
missing weight file?

by gwillen - opened

I am also getting the same problem

Same here - @jiaqiz or @Chris-Alexiuk could you assist?


Hi I'm not able to reproduce the error, but if you are just missing one file, you can try directly downloading it and putting into the corresponding folder. For example, go to and click download.

@jiaqiz Sorry, it seems that I somehow misidentified which file was the problem. (Or else something weird is going on ... but I think I just made a mistake when copy/pasting the filename.) The actual problem file is:

You should hopefully be able to reproduce the error by going to that page and clicking 'download' yourself -- you should get an error. (You might need to log in as an ordinary user, and not the repository owner, I imagine.)

@jiaqiz Confirmed that I'm having trouble with that 75.0.3 file as well.

I re-uploaded the file but I'm actually not sure why it's not accessible, may need to ask someone from HuggingFace to help. Alternatively, you can download the model from NVIDIA NGC.

apologies for the tag @julien-c , but could you direct us to the correct resource on your team that can help address the issue that @jiaqiz is having?

asking internally

can you try re-uploading the missing file? (whose sha256 is df81471d114161afef629ef3625ac19f1e8b528c711e131f4e4638c3d8f21483)

can you try re-uploading the missing file? (whose sha256 is df81471d114161afef629ef3625ac19f1e8b528c711e131f4e4638c3d8f21483)

I believe @jiaqiz tried to re-upload it. I've downloaded this from NVIDIA NGC instead.

Hi !
I saw @jiaqiz tried to re-upload but seems now it ask for editor permissions. I can see the file but when click on download I get Access denied and with HF-downloader I get this file needs editor perm.

Thanks for your help ! :)

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