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] | cs.CV | DeepFactors Real Time Probabilistic Dense Monocular SLAM. The ability to estimate rich geometry and camera motion from monocular imagery is fundamental to future interactive robotics and augmented reality applications. Different approaches have been proposed that vary in scene geometry representation (sparse landmarks, dense maps), the consistency metric used for optimising the multi view problem, and the use of learned priors. We present a SLAM system that unifies these methods in a probabilistic framework while still maintaining real time performance. This is achieved through the use of a learned compact depth map representation and reformulating three different types of errors photometric, reprojection and geometric, which we make use of within standard factor graph software. We evaluate our system on trajectory estimation and depth reconstruction on real world sequences and present various examples of estimated dense geometry. |
] | physics.flu-dyn | A new application of Crapper's exact solution to waves in constant vorticity flows. In 1957 Crapper found an exact solution for capillary waves propagating at the surface of an irrotational flow of infinite depth. Here we provide conclusive analytical and numerical evidence that a Crapper wave makes the profile of a periodic traveling wave propagating, in the absence of the effects of gravity and surface tension, in a constant vorticity flow. This is achieved by constructing a Stokes expansion up to the third order in a small amplitude parameter and by numerically computing large amplitude waves. |
] | cs.IT cs.NI math.IT | Reliability and Local Delay in Wireless Networks Does Bandwidth Partitioning Help?. This paper studies the effect of bandwidth partitioning (BWP) on the reliability and delay performance in infrastructureless wireless networks. The reliability performance is characterized by the density of concurrent transmissions that satisfy a certain reliability (outage) constraint and the delay performance by so called local delay, defined as the average number of time slots required to successfully transmit a packet. We concentrate on the ultrareliable regime where the target outage probability is close to 0. BWP has two conflicting effects while the interference is reduced as the concurrent transmissions are divided over multiple frequency bands, the signal to interference ratio (SIR) requirement is increased due to smaller allocated bandwidth if the data rate is to be kept constant. Instead, if the SIR requirement is to be kept the same, BWP reduces the data rate and in turn increases the local delay. For these two approaches with adaptive and fixed SIR requirements, we derive closed form expressions of the local delay and the maximum density of reliable transmissions in the ultrareliable regime. Our analysis shows that, in the ultrareliable regime, BWP leads to the reliability delay tradeoff. |
] | cs.CV | Unifying Optimization Methods for Color Filter Design. Through optimization we can solve for a filter that when the camera views the world through this filter, it is more colorimetric. Previous work solved for the filter that best satisfied the Luther condition the camera spectral sensitivities after filtering were approximately a linear transform from the CIE XYZ color matching functions. A more recent method optimized for the filter that maximized the Vora Value (a measure which relates to the closeness of the vector spaces spanned by the camera sensors and human vision sensors). The optimized Luther and Vora filters are different from one another. In this paper we begin by observing that the function defining the Vora Value is equivalent to the Luther condition optimization if we use the orthonormal basis of the XYZ color matching functions, i.e. we linearly transform the XYZ sensitivities to a set of orthonormal basis. In this formulation, the Luther optimization algorithm is shown to almost optimize the Vora Value. Moreover, experiments demonstrate that the modified orthonormal Luther method finds the same color filter compared to the Vora Value filter optimization. Significantly, our modified algorithm is simpler in formulation and also converges faster than the direct Vora Value method. |
] | physics.soc-ph physics.data-an | Snapshot Models of Undocumented Immigration. The Mexican Migration Project (MMP) is a study that includes samples of undocumented Mexican immigrants to the United States after their return to Mexico. Of particular interest are the departure and return dates of a sampled migrant's most recent sojourn in the United States, and the total number of such journeys undertaken by that migrant household, for these data enable the construction of data driven undocumented immigration models. However, such data are subject to an extreme physical bias, for to be included in such a sample, a migrant must have returned to Mexico by the time of the survey, excluding those undocumented immigrants still in the US. In our analysis, we account for this bias by jointly modeling trip timing and duration to produce the likelihood of observing the data in such a "snapshot" sample. Our analysis characterizes undocumented migration flows including single visit migrants, repeat visitors, and "retirement" from circular migration. Starting with 1987, we apply our models to 30 annual random snapshot surveys of returned undocumented Mexican migrants accounting for undocumented Mexican migration from 1980 2016. Contrary to published estimates based on these same data, our results imply migrants remain in the US much longer than previously estimated based on analysis that ignored the physical snapshot bias. Scaling to population quantities, we produce lower bounds on the total number of undocumented immigrants that are much larger than conventional estimates based on US based census linked surveys, and broadly consistent with the estimates reported by Fazel Zarandi, Feinstein and Kaplan (2018). |
] | cs.SI cs.LG | Mining Temporal Evolution of Knowledge Graph and Genealogical Features for Literature based Discovery Prediction. Literature based knowledge discovery process identifies the important but implicit relations among information embedded in published literature. Existing techniques from Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing attempt to identify the hidden or unpublished connections between information concepts within published literature, however, these techniques undermine the concept of predicting the future and emerging relations among scientific knowledge components encapsulated within the literature. Keyword Co occurrence Network (KCN), built upon author selected keywords (i.e., knowledge entities), is considered as a knowledge graph that focuses both on these knowledge components and knowledge structure of a scientific domain by examining the relationships between knowledge entities. Using data from two multidisciplinary research domains other than the medical domain, capitalizing on bibliometrics, the dynamicity of temporal KCNs, and a Long Short Term Memory recurrent neural network, this study proposed a framework to successfully predict the future literature based discoveries the emerging connections among knowledge units. Framing the problem as a dynamic supervised link prediction task, the proposed framework integrates some novel node and edge level features. Temporal importance of keywords computed from both bipartite and unipartite networks, communities of keywords, built upon genealogical relations, and relative importance of temporal citation counts used in the feature construction process. Both node and edge level features were input into an LSTM network to forecast the feature values for positive and negatively labeled non connected keyword pairs and classify them accurately. High classification performance rates suggest that these features are supportive both in predicting the emerging connections between scientific knowledge units and emerging trend analysis. |
] | cs.DC | FirecREST RESTful API on Cray XC systems. As science gateways are becoming an increasingly popular digital interface for scientific communities, it is also becoming increasingly important for High Performance Computing centers to provide a modern Web enabled APIs. With such interface, science gateways can easily integrate access to HPC center resources. This work presents the FirecREST API, a RESTful Web API infrastructure that allows scientific communities to access the various integrated resources and services available from the Cray XC systems at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre. FirecREST requirements are derived from use cases described in this work. |
] | cs.CR | SoK Hardware Security Support for Trustworthy Execution. In recent years, there have emerged many new hardware mechanisms for improving the security of our computer systems. Hardware offers many advantages over pure software approaches immutability of mechanisms to software attacks, better execution and power efficiency and a smaller interface allowing it to better maintain secrets. This has given birth to a plethora of hardware mechanisms providing trusted execution environments (TEEs), support for integrity checking and memory safety and widespread uses of hardware roots of trust. In this paper, we systematize these approaches through the lens of abstraction. Abstraction is key to computing systems, and the interface between hardware and software contains many abstractions. We find that these abstractions, when poorly designed, can both obscure information that is needed for security enforcement, as well as reveal information that needs to be kept secret, leading to vulnerabilities. We summarize such vulnerabilities and discuss several research trends of this area. |
] | cs.IR cs.AI cs.CL | A Road map Towards Explainable Question Answering A Solution for Information Pollution. The increasing rate of information pollution on the Web requires novel solutions to tackle that. Question Answering (QA) interfaces are simplified and user friendly interfaces to access information on the Web. However, similar to other AI applications, they are black boxes which do not manifest the details of the learning or reasoning steps for augmenting an answer. The Explainable Question Answering (XQA) system can alleviate the pain of information pollution where it provides transparency to the underlying computational model and exposes an interface enabling the end user to access and validate provenance, validity, context, circulation, interpretation, and feedbacks of information. This position paper sheds light on the core concepts, expectations, and challenges in favor of the following questions (i) What is an XQA system?, (ii) Why do we need XQA?, (iii) When do we need XQA? (iv) How to represent the explanations? (iv) How to evaluate XQA systems? |
] | cs.CV | Latent Normalizing Flows for Many to Many Cross Domain Mappings. Learned joint representations of images and text form the backbone of several important cross domain tasks such as image captioning. Prior work mostly maps both domains into a common latent representation in a purely supervised fashion. This is rather restrictive, however, as the two domains follow distinct generative processes. Therefore, we propose a novel semi supervised framework, which models shared information between domains and domain specific information separately. The information shared between the domains is aligned with an invertible neural network. Our model integrates normalizing flow based priors for the domain specific information, which allows us to learn diverse many to many mappings between the two domains. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on diverse tasks, including image captioning and text to image synthesis. |
] | math.NA cs.NA | A phase field method for modeling cracks with frictional contact. We introduce a phase field method for continuous modeling of cracks with frictional contacts. Compared with standard discrete methods for frictional contacts, the phase field method has two attractive features (1) it can represent arbitrary crack geometry without an explicit function or basis enrichment, and (2) it does not require an algorithm for imposing contact constraints. The first feature, which is common in phase field models of fracture, is attained by regularizing a sharp interface geometry using a surface density functional. The second feature, which is a unique advantage for contact problems, is achieved by a new approach that calculates the stress tensor in the regularized interface region depending on the contact condition of the interface. Particularly, under a slip condition, this approach updates stress components in the slip direction using a standard contact constitutive law, while making other stress components compatible with stress in the bulk region to ensure non penetrating deformation in other directions. We verify the proposed phase field method using stationary interface problems simulated by discrete methods in the literature. Subsequently, by allowing the phase field to evolve according to brittle fracture theory, we demonstrate the proposed method's capability for modeling crack growth with frictional contact. |
