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Take the last letters of the words in "Miguel Ortiz" and concatenate them.
Miguel Ortiz
The last letter of "Miguel" is "l". The last letter of "Ortiz" is "z". Concatenating them is "lz". The answer is lz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Angela Vega" and concatenate them.
Angela Vega
The last letter of "Angela" is "a". The last letter of "Vega" is "a". Concatenating them is "aa". The answer is aa.
Take the last letters of the words in "Angel Perez" and concatenate them.
Angel Perez
The last letter of "Angel" is "l". The last letter of "Perez" is "z". Concatenating them is "lz". The answer is lz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Anthony Gonzales" and concatenate them.
Anthony Gonzales
The last letter of "Anthony" is "y". The last letter of "Gonzales" is "s". Concatenating them is "ys". The answer is ys.
Take the last letters of the words in "John Salazar" and concatenate them.
John Salazar
The last letter of "John" is "n". The last letter of "Salazar" is "r". Concatenating them is "nr". The answer is nr.
Take the last letters of the words in "Tony Vega" and concatenate them.
Tony Vega
The last letter of "Tony" is "y". The last letter of "Vega" is "a". Concatenating them is "ya". The answer is ya.
Take the last letters of the words in "Ashley Herrera" and concatenate them.
Ashley Herrera
The last letter of "Ashley" is "y". The last letter of "Herrera" is "a". Concatenating them is "ya". The answer is ya.
Take the last letters of the words in "Brandon Harris" and concatenate them.
Brandon Harris
The last letter of "Brandon" is "n". The last letter of "Harris" is "s". Concatenating them is "ns". The answer is ns.
Take the last letters of the words in "Veronica Garza" and concatenate them.
Veronica Garza
The last letter of "Veronica" is "a". The last letter of "Garza" is "a". Concatenating them is "aa". The answer is aa.
Take the last letters of the words in "Anna Vazquez" and concatenate them.
Anna Vazquez
The last letter of "Anna" is "a". The last letter of "Vazquez" is "z". Concatenating them is "az". The answer is az.
Take the last letters of the words in "Maria Adams" and concatenate them.
Maria Adams
The last letter of "Maria" is "a". The last letter of "Adams" is "s". Concatenating them is "as". The answer is as.
Take the last letters of the words in "Cindy Garza" and concatenate them.
Cindy Garza
The last letter of "Cindy" is "y". The last letter of "Garza" is "a". Concatenating them is "ya". The answer is ya.
Take the last letters of the words in "Martha Soto" and concatenate them.
Martha Soto
The last letter of "Martha" is "a". The last letter of "Soto" is "o". Concatenating them is "ao". The answer is ao.
Take the last letters of the words in "Scott Johnson" and concatenate them.
Scott Johnson
The last letter of "Scott" is "t". The last letter of "Johnson" is "n". Concatenating them is "tn". The answer is tn.
Take the last letters of the words in "Samantha Anderson" and concatenate them.
Samantha Anderson
The last letter of "Samantha" is "a". The last letter of "Anderson" is "n". Concatenating them is "an". The answer is an.
Take the last letters of the words in "Javier Maldonado" and concatenate them.
Javier Maldonado
The last letter of "Javier" is "r". The last letter of "Maldonado" is "o". Concatenating them is "ro". The answer is ro.
Take the last letters of the words in "Linda King" and concatenate them.
Linda King
The last letter of "Linda" is "a". The last letter of "King" is "g". Concatenating them is "ag". The answer is ag.
Take the last letters of the words in "Angel Contreras" and concatenate them.
Angel Contreras
The last letter of "Angel" is "l". The last letter of "Contreras" is "s". Concatenating them is "ls". The answer is ls.
Take the last letters of the words in "Carmen Reyes" and concatenate them.
Carmen Reyes
The last letter of "Carmen" is "n". The last letter of "Reyes" is "s". Concatenating them is "ns". The answer is ns.
Take the last letters of the words in "Samantha Harris" and concatenate them.
Samantha Harris
The last letter of "Samantha" is "a". The last letter of "Harris" is "s". Concatenating them is "as". The answer is as.
