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まぁでも、譲治兄貴の家族は、何だかんだで面白くてみんな仲は良さそうだよな。 |
……やれやれ、ウチの家族とは大違いだぜ。 |
Even so, George-aniki's family is interesting and fun, and they seem to get along just fine. |
......Sheesh, that's pretty much the total opposite of my family. |
== Kyrie == |
「戦人くん。留弗夫さんを見なかった?」 |
"Battler-kun, have you seen Rudolf-san?" |
== Battler == |
「え? さっきお手洗いに行くのを見ましたけど? まぁだ出てこないんすか? こりゃあ、ぽっくり逝っちまったかなぁ、ナムナムナム。」 |
"Huh? He headed off to the bathroom a while ago. Is he not back yet? Heh, maybe the poor geezer dropped dead, #fefefenamunamunamu<white>." |
== Kyrie == |
「自分のお父さんにそんな言い方はないでしょ。まぁ、あの人のお手洗いが長いのは今に始まったことじゃないしね。」 |
"That's no way to talk about your own father. Still, this isn't the first time he's taken so long in the bathroom." |
== Battler == |
「あ〜、あんにゃろは昔っからそうです。雑誌持ってトイレに入るのやめてほしいんすよね。何の雑誌持ち込んでな〜にをしてんだか! いっひっひ!」 |
"Yeah, the guy's always been that way. Does he really have to take a magazine with him every time he needs to take a dump? And what on Earth's he doing in there with those particular magazines?! Ihihi!" |
== Kyrie == |
「あら、そんな心配は全然不要よ? 私と一緒にいる以上、そんなことひとりでさせやしないもの。」 |
"Oh, you don't need to worry about that at all. Since we've been together, I haven't let him do that on his own." |
== Battler == |
「ひっひっひ! なぁんの話か、後でじっくり聞きたいっすねぇ〜! 親父め、タマまで握られてグゥの音も出ないわけだ。」 |
"Hihihi! Oooh, I'll have to get the juicy details later! Sounds like Dad's got his balls in an iron grip." |
== Kyrie == |
「握っとかないとどういうことになるか、よーくわかってるでしょ?」 |
"You know exactly what would happen with that man if I didn't keep a tight grip, don't you?" |
== Battler == |
「いやいやまったく。あのクソ親父の手綱は霧江さんにしか無理っすよ。実の息子の俺も、喜んで譲っちゃいますわ。」 |
"No kidding. You're the only one capable of reigning in that old bastard. As his son, I'm more than happy to let you take over." |
== Kyrie == |
「えぇ、任せてちょうだい。そういうの、得意なのよ?」 |
"Yes, leave it all to me. After all, that's my specialty." |
== Narrator == |
この人は、俺の親父の奥さんに当たる人。 |
This woman is my father's wife. |
名は、右代宮霧江(きりえ)。 |
Her name is Ushiromiya Kyrie (霧江). |
会話を少し聞けばわかるだろうが、俺の実の母親じゃない。 |
いわゆる継母ってヤツさ。 |
As you can probably tell from our conversation, she's not my real mother. |
She's basically my stepmother. |
俺の本当のお袋は6年前に死んだ。 |
その後に親父が再婚したのがこの霧江さんってわけだ。 |
My real mom died six years ago, and Kyrie-san is the woman Dad married afterwards. |
俺もさすがにこの歳だ。 |
今さら再婚の相手をお袋とは呼べない。 |
It's understandable for someone my age. |
I could never bring myself to call his new wife `Mom'. |
向こうだって、こんなデカくて血も繋がってない連れ子を息子とは呼びたくないだろう。 |
And I doubt she feels like using the word `son' on this massive kid who's no relation to her at all. |
お互いガキじゃない。 |
喧嘩したって得はないさ。 |
We aren't little kids. |
We know there's nothing to be gained by fighting. |
そんなわけで、無理に家族ごっこはしないってことにした。 |
家族でなく、近所のお姉さんというような感じで、比較的フランクに接しあうことにしている。 |
So, we decided that we wouldn't force ourselves to pretend that we were family. |
I've decided to act a bit more frank with her, acting as though she's a friendly neighbor instead. |
無理して互いに気持ち悪い思いをするよりは、他人と割り切った方がよっぽど気楽ってもんだ。 |
It's much easier if we just keep a little distance, instead of forcing ourselves to act all close and making each other uncomfortable. |
霧江さんもその辺りは非常にさばさばした人だったので、お陰で俺たちは何とかうまくやれてるわけだ。 |
Kyrie-san has always been very open about all this, and thanks to that, we've been able to get along pretty well. |
そうして、トイレでいない親父の悪口で盛り上がっていると、当の本人がハンカチで手を拭きながら帰ってきた。 |
Then, just when we were badmouthing Dad about being in the bathroom, the man himself came back, wiping his hands with a handkerchief. |
== Rudolf == |
「んん〜? 戦人ぁ。」 |
"Hmm? Battler." |
== Battler == |
「何だよ親父ぃ。 |
"Hey, what's up, Dad? |
…いててて! 耳つねんな、耳ぃ!」 |
...Owowowowww! Don't pinch my ear, gaah!" |
== Rudolf == |
「まぁた、母さんと俺の悪口を言ってたろぉ。なぁんでお前には父親に対する尊敬の念ってやつが沸かねぇんだ〜?」 |
"So, you've been talking trash about me with Mom again, haven't you? What makes it so hard to show a little respect for your father, hmm?" |
== Battler == |
「いてててていてててて! 痛ぇよクソ親父! 俺の耳、伸ばしたって空は飛べねぇぞ、痛ぇ〜〜!!」 |
"Owowow, owowowowow! Dammit, that hurts! You can stretch my ear all you want, but I'm not gonna be able to fly. That hurts!!" |