] | math.AP | Uniqueness of solutions to Lp Christoffel Minkowski problem for p 1. L p Christoffel Minkowski problem arises naturally in the L p Brunn Minkowski theory. It connects both curvature measures and area measures of convex bodies and is a fundamental problem in convex geometric analysis. Since the lack of Firey's extension of Brunn Minkowski inequality and constant rank theorem for p 1 , the existence and uniqueness of L p Brunn Minkowski problem are difficult problems. In this paper, we prove a uniqueness theorem for solutions to L p Christoffel Minkowski problem with p 1 and constant prescribed data. Our proof is motivated by the idea of Brendle Choi Daskaspoulos's work on asymptotic behavior of flows by powers of the Gaussian curvature. One of the highlights of our arguments is that we introduce a new auxiliary function Z which is the key to our proof. |
] | math.AP | Master equation for the finite state space planning problem. We present results of existence, regularity and uniqueness of solutions of the master equation associated with the mean field planning problem in the finite state space case, in the presence of a common noise. The results hold under monotonicity assumptions, which are used crucially in the different proofs of the paper. We also make a link with the trajectories induced by the solution of the master equation and start a discussion on the case of boundary conditions. |
] | physics.app-ph physics.chem-ph | Enhancement of Thermal Conductivity in Polymer Composites by Maximizing Surface Contact Area of Polymer Filler Interface. In this article we discuss in detail the effective approaches to enhance the thermal conductivity in polymer composites. It is shown from numerical simulations that maximizing interfacial area between filler and polymer enhances very significantly the effective thermal conductivity in composites. Our study outlines two main facts. (a) Although the nature of the filler's geometry plays an important role in the effective thermal conductivity, we show that among the different geometries thermal conductivity is high for those geometries for which the ratio of surface area to volume is high. Thus non spherical shaped fillers show high thermal conductivity compared to the spherical fillers. (b) For fillers of a particular geometry, by maximizing its surface area without changing the volume fraction of the metallic filler, the effective thermal conductivity increases. Thus, the interfacial area between filler and polymer plays an important role in the enhancement of thermal conductivity. Maximizing interfaces facilitates more routes for heat conduction through the metallic filler. Thus filler material can be transformed to result into more surface such that more interfaces between the filer polymer can be obtained. It is also observed that as this interfacial area increases, increase in effective thermal conductivity follows from linear to the logarithmic growth. It should be noted that to inherit the polymer properties there is a restriction on the upper bound of volume fraction of the fillers. The current study bring out an important step in this direction. Our results are technologically very important in designing composite polymers for better heat conduction, and are very cost effective. This study also provides a connection between the bulk and the surface area in effectively determination of the thermal conductivity. |
] | math.RT | Some homological properties of category mathcal O for Lie superalgebras. For classical Lie superalgebras of type I, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a Verma supermodule Delta( lambda) to be such that every non zero homomorphism from another Verma supermodule to Delta( lambda) is injective. This is applied to describe the socle of the cokernel of an inclusion of Verma supermodules over the periplectic Lie superalgebras mathfrak pe (n) and, furthermore, to reduce the problem of description of mathrm Ext 1 mathcal O (L( mu), Delta( lambda)) for mathfrak pe (n) to the similar problem for the Lie algebra mathfrak gl (n) . Additionally, we study the projective and injective dimensions of structural supermodules in parabolic category mathcal O mathfrak p for classical Lie superalgebras. In particular, we completely determine these dimensions for structural supermodules over the periplectic Lie superalgebra mathfrak pe (n) and the ortho symplectic Lie superalgebra mathfrak osp (2 2n) . |
] | cs.GT | The Competitive Effects of Variance based Pricing. In many markets, like electricity or cloud computing markets, providers incur large costs for keeping sufficient capacity in reserve to accommodate demand fluctuations of a mostly fixed user base. These costs are significantly affected by the unpredictability of the users' demand. Nevertheless, standard mechanisms charge fixed per unit prices that do not depend on the variability of the users' demand. In this paper, we study a variance based pricing rule in a two provider market setting and perform a game theoretic analysis of the resulting competitive effects. We show that an innovative provider who employs variance based pricing can choose a pricing strategy that guarantees himself a higher profit than using fixed per unit prices for any individually rational response of a provider playing a fixed pricing strategy. We characterize all equilibria for the setting where both providers employ variance based pricing strategies. We find that, while in equilibrium, the profits of the providers may increase or decrease depending on their cost functions, social welfare always weakly increases. |
] | math.OC math.AG | Global Optimization via the Dual SONC Cone and Linear Programming. Using the dual cone of sums of nonnegative circuits (SONC), we provide a relaxation of the global optimization problem to minimize an exponential sum and, as a special case, a multivariate real polynomial. Our approach builds on two key observations. First, that the dual SONC cone is contained in the primal one. Hence, containment in this cone is a certificate of nonnegativity. Second, we show that membership in the dual cone can be verified by a linear program. We implement the algorithm and present initial experimental results comparing our method to existing approaches. |
] | math.PR math.AP | On the long time behaviour of McKean Vlasov paths. It is well known that, in a certain parameter regime, the so called McKean Vlasov evolution ( mu t) t in 0, infty) admits exactly three stationary states. In this paper we study the long time behaviour of the flow ( mu t) t in 0, infty) in this regime. The main result is that, for any initial measure mu 0 , the flow ( mu t) t in 0, infty) converges to a stationary state as t rightarrow infty . Moreover, we show that if the energy of the initial measure is below some critical threshold, then the limiting stationary state can be identified. Finally, we also show some topological properties of the basins of attraction of the McKean Vlasov evolution. The proofs are based on the representation of ( mu t) t in 0, infty) as a Wasserstein gradient flow. Some results of this paper are not entirely new. The main contribution here is to show that the Wasserstein framework provides short and elegant proofs for these results. However, up to the author's best knowledge, the statement on the topological properties of the basins of attraction is a new result. |
] | cs.HC | Lyra 2 Designing Interactive Visualizations by Demonstration. Recent graphical interfaces offer direct manipulation mechanisms for authoring visualizations, but are largely restricted to static output. To author interactive visualizations, users must instead turn to textual specification but, such approaches impose a higher technical burden than their graphical counterparts. To bridge this gap, we introduce interaction design by demonstration a novel method for authoring interaction techniques via direct manipulation. Users perform an interaction (e.g., button clicks, drags, or key presses) directly on the visualization they are editing. The system interprets this performance using a set of heuristics, and produces suggestions of possible interaction designs. Heuristics account for properties of the interaction (e.g., target and event type) as well as the visualization (e.g., mark and scale types, and multiple views). Interaction design suggestions are displayed as thumbnails users can preview and test these suggestions, iteratively refine them through additional demonstrations, and finally apply and customize them via property inspectors. To evaluate our approach, we instantiate it in Lyra, an existing visualization design environment. We demonstrate its expressive extent with a gallery of diverse examples, and evaluate its usability through a first use study and via an analysis of its cognitive dimensions. We find that, in Lyra, interaction design by demonstration enables users to rapidly express a wide range of interactive visualizations. |
] | cs.CV cs.LG cs.MM | Temporal Context Aggregation for Video Retrieval with Contrastive Learning. The current research focus on Content Based Video Retrieval requires higher level video representation describing the long range semantic dependencies of relevant incidents, events, etc. However, existing methods commonly process the frames of a video as individual images or short clips, making the modeling of long range semantic dependencies difficult. In this paper, we propose TCA (Temporal Context Aggregation for Video Retrieval), a video representation learning framework that incorporates long range temporal information between frame level features using the self attention mechanism. To train it on video retrieval datasets, we propose a supervised contrastive learning method that performs automatic hard negative mining and utilizes the memory bank mechanism to increase the capacity of negative samples. Extensive experiments are conducted on multiple video retrieval tasks, such as CC WEB VIDEO, FIVR 200K, and EVVE. The proposed method shows a significant performance advantage ( 17 mAP on FIVR 200K) over state of the art methods with video level features, and deliver competitive results with 22x faster inference time comparing with frame level features. |
] | math.OC cs.NA math.AP math.NA | Tuning Multigrid Methods with Robust Optimization. Local Fourier analysis is a useful tool for predicting and analyzing the performance of many efficient algorithms for the solution of discretized PDEs, such as multigrid and domain decomposition methods. The crucial aspect of local Fourier analysis is that it can be used to minimize an estimate of the spectral radius of a stationary iteration, or the condition number of a preconditioned system, in terms of a symbol representation of the algorithm. In practice, this is a "minimax" problem, minimizing with respect to solver parameters the appropriate measure of work, which involves maximizing over the Fourier frequency. Often, several algorithmic parameters may be determined by local Fourier analysis in order to obtain efficient algorithms. Analytical solutions to minimax problems are rarely possible beyond simple problems the status quo in local Fourier analysis involves grid sampling, which is prohibitively expensive in high dimensions. In this paper, we propose and explore optimization algorithms to solve these problems efficiently. Several examples, with known and unknown analytical solutions, are presented to show the effectiveness of these approaches. |
] | q-bio.CB q-bio.SC | Cell size, mechanical tension, and GTPase signaling in the Single Cell. Cell polarization requires redistribution of specific proteins to the nascent front and back of a eukarytotic cell. Among these proteins are Rac and Rho, members of the small GTPase family that regulate the actin cytoskeleton. Rac promotes actin assembly and protrusion of the front edge, whereas Rho activates myosin driven contraction at the back. Mathematical models of cell polarization at many levels of detail have appeared. One of the simplest based on "wave pinning", consists of a pair of reaction diffusion equations for a single GTPase. Mathematical analysis of wave pinning so far is largely restricted to static domains in one spatial dimension. Here we extend the analysis to cells that change in size, showing that both shrinking and growing cells can lose polarity. We further consider the feedback between mechanical tension, GTPase activation, and cell deformation in both static, growing, shrinking, and moving cells. Special cases (spatially uniform cell chemistry, absence or presence of mechanical feedback) are analyzed, and the full model is explored by simulations in 1D. We find a variety of novel behaviors, including "dilution induced" oscillations of Rac activity and cell size, as well as gain or loss of polarization and motility in the model cell. |