Take the last letters of the words in "Kimberly Diaz" and concatenate them.
Kimberly Diaz
The last letter of "Kimberly" is "y". The last letter of "Diaz" is "z". Concatenating them is "yz". The answer is yz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Christopher Vazquez" and concatenate them.
Christopher Vazquez
The last letter of "Christopher" is "r". The last letter of "Vazquez" is "z". Concatenating them is "rz". The answer is rz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Carmen Rivera" and concatenate them.
Carmen Rivera
The last letter of "Carmen" is "n". The last letter of "Rivera" is "a". Concatenating them is "na". The answer is na.
Take the last letters of the words in "Amy Herrera" and concatenate them.
Amy Herrera
The last letter of "Amy" is "y". The last letter of "Herrera" is "a". Concatenating them is "ya". The answer is ya.
Take the last letters of the words in "Luis Lewis" and concatenate them.
Luis Lewis
The last letter of "Luis" is "s". The last letter of "Lewis" is "s". Concatenating them is "ss". The answer is ss.
Take the last letters of the words in "Joe James" and concatenate them.
Joe James
The last letter of "Joe" is "e". The last letter of "James" is "s". Concatenating them is "es". The answer is es.
Take the last letters of the words in "Cindy Silva" and concatenate them.
Cindy Silva
The last letter of "Cindy" is "y". The last letter of "Silva" is "a". Concatenating them is "ya". The answer is ya.
Take the last letters of the words in "Joseph Santiago" and concatenate them.
Joseph Santiago
The last letter of "Joseph" is "h". The last letter of "Santiago" is "o". Concatenating them is "ho". The answer is ho.
Take the last letters of the words in "Paul Wright" and concatenate them.
Paul Wright
The last letter of "Paul" is "l". The last letter of "Wright" is "t". Concatenating them is "lt". The answer is lt.
Take the last letters of the words in "Jonathan Hernandez" and concatenate them.
Jonathan Hernandez
The last letter of "Jonathan" is "n". The last letter of "Hernandez" is "z". Concatenating them is "nz". The answer is nz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Michael Walker" and concatenate them.
Michael Walker
The last letter of "Michael" is "l". The last letter of "Walker" is "r". Concatenating them is "lr". The answer is lr.
Take the last letters of the words in "Teresa Scott" and concatenate them.
Teresa Scott
The last letter of "Teresa" is "a". The last letter of "Scott" is "t". Concatenating them is "at". The answer is at.
Take the last letters of the words in "Laura Estrada" and concatenate them.
Laura Estrada
The last letter of "Laura" is "a". The last letter of "Estrada" is "a". Concatenating them is "aa". The answer is aa.
Take the last letters of the words in "Jesus Williams" and concatenate them.
Jesus Williams
The last letter of "Jesus" is "s". The last letter of "Williams" is "s". Concatenating them is "ss". The answer is ss.
Take the last letters of the words in "Emily Romero" and concatenate them.
Emily Romero
The last letter of "Emily" is "y". The last letter of "Romero" is "o". Concatenating them is "yo". The answer is yo.
Take the last letters of the words in "Joseph Hill" and concatenate them.
Joseph Hill
The last letter of "Joseph" is "h". The last letter of "Hill" is "l". Concatenating them is "hl". The answer is hl.
Take the last letters of the words in "Maria Sandoval" and concatenate them.
Maria Sandoval
The last letter of "Maria" is "a". The last letter of "Sandoval" is "l". Concatenating them is "al". The answer is al.
Take the last letters of the words in "Teresa Davis" and concatenate them.
Teresa Davis
The last letter of "Teresa" is "a". The last letter of "Davis" is "s". Concatenating them is "as". The answer is as.
Take the last letters of the words in "Maria Lewis" and concatenate them.
Maria Lewis
The last letter of "Maria" is "a". The last letter of "Lewis" is "s". Concatenating them is "as". The answer is as.
Take the last letters of the words in "Luis Diaz" and concatenate them.
Luis Diaz
The last letter of "Luis" is "s". The last letter of "Diaz" is "z". Concatenating them is "sz". The answer is sz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Paul Fernandez" and concatenate them.
