Runtime error
Runtime error
import gradio as gr | |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont | |
import random | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
from datasets import concatenate_datasets | |
from operator import itemgetter | |
import collections | |
# download datasets | |
from datasets import load_dataset | |
dataset_small = load_dataset("pierreguillou/DocLayNet-small") | |
dataset_base = load_dataset("pierreguillou/DocLayNet-base") | |
id2label = {idx:label for idx,label in enumerate(dataset_small["train"].features["categories"].feature.names)} | |
label2id = {label:idx for idx,label in id2label.items()} | |
labels = [label for idx, label in id2label.items()] | |
# need to change the coordinates format | |
def convert_box(box): | |
x, y, w, h = tuple(box) # the row comes in (left, top, width, height) format | |
actual_box = [x, y, x+w, y+h] # we turn it into (left, top, left+widght, top+height) to get the actual box | |
return actual_box | |
# get back original size | |
def original_box(box, original_width, original_height, coco_width, coco_height): | |
return [ | |
int(original_width * (box[0] / coco_width)), | |
int(original_height * (box[1] / coco_height)), | |
int(original_width * (box[2] / coco_width)), | |
int(original_height* (box[3] / coco_height)), | |
] | |
# function to sort bounding boxes | |
def get_sorted_boxes(bboxes): | |
# sort by y from page top to bottom | |
bboxes = sorted(bboxes, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=False) | |
y_list = [bbox[1] for bbox in bboxes] | |
# sort by x from page left to right when boxes with same y | |
if len(list(set(y_list))) != len(y_list): | |
y_list_duplicates_indexes = dict() | |
y_list_duplicates = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(y_list).items() if count > 1] | |
for item in y_list_duplicates: | |
y_list_duplicates_indexes[item] = [i for i, e in enumerate(y_list) if e == item] | |
bbox_list_y_duplicates = sorted(np.array(bboxes)[y_list_duplicates_indexes[item]].tolist(), key=itemgetter(0), reverse=False) | |
np_array_bboxes = np.array(bboxes) | |
np_array_bboxes[y_list_duplicates_indexes[item]] = np.array(bbox_list_y_duplicates) | |
bboxes = np_array_bboxes.tolist() | |
return bboxes | |
# categories colors | |
label2color = { | |
'Caption': 'brown', | |
'Footnote': 'orange', | |
'Formula': 'gray', | |
'List-item': 'yellow', | |
'Page-footer': 'red', | |
'Page-header': 'red', | |
'Picture': 'violet', | |
'Section-header': 'orange', | |
'Table': 'green', | |
'Text': 'blue', | |
'Title': 'pink' | |
} | |
# image witout content | |
examples_dir = 'samples/' | |
images_wo_content = examples_dir + "wo_content.png" | |
df_paragraphs_wo_content, df_lines_wo_content = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() | |
df_paragraphs_wo_content["paragraphs"] = [0] | |
df_paragraphs_wo_content["categories"] = ["no content"] | |
df_paragraphs_wo_content["texts"] = ["no content"] | |
df_paragraphs_wo_content["bounding boxes"] = ["no content"] | |
df_lines_wo_content["lines"] = [0] | |
df_lines_wo_content["categories"] = ["no content"] | |
df_lines_wo_content["texts"] = ["no content"] | |
df_lines_wo_content["bounding boxes"] = ["no content"] | |
# lists | |
font = ImageFont.load_default() | |
dataset_names = ["small", "base"] | |
splits = ["all", "train", "validation", "test"] | |
domains = ["all", "Financial Reports", "Manuals", "Scientific Articles", "Laws & Regulations", "Patents", "Government Tenders"] | |
domains_names = [domain_name.lower().replace(" ", "_").replace("&", "and") for domain_name in domains] | |
categories = labels + ["all"] | |
# function to get a rendom image and all data from DocLayNet | |
def generate_annotated_image(dataset_name, split, domain, category): | |
# error message | |
msg_error = "" | |
# get dataset | |
if dataset_name == "small": example = dataset_small | |
else: example = dataset_base | |
# get split | |
if split == "all": | |
example = concatenate_datasets([example["train"], example["validation"], example["test"]]) | |
else: | |
example = example[split] | |
# get domain | |
domain_name = domains_names[domains.index(domain)] | |
if domain_name != "all": | |