] | cs.PF | Re evaluating scaling methods for distributed parallel systems. The paper explains why Amdahl's Law shall be interpreted specifically for distributed parallel systems and why it generated so many debates, discussions, and abuses. We set up a general model and list many of the terms affecting parallel processing. We scrutinize the validity of neglecting certain terms in different approximations, with special emphasis on the famous scaling laws of parallel processing. We clarify that when using the right interpretation of terms, Amdahl's Law is the governing law of all kinds of parallel processing. Amdahl's Law describes among others the history of supercomputing, the inherent performance limitation of the different kinds of parallel processing and it is the basic Law of the 'modern computing' paradigm, that the computing systems working under extreme computing conditions are desperately needed. |
] | math.NA cs.NA | Rational Krylov methods for fractional diffusion problems on graphs. In this paper we propose a method to compute the solution to the fractional diffusion equation on directed networks, which can be expressed in terms of the graph Laplacian L as a product f(L T) boldsymbol b , where f is a non analytic function involving fractional powers and boldsymbol b is a given vector. The graph Laplacian is a singular matrix, causing Krylov methods for f(L T) boldsymbol b to converge more slowly. In order to overcome this difficulty and achieve faster convergence, we use rational Krylov methods applied to a desingularized version of the graph Laplacian, obtained with either a rank one shift or a projection on a subspace. |
] | math.CO | A regular unimodular triangulation of reflexive 2 supported weighted projective space simplices. For each integer partition mathbf q with d parts, we denote by Delta (1, mathbf q ) the lattice simplex obtained as the convex hull in mathbb R d of the standard basis vectors along with the vector mathbf q . For mathbf q with two distinct parts such that Delta (1, mathbf q ) is reflexive and has the integer decomposition property, we establish a characterization of the lattice points contained in Delta (1, mathbf q ) . We then construct a Gr " o bner basis with a squarefree initial ideal of the toric ideal defined by these simplices. This establishes the existence of a regular unimodular triangulation for reflexive 2 supported Delta (1, mathbf q ) having the integer decomposition property. |
] | math.HO | Johdatus funktionaalianalyysiin. This book concentrates on functional analysis. The text is written so that it can be followed on the basis of high school mathematics. The book introduces the set theoretical foundations of mathematics, the basic theories of linear algebra and topology, and the theory of topological vector spaces. Distributions, measure theory, and some common spaces of complex valued functions of real variables are handled, too. |
] | cs.SE | Automated Identification of On hold Self admitted Technical Debt. Modern software is developed under considerable time pressure, which implies that developers more often than not have to resort to compromises when it comes to code that is well written and code that just does the job. This has led over the past decades to the concept of "technical debt", a short term hack that potentially generates long term maintenance problems. Self admitted technical debt (SATD) is a particular form of technical debt developers consciously perform the hack but also document it in the code by adding comments as a reminder (or as an admission of guilt). We focus on a specific type of SATD, namely "On hold" SATD, in which developers document in their comments the need to halt an implementation task due to conditions outside of their scope of work (e.g., an open issue must be closed before a function can be implemented). We present an approach, based on regular expressions and machine learning, which is able to detect issues referenced in code comments, and to automatically classify the detected instances as either "On hold" (the issue is referenced to indicate the need to wait for its resolution before completing a task), or as "cross reference", (the issue is referenced to document the code, for example to explain the rationale behind an implementation choice). Our approach also mines the issue tracker of the projects to check if the On hold SATD instances are "superfluous" and can be removed (i.e., the referenced issue has been closed, but the SATD is still in the code). Our evaluation confirms that our approach can indeed identify relevant instances of On hold SATD. We illustrate its usefulness by identifying superfluous On hold SATD instances in open source projects as confirmed by the original developers. |
] | math.GT math.SG | Homology spheres bounding acyclic smooth manifolds and symplectic fillings. In this paper, we collect various structural results to determine when an integral homology 3 sphere bounds an acyclic smooth 4 manifold, and when this can be upgraded to a Stein manifold. In a different direction we study whether smooth embedding of connected sums of lens spaces in mathbb C 2 can be upgraded to a Stein embedding, and determined that this never happens. |
] | cs.AI cs.CL cs.LG | Knowledge Infused Learning (K IL) Towards Deep Incorporation of Knowledge in Deep Learning. Learning the underlying patterns in data goes beyond instance based generalization to external knowledge represented in structured graphs or networks. Deep learning that primarily constitutes neural computing stream in AI has shown significant advances in probabilistically learning latent patterns using a multi layered network of computational nodes (i.e., neurons hidden units). Structured knowledge that underlies symbolic computing approaches and often supports reasoning, has also seen significant growth in recent years, in the form of broad based (e.g., DBPedia, Yago) and domain, industry or application specific knowledge graphs. A common substrate with careful integration of the two will raise opportunities to develop neuro symbolic learning approaches for AI, where conceptual and probabilistic representations are combined. As the incorporation of external knowledge will aid in supervising the learning of features for the model, deep infusion of representational knowledge from knowledge graphs within hidden layers will further enhance the learning process. Although much work remains, we believe that knowledge graphs will play an increasing role in developing hybrid neuro symbolic intelligent systems (bottom up deep learning with top down symbolic computing) as well as in building explainable AI systems for which knowledge graphs will provide scaffolding for punctuating neural computing. In this position paper, we describe our motivation for such a neuro symbolic approach and framework that combines knowledge graph and neural networks. |
] | cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG | VAE Info cGAN Generating Synthetic Images by Combining Pixel level and Feature level Geospatial Conditional Inputs. Training robust supervised deep learning models for many geospatial applications of computer vision is difficult due to dearth of class balanced and diverse training data. Conversely, obtaining enough training data for many applications is financially prohibitive or may be infeasible, especially when the application involves modeling rare or extreme events. Synthetically generating data (and labels) using a generative model that can sample from a target distribution and exploit the multi scale nature of images can be an inexpensive solution to address scarcity of labeled data. Towards this goal, we present a deep conditional generative model, called VAE Info cGAN, that combines a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) with a conditional Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Network (InfoGAN), for synthesizing semantically rich images simultaneously conditioned on a pixel level condition (PLC) and a macroscopic feature level condition (FLC). Dimensionally, the PLC can only vary in the channel dimension from the synthesized image and is meant to be a task specific input. The FLC is modeled as an attribute vector in the latent space of the generated image which controls the contributions of various characteristic attributes germane to the target distribution. An interpretation of the attribute vector to systematically generate synthetic images by varying a chosen binary macroscopic feature is explored. Experiments on a GPS trajectories dataset show that the proposed model can accurately generate various forms of spatio temporal aggregates across different geographic locations while conditioned only on a raster representation of the road network. The primary intended application of the VAE Info cGAN is synthetic data (and label) generation for targeted data augmentation for computer vision based modeling of problems relevant to geospatial analysis and remote sensing. |
] | physics.flu-dyn | Aligning free surface properties in time varying hydraulic jumps. Hydraulic jumps occur commonly in natural channels and energy dissipation systems of hydraulic structures in the violent transition from supercritical to subcritical flows. They are characterised by large flow aeration, high turbulence and strong fluctuations of the free surface and the jump toe. For free surface measurements, fast sampling, fixed point instruments such as acoustic displacement meters (ADMs) and wire gauges (WGs) are commonly used, while LIDAR technology is a relatively new method for recording instantaneous free surface motions of aerated flows. While each of these instruments has been shown previously to provide reasonable results for basic and advanced free surface properties, differences between instruments and experiments remain unexplained. To systematically analyse these differences, simultaneous laboratory experiments of aerated hydraulic jumps were conducted. Good agreement between the three instruments was obtained for basic free surface properties including elevations, fluctuations, skewness, kurtosis, and frequencies, as well as advanced free surface properties such as integral time and length scales. These new results indicate that any of these instruments can be used for the recording of free surface properties albeit the integration limit for free surface scales must be considered. A key finding of this research was that differences between repeated experiments as well as previous studies were observed when using the visual jump toe for alignment. However, this bias could be resolved by using the mean jump toe location recorded with the LIDAR. Therefore, future studies should simultaneously measure the instantaneous jump toe to provide more consistent results across studies. |
] | math.AP | Semiclassical resolvent bounds for long range Lipschitz potentials. We give an elementary proof of weighted resolvent estimates for the semiclassical Schr "odinger operator h 2 Delta V(x) E in dimension n neq 2 , where h, , E 0 . The potential is real valued, V and partial r V exhibit long range decay at infinity, and may grow like a sufficiently small negative power of r as r to 0 . The resolvent norm grows exponentially in h 1 , but near infinity it grows linearly. When V is compactly supported, we obtain linear growth if the resolvent is multiplied by weights supported outside a ball of radius CE 1 2 for some C 0 . This E dependence is sharp and answers a question of Datchev and Jin. |
] | math.AP cs.NA math.NA math.PR | A Liouville principle for the random conductance model under degenerate conditions. We consider a random conductance model on the d dimensional lattice, d in 2, infty) cap mathbb N , where the conductances take values in (0, infty) and are however not assumed to be bounded from above and below. We assume that the law of the random conductances is stationary and ergodic with respect to translations on mathbb Z d and invariant with respect to reflections on mathbb Z d and satisfies a similar moment bound as that by Andres, Deuschel, and Slowik (2015), under which a quenched FCLT holds. We prove a first order Liouville theorem. In the proof we construct the sublinear correctors in the discrete and adapt boundary estimates for harmonic extensions from the work in the continuum done by Bella, Fehrman, and Otto (2018) to the discrete. |
] | cs.CL | INSET Sentence Infilling with INter SEntential Transformer. Missing sentence generation (or sentence infilling) fosters a wide range of applications in natural language generation, such as document auto completion and meeting note expansion. This task asks the model to generate intermediate missing sentences that can syntactically and semantically bridge the surrounding context. Solving the sentence infilling task requires techniques in natural language processing ranging from understanding to discourse level planning to generation. In this paper, we propose a framework to decouple the challenge and address these three aspects respectively, leveraging the power of existing large scale pre trained models such as BERT and GPT 2. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in learning a sentence representation for generation and further generating a missing sentence that fits the context. |
