File size: 6,896 Bytes
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target: trainer.TrainerSDTurboSR
target: diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipeline
num_train_steps: 1000
enable_grad_checkpoint: True
compile: False
vae_split: 8
pretrained_model_name_or_path: stabilityai/sd-turbo
cache_dir: weights
use_safetensors: True
torch_dtype: torch.float16
target: latent_lpips.lpips.LPIPS
ckpt_path: weights/vgg16_sdturbo_lpips.pth
compile: False
pretrained: False
net: vgg16
lpips: True
spatial: False
pnet_rand: False
pnet_tune: True
use_dropout: True
eval_mode: True
latent: True
in_chans: 4
verbose: True
target: diffusers.models.autoencoders.NoisePredictor
ckpt_start_path: ~ # only used for training the intermidiate model
ckpt_path: ~ # For initializing
compile: False
in_channels: 3
- AttnDownBlock2D
- AttnDownBlock2D
- AttnUpBlock2D
- AttnUpBlock2D
- 256 # 192, 256
- 512 # 384, 512
- 3
- 3
act_fn: silu
latent_channels: 4
norm_num_groups: 32
sample_size: 128
mid_block_add_attention: True
resnet_time_scale_shift: default
temb_channels: 512
attention_head_dim: 64
freq_shift: 0
flip_sin_to_cos: True
double_z: True
target: diffusers.models.unets.unet_2d_condition_discriminator.UNet2DConditionDiscriminator
enable_grad_checkpoint: True
compile: False
sample_size: 64
in_channels: 4
center_input_sample: False
flip_sin_to_cos: True
freq_shift: 0
- DownBlock2D
- CrossAttnDownBlock2D
- CrossAttnDownBlock2D
mid_block_type: UNetMidBlock2DCrossAttn
- CrossAttnUpBlock2D
- CrossAttnUpBlock2D
- UpBlock2D
only_cross_attention: False
- 128
- 256
- 512
- 1
- 2
- 2
downsample_padding: 1
mid_block_scale_factor: 1
dropout: 0.0
act_fn: silu
norm_num_groups: 32
norm_eps: 1e-5
cross_attention_dim: 1024
transformer_layers_per_block: 1
reverse_transformer_layers_per_block: ~
encoder_hid_dim: ~
encoder_hid_dim_type: ~
- 8
- 16
- 16
num_attention_heads: ~
dual_cross_attention: False
use_linear_projection: False
class_embed_type: ~
addition_embed_type: text
addition_time_embed_dim: 256
num_class_embeds: ~
upcast_attention: ~
resnet_time_scale_shift: default
resnet_skip_time_act: False
resnet_out_scale_factor: 1.0
time_embedding_type: positional
time_embedding_dim: ~
time_embedding_act_fn: ~
timestep_post_act: ~
time_cond_proj_dim: ~
conv_in_kernel: 3
conv_out_kernel: 3
projection_class_embeddings_input_dim: 2560
attention_type: default
class_embeddings_concat: False
mid_block_only_cross_attention: ~
cross_attention_norm: ~
addition_embed_type_num_heads: 64
sf: 4
# the first degradation process
resize_prob: [0.2, 0.7, 0.1] # up, down, keep
resize_range: [0.15, 1.5]
gaussian_noise_prob: 0.5
noise_range: [1, 30]
poisson_scale_range: [0.05, 3.0]
gray_noise_prob: 0.4
jpeg_range: [30, 95]
# the second degradation process
second_order_prob: 0.5
second_blur_prob: 0.8
resize_prob2: [0.3, 0.4, 0.3] # up, down, keep
resize_range2: [0.3, 1.2]
gaussian_noise_prob2: 0.5
noise_range2: [1, 25]
poisson_scale_range2: [0.05, 2.5]
gray_noise_prob2: 0.4
jpeg_range2: [30, 95]
gt_size: 512
resize_back: False
use_sharp: False
type: realesrgan
root_path: /mnt/sfs-common/zsyue/database/FFHQ
image_path: images1024
moment_path: ~
text_path: ~
im_ext: png
length: 20000
root_path: /mnt/sfs-common/zsyue/database/LSDIR/train
image_path: images
moment_path: ~
text_path: ~
im_ext: png
max_token_length: 77 # 77
type: disk
blur_kernel_size: 21
kernel_list: ['iso', 'aniso', 'generalized_iso', 'generalized_aniso', 'plateau_iso', 'plateau_aniso']
kernel_prob: [0.45, 0.25, 0.12, 0.03, 0.12, 0.03]
sinc_prob: 0.1
blur_sigma: [0.2, 3.0]
betag_range: [0.5, 4.0]
betap_range: [1, 2.0]
blur_kernel_size2: 15
kernel_list2: ['iso', 'aniso', 'generalized_iso', 'generalized_aniso', 'plateau_iso', 'plateau_aniso']
kernel_prob2: [0.45, 0.25, 0.12, 0.03, 0.12, 0.03]
sinc_prob2: 0.1
blur_sigma2: [0.2, 1.5]
betag_range2: [0.5, 4.0]
betap_range2: [1, 2.0]
final_sinc_prob: 0.8
gt_size: ${degradation.gt_size}
use_hflip: True
use_rot: False
random_crop: True
type: base
dir_path: /mnt/sfs-common/zsyue/projects/DifInv/SR/testingdata/imagenet512/lq
transform_type: default
mean: 0.0
std: 1.0
extra_dir_path: /mnt/sfs-common/zsyue/projects/DifInv/SR/testingdata/imagenet512/gt
extra_transform_type: default
mean: 0.0
std: 1.0
im_exts: png
length: 16
recursive: False
# predict started inverser
start_mode: True
# learning rate
lr: 5e-5 # learning rate
lr_min: 5e-5 # learning rate
lr_schedule: ~
warmup_iterations: 2000
# discriminator
lr_dis: 5e-5 # learning rate for dicriminator
weight_decay_dis: 1e-3 # weight decay for dicriminator
dis_init_iterations: 10000 # iterations used for updating the discriminator
dis_update_freq: 1
# dataloader
batch: 64
microbatch: 16
num_workers: 4
prefetch_factor: 2
use_text: True
# optimization settings
weight_decay: 0
ema_rate: 0.999
iterations: 200000 # total iterations
# logging
save_freq: 5000
log_freq: [200, 5000] # [training loss, training images, val images]
local_logging: True # manually save images
tf_logging: False # tensorboard logging
# loss
loss_type: L2
ldif: 1.0
timesteps: [200, 100]
num_inference_steps: 5
# mixed precision
use_amp: True
use_fsdp: False
# random seed
seed: 123456
global_seeding: False
noise_detach: False
batch: 2
use_ema: True
log_freq: 4 # logging frequence
val_y_channel: True