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] | physics.optics physics.comp-ph | A continuous family of Exact Dispersive Quasi Normal Modal (DQNM) Expansions for dispersive photonic structures. In photonics, Dispersive Quasi Normal Modes (DQNMs) refer to optical resonant modes, solutions of spectral problems associated with Maxwell's equations for open photonic structures involving dispersive media. Since these DQNMs are the constituents determining optical responses, studying DQNM expansion formalisms is the key to model the physical properties of a considered system. In this paper, we emphasize the non uniqueness of the expansions related to the over completeness of the set of modes and discuss a family of DQNM expansions depending on continuous parameters that can be freely chosen. These expansions can be applied to dispersive, anisotropic, and even non reciprocal materials. As an example, we particularly demonstrate the modal analysis on a 2 D scattering model where the permittivity of a silicon object is drawn directly from actual measurement data. |
] | math.NA cs.NA | Second order traffic flow models on networks. This paper deals with the Aw Rascle Zhang model for traffic flow on uni directional road networks. For the conservation of the mass and the generalized momentum, we construct weak solutions for Riemann problems at the junctions. We particularly focus on a novel approximation to the homogenized pressure by introducing an additional equation for the propagation of a reference pressure. The resulting system of coupled conservation laws is then solved using an appropriate numerical scheme of Godunov type. Numerical simulations show that the proposed approximation is able to approximate the homogenized pressure sufficiently well. The difference of the new approach compared with the Lighthill Whitham Richards model is also illustrated. |
] | math.CV | Complex structures and slice regular functions on real associative algebras. In this paper, we study the (complex) geometry of the set S of the square roots of 1 in a real associative algebra A , showing that S carries a natural complex structure, given by an embedding into the Grassmannian of mathbb C otimes A . With this complex structure, slice regular functions on A can be lifted to holomorphic maps from mathbb C times S to mathbb C otimes A times S and the values of the original slice regular functions are recovered by looking at how the image of such holomorphic map intersects the leaves of a particular foliation on mathbb C otimes A times S , constructed in terms of incidence varieties. In this setting, the quadratic cone defined by Ghiloni and Perotti is obtained by considering some particular (compact) subvarieties of S , defined in terms of some inner product on A . Moreover, by defining an analogue of the stereographic projection, we extend the construction of the twistor transform, introduced by Gentili, Salamon and Stoppato, to the case of an associative algebra, under the hypothesis of the existence of sections for a given projective bundle. Finally, we introduce some more general classes of "slice regular" functions to which the present theory applies in all qualitative aspects. |
] | cs.CV | Next Best View Policy for 3D Reconstruction. Manually selecting viewpoints or using commonly available flight planners like circular path for large scale 3D reconstruction using drones often results in incomplete 3D models. Recent works have relied on hand engineered heuristics such as information gain to select the Next Best Views. In this work, we present a learning based algorithm called Scan RL to learn a Next Best View (NBV) Policy. To train and evaluate the agent, we created Houses3K, a dataset of 3D house models. Our experiments show that using Scan RL, the agent can scan houses with fewer number of steps and a shorter distance compared to our baseline circular path. Experimental results also demonstrate that a single NBV policy can be used to scan multiple houses including those that were not seen during training. The link to Scan RL is available at https github.com darylperalta ScanRL and Houses3K dataset can be found at https github.com darylperalta Houses3K. |
] | physics.app-ph physics.optics | Selection of optimal wavelengths for optical soiling modelling and detection in photovoltaic modules. Soiling impacts the photovoltaic (PV) module performance by reducing the amount of light reaching the photovoltaic cells and by changing their external spectral response. Currently, the soiling monitoring market is moving toward optical sensors that measure transmittance or reflectance, rather than directly measuring the impact of soiling on the performance of photovoltaic modules. These sensors, which use a single optical measurement, are not able to correct the soiling losses that depend on the solar irradiance spectra and on the spectral response of the monitored PV material. This work investigates methods that can improve the optical detection of soiling by extracting the full soiling spectrum profiles using only two or three monochromatic measurements. Spectral transmittance data, measured with a spectrophotometer and collected during a 46 week experimental soiling study carried out in Ja 'en, Spain, was analysed in this work. The use of a spectral profile for the hemispherical transmittance of soiled PV glass is found to significantly improve the soiling detection, returning the lowest errors independently of the PV materials and irradiance conditions. In addition, this work shows that it is also possible to select the measurement wavelengths to minimize the soiling loss detection error depending on the monitored PV semiconductor material (silicon, CdTe, a Si, CIGS and a representative perovskite). The approaches discussed in this work are also found to be more robust to potential measurement errors compared to single wavelength measurement techniques. |
] | cs.AI cs.MA | Competing in a Complex Hidden Role Game with Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search. Advances in intelligent game playing agents have led to successes in perfect information games like Go and imperfect information games like Poker. The Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search (ISMCTS) family of algorithms outperforms previous algorithms using Monte Carlo methods in imperfect information games. In this paper, Single Observer Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search (SO ISMCTS) is applied to Secret Hitler, a popular social deduction board game that combines traditional hidden role mechanics with the randomness of a card deck. This combination leads to a more complex information model than the hidden role and card deck mechanics alone. It is shown in 10108 simulated games that SO ISMCTS plays as well as simpler rule based agents, and demonstrates the potential of ISMCTS algorithms in complicated information set domains. |
] | math.NT | Permutation polynomials of degree 8 over finite fields of odd characteristic. This paper provides an algorithmic generalization of Dickson's method of classifying permutation polynomials (PPs) of a given degree d over finite fields. Dickson's idea is to formulate from Hermite's criterion several polynomial equations satisfied by the coefficients of an arbitrary PP of degree d . Previous classifications of PPs of degree at most 6 were essentially deduced from manual analysis of these polynomial equations. However, these polynomials, needed for that purpose when d 6 , are too complicated to solve. Our idea is to make them more solvable by calculating some radicals of ideals generated by them, implemented by a computer algebra system (CAS). Our algorithms running in SageMath 8.6 on a personal computer work very fast to determine all PPs of degree 8 over an arbitrary finite field of odd order q 8 . The main result is that for an odd prime power q 8 , a PP f of degree 8 exists over the finite field of order q if and only if q leqslant 31 and q not equiv 1 ( mathrm mod 8) , and f is explicitly listed up to linear transformations. |
] | physics.comp-ph | High order arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian discontinuous Galerkin methods for the incompressible Navier Stokes equations. This paper presents robust discontinuous Galerkin methods for the incompressible Navier Stokes equations on moving meshes. High order accurate arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulations are proposed in a unified framework for both monolithic as well as projection or splitting type Navier Stokes solvers. The framework is flexible, allows implicit and explicit formulations of the convective term, and adaptive time stepping. The Navier Stokes equations with ALE transport term are solved on the deformed geometry storing one instance of the mesh that is updated from one time step to the next. Discretization in space is applied to the time discrete equations so that all weak forms and mass matrices are evaluated at the end of the current time step. This design ensures that the proposed formulations fulfill the geometric conservation law automatically, as is shown theoretically and demonstrated numerically by the example of the free stream preservation test. We discuss the peculiarities related to the imposition of boundary conditions in intermediate steps of projection type methods and the ingredients needed to preserve high order accuracy. We show numerically that the formulations proposed in this work maintain the formal order of accuracy of the Navier Stokes solvers. Moreover, we demonstrate robustness and accuracy for under resolved turbulent flows. |
] | math.CV | On the local and boundary behavior of mappings on factor spaces. In this article, we study mappings acting between domains of two factor spaces by certain groups of M " o bius automorphisms of the unit ball that act discontinuously and do not have fixed points. For such mappings, we have established estimates for the distortion of the modulus of families of paths, which are similar to the well known Poletsky and V " a is " a l " a inequalities. As applications, we have obtained several important results on the local and boundary behavior of mappings. |
] | physics.hist-ph | An Argument for the Non Arbitrary Existence Hypothesis using Anthropic Reasoning. This paper uses anthropic reasoning to argue for the Non Arbitrary Existence Hypothesis (NAEH). Nick Bostrom's Self Sampling Assumption (SSA) combined with NAEH is compared against SSA without such an assumption and also SSA with the Self Indication Assumption (SIA). When considered in the light of various thought experiments, including the Incubator Gedanken, the Doomsday Argument, the Presumptuous Philosopher and Bostrom's Adam and Eve thought experiments, SSA with NAEH is found to give the most plausible results. The possibility of principles not explicitly considered in the paper being superior also is discussed but found to have limited plausibility. |
] | math.AG | Modular sheaves on hyperk "ahler varieties. A torsion free sheaf on a hyperk "ahler variety X is modular if the discriminant satisfies a certain condition, for example if it is a multiple of c 2(X) the sheaf is modular. The definition is taylor made for torsion free sheaves on a polarized hyperk "ahler variety (X,h) which deform to all small deformations of (X,h). For hyperk "ahlers deformation equivalent to K3 2 we prove an existence and uniqueness result for slope stable modular vector bundles with certain ranks, c 1 and c 2 . As a consequence we get uniqueness up to isomorphism of the tautological quotient rank 4 vector bundles on the variety of lines on a generic cubic 4 dimensional hypersurface, and on the Debarre Voisin variety associated to a generic skew symmetric 3 form on a 10 dimensional complex vector space. The last result implies that the period map from the moduli space of Debarre Voisin varieties to the relevant period space is birational. |
] | physics.flu-dyn | Predicting lift off time when deep frying potato dough snacks. When frying potato snacks, it is typically observed that the dough, which is submerged in hot oil, after some critical time increases its buoyancy and floats to the surface. The lift off time is a useful metric in ensuring that the snacks are properly cooked. Here we propose a multiphase mathematical model for the frying of potato snacks, where water inside the dough is evaporated from both the top and bottom surfaces of the snack at two receding evaporation fronts. The vapour created at the top of the snack bubbles away to the surface, whereas the vapour released from the bottom surface forms a buoyant blanket layer. By asymptotic analysis, we show that the model simplifies to solving a one dimensional Stefan problem in the snack coupled to a thin film equation in the vapour blanket through a non linear boundary condition. Using our mathematical model, we predict the change in the snack density as a function of time, and investigate how lift off time depends on the different parameters of the problem. |
] | cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG | Compositional generalization through meta sequence to sequence learning. People can learn a new concept and use it compositionally, understanding how to "blicket twice" after learning how to "blicket." In contrast, powerful sequence to sequence (seq2seq) neural networks fail such tests of compositionality, especially when composing new concepts together with existing concepts. In this paper, I show how memory augmented neural networks can be trained to generalize compositionally through meta seq2seq learning. In this approach, models train on a series of seq2seq problems to acquire the compositional skills needed to solve new seq2seq problems. Meta se2seq learning solves several of the SCAN tests for compositional learning and can learn to apply implicit rules to variables. |
