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] | cs.DS cs.DC cs.PF | Slim Graph Practical Lossy Graph Compression for Approximate Graph Processing, Storage, and Analytics. We propose Slim Graph the first programming model and framework for practical lossy graph compression that facilitates high performance approximate graph processing, storage, and analytics. Slim Graph enables the developer to express numerous compression schemes using small and programmable compression kernels that can access and modify local parts of input graphs. Such kernels are executed in parallel by the underlying engine, isolating developers from complexities of parallel programming. Our kernels implement novel graph compression schemes that preserve numerous graph properties, for example connected components, minimum spanning trees, or graph spectra. Finally, Slim Graph uses statistical divergences and other metrics to analyze the accuracy of lossy graph compression. We illustrate both theoretically and empirically that Slim Graph accelerates numerous graph algorithms, reduces storage used by graph datasets, and ensures high accuracy of results. Slim Graph may become the common ground for developing, executing, and analyzing emerging lossy graph compression schemes. |
] | cs.CV | A New Few shot Segmentation Network Based on Class Representation. This paper studies few shot segmentation, which is a task of predicting foreground mask of unseen classes by a few of annotations only, aided by a set of rich annotations already existed. The existing methods mainly focus the task on " textit how to transfer segmentation cues from support images (labeled images) to query images (unlabeled images) ", and try to learn efficient and general transfer module that can be easily extended to unseen classes. However, it is proved to be a challenging task to learn the transfer module that is general to various classes. This paper solves few shot segmentation in a new perspective of " textit how to represent unseen classes by existing classes ", and formulates few shot segmentation as the representation process that represents unseen classes (in terms of forming the foreground prior) by existing classes precisely. Based on such idea, we propose a new class representation based few shot segmentation framework, which firstly generates class activation map of unseen class based on the knowledge of existing classes, and then uses the map as foreground probability map to extract the foregrounds from query image. A new two branch based few shot segmentation network is proposed. Moreover, a new CAM generation module that extracts the CAM of unseen classes rather than the classical training classes is raised. We validate the effectiveness of our method on Pascal VOC 2012 dataset, the value FB IoU of one shot and five shot arrives at 69.2 and 70.1 respectively, which outperforms the state of the art method. |
] | cs.LO cs.AI cs.SC | A Unified Algebraic Framework for Non Monotonicity. Tremendous research effort has been dedicated over the years to thoroughly investigate non monotonic reasoning. With the abundance of non monotonic logical formalisms, a unified theory that enables comparing the different approaches is much called for. In this paper, we present an algebraic graded logic we refer to as LogAG capable of encompassing a wide variety of non monotonic formalisms. We build on Lin and Shoham's argument systems first developed to formalize non monotonic commonsense reasoning. We show how to encode argument systems as LogAG theories, and prove that LogAG captures the notion of belief spaces in argument systems. Since argument systems capture default logic, autoepistemic logic, the principle of negation as failure, and circumscription, our results show that LogAG captures the before mentioned non monotonic logical formalisms as well. Previous results show that LogAG subsumes possibilistic logic and any non monotonic inference relation satisfying Makinson's rationality postulates. In this way, LogAG provides a powerful unified framework for non monotonicity. |
] | math.AP | Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solutions to a Class of Degenerate Cross Diffusion Systems. We consider a class of cross diffusion systems with degenerate (or porous media type) diffusion which is inspired by models in mathematical biology ecology with zero self diffusions. Known techniques for scalar equations are no longer available here as maximum comparison principles are generally unavailable for systems. However, we will provide the existence of weak solutions to the degenerate systems under mild integrability conditions of strong solutions to nondegenerate systems and show that they converge to a weak solution of the degerate system. These conditions will be verified for the model introduced by Shigesada it et al. . Uniqueness of limiting and unbounded weak solutions will also be proved. |
] | math.CV | Differential Subordination for Janowski Functions with Positive Real Part. Theory of differential subordination provides techniques to reduce differential subordination problems into verifying some simple algebraic condition called admissibility condition. We exploit the first order differential subordination theory to get several sufficient conditions for function satisfying several differential subordinations to be a Janowski function with positive real part. As applications, we obtain sufficient conditions for normalized analytic functions to be Janowski starlike functions. |
] | math.AP math.DG math.GR math.MG | A rectifiability result for finite perimeter sets in Carnot groups. In the setting of Carnot groups, we are concerned with the rectifiability problem for subsets that have finite sub Riemannian perimeter. We introduce a new notion of rectifiability that is possibly, weaker than the one introduced by Franchi, Serapioni, and Serra Cassano. Namely, we consider subsets Gamma that, similarly to intrinsic Lipschitz graphs, have a cone property there exists an open dilation invariant subset C whose translations by elements in Gamma don't intersect Gamma . However, a priori the cone C may not have any horizontal directions in its interior. In every Carnot group, we prove that the reduced boundary of every finite perimeter subset can be covered by countably many subsets that have such a cone property. The cones are related to the semigroups generated by the horizontal half spaces determined by the normal directions. We further study the case when one can find horizontal directions in the interior of the cones, in which case we infer that finite perimeter subsets are countably rectifiable with respect to intrinsic Lipschitz graphs. A sufficient condition for this to hold is the existence of a horizontal one parameter subgroup that is not an abnormal curve. As an application, we verify that this property holds in every filiform group, of either first or second type. |
] | cs.LG cs.CV cs.NE | Deep k NN Defense against Clean label Data Poisoning Attacks. Targeted clean label data poisoning is a type of adversarial attack on machine learning systems in which an adversary injects a few correctly labeled, minimally perturbed samples into the training data, causing a model to misclassify a particular test sample during inference. Although defenses have been proposed for general poisoning attacks, no reliable defense for clean label attacks has been demonstrated, despite the attacks' effectiveness and realistic applications. In this work, we propose a simple, yet highly effective Deep k NN defense against both feature collision and convex polytope clean label attacks on the CIFAR 10 dataset. We demonstrate that our proposed strategy is able to detect over 99 of poisoned examples in both attacks and remove them without compromising model performance. Additionally, through ablation studies, we discover simple guidelines for selecting the value of k as well as for implementing the Deep k NN defense on real world datasets with class imbalance. Our proposed defense shows that current clean label poisoning attack strategies can be annulled, and serves as a strong yet simple to implement baseline defense to test future clean label poisoning attacks. Our code is available at https github.com neeharperi DeepKNNDefense |
] | cs.CL | Coarse to Fine Pre training for Named Entity Recognition. More recently, Named Entity Recognition hasachieved great advances aided by pre trainingapproaches such as BERT. However, currentpre training techniques focus on building lan guage modeling objectives to learn a gen eral representation, ignoring the named entity related knowledge. To this end, we proposea NER specific pre training framework to in ject coarse to fine automatically mined entityknowledge into pre trained models. Specifi cally, we first warm up the model via an en tity span identification task by training it withWikipedia anchors, which can be deemed asgeneral typed entities. Then we leverage thegazetteer based distant supervision strategy totrain the model extract coarse grained typedentities. Finally, we devise a self supervisedauxiliary task to mine the fine grained namedentity knowledge via clustering.Empiricalstudies on three public NER datasets demon strate that our framework achieves significantimprovements against several pre trained base lines, establishing the new state of the art per formance on three benchmarks. Besides, weshow that our framework gains promising re sults without using human labeled trainingdata, demonstrating its effectiveness in label few and low resource scenarios |
] | cs.SI physics.soc-ph | Examining the Global Spread of COVID 19 Misinformation. The global COVID 19 pandemic has led to the online proliferation of health , political , and conspiratorial based misinformation. Understanding the reach and belief in this misinformation is vital to managing this crisis, as well as future crises. The results from our global survey finds a troubling reach of and belief in COVID related misinformation, as well as a correlation with those that primarily consume news from social media, and, in the United States, a strong correlation with political leaning. |
] | math.NA cs.NA | WaveHoltz Iterative Solution of the Helmholtz Equation via the Wave Equation. A new idea for iterative solution of the Helmholtz equation is presented. We show that the iteration which we denote WaveHoltz and which filters the solution to the wave equation with harmonic data evolved over one period, corresponds to a coercive operator or a positive definite matrix in the discretized case. |
] | cs.IT math.IT | Corrections to "An Innovations Approach to Viterbi Decoding of Convolutional Codes". We correct errors in Section III B of the above titled paper. The corrections are related to the joint distribution of the inputs to the main decoder which corresponds to a branch in the code trellis for the main decoder. Note that as far as the distribution of the input corresponding to a single code symbol is concerned, the results in Section III B are correct. We have noticed that alpha in Proposition 12 (beta in Proposition 14) has another meaning, which has made it possible to derive the joint distribution of the inputs corresponding to the whole branch. Corrections are based on this important observation. |
] | cs.CL | Strong Baselines for Complex Word Identification across Multiple Languages. Complex Word Identification (CWI) is the task of identifying which words or phrases in a sentence are difficult to understand by a target audience. The latest CWI Shared Task released data for two settings monolingual (i.e. train and test in the same language) and cross lingual (i.e. test in a language not seen during training). The best monolingual models relied on language dependent features, which do not generalise in the cross lingual setting, while the best cross lingual model used neural networks with multi task learning. In this paper, we present monolingual and cross lingual CWI models that perform as well as (or better than) most models submitted to the latest CWI Shared Task. We show that carefully selected features and simple learning models can achieve state of the art performance, and result in strong baselines for future development in this area. Finally, we discuss how inconsistencies in the annotation of the data can explain some of the results obtained. |
] | q-bio.NC q-bio.QM | A practical guide to methodological considerations in the controllability of structural brain networks. Predicting how the brain can be driven to specific states by means of internal or external control requires a fundamental understanding of the relationship between neural connectivity and activity. Network control theory is a powerful tool from the physical and engineering sciences that can provide insights regarding that relationship it formalizes the study of how the dynamics of a complex system can arise from its underlying structure of interconnected units. Given the recent use of network control theory in neuroscience, it is now timely to offer a practical guide to methodological considerations in the controllability of structural brain networks. Here we provide a systematic overview of the framework, examine the impact of modeling choices on frequently studied control metrics, and suggest potentially useful theoretical extensions. We ground our discussions, numerical demonstrations, and theoretical advances in a dataset of high resolution diffusion imaging with 730 diffusion directions acquired over approximately 1 hour of scanning from ten healthy young adults. Following a didactic introduction of the theory, we probe how a selection of modeling choices affects four common statistics average controllability, modal controllability, minimum control energy, and optimal control energy. Next, we extend the current state of the art in two ways first, by developing an alternative measure of structural connectivity that accounts for radial propagation of activity through abutting tissue, and second, by defining a complementary metric quantifying the complexity of the energy landscape of a system. We close with specific modeling recommendations and a discussion of methodological constraints. |