] | math.AP | On the decay in W 1, infty for the 1D semilinear damped wave equation on a bounded domain. In this paper we study a semilinear wave equation with nonlinear, time dependent damping in one space dimension. For this problem, we prove a well posedness result in W 1, infty in the space time domain (0,1) times 0, infty) . Then we address the problem of the time asymptotic stability of the zero solution and show that, under appropriate conditions, the solution decays to zero at an exponential rate in the space W 1, infty . The proofs are based on the analysis of the corresponding semilinear system for the first order derivatives, for which we show a contractive property of the invariant domain. |
] | math.CA math.NT | Decoupling for two quadratic forms in three variables a complete characterization. We prove sharp decoupling inequalities for all degenerate surfaces of codimension two in mathbb R 5 given by two quadratic forms in three variables. Together with previous work by Demeter, Guo, and Shi in the non degenerate case (arXiv 1609.04107), this provides a classification of decoupling inequalities for pairs of quadratic forms in three variables. |
] | math.NT | Almost primes and the Banks Martin conjecture. It has been known since Erdos that the sum of 1 (n log n) over numbers n with exactly k prime factors (with repetition) is bounded as k varies. We prove that as k tends to infinity, this sum tends to 1. Banks and Martin have conjectured that these sums decrease monotonically in k , and in earlier papers this has been shown to hold for k up to 3. However, we show that the conjecture is false in general, and in fact a global minimum occurs at k 6 . |
] | cs.LG cs.AI cs.CR | Targeted Forgetting and False Memory Formation in Continual Learners through Adversarial Backdoor Attacks. Artificial neural networks are well known to be susceptible to catastrophic forgetting when continually learning from sequences of tasks. Various continual (or "incremental") learning approaches have been proposed to avoid catastrophic forgetting, but they are typically adversary agnostic, i.e., they do not consider the possibility of a malicious attack. In this effort, we explore the vulnerability of Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC), a popular continual learning algorithm for avoiding catastrophic forgetting. We show that an intelligent adversary can bypass the EWC's defenses, and instead cause gradual and deliberate forgetting by introducing small amounts of misinformation to the model during training. We demonstrate such an adversary's ability to assume control of the model via injection of "backdoor" attack samples on both permuted and split benchmark variants of the MNIST dataset. Importantly, once the model has learned the adversarial misinformation, the adversary can then control the amount of forgetting of any task. Equivalently, the malicious actor can create a "false memory" about any task by inserting carefully designed backdoor samples to any fraction of the test instances of that task. Perhaps most damaging, we show this vulnerability to be very acute neural network memory can be easily compromised with the addition of backdoor samples into as little as 1 of the training data of even a single task. |
] | math.NA cs.NA math.OC | Nearest Omega stable matrix via Riemannian optimization. We study the problem of finding the nearest Omega stable matrix to a certain matrix A , i.e., the nearest matrix with all its eigenvalues in a prescribed closed set Omega . Distances are measured in the Frobenius norm. An important special case is finding the nearest Hurwitz or Schur stable matrix, which has applications in systems theory. We describe a reformulation of the task as an optimization problem on the Riemannian manifold of orthogonal (or unitary) matrices. The problem can then be solved using standard methods from the theory of Riemannian optimization. The resulting algorithm is remarkably fast on small scale and medium scale matrices, and returns directly a Schur factorization of the minimizer, sidestepping the numerical difficulties associated with eigenvalues with high multiplicity. |
] | cs.IT math.IT | Exploiting Computation Replication for Mobile Edge Computing A Fundamental Computation Communication Tradeoff Study. Existing works on task offloading in mobile edge computing (MEC) networks often assume a task is executed once at a single edge node (EN). Downloading the computed result from the EN back to the mobile user may suffer long delay if the downlink channel experiences strong interference or deep fading. This paper exploits the idea of computation replication in MEC networks to speed up the downloading phase. Computation replication allows each user to offload its task to multiple ENs for repetitive execution so as to create multiple copies of the computed result at different ENs which can then enable transmission cooperation and hence reduce the communication latency for result downloading. Yet, computation replication may also increase the communication latency for task uploading, despite the obvious increase in computation load. The main contribution of this work is to characterize asymptotically an order optimal upload download communication latency pair for a given computation load in a multi user multi server MEC network. Analysis shows when the computation load increases within a certain range, the downloading time decreases in an inversely proportional way if it is binary offloading or decreases linearly if it is partial offloading, both at the expense of linear increase in the uploading time. |
] | physics.med-ph | Multiparametric Cardiac 18F FDG PET in Humans Kinetic Model Selection and Identifiability Analysis. Cardiac 18F FDG PET has been used in clinics to assess myocardial glucose metabolism. Its ability for imaging myocardial glucose transport, however, has rarely been exploited in clinics. Using the dynamic FDG PET scans of ten patients with coronary artery disease, we investigate in this paper appropriate dynamic scan and kinetic modeling protocols for efficient quantification of myocardial glucose transport. Three kinetic models and the effect of scan duration were evaluated by using statistical fit quality, assessing the impact on kinetic quantification, and analyzing the practical identifiability. The results show that the kinetic model selection depends on the scan duration. The reversible two tissue model was needed for a one hour dynamic scan. The irreversible two tissue model was optimal for a scan duration of around 10 15 minutes. If the scan duration was shortened to 2 3 minutes, a one tissue model was the most appropriate. For global quantification of myocardial glucose transport, we demonstrated that an early dynamic scan with a duration of 10 15 minutes and irreversible kinetic modeling was comparable to the full one hour scan with reversible kinetic modeling. Myocardial glucose transport quantification provides an additional physiological parameter on top of the existing assessment of glucose metabolism and has the potential to enable single tracer multiparametric imaging in the myocardium. |
] | cs.CL cs.LG | Bilingual is At Least Monolingual (BALM) A Novel Translation Algorithm that Encodes Monolingual Priors. State of the art machine translation (MT) models do not use knowledge of any single language's structure this is the equivalent of asking someone to translate from English to German while knowing neither language. BALM is a framework incorporates monolingual priors into an MT pipeline by casting input and output languages into embedded space using BERT, we can solve machine translation with much simpler models. We find that English to German translation on the Multi30k dataset can be solved with a simple feedforward network under the BALM framework with near SOTA BLEU scores. |
] | math.OC | Simulation and optimal control of the Williams Otto process using Pyomo. We illustrate the advantages the high level open source software package Pyomo has in rapidly setting up and solving dynamic simulation and optimization problems. In order to do so, we use the example of the Williams Otto process. We show how to simulate the process dynamics using the collocation method and the IPOPT solver provided by Pyomo. We also discuss waste minimization and yield maximization as two examplary process optimization problems. And finally, we present and compare two approaches to setpoint tracking one based on proportional integral feedback control and one based on optimal open loop control. |
] | cs.CL cs.CV cs.LG | Learning to Learn Words from Visual Scenes. Language acquisition is the process of learning words from the surrounding scene. We introduce a meta learning framework that learns how to learn word representations from unconstrained scenes. We leverage the natural compositional structure of language to create training episodes that cause a meta learner to learn strong policies for language acquisition. Experiments on two datasets show that our approach is able to more rapidly acquire novel words as well as more robustly generalize to unseen compositions, significantly outperforming established baselines. A key advantage of our approach is that it is data efficient, allowing representations to be learned from scratch without language pre training. Visualizations and analysis suggest visual information helps our approach learn a rich cross modal representation from minimal examples. Project webpage is available at https expert.cs.columbia.edu |
] | cs.CL | Transductive Auxiliary Task Self Training for Neural Multi Task Models. Multi task learning and self training are two common ways to improve a machine learning model's performance in settings with limited training data. Drawing heavily on ideas from those two approaches, we suggest transductive auxiliary task self training training a multi task model on (i) a combination of main and auxiliary task training data, and (ii) test instances with auxiliary task labels which a single task version of the model has previously generated. We perform extensive experiments on 86 combinations of languages and tasks. Our results are that, on average, transductive auxiliary task self training improves absolute accuracy by up to 9.56 over the pure multi task model for dependency relation tagging and by up to 13.03 for semantic tagging. |
] | math.LO | Ultrafilters on singular cardinals of uncountable cofinality. We prove that consistently there is a singular cardinal kappa of uncountable cofinality such that 2 kappa is weakly inaccessible, and every regular cardinal strictly between kappa and 2 kappa is the character of some uniform ultrafilter on kappa . |
] | math.GR | Factoring nonabelian finite groups into two subsets. A group G is said to be factorized into subsets A 1, A 2, ldots, A s subseteq G if every element g in G can be uniquely represented as g g 1g 2 ldots g s , where g i in A i , i 1,2, ldots,s . We consider the following conjecture for every finite group G and every factorization n ab of its order, there is a factorization G AB with A a and B b . We show that a minimal counterexample to this conjecture must be a nonabelian simple group and prove the conjecture for every finite group the nonabelian composition factors of which have orders less than 10 ,000 . |
] | cs.HC | Tweeting your Destiny Profiling Users in the Twitter Landscape around an Online Game. Social media has become a major communication channel for communities centered around video games. Consequently, social media offers a rich data source to study online communities and the discussions evolving around games. Towards this end, we explore a large scale dataset consisting of over 1 million tweets related to the online multiplayer shooter Destiny and spanning a time period of about 14 months using unsupervised clustering and topic modelling. Furthermore, we correlate Twitter activity of over 3,000 players with their playtime. Our results contribute to the understanding of online player communities by identifying distinct player groups with respect to their Twitter characteristics, describing subgroups within the Destiny community, and uncovering broad topics of community interest. |
] | math.CT math.AT | Presentations of algebras in chain complexes. The goal of this article is to describe several presentations of the infinity category of algebras over some monad on the infinity category of chain complexes. |
