now a powerful part of the Choir's arsenal. At times, failure is the mother of invention. 医療教会の上層「聖歌隊」の秘儀の1つ かつて医療教会は、精霊を媒介に高次元暗黒に接触し 遥か彼方の星界への交信を試み、しかしすべてが徒労に終わった すなわちこれは失敗作だが、儀式は星の小爆発を伴い 「聖歌隊」の特別な力となった。まこと失敗は成功の母である Choir Bell (聖歌の鐘) Invigorates all cooperating parties, healing them. すべての協力者に生きる力と、治癒の効果を及ぼす Special hunter tool of the Choir, high-ranking members of the church. Fashioned after a bell that projects an arcane sound across planes of existence. The sound of this smaller, silver version of the bell does not cross planes, but grants vigor and healing to all cooperators. 医療教会の上層「聖歌隊」の特殊な狩道具 音色が次元を跨ぐ神秘の鐘を、彼らなりに模したもの この小さな銀色の鐘は、遂に音色は次元を跨がないが すべての協力者に生きる力と、治癒の効果を及ぼす Beast Roar (獣の咆哮) Force of beast roar repels nearby foes and objects. 圧を持った獣の咆哮により、周囲のものを弾き飛ばす One of the forbidden hunter tools made by Irreverent Izzy. Borrow the strength of the terrible undead darkbeasts, if only for a moment, to blast surrounding foes backwith the force of a roaring beast. The indescribable sound is broadcast with the caster's own vocal cords, which begs the question, what terrible things lurk deep within the frames of men? 背教者イジーの手になる禁じられた狩道具の1つ 忌まわしい不死の黒獣、その力をごく一時的に借りる触媒であり 圧を持った獣の咆哮により、周囲のものを弾き飛ばす つんざくその悲鳴は、しかし使用者の声帯が出しているものだ 人の内に、いったい何者が潜むのだろうか Madaras Whistle (マダラスの笛) Summon a giant serpent from the Nightmare. 悪夢から大蛇を召喚する Whistle of the Madaras twins, denizens of the Forbidden Woods. The twins grew up alongside a poisonous snake, and developed a silent, inhuman kinship. The poisonous snake grew uncontrollably, raised on a healthy diet of beast entrails. Even after their deaths, it is said to respond to the call of the twins' whistle from within the Nightmare. 禁域の森の住人、マダラスの双子の笛 言葉すら介さず、毒蛇と共に育った双子が 人ならぬ友誼を交わした絆であろう 腑分けされた獣を餌とし、毒蛇は途方もなく育った また死した後も、悪夢の内から双子の笛に応えるという Executioner's Gloves (処刑人の手袋) Summon wrathful spirits. 怨霊を召喚する One of the secret treasures hidden in Cainhurst. The gloves of an executioner from a faraway land. Passed from executioner father to executioner son, these gloves can be used to summon wrathful spirits of the past by smearing them with blood. It is said that
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
fallow darkness. 大聖堂の地下牢の鍵 地下牢には、狩人たちが囚われている 見るべきでないもの、知るべきでない事 すべて暗く朽ち果てるように Balcony Key (露台の鍵) Key to the balcony, 1st floor, Research Hall. 実験棟1階、露台の扉の鍵 Key to the balcony on the first floor of the Research Hall. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower gave this to the patient, Adeline. Maria had hoped Adeline would find comfort in the faint breeze that carried the scent of flowers from the outside, but Adeline couldn't fathom her intentions. 実験棟1階、露台の扉の鍵 時計塔のマリアが、患者アデラインに渡したもの せめて外気と花の香が、彼女の癒しとなるように だが彼女は、それを理解できなかった Astral Clocktower Key (時計塔の鍵) Key to Astral Clocktower, atop the Grand Cathedral. 大聖堂の最上部、時計塔の鍵 Key to the Astral Clocktower at the top of the Grand Cathedral. The caretaker of the tower's numerous patients, known to them only as Lady Maria, made her home behind the giant star-interpreting clock. 大聖堂の最上部、時計塔の鍵 巨大な星見時計の裏側にあたるその部屋は 患者たちがマリアと呼ぶ女の、いつからか住処であるという Underground Cell Inner Chamber Key (地下牢最深の鍵) Key to the inner chamber of the Grand Cathedral cell. 大聖堂の地下牢、その最深の鍵 Key to the inner chamber of the cell below the Grand Cathedral. The innermost chamber of the underground cell holds a lone madman. Hethe Healing Church. 医療教会、初代教区長たるローレンスの頭蓋骨 Skull of Laurence, first vicar of the Healing Church. In reality he became the first cleric beast, and his human skull only exists within the Nightmare. The skull is a symbol of Laurence's past, and what he failed to protect. He is destined to seek his skull, but even if he found it, it could never restore his memories. 医療教会、初代教区長たるローレンスの頭蓋骨 だが現実には、彼は初めての聖職者の獣であり 人の頭蓋は悪夢の中にしか存在しない それは、終に守れなかった過去の誓いであり 故にローレンスはこれを求めるだろう 追憶が、戻るはずもないのだけれど Eye Pendant (瞳のペンダント) Eye pendant that unlocks the surgery altar. 手術祭壇の鍵となる、瞳のペンダント An eye pendant which unlocks the surgery altar. There are two cathedrals in the Hunter's Dream. One lies past the River of Blood, and another contains the private research hall of the Healing Church. Only chosen members of the Healing Church, or their lamentable patients, can enter the research hall, using this eye. Grant eyes to the surgery altar skull. 手術祭壇の鍵となる、瞳のペンダント 狩人の悪夢には、大聖堂が2つある そして血の河の先、もう1つの大聖堂には かつての医療教会の秘した実験棟があるという そこに入れるのは、瞳を持つ選ばれた医療者 あるいは憐れな患者だけだ 手術祭壇の頭蓋に、瞳を与えたまえ Celestial Dial (星見盤) Dial for the great Astral Clock of the Grand Cathedral. 大聖堂の、巨大な星見時計と対になる観測盤 A celestial
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Glee, Pidie Jaya in the northern province of Aceh, Indonesia, Dec. 7, 2016. People survey the damage after dozens of buildings collapsed following an earthquake in Ule Glee, Pidie Jaya in the northern province of Aceh, Indonesia, Dec. 7, 2016. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered near the town of Reuleut. Indonesia's Climate, Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said the quake did not generate a tsunami. Indonesia is located in an area of the world prone to earthquakes. A 2004 quake off Sumatra island triggered a tsunami that killed 230,000 in Indonesia and other countries. The threat of a repeat of that disaster was on the minds of some of those who felt Wednesday's earthquake. "It was very bad; the tremors felt even stronger than 2004 earthquake," Musman Aziz, areach the pinnacle. Reg high school , high school texarkana, texas aggies three generations of cars in ontario “pay far long Whether you get the best things about love That met your expectations as attorney fees because it is properly formatted KW:cheapest occupation car insurance quote This business was removed from the unexpected and realize their dreams Fail to pay for the purposes stated below Companies in place for skaters. I need in one of these that the premium sensible Policies; 1994-2013: based on the front KW:car insurance companies in abilene tx Than one course of conversation throughout the life's journey Can offer a discount that would be ready around 1:30pm The repair facility you choose Uk airport before you know the truth! now Real-life "keep up the bus
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
Receive the latest sports updates in your inbox After the New England Patriots won Super Bowl LI, video from right after the game shows Tom Brady in a locker room asking where his jersey was. In the video from Yahoo News, he said that he put the jersey in his bag and that it was missing. (Published Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017) Tom Brady has remained fairly quiet about the investigation into his missing Super Bowl jersey that was reportedly stolen from his locker. The jersey — valued at $500,000, according to a Houston Police Department report — was worn by the star quarterback during the New England Patriots’ 34-28 comeback victory over the Atlanta Falcons on Feb. 5. Brady noticed his No. 12 jersey was missing from his bag in the team'sdesignated locker room inside NRG Stadium after the game. He told a team equipment manager he remembered putting it in his locker and that "someone stole it." And while the Texas Rangers are on the case to find the jersey caper, Brady has compiled his own list of possible suspects. In a Facebook post Wednesday, Brady posted a photo of a “suspect board” of possible culprits. The prime suspect: Julian Edelman, who Brady calls a “sneaky lil squirrel.” The hilarious board also lists Gollum from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit,” the "guy who stole Khaleesi's egg" on the HBO series "Game of Thrones,” Lady Gaga, Steve Carrell's character from "The Office,” Michael Scott, Brady's dog Scooby ("always steals Fluffy's food), film shark “Jaws” ("takes things without asking," "violent history”), the Pokemon character
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
a guy named Mr. Lewis this pass April 2006; and Wendy notified me that he did a great job. She speaks highly of Sid; but she couldn't remember his name. She knew that he would be on legal match; because that's how she found him in legal match for Mr. Lewis. 5*****Sid H. by Shannon W. , 08/21/2006I contacted LegalMatch after becoming suspicious of a woman my husband had "had" a child with in a previous relationship. She called all hours of the night wanting money or us to pick her son up. Her last call she said if she didn't get money she'd change the boy's last name. We contacted Sid, he was wonderful. We got the paternity test back and my husband wasn't the father. After thousands of dollars inby leveraging the awesome power of corporate sponsors About Our Guest Linda Hollander has been featured by Inc. Magazine as the leading expert on corporate sponsorships. She is a popular international speaker and the author of Corporate Sponsorship in 3 Easy Steps. She is also the CEO of Sponsor Concierge which helps speakers and businesses fund their dreams with the awesome power of corporate sponsors. Linda has consulted with many large and small businesses to help them profit from the awesome power of corporate sponsors and has 20 years of experience in business. Her corporate sponsors have included Microsoft, Citibank, Fed Ex, Health Net, American Airlines, Bank of America, Marriott, Staples, Wal Mart and IBM. You will periodically receive emails from to inform you about new messages you've received. We'll
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
I had a feeling it would happen. For nearly a year I was reading Breitbart, listening to McInnes and checking out their many many sources of information. Call it fake news, fake media if you like. They were wrought mostly from the terminated careers of writers from more credible, older and trusted sources. Music took a sideline while the Trump Train was stoked. I give special exception to favorites like Daniel Martin-McCormick and the roster at Lovers Rock / Sustain-Release. Richard Meltzer's 70th Birthday and Mother's Day Reading in Portland. Visits to Joe Carducci in the past few years, his interviews, book releases and personal insights at The New Vulgate. But my face was mostly in a laptop or in Ann Coulter books a lot of the time thisfaces and is further sealed as a frusto-conical cup. Then wings 9 and 9' are opened to send the completed cup having thus shaped frusto-conical shape to its axially small diameter side and the next blank to be worked as a next cup is set ready for supplying to the lower part of said cone roll 4 and thus one cycle can be finished. Sealing of the Pasting Portion of the Formed Cup Heretofore, a sealing of a formed cup has been conducted using a sealing agent noted below. As a sealing agents there are three kinds of sealing agents, such as, glue seal, hot-melt seal, heat seal of laminated hot melt seal, and these method using three kinds of sealing will be explained hereafter. Glue Sealing Glue is a water solution
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
Jason Gonzales USA TODAY NETWORK – Tennessee Penny Baker moved to Nashville from Chattanooga in mid-September fully expecting to put her fifth-grade son in a Metro elementary school. What came next was a bit of a shock. Her son started middle school instead. Nashville is the only large district in Tennessee to predominantly serve fifth-grade students in middle school. Of the 84 middle schools in Tennessee that have fifth grade, about half are within Metro Schools. In most school districts, including Chattanooga, middle school is grades 6 to 8. Baker and her son didn't like the change. "That year, there is a difference," she said. "Some kids aren’t ready to mix and mingle with the older kids." But Metro Nashville Public Schools could join the majority of districts if Director Shawn Joseph follows a recommendationby his transition team. It's a move that could present a major logistical challenge in reworking the makeup of schools but one that experts say could have a positive effect on students and their ability to learn. In its Feb. 7 report. Joseph's transition team said the change also could help resolve one of the big issues facing the district: The school district loses a significant number of students between elementary and middle school. About 7,600 students leave the district on a yearly basis, according to a 2013 Vanderbilt study, and about 11 percent of those students leave the district after fourth grade — a number that is higher than other kindergarten through eighth grades. The study says many parents choose to leave Nashville schools after elementary school due to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
а таксама. >> Так што я проста так атрымалася, быць гатовымі з цэлай кучай лісткоў паперы. І на гэтыя кавалачкі паперы нумары , Якія ўяўляюць, якія слупкі вы, хлопцы, будзеце прадстаўляць. Такім чынам, вы будзе - як цябе клічуць? >> Студэнт: Anna Leah. >> DAVID малая: Anna Leah, вы стане 128s калонкі. Вы? >> Студэнт: Крыс. >> DAVID малая: Крыс быць 64s калонкі. Вы? >> СТУДЭНЦКАЯ: Дан. >> DAVID малая: Дан будзе быць 32s калонкі. >> Студэнт: Pramit. >> DAVID малая: Pramit будзе быць 16S калонкі. >> Студэнт: Ліліян. >> DAVID малая: Ліліян будзе 8s. >> Студэнт: Джыл. >> DAVID малая: Джыл быць 4s калонкі. >> Студэнт: Марыі. >> DAVID малая: Мэры будзе 2S, а? >> Студэнт: Дэвід. >> DAVID малая: Дэвід будзе быць 1S калонкі. Haitian: nou ka reprezante yon lèt, li ak lèt nou ka kounye a kòmanse konpozisyon Imèl ak karaktè enprime sou ekran an. >> Se konsa, kite m 'envite, si mwen te kapab, uit volontè brav - ki moun kiîntâmplat să vină pregătiți cu o grămadă de bucăți de hârtie. Și pe aceste bucăți de hârtie sunt numere care reprezintă ceea ce coloane voi o să reprezinte. Deci, va fi - Care e numele tău? >> STUDENT: Anna Leah. >> DAVID MALAN: Anna Leah, tu va fi coloana 128S. Tu ești? >> STUDENT: Chris. >> DAVID MALAN: Chris va fie coloana 64s. Tu ești? >> STUDENT: Dan. >> DAVID MALAN: Dan va fie coloana 32s. >> STUDENT: Pramit. >> DAVID MALAN: Pramit va fie coloana 16S. >> STUDENT: Lillian. >> DAVID MALAN: Lillian va fi 8s. >> STUDENT: Jill. >> DAVID MALAN: Jill va fie coloana 4s. >> STUDENT: Mary. >> DAVID MALAN: Maria va fi de 2S, și? >> STUDENT: David. >> DAVID MALAN: David fie coloana 1s. Portuguese: podemos representar letras, e com cartas agora podemos começar a compor e-mails e personagens impressão no ecrã. >> Então deixe-me convidar, se eu pudesse, oito voluntários bravos - que não se importa que
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
a shadowy lightwave. The Holy Moonlight Sword is synonymous with Ludwig, the Holy Blade, but few have ever set eyes on the great blade, and whatever guidance it has to offer, it seems to be of a very private, elusive sort. かつてルドウイークが見出した神秘の剣 青い月の光を纏い、そして宇宙の深淵を宿すとき 大刃は暗い光波を迸らせる 「聖剣のルドウイーク」を象徴する武器であるが その大刃を実際に目にした者は少ない それは彼だけの、密かに秘する導きだったのだ Simon's Bowblade (シモンの弓剣) Choice weapon of Simon, one of the first Healing Church hunters. Simon despised firearms, and so the Church workshop had this specially fashioned to his liking. The large curved blade serves as a bow when transformed. But aside from a few close friends, Simon was scoffed at for his choice of arms, for who would dare face the beasts with a measly bow? 医療教会、最初期の狩人として知られる、シモンの狩り武器 銃器を忌み嫌った彼のために、教会の工房が誂えた特注品であり 曲がった剣の大きな刃は、仕掛けにより弓に転じる だが僅かばかりの友の他は、皆、狩人シモンを嘲った 弓で獣に挑むなどと Logarius' Wheel (ローゲリウスの車輪) Weapon wielded by martyr Logarius' band of executioners. Used to slaughter the Vilebloods in Cainhurst. Bathed in pools of their blood, and forever steeped in their ire. Transform to release the power of the wheel and manifest theirweapon wielded by the royal guards who protect Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods at Cainhurst Castle. When the intricate, rippled engraving that spans the Chikage's blade is imbrued with blood, the sword sings in scarlet hues. However, the rite eats away at the wielder's very essence. カインハーストの血の女王 アンナリーゼを守る近衛騎士たちが用いた異邦の武器 薄く反った刀身には複雑な波紋が刻まれており これに血を這わせることで、緋色の血刃を形作る だがそれは、自らをも蝕む呪われた業である Rakuyo (落葉) Hunter weapon wielded by Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. A trick sword originated in the same country as the Cainhurst Chikage, only this sword feeds not off blood, but instead demands great dexterity. Lady Maria was fond of this aspect of the Rakuyo, as she frowned upon blood blades, despite being a distant relative of the queen. But one day, she abandoned her beloved Rakuyo, casting it into a dark well when she could stomach its presence no longer. 時計塔の女狩人、マリアの狩武器 カインハーストの「千景」と同邦となる仕込み刀であるが 血の力ではなく、高い技量をこそ要求する名刀である マリアもまた、「落葉」のそうした性質を好み 女王の傍系でありながら、血刃を厭ったという だが彼女は、ある時、愛する「落葉」を捨てた 暗い井戸に、ただ心弱きが故に Left Hand Weapons (左手武器) (Organized by storage category: Workshop, Church, & Vileblood) + Workshop (工房) Hunter Pistol (獣狩りの短銃) Pistol made at the workshop,
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to Henryk's tragically long life. Henryk's unique yellow garb is resistant to bolt and will be of great help to any hunter who has inherited the onus of the hunt. 古狩人ヘンリックの狩帽子 かつてガスコイン神父の相棒であったこの静かな古狩人は 強者であったが故に、狩人として死に場所を得られなかった だが、彼の黄味がかった独特の装束は、特に雷光に強く 獣狩りの遺志を継ぐ狩人を助けるだろう Henryk's Hunter Garb (ヘンリックの狩装束) Hunter's attire worn by Henryk, the old hunter. The taciturn old hunter Henryk was once partners with Father Gascoigne, and though they were a fierce and gallant duo, their partnership led to Henryk's tragically long life. Henryk's unique yellow garb is resistant to bolt and will be of great help to any hunter who has inherited the onus of the hunt. 古狩人ヘンリックの狩装束 かつてガスコイン神父の相棒であったこの静かな古狩人は 強者であったが故に、狩人として死に場所を得られなかった だが、彼の黄味がかった独特の装束は、特に雷光に強く 獣狩りの遺志を継ぐ狩人を助けるだろう Henryk's Hunter Gloves (ヘンリックの狩手袋) Hunter's attire worn by Henryk, the old hunter. The taciturn old hunter Henryk was once partners with Father Gascoigne, and though they were a fierce and gallant duo, their partnership led to Henryk's tragically long life. Henryk's unique yellow garb is resistant to bolt and willbe of great help to any hunter who has inherited the onus of the hunt. 古狩人ヘンリックの狩手袋 かつてガスコイン神父の相棒であったこの静かな古狩人は 強者であったが故に、狩人として死に場所を得られなかった だが、彼の黄味がかった独特の装束は、特に雷光に強く 獣狩りの遺志を継ぐ狩人を助けるだろう Henryk's Hunter Trousers (ヘンリックの狩ズボン) Hunter's trousers worn by Henryk, the old hunter. The taciturn old hunter Henryk was once partners with Father Gascoigne, and though they were a fierce and gallant duo, their partnership led to Henryk's tragically long life. Henryk's unique yellow garb is resistant to bolt and will be of great help to any hunter who has inherited the onus of the hunt. 古狩人ヘンリックの狩ズボン かつてガスコイン神父の相棒であったこの静かな古狩人は 強者であったが故に、狩人として死に場所を得られなかった だが、彼の黄味がかった独特の装束は、特に雷光に強く 獣狩りの遺志を継ぐ狩人を助けるだろう Yamamura Hunter Hat (ヤマムラの狩帽子) A standard hunter's hat, worn by Yamamura the Wanderer. This hat and staff were given to him when he became a hunter and confederate of the League. ごく標準的な狩帽子 流浪の狩人、ヤマムラの狩装束 だがそれは、彼が狩人となり、連盟の同士となった証として 杖と共に渡されたものである Khaki Haori (鶯の羽織) Garb of a distant Eastern land, worn by Yamamura the Wanderer. This Eastern warrior pursued a beast for honourable revenge, then became a hunter of the League. But when he stared straight into impurity,
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in an otherworldly aura. Your character extends his/her hand to the creature, while walking toward it. After landing, the creature grabs you and pulls your torso in close to its face. It wraps its tentacles around you as the screen fades to black... You see the doll in the Hunter's Dream pushing a figure in a wheelchair. She stops the wheelchair and steps up to stand at the side of the chairbound figure. As she kneels, the camera pans upward to reveal that it is your character sitting in the wheelchair. The camera shifts to show them looking at the Hunter's Dream house, with a full moon hanging overhead. Creepy sound effects permeate the air.] DOLL And so, the hunt begins again. また、獣狩りの夜がはじまりますね ENDING 3: CHILDHOOD'S BEGINNING [Your character looks up at the Palebloodand oil urns accentuate its effect. Sometimes, when hunters burn beasts, they appear intoxicated by the euphoria of purification. Pungent Blood Cocktail (匂いたつ血の酒) A precious tool in sadly short supply. In Yharnam, they produce more blood than alcohol, as the former is the more intoxicating. 投げつけると濃厚な匂いを放つ、熟成した血の酒 それは血に飢えた獣を強く惹きつける 生産量はごく少ない貴重なもの 酒はヤーナムに似合わない。むしろ血に酔うのだ Numbing Mist (感覚麻痺の霧) Throw to create mist cloud that prevents HP restoration. 投げつけると霧を発生させ、HP回復を阻害する Throw to create a mist cloud that numbs a hunter's life essence and prevents restoration of HP. Said to be used by the blood hunters of Cainhurst, its recipe is a secret closely guarded by the line of nobles inhabiting the castle. 投げつけると痺れる霧を発生させる秘薬 狩人の生きる力、その感覚を鈍らせ、HP回復を阻害する カインハーストの血の狩人たちが用いたといわれ その製法も、かの城の貴い一族にのみ伝わっている Throwing Knife (スローイングナイフ) Finely serrated throwing knife. 細かいギザ刃のついた投げナイフ Throwing knife with a finely serrated blade. One of the old hunter Henryk's favorite weapons. Does not cause a great deal of damage to beasts, but with deft use, can distract attackers and keep them at bay. 細かいギザ刃のついた投げナイフ 特に古狩人ヘンリックの愛用したもの 獣に対して大きなダメージが期待できるものではないが うまく使えば、けん制と翻弄に威力を発揮するだろう Poison Knife (毒メス) Knife slathered in poison. たっぷりと毒に塗れた、歪んだ投げナイフ A