] | cs.SI | Temporal Neighbourhood Aggregation Predicting Future Links in Temporal Graphs via Recurrent Variational Graph Convolutions. Graphs have become a crucial way to represent large, complex and often temporal datasets across a wide range of scientific disciplines. However, when graphs are used as input to machine learning models, this rich temporal information is frequently disregarded during the learning process, resulting in suboptimal performance on certain temporal infernce tasks. To combat this, we introduce Temporal Neighbourhood Aggregation (TNA), a novel vertex representation model architecture designed to capture both topological and temporal information to directly predict future graph states. Our model exploits hierarchical recurrence at different depths within the graph to enable exploration of changes in temporal neighbourhoods, whilst requiring no additional features or labels to be present. The final vertex representations are created using variational sampling and are optimised to directly predict the next graph in the sequence. Our claims are reinforced by extensive experimental evaluation on both real and synthetic benchmark datasets, where our approach demonstrates superior performance compared to competing methods, out performing them at predicting new temporal edges by as much as 23 on real world datasets, whilst also requiring fewer overall model parameters. |
] | cs.AI | Fast Decomposition of Temporal Logic Specifications for Heterogeneous Teams. In this work, we focus on decomposing large multi agent path planning problems with global temporal logic goals (common to all agents) into smaller sub problems that can be solved and executed independently. Crucially, the sub problems' solutions must jointly satisfy the common global mission specification. The agents' missions are given as Capability Temporal Logic (CaTL) formulas, a fragment of signal temporal logic, that can express properties over tasks involving multiple agent capabilities (sensors, e.g., camera, IR, and effectors, e.g., wheeled, flying, manipulators) under strict timing constraints. The approach we take is to decompose both the temporal logic specification and the team of agents. We jointly reason about the assignment of agents to subteams and the decomposition of formulas using a satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) approach. The output of the SMT is then distributed to subteams and leads to a significant speed up in planning time. We include computational results to evaluate the efficiency of our solution, as well as the trade offs introduced by the conservative nature of the SMT encoding. |
] | math.GR | The automorphism groups of groups of order p 2 q . We record for reference a detailed description of the automorphism groups of the groups of order p 2 q , where p and q are distinct primes. |
] | math.AP | Elastoplasticity of gradient polyconvex materials. We propose a model for rate independent evolution in elastoplastic materials under external loading, which allows large strains. In the setting of strain gradient plasticity with multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient, we prove the existence of the so called energetic solution. The stored energy density function is assumed to depend on gradients of minors of the deformation gradient which makes our results applicable to shape memory materials, for instance. |
] | physics.ao-ph | Inertial waves in axisymmetric tropical cyclones. The heat engine model of tropical cyclones describes a thermally direct overturning circulation. Outflowing air slowly subsides as radiative cooling to space balances adiabatic warming, a process that does not consume any work. However, we show here that the lateral spread of the outflow is limited by the environmental deformation radius, which at high latitudes can be rather small. In such cases, the outflowing air is radially constrained, which limits how far downward it can subside via radiative cooling alone. Some literature has invoked the possibility of mechanical subsidence' or forced descent' in the storm outflow region in the presence of high inertial stability, which would be a thermally indirect circulation. Mechanical subsidence in the subsiding branch of a tropical cyclone has not before been observed or characterized. A series of axisymmetric tropical cyclone simulations at different latitudes and domain sizes is conducted to study the impact of environmental inertial stability on storm dynamics. In higher latitude storms in large axisymmetric domains, the outflow acts as a wavemaker to excite an inertial wave at the environmental inertial (Coriolis) frequency. This inertial wave periodically ventilates the core of a high latitude storm with its own low entropy exhaust air. The wave response is in contrast to the presumed forced descent model, and we hypothesize that this is because inertial stability provides less resistance than buoyant stability, even in highly inertially stable environments. |
] | cs.CV | Knowledge as Priors Cross Modal Knowledge Generalization for Datasets without Superior Knowledge. Cross modal knowledge distillation deals with transferring knowledge from a model trained with superior modalities (Teacher) to another model trained with weak modalities (Student). Existing approaches require paired training examples exist in both modalities. However, accessing the data from superior modalities may not always be feasible. For example, in the case of 3D hand pose estimation, depth maps, point clouds, or stereo images usually capture better hand structures than RGB images, but most of them are expensive to be collected. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme to train the Student in a Target dataset where the Teacher is unavailable. Our key idea is to generalize the distilled cross modal knowledge learned from a Source dataset, which contains paired examples from both modalities, to the Target dataset by modeling knowledge as priors on parameters of the Student. We name our method "Cross Modal Knowledge Generalization" and demonstrate that our scheme results in competitive performance for 3D hand pose estimation on standard benchmark datasets. |
] | cs.GT | Reaching Stable Marriage via Divorces is Hard. We study the Reaching Stable Marriage via Divorces (DivorceSM) problem of deciding, given a Stable Marriage instance and an initial matching M , whether there exists a stable matching which is reachable from M by divorce operations as introduced by Knuth 12 . Towards answering an open question of Manlove 13 and Cechl 'arov 'a et al. 3 , we show that for incomplete preferences without ties, DivorceSM is NP hard. Our hardness reduction also implies that the problem remains parameterized intractable for the number kappa of allowed divorce operations. It remains NP hard even if the maximum length d of the preferences is a constant. For the combined parameter ( kappa , d ), the problem is fixed parameter tractable. |
] | math.RA | Structure and classification of Hom associative algebras. The purpose of this paper is to study the structure and the algebraic varieties of Hom associative algebras. We give characterize multiplicative simple Hom associative algebras and show some examples deforming the 2 times 2 matrix algebra to simple Hom associative algebras. We provide a classification of n dimensional Hom associative algebras for n leq3 . Then study their derivations and compute small Hom Type Hochschild cohomology groups. Furthermore, we discuss their irreducible components. |
] | math.CT math.AT | Lax monoidal adjunctions, two variable fibrations and the calculus of mates. We provide a calculus of mates for functors to the infty category of infty categories. As the most important application we show that given an adjunction between symmetric monoidal infty categories, there is an equivalence between lax symmetric monoidal structures on the right adjoint and oplax symmetric monoidal structures on the left adjoint functor. As the technical heart of the paper we study various new types of fibrations over a product of two infty categories. In particular, we show how they can be dualised over one of the two factors and how they relate to functors out of the Gray tensor product of ( infty, 2) categories. |
] | math.NA cs.NA math.FA math.OC | Second order adjoint sensitivity analysis in variational data assimilation for tsunami models. We mathematically derive the sensitivity of data assimilation results for tsunami modelling, to perturbations in the observation operator. We consider results of variational data assimilation schemes on the one dimensional shallow water equations for (i) initial condition reconstruction, and (ii) bathymetry detection as presented in Kevlahan et al. (2019, 2020). We use variational methods to derive the Hessian of a cost function J representing the error between forecast solutions and observations. Using this Hessian representation and methods outlined by Shutyaev et al. (2017, 2018), we mathematically derive the sensitivity of arbitrary response functions to perturbations in observations for case (i) and (ii) respectively. Such analyses potentially substantiate results from earlier work, on sufficient conditions for convergence, and sensitivity of the propagating surface wave to errors in bathymetry reconstruction. Such sensitivity analyses would illustrate whether particular elements of the observation network are more critical than others, and help minimise extraneous costs for observation collection, and efficiency of predictive models. |
] | math.AT | Asymptotic homology of graph braid groups. We give explicit formulas for the asymptotic Betti numbers of the unordered configuration spaces of an arbitrary finite graph over an arbitrary field. |
] | math.NT | On a basis for Euler Zagier double zeta functions with non positive components. For a non negative integer N , let mathcal Z N sum N c 0 mathbb Q cdot zeta( c,s c) , where the right hand side is the vector space spanned by the Euler Zagier double zeta functions over mathbb Q . In this paper, we show that mathcal Z N bigoplus N c 0 text even mathbb Q cdot zeta( c,s c) , where bigoplus is the direct sum of vector spaces. Moreover, we give a family of relations that exhaust all mathbb Q linear relations on mathcal Z N . |
] | cs.IT cs.DC cs.NI math.IT | Babel Storage Uncoordinated Content Delivery from Multiple Coded Storage Systems. In future content centric networks, content is identified independently of its location. From an end user's perspective, individual storage systems dissolve into a seemingly omnipresent structureless storage fog'. Content should be delivered oblivious of the network topology, using multiple storage systems simultaneously, and at minimal coordination overhead. Prior works have addressed the advantages of error correction coding for distributed storage and content delivery separately. This work takes a comprehensive approach to highlighting the tradeoff between storage overhead and transmission overhead in uncoordinated content delivery from multiple coded storage systems. Our contribution is twofold. First, we characterize the tradeoff between storage and transmission overhead when all participating storage systems employ the same code. Second, we show that the resulting stark inefficiencies can be avoided when storage systems use diverse codes. What is more, such code diversity is not just technically desirable, but presumably will be the reality in the increasingly heterogeneous networks of the future. To this end, we show that a mix of Reed Solomon, low density parity check and random linear network codes achieves close to optimal performance at minimal coordination and operational overhead. |
] | cs.LO math.AT math.CT | Computer supported Exploration of a Categorical Axiomatization of Modeloids. A modeloid, a certain set of partial bijections, emerges from the idea to abstract from a structure to the set of its partial automorphisms. It comes with an operation, called the derivative, which is inspired by Ehrenfeucht Fra "iss 'e games. In this paper we develop a generalization of a modeloid first to an inverse semigroup and then to an inverse category using an axiomatic approach to category theory. We then show that this formulation enables a purely algebraic view on Ehrenfeucht Fra "iss 'e games. |
] | math.DG | Realizations of inner automorphisms of order four and fixed points subgroups by them on the connected compact exceptional Lie group E 8 , Part II. The compact simply connected Riemannian 4 symmetric spaces were classified by J.A. Jim ' e nez according to type of the Lie algebras. As homogeneous manifolds, these spaces are of the form G H , where G is a connected compact simple Lie group with an automorphism tilde gamma of order four on G and H is a fixed points subgroup G gamma of G . According to the classification by J.A. Jim ' e nez, there exist seven compact simply connected Riemannian 4 symmetric spaces G H in the case where G is of type E 8 . In the present article, as Part II continuing from Part I, for the connected compact exceptional Lie group E 8 , we give the explicit form of automorphisms tilde w 4 tilde upsilon 4 and tilde mu 4 of order four on E 8 induced by the C linear transformations w 4 , upsilon 4 and mu 4 of the 248 dimensional vector space mathfrak e 8 C , respectively. Further, we determine the structure of these fixed points subgroups (E 8) w 4 , (E 8) upsilon 4 and (E 8) mu 4 of E 8 . These amount to the global realizations of three spaces among seven Riemannian 4 symmetric spaces G H above corresponding to the Lie algebras mathfrak h i bm R oplus mathfrak su (8), i bm R oplus mathfrak e 7 and mathfrak h mathfrak su (2) oplus mathfrak su (8) , where mathfrak h rm Lie (H) . |