] | math.DG math.AP | Some analytic results on interpolating sesqui harmonic maps. In this article we study various analytic aspects of interpolating sesqui harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds where we mostly focus on the case of a spherical target. The latter are critical points of an energy functional that interpolates between the functionals for harmonic and biharmonic maps. In the case of a spherical target we will derive a conservation law and use it to show the smoothness of weak solutions. Moreover, we will obtain several classification results for interpolating sesqui harmonic maps. |
] | cs.DC cs.NI | Energy Efficient High Throughput Data Transfers via Dynamic CPU Frequency and Core Scaling. The energy footprint of global data movement has surpassed 100 terawatt hours, costing more than 20 billion US dollars to the world economy. Depending on the number of switches, routers, and hubs between the source and destination nodes, the networking infrastructure consumes 10 75 of the total energy during active data transfers, and the rest is consumed by the end systems. Even though there has been extensive research on reducing the power consumption at the networking infrastructure, the work focusing on saving energy at the end systems has been limited to the tuning of a few application level parameters such as parallelism, pipelining, and concurrency. In this paper, we introduce three novel application level parameter tuning algorithms which employ dynamic CPU frequency and core scaling, combining heuristics and runtime measurements to achieve energy efficient data transfers. Experimental results show that our proposed algorithms outperform the state of the art solutions, achieving up to 48 reduced energy consumption and 80 higher throughput. |
] | cs.CV | TSDM Tracking by SiamRPN with a Depth refiner and a Mask generator. In a generic object tracking, depth (D) information provides informative cues for foreground background separation and target bounding box regression. However, so far, few trackers have used depth information to play the important role aforementioned due to the lack of a suitable model. In this paper, a RGB D tracker named TSDM is proposed, which is composed of a Mask generator (M g), SiamRPN and a Depth refiner (D r). The M g generates the background masks, and updates them as the target 3D position changes. The D r optimizes the target bounding box estimated by SiamRPN , based on the spatial depth distribution difference between the target and the surrounding background. Extensive evaluation on the Princeton Tracking Benchmark and the Visual Object Tracking challenge shows that our tracker outperforms the state of the art by a large margin while achieving 23 FPS. In addition, a light weight variant can run at 31 FPS and thus it is practical for real world applications. Code and models of TSDM are available at https github.com lql team TSDM. |
] | cs.AI cs.NE cs.RO q-bio.NC | End Effect Exploration Drive for Effective Motor Learning. Stemming on the idea that a key objective in reinforcement learning is to invert a target distribution of effects, end effect drives are proposed as an effective way to implement goal directed motor learning, in the absence of an explicit forward model. An end effect model relies on a simple statistical recording of the effect of the current policy, here used as a substitute for the more resource demanding forward models. When combined with a reward structure, it forms the core of a lightweight variational free energy minimization setup. The main difficulty lies in the maintenance of this simplified effect model together with the online update of the policy. When the prior target distribution is uniform, it provides a ways to learn an efficient exploration policy, consistently with the intrinsic curiosity principles. When combined with an extrinsic reward, our approach is finally shown to provide a faster training than traditional off policy techniques. |
] | cs.CL | Experiments with LVT and FRE for Transformer model. In this paper, we experiment with Large Vocabulary Trick and Feature rich encoding applied to the Transformer model for Text Summarization. We could not achieve better results, than the analogous RNN based sequence to sequence model, so we tried more models to find out, what improves the results and what deteriorates them. |
] | math.FA math.AP | Theory of capacities in fracional Sobolev spaces with variable exponents. In this paper we develop a capacities theory connected with the fractional Sobolev spaces with variable exponents. Two kinds of capacities are studied Sobolev capacity and relative capacity. Basic properties of capacities, including monotonicity, outer capacity and several results, are studies. We prove that both capacities is a Choquet capacity and all borel sets are capacitable. |
] | cs.DL cs.AI cs.DB | Best Practices for Implementing FAIR Vocabularies and Ontologies on the Web. With the adoption of Semantic Web technologies, an increasing number of vocabularies and ontologies have been developed in different domains, ranging from Biology to Agronomy or Geosciences. However, many of these ontologies are still difficult to find, access and understand by researchers due to a lack of documentation, URI resolving issues, versioning problems, etc. In this chapter we describe guidelines and best practices for creating accessible, understandable and reusable ontologies on the Web, using standard practices and pointing to existing tools and frameworks developed by the Semantic Web community. We illustrate our guidelines with concrete examples, in order to help researchers implement these practices in their future vocabularies. |
] | cs.PL cs.SE | Automatic Verification of LLVM Code. In this work we present our work in developing a software verification tool for llvm code Lodin that incorporates both explicit state model checking, statistical model checking and symbolic state model checking algorithms. |
] | cs.SI cs.IR | CHECKED Chinese COVID 19 Fake News Dataset. COVID 19 has impacted all lives. To maintain social distancing and avoiding exposure, works and lives have gradually moved online. Under this trend, social media usage to obtain COVID 19 news has increased. Also, misinformation on COVID 19 is frequently spread on social media. In this work, we develop CHECKED, the first Chinese dataset on COVID 19 misinformation. CHECKED provides a total 2,104 verified microblogs related to COVID 19 from December 2019 to August 2020, identified by using a specific list of keywords. Correspondingly, CHECKED includes 1,868,175 reposts, 1,185,702 comments, and 56,852,736 likes that reveal how these verified microblogs are spread and reacted on Weibo. The dataset contains a rich set of multimedia information for each microblog including ground truth label, textual, visual, temporal, and network information. Extensive experiments have been conducted to analyze CHECKED data and to provide benchmark results for well established methods when predicting fake news using CHECKED. We hope that CHECKED can facilitate studies that target misinformation on coronavirus. The dataset is available at https github.com cyang03 CHECKED. |
] | physics.app-ph physics.acc-ph | Improved lifetime of a high spin polarization superlattice photocathode. Negative Electron Affinity (NEA) activated surfaces are required to extract highly spin polarized electron beams from GaAs based photocathodes, but they suffer extreme sensitivity to poor vacuum conditions that results in rapid degradation of quantum efficiency. We report on series of unconventional NEA activations on surfaces of bulk GaAs with Cs, Sb, and O2 using different methods of oxygen exposure for optimizing photocathode performance. One order of magnitude improvement in lifetime with respect to the standard Cs O2 activation is achieved without significant loss on electron spin polarization and quantum efficiency by codepositing Cs, Sb, and O2. A strained GaAs GaAsP superlattice sample activated with the codeposition method demonstrated similar enhancement in lifetime near the photoemission threshold while maintaining 90 spin polarization. |
] | cs.CV | A Closest Point Proposal for MCMC based Probabilistic Surface Registration. We propose to view non rigid surface registration as a probabilistic inference problem. Given a target surface, we estimate the posterior distribution of surface registrations. We demonstrate how the posterior distribution can be used to build shape models that generalize better and show how to visualize the uncertainty in the established correspondence. Furthermore, in a reconstruction task, we show how to estimate the posterior distribution of missing data without assuming a fixed point to point correspondence. We introduce the closest point proposal for the Metropolis Hastings algorithm. Our proposal overcomes the limitation of slow convergence compared to a random walk strategy. As the algorithm decouples inference from modeling the posterior using a propose and verify scheme, we show how to choose different distance measures for the likelihood model. All presented results are fully reproducible using publicly available data and our open source implementation of the registration framework. |
] | math.SG math.DG | Removing parametrized rays symplectically. Extracting isolated rays from a symplectic manifold result in a manifold symplectomorphic to the initial one. The same holds for higher dimensional parametrized rays under an additional condition. More precisely, let (M, omega) be a symplectic manifold. Let 0, infty) times Q subset mathbb R times Q be considered as parametrized rays 0, infty) and let varphi 1, infty) times Q to M be an injective, proper, continuous map immersive on ( 1, infty) times Q . If for the standard vector field frac partial partial t on mathbb R and any further vector field nu tangent to ( 1, infty) times Q the equation varphi omega( frac partial partial t , nu) 0 holds then M and M setminus varphi( 0, infty) times Q) are symplectomorphic. |
] | math.NT | Quadratic twists of elliptic curves and class numbers. For positive rank r elliptic curves E( mathbb Q ) , we employ ideal class pairings E( mathbb Q ) times E D ( mathbb Q ) rightarrow mathrm CL ( D), for quadratic twists E D ( mathbb Q ) with a suitable small y height'' rational point, to obtain effective class number lower bounds. For the curves E (a) y 2 x 3 a, with rank r(a), this gives h( D) geq frac 1 10 cdot frac E mathrm tor ( mathbb Q ) sqrt R mathbb Q (E) cdot frac Gamma left ( frac r(a) 2 1 right) (4 pi) frac r(a) 2 cdot frac log(D) frac r(a) 2 log log D , representing an improvement to the classical lower bound of Goldfeld, Gross and Zagier when r(a) geq 3 . We prove that the number of twists E D (a) ( mathbb Q ) with such a point (resp. with such a point and rank geq 2 under the Parity Conjecture) is gg a, varepsilon X frac 1 2 varepsilon . We give infinitely many cases where r(a) geq 6 . These results can be viewed as an analogue of the classical estimate of Gouv ea and Mazur for the number of rank geq 2 quadratic twists, where in addition we obtain log power'' improvements to the Goldfeld Gross Zagier class number lower bound. |
] | math.CO | Crossings and nestings over some Motzkin objects and q Motzkin numbers. We examine the enumeration of certain Motzkin objects according to the numbers of crossings and nestings. With respect to continued fractions, we compute and express the distributions of the statistics of the numbers of crossings and nestings over three sets, namely the set of 4321 avoiding involutions, the set of 3412 avoiding involutions, and the set of (321,3 bar 1 42) avoiding permutations. To get our results, we exploit the bijection of Biane restricted to the sets of 4321 and 3412 avoiding involutions which was characterized by Barnabei et al. and the bijection between (321,3 bar 1 42) avoiding permutations and Motzkin paths, presented by Chen et al. . Furthermore, we manipulate the obtained continued fractions to get the recursion formulas for the polynomial distributions of crossings and nestings, and it follows that the results involve two new q Motzkin numbers. |
] | cs.DL | Ten years of research on ResearchGate, a scoping review using Google Scholar 2008 2017. Objective. To analyse quantitatively the articles published during 2008 2017 about the academic social networking site ResearchGate. Methods. A scoping bibliometric review of documents retrieved using Google Scholar was conducted, limited to publications that contained the word "ResearchGate" in their title and were published from 2008 to 2017. Results. The search yielded 159 documents, once a preliminary list of 386 documents retrieved from Google Scholar was filtered, which eliminated about 60 of the results that were bibliographic citations and not documents. Papers in journals were the most numerous type of documents (n73 46 ), followed by conference papers (n 31 19.5 ). Contributing eight publications, two Spanish scholars (Delgado Lopez Cozar and Orduna Malea, who were coauthors in each case) were the most prolific authors writing on this topic during the ten year period. The keywords most used in the documents were "ResearchGate" and "Altmetrics". The publications were cited frequently since 2014 (more than 90 of the total cites fell in that period), and those with more than one author were the most cited ones. The authors of the documents were mainly librarians and information science professionals, who wrote primarily as co authors with colleagues from their own institutions, mostly published in English. Conclusions. Interest in ResearchGate has grown since 2015, as evident from the number of articles published and the citations they received. Keywords. Academic social networks, bibliometrics, scholarly communication |
