local sampapi = require 'sampapi' |
local shared = require 'sampapi.shared' |
local ffi = shared.ffi |
local netgame = sampapi.require('CNetGame', true) |
local input = sampapi.require('CInput', true) |
sampapi.require('CPlayerPool', true) |
local function playerpool() |
return netgame.RefNetGame():GetPlayerPool() |
end |
function sampGetPlayerPoolPtr() |
return shared.get_pointer(playerpool()) |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerPoolPtr, true) |
function sampIsPlayerConnected(id) |
return playerpool():IsConnected(id) |
end |
jit.off(sampIsPlayerConnected, true) |
function sampGetPlayerNickname(id) |
if not sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then |
return '' |
end |
netgame.RefNetGame():UpdatePlayers() |
return ffi.string(playerpool():GetName(id)) |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerNickname, true) |
function sampSpawnPlayer() |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer:RequestSpawn() |
localplayer:Spawn() |
end |
jit.off(sampSpawnPlayer, true) |
function sampSendChat(text) |
if text:byte(1) == 47 then |
input.RefInput():Send(text) |
else |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
playerpool():GetLocalPlayer():Chat(text) |
end |
end |
jit.off(sampSendChat, true) |
function sampIsPlayerNpc(id) |
return sampIsPlayerConnected(id) and playerpool().m_pObject[id].m_bIsNPC == 1 |
end |
jit.off(sampIsPlayerNpc, true) |
function sampGetPlayerScore(id) |
if not sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then |
return 0 |
end |
netgame.RefNetGame():UpdatePlayers() |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
return playerpool():GetLocalPlayerScore() |
end |
return playerpool():GetScore(id) |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerScore, true) |
function sampGetPlayerPing(id) |
if not sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then |
return 0 |
end |
netgame.RefNetGame():UpdatePlayers() |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
return playerpool():GetLocalPlayerPing() |
end |
return playerpool():GetPing(id) |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerPing, true) |
function sampRequestClass(class) |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer:RequestClass(class) |
end |
jit.off(sampRequestClass, true) |
function sampSendInteriorChange(id) |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer:ChangeInterior(id) |
end |
jit.off(sampSendInteriorChange, true) |
function sampForceUnoccupiedSyncSeatId(id, seat) |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer:SendUnoccupiedData(id, seat) |
end |
jit.off(sampForceUnoccupiedSyncSeatId, true) |
function sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
return true, PLAYER_PED |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer ~= nil then |
local ped = remoteplayer.m_pPed.m_pGamePed |
return true, getCharPointerHandle(shared.get_pointer(ped)) |
end |
end |
return false, -1 |
end |
jit.off(sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId, true) |
function sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(handle) |
if handle == PLAYER_PED then |
return true, sampGetLocalPlayerId() |
end |
for i = 0, ffi.C.MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do |
local res, pped = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(i) |
if res and pped == handle then return true, i end |
end |
return false, -1 |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle, true) |
function sampGetPlayerArmor(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
return getCharArmour(PLAYER_PED) |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer ~= nil then |
return remoteplayer.m_fReportedArmour |
end |
end |
return 0 |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerArmor, true) |
function sampGetPlayerHealth(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
return getCharHealth(PLAYER_PED) |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer ~= nil then |
return remoteplayer.m_fReportedHealth |
end |
end |
return 0 |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerHealth, true) |
function sampIsPlayerPaused(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
return false |
elseif sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer ~= nil then |
return remoteplayer.m_nStatus == ffi.C.PLAYER_STATE_NONE |
end |
end |
end |
jit.off(sampIsPlayerPaused, true) |
function sampSetSpecialAction(action) |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer:SetSpecialAction(action) |
end |
jit.off(sampSetSpecialAction, true) |
function sampGetPlayerCount(streamed) |
if not streamed then |
return playerpool():GetCount(true) |
end |
local players = 0 |
for i = 0, ffi.C.MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do |
if i ~= sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
local res, ped = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(i) |
local bool = res and doesCharExist(ped) |
if bool then players = players + 1 end |
end |
end |
return players |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerCount, true) |
function sampGetMaxPlayerId(streamed) |
if not streamed then |
return playerpool().m_nLargestId |
end |
local mid = sampGetLocalPlayerId() |
for i = 0, ffi.C.MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do |
if i ~= sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
local res, ped = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(i) |
local bool = res and doesCharExist(ped) |
if bool and i > mid then mid = i end |
end |
end |
return mid |
end |
jit.off(sampGetMaxPlayerId, true) |
function sampGetPlayerSpecialAction(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
return localplayer:GetSpecialAction() |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer ~= nil then |
return remoteplayer.m_nSpecialAction |
end |
end |
return -1 |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerSpecialAction, true) |