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
(ノコギリ鉈) One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used in the hunting business. This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a long cleaver that makes use of centrifugal force. The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast. 狩人が獣狩りに用いる、工房の「仕掛け武器」の1つ 変形前は人ならぬ獣の皮肉を裂くノコギリとして 変形後は遠心力を利用した長柄の鉈として、それぞれ機能する 刃を並べ血を削るノコギリは、特に獣狩りを象徴する武器であり 酷い獣化者にこそ有効であるとされていた Saw Spear (ノコギリ槍) One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by those who dedicate themselves to the hunt. This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a medium-range spear. The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast. 狩人が獣狩りに用いる、工房の「仕掛け武器」の1つ 変形前は人ならぬ獣の皮肉を裂くノコギリとして 変形後は距離をとって戦う槍として、それぞれ機能する 刃を並べ血を削るノコギリは、特に獣狩りを象徴する武器であり 酷い獣化者にこそ有効であるとされていた Hunter Axe (獣狩りの斧) One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used on the hunt. Retains the qualities of an axe, but offers a wider paletteof attacks by transforming. Boasts a heavy blunt attack, leading to high rally potential. No matter their pasts, beasts are no more than beasts. Some choose this axe to play the part of executioner. 狩人が獣狩りに用いる、工房の「仕掛け武器」の1つ 斧の特性はそのままに、変形により状況対応能力を高めており 重い一撃「重打」と、リゲイン量の高さが特徴となる 元がどうであれ、獣は既に人ではない だがある種の狩人は、処刑の意味で好んで斧を用いたという Beasthunter Saif (獣狩りの曲刀) A trick weapon used by the old hunters. A second blade is found inside the curve of the main one. In its initial form, the saif can be wielded like a long curved sword, but when transformed, its blade is contracted, allowing for quick, repeated stabs. Although this trick weapon allows for adaptive combat, it was later replaced by saws and similar weapons that were more effective at disposing of beasts. 古い狩人の用いた「仕掛け武器」 曲がった刀身の内側にも、追加の刃が仕込まれ 変形前は、長柄の曲刀として縦横に振るう事ができる また変形により刃を畳み、短い連撃を叩き込む 柔軟な戦術を可能とする「仕掛け武器」であったが やがてノコギリなど、より獣向けの武器に取って代わられた Threaded Cane (仕込み杖) One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by hunters on their duties. Sufficiently deadly as a rigid bladed cane, but also serves as a whip when its blade is split into
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
קשורות לאיראן או לא ؟ כעת נראה כי מר ג'רדקושנר דיבר בשדה התעופה באבו דאבי כמו גם דבריו של היועץ האמריקני לביטחון לאומי באבו דאבי English: Of course, now it seems that their number is not very large is considered as a betrayal to the Palestinian people The main opponent is now Iran But the first Arab country that made peace with Israel was Egypt Again, mediated by the United States under a treaty known as Camp David In September 1978 Signed by both parties The official ceremony of the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel is scheduled to be held in Washington D.C, next month And maybe that's the beginning for Further normalization between Israel and Muslim countries Masoud Alfak is Editor of Persian section of Al Arabiya website in Dubai Mr. Alfak,as we talked a few days ago our discussion was whether these reactions in region about the normalization of UAE-Israel relations cab be related toبا صحبت‌های آقای جردکوشنر در فرودگاه ابوظبی کرد و همینطور صحبت‌هایی که مشاور امنیت ملی آمریکا در ابوظبی کرد English: Iran is one of the points that the United States hopes With the help of Israel and Saudi Arabia, to make a Strategic alliance against it Greetings Certainly, this American official statements do not reflect the UAE' position The UAE has its own position According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Gargash Who had spoken about it some time ago had said that The relation of the UAE and Israel is not against Iran or against any other country You said he has hope, maybe this is just a hope I think the UAE is much smarter than want to enter into a kind of political clashes that actually Arabic: إيران هي إحدى النقاط التي تأمل فيها الولايات المتحدة بمساعدة إسرائيل والمملكة العربية السعودية ، سيتم تشكيل
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The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick CBC/Radio-Canada President Catherine Tait in the foyer of the House of Commons on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Tues. April 3, 2018. The content giant boasts on its website that its streaming service is available in virtually every country except China. Netflix says the company's revenues grew 35 per cent in 2018 to US$16 billion. Tait compared Netflix's rise across the globe to the "beginning of a new empire" during her appearance on a panel organized by the Canadian Media Producers Association in Ottawa, alongside Stephane Cardin, Netflix's director of public policy for Canada. OTTAWA — There are parallels to be drawn between the growing influence and availability of Netflix programming around the world and the colonialism of the British and French empires, CBC president Catherine Tait said Thursday. "SoCoobie (Furby Fake) Coobie is yet another Furby Fake. It is one of several knockoff Furbys that use almost identical designs, including Poopi, Foobie and Purby (pirate toy companies often rip off each other's knockoff toys). Coobie is unique from other knockoffs because he has his very own voice with a made up language, however Coobish still borrows very heavily from the furbish language. Appearence Coobie is very similar to the Furby, but with Teddy Bear arms and legs with multicoloured paws. Coobie has many many different colour variations. Like other knockoffs, Coobie's beak is a bright yellow colour, while Furby's is a Yellow-Orange colour.
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was fascinated by the blue sparks that emanate from the hides of the darkbeasts, and dedicated his life to its artificial reproduction, in a style of inquiry that, incidentally, closely followed the methodology of Byrgenwerth. 医療教会の工房で変人として知られた アーチボルドの仲間の証。彼が勝手に発行したもの 黒獣が纏うという青い雷光に魅入られた彼は 生涯をその人工的再現に捧げた ある意味それは、極めてビルゲンワース的であったろう Sword Hunter Badge (剣の狩人証) Badge of the swordsman hunters under Church's blessing. 剣の狩人証。銀の剣は、教会の狩人の象徴でもある One of the badges crafted by the Healing Church. The silver sword is a symbol of a Church hunter. Ludwig was the first of many Healing Church hunters to come, many of whom were clerics. As it was, clerics transformed into the most hideous beasts. かつて医療教会の工房が発行した、狩人証の1つ 銀の剣は、教会の狩人の象徴でもある ルドウイークを端とする医療教会の狩人は また聖職者であることも多かった そして、聖職者こそがもっとも恐ろしい獣になる Radiant Sword Hunter Badge (輝く剣の狩人証) Radiant sword hunter badge, for Ludwig's successors. 輝く剣の狩人証。狩人ルドウイークの直系を示す One of the badges crafted by the Healing Church. The radiant sword indicates the heirs to the will of Ludwig. These hunters, also known as Holy Blades, are what remains of an ancient line of heroes that date back toa very early age of honor and chivalry. かつて医療教会の工房が発行した、狩人証の1つ 輝く剣のそれは、狩人ルドウイークの直系を示す それは聖剣の二つ名で知られる狩人たちであり 唯一、獣狩人が英雄たり得た時代の名残である もうずっと前のことだ Wheel Hunter Badge (車輪の狩人証) Wheel hunter badge, from the Church's secret workshop. 車輪の狩人証。教会の秘密工房のもの Martyr Logarius led a band of Executioners, and this badge was crafted at their dedicated workshop. The wheel symbolizes righteous destiny. Their workshop was a secretive enclave of mystical beliefs and heady fanaticism which served as the backbone of the Executioners' unique brand of justice. 殉教者ローゲリウスが率いた処刑隊 その専用工房が発行した証。車輪は正しい運命である それは狂的な信仰と神秘主義に彩られた秘密の場であり 処刑隊の正義を支える力となった Cosmic Eye Watcher Badge (星の瞳の狩人証) Badge of the Choir, Healing Church elites. 医療教会の上位会派「聖歌隊」の一員の証 Badge of a member of the Choir, elites of the Healing Church. The eye signifies the very cosmos. The Choir stumbled upon an epiphany, very suddenly and quite by accident. Here we stand, feet planted in the earth, but might the cosmos be very near us, only just above our heads? 医療教会の上位会派「聖歌隊」の一員の証 その瞳は宇宙を象っている 「聖歌隊」の気付きは、かつて突然に訪れたという すなわち、地上にある我々のすぐ頭上にこそ まさに宇宙があるのではないか? Firing Hammer Badge (撃鉄の狩人証) Firing Hammer badge, of the old Oto Workshop. 撃鉄の狩人証。古い一会派、オト工房が発行したもの Badge crafted by the Oto Workshop, precursor to the workshop
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
was a pariah and an embarrassment. But to many district residents, particularly lower-income blacks, he was still a hero, someone unfairly persecuted for personal failures. This file frame is from the infamous Marion Barry videotape. He staged a comeback after his 1990 crack cocaine arrest. (Barry Thumma/Associated Press) Barry returned to the D.C. Council in 1992, representing the poorest of the city's eight wards. Two years later, he won his fourth and final term as mayor. The electorate was starkly divided along racial lines, and Barry advised those who had not supported his candidacy to "get over it." "Marion Barry changed America with his unmitigated gall to stand up in the ashes of where he had fallen and come back to win," poet Maya Angelou said in 1999. Barry's triumph, though,was short-lived. In 1995, with the city flirting with bankruptcy from years of bloated, unaccountable government, much of it under Barry, Congress stripped him of much of his power and installed a financial control board. Barry held authority over little more than the city's parks, libraries and community access cable TV station. He decided against seeking a fifth term. Returned to council in 2004 Barry spent a few years working as a municipal bond consultant, but he couldn't stay away from politics. In 2004, he returned to the council, again representing Ward 8, where he remained beloved. Many constituents still referred to him as "Mayor Barry," and he was re-elected in 2008 and 2012. Barry was born March 6, 1936, to Marion and Mattie Barry, in the small Mississippi delta town
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to leave this summer. Costa's current Chelsea contract runs until 2017 and he was linked with a €90m move to the Chinese Super League, having almost moved to Asia in January, though Atletico are unlikely to pay anything close to that fee. Atletico are known to be keen to re-sign a player who won the 2013 Copa del Rey and 2014 La Liga title during his time at the club, but the situation is complicated by a FIFA transfer ban that means they cannot register new players until January 2017. While both the Chelsea and Atletico squads have returned to preseason training in recent weeks, Costa has remained on holiday at home in Lagarto, Brazil, regularly drawing attention by antics recorded on social media, which have included partying in a RojiblancoIn the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful Polygyny (a man marrying up to four wives) is allowed in Islam because there are some circumstances in human history when it is necessary, so it is permissible with conditions as Islam is suitable for all times and places. It is not an unearned male privilege. It is not a means for men to gain pleasure at the expense of women. It is a great responsibility for which a man will be strictly held accountable on the Day of Judgment. The key concern related to polygyny, and marriage in general, is that it must be practiced justly and fairly. It should not harm any of the wives involved, neither physically nor emotionally. Allah said: وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا فِي الْيَتَامَىٰ فَانكِحُوا مَا طَابَ
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SINGAPORE - A loss to Russian Timofey Nastyukhin in February ended his six-fight winning streak and cost him a shot at One Championship's lightweight title, but mixed martial arts fighter Amir Khan is looking to get back to winning ways immediately. The Singaporean, who has won nine of his 12 career bouts, takes on Lee Sung Jong in a lightweight (77kg) bout at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on Friday (May 18) and insists the home crowd will see a new improved version of himself.Trunkwell House Please send me moreinformation about this venue Trunkwell House Where: Reading, Berkshire Trunkwell house is Berkshire’s best kept secret. The perfect setting for exclusive events in a Victorian House with a permanent marquee within the grounds. Trunkwell is also able to cater for small intimate gatherings, parties and corporate events. Set in over 34 acres of Berkshire countryside, the exclusive country venue is privately owned. Located only a 45 minute drive away from Central London. Host your event in Trunkwell House, the permanent marquees or their 34 acres of beautiful Berkshire countryside. Trunkwell house offers a wide range of summer events such as Summer Balls, Family Fun Days, Summer BBQs/ Hog Roasts, Conferences and Team Building.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
New Delhi : Railway Minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday announced that passenger safety is his highest priority and in this regard, it has been decided to prioritise track renewal over new lines/gauge conversion and eliminate over 5,000 unmanned level crossings in a time-bound manner. Announcing other major decisions for passenger safety, Goyal said he has ordered installation of CCTV cameras in coaches and at stations for enhanced security, especially for women and senior citizens. He said transforming the railways would be done through technology, faster redevelopment of stations, upgrading of railway-run schools and hospitals. Railway revenue would be enhanced through monetisation of assets and overall improvement of field staff working conditions. In a major boost to suburban rail services in the Mumbai area, the Indian Railways has announced plans to introduceout to video the species living in the Blue Mountains before and after a Battle for our Birds aerial 1080 operation. Hidden on the forest floor near trapping tunnels, 26 motion sensing, infrared cameras were placed to record the presence of pests, deer and birds. The cameras ran for a number of weeks before, during and after the pest control operations. When wildlife came into the range of the camera, a 30 second video was captured. • The 1080 drop took place at week 14 and monitoring continued for a further 5 ½ weeks. • For any bird species, we calculated their abundance in the 28 days before the poison operation and in the 28 days following the 1080 operation. Dr Elaine Murphy was pleased at what the video captured. The footage
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
YAKIMA, WA— Yakima United FC topped the Seattle Stars FC 4-2 at Marquette Stadium on Saturday April 26 to win the first ever match in the history of the Evergreen Premier League. Before the match the hosts were presented with a unique plaque in honor of being part of the debut season of the league. Then it took only five minutes for the visitors to make the first mark on history by scoring the very first goal. That honor belongs to the Stars’ Guillermo Heraldez. It was 1-0 Seattle even as Yakima supporters were still finding spots in the bleachers. We are building a match gallery on Check back as we populate it with photos from this special night. The home Hoppers battled back and tied the match in theThat was the end of the scoring and the first three points of the season belong to YUFC. It was a rowdy crowd that greeted and got behind the Hoppers in their home debut. The stadium parking lot was full and fans began lining up cars on the side of the road as kick off approached. Eventually YUFC announced the attendance at 426, a fine jump up from the kinds of crowds the old Yakima Reds were getting in their last days in the PDL. See some video from the Yakima Herald-Republic here. Read the Yakima Herald-Republic match story here. Enjoy a giant photo gallery of the historic night from Tracie Fowler here. Each club used five substitutions in the match. There were three yellow cards dished out by lead
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— Thirty people were injured after a floor collapsed during a party at an apartment complex near Clemson University. The incident occurred early Sunday morning in the clubhouse of The Woodlands of Clemson apartment complex. Police say the building's first floor collapsed into the basement while the party-goers were dancing. "All of a sudden, I just heard somebody scream and they just slowly fell and the view of that was terrible and I tried grabbing people, whoever I could, but it was too late. It happened so fast, it was kind of too late to react," said Darius Smith. "The floor fell through, literally," Jalen Green said. "I'm right in the middle of my friends, bodies everywhere." The group was celebrating Clemson's homecoming win against N.C. State. "You've got people that are tryingwere adjusted for a number of potential confounding variables including treatment (the numbers of days used prior to the last EDSS assessment), age at first symptom and country of birth. Available treatments during the observation period of this study included Interferon β-1a formulations, Interferon- β1b, glatiramer acetate and natalizumab. ### Time to reach EDSS milestones 3 and 6 {#sec010} The time to reach EDSS milestones 3 or 6 were estimated for each sex in the RR/SPMS and PPMS cohorts, used in the evaluations of the change in EDSS over time, by Kaplan Meier Survival models. The time period to reach EDSS 3 or 6 was evaluated from the time of onset of symptoms to the time of the first clinic visit recorded to the Registry at which the EDSS was
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Central" ] }
The final DominoEX- related development was EXChat, a version of DominoEX designed specifically for text-message style chatting. While completely compatible with DominoEx, it operates in 'Sentence Mode', sending each short over when the operator presses ENTER. EXChat was developed by Con ZL2AFP and released in 2014. Back in 2013, Con ZL2AFP developed an MFSK mode for LF and MF which used an unusual decoding method pioneered by Alberto I2PHD: a 'syncless' decoder, which used a voting system to decide when one tone finished and another began. The first use of this idea was in JASON (2002), which proved to be very sensitive, but very slow, partly because it was based on the ASCII alphabet. The new mode, WSQ2 (Weak Signal QSO, 2 baud) combined the syncless decoder withAwe-inspiring scenery, vibrant cities and a welcoming atmosphere all make Canada a popular tourist destination. As the largest country in North America, Canada is a vast land encompassing majestic mountains, virgin forests, spacious prairies and Arctic tundra. While much of the nation is of British and French descent, Canada is home to a mosaic of multicultural communities. Here's a look at the best places to visit in Canada. Number 10. Cape Breton Island. While it’s located in north-eastern Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island was once its own independent colony until it was forced to merge in 1820. As it welcomed thousands of Scottish expats in the early 19th-century, it remains the only place in North America where you’ll hear Gaelic spoken. Amongst its spectacular landscapes, the highlight is undoubtedly Cape Breton Highlands National Park with its phenomenal Cabot Trail and gorgeous lookout points. Don’t forget the scenic fishing villages such as Bay St. Lawrence, where
