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] | cs.LG cs.AI cs.CV | AdCo Adversarial Contrast for Efficient Learning of Unsupervised Representations from Self Trained Negative Adversaries. Contrastive learning relies on constructing a collection of negative examples that are sufficiently hard to discriminate against positive queries when their representations are self trained. Existing contrastive learning methods either maintain a queue of negative samples over minibatches while only a small portion of them are updated in an iteration, or only use the other examples from the current minibatch as negatives. They could not closely track the change of the learned representation over iterations by updating the entire queue as a whole, or discard the useful information from the past minibatches. Alternatively, we present to directly learn a set of negative adversaries playing against the self trained representation. Two players, the representation network and negative adversaries, are alternately updated to obtain the most challenging negative examples against which the representation of positive queries will be trained to discriminate. We further show that the negative adversaries are updated towards a weighted combination of positive queries by maximizing the adversarial contrastive loss, thereby allowing them to closely track the change of representations over time. Experiment results demonstrate the proposed Adversarial Contrastive (AdCo) model not only achieves superior performances (a top 1 accuracy of 73.2 over 200 epochs and 75.7 over 800 epochs with linear evaluation on ImageNet), but also can be pre trained more efficiently with fewer epochs. |
] | math.NT | On the signed Selmer groups of congruent elliptic curves with semistable reduction at all primes above p . Let p be an odd prime. We attach appropriate signed Selmer groups to an elliptic curve E , where E is assumed to have semistable reduction at all primes above p . We then compare the Iwasawa lambda invariants of these signed Selmer groups for two congruent elliptic curves over the cyclotomic mathbb Z p extension in the spirit of Greenberg Vatsal and B. D. Kim. As an application of our comparsion formula, we show that if the p parity conjecture is true for one of the congruent elliptic curves, then it is also true for the other elliptic curve. In the midst of proving this latter result, we also generalize an observation of Hatley on the parity of the signed Selmer groups. |
] | cs.CL cs.AI | Cascaded LSTMs based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Goal driven Dialogue. This paper proposes a deep neural network model for joint modeling Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Dialogue Management (DM) in goal driven dialogue systems. There are three parts in this model. A Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) at the bottom of the network encodes utterances in each dialogue turn into a turn embedding. Dialogue embeddings are learned by a LSTM at the middle of the network, and updated by the feeding of all turn embeddings. The top part is a forward Deep Neural Network which converts dialogue embeddings into the Q values of different dialogue actions. The cascaded LSTMs based reinforcement learning network is jointly optimized by making use of the rewards received at each dialogue turn as the only supervision information. There is no explicit NLU and dialogue states in the network. Experimental results show that our model outperforms both traditional Markov Decision Process (MDP) model and single LSTM with Deep Q Network on meeting room booking tasks. Visualization of dialogue embeddings illustrates that the model can learn the representation of dialogue states. |
] | cs.SE | Big Code ! Big Vocabulary Open Vocabulary Models for Source Code. Statistical language modeling techniques have successfully been applied to large source code corpora, yielding a variety of new software development tools, such as tools for code suggestion, improving readability, and API migration. A major issue with these techniques is that code introduces new vocabulary at a far higher rate than natural language, as new identifier names proliferate. Both large vocabularies and out of vocabulary issues severely affect Neural Language Models (NLMs) of source code, degrading their performance and rendering them unable to scale. In this paper, we address this issue by 1) studying how various modelling choices impact the resulting vocabulary on a large scale corpus of 13,362 projects 2) presenting an open vocabulary source code NLM that can scale to such a corpus, 100 times larger than in previous work and 3) showing that such models outperform the state of the art on three distinct code corpora (Java, C, Python). To our knowledge, these are the largest NLMs for code that have been reported. All datasets, code, and trained models used in this work are publicly available. |
] | cs.CV cs.HC | Assessment of Shift Invariant CNN Gaze Mappings for PS OG Eye Movement Sensors. Photosensor oculography (PS OG) eye movement sensors offer desirable performance characteristics for integration within wireless head mounted devices (HMDs), including low power consumption and high sampling rates. To address the known performance degradation of these sensors due to HMD shifts, various machine learning techniques have been proposed for mapping sensor outputs to gaze location. This paper advances the understanding of a recently introduced convolutional neural network designed to provide shift invariant gaze mapping within a specified range of sensor translations. Performance is assessed for shift training examples which better reflect the distribution of values that would be generated through manual repositioning of the HMD during a dedicated collection of training data. The network is shown to exhibit comparable accuracy for this realistic shift distribution versus a previously considered rectangular grid, thereby enhancing the feasibility of in field set up. In addition, this work further demonstrates the practical viability of the proposed initialization process by demonstrating robust mapping performance versus training data scale. The ability to maintain reasonable accuracy for shifts extending beyond those introduced during training is also demonstrated. |
] | physics.med-ph | Ultrasound imaging of the human body with three dimensional full wave nonlinear acoustics. Part 1 simulations methods. Simulations of three dimensional ultrasound propagation in heterogeneous media are computationally intensive due to the constraints arising from the large size of the domain, which is on the order of hundreds of wavelengths, and the small size of scatterers, which are much smaller than a wavelength. Consequently, three dimensional ultrasound imaging simulations are currently based on models that simplify the propagation physics. Here the full three dimensional wave physics is simulated with finite differences to generate ultrasound images of the human body based directly on the first principles of propagation and backscattering. The Visible Human project, a 3D data set of the human body that was generated with photographs of 0.33 mm cryosections, is converted into 3D acoustical maps. A full wave nonlinear acoustic simulation tool is used to propagate ultrasound into the liver with a 2D intercostal ultrasound array in a 93 times 39 times 22 mm domain with 6 times10 8 points. Imaging metrics, based on the beamplots, root mean square phase aberration, spatial coherence lengths, and contrast to noise ratio are used to characterize the image quality. It is shown that the harmonic image quality is better than the fundamental image quality due, in part, to a narrower beam profile. The root mean square estimate of aberration after propagation through the simulated body wall is shown to be low (23.4 ns), consistently with previous reports of aberration measured experimentally in a human body wall. The spatial coherence measured at the transducer surface indicates that a transducer array element size of 0.81 lambda would be required to fully sample the acoustic field. These simulated three dimensional ultrasound images based directly on propagation physics provide a platform to investigate the sources of image degradation in three dimensions (included in Part II). |
] | physics.class-ph physics.flu-dyn | Influence of lunisolar tides on plants. Parametric resonance induced by periodic variations of gravity. Recent experiments conducted in the International Space Station highlight the apparent periodicity of leaf oscillations and other biological phenomena associated with rhythmic variations of lunisolar forces. These events are similar to those occurring on Earth, but with greater effects over a shorter period of time. Among the possible disturbances, other than forced or self existing oscillations, parametric resonances appear caused by a small periodic term such is the case of fluids subjected to small periodic variations in gravitational forces in microscopic or mesoscopic plant channels filled with sap and air vapor. The interface instabilities verify a Mathieu's second order differential equation resulting from a Rayleigh Taylor stability model. These instabilities appear during the Moon's rotation around the Earth and during the revolution of the International Space Station. They create impulses of pressure and sap movements in the network of roots, stems and leaves. The model can explain the effects of the lunar tide on plant growth. The eccentricity of the lunar orbit around the Earth creates an important difference between the apogee and perigee of the Moon's trajectory and therefore the tidal effects can depend on the distance between the Moon and the Earth. |
] | physics.flu-dyn physics.comp-ph | A Comparison of Turbulence Generated by 3DS Sparse Grids With Different Blockage Ratios and Different Co Frame Arrangements. A new type of grid turbulence generator, the 3D sparse grid (3DS), is a co planar arrangement of co frames each containing a different length scale of grid elements Malik, N. A. US Patent No. US 9,599,269 B2 (2017) and possessing a much bigger parameter space than the flat 2D fractal square grid (2DF). Using DNS we compare the characteristics of the turbulence (mean flow, turbulence intensity, energy spectrum) generated by different types of 3DS grids. The peak intensities generated by 3DS can exceed the peaks generated by the 2DF by 80 we observe that a 3DS with blockage ratio 24 produces turbulence similar to the 2DF with blockage ratio 32 implying lower energy input for the same turbulence. |
] | cs.NE q-bio.NC | Neural Population Coding for Effective Temporal Classification. Neural encoding plays an important role in faithfully describing the temporally rich patterns, whose instances include human speech and environmental sounds. For tasks that involve classifying such spatio temporal patterns with the Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), how these patterns are encoded directly influence the difficulty of the task. In this paper, we compare several existing temporal and population coding schemes and evaluate them on both speech (TIDIGITS) and sound (RWCP) datasets. We show that, with population neural codings, the encoded patterns are linearly separable using the Support Vector Machine (SVM). We note that the population neural codings effectively project the temporal information onto the spatial domain, thus improving linear separability in the spatial dimension, achieving an accuracy of 95 and 100 for TIDIGITS and RWCP datasets classified using the SVM, respectively. This observation suggests that an effective neural coding scheme greatly simplifies the classification problem such that a simple linear classifier would suffice. The above datasets are then classified using the Tempotron, an SNN based classifier. SNN classification results agree with the SVM findings that population neural codings help to improve classification accuracy. Hence, other than the learning algorithm, effective neural encoding is just as important as an SNN designed to recognize spatio temporal patterns. It is an often neglected but powerful abstraction that deserves further study. |
] | cs.CY | Ten Social Dimensions of Conversations and Relationships. Decades of social science research identified ten fundamental dimensions that provide the conceptual building blocks to describe the nature of human relationships. Yet, it is not clear to what extent these concepts are expressed in everyday language and what role they have in shaping observable dynamics of social interactions. After annotating conversational text through crowdsourcing, we trained NLP tools to detect the presence of these types of interaction from conversations, and applied them to 160M messages written by geo referenced Reddit users, 290k emails from the Enron corpus and 300k lines of dialogue from movie scripts. We show that social dimensions can be predicted purely from conversations with an AUC up to 0.98, and that the combination of the predicted dimensions suggests both the types of relationships people entertain (conflict vs. support) and the types of real world communities (wealthy vs. deprived) they shape. |
] | cs.PF cs.DC | Performance Assessment of OpenMP Compilers Targeting NVIDIA V100 GPUs. Heterogeneous systems are becoming increasingly prevalent. In order to exploit the rich compute resources of such systems, robust programming models are needed for application developers to seamlessly migrate legacy code from today's systems to tomorrow's. Over the past decade and more, directives have been established as one of the promising paths to tackle programmatic challenges on emerging systems. This work focuses on applying and demonstrating OpenMP offloading directives on five proxy applications. We observe that the performance varies widely from one compiler to the other a crucial aspect of our work is reporting best practices to application developers who use OpenMP offloading compilers. While some issues can be worked around by the developer, there are other issues that must be reported to the compiler vendors. By restructuring OpenMP offloading directives, we gain an 18x speedup for the su3 proxy application on NERSC's Cori system when using the Clang compiler, and a 15.7x speedup by switching max reductions to add reductions in the laplace mini app when using the Cray llvm compiler on Cori. |
