Rediones-AI / README
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Rediones-AI API Documentation


Welcome to the Rediones-AI API, a marvel of machine learning that powers the mobile application of Rediones. This API is a collection of endpoints designed to enrich your applications with advanced AI capabilities, including topic generation from images and text, and converting text to realistic voices.

Base URL

All API requests should be made to:



  • Endpoint: /
  • Method: GET
  • Description: The welcoming endpoint of the API, guiding you to the treasure trove of AI capabilities.
  • Response:
      "message": "Welcome To Rediones API"

Health Check

  • Endpoint: /health
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Checks the pulse of the API to ensure it's up and running.
  • Response:
      "message": "OK"

Topic Generation

  • Endpoint: /topicgen

  • Method: POST

  • Description: Generates topics based on the provided image or text. For images, it captions the image and then generates topics. For text, it directly generates topics.

  • Request:

    • Form Data:

      • img: UploadFile (optional) - The image file for captioning and topic generation.
      • text: string (optional) - The text to generate topics from.
      • img_url: string (optional) - The URL of an image to use for captioning and topic generation.
    • JSON For text:

          "text": "The existential crisis of a teapot"
  • Response:

    "topics": ["Philosophy of Inanimate Objects", "The Teapot's Lament"]
  • Errors:

    • 400: "Only one of image_url or image can be accepted."
    • 400: "Provide at least text or an image."


  • Endpoint: /audioverse
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Converts provided text into realistic voices, with functionality for voice cloning.
  • Request:
    • Body:
        "text": "Hello World"
  • Response:
    "audio_base64": "dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgcmVhbGx5IGJhc2U2NCwgYnV0IHlvdSBnZXQgdGhlIGlkZWE="

Rate Limits

You're limited to 1000 requests per day. Exceed this limit, and you'll receive a 429 Too Many Requests error.


Understand how our API communicates issues:

  • 400 Bad Request: Your request is missing something or formatted incorrectly.
  • 401 Unauthorized: You're not authenticated. Make sure your API key is correct.
  • 429 Too Many Requests: You've hit the rate limit. Slow down, turbo.


We're always improving. Keep an eye on our changelog for updates.

Getting Help

Lost in the wilderness of our API? Have questions or need support? Contact us at [email protected]