] | math.DS | On equicontinuous factors of flows on locally path connected compact spaces. We consider a locally path connected compact metric space K with finite first Betti number b 1(K) and a flow (K, G) on K such that G is abelian and all G invariant functions f in mathrm C (K) are constant. We prove that every equicontinuous factor of the flow (K, G) is isomorphic to a flow on a compact abelian Lie group of dimension less than b 1(K) . For this purpose, we use and provide a new proof for HJop, Theorem 2.12 which states that for a flow on a locally connected compact space the quotient map onto the maximal equicontinuous factor is monotone, i.e., has connected fibers. Our alternative proof is a simple consequence of a new characterization of the monotonicity of a quotient map p colon K to L between locally connected compact spaces K and L that we obtain by characterizing the local connectedness of K in terms of the Banach lattice mathrm C (K) . |
] | math.AP | Existence of a positive solution for a logarithmic Schr " o dinger equation with saddle like potential. In this article we use the variational method developed by Szulkin cite szulkin to prove the existence of a positive solution for the following logarithmic Schr " o dinger equation left begin array lc epsilon 2 Delta u V(x)u u log u 2, mbox in quad mathbb R N , u(x) 0, mbox in quad mathbb R N u in H 1( mathbb R N ), end array right. where epsilon 0, N geq 1 and V is a saddle like potential. |
] | math.RT math.QA | Equivariant homology theory and twisted Yangian. We study the convolution algebra H G times CC (Z) of G equivariant homology group on the Steinberg variety of type B C and define an algebra widetilde Y that maps to H G times CC (Z) . The Drinfeld new realization of the twisted Yangian associated to symmetric pairs is a quotient of widetilde Y . We also study the G equivariant case and prove that the twisted Yangian is the deformation of the twisted current algebra. |
] | math.NA cs.NA | The polarization process of ferroelectric materials analyzed in the framework of variational inequalities. We are concerned with the mathematical modeling of the polarization process in ferroelectric media. We assume that this dissipative process is governed by two constitutive functions, which are the free energy function and the dissipation function. The dissipation function, which is closely connected to the dissipated energy, is usually non differentiable. Thus, a minimization condition for the overall energy includes the subdifferential of the dissipation function. This condition can also be formulated by way of a variational inequality in the unknown fields strain, dielectric displacement, remanent polarization and remanent strain. We analyze the mathematical well posedness of this problem. We provide an existence and uniqueness result for the time discrete update equation. Under stronger assumptions, we can prove existence of a solution to the time dependent variational inequality. To solve the discretized variational inequality, we use mixed finite elements, where mechanical displacement and dielectric displacement are unknowns, as well as polarization (and, if included in the model, remanent strain). It is then possible to satisfy Gauss' law of zero free charges exactly. We propose to regularize the dissipation function and solve for all unknowns at once in a single Newton iteration. We present numerical examples gained in the open source software package Netgen NGSolve. |
] | math.CO cs.IT math.IT math.NT | On certain linearized polynomials with high degree and kernel of small dimension. Let f be the mathbb F q linear map over mathbb F q 2n defined by x mapsto x ax q s bx q n s with gcd(n,s) 1 . It is known that the kernel of f has dimension at most 2 , as proved by Csajb 'ok et al. in "A new family of MRD codes" (2018). For n big enough, e.g. n geq5 when s 1 , we classify the values of b a such that the kernel of f has dimension at most 1 . To this aim, we translate the problem into the study of some algebraic curves of small degree with respect to the degree of f this allows to use intersection theory and function field theory together with the Hasse Weil bound. Our result implies a non scatteredness result for certain high degree scattered binomials, and the asymptotic classification of a family of rank metric codes. |
] | cs.CV | Automatic Detection and Classification of Waste Consumer Medications for Proper Management and Disposal. Every year, millions of pounds of medicines remain unused in the U.S. and are subject to an in home disposal, i.e., kept in medicine cabinets, flushed in toilet or thrown in regular trash. In home disposal, however, can negatively impact the environment and public health. The drug take back programs (drug take backs) sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and its state and industry partners collect unused consumer medications and provide the best alternative to in home disposal of medicines. However, the drug take backs are expensive to operate and not widely available. In this paper, we show that artificial intelligence (AI) can be applied to drug take backs to render them operationally more efficient. Since identification of any waste is crucial to a proper disposal, we showed that it is possible to accurately identify loose consumer medications solely based on the physical features and visual appearance. We have developed an automatic technique that uses deep neural networks and computer vision to identify and segregate solid medicines. We applied the technique to images of about one thousand loose pills and succeeded in correctly identifying the pills with an accuracy of 0.912 and top 5 accuracy of 0.984. We also showed that hazardous pills could be distinguished from non hazardous pills within the dataset with an accuracy of 0.984. We believe that the power of artificial intelligence could be harnessed in products that would facilitate the operation of the drug take backs more efficiently and help them become widely available throughout the country. |
] | math.AP math.CA math.MG | Quantitative Comparisons of Multiscale Geometric Properties. We generalize some characterizations of uniformly rectifiable (UR) sets to sets whose Hausdorff content is lower regular (and in particular, do not need to be Ahlfors regular). For example, David and Semmes showed that, given an Ahlfors d regular set E , if we consider the set mathscr B of surface cubes (in the sense of Christ and David) near which E does not look approximately like a union of planes, then E is UR if and only if mathscr B satisfies a Carleson packing condition, that is, for any surface cube R , sum Q subseteq R atop Q in mathscr B ( rm diam Q) d lesssim ( rm diam R) d . We show that, for lower content regular sets that aren't necessarily Ahlfors regular, if beta E (R) denotes the square sum of beta numbers over subcubes of R as in the Traveling Salesman Theorem for higher dimensional sets AS18 , then mathscr H d (R) sum Q subseteq R atop Q in mathscr B ( rm diam Q) d sim beta E (R). We prove similar results for other uniform rectifiability critera, such as the Local Symmetry, Local Convexity, and Generalized Weak Exterior Convexity conditions. En route, we show how to construct a corona decomposition of any lower content regular set by Ahlfors regular sets, similar to the classical corona decomposition of UR sets by Lipschitz graphs developed by David and Semmes. |
] | math.HO math.DG | Map drawing and foliations of the sphere. I will consider some questions related to Euler's work on cartography and its consequences, in which the foliations of the sphere by meridians and parallels play important roles. |
] | cs.DS | An FPT algorithm for orthogonal buttons and scissors. We study the puzzle game Buttons and Scissors in which the goal is to remove all buttons from an n times m grid by a series of horizontal and vertical cuts. We show that the corresponding parameterized problem has an algorithm with time complexity 2 O(k 2 log k) (n m) O(1) , where k is an upper bound on the number of cuts. |
] | math.DG math.KT | Positive scalar curvature on simply connected spin pseudomanifolds. Let M Sigma be an n dimensional Thom Mather stratified space of depth 1 . We denote by beta M the singular locus and by L the associated link. In this paper we study the problem of when such a space can be endowed with a wedge metric of positive scalar curvature. We relate this problem to recent work on index theory on stratified spaces, giving first an obstruction to the existence of such a metric in terms of a wedge alpha class alpha w (M Sigma) in KO n . In order to establish a sufficient condition we need to assume additional structure we assume that the link of M Sigma is a homogeneous space of positive scalar curvature, L G K , where the semisimple compact Lie group G acts transitively on L by isometries. Examples of such manifolds include compact semisimple Lie groups and Riemannian symmetric spaces of compact type. Under these assumptions, when M Sigma and beta M are spin, we reinterpret our obstruction in terms of two alpha classes associated to the resolution of M Sigma , M , and to the singular locus beta M . Finally, when M Sigma , beta M , L , and G are simply connected and dim M is big enough, and when some other conditions on L (satisfied in a large number of cases) hold, we establish the main result of this article, showing that the vanishing of these two alpha classes is also sufficient for the existence of a well adapted wedge metric of positive scalar curvature. |
] | math.CV | On Petrenko's deviations and second order differential equations. New results on the oscillation of solutions of f'' A(z)f 0 and on the growth of solutions of f'' A(z)f' B(z)f 0 are obtained, where A and B are entire functions. Petrenko's magnitudes of deviation of g with respect to infty play a key r ole in the results, where g represents one of the coefficients A or B . These quantities are defined by beta ( infty,g) liminf r to infty frac log M(r,g) T(r,g) and beta ( infty,g) limsup r to infty frac log M(r,g) T(r,g) . |
] | cs.NI | Packet Completion Time Minimization via Joint D2D and Cellular Communication A Unified Network Coding Approach. This paper tackles the problem of transmitting a common content to a number of cellular users by means of instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) with the help of intermittently connected D2D links. Of particular interest are broadcasting real time applications such as video on demand, where common contents may be partially received by cellular users due to packet erasures over cellular links. Specifically, we investigate the problem of packet completion time, defined as the number of transmission slots necessary to deliver a common content to all users. Drawing on graph theory, we develop an optimal packet completion time strategy by constructing a two layer IDNC conflict graph. The higher layer graph permits us to determine all feasible packet combinations that can be transmitted over the cellular link, while the lower layer graph enables us to find all feasible network coded packets and identify the set of users that can generate and transmit these packets via intermittently connected D2D links. By combining the higher layer and the lower layer IDNC conflict graphs, we demonstrate that finding the optimal IDNC packets to minimize the packet completion time problem is equivalent to finding the maximum independent set of the two layer IDNC conflict graph, which is known to be an NP hard problem. We design a scheme that invokes the Bron Kerbosch algorithm to find the optimal policy. To circumvent the high computational complexity required to reach the global optimum, we establish a polynomial time solvable low complexity heuristic to find an efficient sub optimal solution. The effectiveness of our proposed scheme is verified through extensive numerical results which indicate substantial performance improvement in comparison with existing methods. |
] | cs.AI math.OC | Modeling bank performance A novel fuzzy two stage DEA approach. Evaluating the banks' performance has always been of interest due to their crucial role in the economic development of each country. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been widely used for measuring the performance of bank branches. In the conventional DEA approach, decision making units (DMUs) are regarded as black boxes that transform sets of inputs into sets of outputs without considering the internal interactions taking place within each DMU. Two stage DEA models are designed to overcome this shortfall. Thus, this paper presented a new two stage DEA model based on a modification on Enhanced Russell Model. On the other hand, in many situations, such as in a manufacturing system, a production process or a service system, inputs, intermediates and outputs can be given as a fuzzy variable. The main aim of this paper is to build and present a new fuzzy two stage DEA model for measuring the efficiency of 15 branches of Melli bank in Hamedan province. |