example = example.filter(lambda example: example["doc_category"] == domain_name) | |
if len(example) == 0: | |
msg_error = f'There is no image with at least one labeled bounding box that matches your settings (dataset: "DocLayNet {dataset_name}" / domain: "{domain}" / split: "{split}").' | |
example = dict() | |
# get category | |
idx_list = list() | |
if category != "all": | |
for idx, categories_list in enumerate(example["categories"]): | |
if int(label2id[category]) in categories_list: | |
idx_list.append(idx) | |
if len(idx_list) > 0: | |
example = | |
else: | |
msg_error = f'There is no image with at least one labeled bounding box that matches your settings (dataset: "DocLayNet {dataset_name}" / split: "{split}" / domain: "{domain}" / category: "{category}").' | |
example = dict() | |
if len(msg_error) > 0: | |
# save image files | |"wo_content.png") | |
# save csv files | |
df_paragraphs_wo_content.to_csv("paragraphs_wo_content.csv", encoding="utf-8", index=False) | |
df_lines_wo_content.to_csv("lines_wo_content.csv", encoding="utf-8", index=False) | |
return msg_error, "wo_content.png", images_wo_content, images_wo_content, "wo_content.png", "wo_content.png", df_paragraphs_wo_content, df_lines_wo_content, gr.File.update(value="paragraphs_wo_content.csv", visible=False), gr.File.update(value="lines_wo_content.csv", visible=False) | |
else: | |
# get random image & PDF data | |
index = random.randint(0, len(example)) | |
image = example[index]["image"] # original image | |
coco_width, coco_height = example[index]["coco_width"], example[index]["coco_height"] | |
original_width, original_height = example[index]["original_width"], example[index]["original_height"] | |
original_filename = example[index]["original_filename"] | |
page_no = example[index]["page_no"] | |
num_pages = example[index]["num_pages"] | |
# resize image to original | |
image = image.resize((original_width, original_height)) | |
# get image of PDF without bounding boxes | |
img_file = original_filename.replace(".pdf", ".png") | | | |
# get corresponding annotations | |
texts = example[index]["texts"] | |
bboxes_block = example[index]["bboxes_block"] | |
bboxes_line = example[index]["bboxes_line"] | |
categories = example[index]["categories"] | |
domain = example[index]["doc_category"] | |
# convert boxes to original | |
original_bboxes_block = [original_box(convert_box(box), original_width, original_height, coco_width, coco_height) for box in bboxes_block] | |
original_bboxes_line = [original_box(convert_box(box), original_width, original_height, coco_width, coco_height) for box in bboxes_line] | |
original_bboxes = [original_bboxes_block, original_bboxes_line] | |
##### block boxes ##### | |
# get list of unique block boxes | |
original_blocks = dict() | |
original_bboxes_block_list = list() | |
original_bbox_block_prec = list() | |
for count_block, original_bbox_block in enumerate(original_bboxes_block): | |
if original_bbox_block != original_bbox_block_prec: | |
original_bbox_block_indexes = [i for i, original_bbox in enumerate(original_bboxes_block) if original_bbox == original_bbox_block] | |
original_blocks[count_block] = original_bbox_block_indexes | |
original_bboxes_block_list.append(original_bbox_block) | |
original_bbox_block_prec = original_bbox_block | |
# get list of categories and texts by unique block boxes | |
category_block_list, text_block_list = list(), list() | |
for original_bbox_block in original_bboxes_block_list: | |
count_block = original_bboxes_block.index(original_bbox_block) | |
original_bbox_block_indexes = original_blocks[count_block] | |
category_block = categories[original_bbox_block_indexes[0]] | |
category_block_list.append(category_block) | |
if id2label[category_block] == "Text" or id2label[category_block] == "Caption" or id2label[category_block] == "Footnote": | |
text_block = ' '.join(np.array(texts)[original_bbox_block_indexes].tolist()) | |
elif id2label[category_block] == "Section-header" or id2label[category_block] == "Title" or id2label[category_block] == "Picture" or id2label[category_block] == "Formula" or id2label[category_block] == "List-item" or id2label[category_block] == "Table" or id2label[category_block] == "Page-header" or id2label[category_block] == "Page-footer": | |
