Runtime error
How long does it take for the submissions to be processed?
Hi just wondering if my file was corrupt or I did something wrong as my submission is still stuck at -1.
a few seconds to a couple of minutes. if its still -1, lemme know and ill take a look
a few seconds to a couple of minutes. if its still -1, lemme know and ill take a look
Yep. Still is. Submission ID: 763d5c32-2ee8-4acd-89a5-04ac4de51788
Maybe my score is just -1 cause it was so bad :DD
your submission seems to have failed because you didnt make predictions on full test dataset. ill add a submission status to the page which will tell you if your submission failed.
"My Submissions" page will now tell you the status of your submission.
My submissions are failing and the error is just "Error" so I can't tell what the problem is. Please help.
please provide submission id and i can take a look
in my submissions page
There are no submissions, the submission has been running for hours now
you mentioned the submission has been failing with "error". where do you see this error? could you please post a screenshot?
it seems like you are not providing your token. so we dont know who is submitting. please provide the token then only you can submit. you can find your tokens here:
Just succeded, why is the score -1
Okay, it's no longer -1
glad it worked! its -1 only when its pending
Can you improve the UI to make it obvious that the token is required?
feel free to suggest how and i can take a look :)
Make submission impossible wothout the key
it is impossible. you got an error. didn't you? haha... on a serious note, ill improve the error message :)
hehe error is nor enough, make the button unclickable without the token
After uploading my submission, I received a confirmation message stating "Submission successful." However, I am currently unable to determine the score for my submission, and I encountered an error when trying to fetch the submission. I have not been able to access any further information or details regarding my submission.
After uploading my submission, I received a confirmation message stating "Submission successful." However, I am currently unable to determine the score for my submission, and I encountered an error when trying to fetch the submission. I have not been able to access any further information or details regarding my submission.