] | cs.CL | Rethinking Document level Neural Machine Translation. This paper does not aim at introducing a novel model for document level neural machine translation. Instead, we head back to the original Transformer model and hope to answer the following question Is the capacity of current models strong enough for document level translation? Interestingly, we observe that the original Transformer with appropriate training techniques can achieve strong results for document translation, even with a length of 2000 words. We evaluate this model and several recent approaches on nine document level datasets and two sentence level datasets across six languages. Experiments show that document level Transformer models outperforms sentence level ones and many previous methods in a comprehensive set of metrics, including BLEU, four lexical indices, three newly proposed assistant linguistic indicators, and human evaluation. |
] | cs.LG cs.CV | Complexity Controlled Generative Adversarial Networks. One of the issues faced in training Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs) and their variants is the problem of mode collapse, wherein the training stability in terms of the generative loss increases as more training data is used. In this paper, we propose an alternative architecture via the Low Complexity Neural Network (LCNN), which attempts to learn models with low complexity. The motivation is that controlling model complexity leads to models that do not overfit the training data. We incorporate the LCNN loss function for GANs, Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGANs) and Spectral Normalized GANs (SNGANs), in order to develop hybrid architectures called the LCNN GAN, LCNN DCGAN and LCNN SNGAN respectively. On various large benchmark image datasets, we show that the use of our proposed models results in stable training while avoiding the problem of mode collapse, resulting in better training stability. We also show how the learning behavior can be controlled by a hyperparameter in the LCNN functional, which also provides an improved inception score. |
] | cs.CV cs.LG | Learning a Deep Part based Representation by Preserving Data Distribution. Unsupervised dimensionality reduction is one of the commonly used techniques in the field of high dimensional data recognition problems. The deep autoencoder network which constrains the weights to be non negative, can learn a low dimensional part based representation of data. On the other hand, the inherent structure of the each data cluster can be described by the distribution of the intraclass samples. Then one hopes to learn a new low dimensional representation which can preserve the intrinsic structure embedded in the original high dimensional data space perfectly. In this paper, by preserving the data distribution, a deep part based representation can be learned, and the novel algorithm is called Distribution Preserving Network Embedding (DPNE). In DPNE, we first need to estimate the distribution of the original high dimensional data using the k nearest neighbor kernel density estimation, and then we seek a part based representation which respects the above distribution. The experimental results on the real world data sets show that the proposed algorithm has good performance in terms of cluster accuracy and AMI. It turns out that the manifold structure in the raw data can be well preserved in the low dimensional feature space. |
] | math.CA cs.NA math.NA | Asymptotic inversion of the binomial and negative binomial cumulative distribution functions. The computation and inversion of the binomial and negative binomial cumulative distribution functions play a key role in many applications. In this paper, we explain how methods used for the central beta distribution function (described in 2 ) can be used to obtain asymptotic representations of these functions, and also for their inversion. The performance of the asymptotic inversion methods is illustrated with numerical examples. |
] | cs.CV | Variational Coupling Revisited Simpler Models, Theoretical Connections, and Novel Applications. Variational models with coupling terms are becoming increasingly popular in image analysis. They involve auxiliary variables, such that their energy minimisation splits into multiple fractional steps that can be solved easier and more efficiently. In our paper we show that coupling models offer a number of interesting properties that go far beyond their obvious numerical benefits. We demonstrate that discontinuity preserving denoising can be achieved even with quadratic data and smoothness terms, provided that the coupling term involves the L 1 norm. We show that such an L 1 coupling term provides additional information as a powerful edge detector that has remained unexplored so far. While coupling models in the literature approximate higher order regularisation, we argue that already first order coupling models can be useful. As a specific example, we present a first order coupling model that outperforms classical TV regularisation. It also establishes a theoretical connection between TV regularisation and the Mumford Shah segmentation approach. Unlike other Mumford Shah algorithms, it is a strictly convex approximation, for which we can guarantee convergence of a split Bregman algorithm. |
] | cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG | Unsupervised Pivot Translation for Distant Languages. Unsupervised neural machine translation (NMT) has attracted a lot of attention recently. While state of the art methods for unsupervised translation usually perform well between similar languages (e.g., English German translation), they perform poorly between distant languages, because unsupervised alignment does not work well for distant languages. In this work, we introduce unsupervised pivot translation for distant languages, which translates a language to a distant language through multiple hops, and the unsupervised translation on each hop is relatively easier than the original direct translation. We propose a learning to route (LTR) method to choose the translation path between the source and target languages. LTR is trained on language pairs whose best translation path is available and is applied on the unseen language pairs for path selection. Experiments on 20 languages and 294 distant language pairs demonstrate the advantages of the unsupervised pivot translation for distant languages, as well as the effectiveness of the proposed LTR for path selection. Specifically, in the best case, LTR achieves an improvement of 5.58 BLEU points over the conventional direct unsupervised method. |
] | q-fin.CP cs.NA math.NA | Semi tractability of optimal stopping problems via a weighted stochastic mesh algorithm. In this article we propose a Weighted Stochastic Mesh (WSM) Algorithm for approximating the value of a discrete and continuous time optimal stopping problem. We prove that in the discrete case the WSM algorithm leads to semi tractability of the corresponding optimal problems in the sense that its complexity is bounded in order by varepsilon 4 log d 2 (1 varepsilon) with d being the dimension of the underlying Markov chain. Furthermore we study the WSM approach in the context of continuous time optimal stopping problems and derive the corresponding complexity bounds. Although we can not prove semi tractability in this case, our bounds turn out to be the tightest ones among the bounds known for the existing algorithms in the literature. We illustrate our theoretical findings by a numerical example. |
] | physics.comp-ph | An implicit P multigrid flux reconstruction method for simulation of locally preconditioned unsteady Navier Stokes equations at low Mach numbers. We develop a P multigrid solver to simulate locally preconditioned unsteady compressible Navier Stokes equations at low Mach numbers with implicit high order methods. Specifically, the high order flux reconstruction correction procedure via reconstruction (FR CPR) method is employed for spatial discretization and the high order time integration is conducted by means of the explicit first stage, singly diagonally implicit Runge Kutta (ESDIRK) method. Local preconditioning is used to alleviate the stiffness of the compressible Navier Stokes equations at low Mach numbers and is only conducted in pseudo transient continuation to ensure the high order accuracy of ESDIRK methods. We employ the element Jacobi smoother to update the solutions at different P levels in the P multigrid solver. High order spatiotemporal accuracy of the new solver for low Mach number flow simulation is verified with the isentropic vortex propagation when the Mach (Ma) number of the free stream is 0.005. The impact of the hierarchy of polynomial degrees on the convergence speed of the P multigrid method is studied via several numerical experiments, including two dimensional (2D) inviscid and viscous flows over a NACA0012 airfoil at text Ma 0.001 , and a three dimensional (3D) inviscid flow over a sphere at text Ma 0.001 . The P multigrid solver is then applied to coarse resolution simulation of the transitional flows over an SD7003 wing at 8 circ angle of attack when the Reynolds number is 60000 and the Mach number is 0.1 or 0.01. |
] | math.AC | On the symbolic powers of binomial edge ideals. We show that under some conditions, if the initial ideal in (I) of an ideal I in a polynomial ring has the property that its symbolic and ordinary powers coincide, then the ideal I shares the same property. We apply this result to prove the equality between symbolic and ordinary powers for binomial edge ideals with quadratic Gr "obner basis. |
] | cs.IT math.IT math.NT | Investigations on c Boomerang Uniformity and Perfect Nonlinearity. We defined in cite EFRST20 a new multiplicative c differential, and the corresponding c differential uniformity and we characterized the known perfect nonlinear functions with respect to this new concept, as well as the inverse in any characteristic. The work was continued in cite RS20 , investigating the c differential uniformity for some further APN functions. Here, we extend the concept to the boomerang uniformity, introduced at Eurocrypt '18 by Cid et al. cite Cid18 , to evaluate S boxes of block ciphers, and investigate it in the context of perfect nonlinearity and related functions. |
] | cs.CR cs.CY cs.HC cs.LG | Twitter Spam Detection A Systematic Review. Nowadays, with the rise of Internet access and mobile devices around the globe, more people are using social networks for collaboration and receiving real time information. Twitter, the microblogging that is becoming a critical source of communication and news propagation, has grabbed the attention of spammers to distract users. So far, researchers have introduced various defense techniques to detect spams and combat spammer activities on Twitter. To overcome this problem, in recent years, many novel techniques have been offered by researchers, which have greatly enhanced the spam detection performance. Therefore, it raises a motivation to conduct a systematic review about different approaches of spam detection on Twitter. This review focuses on comparing the existing research techniques on Twitter spam detection systematically. Literature review analysis reveals that most of the existing methods rely on Machine Learning based algorithms. Among these Machine Learning algorithms, the major differences are related to various feature selection methods. Hence, we propose a taxonomy based on different feature selection methods and analyses, namely content analysis, user analysis, tweet analysis, network analysis, and hybrid analysis. Then, we present numerical analyses and comparative studies on current approaches, coming up with open challenges that help researchers develop solutions in this topic. |
] | math.DG math.AP math.GT | In search of stable geometric structures. We will look for stable structures in four situations and discuss what is known and unknown. |
] | cs.CV cs.MM | DFEW A Large Scale Database for Recognizing Dynamic Facial Expressions in the Wild. Recently, facial expression recognition (FER) in the wild has gained a lot of researchers' attention because it is a valuable topic to enable the FER techniques to move from the laboratory to the real applications. In this paper, we focus on this challenging but interesting topic and make contributions from three aspects. First, we present a new large scale 'in the wild' dynamic facial expression database, DFEW (Dynamic Facial Expression in the Wild), consisting of over 16,000 video clips from thousands of movies. These video clips contain various challenging interferences in practical scenarios such as extreme illumination, occlusions, and capricious pose changes. Second, we propose a novel method called Expression Clustered Spatiotemporal Feature Learning (EC STFL) framework to deal with dynamic FER in the wild. Third, we conduct extensive benchmark experiments on DFEW using a lot of spatiotemporal deep feature learning methods as well as our proposed EC STFL. Experimental results show that DFEW is a well designed and challenging database, and the proposed EC STFL can promisingly improve the performance of existing spatiotemporal deep neural networks in coping with the problem of dynamic FER in the wild. Our DFEW database is publicly available and can be freely downloaded from https dfew dataset.github.io . |
] | math.AG | Actual and virtual dimension of codimension 2 general linear subspaces in mathbb P n . In the paper we compute the virtual dimension (defined by the Hilbert polynomial) of a space of hypersurfaces of given degree containing s codimension 2 general linear subspaces in mathbb P n . We use Veneroni maps to find a family of unexpected hypersurfaces (in the style of B. Harbourne, J. Migliore, U. Nagel, Z. Teitler) and rigorously prove and extend examples presented in the paper by B. Harbourne, J. Migliore and H. Tutaj Gasi 'nska. |