text_block = '\n'.join(np.array(texts)[original_bbox_block_indexes].tolist()) | |
text_block_list.append(text_block) | |
# sort data from y = 0 to end of page (and after, x=0 to end of page when necessary) | |
sorted_original_bboxes_block_list = get_sorted_boxes(original_bboxes_block_list) | |
sorted_original_bboxes_block_list_indexes = [original_bboxes_block_list.index(item) for item in sorted_original_bboxes_block_list] | |
sorted_category_block_list = np.array(category_block_list)[sorted_original_bboxes_block_list_indexes].tolist() | |
sorted_text_block_list = np.array(text_block_list)[sorted_original_bboxes_block_list_indexes].tolist() | |
##### line boxes #### | |
# sort data from y = 0 to end of page (and after, x=0 to end of page when necessary) | |
original_bboxes_line_list = original_bboxes_line | |
category_line_list = categories | |
text_line_list = texts | |
sorted_original_bboxes_line_list = get_sorted_boxes(original_bboxes_line_list) | |
sorted_original_bboxes_line_list_indexes = [original_bboxes_line_list.index(item) for item in sorted_original_bboxes_line_list] | |
sorted_category_line_list = np.array(category_line_list)[sorted_original_bboxes_line_list_indexes].tolist() | |
sorted_text_line_list = np.array(text_line_list)[sorted_original_bboxes_line_list_indexes].tolist() | |
# setup images & PDF data | |
columns = 2 | |
images = [image.copy(), image.copy()] | |
num_imgs = len(images) | |
imgs, df_paragraphs, df_lines = dict(), pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() | |
for i, img in enumerate(images): | |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) | |
for box, label_idx, text in zip(original_bboxes[i], categories, texts): | |
label = id2label[label_idx] | |
color = label2color[label] | |
draw.rectangle(box, outline=color) | |
text = text.encode('latin-1', 'replace').decode('latin-1') # | |
draw.text((box[0] + 10, box[1] - 10), text=label, fill=color, font=font) | |
if i == 0: | |
imgs["paragraphs"] = img | |
# save | |
img_paragraphs = "img_paragraphs_" + original_filename.replace(".pdf", ".png") | | | |
df_paragraphs["paragraphs"] = list(range(len(sorted_original_bboxes_block_list))) | |
df_paragraphs["categories"] = [id2label[label_idx] for label_idx in sorted_category_block_list] | |
df_paragraphs["texts"] = sorted_text_block_list | |
df_paragraphs["bounding boxes"] = [str(bbox) for bbox in sorted_original_bboxes_block_list] | |
# save | |
csv_paragraphs = "csv_paragraphs_" + original_filename.replace(".pdf", ".csv") | |
df_paragraphs.to_csv(csv_paragraphs, encoding="utf-8", index=False) | |
else: | |
imgs["lines"] = img | |
# save | |
img_lines = "img_lines_" + original_filename.replace(".pdf", ".png") | | | |
df_lines["lines"] = list(range(len(sorted_original_bboxes_line_list))) | |
df_lines["categories"] = [id2label[label_idx] for label_idx in sorted_category_line_list] | |
df_lines["texts"] = sorted_text_line_list | |
df_lines["bounding boxes"] = [str(bbox) for bbox in sorted_original_bboxes_line_list] | |
# save | |
csv_lines = "csv_lines_" + original_filename.replace(".pdf", ".csv") | |
df_lines.to_csv(csv_lines, encoding="utf-8", index=False) | |
msg = f'The page {page_no} of the PDF "{original_filename}" (domain: "{domain}") matches your settings.' | |
return msg, img_file, imgs["paragraphs"], imgs["lines"], img_paragraphs, img_lines, df_paragraphs, df_lines, gr.File.update(value=csv_paragraphs, visible=True), gr.File.update(value=csv_lines, visible=True) | |
# gradio APP | |
with gr.Blocks(title="DocLayNet image viewer", css=".gradio-container") as demo: | |
gr.HTML(""" | |
<div style="font-family:'Times New Roman', 'Serif'; font-size:26pt; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;"><h1>DocLayNet image viewer</h1></div> | |
<div style="margin-top: 40px"><p>(01/29/2023) This APP is an image viewer of the DocLayNet dataset and a data extraction tool.</p></div> | |
<div><p>It uses the datasets <a style="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: #64b5f6 0.125em solid; color: #64b5f6" href="" target="_blank">DocLayNet small</a> and <a style="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: #64b5f6 0.125em solid; color: #64b5f6" style="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: #64b5f6 0.125em solid; color: #64b5f6" href="" target="_blank">DocLayNet base</a> (you can also run this APP in Google Colab by running this <a style="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: #64b5f6 0.125em solid; color: #64b5f6" href="" target="_blank">notebook</a>).</p></div> | |
