New experimental performance improvement: progressive LLM

by jbilcke-hf HF staff - opened

Hello everyone,

as you may have noticed, generating a story is usually the slowest part of the AI Comic Factory

So I've just pushed a new version which tackles this problem but splitting a long story into multi-parts

  • Short term benefit: early story images are going to start being generated before the whole story is written!
  • Long term benefit: with this technique, very long stories could technically be generated (for a next update of the AI Comic Factory perhaps!)

This is experimental, so let me now if you experience issues with this.

Here are some results with acceleration mode enabled:

Capture d’écran 2023-11-20 à 13.59.57.png

And with the quality mode enabled:
Capture d’écran 2023-11-20 à 14.00.49.png

Remember: if you do not like the quality, click on "improve quality" and customize stuff and all

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