] | math.AG | On the geometry of affine Deligne Lusztig varieties for quasi split groups with very special leve. In this paper we discuss the geometry of affine Deligne Lusztig varieties with very special level structure, determining their dimension and connected and irreducible components. As application, we prove the Grothendieck conjecture for Shimura varieties with very special level at p and a function field analogue. |
] | physics.soc-ph | Phase diagrams of interacting spreading dynamics in complex networks. Epidemic spreading processes in the real world can interact with each other in a cooperative, competitive, or asymmetric way, requiring a description based on coevolution dynamics. Rich phenomena such as discontinuous outbreak transitions and hystereses can arise, but a full picture of these behaviors in the parameter space is lacking. We develop a theory for interacting spreading dynamics on complex networks through spectral dimension reduction. In particular, we derive from the microscopic quenched mean field equations a two dimensional system in terms of the macroscopic variables, which enables a full phase diagram to be determined analytically. The diagram predicts critical phenomena that were known previously but only numerically, such as the interplay between discontinuous transition and hysteresis as well as the emergence and role of tricritical points. |
] | math.CA | A sharp L 10 decoupling for the twisted cubic. We prove a sharp l 10 (L 10 ) decoupling for the moment curve in mathbb R 3 . The proof involves a two step decoupling combined with new incidence estimates for planks, tubes and plates. |
] | math.NA cs.CE cs.NA | A Multilevel Approach for Trace System in HDG Discretizations. We propose a multilevel approach for trace systems resulting from hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods. The key is to blend ideas from nested dissection, domain decomposition, and high order characteristic of HDG discretizations. Specifically, we first create a coarse solver by eliminating and or limiting the front growth in nested dissection. This is accomplished by projecting the trace data into a sequence of same or high order polynomials on a set of increasingly h coarser edges faces. We then combine the coarse solver with a block Jacobi fine scale solver to form a two level solver preconditioner. Numerical experiments indicate that the performance of the resulting two level solver preconditioner depends only on the smoothness of the solution and is independent of the nature of the PDE under consideration. While the proposed algorithms are developed within the HDG framework, they are applicable to other hybrid(ized) high order finite element methods. Moreover, we show that our multilevel algorithms can be interpreted as a multigrid method with specific intergrid transfer and smoothing operators. With several numerical examples from Poisson, pure transport, and convection diffusion equations we demonstrate the robustness and scalability of the algorithms. |
] | cs.CV | GAPNet Graph Attention based Point Neural Network for Exploiting Local Feature of Point Cloud. Exploiting fine grained semantic features on point cloud is still challenging due to its irregular and sparse structure in a non Euclidean space. Among existing studies, PointNet provides an efficient and promising approach to learn shape features directly on unordered 3D point cloud and has achieved competitive performance. However, local feature that is helpful towards better contextual learning is not considered. Meanwhile, attention mechanism shows efficiency in capturing node representation on graph based data by attending over neighboring nodes. In this paper, we propose a novel neural network for point cloud, dubbed GAPNet, to learn local geometric representations by embedding graph attention mechanism within stacked Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) layers. Firstly, we introduce a GAPLayer to learn attention features for each point by highlighting different attention weights on neighborhood. Secondly, in order to exploit sufficient features, a multi head mechanism is employed to allow GAPLayer to aggregate different features from independent heads. Thirdly, we propose an attention pooling layer over neighbors to capture local signature aimed at enhancing network robustness. Finally, GAPNet applies stacked MLP layers to attention features and local signature to fully extract local geometric structures. The proposed GAPNet architecture is tested on the ModelNet40 and ShapeNet part datasets, and achieves state of the art performance in both shape classification and part segmentation tasks. |
] | math.AP | The focusing logarithmic Schr "odinger equation analysis of breathers and nonlinear superposition. We consider the logarithmic Schr "odinger equation in the focusing regime. For this equation, Gaussian initial data remains Gaussian. In particular, the Gausson a time independent Gaussian function is an orbitally stable solution. In the general case in dimension d 1 , the solution with Gaussian initial data is periodic, and we compute some approximations of the period in the case of small and large oscillations, showing that the period can be as large as wanted for the latter. The main result of this article is a principle of nonlinear superposition starting from an initial data made of the sum of several standing Gaussian functions far from each other, the solution remains close (in L 2 ) to the sum of the corresponding Gaussian solutions for a long time, in square of the distance between the Gaussian functions. |
] | physics.bio-ph q-bio.QM | Snakes partition their body to traverse large steps stably. Many snakes live in deserts, forests, and river valleys and traverse challenging 3 D terrain like rocks, felled trees, and rubble, with obstacles as large as themselves and variable surface properties. By contrast, apart from branch cantilevering, burrowing, swimming, and gliding, laboratory studies of snake locomotion focused on that on simple flat surfaces. Here, to begin to understand snake locomotion in complex 3 D terrain, we study how the variable kingsnake, a terrestrial generalist, traversed a large step of variable surface friction and step height (up to 30 snout vent length). The snake traversed by partitioning its body into three sections with distinct functions. Body sections below and above the step oscillated laterally on horizontal surfaces for propulsion, while the body section in between cantilevered in a vertical plane to bridge the large height increase. As the animal progressed, these three sections traveled down its body, conforming overall body shape to the step. In addition, the snake adjusted the partitioned gait in response to increase in step height and decrease in surface friction, at the cost of reduced speed. As surface friction decreased, body movement below and above the step changed from a continuous lateral undulation with little slip to an intermittent oscillatory movement with much slip, and initial head lift off became closer to the step. Given these adjustments, body partitioning allowed the snake to be always stable, even when initially cantilevering but before reaching the surface above. Such a partitioned gait may be generally useful for diverse, complex 3 D terrain. |
] | cs.FL | On probabilistic stable event structures. Concurrency and probability are both much studied extensions of sequential computation. Within concurrency theory, there is a broad divide between interleaving models and logics, which model concurrency by non determinism, and truly concurrent' models, in which concurrency (and or causality) are directly represented. True concurrency gives much richer models and logics, but is also harder to work with, as the interactions of causality and concurrency can become complex. In probabilistic computation, we have by now many well understood probabilistic models and logics on interleaving models, developed over the last thirty years or so. However, for true concurrency, adding probability has been much harder, owing to the interactions between probabilistic independence and causal concurrent independence, piling both conceptual and technical difficulties upon an already complex model. Various notions of, e.g., probabilistic Petri net have been introduced, but for simpler cases such as free choice nets. A significant contribution in the last decade was Abbes and Benveniste 2006, which gave a rigorous foundation for probabilistic concurrency in terms of Winskel's event structures, which can be seen as the lowest level of concurrent causal modelling. However, event structures are themselves not ideal for representing richer high level models such as (arbitrary) Petri nets, as the concurrency is derived from a binary conflict relation. Here we develop an extension of the theory of Abbes and Benveniste to a more general class of models, a certain subclass of stable event structures'. This class is sufficient to give a semantics to probabilistic Petri nets (including the notoriously awkward notion of confusion, which is forbidden by free choice nets), and thereby allows the definition of general probabilistic logics for Petri nets. |
] | math.CA math.FA | On the eigenstructure of the ( alpha,q) Bernstein operator. We obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the ( alpha,q) Bernstein operator T n,q, alpha . Moreover, we will give the limit behaviour of these eigenvalues and eigenvectors for all q. |
] | cs.CR | Insecure Until Proven Updated Analyzing AMD SEV's Remote Attestation. Customers of cloud services have to trust the cloud providers, as they control the building blocks that form the cloud. This includes the hypervisor enabling the sharing of a single hardware platform among multiple tenants. AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) claims a new level of protection in cloud scenarios. AMD SEV encrypts the main memory of virtual machines with VM specific keys, thereby denying the higher privileged hypervisor access to a guest's memory. To enable the cloud customer to verify the correct deployment of his virtual machine, SEV additionally introduces a remote attestation protocol.This paper analyzes the firmware components that implement the SEV remote attestation protocol on the current AMD Epyc Naples CPU series. We demonstrate that it is possible to extract critical CPU specific keys that are fundamental for the security of the remote attestation protocol.Building on the extracted keys, we propose attacks that allow a malicious cloud provider a complete circumvention of the SEV protection mechanisms. Although the underlying firmware issues were already fixed by AMD, we show that the current series of AMD Epyc CPUs, i.e., the Naples series, does not prevent the installation of previous firmware versions. We show that the severity of our proposed attacks is very high as no purely software based mitigations are possible. This effectively renders the SEV technology on current AMD Epyc CPUs useless when confronted with an untrusted cloud provider. To overcome these issues, we also propose robust changes to the SEV design that allow future generations of the SEV technology to mitigate the proposed attacks. |
] | cs.GT | A Unifying Approximate Potential for Weighted Congestion Games. We provide a unifying, black box tool for establishing existence of approximate equilibria in weighted congestion games and, at the same time, bounding their Price of Stability. Our framework can handle resources with general costs including, in particular, decreasing ones and is formulated in terms of a set of parameters which are determined via elementary analytic properties of the cost functions. We demonstrate the power of our tool by applying it to recover the recent result of Caragiannis and Fanelli ICALP'19 for polynomial congestion games improve upon the bounds for fair cost sharing games by Chen and Roughgarden Theory Comput. Syst., 2009 and derive new bounds for nondecreasing concave costs. An interesting feature of our framework is that it can be readily applied to mixtures of different families of cost functions for example, we provide bounds for games whose resources are conical combinations of polynomial and concave costs. In the core of our analysis lies the use of a unifying approximate potential function which is simple and general enough to be applicable to arbitrary congestion games, but at the same time powerful enough to produce state of the art bounds across a range of different cost functions. |
] | math.MG math.FA | Estimates on the Markov Convexity of Carnot Groups and Quantitative Nonembeddability. We show that every graded nilpotent Lie group G of step r , equipped with a left invariant metric homogeneous with respect to the dilations induced by the grading, (this includes all Carnot groups with Carnot Caratheodory metric) is Markov p convex for all p in 2r, infty) . We also show that this is sharp whenever G is a Carnot group with r leq 3 , a free Carnot group, or a jet space group such groups are not Markov p convex for any p in (0,2r) . This continues a line of research started by Li who proved this sharp result when G is the Heisenberg group. As corollaries, we obtain new estimates on the non biLipschitz embeddability of some finitely generated nilpotent groups into nilpotent Lie groups of lower step. Sharp estimates of this type are known when the domain is the Heisenberg group and the target is a uniformly convex Banach space or L 1 , but not when the target is a nonabelian nilpotent group. |
] | math.CA | Properties of fractional integral operators involving the three parameters Mittag Leffler function in the kernels with respect to another function. This paper aims to investigate properties associated with fractional integral operators involving the three parameters Mittag Leffler function in the kernels with respect to another function. We prove that the Cauchy problem and the Volterra integral equation are equivalent. We find a closed form to the solution of the Cauchy problem using successive approximations method and psi Caputo fractional derivative. |
] | math.FA | mathcal L invariant Fock Carleson type measures for derivatives of order k and the corresponding Toeplitz operators. Our purpose is to characterize the so called horizontal Fock Carleson type measures for derivatives of order k (we write it k hFC for short) for the Fock space as well as the Toeplitz operators generated by sesquilinear forms given by them. The boundedness conditions for such operators are found. We introduce real coderivatives of k hFC type measures and show that the C algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with the corresponding class of symbols is commutative and isometrically isomorphic to certain C subalgebra of L infty ( mathbb R n ) . The above results are extended to measures that are invariant under translations along Lagrangian planes. |