<div><p>Make your settings and the output will show 2 images of a randomly selected PDF with labeled bounding boxes, one of paragraphs and the other of lines, and their corresponding tables of texts with their labels.</p></div> | |
<div><p>For example, if you select the domain "laws_and_regulations" and the category "Caption", you will get a random PDF that corresponds to these settings (ie, it will have at least one bounding box labeled with "Caption" in the PDF).</p></div> | |
<div><p><b>WARNING</b>: if the app crashes or runs without providing a result, refresh the page (<a style="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: #64b5f6 0.125em solid; color: #64b5f6" href="">DocLayNet image viewer</a>) and run a search again. If the same problem occurs again, prefer the DocLayNet small. Thanks.</p></div> | |
<div style="margin-top: 20px"><p>More information about the DocLayNet datasets and this APP in the following blog post: <a style="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: #64b5f6 0.125em solid; color: #64b5f6" href="" target="_blank">(01/27/2023) Document AI | Processing of DocLayNet dataset to be used by layout models of the Hugging Face hub (finetuning, inference)</a></div> | |
""") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
dataset_name_gr = gr.Radio(dataset_names, value="small", label="DocLayNet dataset") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
split_gr = gr.Dropdown(splits, value="all", label="Split") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
domain_gr = gr.Dropdown(domains, value="all", label="Domain") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
category_gr = gr.Dropdown(categories, value="all", label="Category") | |
btn = gr.Button("Display labeled PDF image & data") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
output_msg = gr.Textbox(label="Output message") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
img_file = gr.File(visible=True, label="Image file of the PDF") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
img_paragraphs_file = gr.File(visible=True, label="Image file (labeled paragraphs)") | |
img_paragraphs = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Bounding boxes of labeled paragraphs", visible=True) | |
with gr.Column(): | |
img_lines_file = gr.File(visible=True, label="Image file (labeled lines)") | |
img_lines = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Bounding boxes of labeled lines", visible=True) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
csv_paragraphs = gr.File(visible=False, label="CSV file (paragraphs)") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
df_paragraphs = gr.Dataframe( | |
headers=["paragraphs", "categories", "texts", "bounding boxes"], | |
datatype=["number", "str", "str", "str"], | |
col_count=(4, "fixed"), | |
visible=True, | |
label="Paragraphs data", | |
type="pandas", | |
wrap=True | |
) | |
with gr.Column(): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
csv_lines = gr.File(visible=False, label="CSV file (lines)") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
df_lines = gr.Dataframe( | |
headers=["lines", "categories", "texts", "bounding boxes"], | |
datatype=["number", "str", "str", "str"], | |
col_count=(4, "fixed"), | |
visible=True, | |
label="Lines data", | |
type="pandas", | |
wrap=True | |
) | |, inputs=[dataset_name_gr, split_gr, domain_gr, category_gr], outputs=[output_msg, img_file, img_paragraphs, img_lines, img_paragraphs_file, img_lines_file, df_paragraphs, df_lines, csv_paragraphs, csv_lines]) | |
gr.Markdown("## Example") | |
gr.Examples( | |
[["small", "all", "all", "all"]], | |
[dataset_name_gr, split_gr, domain_gr, category_gr], | |
[output_msg, img_file, img_paragraphs, img_lines, img_paragraphs_file, img_lines_file, df_paragraphs, df_lines, csv_paragraphs, csv_lines], | |
fn=generate_annotated_image, | |
cache_examples=True, | |
) | |
demo.launch() |