CPU Upgrade
Can't save work
Help, please
There are a number of ways to save your work with AI Comic Factory.
If all else fails you can always take a screenshot (using the Print Screen (Prn Scr) key and paste that into an appropriate document or image program.
If you are trying to save your work in some specific way we'll probably need more information in order to assist.
there's only one way - save PDF
There are a number of ways to save your work with AI Comic Factory.
If all else fails you can always take a screenshot (using the Print Screen (Prn Scr) key and paste that into an appropriate document or image program.If you are trying to save your work in some specific way we'll probably need more information in order to assist.
please, help me save my work
As other methods likely will be difficult for you...
Hover your mouse (or pen) over a panel and Right Click > Save Image As
Then name your image.
Move to the next panel and do the same thing.
Do this until you have all your panels saved.
You can also open your favorite image editing program and do the same thing as above but instead of saving the image copy the image and paste it into your image program.
As I suggested before...
You can use the Print Screen key on your keyboard to quickly capture your comic:
This takes a few seconds to do.
And of course you can use the Save PDF method of AI Comic Factory but point your 'Printer' to something that generates an image or PDF.
I use a paid application ($) called Snagit that intercepts printing and allows for saving of the comics but there are many free options out there and WIndows these days comes with options of its own when printing.
Please share a screen capture or two of your print to PDF options and we can help you choose a good option.
Windows currently has a Snipping Tool that can be used to grab screen images.
Perhaps that is an option for you as well
(That is an update that uses Print Screen but with more options)
If you aren't using Windows... Mac and Linux should have similar screen capturing ultilities.
The prompts can be really important too as they generate the images so we may want to save those.
When using screen capture you can not only capture the comics pages but the initial prompts used to generate the comic.
To get each of the individual story panel prompts currently we have to use the Edit button, Enter the Panel and copy that prompt.
When using the Save PDF option the main prompts are saved and placed into a submission for the AI Comic Factory Community Forum.
We can generate that but then just copy that text and paste that into some place (such as a text editor) for later use/reference.
We don't have to submit to the forum and as you've surely seen those that do tend not to attach their images.
As such the PDF method is currently most useful for generating the imagery to save (via Print or Screen capture) and the prompt text for copying.
Before doing any of this you should try the Upscale option of course as that should create higher resolution images to save.
There are many ways to create and save your comics but those are a few!
Here I'm copy/pasting an image into the forum:
Copy/Pasting is our friend. :)
The Windows Snipping Tool (if you have a modern version of Windows) can be quite useful.
It even allows us to copy/paste strangely shaped screen grabs.
For instance:
I've set my Windows shortcut for the buiilt in Snipping Tool to Win + Shift + S (as I prefer to use the Print Screen Key for regular screen capture).
Normally in Windows Alt + Print Screen will capture only the active window,
Remember here that you are a fearless comic book creator and obstacles that get in your way only slow you down.
There are always many ways to create (and save!) your comics.
I couldn't save either. For some reason the "Save PDF" button fails (I've tried on Firefox, and also Safari - both on a Mac M1)
And not a complaint .. thanks for the fine work
(sorry for the long reply, I was busy working on AI video projects)
you are right, it appears that there is a bug with the PDF save (which is strange as it worked fine before and I didn't touch this part)
I will investigate tomorrow!
The PDF export should be fixed now @MrStory @jazeps70 @o0Rodney0o