] | cs.IT math.IT | Synchronous LoRa Communication by Exploiting Large Area Out of Band Synchronization. Many new narrowband low power wide area networks (LPWANs) (e.g., LoRaWAN, Sigfox) have opted to use pure ALOHA like access for its reduced control overhead and asynchronous transmissions. Although asynchronous access reduces the energy consumption of IoT devices, the network performance suffers from high intra network interference in dense deployments. Contrarily, synchronous access can improve throughput and fairness, but it requires time synchronization. Unfortunately, maintaining synchronization over the narrowband LPWANs wastes channel time and transmission opportunities. In this paper, we propose the use of out of band time dissemination to relatively synchronize LoRa devices and thereby facilitate resource efficient slotted uplink communication. To this end, we conceptualize and analyze a co designed synchronization and random access mechanism that can effectively exploit technologies providing limited time accuracy, such as FM radio data system (FM RDS). While considering the LoRa specific parameters, we derive the throughput of the proposed mechanism, compare it to a generic synchronous random access using in band synchronization, and design the communication parameters under time uncertainty. We scrutinize the transmission time uncertainty of a device by introducing a clock error model that accounts for the errors in the synchronization source, local clock, propagation delay, and transceiver's transmission time uncertainty. We characterize the time uncertainty of FM RDS with hardware measurements and perform simulations to evaluate the proposed solution. The results, presented in terms of success probability, throughput, and fairness for a single cell scenario, suggest that FM RDS, despite its poor absolute synchronization, can be used effectively to realize slotted LoRa communication with performance similar to that of more accurate time dissemination technologies. |
] | math.CO cs.DM | More on Numbers and Graphs. In this note we revisit a "ring of graphs" Q in which the set of finite simple graphs N extend the role of the natural numbers and the signed graphs Z extend the role of the integers. We point out the existence of a norm which allows to complete Q to a real or complex Banach algebra R or C. |
] | cs.IR cs.LG | Fairness Aware Ranking in Search Recommendation Systems with Application to LinkedIn Talent Search. We present a framework for quantifying and mitigating algorithmic bias in mechanisms designed for ranking individuals, typically used as part of web scale search and recommendation systems. We first propose complementary measures to quantify bias with respect to protected attributes such as gender and age. We then present algorithms for computing fairness aware re ranking of results. For a given search or recommendation task, our algorithms seek to achieve a desired distribution of top ranked results with respect to one or more protected attributes. We show that such a framework can be tailored to achieve fairness criteria such as equality of opportunity and demographic parity depending on the choice of the desired distribution. We evaluate the proposed algorithms via extensive simulations over different parameter choices, and study the effect of fairness aware ranking on both bias and utility measures. We finally present the online A B testing results from applying our framework towards representative ranking in LinkedIn Talent Search, and discuss the lessons learned in practice. Our approach resulted in tremendous improvement in the fairness metrics (nearly three fold increase in the number of search queries with representative results) without affecting the business metrics, which paved the way for deployment to 100 of LinkedIn Recruiter users worldwide. Ours is the first large scale deployed framework for ensuring fairness in the hiring domain, with the potential positive impact for more than 630M LinkedIn members. |
] | math.DS math.OC | Port Hamiltonian formulations of poroelastic network models. We investigate an energy based formulation of the two field poroelasticity model and the related multiple network model as they appear in geosciences or medical applications. We propose a port Hamiltonian formulation of the system equations, which is beneficial for preserving important system properties after discretization or model order reduction. For this, we include the commonly omitted second order term and consider the corresponding first order formulation. The port Hamiltonian formulation of the quasi static case is then obtained by (formally) setting the second order term zero. Further, we interpret the poroelastic equations as an interconnection of a network of submodels with internal energies, adding a control theoretic understanding of the poroelastic equations. |
] | cs.CV | Self Supervised Ranking for Representation Learning. We present a new framework for self supervised representation learning by formulating it as a ranking problem in an image retrieval context on a large number of random views (augmentations) obtained from images. Our work is based on two intuitions first, a good representation of images must yield a high quality image ranking in a retrieval task second, we would expect random views of an image to be ranked closer to a reference view of that image than random views of other images. Hence, we model representation learning as a learning to rank problem for image retrieval. We train a representation encoder by maximizing average precision (AP) for ranking, where random views of an image are considered positively related, and that of the other images considered negatives. The new framework, dubbed S2R2, enables computing a global objective on multiple views, compared to the local objective in the popular contrastive learning framework, which is calculated on pairs of views. In principle, by using a ranking criterion, we eliminate reliance on object centric curated datasets. When trained on STL10 and MS COCO, S2R2 outperforms SimCLR and the clustering based contrastive learning model, SwAV, while being much simpler both conceptually and at implementation. On MS COCO, S2R2 outperforms both SwAV and SimCLR with a larger margin than on STl10. This indicates that S2R2 is more effective on diverse scenes and could eliminate the need for an object centric large training dataset for self supervised representation learning. |
] | math.RT | D 6 (1) Geometric Crystal at the spin node. Let mathfrak g be an affine Lie algebra with index set I 0, 1, 2, cdots , n . It is conjectured that for each Dynkin node k in I setminus 0 the affine Lie algebra mathfrak g has a positive geometric crystal. In this paper we construct a positive geometric crystal for the affine Lie algebra D 6 (1) corresponding to the Dynkin spin node k 6 . |
] | cs.CV cs.LG | A Systematic Search over Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Screening Chest Radiographs. Chest radiographs are primarily employed for the screening of pulmonary and cardio thoracic conditions. Being undertaken at primary healthcare centers, they require the presence of an on premise reporting Radiologist, which is a challenge in low and middle income countries. This has inspired the development of machine learning based automation of the screening process. While recent efforts demonstrate a performance benchmark using an ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), our systematic search over multiple standard CNN architectures identified single candidate CNN models whose classification performances were found to be at par with ensembles. Over 63 experiments spanning 400 hours, executed on a 11 3 FP32 TensorTFLOPS compute system, we found the Xception and ResNet 18 architectures to be consistent performers in identifying co existing disease conditions with an average AUC of 0.87 across nine pathologies. We conclude on the reliability of the models by assessing their saliency maps generated using the randomized input sampling for explanation (RISE) method and qualitatively validating them against manual annotations locally sourced from an experienced Radiologist. We also draw a critical note on the limitations of the publicly available CheXpert dataset primarily on account of disparity in class distribution in training vs. testing sets, and unavailability of sufficient samples for few classes, which hampers quantitative reporting due to sample insufficiency. |
] | cs.IT math.IT math.NT | Non linearity of the Carlet Feng function, and repartition of Gauss sums. The search for Boolean functions that can withstand the main crypyographic attacks is essential. In 2008, Carlet and Feng studied a class of functions which have optimal cryptographic properties with the exception of nonlinearity for which they give a good but not optimal bound. Carlet and some people who have also worked on this problem of nonlinearity have asked for a new answer to this problem. We provide a new solution to improve the evaluation of the nonlinearity of the Carlet Feng function, by means of the estimation of the distribution of Gauss sums. This work is in progress and we give some suggestions to improve this work. |
] | cs.CV | SAM Self supervised Learning of Pixel wise Anatomical Embeddings in Radiological Images. Radiological images such as computed tomography (CT) and X rays render anatomy with intrinsic structures. Being able to reliably locate the same anatomical structure across varying images is a fundamental task in medical image analysis. In principle it is possible to use landmark detection or semantic segmentation for this task, but to work well these require large numbers of labeled data for each anatomical structure and sub structure of interest. A more universal approach would learn the intrinsic structure from unlabeled images. We introduce such an approach, called Self supervised Anatomical eMbedding (SAM). SAM generates semantic embeddings for each image pixel that describes its anatomical location or body part. To produce such embeddings, we propose a pixel level contrastive learning framework. A coarse to fine strategy ensures both global and local anatomical information are encoded. Negative sample selection strategies are designed to enhance the embedding's discriminability. Using SAM, one can label any point of interest on a template image and then locate the same body part in other images by simple nearest neighbor searching. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SAM in multiple tasks with 2D and 3D image modalities. On a chest CT dataset with 19 landmarks, SAM outperforms widely used registration algorithms while only taking 0.23 seconds for inference. On two X ray datasets, SAM, with only one labeled template image, surpasses supervised methods trained on 50 labeled images. We also apply SAM on whole body follow up lesion matching in CT and obtain an accuracy of 91 . SAM can also be applied for improving image registration and initializing CNN weights. |
] | math.RT | An inductive approach to representations of general linear groups over compact discrete valuation rings. In his seminal Lecture Notes in Mathematics published in 1981, Andrey Zelevinsky introduced a new family of Hopf algebras which he called em PSH algebras . These algebras were designed to capture the representation theory of the symmetric groups and of classical groups over finite fields. The gist of this construction is to translate representation theoretic operations such as induction and restriction and their parabolic variants to algebra and coalgebra operations such as multiplication and comultiplication. The Mackey formula, for example, is then reincarnated as the Hopf axiom on the algebra side. In this paper we take substantial steps to adapt these ideas for general linear groups over compact discrete valuation rings. We construct an analogous bi algebra that contains a large PSH algebra that extends Zelevinsky's algebra for the case of general linear groups over finite fields. We prove several base change results relating algebras over extensions of discrete valuation rings. |
] | cs.CV | Towards Precise Intra camera Supervised Person Re identification. Intra camera supervision (ICS) for person re identification (Re ID) assumes that identity labels are independently annotated within each camera view and no inter camera identity association is labeled. It is a new setting proposed recently to reduce the burden of annotation while expect to maintain desirable Re ID performance. However, the lack of inter camera labels makes the ICS Re ID problem much more challenging than the fully supervised counterpart. By investigating the characteristics of ICS, this paper proposes camera specific non parametric classifiers, together with a hybrid mining quintuplet loss, to perform intra camera learning. Then, an inter camera learning module consisting of a graph based ID association step and a Re ID model updating step is conducted. Extensive experiments on three large scale Re ID datasets show that our approach outperforms all existing ICS works by a great margin. Our approach performs even comparable to state of the art fully supervised methods in two of the datasets. |
] | math.NT | Cranks for Ramanujan type congruences of k colored partitions. Dyson famously provided combinatorial explanations for Ramanujan's partition congruences modulo 5 and 7 via his rank function, and postulated that an invariant explaining all of Ramanujan's congruences modulo 5 , 7 , and 11 should exist. Garvan and Andrews Garvan later discovered such an invariant called the crank, fulfilling Dyson's goal. Many further examples of congruences of partition functions are known in the literature. In this paper, we provide a framework for discovering and proving the existence of such invariants for families of congruences and partition functions. As a first example, we find a family of crank functions that simultaneously explains most known congruences for colored partition functions. The key insight is to utilize a powerful recent theory of theta blocks due to Gritsenko, Skoruppa, and Zagier. The method used here should be useful in the study of other combinatorial functions. |
