asahi417's picture
model update
license: cc-by-4.0
- bleu4
- meteor
- rouge-l
- bertscore
- moverscore
language: ko
- lmqg/qag_koquad
pipeline_tag: text2text-generation
- questions and answers generation
- text: "1990년 영화 《 남부군 》에서 단역으로 영화배우 첫 데뷔에 이어 같은 해 KBS 드라마 《지구인》에서 단역으로 출연하였고 이듬해 MBC 《여명의 눈동자》를 통해 단역으로 출연하였다."
example_title: "Questions & Answers Generation Example 1"
- name: lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-koquad-qag
- task:
name: Text2text Generation
type: text2text-generation
name: lmqg/qag_koquad
type: default
args: default
- name: QAAlignedF1Score-BERTScore (Question & Answer Generation)
type: qa_aligned_f1_score_bertscore_question_answer_generation
value: 80.71
- name: QAAlignedRecall-BERTScore (Question & Answer Generation)
type: qa_aligned_recall_bertscore_question_answer_generation
value: 83.05
- name: QAAlignedPrecision-BERTScore (Question & Answer Generation)
type: qa_aligned_precision_bertscore_question_answer_generation
value: 78.58
- name: QAAlignedF1Score-MoverScore (Question & Answer Generation)
type: qa_aligned_f1_score_moverscore_question_answer_generation
value: 81.75
- name: QAAlignedRecall-MoverScore (Question & Answer Generation)
type: qa_aligned_recall_moverscore_question_answer_generation
value: 84.86
- name: QAAlignedPrecision-MoverScore (Question & Answer Generation)
type: qa_aligned_precision_moverscore_question_answer_generation
value: 79.01
# Model Card of `lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-koquad-qag`
This model is fine-tuned version of [facebook/mbart-large-cc25]( for question & answer pair generation task on the [lmqg/qag_koquad]( (dataset_name: default) via [`lmqg`](
### Overview
- **Language model:** [facebook/mbart-large-cc25](
- **Language:** ko
- **Training data:** [lmqg/qag_koquad]( (default)
- **Online Demo:** [](
- **Repository:** [](
- **Paper:** [](
### Usage
- With [`lmqg`](
from lmqg import TransformersQG
# initialize model
model = TransformersQG(language="ko", model="lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-koquad-qag")
# model prediction
question_answer_pairs = model.generate_qa("1990년 영화 《 남부군 》에서 단역으로 영화배우 첫 데뷔에 이어 같은 해 KBS 드라마 《지구인》에서 단역으로 출연하였고 이듬해 MBC 《여명의 눈동자》를 통해 단역으로 출연하였다.")
- With `transformers`
from transformers import pipeline
pipe = pipeline("text2text-generation", "lmqg/mbart-large-cc25-koquad-qag")
output = pipe("1990년 영화 《 남부군 》에서 단역으로 영화배우 첫 데뷔에 이어 같은 해 KBS 드라마 《지구인》에서 단역으로 출연하였고 이듬해 MBC 《여명의 눈동자》를 통해 단역으로 출연하였다.")
## Evaluation
- ***Metric (Question & Answer Generation)***: [raw metric file](
| | Score | Type | Dataset |
| QAAlignedF1Score (BERTScore) | 80.71 | default | [lmqg/qag_koquad]( |
| QAAlignedF1Score (MoverScore) | 81.75 | default | [lmqg/qag_koquad]( |
| QAAlignedPrecision (BERTScore) | 78.58 | default | [lmqg/qag_koquad]( |
| QAAlignedPrecision (MoverScore) | 79.01 | default | [lmqg/qag_koquad]( |
| QAAlignedRecall (BERTScore) | 83.05 | default | [lmqg/qag_koquad]( |
| QAAlignedRecall (MoverScore) | 84.86 | default | [lmqg/qag_koquad]( |
## Training hyperparameters
The following hyperparameters were used during fine-tuning:
- dataset_path: lmqg/qag_koquad
- dataset_name: default
- input_types: ['paragraph']
- output_types: ['questions_answers']
- prefix_types: None
- model: facebook/mbart-large-cc25
- max_length: 512
- max_length_output: 256
- epoch: 11
- batch: 2
- lr: 0.0001
- fp16: False
- random_seed: 1
- gradient_accumulation_steps: 32
- label_smoothing: 0.0
The full configuration can be found at [fine-tuning config file](
## Citation
title = "{G}enerative {L}anguage {M}odels for {P}aragraph-{L}evel {Q}uestion {G}eneration",
author = "Ushio, Asahi and
Alva-Manchego, Fernando and
Camacho-Collados, Jose",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
month = dec,
year = "2022",
address = "Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",