] | math.AC | Buchsbaumness of the associated graded rings of filtration. Let (A, mathfrak m ) be a Noetherian local ring of dimension d 0 and I an mathcal I primary ideal of A . In this paper, we discuss a sufficient condition, for the Buchsbaumness of the local ring A to be passed onto the associated graded ring of filtration. Let mathcal I denote an I good filtration. We prove that if A is Buchsbaum and the I invariant, I(A) and I(G( mathcal I )) , coincide then the associated graded ring G( mathcal I ) is Buchsbaum. As an application of our result, we indicate an alternative proof of a conjecture, of Corso on certain boundary conditions for Hilbert coefficients. |
] | cs.CL | Time to Take Emoji Seriously They Vastly Improve Casual Conversational Models. Graphical emoji are ubiquitous in modern day online conversations. So is a single thumbs up emoji able to signify an agreement, without any words. We argue that the current state of the art systems are ill equipped to correctly interpret these emoji, especially in a conversational context. However, in a casual context, the benefits might be high a better understanding of users' utterances and more natural, emoji rich responses. With this in mind, we modify BERT to fully support emoji, both from the Unicode Standard and custom emoji. This modified BERT is then trained on a corpus of question answer (QA) tuples with a high number of emoji, where we're able to increase the 1 of 100 accuracy from 12.7 for the current state of the art to 17.8 for our model with emoji support. |
] | cs.DS | Planar Distance Oracles with Better Time Space Tradeoffs. In a recent breakthrough, Charalampopoulos, Gawrychowski, Mozes, and Weimann (STOC 2019) showed that exact distance queries on planar graphs could be answered in n o(1) time by a data structure occupying n 1 o(1) space, i.e., up to o(1) terms, optimal exponents in time (0) and space (1) can be achieved simultaneously. Their distance query algorithm is recursive it makes successive calls to a point location algorithm for planar Voronoi diagrams, which involves many recursive distance queries. The depth of this recursion is non constant and the branching factor logarithmic, leading to ( log n) omega(1) n o(1) query times. In this paper we present a new way to do point location in planar Voronoi diagrams, which leads to a new exact distance oracle. At the two extremes of our space time tradeoff curve we can achieve either n 1 o(1) space and log 2 o(1) n query time, or n log 2 o(1) n space and n o(1) query time. All previous oracles with tilde O (1) query time occupy space n 1 Omega(1) , and all previous oracles with space tilde O (n) answer queries in n Omega(1) time. |
] | cs.RO cs.LG | Transferable Task Execution from Pixels through Deep Planning Domain Learning. While robots can learn models to solve many manipulation tasks from raw visual input, they cannot usually use these models to solve new problems. On the other hand, symbolic planning methods such as STRIPS have long been able to solve new problems given only a domain definition and a symbolic goal, but these approaches often struggle on the real world robotic tasks due to the challenges of grounding these symbols from sensor data in a partially observable world. We propose Deep Planning Domain Learning (DPDL), an approach that combines the strengths of both methods to learn a hierarchical model. DPDL learns a high level model which predicts values for a large set of logical predicates consisting of the current symbolic world state, and separately learns a low level policy which translates symbolic operators into executable actions on the robot. This allows us to perform complex, multi step tasks even when the robot has not been explicitly trained on them. We show our method on manipulation tasks in a photorealistic kitchen scenario. |
] | math.CT math.KT | A closed model structure on the category of weakly unital dg categories, II. In this paper, which is subsequent to our previous paper PS (but can be read independently from it), we continue our study of the closed model structure on the category mathrm Cat mathrm dgwu ( Bbbk) of small weakly unital dg categories (in the sense of Kontsevich Soibelman KS ) over a field Bbbk . In PS , we constructed a closed model structure on the category of weakly unital dg categories, imposing a technical condition on the weakly unital dg categories, saying that mathrm id x cdot mathrm id x mathrm id x for any object x . Although this condition led us to a great simplification, it was redundant and had to be dropped. Here we get rid of this condition, and provide a closed model structure in full generality. The new closed model category is as well cofibrantly generated, and it is proven to be Quillen equivalent to the closed model category mathrm Cat mathrm dg ( Bbbk) of (strictly unital) dg categories over Bbbk , given by Tabuada Tab1 . Dropping the condition mathrm id x 2 mathrm id x makes the construction of the closed model structure more distant from loc.cit., and requires new constructions. One of them is a pre triangulated hull of a wu dg category, which in turn is shown to be a wu dg category as well. One example of a weakly unital dg category which naturally appears is the bar cobar resolution of a dg category. We supply this paper with a refinement of the classical bar cobar resolution of a unital dg category which is strictly unital (appendix B). A similar construction can be applied to constructing a cofibrant resolution in mathrm Cat mathrm dgwu ( Bbbk) . |
] | math.OC | Branch and Price for a Class of Nonconvex Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs. This work attempts to combine the strengths of two major technologies that have matured over the last three decades global mixed integer nonlinear optimization and branch and price. We consider a class of generally nonconvex mixed integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs) with linear complicating constraints and integer linking variables. If the complicating constraints are removed, the problem becomes easy to solve, e.g. due to decomposable structure. Integrality of the linking variables allows us to apply a discretization approach to derive a Dantzig Wolfe reformulation and solve the problem to global optimality using branch and price. It is a remarkably simple idea but to our surprise, it has barely found any application in the literature. In this work, we show that many relevant problems directly fall or can be reformulated into this class of MINLPs. We present the branch and price algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness (and sometimes ineffectiveness) in an extensive computational study considering multiple large scale problems of practical relevance, showing that, in many cases, orders of magnitude reductions in solution time can be achieved. |
] | math.LO cs.LO math.AT | On the Nielsen Schreier Theorem in Homotopy Type Theory. We give a formulation of the Nielsen Schreier theorem (subgroups of free groups are free) in homotopy type theory using the presentation of groups as pointed connected 1 truncated types. We show the special case of finite index subgroups holds constructively and the full theorem follows from the axiom of choice. We give an example of a boolean infinity topos where our formulation of the theorem does not hold and show a stronger "untruncated" version of the theorem is provably false in homotopy type theory. |
] | math.GT | Equivalent characterizations of handle ribbon knots. The stable Kauffman conjecture posits that a knot in S 3 is slice if and only if it admits a slice derivative. We prove a related statement A knot is handle ribbon (also called strongly homotopy ribbon) in a homotopy 4 ball B if and only if it admits an R link derivative i.e. an n component derivative L with the property that zero framed surgery on L yields n(S 1 times S 2) . We also show that K bounds a handle ribbon disk D subset B if and only if the 3 manifold obtained by zero surgery on K admits a singular fibration that extends over handlebodies in B setminus D , generalizing a classical theorem of Casson and Gordon to the non fibered case for handle ribbon knots. |
] | math.AP | ODE methods in non local equations. Non local equations cannot be treated using classical ODE theorems. Nevertheless, several new methods have been introduced in the non local gluing scheme of our previous article "On higher dimensional singularities for the fractional Yamabe problem a non local Mazzeo Pacard program" we survey and improve those, and present new applications as well. First, from the explicit symbol of the conformal fractional Laplacian, a variation of constants formula is obtained for fractional Hardy operators. We thus develop, in addition to a suitable extension in the spirit of Caffarelli Silvestre, an equivalent formulation as an infinite system of second order constant coefficient ODEs. Classical ODE quantities like the Hamiltonian and Wro 'nskian may then be utilized. As applications, we obtain a Frobenius theorem and establish new Poho vzaev identities. We also give a detailed proof for the non degeneracy of the fast decay singular solution of the fractional Lane Emden equation. |
] | math.AP | Multidimensional Borg Levinson inverse spectral theory. This text deals with multidimensional Borg Levinson inverse theory. Its main purpose is to establish that the Dirichlet eigenvalues and Neumann boundary data of the Dirichlet Laplacian acting in a bounded domain of dimension 2 or greater, uniquely determine the real valued bounded potential. We first address the case of incomplete spectral data, where finitely many boundary spectral eigen pairs remain unknown. Under suitable summability condition on the Neumann data, we also consider the case where only the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues is known. Finally, we use the multidimensional Borg Levinson theory for solving parabolic inverse coefficient problems. |
] | math.AG math.AT math.QA | Differential calculus of Hochschild pairs for infinity categories. In this paper, we provide a conceptual new construction of the algebraic structure on the pair of the Hochschild cohomology spectrum (cochain complex) and Hochschild homology spectrum, which is analogous to the structure of calculus on a manifold. This algebraic structure is encoded by a two colored operad introduced by Kontsevich and Soibelman. We prove that for a stable idempotent complete infinity category, the pair of its Hochschild cohomology and homology spectra naturally admits the structure of algebra over the operad. Moreover, we prove a generalization to the equivariant context. |
] | math.GR math.CO | A new proof of the growth rate of the solvable Baumslag Solitar groups. We exhibit a regular language of geodesics for a large set of elements of BS(1,n) and show that the growth rate of this language is the growth rate of the group. This provides a straightforward calculation of the growth rate of BS(1,n) , which was initially computed by Collins, Edjvet and Gill in 5 . Our methods are based on those we develop in 8 to show that BS(1,n) has a positive density of elements of positive, negative and zero conjugation curvature, as introduced by Bar Natan, Duchin and Kropholler in 1 . |
] | cs.CL cs.IR cs.LG | Repurposing TREC COVID Annotations to Answer the Key Questions of CORD 19. The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) began in Wuhan, China in late 2019 and to date has infected over 14M people worldwide, resulting in over 750,000 deaths. On March 10, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a global pandemic. Many academics and researchers, not restricted to the medical domain, began publishing papers describing new discoveries. However, with the large influx of publications, it was hard for these individuals to sift through the large amount of data and make sense of the findings. The White House and a group of industry research labs, lead by the Allen Institute for AI, aggregated over 200,000 journal articles related to a variety of coronaviruses and tasked the community with answering key questions related to the corpus, releasing the dataset as CORD 19. The information retrieval (IR) community repurposed the journal articles within CORD 19 to more closely resemble a classic TREC style competition, dubbed TREC COVID, with human annotators providing relevancy judgements at the end of each round of competition. Seeing the related endeavors, we set out to repurpose the relevancy annotations for TREC COVID tasks to identify journal articles in CORD 19 which are relevant to the key questions posed by CORD 19. A BioBERT model trained on this repurposed dataset prescribes relevancy annotations for CORD 19 tasks that have an overall agreement of 0.4430 with majority human annotations in terms of Cohen's kappa. We present the methodology used to construct the new dataset and describe the decision process used throughout. |
] | math.PR | Wellposedness and regularity estimate for stochastic Cahn Hilliard equation with unbounded noise diffusion. In this article, we consider the stochastic Cahn Hilliard equation driven by multiplicative space time white noise with diffusion coefficient of sublinear growth. By introducing the spectral Galerkin method, we first obtain the well posedness of the approximated equation in finite dimension. Then with the help of the semigroup theory and the factorization method, the approximation processes is shown to possess many desirable properties. Further, we show that the approximation process is strongly convergent in certain Banach space via the interpolation inequality and variational approach. Finally, the global existence and regularity estimate of the unique solution process are proven by means of the strong convergence of the approximation process. |