Paul Fernandez
The last letter of "Paul" is "l". The last letter of "Fernandez" is "z". Concatenating them is "lz". The answer is lz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Francisco Reyes" and concatenate them.
Francisco Reyes
The last letter of "Francisco" is "o". The last letter of "Reyes" is "s". Concatenating them is "os". The answer is os.
Take the last letters of the words in "Lisa Campbell" and concatenate them.
Lisa Campbell
The last letter of "Lisa" is "a". The last letter of "Campbell" is "l". Concatenating them is "al". The answer is al.
Take the last letters of the words in "Barbara Cruz" and concatenate them.
Barbara Cruz
The last letter of "Barbara" is "a". The last letter of "Cruz" is "z". Concatenating them is "az". The answer is az.
Take the last letters of the words in "Michelle Ortega" and concatenate them.
Michelle Ortega
The last letter of "Michelle" is "e". The last letter of "Ortega" is "a". Concatenating them is "ea". The answer is ea.
Take the last letters of the words in "Jorge Allen" and concatenate them.
Jorge Allen
The last letter of "Jorge" is "e". The last letter of "Allen" is "n". Concatenating them is "en". The answer is en.
Take the last letters of the words in "Mark Jackson" and concatenate them.
Mark Jackson
The last letter of "Mark" is "k". The last letter of "Jackson" is "n". Concatenating them is "kn". The answer is kn.
Take the last letters of the words in "Miguel Robinson" and concatenate them.
Miguel Robinson
The last letter of "Miguel" is "l". The last letter of "Robinson" is "n". Concatenating them is "ln". The answer is ln.
Take the last letters of the words in "Ryan Santiago" and concatenate them.
Ryan Santiago
The last letter of "Ryan" is "n". The last letter of "Santiago" is "o". Concatenating them is "no". The answer is no.
Take the last letters of the words in "Mary Reyes" and concatenate them.
Mary Reyes
The last letter of "Mary" is "y". The last letter of "Reyes" is "s". Concatenating them is "ys". The answer is ys.
Take the last letters of the words in "Antonio Hernandez" and concatenate them.
Antonio Hernandez
The last letter of "Antonio" is "o". The last letter of "Hernandez" is "z". Concatenating them is "oz". The answer is oz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Michelle Fernandez" and concatenate them.
Michelle Fernandez
The last letter of "Michelle" is "e". The last letter of "Fernandez" is "z". Concatenating them is "ez". The answer is ez.
Take the last letters of the words in "Claudia Guerrero" and concatenate them.
Claudia Guerrero
The last letter of "Claudia" is "a". The last letter of "Guerrero" is "o". Concatenating them is "ao". The answer is ao.
Take the last letters of the words in "Anthony Rios" and concatenate them.
Anthony Rios
The last letter of "Anthony" is "y". The last letter of "Rios" is "s". Concatenating them is "ys". The answer is ys.
Take the last letters of the words in "Chris Sandoval" and concatenate them.
Chris Sandoval
The last letter of "Chris" is "s". The last letter of "Sandoval" is "l". Concatenating them is "sl". The answer is sl.
Take the last letters of the words in "Alex Rodriguez" and concatenate them.
Alex Rodriguez
The last letter of "Alex" is "x". The last letter of "Rodriguez" is "z". Concatenating them is "xz". The answer is xz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Maria Patel" and concatenate them.
Maria Patel
The last letter of "Maria" is "a". The last letter of "Patel" is "l". Concatenating them is "al". The answer is al.
Take the last letters of the words in "Eric Ramirez" and concatenate them.
Eric Ramirez
The last letter of "Eric" is "c". The last letter of "Ramirez" is "z". Concatenating them is "cz". The answer is cz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Michelle Romero" and concatenate them.
Michelle Romero
The last letter of "Michelle" is "e". The last letter of "Romero" is "o". Concatenating them is "eo". The answer is eo.
Take the last letters of the words in "David Nelson" and concatenate them.
David Nelson
The last letter of "David" is "d". The last letter of "Nelson" is "n". Concatenating them is "dn". The answer is dn.
Take the last letters of the words in "Scott Rojas" and concatenate them.