] | math.CO | Colourings, transversals and local sparsity. Motivated both by recently introduced forms of list colouring and by earlier work on independent transversals subject to a local sparsity condition, we use the semi random method to prove the following result. For any function mu satisfying mu(d) o(d) as d to infty , there is a function lambda satisfying lambda(d) d o(d) as d to infty such that the following holds. For any graph H and any partition of its vertices into parts of size at least lambda such that (a) for each part the average over its vertices of degree to other parts is at most d , and (b) the maximum degree from a vertex to some other part is at most mu , there is guaranteed to be a transversal of the parts that forms an independent set of H . This is a common strengthening of two results of Loh and Sudakov (2007) and Molloy and Thron (2012), each of which in turn implies an earlier result of Reed and Sudakov (2002). |
] | cs.DC cs.CR math.OC | Decentralized and Secure Generation Maintenance with Differential Privacy. Decentralized methods are gaining popularity for data driven models in power systems as they offer significant computational scalability while guaranteeing full data ownership by utility stakeholders. However, decentralized methods still require sharing information about network flow estimates over public facing communication channels, which raises privacy concerns. In this paper we propose a differential privacy driven approach geared towards decentralized formulations of mixed integer operations and maintenance optimization problems that protects network flow estimates. We prove strong privacy guarantees by leveraging the linear relationship between the phase angles and the flow. To address the challenges associated with the mixed integer and dynamic nature of the problem, we introduce an exponential moving average based consensus mechanism to enhance convergence, coupled with a control chart based convergence criteria to improve stability. Our experimental results obtained on the IEEE 118 bus case demonstrate that our privacy preserving approach yields solution qualities on par with benchmark methods without differential privacy. To demonstrate the computational robustness of our method, we conduct experiments using a wide range of noise levels and operational scenarios. |
] | cs.CL cs.CY | Fair Embedding Engine A Library for Analyzing and Mitigating Gender Bias in Word Embeddings. Non contextual word embedding models have been shown to inherit human like stereotypical biases of gender, race and religion from the training corpora. To counter this issue, a large body of research has emerged which aims to mitigate these biases while keeping the syntactic and semantic utility of embeddings intact. This paper describes Fair Embedding Engine (FEE), a library for analysing and mitigating gender bias in word embeddings. FEE combines various state of the art techniques for quantifying, visualising and mitigating gender bias in word embeddings under a standard abstraction. FEE will aid practitioners in fast track analysis of existing debiasing methods on their embedding models. Further, it will allow rapid prototyping of new methods by evaluating their performance on a suite of standard metrics. |
] | cs.DS math.CO | Malleable scheduling beyond identical machines. In malleable job scheduling, jobs can be executed simultaneously on multiple machines with the processing time depending on the number of allocated machines. In this setting, jobs are required to be executed non preemptively and in unison, in the sense that they occupy, during their execution, the same time interval over all the machines of the allocated set. In this work, we study generalizations of malleable job scheduling inspired by standard scheduling on unrelated machines. Specifically, we introduce a general model of malleable job scheduling, where each machine has a (possibly different) speed for each job, and the processing time of a job j on a set of allocated machines S depends on the total speed of S with respect to j . For machines with unrelated speeds, we show that the optimal makespan cannot be approximated within a factor less than frac e e 1 , unless P NP . On the positive side, we present polynomial time algorithms with approximation ratios frac 2e e 1 for machines with unrelated speeds, 3 for machines with uniform speeds, and 7 3 for restricted assignments on identical machines. Our algorithms are based on deterministic LP rounding. They result in sparse schedules, in the sense that each machine shares at most one job with other machines. We also prove lower bounds on the integrality gap of 1 varphi for unrelated speeds ( varphi is the golden ratio) and 2 for uniform speeds and restricted assignments. To indicate the generality of our approach, we show that it also yields constant factor approximation algorithms for a variant where we determine the effective speed of a set of allocated machines based on the L p norm of their speeds. |
] | cs.CV | Camera Pose Correction in SLAM Based on Bias Values of Map Points. Accurate camera pose estimation result is essential for visual SLAM (VSLAM). This paper presents a novel pose correction method to improve the accuracy of the VSLAM system. Firstly, the relationship between the camera pose estimation error and bias values of map points is derived based on the optimized function in VSLAM. Secondly, the bias value of the map point is calculated by a statistical method. Finally, the camera pose estimation error is compensated according to the first derived relationship. After the pose correction, procedures of the original system, such as the bundle adjustment (BA) optimization, can be executed as before. Compared with existing methods, our algorithm is compact and effective and can be easily generalized to different VSLAM systems. Additionally, the robustness to system noise of our method is better than feature selection methods, due to all original system information is preserved in our algorithm while only a subset is employed in the latter. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that our approach leads to considerable improvements over state of the art algorithms for absolute pose estimation. |
] | cs.IR cs.SI | Social Media Mining Toolkit (SMMT). There has been a dramatic increase in the popularity of utilizing social media data for research purposes within the biomedical community. In PubMed alone, there have been nearly 2,500 publication entries since 2014 that deal with analyzing social media data from Twitter and Reddit. However, the vast majority of those works do not share their code or data for replicating their studies. With minimal exceptions, the few that do, place the burden on the researcher to figure out how to fetch the data, how to best format their data, and how to create automatic and manual annotations on the acquired data. In order to address this pressing issue, we introduce the Social Media Mining Toolkit (SMMT), a suite of tools aimed to encapsulate the cumbersome details of acquiring, preprocessing, annotating and standardizing social media data. The purpose of our toolkit is for researchers to focus on answering research questions, and not the technical aspects of using social media data. By using a standard toolkit, researchers will be able to acquire, use, and release data in a consistent way that is transparent for everybody using the toolkit, hence, simplifying research reproducibility and accessibility in the social media domain. |
] | cs.DB cs.DC cs.LG | COAX Correlation Aware Indexing on Multidimensional Data with Soft Functional Dependencies. Recent work proposed learned index structures, which learn the distribution of the underlying dataset to improve performance. The initial work on learned indexes has shown that by learning the cumulative distribution function of the data, index structures such as the B Tree can improve their performance by one order of magnitude while having a smaller memory footprint. In this paper, we present COAX, a learned index for multidimensional data that, instead of learning the distribution of keys, learns the correlations between attributes of the dataset. Our approach is driven by the observation that in many datasets, values of two (or multiple) attributes are correlated. COAX exploits these correlations to reduce the dimensionality of the datasets. More precisely, we learn how to infer one (or multiple) attribute C d from the remaining attributes and hence no longer need to index attribute C d . This reduces the dimensionality and hence makes the index smaller and more efficient. We theoretically investigate the effectiveness of the proposed technique based on the predictability of the FD attributes. We further show experimentally that by predicting correlated attributes in the data, we can improve the query execution time and reduce the memory overhead of the index. In our experiments, we reduce the execution time by 25 while reducing the memory footprint of the index by four orders of magnitude. |
] | cs.MA | Influence of CAV Clustering Strategies on Mixed Traffic Flow Characteristics An Analysis of Vehicle Trajectory Data. Being one of the most promising applications enabled by connected and automated vehicles (CAV) technology, Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) is expected to be deployed in the near term on public roads. Thus far, the majority of the CACC studies have been focusing on the overall network performance with limited insights on the potential impacts of CAVs on human driven vehicles (HVs).This paper aims to quantify such impacts by studying the high resolution vehicle trajectory data that are obtained from microscopic simulation. Two platoon clustering strategies for CACC an ad hoc coordination strategy and a local coordination strategy are implemented. Results show that the local coordination outperforms the ad hoc coordination across all tested market penetration rates (MPRs) in terms of network throughput and productivity. According to the two sample Kolmogorov textcolor re Smirnov test, however, the distributions of the hard braking events (as a potential safety impact) for HVs change significantly under local coordination strategy. For both of the clustering strategy, CAVs increase the average lane change frequency for HVs. The break even point for average lane change frequency between the two strategies is observed at 30 MPR, which decreases from 5.42 to 5.38 per vehicle. The average lane change frequency following a monotonically increasing pattern in response to MPR, and it reaches the highest 5.48 per vehicle at 40 MPR. Lastly, the interaction state of the car following model for HVs is analyzed. It is revealed that the composition of the interaction state could be influenced by CAVs as well. One of the apparent trends is that the time spent on approaching state declines with the increasing presence of CAVs. |
] | math.SP | On the spectrum of the hierarchical Schr " o dinger type operators. The goal of this paper is the spectral analysis of the Schr " o dinger type operator H L V , the perturbation of the Taibleson Vladimirov multiplier L mathfrak D alpha by a potential V . Assuming that V belongs to a certain class of potentials we show that the discrete part of the spectrum of H may contain negative energies, it also appears in the spectral gaps of L . We will split the spectrum of H in two parts high energy part containing eigenvalues which correspond to the eigenfunctions located on the support of the potential V, and low energy part which lies in the spectrum of certain bounded Schr " o dinger type operator acting on the Dyson hierarchical lattice. We pay special attention to the class of sparse potentials. In this case we obtain precise spectral asymptotics for H provided the sequence of distances between locations tends to infinity fast enough. We also obtain certain results concerning localization theory for H subject to (non ergodic) random potential V . Examples illustrate our approach. |
] | cs.RO | Spatio Temporal Multisensor Calibration Based on Gaussian Processes Moving Object Tracking. Perception is one of the key abilities of autonomous mobile robotic systems, which often relies on fusion of heterogeneous sensors. Although this heterogeneity presents a challenge for sensor calibration, it is also the main prospect for reliability and robustness of autonomous systems. In this paper, we propose a method for multisensor calibration based on Gaussian processes (GPs) estimated moving object trajectories, resulting with temporal and extrinsic parameters. The appealing properties of the proposed temporal calibration method are coordinate frame invariance, thus avoiding prior extrinsic calibration, theoretically grounded batch state estimation and interpolation using GPs, computational efficiency with O(n) complexity, leveraging data already available in autonomous robot platforms, and the end result enabling 3D point to point extrinsic multisensor calibration. The proposed method is validated both in simulations and real world experiments. For real world experiment we evaluated the method on two multisensor systems an externally triggered stereo camera, thus having temporal ground truth readily available, and a heterogeneous combination of a camera and motion capture system. The results show that the estimated time delays are accurate up to a fraction of the fastest sensor sampling time. |
] | physics.med-ph | Wall Stress Distributions in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Do Not Correlate With Symptoms. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a permanent and irreversible dilation of the lower region of the aorta. It is typically an asymptomatic condition that if left untreated can expand to the point of rupture. Mechanically speaking, rupture of an artery occurs when the local wall stress exceeds the local wall strength. It is therefore understandable that numerous studies have attempted to estimate the AAA wall stress. Recently the Intelligent Systems for Medicine Laboratory (ISML) presented a very efficient method to compute AAA wall stress using geometry from Computed Tomography (CT) images, and median arterial pressure as the applied load. The ISML's method is embedded in the software platform BioPARR Biomechanics based Prediction of Aneurysm Rupture Risk, freely available from http bioparr.mech.uwa.edu.au . The uniqueness of our stress computation approach is three fold i) the results are insensitive to unknown patient specific mechanical properties of arterial wall tissue ii) the residual stress is accounted for, according to Y.C. Fung's Uniform Stress Hypothesis and iii) the analysis is automated and quick, making our approach compatible with clinical workflows. In this study we evaluated 19 cases of AAA. A proportion of these were classified as symptomatic. The results of the analysis demonstrate, contrary to the common view, that neither the wall stress magnitude nor the stress distribution correlate with the presence of clinical symptoms. |