] | cs.AI physics.soc-ph | COVID ABS An Agent Based Model of COVID 19 Epidemic to Simulate Health and Economic Effects of Social Distancing Interventions. The COVID 19 pandemic due to the SARS CoV 2 coronavirus has directly impacted the public health and economy worldwide. To overcome this problem, countries have adopted different policies and non pharmaceutical interventions for controlling the spread of the virus. This paper proposes the COVID ABS, a new SEIR (Susceptible Exposed Infected Recovered) agent based model that aims to simulate the pandemic dynamics using a society of agents emulating people, business and government. Seven different scenarios of social distancing interventions were analyzed, with varying epidemiological and economic effects (1) do nothing, (2) lockdown, (3) conditional lockdown, (4) vertical isolation, (5) partial isolation, (6) use of face masks, and (7) use of face masks together with 50 of adhesion to social isolation. In the impossibility of implementing scenarios with lockdown, which present the lowest number of deaths and highest impact on the economy, scenarios combining the use of face masks and partial isolation can be the more realistic for implementation in terms of social cooperation. The COVID ABS model was implemented in Python programming language, with source code publicly available. The model can be easily extended to other societies by changing the input parameters, as well as allowing the creation of a multitude of other scenarios. Therefore, it is a useful tool to assist politicians and health authorities to plan their actions against the COVID 19 epidemic. |
] | math.NT | Zero free regions for the Riemann zeta function. We improve existing explicit bounds of Vinogradov Korobov type for zero free regions of the Riemann zeta function, both for large height t and for every t. A primary input is an explicit bound of the author (Proc. London Math. Soc. 85 (2002), 565 633) for the growth of zeta( sigma it) for sigma near 1. Another ingredient is a kind of Jensen formula (Lemma 2.2) relating the growth of a function on vertical lines to a weighted count of its zeros inside a vertical strip. The latter was used recently in the weak subconvexity work of Soundararajan and Thorner (arXiv 1804.03654, Duke Math. J. 168, no. 7 (2019), 1231 1268). |
] | q-bio.SC | Does inter organellar proteostasis impact yeast quality and performance during beer fermentation?. During beer production, yeast generate ethanol that is exported to the extracellular environment where it accumulates. Depending on the initial carbohydrate concentration in the wort a high concentration of ethanol can be achieved in beer, often higher than 20 (v v). It is noteworthy that the effects of elevated ethanol concentrations generated during beer fermentation resemble those of heat shock stress, with similar responses observed in both situations, such as the activation of proteostasis and protein quality control mechanisms in different cell compartments, including endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mitochondria, and cytosol. Despite the extensive published molecular and biochemical data regarding the roles of proteostasis in different organelles of yeast cells, little is known about how this mechanism impacts beer fermentation and how different proteostasis mechanisms found in ER, mitochondria, and cytosol communicate with each other during ethanol fermentative stress. Supporting this integrative view, transcriptome data analysis was applied using publicly available information for a lager yeast strain grown under in beer production conditions. The transcriptome data indicated upregulation of genes that encode chaperones, co chaperones, unfolded protein response elements in ER and mitochondria, ubiquitin ligases, proteasome components, N glycosylation quality control pathway proteins, and components of processing bodies (p bodies) and stress granules (SGs) during lager beer fermentation. Thus, the main purpose of this hypothesis and theory manuscript is to provide a concise picture of how inter organellar proteostasis mechanisms are connected with one another and with biological processes that may modulate the viability and or vitality of yeast populations during HG VHG beer fermentation and serial repitching. |
] | cs.SI | Polarizing Tweets on Climate Change. We introduce a framework to analyze the conversation between two competing groups of Twitter users, one who believe in the anthropogenic causes of climate change (Believers) and a second who are skeptical (Disbelievers). As a case study, we use Climate Change related tweets during the United Nation's (UN) Climate Change Conference COP24 (2018), Katowice, Poland. We find that both Disbelievers and Believers talk within their group more than with the other group this is more so the case for Disbelievers than for Believers. The Disbeliever messages focused more on attacking those personalities that believe in the anthropogenic causes of climate change. On the other hand, Believer messages focused on calls to combat climate change. We find that in both Disbelievers and Believers bot like accounts were equally active and that unlike Believers, Disbelievers get their news from a concentrated number of news sources. |
] | math.CA | Improved decoupling for the parabola. We prove an (l 2, l 6) decoupling inequality for the parabola with constant ( log R) c . In the appendix, we present an application to the six order correlation of the integer solutions to x 2 y 2 m . |
] | cs.CG cs.DS | On Romeo and Juliet Problems Minimizing Distance to Sight. We introduce a variant of the watchman route problem, which we call the quickest pair visibility problem. Given two persons standing at points s and t in a simple polygon P with no holes, we want to minimize the distance they travel in order to see each other in P . We solve two variants of this problem, one minimizing the longer distance the two persons travel (min max) and one minimizing the total travel distance (min sum), optimally in linear time. We also consider a query version of this problem for the min max variant. We can preprocess a simple n gon in linear time so that the minimum of the longer distance the two persons travel can be computed in O( log 2 n) time for any two query positions s,t where the two persons start. |
] | cs.IT cs.LG math.IT | ITENE Intrinsic Transfer Entropy Neural Estimator. Quantifying the directionality of information flow is instrumental in understanding, and possibly controlling, the operation of many complex systems, such as transportation, social, neural, or gene regulatory networks. The standard Transfer Entropy (TE) metric follows Granger's causality principle by measuring the Mutual Information (MI) between the past states of a source signal X and the future state of a target signal Y while conditioning on past states of Y . Hence, the TE quantifies the improvement, as measured by the log loss, in the prediction of the target sequence Y that can be accrued when, in addition to the past of Y , one also has available past samples from X . However, by conditioning on the past of Y , the TE also measures information that can be synergistically extracted by observing both the past of X and Y , and not solely the past of X . Building on a private key agreement formulation, the Intrinsic TE (ITE) aims to discount such synergistic information to quantify the degree to which X is emph individually predictive of Y , independent of Y 's past. In this paper, an estimator of the ITE is proposed that is inspired by the recently proposed Mutual Information Neural Estimation (MINE). The estimator is based on variational bound on the KL divergence, two sample neural network classifiers, and the pathwise estimator of Monte Carlo gradients. |
] | cs.CV cs.CR | Increased confidence adversarial examples for deep learning counter forensics. Transferability of adversarial examples is a key issue to apply this kind of attacks against multimedia forensics (MMF) techniques based on Deep Learning (DL) in a real life setting. Adversarial example transferability, in fact, would open the way to the deployment of successful counter forensics attacks also in cases where the attacker does not have a full knowledge of the to be attacked system. Some preliminary works have shown that adversarial examples against CNN based image forensics detectors are in general non transferrable, at least when the basic versions of the attacks implemented in the most popular libraries are adopted. In this paper, we introduce a general strategy to increase the strength of the attacks and evaluate their transferability when such a strength varies. We experimentally show that, in this way, attack transferability can be largely increased, at the expense of a larger distortion. Our research confirms the security threats posed by the existence of adversarial examples even in multimedia forensics scenarios, thus calling for new defense strategies to improve the security of DL based MMF techniques. |
] | cs.RO cs.CV | Real time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping. In this paper, we propose a novel dense surfel mapping system that scales well in different environments with only CPU computation. Using a sparse SLAM system to estimate camera poses, the proposed mapping system can fuse intensity images and depth images into a globally consistent model. The system is carefully designed so that it can build from room scale environments to urban scale environments using depth images from RGB D cameras, stereo cameras or even a monocular camera. First, superpixels extracted from both intensity and depth images are used to model surfels in the system. superpixel based surfels make our method both run time efficient and memory efficient. Second, surfels are further organized according to the pose graph of the SLAM system to achieve O(1) fusion time regardless of the scale of reconstructed models. Third, a fast map deformation using the optimized pose graph enables the map to achieve global consistency in real time. The proposed surfel mapping system is compared with other state of the art methods on synthetic datasets. The performances of urban scale and room scale reconstruction are demonstrated using the KITTI dataset and autonomous aggressive flights, respectively. The code is available for the benefit of the community. |
] | cs.LG | Comprehensible Counterfactual Explanation on Kolmogorov Smirnov Test. The Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS) test is popularly used in many applications, such as anomaly detection, astronomy, database security and AI systems. One challenge remained untouched is how we can obtain an explanation on why a test set fails the KS test. In this paper, we tackle the problem of producing counterfactual explanations for test data failing the KS test. Concept wise, we propose the notion of most comprehensible counterfactual explanations, which accommodates both the KS test data and the user domain knowledge in producing explanations. Computation wise, we develop an efficient algorithm MOCHE (for MOst CompreHensible Explanation) that avoids enumerating and checking an exponential number of subsets of the test set failing the KS test. MOCHE not only guarantees to produce the most comprehensible counterfactual explanations, but also is orders of magnitudes faster than the baselines. Experiment wise, we present a systematic empirical study on a series of benchmark real datasets to verify the effectiveness, efficiency and scalability of most comprehensible counterfactual explanations and MOCHE. |
] | cs.SE | AndroEvolve Automated Update for Android Deprecated API Usages. Android operating system (OS) is often updated, where each new version may involve API deprecation. Usages of deprecated APIs in Android apps need to be updated to ensure the apps' compatibility with the old and new versions of Android OS. In this work, we propose AndroEvolve, an automated tool to update usages of deprecated Android APIs, that addresses the limitations of the state of the art tool, CocciEvolve. AndroEvolve utilizes data flow analysis to solve the problem of out of method boundary variables, and variable denormalization to remove the temporary variables introduced by CocciEvolve. We evaluated the accuracy of AndroEvolve using a dataset of 360 target files and 20 deprecated Android APIs, where AndroEvolve is able to produce 319 correct updates, compared to CocciEvolve which only produces 249 correct updates. We also evaluated the readability of AndroEvolve's update results using a manual and an automatic evaluation. Both evaluations demonstrated that the code produced by AndroEvolve has higher readability than CocciEvolve's. A video demonstration of AndroEvolve is available at https youtu.be siU0tuMITXI. |
