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Tawosi Dataset

This directory consists 46 files, two files per each of the 26-3*=23 projects:

  • 23 files with "_deep-se" suffix are prepared to be used by Deep-SE.
  • 23 files with "_tfidf-se" suffix are prepared to be used by TF/IDF-SE.

* One of the repositories including three projects has been removed from the public domain during the time that the manuscript for this study [1] was under revision. Therefore, although the paper reports the results for all 26 projects, the replication package includes 23 projects as we refrain from publishing the data for the three remaining projects in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation.

These 23 files are collected from 12 open source repositories by Tawosi et al. up until August, 2020. The files named after their project key as "[project key]_[approach].csv" e.g. MESOS_deep-se.csv, which is the set of issues collected from Appache repository Mesos project, and contains the features that Deep-SE needs for prediction. The following table shows the list of projects and the repositories where the project was collected from.

Project list

Repository Project Key File for Deep-SE File for TF/IDF-SE
Apache Mesos MESOS MESOS_deeep-se.csv MESOS_tfidf-se.csv
Apache Alloy ALOY ALOY_deeep-se.csv ALOY_tfidf-se.csv
Appcelerator Appcelerator studio TISTUD TISTUD_deeep-se.csv TISTUD_tfidf-se.csv
Appcelerator Aptana studio APSTUD APSTUD_deeep-se.csv APSTUD_tfidf-se.csv
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface CLI CLI_deeep-se.csv CLI_tfidf-se.csv
Appcelerator Daemon DAEMON DAEMON_deeep-se.csv DAEMON_tfidf-se.csv
Appcelerator Documentation TIDOC TIDOC_deeep-se.csv TIDOC_tfidf-se.csv
Appcelerator Titanium TIMOB TIMOB_deeep-se.csv TIMOB_tfidf-se.csv
Atlassian Clover CLOV CLOV_deeep-se.csv CLOV_tfidf-se.csv
Atlassian Confluence Cloud CONFCLOUD CONFCLOUD_deeep-se.csv CONFCLOUD_tfidf-se.csv
Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center CONFSERVER CONFSERVER_deeep-se.csv CONFSERVER_tfidf-se.csv
DNNSoftware DNN DNN DNN_deeep-se.csv DNN_tfidf-se.csv
Duraspace Duracloud DURACLOUD DURACLOUD_deeep-se.csv DURACLOUD_tfidf-se.csv
Hyperledger Fabric FAB FAB_deeep-se.csv FAB_tfidf-se.csv
Hyperledger Sawtooth STL STL_deeep-se.csv STL_tfidf-se.csv
Lsstcorp Data management DM DM_deeep-se.csv DM_tfidf-se.csv
MongoDB Compass COMPASS COMPASS_deeep-se.csv COMPASS_tfidf-se.csv
MongoDB Core Server SERVER SERVER_deeep-se.csv SERVER_tfidf-se.csv
MongoDB Evergreen EVG EVG_deeep-se.csv EVG_tfidf-se.csv
Moodle Moodle MDL MDL_deeep-se.csv MDL_tfidf-se.csv
Mulesoft Mule MULE MULE_deeep-se.csv MULE_tfidf-se.csv
Sonatype Sonatype’s Nexus NEXUS NEXUS_deeep-se.csv NEXUS_tfidf-se.csv
Spring Spring XD XD XD_deeep-se.csv XD_tfidf-se.csv

Content of the files

  • Each csv file for Deep-SE approach contains 4 columns: issuekey, created, title, description, and storypoint.

  • Each csv file for TF/IDF-SE approach contains more than 4 columns: starting with issuekey, created, storypoint, context, codesnippet, and a set of one-hot columns for issue type (header starting with t_) followed by component(s) (header starting with c_).

  • The issues are sorted based on issue's creation time (i.e. the former issues was created before the latter issues).

[1] Vali Tawosi, Rebecca Moussa, and Federica Sarro. "Agile Effort Estimation: Have We Solved the Problem Yet? Insights From A Replication Study." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, no. TBA (2022): pp. TBA.