Scott Rojas
The last letter of "Scott" is "t". The last letter of "Rojas" is "s". Concatenating them is "ts". The answer is ts.
Take the last letters of the words in "David Johnson" and concatenate them.
David Johnson
The last letter of "David" is "d". The last letter of "Johnson" is "n". Concatenating them is "dn". The answer is dn.
Take the last letters of the words in "Stephanie Mendoza" and concatenate them.
Stephanie Mendoza
The last letter of "Stephanie" is "e". The last letter of "Mendoza" is "a". Concatenating them is "ea". The answer is ea.
Take the last letters of the words in "Mario Gutierrez" and concatenate them.
Mario Gutierrez
The last letter of "Mario" is "o". The last letter of "Gutierrez" is "z". Concatenating them is "oz". The answer is oz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Oscar Silva" and concatenate them.
Oscar Silva
The last letter of "Oscar" is "r". The last letter of "Silva" is "a". Concatenating them is "ra". The answer is ra.
Take the last letters of the words in "Mike Perez" and concatenate them.
Mike Perez
The last letter of "Mike" is "e". The last letter of "Perez" is "z". Concatenating them is "ez". The answer is ez.
Take the last letters of the words in "Rachel Guerrero" and concatenate them.
Rachel Guerrero
The last letter of "Rachel" is "l". The last letter of "Guerrero" is "o". Concatenating them is "lo". The answer is lo.
Take the last letters of the words in "Ryan Silva" and concatenate them.
Ryan Silva
The last letter of "Ryan" is "n". The last letter of "Silva" is "a". Concatenating them is "na". The answer is na.
Take the last letters of the words in "Rachel Castro" and concatenate them.
Rachel Castro
The last letter of "Rachel" is "l". The last letter of "Castro" is "o". Concatenating them is "lo". The answer is lo.
Take the last letters of the words in "Brian Castro" and concatenate them.
Brian Castro
The last letter of "Brian" is "n". The last letter of "Castro" is "o". Concatenating them is "no". The answer is no.
Take the last letters of the words in "Jennifer Estrada" and concatenate them.
Jennifer Estrada
The last letter of "Jennifer" is "r". The last letter of "Estrada" is "a". Concatenating them is "ra". The answer is ra.
Take the last letters of the words in "Anthony Gonzales" and concatenate them.
Anthony Gonzales
The last letter of "Anthony" is "y". The last letter of "Gonzales" is "s". Concatenating them is "ys". The answer is ys.
Take the last letters of the words in "Sandra Lopez" and concatenate them.
Sandra Lopez
The last letter of "Sandra" is "a". The last letter of "Lopez" is "z". Concatenating them is "az". The answer is az.
Take the last letters of the words in "Anna Medina" and concatenate them.
Anna Medina
The last letter of "Anna" is "a". The last letter of "Medina" is "a". Concatenating them is "aa". The answer is aa.
Take the last letters of the words in "Kevin Ortiz" and concatenate them.
Kevin Ortiz
The last letter of "Kevin" is "n". The last letter of "Ortiz" is "z". Concatenating them is "nz". The answer is nz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Christopher Scott" and concatenate them.
Christopher Scott
The last letter of "Christopher" is "r". The last letter of "Scott" is "t". Concatenating them is "rt". The answer is rt.
Take the last letters of the words in "Katie Rios" and concatenate them.
Katie Rios
The last letter of "Katie" is "e". The last letter of "Rios" is "s". Concatenating them is "es". The answer is es.
Take the last letters of the words in "Brian White" and concatenate them.
Brian White
The last letter of "Brian" is "n". The last letter of "White" is "e". Concatenating them is "ne". The answer is ne.
Take the last letters of the words in "Karen Brown" and concatenate them.
Karen Brown
The last letter of "Karen" is "n". The last letter of "Brown" is "n". Concatenating them is "nn". The answer is nn.
Take the last letters of the words in "Luis White" and concatenate them.
Luis White
The last letter of "Luis" is "s". The last letter of "White" is "e". Concatenating them is "se". The answer is se.
Take the last letters of the words in "Antonio Sanchez" and concatenate them.