] | cs.CV | DistillHash Unsupervised Deep Hashing by Distilling Data Pairs. Due to the high storage and search efficiency, hashing has become prevalent for large scale similarity search. Particularly, deep hashing methods have greatly improved the search performance under supervised scenarios. In contrast, unsupervised deep hashing models can hardly achieve satisfactory performance due to the lack of reliable supervisory similarity signals. To address this issue, we propose a novel deep unsupervised hashing model, dubbed DistillHash, which can learn a distilled data set consisted of data pairs, which have confidence similarity signals. Specifically, we investigate the relationship between the initial noisy similarity signals learned from local structures and the semantic similarity labels assigned by a Bayes optimal classifier. We show that under a mild assumption, some data pairs, of which labels are consistent with those assigned by the Bayes optimal classifier, can be potentially distilled. Inspired by this fact, we design a simple yet effective strategy to distill data pairs automatically and further adopt a Bayesian learning framework to learn hash functions from the distilled data set. Extensive experimental results on three widely used benchmark datasets show that the proposed DistillHash consistently accomplishes the state of the art search performance. |
] | math.NA cs.NA math.OC | Biorthogonal Greedy Algorithms in Convex Optimization. The study of greedy approximation in the context of convex optimization is becoming a promising research direction as greedy algorithms are actively being employed to construct sparse minimizers for convex functions with respect to given sets of elements. In this paper we propose a unified way of analyzing a certain kind of greedy type algorithms for the minimization of convex functions on Banach spaces. Specifically, we define the class of Weak Biorthogonal Greedy Algorithms for convex optimization that contains a wide range of greedy algorithms. We analyze the introduced class of algorithms and establish the properties of convergence, rate of convergence, and numerical stability, which is understood in the sense that the steps of the algorithm are allowed to be performed not precisely but with controlled computational inaccuracies. We show that the following well known algorithms for convex optimization the Weak Chebyshev Greedy Algorithm (co) and the Weak Greedy Algorithm with Free Relaxation (co) belong to this class, and introduce a new algorithm the Rescaled Weak Relaxed Greedy Algorithm (co). Presented numerical experiments demonstrate the practical performance of the aforementioned greedy algorithms in the setting of convex minimization as compared to optimization with regularization, which is the conventional approach of constructing sparse minimizers. |
] | cs.CV | Dynamic Divide and Conquer Adversarial Training for Robust Semantic Segmentation. Adversarial training is promising for improving robustness of deep neural networks towards adversarial perturbations, especially on the classification task. The effect of this type of training on semantic segmentation, contrarily, just commences. We make the initial attempt to explore the defense strategy on semantic segmentation by formulating a general adversarial training procedure that can perform decently on both adversarial and clean samples. We propose a dynamic divide and conquer adversarial training (DDC AT) strategy to enhance the defense effect, by setting additional branches in the target model during training, and dealing with pixels with diverse properties towards adversarial perturbation. Our dynamical division mechanism divides pixels into multiple branches automatically. Note all these additional branches can be abandoned during inference and thus leave no extra parameter and computation cost. Extensive experiments with various segmentation models are conducted on PASCAL VOC 2012 and Cityscapes datasets, in which DDC AT yields satisfying performance under both white and black box attack. |
] | cs.CV cs.CL cs.HC cs.LG | Sign Language Transformers Joint End to end Sign Language Recognition and Translation. Prior work on Sign Language Translation has shown that having a mid level sign gloss representation (effectively recognizing the individual signs) improves the translation performance drastically. In fact, the current state of the art in translation requires gloss level tokenization in order to work. We introduce a novel transformer based architecture that jointly learns Continuous Sign Language Recognition and Translation while being trainable in an end to end manner. This is achieved by using a Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss to bind the recognition and translation problems into a single unified architecture. This joint approach does not require any ground truth timing information, simultaneously solving two co dependant sequence to sequence learning problems and leads to significant performance gains. We evaluate the recognition and translation performances of our approaches on the challenging RWTH PHOENIX Weather 2014T (PHOENIX14T) dataset. We report state of the art sign language recognition and translation results achieved by our Sign Language Transformers. Our translation networks outperform both sign video to spoken language and gloss to spoken language translation models, in some cases more than doubling the performance (9.58 vs. 21.80 BLEU 4 Score). We also share new baseline translation results using transformer networks for several other text to text sign language translation tasks. |
] | cs.CV | Contradictory Structure Learning for Semi supervised Domain Adaptation. Current adversarial adaptation methods attempt to align the cross domain features, whereas two challenges remain unsolved 1) the conditional distribution mismatch and 2) the bias of the decision boundary towards the source domain. To solve these challenges, we propose a novel framework for semi supervised domain adaptation by unifying the learning of opposite structures (UODA). UODA consists of a generator and two classifiers (i.e., the source scattering classifier and the target clustering classifier), which are trained for contradictory purposes. The target clustering classifier attempts to cluster the target features to improve intra class density and enlarge inter class divergence. Meanwhile, the source scattering classifier is designed to scatter the source features to enhance the decision boundary's smoothness. Through the alternation of source feature expansion and target feature clustering procedures, the target features are well enclosed within the dilated boundary of the corresponding source features. This strategy can make the cross domain features to be precisely aligned against the source bias simultaneously. Moreover, to overcome the model collapse through training, we progressively update the measurement of feature's distance and their representation via an adversarial training paradigm. Extensive experiments on the benchmarks of DomainNet and Office home datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach over the state of the art methods. |
] | cs.DB cs.DC | Incremental Clustering Techniques for Multi Party Privacy Preserving Record Linkage. Privacy Preserving Record Linkage (PPRL) supports the integration of sensitive information from multiple datasets, in particular the privacy preserving matching of records referring to the same entity. PPRL has gained much attention in many application areas, with the most prominent ones in the healthcare domain. PPRL techniques tackle this problem by conducting linkage on masked (encoded) values. Employing PPRL on records from multiple (more than two) parties sources (multi party PPRL, MP PPRL) is an increasingly important but challenging problem that so far has not been sufficiently solved. Existing MP PPRL approaches are limited to finding only those entities that are present in all parties thereby missing entities that match only in a subset of parties. Furthermore, previous MP PPRL approaches face substantial scalability limitations due to the need of a large number of comparisons between masked records. We thus propose and evaluate new MP PPRL approaches that find matches in any subset of parties and still scale to many parties. Our approaches maintain all matches within clusters, where these clusters are incrementally extended or refined by considering records from one party after the other. An empirical evaluation using multiple real datasets ranging from 3 to 26 parties each containing up to 5 million records validates that our protocols are efficient, and significantly outperform existing MP PPRL approaches in terms of linkage quality and scalability. |
] | math.SP | Spectral Asymptotic for the Infinite Mass Dirac Operator in bounded domain. In this paper, we study a singular perturbation of a problem used in dimension two to model graphene or in dimension three to describe the quark confinement phenomenon in hadrons. The operators we consider are of the form H M beta V (x) , where H is the free Dirac operator, beta is a constant matrix, V (x) is a real valued piecewise constant potential having a jump discontinuity across a smooth interface and M is the mass that we can see as a coupling constant. In particular, we perform a complete asymptotic expansion of spectral quantities as the mass M tends to infty . |
] | math.NA cs.NA | Time Reversal for elastic scatterer location from Acoustic Recording. The aim of this paper is to study the feasibility of time reversal methods in a non homogeneous elastic medium, from data recorded in an acoustic medium. We aim to determine, from partial aperture boundary measurements, the presence and some physical properties of elastic unknown "inclusions", i.e. not observable solid objects, located in the elastic medium. We first derive a variational formulation of the acousto elastic problem, from which one constructs a time dependent finite element method to solve the forward, and then, the time reversed problem. Several criteria, derived from the reverse time migration framework, are then proposed to construct images of the inclusions, and to determine their locations. The dependence sensitivity of the approach to several parameters (aperture, number of sources, etc.) is also investigated. In particular, it is shown that one can differentiate between a benign and malignant close inclusions. This technique is fairly insensitive to noise in the data. |
] | math.NA cs.NA | Convergent numerical method for a linearized travel time tomography problem with incomplete data. We propose a new numerical method to solve the linearized problem of travel time tomography with incomplete data. Our method is based on the technique of the truncation of the Fourier series with respect to a special basis of L2. This way we derive a boundary value problem for a system of coupled partial diffeerential equations (PDEs) of the first order. This system is solved by the quasi reversibility method. Hence, the spatially dependent Fourier coefficients of the solution to the linearized Eikonal equation are obtained. The convergence of this method is established. Numerical results for highly noisy data are presented. |
] | math.CO | On Tur ' a n numbers of the complete 4 graphs. The Tur ' a n number T(n, alpha 1,r) is the minimum number of edges in an n vertex r graph whose independence number does not exceed alpha . For each r geq 2 , there exists t (r) such that T(n, alpha 1,r) t (r) n r alpha 1 r (1 o(1)) as alpha r to infty and n alpha to infty . It is known that t (2) 1 2 , and the conjectured value of t (3) is 2 3 . We prove that t (4) 0.706335 . |
] | physics.flu-dyn physics.ao-ph | Direct Numerical Simulation of the Moist Stably Stratified Surface Layer Turbulence and Fog Formation. We investigate the effects of condensation and liquid water loading on the stably stratified surface layer, with an eye towards understanding the influence of turbulent mixing on fog formation. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of dry and moist open channel flows are conducted, where in both a constant cooling rate is applied at the ground to mimic longwave radiative cooling. Depending on the cooling rate, it can lead to either turbulent (weakly stable) or laminar (very stable) flows. Compared to the completely dry case, the condensation of liquid water in the moist case enables slightly higher cooling rates to be achieved before leading to turbulence collapse. In the very stable cases, runaway cooling leads to the substantial condensation of liquid water close to the ground and fog (visibility less than 1 km) results over much of the domain. In the weakly stable cases, turbulent mixing narrowly yields visibilities of 1 km close to the ground over a similar time period. However, despite the idealized nature of the system, the present results suggest that turbulence impedes, although will not necessarily inhibit, fog formation. A possible mechanism for fog formation within turbulent flows is identified, wherein regions of increased liquid water content form within the low speed streaks of the near wall cycle. These streaks are energized in the moist cases due to reduced dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy compared to the dry case, although in both cases the streaks are less energetic and persistent than in neutrally stratified flow. |
] | cs.RO | Hybrid Differential Dynamic Programming for Planar Manipulation Primitives. We present a hybrid differential dynamic programming (DDP) algorithm for closed loop execution of manipulation primitives with frictional contact switches. Planning and control of these primitives is challenging as they are hybrid, under actuated, and stochastic. We address this by developing hybrid DDP both to plan finite horizon trajectories with a few contact switches and to create linear stabilizing controllers. We evaluate the performance and computational cost of our framework in ablations studies for two primitives planar pushing and planar pivoting. We find that generating pose to pose closed loop trajectories from most configurations requires only a couple (one to two) hybrid switches and can be done in reasonable time (one to five seconds). We further demonstrate that our controller stabilizes these hybrid trajectories on a real pushing system. A video describing our work can be found at https youtu.be YGSe4cUfq6Q. |