] | cs.RO cs.CV | Self Supervised Sim to Real Adaptation for Visual Robotic Manipulation. Collecting and automatically obtaining reward signals from real robotic visual data for the purposes of training reinforcement learning algorithms can be quite challenging and time consuming. Methods for utilizing unlabeled data can have a huge potential to further accelerate robotic learning. We consider here the problem of performing manipulation tasks from pixels. In such tasks, choosing an appropriate state representation is crucial for planning and control. This is even more relevant with real images where noise, occlusions and resolution affect the accuracy and reliability of state estimation. In this work, we learn a latent state representation implicitly with deep reinforcement learning in simulation, and then adapt it to the real domain using unlabeled real robot data. We propose to do so by optimizing sequence based self supervised objectives. These exploit the temporal nature of robot experience, and can be common in both the simulated and real domains, without assuming any alignment of underlying states in simulated and unlabeled real images. We propose Contrastive Forward Dynamics loss, which combines dynamics model learning with time contrastive techniques. The learned state representation that results from our methods can be used to robustly solve a manipulation task in simulation and to successfully transfer the learned skill on a real system. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches by training a vision based reinforcement learning agent for cube stacking. Agents trained with our method, using only 5 hours of unlabeled real robot data for adaptation, shows a clear improvement over domain randomization, and standard visual domain adaptation techniques for sim to real transfer. |
] | math.CO | Characterization of classes of graphs with large general position number. Getting inspired by the famous no three in line problem and by the general position subset selection problem from discrete geometry, the same is introduced into graph theory as follows. A set S of vertices in a graph G is a general position set if no element of S lies on a geodesic between any two other elements of S . The cardinality of a largest general position set is the general position number rm gp (G) of G. In cite ullas 2016 graphs G of order n with rm gp (G) in 2, n, n 1 were characterized. In this paper, we characterize the classes of all connected graphs of order n geq 4 with the general position number n 2. |
] | math.NA cs.NA | Multilevel decompositions and norms for negative order Sobolev spaces. We consider multilevel decompositions of piecewise constants on simplicial meshes that are stable in H s for s in (0,1) . Proofs are given in the case of uniformly and locally refined meshes. Our findings can be applied to define local multilevel diagonal preconditioners that lead to bounded condition numbers (independent of the mesh sizes and levels) and have optimal computational complexity. Furthermore, we discuss multilevel norms based on local (quasi )projection operators that allow the efficient evaluation of negative order Sobolev norms. Numerical examples and a discussion on several extensions and applications conclude this article. |
] | cs.CR | Using Lexical Features for Malicious URL Detection A Machine Learning Approach. Malicious websites are responsible for a majority of the cyber attacks and scams today. Malicious URLs are delivered to unsuspecting users via email, text messages, pop ups or advertisements. Clicking on or crawling such URLs can result in compromised email accounts, launching of phishing campaigns, download of malware, spyware and ransomware, as well as severe monetary losses. A machine learning based ensemble classification approach is proposed to detect malicious URLs in emails, which can be extended to other methods of delivery of malicious URLs. The approach uses static lexical features extracted from the URL string, with the assumption that these features are notably different for malicious and benign URLs. The use of such static features is safer and faster since it does not involve crawling the URLs or blacklist lookups which tend to introduce a significant amount of latency in producing verdicts. The goal of the classification was to achieve high sensitivity i.e. detect as many malicious URLs as possible. URL strings tend to be very unstructured and noisy. Hence, bagging algorithms were found to be a good fit for the task since they average out multiple learners trained on different parts of the training data, thus reducing variance. The classification model was tested on five different testing sets and produced an average False Negative Rate (FNR) of 0.1 , average accuracy of 92 and average AUC of 0.98. The model is presently being used in the FireEye Advanced URL Detection Engine (used to detect malicious URLs in emails), to generate fast real time verdicts on URLs. The malicious URL detections from the engine have gone up by 22 since the deployment of the model into the engine workflow. The results obtained show noteworthy evidence that a purely lexical approach can be used to detect malicious URLs. |
] | physics.chem-ph | Hydrogen plasma favored modification of anatase TiO 2 (001) surface with desirable water splitting performance. We show that when TiO 2 anatase (001) is exposed to hydrogen plasma that the pristine surface termination becomes unfavorable to another, slightly modified, surface. On this modified surface the topmost TiO 2 layer is intact but out of registry with the bottom layers. Nevertheless, the modified surface has significantly improved ability to split water under exposure to sunlight. We show by explicit calculation of the water splitting reaction that the energy barrier that exists on a pristine surface is not present on the modified surface. The valence band maximum of the surface is raised relative to the pristine surface, which is a favorable way of adjusting the band gap in TiO 2 to the solar spectrum. |
] | cs.CV cs.RO | Learning Topometric Semantic Maps from Occupancy Grids. Today's mobile robots are expected to operate in complex environments they share with humans. To allow intuitive human robot collaboration, robots require a human like understanding of their surroundings in terms of semantically classified instances. In this paper, we propose a new approach for deriving such instance based semantic maps purely from occupancy grids. We employ a combination of deep learning techniques to detect, segment and extract door hypotheses from a random sized map. The extraction is followed by a post processing chain to further increase the accuracy of our approach, as well as place categorization for the three classes room, door and corridor. All detected and classified entities are described as instances specified in a common coordinate system, while a topological map is derived to capture their spatial links. To train our two neural networks used for detection and map segmentation, we contribute a simulator that automatically creates and annotates the required training data. We further provide insight into which features are learned to detect doorways, and how the simulated training data can be augmented to train networks for the direct application on real world grid maps. We evaluate our approach on several publicly available real world data sets. Even though the used networks are solely trained on simulated data, our approach demonstrates high robustness and effectiveness in various real world indoor environments. |
] | cs.CV | Balanced Binary Neural Networks with Gated Residual. Binary neural networks have attracted numerous attention in recent years. However, mainly due to the information loss stemming from the biased binarization, how to preserve the accuracy of networks still remains a critical issue. In this paper, we attempt to maintain the information propagated in the forward process and propose a Balanced Binary Neural Networks with Gated Residual (BBG for short). First, a weight balanced binarization is introduced to maximize information entropy of binary weights, and thus the informative binary weights can capture more information contained in the activations. Second, for binary activations, a gated residual is further appended to compensate their information loss during the forward process, with a slight overhead. Both techniques can be wrapped as a generic network module that supports various network architectures for different tasks including classification and detection. We evaluate our BBG on image classification tasks over CIFAR 10 100 and ImageNet and on detection task over Pascal VOC. The experimental results show that BBG Net performs remarkably well across various network architectures such as VGG, ResNet and SSD with the superior performance over state of the art methods in terms of memory consumption, inference speed and accuracy. |
] | math.CA | Can Umbral and q calculus be merged?. The q calculus is reformulated in terms of the umbral calculus and of the associated operational formalism. We show that new and interesting elements emerge from such a restyling. The proposed technique is applied to a different formulations of q special functions, to the derivation of integrals involving ordinary and q functions and to the study of q special functions and polynomials. |
] | physics.optics physics.app-ph | Large scale integrated reconfigurable orbital angular momentum mode multiplexer. Recent experiments in orbital angular momentum multiplexing have demonstrated its potential for improving the link capacity in optical interconnection networks. Meanwhile, compact photonic integrated orbital angular momentum (de )multiplexing devices are needed to address requirements such as high scalability, fast configurability, low cost and low power consumption. Here we report on a large scale integrated tunable orbital angular momentum mode multiplexer, which supports up to 20 multiplexed orbital angular momentum modes over 16 wavelength channels with 30 GHz channel spacing. A testbed of nine multiplexed OAM beams encoded with 28 Gbaud 16 quadrature amplitude modulation signal is demonstrated, achieving a 1.008 Tbit s 1 aggregated rate with low penalty and sub microsecond reconfiguration rate of the orbital angular momentum mode. This device offers an effective solution for replacing bulky diffractive optical elements, paving the way for orbital angular momentum multiplexing in optical interconnection networks. |
] | math.DS | Resolvent conditions and growth of powers of operators. Following Berm 'udez et al. (ArXiv 1706.03638v1), we study the rate of growth of the norms of the powers of a linear operator, under various resolvent conditions or Ces aro boundedness assumptions. We show that T is power bounded if (and only if) both T and T are absolutely Ces aro bounded. In Hilbert spaces, we prove that if T satisfies the Kreiss condition, T n O(n sqrt log n ) if T is absolutely Ces aro bounded, T n O(n 1 2 varepsilon ) for some varepsilon 0 (which depends on T ) if T is strongly Kreiss bounded, then T n O(( log n) kappa) for some kappa 0 . We show that a Kreiss bounded operator on a reflexive space is Abel ergodic, and its Ces aro means of order alpha converge strongly when alpha 1 . |
] | cs.CY | An analysis of replies to Trump's tweets. Donald Trump has tweeted thousands of times during his presidency. These public statements are an increasingly important way through which Trump communicates his political and personal views. A better understanding of the way the American public consumes and responds to these tweets is therefore critical. In the present work, we address both consumption of and response to Trump's tweets by studying replies to them on Twitter. With respect to response, we find that a small number of older, white, left leaning, and female Americans are responsible for the vast majority of replies to Trump's tweets. These individuals also attend to a broader range of Trump's tweets than the rest of the individuals we study. With respect to consumption, we note that Trump's tweets are often viewed not in isolation, but rather in the context of a set of algorithmically curated replies. These replies may therefore color the way Americans consume Trump's tweets. To this end, we find some evidence that Twitter accounts see replies in line with their political leanings. However, we show that this can be largely, although not entirely, attributed to the fact that Twitter is more likely to show replies by accounts a user follows. As a basis for comparison, all results for Trump are compared and contrasted with replies to Joe Biden's tweets. |
] | cs.HC | I nteract A cyber physical system for real time interaction with physical and virtual objects using mixed reality technologies for additive manufacturing. This paper presents I nteract, a cyber physical system that enables real time interaction with real and virtual objects in a mixed augmented reality environment to design 3D models for additive manufacturing. The system has been developed using mixed reality technologies such as HoloLens, for augmenting visual feedback, and haptic gloves, for augmenting haptic force feedback. The efficacy of the system has been demonstrated by generating 3D model using a novel scanning method to 3D print a customized orthopedic cast for human arm, by estimating spring rates of compression springs, and by simulating interaction with a virtual spring using hand. |
] | cs.SI cs.IR cs.LG | An End to End Framework to Identify Pathogenic Social Media Accounts on Twitter. Pathogenic Social Media (PSM) accounts such as terrorist supporter accounts and fake news writers have the capability of spreading disinformation to viral proportions. Early detection of PSM accounts is crucial as they are likely to be key users to make malicious information "viral". In this paper, we adopt the causal inference framework along with graph based metrics in order to distinguish PSMs from normal users within a short time of their activities. We propose both supervised and semi supervised approaches without taking the network information and content into account. Results on a real world dataset from Twitter accentuates the advantage of our proposed frameworks. We show our approach achieves 0.28 improvement in F1 score over existing approaches with the precision of 0.90 and F1 score of 0.63. |