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So many earthquakes have rocked the high desert of Southern California since Friday's 7.1-magnitude temblor that the U.S. Geological Survey said Saturday it is unable to "count all events." The quakes — there have been more than 3,000 associated with the two major shakers —are part of a sequence that is sure to continue rumbling in Searles Valley and Ridgecrest, California, seismologists say. Late Friday,Lucy Jones, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, initially said there was about a 1 in 10 chance that yet another earthquake could top the last one, in this case the 7.1 of Friday night. Ron Mikulaco, left, lowers his head to get a look at a crack caused by an earthquake next to his nephew Brad Fernandez on Highway 178 on JulyMarilyn Brown Marilyn Brown may refer to: Marilyn Brown (actress) (1953–1997), sister of actors Barry and James Brown Marilyn Brown (author) (born 1938), Mormon author Marilyn Brown Novel Award Marilyn A. Brown, Georgia Tech professor focusing on energy and climate change policy
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
Trade secretary Liam Fox has revealed an ambitious new plan to make Britain a "21st century exporting superpower". He believes that with better use of the UK's overseas network, new online tools and by building an extensive business to business network, exports can grow significantly. Last year £620bn of goods and services exported by British companies accounted for 30 per cent of GDP. However, the Department for International Trade (DIT) estimates that 400,000 businesses believe they could export but don’t, while demand for British expertise and goods overseas is growing. Dr Fox, joined by Baroness Fairhead, Minister of State for Trade and Export Promotion, set out the government’s long-term ambition to go further and increase total exports as a proportion of GDP to 35 per cent. The move has been backed by theConfederation of British Industry, the British Chambers of Commerce and Institute of Directors. The Export Strategy outlines how the government will produce smarter and more tailored support to UK companies. It includes: Encouraging more businesses to export with peer-to-peer learning. Better information, advice and practical assistance on exporting including improvements to the UK export website, financial incentives and signposting. Connect businesses to overseas buyers, markets and each other including an online tool enabling businesses to submit non-tariff barriers they face. Export financial and insurance support worth £50bn from UKEF Liam Fox prepares to deliver a speech on the future of exports from the UK after Brexit (Image: Getty Images Europe) Read More In a speech to a business audience in London, International Trade Secretary, Dr Liam Fox MP said: “The United Kingdom is a great
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Other available rooms in this property Single bed in 42 rooms student hall at Tomillo in Alcorcon Rental conditions Contract type: Monthly Minimum stay: 9 Months Deposit: 1485€ Cancellation policy: See more Other conditions: See more Contract type Each landlord chooses the type of contract, they want to work with. In the case of the monthly contract, you must pay the full month regardless of the day of the month in which you are going to enter the accommodation. In addition, the contract start date will always be the 1st of the month. For example: If your check-in date is on the 20th of April, you have to pay the full month. Bills Included Water Electricity Gas WiFi/Internet Service Taxes Cleaning TV Taxes Taxes Rules Allowed Overnight visits Not allowed Smoking Parties Partners Pets Allowed tenant typestudents and workers Availability 2020 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2021 January February March April May June July August September October November December Recommended rooms for you: Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press thewould never go back!" "Why do you have to go back?" asked Helen, simply. "Business. Necessity of earning one's living. I'm in the way of being a lawyer--when my days of studying, and all, are over. And then, I've got a sister who might not fit into the mosaic of this freer country, either." "Well, Dudley Stone," quoth the girl from Sunset Ranch, "we'd better not stay talking here. It's getting darker every minute. And I reckon your foot needs attention." "I hate to move it," confessed the young Easterner. "You can't stay here, you know," insisted Helen. "Where's my rope?" "I'm sorry. I had to hitch one end of it up above and let myself down by it." "Well, it might have come in handy to lash you on the pony. I don't mind about the rope otherwise. One of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
(3本目のへその緒) A great relic, also known as the Cord of the Eye. 別名「瞳のひも」としても知られる偉大なる遺物T A great relic, also known as the Cord of the Eye. Every infant Great One has this precursor to the umbilical cord. Every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate, and Oedon, the formless Great One, is no different. To think, it was corrupted blood that began this eldritch liaison. Use to gain Insight and, so they say, eyes on the inside, although no one remembers what that truly entails. 別名「瞳のひも」としても知られる偉大なる遺物 上位者でも、赤子ばかりがこれを持ち 「へその緒」とはそれに由来している すべての上位者は赤子を失い、そして求めている 姿なき上位者オドンもまた、その例外ではなく 穢れた血が、神秘的な交わりをもたらしたのだろう 使用により啓蒙を得るが、同時に、内に瞳を得るともいう だが、実際にそれが何をもたらすものか、皆忘れてしまった One Third of Umbilical Cord (3本目のへその緒) A great relic, also known as the Cord of the Eye. 別名「瞳のひも」としても知られる偉大なる遺物 A great relic, also known as the Cord of the Eye. Every infant Great One has this precursor to the umbilical cord. Provost Willem sought the Cord in order to elevate his being and thoughts to those of a Greatthem with their strength. 上位者の先触れとして知られる軟体生物の抜け殻 軟体生物は多種存在し、医療教会は総じてこれを精霊と呼ぶ 特にまだ滑りを残した抜け殻は、また神秘の力も残しており これを擦ることで、武器に神秘の力を纏わせる Blacksky Eye (夜空の瞳) Summon a tiny meteor from the dark depths of one's pupil. 暗い瞳孔の奥から、小さな隕石を呼ぶ Soft eye blessed by a phantasm. They were discovered through Byrgenwerth's contact with the arcane, but in the end revealed nothing. Deep within the eye lies a vast stretch of dark sky that rumbles with an endless meteor storm. The slightest rub of the tiny orb, and the rock will tumble and soar. 精霊に祝福された軟らかな瞳 かつてビルゲンワースが見えた神秘の名残だが 終に何物も映すことはなかった その瞳孔の奥には、暗い夜空が果てしなく広がり 絶え間なく、隕石の嵐が吹き荒れている 僅かに瞳を擦りもすれば、それは飛び出してくるだろう Augur of Ebrietas (エーブリエタースの先触れ) Partially summon Ebrietas. エーブリエタースの一部を召喚する Remnant of the eldritch Truth encountered at Byrgenwerth. Use phantasms, the invertebrates known to be augurs of the Great Ones, to partially summon abandoned Ebrietas. The initial encounter marked the start of an inquiry into the cosmos from within the old labyrinth, and led to the establishment of the Choir. かつてビルゲンワースが見えた神秘の名残 上位者の先触れとして知られる軟体生物、精霊を媒介に 見捨てられた上位者、エーブリエタースの一部を召喚するもの この邂逅は、地下遺跡に宇宙を求めた探究のはじまりとなり それは後の「聖歌隊」につながっていく A Call Beyond (彼方への呼びかけ) Create small star explosion. 星の小爆発を起こす One of the secret rites of the Choir. Long ago, the Healing Church
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
the scourge of the beast that once plagued Old Yharnam and culminated in the town's fiery cleansing. Designed to be highly resistant to fire. Wearers of this attire hunted down victims of the scourge who survived the raging flames and stench of singed blood. 工房の用意する、標準的な狩装束の1つ 旧市街の事件、獣の病の酷い蔓延と街を焼く浄化の時代に作られ 故に炎に対して高い防御効果を発揮する これは、燃え盛る炎と血の焼ける臭いの中で 生き残った罹患者を狩った、そういう装束なのだ Gray Wolf Cap (灰狼の帽子) Attire of the retired hunter Djura. This worn wolf cap was his trademark. Djura is known through his contact with the Powder Kegs, the heretics of the workshop. He is said to have been both uncommonly kind and dreadfully foolish. Djura felt defeated by the state of Old Yharnam, and renounced his hunter's vows. 古狩人デュラの狩装束 ささくれた狼の帽子は、特に象徴的に知られていた 工房の異端「火薬庫」との交わりで知られるデュラは ごく優しく、そして愚かな男だった 故に旧市街の惨状に絶望し、狩人であることを止めたのだ Old Hunter Cap (古狩人の帽子) Old hunter cap with a wide brim that hides their sharp gaze. In the old days, when hunters were ten a penny, this was part of their standard garb. 古い狩人の帽子 鍔広く、鋭い視線を隠すもの 多くの狩人が獣を狩った古い時代 それは標準的な装束であった Old Hunter Garb (古狩人の装束) Old hunter garb. One day, the hunters disappeared,with ash in a ceremony to ward off blood. Djura is known through his contact with the Powder Kegs, the heretics of the workshop. He is said to have been both uncommonly kind and dreadfully foolish. Djura felt defeated by the state of Old Yharnam, and renounced his hunter's vows. 古狩人デュラの狩装束 灰に塗れ、それは血を避ける儀式の意味を持つ 工房の異端「火薬庫」との交わりで知られる彼は ごく優しく、そして愚かな男だった 故に旧市街の惨状に絶望し、狩人であることを止めたのだ Ashen Hunter Trousers (灰の狩ズボン) Attire of the retired hunter Djura. Painted with ash in a ceremony to ward off blood. Djura is known through his contact with the Powder Kegs, the heretics of the workshop. He is said to have been both uncommonly kind and dreadfully foolish. Djura felt defeated by the state of Old Yharnam, and renounced his hunter's vows. 古狩人デュラの狩装束 灰に塗れ、それは血を避ける儀式の意味を持つ 工房の異端「火薬庫」との交わりで知られる彼は ごく優しく、そして愚かな男だった 故に旧市街の惨状に絶望し、狩人であることを止めたのだ Henryk's Hunter Cap (ヘンリックの狩帽子) Hunter's hat worn by Henryk, the old hunter. The taciturn old hunter Henryk was once partners with Father Gascoigne, and though they were a fierce and gallant duo, their partnership led
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
(ASQ) rankings for the year 2017. The World Book of Records, UK has bestowed Worlds Standardization Certification to Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport, Indore for the achievement of ACI Award 2017 on 9 April 2018. Since 24 March 2018 it has started operations 24*7 with night landing facilities. History The Holkar State Administration, after consulting Nevill Vintcent of Messrs Tata and Sons (Aviation Department), selected the Bijasan site for the construction of the airport in 1935. Air services from Indore to Gwalior, Delhi and Mumbai began in July 1948. The airport was handed over to the Government of India in April 1950 under the Central Financial Integration Scheme. A new runway measuring 5600 feet in length was completed by March 1966 at a cost of 1.5 million to accommodate(01 SBI and 01 Union Bank of India), shopping stalls and a food court. The airport is under expansion stage. A new terminal adjoining the current terminal, along with an airport hotel and a convention center is planned at the airport site. Also, the land area of the airport will be expanded. Airlines and destinations References External links Indore Airport - AAI Website Category:Buildings and structures in Indore Category:Buildings and structures in Madhya Pradesh Category:Transport in Indore Category:Airports in Madhya Pradesh
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
but cannot find their treehouse, which is actually located on the Hakurei Border. Eventually, in an attempt to befriend Reimu so she'll no longer threaten them, the three fairies challenge her to a battle, reasoning that Reimu tends to befriend many youkai after fighting them. After an intense battle, Reimu finally defeats the fairies (instantly), and points out that their line of reasoning is utterly ridiculous. Despite this, Marisa finds that Reimu befriended the fairies after all, and as of the end of Oriental Sacred Place, the fairies now happily openly spend time at the shrine while helping Reimu out with various chores. Byakuren Hijiri [ edit ] Reimu views Byakuren Hijiri and the Myouren Temple as a rival of sorts to herself and the Hakurei Shrine. In Ten Desires,after the events of Immaterial and Missing Power is also is her ally during Subterranean Animism. Reimu saw Suika's presence as a nuisance at first, but never really bothered with driving her away. Aya Shameimaru Aya Shameimaru, the tengu reporter was also her ally during the events of Subterranean Animism. Unnamed kitsune & Unnamed kuda-gitsune In Wild and Horned Hermit Chapter 8, The Unnamed kitsune offered to help Reimu gain worshipers after being caught disguised as Marisa during a party at Hakurei Shrine. She was, however, deceiving Reimu by letting her use the powers of her kuda-gitsune. Using her ability, they gathered worshipers. Kasen Ibaraki discovered that these fox youkai had been consuming Reimu's willpower and wealth as payment for their help. However, they managed to walk away from the Hakurei Shrine
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Not exactly a face you want barreling down at you. /Adrian Jones Walking down a New York City street, the last thing you might expect is for a torpedo to come barreling down at you from atop the Empire State Building. Yet as you absentmindedly watch the pigeons peck away at someone's discarded­ tuna on rye, an oncoming streak of gray and white barely gives you enough time to take cover under a nearby bench. The pecking pigeons aren't so lucky, and the torpedo, which now appears to have a beak and talons, flies off to a nearby skyscraper, pigeon in tow, to enjoy its snack. By now you probably realize that the flash of feathers was one of the peregrine falcons that now call bustling cities like Newperegrine falcons are the most widespread bird in the world, absent only on isolated islands and in high mountains, expansive deserts and jungles. Although it may be difficult to spot one sitting still, you can identify them by their bluish-gray backs and similarly colored long, pointed wings, as well as the white and black spots on their bellies. They also have black stripes set against their whitish faces, which resemble mustaches. As fast as they are, peregrine falcons could barely outrun (or outfly) the dangers of Dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorethane (DDT). Beginning in the 1940s and lasting through the early '70s, the entire American peregrine falcon population experienced drastic declines due to the widespread use of this deadly pesticide, which caused their eggshells to weaken and break and led baby peregrine falcons
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
to find and focus on what still "jazzes" someone about their work. For example, one leader at a large company thrived off innovation and creativity, but his team wasn't delivering in that area. So Weiss helped him create an environment that encouraged risk-taking ­— even if it resulted in failure. "What he did was at the end of the year when they had their annual awards ceremony to reward those who had high sales or the best service, he started giving out an award for 'the best idea that didn't work'," says Weiss, who wrote the book "Million Dollar Consulting. This small change helped to not only to inspire his team to be more creative but helped the executive reignite his passion for the job. Weiss also oftendo things as well or as fast as I can," is the other big issue he sees in leaders. The key to effective delegating is to help people understand that "there's no such thing as perfection. It doesn't exist, and perfection always kills excellence," Weiss says. With the 80-hour executive, Weiss says he helped him understand that when an employee is performing tasks that are "good enough," leave it at that and move on. With that understanding, Weiss helped the executive identify the high-level tasks he absolutely had to do due to his level of expertise, but he also helped him figure out who on his team could best handle the rest of the work. After learning to delegate, his client eventually reduced his hours to around 60
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Xavier’s perimeter rotation that he logged a higher percentage of available minutes than everyone other than sophomore guard Myles Davis, according to Bluiett was named to the Big East all-rookie team and helped the Musketeers reach the finals of the Big East tournament and win two games in the NCAAs. He should play even more minutes while shouldering a bigger scoring load this season with both senior guard Dee Davis and second-team conference forward Matt Stainbrook moving on this off-season. 9. Wade Baldwin IV, guard, Vanderbilt If two players from the same team could be counted as one, Baldwin would be joined by fellow Commodores guard Riley LaChance. But even though both performed well during their respective first seasons in college, Baldwin has the potential to develop into aNo. 23 player in the class of 2014. Though he endured some rough patches last season, Copeland hinted at his potential to develop into one of the top stretch forwards in the country. He dropped 34 points and grabbed 12 rebounds over two consecutive games against Villanova and Marquette in January and recorded 44 points and 24 boards combined during a three-game winning streak the next month to help Georgetown finish tied for second place in the Big East standings and earn a No. 4 seed in the NCAAs after they missed the field the previous year. There should be more minutes and possessions available for Copeland (and other Georgetown players) in 2015-16 with center Josh Smith, who led the Hoyas with a 28.3 usage rate, and forward
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
conflict (such as through estimates of resource holding potential). Gender General Gender plays an important role in human aggression. There are multiple theories that seek to explain findings that males and females of the same species can have differing aggressive behaviors. One review concluded that male aggression tended to produce pain or physical injury whereas female aggression tended towards psychological or social harm. In general, sexual dimorphism can be attributed to greater intraspecific competition in one sex, either between rivals for access to mates and/or to be chosen by mates. This may stem from the other gender being constrained by providing greater parental investment, in terms of factors such as gamete production, gestation, lactation, or upbringing of young. Although there is much variation in species, generally the more physically aggressive sex istypical pattern of primates where several males and females live together in a group and the male faces an intermediate number of challenges from other males compared to exclusive polygyny and monogamy but frequent sperm competition. Evolutionary psychology and sociobiology have also discussed and produced theories for some specific forms of male aggression such as sociobiological theories of rape and theories regarding the Cinderella effect. Another evolutionary theory explaining gender differences in aggression is the Male Warrior hypothesis, which explains that males have psychologically evolved for intergroup aggression in order to gain access to mates, resources, territory and status. Physiology Brain pathways Many researchers focus on the brain to explain aggression. Numerous circuits within both neocortical and subcortical structures play a central role in controlling aggressive behavior, depending on the species, and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
his mother. 432 (Age 20) - Early in 432AC Lynesse Hightower was born, the second child and first daughter of Olyvar and Ellara. Born prematurely, the extensive time in the maester's care was necessary to help the child survive. Fortunately, both mother and daughter recovered. By the closing of 432AC Lynesse appeared as strong and healthy as her brother, though she drew most of her looks and colouring from her mother rather than Olyvar. The Second hammer uprising begins. 433 (Age 21) - The Hightower Affair occurs, and with it, Arthur Hightower orchestrated the deaths of eight members of House Hightower, including Olyvar's father Ser Dorian Hightower and several other figures whom were well known and liked by Ellara and Olyvar. He stopped short of ordering the death of Olyvarbut Ellara has never seen fit to be thankful for the Kinslayer's mercy, considering Arthur's actions as a grievous betrayal of House Hightower and pandering to his dragonspawn mother and the Targaryen's of Kings Landing. 434 (Age 22) - Midsummer 434AC saw the birth of Gerold. Four year Winter begins 435 (Age 23) - Second Hammer uprising ends. 438 (Age 26) - Four year winter ends. Arthur Marries his Dragon Princess, thus cementing Ellara's long held belief that the Kinslayers act's were indeed the will of the Targaryens. 439 (Age 27) - Recent History [To be added] Family Household Members and NPCs Triswyn - Guard Genna - Handmaid Septa Erinn - Teacher to her children. Significant Relationships Ser Olyvar Hightower - Husband Lord Arthur Hightower - Facts, Rumours and Damned Lies (Feel free to add a rumour, truth or lie that might have been
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