] | math.OC | On second order cone positive systems. Internal positivity offers a computationally cheap certificate for external (input output) positivity of a linear time invariant system. However, the drawback with this certificate lies in its realization dependency. Firstly, computing such a realization requires to find a polyhedral cone with a potentially high number of extremal generators that lifts the dimension of the state space representation, significantly. Secondly, not all externally positive systems posses an internally positive realization. Thirdly, in many typical applications such as controller design, system identification and model order reduction, internal positivity is not preserved. To overcome these drawbacks, we present a tractable sufficient certificate of external positivity based on second order cones. This certificate does not require any special state space realization if it succeeds with a possibly non minimal realization, then it will do so with any minimal realization. While there exist systems where this certificate is also necessary, we also demonstrate how to construct systems, where both second order and polyhedral cones as well as other certificates fail. Nonetheless, in contrast to other realization independent certificates, the present one appears to be favourable in terms of applicability and conservatism. Three applications are representatively discussed to underline its potential. We show how the certificate can be used to find externally positive approximations of nearly externally positive systems and demonstrated that this may help to reduce system identification errors. The same algorithm is used then to design state feedback controllers that provide closed loop external positivity, a common approach to avoid over and undershooting of the step response. Lastly, we present modifications to generalized balanced truncation such that external positivity is preserved where our certificate applies. |
] | physics.comp-ph | Wigner Smith Time Delay Matrix for Electromagnetics Computational Aspects for Radiation and Scattering Analysis. The WS time delay matrix relates a lossless and reciprocal system's scattering matrix to its frequency derivative, and enables the synthesis of modes that experience well defined group delays when interacting with the system. The elements of the WS time delay matrix for surface scatterers and antennas comprise renormalized energy like volume integrals involving electric and magnetic fields that arise when exciting the system via its ports. Here, direct and indirect methods for computing the WS time delay matrix are presented. The direct method evaluates the energy like volume integrals using surface integral operators that act on the incident electric fields and current densities for all excitations characterizing the scattering matrix. The indirect method accomplishes the same task by computing scattering parameters and their frequency derivatives. Both methods are computationally efficient and readily integrated into existing surface integral equation codes. The proposed techniques facilitate the evaluation of frequency derivatives of antenna impedances, antenna patterns, and scatterer radar cross sections in terms of renormalized field energies derived from a single frequency characterization of the system. |
] | cs.CL cs.IR | A Deep Language independent Network to analyze the impact of COVID 19 on the World via Sentiment Analysis. Towards the end of 2019, Wuhan experienced an outbreak of novel coronavirus, which soon spread all over the world, resulting in a deadly pandemic that infected millions of people around the globe. The government and public health agencies followed many strategies to counter the fatal virus. However, the virus severely affected the social and economic lives of the people. In this paper, we extract and study the opinion of people from the top five worst affected countries by the virus, namely USA, Brazil, India, Russia, and South Africa. We propose a deep language independent Multilevel Attention based Conv BiGRU network (MACBiG Net), which includes embedding layer, word level encoded attention, and sentence level encoded attention mechanism to extract the positive, negative, and neutral sentiments. The embedding layer encodes the sentence sequence into a real valued vector. The word level and sentence level encoding is performed by a 1D Conv BiGRU based mechanism, followed by word level and sentence level attention, respectively. We further develop a COVID 19 Sentiment Dataset by crawling the tweets from Twitter. Extensive experiments on our proposed dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MACBiG Net. Also, attention weights visualization and in depth results analysis shows that the proposed network has effectively captured the sentiments of the people. |
] | math.NT | On the distribution of multiplicatively dependent vectors. In this paper, we study the distribution of multiplicatively dependent vectors. For example, although they have zero Lebesgue measure, they are everywhere dense both in mathbb R n and mathbb C n . We also study this property in a more detailed manner by considering the covering radius of such vectors. |
] | cs.CL | A Summary of the First Workshop on Language Technology for Language Documentation and Revitalization. Despite recent advances in natural language processing and other language technology, the application of such technology to language documentation and conservation has been limited. In August 2019, a workshop was held at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh to attempt to bring together language community members, documentary linguists, and technologists to discuss how to bridge this gap and create prototypes of novel and practical language revitalization technologies. This paper reports the results of this workshop, including issues discussed, and various conceived and implemented technologies for nine languages Arapaho, Cayuga, Inuktitut, Irish Gaelic, Kidaw'ida, Kwak'wala, Ojibwe, San Juan Quiahije Chatino, and Seneca. |
] | cs.CL cs.AI | Text Classification based on Multi granularity Attention Hybrid Neural Network. Neural network based approaches have become the driven forces for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Conventionally, there are two mainstream neural architectures for NLP tasks the recurrent neural network (RNN) and the convolution neural network (ConvNet). RNNs are good at modeling long term dependencies over input texts, but preclude parallel computation. ConvNets do not have memory capability and it has to model sequential data as un ordered features. Therefore, ConvNets fail to learn sequential dependencies over the input texts, but it is able to carry out high efficient parallel computation. As each neural architecture, such as RNN and ConvNets, has its own pro and con, integration of different architectures is assumed to be able to enrich the semantic representation of texts, thus enhance the performance of NLP tasks. However, few investigation explores the reconciliation of these seemingly incompatible architectures. To address this issue, we propose a hybrid architecture based on a novel hierarchical multi granularity attention mechanism, named Multi granularity Attention based Hybrid Neural Network (MahNN). The attention mechanism is to assign different weights to different parts of the input sequence to increase the computation efficiency and performance of neural models. In MahNN, two types of attentions are introduced the syntactical attention and the semantical attention. The syntactical attention computes the importance of the syntactic elements (such as words or sentence) at the lower symbolic level and the semantical attention is used to compute the importance of the embedded space dimension corresponding to the upper latent semantics. We adopt the text classification as an exemplifying way to illustrate the ability of MahNN to understand texts. |
] | physics.chem-ph | Energy difference between the lowest doublet and quartet states states of the boron atom. The energies of the lowest 2P u , 4P g and 2D g states of the boron atom are calculated with mu hartree accuracy, in the basis of symmetrized, explicitly correlated Gaussian lobe functions. Finite nuclear mass and scalar relativistic corrections are taken into account. This study contributes to the problem of the energy differences between doublet and quartet states of boron, which have not been measured to date. It is found that the 2P u rightarrow 4P g excitation energy, recommended in the Atomic Spectra Database, appears underestimated by more than 300 cm 1 . |
] | math.AG | Curve neighborhoods of Schubert Varieties in the odd symplectic Grassmannian. Let mbox IG (k,2n 1) be the odd symplectic Grassmannian. It is a quasi ho mo ge neous space with homogeneous like behavior. A very limited description of curve neighborhoods of Schubert varieties in mbox IG (k,2n 1) was used by Mihalcea and the second named author to prove an (equivariant) quantum Chevalley rule. In this paper we give a full description of the irreducible components of curve neighborhoods in terms of the Hecke product of (appropriate) Weyl group elements, k strict partitions, and BC partitions. The latter set of partitions respect the Bruhat order with inclusions. Our approach follows the philosophy of Buch and Mihalcea's curve neighborhood calculations of Schubert varieties in the homogeneous cases. |
] | physics.bio-ph q-bio.SC | Self organized lane formation in bidirectional transport of molecular motors. Within cells, vesicles and proteins are actively transported several micrometers along the cytoskeletal filaments. The transport along microtubules is propelled by dynein and kinesin motors, which carry the cargo in opposite directions. Bidirectional intracellular transport is performed with great efficiency, even under strong confinement, as for example in the axon. For this kind of transport system, one would expect generically cluster formation. In this work, we discuss the effect of the recently observed self enhanced binding affinity along the kinesin trajectories on the MT. We introduce a stochastic lattice gas model, where the enhanced binding affinity is realized via a floor field. From Monte Carlo simulations and a mean field analysis we show that this mechanism can lead to self organized symmetry breaking and lane formation which indeed leads to efficient bidirectional transport in narrow environments. |
] | math.PR math.CO | On general subtrees of a conditioned Galton Watson tree. We show that the number of copies of a given rooted tree in a conditioned Galton Watson tree satisfies a law of large numbers under a minimal moment condition on the offspring distribution. |
] | cs.CY cs.LG | Machine Learning based Estimation of Forest Carbon Stocks to increase Transparency of Forest Preservation Efforts. An increasing amount of companies and cities plan to become CO2 neutral, which requires them to invest in renewable energies and carbon emission offsetting solutions. One of the cheapest carbon offsetting solutions is preventing deforestation in developing nations, a major contributor in global greenhouse gas emissions. However, forest preservation projects historically display an issue of trust and transparency, which drives companies to invest in transparent, but expensive air carbon capture facilities. Preservation projects could conduct accurate forest inventories (tree diameter, species, height etc.) to transparently estimate the biomass and amount of stored carbon. However, current rainforest inventories are too inaccurate, because they are often based on a few expensive ground based samples and or low resolution satellite imagery. LiDAR based solutions, used in US forests, are accurate, but cost prohibitive, and hardly accessible in the Amazon rainforest. We propose accurate and cheap forest inventory analyses through Deep Learning based processing of drone imagery. The more transparent estimation of stored carbon will create higher transparency towards clients and thereby increase trust and investment into forest preservation projects. |
] | cs.CV cs.LG cs.MM | Hybrid Style Siamese Network Incorporating style loss in complementary apparels retrieval. Image Retrieval grows to be an integral part of fashion e commerce ecosystem as it keeps expanding in multitudes. Other than the retrieval of visually similar items, the retrieval of visually compatible or complementary items is also an important aspect of it. Normal Siamese Networks tend to work well on complementary items retrieval. But it fails to identify low level style features which make items compatible in human eyes. These low level style features are captured to a large extent in techniques used in neural style transfer. This paper proposes a mechanism of utilising those methods in this retrieval task and capturing the low level style features through a hybrid siamese network coupled with a hybrid loss. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms traditional siamese networks in retrieval tasks for complementary items. |
] | physics.soc-ph cs.DL | The evolution of knowledge within and across fields in modern physics. The exchange of knowledge across different areas and disciplines plays a key role in the process of knowledge creation, and can stimulate innovation and the emergence of new fields. We develop here a quantitative framework to extract significant dependencies among scientific disciplines and turn them into a time varying network whose nodes are the different fields, while the weighted links represent the flow of knowledge from one field to another at a given period of time. Drawing on a comprehensive data set on scientific production in modern physics and on the patterns of citations between articles published in the various fields in the last thirty years, we are then able to map, over time, how the ideas developed in a given field in a certain time period have influenced later discoveries in the same field or in other fields. The analysis of knowledge flows internal to each field displays a remarkable variety of temporal behaviours, with some fields of physics showing to be more self referential than others. The temporal networks of knowledge exchanges across fields reveal cases of one field continuously absorbing knowledge from another field in the entire observed period, pairs of fields mutually influencing each other, but also cases of evolution from absorbing to mutual or even to back nurture behaviors. |
