Renukswamy's picture
# Dataset for annotation
## Files and their description
1. combined_all_stats_csv
- This is the CSV File containing statistics for the patent dataset
> can be downloaded from the Git Repo.
- What are the statistics it shows?
> This file contains columns such as filename, total publications, total positive samples, total negative samples, and total neutral samples per every week of the year from 2010-2020.
2. combined_neut_data_csv
- This is the CSV File, that contains details regarding neutral samples
> Can be downloaded from [here](
- What data this file contains?
> This file contains columns such as publication_number, patent_title, appl_type, and neutral_text for each patents.
3. combined_pos_data_csv
- This is the CSV File, that contains details regarding positive samples
> Can be downloaded from [here](
- What data this file contains?
> This file contains columns such as publication_number, patent_title, appl_type, and positive_text for each patent.
4. combined_neg_data_csv
- This is the CSV File, that contains details regarding negative samples
> Can be downloaded from [here](
- What data this file contains?
> This file contains columns such as publication_number, patent_title, appl_type, and negative_text for each patent.
5. combined_data_150k
- This is the CSV File, that contains 150k cleaned data samples(50k from each pos, neg, and neut) required to train models.
> Can be downloaded from [here](
- What data this file contains?
> This file contains two columns text and target.
> Text can be neutral, positive, or negative.
> Target can be label 0, 1, 2 for neutral, positive, and negative respectively.