] | math.CO math.LO | Homogeneous Dual Ramsey Theorem. For positive integers k n such that k divides n , let (n) k hom be the set of homogeneous k partitions of 1, dots, n , that is, the set of partitions of 1, dots, n into k classes of the same cardinality. In the article "Ramsey properties of infinite measure algebras and topological dynamics of the group of measure preserving automorphisms some results and an open problem" by Kechris, Sokic, and Todorcevic, the following question was asked Is it true that given positive integers k m and N such that k divides m , there exists a number n m such that m divides n , satisfying that for every coloring (n) k hom C 1 cup dots cup C N we can choose u in (n) m hom such that t in (n) k hom t mbox is coarser than u subseteq C i for some i ? In this note we give a positive answer to that question. This result turns out to be a homogeneous version of the finite Dual Ramsey Theorem of Graham Rothschild. As explained by Kechris, Sokic, and Todorcevic in their article, our result also proves that the class mathcal OMBA mathbb Q 2 of naturally ordered finite measure algebras with measure taking values in the dyadic rationals has the Ramsey property. |
] | math.SG math.DG math.GT | What does a vector field know about volume?. This note provides an affirmative answer to a question of Viterbo concerning the existence of nondiffeomorphic contact forms that share the same Reeb vector field. Starting from an observation by Croke Kleiner and Abbondandolo that such contact forms define the same total volume, we discuss various related issues for the wider class of geodesible vector fields. In particular, we define an Euler class of a geodesible vector field in the associated basic cohomology and give a topological characterisation of vector fields with vanishing Euler class. We prove the theorems of Gauss Bonnet and Poincar 'e Hopf for closed, oriented 2 dimensional orbifolds using global surfaces of section and the volume determined by a geodesible vector field. This volume is computed for Seifert fibred 3 manifolds and for some transversely holomorphic flows. |
] | cs.CV | SCG Net Self Constructing Graph Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation. Capturing global contextual representations by exploiting long range pixel pixel dependencies has shown to improve semantic segmentation performance. However, how to do this efficiently is an open question as current approaches of utilising attention schemes or very deep models to increase the models field of view, result in complex models with large memory consumption. Inspired by recent work on graph neural networks, we propose the Self Constructing Graph (SCG) module that learns a long range dependency graph directly from the image and uses it to propagate contextual information efficiently to improve semantic segmentation. The module is optimised via a novel adaptive diagonal enhancement method and a variational lower bound that consists of a customized graph reconstruction term and a Kullback Leibler divergence regularization term. When incorporated into a neural network (SCG Net), semantic segmentation is performed in an end to end manner and competitive performance (mean F1 scores of 92.0 and 89.8 respectively) on the publicly available ISPRS Potsdam and Vaihingen datasets is achieved, with much fewer parameters, and at a lower computational cost compared to related pure convolutional neural network (CNN) based models. |
] | cs.CL | Document Level Definition Detection in Scholarly Documents Existing Models, Error Analyses, and Future Directions. The task of definition detection is important for scholarly papers, because papers often make use of technical terminology that may be unfamiliar to readers. Despite prior work on definition detection, current approaches are far from being accurate enough to use in real world applications. In this paper, we first perform in depth error analysis of the current best performing definition detection system and discover major causes of errors. Based on this analysis, we develop a new definition detection system, HEDDEx, that utilizes syntactic features, transformer encoders, and heuristic filters, and evaluate it on a standard sentence level benchmark. Because current benchmarks evaluate randomly sampled sentences, we propose an alternative evaluation that assesses every sentence within a document. This allows for evaluating recall in addition to precision. HEDDEx outperforms the leading system on both the sentence level and the document level tasks, by 12.7 F1 points and 14.4 F1 points, respectively. We note that performance on the high recall document level task is much lower than in the standard evaluation approach, due to the necessity of incorporation of document structure as features. We discuss remaining challenges in document level definition detection, ideas for improvements, and potential issues for the development of reading aid applications. |
] | cs.CV | Facial Attribute Capsules for Noise Face Super Resolution. Existing face super resolution (SR) methods mainly assume the input image to be noise free. Their performance degrades drastically when applied to real world scenarios where the input image is always contaminated by noise. In this paper, we propose a Facial Attribute Capsules Network (FACN) to deal with the problem of high scale super resolution of noisy face image. Capsule is a group of neurons whose activity vector models different properties of the same entity. Inspired by the concept of capsule, we propose an integrated representation model of facial information, which named Facial Attribute Capsule (FAC). In the SR processing, we first generated a group of FACs from the input LR face, and then reconstructed the HR face from this group of FACs. Aiming to effectively improve the robustness of FAC to noise, we generate FAC in semantic, probabilistic and facial attributes manners by means of integrated learning strategy. Each FAC can be divided into two sub capsules Semantic Capsule (SC) and Probabilistic Capsule (PC). Them describe an explicit facial attribute in detail from two aspects of semantic representation and probability distribution. The group of FACs model an image as a combination of facial attribute information in the semantic space and probabilistic space by an attribute disentangling way. The diverse FACs could better combine the face prior information to generate the face images with fine grained semantic attributes. Extensive benchmark experiments show that our method achieves superior hallucination results and outperforms state of the art for very low resolution (LR) noise face image super resolution. |
] | cs.CL | Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Aspect Specific Opinion Spans. Aspect based sentiment analysis, predicting sentiment polarity of given aspects, has drawn extensive attention. Previous attention based models emphasize using aspect semantics to help extract opinion features for classification. However, these works are either not able to capture opinion spans as a whole, or not able to capture variable length opinion spans. In this paper, we present a neat and effective structured attention model by aggregating multiple linear chain CRFs. Such a design allows the model to extract aspect specific opinion spans and then evaluate sentiment polarity by exploiting the extracted opinion features. The experimental results on four datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model, and our analysis demonstrates that our model can capture aspect specific opinion spans. |
] | cs.DM math.OC | A Simpler Approach to Linear Programming. Dantzig and Eaves claimed that fundamental duality theorems of linear programming were a trivial consequence of Fourier elimination. Another property of Fourier elimination is considered here, regarding the existence of implicit equalities rather than solvability. This leads to a different interpretation of duality theory which allows us to use Gaussian elimination to decide solvability of systems of linear inequalities, for bounded systems. |
] | math.RA math.CO | An Efficient Algorithm for Latin Squares in a Bipartite Min Max Plus System. In this paper, we consider the eigenproblems for Latin squares in a bipartite min max plus system. The focus is upon developing a new algorithm to compute the eigenvalue and eigenvectors (trivial and non trivial) for Latin squares in a bipartite min max plus system. We illustrate the algorithm using some examples. Furthermore, we compare the results of our algorithm with some of the existing algorithms which shows that the propose method is more efficient. |
] | math.OA | Invariant subspaces of generalized Hardy algebras associated with compact abelian group actions on W algebras. We consider an action of a compact group whose dual is archimedean linearly ordered or a direct product (or sum) of such groups on a von Neumann algebra, M. We define the generalized Hardy subspace of the Hilbert space of a standard representation the algebra, and the Hardy subalgebra of analytic elements of M with respect to the action. We find conditions in order that the Hardy algebra is a hereditarily reflexive algebra of operators. In particular if every non zero spectral subspace, contains a unitary operator, the condition is satisfied and therefore the Hardy algebra is hereditarily reflexive. This is the case if the action is the dual action on a crossed product, or an ergodic action, or, if, in some situations, the fixed point algebra is a factor. |
] | cs.CL | Improving Long Tail Relation Extraction with Collaborating Relation Augmented Attention. Wrong labeling problem and long tail relations are two main challenges caused by distant supervision in relation extraction. Recent works alleviate the wrong labeling by selective attention via multi instance learning, but cannot well handle long tail relations even if hierarchies of the relations are introduced to share knowledge. In this work, we propose a novel neural network, Collaborating Relation augmented Attention (CoRA), to handle both the wrong labeling and long tail relations. Particularly, we first propose relation augmented attention network as base model. It operates on sentence bag with a sentence to relation attention to minimize the effect of wrong labeling. Then, facilitated by the proposed base model, we introduce collaborating relation features shared among relations in the hierarchies to promote the relation augmenting process and balance the training data for long tail relations. Besides the main training objective to predict the relation of a sentence bag, an auxiliary objective is utilized to guide the relation augmenting process for a more accurate bag level representation. In the experiments on the popular benchmark dataset NYT, the proposed CoRA improves the prior state of the art performance by a large margin in terms of Precision N, AUC and Hits K. Further analyses verify its superior capability in handling long tail relations in contrast to the competitors. |
] | cs.CV | IoU uniform R CNN Breaking Through the Limitations of RPN. Region Proposal Network (RPN) is the cornerstone of two stage object detectors, it generates a sparse set of object proposals and alleviates the extrem foregroundbackground class imbalance problem during training. However, we find that the potential of the detector has not been fully exploited due to the IoU distribution imbalance and inadequate quantity of the training samples generated by RPN. With the increasing intersection over union (IoU), the exponentially smaller numbers of positive samples would lead to the distribution skewed towards lower IoUs, which hinders the optimization of detector at high IoU levels. In this paper, to break through the limitations of RPN, we propose IoU Uniform R CNN, a simple but effective method that directly generates training samples with uniform IoU distribution for the regression branch as well as the IoU prediction branch. Besides, we improve the performance of IoU prediction branch by eliminating the feature offsets of RoIs at inference, which helps the NMS procedure by preserving accurately localized bounding box. Extensive experiments on the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO dataset show the effectiveness of our method, as well as its compatibility and adaptivity to many object detection architectures. The code is made publicly available at https github.com zl1994 IoU Uniform R CNN, |
] | cs.DC | Hierarchical Block Multi Color Ordering A New Parallel Ordering Method for Vectorization and Parallelization of the Sparse Triangular Solver in the ICCG Method. In this paper, we propose a new parallel ordering method to vectorize and parallelize the sparse triangular solver, which is called hierarchical block multi color ordering. In this method, the parallel forward and backward substitutions can be vectorized while preserving the advantages of block multi color ordering, that is, fast convergence and fewer thread synchronizations. To evaluate the proposed method in a parallel ICCG (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) solver, numerical tests were conducted using five test matrices on three types of computational nodes. The numerical results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the conventional block and nodal multi color ordering methods in 13 out of 15 test cases, which confirms the effectiveness of the method. |