] | cs.CV | Supercharging Imbalanced Data Learning With Energy based Contrastive Representation Transfer. Dealing with severe class imbalance poses a major challenge for real world applications, especially when the accurate classification and generalization of minority classes is of primary interest. In computer vision, learning from long tailed datasets is a recurring theme, especially for natural image datasets. While existing solutions mostly appeal to sampling or weighting adjustments to alleviate the pathological imbalance, or imposing inductive bias to prioritize non spurious associations, we take novel perspectives to promote sample efficiency and model generalization based on the invariance principles of causality. Our proposal posits a meta distributional scenario, where the data generating mechanism is invariant across the label conditional feature distributions. Such causal assumption enables efficient knowledge transfer from the dominant classes to their under represented counterparts, even if the respective feature distributions show apparent disparities. This allows us to leverage a causal data inflation procedure to enlarge the representation of minority classes. Our development is orthogonal to the existing extreme classification techniques thus can be seamlessly integrated. The utility of our proposal is validated with an extensive set of synthetic and real world computer vision tasks against SOTA solutions. |
] | cs.DM math.CO | Some variations on Lyndon words. In this paper we compare two finite words u and v by the lexicographical order of the infinite words u omega and v omega . Informally, we say that we compare u and v by the infinite order. We show several properties of Lyndon words expressed using this infinite order. The innovative aspect of this approach is that it allows to take into account also non trivial conditions on the prefixes of a word, instead that only on the suffixes. In particular, we derive a result of Ufnarovskij V. Ufnarovskij, "Combinatorial and asymptotic methods in algebra", 1995 that characterizes a Lyndon word as a word which is greater, with respect to the infinite order, than all its prefixes. Motivated by this result, we introduce the prefix standard permutation of a Lyndon word and the corresponding (left) Cartesian tree. We prove that the left Cartesian tree is equal to the left Lyndon tree, defined by the left standard factorization of Viennot G. Viennot, "Alg ebres de Lie libres et mono "ides libres", 1978 . This result is dual with respect to a theorem of Hohlweg and Reutenauer C. Hohlweg and C. Reutenauer, "Lyndon words, permutations and trees", 2003 . |
] | math.GT | Seifert fibred 2 knot manifolds. II. We show that if B is an aspherical 2 orbifold in one of the families known to have orbifold fundamental groups of weight 1 then B is the base of a Seifert fibration of a 2 knot manifold M(K) . |
] | math.FA math.RT | Three representation problem. We provide the proof of a previously announced result that resolves the following problem posed by A. A. Kirillov. Let T be a presentation of a group mathcal G by bounded linear operators in a Banach space G and E subset G be a closed invariant subspace. Then T generates in the natural way presentations T 1 in E and T 2 in F G E . What additional information is required besides T 1, T 2 to recover the presentation T ? In finite dimensional (and even in infinite dimensional Hilbert) case the solution is well known one needs to supply a group cohomology class h in H 1( mathcal G ,Hom(F,E)) . The same holds in the Banach case, if the subspace E is complemented in G . However, every Banach space that is not isomorphic to a Hilbert one has non complemented subspaces, which aggravates the problem significantly and makes it non trivial even in the case of a trivial group action, where it boils down to what is known as the three space problem. This explains the title we have chosen. A solution of the problem stated above has been announced by the author in 1976, but the complete proof, for non mathematical reasons, has not been made available. This article contains the proof, as well as some related considerations of the functor Ext 1 in the category textbf Ban of Banach spaces. |
] | cs.CL | Fact level Extractive Summarization with Hierarchical Graph Mask on BERT. Most current extractive summarization models generate summaries by selecting salient sentences. However, one of the problems with sentence level extractive summarization is that there exists a gap between the human written gold summary and the oracle sentence labels. In this paper, we propose to extract fact level semantic units for better extractive summarization. We also introduce a hierarchical structure, which incorporates the multi level of granularities of the textual information into the model. In addition, we incorporate our model with BERT using a hierarchical graph mask. This allows us to combine BERT's ability in natural language understanding and the structural information without increasing the scale of the model. Experiments on the CNN DaliyMail dataset show that our model achieves state of the art results. |
] | cs.CL | Multi Task Learning with Shared Encoder for Non Autoregressive Machine Translation. Non Autoregressive machine Translation (NAT) models have demonstrated significant inference speedup but suffer from inferior translation accuracy. The common practice to tackle the problem is transferring the Autoregressive machine Translation (AT) knowledge to NAT models, e.g., with knowledge distillation. In this work, we hypothesize and empirically verify that AT and NAT encoders capture different linguistic properties of source sentences. Therefore, we propose to adopt Multi Task learning to transfer the AT knowledge to NAT models through encoder sharing. Specifically, we take the AT model as an auxiliary task to enhance NAT model performance. Experimental results on WMT14 English German and WMT16 English Romanian datasets show that the proposed Multi Task NAT achieves significant improvements over the baseline NAT models. Furthermore, the performance on large scale WMT19 and WMT20 English German datasets confirm the consistency of our proposed method. In addition, experimental results demonstrate that our Multi Task NAT is complementary to knowledge distillation, the standard knowledge transfer method for NAT. |
] | cs.AI cs.LG cs.NI | A Methodological Approach to Model CBR based Systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in various areas to support system optimization and find solutions where the complexity makes it challenging to use algorithmic and heuristics. Case based Reasoning (CBR) is an AI technique intensively exploited in domains like management, medicine, design, construction, retail and smart grid. CBR is a technique for problem solving and captures new knowledge by using past experiences. One of the main CBR deployment challenges is the target system modeling process. This paper presents a straightforward methodological approach to model CBR based applications using the concepts of abstract and concrete models. Splitting the modeling process with two models facilitates the allocation of expertise between the application domain and the CBR technology. The methodological approach intends to facilitate the CBR modeling process and to foster CBR use in various areas outside computer science. |
] | cs.DC | Fully Read Write Fence Free Work Stealing with Multiplicity. Work stealing is a popular technique to implement dynamic load balancing in a distributed manner. In this approach, each process owns a set of tasks that have to be executed. The owner of the set can put tasks in it and can take tasks from it to execute them. When a process runs out of tasks, instead of being idle, it becomes a thief to steal tasks from a victim. Thus, a work stealing algorithm provides three high level operations Put and Take, which can be invoked only by the owner, and Steal, which can be invoked by a thief. One of the main targets when designing work stealing algorithms is to make Put and Take as simple and efficient as possible. Unfortunately, it has been shown that any work stealing algorithm in the standard asynchronous model must use expensive Read After Write synchronization patterns or atomic Read Modify Write instructions, which may be costly in practice. Thus, prior research has proposed idempotent work stealing, a relaxation for which there are algorithms with Put and Take devoid of Read Modify Write atomic instructions and Read After Write synchronization patterns however, Put uses fences among Write instructions, and Steal uses Compare Swap and fences among Read instructions. In the TSO model, in which Write (resp. Read) instructions cannot be reordered, there have been proposed fully fence free work stealing algorithms whose Put and Take have similar properties but Steal uses Compare Swap or a lock. |
] | cs.SI | A Privacy Preserving Architecture for the Protection of Adolescents in Online Social Networks. Online social networks (OSN) constitute an integral part of people's every day social activity. Specifically, mainstream OSNs such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook are especially prominent in adolescents' lives for communicating with other people online, expressing and entertain themselves, and finding information. However, adolescents face a significant number of threats when using online platforms. Some of these threats include aggressive behavior and cyberbullying, sexual grooming, false news and fake activity, radicalization, and exposure of personal information and sensitive content. There is a pressing need for parental control tools and Internet content filtering techniques to protect the vulnerable groups that use online platforms. Existing parental control tools occasionally violate the privacy of adolescents, leading them to use other communication channels to avoid moderation. In this work, we design and implement a user centric Family Advice Suite with Guardian Avatars aiming at preserving the privacy of the individuals towards their custodians and towards the advice tool itself. Moreover, we present a systematic process for designing and developing state of the art techniques and a system architecture to prevent minors' exposure to numerous risks and dangers while using Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube on a browser. |
] | cs.IT cs.LG math.IT | An Information Theoretic Interpretation to Deep Neural Networks. It is commonly believed that the hidden layers of deep neural networks (DNNs) attempt to extract informative features for learning tasks. In this paper, we formalize this intuition by showing that the features extracted by DNN coincide with the result of an optimization problem, which we call the universal feature selection' problem, in a local analysis regime. We interpret the weights training in DNN as the projection of feature functions between feature spaces, specified by the network structure. Our formulation has direct operational meaning in terms of the performance for inference tasks, and gives interpretations to the internal computation results of DNNs. Results of numerical experiments are provided to support the analysis. |
] | cs.AI | A Distributed Approach to LARS Stream Reasoning (System paper). Stream reasoning systems are designed for complex decision making from possibly infinite, dynamic streams of data. Modern approaches to stream reasoning are usually performing their computations using stand alone solvers, which incrementally update their internal state and return results as the new portions of data streams are pushed. However, the performance of such approaches degrades quickly as the rates of the input data and the complexity of decision problems are growing. This problem was already recognized in the area of stream processing, where systems became distributed in order to allocate vast computing resources provided by clouds. In this paper we propose a distributed approach to stream reasoning that can efficiently split computations among different solvers communicating their results over data streams. Moreover, in order to increase the throughput of the distributed system, we suggest an interval based semantics for the LARS language, which enables significant reductions of network traffic. Performed evaluations indicate that the distributed stream reasoning significantly outperforms existing stand alone LARS solvers when the complexity of decision problems and the rate of incoming data are increasing. Under consideration for acceptance in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. |
] | cs.CR | Locally Differentially Private Data Collection and Analysis. Local differential privacy (LDP) can provide each user with strong privacy guarantees under untrusted data curators while ensuring accurate statistics derived from privatized data. Due to its powerfulness, LDP has been widely adopted to protect privacy in various tasks (e.g., heavy hitters discovery, probability estimation) and systems (e.g., Google Chrome, Apple iOS). Although epsilon LDP has been proposed for many years, the more general notion of ( epsilon , delta ) LDP has only been studied in very few papers, which mainly consider mean estimation for numeric data. Besides, prior solutions achieve ( epsilon , delta ) LDP by leveraging Gaussian mechanism, which leads to low accuracy of the aggregated results. In this paper, we propose novel mechanisms that achieve ( epsilon , delta ) LDP with high utility in data analytics and machine learning. Specifically, we first design ( epsilon , delta ) LDP algorithms for collecting multi dimensional numeric data, which can ensure higher accuracy than the optimal Gaussian mechanism while guaranteeing strong privacy for each user. Then, we investigate different local protocols for categorical attributes under ( epsilon , delta ) LDP. Furthermore, we conduct theoretical analysis on the error bound and variance of the proposed algorithms. Experimental results on real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the high data utility of our proposed algorithms on both simple data statistics and complex machine learning models. |