] | cs.NI cs.IR cs.IT cs.LG cs.MM math.IT | A Personalized Preference Learning Framework for Caching in Mobile Networks. This paper comprehensively studies a content centric mobile network based on a preference learning framework, where each mobile user is equipped with a finite size cache. We consider a practical scenario where each user requests a content file according to its own preferences, which is motivated by the existence of heterogeneity in file preferences among different users. Under our model, we consider a single hop based device to device (D2D) content delivery protocol and characterize the average hit ratio for the following two file preference cases the personalized file preferences and the common file preferences. By assuming that the model parameters such as user activity levels, user file preferences, and file popularity are unknown and thus need to be inferred, we present a collaborative filtering (CF) based approach to learn these parameters. Then, we reformulate the hit ratio maximization problems into a submodular function maximization and propose two computationally efficient algorithms including a greedy approach to efficiently solve the cache allocation problems. We analyze the computational complexity of each algorithm. Moreover, we analyze the corresponding level of the approximation that our greedy algorithm can achieve compared to the optimal solution. Using a real world dataset, we demonstrate that the proposed framework employing the personalized file preferences brings substantial gains over its counterpart for various system parameters. |
] | physics.acc-ph | Advancement of LANSCE Accelerator Facility as a 1 MW Fusion Prototypic Neutron Source. The Fusion Prototypic Neutron Source (FPNS) is considered to be a testbed for scientific understanding of material degradation in future nuclear fusion reactors 1 3 . The primary mission of FPNS is to provide a damage rate in iron samples of 8 11 dpa calendar year with He dpa ratio of 10 appm in irradiation volume of 50 cm3 or larger with irradiation temperature 300 1000o C and flux gradient less than 20 cm in the plane of the sample. The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is an attractive candidate for the FPNS project. The Accelerator Facility was designed and operated for an extended period as a 0.8 MW Meson Factory. The existing setup of the LANSCE accelerator complex can nearly fulfill requirements of the fusion neutron source station. The primary function of the upgraded accelerator systems is the safe and reliable delivery of a 1.25 mA continuous proton beam current at 800 MeV beam energy from the switchyard to the target assembly to create 1 MW power of proton beam interacting with a solid tungsten target. The present study describes existing accelerator setup and further development required to meet the needs of FPNS project. |
] | cs.DL cs.SI physics.soc-ph | Neural Embeddings of Scholarly Periodicals Reveal Complex Disciplinary Organizations. Understanding the structure of knowledge domains is one of the foundational challenges in science of science. Here, we propose a neural embedding technique that leverages the information contained in the citation network to obtain continuous vector representations of scientific periodicals. We demonstrate that our periodical embeddings encode nuanced relationships between periodicals as well as the complex disciplinary and interdisciplinary structure of science, allowing us to make cross disciplinary analogies between periodicals. Furthermore, we show that the embeddings capture meaningful "axes" that encompass knowledge domains, such as an axis from "soft" to "hard" sciences or from "social" to "biological" sciences, which allow us to quantitatively ground periodicals on a given dimension. By offering novel quantification in science of science, our framework may in turn facilitate the study of how knowledge is created and organized. |
] | cs.CV | MADAN Multi source Adversarial Domain Aggregation Network for Domain Adaptation. Domain adaptation aims to learn a transferable model to bridge the domain shift between one labeled source domain and another sparsely labeled or unlabeled target domain. Since the labeled data may be collected from multiple sources, multi source domain adaptation (MDA) has attracted increasing attention. Recent MDA methods do not consider the pixel level alignment between sources and target or the misalignment across different sources. In this paper, we propose a novel MDA framework to address these challenges. Specifically, we design an end to end Multi source Adversarial Domain Aggregation Network (MADAN). First, an adapted domain is generated for each source with dynamic semantic consistency while aligning towards the target at the pixel level cycle consistently. Second, sub domain aggregation discriminator and cross domain cycle discriminator are proposed to make different adapted domains more closely aggregated. Finally, feature level alignment is performed between the aggregated domain and the target domain while training the task network. For the segmentation adaptation, we further enforce category level alignment and incorporate context aware generation, which constitutes MADAN . We conduct extensive MDA experiments on digit recognition, object classification, and simulation to real semantic segmentation. The results demonstrate that the proposed MADAN and MANDA models outperform state of the art approaches by a large margin. |
] | physics.ao-ph physics.flu-dyn | Uncertainty Quantification of Trajectory Clustering Applied to Ocean Ensemble Forecasts. Partitioning ocean flows into regions dynamically distinct from their surroundings based on material transport can assist search and rescue planning by reducing the search domain. The spectral clustering method partitions the domain by identifying fluid particle trajectories that are similar. The partitioning validity depends on the accuracy of the ocean forecasting, which is subject to several sources of uncertainty model initialization, limited knowledge of the physical processes, boundary conditions, and forcing terms. Instead of a single model output, multiple realizations are produced spanning a range of potential outcomes, and trajectory clustering is used to identify robust features and quantify the uncertainty of the ensemble averaged results. First, ensemble statistics are used to investigate the cluster sensitivity to the spectral clustering method free parameters and the forecast parameters for the analytic Bickley jet, a geostrophic flow model. Then, we analyze an operational coastal ocean ensemble forecast and compare the clustering results to drifter trajectories south of Martha's Vineyard. This approach accurately identifies regions of low uncertainty where drifters released within a cluster remain there throughout the window of analysis. Drifters released in regions of high uncertainty tend to either enter neighboring clusters or deviate from all predicted outcomes. |
] | cs.IT cs.DM math.IT | Feedback Insertion Deletion Codes. In this paper, a new problem of transmitting information over the adversarial insertion deletion channel with feedback is introduced. Suppose that the encoder transmits n binary symbols one by one over a channel, in which some symbols can be deleted and some additional symbols can be inserted. After each transmission, the encoder is notified about the insertions or deletions that have occurred within the previous transmission and the encoding strategy can be adapted accordingly. The goal is to design an encoder that is able to transmit error free as much information as possible under the assumption that the total number of deletions and insertions is limited by tau n , 0 tau 1 . We show how this problem can be reduced to the problem of transmitting messages over the substitution channel. Thereby, the maximal asymptotic rate of feedback insertion deletion codes is completely established. The maximal asymptotic rate for the adversarial substitution channel has been partially determined by Berlekamp and later finished by Zigangirov. However, the analysis of the lower bound by Zigangirov is quite complicated. We revisit Zigangirov's result and present a more elaborate version of his proof. |
] | physics.ed-ph | Manually driven harmonic oscillator. Oscillations and resonance are essential topics in physics that can be explored theoretically and experimentally in the classroom or teaching laboratory environments. However, one of the main challenges concerning the experimental study of resonance phenomena via forced oscillations is the control of the oscillation frequency, which demands an electronic circuit or a fine tuned coupled mechanical system. In this work, we demonstrate that, in what concerns the physics teaching, such demanding accessories are not necessary. The forced oscillations can be implemented by the teacher's hand guided by an oscillating circle displayed in a web application loaded in a smartphone. The oscillations are applied to an ordinary spiral toy. Qualitative, as well quantitative, proposals are explored in this work with excellent results. |
] | physics.app-ph physics.optics | High efficiency fiber to chip interface for aluminum nitride quantum photonics. Integrated nonlinear photonic circuits received rapid development in recent years, providing all optical functionalities enabled by cavity enhanced photon photon interaction for classical and quantum applications. A high efficiency fiber to chip interface is key to the use of these integrated photonic circuits for quantum information tasks, as photon loss is a major source that weakens quantum protocols. Here, overcoming material and fabrication limitation of thin film aluminum nitride by adopting a stepwise waveguiding scheme, we demonstrate low loss adiabatic fiber optic couplers in aluminum nitride films with a substantial thickness (600 nm) for optimized nonlinear photon interaction. For telecom (1550 nm) and near visible (780 nm) transverse magnetic polarized light, the measured insertion loss of the fiber optic coupler is 0.97 dB and 2.6 dB, respectively. Our results will facilitate the use of aluminum nitride integrated photonic circuits as efficient quantum resources for generation of entangled photons and squeezed light on microchips. |
] | cs.RO cs.AI cs.CV | 3D Dynamic Scene Graphs Actionable Spatial Perception with Places, Objects, and Humans. We present a unified representation for actionable spatial perception 3D Dynamic Scene Graphs. Scene graphs are directed graphs where nodes represent entities in the scene (e.g. objects, walls, rooms), and edges represent relations (e.g. inclusion, adjacency) among nodes. Dynamic scene graphs (DSGs) extend this notion to represent dynamic scenes with moving agents (e.g. humans, robots), and to include actionable information that supports planning and decision making (e.g. spatio temporal relations, topology at different levels of abstraction). Our second contribution is to provide the first fully automatic Spatial PerceptIon eNgine(SPIN) to build a DSG from visual inertial data. We integrate state of the art techniques for object and human detection and pose estimation, and we describe how to robustly infer object, robot, and human nodes in crowded scenes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that reconciles visual inertial SLAM and dense human mesh tracking. Moreover, we provide algorithms to obtain hierarchical representations of indoor environments (e.g. places, structures, rooms) and their relations. Our third contribution is to demonstrate the proposed spatial perception engine in a photo realistic Unity based simulator, where we assess its robustness and expressiveness. Finally, we discuss the implications of our proposal on modern robotics applications. 3D Dynamic Scene Graphs can have a profound impact on planning and decision making, human robot interaction, long term autonomy, and scene prediction. A video abstract is available at https youtu.be SWbofjhyPzI |
] | math.LO | The domination monoid in o minimal theories. We study the monoid of global invariant types modulo domination equivalence in the context of o minimal theories. We reduce its computation to the problem of proving that it is generated by classes of 1 types. We show this to hold in Real Closed Fields, where generators of this monoid correspond to invariant convex subrings of the monster model. Combined with arxiv 1702.06504, this allows us to compute the domination monoid in the weakly o minimal theory of Real Closed Valued Fields. |
] | cs.DB cs.DC | Big Data Model "Entity and Features". The article deals with the problem which led to Big Data. Big Data information technology is the set of methods and means of processing different types of structured and unstructured dynamic large amounts of data for their analysis and use of decision support. Features of NoSQL databases and categories are described. The developed Big Data Model "Entity and Features" allows determining the distance between the sources of data on the availability of information about a particular entity. The information structure of Big Data has been devised. It became a basis for further research and for concentrating on a problem of development of diverse data without their preliminary integration. |
] | math.AP | Degenerate free discontinuity problems and spectral inequalities in quantitative form. We introduce a new geometric analytic functional that we analyse in the context of free discontinuity problems. Its main feature is that the geometric term (the length of the jump set) appears with negative sign. This is motivated by searching quantitative inequalities for best constants of Sobolev Poincar 'e inequalities with trace terms in mathbb R n which correspond to fundamental eigenvalues associated to semilinear problems for the Laplace operator with Robin boundary conditions. Our method is based on the study of this new, degenerate, functional which involves an obstacle problem in interaction with the jump set. Ultimately, this becomes a mixed free discontinuity free boundary problem occuring above at the level of the obstacle, respectively. |