] | math.NA cs.NA | A stable finite element method for low inertia undulatory locomotion in three dimensions. We present and analyse a numerical method for understanding the low inertia dynamics of an open, inextensible viscoelastic rod a long and thin three dimensional object representing the body of a long, thin microswimmer. Our model allows for both elastic and viscous, bending and twisting deformations and describes the evolution of the midline curve of the rod as well as an orthonormal frame which fully determines the rod's three dimensional geometry. The numerical method is based on using a combination of piecewise linear and piecewise constant functions based on a novel rewriting of the model equations. We derive a stability estimate for the semi discrete scheme and show that at the fully discrete level that we have good control over the length element and preserve the frame orthonormality conditions up to machine precision. Numerical experiments demonstrate both the good properties of the method as well as the applicability of the method for simulating undulatory locomotion in the low inertia regime. |
] | cs.LG | Analog Circuit Design with Dyna Style Reinforcement Learning. In this work, we present a learning based approach to analog circuit design, where the goal is to optimize circuit performance subject to certain design constraints. One of the aspects that makes this problem challenging to optimize, is that measuring the performance of candidate configurations with simulation can be computationally expensive, particularly in the post layout design. Additionally, the large number of design constraints and the interaction between the relevant quantities makes the problem complex. Therefore, to better facilitate supporting the human designers, it is desirable to gain knowledge about the whole space of feasible solutions. In order to tackle these challenges, we take inspiration from model based reinforcement learning and propose a method with two key properties. First, it learns a reward model, i.e., surrogate model of the performance approximated by neural networks, to reduce the required number of simulation. Second, it uses a stochastic policy generator to explore the diverse solution space satisfying constraints. Together we combine these in a Dyna style optimization framework, which we call DynaOpt, and empirically evaluate the performance on a circuit benchmark of a two stage operational amplifier. The results show that, compared to the model free method applied with 20,000 circuit simulations to train the policy, DynaOpt achieves even much better performance by learning from scratch with only 500 simulations. |
] | cs.NE | MOEA D with Uniformly Randomly Adaptive Weights. When working with decomposition based algorithms, an appropriate set of weights might improve quality of the final solution. A set of uniformly distributed weights usually leads to well distributed solutions on a Pareto front. However, there are two main difficulties with this approach. Firstly, it may fail depending on the problem geometry. Secondly, the population size becomes not flexible as the number of objectives increases. In this paper, we propose the MOEA D with Uniformly Randomly Adaptive Weights (MOEA DURAW) which uses the Uniformly Randomly method as an approach to subproblems generation, allowing a flexible population size even when working with many objective problems. During the evolutionary process, MOEA D URAW adds and removes subproblems as a function of the sparsity level of the population. Moreover, instead of requiring assumptions about the Pareto front shape, our method adapts its weights to the shape of the problem during the evolutionary process. Experimental results using WFG41 48 problem classes, with different Pareto front shapes, shows that the present method presents better or equal results in 77.5 of the problems evaluated from 2 to 6 objectives when compared with state of the art methods in the literature. |
] | physics.geo-ph | Time dependent low latitude core flow and geomagnetic field acceleration pulses. We present a new model of time dependent flow at low latitudes in the Earth's core between 2000 and 2018, derived from magnetic field measurements made on board the it Swarm and CHAMP satellites and at ground magnetic observatories. The model, called it CoreFlo LL.1 , consists of a steady background flow without imposed symmetry plus a time dependent flow that is dominated by geostrophic and quasi geostrophic components but also allows weak departures from equatorial symmetry. We find that the equatorial region beneath the core mantle boundary is a place of vigorous, localised, fluid motions time dependent flow focused at low latitudes close to the core surface is able to reproduce rapid field variations observed at non polar latitudes at and above Earth's surface. Magnetic field acceleration pulses are produced by alternating bursts of non zonal azimuthal flow acceleration in this region. Such acceleration sign changes can occur within a year or less, and when the structures involved are of large spatial scale they can give rise to geomagnetic jerks at the Earth's surface. |
] | math.NT | Subproducts of small residue classes. For any prime p , let y(p) denote the smallest integer y such that every reduced residue class pmod p is represented by the product of some subset of 1, dots,y . It is easy to see that y(p) is at least as large as the smallest quadratic nonresidue pmod p we prove that y(p) ll varepsilon p 1 (4 sqrt e) varepsilon , thus strengthening Burgess's classical result. This result is of intermediate strength between two other results, namely Burthe's proof that the multiplicative group pmod p is generated by the integers up to O varepsilon(p 1 (4 sqrt e) varepsilon , and Munsch and Shparlinski's result that every reduced residue class pmod p is represented by the product of some subset of the primes up to O varepsilon(p 1 (4 sqrt e) varepsilon . Unlike the latter result, our proof is elementary and similar in structure to Burgess's proof for the least quadratic nonresidue. |
] | cs.DC | 2D and 3D Computer Graphics Algorithms under MorphoSys. This paper presents new mappings of 2D and 3D geometrical transformation on the MorphoSys (M1) reconfigurable computing (RC) prototype 2 . This improves the system performance as a graphics accelerator 1 5 . Three algorithms are mapped including two for calculating 2D transformations, and one for 3D transformations. The results presented indicate an improved performance. The speedup achieved is explained as well as the advantages in the mapping of the application. The transformations on an 8x8 RC array were run, and numerical examples were simulated to validate our results, using the MorphoSys mULATE program, which simulates MorphoSys operations. Comparisons with other systems are presented, namely, with Intel processing systems and Celoxica RC 1000 FPGA. |
] | math.DG | Manifolds with positive curvature operator and strictly convex bounday. In AMW , it is proved that if a compact 3 manifold has positive Ricci curvature and strictly convex boundary, then this manifold is diffeomorphic to the standard 3 dimensional Euclidean disk. In this paper, we prove its higher dimensional generalization if a compact n manifold has positive curvature operator and strictly convex boundary, then this manifold is diffeomorphic to the standard n dimensional Euclidean disk. |
] | cs.CV | HOSE Net Higher Order Structure Embedded Network for Scene Graph Generation. Scene graph generation aims to produce structured representations for images, which requires to understand the relations between objects. Due to the continuous nature of deep neural networks, the prediction of scene graphs is divided into object detection and relation classification. However, the independent relation classes cannot separate the visual features well. Although some methods organize the visual features into graph structures and use message passing to learn contextual information, they still suffer from drastic intra class variations and unbalanced data distributions. One important factor is that they learn an unstructured output space that ignores the inherent structures of scene graphs. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a Higher Order Structure Embedded Network (HOSE Net) to mitigate this issue. First, we propose a novel structure aware embedding to classifier(SEC) module to incorporate both local and global structural information of relationships into the output space. Specifically, a set of context embeddings are learned via local graph based message passing and then mapped to a global structure based classification space. Second, since learning too many context specific classification subspaces can suffer from data sparsity issues, we propose a hierarchical semantic aggregation(HSA) module to reduces the number of subspaces by introducing higher order structural information. HSA is also a fast and flexible tool to automatically search a semantic object hierarchy based on relational knowledge graphs. Extensive experiments show that the proposed HOSE Net achieves the state of the art performance on two popular benchmarks of Visual Genome and VRD. |
] | physics.plasm-ph | Nonthermal electron and ion acceleration by magnetic reconnection in large laser driven plasmas. Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process that is thought to play a key role in the production of nonthermal particles associated with explosive phenomena in space physics and astrophysics. Experiments at high energy density facilities are starting to probe the microphysics of reconnection at high Lundquist numbers and large system sizes. We have performed particle in cell (PIC) simulations to explore particle acceleration for parameters relevant to laser driven reconnection experiments. We study particle acceleration in large system sizes that may be produced soon with the most energetic laser drivers available, such as at the National Ignition Facility. In these conditions, we show the possibility of reaching the multi plasmoid regime, where plasmoid acceleration becomes dominant. Our results show the transition from textit X point to plasmoid dominated acceleration associated with the merging and contraction of plasmoids that further extend the maximum energy of the power law tail of the particle distribution for electrons. We also find for the first time a system size dependent emergence of nonthermal ion acceleration in driven reconnection, where the magnetization of ions at sufficiently large sizes allows them to be contained by the magnetic field and energized by direct textit X point acceleration. For feasible experimental conditions, electrons and ions can attain energies of epsilon max,e k B T e 100 and epsilon max,i k B T i 1000 . Using PIC simulations with binary Monte Carlo Coulomb collisions we study the impact of collisionality on plasmoid formation and particle acceleration. The implications of these results for understanding the role reconnection plays in accelerating particles in space physics and astrophysics are discussed. |
] | cs.CL | Attention Based Neural Networks for Sentiment Attitude Extraction using Distant Supervision. In the sentiment attitude extraction task, the aim is to identify attitudes sentiment relations between entities mentioned in text. In this paper, we provide a study on attention based context encoders in the sentiment attitude extraction task. For this task, we adapt attentive context encoders of two types (1) feature based (2) self based. In our study, we utilize the corpus of Russian analytical texts RuSentRel and automatically constructed news collection RuAttitudes for enriching the training set. We consider the problem of attitude extraction as two class (positive, negative) and three class (positive, negative, neutral) classification tasks for whole documents. Our experiments with the RuSentRel corpus show that the three class classification models, which employ the RuAttitudes corpus for training, result in 10 increase and extra 3 by F1, when model architectures include the attention mechanism. We also provide the analysis of attention weight distributions in dependence on the term type. |
] | cs.CR | Low Cost Anti Copying 2D Barcode by Exploiting Channel Noise Characteristics. In this paper, for overcoming the drawbacks of the prior approaches, such as low generality, high cost, and high overhead, we propose a Low Cost Anti Copying (LCAC) 2D barcode by exploiting the difference between the noise characteristics of legal and illegal channels. An embedding strategy is proposed, and for a variant of it, we also make the corresponding analysis. For accurately evaluating the performance of our approach, a theoretical model of the noise in an illegal channel is established by using a generalized Gaussian distribution. By comparing with the experimental results based on various printers, scanners, and a mobile phone, it can be found that the sample histogram and curve fitting of the theoretical model match well, so it can be concluded that the theoretical model works well. For evaluating the security of the proposed LCAC code, besides the direct copying (DC) attack, the improved version, which is the synthesized copying (SC) attack, is also considered in this paper. Based on the theoretical model, we build a prediction function to optimize the parameters of our approach. The parameters optimization incorporates the covertness requirement, the robustness requirement and a tradeoff between the production cost and the cost of illegally copying attacks together. The experimental results show that the proposed LCAC code with two printers and two scanners can detect the DC attack effectively and resist the SC attack up to the access of 14 legal copies. |