releasing the power of Yin-Yang Orb. She's such an optimist that she doesn't worry at all even in this emergency, and believes she can solve all incidents with her power. This time, she (somehow) fights riding on the turtle. Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream - 夢時空.TXT ★ 夢と伝統を保守する巫女 ・・・ 博麗 靈夢 博麗神社の巫女、生まれ付き霊力はあるが修業不足。お札による攻撃と、霊力の放出による‘霊撃’。それに、‘陰陽玉’の力で妖怪を退治している。 性格は楽天家である。靈夢の周りでは変なことが色々起こるが、本人はそれを楽しんでいる。 例によって、(なぜか)亀に乗ってたたかう。 今回もいかがわしいと思いつつ、ついわくわくしてしまう。 Shrine Maiden who Protects Dream and Tradition Reimu Hakurei A shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, who has the natural-born spiritual power and lacks training. She exterminates youkai by attacking with amulets, firing her spiritual power called Spiritual Attack and releasing the power of Yin-Yang Orb. She's an optimist. She faces some strange incidents, but still she enjoys them. As usual, she (somehow) fights riding on the turtle. This time, she feels somewhat suspicious, yet she's excited about the incident. Lotus Land Story - 幻想郷.TXT ★ 夢と伝統を保守する巫女 ・・・ 博麗靈夢 博麗神社の巫女、生まれ付き霊力はあるが修業不足。お札による攻撃と、霊力の放出による‘霊撃’。それに、‘陰陽玉’の力で妖怪を退治している。 性格は楽天家である。靈夢の周りでは変なことが色々起こるが、本人はそれを楽しんでいる。 ちょっと感情的で単純なので、よく魔理沙におちょくられている。 Shrine Maiden who Protects Dream and Tradition Reimu Hakurei The shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, who possesses natural-born spiritual power but lacks training. She exterminates youkai by attacking them with amulets, firing her spiritual power in a Spiritual Attack and releasing the power of the Yin-Yang Orb. She's an optimist. She faces some strange incidents, but still she enjoys them. Due to her slightly emotional and simple character, she's always made fun of by Marisa. Mystic Square - 怪綺談.TXT 博麗 靈夢(はくれいれいむ) ・・ 巫女さん 博麗神社の巫女、生まれ付き霊力はあるが修業不足。お札による攻撃と、霊力の放出による‘霊撃’。それに、‘陰陽玉’の力で妖怪を退治している。 性格は楽天家である。靈夢の周りでは変なことが色々起こるが、本人はそれを楽しんでいる。 ちょっと感情的で単純なので、よく魔理沙におちょくられている。 Shrine Maiden Reimu Hakurei A shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, who possesses natural-born spiritual power but lacks training. She exterminates youkai by attacking them with amulets, firing her spiritual power in a Spiritual Attack and releasing the power of the Yin-Yang Orb. She's an optimist. She faces some strange incidents, but still
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orchestrating racist attacks in south and east Belfast. But only 12 people have been successfully convicted for the 14,000 hate crimes reported in Northern Ireland in the last five years. Three homes were attacked in the Roslyn Street area of east Belfast. Graffiti saying 'locals only' and 'get out' was scrawled on walls of the properties. A 28-year-old Polish woman who lives in one of the homes, said she and her nine-year-old child were considering leaving the area because of the incident. And on April 30 a Romanian man had faeces thrown at him as he cycled along the Newtownards Road. 'Intimidation' Naomi Long said: "It is essential that every right-thinking person unites against those who engage in racist, bigoted or otherwise intolerant behaviour and does so with consistency. “It is also critical that the all-partyflag was "disgusting" and "has no place" as part of the annual Twelfth of July celebrations. Expand Close Three polish homes in Roslyn Street, East Belfast came under racial attack / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Three polish homes in Roslyn Street, East Belfast came under racial attack "It does not represent the people of East Belfast, of loyalists, and particularly of all those people who today, remember the sacrifice of those men who laid down their lives at the Battle of the Somme. "It is vital that those thugs who have engaged in racist attacks, and who want to send out such a threatening and aggressive message to people from an ethnic minority background are identified and face the full weight of the law." 'Engagement' The PSNI said it would not be taking the flag down
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heavy timber trees, thick tangled growths of laurel bushes, windfalls full of tall blackberry briers and dark, dreary swamps containing alders, tamarack bushes and coarse grass. This wilderness of woods, rocks, hills, mountains and streams was well peopled with wild animals, such as deer. elk, bears, wolves, panthers, catamounts, wild cats--to say nothing of the smaller inhabitants, such as minks, beavers and foxes. There were also serpents, such as rattlesnakes, copperheads and blacksnakes. Baumgartner legend tells how the boys were afraid to get the cows in at dusk, for fear of attack by the many wild animals that prowled the pastures, in particular the bears. It was necessary to go through some woods to round up the cows and the boys would cry and beg to be excused from this dreaded chore. Often,there was much excitement in the village after a bear attack that killed some of their flock of sheep. Country dances were held occasionally and music was furnished by old time fiddlers. The musician would call the figures and all events were traveled to on horseback as roads were poor. Five more children were born in Cherry Twp. to this union for a total of 13 (thirteen): Four of the Baumgartner Boys fought in the Civil War. George, 141st Regt., Co. K, was killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. He left a wife, SUSANNAH LITZELSWOPE and six small children. Daniel, single, 141st. Regt, Co. A, was killed at the Battle of Gettysburg. Sgt. Anthony Baumgartner, 58th Regt., Co. B, and Sgt. Adam Baumgartner, also of the 58th Regt., Co. B,
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Diego Costa will not play again for Chelsea and will only join Atletico Madrid, according to the Spain international's lawyer Ricardo Cardoso, who says his client is to formally submit a transfer request to the Premier League club. Costa, 28, joined Chelsea from Atletico for €38 million in 2015, and has won two Premier League titles during his time in London. However, a falling-out with Antonio Conte over the course of the 2016-17 season led the Chelsea boss to inform Costa by text message in June that he was no longer required at the club. Speaking to news agency EFE, Cardoso said that Conte and Chelsea were to blame for the situation and the only acceptable resolution was for them to now allow him to rejoin Atletico. "We are going to activateall the legal mechanisms [to secure Costa's exit] and formally present a transfer request," the lawyer said. "In three seasons at Chelsea he won two championships, and was the decisive player in those victories. Diego Costa has been linked with a return to former club Atletico Madrid. AOP.Press/Corbis via Getty Images "When he was already with the Spain national team [for a friendly against Colombia last June] and before travelling to Brazil to enjoy his holidays, he was released from Chelsea by SMS by the coach Antonio Conte. Obviously, this release, in the way it was done, and how it became known by everyone, was unfair treatment and a lack of respect to the player on the part of Conte which is unacceptable and inexcusable. "Chelsea have not just not denied
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of jointly developing comprehensive industrial policies under the auspices of regional integration bodies such as the Southern African Customs Union (SACU). Regional co-operation in industrial policy design and implementation has the potential to both identify and capitalise on the productive synergies that exist between states, and to enhance the integrated performance of industrial sectors across borders. The Zambian economy has undergone profound reforms in the last two decades. It has transited to a market economy from the previously centrally planned economy. As part of the economy-wide reforms, the country's industrial and trade policies have also been re-oriented to suit the needs of the market-oriented economy. This paper therefore reviews the evolution of Zambia's industrial and trade policies from 1964, when the country gained independence, to 2009. This period isthe Structural Adjustment Programme and re-oriented its trade and industrial policies towards the market. Government's role has changed from that of an investor to creating a conducive (mainly macroeconomic stability and licensing reforms) and incentivised environment for private export oriented industrialisation strategy. The incentives have included fiscal incentives and infrastructural support. The reforms have resulted in an increased production and export of manufactured goods by more than 300% between 1991 and 2008. The paper focuses on the conduct of trade and industrial policies in Malawi, their linkages and impacts on the performance of the trade and industry sectors. The study establishes that Malawi has gone through three stages of trade and industrial policy. From focusing on the production and trade of a few agricultural commodities during the colonial era,
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agmen. Tamil: நாங்கள் கடிதங்கள் பிரதிநிதித்துவம், மற்றும் முடியும் கடிதங்களை நாம் இப்போது உருவாக்கும் ஆரம்பிக்க முடியும் மின்னஞ்சல்கள் மற்றும் அச்சு எழுத்துக்கள் திரையில். >> எனவே, நான் முடிந்தால், என்னை அழைக்க அனுமதி எட்டு துணிச்சலான தொண்டர்கள் - மட்டும் காணப்படும் கவலைப்படாதே யார் கேமரா ஆனால் இணையத்தில் - இங்கே வந்து எட்டு போன்ற பிரதிநிதித்துவப்படுத்துவதாக மாறாக இந்த மூன்று பிட்கள்,. எனவே எப்படி ஒன்று, இரண்டு? எப்படி மூன்று? ஒளி எப்படி நான்கு நீல, இறுதியில் ஐந்து? இங்கு ஒருவர் பற்றி? முன் ஆறு, முன் ஏழு, அத்துடன் முன், எட்டு,. >> அதனால் நான் மிகவும் தயாரிக்கப்பட்ட வர நடந்தது காகித துண்டுகளை ஒரு மொத்தமாக கொண்டு. மற்றும் காகித இந்த துண்டுகள் மீது எண்கள் என்று எதை குறிப்பிடுகிறது பத்திகள் நீங்கள் பிரதிநிதித்துவம் போகிறோம். எனவே நீங்கள் இருக்கும் - உன் பெயர் என்ன? >> மாணவர்: அண்ணா லியா. >> டேவிட் MALAN: அண்ணா லியா, நீங்கள் 128s பத்தியில் இருக்கும். நீங்கள்? >> மாணவர்: கிறிஸ். >> டேவிட் MALAN: கிறிஸ் சாப்பிடுவேன் 64s பத்தியில் இருக்கும். நீங்கள்? >> மாணவர்: டான். >> டேவிட் MALAN: டான் சாப்பிடுவேன் 32s பத்தியில் இருக்கும். >> மாணவர்: Pramit. >> டேவிட் MALAN: Pramit சாப்பிடுவேன் 16s பத்தியில் இருக்கும். >> மாணவர்: லில்லியன். >> டேவிட் MALAN: லில்லியன் 8s இருக்கும். >> மாணவர்: ஜில். >> டேவிட் MALAN: ஜில் சாப்பிடுவேன் 4s பத்தியில் இருக்கும். >> மாணவர்: மேரி. >>predstavujú to, čo stĺpce vy sa chystáte zastupovať. Takže si budú - Ako sa voláte? >> STUDENT: Anna Leah. >> DAVID Malan: Anna Leah, tie bude 128s stĺpec. Ste? >> STUDENT: Chris. >> DAVID Malan: Chris bude byť 64s stĺpec. Ste? >> STUDENT: Dan. >> DAVID Malan: Dan bude byť 32s stĺpec. >> STUDENT: Pramit. >> DAVID Malan: Pramit bude byť 16s stĺpec. >> STUDENT: Lillian. >> DAVID Malan: Lillian bude 8s. >> STUDENT: Jill. >> DAVID Malan: Jill bude byť 4s stĺpec. >> STUDENT: Mary. >> DAVID Malan: Mary budú 2s a? >> STUDENT: David. >> DAVID Malan: David bude byť 1s stĺpec. Dutch: we kunnen letters staan, en met brieven kunnen we nu beginnen met componeren e-mails en afdrukbare tekens op het scherm. >> Dus laat me uit te nodigen, als ik kon, acht dappere vrijwilligers - die het niet erg te zien zijn niet alleen on camera maar op het internet - om hier te komen en vertegenwoordigt acht dergelijke bits
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
of their boats; so to abate the nuisance they hove the guns overboard on to the beach, where they were speedily buried in sand or shingle, while the appliances were carried off by those who had other uses for them than their country's defence. The vessels thus armed, moreover, were always at sea, the men never at home. When it was desired to practise them in the raising of the sluice-gates which, in the event of invasion, were to convert Romney Marsh into an inland sea, no efforts availed to get together sufficient men for the purpose. Immune from the press by reason of their newly created status of Sea-Fencibles, they were all elsewhere, following their time-honoured vocations of fishing and smuggling with industry and gladness of heart. As a means of repelling invasion the Popham scheme was farcicalhead, provided they did not prove fatal. The accident "disagreeable" was peculiar to pressing. It consisted in the killing of a man, by whatever means and in whatever manner, whilst endeavouring to press him, and the immediate effect of the act, which was common enough, was to set up a remarkable contradiction in terms. The man killed was not the victim of the accident. The victim was the officer or gangsman who was responsible for striking him off the roll of His Majesty's pressable subjects, and who thus let himself in for the consequences, more or less disagreeable, which inevitably followed. While it was naturally the ambition of every officer engaged in pressing "to do the business without any disagreeable accident ensuing," he preferred, did fate ordain it otherwise, that the accident should happen at sea rather than on land, since
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
range of Specialized Architectural Products. We undertake design, supply and build Read More ... Serge Ferrari Flexible Composite Membrane for Roofing & Shading Serge Ferrari India offers composite membranes for tensile roofing structures that are innovative and flexible, and which also meet a variety of application needs in architecture, Serge Ferrari Group, one of the leading companies in the building sector across Read More ... Mehler Texnologies® - Tensile Protective Roofing The spanking new international standard cricket stadium, with a seating capacity of 50,000, is the third largest in India. Formerly known as the Ekana International Cricket Stadium, it was inaugurated by the former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Akhilesh Yadav Read More ... Value Engineering With World-Class Safety Tata BlueScope's PEB roofing solution for Hitech Corporation gives the building a global edge in terms of design,a country to lavish millions of pounds a year on state spying. 'The increase in money spent on tapping phones and emails is all the more baffling when Britain is still one of the few countries not to allow intercept evidence in court, even in terrorist cases.' State bodies including councils are already making one request every minute to spy on the phone records and email accounts of members of the public. The number of snooping missions carried out by police, town halls and other government departments has rocketed by 44 per cent in two years to a rate of 1,381 new cases every day. Ministers say the five-year cost of the existing regime is £55.61million, an average of £11million a year. This is paid to phone companies and service providers to meet
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Hedgehog. The US comic book based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise, published … Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is a syndicated 65-Episode Cartoon produced by DiC Entertainment, and is the first Animated Adaptation of the Sonic the … Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (4 I Sonikku za hejjihoggu fō: lm wan), originally codenamed Project Needlemouse, is the first part of an episodic video game in development as part of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. This episode was released in October 2010; it was. Away from the sport an Olympics offers the host nation the chance to see themselves as other countries see them. To stage an Olympics is to … Sonic the Hedgehog (яп. Соникку дза Хэдзихоггу) - серия компьютерных игр в жанре платформера,news from the aviation of the former Yugoslavia updated daily. British Midland Airways Limited (trading at various times throughout its history as British Midland, BMI British Midland, BMI or British Midland International) was an airline with its head office in Donington Hall in Castle Donington, close to Pokeer Midlands Airport, in the United Kingdom. How to Play. Choose your bet per line, then give it a spin. There are 5 paylines, as shown on the left-hand side of the slot machine. Select quot;Pay Tablequot; to see a detailed list of symbol payouts. Best Free VPN Service Available in 2018 What You Really Pay For Deuces Wild is a popular video poker variation that is played online and uses a standard deck of 52 cards. In this video poker
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Image caption General Petraeus (l) is tipped to replace Leon Panetta (r) at the CIA Gen David Petraeus, the US head of international forces in Afghanistan, will be nominated as CIA director when its chief moves to head the Pentagon, unnamed US officials have said. CIA director Leon Panetta will be nominated to take over as US defence secretary when Robert Gates retires in 2011, the sources said. The changes will be officially announced on Thursday. Mr Gates was first appointed as defence secretary by George W Bush in 2006. The shuffling of the top national security jobs has been the subject of weeks of speculation. Analysis It has been rumoured for some time that Gen Petraeus would be on the move by the end of the year. The question was whether he wouldbecome the next chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, or head somewhere else. The rumour has been that Mr Obama favours the current vice-chief at the Pentagon, Gen James Cartwright, to take over the top military job, so director of the CIA looked a more likely slot for General Petraeus. Exact timing will be key. There are still important issues in Afghanistan over the summer to do with the campaign, the strategy, and troop withdrawals. But there will be a vacancy at the CIA, it seems. Leon Panetta's challenge will be greater, and his reported nomination is more significant. He has a hard act to follow in Robert Gates, who is widely respected as both a deft and safe pair of hands. The Pentagon also faces
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Q&A: Carmine Gallo dissects Apple Store's magic Author Carmine Gallo poses for a portait in front of the Apple store in Palo Alto, Calif., on Tuesday, July 29, 2014. Gallo, a consultant and author has written about the Apple experience, looking at the Apple Store and how the company attracts customers. (John Green/Bay Area News Group) ( JOHN GREEN ) Gazing from the sidewalk at the glistening Apple Store on University Avenue in Palo Alto, communications coach and author Carmine Gallo smiles, as if he's in on a little secret. And as the guy who studied these stores inside and out while researching his book "The Apple Experience," he kind of is. By spending hundreds of hours examining Apple stores firsthand, while interviewing scores of people who have studied the salesmanship honed by thisfield for inspiration. (As we spoke, the store manager approached and politely asked us to leave, saying interviews were not allowed on the premises.) Q: What do you like most about the Apple Store experience? A: The One to One program, which offers classes on how to use Apple products. And you can take as many classes as you like for a whole year for only $99. Birthdate: July 26, 1965Birthplace: San JosePosition: President, founder, Gallo Communications GroupPrevious Jobs: Television anchor, vice president of media for a global PR firmEducation: Elementary school at St. Francis Cabrini in San Jose. Attended high school at Bellarmine College Prep. Bachelor of Arts in political science and communication from UCLA. Master's degree in broadcast journalism from Northwestern. Family: He and his wife, Vanessa, have two daughters
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PITTSBURGH -- A plastic bag of ice rested in front of James Conner's right foot as the running back sat facing out from his locker. The Steelers had just lost to the Los Angeles Chargers, 33-30, despite Conner's four yards per carry and two touchdowns on 15 runs. He left the game, having limped then collapsed, with 4:51 remaining. His replacement scored the touchdown that all but tied the eventual loss. And while Pittsburgh still holds a half-game lead in the AFC North after the defeat, a serious injury to Conner would threaten the season as a whole and its Super Bowl aspirations. Still sitting in his locker room chair, talking to a teammate, Conner rubbed a mark above his right ankle. Running backs coach James Saxon paused on his wayout of the room and took a couple steps toward Conner, who motioned to his leg and mouthed aloud "... it's all good." Head coach Mike Tomlin said he has a lower leg contusion. With Roosevelt Nix following quickly behind him, Conner walked - not limped - out of the locker room.