] | math.NA cs.CE cs.NA | A dual adaptive explicit time integration algorithm for efficiently solving the cardiac monodomain equation. The monodomain model is widely used in in silico cardiology to describe excitation propagation in the myocardium. Frequently, operator splitting is used to decouple the stiff reaction term and the diffusion term in the monodomain model so that they can be solved separately. Commonly, the diffusion term is solved implicitly with a large time step while the reaction term is solved by using an explicit method with adaptive time stepping. In this work, we propose a fully explicit method for the solution of the decoupled monodomain model. In contrast to semi implicit methods, fully explicit methods present lower memory footprint and higher scalability. However, such methods are only conditionally stable. We overcome the conditional stability limitation by proposing a dual adaptive explicit method in which adaptive time integration is applied for the solution of both the reaction and diffusion terms. In a set of numerical examples where cardiac propagation is simulated under physiological and pathophysiological conditions, results show that our proposed method presents preserved accuracy and improved computational efficiency as compared to standard operator splitting based methods. |
] | math.LO | Characterisations of Variant Transfinite Computational Models Infinite Time Turing, Ordinal Time Turing, and Blum Shub Smale machines. We consider how changes in transfinite machine architecture can sometimes alter substantially their capabilities. We approach the subject by answering three open problems touching on firstly differing halting time considerations for machines with multiple as opposed to single heads, secondly space requirements, and lastly limit rules. We 1) use admissibility theory, Sigma 2 codes and Pi 3 reflection properties in the constructible hierarchy to classify the halting times of ITTMs with multiple independent heads the same for Ordinal Turing Machines which have tmop On length tapes 2) determine which admissible lengths of tapes for transfinite time machines with long tapes allow the machine to address each of their cells a question raised by B. Rin 3) characterise exactly the strength and behaviour of transfinitely acting Blum Shub Smale machines using a tmop Liminf rule on their registers thereby establishing there is a universal such machine. This is in contradistinction to the machine using a continuity' rule which fails to be universal. |
] | cs.AI | A Semantic Framework for Enabling Radio Spectrum Policy Management and Evaluation. Because radio spectrum is a finite resource, its usage and sharing is regulated by government agencies. These agencies define policies to manage spectrum allocation and assignment across multiple organizations, systems, and devices. With more portions of the radio spectrum being licensed for commercial use, the importance of providing an increased level of automation when evaluating such policies becomes crucial for the efficiency and efficacy of spectrum management. We introduce our Dynamic Spectrum Access Policy Framework for supporting the United States government's mission to enable both federal and non federal entities to compatibly utilize available spectrum. The DSA Policy Framework acts as a machine readable policy repository providing policy management features and spectrum access request evaluation. The framework utilizes a novel policy representation using OWL and PROV O along with a domain specific reasoning implementation that mixes GeoSPARQL, OWL reasoning, and knowledge graph traversal to evaluate incoming spectrum access requests and explain how applicable policies were used. The framework is currently being used to support live, over the air field exercises involving a diverse set of federal and commercial radios, as a component of a prototype spectrum management system. |
] | math.CT | Duoidal categories, measuring comonoids and enrichment. We extend the theory of Sweeder's measuring comonoids to the framework of duoidal categories categories equipped with two compatible monoidal structures. We use one of the tensor products to endow the category of monoids for the other with an enrichment in the category of comonoids. The enriched homs are provided by the universal measuring comonoids. We study a number of duoidal structures on categories of graded objects and of species and the associated enriched categories, such as an enrichment of graded (twisted) monoids in graded (twisted) comonoids, as well as two enrichments of symmetric operads in symmetric cooperads. |
] | cs.CV | Integrated monitoring of ice in selected Swiss lakes. Final project report. Various lake observables, including lake ice, are related to climate and climate change and provide a good opportunity for long term monitoring. Lakes (and as part of them lake ice) is therefore considered an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). Following the need for an integrated multi temporal monitoring of lake ice in Switzerland, MeteoSwiss in the framework of GCOS Switzerland supported this 2 year project to explore not only the use of satellite images but also the possibilities of Webcams and in situ measurements. The aim of this project is to monitor some target lakes and detect the extent of ice and especially the ice on off dates, with focus on the integration of various input data and processing methods. The target lakes are St. Moritz, Silvaplana, Sils, Sihl, Greifen and Aegeri, whereby only the first four were mainly frozen during the observation period and thus processed. The observation period was mainly the winter 2016 17. During the project, various approaches were developed, implemented, tested and compared. Firstly, low spatial resolution (250 1000 m) but high temporal resolution (1 day) satellite images from the optical sensors MODIS and VIIRS were used. Secondly, and as a pilot project, the use of existing public Webcams was investigated for (a) validation of results from satellite data, and (b) independent estimation of lake ice, especially for small lakes like St. Moritz, that could not be possibly monitored in the satellite images. Thirdly, in situ measurements were made in order to characterize the development of the temperature profiles and partly pressure before freezing and under the ice cover until melting. This report presents the results of the project work. |
] | cs.IR cs.CL cs.LG | Crowd Sourced Data Analysis Mapping of Programming Concepts to Syntactical Patterns. Since programming concepts do not match their syntactic representations, code search is a very tedious task. For instance in Java or C, array doesn't match , so using "array" as a query, one cannot find what they are looking for. Often developers have to search code whether to understand any code, or to reuse some part of that code, or just to read it, without natural language searching, developers have to often scroll back and forth or use variable names as their queries. In our work, we have used Stackoverflow (SO) question and answers to make a mapping of programming concepts with their respective natural language keywords, and then tag these natural language terms to every line of code, which can further we used in searching using natural language keywords. |
] | math.PR math.OC | Ergodic theorems for queuing systems with dependent inter arrival times. We study a G GI 1 single server queuing model with i.i.d. service times that are independent of a stationary process of inter arrival times. We show that the distribution of the waiting time converges to a stationary law as time tends to infinity provided that inter arrival times satisfy a G "artner Ellis type condition. A convergence rate is given and a law of large numbers established. These results provide tools for the statistical analysis of such systems, transcending the standard case with independent inter arrival times. |
] | cs.CV cs.CL cs.IR | Placepedia Comprehensive Place Understanding with Multi Faceted Annotations. Place is an important element in visual understanding. Given a photo of a building, people can often tell its functionality, e.g. a restaurant or a shop, its cultural style, e.g. Asian or European, as well as its economic type, e.g. industry oriented or tourism oriented. While place recognition has been widely studied in previous work, there remains a long way towards comprehensive place understanding, which is far beyond categorizing a place with an image and requires information of multiple aspects. In this work, we contribute Placepedia, a large scale place dataset with more than 35M photos from 240K unique places. Besides the photos, each place also comes with massive multi faceted information, e.g. GDP, population, etc., and labels at multiple levels, including function, city, country, etc.. This dataset, with its large amount of data and rich annotations, allows various studies to be conducted. Particularly, in our studies, we develop 1) PlaceNet, a unified framework for multi level place recognition, and 2) a method for city embedding, which can produce a vector representation for a city that captures both visual and multi faceted side information. Such studies not only reveal key challenges in place understanding, but also establish connections between visual observations and underlying socioeconomic cultural implications. |
] | cs.DC | Blockene A High throughput Blockchain Over Mobile Devices. We introduce Blockene, a blockchain that reduces resource usage at member nodes by orders of magnitude, requiring only a smartphone to participate in block validation and consensus. Despite being lightweight, Blockene provides a high throughput of transactions and scales to a large number of participants. Blockene consumes negligible battery and data in smartphones, enabling millions of users to participate in the blockchain without incentives, to secure transactions with their collective honesty. Blockene achieves these properties with a novel split trust design based on delegating storage and gossip to untrusted nodes. We show, with a prototype implementation, that Blockene provides throughput of 1045 transactions sec, and runs with very low resource usage on smartphones, pointing to a new paradigm for building secure, decentralized applications. |
] | cs.NI | Geo Based Scheduling for C V2X Networks. Cellular Vehicle to Everything (C V2X) networks can operate without cellular infrastructure support. Vehicles can autonomously select their radio resources using the sensing based Semi Persistent Scheduling (SPS) algorithm specified by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The sensing nature of the SPS scheme makes C V2X communications prone to the well known hidden terminal problem. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel geo based scheduling scheme that allows vehicles to autonomously select their radio resources based on the location and ordering of neighboring vehicles on the road. The proposed scheme results in an implicit resource selection coordination between vehicles (even with those outside the sensing range) that reduces packet collisions. This paper evaluates analytically and through simulations the proposed scheduling scheme. The obtained results demonstrate that it reduces packet collisions and significantly increases the C V2X performance compared to when using the sensing based SPS scheme. |
] | cs.NI | Context based Broadcast Acknowledgement for Enhanced Reliability of Cooperative V2X Messages. Most V2X applications services are supported by the continuous exchange of broadcast messages. One of the main challenges is to increase the reliability of broadcast transmissions that lack of mechanisms to assure the correct delivery of the messages. To address this issue, one option is the use of acknowledgments. However, this option has scalability issues when applied to broadcast transmissions because multiple vehicles can transmit acknowledgments simultaneously. To control scalability while addressing reliability of broadcast messages, this paper proposes and evaluates a context based broadcast acknowledgement mechanism where the transmitting vehicles selectively request the acknowledgment of specific critical broadcast messages, and performs retransmissions if they are not correctly received. In addition, the V2X applications services identify the situations conditions that trigger the execution of the broadcast acknowledgment mechanism, and the receiver(s) that should acknowledge the broadcast messages. The paper evaluates the performance of the context based broadcast acknowledgment mechanism for a Collective Perception Service. The obtained results show the proposed mechanism can contribute to improve the awareness of crossing pedestrians at intersections by increasing the reliability in the exchange of CPM messages between vehicles approaching the intersection. This solution is being discussed under IEEE 802.11bd, and thus can be relevant for the standardization process. |
] | physics.optics | Optical magnetic dipole levitation using a plasmonic surface. Optically induced magnetic resonances in non magnetic media have unlocked magnetic light matter interactions and led to new technologies in many research fields. Previous proposals for the levitation of nanoscale particles without structured illumination have worked on the basis of epsilon near zero surfaces or anisotropic materials but these carry with them significant fabrication difficulties. We report the optical levitation of a magnetic dipole over a wide range of realistic materials, including bulk metals, thereby relieving these difficulties. The repulsion is independent of surface losses and we propose an experiment to detect this force which consists of a core shell nanoparticle, exhibiting a magnetic resonance, in close proximity to a gold substrate under plane wave illumination. We anticipate the use of this phenomenon in new nanomechanical devices. |
