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Dataset for annotation

Files and their description

  1. combined_all_stats_csv

    • This is the CSV File containing statistics for the patent dataset

      can be downloaded from the Git Repo.

    • What are the statistics it shows?

      This file contains columns such as filename, total publications, total positive samples, total negative samples, and total neutral samples per every week of the year from 2010-2020.

  2. combined_neut_data_csv

    • This is the CSV File, that contains details regarding neutral samples

      Can be downloaded from here

    • What data this file contains?

      This file contains columns such as publication_number, patent_title, appl_type, and neutral_text for each patents.

  3. combined_pos_data_csv

    • This is the CSV File, that contains details regarding positive samples

      Can be downloaded from here.

    • What data this file contains?

      This file contains columns such as publication_number, patent_title, appl_type, and positive_text for each patent.

  4. combined_neg_data_csv

    • This is the CSV File, that contains details regarding negative samples

      Can be downloaded from here

    • What data this file contains?

      This file contains columns such as publication_number, patent_title, appl_type, and negative_text for each patent.

  5. combined_data_150k

    • This is the CSV File, that contains 150k cleaned data samples(50k from each pos, neg, and neut) required to train models.

      Can be downloaded from here

    • What data this file contains?

      This file contains two columns text and target. Text can be neutral, positive, or negative.
      Target can be label 0, 1, 2 for neutral, positive, and negative respectively.