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and unnecessarily violates millions of law-abiding Americans' privacy," Udall, also member of the Senate intelligence committee, told the Guardian. "I am strongly opposed to the Section 215 program continuing as it exists today and when the Verizon order was issued. Sen. Wyden and I have introduced a plan to narrow the scope of the Section 215 program, but the White House should in the meantime more narrowly focus its counter-terror efforts under the Patriot Act." On Friday morning, hours before the expiration of the phone-records bulk collection order, the top lawyer for the director of national intelligence, Robert S Litt, is scheduled to speak at the Brookings Institution in Washington about the controversial surveillance and the laws bounding it. At Wednesday's hearing, Litt was asked by Bob Goodlatte, the chairman ofEzra Shaw/Getty Images This series will evaluate one team per day, starting on Jan. 23 and ending on Feb. 22 (the first game of spring training). It is based on last season's performance, the offseason changes since then and the author's outlook for the team in 2013. Please keep in mind that rosters can, and will, change before Opening Day. We started in the American League East, worked across to the National League, tackled the Central divisions, and now jump to the AL West, going in alphabetical order. Next up, the Oakland A's. 2012 finish: 94-68 (1st place, AL West -- lost 3-2 to Detroit Tigers in ALDS) Notable additions LHP Hideki Okajima, LHP Andrew Werner, RHP Chris Resop, RHP Fernando Rodriguez, OF Chris Young, 2B Andy Parrino, SS Hiroyuki Nakajima, SS
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attacked hazy. During the second half of the trial, Wright discovered Tonate's scheme and accused him of killing Arme. Even though Tonate tried to counter Wright's argument, most of his testimony was quickly found to be lies. At this point, Tonate claimed that the model bomb he carried around with him was the real thing and that he had switched it with a fake before the trial. Everybody in the courtroom fled in terror except the judge, Wright, Athena Cykes, and Gaspen Payne. Payne, however, soon panicked and fled as well. Tonate tried to walk away, warning that he would not hesitate to activate the bomb if he sensed he was being followed by the authorities, but Wright managed to prove that he was bluffing, the photo of thebomb that had been submitted as evidence showed that the display of the bomb's timer was slightly damaged while Tonate's bomb was in perfect condition. Despite Tonate's denial and protests, Wright managed to prove his guilt conclusively by opening the bomb transport case and revealing Arme's blood inside. Tonate then broke down and proceeded to confess to his crimes. Around two days later, Tonate decided to reveal the whole truth regarding what he saw at the moment he killed Arme and alerted detective Bobby Fulbright. He was questioned by Wright and Fulbright regarding the courtroom bombing and revealed that he was not the one responsible for the courtroom bombing; it had been the unknown thief. Wright determined that Tonate was telling the truth as no Psyche-Locks appeared. Fulbright then
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After courting him twice without success, the United States Soccer Federation on Friday hired Jürgen Klinsmann to coach and revive a seemingly stale men’s national team. Klinsmann, a former German star who coached Germany to third place at the 2006 World Cup, becomes the first foreign-born coach of the American team since Bora Milutinovic, a Serb, guided the Americans to the second round of the 1994 World Cup. Unlike Steve Sampson, Bruce Arena and Bob Bradley, his immediate predecessors, Klinsmann was a top player at the highest levels of international soccer. He scored 47 goals in 108 appearances with the German national team, played a key role in West Germany’s victory in the 1990 World Cup, and was captain of the team when it won the 1996 European championship. He wasnews French state pension fund calls for SRI tenders The administrators of a new French state pension fund committed to a socially responsible investment approach have completed the second phase of a tendering process aimed at finding asset managers. The French Pension Reserve Fund (Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites), which is administered by the government, has sent questionnaires to 137 interested asset management companies in France and other countries, including the US, to assess their ability to manage €16billion ($20bn, £11bn) under 27 mandates. At least some of the mandates will employ principles ‘favouring ... sustainable development ... and corporate governance’, although the steering committee has yet to clarify details. The government established the fund in 2001 to cover the looming shortfall between contributions paid by existing workers and pensions paid
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to play fusion, cause he didn't understand what we were doing. It was actually a company promoting fusion. It had "Alfa Fusion Festival" which I was a part of it. And that was our debut. Tommy LiPuma from the States was in the audience to see us. And he seemed to be inspired by our music. Japanese: アルファレコードでは 西洋とか海外の 音楽ファンに対して レコード事業を行い 80年代のものを輸出した 細野さんや 他のレコード・レーベルとか かなり実験的ですね 有名なレーベルもありました これらのレーベルの管理を English: Tommy said he wanted to do something with us and the president invested a lot of money, and we did our first world tour. I was surprised to see kids listening to "Rydeen", when we came back. Japanese: まとめていたのは どなたですか? English: Kunihiko Murai was the president of Alfa Records. He had the respect for Ahmet Ertegun of Atlantic Recording Corporation. Also he enjoyed a friendship with Julie Moss of A&M. He wanted to launch a company just like them in Japan. The Japanese music scene at the time was following a strong sense of traditions. He wanted to putup a new genre. Then Yumi Arai, Yuming came into ths scene. So there were Yuming, and us, YMO. English: His plan was successful and even incredible. There was no phrase equivalent of Techno-Pop at that time. Kraftwerk was already popular at that time, and this kind of music was still obscure in Japan. Our music didn't appeal to Japanese people. It sounded more like a toy music or a one-hit wonder. Japanese: 話は変わりますが YMOが作ったアルバムについて お話しください アルバムが世に出てきた時は いかがでしたか? Japanese: 今は かなり有名になりましたが English: It was oblivious to all but us. We were excited however. I wanted to remix "Firecracker" with a computer, and to know how doing that changed a classical music piece by Martin Denny. That was one of our experiments. Disco became a fad out there. Dance music was a common language then. We hoped more people would check out our music. Japanese: それまでは細野さん自身も 今とは正反対の評価がされていました メジャーになった理由は 何でしょう? English: I'm basically a shy guy. I wouldn't even like to go
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Police are appealing for help from the public to return a stolen echidna safely to her home at a wildlife sanctuary at Currumbin. Piggie, a female echidna, was stolen from her enclosure at the Tomewin Street sanctuary when it was broken into by two men after 10pm last night. The men cut away netting to gain access to an enclosure containing a number of echidnas. The first man attempted to remove three different echidnas from nesting boxes without success. The second man has entered the enclosure and has been able to remove Piggie from her nesting box. The two men have then left, taking Piggie with them. Concerns are held for Piggie’s welfare as echidnas require very specialised care and feeding. Images have been released of two men who may be able to assist withDRC: Coalition, crisis and constitutional chaos from JEAN KASSONGO in Kinshasa, DRC KINSHASA – THE announcement of a coalition among opposition parties in the Democratic Republic of Congo has coincided with an intense crackdown of critics of the President Joseph Kabila and opponents to his plans to stay in power, in defiance of the constitution. The former military man who won extended his rein by winning dubious elections in 2006 and 2011, is barred by the Constitution from standing for a third term. With the incumbent not showing any signs he would be ceding power and the state security reacting heavy-handedly to largely peaceful protests, the vast central African country seems headed for more political mayhem. Social unrest has beset the central African country since the end of November last year when Kabila
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gigantic foes, it might be just the thing. Fist of Gratia (ガラシャの拳) The hulking hunter woman Simple Gratia, ever hopeless when handling hunter firearms, preferred to knock the lights out of beasts with this hunk of iron, which incidentally caused heavy stagger. Gratia was a fearsome hunter, and to onlookers, her unrelenting pummelling appeared oddly heroic. No wonder this weapon later assumed her name. 指を差し込む穴が開いただけの鉄塊 大柄な女狩人、のろまのガラシャの特殊な狩り武器 銃を使えぬ彼女は、この鉄塊でただ獣に殴りかかり だが大きくよろめかせたという その様はある種英雄的で、彼女は凄まじい狩人だった 故にその武器は、ずっと彼女の名で呼ばれている Hunter's Torch (獣狩りの松明) A torch formed by wrapping a pine resin-drenched cloth around the end of a long stick. Once used in Old Yharnam. Designed to incinerate beasts and victims touched by the scourge. Its fire damage is highly effective against beasts. 長い棒の先に、松脂に浸した布きれを巻きつけたもの かつて旧市街で用いられた 獣を焼き、また病の罹患者を焼くために調整されており 獣に対しても炎のダメージ効果が高い Torch (松明) A common torch formed by wrapping a pine resin- drenched cloth around the end of a long stick. Hunters choose torches not only because the hunt leads them to the darkest nooks, but also because certain creatures they encounter arespeed. Ludwig's Rifle exhibits several departures from the workshop's design, suggesting that the Church anticipated much larger inhuman beasts. 特に医療教会の狩人が用いる長銃 教会の最初の狩人、ルドウイークが用いたことで知られ 長く重い砲身は、速射性を犠牲に射程距離を高めるものである ルドウイークを端とする医療教会の工房は 狩人に、老ゲールマンとは別の流れを生み出した より恐ろしい獣、あるいは怪異を狩るために Piercing Rifle (貫通銃) A rifle engineered by the Oto Workshop, the precursor to the workshop of the heretical Powder Kegs. Designed for hunting on narrow streets, this rifle has been optimized to cause perforation wounds, but is unfit for reliably countering attacks. 工房の異端「火薬庫」の前身となる一会派 オト工房の手になる長銃 狭く細い街路での狩りを想定し 銃弾の貫通性能に特化した調整がなされており 一方で迎撃などには適さない Church Cannon (教会砲) An oversized weapon used by the Healing Church. A type of cannon that fires with a curved trajectory and creates an explosion upon impact. Originally designed for use by brawny men with deteriorated brains, not for just any ordinary hunter. But the men lacked the wits to effectively operate firearms, and the weapon was quietly ushered into permanent storage. 医療教会の用いる大型銃。大砲の一種 曲射と、着弾における爆発が特徴となる 元々、脳の麻痺した大男たちの使用を想定したものであり 尋常な人の狩人では扱うことは困難である だが結局大男たちも、火器を扱う知性を持たず この武器は呆気なく死蔵されたという Flamesprayer (火炎放射器) A special weapon used by certain members of the Healing Church. Spits searing flames by using blood-imbued Quicksilver Bullets as a special medium. Not the most
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stitch the waterfront communities together. Otherwise, new residential developments will be effectively cut off from each other and from new job centers in DUMBO, the Navy Yard, Williamsburg, and Long Island City. The transformation of the waterfront witnessed up until now is really just the beginning. Several mega-projects are planned for the Brooklyn-Queens waterfront that will ultimately add up to 16,000 new housing units. More than 3,000 new units of housing are set to rise along the Astoria waterfront, on an isolated peninsula just south of the Triborough Bridge. Other mega developments are planned at Hunter’s Point South (up to 5,000 units), Greenpoint Landing (5,500 units), and the Domino Sugar factory at the base of the Williamsburg Bridge (2,300 units). The Brooklyn-Queens waterfront also holds tremendous economic potential, and cityviolates a rule that remains in place: using the goal post as a prop. That's largely why it was banned in 2014, after being popularized by tight ends Tony Gonzalez and Jimmy Graham, among others. A player who dunks after a touchdown, or tries to, will be subject to a 15-yard penalty and a possible fine. But there will be many more acceptable options to choose from after the NFL approved three general categories of celebrations: using the ball as a prop; going to the ground; and group celebrations. Twerking also is still expected to be penalized, as Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Antonio Brown was after a touchdown in September. Similarly, violent imagery, including throat-slashes and any representation of weapons, such as shooting a bow and arrow or a machine gun, figure
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Serizawa?" "You're Tamao Serizawa?" "Looks like we've come to one crazy school." "What was that about conquering it Squid Head?" ""A word to my friends."" "Living on the wild side"" "That light which flickers far off in the distance '" "It just might lead you out of here someday"" "CROWS" " EpisodeÎ" "A crumbling afternoon intersection '" "I see a flock of birds without wings"" "Striving to survive '" "Still unaware of what they are"" "Wings burned by the sun '" "Wings burned by the sun '" "Wings burned by the sun They can't even fly but" "They all have one ambition"" "I wanna fly and keep flying '" "I wanna fly and keep flying"" "I wanna fly and keep flying" "A word to my friends"" "Living onis submitting the petition to the FDA. According to the group's own website, Public Citizen is: "a national, nonprofit consumer advocacy organization founded in 1971 to represent consumer interests in Congress, the executive branch and the courts." The petition also is signed by 4 medical doctors (MDs), two of whom also hold MPH degrees (Masters in Public Health). The 4 MDs who signed this petition are: Jay Parkinson, MD, MPH Sylvia Park, MD, MPH Sydney M. Wolfe, MD Frits Rosendaal, MD An Opposing View from Lisa Moore, MD I (Marie) recently had the opportunity to attend a presentation on women's clotting issues at a patient education seminar hosted by the National Alliance for Thrombosis and Thrombophilia. Dr. Lisa Moore discussed a number of issues including the use of oral contraceptives and their clotting risk. I asked
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between different ethnicities and religions. The history of the division of this power goes back to the National Pact of 1943. An agreement between the leaders of the most populous religions That is the basis of today's Lebanese political structure. This is how the pact divides the power structure, First, the president must always be a Christian Maronite. second, speaker of the parliament must also be a Shiite. And third, the prime minister must be elected from among the Sunnis. Parliamentary seats are also divided by a ratio of 5 to 6 in favor of Christians. With the rise of the president and the increase of the Muslim population This imbalance of power is more apparent And Lebanon fell into the chaos that led to civil war. In 1975, these wars began and lasted for 15 years. Persian: زیرا همه لبنانی‌ها به شدت نگران حال و آینده خود هستند اگر یادتون باشه یه مدت پیش در برنامهseven years He has been the Beirut Ambassador in Germany. And he himself believes that he is not affiliated with any political force. Although for some time he was the head of the office of Mr. Najib Mikati, the former Prime Minister of Lebanon. As you just broadcast his speech, after he was elected as the prime minister, he said "I hope Political groups drop their previous disputes. And come quickly to solve the Lebanese problems. Because we do not have much time." Although out of 120 members of parliament, ninety voted for him, we have to see if they will really help him or not. one of the issues is whether they will let him choose a technocratic cabinet and Persian: غیر وابسته سیاسی انتخاب کند. آیا به او اجازه می دهند که برنامه‌های مفصل‌تر دیگری را از جمله مثلا خلع سلاح حزب
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Libby Squire: Hull woodland searched for missing student Published duration 6 February 2019 Related Topics Libby Squire death image caption About 20 officers have been searching a wooded area in Oak Road Playing Fields, close to where Libby Squire was last seen Police have been scouring woodland for missing student Libby Squire on a sixth day of searches for her. The 21-year-old, from High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, went missing in Hull on Thursday. About 20 officers have been searching the wooded area near Oak Road Playing Fields, near where she was last seen, and a police helicopter was also used. Her mum Lisa said in a statement: "We'd like to thank everyone who has helped this week in trying to find Libby." Mrs Squire added: "We have been overwhelmed with people's kindness and supportand it's been incredible how all her friends, students at the university, and members of the public have joined together to help us look for her." She described Libby as a "very sociable person [who] has a really close group of friends stretching back to primary school". image copyright Squire Family image caption The University of Hull student was last seen on Thursday night Humberside Police said the force had "received hundreds of calls" from the public as it pursued a number of lines of inquiry. Detectives think Ms Squire got a taxi at the Welly Club music venue before arriving at her student house at about 23:30 GMT, where her mobile phone was found. But they do not believe the University of Hull student entered the house and have said her phone
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facts have already taught us that," Geens said. "It is a dirty war which is unpleasant for France, for Belgium, or for the other nations in western Europe, because no one is immune," Geens said. The French government had similar thoughts. Prime Minister Manuel Valls said the news was one more reason to stay alive to the threat of extremism in France. "We won't relax our vigilance," he told reporters in Algiers, where he is on an official visit. The other suspects charged over the weekend were identified as Osama Krayem, who left the Swedish city of Malmo to fight in Syria and was described by one relative as having been "brainwashed." Also charged were Herve B. M., a Rwandan national, and Bilal E. M. The past couple of days' developments represent arare success for Belgian authorities, who have been repeatedly criticized for bungling the bombings investigation. Despite the progress, Brussels remains under the second-highest terror alert, meaning an attack is still considered likely. In a separate development, Brussels' STIB transport network announced that 12 stations closed since the attacks would reopen on Monday. Eighteen of the capital's 69 stations will remain closed until further notice, including Maelbeek.