] | cs.PL cs.CR | Existential Types for Relaxed Noninterference. Information flow security type systems ensure confidentiality by enforcing noninterference a program cannot leak private data to public channels. However, in practice, programs need to selectively declassify information about private data. Several approaches have provided a notion of relaxed noninterference supporting selective and expressive declassification while retaining a formal security property. The labels as functions approach provides relaxed noninterference by means of declassification policies expressed as functions. The labels as types approach expresses declassification policies using type abstraction and faceted types, a pair of types representing the secret and public facets of values. The original proposal of labels as types is formulated in an object oriented setting where type abstraction is realized by subtyping. The object oriented approach however suffers from limitations due to its receiver centric paradigm. In this work, we consider an alternative approach to labels as types, applicable in non object oriented languages, which allows us to express advanced declassification policies, such as extrinsic policies, based on a different form of type abstraction existential types. An existential type exposes abstract types and operations on these we leverage this abstraction mechanism to express secrets that can be declassified using the provided operations. We formalize the approach in a core functional calculus with existential types, define existential relaxed noninterference, and prove that well typed programs satisfy this form of type based relaxed noninterference. |
] | math.CO | On rearrangement inequalities for multiple sequences. The classical rearrangement inequality provides bounds for the sum of products of two sequences under permutations of terms and show that similarly ordered sequences provide the largest value whereas opposite ordered sequences provide the smallest value. This has been generalized to multiple sequences to show that similarly ordered sequences provide the largest value. However, the permutations of the sequences that result in the smallest value are generally not known. We show a variant of the rearrangement inequality for which a lower bound can be obtained and conditions for which this bound is achieved for a sequence of permutations. We also study a generalization of the rearrangement inequality and a variation where the permutations of terms can be across the various sequences. For this variation, we can also find the minimizing and maximizing sequences under certain conditions. Finally, we also look at rearrangement inequalities of other objects that can be ordered such as functions and matrices. |
] | math.GR | A note on the action of Hecke groups on subsets of quadratic fields. We study the action of the groups H( lambda) generated by the linear fractional transformations x z mapsto frac 1 z text and w z mapsto z lambda , where lambda is a positive integer, on the subsets mathbb Q ( sqrt n ) frac a sqrt n c a,b frac a 2 n c ,c in mathbb Z , where n is a square free integer. We prove that this action has a finite number of orbits if and only if lambda 1 or lambda 2 , and we give an upper bound for the number of orbits for lambda 2 . |
] | cs.CR | A Practical Solution to Yao's Millionaires' Problem and Its Application in Designing Secure Combinatorial Auction. The emergence of e commerce and e voting platforms has resulted in the rise in the volume of sensitive information over the Internet. This has resulted in an increased demand for secure and private means of information computation. Towards this, the Yao's Millionaires' problem, i.e., to determine the richer among two millionaires' securely, finds an application. In this work, we present a new solution to the Yao's Millionaires' problem namely, Privacy Preserving Comparison (PPC). We show that PPC achieves this comparison in constant time as well as in one execution. PPC uses semi honest third parties for the comparison who do not learn any information about the values. Further, we show that PPC is collusion resistance. To demonstrate the significance of PPC, we present a secure, approximate single minded combinatorial auction, which we call TPACAS, i.e., Truthful, Privacy preserving Approximate Combinatorial Auction for Single minded bidders. We show that TPACAS, unlike previous works, preserves the following privacies relevant to an auction agent privacy, the identities of the losing bidders must not be revealed to any other agent except the auctioneer (AU), bid privacy, the bid values must be hidden from the other agents as well as the AU and bid topology privacy, the items for which the agents are bidding must be hidden from the other agents as well as the AU. We demonstrate the practicality of TPACAS through simulations. Lastly, we also look at TPACAS' implementation over a publicly distributed ledger, such as the Ethereum blockchain. |
] | cs.MM | Accessibility in 360 degree video players. Any media experience must be fully inclusive and accessible to all users regardless of their ability. With the current trend towards immersive experiences, such as Virtual Reality (VR) and 360 degree video, it becomes key that these environments are adapted to be fully accessible. However, until recently the focus has been mostly on adapting the existing techniques to fit immersive displays, rather than considering new approaches for accessibility designed specifically for these increasingly relevant media experiences. This paper surveys a wide range of 360 degree video players and examines the features they include for dealing with accessibility, such as Subtitles, Audio Description, Sign Language, User Interfaces, and other interaction features, like voice control and support for multi screen scenarios. These features have been chosen based on guidelines from standardization contributions, like in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the International Communication Union (ITU), and from research contributions for making 360 degree video consumption experiences accessible. The in depth analysis has been part of a research effort towards the development of a fully inclusive and accessible 360 degree video player. The paper concludes by discussing how the newly developed player has gone above and beyond the existing solutions and guidelines, by providing accessibility features that meet the expectations for a widely used immersive medium, like 360 degree video. |
] | physics.optics physics.app-ph | MEMS actuated Metasurface Alvarez Lens. Miniature lenses with tunable focus are essential components for many modern applications involving compact optical systems. While several tunable lenses have been reported with various tuning mechanisms, they often still face challenges in power consumption, tuning speed, fabrication cost, or production scalability. In this work, we have adapted the mechanism of an Alvarez lens a varifocal composite lens in which lateral shifts of two optical elements with cubic phase surfaces give rise to a change in optical power to construct a miniature, MEMS actuated metasurface Alvarez lens. The implementation based on electrostatic microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) generates fast and controllable actuation with low power consumption. The utilization of metasurfaces, ultrathin and subwavelength patterned diffractive optics, as the optical elements greatly reduces the device volume compared to systems using conventional freeform lenses. The entire MEMS Alvarez metalens is fully compatible with modern semiconductor fabrication technologies, granting it the potential to be mass produced at a low unit cost. In the reported prototype to operate at 1550 nm wavelength, a total uniaxial displacement of 6.3 um is achieved in the Alvarez metalens with direct current (DC) voltage application up to 20 V, modulating the focal position within a total tuning range of 68 um, producing more than an order of magnitude change in focal length and 1460 diopters change in optical power. The MEMS Alvarez metalens has a robust design that can potentially generate a much larger tuning range without substantially increasing device volume or energy consumption, making it desirable for a wide range of imaging and display applications. |
] | math.AT math.CO | Non trivial higher Massey products in moment angle complexes. As part of various obstruction theories, non trivial Massey products have been studied in symplectic and complex geometry, commutative algebra and topology for a long time. We introduce a general approach to constructing non trivial Massey products in the cohomology of moment angle complexes, using homotopy theoretical and combinatorial methods. Our approach sets a unifying way of constructing higher Massey products of arbitrary cohomological classes and generalises all existing examples of non trivial Massey products in moment angle complexes. As a result, we obtain explicit constructions of infinitely many non formal manifolds that appear in topology, complex geometry and algebraic geometry. |
] | physics.app-ph physics.data-an physics.optics | In situ analysis of small microplastics in coastal surface water samples of the subtropical island of Okinawa, Japan. Marine plastic debris is widely recognized as a global environmental issue. Sun micron plastic particles, with an upper size limit of 20 um, have been identified as having the highest potential for causing damage to marine ecosystems. Having accurate methods for quantifying the abundance of such particles in a natural environment is essential for defining the extent of the problem they pose. Using an optical micro Raman tweezers setup, we have identified the composition of particles trapped in marine aggregates collected from the coastal surface waters around the subtropical island of Okinawa. Chemical composition analysis at the single particle level indicates dominance by low density polyethylene, which accounted for 75 of the total sub micron plastics analyzed. Our results show the occurrence of plastics at all test sites, with the highest concentration in areas with high human activities. The average, smallest sub micron plastics size is (2.53 0.85)um for polystyrene. We also observed additional Raman peaks on the plastics spectrum with decreasing debris size which could be related to structural modification due to weathering or embedding in organic matter. By single particle level sub micron plastics identification, we can begin to understand their dispersion in the ocean and define their toxicity and impacts on marine biodiversity and food chain. |
] | cs.CV | Memory Efficient Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Image Restoration. Recently, much attention has been spent on neural architecture search (NAS), aiming to outperform those manually designed neural architectures on high level vision recognition tasks. Inspired by the success, here we attempt to leverage NAS techniques to automatically design efficient network architectures for low level image restoration tasks. In particular, we propose a memory efficient hierarchical NAS (termed HiNAS) and apply it to two such tasks image denoising and image super resolution. HiNAS adopts gradient based search strategies and builds a flexible hierarchical search space, including the inner search space and outer search space. They are in charge of designing cell architectures and deciding cell widths, respectively. For the inner search space, we propose a layer wise architecture sharing strategy (LWAS), resulting in more flexible architectures and better performance. For the outer search space, we design a cell sharing strategy to save memory, and considerably accelerate the search speed. The proposed HiNAS method is both memory and computation efficient. With a single GTX1080Ti GPU, it takes only about 1 hour for searching for denoising network on the BSD 500 dataset and 3.5 hours for searching for the super resolution structure on the DIV2K dataset. Experiments show that the architectures found by HiNAS have fewer parameters and enjoy a faster inference speed, while achieving highly competitive performance compared with state of the art methods. Code is available at https github.com hkzhang91 HiNAS |
] | physics.plasm-ph | The intermittent excitation of geodesic acoustic mode by nonlinear Instanton of electron drift wave envelope in L mode discharge near tokamak edge. There are two distinct phases in the evolution of drift wave envelope in the presence of zonal flow. A long lived standing wave phase, which we call the Caviton, and a short lived traveling wave phase (in radial direction) we call the Instanton. For drift wave turbulence driven by ion temperature gradient mode (ITG), these two stages of dynamics were displayed in Zhang Y Z, Liu Z Y, Xie T, Mahajan S M and Liu J 2017 Physics of Plasmas 24 122304 . In this paper we show that the dynamical attributes of ITG turbulence are readily replicated when the turbulence rotates in the electron direction our model calculation deals specifically with the toroidal electron drift waves (EDW) in the well known delta e model. While the basic calculations are presented in parallel to the ITG counterpart, more emphasis is laid here on the motion of Instanton several abrupt phenomena observed in tokamaks, such as intermittent excitation of geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) shown in this paper, could be attributed to the sudden and fast radial motion of Instanton. The calculation brings out the defining characteristics of the Instanton it begins as a linear traveling wave right after the transition. Then, it evolves to a nonlinear stage with increasing frequency all the way to 20 kHz. The modulation to Reynolds stress in zonal flow equation will cause resonant excitation to GAM. The intermittency is shown due to the random phase mixing between multiple central rational surfaces in the reaction region. |