Antonio Sanchez
The last letter of "Antonio" is "o". The last letter of "Sanchez" is "z". Concatenating them is "oz". The answer is oz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Jessica Walker" and concatenate them.
Jessica Walker
The last letter of "Jessica" is "a". The last letter of "Walker" is "r". Concatenating them is "ar". The answer is ar.
Take the last letters of the words in "Kelly Rios" and concatenate them.
Kelly Rios
The last letter of "Kelly" is "y". The last letter of "Rios" is "s". Concatenating them is "ys". The answer is ys.
Take the last letters of the words in "Diana Ortiz" and concatenate them.
Diana Ortiz
The last letter of "Diana" is "a". The last letter of "Ortiz" is "z". Concatenating them is "az". The answer is az.
Take the last letters of the words in "Jorge Wright" and concatenate them.
Jorge Wright
The last letter of "Jorge" is "e". The last letter of "Wright" is "t". Concatenating them is "et". The answer is et.
Take the last letters of the words in "Elizabeth Clark" and concatenate them.
Elizabeth Clark
The last letter of "Elizabeth" is "h". The last letter of "Clark" is "k". Concatenating them is "hk". The answer is hk.
Take the last letters of the words in "Gloria Allen" and concatenate them.
Gloria Allen
The last letter of "Gloria" is "a". The last letter of "Allen" is "n". Concatenating them is "an". The answer is an.
Take the last letters of the words in "Kimberly Ortiz" and concatenate them.
Kimberly Ortiz
The last letter of "Kimberly" is "y". The last letter of "Ortiz" is "z". Concatenating them is "yz". The answer is yz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Teresa Khan" and concatenate them.
Teresa Khan
The last letter of "Teresa" is "a". The last letter of "Khan" is "n". Concatenating them is "an". The answer is an.
Take the last letters of the words in "Katie Gutierrez" and concatenate them.
Katie Gutierrez
The last letter of "Katie" is "e". The last letter of "Gutierrez" is "z". Concatenating them is "ez". The answer is ez.
Take the last letters of the words in "Lauren Garcia" and concatenate them.
Lauren Garcia
The last letter of "Lauren" is "n". The last letter of "Garcia" is "a". Concatenating them is "na". The answer is na.
Take the last letters of the words in "Diana Silva" and concatenate them.
Diana Silva
The last letter of "Diana" is "a". The last letter of "Silva" is "a". Concatenating them is "aa". The answer is aa.
Take the last letters of the words in "Jose Smith" and concatenate them.
Jose Smith
The last letter of "Jose" is "e". The last letter of "Smith" is "h". Concatenating them is "eh". The answer is eh.
Take the last letters of the words in "Andrew Adams" and concatenate them.
Andrew Adams
The last letter of "Andrew" is "w". The last letter of "Adams" is "s". Concatenating them is "ws". The answer is ws.
Take the last letters of the words in "Amy Scott" and concatenate them.
Amy Scott
The last letter of "Amy" is "y". The last letter of "Scott" is "t". Concatenating them is "yt". The answer is yt.
Take the last letters of the words in "Susan Fernandez" and concatenate them.
Susan Fernandez
The last letter of "Susan" is "n". The last letter of "Fernandez" is "z". Concatenating them is "nz". The answer is nz.
Take the last letters of the words in "Jose Jackson" and concatenate them.
Jose Jackson
The last letter of "Jose" is "e". The last letter of "Jackson" is "n". Concatenating them is "en". The answer is en.
Take the last letters of the words in "William Aguilar" and concatenate them.
William Aguilar
The last letter of "William" is "m". The last letter of "Aguilar" is "r". Concatenating them is "mr". The answer is mr.
Take the last letters of the words in "Lisa Smith" and concatenate them.
Lisa Smith
The last letter of "Lisa" is "a". The last letter of "Smith" is "h". Concatenating them is "ah". The answer is ah.
Take the last letters of the words in "Katie Anderson" and concatenate them.
Katie Anderson
The last letter of "Katie" is "e". The last letter of "Anderson" is "n". Concatenating them is "en". The answer is en.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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