] | cs.DS | On Happy Colorings, Cuts, and Structural Parameterizations. We study the Maximum Happy Vertices and Maximum Happy Edges problems. The former problem is a variant of clusterization, where some vertices have already been assigned to clusters. The second problem gives a natural generalization of Multiway Uncut, which is the complement of the classical Multiway Cut problem. Due to their fundamental role in theory and practice, clusterization and cut problems has always attracted a lot of attention. We establish a new connection between these two classes of problems by providing a reduction between Maximum Happy Vertices and Node Multiway Cut. Moreover, we study structural and distance to triviality parameterizations of Maximum Happy Vertices and Maximum Happy Edges. Obtained results in these directions answer questions explicitly asked in four works Agrawal '17, Aravind et al. '16, Choudhari and Reddy '18, Misra and Reddy '17. |
] | physics.flu-dyn | An analytical comprehensive solution for the superficial waves appearing in gravity driven flows of liquid films. This paper is devoted to analytical solutions for the base flow and temporal stability of a liquid film driven by gravity over an inclined plane when the fluid rheology is given by the Carreau Yasuda model, a general description that applies to different types of fluids. In order to obtain the base state and critical conditions for the onset of instabilities, two sets of asymptotic expansions are proposed, from which it is possible to find four new equations describing the reference flow and the phase speed and growth rate of instabilities. These results lead to an equation for the critical Reynolds number, which dictates the conditions for the onset of the instabilities of a falling film. Different from previous works, this paper presents asymptotic solutions for the growth rate, wavelength and celerity of instabilities obtained without supposing a priori the exact fluid rheology, being, therefore, valid for different kinds of fluids. Our findings represent a significant step toward understanding the stability of gravitational flows of non Newtonian fluids. |
] | cs.CL cs.IR cs.LG | Contextualizing Hate Speech Classifiers with Post hoc Explanation. Hate speech classifiers trained on imbalanced datasets struggle to determine if group identifiers like "gay" or "black" are used in offensive or prejudiced ways. Such biases manifest in false positives when these identifiers are present, due to models' inability to learn the contexts which constitute a hateful usage of identifiers. We extract SOC post hoc explanations from fine tuned BERT classifiers to efficiently detect bias towards identity terms. Then, we propose a novel regularization technique based on these explanations that encourages models to learn from the context of group identifiers in addition to the identifiers themselves. Our approach improved over baselines in limiting false positives on out of domain data while maintaining or improving in domain performance. Project page https inklab.usc.edu contextualize hate speech . |
] | math.DS math.AP | Validated Numerical Approximation of Stable Manifolds for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations. This paper develops validated computational methods for studying infinite dimensional stable manifolds at equilibrium solutions of parabolic PDEs, synthesizing disparate errors resulting from numerical approximation. To construct our approximation, we decompose the stable manifold into three components a finite dimensional slow component, a fast but finite dimensional component, and a strongly contracting infinite dimensional "tail". We employ the parameterization method in a finite dimensional projection to approximate the slow stable manifold, as well as the attached finite dimensional invariant vector bundles. This approximation provides a change of coordinates which largely removes the nonlinear terms in the slow stable directions. In this adapted coordinate system we apply the Lyapunov Perron method, resulting in mathematically rigorous bounds on the approximation errors. As a result, we obtain significantly sharper bounds than would be obtained using only the linear approximation given by the eigendirections. As a concrete example we illustrate the technique for a 1D Swift Hohenberg equation. |
] | physics.plasm-ph | Optimizing Laser Plasma Interactions for Ion Acceleration using Particle in Cell Simulations and Evolutionary Algorithms. The development of ultra intense laser based sources of high energy ions is an important goal, with a variety of potential applications. One of the barriers to achieving this goal is the need to maximize the conversion efficiency from laser energy to ion energy. We apply a new approach to this problem, in which we use an evolutionary algorithm to optimize conversion efficiency by exploring variations of the target density profile with thousands of one dimensional particle in cell (PIC) simulations. We then compare this "optimal" target identified by the one dimensional PIC simulations to more conventional choices, such as with an exponential scale length pre plasma, with fully three dimensional PIC simulations. The optimal target outperforms the conventional targets in terms of maximum ion energy by 20 and show a significant enhancement of conversion efficiency to high energy ions. This target geometry enhances laser coupling to the electrons, while still allowing the laser to strongly reflect from an effectively thin target. These results underscore the potential for this statistics driven approach to guide research into optimizing laser plasma simulations and experiments. |
] | math.FA math.LO | Banach Stone like results for combinatorial Banach spaces. We show that under a certain topological assumption on two compact hereditary families F and G on some infinite cardinal kappa , the corresponding combinatorial spaces X F and X G are isometric if and only if there is a permutation of kappa inducing a homeomorphism between F and G . We also prove that two different regular families F and G on omega cannot be permuted one to the other. Both these results strengthen the main result of cite BrechFerencziTcaciuc . |
] | physics.chem-ph | Nanoscale Chemical Reaction Imaging at the Solid Liquid Interface via TERS. Plasmon enhanced chemical transformations at the solid liquid interface can be imaged with high sensitivity, chemical selectivity, and nanoscale precision through tip enhanced Raman scattering (TERS). We demonstrate the latter for the first time through measurements aimed at (i) locating plasmonic hotspots at the solid liquid interface at which chemical transformations take place, (ii) monitoring the evolution from reactants to products through their distinct Raman spectra, and (iii) 2D correlation analysis of Raman time trajectories to unambiguously extract the spectral components that mark chemical transformation and to understand the correlations between the product and parent signatures. For our proof of principle study, we select a model plasmon enhanced chemical process, namely, the dimerization of p nitrothiophenol to dimercaptoazobenzene, but now, at the solid liquid interface. Our plasmonic construct otherwise consists of chemically functionalized gold microplates in aqueous solution, which we image using a gold coated TERS probe irradiated at 633 nm. Overall, we demonstrate chemical reaction imaging in aqueous solution via TERS for the first time, herein, at a pixel limited lateral spatial resolution of 10 nm. |
] | cs.CV | RS MetaNet Deep meta metric learning for few shot remote sensing scene classification. Training a modern deep neural network on massive labeled samples is the main paradigm in solving the scene classification problem for remote sensing, but learning from only a few data points remains a challenge. Existing methods for few shot remote sensing scene classification are performed in a sample level manner, resulting in easy overfitting of learned features to individual samples and inadequate generalization of learned category segmentation surfaces. To solve this problem, learning should be organized at the task level rather than the sample level. Learning on tasks sampled from a task family can help tune learning algorithms to perform well on new tasks sampled in that family. Therefore, we propose a simple but effective method, called RS MetaNet, to resolve the issues related to few shot remote sensing scene classification in the real world. On the one hand, RS MetaNet raises the level of learning from the sample to the task by organizing training in a meta way, and it learns to learn a metric space that can well classify remote sensing scenes from a series of tasks. We also propose a new loss function, called Balance Loss, which maximizes the generalization ability of the model to new samples by maximizing the distance between different categories, providing the scenes in different categories with better linear segmentation planes while ensuring model fit. The experimental results on three open and challenging remote sensing datasets, UCMerced LandUse, NWPU RESISC45, and Aerial Image Data, demonstrate that our proposed RS MetaNet method achieves state of the art results in cases where there are only 1 20 labeled samples. |
] | cs.CL physics.soc-ph | Large scale Quantitative Evidence of Media Impact on Public Opinion toward China. Do mass media influence people's opinion of other countries? Using BERT, a deep neural network based natural language processing model, we analyze a large corpus of 267,907 China related articles published by The New York Times since 1970. We then compare our output from The New York Times to a longitudinal data set constructed from 101 cross sectional surveys of the American public's views on China. We find that the reporting of The New York Times on China in one year explains 54 of the variance in American public opinion on China in the next. Our result confirms hypothesized links between media and public opinion and helps shed light on how mass media can influence public opinion of foreign countries. |
] | cs.CL cs.IR | A Pairwise Probe for Understanding BERT Fine Tuning on Machine Reading Comprehension. Pre trained models have brought significant improvements to many NLP tasks and have been extensively analyzed. But little is known about the effect of fine tuning on specific tasks. Intuitively, people may agree that a pre trained model already learns semantic representations of words (e.g. synonyms are closer to each other) and fine tuning further improves its capabilities which require more complicated reasoning (e.g. coreference resolution, entity boundary detection, etc). However, how to verify these arguments analytically and quantitatively is a challenging task and there are few works focus on this topic. In this paper, inspired by the observation that most probing tasks involve identifying matched pairs of phrases (e.g. coreference requires matching an entity and a pronoun), we propose a pairwise probe to understand BERT fine tuning on the machine reading comprehension (MRC) task. Specifically, we identify five phenomena in MRC. According to pairwise probing tasks, we compare the performance of each layer's hidden representation of pre trained and fine tuned BERT. The proposed pairwise probe alleviates the problem of distraction from inaccurate model training and makes a robust and quantitative comparison. Our experimental analysis leads to highly confident conclusions (1) Fine tuning has little effect on the fundamental and low level information and general semantic tasks. (2) For specific abilities required for downstream tasks, fine tuned BERT is better than pre trained BERT and such gaps are obvious after the fifth layer. |
] | math.AP | Solutions to the Monge Amp e re equation with polyhedral and Y shaped singularities. We construct convex functions on mathbb R 3 and mathbb R 4 that are smooth solutions to the Monge Amp e re equation det D 2u 1 away from compact one dimensional singular sets, which can be Y shaped or form the edges of a convex polytope. The examples solve the equation in the Alexandrov sense away from finitely many points. Our approach is based on solving an obstacle problem where the graph of the obstacle is a convex polytope. |