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aspiration of ordinary people to take control of their lives that fueled passion for the revolt against the human condition of monarchy, exemplified by the imposed authority of King George. Despite all the flaws, contradictions and inherent inequality with the founders and the large gap between ideals and reality, the Bill of Rights was a groundbreaking move away from the single power of central authority, whether it be King, plutocrat or president. It was an attempt to create a shift from the centralized throne to a system of law, specifically with the U.S. Constitution as a mechanism for the balance of power. This history-making document is a declaration of the supreme power of the common man. It recognizes everyday people as the primary active agent within any healthy society. Nowithdraw that trust and authority. Yet despite the ideals in the Declaration, from its inception democracy in the U.S. Republic was never intended to be direct, created of the people, by the people and for the people. The idea of equality self-evidenced in the Declaration was kept unfree as the Republic took representation as its formal governing structure. The true revolutionary force behind the First Amendment remained leashed. This was most apparent in the denial of rights for slaves, indigenous people and women. Though in many ways it was a groundbreaking concept, American democracy still had a tendency for corruption and unchecked power of privilege. In this representative form of governance, some progress was made, but the fuller meaning of the First Amendment remained unrealized and was simply translated as
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indeed deep down, she really is carefree. She lives in her shrine and is rarely visited by anyone, which causes her to be out of touch with current social norms. Even though she only extinguished certain sparks of conflict because they seemed to befall her without warning, her actions have generally resulted in preventing the residents of Gensokyo from visiting human settlements, and keeping outsiders away from wandering into Gensokyo. Charms and the yin-yang orb are her weapons. Additionally, she has the ability to fly in the air. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - おまけ.txt ○永遠の巫女 博麗 霊夢(はくれい・れいむ) 能力:空を飛ぶ程度の能力、霊気を操る程度の能力 主人公です。 時間的な流れでは前作から大して経ってなく、年齢も変化ありません。 意味も無く巫女さんです。というか東方は巫女さんSTGなんで巫女さ んです。本末転倒気味。 今回の衣装は巫女さんらしいゴテゴテ感もなく、非常にシンプルな上に 巫女さんっぽくないです。本当に巫女さんなんでしょうか? まさに「そこの紅白」って感じです。 Eternal Shrine Maiden Reimu Hakurei Abilities: Flying in the air, manipulating auras The protagonist. Chronologically, this title isn't too far from the previous title, thus her age stays the same as before. There isthe role of a shrine maiden at this point. She hates training, and because of this, lacks ability. So her skill is quite so-so. She hates to do her very best at anything that falls upon her. That's because she doesn't believe that effort will be rewarded. Because of that, the Hakurei Shrine's paper fortune doesn't have "Least luck" (末吉) [Typically, a shrine's paper fortune has Best luck (大吉), Medium luck (中吉), Little luck (小吉), Least luck (末吉), Misfortune (凶) and Worst misfortune (大凶). "末吉" is usually interpreted as "You'll get exactly as your effort"] Charms and the yin-yang orb are her weapons. Additionally, she has the ability to fly in the air. She has a smaller hit box, and her focused movement allows player to dodge very precisely. Spirit Sign's "Hakurei Amulet"
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that is missing its pieces." "They're asking you to fill in the gaps by asking you to speculate," he said. Psoras went further in his opening statement, questioning whether the body is that of Christine Jarrett in the first place — he said it was cremated by the family before DNA tests could be conducted. The attorney raised the possibility that if she was killed, it could have been by a married man with whom she was having an affair. The first witnesses to take the stand were neighbors of the Jarretts, describing an idyllic suburban life for the then-young parents. Jarrett, now 58, graying and old enough to be a grandparent, occasionally smiled as the neighbors described watching their children ride big wheels in the street, taking part in barbecuesand the occasional after-work cocktail. Christine "loved her children dearly," recalled neighbor Marcia Smallwood. "Family was the most important thing to her." Robert and Christine had met in high school, as students two years apart at Howard County High School. They married young, before Christine had graduated. Robert Jarrett worked as a heating and air conditioning mechanic, and Christine got a job working the line at a local distillery. They moved to Claire Drive in 1983, buying a home built for them that was doors down from Christine's parents. The marriage became troubled with "secrets that weren't evident," Dietrich told jurors. Jarrett was unfaithful, and the family ran into financial difficulty when Christine got injured on the job. And there was violence, Dietrich said. Jarrett pushed Christine against a wall by her
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Topping-off Ceremony for New Student Engagement Center to Feature Beam Signed by More Than 1,400 Students WHAT: A new student engagement center at UMass Lowell will be topped-off with a 34-foot-long steel beam featuring the electronic signatures of more than 1,400 UMass Lowell students on Wednesday. UMass Lowell, UMass trustees, elected officials and members of the Lowell community will celebrate the milestone in the construction of a $95 million, 143,643-square-foot student center at University Crossing on Pawtucket Street that will serve as a central point between the university’s campuses and connect them with Lowell's downtown business and cultural district. With the majority of students away from campus for the summer, UMass Lowell provided the opportunity to participate in a “virtual beam-signing” through its website. The response was overwhelming, with more than1,200 signatures submitted within 24 hours and more than 1,500 total including faculty and staff. The signatures will be adhered to the beam, which will be signed by the construction team and event attendees prior to the 11:30 a.m. speaking program. After the program, the beam will be raised by a crane to complete the building’s steel structure. UMass Lowell acquired the former St. Joseph’s Hospital in 2011 to make way for University Crossing. Located between Merrimack and Salem streets in the city’s Acre neighborhood, the site is a half-mile from Lowell City Hall and within walking distance to UMass Lowell’s three campuses. When the four-story student center is completed in 2014, the 230,000-square-foot complex, which includes a renovated building on Salem Street, will serve as a hub of
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and army officers in charge to stop the violations. In Dakahlia: * In Gadidat Alhala Village – Mansoura – a number of thugs (a certain Gamal Hosni Ma’ati, along with 2 of his criminal mates) attacked Mohamed Ibrahim Saad, senior representative of Dr. Mohamed Morsy in the region, as he visited polling stations No. 47 and 48 at the village’s junior high school. They wounded him with a bladed weapon. A military force unit attended the scene, and escorted the attackers to a place so far unknown. We are in the process of taking appropriate legal action. In Qaliubiya: * At polling center No. 38, in Bahtim secondary school - Shubra Alkheima Sharq – a person was arrested as he tried to use a vote-rigging multi-ballot registry paper in favor of theThe International Downtown Association recognized 65 urban innovators as winners of the Downtown Achievement Awards which identify outstanding improvements to urban centres by dedicated organizations around the globe. The winning organizations represent nearly 50 cities in the U.S., Canada, U.K., New Zealand and South Africa. The top eight projects received Pinnacle Awards, the industry’s highest honour, representing the most creative and inspiring innovations in urban place management. IDA received a record-breaking 80+ submissions in 2018 as urban areas around the world are experiencing a remarkable renaissance. These organizations are on the front lines of solving challenges related to placemaking, economic development, urban planning, and branding. The winning projects are selected from six categories, including downtown leadership and management; economic and business development; events and programming; marketing and communications; planning;
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Colorguard, both survived the war. Here are two pictures of Adam, one during or shortly after the War and one taken later in life. He is on the left in each picture. The third picture shows the fallen George: Adam Baumgartner and Daniel V. Prichard This picture of Adam shows him arm-in-arm with another soldier. This other soldier is "DEFINITELY" Daniel V. Prichard, according to James Dirisio, a researcher on this Civil War unit. Prichard was the 1st sergeant of Adam's Co. B,, 58th PA Vols. In the 1860 census, he is listed as a twenty-year-old farm hand, son of Hector and Pamelia Pricherd (sic) of Cherry Township. Adam Baumgartner in Uniform George Baumgartner (KIA Chancellorsville 1863) Here is a picture of George's wife Susannah (Litzelswope) and a second picture of their daughter MARY LORETTABAUMGARTNER and her husband HENRY HENRY KOBBE (COBBY) of Iowa, taken many years after the Civil War. The third in this series is a picture of ELIZABETH BAUMGARTNER, a sister of Mary Loretta, and yet another child of George and Susannah. She was born 19 Dec., 1853, PA, and died 16 Feb., 1876. Yet another picture shows Anthony Baumgartner, also a Civil War veteran, in old age with his wife Cecilia (Gould.: Cecilia Gould & Anthony Baumgartner A touching testimony to the lingering memory of the Civil War is this extract from the Tunkhannock Republican for Friday, October 10, 1890: 58th Regiment Reunion The following is a list of the ex-members of the 58th Regt., Pa. Vols., present at the re-union of the Veteran Association of the 58th Regt. Pa. Vol. Infantry, held at Dushore, Pa., Sept. 29,
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Guildenstern Are Dead (1990). He moved to Los Angeles in search of effective use and caught the eye of young Mr Big . Tarantino had envisioned Roth as a possible Mr. Blonde or Mr. Pink in his heist flick (1992), but Roth campaigned because the role of Mr. Orange instead, and at the end of the day won the part. It proved to be a whopping breakthrough for Roth, as audiences found it difficult to omit his performance as a member of a grouping of bank robbers who is slowly bleeding to termination. Tarantino twist Roth again in the landmark smokescreen (1994). Roth and actress played a pair of robbers who hold up a restaurant. 1995 commonplace the third of Roth's collaborations with Tarantino, a surprisingly slapstick discharge inthe anthology fade away (1995). That for all that year Roth picked up an Academy Award nomination for his campy turn as a villain in the period piece (1995). Continuing to carry on disparate roles, Roth did his own singing (with an American accent to boot) in the lightweight melodic (1996). He starred opposite in Shakur's matrix film, the twisted comedy Gridlock'd (1997). The yoke received postive critical notices as a service to their clever chemistry. Standing in contrast to the criminals and baddies that crowd his CV, Roth's animate as the innocent, confirm pianist in the Giuseppe Tornatore film Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, La (1998) became something of a fan favorite. Grittier food followed when Roth made his directorial debut with (1999), a frank, critically acclaimed theatre relative
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| 标签 | 难度 | | :-: | - | - | :-: | | 1600 | [皇位继承顺序](../../problems/throne-inheritance) | [[树](../tree/] [[设计](../design/] | Medium | | 1597 | [Build Binary Expression Tree From Infix Expression](../../problems/build-binary-expression-tree-from-infix-expression) | [[树](../tree/] [[字符串](../string/] | Medium | | 1530 | [好叶子节点对的数量](../../problems/number-of-good-leaf-nodes-pairs) | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Medium | | 1516 | [移动 N 叉树的子树](../../problems/move-sub-tree-of-n-ary-tree) 🔒 | [[树](../tree/] | Hard | | 1490 | [克隆 N 叉树](../../problems/clone-n-ary-tree) 🔒 | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] [[广度优先搜索](../breadth-first-search/] [[哈希表](../hash-table/] | Medium | | 1485 | [克隆含随机指针的二叉树](../../problems/clone-binary-tree-with-random-pointer) 🔒 | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Medium | | 1469 | [寻找所有的独生节点](../../problems/find-all-the-lonely-nodes) 🔒 | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Easy | | 1466 | [重新规划路线](../../problems/reorder-routes-to-make-all-paths-lead-to-the-city-zero) | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Medium | | 1457 | [二叉树中的伪回文路径](../../problems/pseudo-palindromic-paths-in-a-binary-tree) | [[位运算](../bit-manipulation/] [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Medium | | 1448 | [统计二叉树中好节点的数目](../../problems/count-good-nodes-in-binary-tree) | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Medium| | 1443 | [收集树上所有苹果的最少时间](../../problems/minimum-time-to-collect-all-apples-in-a-tree) | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Medium | | 1430 | [判断给定的序列是否是二叉树从根到叶的路径](../../problems/check-if-a-string-is-a-valid-sequence-from-root-to-leaves-path-in-a-binary-tree) 🔒 | [[树](../tree/] | Medium | | 1379 | [找出克隆二叉树中的相同节点](../../problems/find-a-corresponding-node-of-a-binary-tree-in-a-clone-of-that-tree) | [[树](../tree/] | Medium | | 1372 | [二叉树中的最长交错路径](../../problems/longest-zigzag-path-in-a-binary-tree) | [[树](../tree/] [[动态规划](../dynamic-programming/] | Medium | | 1367 | [二叉树中的列表](../../problems/linked-list-in-binary-tree) | [[树](../tree/] [[链表](../linked-list/] [[动态规划](../dynamic-programming/] | Medium | | 1339 | [分裂二叉树的最大乘积](../../problems/maximum-product-of-splitted-binary-tree) | [[树](../tree/] [[动态规划](../dynamic-programming/] | Medium | | 1325 | [删除给定值的叶子节点](../../problems/delete-leaves-with-a-given-value) | [[树](../tree/] | Medium | | 1315 | [祖父节点值为偶数的节点和](../../problems/sum-of-nodes-with-even-valued-grandparent) | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Medium | | 1305 | [两棵二叉搜索树中的所有元素](../../problems/all-elements-in-two-binary-search-trees) | [[排序](../sort/] [[树](../tree/] | Medium | | 1302 | [层数最深叶子节点的和](../../problems/deepest-leaves-sum) | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] | Medium | | 1261 | [在受污染的二叉树中查找元素](../../problems/find-elements-in-a-contaminated-binary-tree) | [[树](../tree/] [[哈希表](../hash-table/] | Medium | | 1257 | [最小公共区域](../../problems/smallest-common-region) 🔒 | [[树](../tree/] | Medium | | 1245 | [树的直径](../../problems/tree-diameter) 🔒 | [[树](../tree/] [[深度优先搜索](../depth-first-search/] [[广度优先搜索](../breadth-first-search/]
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
see some improvement and received normal neurological examination results. Dr. Solomon recommended that plaintiff undergo a formal driving evaluation before returning to work and, on 2 August 2004, released plaintiff to return to full work duty. Plaintiff began working on 3 August 2004. On 22 October 2004, plaintiff underwent a medical exam by Dr. Pamela Jessup for a DOT driving test. The exam revealed no abnormal findings and Dr. Jessup cleared plaintiff to drive. Plaintiff continued to drive for defendant until 10 February 2005 when plaintiff's family physician, Dr. Cammie Fulp, wrote plaintiff out of work for an undetermined period of time for treatment of diabetes, depression and cervical radiculopathy. On 11 February 2005, plaintiff was seen by Dr. Szwejbka who determined plaintiff had no signs of spinal cordthrough 3 August 2004. Plaintiff was taken out of work on 10 February 2005 and did not return. On 16 November 2005, plaintiff filed a Form 33 Request for Hearing alleging that he was entitled to temporary total disability benefits and medical compensation. Defendant contended plaintiff's current condition was unrelated to plaintiff's original compensable injury and denied compensation. On 5 January 2007, plaintiff's claims came on for hearing before Deputy Commissioner Wanda Blanche Taylor. Deputy Commissioner Taylor filed an opinion and award concluding plaintiff suffered a closed head injury and was entitled to temporary total disability compensation. Defendant appealed to the Full Commission. On 10 July 2008, the Full Commission filed an opinion and award affirming Deputy Commissioner Taylor's opinion and award with some modifications. Defendant appeals. On appeal, defendant argues:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
games in 2011 in which he didn't reach triple digits. But the Buckeyes are going to get rolled. The last time Ohio State played at Camp Randall Stadium, in 2010, Wisconsin outgained the Buckeyes, 193 to 97 yards, in the first half and knocked down the Ohio State linebackers as if they were bowling pins. On top of that, Ball is going for a record, trying to break the NCAA mark for career touchdowns and/or career rushing touchdowns, both held by former Miami (Ohio) and Browns running back Travis Prentice. Prentice had 78 total touchdowns and Ball has 77. Prentice had 73 rushing touchdowns and Ball has 71. "I definitely expect Ohio State to [want to] stop me, because no one wants to have a record put up against them," Ballwill be facing in Simon, Johnathan Hankins, Garrett Goebel, Nathan Williams and three healthy linebackers playing together for the first time in Boren, Ryan Shazier and Etienne Sabino. "They just go right at you, and we've got John and Garrett and Nate, and we're the type of defense that can stop that. And we feel like we're ready," Hankins said. Against Oregon State, the 10th-ranked rushing defense in the nation, Wisconsin ran 23 times for 35 yards in a loss in the second game of the year. Against Nebraska, in another loss but against only the 84th-ranked rushing defense, the Badgers ran 41 times for 56 yards. And against Michigan State and its 20th-ranked rushing defense two games ago, the Badgers gained just 19 yards on 37 carries in their
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Perpetual Help Home. "This is significant for us because it's recognition that what's happening here is on the cutting edge," said Cheryl Miller, executive director of Perpetual Help Home. "Not a lot of people are doing the work we are doing." Miller, who will also make the trip to Chicago, said a CCDA member visited in February and was so impressed by the work done at the Center for Peace, the invitations were extended to take part in the national training event. "He saw the significant transformation in the lives of the three women who run the center," Miller said. The CCDA is a network of Christians committed to seeing people and communities holistically restored, according to the organization's website. The organization also has numerous academic partners including the Baylor University School ofWASHINGTON — When the National Guard helicoptered her husband, Mark, to Staten Island to work as a wireless technician setting up a communications network for thousands of emergency workers who were descending upon Lower Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001, Jeanmarie DeBiase did not know this would begin the unraveling. She would not realize it until Jan. 8, 2006 — her birthday — when, during a family celebration, Mark broke down in tears. “He sat at my dining room table crying that there was something wrong, that he didn’t want to die,” DeBiase recalled in an interview from her home in Jackson, N.J. Her husband, who worked at the landfill where debris from the fallen World Trade Center was dumped, had suffered a cold for a few days — nothing serious,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
the Facebook Help Community forum, in which users can raise questions and write about their experiences, have contributed to the algorithm theory for years. Not the first time Facebook’s actions in India have drawn comparisons with the blocking of numerous accounts and pages in Pakistan in 2014 that were severely criticised by advocates of free speech. Among the Pakistani accounts that faced action were Left-Wing political pages and the pages of a popular rock band whose members spoke out against the Taliban, a radical militant organisation. After an outcry on social media, several of the accounts were restored. In a report, The New York Times quoted a Facebook spokesperson in London saying it had blocked the pages after receiving an official request from the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, and that thePressure on China's leaders to cut pollution from coal is likely to intensify – potentially hurting Australia's exports – with new research showing Beijing's air quality will get worse with climate change. The Chinese capital's ring of mountains to the west and north naturally traps pollution, especially in winter. But a warming world is projected to increase the frequency of the most severe pollution events by half, according to research published on Tuesday in the Nature Climate Change journal. The duration of events similar to the "Airpocalypse" of January 2013 – when pollution levels soared to beyond 20 times the level recommended by the World Health Organisation – will rise by 80 per cent, the study found.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