] | physics.app-ph | Intense white luminescence in ZnTe embedded porous silicon. Porous silicon layers were embedded with ZnTe using the isothermal close space sublimation technique. The presence of ZnTe was demonstrated using cross sectional energy dispersive spectroscopy maps. ZnTe embedded samples present intense room temperature photoluminescence along the whole visible range. We ascribe this PL to ZnTe nanocrystals of different sizes grown on the internal pore surface. Such crystals, with different orientations and sizes, were observed in transmission electron microscopy images, while transmission electron diffraction images of the same regions reveal ZnTe characteristic patterns. |
] | cs.CV | A novel joint points and silhouette based method to estimate 3D human pose and shape. This paper presents a novel method for 3D human pose and shape estimation from images with sparse views, using joint points and silhouettes, based on a parametric model. Firstly, the parametric model is fitted to the joint points estimated by deep learning based human pose estimation. Then, we extract the correspondence between the parametric model of pose fitting and silhouettes on 2D and 3D space. A novel energy function based on the correspondence is built and minimized to fit parametric model to the silhouettes. Our approach uses sufficient shape information because the energy function of silhouettes is built from both 2D and 3D space. This also means that our method only needs images from sparse views, which balances data used and the required prior information. Results on synthetic data and real data demonstrate the competitive performance of our approach on pose and shape estimation of the human body. |
] | cs.DS cs.DM math.PR | On the best choice prophet secretary problem. We study a variant of the secretary problem where candidates come from independent, not necessarily identical distributions known to us, and show that we can do at least as well as in the IID setting. This resolves a conjecture of Esfandiari et al. |
] | physics.soc-ph | Anticipation induced social tipping Can the environment be stabilised by social dynamics?. In the past decades human activities caused global Earth system changes, e.g., climate change or biodiversity loss. Simultaneously, these associated impacts have increased environmental awareness within societies across the globe, thereby leading to dynamical feedbacks between the social and natural Earth system. Contemporary modelling attempts of Earth system dynamics rarely incorporate such co evolutions and interactions are mostly studied unidirectionally through direct or remembered past impacts. Acknowledging that societies have the additional capability for foresight, this work proposes a conceptual feedback model of socio ecological co evolution with the specific construct of anticipation acting as a mediator between the social and natural system. Our model reproduces results from previous sociological threshold models with bi stability if one assumes a static environment. Once the environment changes in response to societal behaviour the system instead converges towards a globally stable, but not necessarily desired, attractor. Ultimately, we show that anticipation of future ecological states then leads to metastability of the system where desired states can persist for a long time. We thereby demonstrate that foresight and anticipation form an important mechanism which, once its time horizon becomes large enough, fosters social tipping towards behaviour that can stabilise the environment and prevents potential socio ecological collapse. |
] | math.DG math.AP math.GT | Existence of infinitely many minimal hypersurfaces in low dimensions, after F.C. Marques, A.A. Neves et A. Song (Bourbaki Seminar). A classical result by Marston Morse asserts that on some ellipsoids of mathbb R 3 there exists exactly 3 closed and simple geodesics. The goal of this presentation is to prove that this rigidity result does not extend to higher dimensions and, more precisely, on any smooth closed riemannian manifod of arbitrary dimension between 3 and 7 there exists infinitely many closed embedded minimal surfaces. We are going to present the origins of this theorem as well as it's proof given recently by Antoine Song. |
] | math.PR | Logarithmic L ' e vy process directed by Poisson subordinator. Let L(t),t geq 0 be a L ' e vy process with representative random variable L(1) defined by the infinitely divisible logarithmic series distribution. We study here the transition probability and L ' e vy measure of this process. We also define two subordinated processes. The first one, Y(t) , is a Negative Binomial process X(t) directed by Gamma process. The second process, Z(t) , is a Logarithmic L ' e vy process L(t) directed by Poisson process. For them, we prove that the Bernstein functions of the processes L(t) and Y(t) contain the iterated logarithmic function. In addition, the L ' e vy measure of the subordinated process Z(t) is a shifted L ' e vy measure of the Negative Binomial process X(t) . We compare the properties of these processes, knowing that the total masses of corresponding L ' e vy measures are equal. |
] | cs.CR | On the Security of Group Communication Schemes. Secure group communications are a mechanism facilitating protected transmission of messages from a sender to multiple receivers, and many emerging applications in both wired and wireless networks need the support of such a mechanism. There have been many secure group communication schemes in wired networks, which can be directly adopted in, or appropriately adapted to, wireless networks such as mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and sensor networks. In this paper we show that the popular group communication schemes that we have examined are vulnerable to the following attack An outside adversary who compromises a certain legitimate group member could obtain em all past and present group keys (and thus all the messages protected by them) this is in sharp contrast to the widely accepted belief that a such adversary can only obtain the present group key (and thus the messages protected by it). In order to understand and deal with the attack, we formalize two security models for stateful and stateless group communication schemes. We show that some practical methods can make a em subclass of existing group communication schemes immune to the attack. |
] | q-bio.SC physics.bio-ph q-bio.QM | A Python based automated tracking routine for myosin II filaments. The study of motor protein dynamics within cytoskeletal networks is of high interest to physicists and biologists to understand how the dynamics and properties of individual motors lead to cooperative effects and control of overall network behaviour. Here, we report a method to detect and track muscular myosin II filaments within an actin network tethered to supported lipid bilayers. Based on the characteristic shape of myosin II filaments, this automated tracking routine allowed us to follow the position and orientation of myosin II filaments over time, and to reliably classify their dynamics into segments of diffusive and processive motion based on the analysis of displacements and angular changes between time steps. This automated, high throughput method will allow scientists to efficiently analyse motor dynamics in different conditions, and will grant access to more detailed information than provided by common tracking methods, without any need for time consuming manual tracking or generation of kymographs. |
] | cs.CL | Tracking Interaction States for Multi Turn Text to SQL Semantic Parsing. The task of multi turn text to SQL semantic parsing aims to translate natural language utterances in an interaction into SQL queries in order to answer them using a database which normally contains multiple table schemas. Previous studies on this task usually utilized contextual information to enrich utterance representations and to further influence the decoding process. While they ignored to describe and track the interaction states which are determined by history SQL queries and are related with the intent of current utterance. In this paper, two kinds of interaction states are defined based on schema items and SQL keywords separately. A relational graph neural network and a non linear layer are designed to update the representations of these two states respectively. The dynamic schema state and SQL state representations are then utilized to decode the SQL query corresponding to current utterance. Experimental results on the challenging CoSQL dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, which achieves better performance than other published methods on the task leaderboard. |
] | physics.class-ph | Q factor and bandwidth of periodic antenna arrays over ground plane. In this paper, the Q factor expression for periodic arrays over a ground plane is determined in terms of the electric current density within the array's unit cell. The expression accounts for the exact shape of the array element. The Q factor formula includes integration only over a volume of an element in a unit cell, and can thus be efficiently implemented numerically. The examples show good agreement between the proposed Q factor, the full wave calculated tuned fractional bandwidth, and the input impedance based formula by Yaghjian and Best (2005) for the array of tilted dipoles and the loops array. |
] | cs.NI | Optimized sensor placement for dependable roadside infrastructures. We present a multi stage optimization method for efficient sensor deployment in traffic surveillance scenarios. Based on a genetic optimization scheme, our algorithm places an optimal number of roadside sensors to obtain full road coverage in the presence of obstacles and dynamic occlusions. The efficiency of the procedure is demonstrated for selected, realistic road sections. Our analysis helps to leverage the economic feasibility of distributed infrastructure sensor networks with high perception quality. |
] | q-bio.NC | Optimal Multivariate Tuning with Neuron Level and Population Level Energy Constraints. Optimality principles have been useful in explaining many aspects of biological systems. In the context of neural encoding in sensory areas, optimality is naturally formulated in a Bayesian setting, as neural tuning which minimizes mean decoding error. Many works optimize Fisher information, which approximates the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) of the optimal decoder for long encoding time, but may be misleading for short encoding times. We study MMSE optimal neural encoding of a multivariate stimulus by uniform populations of spiking neurons, under firing rate constraints for each neuron as well as for the entire population. We show that the population level constraint is essential for the formulation of a well posed problem having finite optimal tuning widths, and optimal tuning aligns with the principal components of the prior distribution. Numerical evaluation of the two dimensional case shows that encoding only the dimension with higher variance is optimal for short encoding times. We also compare direct MMSE optimization to optimization of several proxies to MMSE, namely Fisher information, Maximum Likelihood estimation error, and the Bayesian Cram 'er Rao bound. We find that optimization of these measures yield qualitatively misleading results regarding MMSE optimal tuning and its dependence on encoding time and energy constraints. |
] | math.NT math.AC | Chebyshev polynomials and Galois groups of De Moivre polynomials. Let n ge 3 be an odd natural number. In 1738, Abraham de Moivre introduced a family of polynomials of degree n with rational coefficients, all of which are solvable. So far, the Galois groups of these polynomials have been investigated only for prime numbers n and under special assumptions. We describe the Galois groups for arbitrary odd n ge 3 in the irreducible case, up to few exceptions. In addition, we express all zeros of such a polynomial as rational functions of three zeros, two of which are connected in a certain sense. These results are based on the reduction of the radical sqrt n d sqrt R , whose degree is 2n in general, to irrationals of degree le n . Such a reduction was given in a previous paper of the author. Here, however, we present a much simpler approach that is based on properties of Chebyshev polynomials. |
] | cs.CR cs.IR | Agent based Vs Agent less Sandbox for Dynamic Behavioral Analysis. Malicious software is detected and classified by either static analysis or dynamic analysis. In static analysis, malware samples are reverse engineered and analyzed so that signatures of malware can be constructed. These techniques can be easily thwarted through polymorphic, metamorphic malware, obfuscation and packing techniques, whereas in dynamic analysis malware samples are executed in a controlled environment using the sandboxing technique, in order to model the behavior of malware. In this paper, we have analyzed Petya, Spyeye, VolatileCedar, PAFISH etc. through Agent based and Agentless dynamic sandbox systems in order to investigate and benchmark their efficiency in advanced malware detection. |