] | cs.IT math.IT | Secret key agreement for hypergraphical sources with limited total discussion. This work considers the problem of multiterminal secret key agreement by limited total public discussion under the hypergraphical source model. The secrecy capacity as a function of the total discussion rate is completely characterized by a polynomial time computable linear program. Compared to the existing solution for a particular hypergraphical source model called the pairwise independent network (PIN) model, the current result is a non trivial extension as it applies to a strictly larger class of sources and a more general scenario involving helpers and wiretapper's side information. In particular, while the existing solution by tree packing can be strictly suboptimal for the PIN model with helpers and the hypergraphical source model in general, we can show that decremental secret key agreement and linear network coding is optimal, resolving a previous conjecture in the affirmative. The converse is established by a single letter upper bound on the secrecy capacity for discrete memoryless multiple sources and individual discussion rate constraints. The minimax optimization involved in the bound can be relaxed to give the best existing upper bounds on secrecy capacities such as the lamination bounds for hypergraphical sources, helper set bound for general sources, the bound at asymptotically zero discussion rate via the multivariate G 'ac K "orner common information, and the lower bound on communication complexity via a multivariate extension of the Wyner common information. These reductions unify existing bounding techniques and reveal surprising connections between seemingly different information theoretic notions. Further challenges are posed in this work along with a simple example of finite linear source where the current converse techniques fail even though the proposed achieving scheme remains optimal. |
] | physics.flu-dyn physics.comp-ph | Hypersonic flow over a wedge in the detached shock range. In a recent publication Hornung (2019) showed that the shock wave stand off distance and the drag coefficient of a cone in inviscid hypersonic flow of a perfect gas can be expressed as the product of a function of the inverse normal shock density ratio and a function of a cone angle parameter, thus reducing the number of independent parameters from three (Mach number, specific heat ratio and angle) to two. By making a large number of Euler computations, analytic forms of the functions were obtained. In this article the same approach is applied to the symmetrical flow over a wedge. It turns out that the same simplification applies and corresponding analytical forms of the functions are obtained. The functions of the normal shock density ratio are compared with newly determined corresponding functions for flow over a circular cylinder. |
] | cs.CV | Incremental Learning In Online Scenario. Modern deep learning approaches have achieved great success in many vision applications by training a model using all available task specific data. However, there are two major obstacles making it challenging to implement for real life applications (1) Learning new classes makes the trained model quickly forget old classes knowledge, which is referred to as catastrophic forgetting. (2) As new observations of old classes come sequentially over time, the distribution may change in unforeseen way, making the performance degrade dramatically on future data, which is referred to as concept drift. Current state of the art incremental learning methods require a long time to train the model whenever new classes are added and none of them takes into consideration the new observations of old classes. In this paper, we propose an incremental learning framework that can work in the challenging online learning scenario and handle both new classes data and new observations of old classes. We address problem (1) in online mode by introducing a modified cross distillation loss together with a two step learning technique. Our method outperforms the results obtained from current state of the art offline incremental learning methods on the CIFAR 100 and ImageNet 1000 (ILSVRC 2012) datasets under the same experiment protocol but in online scenario. We also provide a simple yet effective method to mitigate problem (2) by updating exemplar set using the feature of each new observation of old classes and demonstrate a real life application of online food image classification based on our complete framework using the Food 101 dataset. |
] | physics.data-an | The electrostatic graph algorithm a physics defined method for converting a time series into a weighted complex network. This paper proposes a new method for converting a time series into a weighted graph (complex network), which builds on the electrostatic conceptualization originating from physics. The proposed method conceptualizes a time series as a series of stationary, electrically charged particles, on which Coulomb like forces can be computed. This allows generating electrostatic like graphs associated to time series that, additionally to the existing transformations, can be also weighted and sometimes disconnected. Within this context, the paper examines the structural relevance between five different types of time series and their associated graphs generated by the proposed algorithm and the visibility graph, which is currently the most established algorithm in the literature. The analysis compares the source time series with the network based node series generated by network measures that are arranged into the node ordering of the source time series, in terms of linearity, chaotic behaviour, stationarity, periodicity, and cyclical structure. It is shown that the proposed electrostatic graph algorithm produces graphs that are more relevant to the structure of the source time series by introducing a transformation that converts the time series to graphs. This is more natural rather than algebraic, in comparison with existing physics defined methods. The overall approach also suggests a methodological framework for evaluating the structural relevance between the source time series and their associated graphs produced by any possible transformation. |
] | math.DS math.CV | Non uniform hyperbolicity in polynomial skew products. Let f mathbb C 2 to mathbb C 2 be a polynomial skew product which leaves invariant an attracting vertical line L . Assume moreover f restricted to L is non uniformly hyperbolic, in the sense that f restricted to L satisfies one of the following conditions 1. f L satisfies Topological Collet Eckmann and Weak Regularity conditions. 2. The Lyapunov exponent at every critical value point lying in the Julia set of f L exist and is positive, and there is no parabolic cycle. Under one of the above conditions we show that the Fatou set in the basin of L coincides with the union of the basins of attracting cycles, and the Julia set in the basin of L has Lebesgue measure zero. As an easy consequence there are no wandering Fatou components in the basin of L . |
] | math.GT | Minimal volume entropy of simplicial complexes. This article deals with topological assumptions under which the minimal volume entropy of a closed manifold, and more generally of a finite simplicial complex, vanishes or is positive. In the first part of the article, we present complementing topological conditions expressed in terms of the growth of the fundamental group of the fibers of maps from a given finite simplicial complex to simplicial complexes of lower dimension which ensure that the minimal volume entropy of the simplicial complex either vanishes or is positive. We also give examples of finite simplicial complexes with zero simplicial volume and arbitrarily large minimal volume entropy. In the second part of the article, we present topological assumptions related to the exponential growth of certain subgroups in the fundamental group of a finite simplicial complex and to the topology of the loop space of its classifying space under which the minimal volume entropy is positive. Several examples are presented throughout the text. |
] | math.CV math.AP math.DG | Flexible and inflexible CR submanifolds. In this paper we prove new embedding results for compactly supported deformations of CR submanifolds of mathbb C n d We show that if M is a 2 pseudoconcave CR submanifold of type (n,d) in mathbb C n d , then any compactly supported CR deformation stays in the space of globally CR embeddable in mathbb C n d manifolds. This improves an earlier result, where M was assumed to be a quadratic 2 pseudoconcave CR submanifold of mathbb C n d . We also give examples of weakly 2 pseudoconcave CR manifolds admitting compactly supported CR deformations that are not even locally CR embeddable. |
] | math.AG math.CO | Prism graphs in tropical plane curves. Any smooth tropical plane curve contains a distinguished trivalent graph called its skeleton. In 2020 Morrison and Tewari proved that the so called big face graphs cannot be the skeleta of tropical curves for genus 12 and greater. In this paper we answer an open question they posed to extend their result to the prism graphs, proving that they are the skeleton of a smooth tropical plane curve precisely when the genus is at most 11 . Our main tool is a classification of lattice polygons with two points than can simultaneously view all others, without having any one point that can observe all others. |
] | cs.CL cs.LG | Sparse associative memory based on contextual code learning for disambiguating word senses. In recent literature, contextual pretrained Language Models (LMs) demonstrated their potential in generalizing the knowledge to several Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks including supervised Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), a challenging problem in the field of Natural Language Understanding (NLU). However, word representations from these models are still very dense, costly in terms of memory footprint, as well as minimally interpretable. In order to address such issues, we propose a new supervised biologically inspired technique for transferring large pre trained language model representations into a compressed representation, for the case of WSD. Our produced representation contributes to increase the general interpretability of the framework and to decrease memory footprint, while enhancing performance. |
] | physics.app-ph physics.optics | Chip Based Lithium Niobate Frequency Combs. Lithium niobate is an excellent photonic material with large chi 2 and chi 3 nonlinearities. Recent breakthroughs in nanofabrication technology have enabled ultralow loss nanophotonic devices based on a lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) platform. Here we present an overview of recent developments in the LNOI platform for on chip optical frequency comb generation. These devices could lead to new opportunities for integrated nonlinear photonic devices for classical and quantum photonic applications. |
] | math.PR math.AP | The stochastic thin film equation existence of nonnegative martingale solutions. We consider the stochastic thin film equation with colored Gaussian Stratonovich noise in one space dimension and establish the existence of nonnegative weak (martingale) solutions. The construction is based on a Trotter Kato type decomposition into a deterministic and a stochastic evolution, which yields an easy to implement numerical algorithm. Compared to previous work, no interface potential has to be included, the initial data and the solution can have de wetted regions of positive measure, and the Trotter Kato scheme allows for a simpler proof of existence than in case of It o noise. |
] | math.OC math.AP | The ratio cut polytope and K means clustering. We introduce the ratio cut polytope defined as the convex hull of ratio cut vectors corresponding to all partitions of n points in mathbb R m into at most K clusters. This polytope is closely related to the convex hull of the feasible region of a number of clustering problems such as K means clustering and spectral clustering. We study the facial structure of the ratio cut polytope and derive several types of facet defining inequalities. We then consider the problem of K means clustering and introduce a novel linear programming (LP) relaxation for it. Subsequently, we focus on the case of two clusters and derive sufficient conditions under which the proposed LP relaxation recovers the underlying clusters exactly. Namely, we consider the stochastic ball model, a popular generative model for K means clustering, and we show that if the separation distance between cluster centers satisfies Delta 1 sqrt 3 , then the LP relaxation recovers the planted clusters with high probability. This is a major improvement over the only existing recovery guarantee for an LP relaxation of K means clustering stating that recovery is possible with high probability if and only if Delta 4 . Our numerical experiments indicate that the proposed LP relaxation significantly outperforms a popular semidefinite programming relaxation in recovering the planted clusters. |
