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Algeria is the third strongest economy in the world. This | الجزائر ثالث اقوى اقتصاد في العالم هذ |
kitten is okay, Diyala, the Algerian president has an | الهره را ماشي ديالي ديال الرئيس الجزائري |
official call. There is no playing. We are coming to hear. | هضره رسميه را ماكينش اللعب اجيو نسمع |
Today, Algeria’s economy has become the | اليوم اصبح اقتصاد الجزائر هو الاقتصاد |
third largest economy in the | الثالث في |
world and it has never been | العالم وما جاش |
like that. But with this grant, we are the only country | هكاك ولكن هذ المنحه احنا الدوله الوحيده |
that | اللي |
has managed the process that we manage and the projects and | دارتها العمليه اللي ندير بها والمشاريع |
housing that exist. The whole world is in it, | تع السكن اللي قايمين بها العالم باسره |
and I say the whole world envied us | واقول العالم باسره حاسدنا |
in it. We tell you, brothers, this revolution is true. | فيها كنقول لكم الاخوان هذ الهضه صحيحه |
People in America saw it, they saw it with the power of | راه الناس في مريكا را ماكين عسو بقوه |
envy, Gabon, Chinois, Australia, American, | الحسد الجابون الشينوا استراليا ميريكان |
English, France. Everyone envies Hashi, who took over | انجليز فرنسا كلشي ك يحسد هشي اللي دارت |
Algeria, Dakshi. Why did everything abandon Morocco | الجزائر داكشي علاش كلشي تخلى على المغرب |
politically and side with Algeria because it has the largest | سياسيا ودار يد مع الجزائر لان اكبر |
economy? And everyone envies them, let's look at the numbers. | اقتصاد وكلشي يحسدهم ندوزو نشوفوا الارقام |
I tried to find out the 20 largest companies in the world in | حاولت نشوف 20 اكبر اقتص ص في العالم من |
terms of GDI, that is, the gross domestic product, | الناحيه ديال جيدي بي اي الناتج المحلي |
which gives an idea of the size of the | الاجمالي اللي هو كيعطي فكره على حجم |
economy of this country. We did not see the size of | الاقتصاد ديال شي دوله ما كنشوف مريكان |
China, Gabon, Germany. There was no smell of | الصين الجابون المانيا ماكاينش ريحه |
Algeria in 20 countries. I found it to be 55 and Morocco | الجزائر في 20 دوله لقيتها هي 55 والمغرب |
59, oh. Algeria lost economically. Morocco and | 59 اه الجزائر فايته اقتصاديا المغرب |
Ghadi rose up on one thing. This is important. Why is | وغادي نهضوا على واحد الحاجه مهمه علاش |
this the first mistake made by the Algerian president? | هذا ماشي اول خطا كيدير الرئيس الجزائري |
They were mistakes before him. Among the mistakes he | كانوا اخطاء قبل منه من بين الاخطاء اللي |
made was that he said that one dinar is equal to | كان دار هو انه قال بان دينار واحد يساوي |
154 dollars. Everything shocked the Algerians who did not | 154 دولار كلشي تصدم حى الجزائريين ما |
understand, and after that it became clear that he had reversed the numbers. That is, | فهموا والو من بعد اتضح انه قلب الارقام |
one dollar is a bag and | اي دولار واحد كيسا وي |
133 dinars, and the dinar over the years lost | 133 دينار وكان الدينار عبر السنوات كفقد |
its value because oil and gas were | القيمه ديالو لان البترول والغاز كانت |
the prices | الاثمنة |
that Algeria is capable of desalinating water, and one person gave | بان الجزائر كدير تحليه المياه وعطى واحد |
the number that is larger than the Mediterranean Sea at | الرقم اللي هو اكبر من البحر الابيض |
its head, and people were shocked, how can | المتوسط براسه والناس تصدموا كيفاش |
Algeria desalinate water like the | الجزائر كدير تحليه الميا ديال البحر |
Mediterranean Sea? The whole question asked, what is it? | الابيض المتوسط كامل السؤال المطروح واش |
Someone who says in Arabic says that and he | هشي اللي كيقول بالعاني كيقول هكا وخا هو |
knows that they are mistakes or that it is something that he does not understand or | عارف بانها اخطاء او هو شي حاجه مافهمش او |
does not know how to read the paper. Whoever has something is fine, | مايعرفش يقرا الورقه اللي عنده شي حاجه |
it is normal, since this is the first mistake with regard | ماشي نورمال حيت هذا ماشي اول خطا بالنسبه |
to the size of the Algerian economy. We think that the error that | لحجم الاقتصاد الجزائري كنظن الخطا اللي |
occurred is a plaza. He does not say global, especially he says | دار هو بلاصه ما يقول عالمي خص يقول |
African, because Algeria is currently. It is the third country in | افريقي لان الجزائر حاليا هي ثالث دوله من |
terms of the size of the economy in Africa. Why, quite | ناحيه ديال حجم الاقتصاد في افريقيا علاش |
simply, oil and gas and the prices. | بكل بساطه البترول والغاز والاثمنة |
The size of the economy in Algeria and Key Batoua | حجم الاقتصاد ديال الجزائر وكيه بطوه |