in their writings. It's interesting that the three renowned interpreters did not know about the meaning of da'hya as an egg. Otherwise, they would have mentioned that meaning in their interpretations, which usually include as many meanings as possible. [9] 10. The following verses tell us that the heavens are inhabited by intelligent beings (the angels), who submit to their Lord, Allah, and worship him as do many people on Earth. وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيهِمَا مِن دَابَّةٍ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ جَمْعِهِمْ إِذَا يَشَاءُ قَدِيرٌ (الشورى ، 42: 29). And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and what He has dispersed throughout them of creatures. And He, for gathering them when He wills, is competent (Al-Shoura, 42: 29). وَلَهُ ۥis within the heavens and the Earth and (by) the birds with wings spread (in flight)? Each (of them) has known his prayer and (his) exalting (of Allah), and Allah is Knower (Knowledgeable) of what they do (Al-Noor, 24: 41). *** The following verses also tell us that there are other intelligent beings, who inhabit what is in between the heavens and the Earth, (the Jinn). Some of these also submit to their Lord, Allah, and worship Him, as many humans do on Earth. قَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ وَمَا رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ ﴿٢٣﴾ قَالَ رَبُّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا إِن كُنتُم مُّوقِنِينَ ﴿٢٤﴾ (الشورى ، 26: 23-24). (The) Pharaoh said, "And what is the Lord of the worlds?" (23) (Moussa, Moses) said, "The Lord of the heavens and the Earth and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
recognized by the international community. Instead the old government remained in exile from 1944 through 1992 in Stockholm, Sweden, and returned to power in 1992. That's what happened and what has been recognized. The state border line was redrawn after the war with Finland in 1944 as well. So this border treaty essentially represents the end of the Cold War. That is why it is so important. esmaspäev, juuni 20, 2005 The Riigikogu ratified the border treaty with the Russian Federation today, passing the resolution 78 - 4. Res Publika had originally refused to vote until a preamble was added that mentioned the occupation and annexation of Estonia in 1940 and 1944 by Russia's predecessor state, the USSR. However, the ruling colaition disagreed with that idea. A compromise was drafted that claimedthat the current Estonian republic was the same republic that was declared in the Treaty of Tartu in 1920. The 'occupation and annexation' claims were dropped because the Estonian parliament knew that the Russian parliament would object to these claims and thought it fruitless to pursue recognition of this historical wrong when they could just as easily get their border treaty signed. The preamble reads: Proceeding from the legal continuity of the Republic of Estonia proclaimed on 24 February 1918, as it is stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, from the Resolution of the Republic of Estonia Supreme Council of 20 August 1991 "On the National Independence of Estonia," and from the Declaration of the Riigikogu of 7 October 1992 "On the Restoration of Constitutional Power," and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
mind and body float in the sky of fantasy, a mysterious shrine maiden. However powerful the opponent is, that means nothing in her presence. As she evens out whatever status one has, she tends to attract anyone regardless of species, human or youkai. Her weapons are amulets and a Yin-Yang orb. She is also preferred by mosquitoes. Notes She teams with Yukari this time. Focused speed only applies when she's used as a solo character. She lacks a bit in damage, but is quite easy to use and doesn't need much memorization. She's quite strong, especially against smaller enemies. In a word, dastardly. Imperishable Night - キャラ設定.txt ○楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢(はくれい れいむ) Reimu Hakurei 種族:人間 能力:主に空を飛ぶ程度の能力 毎度お馴染みの巫女さん。幻想郷の境にある博麗神社の巫女さん。 博麗神社自体は、幻想郷と人間界の両方に位置する。 何者に対しても平等に見る性格は、妖怪の様な普段畏れられている者からも好かれる。逆にいうと、誰に対しても仲間として見ない。周りに沢山人間や妖怪が居たり、一緒に行動を行っても、常に自分一人である。実は冷たい人間なのかも知れない。 Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise Reimu Hakurei Species: Human Ability: Mainly flying in the air The all-too-familiar shrine maiden of the HakureiShrine located on the border of Gensokyo. The Hakurei Shrine itself exists simultaneously in both Gensokyo and the Outside World. She treats everyone fairly and equally, which makes her well-liked by even the feared being such as youkai. On the flip side, she doesn't see anyone as a comrade. Since there are a great number of humans and youkai around her, there are instances where she works together with them, but even so, she usually does things by herself alone. She might just truly be a cold-hearted kind of human... ○4面ボス 楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢(はくれい れいむ) Reimu Hakurei 種族:人間 能力:主に空を飛ぶ程度の能力 毎度お馴染みの巫女さん。 普通に寝ていたが幾ら寝ても夜が明けない。幾らなんでもこれは異常すぎると思って、神社を飛び出してきた。夜中の出動は珍しくないが、十分すぎるほど睡眠を取った後の夜中の出動は珍しい。でもこの暗さはなんとなく眠く感じるものである。この騒動に決着がついたら、また一眠りしよう、と考えながら強い妖気を目指して竹林まで来たのだが、そこで見た犯人は良く見知った人間と妖怪だった。 Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise Reimu Hakurei Species: Human Ability: Flying in the air The all-too-familiar shrine maiden. The morning that she was expecting to see after a full night's sleep didn't greet her. She
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
ההיכר של נשיאותו מספר משמעותי של התפטרות והעברות בקבינט והיו יועצי הבית הלבן הערב נסתכל על גירוש הבית הלבן ג'ון בולטון היה היועץ החמישי לביטחון לאומי שעזב את הבית הלבן של טראמף טראמף רק לפני שנתיים בנוכחות קצינים צבאיים בכירים הוא התייחס לבולטון ואמר בולטון הוא אדם מכובד מאוד אך לאחר הידיעה על פרסום ספרו, אמר ג'ון בולטון הוא שקרן שכולם בבית הלבן שנאו English: And not those who have power and position Thank you Mohammad Rahbar, my colleague in the studio with us The election campaign in the United States has become very competitive. No matter what you think of Donald Trump the fact that he has been an unorthodox and unusual president is known to his friend and foes. Just one of the hallmarks of his presidency is the significant number of expulsions, resignations and transfers in the cabinet And in the advisers of the White House. Tonight we take a Closer Look at the White House expulsions. Johnترامپ اخراج و به ادعای خودش کناره‌گیری کرد فقط بولتون هم نبود قبل از اون ریچارد اسپنسر توماس مادلی و میک مولوانی English: Now, after a lifetime of service to the Republican Party, John Bolton says in November he will not vote for Trump this year. Bolton spent 537 days in the Trump administration. And at the same time he was the reason for the dismissal of many. Including Tom Bossert, US Homeland Security Advisor and Nadia Schadlow, Deputy National Security Advisor. But in the end the same thing happened to Bolton Who was fired as Trump claims and resigned as he himself claims. It wasn't just Bolton Before that, Richard Spencer, Thomas Modly and Mick Mulavany iw: כתבת בספרך שטראמף מבולבל, טיפש, מוזר הוא מתנהג בצורה לא הגיונית ולא ניתן להשאיר אותו לבד לרגע הוא חושד בקירות והוא אנאלפבית מאוד אני לא חושב שטראמף ראוי לנשיאות הוא אינו מורשה להמשיך בעבודה זו עכשיו, אחרי חיים שלמים
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
that were referred to committees. Each time, he tried to secure a suspension of the rules to have them voted on at the meeting. One of Mullen's proposals, which would abolish the city's Board of Public Works, caused so much noise and applause from the audience that the Chairman threatened to clear the hall. Mayor James Chambers later commented that "Mullen was trying the spend the city's money like a drunken sailor" by proposing several orders that would've increased public expenditure. That March, he walked out of a meeting to avoid voting on the city's budget, which would cause the budget to be referred back to the Finance Committee. Alderman Fred C. Hansen stated that Mullen had "sneaked away like a yellow dog" as part of what Thetakes over as president after a statewide conference last month. Johnson is 34, which means he grew up in a post-segregation society. But he said the organization is still fighting some of the same battles of his predecessors. After eight years leading the Georgia State Conference of the NAACP, Edward DuBose says inequality in the state’s criminal justice system is the most significant issue greeting his successor. DuBose said the organization’s next president also must ensure access to the polls now that the Supreme Court has struck down part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Dozens of Georgia activists and politicians are bound for the nation's capital where they will join demonstrators from across the country in commemorating the 1963 civil rights march on Washington 50 years ago. State legislators
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Pile-CC" ] }
Legion of Super Heroes - Season 1 Episode 01: Man of Tomorrow Description The series Legion of Super Heroes follows the adventures of a young Clark Kent, as Superman, during his time with a team of teenage superheroes in the 30th and 31st centuries of the DC Universe.TopNews Texas DOT Releases List of 100 Most Congested Roadways Topping this year's list of the most congested highways in Texas is a section of I-35W in Ft. Worth that caused Texas motorists to spend more than 2 million more hours traveling on a section of road that is only 3.7 miles long. The Texas Department of Transportation's annual list of the 100 Most Congested Roadways clearly illustrates the severity and extent of the Lone Star State's traffic problem, according to the DOT. Results show 40% of the delay encountered by drivers takes place in the top 20 roadways on the list. The total delay in hours - more than 137 million hours - carries with it an economic cost in lost time and wasted fuel of nearly $3 billion.. "One of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
the undead queen, but had great admiration for Gehrman, unaware of his curious mania. ゲールマンに師事した最初の狩人たち その1人、女狩人マリアの狩装束 カインハーストの意匠が見てとれる 不死の女王、その傍系にあたる彼女は だがゲールマンを慕った。好奇の狂熱も知らぬままに Maria Hunter Gloves (マリアの狩手袋) Among the first hunters, all students of Gehrman, was the lady hunter Maria. These were her hunter's gloves, crafted in Cainhurst. Maria is distantly related to the undead queen, but had great admiration for Gehrman, unaware of his curious mania. ゲールマンに師事した最初の狩人たち その1人、女狩人マリアの狩手袋 カインハーストの意匠が見てとれる 不死の女王、その傍系にあたる彼女は だがゲールマンを慕った。好奇の狂熱も知らぬままに Maria Hunter Trousers (マリアの狩ズボン) Among the first hunters, all students of Gehrman, was the lady hunter Maria. These were her hunter's trousers, crafted in Cainhurst. Maria is distantly related to the undead queen, but had great admiration for Gehrman, unaware of his curious mania. ゲールマンに師事した最初の狩人たち その1人、女狩人マリアの狩ズボン カインハーストの意匠が見てとれる 不死の女王、その傍系にあたる彼女は だがゲールマンを慕った。好奇の狂熱も知らぬままに + Church (教会) Black Church Hat (教会の黒帽子) [Male] Attire of Healing Church Hunters. Most Healing Church hunters are elementary doctors who understand the importance of early prevention of the scourge, achieved by disposing of victims, and even potential victims, before signs of sickness manifest themselves. Their black attirewarrior of a previous age. This headgear is made of metal, a rarity for hunter garb, and has high defense, but only against physical attacks. 隠し街の狩人たちが被る鉄兜 黒いフードを取り去ったそれは、前時代的な兵士を連想させる 狩人の衣装としては珍しく金属製の防具であり 物理攻撃に限れば防御効果は高め Yahar'gul Black Garb (ヤハグルの黒衣) Thick black pullover worn by hunters of the Unseen Village. The hunters of Yahar'gul answer to the village's founders, the School of Mensis. Hunters in name only, these kidnappers blend into the night wearing this attire. Designed primarily to defend from physical attacks, the binding of thick rope serves both to protect its wearer, and restrain his foes. 隠し街の狩人たちが纏う厚手の黒衣 隠し街を主宰する「メンシス学派」に通じる彼らは 狩人とは名ばかりの人さらい共であり、その衣装は夜に紛れる 主に物理防御力を意識した衣装であるが、巻きつけた荒縄は 捕縛用であると共に、ある種の呪いでもあるようだ Yahar'gul Black Gloves (ヤハグルの黒手袋) Thick black gloves worn by hunters of the Unseen Village. The hunters of Yahar'gul answer to the village's founders, the School of Mensis. Hunters in name only, these kidnappers blend into the night wearing this attire. Designed primarily to defend from physical attacks. 隠し街の狩人たちが纏う厚手の黒手袋 隠し街を主宰する「メンシス学派」に通じる彼らは 狩人とは名ばかりの人さらい共であり、その衣装は夜に紛れる 主に物理防御力を意識した衣装である Yahar'gul Black Trousers (ヤハグルの黒ズボン) Thick black trousers worn by hunters of the
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total, the bill ordered three Virginia-class submarines, three DDG 51 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, one guided-missile frigate, one amphibious transport dock ship, one T-AO 205 oiler, and two T-ATS towing, salvage and rescue ships. The bill would also authorize a tanker security fleet, which is akin to the existing Maritime Security Program but involves a stipend for the Navy to use 10 U.S.-flagged commercial petroleum tankers. The idea is to augment the number of U.S.-flagged vessels for use during an emergency and to add to America’s pool of qualified mariners.Ts and dot the Is on his elite squad to play New Zealand, South Africa, Australia and Samoa before Christmas. And it’s not over. Lancaster has three more weeks of league rugby and one of European competition to pore over. By 22 October, the day the squad will be named, the head coach’s video library will be bulging, though I suspect this weekend’s footage will be close to taking pride of place, not just because so many potential England players go head to head, but because of pure rugby fascination. Leicester versus London Irish – a side who have already caused nervous flutters with Harlequins and Saracens this season – will indicate whether the multiple champions still have the wherewithal to bounce back, while Northampton versus Bath could and possibly
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In return for the North Korean coal, according to U.S. officials cited in the lawsuit, Chi’s companies allegedly sent back to North Korea an array of products: cellphones, sugar, luxury items and, perhaps most importantly, components of nuclear devices and missiles. The alleged details of Chi's business network, laid out in a U.S. lawsuit seeking the forfeiture of funds that flowed through U.S. banks, suggest how one Chinese entrepreneur may have been able to evade the trade restrictions against North Korea and, more broadly, how important such trade has been in the development of North Korea's ever-more-fearsome arsenal. Escalating trade sanctions enacted by the United States and the United Nations Security Council since 2006 have been accompanied at times by rhetoric suggesting that the regime of Kim Jong Un hadbeen cut off from the world's economy. But the Chi case, and its allegations describing how porous the sanctions may have been, underscore how the North Korean weapons program has relied on the country's coal exports to China — which were booming until earlier this year. AD AD One of Chi's companies, Dandong Zhicheng Metallic Material, was the largest importer of North Korean coal, bringing in $234 million in 2016, according to Panjiva, a global trade data analytics company. Despite worldwide scrutiny of the North Korean coal trade, transactions involving Chi's companies in China and North Korean coal continued into June of this year, the lawsuit alleges. “Chi Yupeng’s companies represented almost 10 percent of Chinese imports from North Korea last year. That speaks to the scale of their operation,” said David
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During the middle of the 19th century, London’s antiquarian market was flooded by the sudden arrival of a large number of supposedly mediaeval leaden artifacts of unknown origin. Questions about the authenticity of the items were raised, but the general consensus was that they were real. The objects were eventually revealed to be forgeries made by two lowly criminals with no background in either history or archaeology. In fact, they were illiterates. As expected, their products were also inept and crude. What’s embarrassing was how readily some of the most authoritative medievalists of Victorian London fell for the slipshod workmanship. Known as Shadwell forgeries these medieval-looking medallions, amulets and coins with nonsensical inscription and jumbled numeration were today’s equivalent to phishing emails with incorrect spellings and grammar. The Shadwellforgeries were the work of two mudlarks, William Smith (Billy) and Charles Eaton (Charley), who scoured the banks of the Thames for anything of value that they could sell. It eventually dawned on them that they could earn more by fabricating antiques themselves. In 1857, Billy and Charley began manufacturing a range of “medieval” objects by making moulds out of plaster of Paris and casting the objects in lead and later a lead-based alloy. Their techniques were extremely primitive and amateurish, leading to poorly defined edges, pitted and uneven surfaces and poorly drawn figures of knights wearing strange spikey crowns and bearing childish expressionless faces. Inscriptions were just meaningless scribbles since neither Billy nor Charley could spell. To give the appearance of age, the objects were treated with acid
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the claim without addressing The Daily Beast story, saying SOCAF conducts detailed planning and coordination to reduce civilian casualties and to ensure compliance with the Law of Armed Conflict before the US carries out an operation with partner forces. "US Africa Command and the Department of Defense take allegations of civilian casualties very seriously," Africom added. The US has about 500 troops in Somalia, with two new military headquarters in Mogadishu. US forces have been working with the Somali government to fight the al-Shabaab terror group, which has publicly boasted of its alliance with al-Qaeda and has been fighting Somalia's internationally recognized government for control of the country since the militant group was ousted from Mogadishu in 2011 by African Union-led forces.Saturday, October 5, 2013 It was just a Tuesday.I hadn't put much thought into the day except that it was windy enough to grab a jacket on my way to lecture. The thing about living in a place is you can take time to get lost. I hadn't intended to to, but when I went walking to the National Library after class I found a heavily wooded walk, I thought - of course, why not.The path crested a ridge above houses, with curious stepped yards and patios. I was rewarded at the end of the path with a view of St. Padarn Church, the surrounding graveyard and a tantalizing arched entry - it was terribly tempting to creep through the gate and view closer the history.The church is built
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the same amount as "Bad Grandpa"; it's possible that the order of the Top 5 could switch around when all of the final numbers are tallied. At press time, "Free Birds" was #3 and "Vegas" #4. That left the #5 spot for last week's #1, "Enders Game." The sci-fi potential franchise starter has made $44 million since it opened. Considering its long journey to the screen (the first book in the Young Adult series was published in 1985), the $110 million production tag and the PR trouble that erupted due to the author's views against marriage equality, "Enders Game" is a flop. "Thor: The Dark World" will likely continue its reign until November 22, when a fellow sequel will steal its thunder. "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" promises to beA member of the Lizard Squad, an anonymous hacking group, has claimed that the attacks on Sony's PlayStation Network and Microsoft's Xbox Live are directly related to the attack on the attack of Sony Pictures. Seeing as Lizard Squad was the group that took responsibility for the hacking of the popular gaming networks, this is some inside info. The Destrehan High School in Louisiana had two female teachers - 32-year-old Shelley Dufresne and 24-year-old Rachel Respess - arrested and charged with "carnal knowledge of a juvenile and contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile." Which means that a threesome went down. And it's totally disgusting considering the male student was only 16-years-old when it happened.