function sampStorePlayerOnfootData(id, data) |
local player |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
player = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
player = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
end |
if player then |
ffi.copy(ffi.cast('void*', data), player.m_onfootData, ffi.sizeof(player.m_onfootData)) |
end |
end |
jit.off(sampStorePlayerOnfootData, true) |
function sampStorePlayerIncarData(id, data) |
local player |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
player = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
player = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
end |
if player then |
ffi.copy(ffi.cast('void*', data), player.m_incarData, ffi.sizeof(player.m_incarData)) |
end |
end |
jit.off(sampStorePlayerIncarData, true) |
function sampStorePlayerPassengerData(id, data) |
local player |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
player = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
player = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
end |
if player then |
ffi.copy(ffi.cast('void*', data), player.m_passengerData, ffi.sizeof(player.m_passengerData)) |
end |
end |
jit.off(sampStorePlayerPassengerData, true) |
function sampStorePlayerTrailerData(id, data) |
local player |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
player = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
player = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
end |
if player then |
ffi.copy(ffi.cast('void*', data), player.m_trailerData, ffi.sizeof(player.m_trailerData)) |
end |
end |
jit.off(sampStorePlayerTrailerData, true) |
function sampStorePlayerAimData(id, data) |
local player |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
player = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
player = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
end |
if player then |
ffi.copy(ffi.cast('void*', data), player.m_aimData, ffi.sizeof(player.m_aimData)) |
end |
end |
jit.off(sampStorePlayerAimData, true) |
function sampSendSpawn() |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer:Spawn() |
end |
jit.off(sampSendSpawn, true) |
function sampGetPlayerAnimationId(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
return localplayer.m_animation.m_value |
elseif sampIsPlayerDefined(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer ~= nil then |
return remoteplayer.m_animation.m_value |
end |
end |
return -1 |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerAnimationId, true) |
function sampSetLocalPlayerName(name) |
playerpool():SetLocalPlayerName(name) |
end |
jit.off(sampSetLocalPlayerName, true) |
function sampGetPlayerStructPtr(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
return shared.get_pointer(localplayer) |
elseif sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
return shared.get_pointer(remoteplayer) |
end |
return 0 |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerStructPtr, true) |
function sampSendEnterVehicle(id, passenger) |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer:EnterVehicle(id, passenger) |
end |
jit.off(sampSendEnterVehicle, true) |
function sampSendExitVehicle(id) |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer:ExitVehicle(id) |
end |
jit.off(sampSendExitVehicle, true) |
function sampIsLocalPlayerSpawned() |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
return localplayer.m_bClearedToSpawn == 1 and localplayer.m_bHasSpawnInfo == 1 and ( localplayer.m_bIsActive == 1 or isCharDead(PLAYER_PED) ) |
end |
jit.off(sampIsLocalPlayerSpawned, true) |
function sampGetPlayerColor(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
return localplayer:GetColorAsARGB() |
elseif sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer ~= nil then |
return remoteplayer:GetColorAsARGB() |
end |
end |
return 0 |
end |
jit.off(sampGetPlayerColor, true) |
function sampForceAimSync() |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer.m_lastAnyUpdate = 0 |
localplayer:SendAimData() |
end |
jit.off(sampForceAimSync, true) |
function sampForceOnfootSync() |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer.m_lastAnyUpdate = 0 |
localplayer:SendOnfootData() |
end |
jit.off(sampForceOnfootSync, true) |
function sampForceStatsSync() |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer.m_lastAnyUpdate = 0 |
localplayer:SendStats() |
end |
jit.off(sampForceStatsSync, true) |
function sampForceTrailerSync(id) |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer.m_lastAnyUpdate = 0 |
localplayer:SendTrailerData(id) |
end |
jit.off(sampForceTrailerSync, true) |
function sampForceVehicleSync(id) |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
localplayer.m_lastAnyUpdate = 0 |
localplayer:SendIncarData(id) |
end |
jit.off(sampForceVehicleSync, true) |
function sampGetLocalPlayerId() |
return playerpool().m_localInfo.m_nId |
end |
jit.off(sampGetLocalPlayerId, true) |
function sampIsPlayerDefined(id) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
return localplayer ~= nil |
end |
if not sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then |
return false |
end |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer == nil then |
return false |
end |
return remoteplayer:DoesExist() ~= 0 |
end |
jit.off(sampIsPlayerDefined, true) |
function sampGetLocalPlayerNickname() |
return sampGetPlayerNickname(sampGetLocalPlayerId()) |
end |
function sampGetLocalPlayerColor() |
return sampGetPlayerColor(sampGetLocalPlayerId()) |
end |
function sampSetPlayerColor(id, color) |
if id == sampGetLocalPlayerId() then |
local localplayer = playerpool():GetLocalPlayer() |
return localplayer:SetColor(color) |
elseif sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then |
local remoteplayer = playerpool():GetPlayer(id) |
if remoteplayer ~= nil then |
return remoteplayer:SetColor(color) |
end |
end |
end |
jit.off(sampSetPlayerColor, true) |