] | q-bio.QM | Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine as Prophylaxis for Covid 19. Limitations in the design of the experiment of Boulware et al 1 are considered in Cohen 2 . They are not subject to correction but they are reported for readers' consideration. However, they made an analysis for the incidence based on Fisher's hypothesis test for means while they published detailed time dependent data which were not analyzed, disregarding an important information. Here we make the analyses with this time dependent data adopting a simple regression analysis. We conclude their randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial presents statistical evidence, at 99 confidence level, that the treatment of Covid 19 patients with hydroxychloroquine is effective in reducing the appearance of symptoms if used before or right after exposure to the virus. For 0 to 2 days after exposure to virus, the estimated relative reduction in symptomatic outcomes is 72 after 0 days, 48.9 after 1 day and 29.3 after 2 days. For 3 days after exposure, the estimated relative reduction is 15.7 but results are not statistically conclusive and for 4 or more days after exposure there is no statistical evidence that hydroxychloroquine is effective in reducing the appearance of symptoms. Our results show that the time elapsed between infection and the beginning of treatment is crucial for the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment to Covid 19. |
] | cs.CR | A Privacy Preserving, Accountable and Spam Resilient Geo Marketplace. Mobile devices with rich features can record videos, traffic parameters or air quality readings along user trajectories. Although such data may be valuable, users are seldom rewarded for collecting them. Emerging digital marketplaces allow owners to advertise their data to interested buyers. We focus on geo marketplaces, where buyers search data based on geo tags. Such marketplaces present significant challenges. First, if owners upload data with revealed geo tags, they expose themselves to serious privacy risks. Second, owners must be accountable for advertised data, and must not be allowed to subsequently alter geo tags. Third, such a system may be vulnerable to intensive spam activities, where dishonest owners flood the system with fake advertisements. We propose a geo marketplace that addresses all these concerns. We employ searchable encryption, digital commitments, and blockchain to protect the location privacy of owners while at the same time incorporating accountability and spam resilience mechanisms. We implement a prototype with two alternative designs that obtain distinct trade offs between trust assumptions and performance. Our experiments on real location data show that one can achieve the above design goals with practical performance and reasonable financial overhead. |
] | cs.SE | Detecting Missing Dependencies and Notifiers in Puppet Programs. Puppet is a popular computer system configuration management tool. It provides abstractions that enable administrators to setup their computer systems declaratively. Its use suffers from two potential pitfalls. First, if ordering constraints are not specified whenever an abstraction depends on another, the non deterministic application of abstractions can lead to race conditions. Second, if a service is not tied to its resources through notification constructs, the system may operate in a stale state whenever a resource gets modified. Such faults can degrade a computing infrastructure's availability and functionality. We have developed an approach that identifies these issues through the analysis of a Puppet program and its system call trace. Specifically, we present a formal model for traces, which allows us to capture the interactions of Puppet abstractions with the file system. By analyzing these interactions we identify (1) abstractions that are related to each other (e.g., operate on the same file), and (2) abstractions that should act as notifiers so that changes are correctly propagated. We then check the relationships from the trace's analysis against the program's dependency graph a representation containing all the ordering constraints and notifications declared in the program. If a mismatch is detected, our system reports a potential fault. We have evaluated our method on a large set of Puppet modules, and discovered 57 previously unknown issues in 30 of them. Benchmarking further shows that our approach can analyze in minutes real world configurations with a magnitude measured in thousands of lines and millions of system calls. |
] | cs.SI cs.AI cs.CL | Social media data reveals signal for public consumer perceptions. Researchers have used social media data to estimate various macroeconomic indicators about public behaviors, mostly as a way to reduce surveying costs. One of the most widely cited economic indicator is consumer confidence index (CCI). Numerous studies in the past have focused on using social media, especially Twitter data, to predict CCI. However, the strong correlations disappeared when those models were tested with newer data according to a recent comprehensive survey. In this work, we revisit this problem of assessing the true potential of using social media data to measure CCI, by proposing a robust non parametric Bayesian modeling framework grounded in Gaussian Process Regression (which provides both an estimate and an uncertainty associated with it). Integral to our framework is a principled experimentation methodology that demonstrates how digital data can be employed to reduce the frequency of surveys, and thus periodic polling would be needed only to calibrate our model. Via extensive experimentation we show how the choice of different micro decisions, such as the smoothing interval, various types of lags etc. have an important bearing on the results. By using decadal data (2008 2019) from Reddit, we show that both monthly and daily estimates of CCI can, indeed, be reliably estimated at least several months in advance, and that our model estimates are far superior to those generated by the existing methods. |
] | math.SG math.AT | Topology of symplectomorphism groups and ball swappings. In this survey article, we summarize some recent progress and problems on the symplectomorphism groups, with an emphasis on the connection to the space of ball packings. |
] | cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG | HypoNLI Exploring the Artificial Patterns of Hypothesis only Bias in Natural Language Inference. Many recent studies have shown that for models trained on datasets for natural language inference (NLI), it is possible to make correct predictions by merely looking at the hypothesis while completely ignoring the premise. In this work, we manage to derive adversarial examples in terms of the hypothesis only bias and explore eligible ways to mitigate such bias. Specifically, we extract various phrases from the hypotheses (artificial patterns) in the training sets, and show that they have been strong indicators to the specific labels. We then figure out hard' and easy' instances from the original test sets whose labels are opposite to or consistent with those indications. We also set up baselines including both pretrained models (BERT, RoBERTa, XLNet) and competitive non pretrained models (InferSent, DAM, ESIM). Apart from the benchmark and baselines, we also investigate two debiasing approaches which exploit the artificial pattern modeling to mitigate such hypothesis only bias down sampling and adversarial training. We believe those methods can be treated as competitive baselines in NLI debiasing tasks. |
] | q-bio.NC | Plastic systemic inhibition controls amplitude while allowing phase pattern in a stochastic neural field model. Oscillatory phase pattern formation and amplitude control for a linearized stochastic neuron field model was investigated by simulating coupled stochastic processes defined by stochastic differential equations. It was found, for several choices of parameters, that pattern formation in the phases of these processes occurred if and only if the amplitudes were allowed to grow large. Stimulated by recent work on homeostatic inhibitory plasticity, we introduced static and plastic (adaptive) systemic inhibitory mechanisms to keep the amplitudes stochastically bounded in subsequent simulations. The systems with static systemic inhibition exhibited bounded amplitudes but no sustained phase patterns, whereas the systems with plastic systemic inhibition exhibited both bounded amplitudes and sustained phase patterns. These results demonstrate that plastic inhibitory mechanisms in neural field models can stochastically control amplitudes while allowing patterns of phase synchronization to develop. Similar mechanisms of plastic systemic inhibition could play a role in regulating oscillatory functioning in the brain. |
] | cs.CV | DeepMeshFlow Content Adaptive Mesh Deformation for Robust Image Registration. Image alignment by mesh warps, such as meshflow, is a fundamental task which has been widely applied in various vision applications(e.g., multi frame HDR denoising, video stabilization). Traditional mesh warp methods detect and match image features, where the quality of alignment highly depends on the quality of image features. However, the image features are not robust in occurrence of low texture and low light scenes. Deep homography methods, on the other hand, are free from such problem by learning deep features for robust performance. However, a homography is limited to plane motions. In this work, we present a deep meshflow motion model, which takes two images as input and output a sparse motion field with motions located at mesh vertexes. The deep meshflow enjoys the merics of meshflow that can describe nonlinear motions while also shares advantage of deep homography that is robust against challenging textureless scenarios. In particular, a new unsupervised network structure is presented with content adaptive capability. On one hand, the image content that cannot be aligned under mesh representation are rejected by our learned mask, similar to the RANSAC procedure. On the other hand, we learn multiple mesh resolutions, combining to a non uniform mesh division. Moreover, a comprehensive dataset is presented, covering various scenes for training and testing. The comparison between both traditional mesh warp methods and deep based methods show the effectiveness of our deep meshflow motion model. |
] | cs.CV | FaceShapeGene A Disentangled Shape Representation for Flexible Face Image Editing. Existing methods for face image manipulation generally focus on editing the expression, changing some predefined attributes, or applying different filters. However, users lack the flexibility of controlling the shapes of different semantic facial parts in the generated face. In this paper, we propose an approach to compute a disentangled shape representation for a face image, namely the FaceShapeGene. The proposed FaceShapeGene encodes the shape information of each semantic facial part separately into a 1D latent vector. On the basis of the FaceShapeGene, a novel part wise face image editing system is developed, which contains a shape remix network and a conditional label to face transformer. The shape remix network can freely recombine the part wise latent vectors from different individuals, producing a remixed face shape in the form of a label map, which contains the facial characteristics of multiple subjects. The conditional label to face transformer, which is trained in an unsupervised cyclic manner, performs part wise face editing while preserving the original identity of the subject. Experimental results on several tasks demonstrate that the proposed FaceShapeGene representation correctly disentangles the shape features of different semantic parts. In addition, we test our system on several novel part wise face editing tasks. Comparisons to existing methods demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method on accomplishing novel face editing tasks. |
] | cs.RO cs.AI cs.HC cs.MA | Getting to Know One Another Calibrating Intent, Capabilities and Trust for Human Robot Collaboration. Common experience suggests that agents who know each other well are better able to work together. In this work, we address the problem of calibrating intention and capabilities in human robot collaboration. In particular, we focus on scenarios where the robot is attempting to assist a human who is unable to directly communicate her intent. Moreover, both agents may have differing capabilities that are unknown to one another. We adopt a decision theoretic approach and propose the TICC POMDP for modeling this setting, with an associated online solver. Experiments show our approach leads to better team performance both in simulation and in a real world study with human subjects. |
] | math.AC cs.NA math.AG math.NA | A new bound for smooth spline spaces. For a planar simplicial complex Delta contained in R 2, Schumaker proved that a lower bound on the dimension of the space C r k(Delta) of planar splines of smoothness r and polynomial degree at most k on Delta is given by a polynomial P Delta(r,k), and Alfeld Schumaker showed this polynomial gives the correct dimension when k 4r 1. Examples due to Morgan Scott, Tohaneanu, and Yuan show that the equality dim C r k(Delta) P Delta(r,k) can fail when k 2r or 2r 1. We prove that the equality dim C r k(Delta) P Delta(r,k) cannot hold in general for k (22r 7) 10. |