] | cs.NI cs.IT cs.SI math.IT | From Semantic Communication to Semantic aware Networking Model, Architecture, and Open Problems. Existing communication systems are mainly built based on Shannon's information theory which deliberately ignores the semantic aspects of communication. The recent iteration of wireless technology, the so called 5G and beyond, promises to support a plethora of services enabled by carefully tailored network capabilities based on the contents, requirements, as well as semantics. This sparkled significant interest in the semantic communication, a novel paradigm that involves the meaning of message into the communication. In this article, we first review the classic semantic communication framework and then summarize key challenges that hinder its popularity. We observe that some semantic communication processes such as semantic detection, knowledge modeling, and coordination, can be resource consuming and inefficient, especially for the communication between a single source and a destination. We therefore propose a novel architecture based on federated edge intelligence for supporting resource efficient semantic aware networking. Our architecture allows each user to offload the computationally intensive semantic encoding and decoding tasks to the edge servers and protect its proprietary model related information by coordinating via intermediate results. Our simulation result shows that the proposed architecture can reduce the resource consumption and significantly improve the communication efficiency. |
] | cs.CR cs.IT math.IT | New non linearity parameters of Boolean functions. The study of non linearity (linearity) of Boolean function was initiated by Rothaus in 1976. The classical non linearity of a Boolean function is the minimum Hamming distance of its truth table to that of affine functions. In this note we introduce new "multidimensional" non linearity parameters (N f,H f) for conventional and vectorial Boolean functions f with m coordinates in n variables. The classical non linearity may be treated as a 1 dimensional parameter in the new definition. r dimensional parameters for r geq 2 are relevant to possible multidimensional extensions of the Fast Correlation Attack in stream ciphers and Linear Cryptanalysis in block ciphers. Besides we introduce a notion of optimal vectorial Boolean functions relevant to the new parameters. For r 1 and even n geq 2m optimal Boolean functions are exactly perfect nonlinear functions (generalizations of Rothaus' bent functions) defined by Nyberg in 1991. By a computer search we find that this property holds for r 2, m 1, n 4 too. That is an open problem for larger n,m and r geq 2 . The definitions may be easily extended to q ary functions. |
] | math.DG | Noncompact quasi Einstein manifolds conformal to a Euclidean space. The goal of this article is to investigate nontrivial m quasi Einstein manifolds globally conformal to an n dimensional Euclidean space. By considering such manifolds, whose conformal factors and potential functions are invariant under the action of an (n 1) dimensional translation group, we provide a complete classification when lambda 0 and m geq 1 or m 2 n. |
] | cs.DS | Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Computing Quasiperiods. Quasiperiodicity is a generalization of periodicity that was introduced in the early 1990s. Since then, dozens of algorithms for computing various types of quasiperiodicity were proposed. Our work is a step towards answering the question "Which algorithm for computing quasiperiods to choose in practice?". The central notions of quasiperiodicity are covers and seeds. We implement algorithms for computing covers and seeds in the original and in new simplified versions and compare their efficiency on various types of data. We also discuss other known types of quasiperiodicity, distinguish partial covers as currently the most promising for large real world data, and check their effectiveness using real world data. |
] | q-bio.QM | COVID 19 Related Mobility Reduction Heterogenous Effects on Sleep and Physical Activity Rhythms. Mobility restrictions imposed to suppress coronavirus transmission can alter physical activity (PA) and sleep patterns. Characterization of response heterogeneity and their underlying reasons may assist in tailoring customized interventions. We obtained wearable data covering baseline, incremental movement restriction and lockdown periods from 1824 city dwelling, working adults aged 21 to 40 years, incorporating 206,381 nights of sleep and 334,038 days of PA. Four distinct rest activity rhythms (RARs) were identified using k means clustering of participants' temporally distributed step counts. Hierarchical clustering of the proportion of time spent in each of these RAR revealed 4 groups who expressed different mixtures of RAR profiles before and during the lockdown. Substantial but asymmetric delays in bedtime and waketime resulted in a 24 min increase in weekday sleep duration with no loss in sleep efficiency. Resting heart rate declined 2 bpm. PA dropped an average of 38 . 4 groups with different compositions of RAR profiles were found. Three were better able to maintain PA and weekday weekend differentiation during lockdown. The least active group comprising 51 percent of the sample, were younger and predominantly singles. Habitually less active already, this group showed the greatest reduction in PA during lockdown with little weekday weekend differences. Among different mobility restrictions, removal of habitual social cues by lockdown had the largest effect on PA and sleep. Sleep and resting heart rate unexpectedly improved. RAR evaluation uncovered heterogeneity of responses to lockdown and can identify characteristics of persons at risk of decline in health and wellbeing. |
] | physics.app-ph | Probing weakly hybridized magnetic molecules by spin polarized tunneling. Advances in molecular spintronics rely on the in depth characterization of the molecular building blocks in terms of their electronic and, more importantly, magnetic properties. For this purpose, inert substrates that interact only weakly with adsorbed molecules are required in order to preserve their electronic states. Here, we investigate the magnetic field response of a single paramagnetic 5,5 dibromosalophenatocobalt(II) (CoSal) molecule adsorbed on a weakly interacting magnetic substrate, namely Fe intercalated graphene (GR Fe) grown on Ir(111), by using spin polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (SP STM STS). We have obtained local magnetization curves, spin dependent tunneling spectra, and spatial maps of magnetic asymmetry for a single CoSal molecule, revealing its magnetic properties and coupling to the local environment. The distinct magnetic behavior of the Co metal center is found to rely strictly on its position relative to the GR Fe moire structure, which determines the level of hybridization between the GR Fe surface pi system, the molecular ligand pi orbitals and the molecular Co ion d orbital. |
] | math.LO | The higher Cichon diagram in the degenerate case. For a regular uncountable cardinal kappa, we discuss the order relationship between the unbounding and dominating numbers on kappa and cardinal invariants of the higher meager ideal M kappa. In particular, we obtain a complete characterization of add(M kappa) and cof(M kappa) in terms of cov(M kappa) and non(M kappa) and unbounding and dominating numbers, and we provide models showing that there are no restrictions on the value of non(M kappa) in the degenerate case 2 kappa kappa except 2 kappa leq non(M kappa) leq 2 kappa. The corresponding question for cof(M kappa) remains open. Our results answer questions of joint work of the author with Brooke Taylor, Friedman, and Montoya. |
] | cs.LG cs.MA | Tensor Decomposition for Multi agent Predictive State Representation. Predictive state representation (PSR) uses a vector of action observation sequence to represent the system dynamics and subsequently predicts the probability of future events. It is a concise knowledge representation that is well studied in a single agent planning problem domain. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing work on using PSR to solve multi agent planning problems. Learning a multi agent PSR model is quite difficult especially with the increasing number of agents, not to mention the complexity of a problem domain. In this paper, we resort to tensor techniques to tackle the challenging task of multi agent PSR model development problems. By first focusing on a two agent setting, we construct the system dynamics matrix as a high order tensor for a PSR model, learn the prediction parameters and deduce state vectors directly through two different tensor decomposition methods respectively, and derive the transition parameters via linear regression. Subsequently, we generalize the PSR learning approaches in a multi agent setting. Experimental results show that our methods can effectively solve multi agent PSR modelling problems in multiple problem domains. |
] | cs.CL cs.AI cs.HC | Multi Domain Dialogue State Tracking based on State Graph. We investigate the problem of multi domain Dialogue State Tracking (DST) with open vocabulary, which aims to extract the state from the dialogue. Existing approaches usually concatenate previous dialogue state with dialogue history as the input to a bi directional Transformer encoder. They rely on the self attention mechanism of Transformer to connect tokens in them. However, attention may be paid to spurious connections, leading to wrong inference. In this paper, we propose to construct a dialogue state graph in which domains, slots and values from the previous dialogue state are connected properly. Through training, the graph node and edge embeddings can encode co occurrence relations between domain domain, slot slot and domain slot, reflecting the strong transition paths in general dialogue. The state graph, encoded with relational GCN, is fused into the Transformer encoder. Experimental results show that our approach achieves a new state of the art on the task while remaining efficient. It outperforms existing open vocabulary DST approaches. |
] | cs.CV | Real MFF A Large Realistic Multi focus Image Dataset with Ground Truth. Multi focus image fusion, a technique to generate an all in focus image from two or more partially focused source images, can benefit many computer vision tasks. However, currently there is no large and realistic dataset to perform convincing evaluation and comparison of algorithms in multi focus image fusion. Moreover, it is difficult to train a deep neural network for multi focus image fusion without a suitable dataset. In this letter, we introduce a large and realistic multi focus dataset called Real MFF, which contains 710 pairs of source images with corresponding ground truth images. The dataset is generated by light field images, and both the source images and the ground truth images are realistic. To serve as both a well established benchmark for existing multi focus image fusion algorithms and an appropriate training dataset for future development of deep learning based methods, the dataset contains a variety of scenes, including buildings, plants, humans, shopping malls, squares and so on. We also evaluate 10 typical multi focus algorithms on this dataset for the purpose of illustration. |
] | physics.optics | Mode Locking of the Hermite Gaussian Modes of a Nanolaser. Mode locking is predicted in a nanolaser cavity forming an effective photonic harmonic potential. The cavity is substantially more compact than a Fabry Perot resonator with comparable pulsing period, which is here controlled by the potential. In the limit of instantaneous gain and absorption saturation, mode locking corresponds to a stable dissipative soliton, which it very well approximated by the coherent state of a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator. This property is robust against non instantaneous material response and non zero phase intensity coupling. |
] | physics.ed-ph | Community of Practice A framework for understanding identity development within informal physics programs. Studies on physics identity have shown that it is one of the main factors that can predict a person's persistence in the field therefore, studying physics identity is critical to increase diversity within the field of physics and to understand what changes can allow more women and minorities to identify with the field. In this study, we investigate informal physics programs as spaces for physics identity exploration. These programs provide unique conditions under which to study physics identity development along with other identities. Informal physics spaces allow for voluntary engagement, as well as elements of agency and autonomy within the exploration of physics. Thus these spaces allow an identity to form outside of the constraints traditionally found in academic settings. In this work, we operationalized the Community of Practice (CoP) framework to study the development of physics identities within university students who facilitate informal physics programs. We present the stories from two physics graduate students out of our sample to provide a context for testing the feasibility of the extended framework and to identify how experiences within an informal physics program can shape physics identity development. This paper presents the operationalized constructs within the Community of Practice framework, how these constructs are applied to the narrated experiences of our participants, and highlights how we can use this framework to understand the nuances of physics identity development as well as the factors that can influence that development. |
] | physics.med-ph | A plan quality control method of treatment planning for Gamma Knife radiosurgery. With many variables to adjust, conventional manual forward planning for Gamma Knife (GK) radiosurgery is very complicated and cumbersome. The resulting plan quality heavily depends on planners skills, experiences and devoted efforts, and varies significantly among cases, planners, and institutions. Quality control for GK planning is desired to consistently provide high quality plan to each patient. In this study, we proposed a quality control method for GK planning by building a database of high quality GK plans. Patient anatomy was described by target volume, target shape complexity, and spatial relationship between target and nearby organs, which determine GK planning difficulty level. Plan quality was evaluated using target coverage, selectivity, intermediate dose spillage, maximum dose to 0.1 cc of brainstem, mean dose of ipsilateral cochlea, and beam on time. When a new plan is created, a high quality plan that has the most similar target volume size and shape complexity will be identified from the database. A model has also been built to predict the dose to brainstem and cochlea based on their overlap volume histograms. The identified reference plan and the predicted organ dose will help planners to make quality control decisions accordingly. To validate this method, we have built a database for vestibular schwannoma, which are considered to be challenging for GK planning due to the irregularly shaped target and its proximity to brainstem and cochlea. Five cases were tested, among which one case was considered to be of high quality and four cases had a lower plan quality than prediction. These four cases were replanned and got substantially improved. Our results have demonstrated the efficacy of our proposed quality control method. This method may also be used as a plan quality prediction method to facilitate the development of automatic treatment planning for GK radiosurgery. |
