Build error
Build error
File size: 8,731 Bytes
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# ======================================================================================
#replace installed inference folder with inference folder of IndicTrans2
import shutil
import os
# Source and destination paths
source_folder = "/content/Translation/IndicTrans2/inference"
destination_folder = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages"
# Get the folder name from the source path
folder_name = os.path.basename(source_folder)
# Create the new destination path with the folder name
new_destination_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, folder_name)
# Remove the destination folder if it exists
if os.path.exists(new_destination_path):
# Move the folder
shutil.copytree(source_folder, new_destination_path)
# ================================================================================
# Import necessary libraries
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
from mahaNLP.tagger import EntityRecognizer
from inference.engine import Model
from ai4bharat.transliteration import XlitEngine
# Initialize models
model = Model(r"/content/Translation/indic-en/fairseq_model", model_type="fairseq")
model2 = EntityRecognizer()
model4 = Model(r"/content/Translation/en-indic/fairseq_model", model_type="fairseq")
e = XlitEngine(beam_width=10, src_script_type="indic")
# Function to load Marathi suffixes from file
def load_marathi_suffixes(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
suffixes = [line.strip() for line in file]
return suffixes
marathi_suffixes = load_marathi_suffixes(r"/content/Translation/marathi_stopwords.txt")
# Function to get suffix of a word
def get_suffix(word, suffixes):
for suffix in suffixes:
if word.endswith(suffix):
main_word = word[:-len(suffix)].strip()
return main_word, suffix
return word, ''
# Function to perform Named Entity Recognition (NER) and handle suffixes separately
def ner_tagger(text, suffixes):
tag = model2.get_token_labels(text)
tokens = [(row.word, row.entity_group) for row in tag.itertuples(index=False)]
combined_tokens = []
for word, entity in tokens:
if entity == "Person":
main_word, suffix = get_suffix(word, suffixes)
combined_tokens.append((main_word, "Person"))
if suffix:
combined_tokens.append((suffix, "Other"))
combined_tokens.append((word, entity))
return combined_tokens
# Function to transliterate person tokens
def transliterate_person_tokens(tokens):
transliterated_tokens = []
for token, label in tokens:
if label == 'Person':
split_token = token.rsplit(' ', 1)
if len(split_token) > 1:
main_name, suffix = split_token
main_name = split_token[0]
suffix = ''
transliterated_main_name = e.translit_sentence(main_name, 'mr')
transliterated_token = transliterated_main_name + (' ' + suffix if suffix else '')
transliterated_tokens.append((transliterated_token, label))
transliterated_tokens.append((token, label))
return transliterated_tokens
# Function to transliterate only person tags and maintain their positions
def transliterate_person_tags_only(text, suffixes):
# Perform Named Entity Recognition (NER)
tokens = ner_tagger(text, suffixes)
# Transliterate person tags only
transliterated_text = []
original_person_tokens = {} # To store the transliterated person tokens and their original positions
index_offset = 0 # Offset for adjusting index when inserting placeholders
for index, (token, label) in enumerate(tokens):
if label == 'Person':
# Transliterate the token
transliterated_token = transliterate_person_tokens([(token, label)])
original_person_tokens[index] = transliterated_token[0][0] # Store transliterated token and original position
transliterated_text.append(f"[PERSON{index}]") # Add a placeholder for the transliterated person token
index_offset += 1 # Increase offset after inserting a placeholder
return transliterated_text, original_person_tokens
def count_person_tags(text, suffixes):
# Perform Named Entity Recognition (NER)
tokens = ner_tagger(text, suffixes)
# Count the number of person tags
person_count = sum(1 for token, label in tokens if label == 'Person')
return person_count
def process_text(text, src_lang, tgt_lang, suffixes):
# Count the number of person tags
num_person_tags = count_person_tags(text, suffixes)
if num_person_tags > 6:
# Translate the text directly
translated_text = model.batch_translate([text], src_lang, tgt_lang)[0]
# Transliterate person tags only
transliterated_text, original_person_tokens = transliterate_person_tags_only(text, suffixes)
# Translate the transliterated text
translated_text = model.batch_translate([' '.join(transliterated_text)], src_lang, tgt_lang)[0]
# Replace the placeholders with original person tokens in their original positions
for index, transliterated_token in original_person_tokens.items():
translated_text = translated_text.replace(f"[PERSON{index}]", transliterated_token, 1)
return translated_text
def translate_sentence_with_replacements(model, df, input_text):
# Translate the original sentence
translated_sentence = model.batch_translate([input_text], "eng_Latn", "mar_Deva")[0]
# Tokenize the original sentence
sentence_tokens = input_text.lower().split()
# Find all rows where eng_Latn phrases match as whole phrases in the original sentence
mask = df['eng_Latn'].apply(lambda x: all(word in sentence_tokens for word in x.lower().split()))
filtered_df = df[mask]
# Store replacements
replacements = {}
for _, row in filtered_df.iterrows():
mar_wrong_word = row['mar_Deva_wrong']
mar_correct_word = row['mar_Deva']
if isinstance(mar_wrong_word, str) and isinstance(mar_correct_word, str):
if mar_wrong_word in translated_sentence and mar_wrong_word not in replacements:
translated_sentence = translated_sentence.replace(mar_wrong_word, mar_correct_word)
replacements[mar_wrong_word] = mar_correct_word
return translated_sentence
# Read the DataFrame
df1 = pd.read_excel(r"/content/Translation/Final_Translation_Data.xlsx")
# Function to translate Marathi to English
def translate_marathi_to_english(input_text):
translated_text_en = process_text(input_text, "mar_Deva", "eng_Latn", marathi_suffixes)
return translated_text_en
# Define the translation function for English to Marathi
def translate_english_to_marathi(input_text):
translated_text_mr = translate_sentence_with_replacements(model4, df1, input_text)
return translated_text_mr
# Define the translation function for English to Hindi
def translate_english_to_hindi(input_text):
translated_text_hi = model4.batch_translate(input_text, "eng_Latn", "hin_Deva")[0]
return translated_text_hi
# Define the translation function for Hindi to English
def translate_hindi_to_english(input_text):
translated_text_en = model.translate_paragraph(input_text, "hin_Deva", "eng_Latn")
return translated_text_en
# Define the translation function for Gradio
def translate_with_gradio(input_text, src_lang, tgt_lang):
if src_lang == "Marathi" and tgt_lang == "English":
return translate_marathi_to_english(input_text)
elif src_lang == "English" and tgt_lang == "Marathi":
return translate_english_to_marathi(input_text)
elif src_lang == "English" and tgt_lang == "Hindi":
return translate_english_to_hindi(input_text)
elif src_lang == "Hindi" and tgt_lang == "English":
return translate_hindi_to_english(input_text)
return "Translation direction not supported"
languages = ['English', 'Marathi', 'Hindi']
# Create the Gradio interface
demo = gr.Interface(
gr.Text(label="Enter text"),
title="Multilingual Translation",
description="Translate text between Marathi to English & English to Marathi and Hindi to English & English to Hindi",
# Launch the interface