] | q-bio.NC | Application of the hierarchical bootstrap to multi level data in neuroscience. A common feature in many neuroscience datasets is the presence of hierarchical data structures, most commonly recording the activity of multiple neurons in multiple animals across multiple trials. Accordingly, the measurements constituting the dataset are not independent, even though the traditional statistical analyses often applied in such cases (e.g., Students t test) treat them as such. The hierarchical bootstrap has been shown to be an effective tool to accurately analyze such data and while it has been used extensively in the statistical literature, its use is not widespread in neuroscience despite the ubiquity of hierarchical datasets. In this paper, we illustrate the intuitiveness and utility of this approach to analyze hierarchically nested datasets. We use simulated neural data to show that traditional statistical tests can result in a false positive rate of over 45 , even if the Type I error rate is set at 5 . While summarizing data across non independent points (or lower levels) can potentially fix this problem, this approach greatly reduces the statistical power of the analysis. The hierarchical bootstrap, when applied sequentially over the levels of the hierarchical structure, keeps the Type I error rate within the intended bound and retains more statistical power than summarizing methods. We conclude by demonstrating the effectiveness of the method in two real world examples, first analyzing singing data in male Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica) and second quantifying changes in behavior under optogenetic control in flies (Drosophila melanogaster). |
] | math.NT | The characterization of cyclic cubic fields with power integral bases. We provide an equivalent condition for the monogenity of the ring of integers of any cyclic cubic field. We show that if a cyclic cubic field is monogenic then it is a simplest cubic field K t which is the splitting field of a Shanks cubic polynomial f t(x) x 3 tx 2 (t 3)x 1 with t in mathbb Z . Moreover we give an equivalent condition for when K t is monogenic, which is explicitly written in terms of t . |
] | cs.CV | Region Mutual Information Loss for Semantic Segmentation. Semantic segmentation is a fundamental problem in computer vision. It is considered as a pixel wise classification problem in practice, and most segmentation models use a pixel wise loss as their optimization riterion. However, the pixel wise loss ignores the dependencies between pixels in an image. Several ways to exploit the relationship between pixels have been investigated, eg, conditional random fields (CRF) and pixel affinity based methods. Nevertheless, these methods usually require additional model branches, large extra memories, or more inference time. In this paper, we develop a region mutual information (RMI) loss to model the dependencies among pixels more simply and efficiently. In contrast to the pixel wise loss which treats the pixels as independent samples, RMI uses one pixel and its neighbour pixels to represent this pixel. Then for each pixel in an image, we get a multi dimensional point that encodes the relationship between pixels, and the image is cast into a multi dimensional distribution of these high dimensional points. The prediction and ground truth thus can achieve high order consistency through maximizing the mutual information (MI) between their multi dimensional distributions. Moreover, as the actual value of the MI is hard to calculate, we derive a lower bound of the MI and maximize the lower bound to maximize the real value of the MI. RMI only requires a few extra computational resources in the training stage, and there is no overhead during testing. Experimental results demonstrate that RMI can achieve substantial and consistent improvements in performance on PASCAL VOC 2012 and CamVid datasets. The code is available at https github.com ZJULearning RMI. |
] | cs.DS | Near Optimal Schedules for Simultaneous Multicasts. We study the store and forward packet routing problem for simultaneous multicasts, in which multiple packets have to be forwarded along given trees as fast as possible. This is a natural generalization of the seminal work of Leighton, Maggs and Rao, which solved this problem for unicasts, i.e. the case where all trees are paths. They showed the existence of asymptotically optimal O(C D) length schedules, where the congestion C is the maximum number of packets sent over an edge and the dilation D is the maximum depth of a tree. This improves over the trivial O(CD) length schedules. We prove a lower bound for multicasts, which shows that there do not always exist schedules of non trivial length, o(CD) . On the positive side, we construct O(C D log 2 n) length schedules in any n node network. These schedules are near optimal, since our lower bound shows that this length cannot be improved to O(C D) o( log n) . |
] | math.AG | Brauer groups and 'etale homotopy type. Extending a result of Schr "oer on a Grothendieck question in the context of complex analytic spaces, we prove that the surjectivity of the Brauer map delta Br(X) rightarrow H rm 'et 2(X, mathbb G m, X ) rm tor for algebraic schemes depends on their 'etale homotopy type. We use properties of algebraic K( pi, 1) spaces to apply this to some classes of proper and smooth algebraic schemes. In particular we recover a result of Hoobler and Berkovich for abelian varieties. Further, we give an additional condition for the surjectivity of delta which involves pro universal covers. All proposed conditions turn out to be equivalent for smooth quasi projective varieties. |
] | math.CV | Improved upper bound of third order Hankel determinant for Ozaki close to convex functions. In this paper we improve the upper bound of the third order Hankel determinant for the class of Ozaki close to convex functions. The sharp bound is conjectured. |
] | physics.flu-dyn | Controlling Elastic Turbulence. We demonstrate through numerical solutions of the Oldroyd B model in a two dimensional Taylor Couette geometry that the onset of elastic turbulence in a viscoelastic fluid can be controlled by imposed shear rate modulations. While for slow modulations elastic turbulence is still present, it vanishes for fast modulations and a laminar response with the Taylor Couette base flow is recovered. We find that the transition from the laminar to the turbulent state is supercritical and occurs at a critical Deborah number. In the state diagram of both control parameters, Weissenberg versus Deborah number, we identify the region of elastic turbulence. We also quantify the transition by the flow resistance, which in the laminar regime we can describe within the (linear) Maxwell model. |
] | cs.CV | Diversity Achieving Slow DropBlock Network for Person Re Identification. A big challenge of person re identification (Re ID) using a multi branch network architecture is to learn diverse features from the ID labeled dataset. The 2 branch Batch DropBlock (BDB) network was recently proposed for achieving diversity between the global branch and the feature dropping branch. In this paper, we propose to move the dropping operation from the intermediate feature layer towards the input (image dropping). Since it may drop a large portion of input images, this makes the training hard to converge. Hence, we propose a novel double batch split co training approach for remedying this problem. In particular, we show that the feature diversity can be well achieved with the use of multiple dropping branches by setting individual dropping ratio for each branch. Empirical evidence demonstrates that the proposed method performs superior to BDB on popular person Re ID datasets, including Market 1501, DukeMTMC reID and CUHK03 and the use of more dropping branches can further boost the performance. |
] | math.OC cs.DS math.CO | Iterated Linear Optimization. We introduce a fixed point iteration process built on optimization of a linear function over a compact domain. We prove the process always converges to a fixed point and explore the set of fixed points in various convex sets. In particular, we consider elliptopes and derive an algebraic characterization of their fixed points. We show that the attractive fixed points of an elliptope are exactly its vertices. Finally, we discuss how fixed point iteration can be used for rounding the solution of a semidefinite programming relaxation. |
] | cs.CL | Semantic flow in language networks. In this study we propose a framework to characterize documents based on their semantic flow. The proposed framework encompasses a network based model that connected sentences based on their semantic similarity. Semantic fields are detected using standard community detection methods. as the story unfolds, transitions between semantic fields are represent in Markov networks, which in turned are characterized via network motifs (subgraphs). Here we show that the proposed framework can be used to classify books according to their style and publication dates. Remarkably, even without a systematic optimization of parameters, philosophy and investigative books were discriminated with an accuracy rate of 92.5 . Because this model captures semantic features of texts, it could be used as an additional feature in traditional network based models of texts that capture only syntactical stylistic information, as it is the case of word adjacency (co occurrence) networks. |
] | cs.NI | Detecting Network Disruptions At Colocation Facilities. Colocation facilities and Internet eXchange Points (IXPs) provide neutral places for concurrent networks to daily exchange terabytes of data traffic. Although very reliable, these facilities are not immune to failure and may experience difficulties that can have significant impacts on exchanged traffic. In this paper we devise a methodology to identify collocation facilities in traceroute data and to monitor delay and routing patterns between facilities. We also present an anomaly detection technique to report abnormal traffic changes usually due to facilities outages. We evaluate this method with eight months of traceroute data from the RIPE Atlas measurement platform and manually inspect the most prominent events, that are an IXP outage, a DDoS attack, and a power failure in a facility. These case studies validate the benefits of the proposed system to detect real world outages from traceroute data. We also investigate the impact of anomalies at the metropolitan level and identify outages that span across up to eight facilities. |
] | cs.RO cs.AI cs.CV cs.LG | PyRobot An Open source Robotics Framework for Research and Benchmarking. This paper introduces PyRobot, an open source robotics framework for research and benchmarking. PyRobot is a light weight, high level interface on top of ROS that provides a consistent set of hardware independent mid level APIs to control different robots. PyRobot abstracts away details about low level controllers and inter process communication, and allows non robotics researchers (ML, CV researchers) to focus on building high level AI applications. PyRobot aims to provide a research ecosystem with convenient access to robotics datasets, algorithm implementations and models that can be used to quickly create a state of the art baseline. We believe PyRobot, when paired up with low cost robot platforms such as LoCoBot, will reduce the entry barrier into robotics, and democratize robotics. PyRobot is open source, and can be accessed via https pyrobot.org. |
] | cs.SE | Analysis of open source license selection for the GitHub programming community. Developers usually select different open source licenses to restrain the conditions of using open source software, in order to protect intellectual property rights effectively and maintain the long term development of the software. However, the open source community has a wide variety of licenses available, developers generally find it difficult to understand the differences between different open source license. And existing open source license selection tools require developers to understand the terms of the open source license and identify their business needs, which makes it hard for developers to make the right choice. Although academia has extensive research to the open source license, but there is no systematic analysis on the actual difficulties of the developers to choose the open source license, thus lacking a clear understanding, for this reason, the purpose of this paper is to understand the difficulties faced by open source developers in choosing open source licenses, analyze the components of open source license and the affecting factors of open source license selection, and to provide references for developers to choose open source licenses. |