] | physics.plasm-ph | Critical Need for a National Initiative in Low Temperature Plasma Research. In the white paper we describe a national program in Low Temperature Plasma (LTP). The program should take advantage of the research opportunities of 3 rapidly growing areas (nanomaterial plasma synthesis, plasma medicine, microelectronics). The main theme is to achieve a fundamental understanding of Low Temperature Plasmas as they are applied to these different applications. This understanding will allow U.S. industry to meet the challenges of international competition. |
] | math.AT | Higher analogs of simplicial and combinatorial complexity. We introduce higher simplicial complexity of a simplicial complex K and higher combinatorial complexity of a finite space P (i.e. P is a finite poset). We relate higher simplicial complexity with higher topological complexity of K and higher combinatorial complexity with higher simplicial complexity of the order complex of P . |
] | cs.NE | Optimal Mutation Rates for the (1 lambda) EA on OneMax. The OneMax problem, alternatively known as the Hamming distance problem, is often referred to as the "drosophila of evolutionary computation (EC)", because of its high relevance in theoretical and empirical analyses of EC approaches. It is therefore surprising that even for the simplest of all mutation based algorithms, Randomized Local Search and the (1 1) EA, the optimal mutation rates were determined only very recently, in a GECCO 2019 poster. In this work, we extend the analysis of optimal mutation rates to two variants of the (1 lambda) EA and to the (1 lambda) RLS. To do this, we use dynamic programming and, for the (1 lambda) EA, numeric optimization, both requiring Theta(n 3) time for problem dimension n . With this in hand, we compute for all population sizes lambda in 2 i mid 0 le i le 18 and for problem dimension n in 1000, 2000, 5000 which mutation rates minimize the expected running time and which ones maximize the expected progress. Our results do not only provide a lower bound against which we can measure common evolutionary approaches, but we also obtain insight into the structure of these optimal parameter choices. For example, we show that, for large population sizes, the best number of bits to flip is not monotone in the distance to the optimum. We also observe that the expected remaining running time are not necessarily unimodal for the (1 lambda) EA 0 rightarrow 1 with shifted mutation. |
] | cs.IT math.IT | Optimal Throughput Outage Analysis of Cache Aided Wireless Multi Hop D2D Networks Derivations of Scaling Laws. Cache aided wireless device to device (D2D) networks have demonstrated promising performance improvement for video distribution compared to conventional distribution methods. Understanding the fundamental scaling behavior of such networks is thus of paramount importance. However, existing scaling laws for multi hop networks have not been found to be optimal even for the case of Zipf popularity distributions (gaps between upper and lower bounds are not constants) furthermore, there are no scaling law results for such networks for the more practical case of a Mandelbrot Zipf (MZipf) popularity distribution. We thus in this work investigate the throughput outage performance for cache aided wireless D2D networks adopting multi hop communications, with the MZipf popularity distribution for file requests and users distributed according to Poisson point process. We propose an achievable content caching and delivery scheme and analyze its performance. By showing that the achievable performance is tight to the proposed outer bound, the optimal scaling law is obtained. Furthermore, since the Zipf distribution is a special case of the MZipf distribution, the optimal scaling law for the networks considering Zipf popularity distribution is also obtained, which closes the gap in the literature. |
] | physics.chem-ph | Efficient analytic second derivative of electrostatic embedding QM MM energy normal mode analysis of plant cryptochrome. Analytic second derivatives of electrostatic embedding (EE) quantum mechanics molecular mechanics (QM MM) energy are important for performing vibrational analysis and simulating vibrational spectra of quantum systems interacting with an environment represented as a classical electrostatic potential. The main bottleneck of EE QM MM second derivatives is the solution of coupled perturbed equations for each MM atom perturbation. Here, we exploit the Q vector method J. Chem. Phys., 151, 041102 (2019) to workaround this bottleneck. We derive the full analytic second derivative of the EE QM MM energy, which allows to compute QM, MM and QM MM Hessian blocks in an efficient and easy to implement manner. To show the capabilities of our method, we compute the normal modes for the full textit arabidopsis thaliana plant cryptochrome. We show that the flavin adenine dinucleotide vibrations (QM subsystem) strongly mix with protein modes. We compute approximate vibronic couplings for the lowest bright transition, from which we extract spectral densities and the homogeneous broadening of FAD absorption spectrum in protein using vibrationally resolved electronic spectrum simulations. |
] | cs.RO | MAVBench Micro Aerial Vehicle Benchmarking. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are getting closer to becoming ubiquitous in everyday life. Among them, Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) have seen an outburst of attention recently, specifically in the area with a demand for autonomy. A key challenge standing in the way of making MAVs autonomous is that researchers lack the comprehensive understanding of how performance, power, and computational bottlenecks affect MAV applications. MAVs must operate under a stringent power budget, which severely limits their flight endurance time. As such, there is a need for new tools, benchmarks, and methodologies to foster the systematic development of autonomous MAVs. In this paper, we introduce the MAVBench' framework which consists of a closed loop simulator and an end to end application benchmark suite. A closed loop simulation platform is needed to probe and understand the intra system (application data flow) and inter system (system and environment) interactions in MAV applications to pinpoint bottlenecks and identify opportunities for hardware and software co design and optimization. In addition to the simulator, MAVBench provides a benchmark suite, the first of its kind, consisting of a variety of MAV applications designed to enable computer architects to perform characterization and develop future aerial computing systems. Using our open source, end to end experimental platform, we uncover a hidden, and thus far unexpected compute to total system energy relationship in MAVs. Furthermore, we explore the role of compute by presenting three case studies targeting performance, energy and reliability. These studies confirm that an efficient system design can improve MAV's battery consumption by up to 1.8X. |
] | math.RT | On the theta representations of finite inverse monoids. (I) We study Clifford Mackey Rieffel's theory for finite monoid (II) We prove some results of Theta Representations of finite inverse monoids. |
] | cs.IT math.CA math.IT | Inequalities related to some types of entropies and divergences. The aim of this paper is to discuss new results concerning some kinds of parametric extended entropies and divergences. As a result of our studies for mathematical properties on entropy and divergence, we give new bounds for the Tsallis quasilinear entropy and divergence by applying the Hermite Hadamard inequality. We also give bounds for biparametrical extended entropies and divergences which have been given in cite 7 . In addition, we study (r,q) quasilinear entropies and divergences as alternative biparametrical extended entropy and divergence, and then we give bounds for them. Finally we obtain inequalities for an extended Lin's divergence and some characterizations of Fermi Dirac entropy and Bose Einstein entropy. |
] | cs.CV | Residual Recurrent CRNN for End to End Optical Music Recognition on Monophonic Scores. One of the challenges of the Optical Music Recognition task is to transcript the symbols of the camera captured images into digital music notations. Previous end to end model which was developed as a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network does not explore sufficient contextual information from full scales and there is still a large room for improvement. We propose an innovative framework that combines a block of Residual Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network with a recurrent Encoder Decoder network to map a sequence of monophonic music symbols corresponding to the notations present in the image. The Residual Recurrent Convolutional block can improve the ability of the model to enrich the context information. The experiment results are benchmarked against a publicly available dataset called CAMERA PRIMUS, which demonstrates that our approach surpass the state of the art end to end method using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network. |
] | math.AP | Symmetry problems in harmonic analysis. Symmetry problems in harmonic analysis are formulated and solved. One of these problems is equivalent to the refined Schiffer's conjecture which was recently proved by the author. Let k const 0 be fixed, S 2 be the unit sphere in mathbb R 3 , D be a connected bounded domain with C 2 smooth boundary S , j 0(r) be the spherical Bessel function. The harmonic analysis symmetry problems are stated in the following theorems bf Theorem A. em Assume that int S e ik beta cdot s ds 0 for all beta in S 2 . Then S is a sphere of radius a , where j 0(ka) 0 . bf Theorem B. em Assume that int D e ik beta cdot x dx 0 for all beta in S 2 . Then D is a ball. |
] | cs.CV | Flow Motion and Depth Network for Monocular Stereo and Beyond. We propose a learning based method that solves monocular stereo and can be extended to fuse depth information from multiple target frames. Given two unconstrained images from a monocular camera with known intrinsic calibration, our network estimates relative camera poses and the depth map of the source image. The core contribution of the proposed method is threefold. First, a network is tailored for static scenes that jointly estimates the optical flow and camera motion. By the joint estimation, the optical flow search space is gradually reduced resulting in an efficient and accurate flow estimation. Second, a novel triangulation layer is proposed to encode the estimated optical flow and camera motion while avoiding common numerical issues caused by epipolar. Third, beyond two view depth estimation, we further extend the above networks to fuse depth information from multiple target images and estimate the depth map of the source image. To further benefit the research community, we introduce tools to generate photorealistic structure from motion datasets such that deep networks can be well trained and evaluated. The proposed method is compared with previous methods and achieves state of the art results within less time. Images from real world applications and Google Earth are used to demonstrate the generalization ability of the method. |
] | cs.CC cs.IT math.CO math.IT | A Lower Bound for Relaxed Locally Decodable Codes. A locally decodable code (LDC) C 0,1 k 0,1 n is an error correcting code wherein individual bits of the message can be recovered by only querying a few bits of a noisy codeword. LDCs found a myriad of applications both in theory and in practice, ranging from probabilistically checkable proofs to distributed storage. However, despite nearly two decades of extensive study, the best known constructions of O(1) query LDCs have super polynomial blocklength. The notion of relaxed LDCs is a natural relaxation of LDCs, which aims to bypass the foregoing barrier by requiring local decoding of nearly all individual message bits, yet allowing decoding failure (but not error) on the rest. State of the art constructions of O(1) query relaxed LDCs achieve blocklength n O(k 1 gamma ) for an arbitrarily small constant gamma. We prove a lower bound which shows that O(1) query relaxed LDCs cannot achieve blocklength n k 1 o(1) . This resolves an open problem raised by Goldreich in 2004. |
] | cs.AI | Exponential Binary State Space Search. Iterative deepening search is used in applications where the best cost bound for state space search is unknown. The iterative deepening process is used to avoid overshooting the appropriate cost bound and doing too much work as a result. However, iterative deepening search also does too much work if the cost bound grows too slowly. This paper proposes a new framework for iterative deepening search called exponential binary state space search. The approach interleaves exponential and binary searches to find the desired cost bound, reducing the worst case overhead from polynomial to logarithmic. Exponential binary search can be used with bounded depth first search to improve the worst case performance of IDA and with breadth first heuristic search to improve the worst case performance of search with inconsistent heuristics. |
] | cs.DL cs.CY cs.SI physics.soc-ph | Female scholars need to achieve more for equal public recognition. Different kinds of "gender gap" have been reported in different walks of the scientific life, almost always favouring male scientists over females. In this work, for the first time, we present a large scale empirical analysis to ask whether female scientists with the same level of scientific accomplishment are as likely as males to be recognised. We particularly focus on Wikipedia, the open online encyclopedia that its open nature allows us to have a proxy of community recognition. We calculate the probability of appearing on Wikipedia as a scientist for both male and female scholars in three different fields. We find that women in Physics, Economics and Philosophy are considerable less likely than men to be recognised on Wikipedia across all levels of achievement. |