and the prices that are controlled by these numbers have a | والثمن اللي كتحكم فيها هذ الارقام عندها |
relationship with global problems and the | علاقه بالمشاكل العالميه والاقتصاد |
global economy. The problem of Ukraine, Russia, oil, | العالمي مشكل اوكرانيا روسيا البترول طلع |
Algeria benefits, and gas. Between Russia | الجزائر تستفيد طع الغاز ما بين روسيا |
and Europe, Algeria benefits. There is nothing happening here. Something | واوروبا الجزائر تستفيد اذا هنا ما كين حى |
happened on the part of the minister, the government, or | شي حاجه دارت من طرف الوزير او الحكومه او |
the state, sitting there. What's wrong with you? Prices have risen, | الدوله جالس ما عليك ما بك ارتفعوا |
leaving the economy that relies | الاثمنة تخلي الاقتصاد اللي كيكون معول |
on gas and oil to be in fluctuations | على الغاز والبترول كيكون في تذبذبات |
and fluctuations. Let us see the size of the | وتقلبات ال جينا نشوفوا حجم الاقتصاد |
Algerian economy. It is hidden from you. One person came out. Promises went down. Promises came out. | الجزائري غيبان لكم طلع واحد الطلعه وعود |
Promises went down. Recently, they told me that the | هبط وعود طلع وعود هبط ومؤخرا عاوتاني هبط |
promises that the country is going to come out have fallen, because they are | وعود غادي يطلع اذا الروينه نايدا لانهم |
dependent on oil and gas, while | معولين عن البترول والغاز بينما الذا |
compared to Morocco, it shows you that Morocco is | قارنته مع المغرب غادي يبان لكم المغرب |
coming and going, and here there is | غادي وطالع وهنا في كتكون الاستقرار |
economic stability because it is not built on the ground. What is | الاقتصادي لانه ما مبنيش على الارض وشنو |
there under us? There are rulers and there is an | فيها تحت منا كاينه حكامه وكاين |
economic strategy. People who know what is going to happen when | استراتيجيه اقتصاديه ناس عارفين اش كيدير |
oil comes out. Reliance on | طلع البترول هبط مايهمش الاعتماد على |
oil and gas, as | البترول وعلى الغاز كاكبر صادرات ديال |
the country's largest exports, has decreased and is one of the worst economic strategies. | الدوله ومن اسوا الاستراتيجيات الاقتصاديه |
This has hindered the countries of the Gulf and has begun to destroy | وهدشي عاقوا به الدول ديال الخليج وبداو |
their economic side, and | كيبد لوا من الناحيه الاقتصاديه ديالهم |
from the side of dependence on | ومن الناحيه ديال الاعتماد على مجالات |
other fields, we will come to see the Emirates, and there will be no more support for | اخرى ال جينا نشوفوا الامارات ولات كدوز |
Saudi technology, and there will be no more investments in | للتكنولوجيا السعوديه ولات كتمر في شركات |
foreign companies and American companies. Even internally, they started to | اجنبيه وشركات امريكيه حتى داخليا بدات |
change their economy because they know that | كتبدل الاقتصاد ديالها لانهم عارفين |
relying on energy is one of the worst | الاعتماد على الطاقه هو من اسوا |
strategies that they can manage, because at | الاستراتيجيات اللي يقدروا يديروا لان في |
any moment the prices of | اي لحظه الاثمنة |
petroleum will be high. They will have to raise | اللي كيكون البيترول مزيان خصهم يشدو دوك |
money and invest in other areas. Diversify | الفلوس ويستثمر مجالات اخرى دير التنويع |
and be with those who spend most of the money currently like walking | وكن مع من كتهضر معظم الفلوس حاليا كتمشي |
to the military to buy weapons with. Only one person The war | للعسكر يشري بها اسلحه فقط واحد الحرب |
that has never been expected will happen at all, and what about the | اللي ما عمرها غادي توقع اصلا وشكون اللي |
Algerian who wastes it when he does not serve and even has | يضيع الجزائري عند فاش يخدم وحتى الماكله |
problems with food? We hope that the people are one of the | يلقاو فيها مشاكل نتمنى ان الشعب واحد |
fires that will naturally wake up. The global situation in | النار يفيق بطبيعه الحال العالميه في |
the numbers that you are experiencing. The Algerian president | الارقام اللي ك بارطاجيها الرئيس الجزائري |
currently has a great relationship with the | حاليا عند علاقه كبيره بالانتخابات |
Algerian elections that will be held this year. See | الجزائريه اللي غتكون هذا العام هذا شوف |
what they will postpone. No, because they once | واش غ اجلوها ولا لان شحال من مره كانوا |
intended, man, but they never did. Most of the | ناويين ياجل ولكن دابا ما ماجلا معظم |
Gulf countries and the countries that have gas | الدول الخليجيه والدول اللي عندها الغاز |
and oil all studied the situation that the | والبترول كلها درسات الوضع اللي كان عند |
Netherlands had, and it was called the Dutch Disease. The | هولندا وكان ك تسمى بالمرض الهولندي |
Netherlands in | الداتش ديزيز هولندا في |
194 discovered that they had a large | 194 اكتشفوا بانهم عندهم احتياطي كبير |