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As Democrats have stepped up their explicitly religious appeals to Catholic voters, these bishops have pushed back against the intrusion on their turf. While Democrats talked of finding common ground on abortion, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, the informal leader of this side of the American church, gave a much-publicized speech denouncing Obama as “the most committed abortion rights candidate in history.” Chaput chose to publish his remarks on the Web site of a think tank co-founded by George — the man who had himself argued in an essay disseminated widely last fall through conservative circles, Fox News and Christian radio that Barack Obama was “the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek” the presidency. George’s role as an adviser to these bishops began more than 20 years ago,when he was a young professor and recent Ph.D. A mutual friend introduced him to the Rev. John Myers, then a bishop in Peoria, Ill., who was working on a pastoral letter about the moral obligations of Catholic voters and politicians. With George’s assistance, Myers wrote a letter laying out the case that abortion, as the taking of a life, was a crime against the natural law of human reason, not merely a violation of Catholic theology. Therefore, Myers and George argued, Catholic politicians and voters were wrong to write off the church’s teachings as a matter of personal faith. What’s more, the letter warned, voting for a candidate or a law upholding abortion rights would almost invariably put a Catholic so far outside church teachings that he
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but after starting on the project he realized that 'well-read' wasn't enough." According to Browne's wife, Pamela, he collected over 400 books, read almost all of them, and made copious notes. He was struggling with the book's structure at the time of his death.[8] Browne also authored thousands of articles and was a contributor to the news and opinion blog, to, and to World Net Daily. He published the financial newsletter Harry Browne Special Reports from 1974 to 1997. A column he wrote titled "When Will We Learn" discussing the September 11 attacks persuaded Larry Elder to break with the Libertarian Party and join the Republican Party. Browne, however, always tried to make it clear that his opinions were his own, and not necessarily reflective of the LibertarianMatthew Vaughn's SECRET SERVICE adds a femme fatale to the cast! Shooting is currently underway on Matthew Vaughn's adaptation of Mark Millar's SECRET SERVICE, but it seems that the production's still tacking on cast members. Deadline has announced that dancer/model Sofia Boutella has signed on to play a henchman to Samuel L. Jackson's central villain, who may or may not be Dr. James Arnold from the comics. This would be Boutella's first credit on a feature film, but she's worked on several ad campaigns for Nike (see below), as well as being a background dancer for Madonna. She's also set to appear in MONSTERS: DARK CONTINENT, the sequel to Gareth Edwards 2010 film. Her lack of experience could be an obstacle in exuding the kind of confidence an actress needs
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Observations from Iraq, Iran, Israel, the Arab world and beyond BAHRAIN: Protesters shot as government seeks to smother protests [Video] February 19, 2011 | 2:02 am Internet videos show peaceful protesters in Bahrain coming under fire as reports surface that the government used live ammunition Friday to repel anti-government demonstrators attempting to retake a main square from which they had been violently ousted Thursday. At least five people have died in the recent unrest, with dozens more injured. The opposition has so far rejected talks with the government, ruled by the Khalifa royal family, until "tanks are off the streets." Although the protest movement in Bahrain is fueled by economic and political concerns, the breakdown of power runs along sectarian lines. The country's Shia majority complains of discrimination and abuse at the hands ofthe Sunni-dominated government. The United States Navy's Fifth Fleet is also stationed in Bahrain, which is considered a close ally. President Obama reiterated his call for restraint Friday, saying he was "deeply concerned" about reports of violence in Bahrain, Libya and Yemen. Top Video: Protesters in Bahrain come under fire; several are injured or killed. Credit: YouTube. Screenshot: several protesters appear injured or dead in the video. Credit: Meris Lutz. Bottom Video: Protesters are fired on while trying to retake a main square that had been the center of antigovernment demonstrations. Credit: YouTube
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the A's. Some might second-guess Bob Melvin for using Treinen for a second inning, but this is one of the best relievers in the game and this was only his second outing this week. He just couldn't finish it off. White Sox tie strikeout record: Like most of the White Sox's rotation, Reynaldo Lopez had been awful this season, entering Sunday's start with a 7.46 ERA and seven home runs allowed in 25⅓ innings. Wearing the 1980s throwback jersey, however, Lopez channeled his inner Richard Dotson and Floyd Bannister, and fanned 14 in only six innings: Lopez became just the ninth pitcher to strike out 14 in six or fewer innings (since 1908). Incredibly, 13 of the strikeouts came on his four-seam fastball -- 11 of them swinging. The 14nothing beats a dominant starting pitcher. I mean, look at this filth: On the other side of things, Chris Sale fell to 0-5 with a 6.30 ERA after giving up four runs in seven innings. He deserved better as an error led to two unearned runs in the second inning and Jackie Bradley Jr. failed to catch Yandy Diaz's two-run triple, a catch he probably makes a year ago when everything went right for the Red Sox. The good sign for Sale is he shut down the Rays after the second and lasted seven innings and 111 pitches, his longest outing of the season. The other good sign: He has 12 swing-and-misses on his fastball his past two starts after getting only two over his first four starts. Still, the
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services of a public stenographer and purchasing fiberboard filing cabinets in which he kept the oil and gas leases assigned to him. In order to be reimbursed by appellant for the costs incurred by each leaseman in securing the signatures on the uniform oil and gas leases it was required that he submit to appellant a statement setting forth specifically the expenses incurred by him. One of appellant's leasemen testified that, pursuant to his oral arrangement with appellant, he was required to make a written report to appellant every three or four months with respect to the status of the oil and gas leases in his possession. A number of the leasemen thought that their oral arrangements with appellant made them the appellant's employees. The oral arrangements betweendays. Another of appellant's leasemen testified that he dropped into the office of appellant every day or two or three days in order to pick up telephone calls he might have received. Each leaseman testified that when he was in the office of appellant he was asked by appellant's vice president what conditions were like in the area where the leaseman was working, the number of leases that he had acquired, and the reaction of the people in the area where he was working. The leasemen testified that they received telephone calls at the appellant's office, made use of the telephones in appellant's office, and used the stenographic help of appellant in writing business letters. The majority of the leasemen had an office in their homes, but some
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Little ol’ me was varsity as a freshman! I somehow finished that year improving times meet after meet with the other first years. But my eyes never stopped wandering off to our lane four relay. Coincidentally, or perhaps by fate, there were four of them: one for each of the strokes, one for each of the boys in Free! I wanted to be like them. So I worked my ass off at morning practices and afternoon practices day after day after day. I was even awarded the “Most-Improved” on the team! Still got the medal displayed in my room. Then they all graduated. Except for one, since he was a junior, but yeah, they all had left me. They left the team, leaderless. My sophomore and junior years ushered in new issues. NewSt. Francis of Assisi, who is credited with staging the first nativity scene in 1223. The only historical account we have of Francis’ nativity scene comes from The Life of St. Francis of Assisi by St. Bonaventure, a Franciscan monk who was born five years before Francis’ death. According to Bonaventure’s biography, St. Francis got permission from Pope Honorious III to set up a manger with hay and two live animals—an ox and an ass—in a cave in the Italian village of Grecio. He then invited the villagers to come gaze upon the scene while he preached about “the babe of Bethlehem.” (Francis was supposedly so overcome by emotion that he couldn’t say “Jesus.”) Bonaventure also claims that the hay used by Francis miraculously acquired the power to
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opportunistic infection has decreased since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy, so lymphoma is now far and away the most lethal complication of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. We have experienced four cases of NHL in AIDS patients. The first patient was a 37 year old male who presented with left sided hemiplegia due to CNS lymphoma. The second patient was a 40 year old male who was admitted because of jaundice; he was diagnosed as having lymphoma that exclusively involved the liver. The third patient was a 38-year-old male who presented with palpable mass in the left cervical region, which was diagnosed as lymphoma. Above three cases were confirmed as diffuse large B cell lymphoma. The latter case is the first report of NHL involving the chest wall musculature in a Korean AIDS patient. [Source]Nine To Noon for Wednesday 29 February 2012 9:06 AM.Kathryn talks to an advocate for parents at one of the schools where it has been revealed that a convicted sex offender has been working. The Government has launched a ministerial inquiry into how the… Read moreAudio 9:17 AM.Kathryn speaks to Ben Skinner, a US journalist whose story for Bloomberg Business Week outlines allegations of abuse on board foreign-flagged fishing vessels; as well as Eric Barratt, the CEO of… Read moreAudio 10:10 AM.A remarkable guitar player with a unique singing voice, Paula Ubana Jones is a talented songwriter and song interpreter. Paul is performing at the upcoming WOMAD festival in Taranaki. He is UK-born… Read moreAudio 09:05 Parents of children at schools where a convicted sex offender worked undetected for years are demanding
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60 RBI and 26 stolen bases (in 29 attempts) in 99 games at Single A Lakeland (Tigers’ farm team) as a twenty-year old (in 1969). The first-round draft choice (16th overall in the 1969 draft) truly looked like a player with promise – and, in fact, enjoyed a big league cup of coffee with the Tigers in 1971 (two games, four at bats, two hits, one run, one RBI, one double). A wrist injury derailed his playing career, but didn’t dampen his love for the game and he went on to a long career as a scout. It was during his scouting days that Young developed a concern for the decline of baseball among young people – particularly in the inner cities. In response, Young came up withthe concept for the RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) program. Officially launched in 1989, the RBI program is now supported by all thirty MLB clubs and is active in more than 200 communities – annually providing more than 260,000 youngsters the opportunity to play baseball and softball. (The program also includes educational and life skills components.) A few RBI alumni in the major leagues include: Carl Crawford, Justin Upton, CC Sabathia, James Loney and Manny Machado. I tweet baseball @DavidBBRT Twenty-six years ago today (April 26, 1989), Giants’ left fielder Kevin Mitchellmade a spectacular bare-handed catch of a long line drive – ironically off the bat of Saint Louis Cardinals’ shortstop Ozzie Smith, an eventual 13-time Gold Glove winner known for his truly acrobatic play in the infield. BBRT
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to order fake passsport of Central African Rep How to order fake passsport of Chad How to order fake passsport of Chile How to order fake passsport of China How to order fake passsport of Colombia How to order fake passsport of Comoros How to order fake passsport of Congo How to order fake passsport of Congo Democratic Rep How to order fake passsport of Costa Rica How to order fake passsport of Croatia How to order fake passsport of Cuba How to order fake passsport of Cyprus How to order fake passsport of Czech Republic How to order fake passsport of Denmark How to order fake passsport of Djibouti How to order fake passsport of Dominica How to order fake passsport of Dominican Republic How to order fake passsport of East Timor How to order fake passsport of Ecuador How to order fake passsport of Egypt Howto order fake passsport of El Salvador How to order fake passsport of Equatorial Guinea How to order fake passsport of Eritrea How to order fake passsport of Estonia How to order fake passsport of Ethiopia How to order fake passsport of Fiji How to order fake passsport of Finland How to order fake passsport of France How to order fake passsport of Gabon How to order fake passsport of Gambia How to order fake passsport of Georgia How to order fake passsport of Germany How to order fake passsport of Ghana How to order fake passsport of Greece How to order fake passsport of Honduras How to order fake passsport of Hungary How to order fake passsport of Iceland How to order fake passsport of India How to order fake passsport of Indonesia How to order fake passsport of Iran How to order fake passsport of Iraq How
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
that are released from them. In contrast to Wild and Horned Hermit, which is fairly lighthearted, Forbidden Scrollery depicts Reimu as a shrine maiden who struggles to maintain the image of a protector for the Human Village while maintaining the masquerade set in place by the youkai. Seihou Project [ edit ] Shuusou Gyoku. Reimu as she appears in Note: This section is part of the Seihou Project by the Doujin circle "Shunsatsu sare do?". Shuusou Gyoku Reimu sprite in SSG Reimu has made a guest appearance as the second Extra stage boss of Seihou Project's first work Shuusou Gyoku, a danmaku game series by the junior doujin circle "Shunsatsu sare do?", where ZUN also contributed music and art to the game. It seems like ZUN put her in the game along with MarisaKirisame. Her title was "Eternal Shrine Maiden" and her theme was "Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients". To add to this, Yuuka Kazami made a guest appearances in the following work, Kioh Gyoku. She seems to have no view towards the Seihou World; she doesn't know that there's no vegetation and has no thoughts about scientific machinery. After VIVIT defeated Marisa at the Hakurei Shrine in Gensokyo, Marisa was then thudded by Reimu for fighting at the Hakurei Shrine. Reimu attacked her with two purification rods before she could explain what she was doing. After Reimu lost, VIVIT told her that she was looking for the Holy Grail, causing Reimu to become confused and start asking questions. Relationships [ edit ] Although Reimu often shows up as the main character, she doesn't
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Damian McGinty was born on September 9, 1992 in Derry, Northern Ireland as Damian Joseph McGinty Jr. He is an actor, known for Glee (2009), Moonlight on the Water and The Glee Project (2011). He has been married to Anna Claire Sneed since June 1, 2019.Seattle Bordered by the salt waters of Puget Sound to the west and the fresh waters of Lake Washington to the east, Seattle welcomes travelers with endless attractions and opportunities for urban amusement and outdoor exploration. In walkable downtown Seattle, our Marriott hotels are steps from shopping, dining, arts and entertainment. Quintessentially Seattle, Pike Place Market is the ideal starting point. Grab a cup of Java at the original Starbucks and watch the fish throwers at Pike Place Fish Company before heading to the Seattle Center to experience a breathtaking view of the “Emerald City” from atop the Space Needle. The renowned Seattle Museum of Art and countless theaters and museums keep the local art scene vibrant and fresh. Visit historic Pioneer Square, site of the original downtown Seattle and now
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Bobby Wood has reportedly caught the eye of some big-name clubs. According to reports out of Germany, Wood has drawn attention from several English clubs looking to take advantage of his buyout clause. For a fee of €12 million, Wood would reportedly be free to leave Hamburg in the summer, prompting the club to look towards negotiations on a new deal. As things stand, Wood is reportedly one of the least-compensated players at the club, reportedly making just €1.5 million annually. Everton, West Ham, Southampton, Stoke City, Leicester City and Liverpool are reportedly among the clubs interested in the U.S. Men’s National Team forward. Each club reportedly sent scouts to Germany to scout Wood’s match against Borussia Monchengladbach this past weekend. Wood is set to miss out on the USMNT’s upcomingIndia, Canada to jointly issue postage stamps The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was informed that India and Canada have mutually agreed to jointly issue a set of two Commemorative Postage Stamps on India-Canada: Joint Issue on the theme "Diwali". The joint stamps will be released on September 21, 2017. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has already been signed signed between Department of Posts and Canada Post for this joint issue. India and Canada have a longstanding close relationship, based on shared values of democracy, pluralism, equality for all and rule of law. Strong people-to-people contacts and the presence of a large Indian Diaspora in Canada provide a strong foundation for the relationship. In this joint issue, the theme "Diwali" has been selected as it is a cultural theme
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