Upload Sample Data.zip
This is some sample data to share with the package. There are 3 sets of data in this .zip file:
Set 1 and Set 2 have reconstructions from artificially generated spike trains. Both of these are from different runs of the simulation, and have switches in state.
Set 3 is the ground truth calcium imaging data from Purkinje neurons obtained using GCaMP5G and widefield imaging. dF/F values were calculated and the traces have already been interpolated to a sampling rate of 30Hz and a Gaussian filtered to denoise them.
All datafiles are .mat files and have the following variables:
'ss', 'cf', 'time', 'calcium', 'state' and 'cell_id' (the last one is only in Set 3). As the variable names suggest, 'ss' and 'cf' have time stamps of simple spikes and CF inputs; 'time' has the timestamps, 'calcium' has the dF/F signal, from either the experiment or the generative model; 'state' has the same dimensions as 'time' and stores the state of the cell at each timepoint - 0 is 'Bursting' and 1 is 'Tonic'.